11/05/2003BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE MEETING CITY OF CLEARWATER November 5, 2003 Present: Elizabeth France Chair Sandy Curry Vice Chair Sally Foote Committee Member Brooks Hammac Committee Member Allan Dadetto Committee Member Also Present: Leroy Chin Park, Planning & Project Manager Janis Smith Neighborhood Services Manager Bobbie Downs Staff Assistant Absent: Rebecca Avrin Committee Member Vacancy Committee Member #1 Call to Order – The Chair called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. at Municipal Services Building Parks & Recreation Conference Room. To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. #2 Approval of Minutes of October 1, 2003 - Ms. France suggested changing wording in last sentence under New Business to read "Staff will contact the member." It was moved and duly seconded to approve the minutes as corrected. The motion carried unanimously. #3 Correspondence – Ms. France distributed copies of her suggestions for Policies and Procedures that were sent via email to members. Ms. Curry also distributed copies of her suggestions. #4 Presentation by Janis Smith, Neighborhood Services Manager - Ms. Smith outlined the scope of Neighborhood Services, particularly in the areas of awarding grant monies for neighborhood beautification. Workshops are scheduled next week so that neighborhoods may understand how the new sign code impacts their applications for grants. There is only $25,000 in grant monies available but more may be expected as the program progresses. Information on the process is available on the city web site. Upcoming events include a joint conference with Clearwater Neighborhood Coalition on February 28 at Community Sports Complex, and Celebrate Clearwater Neighborhoods Week and Day March 29 through April 3, 2004. Ms. Foote asked if there were a way to combine public and private forces to have fundraising events similar to the Mayor's Beautification Award event in Tampa. Ms. Smith will investigate. In response to a question, Ms. Smith said the Beautification Committee could be involved in the decision-making process of awarding grants. #5 Old Business a. Policies and Procedures Discussion - Members decided to study handouts and bring their ideas to the January 7, 2004, meeting. #6 New Business - Selection of Projects to be Reviewed - Members noted Mr. Chin earlier had distributed a plan for beautification of the new Memorial Causeway. Mr. Chin said consultants will be asked to put together the scope of work for beautification of the bridge, area underneath, medians, and rights of way toward Pier 60. He is asking for three alternative plans, and will hold a public meeting to gather input. A Millennium Park would be incorporated into that project. Those plans also will be brought before the Beautification Committee for input. Ms. Curry noted 13 projects to be reviewed. She suggested setting up procedure for selection so that projects may be reviewed no later than 60% into the design process. Not on Agenda: Members requested an update on the Glen Oaks property for next meeting. Members decided to elect new officers for the calendar year 2004. Officers chosen unanimously were Ms. Curry, Chair, and Mr. Dadetto, Vice Chair. It was understood that Ms. France, as Past Chair, could conduct meetings and other business in the absence of Ms. Curry and Mr. Dadetto. New officers assume duties January 1, 2004. Ms. France suggested bicycling become part of the city's identity to draw people downtown and to the Pinellas Trail. Members concurred. Mr. Chin will forward her suggestion to Felicia Leonard, Bikeway-Pedway Coordinator. Ms. Curry said it was difficult to find in-depth history/identity of Clearwater. It was suggested she contact Clearwater Historical Society at the Plumb House. It was decided to schedule upcoming programs as follows: December, Alan Mayberry, City Forrester; January '04, work on Policies and Procedures; and February '04, invite Terry Finch, Environmental Manager. It was announced that the Parks & Recreation Board is holding a public meeting 6:30 p.m. Monday, November 24, to recommend names to City Commissioners for the downtown pond. Members were urged to attend. #7 Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m.