02/13/1995 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Minutes February 13, 1995 The City Commission, meeting as the Community Redevelopment Agency, met in regular session at City Hall, Monday, February 13, 1995 at 1:15 pm, with the following members present: Arthur X. Deegan, II Chairperson Sue Berfield Vice-Chairperson Richard Fitzgerald Trustee Rita Garvey Trustee Also Present: Betty Deptula City Manager Peter Gozza Executive Director Dan Leiter Ex-officio Trustee Pamela Akin City Attorney Jacquie DeGroy Recording Secretary Absent: Fred Thomas Trustee David Stone Ex-officio Trustee Bill Schulte Chamber of Commerce 2. Approval of Minutes A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of January 30, 1995. 3. Unfinished Business CRA Lease for 423 Cleveland Street - To allow the City Attorney additional time to review the lease, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to continue this item until the February 27, 1995 CRA meeting. Trustee Garvey requested that a compilation of the total costs of the move be submitted. 4. New Business Brasfield Letter - The letter written by Mr. & Mrs. Brasfield, owners of the old Morrison restaurant, requested that the boundaries of the Community Redevelopment Agency be expanded to include their property so they could take advantage of the CRA's programs. Mr. Gozza will respond to the Brasfield's informing them that district expansion is an item that will be addressed in the planning of the new redevelopment plan and he will be able to respond to their request in a more factual manner after the plan has been presented. Any property that would be added to the CRA district must be contiguous. Trustee Garvey requested that a list of the pros and cons in expanding the CRA district be submitted by Mr. Gozza. Parking Assistance/Checker's Corporation - Mr. Gozza presented the history on this item. The Checker's Corporation was looking to possibly relocate out of downtown Clearwater - in Countryside or St. Petersburg. After a meeting with Checker's officials, Mayor Garvey, Peter Gozza, and a representative from the Chamber of Commerce, it was agreed that Checker's would stay downtown if they could negotiate a favorable lease with MAS ONE for their office space and if they were able to reduce their parking costs. Working with the City Manager, and traffic engineering - 40 parking spaces @ $15.00/space could be obtained in the Kravas parking lot and 18 spaces @ $37.50/space in the Garden Avenue Garage. The CRA proposal is to subsidize the parking by paying the difference ($22.50) between the Garden Avenue rate and the Kravas rate which amounts to $5,000.00 on an annual basis, $405.00 monthly. The $5,000.00 would come from the Redevelopment Projects Account and would be for a three (3) year period. Mr. Gozza spoke with Checker's this morning and was informed that they have reached a favorable lease with MAS ONE and if the parking subsidy is approved they will remain in downtown Clearwater. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve the annual expenditure of $5,000 to be paid in monthly installments to the City Parking Fund. This will commence in May 1995. 5. Executive Director Verbal Reports None 6. Other Trustee Business Chairperson Deegan welcomed the newly-elected Downtown Development Board Chairperson, Dan Leiter. Dan Leiter commented on the proposed leasing of the CRA office space and indicated his opposition to the CRA using a "storefront" for office space. Since Calvary Baptist Church is not renewing the leases of the retail merchants in the 400 block, storefronts on Cleveland Street are dwindling. Mr. Leiter suggested that the DDB & CRA work together on redirecting the DDB's efforts. A meeting between Mr. Leiter, Ms. Judi Hackett and Mr. Gozza has been initiated to address these efforts. Mr. Leiter will investigate the possibility of renting office space adjacent to the proposed CRA office space by contacting the property owner, Mr. Terry Tsafatinos. 7. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 1:31 pm. Chairperson Attest: Secretary