February 9, 1993
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met at City Hall with the following members present:
Rita Garvey Mayor/Commissioner
Richard Fitzgerald Vice-Mayor/Commissioner
Sue Berfield Commissioner
Arthur X. Deegan, II Commissioner
Mayme Hodges Commissioner
Also present:
Michael J. Wright City Manager
Kathy S. Rice Deputy City Manager
Elizabeth Deptula Assistant City Manager
Tina Wilson Budget Director
Cynthia E. Goudeau City Clerk
The meeting was called to order at 10:38 a.m.
Elizabeth Deptula, Assistant City Manger, indicated the purpose of today's meeting is to get direction regarding the upcoming budgeting process. She indicated the budget is considered
to be a controlling and planning document. She reported the Financial Management Ordinance can be changed. She indicated, while Clearwater has received several Government Finance Officer
Association awards for its budgeting, there is still room for improvement.
Ms. Deptula reviewed zero based budgeting and a modified version adopted by Chandler, Arizona. She then reviewed the processes used by the City of Clearwater from 1983 to the present.
She reiterated the purpose of today's meeting is to determine the process to be used for the 1993/94 budget and how the Commission wants the budget document to look. She reported the
Commission previously reached consensus that the millage rate remain the same and the number of employees remain constant. There needs to be discussion regarding the establishment of
new fees.
The City Manager indicated the proposed recycling program will add to the City's expenses. He is comparing doing it in-house to contracting it out.
Ms. Deptula reviewed budget processes from other governments.
Tina Wilson, Budget Manager, reviewed a possible format for a program budget. She expressed some concern regarding losing some historical data through the process. The Mayor suggested
the preliminary budget could contain the historical information.
Ms. Deptula questioned if the Commission wanted to see the enterprise funds' contributions to the general fund. Ms. Wilson indicated this information would always be available in the
Regarding the need to change the Financial Management Ordinance, Ms. Deptula indicated a couple of word changes should suffice. Currently the ordinance requires the general fund information
be separate from the enterprise and interfund information. The City Manager indicated the Commission could change the Ordinance in any manner they like.
In response to a question Ms. Deptula indicated going to a program based budget (PBB) would not eliminate line item information for use by the departments and the budget office. She
indicated if the Commission directs to pursue a PBB a listing of the programs in each department would be prepared within the next two to three weeks.
The City Manager questioned if the Commission wanted to make this change. It was stated this would result in less detail being given to the Commission. The budget document would be
based on the programs once they are prioritized.
A question was raised regarding how overtime in the police department would be identified. Ms. Deptula indicated there would be a page per program with information regarding categories
of costs. A separate book or computer printout would provide line item data. She indicated each commissioner may look at whatever information and level of detail they want.
Discussion ensued regarding what the Commissioners wanted. There was general agreement that a lot of detail was not needed in the budget presentations but they should be available
for Commissioners that wanted them.
Consensus of the Commission was to direct staff to pursue a Modified Program Budget.
A request was made that measurable indicators be included. Discussion ensued regarding what was being requested. It was suggested this be allowed to evolve over the next few months.
It was stated staff should go ahead with the modified PBB keeping it as simple and clear as possible. Ms. Deptula indicated this would not be a two book process. All agreed.
Ms. Deptula indicated final numbers would not be in the budget until July 1, 1993.
A question was raised regarding the concept of having revenues and expenses on the same page. The City Manager felt this is a good idea.
Ms. Deptula questioned how the Commission wanted to get public input and if there should be a budget town meeting. Consensus was to schedule a town meeting after the City Manager's
recommended budget has been released. Ms. Deptula indicated this would be late July or August.
The City Manager stated there were some philosophical issues he wanted to make sure
of. He indicated he had heard Commission direction that there not be an increase in the millage rate and that fees were to be held in line within certain parameters. The last issue
is does he bring the Commission a balanced budget or one out of balance with options.
Discussion ensued regarding the need to prioritize programs and establish measurable indicators. Consensus of the Commission was for the City Manager to deliver a balanced budget.
It was stated that this does not mean the Commission can not make changes.
A question was raised regarding whether to allow a carry over as is done in Chandler, Arizona. Discussion ensued, there was no consensus.
The meeting adjourned at 12:58 p.m.