February 4, 2002
Present: Brian J. Aungst Chair/CRA Trustee
Ed Hart CRA Trustee
Whitney Gray CRA Trustee
Hoyt P. Hamilton CRA Trustee
Glenn Warren Ex-Officio
Mary Rogero Ex-Officio
Absent: William C. Jonson CRA Trustee
Also present: William B. Horne II City Manager
Garry Brumback Assistant City Manager
Ralph Stone CRA Executive Director/Assistant City Manager
Pamela K. Akin City Attorney
Cynthia E. Goudeau City Clerk
Patricia O. Sullivan Board Reporter
The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:06 a.m. at City Hall.
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order.
ITEM #2 – Approval of the Minutes
Trustee Hart moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of November 13, 2001, as recorded and submitted in written summation by the City Clerk to each Trustee. The motion
was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
ITEM #3 - Provide direction regarding use of Station Square Park site for a refurbished “Coffee Caboose” and appropriate lease terms, if approved
On February 7, 2002, the DDB (Downtown Development Board approved the caboose project, in concept. Clearwater’s Main Street Design Committee and Citizens for a Better Clearwater submitted
letters supporting the caboose project to the City Commission.
On August 30, 2001, the City’s Purchasing Department received one response, from Kim Cooper, to a RFP (Request for Proposal) for a donor willing to provide a refurbished caboose and/or
other railroad-related structures to the City. In consideration of funds Mr. Cooper will expend in the purchase, refurbishment, and relocation of the caboose, he requests a lease term
longer than five years. The City Charter states “Prior to the sale, donation, lease for a term longer than five years, or other transfer of any municipal real property, the real property
must be declared surplus and no longer needed for municipal public use by the Commission at an advertised public hearing.”
The applicant proposes a 1,160 square-foot area for the caboose and attached deck and a 20-year lease. Staff requests direction regarding use of the site and a lease term the City
Commission would support.
Mr. Cooper reviewed his proposal to locate a reconditioned caboose at the southeast corner of Station Square Park, with a 20-foot by 30-foot deck for seating. He has operated the coffee
and cappuccino cart in Station Square Park since January 1994. Customers include downtown employees and patrons on downtown businesses.
The idea for a caboose in Station Square Park originated with the Main Street Design Review Committee, as part of an unfunded plan to feature a railroad theme in the park reflective
of the area’s historic use. George DeGuardiola, who proposed a downtown redevelopment plan, had suggested the coffee cart business relocate to the caboose, which he had planned to include
in the park. After the downtown redevelopment referendum failed, Mr. Cooper moved forward with the plan.
Mr. Cooper said the caboose will augment natural benefits of the park setting by creating a downtown attraction and draw attention to the historic background of the park and City.
The east side lacks activities and many residents are unfamiliar with the park’s location. Locating his business in the caboose would permit him to extend his hours and menu, provide
a destination for Pinellas Trail users, attract beach visitors and train aficionados, and increase pedestrian traffic downtown.
Mr. Cooper said he has purchased a railroad caboose, circa 1940, and has a promise of assistance for restoration and transportation to the site. After the refurbished caboose is on-site,
Mr. Cooper proposes to donate it to the City, in consideration of the lease. He said he will obtain all necessary building and business licenses. He estimated his costs at $50,000.
CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) Director/Assistant City Manager Ralph Stone said downtown groups have recommended this project as a way to increase downtown activity. In response
to a question, he said a parking study is underway. Also a park consultant is reviewing the downtown urban area. Station Square Park is not zoned recreation/open space. The abutting
parking lot site is a candidate for a parking structure. He requested the City Commission consider future downtown redevelopment, which may affect the site, lease rates, the value of
renovations that would be credited to a lease, and if the City wants to own a caboose.
Support for the concept was stated but concern was expressed the proposed location appears to be too close to the sidewalk. It was agreed long-term development issues must be determined
before the land is declared surplus. Concern was expressed it would be premature to consider this request while a parking study is underway, proposed lease is too long and whether the
City should own a caboose. While the vision of the proposal was complimented, it was felt a comprehensive plan for downtown must be developed, including plans for the park, before this
proposal can be considered. It was suggested a termination clause in the lease could provide future flexibility for the City.
Ex-Officio member Mary Rogero supported the proposal as a benefit to downtown. Ex-Officio member Glenn Warren requested Commission support of entrepreneurship and expressed concern
the idea not be talked death. It was stated the future Cleveland streetscaping project will widen sidewalks. It was questioned if the deck is necessary. It was recommended staff walk
the site before returning with a recommendation. Mr. Cooper said the proposed site was chosen to save a tree. He proposed the City own the caboose, as it represents a significant investment.
ITEM #4 – Executive Director (Assistant City Manager) Verbal Reports - None.
ITEM #5 – Other Business - None.
ITEM #6 – Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 9:32 a.m.