Budget Citizen Task Force
Purpose: Create a Citizen Task Force to assist in implementing our City's mission
statement: "to provide cost effective municipal services and infrastructure necessary
for a high quality oflife for all our citizens."
Scope: This task force will: Assist the Council by providing relatively quick studies of
specific assignments within the General Fund and Enterprise Funds that impactthe entire
citizen population (water, sewer, solid waste).
This task force will not focus on initiatives being undertaken by others -
specifically: Environmental Advisory Committee looking at storm water projects and
storm water funding.
This task force will not focus on Clearwater Gas, Marine and Aviation.
1. Recommend an effective method of applying a percentage cost reduction goal to
all departments in a way that focuses on alternative processes for delivery of
essential services. Example alternative process: does it make sense to mail utility
bills every other month instead of monthly? Should we give a discount to people
who pay bills by electronic funds transfer because it takes less effort to process?
2. Determine if we achieve full cost recovery of "for fee" services (examples:
Clearwater Police supplemental duty, non resident park and rec fees and permit
review fees)?
3. Review City outsourcing policy - process to periodically evaluate the acquisition
of services from the outside vs. internal staffing.
4. Determine if we are in a competitive position with other employers (city and
private) on pension provisions.
5. Evaluate impact on Clearwater of the following proposed State Legislative actions
and how the city would have to adjust their budget to respond to the following
legislative proposals:
a. Doubling the Homestead exemption.
b. Creating a 5% cap on assessed valuations of non-homesteaded property.
c. Creating a 10% cap on assessed valuations of non-homesteaded property.
1. Charles Rutz
Submitted by: Bill Jonson
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