10/21/1992 - 10 AM
by Lance Koster, Jimmie's Wrecker Service
October 21, 1992 - 10:00 a.m.
Present: Elizabeth Deptula, Assistant City Manager
Officer Charlie Dunn, Clearwater Police Department
Lance Koster, Appellant
Gwen Legters, Staff Assistant II
Ms. Deptula called the meeting to order and witnesses were sworn in by Ms. Legters.
Lance Koster, appellant, stated he understands the Police Department policy relating to false
alarm citations, and agreed with the concept of paying a $30.00 fine when the police are called to
respond to a false alarm. However, he stated his alarm is set up to ring at his home instead of
going through an alarm company and he responds to the alarms or calls the police himself when
necessary. He stated he has twice been cited when police officers on routine patrol in the vicinity,
heard and responded to alarms without being called. He indicated it is the duty of the officers to
investigate these types of situations while on patrol and does not feel he should be cited or fined.
Officer Dunn read from the police report, stating Jimmie's Wrecker Service received a courtesy
warning In April of this year and was issued citations when officers driving by responded to
alarms. He explained the department has responded to over 5,500 false alarms which sent
officers away from their regular duties. However, since City Ordinance No. has been in effect,
the incidence of false alarms has been reduced 25 percent. He stated the ordinance is written so
that whether or not the police are called, the false alarm citation is valid.
Mr. Koster disagreed with this interpretation, indicating his alarm is very sensitive and frequently
sounds due to minor disturbances.
In response to a question by Ms. Deptula, Mr. Koster indicated he usually responds to the alarms
himself; however, during the most recent incident, the police called him and he met them at the
site. Officer Dunn indicated the report states the appellant did not respond to the alarm.
Mr. Koster was unwilling to follow Officer Dunn's suggestion regarding eliminating the audible
alarm. Mr. Koster feels the audible alarm is a strong deterrent against break-ins on his property.
He restated his opinion that when officers are already patrolling the area, they are supposed to
check out whatever situations occur and he should not be fined if he did not call the police. He
indicated narrowing down the causes of false alarms is frequently a problem for alarm users.
Officer Dunn stated the ordinance also provides for officer safety. He explained when officers
respond to audible alarms, their heart rates increase dramatically. In addition, after responding to
numerous false alarms, an officer could become complacent and not exercise sufficient caution
when responding to an alarm.
Ms. Deptula stated she will interpret what is in the code, make her decision within ten days and
notify the appellant in writing.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:12 a.m.
MINFA10B.92 1 10/21/92