PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN " . .~~.tr.;\:.,'~'r.;' ~~ ~1 . ;', ,',:' ~ ,; I _ =:rtv.""";,rr,,,rl1r .' .,~~r', ~{o /<' . ,I " . ~[\. ~. .' ""!.~,.; i' >**..... .~.. '~." {'~..... \ " . d '. , ~~f. :" ''':1 .'~ i ('~~' ~\~!~~~i' r ....', " l.L.--l ~. "ii'" 1r. l:"I Pie4 60 Business Plan JULy 1996 CI1Y OF CLEARWATER 25 Causeway Boulevard Clearwater, Florida 34630 (813) 462-6954 WIl.LIAM C. HELD, JR. Harbormaster -'- LEE ACHTERHOF Recreation Pier Supervisor - - 4'~-rL'~~-'~ , ~\-t'\ OF Tift. ~~ ..{~ ...~~~~~~... j~ I ~'P' ~ ,\ J/ ....~ g ~ ~l .. -" ~ ~\-~-. "~~ ~..~~~... ~~ . .E=lr./ _.... .9S~ '. ~~~ .~' ~ ~~~-T -IJ .'E 1i.f~'.'~,~ ~"':~.4IrLI~~'. .- e I I I 'I I I I I ,I I I I I e ei -" PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PRESENT SITUATION "~'" ~"~."~M~_~~~~""~"~"~.~~~a~,,~~~ ~~,x-'~"." ~W~~~~""""~'T< X~". ~D"M~.~~f<"O. OBJECTiVES..,"".."...." """"'" .. ......... ......""..., .........,."., MANAGEMENT.........." ..... ............. ..........." .."'...... ..""". SERVICE DESCRIPTIONm....,............m...........m..m.."".. , MARKET ANALYSIS .~~~~~~m~"., ~ ,......'".~..~~~M'.~"~"~.~."~~~~. ~ MARKETING STRATEGY ~,_, ..K~~..'-"",.,~~~~~,,~, "~~".~~~~~.~~,, FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS ~.~~~..~~~~~.~.,.. ~L-'mrn~~~..~~~~M""". CONCLUSIONS AND SUMMARY ...m..m................ APPENDIX ........ .......... ..,...........,. .......... ............. H'......... '''''' Appendix #1 Organization Appendix #2 Pier 60 Pamphlet....."'"....,....m.m..". "COMMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTC,MER. ~":Rvl:>:: PAGl:: '11 " u j 'II el PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN ...___~_q-EAGE..~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Pier 60 is currently an enterprise fund activity for the City at Clearwater, a(jministerE~d by the Marine Department. The pier was established by thp City of Clemwater to provido public service to the community, better serve the Clearwater fishing community, take advantage of city-owned property and fill the volo for a tlshinn facility In the area. For the purpose of this Business Plan, the Pier 60Wlil be referred to as the pier or rlshinq pier. The Marine Department Mission Statement is' "MAINTAIN THE MARINE DEPARTMENT AS A REVENUE-PRODUCING DEPARTMENT WITH A DEDIC A TED STAFF THA T PROVIDES HIGH QUALfTY MARINE-RELA TED SERVICES WITH EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SA TISFACTION TO CITIZENS AND CUSTOMERS". e The pier is one of the best equipped and most attramjve fisninq piers in Florida. The pier was rebuilt in the "Tropical Seascape Theme" ]r) April Of 1994 at a cost of $2,200,74~ 0 The most important features of the pier are the attractive bait house, six covered pavilions, free section with telescopes and highly trained and professional staff, The Pier 60 Team strive to insure that both the fishing community and viSitors nake the pier r:'! pleasant place to visit while on Clearwater Beach., The pier offers the following services for the fishing public: and visitors convenience: service air conditioned bait house, snack bar, reST rooms, up to the minute tide and weather information, open on a twenty-four basis, reasonable rates and all other services expected by the fishing public and tourists of Cl full service fishing pier. Our strategies for meeting the growth demands at the pier is to provide excellent customer service, insure that revenues pay for E;xpendltures and to increase the marketing of the facility. Users of the pier indicate tnat our (;ustomer ~erviCE) has an excellent reputation. :1 I I I ,I Ie Objectives The objectives of the Business Plan propel the oierinto a prominent position within thG fishing community. To accomplish the objectives, we have aeveloped a comprehensivE) plan with strategies on each objective to intenSify and accelerate our eiCtivities anci customer service. The objectives are: "COMMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER. $ERViCF --~-, ... ,-,,-..-.,- ".'--. '-.--.-. -.. "'C~~O~-~._._~~~~.,,_ -'"'""_'.'"h~.___~" _' ~'~'~"'""'"_"'."-,"",""'=~~"~;'__d PIER GO ~USINESS PLA~____.____ ---..----- };- Maintain the pier as a city operated fishing Pie! t'l8t produces revenue that meets or Ul') exceeds the expenditures of the pier. Also, that the city receives fair market value for its investment. };- Increase pier revenue by 5% in each year froITJ $290,000 in the first year in the last year of the plan and insure that expenditures are less than revenues" .?- Continue to operate the pier under the controi of the Marine Department., with maintenance being provided by the Marina S(~rvice Section to insure that thE) pier continues to be a show piece on Clearwater Beach. };- Provide budgeted funds to insure that the pier is maintained throughout the years: the plan as a General Fund operation. };- Insure that the pier is competitive with other tishinfl piers in the area.. :> Continue an extensive campaign to market and promote the pier to f:itizens 8rJlj tourists and take full advantage of the facilityo );> Continue annual customer service and safety training for all pier employc-!8S the highest standards of safety and custoITli,~r There are several strategies for each objective in the Business PlarL Management The pier is under the direct management of the Harhormaster. He isasslst(~ci Assistant Harbormaster and Recreation Pier Supervisor with managHment The on-site manager of the pier is the Recreation Pier Supervisor., Pier management l~ trained and capable of dealing with the public ane! providing excellHnt GUstomHr The pier supervisor retired in 1995, causing an unexpected increasH in (3xpenditures FY 95/96. Marketi~ The recreational fishing industry has projected a steady incmase in pier tishing in1'uture years. Conservative estimates suggest that the pier, with an intHnsified and accelerated marketing plan, will increase customer service each year of the pian and generate an increase in total revenue in each year of the piano "COMMITTED TO EXCELLENT CU8T:)MEP ',ER!/iC::' I I I I II , i..-' \ ' ,'i It e e PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN _______________________._ .. .._m_._~____.__ _______.JAGE_~ The thrust of our marketing strategy consists of informing the citizens of Clearwater, reaching the fishing community and demonstrating that we can provde a quality fishing facility with excellent customer service. We intena to reach our customers throughout each year of this plan, by word of mouth from fishing PUblic and visitors who hav8 enjoyed the pier, by holding fishing tournaments, by placing a variety of notices on services, by using the City's Video Bulletin Board, by advertisin~l in regional and iocal fishing related publications, and by supplying a variety of organizations with pier pamphlets detailing the facility. We will also contact the local media -rer the purpose oj doing public service information messages and stories on the pier activitle~; Overall the pier can be characterized as a fUll service fishing facility tnat can meet the daily needs of the fishing community, citizens and tourists. Finance The Pier has a current liability of $165,000. Trle mid-year projections for FY 95/96 show revenues at $243,300 and expenditures at $325,740. The reasonsror the difference in revenue and expenditures was due to red tide, retJrement of Pier Su pervisor, bad weather during the winter months, and Pier Park construction. The Budget Department conducted an analysis of pier 60 from 1986 until 1 995.. The analysis showed that tho pier would be in a positive operating status each year as a General Fund Operation, except for the year of construction for the new pier.. 'The objective of the pian calls for the pier to be operated under the General Fund with no charges oy Building & Maintenanc~:; (except for air conditioning) and to increase EqUipment Service and Repair expense code by $20,000. For the remaining years of the plan, S2U,OOO will tie piaced in a CIP tor maintenance of the pier. The pier would operate unaer tne Marine Department, which has the marine expertise and employees to maintain the pier, Pier mvenue is projected to increase by 5% in each year of the plan. The objectives of tne plan should put the pier in a positive operatlng status. ConclUSion The pier enjoys a track record of excellent customer service in the fishing community and pier employees are strongly committed to the City Commission goai::;, of Economic Dev~elopment, Tourism and Public Safety and the CltV Principles of Operation. ThE) expressions of satlsfaction and encouragement are numerous. Our intention with this Business Plan is to insure that the pier revenues pay for expenditures, show a Steady growth by increasing revenues, continue excellent customer service and to take Tuli advantage of as many opportunities as posslbie wrth lhis f8cility.. This plan has identified and addressed allltems of concern to insure that the pier is run in a highly professional and customer friendly manner, "COMIIIrrTED TO EXCELLENT CUciTOMER SERVICE: PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN___ PAGE 5 '(1) (This page left intentionally blank.) I......, \ / i_, "COMMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE' e e:! Pier 60 Entrance -, .e! PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN q__ __._.__.-E'AGE ~ PRESENT SITUA TION Pier 60 ,e The City of Clearwater is a municipal corporation originally chartered by the State of Florida in 1915. Pier 60 was established to provide a public service and better serve the fishing community, take advantage of the city-owned waterfront prop'3rty and fill the need for a fishing facility in the area. In 1952, the city constructed a 450 fOCit long fishing pier on Clearwater Beach at the end of State Road 60. In 1966, the fishing pier was extended 630 feet. Total length of the current fishing pier is 1,080 fe(:!t. The fishing pier is constructed on submerged land owned by the State of Florida. In 1985, the city submitted the application to grandfather the pier with the state until January 1998. With the reconstruction of the pier, the city lost the grandfathering and had to start paying a submerged land lease fee to the state. The city commission approved lease #520010893 with the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida of Sovereign Submerged Lands beneath Pier 60 on May 16, 1996. The lease has a five year term and covers 14,450 square feet. The initial year annual lease payment was $2,164.61, with increases annually based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) average for 5 years. The pier was operated under various lease agreements until January '1983. The last lessee was Clearwater Fishing and Recreational Pier, Inc., owned by Mr. Harry Armston. Mr. Armston canceled the lease because of the extensive costs needed to repair the pier. In January 1983, the city assumed the operation of the pier on a 12 month test as a enterprise fund operation. The pier was placed under the operationall control of the Marine Department and it was open 16 hours a day. In September 1985, the pier started 24 hour operations. The pier is open 364 days a year; it is only closed on Christmas day, In January 1986, the city received a $20,000 Grant from the State of f=lorida Department of Natural Resources, Division of Marine Resources to construct a art~ficial fishing reef off the fishing pier. In July 1992, emergency structural repairs were rnade to the pier and in June 1993 the pier was closed for demolition and rebuilding. In April 1994 the pier was reopened for business. The construction cost of $2,200,741 was financed by "Penny for Pinellas" infrastructure tax. e In 1995, the city entered into a five year license agreement with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for the placement of a weather data collection "COMMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN . ... ...~__.__......._........._._J?AqL~.1 station on the new fishing pier. This station transmits data directly to NOAA and provides i;e weather information for local interests. As part of the license agreement and at their cost, NOAA installed an LED bulletin board with up to the minute weather information for visitors and fishermen. City Commission Policy statement No. BG-11 requires all Proprietary (Enterprise) Fund Operations to be self-supporting, and pay administrative and other service charges to the General Fund Operations for support at a level determined by the City Commission" Pier 60 goals for FY 95/96 are: To increase total Pier 60 revenue in FY 95/96 to a level of 5% higher than the actual total revenue for FY 94/95, within the approved budget level and staffing. To increase the number of fishing tournaments from two to four during FY 95/96~ within the approved budget level and staffing. As of the date of this plan, it appears that the pier will meet goal number two and not meet goal number one. Activities The following activities have taken place on the fishing piiBr since it reopened: The New Pier 60 Grand Opening. Kids Day Fishing Tournament. Fun & Sun Fishing Tournament. Pier 60 Annual Anniversary Fishing Tournament. City of Clearwater Parks & Recreation Fishing TournamE,nt. A to Be School summer fishing program. Sertoma Club Fishing Tournament. Visit from Ice Hockey Team. Visit from delegation from City of Nagano, Japan Various religious groups. Pier used to film several commercial television ads. Several weddings have taken place on the pier. City Channel 15 used the pier for television filming. Pier used by sailing organization for viewing of vessels. Sunsets at Pier 60. e.' i:, 'I General Statistics for the period April 1994 to April 1996: Actual General Admission Revenue was $122,734, for an estimated 245,468 walk on customers. ie. ~-_. ' "COM'JIITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" e e e piER 60 BUSINESS PLAN PAGE 8 Actual Fishing Admission Revenue was $144,678, for an estimated 36,169 fishing customers. Actual Fishing Pass Revenue was $13,143, for an estimated 25 yearly passes, 50 monthly passes and 120 weekly passes. Market Environment Pier fishing has become a popular alternative to fishing from boats, W1ich can be very costly. We are poised to meet the increase activity wjth intensified and accelerated marketing of the pier. The pier provides recreational opportunities to people of all ages who wish to fish the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Service and Equipment The pier is staffed by a professional team, that can meet all of the neElds of the customers using the facility. Maintenance of the fishing pier is provid(~d by the Marine Department marine service section. To support the Marine Service Section in the maintenance of the pier and other city-, owned facilities, the following floating equipment is available: Twenty-five foot tug boat. Thirty-three foot barge with hydraulic crane, Nineteen foot utility outboard boat. Pricing and Profitability Pricing for the fees, goods, service and rental equipment for the pier, are administratively controlled by the Harbormaster, with notification of changes to the City Manager. Our current pricing structure is competitive with other piers within Plnellas County and the pricing structure is reviewed annually. Customers Current and past customers of the pier have indicated that they are satisfied with tile facility and the service that is provided. Management Management for the facility is under the direct control of the Harbormaster. He is assisted by the Assistant Harbormaster and Recreation Pier Supervisor. "COflot\/lITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE' PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN ______PAGE ~ Financial Resources The present pier construction was financed by the "Penny for Pinellas" infrastructure tax_ The current estimated value of the pier is approximately $2,090,741_ The operational and maintenance funds for this facility are from user fees, equipment rental, sale of goods and service. Revenue in access of actual expenditures will be placed in the general fund. The change funds maintained at the pier are the cash register drawers and roll coin cash fund. These funds have a combined total of $500_ Program revenues at Mid-Year for FY 95/96 are projected at $243,300 and expenditures are projected at $325,740. The projected revenues for FY 95/96 were reduced from $344,410 to $243,300. Pier 60 revenues are lower than projected because of the severe weather during the winter months, outbreaks of red tide and constructjon of Pier Park which partially blocked the entrance to the pier, .COMMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" '.: \. ' I: i.) t) ie, ,e el PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN __-----PAGE 10 OBJECTIVES The primary objectives of the Pier 60 Business Plan are: #1 OBJECTIVE' Maintain the pier as a city ojJerated jishingpier f/7at produces rel/emle tIJat meets or exceeds th; eXjJelzdimres Ilthepiet: Also, i!tJ'ure that the city receilJesfair market tlZMij,t}/elzt: STRATEGIES CHANGE PIER FROM ENTERPRISE FUND TO GENERAL FUND Change the fishing pier from an Enterprise Fund to a General Fund. The pier would remain under the operational control of the Marina Department with this strategy. This change will delete all the interfund transfer charges from Administration, Parks & Marina. The total interfund amount for FY 95/96 was $63,520. The Marine Df3partment will continue to provide administrative support and maintenance of the piBr by the Marine Service Section. This section has the equipment and expertise to maintain the pier. The pier Equipment Service and Repair 462 Code will be increased to pay for maintenance equipment. The code will be increased by $20,000 in the first year and increased by a small percentage in the other years of the plan. This change should put the pier in a positive status during the years of the plan. ADD HOURS TO PART TIME PIER EMPLOYEES Increase pier part time employees hours by 10 hours per week for 52 weeks at an estimated cost of $4,775. The hours will be used for clean up service to the pier, which had been done by the Parks Department in FY 95/96 at a cost of approximately $10,785. It is more cost effective to have the pier part time employees clean the pier. With this strategy, there is a saving of approximately $6,000 in the first year of the plan. #2 O~TECTI1/E: Incre(ue pierrelJenue 5~/o each)'earfrom S290.000 in l~) \'~3__ t1J iaJ1]eat'ri'tl]ej)/aJz. STRATEGIES ADJUST MARK UP OF PIER MERCHANDISE Merchandise sold at the pier will have a mark up of at least 33%. A monthly inventory of all merchandise will be made by the Pier 60 Supervisor to insure that percentages are "COIIIIMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN _~______ PAGE 11 correct and to record shrinkage. The Pier 60 Supervisor will make recommendations to the Harbormaster for price adjustments. '.... ..,." " I I MAINTAIN HIGH TURNOVER MERCHANDISE The pier will continue to sell items that have a high turn over. Items left on the shelf for several months, will be returned for a credit. Merchandise stocked at the pier will be items that customers request and high turnover items. N07E: Pier rewnue is impacted l!J weather and other factors not under the control of the Marine Departmem: #3 OBJECTIVE: Continue to operate thepier under the control r!! the Marine De;,bartmel17, maintenance beingprovided tbe Marine S eroice Section to inslire that the pier continlies to be a shmJJ/Jiea} Ofl CleanlJater Beach. STRATEGIES ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT FROM THE MARINA OFFICE The Marina office will continue to provide administrative support to the pier, even though it is under the general fund. The administrative support of the pier will include supervision by the Harbormaster and Assistant Harbormaster. '...,..' ~\ I MAINTENANCE SUPPORT FROM MARINE SERVICES SECTION The Marine Service Section will continue to respond to the maintenance needs of the pier. Due to their marine expertise, they are best suited to meet the marine demands of the pier. The increase in funds in the Equipment Service and Repair code Should cover costs for maintenance items. #4 OBJECTIVE: Provide blidgetedflinds to insure that the pier is maintained throughotlt theyears ~fthe1Jian as a General Ftmd adivi[v. STRATEGIES BUDGET ADDITIONAL MAINTENANCE FUNDS Budget an additional $20,000 in the first year of the plan in the Equipment Service and Repair expense code. Establish a CIP with $20,000 in the remaining years of the plan. These funds will help to insure that the pier has revenue for maintenance. il. .," \ ,/ "COMl.1ITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE e e 'e! PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN u.._u__._.__uu~_______"pAGE 12 #5 OBJECTIVE: 11lSure that the pier iJ- iVtJlpetitil)e )lJith other jishingpim i1l the am;, STRATEGIES CONDUCT ANNUAL SURVEYS OF OTHER FISHING PIERS An annual survey of other fishing piers will be conducted by the Pier EO supervisor. The survey results will be reviewed with the Harbormaster, who will make adjustments needed to pier charges. All changes will be reported to the City Manager. #6 OBJECTIvE: Contirme an extm.riue campaign to market and prvtJIott? the pier to dti~'1ns and tOllrists and lakefull advantage if the fadlity. STRATEGIES ADVERTISING Continue to advertise in fishing publications and provide fishinglactivi:y information to local newspapers and radio stations. MARKETING STRATEGY See Marketing Strategy Section. #70BJECTIT/E: Continue ammal cm1{)JJ1er semice and safe!)' training/or pier e7llplj~vee\ to insure tiie highest kvelofstandards qfsajety and customer Jcrvia?, STRATEGIES CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAINING Each Pier employee will receive customer service training on an annual basis. Customer service will also be discussed at monthly supervisor meetings. SAFETY TRAINING Employees of the Pier will receive first aid refresher training and attend other safety classes, as directed. .COI\fMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN . .~.E',A.'@!:L1~ i,ei OTHER TRAINING Other training will be scheduled for Pier employees, as needed, during the years of this Business Plan. PIER 60 GOALS FOR FY 96/97 To increase total Pier 60 revenue in FY 96/97 to a level of 5% higher than the actual total revenue for FY 95/96 within the approved budget level and staffing. To increase the number of fishing tournaments from four to six during FY 96/97 ~ within the approved budget level and staffing. Rationale By placing the pier under the general fund, the service charges from administration, Parks Department and Marina will stop. By increasing the hours of pier part time employees to clean the pier, there is a savings of $6,000. These charges were $63,520 this fiscal year and by eliminating the charges, the pier can operate in the black. The difference between revenue and expenditures will go into the general fund. The equipment and Service repair code will be increased by $20,000 in the first year and a CIP with $20,000 each year will be established in the remaining years of the plan to maintain the pier. I,e, Building and Maintenance charges, other than air conditioning service, is not recommended for maintenance of the pier because they do not have the employees to maintain the pier and the fact that the costs for their services are estimated to be $31,000. Return on Investment Under the General Fund, the city will receive a return on its investment on the pieL Eliminating service charges from pier expenditures should put the pier in a positive status. Financial Objectives To better understand the financial objectives for the pier, we need to look back over the past two year and the current fiscal year at revenue and expenditures. Listed below are actual revenues and expenditures for FY 93/94, FY 94/95 and amended Mid-Year for FY 95/96. '''I "COMMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" e PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN ,--.._.._._~---_.~-,.~~--~--,--_.__._----- PAGE 14 Revenue FY 93/94 FY 94/95 FY 95/96 Fishing Admissions 46,169 75A26 59,500 Rod Rental 11,907 17,107 14,100 General Admissions 32,207 65,982 59,500 Concession Sales 15,986 36,359 30,000 Bait Sales 16,206 29.151 22,100 Tackle Sales 18,720 31,651 25,900 Cigarette Sales 2,177 4.619 4,000 Vending Machine '13,745 33,269 18,600 Fishing Passes 4,093 6,019 7,000 Other General Rev 3.645 5,975 3,000 Revenue Totals 164,855 305,558 244,300 Expenditures Personal Service 91 ,294 146,808 152220 Other Operat Exp 108,466 '165.662 158,660 Internal Service 4,331 5,048 4,210 Capital 0 0 7.720 Debt Service 1,893 3.711 2,930 e Expenditure Total 205,984 321229 325,7 40 Expenditures of Total Revenue 124.9% 105.1 % 133.:1% Financial Goal Our financial goal is to maintain the pier as a revenue producing activity that meets or exceeds expenditures. Revenues for the pier should increase in each year of the plan. Position for Growth OUf position for growth is good, and can be accomplished with the following in mind: Understanding our customers, both fishing and non-fishing. Understanding the needs of the fishing community, Rates charged must be sufficiently competitive to attract and retain customers. Balance goals and objectives. Maintain a highly qualified and customer service trained staff to deal with citizens and customers. e "COM\'IITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN ___._~_e.t,!3E_1~ (This page left intentionally blank.) "COMMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" '.\ :\ "I ili '.) -..." \.,/ e View of fishermen cutting bait e e PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN ________________--.PAGE 1~ MANAGEMENT PIER 60 TEAM The Pier 60 team is made up of the Harbormaster, Assistant Harbormaster, Recreation Pier Supervisor and Pier 60 Marine Facility Operators. The organizational chart for the pier is attached as APPENDIX 1. PIER 60 TEAM RESPONSIBIUTlES Harbormaster As Department Director for the Marine Department, supervise the overall operation of the pier. Approve new innovations, rate changes, and operational practices for the pier. Monitor Submerged Land Lease for the pier. e Identify areas for future growth with the pier. Plan for the future with regard to the pier complex. Maintain the pier as a city-owned facility. Assistant Harbormaster Assist with endorsements, suggestion and recommendations on the operation of the pier to the Harbormaster. Submit suggestions for on new innovations for the pier, Assist with the identification of areas for future growth with the pier Monitor the operation of the pier, Assist with the maintenance and safety of the pier.. Recreation Pier Supervisor Supervise the daily operation of the pier. e Submit suggestions and recommendation on the operation and maintenance of the pier to the Harbormaster and Assistant Harbormaster. "COMIIIITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN _.___......J:.A13E 11 Ie....! ,. " Submit suggestions for new innovations for the maintenance and operation for the pieL Control and account for all pier inventories. Insure that weekly inspection of the pier are conducted and that repairs are made as soon as possible. Submit suggestions on inventory levels and profit margins. Submit suggestions on promoting the pier and revenue enhancementR Assist with the ide,ntification of areas for future growth with the pieL Marine Facility Operators The Marine Facility Operators for the pier collect user fees, sell fishing supplies, assist customers, maintains rental rods & reels and provides information of fishing rules and regulations. Assist customers with repairs to customers fishing equipment. :1 I' ! Maintains the pier is a clean, safe and pleasant environment for our customers. Assist the Pier Supervisor with the daily operation of the pier, as directed. '.1 Submit suggestion for improvements in pier operations. Additional part time employee hours are needed to properly carry out the goals and objectives of this business plan. The increased hours for garbage service on the pier will require an additional 520 hours per year. Marine Advisory Board The Marine Advisory Board is made up of highly qualified members of the marine community who act as advisors to the City Commission on the municipal marina. They are appointed for a four year period by the City Commission. They advise the commission on matters regarding the Marine Department.. Conclusion The strength of the Pier 60 Team stems from the combined expertise in both management and technical areas, which has produced excellent results over the past years The current Recreation Pier Supervisor and Marine Facility Operators have over 75 years of fishing experience. '... ' \ ) "COMMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" e PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN ___________ PAGE 18 The leadership and alignment characteristics of the Pier 60 Team have resulted in broad and flexible goal setting - to meet the demands of the fishing community and our citizens and customers. This is evident when the team responds to situations requiring new and innovative capabilities. Under the General Fund, the pier should be able to generate the revenues needed to keep It in the black. e e "COIIII\/IITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN . ...._____._..____---.PAG.!;..1~ (This page left intentionally blank.) "COI\/I\IIrrTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE H i:e) i! '...,1 '\ i riel 1.-. .! '.' e Main Entrance to pier -...; \. e PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN ""_._"-~-. "__'______K"" ,~<",____. _"__ __.__.. PAGE 20 SE~VICE DESCRIPTION Pier 60 is ideally located on famous Sparkling Clearwater Beach. It i~ one of the best equipped and most attractive fishing piers in Florida and offers access to fishing activities, fine dining, shopping, entertainment and outstanding white :3andy beacheSo The pier is a multipurpose facility that is open twenty four hours a day seven days a week. It is staffed by employees that are skilled in providing "Excellent Customer Service". Our employees take pride in meeting the requests of our citjzens and customers. Current Pier 60 Customer Service e! ~ Trained staff to meet all customers needs .~ Up to the minute weather conditions at the pier ~ Shaded, covered pavilions ~ AudioNideo Security system ~ Reasonable user fees ~ Reasonable equipment rental rates ~ Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly fishing passes ~ Full service bait and tackle shop ~ Fishing rod repairs ~ Snack bar ~ Fishing tournaments ~ Sightseeing ~ Telescopes for beach viewing ~ Easy access to public transportation ~ Rest rooms ~ Pier open 24 hours a day, seven days a week The pier is recognized throughout the fishing community as a family oriented facility, that is professionally managed and very responsive to the needs of customers, citizens and visitors. All the needs of the fishing public are met at the pier. Pay Back I I I I I The pay back to the city will be in high citizen and customer satisfaction and the fact that the facility provides a valuable service to the community. Additional pay back will be to the new Pier Park, now under construction, that will benefIt from the returning customer and visiting tourist. -, "COMIIIITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE a PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN __E'Jl.~!;~1 I.' \ ' Useful PUrpose and Benefits The pier provides a useful purpose and benefit to the fishing community. This facility provides a safe and enjoyable location to fish and it can be enjoyed by fishing public, non-fishing public and visiting tourists. These combined capabilities provide a great atmosphere for customers. Features Highlights The pier facility is extremely attractive, well maintained, meets all the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and provides a valuable service to the community" The pier offers a location to spend some relaxing time fishing, sightseeing or doing nothing at all. i I Key Benefits of All Services The major benefit of the pier is that it is a fishing facility which is an asset to the City of Clearwater. II I customer Satisfaction Survey ....,1 A customer satisfaction survey was completed in FY 93/94 and FY 94/95. In F-"Y 93/94, the survey showed that 87% of all customers rated the pier as "Excellent" and in Fy 94/95, the survey showed that 99% of all customers rated the pier as "Excellent/Good" c Customer Satisfaction is Defined as: Customer Service - the dependability and overall quality of execution of our programs, maintenance, and customer support functions. Customer Programs and Service - the ongoing identification of extemal customers needs and the development of new programs and services to meet those needs, Organizational Effectiveness - the maximum utilization of organizational response and the reduction of operational obstacles to efficient and effective customer service execution. Employee Quality - the development of quality service through training and education of our employees. '....' '\ ,'/ "cOM'v'lITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE .. e ,e e PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN PAGE 22 Other Planned Services for the Business Plan Years We plan to continually develop new methods to Increase revenue and enhance our customer service. Planned service include: 1. Increasing fishing tournaments each year of the plan. 2. Installation of bar code scanning cash register 'COWMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN PAGE 23 (This page left intentionally blank.) .COMMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" '.,' I ' \ / '.) :., e: PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN ...._-_..._._._.~.--___---PAGE 24 MARKET ANALYSIS At the present time there are seven (7) fishing piers located within Pinel/as County" Fishing Piers: City of St. Petersburg Municipal Pier St. Petersburg, FL 33701 City of Clearwater Municipal Marina Pier 25 Causeway Blvd. Clearwater, FL 34630 City of Clearwater Big Pier 60 1 Causeway Blvd. Clearwater, FL 34630 e North Skyvvay Fishing Pier 10501 Sunshine Skyvvay Bridge St. Petersburg, FL Redington Long Pier 17490 Gulf Blvd. Redington Shores, FL Gulf Pier Fort Desoto Park St. Petersburg, FL Bay Pier Fort Desoto Park St. Petersburg, FL Market Definition The key points in defining the market segment for fishing pier operations is to provide a facility that meets the concems of the fishing community and visitors. Lecal fishermen are looking for a clean, safe and well maintained facility. The fishing facility should be staffed by trained professionals with extensive knowledge of fishing in the area. e The pier's ability to operate and provide a service to the fishing community is a positive asset for the City of Clearwater. "COMv1ITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE .. --.......----.-----------'--' PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN _ _______...______._____________________.E!'-..Q!; 25. ".\ '-, / The stability of the fishing pier market segment is steady and based on past years trends, which should continue over the next five years. Leading fishing publications agree that the trend for pier fishing will increase in future years. Strengths ,! The strengths of Pier 60 are: Ideal location on Clearwater Beach. Nearly new Facility, which is fully air conditioned. Pier open 24 hours per day, seven days a week. Easy access from major traffic arteries. Easy access to public transportation. Access to sparkling public beaches. Snack bar. Pleasant atmosphere with benches & covered pavilions. Excellent customer service. Staff displays a strong spirit of cooperation. Pier meets Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Attractive fishing and rental rates. Attractive tackle prices. Excellent variety of merchandise. Pier is in excellent condition and well maintained. "e: In marketing, our most powerful asset are: Facility. Location. Management. Reasonable Cost. Hours of operation. Cooperation. Weaknesses The weaknesses of Pier 60 are: Parking is limited during certain times of the year. Currently, there are no dedicated parking spaces for fishermen using the pier. They must park in the pier 60 lot and pay for parking at the fishing pier. Parking at night for fishermen. The Pier 60 parking lot closes at 1 am. In the past, overnight fishermen had to move their cars into the marina lot at 1 am, which was a problem. Recently, the Marine Department corrected this difficulty with the assistance of '..e..' !, " -_.~---~._-~'_.~' "COt/NUTTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" If; piER 60 BUSINESS PLAN___._._. .________._______PAGE 26 the Police Department. Late night fishennen can leave their vehicles in the lot with a pier 60 parking permit in the window of the vehicle. Many pier customers have commented on the parking difficulties" Opportunities A major opportunity exists with the fishing community in making Pier t30 their pier of choice. The pier has great potential in each of the next five years. Unexplored Opportunities Explore the opportunity for Federal and State grants for fishing piers and waterway environmental improvements. CUSTOMERS It THE EXTERNAL CUSTOMER is our daily service focus. It is our objHct to meet and exceed all reasonable needs of our extemal customer and to make pJssible expanded/enhanced services through a bigger, more professional and cost effective operation. OUR EMPLOYEES AND STAFF are the key to our success. It is our objective to select the best personnel, provide the best training, communicate our goals and objectives, and build them into a cohesive team capable of meeting the demands of the facility and new challenges. THE CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER are our owners and the body we answer to ultimately. The City Commission serves as their trustees and as the Board of Directors. It is our objective to provide a safe, professionally run municipal pier facility that our customers can be proud of. OUR INTERNAL CUSTOMERS are a vital element in the successful '3xecution of our extemal customers. Other city departments play an important role in assuring our daily and long tenn success. It is our objective to effectively communicate our needs, build healthy relationships, and demand excellence in all our services. e Communication is the link between customer groups. It is the key to understanding and a successful execution of our business plan. Only when all customer woups understand the differing view point and reasonable needs of others can a balance be reached which meets the objectives of all involved. Quality is a fundamental commitrnent of the pier and to provide it in all our services to customer groups. "COl\1MITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE .. -----~'------------~-'"-----~--~"- PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN __~______~_______________~Gf' 2"[ A customer satisfaction survey is planned for each year of this business plan, The objective of the survey is to identify the demands of our customers and to respond to them. On each survey, at least one suggestion'Nlll be adopted by the Pier 60 Team. ,.J Customer Ust Currently, there is no customer list other than the names of fishermen with passes. In the future, a list of all customers taking part in special events and fishing toumaments will be maintained. COMPETITION FISHING PIERS: There are seven (7) fishing piers located within Pinellas County. At the present time, the only other fishing piers within a twenty-five mile radius of Pier 60 are the Redington Long Pier, a commercial fishing pier with prices structured similar to Pier 60, and the free fishing pier at the east end of the Clearwater Municipal Marina. Due to the location of the pier, our reasonable rates, our Pier 60 Team, our goal of "Excellent Customer Service" and our relationship with the fishing community, the pier has limited competition within Pinellas County. '.' , , . i .' .COWMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" 'Ie e e piER 60 BUSINESS PLAN ____~___~ ...- - .... ...-..-m________l'AGE ~~ MARKETING STRATEGY The Pier 60 marketing strategy to enhance, promote and support thE fact that this facility is unique in the Clearwater and surrounding area and that this facility is professionally maintained and managed and that it provides a service to the community. Comprehensive Plan The overall marketing plan for the pier is based on the following: ~ The facility will be multi-purpose, serving the diverse needs of the community which are fishing, sightseeing and photography. ~ The segments of the market we plan to reach are both the fishing public and non- fishing public. ~ The distribution channels we plan to use to reach the market segmEmt are: local newspaper advertising, advertising in locally distributed fishing infor'l1ation publications, new releases, word-of-mouth within the fishing community, local radio/television promotional spots and City of Clearwater Channel 15 public service television. ~ We plan to capture a large segment of the youth market by promoting "Kids Day Fishing Tournaments". ~ We plan to capture a large share of the market by aggressively promoting excellent customer service, reasonable fees & rental rates, and an excellent maintain facility. To prove the value of the pier, we can: 1. Promote the facility as much as possible, within approved budget restraints. 2. Demonstrate its effectiveness to citizen of Clearwater and the fishing and non-fishing community. 3. Operate the pier as effectively as possible, within approved budget restraints. The need for the fishing pier in the local area is demonstrated by the fact there are no other facilities within a 25 mile area radius than can provide the same IEwel of fishing service. -,.-....--,--...- -----_._---~--..,-, "COMMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN ________________eA~J;._~9. .eJ positioning Pier 60 is seen by the general public and the fishing community as a real asset to the City of Clearwater. Users of this facility have the perception that the pier is well manaqed and ideally located for many activities. Its unique advantages can be exploited, In terms of marketing advantages, the facility can be used to satisfy customers at a high level of approval. '! Reposition the Competition We can reposition our competition by insuring that our customers receive excellent customer service, maintain the facility to high standards, continue to train the Pier 60 Team and provide competitive market rates. I i. I Marketing Responsibilities Marketing of the pier will be the responsibility of : Harbormaster Assistant Harbormaster Recreation Pier Supervisor i.....: . . Each position will pursue the measures of this Business Plan in marketing the pieL Pricing & Profitability The prices for goods and services are determined by surveys on charges by other facilities. Compared to the competition on goods and services, our prices are reasonable. There are no increased seasonal charges for the pier. The charges are the same year round. Customers will pay the existing charges and recommended increases because of the location of the pier and the quality of service and/or goods that are provided. Margin Structure Discounts Purchases for resale or maintenance/operations for the pier will be paid on time, so that discounts can be taken advantage of. Yearly pass holders receive a 10% discount on fishing tackle. Family pass holder receive a 10% discount on fishing tackle. :1) .COMMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE. e PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN ._--~--'-'-'-'------""--'-~_.""---'"'' .---'"_.,_._,----~---"--~,---. PAGE 30 Spouses of weekly, monthly and yearly pass holders receive a 50% discount off regular pass prices. The Harbormaster will adjust certain fees rates for special conditions, such as group rates for visitors and fishing toumaments. The discount authorized by the Harbormaster can not exceed the approved current rate by 15%. Current Pier 60 Charges Walk on Admission Fee All Customers $.50 Rod and Reel Rental Fees A daily fee of $6.50 is charged for each outfit which includes rod, reel, line, sinker, hook and beads, Daily Fishing Fees Adults S5.35 Seniors & Clearwater Residents $4.45 Students with 1,0 $2.50 ,e Weekly Passes Adults $20.00 Seniors & Clearwater Residents $18.00 Students with 1.0 $10.00 Monthly Passes Adults $40.00 Seniors & Clearwater Residents $34.00 Students with 1.0 $20.00 Yearly Passes Adults $180.00 Seniors & Clearwater Residents $144.00 Students with 1.0 $ 90.00 Family Passes The first member is $180, spouse $90, and all children $90 for a totalJf $360 for unlimited fishing for the entire family in a calendar year, plus a 10% discount on any tackle purchases. e', The annual pass allows unlimited fishing in a calendar year and offers a 10% discount on all tackle purchases. The monthly pass allows unlimited fishing in a specific month with no discounts, the weekly pass allows unlimited fishing for 7 days within a 30 day period "COM'.1rTTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" PIER 60 BU:~~S~~LA~her discounts. The daily pass allows ~niimit~d fi;h-ing during-~2X~~~~~eriOd re) with no discounts. SEWNG TACTICS CURRENT SELLING METHODS Current activities that are used in marketing the pier are direct calling, telephone, advertising in local newspaper, new releases, tide chart handouts, radio information spots and advertising in locally distributed fishing publications. TELEMARKETING The telephone directory will be used for providing information on the pieL The following will also be used: Video Bulletin Board Follow-up calls Inquiry response on service Kiosks Internet '.) DISTRIBUTION The pier will use several different distributions channels. The determining factors in choosing these channels are: Customer profiles. Location. Seasonal concerns with the winter visitors. Efficient use of budgeted funds. METHOD The primary means of distribution will be through advertising, tide information cards and pier information pamphlets. Tide cards & pamphlets will be placed at: Marina Office Counter. Marina Fuel Dock. Chamber of Commerce Welcome Centers. Annual City Expos. Local Businesses. Ie..' '" I " "COMMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" \e - e PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN _________._, PAGE 32 Additional information will be distributed through the City's Silver Image Kiosk located in local malls and other locations within the city. By using several methods, the pier will have more options with which to respond to special needs from citizens and the fishing community. COVERAGE Target areas are the fishing community, which have the highest intemst in the facility and the services provided. Because our distribution network is already set up and in use, customers can enjoy our services now. This will in turn increase the returning customer and customer satisfaction. CUSTOMER SERVIICE The Pier 60 Team appreciates the support of the Police Department, Fire Department, U.S. Coast Guard and Pinellas County Sheriff Department Marine Division in responding to emergency calls. The pier telephone is staffed 24 hour a day to take messages and provide information to customers. Telephone calls that require follow-ups are returned within 24 hours. ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION The Pier 60 Team recognizes that the key to success requires extensive promotion. This must be done aggressively and on a wide scale. To accomplish our ~oals, we require a extremely capable staff for advertising. We plan to advertise in localllewspapers and fishing trade magazines. Advertising will be accomplished within the approved budget for the Marine Department Pier 60 Division. Current outlets for advertisement are: Local Newspapers Tide Tables Press Corporation Sun coast Fisherman Guide Advertising and Promotion Objectives The advertising and promotion objectives of the pier are: .". Position the pier as the leading fishing pier facility in the local area 81d west coast of Florida. .". Increase awareness of pier as well as name recognition among customers and the fishing community. .". Develop significant information for immediate and long-term marketing plans" .". Create product advertising supporting the customer service goal of 'Excellent Customer Service" motto. "COI\II\IIITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE '" PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN ___J"A~f;~~ '? Coordinate literature, material, programs, and direct response promotions in order to improve our overall promotional campaign. Media Objectives Gain awareness of the pier as a facility that is run in a very professional, completely reliable, and highly responsible manner. Maximize efficiency in selection and scheduling of publications that cover the pier in several markets. Media Strategy Position the pier in quality publications that are consistent with our objectives Select primary business publication with high specific market penetration" Schedule adequate frequency to impact the market with messages and stories on the pier. Select specific media to reach several markets. Position advertising at welcome centers and community centers. Special high-interest fishing community publications. Maximize advertising life with monthly and weekly publications. Maximize use of City of Clearwater public relation media efforts. To get the most out of our promotional/advertising budget, our media coverage will be focus on the fishing community. An advertising campaign will be built around how great the Pier 60 facility is, beginning with our goal of "Excellent Customer Service" and supporting it with advertisement':> that reinforce a positive message. Importantly, a consistent reach and frequency will be sustained throughout all the years of this Business Plan. Advertising Campaign The best way to reach potential customers is to develop and continue an intense advertising campaign promoting our basic premise that the pier is a full service facility, managed by a professional staff, with a goal to provide excellent customer service. "COMMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE .. :e.i \ / i.) \,~ \.. Ii ,e PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN ----..-'"-.--..-.-..--"'-.-.,.----. '--'"-"~'-'--"----'--'~--'- PAGE 34 To maintain our image, as one of the finest fishing piers within the State of Florida. Pier 60 advertising will convey the look and feel of relaxed "get away from it all" pier, which is located on the sparking waters and white sandy beaches of Clearwater Beach, The customer mindset, as described in "Marketing Strategies" is to get the best return for their recreational/leisure dollars, while using a great facility. Ideally, after becoming familiar with the pier the customer will: · Become a frequent user. · Become a returning visitor. Share their positive information about this facility to others In the fishing community and suggest they take advantage of this great facility, e Because the pier is an important asset to the City of Clearwater, it is important to develop a promotional campaign that is consistent and easy to understand. Accordingly, we have created a system of research and response to insure the maximum benefit of our advertising dollars. We will develop an advertising history that measures publication effectiveness and counts the number of inquiries for a particular ad. Advertisement sizes will be varied, measured for effective differences and calculated by the number of responses per investment in advertising. Preliminary Media Schedule Our current advertising budget is $3,000. Due to the seasonal natum of our tourist and the fishing community customers, advertising will be increased during certain times of the year. It is projected that $3,000 in each year of the Business Plan will accommodate Pier 60's advertising needs. Promotion In addition to standard advertising practices, we will gain considerable recognition through public service announcements. Reports and papers will be submitted to trade journals for publication. Pier 60 Pamphlet APPENDIX 2 is the current pamphlet on the pier. This pamphlet portrays the pier as an attractive facility and includes: e Rate information. Discount information. Services information. "COMMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN _________J:AGE_ 3~ Ie) Mission Statement. Investment in Advertising and Promotion For the past two years of operation, $5,321 was spent on advertising. The advertising budget for FY 95/96 is $3,000 and will be maintained at that level to insure adequate funding throughout the years of this plan. The planned advertising expenditures are necessary to meet the specific goals of promotion of the pier. The cost of advertising is very reasonable when compared to the projected revenue. Advertising expenditures are on the low side when compared to the industry average because we want to hold down costs as much as possible. The pier can also take advantage of public service messages and free announcements. PUBUC RELATIONS Close public relations will be maintained throughout the years of the Business Plan. This will position the pier at the leading edge of providing a multipurpose fishing facility for the community and visitors. I,e: We will also increase awareness and recognition among customers in the area and tourists visiting Florida. To insure a good public relations effort, we will: ~ Maintain a sustaining public relations effort, with ongoing contact between newspapers and the fishing community. ~ Maintain a regular and consistent update program for the major target medias, keeping employees abreast of all fishing related programs and new innovations in pier management. ~ Continue to provide information to the Parks & Recreation "Communique" that is distributed throughout the city's community centers. ~ Continue to work on a regular update program for the city's Silver Image Kiosk. Press Releases We will develop a series of regular press releases on the pier and prepare special press releases for each new activity introduction, major events, awards and recognition for performance, etc. A photo of the event will be included with the press release, when possible. Ie) "COMMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" ----~ It _I tI! PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN ------.....-------.--.-.-___._.._..__.___.__ _____ ____E'.A.GJ;_ 36 Newspaper Staff Visitations Each year, we will invite newspaper and local television/radio reporters to visit the pier for a story on the facility. During each visit, each of the reporters will receive a complete facility tour and an opportunity to interview the Harbormaster. Assistent Harbormaster, Recreation Facility Supervisor and/or other members of the Pier 60 Team. If possible, demonstrations or activities will be coordinated with the Visit Relationships The Pier 60 Team has formed some very important relationships with the marine and fishing community and organizations, such as: Other City Departments U. S. Coast Guard U. S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Local media State of Florida, Department of Environmental Protection Florida Marine Patrol Pinellas County Sheriff Department Marine Division Pinellas County Artificial Reef Construction Group Sunsets at Pier 60 Clearwater Chamber of Commerce Clearwater Beach Chamber of Commerce Clearwater Marine Science Center A strong spirit of cooperation will be continued with these groups and expanded to include other groups and organizations. "COfIfMtTTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" PIER 60 BUSINESS PL,6,N (This page left intentionally blank.) ..~_.._.______________._eAGE_37 "COMMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" i..." I ' ."; \ / iei . . Beach View of the pier . e e e PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN PAGE 38 FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS Projected 5-Year Program Statement is attached: The projected 5-year program statement projected revenues and expenditures for each of the five years of the Pier 60 Operations Program. These projections are based on our past experience in the operation of the pier. The projections are based on the pier being operated as a General Fund operation, under the control of the Marine Department It includes $20,000 each year for maintenance of the pier. Also, included is the percentage of expenditures vs revenues for the pier. Revenues saved each year will be deposited into the General Fund. Pier revenue is projected to be increased by 5% in each year of the plan. Balance Sheet is attached: The balance sheets list the assents and liabilities of the pier. Equipment include bait tanks, freezers, pumps and building furniture. Depreciation and appreciation on the pier/baithouse and equipment is not included in the balance sheet. "CONMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE. PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN PAGE 39 e PIER 60 OPERATIONS PROJECTED RVEYEAR PROGRAM STATEMENT Revenue FY 96/97 FY97/98 FY 98/99 FY 99/2000 FY 00/01 Fishing Admissions 71,515 75,090 78,845 82,705 86,925 Rod Rental 16,240 17,050 17,905 18,800 19,740 General Admissions 62,640 65,775 69,060 72,515 76,140 Concession Sales 34,510 36,235 38,050 39,950 41,945 Bait Sales 27,665 29,050 30,500 32,025 33,630 Tackle 30,045 31,545 33,125 34,800 36,515 Cigarette Sales 4,410 4,630 4,860 5,100 5,355 Vending 31,580 33,160 34,820 36,600 38,385 Fishing Passes 5,715 6,000 6,300 6,615 6,945 Other Financial Res 0 0 0 0 0 Other General Rev 5,680 5,965 6,260 6,520 6,915 Total Revenue 290,000 304,500 319,725 335,630 352,495 Expenses e Personal Services 147,070 152,955 159,075 165,440 172,060 Other Operating Exp 117,060 103,385 107,535 111,835 116,310 Internal Services 5,650 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 Debt Service 0 0 0 0 0 Transfer 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Total Expenses 269,780 282,340 293,110 304,275 315,870 Revenue less Expense 20,220 22,160 26,615 31,355 36,625 Expenses % of Rev. 93% 92.7% 91.6% 90.6% 89.6% e .CONMITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE. e PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN PAGE 40 LIABILITIES e Current Uabilities 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 Short term debt 0 0 0 0 0 Accounts Payable 0 0 0 0 0 Accrued Liabilities 0 0 0 0 0 Long term debt 0 0 0 0 0 Total Liabilities 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 Total Fund Equity 1,994,241 1,994,241 1,994,241 1,994,241 1,994,241 * Depreciation of approximately $55,000 per year is not included in this balance sheet. e ~ED TO I!XCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE' e e - PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN PAGE 41 CONCLUSIONS AND SUMMARY The Clearwater Pier 60 will continue to be an asset to the City of Clearwater and the fishing community. It will be recognized for professional, friendly service and staff responsiveness to customers, citizens and visitors. Pier 60 employees will be highly trained, motivated, safety conscience, and professionally trained to provide Excellent Customer Service and to adhere to the city's Principles of Operation. Under the General Fund, the pier should generate sufficient revenue to keep it in the black. The Pier 60 Team will work towards meeting all the objectives and strategies of the Business Plan. Customers of pier are our most important asset, and we will take all steps necessary to satisfy their needs. We will go the extra mile and then some to meet every reasonable request and suggestion. This business plan should carry the pier through the next five years. Employees will do their best to follow all the objectives and strategies of the plan. "CONNITTED TO EXCELLENT CUSTOMI!!R SI!!RVlCE " e e e PIER 60 BUSINESS PLAN PAGE 4Z APPENDIX "COMMrrTEO TO EXCELlENT CUSTOMER SERVICE" . Appendix #1 Organization Chart City of Clearwater Pier 60 . Recreation Pier Supervisor 1.0 Marine Facility Operators 4.0* * Equivalent to fulltime ~ . 1 CAUSEWAY BOULEVARD CLEARWATER. FLORIDA 34630 (813) 462-6466 OPEN 24 HOURS - 7 DAYS A WEEK (Closed on Christmas Day] ~ . ~~~~~~~h: ~.. ...:.~ .' . ~.""....'",c_ ~,~' <;~/ .' ROD RENTALS BAIT & TACKLE COVERED PAVILION'S SNACK BAR · RESTROOMS TELESCOPES NO FISHING LICENSE REQUIRED KEEP YOUR CATCH IJe ON ~.\?!t . ~"'. Cl 16;1~ ~:il\A!4i\51 0\\ "i(ij;:::;a !E5lEACH -.J _.1k~:>,/"~~ ), ~.-:f b [?'h I~ t:',",-:.o:r-~ I~J:-.- ~~....:;;":';".,.~~...,-. 1 CAUSEWAY BOULEVARD CLEARWATER, FUJJ:l~Dj.\ ~34630 (813] 46~~.,6466 OPEN 24 HourIS, 7 Dt\YS l\ \NEE\( (Closed on Chri[;r.ma,:; D;::;V] ~:::::::'~~~;:':::'::~:;~O:'~~~~", r~ 0 rr'il if,;;.j ,:~ '\ n' ~<~, nUl. ~!l;..11,. rI ~l> ~ COVERED Pi:\:~1[F1JD[i'WS SNACK BiJ\kI " RE,Si,'n:100MS "NO FISHING "~:~~~:: ::::::.-. Oail,/, weekiy, mClith!y micl available. There is a ~G l~[' r}i:.jt~f:.;es ar~E , . :.",(!\"", -;!;-. ':";I.J(j "Clur )Hi-:':S/rYi '1UC1/ity set fisfuf ct/() f// i>--; DAilY FISHING FEES ADULTS SENIORS & CLEARWATER RESIDENTS STUDENTS WITH 1.0. WEEKLY PASSES ADULTS SENIORS & CLEARWATER RESIDENTS STUDENTS WITH 1.0. MONTHLY PASSES '..AOUL TS .,: ;3~NIORS & r....CLEARWA TER RESIDENTS .....ST.UDENTS WITH 1.0. YEARLY PASSES ..: ADULTS ; SENIORS & "CLEARWA TER. RESIDENTS /..-. ...ST49ENTS WITH 1.0. $ 5.35 $ 4.45 $ 2.50 $20.00 $18.00 $10.00 $40.00 $34.00 $20.00 $180.00 $144.00 $ 90.00 50% Off regular admission for spouses Please ask abDut our Family Fishing Plan ~;;A; j~ . Printed on r0cjdnd paper -- 7/95