SUNSETS AT PIER 60 SOCIETY/RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SPECIAL EVENTS GRANTS FUNDING PILOT PROGRAM SlINSErS AT PIER 60 50CfE1Y P.O. Box 3595 Clearwater Beach, FL 34630 813-449-1 036 fax 446-6599 t 04/15/98 Memorandum A TIN: Special Events Grant Funding administrators FR: Stephan Ginez, Pres Sunsets at pier 60 Society Please find enclosed our application for the special events grant. I have also listed below the list of the documents you have requested and relevant comments. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any question regarding this application. My direct line is 813 461 6298. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to apply for this grant! Sincerely, Stephan Ginez, Pres. A: Most recent financial statements. (See A) 1: Balance sheet 01/97 and 01/98 2: Check register as of 04/14/98 \ 3: P&L as of 01/98 B: Certificate of non-profit status. (see B) We requested a certificate of non profit status but we have not received it yet. We have included in this package of a letter of the IRS confirming this status C: Letter of commitment for matching funds. (See C) D: Listing of current board members (see D) E: Proposed event marketing plans (see E) F: Preliminary application for .special event, if applicable. The agreement we have with the city of Clearwater allows us to use pier 60 park. There is no need for a special event permit. BOOKS-SUNSETS 2/ 5/97 BALANCE SHEET As of 1/31/97 Acct '.ASSETS Cash and Bank Accounts SUNSETS Total Cash and Bank Accounts TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & EQUITY LIABILITIES EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY Apr 08 98 12:53p BOOKS-SUNSETS 4/ 8/98 Steve BALANCE SHEET As of 1/31/98 Acct P.SSETS Cash and Bank Accounts SUNSETS Total Cash and Bank Accounts TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & EQUITY LIABILITIES EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY I Page 1 16,977.59 16,977.59 16,977.59 0.00 16,977.59 16,977.59 123 p.3 Page 1 1/31/98 Balance 11,932.73 11,932.73 11,932.73 0.00 11,932.73 11,932.73 SUNSETS 4/14/98 Date Num ------ ,----------------- ',' 1/ 5/98 1322 1/12/98 1/12/98 1/20/98 1/20/98 1/20/98 1324 1/20/98 1325 1/20/98 1326 1/20/98 1327 1/20/98 1328 1/20/98 1/20/98 1329 1/20/98 1330 2/ 6/98 1331 2/11/98 1332 2/11/98 2/11/98 2/11/98 1333 2/11/98 1334 2/11/98 1335 2/18/98 1337 2/18/98 1338 2/18/98 2/18/98 3/ 3/98 3/ 3/98 3/ 3/98 1339 3/ 3/98 1340 3/13/98 1342 3/13/98 3/13/98 3/13/98 3/13/98 3/17/98 1343 3/17/98 1344 3/23/98 1345 3/23/98 1346 4/ 8/98 4/ 8/98 4/ 8/98 4/ 8/98 1347 4/ 8/98 1348 4/ 8/98 1349 4/ 8/98 1350 Check Register Payee Memo Category ROBBY SHEEHAM Pier manag Participants 12/21 Artisan fe Participants 12/28 Artisan fe Participants 01/13 Artisan fe participants 01/20 Artisan fe MICHELE SCHILLIN COMMISSION Pier manag GTE 449-1036 Phone FLORIDA SUNCOAST RACK CARDS advertisin ROBBY SHEEHAM PARKING PA parking FL DEPT REV 1024971101 Sales tax KIOSK QUALITY IN KIOSK ROBBY SHE&HAM 2 WEEKS pier manag FL DEPT REV DEC SALES Sales tax ROBBY SHEEHAM 2 WEEKS Pier manag R.F. DUNLOP 9015 advertisin Participants 01/26 Artisan fe Participants 02/03 Artisan fe GTE 449-1036 Phone FL DEPT REV JAN SALES Sales tax ROBBY SHEEHAM 2 WEEKS Pier manag WHERE THE SHOWS 4103 453 advertisin POSTMASTER P.O. BOX R P.O. BOX Participants 02/07 Artisan fe Participants 02/14 Artisan fe Participants 02/21 Artisan fe KIOSK STARLITE C KIOSK FL DEPT REV FEB SALES Sales tax ROBBY SHEEHAM 2 WEEKS pier manag ROBBY SHEEHAM 2 WEEKS Pier manag Participants 02/28 Artisan fe KIOSK LARGO MALL KIOSK participants 03/06 Artisan fe KIOSK EXCEL REAL KIOSK GTE 449-1036 Phone FLORIDA SUNCOAST RACK CARDS advertisin EVERGREEN MARKET BROCHURE advertisin ROBBY SHEEHAM 2 WEEKS pier manag Participants 03/16 Artisan fe Participants 03/30 Artisan fe Participants 03/31 Artisan fe DIVISION OF CORP ANNUAL REP TAX GTE 449-1036 Phone ROBBY SHEEHAM 2 WEEKS Pier manag FL DEPT REV MAR SALES Sales tax VY pag~ Amount -500.00 102.00 X 291. 00 X 227.00 X 145.00 X -100.00 -83.30 -57.00 -104.00 -13.14 500.00 X -500.00 -174.00 -500.00 -290.00 221.00 X 294.00 X -41. 54 -34.00 -500.00 -270.00 -58.00 84.00 X 180.00 X 270.00 X 500.00 X -68.00 -500.00 -500.00 165.00 500.00 438.00 500.00 -41.01 -543.00 -2,417.05 -500.00 84.00 189.00 377.00 -70.00 -40.23 -500.00 -212.00 C Balance 11,699.17 11,801.17 12,092.17 12,319.17 12,464.17 12,364.17 12,280.87 12,223.87 12,119.87 12,106.73 12,606.73 12,106.73 11,932.73 11,432.73 11,142.73 11,363.73 11,657.73 11,616.19 11,582.19 11,082.19 10,812.19 10,754.19 10,838.19 11,018.19 11,288.19 11,788.19 11,720.19 11,220.19 10,720.19 10,885.19 11,385.19 11,823.19 12,323.19 12,282.18 11,739.18 9,322.13 8,822.13 8,906.13 9,095.13 9,472.l3 9,402.13 9,361.90 8,861.90 8,649.90 PROFIT & LOSS STATEMENT 2/ 1/97 Through 1/31/98 BOOKS-SUNSETS 4/ 8/98 Category Description INCOME/EXPENSE INCOME Artisan fees KIOSK TOTAL INCOt"lS EXPENSES advertising Liability insur mise Occup licer..ses Organiz exp Parking Phone Pier manager Sales tax TAX void TOTAL EXPENSES TOTAL INCOME/EXPENSE 2/ 1/97- 1/31/98 :'4,459.99 2,500.00 16,959.99 3,169.95 1,326.00 2,134.65 165.00 101.15 156.00 630.35 13,063.00 1,136.25 122.50 0.00 22,004.85 -5,044.86 @3 Page 1 , \1' k , .: '~1 ~ C:t,.(.1' Yvv ,~-' r . \ y " INTEF.NAL REVC;NUE SERVICE DEPAR'n-1Et-:T OISTRICT DIRECTOR p, O. BOX 2508 CINCINNATI,"'OH 45201 Date: OCT 0 ~r." . 8 l~j~ Employer Id~ntj.flc;;l,t,ion n~m1;iil1': 59-3292908 DLlJ: 17053197031006 Contac:t Person: D. A. DOWNING Contact Telephone Number: (513) 684-3957 Internal R~venue Code Section 501 (e) (4) A~~ounting Period Ending: January 31 Form 990 Required: SUNSETS AT PIER 60 SOCIETY rNe C/O STEVE CHANDLER PO BOX 3595 CLEARWATER, FL 34630 y~s Add~ndum Applies: No D-ear Applicant: )~X Unless specifically exc~pted, you are liable for taxes under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (soci~l security taxes) for each employee to whom you pay $100 or IIl<}rp, during a calendar year. And, unle~e excepted, you are also liable for tax under the Federal Unemplo~nent Tax Act for each employee to whom you pay $50 or mere duri~g a calendar quarter if, during th~ current or preceding calendar year, you had one or more employees at any time in each ot 20 calendar weeks or you paid ~ages of $1,500 or more in a~y calendar quarter. If you hdve any questions about ~xci5e, employment. or other F~der~l taxes, please address them to this office. Based on information supplied, and assuming your operation~ will be as scated in your ~pplication for recognition of exemption, we hav€ determln~d you are exempt from fed~ral income tax under section 501fa) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in the section indicated dbov~. If your ~ources of support, or your purposes, character, or m~thcd ~f operation change, please let ua kno~ so we can consider thQ effect of th~ change on your exempt status. In the case of an dmendmQnt to your oL9an~za- tional document or bylaws, pleaae send us a copy of the am~nded document Qr bylaws. Also, you should inform us of all changes in your name or address. In tho:! h8<i.ding of this letter ...e have indicated whether you mu~t file Form 990, Return of Org3nizdtion Exempt From Income Tax. If Yes is indicated. you are required to file Form 990 only if your gross receipts ~ach ye3r are normally mQr~ ~han $25,000. Ho~ever, if you receive a Form 990 package in the mail, please file the return even if you do not exceed the gross receipts leGt. If you are not required to file, simply attach the label provided, check the box in the heading to indicate that your annual gross receipts are no~m~]ly $25,000 or leas, and sign the return. If a return is required, it muse be fil~d by the 15th day of the fif~h month after the end of your annual accounting periOd A ppnalty of $10 a day is Charged when a return is filed late. unless there 15 reasonable cause for the delay. However, the maximum penalty charged cannot e~ceed $5,000 or 5 per- L~tter 948 (C:'O!CGl .... -2- smlSETS AT PI F,l'l fj 0 SOCIETY HIe cent at your gross receipts for the year. whichever i6 les~. 'rhi9 penalty n~y also be charged if a return is not complete. so please be sure your return i9 complete before you Elle it. You are not required to file Fed8r~1 income tax returns unless you are subject to the tax on unrelated business income under section 511 of the Code. r! you are subject to this tax, Yl)l~ must file an income ta.x return on FOHn 990-T. Exempt Organization Business rncome Tax R~turn. In this letter we are not determining whether any of your present or proposed activities are unre- laced trade or business.as defined in section 513 of the Code. You need an employer identification number even if you have no employees. If an employer identification number was not entered on your application. a number will be as~ig~~d to yeu and you will be advLspd nt it. Pleas~ uge that number on all returns you file and in all correspondenc~ with the Internal Revenue Service. Donors may not deduct contributions co you boecau:ae you are not an organ- ization described in section liO(c) of the Code. Under section 6113. any fundraiaing solicitation you make must include an express etatement <in a conspicuous and easily recognizablE< format) t.hut contributions or Clifts t:n you are noe deductible as charitable contributions for Fed~ral income tax purposes Thi~ provision does not apply, however, if your annual gross r~c~ipt8 are normally $100.000 or less, or if your solic~tations ar~ made to no more than ten persons during a calendar year. The la~ provides penalties tor failure to comply with this requirement. unless failur~ is due to reasonable cause. If we have inoicated in the heading of chis lett~r th~t ~n addendun; applIes. the enclo~ed addendum is an integral part of this letter BecdW;!:: this l.atter could help re~('l 'Ie any q\l'?st. inns ;:<bout your ~xelTDt status. you should keep it in your permanent rQCOrd6. It YOll h~ve any questions, please contact the pe~.on whose name and telephone number are shown in the heading of this letter. c(~o~ Dietrict Director Lettel- 948 (DO/CG) SLJNSErS AT PIER 60 SOCIETY P.o. Box 3595 Clearwater Beach, FL 34630 813-449-1036 fax 446-6599 04/14/98 Memorandum A TIN: special events Grant administrators FR: Stephan Ginez, Pres Sunset at Pier 60 Society RE: Letter of commitment for matching funds Our society already has in its bank account funds in excess of $8,000. which is well in excess of the required $5,000. I have attached for your information a copy of our Check register as of 04/14/98. I can be reached at 461 6298 if you have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, Stephan Ginez, Pres. SUNSETS 4/14/98 Date Num -------- ------ ----------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- - ---------- '.' C Balance 1/ 5/98 1322 1/12/98 1/12/98 1/20/98 1/20/98 1/20/98 1324 1/20/98 1325 1/20/98 1326 1/20/98 1327 1/20/98 1328 1/20/98 1/20/98 1329 1/20/98 1330 2/ 6/98 1331 2/11/98 1332 2/11/98 2/11/98 2/11/98 1333 2/11/98 1334 2/11/98 1335 2/18/98 1337 2/18/98 1338 2/18/98 2/18/98 3/ 3/98 3/ 3/98 3/ 3/98 1339 3/ 3/98 1340 3/13/98 1342 3/13/98 3/13/98 3/13/98 3/13/98 3/17/98 1343 3/17/98 1344 3/23/98 1345 3/23/98 1346 4/ 8/98 4/ 8/98 4/ 8/98 4/ 8/98 1347 4/ 8/98 1348 4/ 8/98 1349 4/ 8/98 1350 Payee ROBBY SHEEHAM , ~ Participants Participants Participants Participants MICHELE SCHILLIN GTE FLORIDA SUNCOAST ROBBY SHEEHA.'>1 FL DEPT REV KIOSK ROBBY SHE&HAM FL DEPT REV ROBBY SHEEHAM R.F. DUNLOP Participants Participants GTE FL DEPT REV ROBBY SHEEHA.'w1 WHERE THE SHOWS POSTMASTER Pa~~icipants tlart.icipants Participants KIOSK FL DEPT REV ROBBY SHEEHAM ROBBY SHEEHAM Participants KIOSK pa~:.icipants KIOSK GTE FLORIDA SUNCOAST EVERGREEN MARKET ROBBY SHEEHAM participants Part.icipant.s Participants DIVISION OF CORP GTE ROBBY SHEEHAM FL DEPT REV Check Register Memo Category Pier manag 12/21 Artisan fe 12/28 Artisan fe 01/13 Artisan fe 01/20 Artisan fe COMMISSION'Pier manag 449-1036 Phone RACK CARDS advertisin PARKING PA Parking 1024971101 Sales tax QUALITY IN KIOSK 2 WEEKS pier manag DEe SALES Sales tax 2 WEEKS pier manag 9015 adve~tisin 01/26 Artisan fe 02/03 Artisan fe 449-1036 Phone JAN SALES Sales tax 2 WEEKS pier manag 4103 453 advertisin P.O. BOX R P.O. EOX 02/07 Artisan fe 02/14 Artisan te 02/21 Artisan fe STARLITE C KIOSK FEB SALES Sales tax 2 WEEKS pier ~~nag 2 WEEKS Pier manag 02/28 Artisan fe LARGO MALL KIOSK 03/06 Artisan fe EXCEL REAL KIOSK 449-1036 Phone RACK CARDS advertisin BROCHURE advertisin 2 WEEKS Pier manag 03/16 Artisan fe 03/30 Artisan fe 03/31 Artisan fe ANNUAL REP TAX 449-1036 Phone 2 WEEKS Pier manag MAR SALES Sales tax Vage 1 Amount -500.00 102.00 X 291.00 X 227.00 X 145.00 X -100.00 -83.30 -57.00 -104.00 -13.14 500.00 X -500.00 -174.00 -500.00 -290.00 221.00 X 294.00 X -41.54 -34.00 -500.00 -270.00 -58.00 84.00 X l80.00 X 270.00 X 500.00 X -68.0C -500.00 -50C.CC 165.00 50C.00 438.00 500.00 -41.01 -543.00 -2,417.05 -500.00 84.00 189.00 377.00 -70.00 -40.23 -500.00 -212.00 11,699.17 11,801.17 12,092.17 12,319.17 12,464.17 12,364.17 12,280.87 12,223.87 12,119.87 12,106.73 12,606.73 12,106.73 11,932.73 11,432.73 11,142.73 11,363.73 11,657.73 11,616.19 11,582.19 11,082.19 10,812.19 10,754.19 10,838.19 11,018.19 11,288.19 11,788.19 11,720.19 11,220.19 10,720.19 10,885.19 11,385.19 11,823.19 12,323.19 12,282.18 11,739.18 9,322.13 8,822.13 8,906.13 9,095.13 9,472.13 9,402.13 9,361.90 8,861.90 8,649.90 1S1Ji. 4NC~ AJ d F b~l,'t/4 OFFICERS SUNSETS AT PIER 60: (Q) PRESIDENT: STEPHAN GINEZ, 655 S GULFVIEW BLVD, CLEARWATER BCH. FL 33767 TEL: 813461 6298 VICE PRESIDENT: JERRY HUSGEN 15 SOMERSET ST, CLEARWATER BCH. FL 33767 TEL: 813442 1862 TREASURER: STEVE CHANDLER 56 CAUSEWAY BLVD, CLEARWATER BCH. FL 33767 TEL: 8134464747 SECRET ARY: NANCEE ROBERTS 1436 BENTLEY ST. CLEARWATER. FL 33755 TEL: 813 462 5323 PIER MANAGER: ROBBIE SHEEHAN 47 ARCADIA ST. CLEARWATER BCH. FL 33767 TEL: 813442 5571 FAX JULIE NICHOLS 450 N GULFVIEW BLVD, CLEARWATER BCH. FL 33767 TEL: 813441 8019 FAX: 8134466599 LYNN FUHLER 2623 Me CORMICK DRIVE. SUITE 103, CLEARWATER, FL 33759 TEL: 813 796 5922 FAX: 8137965793 LYNN WARGO 1130 CLEVELAND ST, CLEARWATER. FL 34615 TEL 813 461 0011 FAX: 8134492889 JAY KEYES 100 DEVON DR. CLEARWATER BCH, FL 33767 TEL 813 4611747 FAX: 8134430436 JEAN SHERRY 112 S OSCEOLA AVENUE. CLEARWATER. FL 34616 TEL: 813 462 6596 FAX: 813 462 6298 MARGARET KADZIOLKA 1250 GULF BLVD #1005, CLEARWATER, FL 33767 TEL: 813 596 2445 FAX: " E: Proposed Event Marketing Plan for Sunsets at Pier 60 Fabulous Fridays One of the major responsibilities of the event coordinator 000 will be hired by June 1 st will be to promote the event. This person will develop a specific marketing plan which wifl at least include the following tasks: .. Establish media sponsorships .. Keep hotels and businesses inform by broadcast fax .. Have monthly contact with properties on the beach .. Establish a web site for Sunset which will be linked to chambers and city sites .. Attend meetings of beach organizations · Use our established rack card distribution system to promote the new program .. Print poster and flyer for local businesses .. Promote the events through the city TV program ." Set up promotion of the Friday event on the pier every day of the lNSek .. Keep information at both INSlcome center .. Use Clearwater Chamber information line .. Make sure event is included in every visitor guides and calendar of events .. Cross promote the event with other non profit organization ." Attend business after hours chamber meetings .. Make sure that performing entertainers promote the events at other venues ." Prepare a media kit ." Establish relationship with city. county and state PR and tourism department · Make sure events are promoted in City magazine published quarterly .. Send information kit to personnel department of local businesses CITY OF CLEARWATER SPECIAL EVENTS GRANT FUNDING APPLICATION F or Assistance Phone: (813) 462-6596 Print or type. If necessary. use additional sheets of paper to complete the application. 1. EVENT TITLE: Fabulous Fr~daysl 2. APPLICATION I:s'FOR.\tATION: Organization: Address: Sunsets at Pier 60 Society P.O Box 3595. Clearwater Beach. FI 33727 Contact person: Stephan Ginez Title: President Telephone: 813 461 6298 (home) (work) 813 446 7177 (fax) Legal Name: Sunset at Pier 60 Society rnc Year of Incorporation 1 995 or Date of Application Charter Number: N95000000551 Check if501c3nNO S01C4 Month and year organization was created: Fe 1) 95 Describe the organization's major activities The society organizEs .:: '-.?ily ~athering of crafters, artists and entertainers on ~~er 60 around sunset time. This pr00~am is offered at no charqe to locals and visitors. Describe event management experience: Our organization is in the process of hi~ring an experienced event coordinator who will work under the supervlslon ot a board made of buslness entrepreneurs, -S!vent coordinato.rs, ma.r~eting professionalS and officers of 1 hese attaclunents must be provlc1ed: local organi za tions A. Most recent Financial Statement B. Certification of non-profit status C. Letter(s) of Commitment for matchi ds D. Listing of current Board of e s E. Proposed Event Marketing F. Preliminary Application for t, if applicable Signature Authorized Board Member 04/14/93 Date The City of Clearwater reserves the right to reject or fund applicants at a level lower than requested. City of Clearwater Special Events Grant Funding Application Page 2 ....;. 3. EVENT INFORMATION: A. Event Description and purpose: Every Friday eveninq, in coordina- tion with the already established festival, Sunset will offer a program of entertainment which will be mainly musical but could also includeother forms of perforrnlng arts. ~hese family oriented e'v"entg will be offered free OJ! cllarge to all local residents and ui:;;iton; B. Primary Objective of the Event: To provide locals and vis i tors with quality entertainment in association with a display of crafts by locaL artlsts 1n one ot Clearwater's most scen1C parks. The combiIlc1L.iuIl u[ uuLh cuuld L~CUlll~ c1 ::;lg[laLUL~ ~v~[lL [UL Lhe Beach .This program cQuld al~Q attract more crafters. C. Pnmary Benefits to the LltIzens ot Lle:mnter:Th i s prngr~m wnu ld be the first weekly entertainment offered to the residents on the Beach It will be an invitation for them to "come back" to the beach at a time when tratt1c 1S not an 1ssue! D. Has this event been held in the past? NO yes If so, when? \\'here? \\Thy was it successful? How will these grant funds expand this event? no E. Date(s) of planned event: Every Friday evening F. Location(s) of planned event: Pier 60 Park G. Anticipated number of attendees: 200 H. Target Audience (age group, ethnic diversity, geographic reach): All aqe and ethnic Groups. We will trv to target families who live in the Clearwater Area and visitors. \Vho will be managing this event and what are their qualifications (attach resume if applicable): We are in the process of hirinq an experienced events coordinator by June 1st. This person will work under the supervision of our board which is made of business \\That other organizations will be involved in this event: We wi 11 coordinate ~ events with the City to avoid du~plication. All the non prufit organizations on the tieach support th1S program and .will .nelp.fi p:t:omot~ it. d How WI prOl1ts tram tills event be use: Since this will be a free event we do not expect an income of rofit but hope that it will a rac more cra en 0 e eXlstln estlva. n repreneurs, even coor lna ors, mar e 1ng pro eSSlona s and representatives of all the non profit organizations on the Beach. 1. 1. K. 2 City of Clearv,ater Special Events Grant Funding Application Page 3 ,~ .... 5. GR.\.'iT REQUEST (Funds) A. Amount of funding requested (not to'exceed S 1 0,000): $1 0 rOO 0 . B. Describe in detail what these funds will be used for: ~ote: Exhibit I lists available City services. The grant will help cover entertainers' fp-p-s, cost of printed promotional materials (flyers) and rental of equipment. C. Date that the City funding will be needed July 1 1998 6. :\IA TCHI~G FUI"'DS REQUlREl\tEI"'T A. Describe in detail the source of matching funds which must be at lC:lSt 50% of the grant request (in-kind and/or c:lSh with a minimum of one-half in c:lSh) and how the funds will be used: The Society has cash in bank in excess of $8,000. which comes from fees paid by crafters and sale of rack spaces on the information kie5k. 7. ADDITIO~AL I~COME / RESOURCES A. List any known or expected additional grants or sponsors and their contributions in support of this event: One of the responsabilities of our event coordinator will be to raise more funds thru qrants. sponsorships and sale of rack spaces on our kiosk. B. List all sources of anticipated event revenue: Since there will be no charqe for the event we do not anticipate any new revenue. A reqular entertainment should however attract more crafters and increase the C. List volunteer resources revenUE; provided by their fees. vle do not anticipi'ltp- a nppn fn, vnlnntppr", hnt rr.:lftpr", and board members will bp- i'lblp- to offpr assisti'lnrp if needed. 3 City of Clearwater Special Events Grants Funding Application Page 4 'c. 'l-~ 8. TOT AL EVENT BUDGET EXPENSES Item Cost Entertainers fpps $11.680. equipment rental ~?,40n flyers/posters, etc ~1 .000. insurrln~p rllrprlny rnvprpd Total Cost $15,000 ~COME Source City Grant Sunset cash matching fund Total Income 4 Funding Source City/Sunset Sunset/City Sunset Amount (Cash or In-kind) $10.000. S; 5.000. $15,000.