Zintner, Jeannette
Il~Me6~FORM 8
~:R:54G4 fllt[1911
lhis fIluU-fflilim lletd, EXI'(;IIIC!dl/lls 27thll1yof october
,A,1),1972 ,I,y
firsl parly, 10
wllose posloffice adclress is
339 Riverview Drive,
Savannah Georgia
!iI!(;Ollcl pnrly:
Jeannette Zintner' SR I, Box 139-T-5, Inverness,FI. 3265
(\Vlu"rf:\Orr und "(".rin thr. trrtn!ll "fint parly" and lI~rr(lntl I':\I'IY" sh:111 indtld~ .if1RUlar Ind 1,llIf81, hdn, IfgBI
rrprt'!'ir.l\l:,ti\'r.5, and :I!'i~i~n5 of individuals, and the SUCCf:SSUU and auignl 0' corpora.ionl, wherever the context
so admit, or rtquires.)
1illfilntSsdlt, TlIIII IIIC said fif'sl pady, for ami ill cOllsirlerallofl of Ille sum of $ 1 . 00 (one)
ill Ila/HI paid IJY IIIC said secolld pady, IIle receipl wltcr110f is Ill'rel,y ar~nowledged, does IWf'el,y remise, re-
ICllse nlJ(l quiI-dllim ulllo I/IC! sniel second pady forelll'r, nil lIte dr/III, lillI', illlen!sl, claim amI elemaml1l1/1icl1
I'I{! sllld flf'sl pClrly '11I5 III alld '0 IIle following clescd',l'cl 101, pll'ce or parrel oflnne/, silullle, lying alld b!'ino
in lite Counly 0/ Pinellas Slalc 01 Florida. lo-wit:
The North three-fourths
(3/4) of lot 62, Block
.j Seven (7), Clearwater Cemetery
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10 ltillft ilnd to llold Ilie same 1~!Jcllt('r willi all and sillgular Ille' appur:.lenanceS II~ef'eurllo
"clollging Of' ill allywise IIpp('daillillg, ami all IIle eslnl", riglll, filiI', IlIlef'esl. liell, equily and claim wlllll-
soever of tile said firsf pady, eil/ler in law or equily, 10 III" only proper use, bellefi! and bellOof of Ille saiel
secolld pady forever,
jft lillfilruss Whet'tof, Hie said lif'sl parly IlCls signed alld scaled ./lese presenls tIle day and year
lif'sl alJove IVrillen,
Signed, scaled ancl clclivcf'cd in pf'esence 0/:
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before me that
executed the same,
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before m?;,_ .an
aloresaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personal~y' ;"lflPllared
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officer ~t.z a'ttl,~riled in the State
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to me known to be the person described in' and
WI'rNESS my l,and and official seal
November ^, D, 1972 '
17115 Im/rtl11101/ pnparcd hy: JEannette
A~hm SR I, Box 139-T-S
Inverness,Fl. 32650
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