May 31, 1994
The City Commission, meeting as the Community Redevelopment Agency, met in regular session at City Hall, Tuesday, May 31, 1994 at 9:58 am, with the following members present:
Arthur X. Deegan, II Chairperson
Sue Berfield Vice-Chairperson
Richard Fitzgerald Trustee
Rita Garvey Trustee
Fred Thomas Trustee
Also Present:
Betty Deptula City Manager
Peter Gozza Executive Director
Miles Lance Asst City Attorney
Gil Gott Chamber of Commerce
Jacquie DeGroy Staff Assistant
David Stone Ex-officio Trustee
Elise Winters Ex-officio Trustee
It was acknowledged that both David Stone and Elise Winters had been present for the regularly scheduled 9:00 AM meeting but due to previous commitments were unable to attend the re-scheduled
meeting at 10:00 am.
2. Approval of Minutes
A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the May 16, 1994 meeting.
3. Financial Reports - Midyear Adjustments, March & April
Peter Gozza reviewed the financial and midyear adjustment reports. There were no questions from the board. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve the midyear
adjustments, March and April financial reports.
4. Unfinished Business
5. New Business
A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to change the meeting date of the CRA from June 13, 1994 to June 14, 1994 to coincide with the change of the City Commission meeting.
An official standard form (CRA Funding Application) to be used for submitting financial requests to the CRA was approved.
6. Executive Director Verbal Reports
Downtown Beautification Program Update - Peter Gozza reported that all of the Cleveland Street planters have been adopted, over 50% of the money has been collected and that he has submitted
a request for funds ($2,000) from the Downtown Development Board. This item is on the DDB agenda for the meeting at 5:30 pm today. If the funding request is approved by the DDB, a
contract with Northern Boy Tree & Lawn (the low bidder) will be submitted for approval at the CRA meeting of June 14, 1994.
Goals & Objectives - There were no questions of the board on the
Goals/Objectives report. Mr. Gozza was commended for being ahead of schedule on some of the goals & objectives.
7. Other Trustee Business
It was emphasized that communication among the Downtown Partnership be escalated to prevent further redundancy.
A full report on the Bayfront Marketplace building, including exterior renovation costs and proposals, will be forwarded to the CRA and City Commission in time for the June 14, 1994
meeting. The CRA may assist the City with funding for the exterior renovation. There is approximately $250,000 carried over from the CRA 1992-93 budget that could be used for this
purpose. Peter Gozza commended Bill Baker for the expediency exercised in the work on the Bayfront Marketplace building.
8. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 10:15 am.