Palomino, Rose Ceraolo .l:! 13. .11 S VJ j > 5 .~ ell .~ .~ ~ .c .. It: " Ii i 2Oa. .. :z: '15 J~ f '15 ! in 32e. 321. HRS Form 512, Jan. 89 (Obsoletes Previous Editions) LOOAL FILl NO, 1. DECEDENT'S NAME (First, Middle, Last) c;ERTlFICATE OF DEATH ,.,. · FLORIDA 7. Februar 6 1910 Indiana lis, Indiana 9a. PLACE OF DEATH (Check only ona: see instructions on other sw) HOSPITAL: [3tInpatient 0 ERlOutpatient 0 Do... ~: 0 Nursing Home 0 Residence OOther (Specify) 9c. FACILITY NAME (II not institution, give street and number) 9d. CITY, TOWN, OR LOCATION OF DEATH 2. SEX Rose 3. ~TE OF DEATH (Month, Day. lIlar) Palomino NUMBER Sa. AGE.Last Bit1hday (yaars19 263-22-3584 7 7. BIRTHPLACE (City and State or Foreign Country) 5b. UNDER 1 YEAR Months Days Female 5c. DER 1 Day Hours Minutes Januar 1 1990 8. DATE OF BIRTH (Month, Day. lIlar) 8. WAS DECEDENT EVER IN Us. ARMED FORCES? (Ills or No) No 9b. INSIDE CITY LIMITS? (Ills or ~ Yes ge. COUNTY OF DEATH 9a. 9bde. 10. GIVE KINO OF WORK OONE DURING MOST OF WORKING LIFE. 00 NOT USE RETIRED. Clearwater Pinellas 11. MARITAL STATUS -Married, 12. SURVIVING SPOUSE (II wile, give maiden name) Never Married, Widowed, Divorced (Specify) lOa. DECEDENT'S USUAL OCCUPATION Pro rietor 13a, RESIDENCE - STATE Retail roduce Widowed 13b. COUNTY 13c. CITY, TOWN, OR LOCATION 13d. STREElAND NUMBER Florida 138. INSIDE CITY LIMITS? ('rN or No) Pinellas Clearwater 131. ZIP CODE 14, WAS DECEDENT OF HISPANIC OR HAITIAN ORIGIN? (Specify No or ltI$ - "yas. speci/t. Haitian, Cuben, Mexican, Puerto Rican, etc.) ~o 0 Yes 2707 Morningside Dr. 15. RACE - Ameriean Indian, 16. DECEDENT'S EDUCATION Black, White, etc. (Specify only highast grade compler. Specify: Part II 28. CASE REPORTED TO MEDICAL EXAMINER? (\lis or No) No 3Ob. DATE OF SURGERY (Mo., Day, \liar) ElemenlarylSeconda!X (0.12) lu ~n Sumama) CoIIege(I.4or5 +) Specify: Whit.e 18. ~'S NAME (Fltsl,: " Frances C. Leandri 20a. METHOD OF DISPOSITION Ceraolo Rosa Versaggi 19b. MAILING ADDRESS (Street and Number or Rural Route Number, City or Town, State, Zip Code) o Cremation 0 Removal 'rom State 1798 Lon Bow Lane Clearwater, FL 34624 20b. PLACE OF DISPOSITION (Name 01 cemetery, crematory, or 20c. LOCATION City or Town, Stale other place) Clearwater Cemeter 21b. LICENSE NUMBER 21c. NAME AND ADDRESS OF FACILITY (01 Licensee) Clearwater, Florida /7r,L3 Rhodes & Wice, P.A., Funeral Directors 800 East Druid Ave. Clearwater FL 3461 te an~a and due to the 23a. On the basis of examination and/or investigation, in my opinion death occurred, the time, date and place and due to the cause(s) and manner as staled. S natu.. and Title ~ 23b. DATE SIGNED (Mo., Day. Yr) 23c. HOUR OF DEATH ~ al~ j~ a.~ EW 8-' ~~ oS!w ~ 238. PRONOUNCED DEAD (Hour) 4:41 A... 23d. PRONOUNCED DEAD (Mo., Day. Yr) R (PHYSICIAN, MEDiCAl EXAMINER) (Type or Print) Street Ste. 206-S, St. Petersburg, FL 33709 25b. LOCAL REGISTRAR - SIGNATURE 2Sc. DATE REGISTERED ~ 26. PART. . E ter the diseases, injuries, or complications that caused lhe death. Do no! enter the mode 01 dying, such as cardiae or respiratory arrest, shock, or heart 'ai reo List only one cause on eaeh line. Approximate Interval Between Onset and Dealh Sequentially lisl conditions, i' any, leading to immediate cause. Enter UNDERLYING CAUSE (Disease or injury that initiated events resulting In death) LAST. Intracerebral Hemorrhage a. DUE 10 (OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF): Hypertension b. DUE 10 (OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF): c. DUE 10 (OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF): d. PART II. Other significant conditions contributing to death but not resulting in the underlying cause given in Part I. 27a. WAS AN AUTOPSY PERFORMED? (Yes or No) 27b. WERE AUTOPSY FINDINGS AVAILABLE PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF CAUSE OF DEATH? (Yes or No) 29. IF FEMALE, WAS THERE A PREGNANCY IN THE PAST 3 MONTHS? 0 YES 0 ~ 31, PROBABLE MANNER OF DEATH No 3Oa. IF SURGERY IS MENTIONED IN PART I or II ENTER CONDITION FOR WHICH IT WAS PERFORMED. 32a. DATE OF INJURY (Month, Day. lIlar) 32b. TIME OF INJURY 32c. INJURY AT WORK? (Yes or No) 32d. DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED (Specify) Aceident, suieide or homicide; or undelermined. M 32e. PLACE OF INJURY - At home, farm, street, '8C1ory, etc. (Specify) 321. LOCATION (Street and Number or Rural Route Number, City or Town, State)