03/18/1991 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY March 18, 1991 The City Commission, meeting as the Community Redevelopment Agency, met in regular session at City Hall, Monday, March 18, 1991 at 9:04 A.M., with the following members present: Rita Garvey Chairperson Lee Regulski Member Sue Berfield Member William Nunamaker Member Richard Fitzgerald Member Also Present were: Michael J. Wright Executive Director Jerry D. Sternstein Economic Development Director Cynthia E. Goudeau Secretary ITEM II. - Minutes: Member Berfield moved to approve the minutes of the December 10, 1990, meeting. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. ITEM III. - Amend contract for the Cleveland Street Minipark construction with Opus South Corp. to increase the original amount from $204,880.00 to $213,813.00 On December 10, 1990, the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) awarded a contract for the Cleveland Street Minipark construction to Opus South Corporation in an amount of $204,880. At such time as said contract was approved, the CRA added a stipulation to the contract stating that "The budget of $204,880 is not to be exceeded without Community Redevelopment Agency approval." Mr. George Smith, Project Manager from Opus South Corporation, now states that an additional $8,933 will be needed to complete the project bringing the total cost to $213,813. According to Mr. Smith, this 4.3% increase is necessary due to additional costs for the demolition of the paving, wall footings, the addition of marcite water proofing and additional brick and block detailing. In response to a question, it was indicated the original bid came in under the amount budgeted and therefore there are sufficient funds in this project to cover the increase. Member Regulski moved to amend the contract for the Cleveland Street Minipark construction with Opus South Corp. to increase the original amount from $204,880.00 to $213,813.00. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. ITEM IV. - Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:07 a.m.