LEASE AGREEMENT AT CAMPUS WALK ?:~ {!(f/ ~~ R~ ikO- l I " II ',~ J LBASB AODR1nIIInIT FOR CAllPUS WALl[, CLBARWABR, FLORIDA Landlord. ABS Proper~ies ~.nan~1 ci~y of~~a~~J. :::;~:;~~~:::~-_!~~~~-~:::_----------------------- ~ICLB lAU Ar~icl. I LBASE ~BRMS AND CONDI~IONS OF ~BHAHCY . . ~' . . . . .1 S.c~ion 1.01 Fund...n~al Lea.. provi.ion. Sec~~oD ,1~02 Bxi.~ing Lien. and O~h.r Encumbrance. Sec~ion 1.03 Comple~ion of ~he L.a.ed premi... Article II SBRVlCES BY LANDLORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 S.c~ion 2.01 Main~.n.nc. .nd R.pair. by L.ndlord S.c~ion 2.02 Al~.r.~ion. or Addi~ion. ~o C.n~.r Sec~ion 2.03 Sign Cri~eria and Adver~i.ing Media Article III ~BNANT COVENANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Sec~ion 3.01 R.pair. by ~.nan~ Sec~ion 3 .02 Al~.r.~ion., Addi~ions, IlDprovem.n~s ~o ~h. Leas.d Premise. sec~ion 3. 03 Cov.n.n~. R.garding ~en.n~ '. U.. of L....d pr.mi.e. Sec~ion 3.04 Accep~anc. of Lea..d pr..i.es and Prop.r~y by ~.nan~ Sec~ion 3.05 M.chanic'. Li.n. Ar~icle IV ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLB~ING . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 S.c~ion 4.01 A.signm.n~ and Subl.~~ing S.c~ion 4.02 Mor~g.ging Ar~icle V INSURANCB; CASUAL~Y; INDBMNI~ . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Sec~ion 5.01' L.ndlord'. Insuranc. Sec~ion 5.02 ~.n.n~'. In.ur.nce Sec~ion 5.03 Indemni~y S.c~ion 5.04 (Del.~.d) Sec~ion 5.05 Ca.ual~y Damage S.c~ion 5.06 Cond.mna~ion Ar~icle VI DBFAUL~ S.c~ion 6.01 Sec~ion 6.02 Sec~ion'6.03 Sec~ion 6.04 Sec~ion 6.05 ................... D.faul~ Clau.. Li.n for R.n~ A~~orn.r.' F..s/Waiv.r of Jury ~rial No I.pli.d Waiver Per.onal Liabili~y . . .9 Ar~icle VII MISCBLLANBOUS . . . . . . . .11 S.c~:ion 7.01 Shopping C.n~er Pro.o~ion Sec~ion 7.02 Bolding Ov.r Sec~ion 7.03 Bn~ire Agr....n~ Sec~ion 7.04 ~ran.f.r of Landlord'. Righ~. S.c~ion 7.05 Quie~ Po.....ion Sec~ion 7.06 S.v.rabili~y Clau.. S.c~ion 7.07 Binding Bff.c~ S.c~ion 7.08 Landlord'. Rigb~ of In.p.c~ion S.c~ion 7.09 Surr.nd.r Sec~ioD 7.10 No~ic.. S.c~ion 7.11 Cons~ruc~ion Sec~ion 7.12 In~.re.~ on Pa.~ Du. Obliga~ion. S.c~ion 7.13 Fore. Majeur. Sec~ion 7.14 B.~opp.l C.rtific.~. S.c~ion 7.15 (Dele~ed) Sec~.ion '1.16 Fir.~ Mon~h's R.n~/Radon/lmpac~ Fee./Venue Sec~ion 7.17 Riders .nd Bxhibi~. # ) /' (' c-:-'-. / ...., r ._...;- _. , I --..' f ' , , . .. , (;) ~. I I; '-..'" I " LEASE AGREEMENT FOR CAMPUS WALK, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA !rBIS LEASE is made and enter.d into .ffectiv. .. of the _ d.y of , 1994, by and b.tw..n ABS Properti.., . Florid. G.n.r.l P.rtn.rship, baving as it. .d4r..s 21252 U.S. Bwv. 19 Nortb. Cl.arwat.r. Florida 34625 for .11 purpos.s b.reund.r .. "Land- lord", and tbe Citv of Clearwat.r. Florid., . municipality witbin Pin.llas County, Florida b.ving as its addr.ss for .11 purpo..s h.r.under clo Cl.arwater Gas Svstem. P.O. Box :~~~ ~~~a~:::~. Florid. 34618. .nd 112 Soutb Osc.ol. Av.nu.. Cl . t . 34616 and Suit. # 304 . 2551 Dr.w Stre.t. Cl..rwat.r. FL 34625 .. "!r.n.nt... Articl. I - LEASE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF TENANCY S.ction 1.01 Fundamental Lea.. Provisions. In consid.r.tion of the r.nt. .nd cov.nants hereinaft.r ..t forth, Landlord h.r.by 1..... to !r.nant, .nd !r.nant h.r.by l..s.. fro. L.ndlord, the following d..crib.d pr.mi..s upon tb. following term. .nd condition., IA) "L.as.d Premis.s" , Th.t portion of "Caapu. Walk" (tb. "C.nt.r or Plaza") located on tbat c.rtain parc.l of r.al prop.rty in the City of Cl.arwater, Pin.llas County, Florida, d.scrib.d on Bxhibit "A" attach.d b.r.to and mad. a part h.r.of for all purpo... (th. "prop.rty"), said !Leas.d premis.. containing approxim.t.ly 2852 .qu.re f..t of "N.t R.ntable Area" .nd de.cribed .. the sb.d.d .r.. on Exhibit "A", and made a part her.of for .11 purpo..s, tog.th.r will .11 improv.m.nt. thereon. For purpos.. of this L...., the t.rm "Net aentabl. Area" .hall me.n the ar.. of the L....d Pr..i... . ...sur.d to the midpoint of .11 interior p.ri..t.r w.ll. .nd the outside of exterior perimeter wall.. IB) "Lease !rerm": An initial period of 64 month. commencing on 1 June 1994 hereinafter referred to as the "Co_ence..nt D.t..., together with ,Renewal !rerms, if any, subject to Section 1.03(a) b.low. IC) "Ba.e Rental", Monthly installments, payable in adv.nc. (tog.tb.r witb any Florida .ale. or u.. tax on R.nt.ls .s now pr.scrib.d by law and as may b. am.nd.d, modifi.d, orchang.d from time to tim.) on the first (1st) day of .ach c.l.ndar month of the L.a.. T.rm (tb. first and last months being pror.t.d, if n.c..- .ary), witbout d.mand, s.toff or count.rclaim from and .ft.r the Comm.nc.m.nt Dat. and during tb. L.a.. Term, in the following d.scrib.d amounts , !ri.e Period Amount of Monthly Installment Rate psf/Y.ar Months 1 through 26 $1,663.67 $7.00 Months 27 through-40 $1 , 782 .50 $7.50 Months 41 through_52 $1,901.33 $8.00 Month. 53 through_64 $2,020.17 $8.50 !ro such monthly amounts sball be added applicable State of Florid. ..le. arid/or us. tax. 1RL (Dietlet:ed)' IB) Additional Rental. T.nant sball p.y .. Addition.l R.nt (wh.ther or not tb. provision requiring the paym.nt of .uch amount .0 .tat.s) .11 such otber .um. of mon.y and .xp.nditur.. .. .h.ll b.come due from and payable by T.nant to Landlord und.rthi. L.... (.uch sums plus tbe Base R.ntal som.times h.r.in.ft.r b.ing coll.ctively ref.rred to as "Rent.. or "Rental", including Perc.nt- .g. R.nt.l); togetber witb any and all state sales or us. t.x .s ..y now or hereinafter apply. (I') CleaninQ CharQe !renant has paid at ex.cution of Lea.e to L.ndlord a non-refundable Cleaning Charg. of $750.00. lG) "Leas. Year", (D.leted) IB) "Permitted Use" , Tb. L....d premi.e. are to b. u..d .nd occupied by !ren.nt solely for us.. l.gally permitt.bl. by gov.rning .uthoritie., which u..s Ten.nt .hall a..ur. it..lf .r. .llowed prior to .nt.ring into this lease, ill.g.l u..s b.ing d....d c.us. for L.as. cancellation by Landlord. Such u.e shall be fO~::::: :n: .dministrative offic.s. custom.r s.rvic. c.nt.r and .h 0 Q.. apoliances . and for no otber purpose or u.. without L.ndlor- d'. written consen~. Tenant, its SUCc.ssors and assigns .h.ll not u.. the Leased Premises for any type of s.xually ori.nt.d business.s including massage parlor, nude dancing, pornogr.phic bookstore or theatre; nor shall !renant allow use of pinball games or oth.r "games of chance" or other nuisanc. items in th. L....d 1 ~ II . d/). .'.. p '. I " u ,r..... , Pr..~.... In no .v.n~ .hall ~.nan~ u.. pr..~... for any purpo.. g~v.n prior ~o o~h.r ~.nan~. a. an .xclu.iv. u.., as and ~o ~h. .x~.n~ li.~ed,in Rid.r #5. 11\ "Brok.rl.\. Landlord and ~.nan~ h.reby .u~ually r.pr...n~ and warran~ ~o .ach o~h.r ~ha~ ~h.y have no~ had d.aling. or n.go~ia- ~ion. wi~h r..p.c~ ~o ~h. Lea.eeI pr..i... wi~h .ny r..l ..~.~. brok.r, o~h.r ~h.n Gen. Maxon A..oc1.~.., Inc. If any brok.r ..k.. a cla~. ~ha~ .~~h.r ~.nan~ or Landlord h.. .ngag.d .uch brok.r in CODD.c~~on wi~h ~h. l...~ng of ~h. Le...d Pr..is~., ~h. p.r~t ag.ins~ whoa .uch cla~. i. _d. agr... ~o ind.lDD~fy .nd hold hanal... ~h. o~h.r par~y h.r.~o aga~n.~ any .nd all co.~. or charg.s (including any a~~orD.Y.' f..s) suff.r.d as ~h. r.sul~ of .uch clal8. IJ\ COmmon Ar.as. Th. us. and occupancy by T.nan~ of ~h. Lea..d pr_i.e. .hall includ. ~h. righ~ on ~h. par~ of Tenan~, i~. cus~o..r., gu..~s .nd invi~..., ~o ~h. u.., in common wi~h o~h.r. .n~i~l.d ~h.r.~o, of ~h. cOll8On .r..., ..rvic. ro.d., .10.din9 f.c~l~~i.., .~d.w.lk. and parkin9 ar... (.uch ar.a., plus .11 .qu~pm.n~, f~x~ur.. and i.prov...n~. ~h.r.on, b.1ng h.r.~n.f~.r coll.c~~v.ly r.f.rr.d ~o a. ~h. "COll8On Ar.a."), .ubj.c~, how.v.r, ~o ~h. ~.rm. and cond~~ion. of ~hi. Leas., .nd subj.c~ ~o .uch r.a.onabl. rul.. and r.gul.~ion. for ~h. us. ~h.r.of as ar., or .ay fro. ~~.. ~o ~im. in ~h. fu~ur. b., pr..cr~b.d by Landlord. Landlord .hall k..p ~h. Common Ar.as r.asonably cle.n and main~a1n ~h. COmmon Ar.a. .in a r.a.onabl. .~a~. of r.pa~r and condi~1on. In r.~urn for .uch ..rvic.., .nd .. Acld1~ion.l R.n~al h.r.und.r, T.nan~ agr... ~o p.y ~o Landlord ..ch aon~h in .dv.nc. during ~h. Le... T.rm, i~.propor~~on.~. .h.r. of ~h. .nnu.l co.~ of op.r.~- ing, r.p.iring, l~gh~ing, cl..ning, .qu~pping, r.pl.cing .nd ma~n~a~ning ~h. COmmon Ar.. .nd fac1li~i.. of ~h. C.n~.r (including, bu~ no~ li..i~ed ~o, .~riping and r.surfacing of parking area, wa~.r con.UlDp~ion and s.w.r s.rvic., g.rba~. .nd ~rash coll.c~ion, roof r.pair, door r.pair, .l.c~rical ballas~s, c.rtain plwming fix~~res, BVAC maiD~.nanc. and/or r.placem.n~ [.xc.p~ BVAC add.d by T.nan~, und.r con~rol by T.nan~J), which may b. incurr.d by Landlord in i~s di.cr.~ion wi~h r..p.c~ ~o ~h. COmmon Ar.a. .nd facili~i.s (coll.c~i".ly, ~h. "Common Ar.a COs~s"). T.nan~'. proportiona~e share of ~h. COmmon Ar.a COs~. (~h. "COmmon Ar.a M.in~.nanc. Ch.rg."), shall b. . frac~1on ~h.r.of, ~h. nUID.ra~or of which is ~h. N.~ R.n~abl. Ar.a of ~h. Leas.d pr.mis.s, and ~h. d.no..ina~or of which i. ~h. aggr.g.~. H.~ R.n~abl. Ar.a con~ain.d wi~hin ~h. C.n~er. Tenan~'. .hare of .uch COamon Ar.a CO.~. .hall b. payabl. ~o Landlord in .qu.l aon~hly in.~.llm.n~. b..ed on Landlord's e.~iaa~. of ~he ~o~.l .DDual CO-.on Ar.. Co.~. for .uch Leas. Y.ar,.ubj.c~ ~o adju.~.n~ .~ ~h. .nd of Landlord'. f1.c.l y..r on ~h. b..i. of ~h. .c~u.l COmmon Ar.. CO.~. for .uch y.ar. Af~.r ~h. clo.. of ..ch fi.c.l y..r of Landlord during ~h. L.a.e T.ra, Landlord .h.ll furn~.h ~o T.n.n~ a .~.~".n~ of ~h. .c~ual CO-.on Ar.a COs~s for such y.ar, which .~a~e..n~ shall ~nclude an alloca~ion of Tenan~'s propor~ion.~. .h.r. of COmmon Ar.a COs~. calcula~.d as h.r.inabov. provid.d. Such.um for .ny par~ial y..r of ~h. L.as. T.rm shall be pror.~.d on . ~im. ba.i.. If T.nan~'. proportiona~. sh.r. of ~he .c~ual COmmon Ar.. COs~s is .i~h.r gr.a~.r or less ~han Landlord'. ..~ima~. on which Tenan~' s ..on~hly pay..n~s h.r.u~der had be.n ba.ed, ~h.n T.nan~ .h.ll promp~ly p.y ~o Landlord ~h. amoun~ of ~he d.ficiency, or T.nan~ .hall b. .n~i~l.d ~o offs.~ ~h. .xc..s again.~ p.ym.n~. n.x~ ~h.r..f~.r ~o b.co.. due ~o Landlord und.r ~h1. S.c~1on 1.01 (J), .. ~h. ca.. may b.. Failur. ofTenan~ ~o p.y .uch mon~hly COamon Ar.a Main~.nanc. Charg., or ~o make .uch y..r-end adju.~..n~ pay..n~, if .ny, sh.ll b. ~r.a~.d as a failure ~o pay Ren~.l h.reunder. In cer~.in c...., T.n.n~ .h.llb. m.~.r.d and b~lled .ep.r.~.ly for w.~.r con.UlDp~ion .nd ..w.r u... In .uch .v.n~, Landlord .hall d.duc~ o~her w.~er .nd ..w.r co.~s in ~h. d.~.rmin.~ion of common .r.. ..in~.nance .. .nd wh.r. applicabl.. . Any o~h.r co.~. incurred in ~h. opera~ion of ~h. "Pla.... specifically by ac~ion. or ..r.ly ~he .xis~.nce of (a) c.rt.in ~.nan~(.) which are oy.r and above ~h. normal op.r.~iong .xpens.s, shall be charged dir.c~ly ~o ~ha~ ~.nan~ as Addi~ional R.n~, .aid cos~s b.ing a~~ribu~ed and alloca~.d ~o said ~.nan~ by and a~ ~h. .01. di.cr.~ion of ~h. Landlord; an .x..pl. i. p.rking lo~ swe.ping r.qu1r.d b.cau.. of . bar or lounge which may cr.a~. a nuisanc. ~o o~h.r ~enan~. or cu.~o..r.; .uch co.~. .lloc.~.d ~o .uch a ~.nan~ are no~ ~o b. con.~rued as condoning ~h. probl.m, and .uch ac~ions may allow Landlord ~o .vic~ said~.nan~. IKl Tax.. and In.uranc. BXDen... On ~h. comm.nc...n~ Da~. and dur~ng ~h. L.a.. T.rm,T.nan~ .gr... ~o pay ~o Landlord, a. Add~~~onal R.n~.l, T.nan~'. propor~iona~. .har. of (i) ~h. amoun~ of ~ax.. and ........n~. l.vi.d and a......d for .ny .uch y.ar upon ~h. L.a..d Pr..ise. and ~he underlying re.l~y, .nd (ii) ~h. cos~ ~o Landlord of ~h. in.urance r.quired ~o be main~ain.d by Landlord on ~he c.n~.r. und.r Sec~ion 5.01, below. On ~h. firs." da7j;JCh T.nan~ j41l-- 2 Landlord I ~ c.l.nd.r mon~h during ~he 1..... ~.rm ~.n.n~ .h.ll p.y ~o Landlord .n ..oun~ ..~im.~.d by L.ndlord 'to b. 'the mon'thly .um p.yabl. h.r.und.r by ~.n.n~. For purpo... of 'this ..c'tion, T.nan't and L.ndlord .hall u.. ~h. sam. m.'thod of compu'ta'tion, no'tic. and .dju.~m.n~.ppl~.d .nd d..crib.d in S.c~ion 1.01 (J) .bov.. Any co.~ incurred 'by Landlord con~..~ing .d v.lor.m ~.x.. .b.ll b. born. by ~.nan~ a. Addi~ional R.n~. Wh.r. ~h. ~.nan~ .hall be .bl. ~o qu.lify for .ny ~.x ..ving. -.d v.lorem or ..1.., or .ny .p.ci.l .....sm.n~ - by vir~u. of i't b.ing . municip.li~y, .uch ..ving. .h.ll, wb.r. pr.c'tic.l, b. p....d on ~o ~h. ~.n.n~. A. u..d h.r.in, ~b. ~erm "~.xe. .nd ........n~. l.vi.d .nd .......d upon ~h. L....d pr.mi... .nd ~h. und.tlying r..l~y" .hall iAclud. .ny form of 'tax or ..s.ssm.n't, lic.n.. f.., lic.n.. 't.x, 'tax Or .xci.e on r.n~, or .ny o~h.r levy, charge, expense or impo.ition impo..d or r.quir.d by any F.d.ral, S'ta't., Coun'ty or Ci'ty authori'ty h.ving juri.dic~ion or .ny poli'tical .ubdivi.ion ~h.r.of, or .ny .chool, ligh~ing, drainage or o~h.r i..prov.m.n~ or .p.ci.l ......m.n~ di.tric~ ~h.r.of, on any int.r..t of L.ndlord .nd/or ~.n.n~ (including .ny l.g.l or .qui~abl. int.r..t of Landlord or it. mortg.g.., if .ny) in tb. L....d premi... or in the r_ind.r of tb. C.nt.r .nd/or the und.rlying r..lty. 11.) In.uffici.n~ Ch.cks. T.nan~ .h.ll pay ~o L.ndlord .. Addi'tion.l R.n~ upon d.m.nd On. Hundr.d and NO/lOa Dollar. ($100.00) or . charg. of 5' of R.n~. due h.r.und.r, which.v.r i. gr..~er, for .ach ch.ck 't.nd.r.d 'to Landlord in p.ymen't of R.n't or .ny oth.r p.y...n~ due L.ndlord h.r.und.r which i. r.~urn.d uncoll.c~ible ~o L.ndlord. L.ndlord .h.ll require .11 p.y..n~. to be ...d. by ca.hier'. ch.ck .f'ter fir.t ch.ck re'turned unp.id. 1M) La~. Pavmen~.. In ~h. .v.n~ of any failure ~o pay ~h. Ren't.l or ~o ...k. .ny other paym.n~ due Landlord bereunder in ~h. aann.r or ~im. provided for h.rein, ~enan~ shall pay a. Addi~ional Ren~ 'to Landlord upon demand an admini.~ra~iv. charge of one Hundr.d Dollars or 5' of R.n~s due her.under, whichever i. grea't.r, if .uch p.y.en'ti. no't made wi'thin 'three (3) day. .f~.r due, and an additional Ten Dollar. ($10.00) for each day ~h.r.aft.r until .uch paymen~ i. made. Tenan't .hall pay a. Addi'tional Ren't 'to Landlord an admini.'tra'tive fee of $50.00 for each 'time Landlord pre.ent. Tenan't wi~h . ju.'tifi.d Thr.. or S.ven D.y No'tice. L.'t. charg. do.. no't .llow T.n.n't to p.y la~.; L.ndlord has 'the righ't 'to r.fu.. l.t. p.ym.n't.. All p.ym.nt. m.de .f't.r d.livery ofSta'tu'tory 3 Day Notic., in order to bring r.n't curr.n't, .h.ll b. p.id by c..hi.r'. ch.ck, c..h or money ord.r. Any moni.. ~h.~ ~.n.n~ ow.. to L.ndlord .r. d..m.d R.n~ und.r ~hi. 1...... . ~ IN) ~en.n~'. EXDen.es. All charg.. for h..~, g.., .lec~ricity and o'th.r u'tili'tie. consumed wi'th re.pec't 'to 'the us. of 'the Le... Pr..i.e. .h.ll b.borne sol.ly, .nd promptly paid, by ~.n.n't. In no .v.n~ .h.ll L.ndlord b. li.bl. for .ny in~.rrup~ion or f.ilur. of u'tili'ty ..rvic. 'to ~h. Leased pr.mi... unle.. c.u..d by the gro.. n.glig.nc. or willful mi.conduc~ of L.ndlord. Signific.n't u.. of wa~.r may require ..p.r.~. wa~er me~.ring of T.n.n~ and .p.ci.l billing over.nd above 'th.t billing provid.d for in Ar'ticl. I, Sec'tion 1.01(J). S.ction 1.02. EJl:istincr Lien. and O'ther Encumhrance.. This Le... i. .ubj.c't 'to 'the .xi.'ting right. .nd int.r..'ts of 'third parti.. under .xi.~ing li.n., ....m.n't. or encumbranc.. cov.ring 'the Prop.r'ty, .. .ppe.ring in ~h. r.cord. of ~h. Offic. of 'the Coun'ty Clerk of Pi~.ll.. Coun~y, Florid., .nd .11 .oning r.gul.'tion., r..'tric~ion.., rules and ordinanc.., building r.s'tric~ion. .nd o'th.r l.ws .nd regul.'tions now in .ff.c~ or her.af~.r .dop~.d by .ny governm.n~.l .u'thori~y h.ving, or which m.y acquire, juri.dic'tion ov.r ~h. Proper~y. Thi. Le.s. is .ubjec~ and .ubordina~e 'to any mor'tgage or d.ed of ~ru.~, wi~h which L.ndlord m.ynow or h.r..f~.r .ncumb.r 'the Prop.r~y, .nd ~o .11 ren.w.l., modific.~ion., con.olid.~ion., r.pl.c.m.n~., .nd ex~.n.ion. 'th.r.of . ~hi. cl.u.. .h.ll b. ..If-op.r.~iv. .nd no fur~h.r in.~rum.n~ of .ubordin.'tion need b. r.quir.d by .ny mor~g.g... In confirm.~ion of .uch .ubordin.'tion, how.ver, T.n.n't .h.ll, a't L.ndlord' s r.ques't, promp'tly .x.cu't. any in.'trum.n~ .vid.ncing .uch .ubordin.~ion. In the .vent of the .nforc.m.n~ by 'the ~ru.~.e or ~h. b.n.fici.ry und.r .ny c..h mor'tg.g. or deed of ~ru.t of the rem.di.. provided for by law or by .uch mor'tg.g. or de.d of ~ru.~, ~.n.n~ shall, upon r.qu..~ of .ny per.on or party succe.ding to 'the intere.t of Landlord as a r..ul't of such enforcement, .utomatically b.com. 'the T.nan't of .uch .ucce.sor in intere.t without change in the term. or other pcov~.~oo. of ~b~. ..... ODd, upoD raqu..~ by .uob .UOO.~iD Ten.n't JU.1l- 3 L.ndlord , I I I " II '. ' int:.r..t:, T.n.nt: .h.ll .x.cut:. .nd d.liv.r in.t:rum.nt:(.) confirming t:h. .t:t:ornment: provided for herein. s.ct:ion 1.03 Comol.t:ion of t:h. L...ed Pr.mi.... (A) Th. pr.mi... h.v. b..n co.pl.t:.d by Landlord in .ccord.nc. wit:h IIlxhibit: "B" I. Work Don. bv Landlord .t: Landlord'. IIlxo.n... Tho.. i't.m. in, Exhibi't "B". II. Work 'to b. P.rform.d bv T.n.n't .h.ll b. perform.d by T.n.n't .'t T.n.n't'. .xp.n... (B) L.ndlord .nd T.n.nt: .gr.. t:h.t: t:h. co.pl.t:ion of t:h. L....d pr..i... h.. b..n mad. by L.ndlord in .ccord.nc. wi'th Exhibi't "8" .nd ot:h.rwi.. will b. in .ccord.nc. wi'th t:h. pl.n. .nd .p.cific.- 'tion. for t:h. improv...nt:. d..cribed on Exhibi't "B" .. pr.p.r.d by T.n.nt: .nd .pproved by Landlord. T.n.n't .h.ll eng.ge . r.pu't.- bl., licen..d G.n.r.l Con'tr.c'tor .nd .h.ll look 'to i't. Con'trac'tor for 'timelin... .nd qu.li'ty of work. Und.r no circua.'t.nc.. .hall L.ndlord b. c.ll.d upon 'to r.pair iaprov.m.n't. or r..ul'ting poor workm.n.hip of T.n.nt:'. G.n.r.l Cont:r.c'tor. Art:icl. II SBRVICBS BY LANDLORD S.ct:ion 2.01 M.in't.n.nc. .nd R.o.ir. bv Landlord. Unl... ot:h.rwi.e .t:ipul.'t.d h.rein, Landlord .h.ll no't b. r.quir.d t:o aak. .ny r.pairs o.f .ny kind or char.c't.r on 'the L....d pr..i... during t:h. L.a.e Term, exc.pt: .uch rep.ir. .. aay b. n.c....ry for norm.l ..int:.n.nc. op.r.t:ion. t:o pr...rv. t:h. found.t:ion, .x't.rior wall. and .'truc'tur.l el.men't. of 'the Prop.r'ty, provided, how.v.r, T.n.n't .h.ll p.y for .ny .nd .11 co.'t. of r.p.iring 'the founda'tion, .x'terior w.ll. .nd .t:ruct:ur.l .lem.nt:. if .uch d...g. i. c.u..d by T.n.nt:or .ri... out: of Tenant'. u.. and occup.tion of 'the L....d premi... . Any m.int:en.nce or r.p.ir. requir.d 'to b. ..d. by Landlord .h.ll be perform.d wit:hin nin.ty (90) d.y. .ft:.r writ:t:.n no'tice by T.nan't of need for .uch r.pair. 8ec'tion 2.02 Al'tera'tions or Additions to Cen'ter. Landlord h.reby holds 'the right a't any tia. to make alterations or additions to the C.n't.r. Landlord fur'th.r r...rv.. 'the right 'to make improv...n'ts in 'the C.n't.r from 'tim. 'to 'time .nd to m.k. .1 't.ra'tion. or additions t:hereon, and 'to r.loca't., vary and adju.'t 'the .i.. and location of 'the various buildings, improvement., parking ar.a. and Common Areas a. may b. n.c.s.ary or d.sirabl., in Landlord'. .01. discre'tion, 'to incr.as. 'the .conomic value and .fficiency of 'the C.nt.r or 'to improve Landlord'. op.ration 'ther.of. S.ct:ion 2.03. Sian Crit:.ria and Adv.rt:i.ina Medi.. Tenant: .h.ll, unl... .xempt:.d by L.ndlord in writ:ing, in.t:.ll .nd maint:ain . fa.ci. .ign p.r .ign crit:.ri. in Bxhibit: OlD". Any and all .ign. .r.ct:.d or t:o b. er.ct:.d by T.n.nt:, in, on or .bout: t:h. L....d pr.mi... .hall b. in .t:rict: .ccord.nc. wit:h t:h. .ign cri't.ri. ..'t.bli.h.d and from 'time 'to 'time modified by Landlord. No adv.r'tising m.dium shall be utili..d by Tenan't which can b. h..rd or exp.rienc.d ou't.ide .t:h. L.a..d pr.mi..., including, but: no't limi't.d t:o~ flashing ligh't., ..archlight., loud.p.ak.rs, phonograph.,bann.r., infla't.bl. .ign., billboard v.hicl.., r.dio. or 't.levi.ion, nor shall T.nant: cau.. t:o b. di.t:ribu't.d in 'the Cen'ter any handbills or o'ther adverti.ing d.vic... Ar'ticl. III TENANT COVENANTS ,. . 8.c'tion 3.01 Reoair. bv Tenan't. Tenant covenan't. .nd agrees wi'th Landlord not: 'to commit or allow .nywast. or damage 'to b. commi't't.d on any portion of 'the L.as.d pr.mi... and, at T.nan't'. own cos't and .xp.n.., t:o main'tain t:h. Lea..d Pr.mise. .nd 'to r.pair or r.p1ac. any damage or injury don. 'to 'the Prop.rty or 'the L.a..d Premi..., or any par't 'ther.of, caus.d by T.nant or Tenan't's ag.n'ts, .mp10y- .es, invi't.es, or visi'tors, (including, but no't limi't.d 'to, 'the heat:ing, v.n'tila'tion, and air condi'tioning equipment: s.rving 'the L.as.d Premise. but: .xcluding r.pairs to b. made by Landlord). Such r.p.ir. shall re.t:or. t:h. Prop.r'ty or t:h. L.a..d Pr.mi..., .. t:h. c... .ay b., t:o 'the .am. or .s good a condi'tion a. prior 'to .uch injury or damag., ordinary w.ar and 't..r .xc.pt:.d, .nd .h.ll b. .ff.ct.d in co.plianc. with all building and fir. cod.. and ot:h.r .pplicabl. l.w. and r.gul.t:ion., and .t t:h. 't.rmin.'tion of t:hi. L.as., by l.p.. of t:ia. or ot:h.rwi.., T.nant: .h.ll d.liv.r up 'the L....d pr.mi..s, ordinary w.ar and 't.ar .xc.pt:.d. If T.nant: r.fu... or n.gl.ct:. t:o .0 make r.pair. and/or maint:ain 'the L.a..d pr.mises, or .ny part 'thereof, Landlord shall have the righ't, upon givingTe~an't ~.asonabl. wri'tten no'tice of i'ts election 'to do so, 'to make .uch r.pair. or perform .uch maintenance on behalf of and for 'the accoun't of T.nant. In .uch .v.nt the co.t: of .uch work .hall b. paid by Tenan't a. Addi'tional Ren'ta1 promp'tly upon T.nan't'. receip't of a bill therefor. Tenant shall a't i'ts own .xp.n.. properly dispo.e of all waste oil and other con'taminan't., i~d- Tenant: I~/l-- 4 Landlord-fi!!fz-- I I ing, but not ~Lmit.d to, .o~v.nt., paint., .nd oth.r ch.mic.~., in .ccord.nc. with .11 f.d.r.l, .t.t., and local di.po.al law. and ordinanc... In the .v.nt that th.~.nant fail. to do .0, ~enant .gr... that the Landlord m.y .rrang. for the prop.r di.po.al of .uch w..t. oi~ .nd oth.r contamin.nt., .nd ~.n.nt .h.ll pay to Land~ord without d.m.nd or ..toff, .. Additional Rent, .uch .xp.n... and co.t. incurr.d byLand~ord in .uch .ctivity. At the t.rmination of this L.a.. or .ny .xt.n.ion th.r.of, ~.nant .gr... to prop.rly di.pop.. of .uch w..t. oil and contaminant. and to v.c.t. and r.turn the d.mi.ed preai... in the ..m. condition a. wh.n T.nant took po.....ion. S.ction 3.02. Alt.r.tion.. Addition. .nd I"Drov...nt.. to the Lea..d Pr..i.... T.n.nt cov.nant. .nd .gr... with Landlord not to make or all~~ to b. ..d. any alt.ration. or phy.ic.l addition. in or to the L.a..d Preai... without fir.t obtaining the written con..nt of Landlord. Any and all .uch alt.ration., phy.ical addition. or improv....nt., wh.n ..de to the Le...d preai... by T.n.nt, .h.~~ .t onc. b.co.. the prop.rty of Landlord .nd .hall b. .urr.nd.r.d to L.nd~ord upon t.rmin.tion of this L.... by ~.p.. of time or oth.rwi..; provid.d, how.v.r, this c~.u.. .h.~l not .pply to movable .quip..nt, furniture or oth.r p.r.onal prop.rty own.d by T.nant (.ubj.ct to .tatutory ~i.n). Any .uch improve.ent. r.quiring a building p.rmit .hall b. p.rform.d by a r.putable, licens.d Oen.ral Contractor. If the T.nant mak.s improvem.nt. and/or modification. to the demis.d premi.e., or if Landlord make. .uch improve.ent. .nd/or mOdification. for the ~enant'. account, including, but not limit.d to, addition or r..oval of wall., the ~enant .hall return the d.mised premi... to the .am. condition a. wh.n the ~enant took po.....ion of .uch premi..., unl... Landlord grant. to ~.nant writt.n authority otherwi... In the .v.nt the ~enant do.. not return the pre..i..s to .uch original condition, Landlord may contract to.hav. the r.quir.d work perform.d, .nd ~.nant agr.e. to be r.spon.ibl. for .uch .xpens.., and .hall within thirty (30) day. of pre..ntation of the bill, .tatem.nt, invoic. or d...nd,pay Landlord for .uch contract.d work. ./1 S.ction 3.03. Cov.nant. RecrardinCl T.nant'. U.e of L.a..d Pr..i.... ~.nant cov.nant. and agr... with Landlord (i) not to occupy or u.e, or p.rmit any portion of the Lea..d premi.e. to b. occupied or u..d, for any bu.in... or purpo.e which i. unlawful or d....d to be .xtra-has.rdou. on account of fire or oth.r hasard., or p.rmit anything to b. don. which would in any way incr.as. the rate of fir., liability or any oth.r in.urance cov.rag. on the Property and/or it. cont.nt.; (ii) to comply with a~~ law., ordinanc.., rul.. and r.gulation. of any .tat., f.d.ral, municipal or other gov.rnment or governmental ag.ncy having, or in the future acquiring, juri.diction ov.r the L.a.ed Premi... r.lating to the u.., condition or occup.ncy of the L.a..d Premi.e. ; (iii) to conduct it. bu.ine.. and control it. .g.nt., .mploy..., invit... and vi.itor. in .uch manner a. not to cr.at. any nui.ance in conducting it. bu.in... operation. at the L.a.ed Pr.mi.e. in the C.nt.r; (iv) not to p.rmit the L.ased premi.e. to b. u.ed for any purpo.. oth.r than the P.rmitt.d U..; .nd (v) that,aft.r it. initi.l op.ning for busin... .nd continuou.ly th.r.aft.r, it wil~ conduct within the L.a..d premi... the bu.in... which it i. p.rmitt.d to op.r.te and conduct und.r the provision. h.reof (.xcept whi~. the L....d premi... .r. untenantable by r.a.on of fir. or oth.r ca.ual ty, .. provid.d in Section 5.06 b.low) ; i.t will at all time. maintain upon the L.as.d pr.mi..s an adequate stock of m.rchandi.. and tr.d. fixtur.. to ..rvice the usual r.quirement. of it. cu.tomer., and k.ep the L.ased premi.es in a n.at, clean and orderly condition. <vi) to comply with all regulation. and provisions of the American Di.abiliti..'Act(ADA) a. requir.d, and as ..odifi.d and ..end.d from time to tim.. Further elaboration of this cov.nant shall be add.d fro. ti.. to time on Rid.r 15 of this Lea.e. T.nant agr... to "br.ak down" all boxe./c.rton. placed in dump.te- r.; and, in the .v.nt it becom.. n.c...ary for Landlord to "br.ak down" .uch box../carton., the ~.nant agr... to pay the Landlord on d.mand Thirty Do~lar. ($30.00) for .ach occurr.nc.. Additional~y, T.n.nt .h.l~ b. op.n for bu.in... for .t l.a.t the hour. from 10 ..m. to 5 p.m. Mond.y through Friday, City Bo~iday. .xc.pt.d. S.ction 3. 04. Acc.otance of L.a.ed pr.mi.e. and Proo.rtv bv ~.nant . ~h. taking of po.....ion of the Lea..d Premi.e. by ~enant .hall be conclu.ive evidence a. against ~enant (i) that it acc.pts the Leased Premise. as .uitable for the purpose. for which .... ar. l.a.ed; and (ii) that T.nant waiv.s any defect. in the ~.ed ~enant ;ct.. IL- 5 LandlOrd~ I I pr.mi..., .xo.p~ for l.~.n~ d.f.o~. or m.~~.r. wbiob L.ndlord i. oblig.~.d ~o r.p.ir und.r ~b. ~.rm. of ~bi. L...., provid.d, bow.ve.r, ~b.~ T.n.n~ r.pr..en~. ~o L.ndlord ~b.~ Ten.n~ b.. no knowl.dg. of ,.ny .uob r.pair. ~o ~h. Le...d pr.mi... whioh .1'. n.o....ry .. of ~b. d.~. h.r.of. S.o~ion 3.05. M.oh.nio'. Li.n.. T.n.n~ .h.ll no~ perai~ .ny m.oh.nio.' or ..~.ri.l..n'. lien or .ny o~b.r li.n. ~o b. pl.o.d upon ~b. Le...d Pr..i..., .ny iaprovem.n~. loo.~ed ~h.r.in, or ~h. Prop.rty during ~h. Le... T.ra or ~h.r..f~.r, o.u..d by or r.sul~ing from .ny work p.rforaed, ..~.ri.l furni.b.d or oblig.~ion inourr.d by or .~ ~h. r.qu..~ of T.n.n~, i~. .g.n~. .nd/or .mploy.... In ~h. 0... of filing of .ny li.n on ~h. in~.r..~ of L.ndlord or T.n.n~ in ~b. Le..ed Premi..., T.n.n~ .h.ll o.u.. ~h. ..m. ~o b. di.oh.rged of r.oord by p.y..n~ of ~h. amoun~ cl.im.d ~o b. due or by po.~ing of ~h. nece..ary bond within fift..n (15) d.y. .fter the filing of .aae. A failure by T.nant to do so shall con.ti~ut. .n .v.nt of d.faul~ by Ten.nt und.r this Lea... Und.r no oiroum.~.no.. .h.ll L.ndlord b. li.bl. for .ny .uob ob.rg.. .0 inourr.d by T.n.n~. Ar~iole IV ASSIORMBNT AND SUBLBTTINO S.otion 4.01 AssiQnm.n~ and Subl.~~inQ. T.nan~ .ball no~, (i) assign or in any manner ~ran.f.r ~hi. L.... or any ..~.~. or in~.r..~ ~h.r.in, (ii) p.rmi~ any a..ignment of ~hi. L.... or any e.t.te or in~.res~ ~h.r.in by op.ra~ion of l.w, (iii) .ubl..s. ~h. Lea..d Pr.mi... or .ny p.r~ ~h.r.of, (iv) gr.n~ .ny lio.n.., oonc...ion or o~h.r righ~ of ocoup.noy or p.nai~ ~h. u.. of .ny por~ion of ~h. Lea.ed pr..i..s, by .ny par~i.s o~her ~han Tenan~ and i~s.mploy..s. In ~he .ven~ T.nan~ r.qu..~ permi..ion ~o as.ign, subl.a.., or gran~ of . lic.ns. or penai~ to us., Landlord may, in i~. .01. and ab.olu~. di.cr.~ion, .l.o~ ~o con..n~ or wi~hhold con..n~, .nd .ny .uch ...igDa.n~, subl.as., lic.n.. or p.rmi~ wi~hou~ ~h. prior wri~~.n oon..n~ of L.ndlord, .hall b. .n~ir.ly null .nd void. Th. con..n~ of Landlord ~o any .uoh a..ignm.n~ or .ubl.~~ing .hall no~ oon.~i~u~. a waiv.r of ~h. n.c..si~y for con.en~' ~o any .ubs.quen~ a.siglUD.n~ or .ublea.., .nd T.n.n~ .ball in any .v.n~ r.main fully liable und.r ~bi. l.a.. and .b.ll no~ b. r.lea..d from any .ucb liabili~y .xc.p~ by wri~~en in.~rumen~ .x.ou~.d by Landlord. Tb. .cc.p~anc. of p.ym.n~. (of r.n~ or o~b.rwi..) from any p.r~y o~h.r ~han T.n.n~ .ball no~ be oon.idered a waiver of ~be r.quir.m.n~. of Landlord'. con..n~ ~o a propo..d ...ignm.n~ or .ubl.~~ing h.r.und.r. If T.nan~ i. a corpora~ion or par~n.r.hip, ~h. ~r.n.f.r, a..ignm.n~ or hypo~h.ca~ion of .ny .~ook or in~.r..~ in .uoh corpora~ion or par~n.r.hip in ~h. .ggr.g.~. in .xc... of for~y p.rc.n~ (40t) .hall b. de.med .n a..ignmen~ wi~hin~h. m.aning and provi.ion. of ~hi. S.otion 4.01. Any con..n~ ~o ...igDlllen~ .h.ll b.ar a minimum $350.00 proo...ing f.. plus or.di~ oh.ok .nd o~h.r co.~. r.garding ...igne., all paid by T.nan~ or A..ign.. ~o Landlord. sec~ion 4.02. Mor~QaQinQ. T.nan~ .hall no~ b. .n~i~l.d ~o mortgage, pledg., gran~ d..d. of ~ru.~, or o~herwi.. .ncumb.r T.nan~'. l.a..hold in~.r..~ und.r ~hi. L...., or ~o a..ign, bypo~b.ca~. or. pl.dg. ~h. .am. a. ..ouri~y for .ny d.b~. Any a~~.mp~.d mortg.g. or .noumbranc. by T.nan~ of T.nan~'. l....hold in~.re.~ wi~bou~ Landlord'. prior wri~~.n con..n~ .h.ll b. null and void. T.n.n~ r.pre..n~. and warr.n~. ~h.~ ~h.r. are no mor~gage., pl.dge., or d..d. of ~ru.~ or o~ber .ncumbrano.. to Ten.n~'. l.a..hold in~.r..~. I Ar~iol. V INSURANCB; CASUALTY; INDBMNITY S.c~ion 5.01. Landlord'. In.urance. L.ndlord shall main~ain on ~h. Prop.rty'~~roughou~ ~h. Lea.e ~erm (i) bodily injury liabili~y in.uranc. and proper~y damage liabili~y in.uranc. a~ l.a.~ .qual ~o $2,000,000.00 per occurrenc., and (ii) fir. and ext.nded cov.rag. in.uranc. in an amoun~ equal to a~ l.a.~ .igh~y p.rcent (80t) of ~h. r.plac...n~ value (.xclu.iv. of found.~ion and .xo.va- ~ion co.~s )of ~b. building (.) in which ~h. Lea..d Pr.mi.e. i. .i~u.~.d. Such in.ur.nc. .hall b. .ain~ain.d wi~h .n in.ur.nc. company au~bori..d ~o do bu.in... in Florid., and paym.n~. for 10.... ~h.r.und.r .h.ll b. mad. .ol.ly ~o Landlord. Landlord .hall b. r..pon.ibl. for ~h. paym.n~ of polioy premium. for ~b. in.urano. r.quir.d ~o b. main~.in.d by L.ndlord b.r.under, .ubjec~, bow.v.r, ~o r.imbur.em.n~ by ~.n.n~., inoluding T.n.n~, of ~b.ir propor~ion- .~. .bar. ~b.r.of in aocordanc. wi~h S.c~ion 1.01(J), abov.. If ~h. annual pr.mium. of ~he in.ur.no. ~o b. .ain~.in.d by Landlord .hall exce.d ~h. .~andard ra~.s in effect for prop.r~y in ~h. area which i. u..d for ~h. Penait~ed u.. becau.. T.nan~'. opera~ion., con~.n~s of~h. L.a..d Pr.mi... or i.prov.m.D~s wi~h r..p.ct ~o ~h. :::::: ~~~. r..ul~ 1. .~r.~ha'.rdDU' .XPO'U:::d::::-~hall I I " pay the excess amount of the premium upon demand by Landlord. Section 5.02. Tenant's Insurance. Tenant shall maintain, or provide through self-funding, throughout the Lease Term at Tenant's sole expense (i) fire and extended coverage insurance in an amount adequate to cover all of Tenant's Work as described on Exhibit "B" attached hereto; (ii) bodily injury liability insurance and property damage liability insurance equal to the maximum limits of liability provided for in Section 768.28, Florida statutes plus any excess liability insurance coverage that may be purchased by the Tenant. Any policies of insurance provided for herein to be carried by Tenant shall be issued by insurance companies reasonably acceptable to Landlord and certified to do business by the State of Florida and its insurance regulatory bodies, provided, however, Tenant may self-fund any risk provided for in this Section in lieu of purchasing insurance coverage therefore. Executed copies of such policies of insurance, certificates, or letters of self- funding shall be delivered to Landlord within ten (10) days before delivery of possession of the Leased Premises to Tenant, and annually thereafter, within thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of such policy period. As often as any such policy shall expire or terminate, renewal or additional policies shall be procured and maintained by Tenant in like manner and to like extent. All policies of insurance delivered to Landlord must contain a provision that the company writing said policy will give to Landlord thirty (30) days' notice in writing in advance of any cancellation or lapse or the effective date of any reduction in the amount of insurance. All public liability and property damage policies shall be written as primary policies, not contributing with and not in excess of, coverage which Landlord may carry,if any. Section 5.03. Indemnitv. Tenant shall indemnify Landlord against all liability arising during the Lease term from injury to person or property occasioned wholly or in part by any act or omission of the Tenant, provided, however, that under no circumstances shall ~ the total sums paid pursuant to this section exceed the maximum limits of liability provided, for in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. Section 5.04. (Deletedl Section 5.05. Casualtv Damaae. If the Leased Premises or any part thereof shall be damaged by fire or other casualty, Tenant shall immediately give written notice thereof to Landlord. If Landlord determines, in Landlord's reasonable discretion, that the Leased Premises can economically be restored to at least "Tenantable Condition" (as below defined), then Landlord shall so notify Tenant and commence to repair and restore the Leased Premises within thirty (30) days after the date of such notice, and shall proceed with reasonable diligence to restore the Leased Premises (except that Landlord shall not be responsible for any delays reasonably beyond its control) to the extent of Landlord's Work and Tenant's Work as described on Exhibit "B" attached hereto, in accordance wi th the procedures set forth in Section 1.03, above, wi th the costs of such restoration work to be borne by Landlord and Tenant as set forth in such S.ection 1.03; provided, however, that no commencement by Landlord of restoration or repair of the Lease Premises prior to the expiration of such thirty-day (30) period shall preclude Landlord from later determining that restoration is not economically feasible and electing to terminate this Lease during such thirty-day (30) period as provided hereinbelow. Landlord shall not be required to rebuild, repair or replace any part of Tenant's furniture, furnishings, fixtures and equipment. Should the insurance proceeds received by Landlord or Tenant, if any, prove insufficient to restore and complete Landlord's Work or Tenant's.Wor~, as the case may be, then Landlord, in the case of Landlord's Work or Tenant in the case of Tenant's Work, shall be required to spend amounts in excess of such insurance proceeds to the extent necessary to complete such work. If the Leased Tenant j~fl- 7 rfIiJ Landlord1t:z- I I pr.mi... .hall b. .0 damag.d by fir. or oth.r ca.ualty that, in Landlord'. r.a.onabl. opinion, th.y c.nnot .cono.ic.lly b. r..tor.d to at l.a.t T.nant.bl. Condition witbin tb. tim. p.riod provid.d .bov., or in the .v.nt L.ndlord'. 8Ortg.g.. und.r . mortg.g. or d..d of tru.t cov.ring the prope.:-ty .hould requi.:-. th.t the in.u.:-anc. proc.ed.'payabl. .. . r..ult th.r.of b. u..d to r.tir. Landlord' . mortgage debt, th.n Landlord, in Landlord' . .01. di.cr.tion, .hall b. .ntitl.d to t.~n.t. tbi. Lea.. by writt.n notic. d.liv.r.d to T.nant witbin thirty (30) day. following T.nant'. notic. of .uch d...g. 0':- d..truction, in whicb .v.nt tb. Ba.. R.ntal h.r.und.r .hall c.... .. of tb. d.t. of .ucb damage and, except a. oth.rwi.. .xpr...~y provid.d h.r.in, n.ith.r Landlord nor Tenant .hall have any furth.r right. or obligation. h.r.und.r.For purpo... of this Lea.., "T.n.ntabl. COndition" .hall m.an a condition of tb. Lea.ed preai... .uffici.nt to allow T.nant to carry out the P.raitted U... Landlord .hall not b. liable foranI' inconvenience Or annoyanc. to T.nant Or injury to tbe bu.in... of'T.nant r..ulting in .ny way fro. .ucb d...g. Or tb. r.p.ir th.reof, .xc.pt th.t L.ndlord .h.ll .llow T.n.nt a f.i.:- diminution of B... R.nt.l during tb. time .nd to the .xt.nt the L....d Pr..i.e. are not of T.n.ntabl. Condition. S.ction 5.06. Condemnation. (i) If ..v.nty-fiv. p.rc.nt (75%) or mor. of the L.a..d P.:-.mi... n.t r.ntabl. .r.. .hould b. tak.n for any public or qua.i-public u.. und.r any gov.ram.ntal law, ordinanc. or r.gulation, or by right of ..in.nt domain, or .hould b. .old to the cond.mning authority in li.u of cond.mnation, th.n tbi. L.a.. .ball t.rminat. a. of the d.t. wb.n phy.ic.l po.....ion of the L.a..d pr..i... i. t.k.n by the cond.aning .uthority. (ii) If 1... tban ..v.nty-fiv. p.rc.nt (75%) of tb. Lea..d pr.mi... or any portion of all building. of tb. "Pla.a", 0':- any portion of the parking ar.a., .hould b. .0 tak.n, Landlord may, at Landlord'. .01. option, .l.ct to t.rainat. this L.a... If .ucb a portion (1... tban 75%) of tb. L.a..d preai... bas b..n tak.n, and Landlord .l.ct. to continu. tbi. L.a.. in .ff.ct, th.n tb. Ba.. R.ntalsba.ll . b~ . reduced in proportion to tbe ar.a of tb. Leas.d Pr.mises so tak.n. Wh.n any such r.duction in Basic R.ntal has b..n computed. by Landlord, Landlord .ball notify T.nant as to tb. amount of .ucb Ba.ic R.ntal, and, .t tb. requ..t of Landlord, T.nant will ex.cut. a lett..:- or otb.r m.morandua s.tting fortb tb. .mount of .uch adju.t.d B... R.nt.l. If L.ndlord .l.ct. to continue tbi. L.... in .ff.ct, th.n upon Landlord'. coll.ction of tb. .ntir. .ua due .nd p.y.bl. by tb.cond.aning .utbority to Landlord by w.y of comp.n..tion .nd d.m.g.., Landlord .b.ll r..tor. tb. r.maining portion of tb. L...ed Preai... .0 .. to con.titut. .uch portion .n .nclo..d building in .ccord.nc. with the proc.dur.. ..t forth in S.ction 1.03, abov., with the co.t. of .uch r..toration to b. bora. by Landlord and T.n.nt in the .am. mann.r .. for the original Landlord' . Work .nd T.nant' . work (or a proportion.t. amount th.r.of) .. ..t forth th.r.in. Should the condemnation proc..d. rec.iv.d by L.ndlord prove in.uffici.nt to r..tor. and compl.t. Landlord'. Work or Tenant'. Work, a. the ca.. m.y b., th.n L.ndlord, in tb. c... of L.ndlord'. work, or T.n.nt, in the c... of T.n.nt'. work, .b.ll b. r.qui':-.d to .pend amount. in .xce.. of .uch proc..d. to tb. .xt.nt n.c....ry to compl.t. .uch work. Sucb re.tor.tion work .b.ll b. p.rform.d by Landlord witbin · r...on.ble period of tim.. Tb. r.stor.tion work, if .ny, by L.ndlord witb re.pect to tb. L.a..d Pr..is.s .b.ll not constitut. an .viction or di.turb.nc. of T.n.nt'. u.. .nd po.....ion of tb. L....d Premi... or . br..cb by L.ndlo.:-d of .ny of it. oblig.tion. b..:-.und.r or r.nd.r Landlord li.bl. fo.:- 48..g.. or .ntitl. T.n.nt to b. reli.v.d from .ny of it. oblig.tion. b.r.und.r (witb the .xc.ption of the .for...id proportion.t. r.duction in R.nt.l) or grant T.nant.any oth.r rigbt of off-..t or r.coupm.nt. In tb. .v.nt tb.t .ny cond.an.tionp.:-oc..d., wb.tb.r by w.y of compen.ation or damage., are coll.ct.d by . party bolding . li.n on L.ndlord'. intei.st in tb. L....d Premi..s, such proc..d. .b.ll not be d....d to b.v. b..n coll.ct.d by LandlOrd, wh.th.r or not the p.ym.nt to .ucb li.nbold.r i. with tb. .pproval of L.ndlord. (iii) All sum. award.d or .gr..d upon b.tw..n L.ndlord .nd tb. cond.mning authority for the taking of the f.. or the l....hold . int.r..t. of . the Lea..d pr.mi..., wheth.r a. d..ag.. or .. compen..- tion, will b. the prop.rty of L.ndlord, .nd T.nant h.r.by a..ign. to Landlord all proc..d., wh.th.r by w.y of comp.n.ation or d.m.g.., otb.rwi.. p.yabl. to T.n.nt for T.n.nt'. l....bold int.r..t by re..on of .ucb t.king; provided, bow.v.r, tb.t .ny .mout. .p.cific.lly .w.rded Or agr.ed upon by T.n.nt .nd tb. cond.mning .utbority for tb. t.king of T.n.nt'. fu.:-nitur., furni.bing., fixtur.. or .quipm.nt .b.ll b. tb. prop.rty of T.n.nt. T.n.nt furth.r grant. to L.ndlord tb. .xclu.iv. .utbority to n.goti.t. with .ucb cond.mning .utbority for p.yment of comp.n..- tion both with r..p.ct to the int..:-..t of L.ndlo.:-d .nd tb. int.r..t of T.nant in tb. Lea..d Pr...i..., .nd Ten.nt .gree. tb.t .ucb cond.mning authority .hall c.u.. .11 cb.cks .nd dr.fts iS~bY Ten.nt JU 12- 8 L.ndlordfJ!!:L- t' ~ I I i~ in conn.c~ion wi~b any .ucb ~aking of ~b. f.. or lea..bold ..~a~., wb.~b.r a. comp.n.a~ion or a. damag.., ~o b. i..u.d payable ~o ~b. ord.r ofL.ndlord, or ~o ~b. ord.r of Landlord and Landlor- d'. IDOr~gag.. (if applicabl.). Upon ~b. r.qu..~ of Landlord, T.naD~ .ball,for~bwi~b .x.cu~. .ucb in.~rum.n~. a. Landlord may r...on.bly r.qu..~ for ~h.purpo.. of .vid.ncing ~h. c....~ion of T.nan~'. in~.r..~in .ucb portion of ~b. Lea.ed Pr_i... a. i. ~ak.n by .ucb cond.mning au~bori~y and ~b. con~inu.d .ff.c~iv.n... of ~bi. L.a.. a. ~o ~b. balanc. of ~. Le..ed PreaJ.... no~ ~ak.n. (iv) If ~bi. L.a.. .bould b. ~.raina~ed und.r any provi.ion of ~bi. S.c~ion 5.06, all R.n~al (including P.rc.n~.g. R.n~al) and all o~b.r .ua. due .nd p.yabl. by T.nan~ .b.ll b. p.yabl. up ~o ~b. da~. po.....ion i. ~ak.n by ~b. cond.-ning au~bori~y, .nd Landlord will r.fund ~o T.nan~ an .qui~abl. portion of any .ucb R.n~al and o~h.r .um. paid in advanc. bu~ no~ y.~ .arned by .ucb da~.. (v) If any au~bori~y b.ving ~. pow.r of cond8lUla~ion r.qu..~. ~ba~ Landlord conv.y ~o .ucb au~ri~y all or any portion of ~be Le...d Premi..., Landlord .ball bave ~. rigb~ ~o aak. a volun~ary conv.y.nc. ~o .uch au~bori~y of all or .ny portion of ~h. Lea..d pr.mi... wh.~h.r or no~ proc.eding. h.v. b..n fil.d by .uch .u~hori~y; and in ~h. .v.n~ of .ny .ucb volun~.ry conv.yanc., i~ .hall n.v.rth.l... for all purpo... b.r.und.r b. d....d ~ba~ ~b.r. bas b..n a ~aking by .uch au~bori~y of ~b. prop.r~y .0 conv.y.d by Landlord. Accordingly, all of ~b. provi.ion. of ~bi. S.c~ion 5.06 .hall apply .~o .ucb volun~ary cony.y.nc.. Ar~icl. VI DEFAULT S.c~ion 6.01. Defaul~ Clau... If (i) Tenan~ fail. ~o make any paym.n~ of Ba.. R.D~al, or o~b.r R.n~al or paya.n~ r.quir.d under ~bi. Lea.e wben du.; (ii) T.nan~ fail. ~o comply wi~b any ~.ra, provi.ion, condi~ion, or cov.nan~ of ~hi. L.a.. or any of ~h. rul.. .nd r.gula~ion. now or h.reaf~.r ..~abli.h.d for ~h. gov.rnanc. of ~h. Prop.r~y for a p.riod of ~bir~y (30) day., following no~ic.from Landlord of .uch failure ~o comply or, if .ucb failure i. no~ .u.c.p~ibl. ~o cur. wi~bin sucb ~birty (30) day., Tenan~ bas no~ in.~i~u~.d and cUlig.n~ly pur.ued good fai~b effor~. ~o cur. .ucb failure wi~bin .ucb ~bir~y-day (30) period; (iii) any pe~i~ion is filed by or again.~ T.nan~ und.r any ..c~ion or cbap~er of ~b. Bankrup~cy Cod., a. ...end.d, or und.r any .imilar law or s~a~u~. of ~b. Uni~ec:l S~a~e. or any .~a~. ~b.r.of and .ucb p.~i~ion i. no~ discbarg.d wi~bin .ix~y (60) day. from ~b. da~. of i~. filing; (iv) T.nan~ b.com.. in.olv.n~ or mak.. a ~r.n.f.r in fraud of cr.di~or., (v) T.nan~ mak.. an a..igDm.n~ for b.n.fi~ of cr.di~or., (vi) a r.c.iv.r i. appoin~ed for T.nan~ or any of ~h. a...~. of T.nan~; , (vii) T.nan~ fail. ~o di.cb.rg. .ny m.chanic.' or ma~.rialm.n'. li.n in ~b. mann.r and in ~b. ~im. p.riod d..crib.d in S.c~ion 3.05, abov.; or (viii) Tenan~ vaca~e. ~b. L.a..d Pr.mi... for mor. ~ban five (5) day.; ~h.n in any of .ucb .v.n~., Landlord .ball bay. ~b. op~ion ~o do any on. or more of~b. following wi~bou~ any. no~ic. or d.mand, in addi~ion ~o and no~ in limi~a~ion of any o~b.r rem.dy p.rmi~~.d by law or in .qui~y or by ~bi. L..... (a) T.rmina~e ~bi. L.a.., in wbicb ev.n~ T.nan~ .ball i....dia~.ly .urr.nd.r ~b. Lea..d Pr.mi... ~o Landlord,. bu~ if T.nan~ .ball fail .0 ~o do, Landlord ..y, wi~bou~ no~ic. and wi ~hou~ pr.j udic. ~o .ny o~b.r r.m.dy Landlord may bav., .n~.r upon and ~ak. po.....ion of ~h. L....d Premi... .nd .xp.l or r.mov. T.n.n~ and i~. .ff.c~., wi~bou~ b.ing liable ~o pro..cu~ion or .ny claim for damag.. ~b.r.forl and T.n.n~ agr... ~o indemnify Landlord for .11 10.. and damage wbicb L.ndlord may .uffer by re..on of .uch ~.rmina~ion. (b) Declar. ~b. .n~ir. amoun~ of ~be R.n~al wbicb would bay. become due and payable during ~b. r.maind.r of ~b. L.a.. T.ra ~o be due and payable iaaedia~.ly. Tb. acc.p~anc. of .ucb paym.n~ by Landlord sball no~ con.~i~u~. a waiv.r of any failure of Ten.n~ ~ber.af~er occurring ~o coaply wi~b any ~.ra, provi.ion, condi~ion or cov.nan~ of ~bi. Lea... (C) En~er upon and ~ak. po.....ion of ~b. Lea.ed Pr..i..... ag.n~ of T.nan~, wi~bou~ b.ing liable ~o pro..cu~ion or any claim for damag.. ~h.r.for and wi~hou~ ~.raJ.na~ing ~hi. L...., and ~h.r.- upon Landlord may r.l.~ ~h. Le...d Pr_i... .. .g.n~ of T.nan~ and r.c.iv. r.n~ ~b.r.for; and in .ucb .v.n~, T.nan~ sball p.y Landlord ~b. r.a.onabl. co.~of r.nova~ing, r.pairing and al~.ring ~b. L.a.. Pr.mi... for a.new ~enan~ or ~.nan~. and any deficiency in r.n~ ~b.~ may ari.. by rea.on of .ucb r.l.~~ing, on d.mand; provid.d, bow.v.r, ~ha~ ~be failure or r.fu.al of L.ndlord ~o r.le~ ~b. Lea..d pr.mi... .b.ll no~ r.l.... or aff.c~ T.nan~'. liabili~y for r.n~al or for damages. Landlord .ball no~ b. liable for r.n~. rece~ved CD re-le..ing uh~ch "r exce" 'he reD" due fro.~D' Tenan~ J U fZ- 9 Landlord ~ ~ I I h.r.und.r. (d) R.quir. ~.nan1; 1;0 b. liable for co.1;. incurr.d 1;0 r..1;or. pr..i... 1;ocondi1;ion .xi.1;ing prior 1;0 occupancy if L.a.. d.f.ul1; i. no1; cur.d. S.c1;ion 6.02. Li.n For R.n1;. (i) In con.id.ra1;ion of 1;h. mu1;ual b.n.fi1;. .ri.ing und.r t:his Lease, ~.nant: h.reby grant:s t:o Landlord a li.n and s.curit:y in1;.r.s1; on all property of ~.n.nt: now or h.r..ft:.r plac.d in or upon 1;h. L.a..d Pr..is.., .nd .uch property .h.ll b. and remain subj.c1; 1;0 such li.n and s.curity int.r.st of Landlord for p.ra.nt of .11 R.n1;al and o1;h.r .um. agr.ed to b. p.id by ~.n.nt h.r.in. !rh. provi.ion. of 1;hi. S.ction 6.02 r.l.ting 1;0 .uch li.n .nd ..curi1;y int.r..t shall constitut. a ..curity .gr....nt und.r the Unifona Co...rcial COd. so that Landlord shall h.v. .nd ..y .nforc. a. ..curitj int:.r.st on all property of lr.nant now or h.r..ft.r plac.d in or on the Leas.d pr..ises, inClUding, but not U..it:ed to, all fixtures, .achin.ry, .quipm.nt, funishings, and oth.r articles of p.r.onal prop.rty .of ~.n.nt. ~.n.n1; .gr... to .x.cut. .. debtor .uch financing .1;.1;...n1; or .1;.t_n1;. or o1;h.r in.1;rum.n1;. .. L.ndlord .ay now or h.r.aft.r r...onably r.qu..t in ord.r 1;0 pro1;.c1;, p.rf.c1;, confirm or in.ur. .uch ..curity int.r..1; or int.r..1;. pur.uant 1;0 the Unifora CO...rcial COd.. Landlord .ay, a1; i1;. .l.ction, a1; any 1;im. file a copy of this L.a.. a. a financing .tat.m.nt. Landlord, as ..cured party, .hall b. .ntitl.d to all of the right. and r...di.s .fford.d a ..cur.d par1;y und.r 1;h. Uniform COma.rcial COd. in addition to and cumulativ. of t:h. Landlord'. li.n. and right. provid.d by l.w or by the oth.r t.rm. and provi.ion. of 1;bi. Leas.. (ii) ~.nant r.pr.s.nts and warr.nts th.t th.r. ar. no s.curity int.r..t. or other claim. on the lr.nant'. p.rsonal prop.rty, and that the Landlord'. li.n for r.nt is first and primary. S.c1;ion 6.03. _ttorn.v.' Fe../Waiv.r of Jurv ~rial. If ~.n.nt d.fault. in ~h. perfo~nce of any of the t.rms, cov.nant., agree- m.n1;., or conditions contained in this L.ase and Landlord plac.s the .nforcement of this L.as., or any part h.r.of, or the coll.c1;ion of any R.n1;al due or to b.co.. due h.r.und.r, or r.cov.ry of 1;h. po.....ion of the L.as.d premis.s in 1;h. hands of an .t1;orn.y, or fil.. sui1; upon the sam., 1;h. pr.vailing p.rty in any such aC1;ion or proc..ding shall b. .n1;i1;l.d 1;0 r.c.iv. r.asonabl. attorn.y.' f..s from the oth.r party. ~.nant h.reby specifically waiv.s right to jury trial in .11 .att.rs of litigation of 1;h. t.ras and conditions and provisions of this L.ase. S.ction 6.04. No I.Dlied Waiv.r. Acc.pt.nc. by L.ndlord of any lat. paym.nt.of R.ntal or any .dainistr.tive charg. due th.r.for fro. ~.nant, shall not constitut. a waiv.r of any of Landlord's rights and r...di.s available in cona.ction with any subs.quent failure of ~.nan1; to pay the R.ntal or to mak. any other payment due Landlord her.und.r in the mann.r or tim. provid.d for h.rein. If t.nd.r of lat. R.ntal ,or any oth.r pay..nt due Landlord h.reund.r i. mad., LandlOrd, .t its sol. discr.tion, shall have 1;h. option 1;0 acc.p1; the t.nd.r.d lat. R.nt.l pay..n1;, or any oth.r paym.n1; t.nd.r.d, or 1;0 pur.u. the rights .nd r..edi.s provid.d in 1;his Ar1;icl. VI, wi1;hout 1;h. n.c.s.ity of .ny fur1;h.r notic. or d.mand. ~h. r.c.ip1; by Landlord of R.ntal with knowl.dg. of the Br.ach of any cov.nant contain.d in 1;hi. Le.s. .hall not b. d....d a waiv.r of such br.ach. ~h. failure of Landlord to in.ist at any time upon the .1;ric1; performance of .ny cov.n.n1; or agr....n1; or to .x.rcis. any option, right, pow.r, or r...dy contain.d in t:his L.as. .hall no1; b. constru.d as a waiv.r or a r.linqui.ba.n1; th.r.of for the futur., nor shall the waiv.r of any violation of any cov.nant or condition cont.in.d in this Leas. prev.nt a subs.quent act, which would have origin.lly constitut.d a viola- tion, from having all the forc. and .ff.ct of an original viola- tion. No. provision of thisL.as. shall b. d....d to have b..n waiv.d bY' Landlord or ~.nant unl.ss such waiv.r b. in writing sign.d by Landlord or ~.nant, as the cas. aay b.. S.ction 6.05. P.r.onal Liabilitv. ~h. liabili1;y of Landlord t:o T.nan1; for any d.faul1; by Landlord und.r the t.rms of this Leas. .hall b. limited to the int.r..t of Landlord in the Property, and !r.n.n1; agr...1;o look .ol.ly to Landlord's int.r..t in the Property for 1;h. r.cov.ryof any jUdgm.nt from Landlord, it b.ing in1;.nd.d tha1; Landlord .hall no1; b. person.lly liable for any judgm.n1; or d.fici.ncy. AR~ICLB VII MISCBLLANBOUS Section 7.01. Plaza Pro8Otion. (D.leted) ~enant tu tl- LaDdlDrd~ 10 ,,~ I I '. S.o~~on 7.02. Bold~na ov.r. In 0... of hold~ng ov.r by ~.n.n~ af~.r .xp~ra~~on or ~.raina~ion of ~hi. L.... or of any r.n.w.l or .x~.n.ion h.r.of, ~.nan~ will pay a. liquidat.d d..ag.. ~wo hundr.d p.ro.n~ (200') of ~h. R.n~.l due h.r.und.r for~h. .n~ir. holdov.r p.riod, and w~ll p.y .11 .~~OrD.Y.' f... .nd .xpen... ~nourr.d by L.ndlord in .nforoing i~. righ~. h.r.UDd.r. Ko holding ov.r by ~.n.n~ af~.r ~h. L.a.. ~.ra, .i~h.r w~~h or wi~u~ oon..n~ and aoqu~..O.DO. of Landlord, .hall oper.~. ~o .x~.nd ~h~. Le..., and .uoh holding ov.r .hall b. an unlawful d.~ain.r o.u.ing ~.Dan~ ~o b. .ubj.o~ ~o J.mm.dia~. .vio~ion and re.oval, wi~hou~ Landlord b.~ng l~abl. ~o pro..ou~ion or any olaia for d...g.. ~h.r.for. S.o~ion 7.03. BD~ir. Aar....n~. I~ i. ..pr...ly agr.ed by ~.nan~ .. . ma~.ri.l oon.id.r.~ion for ~. ...ou~ion of ~hi. Lea.. ~ha~ ~h.r. are and w.r., no r.pr...n~a~~on., und.r.~.nding., .~~pula- ~ion., agr....n~. or pro.i... pertainiDg ~h.r.~o no~ inoor.pora~.d in wr~~~ng h.r.in; and i~ i. likewi.. agr..d ~at ~hi. Lea.. .hall no~ be al~.red, waived, ...nded or ..~.nd.do~h.r than a. provid.d h.r.in, ..o.p~ a. wri~~.n and .igned by Landlord and ~.nan~. S.o~~on 7.04. ~r.n.f.r of Landlord'. Riah~.. L.ndlord .h.ll h.v. ~h. r~gh~ ~o ..11, .xohang., or ~ran.f.r and a..ign, in whole or ~n p.r~, any or all of i~. righ~. and obl~g.~~on. in ~hi. L.... and ~n ~h. Proper~y, .nd ~n .uoh .v.n~ Landlord .h.ll b. r.li.v.d of all liabili~y,und.r any and all of ~h. oov.nan~. and obliga~ion. oon~ained in ~h~. Lea.. ooourring af~.r .uoh .al., ~ran.f.r or .xohang. and a..igDa.n~, prov~ded ~.~ .uoh puroha..r or a..ign.. expressly a..WD.. .uoh oov.nan~. and obliga~ion. of Landlord. S.o~ion 7.05. Oui.~ Po.....ion. Landlord h.reby oov.nan~. ~ha~ ~.nan~, upon paying R.n~al a. h.r.in requir.d and p.rforaing .11 oov.nan~. and agr....nt. h.r.in oon~.ined and r.quir.d of ~.n.n~, .hall and .ay p.ao.fully and qui.~ly hav., hold and .njoy ~h. L.a.ed Pr.mi.... S.o~ion 7.06. Severabili~v Clau.e. If any olau.. or provi.ion of ~hi. L.a..i. ill.gal, invalid or un.nforo.abl. und.r pr...n~ or fu~ur. law. .ff.o~iv. during ~h. L.a.. ~.rm, ~h.n and in tha~ ~ .v.n~, i~ is~h. in~en~ion of ~h. par~ies her.to ~ha~ ~he r...ind.r of ~hi. L.a.. .hall no~ b. .ff.o~.d ~h.reby, .nd i~ i. .1.0 ~h. in~.n~ion of ~h. par~i.. ~o ~i. L.a.. ~ha~ iD li.u of .aoh olau.. or provi.ion ~ha~ i. ill.g.l, inv.lid or un.nforo.abl., th.r. b. add.d a. . part of ~hi. L.... . ol.u.. or provi.ion .. .iailar in ~.ra. ~o .uoh ill.g.l, invalid or un.nforo.abl. olau.. or provi.ion a. ..y b. po..ibl. while b.ing l.gal, valid and .nforo.abl.. Th. o.p~ion of .aoh S.o~ion h.reof i. .dd.d .. a ..~~.r of oonv.n~.no. only .nd .hall b. oon.id.red ~o b. of no .ff.o~ in ~h. oon.~ruo~~on of any provi.ion of ~hi. Le.... S.o~ion 7.07. Bindina Bff.o~. Subj.o~ ~o ~h. provi.~on. of S.o~ion 6.01, abov., ~h. provi.ion. of ~i. Lea.. .hall b. biDding upon .nd inure ~o ~h. b.n.fi~ of L.ndlord .nd ~.n.n~, .nd ~o ~h.~r r..p.o- ~iv. h.ir.,p.r.onal r.pr...n~.~iv.., .uoo...or. .nd a..ign.. S.o~ion 7.08. LaD~lord'. Riah~ of In.D.o~ion. ~.nan~ agr... ~o p.nai~ L.ndlord and ~h. .u~hori..d r.pr...n~.~~v.. of L.ndlord ~o .nt.r ~h. Lea..d pr.mi... a~ .11 ~im.. during ~.n.n~'. r.gular bu. in... hour. for ~h. purpo.. of in.peo~ing ~h. .... .nd a.king any n.o...ary r.p.ir. ~o ~h. L....d Premi... .nd p.rforaing .ny work th.r.in ~ha~ .ay b. n.o...ary ~o ooaply wi~h any law., ordinano.., rul.., r.gula~ion. or r.quir...n~. of any public .u~hori~y or of ~h. Bo.rd of "ir. Und.rwri~.r. or .ny .imilar body. No~hing h.r.in .hall i.ply any du~yupon ~h. p.rt of Landlord ~o do any .uoh work whioh, und.r .ny provi.ion of ~hi. L.a.., ~.nan~ .ay b. requir.d ~o p.rfora. .nd ~h. p.rfonlano. ~h.r.of by Landlord .hall no~ oon.~~~u~. a waiv.r of ~.nan~'. d.faul~ in failing ~o p.rform ~h. .aa.. Landlord ..y, during ~h. progr... of any work in ~h. Le..ed Premi..., k..p .nd .tor. upon ~h. Le..ed pr.ai... all n.o...ary ..~.rial., ~ool. .nd equipa.n~ .0 10nga. .uoh .~orag. do.. no~ aa~.rially in~.rf.r. wi~h ~h. P.nai~~.d U... L.ndlord .hall no~ in .ny .v.nt b. liable for iDoonv.ni.no., aDDoy.no., di.~urbano., 10.. of bu.iD... or o~h.r d...g. of ~.n.n~ by r...on of .ak~ng r.pair. or ~h. perfonlano. of .ny work on ~h. Le...d Pr..i..., or on aooOWl~ of briDging ..~.ri.l., .uppli.. .nd .quipm.n~ ~n~o or ~hrough ~h. Lea..d pr..i... during ~h. oour.. ~h.r.of (unl... o.u..d by ~h. gro.. n.glig.no. or willful .i.oon- duo~ of L.ndlord), .nd ~h. oblig.~ion. of ~.n.n~ und.r ~hi. Le..., .h.ll no~ h.r.by b. .ff.o~ed in .ny ..DD.r wha~.o.v.r. S.o~ion 7.09. Surr.nd.r. No aot or ~hing don. by Landlord ori~. ag.n~. during ~h. L....~.ra .h.ll b. d....d .n .oo.p~ano. of a .urr.nd.r of ~h. L...ed Premi..., .nd no .gr....n~ ~o aoo.p~ . .urrend.r of ~heL.a..d premi... .h.ll b. valid unl... mad. in W.~~~Dg and o~gn.d by Landlord (AcOOp.aoOD of keyo frea ~. ~.n.n~-.l~Jt.- 11 Landlord I I .h.ll noi; ~. d....d acc.pi;.nc. of . .urr.nd.r of i;h. L....d pr..i...). Ai; i;h. i;.....in.i;ion of i;h. Le..., wh.i;h.r c.u..d by l.p.. of i;im. or oi;h.rwi.., T.n.ni; .b.ll .i; onc. .urr.nd.r po.....ion of ~b. L....d Premi... and d.liv.r ~b. L....d pr..i... i;o L.ndlord 1n .. good r.p.ir .nd oondi~ion .. .~ ~b. d.~. T.n.n~ b.c... .n~i~l.d ~o po.....ion of U. Le..eeI Pr_i..., broom ol..n, ordin.ry w..r .nd ~..r .nd 4aaag.. by fir. .nd c..u.l~y or o~b.r in.ur.d 10.. .xc.pi;.d .nd T.IUlD~ .b.ll furtb.r .urr.nd.r ~o L.ndlord .11 k.y. ~o~h. Le..ed Preai..., .nd give ~o LandlorcS .n .xpl.n.i;ion of ~h.combin.~ion of .11 .1...... and .11 look. for .af.., ..f. cabin.i;. and v.uli; door. if any, in ~h. Lea..d pr..i... . All iaprov...n~. ~o ~h. Lea..d Premi... by T.nan~, including bu~ no~ limii;.d i;o ~h. i~_. furni.hed pur.uan~ ~o T.nan~'. Work, al~.r.~ion., ohang.. and .ddi~ion. by T.n.n~, ligb~ f:lx~ur.., floor cov.ring. .nd parti~ion. (bui; .xcluding ~r.d. fix~ur.., .ign., furni~ur. .nd oU.r p.r.on.l prop.r~y no~ p.na.n.n~ly .ffix.d ~o ~b. Le..ed premi... .nd .pecifically i~..i..d On Bxhibi~ "P", if .ny, .xc.p~ ~b.~ ~b.y may b. .noumb.r.d by . L.ndlorcS'. li.n a. r.f.rred ~o in ~bi. Le... ..rli.r) .b.ll b.com. i;h. prop.ri;y of L.ndlorcS upon i;h. .xpir.i;ion or ..rli.r ~.rmin.~ion of i;hi. Le.... Any d...g. ~o i;b. Le...d pr..i... or ~o i;h. C.n~.r c.u..d by r.80v.l of T.n.n~'. per.on.l~y .nd furnii;ur. .hall b. prompi;ly r.p.ired by T.Bani;, .nd .uch oblig.~ion ~o r.p.ir .h.ll .urviv. ~b. .xpir.~ion or o~b.r ~.nain.~ion of ~bi. L..... All .uch furnii;ur. .nd oU.r per.on.l prop.ri;y noi; .ffix.d ~o i;h. L....d Pr.mi... noi; remov.d On or b.for. ~h. .xpir.~ion of ~h. L.... T.rm, or wi~bin ..V.n (7) day. .f~.r ..rli.r ~.nain.~ion .. provided for h.r.in, .h.ll ~b.r.upon b. conclu.iv.ly pr..um.d i;o h.v. b..n ab.ndon.d by T.n.n~ .nd L.ndlorcS may, .~ i. op~ion, ~.k. ov.r ~h. po.....ionof .uch prop.ri;y .nd .i~h.r (i) d.cl.r. ..m. i;o b. ~h. prop.ri;y of L.ndlorcS by wri~i;.n noi;ic. i;h.r.of ~o T.n.n~, or (ii) .~ ~b. .01. oo.~ .nd .xp.n.. of T.n.n~, r.mov. .... or .ny p.r~ ~b.r.of in .ny ..nn.r ~h.~ Landlord .b.ll cboo.. .nd .~or. ~b. ..m. .~ T.n.n~'. .01. .xp.n.. wi~houi; incurring li.bili~y ~o T.n.n~ or .ny o~b.r p.r.on. S.c~ion 7.10. No~ic... Any no~ic. und.r ~bi. Le..e .u.~ b. in wri~ing, giv.n by band d.liv.ry or by Uni~.d st.t.. a.gi.t.r.d or C.rtifi.d Mail, R.turn a.c.ipt a.qu..t.d, po.t.g. pr.p.id, .nd if giv.n by Uni~.d S~.i;.. aegi.t.r.d or C.rtified M.il, .ucb notic. .b.ll b. d.em.d giv.n and r.c.iv.d wb.n . c.rtifi.d or r.gi.~.r.d l.~~.r coni;.ining .ucb no~io., prop.rly .ddr....d, wi~b po.tag. pr.paid, i. d.po.i~.d in i;h. Uni~.d st.t.. mail; if giv.n by band d.liv.ry, ii; .h.ll b. d....d giv.n wb.n d.liv.r.d ~o .nd r.c.iv.d by ~h. p.ri;y i;o who. ii; i. .ddr....d. Such noi;ic.. .h.ll b. giv.n i;o i;h. p.ri;i.. h.r.i;o .~ ~h. .ddr..... ..i; fori;h On i;h. fir.i; p.g. of i;hi. L...., or .. aay b. noi;ed in Rid.r 15. a.nd d.liv.ry .h.ll .1.0 b. d..m.d giv.n if . noi;ic. i. l.f~ wi~h .n .mploy.. of ~b. T.n.n~a~ the L....d pr..i...; .nd, if th.r. i. no p.r.oD pr...nt, by po.~ing .uch no~ic. on tb. fron~ door of tb. L....d Pr..i.... Th. prov i.ion. of. S.ci;ion 83.20, Florid. S~.tu~.., .nd r.l.t.d S.ction 83.05, r..p.ci;ing noi;ic.. for non-p.y..n~ of r.n~., i. h.r.by w.iv.d; provi.ion. of ~bi. 1.... .h.ll gov.rn in.~..d. Sec~ion 7. 11 . Con.truction/No a.cordina. Tbi. L.... .b.ll b. con.tru.d .ocording ~o tb. l.w. of tb. 8t.t. of Florid.; .b.ll not b. r.cord.d. a.cording .b.ll con.~itut., .~ Landlord'. option, d.f.ult by T.n.n~. Sec~ion 7 .12. Inter..t on P..t . Du. Obliaai;ion. . Bxc.pt.. oi;h.rwi.. .xpr...ly h.r.in provid.d, .ny aaoun~ due from Ten.n~ no~ p.id wi~bin ~.n (10) d.y. .f~.r L.ndlord giv.. wri~t.n notic. to T.n.nt .b.ll b..r in~.r..t .~ tb. l....r of tb. r.i;. of .igbi;..n p.rc.nt (18') p.r .nnum .nd i;b. maximum .llow.bl. r.te in tb. st.t. of Florida fro. due d.i;. until p.id. S.c~ion 7.13. Forc. Mai.ux:.. Wh.n.v.r. p.riod of ~ia. i. pr..crib.d h.r.in for .c~ion ~o b. t.k.n by .i~h.r Landlord or T.n.ni;, n.ii;h.r .h.ll b. liable or r..pon.ibl. for, .nd i;h.r. .h.ll b. .xclud.d from i;b. co.put.~ion for any period of ~im., .ny d.l.y. due to .trik.., riot., .ot. of God, .bort.g.. of l.bor or m.~.ri- .1., w.r, gov.rna.n~.l l.w., r.gul.~ion. or r..~riction. or .ny o~b.r c.u.. of .ny kind wb.t.o.v.r wbicb .r. b.yond ~b. ooni;rol of .itb.r Landlord or T.n.n~, .. i;h. c... may b.; provid.d, bow.v.r, no .v.ni; or forc. m.j.ur. or o~b.r occurr.nc. d..cribed in ~bi. S.c~ion 7.13 .h.ll .xt.nd ~b. ~ia. period for or .xcu.. T.n.nt'. till.ly p.Y..nt of a.nt.l und.r tbi. L..... S.otion 7.14. B.toDDel C.rtific.t.. T.n.nt will, .t .ny till. .nd from ~ime ~o tia., Upon not 1... tb.n tw.nty (20) d.y. ' prior requ..tbyL.n~lord, .x.cut., .cknowl.dg., .nd d.liv.r to L.ndlorcS · .~.~...n~ ("T.n.nt'. B.~oppel certific.t.") in writing o.rtifying ~h.~ T.n.n~ i. in po.....ion of ~b. Le...d Premi... und.r i;b. t.na. of i;hi. L...., i;h.i; i;hi. L.... i. unmodifi.d .nd in full .ff.ct Ten.n~ /U ,z... 12 L8ndlord-L . . . ,.. 1 I (or, if there have been mOdifications, that this Lease is in full effect a.s modified, and setting forth such mOdifications), stating the dates to which the Rental has been paid, and either stating that, to the knowledge of ~enant, no default exists hereunder, or specifying each such default of which ~enant may have knowledge, and such other matters as may be reasonably requested by Landlord. In the event that ~enant fails to provide to Landlord ~enant's Estoppel Certificate within said twenty (20) day period, ~enant hereby irrevocably appoints Landlord as ~enant's attorney-in-fact, coupled with an interest, in ~enant's naae, place and stead, and deliver to such parties as Landlord may deem necessary or appropri- ate ~enant's Bstoppel Certificate as if sa.e had been signed and delivered by ~enant. Section 7.15. (Deleted) Section 7.16. First Month's Rent/Radon/Impact Pees/Venue I With execution of this Lease, rent and related sales tax for the first month due is payable; receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Radon gas is a naturally occurring radioactive gas which, when it has accumulated in a building in sufficient quantities, may present health risks to persons exposed to it over time. Levels of radon that exceed Federal and State guidelines have been found in buildings in Florida. Additional infor.ation regarding radon and radon testing may be obtained from your local county public health department. Any use or occupational tax, occupational license, impact fee or similar assessment, tangible property tax, and including any . improvements to the premises required by governing authorities'based on City, County, or State ordinance or law, for transportation, sewer, water, education, parkland, police or fire protection, drainage, housing, recreation, open space, or other service provided for by any government or its agencies, shall be borne and paid for by ~enant. ~enant shall be responsible for such taxes, fees, licenses, or other such charges. In the event legal action is taken by either party against the other under the terms and conditions of this Lease, and to enforce the rights and obligations hereunder, venue shall be Pinellas County, Fl. Section 7.17. Riders and Exhibits. ~he following Riders and Bxhibits are attached hereto and made a part of this Lease for all purposes. Rider 2 - Option to Renew Rider 5 - MOdifications, Changes, Deletions or Corrections Bxhibit "A" - Description of Leased Premises air Common Area. Exhibit "B" - Description of Landlord's and ~enant's Work Exhibit "C" - Rules and Regulations Bxhibit "D" - Sign Criteria READ mIS BHTIRB AGREBMEHT BEFORE SIGRDIG X~. UPOII BXECUTIOR, IOU ARB ACKROWLImGXRG ~ YOU HAVB RBAD ~ mr.rXRE AGRBBIIBIr.I! ABU AGRBB m ALL ~ PROVISIORS SU FORm !rIIIDmDl. mIS LBASB XS IfO'.r All AGRBBIIBR'.r UftIL BXECUTED BY ALL PAaXBS. IN WIrNBSS WHBREOF this Lease is entered into by the parties hereto on the date and year first set forth above. :r: rIIQ..f '" By_-t ' Z;liz~b . h M......- pe itr leanage.r- . - Attest. : 'k ~I:;,r.~ !:tN" Cy thia B.. - Gowieau City Clerk City of Clearwater, "HDs'.. ~~ .:,~ . , . ,~.nant I~ L.DdlOrd~ 13 ,. .. ). I CAMPUS WALK Rider 2 - OPTION TO RENEW To lease by and between ABS Properties, a Florida General Partnership, as "Landlord" and ~ of Clearwater. as "Tenant". PROVIDED TENANT is not nor has been in default under this lease or any addenda thereto, the Tenant shall have the option to extend the lease term for an additional two (2) consecutive periods of sixty(60) months each commencing first on October 1, 1999, and second on October 1, .2004. Said 60-month periods are hereinafter referred to as the "Renewal Terms". Tenant shall be required to notify the Landlord of Tenant's intention to exercise each option to renew this lease not later than 120 days. prior to the expiration of the original lease period .or first option period providing first option period had been exercised. Time is of the essence in this agreement. Tenant's failure to timely give written notice of its intention to renew shall automatically render the renewal option periods granted hereunder void and of no force or effect. All terms and conditions of this lease shall apply in their entirety to the Renewal Terms, except that the base rental payable for the Renewal Terms shall be increased annually as set forth herein. In no event shall the Base Rental payable during the Renewal Terms be less than the Base Rental payable during the immediately preceding 12-month period of this lease or any preceding 12-month peri~d of the Renewal Terms. Renewal Term. Annual Escalation in Base Rent: For each Renewal Term, annually on the anniversary date of this lease starting on October 1, 1999, provided that the first or second renewal option period is exercised, the Base Rental shall be increased upward for the next 12- calendar-month period in an amount equal to the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index during the 12-month period immediately preceding the anniversary date of this lease for all Urban Consumers, South region, published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor, the U.S. city average, All Items (1982-84= 100) (the "Index"). As an example of the above, if the Index as of the first day of the first Renewal Term is one hundred and three (103), and the Index for the term commencing exactly one year prior to the renewal date is one hundred, and the Base Rental being paid on the last day of the initial term of the lease, excluding sales or use tax, is $2,020.17, then the new monthly Base Rental for the next 12 months would 103/100 X $2,020.17 = $2,080.78, plus applicable sales or use tax. The same formula would be used to compute the Base Rent increase on the ~nJ.liversary date of each of the successive one year periods in either first or second renewal term. Landlord shall furnish Tenant a written statement, within a reasonable time after receiving the Index report from the Department of Labor, wherein the adjusted Base Rental and the calculations used to determine the amount of adjustment shall be set forth. Failure to so notify Tenant in writing or otherwise shall not in any way affect this adjustment of Base Rent. As adjusted, the monthly Base Rental shall be the Base Rental for purposes of this Section (Annual Escalation) until the effective date of the next such annual adjustment and, as used in this Lease, the term "Base Rental" shall mean and refer to the Base Rental specified in and because of this Section. If publication of the Index shall be discontinued, Landlord and Tenant shall thereafter accept comparable statistics on the cost of living from the United States government or by a responsible financial periodical or recognized authority then to be selected by Landlord. Tenant ""'--- ~ ~~ ~~.. Landlord U. I .' I CAllPUS lIa'l." R.:Ld.r 5 - MODIFICATIONS, CBANGBS, DBLBTIONS OR CORRBCTIONS TO LBASB To l.a.. by and b.~w..n ABS ProDer~i.., a G.n.ral Par~n.r.hip, a. "Landlord" and Ci~v of Cl.arva~.r . a. "Tenan~" I Any~hing in~h. body of ~hi. Lea.. no~wi~h.~anding, ~h. following .hall pr.vail. 1. T.nan~ .hall no~ .n~.r Upon or u.. ~h. pr.mi... un~il ~h. Lea.. i. fully .x.cu~.d and copy of c.rtifica~. of In.uranc. i. pr...n~ed ~o Landlord. 2. Landlord .hall allow T.IUUl~ ~o in.~all a~ T.nan~'. .ole co.~ on ~h. ou~door .id.walk in fron~ of ~h. pr..i... in a l.gal aaDD.r, a di.play of pa~io/hom. furni.hing. wi~h ga. applianc.., .uch di.play ~o b. in good ~a.~. and provid.d ~ba~ T.nan~ ind.anify Landlord of any and all liabili~y ari.ing from .ucb di.play and u.. of ~h. prop.r~y. 3. Similar ~o 12 abov., Landlord .hall allow T.nan~ ~o in.~all a~ T.nan~'. .01. co.~ ga. ligh~. in ~. land.caped ar.a in fron~ of ~h. pr.mi... andadjac.n~ ~o ~. Piccadilly caf.~.ria (or .uch busin.s. a. i~ may la~.r b.co..). T.IUUl~ .hall ind8lUlify Landlord of any and all liabili~r ari.ing fro. .uch in.~alla~ion and ~h. u.. of ~h. proper~y. Any plan. r.quir.d for p.rai~ting ~h. above (and 12 above al.o) .hall b. .ubmi~~.d ~o Landlord for final approval by Landlord, which .pprov.l .h.ll nO~ b. unr...on.bly wi~bh.ld. 4. L.ndlord sh.ll cOn~ribu~. ~h. .ua of $500.00 ~o T.nan~ Upon T.n.nt.. op.ning . for . bu.in... for the co.~. T.n.n~ incur. in ~h. r.con.~ruc~iod of .ny p.r~ of ~h. building for T.n.n~'. purpo.... 5. The Ci~y of Cl..rw.~er .h.ll pre..nt ~b. L.ndlord wi~h . le~~.r offinanci.l posi~ion prior ~o .n~.ring in~o ~h. L..... 6. Th. T.n.n~ .h.ll b. perai~~ed ~o do cooking wi~hin or On ~h. outdoor .id.w.lk in fron~ of the premi... for di.pl.y. of i~. produc~ lin.., provid.d .ny .uch cooking or displ.y of how i~. produc~ line. work ar. ~o b. don. in . .af. ..DD.r, T.n.n~ b.ing r..ponsibl. for .ny incr.... in Landlord'. in.ur.nc. which .uch .c~ivi~y cr..~... 7. Th. T.n.n~ .b.ll b. pe~~~.d ~o in.~all a~ i~. co.~ (.ubj.c~ ~o wri~~.n approval by Landlord of. plac..en~ loca~ion, anchoring ~o ~h... ground,. wall or .id.walk, and .i.. and aes~he~ic.) an .x~.rnally acc...ibl. "nigh~ box" paym.n~ r.c.p~acl. On ~h. fron~ of ~he pr.mi... or On the ou~.id. wall a~ ~h. Piccadilly building adj.c.n~ ~o ~b. pr.mi.... 8. The following u.e. have b..n giv.n ~o o~h.r ~.nan~. a. .xclu.iv. u..., and Tenan~ .hall no~ u.. ~h. premi... for ~bo.. u..., ~o wi~. ~rav.l ag.ncy, con.umer loan offic.; and T.nan~ agr... ~o u.. ~h. pr.mi... for no u.~ o~h.r ~h.n .. .~ipula~.d in ~h. L.a... T.n.n~ brz.- Landlord~ ~ .. \ . '" CAMPUS ~ ~ z > Z ,ti t=J X - - . c o Ie Z C . Z o -c o o I-C aJ I-C ti = > - - t" > z C t" o = c ~. SlIUI 11I1 . UIlD sa.n. smr .. . UIlD sa.n. sam JID . UIZ "n. SImI .. . UIO Ja.n. SIIIII .. . UOII SUT. sam .. . IZSZ 1I.n. smr ., . 1ZSZJa.n. SDIIE .. . WI Ja.n. ~- mill _ . :JIm 1I.n. ~ 112. IZSZ lI.n. JIll[ . . UlID lI.n. JIll[ .. . UlID SUT. JIll[ .. · UlID Ja.n. JIll[ ... m ..n. JIll[ In . .. IUT. SlII1I .. . UU IUT. SlII1l .. . WI JUt. ....... JllO SlI.., JII& . 1W S1.n. SCI1! = . Z12S s".n. SUJ1E m . zaso.n. SlIM 1M. 2ISZ sa.n. DEVelOPER .~ ARCHITECT LEASING s=>. d: =t:: I --;-- - --:.- WALK ~ *~ - . - ---- ~2 ~ US ProparUe. 1712 Hickory Ga.o Drl.. heodl... Florida SUu ISSS Ea.t I., Drlwo .d... A...cl.... Arctan.eta lite ca..,....... FlorId. Sss.. no ..... c......, ISSS E..t .., Drl.. ..... . CI..,........ Flcwld. US.. CI1S) .a.-seas. SHO P PI :J D_EW ITllerr ~ .... NG .... ..... ......... c::::J ~ - - - - - ~ - - -- - - - ~ ~ '" ~ -- =E 6 SITE DATA . IICISS UIO .au rJI SJll , ~I~ .ra 50S . 1Er....YS ., .... · .-- $feES CENTE R... := ....... Ea . - r - - - I no.Ut SCI.". - 1.1 GO >>.JIl SCln. Ia.us san. ....n SCln. )e& CMS r.. CMSn:Ioo SQ.W?L!a!Ul;.r.. ..1 _ WORK DONE BY LANDLORD AT LANDLORD'S EXPENSE The Landlord's work has been limited to the 'ollowlng: A. STRUCTURE: 1. Dimensions: The dimensions o' the Leased Premlaes shall be measured 'rom building line to outside 0' rear wall and .rom center to center of side wall. If the Leased Premises Is an end storeroom, .the .rontage and rear dimension shall be measured 'rom outsIde of exterior side wall to center line of party wall. Frame: The buildings are reinforced concrete or masonry bearIng wsll construction. Governing bull~lng codes shall apply. Exterior Walls: Shall be of masonry, tilt wall, glas. windows or such other materials selected by Landlord Including store 'ront which shall be by Landlord dsslgn. Roof: Roof structure Is a steel bar Joist . and melal roof deck configuration. Walls: Walls separating demised premises 'rom other storerooms are wood qr metal stud or masonry. Masonry fire walls will be provided In accordance wIth applicable codes. A minImum 1-hour separation will be provided between tenants. Exits: One 36- hollow metal rear -d~lIvery door with hollow metal 'rame are provided unless otherwise requIred by governIng code, with morllce lock. B.: INTERIOR FINISHES AND UTILITIES: (I) 1. 2.. 3. Roof: 18 a 3 ply buill-up roo' with 1-1/2- of rIgId Insulation. Entry Door: Is per Landlord's store'ront desIgn. Water and Sewer: Landlord 'urnlshes water and sewer servIce to the Tenant toilet. room. All Installallon beyond this poInt shall be by Tenant. ' Electrlclly: Landlord furnIshes and Installs electrIc servIce conduit to the Tenant panel: 'urther extension 0' electric servIce limIted to thai as described below. (II) In addition, Landlord provIdes the following: 1. FLOOR: 4- thick reln'orced concrete floor slab. Vinyl floorIng Installed In toilet room. 2. POWER BOX: MinImum 100 amp panel connected to electrIc servIce. 3. LIGHTING: Interior: Recessed fluorescent, mInImum 0' one unIt (2'x4' Lay-In) per each 'u1l120 square 'eet 0' leasable floor area; ExterIor: Rear securIty nIght lIght 'lxtures are located along . the back wallo' shops. 4. SWITCHES: · One 'or restroom, all other lighting Is switched 'rom Tenant panel.. . 5. ELECTRIC OUTLETS: One duplex-type outlet .or each 'ull 220 square 'eet 0' leasable "oor area Installed In perImeter walls, . connected to Tenant panel. Front, Side & Rear Walls: Minimum 0' 1/2- Gypsum wall- board spackled, aanded and ready for paint. Water resistant Gypsum wallboard on wood or metal etud for bathroom. Bathroom walls originally finished with epoxy paInt. 7. BATHROOM: One water closet and one wall-mounted lavatory Installed to, existing cold water service. Roo' or rear wall exhaust fans. (Location at option 0' Landlord). Units 209, 301, 302, 303, 304 have two bathrooms. a. CEILING: 2' x 4' white acoustic tile with white grid system. 9. AlC and HEATING: HVAC rooftop dIrect expansIon re'rlg- erant type system ,with duct work, controls and grills complying wIth ASHRE guIdelines; electrIc heat strip 'or heating; all at adequate size and capacity .or normal dry open retail operation. Additional tonnage, In. crease In size capacity or addItional thermostats or special wiring for the system shall. be at Tenant co~t (and maintenance). Store .ascla 10 accept T~t sign. 1 of 2 Landlord f!!!JN- . ~ I. 4. 6. 6. 4. 6. WALLS: I I CAMPUS WALK EXHIBIT -B- Description of Landlord's Work and Tenant's Work . j- , I " 2. 3. . . I . t. . .. I, ' i! 11. SIGNAGE: Tenant jtyIL- ,) 1 · ~ L M. N. o. P. Q. R. S. . 1 I II. WORK DONE BY TENANT AT TENANT'S EXPENSE: Tenant's work to Include but not be limIted to the following: Tenant to construct end equip Its Leased PremIse. In sccordance with ths followIng, . and to complete plans and speclflcallons at Tenant'seost and sealed for permItting, approved In writing by Landlord prIor to commencement. of saId construcllon. Tenant's working plans and speclflcallons and sIgn renderIng. to be submItted for. Landlord's review and approval withIn 30 days after receIpt by Tenant of Lan~lord's outline plans and speclflcatlone. Tenant shall hold Landlord harmless agaInst any liens flied agalnet Landlord's property for construction whIch Is Tenant's obligation hereunder. A. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT: All lighting fixtures, meters, wIrIng, service, lamps and equipment Including Installation, and support, In addlllon . to Ihal provIded by Landlord. Bare tube fluorescent fixtures not permItted In sales areas. WATER AND SEWER CONNECTIONS: All water and sewer connections Including Inelallatlonof equipment and meterIng ,In addlllon to that provided by Landlord. TELEPHONE: All conduits for telephone wIres. Tenant shall make all arrangements with telephone company for service. WALLS: All Interior partitions, party walls and curtaIn walls wIthIn premises In addlllon to that provided by Landlord and In accordance with governIng code. MInimum 1/2- drywall. No exposed studs or block permItted. No. combustible materIal permllled above ceilings ~r sprInkler coverage. COVES AND CEILINGS: All specIal coves, drops and ceilings In addition to. that provIded by Landlord. Ceilings to be Underwriters approved non- combustible tile. No combuatlble material permitted above ceiling, . FURNITURE AND FIXTURES: All store fixtures, cases, wood paneling and cornIces. SHOW WIND.OW BACKGROUND, FLOORS: All show wIndow floors, backgrounds, sll~lng doors and show wIndow IIghllng fIxtures and lamps. FLOOR COVERING: All floor covering. ALARM SYSTEM: All alarm eystems or other protective devIces Including fire extinguIshers. PLUMBING: All plumbIng and fixtures requIred for Tenant need8 In addItion to that provIded by Landlord. SPECIAL ~ENTILATION: All venUlallbn and related equipment IncludIng curbs and roof openIngs. All roof openIngs, cuts and other penetrations. shall be performed only by Landlord, Its agents, or contractQrs and at Tenant cpst except as provIded by Landlord at Its cost for air condlllonlng system and ventilation of bathroom. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: All specIal equipment such as conveyor, elevators,. e8calators, time clocks, etc., Including Installation and accessories. PAINTING: All paInting or coverIng of InterIor wall surfaces. SIGNS: All signs shall be In ac~ordance wIth the sign reatrlctlons set up by the Landlord for the shopping center. Tenant agrees that utility lines may p~ss through Its store area to servIce other tenants and building areas. Tenant or Its, contractor to obtaIn and pay for all permits In addItion to that provided by Landlo.rd, and comply with all building codes, ordInances, regulations and requirements 01 Fire. Insurance Rating Bureau. Landlord's approval of plans does not release Tenant from thIs obligation. Tenant agrees to require Its Contractors to furnIsh Landlord evidence 01 adequate Insurance coverage prior to Ten8!lnt's contractors performIng any work In Tenant's premises, and Tenant agrees to IndemnIfy and hold harmless . Landlord from and agaInst any claims, actions or damages resulting from acts o~ neglects 01 Tenant, Its agents, employees .or contrac- tors, In the performance of Tenant'. work.' Tenant and Tenant's Contractors are limIted to performing theIr work Includ- : Ing any office or 8torage for constructIon purposes withIn the premIses only. Tenant and Tenant's contractors shan each be responsIble for dally removal from the Center all trash, rubbish and .urplus material resulting Irom conslructlon, flxturlng and merchandisIng 01 the premIses. Upon approval by Landlord ot Tenant's working plans, Tenant shall pay over. to Landlord, the amount charged by Landlord's Contractor for work to be performed by Landlord's contractor per Secllon 1.03 (c) ot thIs lease. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. Tenant~12- 2 of 2 u.ndlor~ I . .. . , t,: I . . -. ; " -' I I " . t.,l .'" CAMPUS WALK ExhIbIt -C- Rules and Regulations The following rules and regulations have been adopted by the Landlord for the benefIt, care ,and I?rotectlon of all Tenan" and their guests. 1. The common areas ehall not be obstructed. 2. Any equipment, furniture or bulky material shall be moved In and out of the premises only by pre-arranged agreement wIth Landlord. Any Injury or damage resulting from euch movement shall be the liability and responsibility of Tenant. '. 3. Hazardous, Illegal and/or objectionable material or thlnga shall not be permitted In the premises. 4. No nOls" odor or vibration shall be permitted whIch constitutes a nuIsance, except that food preparation as normal In a restaurant and permitted In the Lease shall be permitted. S. No cooking or preparation of food ahall be permitted In Ihe Leaeed Premises unless so slated In the I.ase. 6. Vending machines shall not be Installed or operated withIn the Leased PremIses wIthout written Landlord approval. 7. No curtaIns, drapes, blinds, slgnage or other window decor shall be Installed In the Leased PremIses wIthout written Landlord approval. 8. No antennae for televIsion, radio or other electronic device shall be Installed to 'or on the exterior of the building without written Landlord approval. 9. Doors shall never be left In a -propped-open- posItion, nor shall any door, wIndow or openIng be left In an unlocked condition after premIses are closed for the day. 10. Any special or heavy trade machInery shall be Installed only with Landlord's pre.arranged consent. Landlord reserves right to desIgnate placement location of any such equipment for WeIght load factors. 11. No fire, auction, -going out of business- or bankruptcy sales shall be permItted from the Leased Premises. 12. Leased Premises shall be sprayed and otherwise treated for vermin and pests on a monthly basis, to the satisfaction of Landlord, by . Tenant or pest control ag'ent hired by Tenant. 13. Tenant shall not change, alter or add to the locks In place In the Leased PremIses without Landlord approval. 14. Tenant shall not place any merchandise on customer sIdewalks In front of or adjoining demised premIses. Tenant shall place all trash or garbage In dumpsters and not allowauch traah or garbage to be left outsIde Leased PremIses and not In dumpsters. 15. Tenant aha II keep Lease Premises, window dIsplays and sIdewalk In a neat, clean and unobstructed condition. 16. Landlord shall not be responsible for any lost or stolen property, money, Jewelry or equipment from the Leased Premises or public areas whether the premises are locked or not. 17. PARKING: . a., ParkIng spaces for tenants and theIr employeea are deslg. nated on exhibIt -A- and may be modIfied or changed from time to time by Landlord aa condltlona warrant. b. Tenant shall furnish to Landlord all descrlptlona and license numbers of .utomobllea uaed by Tenant and Tenant's employees. Tenant ahall cause Its employees to abIde by any parking regulations Impoled by Landlord for the benefit of the Campua Walk. c. Any car parked out of place, In driveway areas, or In such a manner as to Impede or Interfere wIth normal traffIc flow may be towed away at owner's expense. d. It Is recommended that all cars be parked with brakes on and locked. 18. Each Tenant must provide fully charged fIre extinguishers to comply with municipal code (City of Clearwater). 19. Each Tenant ahall be responsIble for policing the front and rear sIdewalks, stoops and entry areas eurroundlng the Tenant's Leased Premises. 20. Tenant shall keep Its windows waahed monthly or more often II nec- . essary, 8111s clean of dust, dirt, grime or paraphernalia. 21. These rules ~nd regulations may be modified, altered, ohanged, deleted or otherwise added to from time to time aa condItions w. arrant by the Landlord.. ;;;~ ---.. . Tenenl It:v-- 1 or 1 llndlord-r- .' ", . I , , I; '. ~, 1,\;, , ,. .. . .. r f I J CAMPUS WALK EXHIBIT ROR SIgn CriterIa I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. SIgns are to be furnIshed and Installed by Tenant subject to approval by Landlord. Tenant's sign contractor or srchltect must submit two (2) renderings of Tenant's sign prior to approval. The sign .shall be Installed within the area designated by Landlord. 2. Only stores designated by the Landlord shall be allowed space on the Center pylon, If a pylon sign Is uaed. 3. No sign sha,1 be erected, maintaIned, or permItted to be maIntaIned. on the Center 8lte, on the exterior surface of ths buildings. or other .urface., exc.pi a. specifically permltled In wrlllng by Landlord. There shall be no flashing, rotating, or mOVing sIgns or marker. of any type. 5. There shall be no signs painted on the exterior surfaces of any buildIng. 4. 6. There shall be no free-standIng 81gns (except for those placed by ths Landlord) without the prior written consent of the Landlord. 7. There shall be no roof-top signs. 9. No banners, posters, or other advertising materials shall be affIxed to any exterior walls on the Center SIte. ,,",,0 InterIor banners, posters, or other advertIsIng mate~lals may be aftlxed to any wIndow or door without the prior wrItten consent of the Landlord, the Intent beIng to control the overall aesthetic Integrity of the Center and In no way to hinder the Tenant's bu~lness operations. No signs shall be pernUtled at or on the rear of any building facIng a servIce court area, except for Identification sIgns six Inches (6R) In heIght and two feet (2') In length on delivery doors. One line only Is to be used. 8. II. SIGNS IN COMMON AREAS OTHER THAN ON BUILDINGS Only traffic control sIgns, general directory signs, signs IdentifyIng the Center, and signs for the advertising of promotions for the Center shall be permItted. Temporary sIgns may be permItted from time to time wIth prIor wrItten permissIon from the Landlord. . . III. TENANT SIGN SPECIFICATIONS 1. Number of sIgns: 1 a. Exterior Parapet Sign 2. Location: a. At marquee sIgnboard facing parkIng lot.. 3. Sign Area LImItations: 1. Height: 24R (Maximum HeIght of Up- per, Case Letter) .2. Length: 8'_OR or longer, as approved by Landlord, but no greater than the storefront length mInus 4'_OR (I.e., 2'-OR In from the tenant separation walls on each side). Centerline: Centered on storefront. 4. Baseline: 14R above marquee bottom. 3. 4. Construction: 1. Intern~lIy illumInated wl_h sIngle neon tubIng. . 2. Plastic Facu: Rohm" Haas White #7328, 3/16R thlck-Inte. rnal illuminated w/8t;iJlngle hlte neon 16 m.m. tubing - No substitutions allowed. Tenant . I~ Page 1 of 3 Landlord :; i ;, ') . 00... , . "I II . I I . ' . , l '. " " , .. I " I 3. Fab. Channel letter. flurorcarbon cla..lc bronze, alloy #3003-.040, 4- aluminum returns as manufactured by S.A.F., Atlanta, OA or approved Alter- nate. TrIm caps to be Classic Bronze to match, returns. 6. Style: HELVEllCA EXTRABOLD CONDo Upper and lower case, or other style If expressly approved by Landlord. 6. Size: a. 24- Max. Height 3-1/2- Max. Stroke 4- Max. depth First letter of each word to be In upper case; other letters to be lower case. b. c. d. 7. The letters shall be Installed aa 'ollowa: (a) All letters shall be Installed aquare, straIght and true wIth components plumbed and leveled as applicable, and shall be Inslalled within the .Ign band provided across store front. (b) Each letter shall be Individually attached to the building 'ascla. AnchorIng methods shall meet all local codes. Exposed 'asteners will not be permitted. (c) The name or stamp of the sIgn contractor or sign company or both shall not be exposed for view. (d) Landlord reserves rIght to require size and depth of letters to conform to Landlord desIgn concept. 8. The conlent 0' the sign shall be as follows: (a) Lettering shall be restricted to the Tenant's trade name and shall not contain advertIsing or slogans. Tenant's .'ogo. or other trade Identification may be used only with prior written approval from the Landlord. (b) When Tenant does not have a trade name, the shortest possible generic description of the busIness or service la to be used. (For example, a barber may use the word .barber- not -Shop-or an opticIan may use the word .optlcal- or -glasses-.) 9. The 'ollowlng procedure Is to be used for approval: (I) Two (2) renderings of all81gn8 8hall be 8ubmltted to the Landlord for approval. The method of support. andlor attachment shall be Indl. cated. (II) All -approved as noted-. drawings shall be resubmItted unlll marked -approved- by Landlord. Incomplete drawings will be returned without approval. (III) Tenant shall be fully responsible 'or all neceseary permIts and obtain all approvala 'rom any governmental agencies havIng any Jurisdiction over this work; Including coat Involvsd In obtainIng same. 10. If Landlord shall deem It necessary to remOVe any sIgn In order to paInt, redecorate, repair or replace the background material or to alter or Improve the background material, then Tenant shall remOVe Ita sIgns at Ita own expense, and when Landlord's work has been completed, Tenant shan, at Its own expense and cost, reinstall lis sign In the manner and location provIded by Landlord, wIthin len(10) days following notice from Landlord. I . Tenani 1~ Page 2 0' 3 Landlord l!Jf ~. . - , , " I ' I i !I' , , I . \". . ;. I . . ..1' . , I I I. I .' .. ,I " I' , , I . I l':i . - ! . t,', .! :,' , 1 'I "' I . . ". II ,'.1 .1 - CAMPUS WALK Exhibit 0 PYLON SIGN CRITERIA and PROGRAM . . ~ I. , . Landlord has erected a pylon project sign at the entry to the plaza. Said sign currently has a total of sIxteen 1 'high x 4'longtenant nam~ panel~. Said panels are offered for use to tenants of the plaza at a cost to the tenants on a "first come, first served" bssls. Landlord reserves the right to modify, change color, add to In any way or alter the pylon sIgn In -the future. .1 " ,. " " f I , If Tenant elects to purchase .the use (lease) of Ei panel(s), the followIng condItions shall apply: . , 1. The use of the panel(s) shall' be for the base term of the Tenant's lease and any extensIons. Upon termInation of saId lease, the rIght of use of pylon panel(s) shall termInate also (Tenant may the.nkeep name ponel after removal by Landlord). Such use shall not be transferable to to new tenant In the event a business Is sold unless exIsting tenant remains liable on the 'lease. . 2. The name on the name panel must be approved by Landlord, will be In bronzed aluminum wIth white letters color unless changed by landlord. Upper case letters must be seven Inches In height; lower case letters may, with Landlord approval, be smaller. Logos are not generally to be approved as there Is not sufficient space. Any variation from block style: letters requires. Landlord spproval whIch will not be ordinarIly approved. ' 3. No tenant, may ever use more than two (2) panels, one only on each side of the pylon. Use of more than one panel shall requIre Landlord's approval. 4. The cost for use of anyone panel space on the pylon frame shall be a one time payment of $250.00 plus applicable state sales tax on rentals payable upon execution of thIs lease. Because there are currently fewer panels than potential store spaces at Campus Walk plaza, Landlord reserves the rIght to refund and effectively repurchase a tenant's use of any second panel, whIch a tenant,may have purchased earlier, at tenant's cost as stated above, tenant reserving the rIght to select on whIch sIde of the pylon the remainIng panel shall be. Such repurchase to be strIctly for the relettlng to another tenant whIch does not otherwIse have the use of a panel. . I , , " , 5. The actual panel to show tenant's name/buslness'sh,all be by Landlord's selected sign fabricator and no other, cost by tenant; such cost to Include Installation plus sales tax for ,each name par;1el. Should Landlord repurchase a panel from Tenant per paragraph 4. . above, thIs cost for the panel shall not be reimbursed. 6. Landlord sh.all not be responsIble for maintaining name panel, nor liable for damage to any part of pylon and the servIce It provIdes, but shall maintaIn pylon and frame and electrIcal components In a reasonable manner; nor shall Landlord be liable to provide a , panel to any tenant after sll panels are In use. Tenant elects to purchase _1_ panel(s) at a cost of $ 250.00 ; panel(s) to read" Clearwater' Gas System ". , \j~~,\ r .. . . I , Tenant ~Il- , 3 of 3 Landlord ~ , j i , I I I!.