Funderburke, George and Bernice H Tjlursday, October 16, 200J 1 :59 PM Moss.Feaster Funeral Home 727-562-2916 /1 Q\,!,.C:L"11o\ Dilll RAMCO FORM e 1 {#Yult/tb1.U~~~ <~..u!p I; ;{j 9, /0, / / p,02 ./ lhis Quit..t1:laim ,IDee,l,. Excculad [hiS /~ _,,_. .,w....) ,_' / I . ,J/. /l' ,1,/,,' / ~ I .I J,... /~..I - 'c...L.J j) / l \...{'~/!""'''''''' "'-< L. '(... ..........;..., \-","' -- da)' of (.=., f- " -i~\'/-i//../ /./ /. ":-'''''f;...oolf...(....("..;:..:(- '. 't; .j ~...,.. , A. D, 19 ,/;-'5. b~. , I ~ ' ' .. !irslpl1rly.to/ . . //..:..:, ,:' ,,.' /.., ':J'///"'C;-" ,::.:" . /' L~'Z."",:'Cr::.t. (/-. ,':::-~?~/_'..:-r..c:,i.(.~'t/~ -.. ...'~~,,!C/.;~.':c-' ,-"",,, ~'."S::?",'L,~' 1.~;~,,-::".. ....y.,.., . ~. . ~'" ,.,../ Cr .>:_:/I<;"?I./;.:' (...I(..~' J/c:."/!.rT.t..t/~~C- W110S8 po,~loffice I1ddress is - ~,I / I ' ..",.. {:,",::- ..tf.. -'0" , -.: //,~j'j - -C::{,.~"V~'{:.t':'d/C:~'7'c:.-.- .JdCi~C:''1 .-c.~4...,Z./c~~7/t- ~ ........:tr{;c- , ~acond part)': (\,ji'l.I!!TCVof" ,),~d hr:rtil"\ tnr In 11'1' f1rin! p...ny" .,tld U~f'cnnd (lI"ly" ,h..l~ in.;Ju~l:. ~il'l!,~hr ..m1 phu'''\j tU:1n. l"~:lIJ I'cprCJ'!.nlJl.lh.'cs, ,and iI&liiignJ !(If intlh"idl.,,,,h. .ant! \lae 5\JCC.CJ.'on .tlnd ~'''ISil' of ~.or-ppr..lllJ/1.lJ.. \\ol"~I~ver lht c,Qnled "Ii' ::a.J"I"\1JI or JCl::IUtre.s.) . ~(lHtnesseth, Tha! Ihe sa.ld first pari>., Jor and ill consir.lllmlion. of the sum of $ in. hand pa.ld hy IttCl said slIconJ po.r1y, tlta raceipl whlJl aof is flarel]y ccknoLI1/cclgeJ. dOlls llorab, remi.se, TII- 11ll1-Se and qutt-dc.im unlo the sa.id second parly Joreller, (It! IFte rlg!ll, litle, inlerest. cla.lm and JcrnG....J tv1..~oI\ fhe said fir&! pari)' h(ls in anrl. to tho follolL'lng clc5crlhccI loL pioCQ or PQtcl11 of lrmd. liilrAole. lying and bciing il1. I.hC! Counly of SIc.le of . to.wtl; '71$6 it.! C S'/ s-~' at /l;7'~. ~ }f ~ ,;: F-- /7'/;:).0 7tt)t:,:i I'''' ") c.,L- ../ t..fj~)/:~~L:::5 t:7 /~ 7',1-16- t$' P /9t.?,5 S (/~ "//7 e .s~'1 ~v-;-/'r .L.'-/e~ T,/-/~- E Aj"T /y/7,c/:' o~ a,L("::::- A .A2,G'<..)/~ T ..-::--/2 ////.EEEC?l ) 8Ld6/~ 2.1 ,<.., C) T ..2_2.. / t! E' 771.,L:" ,- -=- /Q.. 1/ -/~.= /.. 1 {) flave and to l101d the SllnlC IO(JcITI p-r tvilh all n.nd sinau.luT the appnrlena.ncc6 r1llAreu.ruo - holcjMl1inu or in an}'wisa rmperlninlno. and all Ihe (!slalc. righl. wla. t"tarpsl, lien. qqu.fty an.d claim wha.t- soaver 0/ llle $tlld /11'51 parly, cil/lIlT irt law or cqui.ly. 10 tT\€j onl). ptopCT uso, LlCnefll a.nd bohoof of th'1l said second pf.Lrly forever. ~n tnJitncss ~hCrCDf, Thr~ Iwid first perTly has slancd and sealed !lwsc prcscmls 111F.! day clItd yeor firsl (I.hOVG written. SignaJ.. /HIP.L:,J an.d dQlit'&1TeJ in vresence oJ: L t: - . -, ~ .' _._ '-::.~_.,:('2.z (~-:6;(.,:.......d.-.-;.d:..tfl.:;6t:.7' 221{~_,;i2iMb~T~--' STATE OI'FLORIDA, } CO llNTY OF 71 ;/) l./~/ / " . ."._LLa'7._U..r_...?L/Ld!...,,~.(L:.1L_.ng "..-n.-.-... .......;.... ._..._.m...._ .... __ ............ --. _. -- _n'" ...........,~ ,..,""''''''''''T'''',r ..\..-.. ...._ .....:,. ,",,,,,, \.....(1.1-... '1'111" RT'I TjJursday, October 16, 200J 1 :59 PM Moss-Feaster Funeral Home 727-562-2916 p,OJ --...-...4J>.W.....,.....~r ........... .,~.... .,......."'. J"'v" f'......Jr )..... ...-.-- ... --.--.--.-.--.- -, .. - , i~ J.<<nJ. lHl.iJ. h). t1~n $<2.iJ s<lcond perri)'. lhll racoipt wIler-eo! is hereby aC~/l(JwlcdglZd, does TtNl?b)' remise, r€l- [(Jose a.nd quU-clafm unto tho said secon.d PtLrty foral)(Jr. allllle righI, wle, itllal'est, cla.im and cle1hond wl\ich the said firs! part)' ha.s 111 and to tluJ following descrihed lot, piece or pureal 0/ 11m.;!, sltullle. lyirtg and helng in the County of Slo.(6 of . lo.wit: 'T h ~ S'/, .d.l.d~--- A. ~ r?,t/ /./ (2) r5'"c~.;-eC:.::S t!7 r 7'/1/:.-- WeST" )I,4,(".F' /f/''/..tJ r/7C: .St:1d,--;-/! b/C.J7 7/?~2rEG:l) U;' ~/?tJ,..6S tJ'j:' //11:: E" /N~T /l/9;<-F' C)~~ /~oT __2~2, / 8,L.., cJ (3' /c' ,.;2- / ~,LF A ,,€,c.~{.//~'T;::-/2 ,,eJ f:?;J7E?-"E" /2, y.. 10 Malle and to Mold ,ltl.l same IOgtltlll:Ji" with all Ilnd strl(1ular t[to apPllrllmanee3 LTwrctlnlo - belonging or in anywise apper!c1inil'\O, and a.U lito estale, rigl~l, wle, Lntere:!, It''rL, "qully a....J clCllm who.t- so/wer of the said jirsl parI)', eUfl.cr in low or equity, to the only proper wo, herta/it an.d heTloof of the said SIlCOn.J. parly foret,sr. ~n 1:tfitn~ss l:ttfhcreof, TIto iiaid first patly Iln~ signtJcl and sr-:aled these pr(Jsenls the Jay and year /trsf abou~ written. . Signed, 6ealed (lTLd cll3liVtlrecl ill presence of: ._.~~I'~ZI::ja.~:---d.~r:~.~:;~6' ~?:!~!~~--., } COUNTY OF , /', / / \ '- l' eI l " // . .,...Z!{Lz.:!:.t.!.._t...-_---Zl..:t4/i.!.L/U.-...OO (j .. ..___ ._.._._...._.:u.......-.-..-,..-...----............-.'.....'.. -- .-.... .-...,~ oHicec duly authorizc:d in tht:: State aroresaid :and in u.t:: COU MY , ~ (3." V.~~ \0 me known tQ be the penon dts,rilll:d in llnd who C',..ccu~cd bdote me thal,a.~ CXCClltcd the: same. WITNESS my hand and orricial. !clll in the COUtlt)" "J~ A.n.1913: I' HEP.EDY CERTIFY that on this day. bdore me, 0.1\ :>,(ocesaid to t;tkc Ilcknowlcdgrncntl, pc.r&D,..~lIy :l:ppeucd the {Qr,&,Qing instrl.lmcnt and .F->~ Rckl'\Owlcdged .~d_'.;~;;;:;:....C,~Z~.~_...: \ ND1~rv ~ubl:(, Stale of nOli~~ at hr'Je My Com;r.,s!i~n E:;:::c\ Sepl. 29, 1973 8-onEflld ~y ^mo,lt~1\ ;HO 6. t,;;"'~llllllt'r' ~..., 'fllir If/J/mmen/. prepared hy.. AddrCSJ , . Thursday, October 16, 200J 1 :59 PM ... ,--;- ~ ....' ,--" . .. . '" -. " '" ,. " , , \ '~, l\f\ " :\, \ :-:-:--\. . ' .- '""",-,.",,' Moss-Feaster Funeral Home 727-562-2916 p,04 4\!Y"...J;~U. , ," ,.,::\ .. . ~ . ' . . .. -. ,... tt~~) :: (: Too -H'- If r "." ( . 1/_ .!.I... I J '-' J'\. :-; './ ',~ --.....-. -...,--......-... " . . '~:'.': "~" .KENNEDY 2~ E~7l:NG , . 0' ' ';', ,(/ .... . ,. ~ Clifford Edward Lewis' ~)" 12-:~-72 .'. . I. ",,', :'.:J ~S :., . LOT - .22 ..... . i 'I '~. I . ,..,.... . " ,_.'1 ., , . " '.c":'('" ;",<;,;::,~' :; . . ,...;- , . CEI.,ESTE STEPHEI'l'S E1JlNGr{ 1870-1925 ',rt';', ' , .'J.V ~....:.;.' . , i.r, V-- J . ! 'S, I , ',J {... i ?...', '1: ,.,' I, ''?.l "- ,:: ,-e..::: '.1 ,"'J I ./ IIJI v ,(. ft' , , " ....... ,.1. ,.., .., I, . J. ,'~': ~J(, -,.\ -.... ,\ ',' .s- . 'I' ~ .;.~~... --"': " I 't; ~., r t: \' t. U\iL - ~. A.),..S.v~b~v_~___ 1=1, ,I \ ?' or "' 'tr:"'.; I I, "',. . , ,,- ) ~:V:lr., -~',/_ _~' ill Q'6(1r . ~~ , L '. / I.' (.' l. .. ,'."; C~, II J /:~~~_ .-... , .......J"\~ i - r: ,. "i ')/ . I ~ . . 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Ii':' , .\J 'rJ./ / j ~> 1J')f'.~ F.- I r/.S- "Iti " ._ . ~..-l J -:r ~": (".:.- ~:;. ,#., ~1' .!i:.,. 't'/i;' '~;'~'" ,Ht .~.. J. {,-or.......', ""'''--' ~', . . ",1 '. .' r' ,'" {...:", :',. ,"(.." I I ;' I , .0 I'l"\ / ,:;' , \ .+- 2' -4J ......1\ I , . . I J' , . , " fa t~ra ',I-{C'I''r\ CJ r --14: [v~' .Sr\'" , r:r-- I C", II~ ( Vi 1'<;' n ~ r :.;,. b r !: -! h e. I' 'yl ('-;: d'~' I '1, U ' /' :~. u..:~ SI'f\C~:5' Le~J:~ ~,. '1~v')<\"'C" J'-.:5C (i~. pJ~K).; -(~ (~~) JA- 0.. d~rJ..':.;..')G.)-, r f{ /( ~r' l i \', t n il-t