March 18, 1996
Present: Rita Garvey Chair/CRA Trustee
Sue A. Berfield CRA Trustee
Fred A. Thomas CRA Trustee
J. B. Johnson CRA Trustee
Robert Clark CRA Trustee
Kathy S. Rice Interim Director/Deputy City Manager
Elizabeth M. Deptula City Manager
Pamela K. Akin City Attorney
Cynthia E. Goudeau City Clerk
Patricia O. Sullivan Board Reporter
The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:12 a.m. at City Hall.
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order.
ITEM #2 - Approval of Minutes
Trustee Thomas moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of February 12, 1996, as recorded and submitted in written summation to each Trustee. The motion was duly seconded and carried
ITEM #3 - Quarterly Financial Report
Interim Director/Deputy City Manager Kathy Rice referred to the first quarter financial report and indicated the budget is on track, although a small decrease in tax incremental funding
had occurred. Administrative expenditures will be charged for employees who had departed. Temporary staff is answering telephones. A loan officer is splitting her time between the
CRA office and Economic Development Department.
The City Manager noted revenues from the DDB (Downtown Development Board) covered a CRA assessment. The CRA returned the assessment to the DDB without withholding funds to meet the
CRA requirement to distribute 20% of all income to debt service. A variance of $5,000 needs to be set aside for debt service. It is important the CRA remember this requirement in the
future. Ms. Rice reported the CRA may have to move $5,000 from surplus into the operating budget.
Trustee Thomas moved to accept the CRA's first quarter financial report for FY (Fiscal Year) 1996/97. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
ITEM #4 - Unfinished Business
a) Grant/Loan Appeals Procedure - Pam Akin
The City Attorney drafted procedures to appeal decisions regarding the Storefront Improvement Grant Program. Once Trustees approve procedures, staff will notify the applicant who had
requested an appeal. Staff can schedule her appeal for the April CRA meeting. In answer to a question, Ms. Rice said staff will provide applicants a copy of procedures when they file
an appeal. It was noted the Florida evidence code will not apply to these proceedings.
Member Johnson moved to approve the Grant/Loan Appeals Procedure for the Storefront Improvement Grant Program. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
ITEM #5 - New Business - None.
ITEM #6 - Executive Director Verbal Reports
Ms. Rice indicated the CRA is running smoothly. She will advise the Trustees should she have concerns. Staff is meeting with downtown business owners regarding the transition.
ITEM #7 - Discussion: CRA Executive Director Criteria
Ms. Rice said staff is discussing with downtown groups criteria for the executive director position including what accomplishments are expected and which traits are preferred. The
DCA (Downtown Clearwater Association) has recommended focusing on retaining businesses already downtown. It was recommended the candidate be able to work with diverse groups. Ms. Rice
said having a Loan Officer at the CRA office has been helpful. She hoped to forward downtown group recommendations to the Trustees before the next meeting.
ITEM #8 - Other Trustee Business - None.
ITEM #9 - Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 9:21 a.m.
Community Redevelopment Agency
Board Reporter