August 15, 1994
The City Commission, meeting as the Community Redevelopment Agency, met in regular session at City Hall, Monday, August 15, 1994 at 9:00 am, with the following members present:
Arthur X. Deegan, II Chairperson
Sue Berfield Vice-Chairperson
Richard Fitzgerald Trustee
Rita Garvey Trustee
Fred Thomas Trustee
Also Present:
Betty Deptula City Manager
Peter Gozza Executive Director
Alan Zimmett Interim City Attorney
Gil Gott Chamber of Commerce
David Stone Ex-officio Trustee
Elise Winters Ex-officio Trustee
Jacquie DeGroy Recording Secretary
2. Approval of Minutes
A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the July 18, 1994 meeting.
3. Unfinished Business
Park Street Garage - The appraisal requested by the CRA on the Park Street Garage has been received and was prepared in accordance with paragraph 6 of the Option by Valuation Services,
Inc. Their appraisal on the property is $1,313,800. After discussion, Trustee Fitzgerald made a motion to accept the second appraisal and request that Mr. Zimmett notify Walter J.
Mackey, Jr. that the CRA is willing to proceed with the closing of this property at a purchase price of $1,313,800. The motion was seconded and unanimously carried. Per Mr. Zimmett,
Mackey has the option to close within 90 days, but the CRA is not bound to this closing date. Mr. Zimmett informed the board that his father works for Appraisal Associates of Tampa
Bay, Walter J. Mackey Jr.'s appraisal company.
4. New Business
Recommended Design Guidelines Presentation/Winters - After a
presentation and having previously submitted copies of the proposed Design Guidelines for the Trustees review, questions were addressed. It was reiterated by the CRA Chairperson that
since the CRA is in the process of obtaining an RFP on a Redevelopment Plan, that the Design Guidelines will be submitted to that Planning Services firm for their review. It was recommended
that for now the Design Guidelines be deemed mandatory if the incentives (the architectural grant and/or loan programs) are requested. Mr. Gozza suggested that Design Guidelines be
mandatory for the CRA district once the Redevelopment Plan has been approved.
Trustee Garvey moved that the board receive the Design Guidelines as proposed and forward them to whichever planning firm is selected to prepare the redevelopment plan for their review
and comments. In the meantime, start a pilot program through Peter Gozza's office. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. The Design Review Board will temporarily review
all plans submitted, make recommendations and forward to the CRA for approval.
The issue was raised that the design review boards currently in place (Beach Seascape and North Greenwood) be combined into a single board that will evaluate proposals for all districts
applying the individual guidelines for each district. This will be addressed further.
5. Executive Director Verbal Reports
Mr. Gozza reported seven quality firms were present for the RFP pre-submission conference. The planning service firm will be selected September 20th.
6. Other Trustee Business
Elise Winters clarified that the grant program proposed by the Design Review Committee was to be administered by the CRA and only funded by the DDB utilizing the same (CRA) application
process currently in place. Chairperson Deegan requested a letter from the DDB with specific details of the proposed grant program and their request of the CRA. Trustee Thomas stated
that since marketing is one of the primary responsibilities of the DDB, he questioned whether this money should be used in a grant program that supported "bricks and mortar" CRA functions.
David Stone suggested that funding a facade program could be interpreted as a marketing program, i.e. marketing downtown would be enhanced by improving it's appearance. This item should
be placed on the August 29, 1994 CRA agenda.
Concerns were raised regarding the purchasing of Rose Phifer's Cleveland Street property by Calvary Baptist Church. Mr. Gozza is working with the church, Rose Phifer and the other
parties involved in an attempt to keep the street level/store fronts available to retail.
A written opinion regarding the sale of the Bilgore property has been reviewed by the City Attorney and the CRA has been advised.
7. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 am.