PENNY FOR PINELLAS COMMUNITY FEEDBACK - AGN d. I 5-300~ Penny for Pinellas May 30, 2006 1. Took the list and shopped it to neighbors and members of the business community: a. Positive Comments 1. Countryside Library needs expansion space 11. Highland Ave Widening - makes sense 111. Bayshore Blvd - ok if needed for safety IV. Good to partner with County on new City Hall to save money v. Library technology is ok at a time of technology advancements VI. Several people liked the Downtown Streetscapes (others were very opposed) b. Confusing Wording i. What is a wireless "Mesh"? ii. Fire Station "renovation" isn't it more a reconstruction? iii. Neighborhood parks renovations and improvements - are we adding functionality. Are we adding new parks? iv. Downtown parking - if you mean a ramp say ramp. c. Questions: i. Police Vehicle Storage - how big? seems like a lot of $. ii. How many Homicides do we have a year that would require a specialized vehicle? Why do we need a Police Homicide Vehicle if the Sheriff does the forensic investigations? 111. Downtown Streetscape - wasn't the CRA supposed to do this? IV. City Hall and Parking - how many sq ft and where is the offset from the sale of the existing land? Have we sold the current City Hall ? v. Have to be more specific on the trail issues. Some of the trail in Clearwater is ugly and unpleasant. VI. Isn't there a private option alternative for the wireless mesh? V11. What's the $5M for Coachman for? Vlll. Do we only have two road improvement projects within Clearwater that are needed in the next 10 years? d. Missing 1. Missing art and cultural projects such as Ruth Eckerd Hall 11. Stormwater capital projects lll. Traffic Calming IV. Need more beautification and landscaping v. Need to preserve more land and protect wildlife e. Concerns 1. Downtown Streetscaping way too much, lot of money, is there a paypack, awful lot of money, too much $, better things to spend money on, who really benefits? 11. Countryside aquatics not needed (from two Countryside citizens one a mother), concern about new FTE's Penny for Pinellas worksession 060530.doc 1 Printed 5/30/2006 11 :40 AM 111. Shouldn't rebuild an East Library so close to St. Pete College Library, should at least save half of this in a partnership. IV. Marina parking ramp - concern about a partnership on public property, can residents get a discount? Penny for Pinellas worksession 060530.doc 2 Printed 5/30/2006 11:40 AM