Grant Compliance Agreement
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This agreement is made and entered into by and between Fireman's Fund Insurance Company (Fireman's
Fund) of Novato, California, and Citv of Clearwater Fire Department (Department/District) ("the
Department") located at 610 Franklin St.. Clearwater. FL 33756.
Whereas, it is intended that the Department will utilize a grant award or donation received from Fireman's
Fund@ for the specific purpose outlined in the Department's grant application and/or approved by Fireman's
Fund. Fireman's Fund reserves the right to communicate with and visit the Department on an ongoing basis
to ensure that the funding is utilized for the express purpose intended. The Department is required to apply
a grant or donation from Fireman's Fund within six months of receipt of funds. Additionally, the Department
must supply Fireman's Fund with a copy of the paid invoice within 30 days of purchases utilizing funding
from a Fireman's Fund HeritageSM grant or donation. Invoice copies should be sent to Fireman's Fund attn:
Barbara Morrisey, 777 San Marin Drive C65, Novato, CA 94998.
The Department must notify Fireman's Fund within 60 days of receipt of funds if it decides to purchase a
different quantity of items than what was awarded by Fireman's Fund, or if it chooses to apply funds
differently than originally intended or approved by Fireman's Fund. Unused funds must be returned to
Fireman's Fund.
If the Department plans to use funds for any purpose other than originally outlined and approved by
Fireman's Fund, the Department must first obtain approval from Fireman's Fund. In the event that the grant
funding is not utilized for the purpose(s) approved by Fireman's Fund and/or outlined in the original grant
application and Fireman's Fund is not notified of any changes to the original request, Fireman's Fund
reserves the right to revoke the grant funding or donation, request the return of the full grant/donation
amount, and eliminate the Department from consideration for future funding through the Fireman's Fund
Heritage program.
If the Department is awarded a grant or donation, Fireman's Fund reserves the right to film and/or
photograph the award presentation and publicize the request and award in all internal and external marketing
and communications activities related to the Fireman's Fund Heritage program. Fireman's Fund invites your
department to contact us to discuss any additional marketing or public relations assistance we can provide
on your behalf.
Finally, as a way to demonstrate the overall impact of this grant program, Fireman's Fund asks that the
Department provide documentation demonstrating the effect the funding has had on operations. This can be
documented via E-mail, letter, photos, video, or however the department sees fit. We request that this
impact be documented and shared with Fireman's Fund within six months of the receipt of the grant or
By signing this agreement, Department agrees to carry out the aforementioned activities as planned.
Agreed to and Accepted:
City of Clearwater for Clearwater Fire Department
(X) See Attached signature page
Print Name and Title:
Dept. Tax/Fed ID #:
City of Clearwater Finance Department
P.O. Box 4748
Clearwater, FL 33758-4748
Grant Checks
Addressed to:
Frau:rl< V. Hibbard .
Approved as to form:
Robert J
ia E. Goudeau