PROPOSED AGENDA PROCEDURES '" ,,'-- \ L-lJ_L - ';x ~li:I.'Jarwater :~:~:a~3~::~~:;::::";;:~:::: Interoffice Correspondence Sheet From: Mayor and Councilmembers ~ Cyndie Goudeau, City Cler~ Bill Horne, City Manager; Garry Brumback, Assistant City Manager; Rod Irwin, Assistant City Manager; Pam Akin, City Attorney To: cc: Date: June 15, 2006 RE: Proposed Agenda Procedures Based on my discussions with you regarding the new MuniAgenda program, I am proposing the following: 1) Hard copies of the agenda packets, in the current format, will continue to be provided prior to the work session but will be delivered on the Thursday prior to the work session. The electronic version, posted on the Internet will have all associated documents attached to the items. 2) The packets will no longer be provided in a notebook but as a packet in agenda order with each item stapled together. 3) Except for extraordinary circumstances, no addendums or changes will be made to the agenda once it is distributed. All items and titles for the Agenda will be provided to the City Clerk by Noon on the Thursday of distribution. 4) After the work session, the agenda will be re-ordered for the Thursday night meeting and posted on the Internet. Packets will be put in notebooks and at your seats by 4:30 Thursday afternoon. 5) Addendums and changes to the Thursday agenda must be provided to the City Clerk by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, the day before the meeting.