August 13, 1990
The City Commission, meeting as the Community Redevelopment Agency, met in regular session at City Hall, Monday, August 13, 1990 at 1:16 P.M., with the following members present:
Rita Garvey Chairperson
Lee Regulski Member
Sue Berfield Member
William Nunamaker Member
Richard Fitzgerald Member
Mary Vaughn Ex Officio Member
Also Present were:
Ron H. Rabun Executive Director
Michael Wright Assistant City Manager
Jerry D. Sternstein Economic Development Director
Mary K. Diana Assistant City Clerk
ITEM II. - Minutes:
Member Fitzgerald moved to approve the minutes of the July 30, 1990, meeting. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
ITEM III. - Contract for Downtown Market Assessment with Hunter Interests, Inc. at a cost not to exceed $33,800.00
On June 18, 1990, the CRA met and reviewed staff recommendations relevant to the selection of a consultant to undertake the downtown market assessment. Following a discussion of the
recommendations, the CRA authorized staff to initiate contract negotiations with Hunter Interests, Inc.
The work tasks involved in this downtown market assessment carry a "not to exceed" professional time and expense budget of $33,800.00 with a completion time of five calendar months.
The tasks to be undertaken are as follows: 1) Project Initiation, 2) Data Collection, 3) Confidential Interviews, 4) Establish Market Service Areas, 5) Estimate Supply and Demand Factors,
6) Downtown Survey, 7) Downtown Parking and Traffic Analysis, 8) Check Point Meeting, 9) Downtown Development Opportunities and Constraints, 10) Analysis of Likely Development Sites,
11) Recommendation of Downtown Development Strategy, 12) Report and 13) Checkpoint Meeting and Report Presentation.
Task 14, the Downtown Executives Forum, is an optional, additional task. It would increase the project cost by some $8,000.00. No decision need be made on this item until work on
the market assessment is substantially complete. If, at that time, the concept seems feasible, the CRA can consider the expenditure.
A question was raised regarding whether or not the shopper's survey reflected in Task 6, referred to only the shoppers in the downtown. Economic Development Director Jerry Sternstein
indicated it was his belief the survey would cover a broader area; however, the procedure for the survey still needs to
be determined.
Member Regulski moved to approve the contract with Hunter Interest, Inc. and that the appropriate officials be authorized to execute same. The motion was duly seconded and carried
ITEM IV. - Leasing of CRA owned property at 1180 Cleveland Street, Lots 4-8 Gibson's Clearwater Heights Sub., for a five year period to S.T.E.P.P.S. Program, Inc. (Service, Training,
Education, Pregnancy, People in need, Single parents)
This property is located in proximity to the City Hall Annex and surrounding city owned property. It has been for sale for several years but no offers were received. Given potential
development scenarios for the downtown area, staff feels that it would be strategically advantageous to retain ownership of the property and lease it.
The S.T.E.P.P.S. organization will pay the CRA $120,000.54 for a 60 month lease. Rent for months one through three will be $3.00 ($1.00 per month) with subsequent payments of $2,105.22
monthly for the remaining fifty-seven months, payment due on the first day of each month.
The lease agreement will help halt the deterioration of the property and improve its physical appearance thereby lessening its negative impact on the surrounding properties. The lease
can be terminated by the CRA upon 180 days written notice to the S.T.E.P.P.S. organization.
The leasing of this property was discussed and approved at the CRA meeting of July 30, 1990. Due to changes, a new lease has been drawn up to replace the previous one.
Jerry Sternstein stated this lease pro-rated the payments over 57 months with a token payment of $1.00 per month for the first three months to allow the lessee to occupy the building
without making full monthly payments during the 3 month renovation period.
This lease also reflects that the lessee will provide the labor to do the exterior painting with the lessor supplying the paint.
Member Regulski moved to approve a 5-year lease agreement with S.T.E.P.P.S. for use of the CRA owned building located at 1180 Cleveland Street and that the appropriate officials be
authorized to execute same. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
ITEM V. - Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 1:23 P.M.