CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 03/13/2005 15:54 7277241554 CITY OF SAFETY HARER PAGE 07 CERtJJr1(;,ut. 0.. LlAIHUTY INStJllANCE J.IJsc4r~ ~ A.MATEUR ATRLlITIC UN1(l1'f 011 THE u.s..mc f, CERTIFtCAt'tHOLDI:fl Ci1;y ofCI_lcr 1hit c:crtifiC8le it il. at I UOJ N Belcher ReI conr"". no ripts upon ~ C) doct not amend, cxlcnd ~41 CIcalwaklr. Ft 3316S policies bc:fow, I I'RODUCER Fay In_c Gfwp lpc. Il'lSURED ~ A1fTlc:lie Union of1fTc U,S;tl1ie,'7 1'0 BOlt 1030 '. ./ Walt Di""1l)' Wodd Rcmrt i ( "0 (-'\,;' ElIelcr, NIl 01833 P.O, BoK 1000 '. ~1mB_VllllR.FL 32113Q.loocI. l GrcenWlIVl: /~~ =~AAU 1130 Winfield RoId N CIcarwalcr. Fl. 1469S ~..! 0 S. PIrIe A YC.. Sullo 202 FLBWSU7JCC . . ~fimJ, FL 32771 I . / ' . -i800-MU~lJSA COMPArm:s AFFOItDING COvutA~( " NlMPANV .4- LcximrtDn 1111_"" CG""""I)I ~"J R ~~ 1~.IHm.l~;,,\jx~. : ( ,....,. I~f"..nnuumv I .. COMl'A1YY C ~llJlljllll T'W'OIUl;c eomnomv ~ ) COVERA<>E8. Thil! ;810 ~ 11m the po/i~iCl) of inl1lnmcc IlatccJ below have bcCII'~ ihe~ ~ abo..! (.,.. tho policy P.Oriod iodicalCd; notwllhstandlng any rcqu/r'cmcIIl. It:rm, or COlIC/IIian (J(1llY CllIlllUt Ot' t}tllet ~~ wbich dri8l:Utific8ll: mllY.1ic ~cc1 or may pmtAin, ,ite ;nll\ll1l1lCC Ilfforded by the poJil;)'(ICll) described l1Cl'C!nll subject 10 all tile ~ .,_'.. conditiOllll of such po/iC}"l~). ",it.. Ihowa may ha\fllllcan ftlclutUt 1Iy lIIIid cJ.irll\l, . . \; r, '. \ COVERAGE IFF. / ~' ~- d:tw~$~ (:() TYPt; OT FOLICY v~~ LTR tlllSU1lANCII: NU1\fBEIl DA~~~ < /.,. I ~./ "j ./ C l'l1fliQiplll\f. SGR-91 0 1737 9/1 ~ 12:01 AJII:' """ .9II~~O'j A:M. ~~~" ~.." I 50,000 Aedd..,t ,: " '., j' ~icIcm.1 ~. I s.ooo I ", / .C.. '. " " '.. j " /.., ~/~ )'/ B Exceed 9744lSJ Wl1f1S 12:fll ......~. 'ml\l(ll;2;OI A..M. 1.000.000 Liability Pal~^~.. '1,000.000 '. '> . . -".., ?li~ I~A.M, ' ~2 " ~I ~2114J9 9111015 12:01 A,M, .' Each 00' L' I,OOO,OllfI LiIbllity ! ("j 1.. , ~i:nl.A~1: il Per Club 1.000.000 .- lI,tticip.dt ~nbilily J: ...../ -- . . . . {" l P~!..J.d . crtldnslnjuty Limit i,OOO.[JI)II t\. ".. ~ . Opcqticma 1,000,000 .... '. / F~ ~ to prllllriles R~1ed to You ,. r- ...... "', (Any ~ l'lo:mila) 1,000.000 i \, " 'I 5.000 \'. 1 Medicll ~pcnICI Limit (Any One r~) .r-...., '. ..' f ADDITIONAL INIIORMAnON I ' ioNs, SPEe'iAL ITEMS I Coveragc applies to GrccnWaue, ~cti~"1r/iK~W4TSY Pmclicc, Gr=Iwom: fiom 03/0112006 t.hroush ~112M6. " I "" <<<1i"".........., '" B A~"'''''' w1~ _, "'.. __ "'... N_ r........ "'...' "'.. _ "" Limitations of the poljcy(io~}. Covet'l\ge .pplies to AAU rcqislt:n:d dub!i wltile participalj(\l1 ill ^^ U Sllncticncd m:ntsIpractiCCOl. POI' COvet'llge l(l apply III ptrticiptnta in 8l'I AAtJ sanctioned cvalt IlIIIlII be Cl.1lTCt\t regiJCered members of cite AAU. CANCELLA noN. ShDllld IIIIY f,lf tIN: a ~ de3cribccl poliei~ be CIIIlCelcd bcf'gn: tltc ~inlcion dale thmof. the issuing insun:r will cru:1eaV( or ro mail 30 days' 'lritlen notice to the ccrtifiattc holder, bul fiailurc to mall such notiec shall imJlC1'lC rlf,l obliption or IlablUcy of any Icind upon !he iJlSurer. ita llgCIIT/; 01' I'CpI'ClIClltativ~. ~ /~;:' 7 DATE I!lSllIID! D81f.$olO~ tWftl: (:ftde: 6KJ't,BW.fI.'5V ~"'No,~ Aulhtrri7",d R~tivc