August 14, 1995
The City Commission, meeting as the Community Redevelopment Agency with Chairperson Rita Garvey presiding, met in regular session at City Hall, Monday, August 14, 1995 at 1:12 PM, with
the following members present:
Rita Garvey Chairperson
J.B. Johnson, Jr. Trustee
Fred Thomas Trustee
Sue Berfield Trustee
Bill Justice Trustee
Also Present: Betty Deptula City Manager
Peter Gozza Executive Director
Pamela Akin City Attorney
Vickie Crouch Chamber of Commerce
Jacquie DeGroy Board Reporter
Absent: Dan Leiter Ex-officio Trustee
David Stone Ex-officio Trustee
2. Approval of Minutes
A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of June 14, 1995 and July 17, 1995.
3. Financial Reports
A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to accept the June Financial Report.
The CRA Board of Trustees requested that the financial report be issued on a quarterly basis based on the budget year.
4. Unfinished Business
CRA Downtown Plan - Schedule was reviewed. Continual update was requested by the Trustees.
5. New Business
Community Development Corporation (CDC) Discussion - The CDC was created to be used as a funding source for the redevelopment plan in the fall of 1993. In March of 1994, the CRA
was informed that “funding for new CDC’s is highly unlikely”. Since there is still no funding available and our downtown plan has been completed, Mr. Gozza has recommended that the
CDC be disbanded. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to disband the Clearwater CDC.
6. Executive Director Verbal Reports
Reschedule 9/18/95 Meeting to 9/5/95 at 9:00 AM
A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to change the meeting date of 9/18/95 to 9/5/95 so Mr. Gozza is able to attend the International Downtown Association Conference.
Chairperson Garvey requested that information on this conference be distributed to the board members.
7. Other Trustee Business
Trustee Thomas questioned when the CRA office sign would be put up.
Mr. Gozza indicated the sign would be up today. Board recommended a sign be placed at the back entrance also.
Trustee Thomas requested a report on the East End. Mr. Gozza reminded the board that the East End Property cannot be actively marketed until the Downtown Redevelopment Plan has been
approved. However, he is in the process of having the Entertainment RFP drafted and is also meeting with developers regarding a residential complex.
CRA promotional packets were distributed to the board.
8. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 1:23 PM.
Board Reporter