TO: Rod Irwin
FROM: Joel Smiley
DATE: 1-26-06
RE: E. Gateway Update
The E. Gateway Task Force has been re-established on the staff level. We have
completed our second monthly meeting and have received input from Police,
Development and Neighborhood Services, Economic Development and Housing,
Planning, Information Technology, Legal, and Public Communications. The purpose of
the meetings is to:
1. Determine which portions of the plan have been implemented and what steps
are left.
2. Look at underutilized properties and vacant properties for new opportunities.
3. Look at parking areas for businesses.
4. Define housing opportunities for Quad and Duplexes.
5. Define incentives for infill housing.
6. Look into and address public safety concerns.
7. Look into improvement of street, sidewalks and utility infrastructure.
8. Identify capital improvements slated for the area in the next five years.
9. Determine when or if public meetings are necessary.
10. Update maps/data if needed.
11. Take a closer look at crime and housing conditions.
12. Monitor and follow-up on action items.
13. Layout a 5- year work program for the area.
The initial step in redeveloping E. Gateway is stabilizing the area. Several Departments
are helping in this capacity:
The Police Department is looking into:
1. The expansion of CHIPS to house related Chips resources within a contained
area. The Police Department will have a permanent substation adjacent to CHIPS.
2. The continued enforcement of problematic properties including day labor and
problematic motels.
3. The interest in adding community crime watch programs in the area.
The Community Response Team has actively pursued enforcement at the Economy Inn
Motel. There are six parcels relating to the motel of which five have been cited.
Economic Development and Housing is looking into:
1. The amortization and relocation of day labor.
2. Property utilization and assembly of land parcels.
3. Parking needs and opportunities.
4. Affordable and infill housing opportunities.
5. Conducting an analysis on who is buying and who is fixing up their properties.
6. Assess the feasibility of establishing a Merchants Association.
7. Reviewing with Planning the planning assumptions for the area for future land
Information Technology
Has created digital maps of all the problematic properties in the area.
Development and Neighborhood Services
Code Enforcement is working on problematic properties throughout the area and will
keep us the committee updated on the progress.
Neighborhood Services is looking into establishing a neighborhood and merchant
association in the area.
Parks determined that there is no additional need/requirement for new playground
equipment since there are adequate resources located in close proximity to the area.
The Departments are also helping to gather information, statistics and maps for the area.
Assistant City Manager Rod Irwin also established a quarterly steering committee
composed of senior management to monitor the progress and provide strategic direction.
The first meeting will be held on March 20.
Our next meeting is scheduled for February 14 and we will be meeting in the Police
Department who will be showing us a slide presentation of the area.