July 30, 1990
The City Commission, meeting as the Community Redevelopment Agency, met in regular session at City Hall, Monday, July 30, 1990 at 9:04 A.M., with the following members present:
Rita Garvey Chairperson
Lee Regulski Member
Sue Berfield Member
William Nunamaker Member
Richard Fitzgerald Member
Also Present were:
Ron H. Rabun Executive Director
Michael Wright Assistant City Manager
Jerry D. Sternstein Economic Development Director
Cynthia E. Goudeau Secretary
ITEM II. - Minutes:
Member Berfield moved to approve the minutes of the June 18, 1990, meeting. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
ITEM III. - Consent to Assignment and Assumption of Municipal Agreements relating to the Park Street Garage to Maria Real Estate Inc.
The Park Street Garage was built pursuant to a development agreement among the City of Clearwater, the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Clearwater and J.K. Financial -
Clearwater Square, Inc. This was in connection with the developers construction of the Clearwater Square Office Building. After construction, the original developer ran into financial
trouble and in 1988 conveyed its interest in the office building and the garage to Maria Real Estate Inc., ("Maria") a wholly owned subsidiary of Citicorp Real Estate Inc. Maria entered
into a contract to sell the office building and the garage to Mack Clearwater Limited Partnership ("Mack") and on July 8, 1988, the City of Clearwater and the Community Redevelopment
Agency consented to the transfer.
Pursuant to agreements between Mack and Maria, Mack had the right to reconvey the office building and the garage to Maria if it exercised the option on or before November 30, 1989.
Mack did exercise that option. Maria now seeks the consent of the City and the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) to such a transfer as required by the development agreement and
the current maintenance and operating agreement.
Member Fitzgerald moved to approve the assignment and assumption of Municipal Agreements transferring the interest in the Park Street Garage and the maintenance and operating agreement
relating thereto of Mack Clearwater Limited Partnership to Maria Real Estate, Inc. and that the appropriate officials be
authorized to execute same.
The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
ITEM IV. - Leasing of CRA owned property at 1180 Cleveland Street for a five year period to S.T.E.P.P.S Program, Inc.
This property is located in proximity to the City Hall Annex and surrounding city owned property. It has been for sale for several years but no offers have been received. Given potential
development scenarios for the downtown area, staff feels that it would be strategically advantageous to retain ownership of the property and lease it.
The S.T.E.P.P.S. organization will pay the CRA $2,000.00 per month beginning November 1, 1990, and will renovate the property at their own expense. The lease can be terminated by the
CRA upon 180 days written notice to the S.T.E.P.P.S. organization.
The property was advertised for rent in order to see if any other groups were interested. No inquiries were received.
Jerry Sternstein, Economic Development Director indicated there had been no reasonable offers received for the purchase of this property.
Questions were raised regarding who would paint the outside of the building and it was indicated the CRA would be responsible however, the S.T.E.P.P.S. organization has a volunteer
force and perhaps they would provide the labor for free.
In response to a question, it was indicated there are no penalties for terminating the lease.
Member Regulski moved to approve a 5-year lease agreement with S.T.E.P.P.S. (Services, Training, Education, Pregnancy, People in need, Single parents) Program, Inc. for use of the CRA
owned building located at 1180 Cleveland Street and that the appropriate officials be authorized to execute same.
The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
ITEM V. - Preparation of design development and construction documents for mini-park
In order to maintain design and construction harmony between the CRA's development of the city owned mini-park, Garden Avenue sidewalk improvements and the landscaping, paving and amenities
to be undertaken by MAS ONE, Ltd. on their adjacent property, staff recommends that a single design firm deal with the entire project. This firm would be responsible for developing
the design documents and estimating fees for permitting, bidding and construction for the joint project.
Once the design work has been completed, the CRA will have a breakdown of
the estimated costs for the park and sidewalk improvements. This will allow the agency to review, approve or modify all construction and other costs associated with the development
prior to and after the bidding process. The work will be bid as one project with separate CRA and MAS ONE, Ltd. components.
On May 30, 1990, MAS ONE, Ltd. solicited proposals from qualified landscape design firms. The company selected to provide the services was Architectural Alliance, Limited. Their fee
for the CRA project portion was $9,850.00 with billing to be done on a lump sum basis upon completion of the services rendered. A conceptual plan was provided to the agency and it was
indicated when the bid for the construction comes in, our portion will be separated out and the CRA can make decisions based on those costs.
Concerns were expressed regarding the conceptual plan not showing adequate access to the Cleveland Street side which would alert people to the public park. There was also concerns
regarding the amount of seating that was being provided. Staff responded that this was merely a conceptual plan and that all the details will be coming back to the CRA at a later meeting.
The Executive Director requested that if the agency members had notations they wished to make on their map to notify staff of their concerns to please do so and submit them to his office.
Member Regulski moved to approve the payment of $9,850.00 to MAS ONE, Ltd. for the preparation of design development and construction documents for the city-owned land which is earmarked
for development as a mini-park and for sidewalk improvements along Garden Avenue and that the appropriate officials be authorized to execute same.
The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
ITEM VI. - Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 9:21 a.m.IDENTITECH OBJECT ID BLOCK.2003021912:26:24000IGXX0ID005V