CLEARWATER AREA TASK FORCE ON HUMAN TRAFFICKING - AWARD # 2006-VT-BX-0007 ~1:16 FAX 2026169865 OC/CSRC us. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Office of the Comptroller 810 Seventh Street, N. \\'. Washington, DC 20531 FAX COVER SHEET ..ldj!l~ #oM(! ~1f Wt/lf(/JHJ DATE /o/;t/(}(p /4 f (!Jf4A WtlliA =:':rect No: ( ) Fax No: ( 121) .)(p;). - 1331 /'/(J , FROM: Dorrett Phipps :\0: 1-800-458-0786 option 2 Fax No: (202) 353-9279 ~':-i{)rjtv: Standard Rush K :c-.~,=,:JJJI MJ/ df; r!u /IU/lT 0100 (P-VT f3K- {)()O 7 Fcges Including Cover Page: /0 J j/you don't receive all pages, call J -800-458-0786 option 2 immediately. ~<=':e: This correspondence is not a legal obligation, duty, or commitment between the recipient hereof =:-,:: ;;ce C ffj ce of Justice Programs or any other Department, Agency, or Instrumentali ty of the United and is neither intended, expressly or impliedly, to constitute an offer to enter into form of legal ;:;bl:gction, duty, or Commitment between the recipient hereof and the Office of Justice Programs or any o::t>,," :Jepartment, Agency, or Instrumentality of the United States, now or in the future, notwithstanding . rC'J;'csentations of employees, contractors, or other agents of the government unless made pursuant to .r;TSS 2uthcrization of the a TO riate contractin authorit desi ated b a enc' rules and re ulations. I4l 001/010 .17 FAX 2026169865 OCICSRC DeparttnentofJ_stlce Office of Justice Programs ::: .T'.:c' 0\ :i,e Assistant Attorney General Washing/on, D,C 20531 '~-'~-'::::-~l:::'.b::;r 29, 2006 Vr. WilEiam B. Home :::itv of Clearwater So}':. P:.!2rce Street ~,C:.:'. Box 4748 ,:::'cefy,ater, FL 33758-4748 - ;'/r. Horne: -:::' t-o')a'f of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, it is my pleasure to inform you tbatthe Office of Justice Programs has -,-::':Tved your application for funding under the FY 2006 Law Enforcement and Service Provider Multidisciplinary Anti- ~.?,F",::<ing Task Forces in the amount of $450,000 for City of Clearwater. "C"c'o'~d you will find the Grant Award and Special Conditions documents, This award is subject to all administrative and ;- '12,:1cial requirements, including the timely submission of all [mancial and programmatic reports, resolution of all interim ?',:c.'t 5ndings, and the maintenance of a minimum level of cash-on-hand, Should you not adhere to these requirements, you vT 'J", in viob,tion of the terms of this agreement and the award will be subject to termination for cause or other administrative e.ct'on as appropriate, L"yo'.l have questions regarding this award, please contact: _ Progrcm Questions, Lon R. McDougal, Program Manager at (202) 307-3678; and _ fi:Ja'lcir.1 Questions, the Office of the Comptroller, Customer Service Center (CSC) at (SOD) 458-0786, or you may contact the CSC at ask.oc@usdoj.gov, CTgT2,!;t\l2.tions, and we look forward to working with you. '~"'~.::::'"~:,=;.'C, "clJ~~~~ ,:~::.~: It LC"i,:,a B. Schofield /\SS;s~:2nt Attorney General ::~"]--::lo.st.'_':"es I4J 002/010 FAX 2026169865 OC/CSRC I4J 003/010 Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Office for Civil Rights Washing/on, D.C. 20531 Se.:>tember 29, 2006 ""r... \:i,/i)Bia.:-rJ B. Home ,::,:' C:ea~vater piece Street 3cx 4748- Clearwater, FL 33758-4748 'J'nr Mr. Home: ~2::gc<'.h'.iations on your recent award. In establishing financial assistance programs, Congress linked the receipt of ~c:'.~d fc'lding to compliance with Federal civil rights laws. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Office of Justice c"':::;::~ms (::;)1>), T':.S. Department of Justice is responsible for ensuring that recipients of financial aid from OJP, offices and bureaus, the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), and the Office of Community Policing Services (COPS) comply with applicable Federal civil rights statutes and regulations. We at CJCR are available to help you and your organization meet the civil rights requirements that come with Justice Jcpartment funding. ':>: T~'.:'J." A:c"'''~. to Federally Assisted Progl'8ms C. >'''1., "cc,ow, Fcd~.n\ laws prohibit recipients of financial assistance from discriminating on the basis of race, '2:". D.?~jOD"l origin, religion, sex, or disability in funded programs or activities, not only in respect to ::'-::.i::Y:TIcl't practice" but also in the delivery of services or henefits Federal law also prohibits funded programs (IT activities crom discriminating on the basis of age in the delivery of services or benefits. 7"';'J~cli.I'1g Senices to Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Individuals .~:J c.ccordarcce with Department of Justice Guidance pertaining to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 :"'.S.c. 9 2000d, recipients of Federal financial assistance must take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access ::: U:,c;.r programs and activities for persons with limited English proficiency (LEP). For more information on the civil rights responsibilities that recipients have in providing language services to LEP individuals, please see the wee-site at http://www.lep.gov. '~'."'.'2"TIPg Equal Treatment for Faith-Based Organizations ~t" :Je~"rtment of Justice has published a regulation specifically pertaining to the funding of faith-based Ti'",.rc;zatioDs. In general, the regulation, Participation in Justice Department Programs by Religious Organizations; c'rcyiding for Equal Treatment of all Justice Department Program Participants, and known as the Equal Treatment :iZegulation 28 C.F,R. part 38, requires State Administering Agencies to treat these organizations the same as any ~(her applicant or recipient. The regulation prohibits State Administering Agencies from making award or grant -d.3T1.istration decisions on the basis of an organization's religiouscharactcr or affiliation, religious name, or the ":':;::;C'1)3 composition of its board of directors. ~r,: -:;datian 2.lso prohibits faith-based organizations from using financial assistance from the Department of -:<':e to hnd ).I'herently religious activities. While faith-based organizations can engage in non-funded J'c';":D,I)' rdigious activities, they must be held separately from the Department of Justice funded program, and cc'sromers or beneficiaries cannot be compelled to participate in them. The Equal Treatment Regulation also makes <,.,.,,; the.t organizations participating in programs funded by the Department of Justice are not permitted to ';z,.;rimin.ate in the provision of services on the basis of a beneficiary's religion. For more information on the 'cT.:'c.c;c":,, r1ease see OCR's website at hnp://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/etfbo.btm. FAX 2026169865 OC/CSRC I4J 004/010 Admi!1is~ering Agencies and faith-based organizations should also note that the Safe Streets Act, as "'<:e': f].~ Victims of Crime Act, as amended; and the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, as 'c:'cd. cOD",.in prohibitions against discrimination on the basis of religion in employment These employment ,'w,';s']ns J.,3.ve been specifically incorporated into 28 C.F,R. Part 38.] (I) and 38,2(f). Consequently, in many cT.':mt3Dces, it would be impermissible for faith-based organizations seeking or receiving funding authorized by S'."",r.'?s to have policies or practices that condition hiring and other employment-related decisions on the TcEgio~ of applicants or employees, Programs subject to these nondiscrimination provisions may be found on OCR's website at http://www,ojp,usdoj.gov/ocrl. Questions about the regulation or the statutes that prohibit d'.sciminatiolJ in employment may be directed to this Office, ::~"'?rd:rg ChiJRights Laws /',,:,; re.;;;pients of Federal tlnancial assistance, regardless of the particular funding source, the amount o[the grant a'::z"d, or the number of employees in the workforce, are subject to the prohibitions against unlawful d'sciInination. Accordingly, OCR investigates recipients that are the subject of discrimination complaints from :c:!':h irldhiduals and groups, In addition, based on regulatory criteria, OCR selects a number ofrecipients each year ,- reviews, audits that require recipients to submit data showing that they are providing serviccs to 2,'.' scgtT'.ents of their service population and that their employment practices meet equal employment "~.5?;;:_-;/ s:.2-.~1d2_ids. ':"Onc:o.plY:'}lS vdth the Safe Streets Act or Program Requirements ;" additi.on to these general prohibitions, an organization which is a recipient of financial assistance subject to he ;1Qndiscrimination provisions of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act (Safe Streets Act) of 1968, :'~3C'(c). or ot~er Federal grant program requirements, must meet two additional requirements:(I) w',,:} ?ederal regulations pertaining to the development of an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan :-c:r::::e), 28 C.F.R. ~ 42.301-.308, and (2) submitting to OCR Findings of Discrimination (see 28 C.F.R. 9~ l~,.~05(5) or 31.202(5)). 1) Meeting the EEOP Requirement T;: 8cC(lrdance with Federal regulations, Assurance No.6 in the Standard Assurances, COPS Assurance No. 8.B, or :,cr:,.:.;' ["derc: grmt program requirements, your organjzation must comply with the following EEOP reporting 1-; ',.: .ir~rru:n'ts: i[yolJ[ organizatioo has received an award for $500,000 or more and has 50 or more employees (counting both ''e,l!- and pm-time employees but excluding political appointees), then it has to prepare an EEOP and submit it to OCZ for review within 60 days from the date ofthls letter. For assistance in developing an EEOP, please comnlt OCR's website at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/eeop.htm. You may also request technical assistance from c~ :::EOPspecialist at OCR by dialing (202) 616-3208, ";']1:, c:rgc:;ization received an award between $25,000 and $500,000 and has 50 or more employees, your c~2n:z2.tion still has to prepare an EEOP, but it does not have to submit the EEor to OCR for review. Instead, ;'OUf organization has to maintain the EEOP on file and make it available for review on request. In addition, your ';T,sal'ization has to complete Section B of the Certification Form and return it to OCR. The Certitlcation Form can '"e found at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/eeop.htm. ~7 ;'oe, c,p.nization received an award for less than $25,000; or jf your organization has less than 50 employees, -~-:~fC':C" "" :l]e ?.ffi("l!1t of the award; or if your organization is a medical institution, educational institution, ,. ,";:'']",.': T:C2.~,iz"tion or Indian tribe, then your organization is exempt from the EEOP requirement. However, ';c':.I C~pO}iz2.:i('n must complete Section A of the Certification Fonn and return it to OCR. The Certification Form coI' .~,., ['"end at !Jttp://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/eeop.htm. 2) Submitting Findings of Discrimination :." "J8 e':ent 2. Federal or State coort or Federal or State administrative agency makes an adverse finding of ;>~-:''T'5:)2Ji-:,o agarllst your organization after a due process hearing, on the ground of race, color, religion, : 2.,; ']t'a; origin, or sex, your organization must submit a copy of the finding to OCR for review. 1 FAX 2026169865 OC/CSRC 141 005/010 C:ns'.'ring the Compliance of Subreclpients Qrgc.nintion makes subawards to other agencies, you are responsible for assuring that subrecipients also "'~~J);\ wet;' all of the applicable Federal civil rights laws, including the requirements pertaining to developing ,'-,CT:':;:'12g an BEOP, reporting Findings of Discrimination, and providing language services to LEP persons. 3:r~::6e., tbat make subawards must have in place standard grant assurances and review procedures to :.':::T'Gcs'nte th2t they are effectively monitoring the civil rights compliance of subrecipients. Tf we can assist you in any way in fulfilling your civil rights responsibilities as a recipient of Federal funding, D'C9$e ca1.1 OCR at (202) 307-0690 or visit our website at http://wv.'W.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/. Sincerely, !J~ d. ~ Michael L. Alston Director ('0" Gmnt Manager Financial Analyst 11:18 FAX 2026169865 Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance CC",EST NAME AND ADDRESS (Including Zip Code) '~::':-... ':':~ C_~.e2-"vater f.';r;-fCe- Street P.O. Box 4748 >".~.?'.c'. ;oS 33758-4748 C7AS'EE IRSIVENDOR NO. Ck2J"Watcr Area Task Force on Human Trafficking '~ CC\>.r:J~'TIO!\!S OC/CSRC PAGE I Grant 4. AWARD NUMBER: 2006.VT.BX.OOO7 5. PROJECT PERlOD: FROM 09/0112006 TO 08/3112009 BUDGET PERlOD: FROM 09/01/2006 TO 08/31/2009 6. AWARD DATE 09129/2006 7. ACTION 8. SUPPLEMENT NUMBER 00 9. PREVIOUS AWARD AMOUNT I 110. AMOUNT OF THIS AWARD Ill. TOTAL AWARD S 450,000 S 450,000 ....., /\":>\1' GRANT PROJECT IS APPROVED SUBJECT TO SUCH CO!-lDI1l0"iS OR L1MITATIO"iS AS ARE SET FORTH ~c;c A c'TACBED PAGE(S). C~j\.~,'~ORY AUTHORlTY FOR GRANT reojec! is supported uoder 22 U.S.c. 7105 (b)(2)(A) 1:.~~-:::(),'J OF PAY-YffiNT --'{,??'::;, .. ..' \:: :l!11:Iill'illll AGENCY APPROY AL '.< """".,D "lAME AND TITLE OF APPROVING OFFICIAL ~" SC>Q~dd .:3-'_?:"~ .i\':":/:cme:y General :re' "'.'C'RE OF APPROVING OFFICIAL &.~ .:::";;i~;ji~-'- ~'.' .\CCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION CODES ~"-'~:~\T ?L"'ND BUll DIV. '~{).:;E ACT. OFC. REG. SUB. POMS AMOUNT \.': 80 ()() ()() = -~ C :;o,t,c ,','JOGl2 (REV. 5.87) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. <,;,}':'/2 {KGV. 4-88) GRANTEE ACCEPTANCE 18. TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORlZED GRANTEE OFFICIAL Willliam B. Home City Mmager 19. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORlZED RECIPIENT OFFICIAL S c..E. A-rrA{2...ttO') <~i (~".J"'rfl:Zi; fJ ^<:=., (c: AGENCY USE ONLY 21. VT06UOOO25 450000 0"1 lnilial $0 19A. DATE @006/010 ,1 " FAX 2026169865 OCICSRC Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant A WARD CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE 2 OF .1 ,.=.=- "J] "iC:~R 20C,5-VT-BX-0007 AWARD DATE 09/29/2006 SPECIAL CONDITIONS The recipient agrees to comply with the financial and administrative requirements set forth in the current edition of the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide, r~cipient acknowledges that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (if recipient is reqe.ired :c submit one pursuant to 28 C.F,R, Section 42.302), that is approved by the Office for Civil Rights, is a viol~tion of its Certified Assurances and may result in suspension or termination of funding, until such time as the recipient is iu compliance. The recipient agrees to comply with the organizational audit requirements ofOMB Circular A-B3, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations, as further described in the current edition of the OJP Financial 'J'..,..;d~.' C~Yl,pte:r 19. Recipi.ent understands and agrees that it cannot use any federal funds, either directly or indirectly, in support of the enactment, repeal, modiflcation or adoption of any law, regulation or policy, at any level of government, without the express prior written approval of OJP, 5, "Applicants must certify that Limited English Proficiency persons have meaningful access to the services under this Drogram(s). National origin discrimination includes discrimination on the basis of limited English proficiency (LEP). To ensure compliance with Title VI and the Safe Streets Act, recipients are required to take reasonable steps to ensure that LEP rersons have meaningful access to their programs. Meaningful access may entail providing language assistance services, including oral and written translation when necessary, The V.S, Department of Justice has issued guidance for grantees to help them comply with Title VI requirements. The guidance document can be accessed on the Internet at www.lep,gov." !~ Recipient certifies that it does not promote, support, or advocate the legalization or practice of prostitution, nor will it Ese grant funds or program match funds to promote, support, or advocate the legalization or practice of prostitution. , All contracts under this award should be competitively awarded unless circumstances preclude competition, When a contract amount exceeds $100,000 and there has been no competition for the award, the recipient must comply with rules governing sole source procurement found in the current edition of the OJP Financial Guide, f3, Approval of this award does not indicate approval of any consultant rate in excess of$450 per day. A detailed }ustifieation must be submitted to and approved by the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) program office prior to cb!.:;;:,,,'icQ .2f expenditure of such funds. TI1e recipient agrees to submit quarterly financial status reports to the Office of Justice Programs using Standard Form SF 269 A OIl the Internet at https:l/grants.ojp.usdoj.gov. These reports shall be submitted on-line not later than 45 days after the end of each calendar quarter. The final report shall be submitted not later than 90 days following the end of the grant period. "rye n,croient shall submit semiannual progress reports. Progress reports shall be submitted within 30 days after the end d t:,~ "eporting periods, which are June 30 and December 31, for the life of the award. These reports will be submitted (Co the Office of Justice Programs, on line-through the Internet at https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/ The recipient agrees not to obligate, expend, or draw down any funds until documentation verifying the recipient's compliance with request changes to the project strategy has been submitted to the OJP program office and a Grant Adjusbnent Notice has heen issued removing this conditioo. ; iC'CZ)C~Y 4C,J')i2 (REV. 4-88) l I4J 007/010 FAX OC/CSRC 2026169865 Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant A WARD CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE 3 OF 3 ;'\C.~CT NtlMBER 2006-VT-BX-0007 AWARD DATE 09/2912006 SPECIAL CONDITIONS The applicant budget is pending review or approval. The recipient may not obligate, expend or draw down any grant fU:Jds until the Office of the Comptroller, Office of Justice Programs has issued clearance of the application budget, and 2. Grnt Ac'justment Notice has been issued removing this special condition. The recipient agrees to submit a final report at the end of this award documenting all relevant project activities during 'he entire period of support under this award. This report will include detailed infornution abollt the project(s) funded, inducting, but not limited to, infonnation abollt how the funds were actually used lor e"eh ptlfJJose area, data to support statements of progress, and data concerning individual results and outcomes of funded projects reflecting project successes and impacts, The final report is due no later than 90 days following the close of this award period or the ''''piration of any extension periods. Recipient shall submit an original and one copy of the report. :',( .,20()/2 (REV. 4-88) I4J 008/010 11:20 FAX 2026169865 OC/CSRC I4J 009/010 Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance Washing/an, D,C. 2053/ ;\iTemorandum To: Official Grant File " -~(o~;;-~-" Muriel Collins, NEPA Coordinator Categorical Exclusion for City of Clearwater \,,'?~j5 FJ.der this program will be used to develop national demonstration, training, and technical - <""::,-::e prcgr:?cIDs. None of the following activities will be conducted either under the OJP federal 'c' 0, ;c, related third party action: (1) new construction; (2) any renovation or remodeling of a --;:cperty eiL1er (a) listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, or (b) lC'cated within a tOO-year flood plain; (3) a renovation that will change the basic prior use of a facility or , change its size; (4) research and technology whose anticipated and future application could :' \ c;;'c(c!:ec) to have an effect on the environment; and (5) implementation of a program involving the use ::~'\C)"!icaJs. Consequently, an agency-wide analysis has determined that the program meets the Office -',',o'.i,:e Prcgrams' (OlP) criteria for a categorical exclusion under the provisions of 28 CFR, Part 61, D, paragraph 4(b). ~.20 FAX 2026169865 Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance ~',;s .D,,)jcc~ is supported under 22 U.S.C. 7105 (b)(2)(A) .';TAf? CONT ACT (Name & lelephone number) ~j::.-' :q.. j'v'.:(;Dougal ':':2) 3D7-3678 :3.. ..-..;." OF THE PROGRAM OC/CSRC I4J DID/DID GRANT MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM, PT. I: PROJECT SUMMARY Grant PROJECT NUMBER =r 2006. VT -BX-0007 2. PROJECT DJRECTOR (Name, address & telephone number) Dewey Williams Deputy Chief of Police P.O. Box 4748 Clearwater, FL 33758 (727) 562.4344 PAGE 1 OF :-~- 2!JTJ-G Unv Enforcement and Service Provider Multidisciplinary Anti-Traffidcing Task Forces 3b. POMS CODE (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE) " TITLE OF PROJECT C:'~'l~t.':'i.' of ~~"1e Cl.ea~vater Area Task Force on Human Trafficking .. ':A'\oiC' &: ADDRESS OF GRANTEE Ci:.:)' of Clearwater 6~.4 Pierce Street P.O. Box 4748 Clearwater, FL 33758-4748 - ::'ROCRAY.PERIOD FP,.oht 09fOII2006 TO: 0813112009 9. AJ.'vl0UNTOF AWARD :; 450,000 ". c:::~ON}) YEAR'S BUDGET 13. THIRD YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD 6. NAME & ADRESS OF SUBGRANTEE 8. BUDGET PERIOD FROM: 0910112006 TO: 08f3112009 10. DATE OF AWARD 0912912006 12. SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET AMOL'NT t m,'" Y,^,," 'UDGIT AMOUN> '.C. CiU";!\iLi'F,Y DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT (See instruction on reverse) CJuder ""-is awnrd the Clearwater Police Department will develop a human traffocking task force to provide support for slate and local law erJoTcemenl to work more collaboralively with victim services organizations, federal law enforcement, U.S. Attorneys Offices, and the Civil R'ghts Division oflbe U.S. Department ofIus\ice in the identification and rescue of human trafficking victims wbo are in the United States. The mina':)' gool of this prog[1lm is to increase trafficking victim saves, as noted in the solicitation, by 15% each year through: J) training of law 'Oufo!cementm tnlfficking victim identifocation and the development ofproac1ive law enforcement tactics; 2) the rescue oftraffocking victims and ::,rz:'.i';~r. o.~n~ded services in collaboration with trafficking victims service providen; and 3) the successful prooecution of human traffickers in C,'C"C.'::?'.;'" wi'), 1.:.8. Attorneys Offices. CAlNCF OJ!' FORM 4000!2 (REV. 4-88) HUMAN TRAFFICKING GRANT - OCTOBER 2006 Countersigned: CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA ,,, 0;' , .--?~' 1/ , '" ,./ -' . Frank V. Hibbard Mayor ~' j I,' '/ , , By: ~~~--=n. William B. Horne II City Manager Approved as to form: /', t II .. ',' ,'(' ~ (/ / l-- / ' \ j , 11]1" v .,,-c '.f\,!',,IJ F' l .----..J t" v. 1 Robert J.\&urette Assistant City Attorney Attest: