September 4, 1990
The City Commission, meeting as the Community Redevelopment Agency, met in regular session at City Hall, Tuesday, September 4, 1990 at 9:46 A.M., with the following members present:
Rita Garvey Chairperson
Lee Regulski Member
Sue Berfield Member
William Nunamaker Member
Richard Fitzgerald Member
Also Present were:
Ron H. Rabun Executive Director
Milton A. Galbraith, Jr. City Attorney
Cynthia E. Goudeau Secretary
ITEM II. - Minutes:
Member Nunamaker moved to approve the minutes of the August 13, 1990, meeting as submitted in writing by the Secretary. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
ITEM III. - Hear presentation and approve the conceptual site plan for the development of the Cleveland Street Minipark:
On July 30, 1990 the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) approved the expenditure of $9,850 for the preparation of design development and construction documents for the City minipark
to be developed on Cleveland Street adjacent to the new Clearwater Towers Building.
A conceptual landscape plan has been completed after several meetings with City staff. Numerous items were taken into consideration including the use of brick pavers and lights similar
to those being installed along the Cleveland Street sidewalk, providing an inviting public entrance off Cleveland Street, ample seating for informal use, maintenance requirements and
other items.
If approved by the CRA, Opus South will proceed to finalize construction documents for the bidding process. At such time as the bids for construction are received, they will be submitted
to the CRA for review, modification and/or approval.
Mr. Robert Boyd, of Bloodgood Architects and Planners, reviewed the plan with the agency. He stated they have made changes to the original plan to make the park more open to Cleveland
Street. There is a designated performance area centered in the park where, originally, there will be a fountain but, later, could be used for sculpture or another main feature.
Discussion ensued regarding whether or not seating should be provided through tables and chairs interspersed throughout the park or raised planters and walls. It was stated that plant
material throughout the park will consist of live oaks, elm trees, crepe myrtle, ligustrums and other shrubs. The park will be open enough to prevent any security problems.
In response to a question, it was indicated that groups wishing to use the park could be approved through the special events committee. It is planned that a small sound system will
be incorporated in the design.
In response to questions, it was indicated there would be pedestrian access from the parking lot to the east; and there will be access provided for maintenance vehicles. A question
was raised regarding whether or not drinking fountains would be provided, and it was indicated this would be a City decision.
It was indicated the entry from Cleveland Street would remain open, but there would be an impediment to vehicle access. A suggestion was made that the designers consult with Florida
Power regarding lighting to be installed which can be used to deter crime.
Consensus of the Commission was to go forward with the design using tables and chairs for seating.
ITEM IV. - Revision to Section 3 of lease with S.T.E.P.P.S. Program, Inc.
The S.T.E.P.P.S. Organization desires to amend the recently approved, but unexecuted, lease agreement to include an additional service that was originally discussed with City staff
but not included with the lease agreement.
Section 3 of the lease stipulates that the property shall be used for counseling, pregnancy training and day care purposes. A component of this counseling and training aspect is a
residency for women. Since staff considered this component an educational counseling initiative, it was not given detailed treatment as a lease clause.
This program element will not start for at least one year and, when operational, will provide living facilities for a maximum of ten women and their children for periods of three, six
and nine months. The property will still be used for its primary purpose: counseling, pregnancy training and day care center.
The lessee has asked that we add language to the lease which would encompass the residency portion. The proposed use is allowable in the Urban Core East zoning district but requires
the approval of the Planning and Zoning Board of a conditional use.
In response to a question, it was indicated that renovations to the building will include what is needed to allow this use.
Member Berfield moved to revise Section 3 of the S.T.E.P.P.S. Program Lease to include the residency program. The motion was duly seconded.
Discussion ensued regarding the program, and Joyce Frolich, Executive Director of S.T.E.P.P.S., indicated clients have to go through screening. This is a program for women interested
in changing their life, and is not sheltering. She indicated the residency would be limited to women who are pregnant or have one child. The program is not limited to Clearwater residents.
Concerns were expressed that the Agency needed to have additional information regarding the program.
A question was raised regarding the investment in the renovations being cost effective for a five year lease. Ms. Frolich indicated they have many volunteers who will be working on
this project. A suggestion was made that there be one qualified person responsible for the construction work.
Concerns were expressed regarding the sixty day cancellation clause, and it was indicated the City does not anticipate it would need this facility for three to five years. It was indicated
the monthly lease payment took into consideration the amount of money that would need to be invested for the rehabilitation of the building.
In response to a question, it was indicated that, should the Agency approve this, it would be a lease conditioned upon obtaining a conditional use from the Planning and Zoning Board
and information being submitted regarding the housing program.
Concern was expressed that there is nothing in the lease that protects the City from any liens that could be placed on the property. The City Attorney is to add a paragraph.
Member Berfield withdrew her motion.
Consensus of the Commission was to approve the concept with final action to come back to the Agency once additional information is provided.
ITEM V. - Other Items
Mike Wright, Assistant City Manager, indicated the closing will take place soon on the Brown property.
The Executive Director indicated the option on the Bilgore property expires at 5:00 P.M. today and we have heard nothing from the holders of the option.
ITEM V. - Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 A.M.