August 6, 2003
Present: Elizabeth France Chair
Sandy Curry Vice Chair
Sally Foote Committee Member
Rebecca Avrin Committee Member
Also Present: Kevin Dunbar Director, Parks and Recreation Dept.
Leroy Chin Park, Planning & Project Manager
Gina Clayton Long Range Planning Manager
Mark Parry Planner
Bobbie Downs Staff Assistant
Absent: Dagmar Ortiz Committee Member
Brooks Hammac Committee Member
Allan Dadetto Committee Member
#1 Call to Order – The Chair called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. at Municipal Services Building Parks & Recreation Conference Room.
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order.
#2 Approval of Minutes of July 2, 2003 - It was moved and duly seconded to approve the minutes as submitted to members. The motion carried unanimously.
#3 Correspondence – It was noted members received notification of a city/county project to re-landscape Countryside Library on September 13. Ms. Foote volunteered to participate.
#4 Old Business
a) Beautification Committee Ordinance - Mr. Dunbar presented a preliminary proposal to amend "Powers and duties" of the committee within the city code, using guidelines typically
used by other city advisory boards. Members said they wanted to have input in projects in the early planning stages. Discussion ensued, and Ms. Foote moved to adopt the following language
as the new city ordinance governing the committee:
The beautification committee shall encourage the beautification and aesthetic enhancement of the city, review selected city projects, advise the city manager and other municipal officials
regarding such projects, and submit reports of its recommendations to the city commission.
The motion passed unanimously. Ms. Foote moved to recommend its adoption by the city commission. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Dunbar said the proposal probably will go before the City Commission on September 18 or October 2. He said copies of the committee's Policies and Procedures would be distributed
to all departments. Projects would be chosen well in advance so they could be examined at early stages of development. Project managers would be invited to make presentations to the
Ms. France said she was encouraged by the city's positive reactions to suggestions made at public hearings.
#5 New Business
a) Downtown Development Plan - Ms. Gina L. Clayton, Long Range Planning Manager, and Mark Parry, Planner.
Ms. Clayton distributed maps showing the Downtown Clearwater Plan Boundaries, and Downtown Character Districts including areas designated Downtown Core, Old Bay, South Gateway, Town
Lake Residential, Town Lake Business Park, and East Gateway. She also distributed concept plans for Coachman Park, and Station Square Park.
The plan has a vision for each of six areas, including permitted uses, prohibited uses, and development potential. Downtown Core would be a center for office development and would continue
to be the government center. A major strategy is to get more housing that area. Two major redevelopment sites are identified: adjoining Calvary Baptist Church and City Hall sites, and
the Harborview Center site. Old Bay plan allows development 150 feet high west of Osceola, 40 feet high east of Osceola. South Gateway is envisioned to be a limited commercial area
along Ft. Harrison. Town Lake residential is envisioned to be a residential district, with neighborhood commercial development as well as office and community-based residential. Plan
protects the historic atmosphere. Town Lake Business Park is envisioned to be corporate and professional and office-type area, and also research and light assembly work area. East Gateway
area is not envisioned to change from its current low- and medium-density neighborhood, with commercial and office uses along Cleveland Street and Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard.
Master Streetscape and Wayfinder Plan is intended to improve the pedestrian and vehicular circulation in downtown; to create more opportunities for street life with outdoor cafes and
special events; to help better define downtown and improve the aesthetics of downtown, and help create a sense of identity for downtown. The plan breaks up streetscaping into six or
seven smaller projects: priority is for core between Myrtle and Osceola avenues along Cleveland Street. First will be wayfinding part, which involves signage, particularly by the time
the new bridge opens. Improvements along the Pinellas Trail also will be made.
The plan for Coachman Park expands the park from its current 8 acres to 16 acres and includes some bayfront parkland along the water. The plan eliminates the extension of Cleveland Street
west of Osceola, and would dead-end Drew Street. The amphitheater would move from its present location nearer to Drew Street. In center of park, design makes portion of park more active
by incorporating an interactive fountain, children's play area, and water feature. A marina with about 49 slips would be added. In the design, parking spaces are allotted for Harborview
Center, although its future is unclear. Tennis courts would top a proposed parking garage.
Station Square Park concept plan proposes renovation and expansion. Elevated stage would be constructed. Community Redevelopment Agency, which owns the adjacent parking lot, issued an
RFP to develop that site and selected a residential and retail project. A gate that closes off the facility, and a water feature may be incorporated.
First reading by the commission for the downtown plan is scheduled August 21. The plan also appears on Planning Department Web site. Questions may be directed via e-mail to downtownplancomments@Clear
Ms. Clayton said members who wanted to make recommendations should do so right away, or send a representative from the board to the City Commission meeting. Ms. Foote suggested members
make comments about the downtown project individually since there was no quorum present to draft recommendations.
Members requested a presentation on the Downtown Streetscape plan for the next meeting, September 3.
#6 Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m.