JUNIOR LEAGUE OF CLEARWATER-DUNEDIN/RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SPECIAL EVENTS GRANTS FUNDING PILOT PROGRAM - CITY OF CLEAR WATER SPECIAL EVENTS GRANT FUNDING APPLICATION For Assistance Phone: (813) 462-6596 Print or type, If necessary. use additional sheets of paper to complete the application 1. EVENT TITLE: Hoop it uo on Clearwater Beach 2. APPLICA TION INFORMATION: Contact person: Title: Telephone: Junior League of Clearwater-Dunedin 1265 Bayshore Blvd. Dunedin, FL 34698 Amy Gilliard Fundraiser Committee Chaitperson 813-781-8266 813-781-3728 (home') (fax) ~:* J-S Co.L{.~ Organization: Address: Legal Name: Year of Incorpora~ion: Charter Number: Tax ID Junior League of Clearwater-Dunedin. Inc. 1986 or Date of Application: N/ A N/A Check if 501e3: Yes 62-02157179 ,e Month and year organization was created: December 9. 1948 Describe the organi zation' s major activities: Clearwater Free Clinic. Mad Hatters. Gateway Children's Shelter, Sunshine play~round, Special grants tQ community orlzanizations and public schools. Desc.rihe event management experience: The Junior League of Clearwater-Dunedin has 50 vears of experience with successful event manalZement. Our orlzanization has managede\:ent revenues in excess of $ 100.000 with S 80.000 in expenses. These attachments must be provided: A. Most recent financial statement B. Certification of non~profit status C. Lt:ltt:r(~) of Commitment for matching funds D. Listing of current Board of Directors E. Proposed Event Marketing plan F. Preliminary Application for Special Event, if applicable .- . Date Signature Authorized Board Member ~- The City of Clearwater re~er\'e5 tho right to reject cr fut\d i1pplicanb ~t ~ level lower than requc~lt:J. e City of Clearwater Special Events Grant Funding Application Page 2 3. EVENT INFORMATION: A. Event Description and purpose: The HooD it un Beach Bash will be an event on Clean~rater Beach that will feature a variety of outdoor activities. For example. volleyball tournaments. and sand sculoturc activities as well as live music. Other activities TBD. B. Primary Objective of the Event: To raise funds for the Communitv Fund of the Junior League of Clearwater. Dunedin. This fund is used to provide financial support to the orograms either funded bv or in part by the Junior League. For example. Clearwater Free Clinic (Health screeninlz event in addition to dollars allocated for follow. un care on oositive mammo~rams). Grants (provides limited funding to community organizations tor specific proiects and enhancement money to public schools for creative and educational oroiects). Hil;zh Point-Resource Center (provides a resource center with computers and library facilities for elementary and middle school aie children.). Mad Hatters (the purpose is to insoire the love of reading in kindergarten students). Ruth Eckerd Hall grants. e C. Primary Benefits to the Citizens of Clearwater: To provide a festive event on Clearwater Beach to showcase the many streniths and resources of Clearwater Beach. e D. Has this event been held in the past? Yes X No If so. when? Where'? \Vhy was it successful? How will these grant fWlds expand this event? E. Date(sl of planned event: Sunday March 28. 1999 F. Location(s) of planned event: Clearwater Beach Pier 60 G. Antil.:ipalt:d number 6f attendees: Based on 30 '-'ears of experience with Art Harvest we would anticipate attendees. H. Target Audience (age group, ethnic diversily. gcug1i1phic reach): There is no specific tarlZet audience or age ilrOUD. however the attendees may be intlucnccd by the ~eo2:raphic reach. Our goal is to tap into the tourism base that will be in the area for both sprin~ break and the basketball tournament. This geographic reach will allow us to market outsid~.the Pinellas county area and hOQefullv pull attendees from Hillsborough countv as well. By providin~ an entertainment venue for this IZroup of tourist we believe we can reach this market. L Who will he managing this event and what are their qualitications (attach resume jf applicahh!): The .Junior Leaglle of Clearwater-Dunedin, P1.ease reter to Page I (describe the organization's maior activities) and item B page 2 for a detailed descriotion of the types of proiects we have mana~ed. 1. What other organizations will be involved in this event: IBD K. Ho"\v will profits from this event be used: Please refer to pa12e 2 item B e City of Clearwater Special Events Grant FWlI.ling Ap~lication Page 3 5. A. GRANT REQUEST (Funds) Amount of funding requested (not to exceed $ 10)000): $10.000 B. Describe in detail what these funds will be used for: Note Exhibit I lists available City Services. While a oortion of the funds would be used to pay for reauired city services, the exact nature of these services is vet to be determined. As soon as this is finalized JLCD will provide that information to the Special Grant personnel. C. Date that the City funding will be needed: September/October 1998 e 6. MA TCHJNG FUNDS REQUIREMENT A. Desen be in detail the source of matl.:hill~ fWld.5 which mugt be at least 50% of the grant request (in-kind and/or cash with a minimwn of one-half in cash) and how the funds will be used: \;torton Plant/Mease will provide $ 2500 in cash as well as donating the resources to provide skin cancer screenings during the event. 7. ADDITIONAl. INCOMEIRESOURCES A. List any known or expected additional grants or sponsors and their contributions in suppon of this event: Morton Plant/Mease will crovide $ 2500 in cash as well as donating. the resources to provid~ skin cancer screeninis durini the event. The "Hoop it up on Clearwater Beach" special event is soliciting grants and or sponsors from a numbetofresources. A comprehensive Ii",. nf these efforts will made available to the Special Grant personnel as commitments are received. .. B liST RII sources of anticipated event reven\le: Food and BeveraQe sales, T-shirt sales. other sources THO c. l.ist volunteer resources: Junior League of Clearwater-Dunedin e e City of Clearwater Special Events Grants Funding Application Page 4 8. Total Event Budget (The total event budget is currently being detennined. As soon as this infonnation is available JLCD will provide it to the Special Grant personnel.) Expenses e Item Cost Funding Source - Total Cost Income Source Amount (Cash/In-kind) Total Income e __ _..~ "4_-, : il') : Lv II JIf)\ll ~ ~ . .. . .. ...,:. " ....-: II ' ., CEB'T1J'IKD PuwcAccoUNTANTS 33 N. Garden Avenue, Suite 800 · Clearwater, Florida 33755 (813) 446-3058 · FAX (813) 441-1499 J umor League of Clearwater-Dunedin, Inc. Financial Statements January 31. 1998 . - Members: Americ:m Institute of Certified Public Account:lI1ts F1orid.1lnq;lute of Certified Public Accounlmls Shareholders: Douglas R. Birch, CPA Craig A. Gilman, CPA Michael D. Kindt, CPA Michael E. Lewis, CPA Ronald M. Ricardo, CPA n~ Momb~ ~ Division for CPA Firms AICP.A. Priv.1te Comp.1nies Pr.1ctice Sec:i0n . I '.', "J . I i l i .I-~;"",' .;,' ~ . .. . e '''', ,. .11' CKImT11ID PrmucAccoUm'ANl'S 33 N. Garden Avenue, Suite 800 · Clearwater, Florida 33755 (813) 446-3058 · FAX (813) 441-1499 Shareholders: Douglas R. Birch, CPA Craig A. Gilman, CPA Michael D. Kindt, CPA Michael E. Lewis, CPA Ronald M. Ricardo, CPA Accountants' Compililtion Report Board of Directors Junior League of Clearwater-Dunedin, Inc.: We bave compiled the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities - modified cash basis of Junior League of Clearwater-Dunedin, Inc. (a not-for-profit organization) as ofJ anuary 31, 1998, and the related statement of receipts and disbursements - modified cash basis for the eight months then ended, in accordance with the Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The financial statements have been prepared on the modified cash basis of accounting, which is a comprehensive basis of accounting other than generally accepted accounting principles. -- A compilation is limited to presenting in the form of financial statements information that is the representation of management. We have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and accordingly, do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on them. Management has elected to omit substantially all of thedisc10sures ordinarily included in financial statementsprepared on the cash basis of accounting. If the omitted disclosures were included in the financial statements, they might influence the users conclusions about the Company's assets, liabilities, fund balance, revenues, and expenses. Accordingly, these financial statements are not designed for those who are not informed about such matters. Lewis, Birch & Ricardo, P.A. April 3, 1998 (e Members: American Instilute of CerTified Puhlic Account:lJ1rs Florida Institule of CerTified Puhlic ,,\ccnunrJnts [1!.lm j ~ M4moer : ~ivision ("r C'; F",." .AICPA Pri\'~l!l; Comp:lni.:, P;'",~:~::_'~' Sc<.:rinn JUNIOR LEAGUE OF CLEARWATER-DUNEDIN, INC STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES-MODIFIED CASH JANUARY 31, 1998 e ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS CASH-SUNTRUST $ 68,649.12 CASH-SUNTRUST COMM. FUND 28,177.15 C.D.-SUNTRUST 68,446.83 CITIZEN'S BANK-OFFICE 728.79 EMPLOYEE RECEIVABLE 40.62 PREPAID DUES-AlLI 5,562.00 PREPAID INSURANCE 622.89 CURRENT ASSETS 172.227.40 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS $ 172,227.40 FIXED ASSETS BillLDINGS 155,000.00 ND-BillLDINGS (1,728.68) BillLDING IMPROVEMENTS 25,675.03 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 31,478.74 ND-FURNITURE & FIXTURES (29,976.92) LAND 51,000.00 PROPERTY AND EQillPMENT, NET 231,448.17 e TOTAL FIXED ASSETS $ 231,448.17 OTHER ASSETS DEPOSITS 708.00 OTHER ASSETS 708.00 TOTAL OTHER ASSETS $ 708.00 TOTAL ASSETS $ 404.383.57 e SEE ACCOUNTANTS' COMPILATION REPORT e e e JUNIOR LEAGUE OF CLEARWATER-DUNEDIN, INC STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES-MODIFIED CASH JANUARY 31, 1998 CURRENT LIABILITIES PAYROLL TAX PAYABLE DEFERRED DUES REVENUE MORTGAGE PAYABLE-SIT CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES FUND BALANCE CURRENT NET INCOME(LOSS) TOTAL EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY LIABILITIES $ 328.35 11,623.66 31,465.00 43,417.01 EQUITY 432,528.66 (71.562.10) $ $ SEE ACCOUNTANTS' COMPILATION REPORT $ 43,417.01 360.966.56 404.383.57 tit e e JUNIOR LEAGUE OF CLEARWATER-DUNEDIN, INC STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS MODIFIED CASH FOR THE PERIOD ENDED JANUARY 31,1998 COMBINED INCOME SUSTAINER DUES ACTWE DUES PROVISIONAL DUES GIFTS & DONATIONS TICKET SALES GRANTS CORPORATE SOLICITATIONS PARKING SPACE FEES T -SIllRT SALES BOOK SALES THRIFT SHOP SALES FOOD/BEVERAGE GOLF TOURNAMENT PATCHES SALES MISCELLANEOUS INCOME TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES PURCHASES T-SIllRT PURCHASES POSTERS, ETC. FOOD/BEVERAGE SPEAKERS' AWARDS PATRON'S PARTY JUDGES JURYING EXPENSE ARRANGEMENTS WAGES ADVERTISING ART SUPPLIES GOLF TOURNAMENT COSTS BANK SERVICE CHARGES CLEANING CONTRACT LABOR CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS MINI GRANTS MAJOR DONATIONS EDUCATION GRANTS DEPRECIATION DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS UTILITIES EQUIPMENT RENTALS INSURANCE SUB-TOTAL EXPENSES 8 MONTHS ENDED JANUARY 31. 1998 $ 21,377.99 9,639.20 2,738.07 6,317.01 28,771.81 3,410.90 9,485.00 9,496.39 24,210.00 15,165.58 1,282.05 39,799.23 31,152.16 5,984.00 328.00 1.135.00 210,292.39 7,580.21 12,537.85 9,625.60 25,403.91 10,000.00 18,517.36 3,812.40 1,263.14 627.43 91. 74 17,810.69 2,154.26 1,079.52 3,022.30 72.04 600.00 1,344.92 719.49 13,228.89 35,540.00 5,013.28 7,631.13 12,522.75 4,029.19 3,559.19 7,053.16 204.840.45 SEE ACCOUNTANTS' COMPILATION REPORT JUNIOR LEAGUE OF CLEARWATER-DUNEDIN, INC STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS MODIFIED CASH FOR THE PERIOD ENDED JANUARY 31,1998 e INTEREST EXPENSE NOMINATING LICENSE FEES, PERMITS MISCELLANEOUS BOARD ORIENTATION If RAINING NEW BUILDING EXPENSE OFFICE POSTAGE PARKING PRINTING YEARBOOK PATCHES PROFESSIONAL FEES PEST CONTROL REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE RENT SIGNS SCOT SHOP SUB SUPPLIES TAXES:FICA TAXES:OTHER TENTS, ETC. TELEPHONE TRAVEL ENTERTAINMENT TOTAL EXPENSES OTHER INCOME (LOSSES) INTEREST INCOME-COMMUNITY FD INTEREST INCOME GAINILOSS ON SALE OF PROPERTY OTHER INCOME (LOSSES) NET INCOME (LOSS) $ -- e SEE ACCOUNTANTS' COMPILATION REPORT 4,772.71 750.00 330.00 648.71 150.00 6,346.72 230.10 2,939.77 300.00 12,226.44 76.25 3,476.14 4,974.46 210.00 1,496.65 1,880.00 48.52 1,459.56 6,893.49 1,391.15 2,989.88 1,383.44 2,256.75 7,661.36 2,675.93 272,408.48 425.00 422.72 00,293.73) (9,446.01) (71.562.10) STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA :12:199-0100 l. H. Fuchs ExeC\lliVIl OirllClOr Dear Sir or Madam; The eocl05~d Consumer Certificate of Exemption is granted to your organization in acc~rdaoce wlth Section 212.08(7). Florida Statutes. This certificate exempts your 0rgani~ation fro~ the payment of sales and use tax on purchases of tangi~le personal property. Please provide all vendors with a copy of the Consumer Ce.rtificate of Exemption (DR-l4). This exemption privilege is issued with the understanding that it will be used solely for the organization's customary nonprofit activities- purchases shall qualify Eor this exemption only if payment is made by the exempt organization. purchases which:are paid for by an officer or employee of an exempt organi~ation are fully taxable, even if expenses are reimbursed by the exempt organization. -- If ~n organization sells or leases tangible personal property, is the lessor of transient accommodations, real property, or docking spaces, such organizations ro~st register as a dealer pursuant to Part I Chapter 212, florida Statutes, and collect and ~emit sales tax on such transactions to the department. Churches are exempt from this requirement except when they are the lessor of real property as defi.ned in Section 12,11.-1.70, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), wherein the church snall regj.~~er as a dealtlL a.nd collect ~!'Id remit tal( on l;uch tr~nl!li'lr.t.icms. ~IS EXEMPTION SHOULD UNDER NO CIRCDMSTANCES BE osm TO THE pERSONAL B~EFIT OF AN'l INDIVIDUAL OF SUCH ORGANIZATION. ANY MISUSE OF THE EXE:MPTION WILL NECESSITA~E ITS REVOCATION. Any changes within the organization's purpose, Federal exempt status, or physical and/or roailing address must be ~eported imrnedi~tely to the department for addittonal review and certifica~e update. IE w~ may be of further assi~tance, please c0ntact this office at: Department ~f p."venue I Appl ication Accept.ance Section, 5050 West Tennessee Street, Building f4, Tallahassee, Florida 32304, (9041 487-7000- Ene .!.QH\lce e e mI June 1997 To Whom It May Concern: This is to advise you that the bearer of this letter is traveling on official Junior League of Clearwater-Dunedin business. The Junior League of Clearwater-Dunedin, Inc., is a 501(C3) tax exempt organization in Florida. For your information, the attached is a copy of our tax exemption from the State of Florida. .e SiQ:: ~ Ann Rogers President OR." R.OI:tt 11/29/9S62~02-1S7179_S6C ~ ihi$ i$ to (ertlfy that the organlZltion Ind/~Jted below 15 hereby ulmpt from the p.ym.nt of SlIII or U" TllC on the pUlChue Or IUlt of tangible per$onill prop~rty. the leuCl of transient rent"'CCommod.tions Or rlJI pro~rty. Mailing Address; Lot.tion Address: STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARl'MENT OF REVENUE CONSUMU'S CERTlfIC" n OF EXEMPTION Issued Pursuant to S.lts ,nd Us. Tu L.w Cho1pter 212. Floridl 5tltutti This C.rtifit.te is Non. Trlns'.rlble 114588 I JUNIOR. LEAGUE \Of ~ CLEARWATER-CUNEOI NilNC. 129: NORTWfORT', HARRISON' AVENUE' CLEARWATER fL'34615. ;129;NORTH'fORTiHARRISON;AVENUE CLEARWATERFl' 34615 f'r:r.11/':"11r.nrr: <'1/"'11:' r-no IM"f'ln"'I\~ITI~Ir:nn"~I\Tlnn ~ ..t~ e JUNIOR LEAGUE 010' CLEAKWATER.OUNIWIN, INC. 129 No. .'1. Harrl108 Avenue Clearwater, Florida 34615 (813) 442-0223 .1 e e e . Morton Plant Mease Foundation rARTNERS roll. A HMlTIIY COMMUNITY April 15, 1998 Mrs. Ann Rogers President Junior League Clearwater-Dunedin 1265 Bayshore Blvd. Dunedin, Florida Dear Ann: Beach Basketball "fest" during Spring Break in March of 1999 might be the perfect place for Morton Plant Mease Foundation to increasc awareness of the dangers of skin cancer from sun exposure in pursuit of our mission to improvc the health of our community. A grant of $2,500 in cash or in-kind serviccs to support this project and promote healthy lifcstyle choices is being included in our budgeting for the upcoming year. 1 look forward to receiving additional information about these opportunities as this program progresses. Sincerely, ~-w.~J Holly H. Duncan President and CEO HHD/c1 1200 Druid Road Sourh. Clearwater. fL 34(,IG. (813) -162-7036. hx (813) 161-8131 A 1~\lrY or Tll[ Off'\:I~\. kH;J~n.A TION ^NP >INANCIAl \NFV~t-t~' I()N 104 A Y ~[ C'\HtlINHl 'k()~ TIlE 11:~I~I()N or c.:ON~U">~ S[~ VIc.:'C~ ~y (ALIIIoIU TNI.fKH 1.~~()'4lqm ....rr~IN Tilt STAn ~~Gl~nATlON l"m~ NOI IloAnv [l-Il)()ll.~ll.~fNT, ArT'J.('VM, (lk U.l'OM104 CNP/\' ION IIY Tm ~I ~ H. Board of Direetors c. \. '.', e p, '. I.r proposed Ev~nt Marketjf)~ e .. By utilizing and furthering not only a community, but staTe and a national synergy whic.h will be already existing due to the fact that Pinellas County will be hosting the Final Four Basketball Tournament. To assist in the marketing of the City of Clearwater, the City Seal and/or a line acknowledging the City of Clearwater's involvement will be incorporated into RIl promotional pieces. II' Marketing will be geared toward not only sports advocates both local and visiting, but Pindlas county citizens and family, business, and civic oriented organizations. '" Some of the vehicles we will seek to use in marketing Hoop It Up on Clearwater Beach will be the followini: _ CVTEW, the City of Clearwater's television channel; Pinellas County's television channel; Time Warner Communications, which orients their coverage on community news and happenings; the City of Clearwater's, quarterly publicarion; billboards; through newsprint not only in daily newspapers, but weeklies such as the Beach Views; and provide speakers to civic organizations to promote Hoop It Up On Clearwater Beach. * Our marketing efforts will also include infonnation distributed by the Convention &Visitors e BW'eau of Pinellas County and the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce. (We submit this plan witl1 the understanding t/'Ie final arrangements and d~t.lls nave Mt been confirmed Du~ to this feet the final mArke1U1G pIon might slightly differ.) e CITY OF CLEARWATER APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EVENT e GENERAl. rNSTRUCTlO"'S . . even. bu. not mo.. thin on. y,"r. Per Ch,p~r I. ApPIicI.ion. muot be mod 1.~1f}& d.y. ~~fd.y period for Citv Mana..r rtvl.", dot. not btsl1ll lie. Clt)' or CI......ter Code .............. .... A'M'ACHED hoo been .ubmiu.d. (.. until Lb, completed Ipplieation wilh C.rtUic.... 0( Insunne. in...rane. requirement below). h' J the Cin' r.quir.. th. IppUcanc Of a. lD,u"'t:!~: If the 'Vent involv.. rnor'hth1n 51~ Pb!::'t~' :r r;~c~Cpo"lieV with'!imita or at I...t 1500.000. lb. orll.iutian hel.... npr...nte. to .v. I II w, In. U . ., .donn.d in 'eea.d.n.. wlll1 Ap,lieant ...u.t.~ a C.rtllleate oIln.ur....., ..........1 IU oebV'.lOj ~ .. Proof oIln.uren.. thltl ep_1 "'.n. .nd Uallnl the City of CI..rw.ter II on -Idctillonl Ift'~~' 'el. r CI.""...r tav.ra.. in PIOIJ.r tore. mutt. be lubmitttd Prior to datt 01 the event. . ., 0 re..rv.. tb, r1llat to requ..t to eopy of tb. allUre pOlicy of la.,uulle.. NAME 0' INSURANCE COMPANY: .!h~ad!'lphi. Inde11lQity Inaur.nce Co"P'P' ADDRESS AND PHONE: - I Bala Pla.., Sulle 100 / Bala Cyrluvd, PA [9004 ~.rwater - u One Ctty. One Future. NAME 01' AGENT: _ Connelly ~neurance ~roupl William Hanco~k ADDRRSs AND PHON1!:, PO Box 2456 C i.aruaeer, FL 34617 81;1-461-6044 AIl..hiele. Pbrtloip'.inl in P...d.. w,U h.y. thO-mlnUnu," b.bUi., in.urlne. .. r.quir.d by Flori... Sta'.lQ, Inr",.., and wUlProvid. proof of .u.h in.u...... upon ..b"'.....n of IPPU.I.ion fer p.rld. 3. "PLlCANT AOItI!:ES TO PIlOVIDE A REPORT WITHIN POua (4' WEEKS SUBSEQUENT ~ THE EVENT CONTAINING IIECEIPTS. DISBURSEMENTS, NUMBER 0' PARTICIPANTs, AND OTHEll DATA INCLUDED ON THIS APPLICATION. 4. It J. understood Ib.t n. token.. ..ndy, or olher .rti.lo. .re to b. Ib"~'n rrom Plr.d. p.rti.IPlnr.. to 'peclltor. l/onl thl ........ It i. .1'0 to b. undarstood lhl. no firework. 0' olh.r e.plotlon'lyp. d....o. 're 10 loa u.ed b, p.r.d. PI"ic...n" .lonlll1. rou" whieh 10.. ..... injury or d.nler to sPGetaton or pal'\ieipanta. 5. Appli.lnt und'''''nda Ibl. knowinSl, .rov,din. fll.. inro"'atlOn on thi. 'PPUution will ,*utornlllieaU)' yeid tile application and ~ancel the IVlnt. 6. Appli'.nt f.rth'r .n........nd. .hat .. .ny 'Uno d.rinS .h. ovon.. lh. ChioC 0( Pplico or hill r,preSentative, ...., order Ibe.."'in.lion of ,u.h "ent if it i. In viol"iDn of .ny I.w or ordin.n.., or j{ it endanl'" the P....on or P'non. of ."li.l..nto 0. 'Poelolore, Dr if il ,hre.ten. the P.... .nd di,nll, ofth. .........nit,. or If I. ....,.. unm.n'le.bl. problom. rDr public .orot, 081'.01. wh.roby th. proper elCeeUt'on 0( their dutie. is endanllred. 7 Proo~ or .....n.' If Appli.o.. pu",o,.. '" r......n, In orr.nizor;... In ,ubmil~in. .n ApplintiDn r.r Sp....1 Ev.nl. .ApPlie.n.. jf o,pli..bl.. "'Ult "'lI.h prooc of lren., .r 1."er of ,u'hpri"Uon .howinl h.clhor lu.homy to repre"nt the ors.ni'.lion nom.. heroin prior to ''''roo.l olthio oPPU..Uon e Paa. J 016 ~J e e e PIaue print. DATI OF APPLlCA110N: ~P1.tJCAl'ION April 15, 1998 ~ '. . '~ i NAME OF EVENT: . oop t up on Cleanrate~ B",.q...h" D^TE(S) OF EVENT: _ _. ~rch 28, 1999 ALTERNATE DATE(S) OF EVENT: N/A LOCAno~ OF EVJ:m; HOURS OF EVENT: L Clearwater Beach Pier 60 . - .11:00 a.m.-S:OOp.m. ......... ~ OF.SPECIAL JtYENT (Deicribe): The "Hoop it UD Beaco. HAAM" I wi 11 bQ aa lil....". iMt Clearwater Beach that ~ill featu?e i L a var ~tv of mltdnnr ~~rivite~ -- M'fLICANT: It aft O...ani'IUon; NAME: ADDRESS; PHONE: - Junior League of Clearwater-Dunedin, Inc. 1265 Bayshore Blvd. Dunedin FL .1 --Ll:... t 34698 813-738-5523 - '-- AUTHORIZED PERSON IN CHARGE: Amy Gilliard ADDRESS: 2445 Aster Court - Palm Harbor. FL3~684 PHONE (WORK.. HOME): Home 761-6266 If an Individual: NAME~ ADDRESS: - N/A N/A PHONE (WORK" HOME>: N I A Pqe2rJ8 e e e flOUTI: OF JVENr; (It the went iI . p.red.. run or 'Walk. pi.... ducrilM .route. attach map 01 route dllCrib. tormltkm and break-up .re." etc.) · N/A -. - - - --- PURPOAIi: OF EVRN1': To foster an ec.onomic realtionship with the communit~ c.ap1tal~zing on tourist of the season, including spring break and basketball tournament attendees. ~, Will rea be cbarpd to partieipahLl? No ...., ~W !!!! ~ ~~!!1!~ ~ ~~~~r.? No If YN. amount' It y... amount' WUJ I... be chilled to exhibitor.? No It yee. amount I How will monies b. u.ed? Junior League of Clearwater-Dunedin Community Fund E.timat.d nurntMr 0( p.rticip.ntl~ Eltimatednumberofapect.aton: ~sed on Art Harvest experience 15.000-25.000 attendees .. Eatimated number of needed parJdnc 'Pace.e: TBO TOl1,.ET F ACILIIJU: Number of portable toiletS to be provided: Locat.ion 0( ponab~ tOilet.: TBD TBD Other arranpmenU: MU$W AND AMPLIFlCAnO~: Will amplilied mu.ic or sound be involved" Houn or play: es~.imated 4 hours - Yes Will electricity be rtQuired? yes Who will pl'O"ide? TBD --., - P.p S 018 CLRAN.UP: e Who will prcwlde tOF truh 'teeeptac:1u. b.p. ....d eleen'up Jtet the tvent~ TIm ..d FOOD AND BEWRAGU: Will food and beY.nle be .trled d-.rin, the event? Y @s VVhowUld~n.e~ Junior League volunteers/ ev~nt span.orR Will rtlreahm."t.a b. .old or Ii'lM IIW817 Sold II sold. how will moni.. be uMd? Junior League Clearv8ter-Duned1n C2DlJIIuni I:y funti WW eJeetricity be tequind~ yea Who will provide? TBD QTHER ~E tTEt4I: . Will other item, be IOld during the .,.,Int' Yes Who wUl &8111 Junior Lea2ue Clea~watet:-Dttnprl1n How wiJ} moni.. be used? Junior League' Clearwater-Dunedin Community fund e SIGNS; Will.ilft., bannen_ baUoon.. .&.e. he ultdeithor bef".o or durin, tho cav.nt? , TllD If yet. I""l.i" e. Mlllrih. uth ...tt livo l~ltion' TBD -,-_..,.. ... . .. ,- CITY SEAL: Will the City leal b. ueed (or this event') Yes e Pare 4 018 PRJ2r.a: e Ale priza to be Jiven' Yes Typ.. 01 pri...: TBD 1.'JNTG OR. CANOPIES: Will ten... or canopi.11M uled~ Yes If Y". Iivl number. si... and Joe.lion.: TBD " II InJNNINU~WJI\JK WAI.KINU to'I!:NTS: WUleYent be conducted on .tre.~? N / A Will event be conducted on .idewalk.? N/A ~_l^. 'n1n~ of IIHmbly: ~T.lA_ Estimated tUne of rU\iah: N / A Time event starr..: N / A -..- PARAD~; e PartiM of e&.Teet required Cor p....d. unite: N / A Time ueernbly to becin: Number ofpeopJe in parede: Tim. palade .terti: Number or vehieles in parade: Numbor ofenimel, in parade: ,....--, Number of flOftt.a: _II -- Number of banda: Number ol.p.clial uniu: FIREWORKS: Will fireworta be a part of'th. event? N/A e If Y". who it ,..pon8ible for th. diaplay? Whete win the (ueworb be .taged? --.-- Pare 3 016 " What time will the map).y becin? N / A ~'Fnu~:iDRk$:bisPl14..,~.,'{,At.~i::lP' SHOT'<Ovn.WATEJt, 0.'" 'WATE~Om:J"~9ttrm:s :&1I-IP US~D:'~'eE" tn,";r.~O'N" 'lS.o.:1ft'*'"D~:""'rIRO'''''''"~'''~;:S''M:.t'''"' "U',&''ftT\'''' ..,...,:,: .:':~q.:",..:,.."..~..\ ,,:,,., ~: D ...::E': ~l . ',"'. ':l'1J!im. 'J:lU"T' 'J1'I,: int;, .v~ ..\;"U.lW">'U' _I'\IWJ.;..'" :'.:.:,~:: :'~~~:;. ..:,{: ::"::,;'.";- :_:"':~':.i:,;;,>~:':' --'::n'.~ ..._.. "- ..._u._..._.._ SECURrrv~ Will pri"lt.e seeurity be pl'O\Iid.d for equipment? H y.', nam. of company: TBD TBD APPLICANT CERTIFICATION: e J hereby certiCy that I have read thi. application and that all informltion contained herein is tl'\ll and correct CO the beet of My knowledge, information and beliAt 1 agree to comply with aU Stat\l...., County .nd City Ordinance6. and the general in8tructions stated in this application and the epeeiaJ conditione iuued by the City an connection with the approval 0( the Special Event contemplated h.rein; that J. and r.hn orr.llnl~"t1(\n on whocu bGhlllf r mllJua thi" ft""linntilll'l if ,,"... .""..allftt nti,..1.... 'PI-A" u.l ..... t.hat we will, jointly and sev,raUy, defend, mdemnify. save and hold the City harmless (rom any and all claim.. law8ulte. judamenu. and lisbility for deat.h. personal injury. bodily injury, or propetty darnac. ari8ing directly or itldirectly from the exercise of the Special Evenl Pennit and 1>8rlonnance 01 the Speci.l Event by Applicant. the orgsOlZltian ripreeented by ApJ)licant, its emplo.veee. liIubcontl'lCtDrs, or aI8im', inc:lwdinr f,,:knowlprlr"'~ rhftt h~/lhp rfl1l8rhol' wirh Iny orgllniution rOPI'Qoontod bv ApplioDnt, Ilhall bo solely responsible by complYinc wit.h the tenns o{ the Permit. I further underst.and that railure to comply With any of the provislon8 specified herein may re.ult in ImmediAte eancelJation of thie event by City offici. I,. ~ 1,15-7/ DaL(; If any qUetti0t18, pl..le eOJ'ltacl Steve MilJer. Recreation Programming Superintendent at ~62'''80lS or Terry Schmidt. Sport5 & Special Events Manager 562.4804 Upon compl_lion, please return to the following: Mr. StevI Miller, Chli.w:rnln, Special Evenu Committee Park. and Reereation DepArtment City or Clearwater P.O Box 4748 Clearwat.er. FL 33758 Ort,",_l ~ be r.taillecl by Lhe City o{ CI..,....tar. Pllrk. .."d R.c,.atl.OI'l O.p.rtWleM in .-...da"Cle ,..ath City allel .t.... R-rda Mlnllement Ptoeed\lr... e sr..m.' .IIIOO~I '70Aflp"':.\I",nrore,'C1.ltve"L.ri~e It.Yl,..,llllM PISCt 6 oC 6