04/04/2001BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE MEETING CITY OF CLEARWATER April 4, 2001 Present: Brooks Hammac Chair Jean Stuart Vice Chair Sally Foote Committee Member Also Present: Kevin Dunbar Parks & Recreation Director Leroy Chin Parks, Planning & Projects Manager Bobbie Downs Staff Assistant II Absent: Candace Hider Committee Member Vacancies (3) Committee Members No meeting was called due to lack of a quorum. Members assembled at the Parks and Recreation Department at 8 a.m. Mr. Dunbar and Mr. Chin discussed the progress of the Northwest Recreation and Aquatics Complex. Members considered The Merridan condo on Sand Key as a possible Beautification Award recipient. It was reported the Connolly Property was annexed into the city but a land use change was rejected; the developer can possibly return with another plan. The City is working with residents in the Glenwood Park area to beautify the neighborhood park. A corner of Crest Lake Park is being considered as possible site of a dog park. Discussion ensued on the reorganization, meeting time, and membership of the committee. In summary, the committee agreed to: Limit discussion only to Parks and Recreation Department projects; plan an agenda of 45 minutes discussion about a single landscaping project to gain members input; continue meeting at 8 a.m. the first Wednesday of each month; and, ask the City Commission to fill the three vacancies from the list of interested citizens. Landscaping projects suggested for discussion included Allen’s Creek Park, E.C. Moore Fields 1-4, and the new Northwest Recreation and Aquatics Complex.