09/05/1995 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING Minutes September 5, 1995 The City Commission, meeting as the Community Redevelopment Agency with Chairperson Rita Garvey presiding, met in regular session in the Commission Chambers at City Hall, Tuesday, September 5, 1995 at 9:01 AM, with the following members present: Rita Garvey Chairperson Sue Berfield CRA Trustee J.B. Johnson CRA Trustee Bill Justice CRA Trustee Fred Thomas CRA Trustee David Stone Ex-officio Trustee Also Present: Betty Deptula City Manager Peter Gozza Executive Director, CRA Pamela Akin City Attorney Vickie Crouch Chamber of Commerce Jacquie DeGroy Community Redevelopment Agency Absent: Dan Leiter Ex-officio Trustee 2. Approval of Minutes A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of August 14, 1995. 3. Financial Reports A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to accept the July Financial Report. 4. Unfinished Business None 5. New Business Administrative Assistant Contract - Peter Gozza reviewed the background on this request. A job audit had been conducted by the Human Resources department and a new job title, job description and salary range had been recommended as a result of the audit. Mr. Gozza requested that the CRA Board follow the recommendation of the Human Resources Department and approve the item as submitted. The recommended annual salary of $27,000 is due to the experience of the incumbent along with being consistent with what other Florida CRA’s are paying their administrative assistants. After some discussion of the contract and the wording of “one-time-payment”, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve the job description, the change in status from City employee to CRA contracted employee, the compensation as requested, and the “one time payment “ of $1285.42 as requested and contract approval will be continued until the October 16, 1995 meeting. The “termination without cause” language regarding a change in status will be reworked with City Attorney, Pam Akin and the contract will be resubmitted at the October 16, 1995 CRA meeting. 3rd Quarter budget Amendment - Upon review of the 3rd quarter budget amendments which reflected the increase in operation costs primarily due to expenses connected with the redevelopment plan, the relocation of the CRA office and advance funding of FY 1995-96 administrative expenses, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve the 3rd quarter budget amendment. 1995-96 Budget Approval - After some discussion of a “tag line” on the public hearing notice, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve the 1995-96 CRA budget. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve Resolution #95-2 as it relates to the CRA adopting an operating budget for fiscal year 1995-96. Executive Director Annual Review - Peter Gozza started the discussion by requesting that changes be made to the “performance” column of his 1995-96 goals & objectives. First change was to deduct 20,000 square feet in “Increase retail/entertainment utilization....”. The 20,000 square feet represented office space not retail and/or entertainment as the goal outlined. The second change was to address the “identify and solidify leases for Harborview Center”. Only one lease has been signed, the other is still in negotiation. Chairperson Garvey questioned terminology used in the marketing campaign goal. Goals for 1995-96 will be written with more appropriate verbiage and will be submitted at the October 16, 1995 CRA meeting. Trustee Thomas complimented Mr. Gozza on an “overall outstanding job” and reiterated his concerns on the East End property being developed. A discussion regarding the “bonus concept” took place. Chairperson Garvey, Trustee Johnson, and Trustee Justice felt that a bonus program was not appropriate and that the bonus should be a part of Mr. Gozza’s salary. Trustee Thomas stated that he was “pro performance bonus”. Trustee Berfield suggested that since a three year contract with Mr. Gozza was currently in place, that this issue could be discussed at a later date. A motion was made, seconded and approved on a 4-1 vote, with Chairperson Garvey voting against, that 77.5% of the $10,000 achievement bonus be paid to Mr. Gozza. 6. Executive Director Verbal Reports None 5. Other Trustee Business Trustee Johnson expressed concern over Mr. Gozza’s decision to run for office for the Downtown Development Board. Trustee Thomas felt it was a positive decision; the other board members felt it was “Mr. Gozza’s choice to run”. 6. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 9:33 AM. ____________________________________ Chairperson Attest: Board Reporter