04/28/2003COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING CITY OF CLEARWATER April 28, 2003 Present: Brian J. Aungst Chair/CRA Trustee Whitney Gray CRA Trustee Hoyt P. Hamilton CRA Trustee William C. Jonson CRA Trustee Frank Hibbard CRA Trustee Also present: William B. Horne II City Manager Garry Brumback Assistant City Manager Ralph Stone CRA Executive Director/Asst. City Manager Pamela K. Akin City Attorney Mary K. Diana Assistant City Clerk Patricia O. Sullivan Board Reporter The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. at City Hall. To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. ITEM #2 - Approval of Minutes Trustee Jonson moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of March 3, 2003, as recorded and submitted in written summation by the City Clerk to each Trustee. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously ITEM #3 - Conceptually approve Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) for Downtown Clearwater As sections of the Downtown Plan are developed, staff has presented them to the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) for review and discussion. To date, the CRA has reviewed major concepts to guide the plan update, character districts and development potential, streetscape improvements, and plans for Coachman Park. The CIP (Capital Improvement Project) is the last key component to be submitted for review prior to finalizing the draft Downtown Plan. The CIP addresses streetscape and road improvements, public uses, utilities, and parks. Existing and potential funding sources are identified, along with a description of each proposed project. Upon CRA agreement of the CIP items, funding sources, and priorities, the CIP will become part of the Implementation Section of the Downtown Plan, which will be presented for approval on August 21, 2003. Following is a list of Capital Improvement Projects by type of project, short-to long-term in nature, addressing streetscape, road improvements, public uses, utilities and parks. Redevelopment Projects/CIP Arranged by Type of Project Project Name Fiscal Year  Cost  Street Repaving/Resurfacing (total $23.43 M)    Fort Harrison Avenue/Alt. 19 Resurfacing (FDOT) * 2003/04 $8.6M  Myrtle Avenue Reconstruction * 2004 $12M  Cleveland Street and Gulf-to-Bay Repaving (FDOT) * 2005 $870,000  Cleveland & Memorial Causeway Repaving (FDOT)* 2005 $960,000  Intersection Improvements* 2003/04 $1M  Utilities & Infrastructure (ttl. $16.184M–$20.184 M)    Osceola Avenue Parking Garage (750-1,000 spaces) 2005/07 $11 - 15M  Pump Station #16* 2003/04 $698,500  Pump station #12* 2003/04 $186,000  Glen Oaks Park Stormwater Retention Facility* 2004/05 $4.3M  Streetscape Improvements/Landscaping (total $21.75 M **)    Wayfinding Sign Package 2003/04 $750,000  Gulf-to-Bay/Highland Avenue Gateway Intersection Improvement 2004/05 $1.5M  Fort Harrison Avenue Streetscape 2004/05 $3.7M  Memorial Causeway Bridge Landscaping 2004/06 $500,000  Cleveland Street Streetscape Funding available upon approval of revised Penny for Pinellas list during FY 2003/04 Budget approval process 2004/06 $3.7M  Osceola Avenue Streetscape 2005/10 $3M  Cleveland Street and Gulf-to-Bay Streetscape 2007/15 $8.6M  Commercial Streets “A” and “B”* 2010+ TBD  Court/Chestnut Beach Corridors Streetscape* 2010+ TBD  Parks and Recreation Facilities (total $24.7 M)    Clearwater Beach Connector Spur (Pinellas Trail)* 2004/05 $1.2M (includes entire project)  Coachman Park Redevelopment ($7.5M) & 450 space Garage ($7M) 2006/07 $14.5M  Downtown Marina 2006/07 $5M  Station Square Park Redevelopment 2004/05 $1M  Pinellas Trail and East Avenue widening 2006/07 $3M  Public Uses (total $76.2 M**)    New City Hall (building $7.5M, furnishings $2M, land $1M & 200 parking spaces $3M) 2006/07 $13.5M  Main Fire Station* 2005/06 $4.6M  * Funding approved in adopted CIP or awarded grant ** Total does not include those projects - the costs of which are to be determined at a future date Below is a list of the Capital Improvement Projects by fiscal year. Redevelopment Projects/CIP Project Name Fiscal Year Location Existing/Potential Funding Source  Wayfinding Sign Package 2003/04 SR 60 & Highland intersection directing traffic to Downtown; Court & Chestnut at their intersections with Missouri, Myrtle, Osceola & Ft. Harrison; Drew at its intersection with Missouri, Ft. Harrison, Osceola & Myrtle CDBG*, TIF**, General Fund  Fort Harrison Avenue/Alt. 19 Resurfacing 2003/04 The entire length of Ft. Harrison within Clearwater FDOT***  Pump Station #16 2003/04 South side of west end of Pierce Street Water/Sewer Bond  Pump station #12 2003/04 900 N. Osceola (in front of Clearwater Bay Marina). Water/Sewer Bond  Intersection Improvements 2003/04 Based on traffic study after bridge opens Gas Tax and Transportation Impact Fees  Myrtle Avenue Reconstruction 2004 Myrtle between North Ft. Harrison & Lakeview (including stormwater outfall from Town Lake to Clearwater Harbor) Stormwater Utility  Station Square Park Redevelopment 2004/05 The north side of Cleveland between East Ave. & Garden Private and TIF  Clearwater Beach Connector Spur (Pinellas Trail) 2004/05 Turner to Oak to beach (2,000 feet within Downtown) Pinellas County, Penny for Pinellas, CMAQ****  Gulf-to-Bay and Highland Avenue Gateway Intersection Improvement 2004/05 Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard & Highland Intersection FDOT (for paving only), TIF and CDBG, Penny for Pinellas  Fort Harrison Avenue Streetscape 2004/05 Drew to Court/Chestnut Private, Pinellas County, Grants and TIF  Glen Oaks Park Stormwater Retention Facility 2004/05 Immediately south of the Downtown area at intersection of Court & Betty Lane Stormwater Utility, SWFWMD   Memorial Causeway Bridge Landscaping 2004/06 Chestnut to the east end of the Memorial Causeway Bridge FDOT, Grant and Special Development Fund  Cleveland Street Streetscape 2004/06 Between Osceola and Myrtle Penny for Pinellas, TIF and Private  Cleveland/Gulf-to-Bay Repaving 2005 Between Fredrica & Highland FDOT  Cleveland & Memorial Causeway Repaving 2005 Between Island Way & Ft. Harrison FDOT  Main Fire Station 2005/06 Originally planned to rebuild on existing site. Currently reviewing available property on S. Ft. Harrison corridor between Court & Lakeview Penny for Pinellas  Osceola Avenue Parking Garage (750 - 1,000 spaces) 2005-07 East side of North Osceola between Drew & Laura (in area of AM South building) Parking fund and Private  Coachman Park Redevelopment ($7.5M) and 450 space Garage ($7M) 2006/07 Coachman Park – expanded to include the existing park site and the area on the south side of Cleveland Park portion: General Fund & Penny for Pinellas Garage portion: Private and Parking System  Downtown Marina 2006/07 Coachman Park on north/ south sides of the bridge Revenue Bond and Private  Pinellas Trail/ East Avenue widening 2006/07 East Avenue between Drew & Druid Grants  New City Hall (building $7.5M, furnishings $2M, land $1M & 200 parking spaces $3M) 2006/2007 Vacant site to south of Municipal Services Building along Pierce between South Myrtle & East Avenue Sale revenue from existing site, General Fund and Bonds  Osceola Avenue Streetscape 2005/10 Osceola between Drew & Court Private and Pinellas County  Cleveland/Gulf-to-Bay Streetscape 2007/15 Between Highland & Myrtle TIF and CDBG   Commercial Streets “A” and “B” 2010+ Per Master Streetscape Plan TIF, Bond and Penny for Pinellas  Court/Chestnut Beach Corridors Streetscape 2010+ Per Master Streetscape Plan (from bridge to SR 60 & Highland intersection TIF, Bond and Penny for Pinellas  * Community Development Block Grant ** Tax Increment Financing *** Florida Department of Transportation **** Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Capital Project Descriptions Wayfinding Sign Package In anticipation of the 2004 opening of the Memorial Causeway Bridge, the City is pursuing preparation of construction drawings and specifications for the Wayfinding Signage component of the overall downtown Streetscape package. It is anticipated these new directional and informational signs will be in place by February 2004. Fort Harrison Avenue/Alt. 19 Resurfacing The FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation) resurfacing project underway on Fort Harrison Avenue from Drew Street south to the City of Largo will be completed by late 2003. Following, a FDOT Fort Harrison Avenue resurfacing project from Drew Street north to the City of Dunedin will be completed by mid-2004. At that time, the northern phase of the Fort Harrison Avenue resurfacing project and Myrtle Avenue project will have been completed and the SR 595 (Alternate US 19) designation will be reassigned from Fort Harrison Avenue to Missouri Avenue, Court Street, and Myrtle Avenue. Concurrently, the western terminus of the SR 590 designation on Drew Street will move east from Fort Harrison Avenue to Myrtle Avenue. Intersection Improvements: Various improvements to downtown intersections, primarily signal timing modifications and/or turn lanes are proposed. The location of affected intersections will be determined following a traffic analysis conducted subsequent to the opening of the new Memorial Causeway Bridge and transference of the SR 595 (Alternate US 19) designation from Fort Harrison Avenue to Missouri Avenue, Court Street, and Myrtle Avenue. Pump Station #16: The City will replace and relocate the sanitary pump station on the bluff behind City Hall. The City is evaluating the final location of the pump, which most likely will be on the south side of the west end of Pierce Street. The project is scheduled for construction in August 2003 and completion in August 2004. Pump Station #12: The City will replace and relocate the sanitary pump station at 900 N. Osceola Avenue on the east side of Clearwater Bay Marina. The City is finalizing the new location in coordination with Clearwater Bay Marina development, which is under review. Construction is scheduled for late 2003, to be completed in four months. Myrtle Avenue Reconstruction: The City is finalizing plans to reconstruct and resurface Myrtle Avenue through the downtown area. Construction is scheduled to be complete in mid-2004, at which time the SR 595 (Alt. US 19) designation will be reassigned from Ft. Harrison Avenue to Missouri Avenue, Court Street and Myrtle Avenue. In addition, the western terminus of the SR 590 designation on Drew Street will move east from Ft. Harrison Avenue to Myrtle Avenue. Station Square Park Redevelopment: As part of Cleveland Street streetscape and wayfinding signage improvements, the City intends to encourage redevelopment of this important downtown urban space. It may be possible to initiate this project concurrent with the proposed redevelopment of the Station Square parking lot, as part of a significant mixed land use project. Clearwater Beach Connector Spur (Pinellas Trail): The Clearwater Beach Connector Spur will provide a multi-use trail facility connecting Clearwater beach, Downtown, and the Pinellas Trail. Approximately 2,000 feet of the Connector Spur is within the Downtown area between the intersection of Turner Street and East Avenue (part of the proposed Pinellas Trail and East Avenue Widening project) and the new Memorial Causeway Bridge, which is under construction. Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard and Highland Avenue Gateway Intersection Improvement: Once the Memorial Causeway Bridge is open in 2004, a substantial portion of existing Cleveland Street traffic will move onto Court Street, resulting in a significant reduction in Downtown traffic. This reduction may result in negative impacts on downtown businesses. In addition, as a route to the beach, future traffic may mistakenly use Cleveland Street, which will terminate at Osceola Avenue. Therefore, the City, acknowledging the level of importance of this “Gateway” intersection, will implement this portion of the Downtown streetscape, indicating to motorists the correct routes to Downtown and the beach. Fort Harrison Avenue Streetscape: As a major “Gateway” thoroughfare within Downtown, the City intends to implement this portion of the Downtown streetscape as soon as possible. To that end, the City will initiate preparation of construction drawings, specifications, and partial construction of this segment in FY (Fiscal Year) 2003/2004. Glen Oaks Park Stormwater Detention Facility: Immediately south of the Downtown area at the intersection of Court Street and Betty Lane, the Glen Oaks Park Stormwater Detention Facility is a 20-acre flood control and water quality project, which will remove 78 residences from the 100-year floodplain. Approximately one-half of these residences are within the downtown area. In addition, 100-year flood levels will be reduced on area streets. The project also will include amenities, including two multi-purpose ball fields, restrooms, a playground, walking trails, and associated parking. Memorial Causeway Bridge (landscaping) The City and FDOT are constructing the new Memorial Causeway Bridge to replace the drawbridge at the foot of Cleveland Street. The new bridge will tie into the Court/Chestnut Street corridor and offer no access from Cleveland or Drew streets. The bridge is scheduled to open to traffic in December 2003, with demolition of the existing bridge to follow. In early 2004, the SR 60 designation will be reassigned from Cleveland Street to Court and Chestnut Streets. Extensive landscaping will be installed along Court to the waterfront and will continue on the west end of the bridge along the causeway to the beach. The landscaping will be coordinated with landscaping in place along Court Street and at the beach roundabout. Cleveland Street Streetscape: As the primary "Main Street" within Downtown, the City intends to implement construction of the downtown streetscape for Cleveland Street from Myrtle to Osceola Avenues as soon as possible. The City will initiate preparation of construction drawings, specifications, and the partial construction of this segment in FY 2003/04. Cleveland Street and Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard Repaving: FDOT is preparing plans to resurface Cleveland Street between Frederica Avenue and Highland Avenue. The construction date is in FY 2005. Cleveland Street and Memorial Causeway Repaving: FDOT is preparing plans to resurface Cleveland Street between Ft. Harrison Avenue and its western terminus. Main Fire Station: Funded by Penny for Pinellas, this project encompasses the renovation and modernization of the main fire station located downtown. The improved and expanded facility will meet current standards and better provide for the needs of a diverse population. In addition, a review is considering alternate locations farther south to provide a consistent standard of coverage for the entire Clearwater community. Funding for the project will be reimbursed partially by Pinellas County since these resources also will serve unincorporated areas of the Clearwater Fire District. Osceola Avenue Parking Garage (750 - 1,000 spaces): Due to the strategic location of this prime redevelopment site (Superblock), a public/private partnership may enable the construction of a major downtown parking garage to serve the block's redevelopment potential and redevelopment activities which might occur on parcels west of Osceola Avenue. This parking garage also will provide additional parking for the new public library under construction. Coachman Park Redevelopment and Garage: As part of redevelopment of prime parcels adjacent to Osceola Avenue, the City plans to construct a park, which will act as a significant Downtown waterfront destination. The Coachman Park Amphitheater will be enlarged and relocated on site and Drew Street will terminate at the water, providing a pedestrian promenade along the waters edge, and a waterfront restaurant, which could be leased to a private operator. A unique interactive fountain would be built as a major focal point. Cleveland Street, west of Osceola Avenue, would be closed and converted into a meandering pedestrian pathway between Downtown and the water. As part of this project, the City may construct or enter into a public/private partnership to construct a garage in the less appealing southern portion of the 18-acre site, near the start of the new bridge. In addition, current parking would be removed in favor of a large "great lawn." Downtown Marina: The City has awarded a consulting contract to analyze the regulatory process for permitting construction of a 150 - 200 slip waterfront marina. The marina would be publicly owned and operated, accommodating power and sail crafts with a mix of permanent and transient slips. A limited number of tourist related ferries and pleasure crafts would be allowed. Commercial fishing operations would be prohibited. Pinellas Trail and East Avenue widening: The portion of the Fred E. Marquis Pinellas Trail along East Avenue is the last unimproved segment of the trail. This project, in FY 2006/07, provides for the addition of a multi-use trail facility and roadway improvements for approximately 0.7 mile within the East Avenue right-of-way between Drew and Druid Streets, including replacement of the southbound lane of East Avenue and sidewalk on the west side of East Avenue with a landscaped, asphalt surface consistent with the Pinellas Trail standards. Between Turner and Drew streets, the southbound traffic lane of East Avenue and the sidewalk on the west side of East Avenue will be removed. The Pinellas Trail will be reconstructed in the center of this area, with landscaping on either side. New City Hall: Recently, the City Commission decided to make available the City Hall site for redevelopment if made part of a larger site in concert with two adjoining properties owned by the Calvary Baptist Church. Making the City Hall site available for private development would require a referendum. At this time, it is anticipated a new City Hall would be funded largely from proceeds of a future sale. In addition, it is expected City Hall might be built on the partially vacant lot south of the MSB (Municipal Services Building). Osceola Avenue Streetscape: Due to the array of prime redevelopment parcels along Osceola Avenue (Calvary Baptist Church, City Hall, Harborview, and the Superblock), it is expected this streetscape segment would be implemented as projects come on line. Cleveland Street and Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard Streetscape: This segment of Cleveland Street from Myrtle Avenue east to Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard will be improved in future years as new developments are implemented. Commercial Streets “A” and “B”: These constitute secondary local streets, which will be improved subsequent to new infill redevelopment projects constructed adjacent to them, Court/Chestnut Beach Corridors Streetscape: With the opening of the Memorial Causeway Bridge, these east-west major arterials will become the primary route to and from the beaches. It is anticipated as new infill projects are developed on land parcels adjacent to these streets, the City and developers would participate in the implementation of a new streetscape. CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) Executive Director Ralph Stone said many of the projects are not associated specifically with the update or the expansion of the redevelopment plan. He requested the Commission focus on the policy perspective in regard to these projects and determine if these are the appropriate ones to move the Downtown forward or should any be added or removed. Mr. Stone said in some cases there is dedicated funding in place and in others a range of funding sources that may be available is being recommended. Some listed projects are 20 years out. Planning Director Cyndi Tarapani reviewed the projects associated with the redevelopment efforts and expansion of the redevelopment area. She said the entire plan will be released on June 2, 2003 and will be available online. She requested feedback from the Commission. She said a variety of funding sources is being used. Also, it is hoped the City could partner with private developers for some of these projects. Discussion ensued regarding projects that would provide the greatest catalyst for additional development in the Downtown. It was felt that wayfinding should be made a top priortiy followed by Coachman Park redevelopment and the marina. In response to a question, Planning Director Cyndi Tarapani believed Osceola Avenue, Cleveland Street and Ft. Harrison streetscaping, along with Coachman Park improvements were projects that most likely would encourage future development. She said park improvements would be most beneficial if combined with redevelopment of the Harborview Center and City Hall sites. She felt development of the marina would take too long to affect near-term development. The City would need to issue bonds to fund park redevelopment. Some efficiencies are possible by combining efforts with projects already underway. In response to a concern regarding the estimated cost of a parking garage, Mr. Stone said estimates are conservative, reflect a nice facility, and include land acquisition costs, if necessary. The Municipal Services Building parking garage cannot be expanded. In response to a question, Ms. Tarapani said this CIP (Capital Improvement Project) plan is not a budget and only contains identified sources of money. A budget can be developed once plans for the next 20 to 25 years are resolved. Mr. Stone said according to Commission direction, staff will install wayfinding signs prior to completion of the new bridge. Some proposed projects will require private sector participation. Ms. Tarapani said the Downtown Plan includes major incentives for those who participate with the City in these projects. As not all developments will have adequate space for parking, Ms. Tarapani expected some developers will aid with streetscaping projects instead. Mr. Stone reported the City of St. Petersburg had provided large subsidies to consolidate land for Downtown redevelopment and to construct two parking garages. He suggested few developers will participate in addressing parking needs in the early stages of redevelopment. Concern was expressed parking removed from Coachman Park needs to be relocated. Mr. Stone said without private sector investment, other communities have spent between $50- and $100-million in general obligation bonds to finance public amenities such as parking garages. In response to a recommendation, Ms. Tarapani said the list contains only capital projects. Public Works Administrator Mahshid Arasteh said staff has identified approximately $1-million in funding for use once the bridge is open and traffic analyses determine which intersections need attention and require right-of-way acquisition, which is expensive. She said D-rated intersections are acceptable. Budgeted money should be adequate to make necessary improvements. It was requested that Court and Chestnut Streets be in the best shape possible before the bridge is open. It was suggested a PSTA (Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority) terminal project be added to the list. Ms. Tarapani said the list includes only projects the City can control and FDOT projects, which require some City participation. Ms. Tarapani said future uses of the Downtown Main Fire Station cannot be considered before a new location is determined. Fire Chief Rowland Herald said the Main Station can be moved south of the bridge access now that a Northwest Fire Station is being constructed. Land acquisition costs have not been budgeted. Mr. Stone suggested if operations are moved from the Main Fire Station, the Police Department could use those bays to house command vehicles. Fire Chief Herald said a command bus currently is housed in the supply facility by the Main Fire Station. There are no plans to expand the supply facility to accommodate additional police vehicles. It was requested staff develop a contingency plan for police vehicle storage if another use for the Main Fire Station site is determined. Fire Chief Herald said one plan under consideration would move Fire Administration to the new City Hall and co- locate Fire Prevention & Plans Permitting in the same location. Ms. Tarapani said a planned CHIP (Clearwater Homeless Intervention Program) project is not a City project. Improvements to the Court Street/Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard/Highland Street Intersection will be pushed up as soon as possible. Other City policies increased code sweeps of the Gateway area. Other CRA programs also are planned. Ms. Tarapani said the proposed guideway project was not included as it is under study. The plan will include policies to make certain guideway connections are maintained. It was requested staff be mindful of the guideway project. It was felt as success breeds success, small, well-executed projects will provide a catalyst for future development. Mr. Stone said cost estimates for a new City Hall are conservative and probably could be reduced. Concern was expressed over the omission of public transportation facilities from the plan. If the guideway is constructed, it was recommended a station be located on top of the parking garage planned at the base of the bridge. It was felt the station would attract vehicles that would help pay for the garage. Mr. Stone said a Downtown garage will require a significant subsidy until attractions increase usage. He suggested the City may reduce parking requirements as an incentive for Downtown development. Consensus was that the marina is a priority for Downtown development and should be constructed as soon as the permitting process can be completed. The City Manager reported the public has responded positively to the marina plan. In response to a question, Ms. Arasteh said when possible, the City will coordinate streetscaping plans with FDOT projects. Ms. Tarapani said in the near term, plans are for the Harborview Center to remain a community center. As current leases run to 2009, cost estimates were requested for the installation of windows along the facility’s east side. Parks & Recreation Director Kevin Dunbar said staff is focusing on getting the facility to be financially sound and addressing infrastructure issues, such as air-conditioning issues and leaks from the parking deck into exhibit space. It was recommended staff continue to review future plans for the Harborview Center. Consensus was to conceptually approve the Capital Improvement Projects for Downtown. ITEM #4 - Executive Director (Assistant City Manager) Verbal Reports - None. ITEM #5 - Other Business – None. ITEM #6 - Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 10:09 a.m.