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TEL. -13-2~--3j22
P. 00 I
R~port Of tbe Imagine Houston Steering Committee
ON- . brand fax transmiMI memo 7671 ~ 01 page' . {;
To /j,tt .::TiJ A :5c-;<J
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Phone II j'
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April 1995
JLl. -2"7' 95 (THI'J 09:~4
TEL: -13- 2~ ~-3322
P. 002
. - .-- ..'_.. , -..
How do you imagine Houston?
F () H I. \\ () /.(,)
Over a rear ago, Mayor Bob L1nier posed that question to nearly
one thousand Houstonians - and l7n4gine HOuston Was born. The
idea for lnt4gine Houston comes from the Mayor's belief thar a
common community visIon is essenrial to HOuston's cominued long-
term success as an imernational city - a global center of commerce
and CUlture.
The Imagine HOuston process has subjected virtually all aspectS of
life in Houston, positive and negative, to citizen review. Thousands
of HoUStonians from all walks of life have contributed counrless
hours [0 this effOrt
( l )'\ II 1\ 1 '>
The lmogine Houston Steering Committee was formed to...
- enSlJre broad partiCipation among all segments of Houswn's
diverse community,
- coordinate this process, and
- coalesce the 'evork of the focus groups, which has been published
separately, and other pan:icipantS in this process into
a unified vision for Houston.
VisIon mlO Action
Describes ~i." elemenl~ of
the HOUSton w~ envision
and actions we must rake
l(l achie\'t' our goals "','.. . 6
This repOrt summarizes common themes that have emerged from
the Imagine Houston process as the priorities for Houston'S future.
It is intended to guide both the public and private sectors in
Houston in building on the city's strengths to shape a bright funlre
for al! t-{OustoniaflS.
Brief discussion of the
economic and soc:!1
chanBe~ thar h<1ve Sh:lped
Housto., inro What ir is
today... ..".................... ... 18
D~scribe$ the r",agl"e
Houston pm(ess in
detail 20
Imagine Houston has confirmed to us that...
--Our people are the dry's greatest asset;
-Houstonians have a vital energy, a [enaClOus optimism, and a strong
sense of pride; and
--openness - to people, to ideas, to technolo~,'y, and to enterprise _
gives HOuston its defining spiri[
Ackno",'ledges tho;;e who
have participated in :lnd
:lssisred [he I""aglne
HOuston proje(t.. ....,.. 22
Imagine HOuston's mission has been to suggest the direction.
-The challenge we face is to work together to fonlluJate and
implemenr specific actions [0 make OUr vision a reality for all
~In facing this challenge, we all have a role to play, regardless of our
race, religion, Or cultural background and regardless of Our
~conornic sranding in society
The Imagine Houston Steen'ng Committee
In that spirit, we offer rhis repOrt to the ciry.
JUL.'-r' 9SnHlil 09:44 "'13-24.-3322
TEL. '7]3-24"'-3322
P. 003
V I S I () N
Imagine Houston as. . .
A City of Educational Excellence
A City Where Resources Power Opportunity
A City that Capitalizes on Its Diversity
A City of Urban Villages
A Safe, Healthy Community
An Uncommonly Beautiful City
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JLL. -2' Y5ITHLI 09:~5 -13-24--.3322
P. OO~
A (~ '1' I () l~
For Our City's Future, We Must...
Make Education Houston's First Priority
Strengthen Houston's Position in the Global Economy
Encourage Full Participation by All Houstonians
Empower Communities to Work Together
Promote the Wellness of All Houstonians
Commit to Improve OUf V'isual Environment
Jl:.'L. -.l~' 95iTH[i) 09:~5 ~13-2C-3322
TEL: ~13-24:-3322
p, 005
Imagine Houston as an
Uncommonly Beautiful City
Housronians Want Houston to become an
uncommonly beautiful city, exemplified by its narural
and built environment, its commitment to the ans, and
its stewardc;pjp of the city's natural resources.
A beautiful city u'ill
H oustonia1J$ nlust recognize that our natut"al resources and
our city's Sh'eetscape a"d landscape are Our sbat"ed
promote toun'sm,
attract and retain
businesse~~ in-
- Houston's bayous are its defining n:truraJ reSOUrce. No other major
city is interlaced with more than 2,000 IT'Jles of watet"';vays.
- While Houston's skyline and other architectural marvels project
Houston's dynamic character, HOuston's streets and freeways also
have a fundamental impact on Our visual environment.
crease community
- We must develop and suppert public policies thar encourage us
> care for our natural resources and
> bring about t11e beautification and landscaping of Our freeways,
waterways, and public spaces.
pride) and contn'b-
ute to the health
and well-being of
Ho'~stoni4ns can do tnuch to tmprove the visual image of tbe
dty by...
~ planting more trees along streets and highways;
- adding more parks, green belts, and boulevards ro link the
distinctive villages of Housron;
- designing meeting places and even ordinary infrastnleture projects
ro provide more aurae-tive and inviting environmenrs for resident')
and ViSitors:
- gradually converting Our bayous, creeks, and concrete-lined
channels into linear parks and floodways; and
- .
-==::- 'ON __ -
- visually accel'\(ing the uniqueness of neighborhoods; enhancing
their parks, meeting places, and pe-destrian enVironments, and
preserving their historic Structures
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A (~ rl" I () N
Commit To Improve
OUf Visual Environment
We should helP Houston's neighborhoods reali.e tbeir own
vtstons of an uncommonly beautiful city by enabling our urban
vtlJAges to create and implement standQrds to define, accent,
protect, and preserve tbeir special cbaracter.
- Effective standards for maintenance and repair, the creation and
enforcement of deed restrictions, and the regulation of signage and
dangerous buildings are important components of this effort.
1',\ 111\\ \\.... I () I'I{( )( ,1,1 :-......
- Public and private property owners should be encouraged to
undert3ke projects mat contribute to rhe beautification of the city
and the preservation and restoration of historic structures.
. Increase efforts ro p/atu trees
arId flowers in espla Tl a des,
along htgbwtJys, ami In
Olher publiC spaces,
. Det1eJop and implement a
plan to link arid prootdfJ for
multiple uses of open spaCfS.
. Protect tbe cmL'ir()lIme711 by
acli~lely supporting and
engagi ng in rec:ycli7lg
. EnSllre the (:ontintu(i
dbrancy of dil1erse t1isua/,
performing, and l(lerary
As stewards of tbe envt~onment, HQuston/ans must develop
and implement publk policies tbat efk:ourage everyotle to
recycle, consert'e enetgy and natural reSQurces, and protect
agatnst or remQt,'e hazardous materials.
- The City and other governmental agencies must not only adopt
policies thar support this effort, but must also commit the
resources ne('essary [0 achieve this goal
.A renewed empbasis on beauH.ficatton, tbe arts, and tbe
environment wtUfurtber tbe city's efforts in economic
development and community building.
arts commlHltries
- A beautiful city enriched by an array of ans experiences w(ll
promote tourism, attract and retain businesses, increase community
pride, and contribute to the health and well-being of Houstonians
- These effortS will also help build and enhance real estate values
and provide for the needs of srormwater management, recreation,
and wildlife habitat
.1 For more pa. th ways see Focl-tS
l Grol~p Reports