Garland, Beth Marie Brush ~ fmV-OB-95 WED 10:06 FIRST SECURITY BANK FAX NO, 5012793455 p, 02 : :". /"':, " , . ~~. ,'2; 19'f':;- r"'- ---$ ~~ .iC 4l?ay- t'-A?L~I . ...zt ,- . , : ~cd ~. ~~ ~t!J ~ ~A/AA/~ ~ - .~ ~ed~~/'~~. _ '-4~~.ILbv,#.L ~~~ ,-'Y /')6--... d~~~ 11d7d. !,1'~~ . .tE~~ ~.~ ~.;;: #~. - --~a[~~ , ~~- .7j~~f~Z:~ :. ; ,'k ~ 4 7AZ -;Y~~ ' ~ ~ ;'"/!vA/u'~ f. I~' ~~ -# .3 / -- , O<d -#- ~ /3,' .?fa -#- ~" ~ ;z1,- ~ _ .. v777~./ Y?J2:f z:I#M :#~, l' .~__p~>>J,~~:;' :" \/~ ;;'.!/~~#-~:?-:(q'/R( -_ _~ ~ (J4A?1~ . , ~, Q..J . C!v::.t.c., .:~: '.' . : s.~~.,'~ ~i1l 14J~ ~ ~ , . .'g-fh fo- '7 7l~ Icrq ~. - ; ..~.'.....' ~~, , \,"!J1f~ .~~~ I , "j(-I~_~Od 0 I ' i , . ., '7"-"', .,,:~:.:'tI\\~t~.;.. :: ~~~~:'. ....- ........,;{.::.;~. ".::.~.':~.,~,\"...,,:.~.::'..,':~.-' -. ,: ,. .:..~.. . , . ....---'-. ...:". . .., ... .' ." ,,:,'':-'.:::: .,... " ".",. ',;,'.:' ...' " "!' .' " PADGETT BUSINESS SERVICES OF N.W. FLORIDA INC." .. . . ........ "M" '.."""'_'_"'~.''''''''_''''',...........;.." HI' .. ,..11 .....,. .'.._..... ....~... .......''6<4. . "'~'" 1eIU) --3-- 1 '7200~ 8aeh Raid . Panama Oty Bueh. Florida 32413 ,_ __ 'GiiII FAX (904) 234.2702 !'AX ama SIIEl':f = (Jhml!IE tmaI: P-tt7R Ie /A ~ : (()ufiA-uJ ~: No tl '1. /9f5 ~: ?OUj~ f Ii 17, ;tIlL 6 '--I I NtImI!a CII' PAGES ~ ra.r.df: I IF m1 laB n.m:u'.R i'O REAO ~ (Z !!!IE !AX, PLEASE CALt. (904) 235-37~ AS fUB AS P:.'S11 k(.E. 17 t1/~' . As- 1 iJ W. I( e ~ lfes7tY'J lOA!- -rJ,l! pERI11 /55'6/1) fD 12. ~y II'( E..47 Atf,ur ,Bert. ./h,,4.J!./e ~~t(5t &rllPiAvZJ" Td ..be '/:;/.A.!2; io /11/ ('C;( l? mil I~J J A Elf' In t/ -;ft E-~5' r9/2 /J1I6-:'" ( J/14e. daft? /3JetlSh /#- LT# /3 gJ.()~k' t, IN (lL!!="'l~uJ,41k-R C.tf)n6-~-e'1 T -'/ ";:"""1<< (F<-I&,;/ou,L, .lJof("c16R) .4T Yf,4;fn~L eR~AH1",r7 / )1# '$IS .eAs. - !3,Q.7 De (' L ~ "'" ~"'1e,;('. / r;". ( L 1$/9- L,.s 717 )J.f".' ,.7.'m ~. / 7,A~ k (../<11-<... . ?A7/0lo(t 1-:110 to'd 88p9G9p~t8t Dl SS3NIsna 1138a~d wo~~ ~~:~t p66t-60-~ON .'" t;lOV-08-95 WED 10: 05 FIRST SECURITY BANK FAX NO. 5012793455 P.01 ; i . i },: I ;,' ~ " \ \ -\ I i :~ ,11- 8" '15- l).,w. 6 b I I.S l:, ,--- \ ~\ 7""/~ llu.JJ ~,7 ~1- 'S~~v. AR '"]')",;.J=l --':' '.' po- I r .- l 'j ..... \ t __ :.-hh" 0 ~--~ '[np",,"\ ~- +- l<Jh, ~_..-~ \t... "It , . . __ ~.L..... '1D.~ - '"'t 1ll r4",,^ ",'- ~ l( ! d t... l {J J.~~ .....1.'"" <9L.-D-.(1 . ---to ,0. .- ~ .~'l" t cl~-S I\d-<l~ Ii' ..^~.~ : ';J i~~. a A-Q~ n,"," '-r ~ -';:-= ~ ~ I\UQ~ )~Q('\f_A~r ~-j~~-~. - -' -:- (:f - I .Au....! 'lJ ~ (,{) n ....14, n:.u.4.- .-- ~ " :fi...i I"'_~..... IL" .'" A Ln.. _n, _ . A _ ; :J: :: ~-~ ...._ ~ (J" ^,Y'>"+" A . ~ ..~ ~....\ \ ~'1~ '[ \ ,.^""c~ 1 n.dV"AA.&..-... ~~ (>OA~. ...1). -re....U.M~ v.",J\-- -", ~ ..+ nj~-A -tJlLulJrt,'i!.'}el.ClI;1" ~u\ ~--( ~ - '(lfl..U A. - ~" -- -0 ~ \J~-"~ 'i?;~:^J..ll\:~' - . . r. ",1"8. ). ~ .~ ' ;, . ~=~ - ~.-'~ ~ ~ "" ~ -; j 0 . ~ 111 ----:t C.Q~~~..\A' (~~......., ,1M.Q.t..Q.~ >'l.$-b ..u..... ~'vl"" 0... -, :. ~.A~,M:~'O^",~) i3.I\N~- _ i ~rT~~c)' LVv~ .' ~ _ =\~~~;~~'1~j~:;;;~~1 - .~.~ . eO A.. -t-:" " El. -"~~- (] " '^ ~ .. _~~_~ , J : ~ A...tJC.... IL~ r .....,.... tA- A~.i. .l.Jo - . .- .0 IJ -f... 1;..~ 'V~..<1 : J"'" + fr' I 3. fZ...I}1(' # L.. I .~. ~~3,~,_"". ' , , _ ......1-.- W""'f +.... 113- ~h;J - &.,"i8.1 . (1:tt'~ e...~~a ~ ..~ . .' --.--. OJ:' '!^~ .;J.. ~~ ~ ~ u 04t..1t5~.-.-.... .f.:tWf'"" .. ~ ~,- L, ~ t;' ~tc.-t... h1~t.~ A1~ ~. -0/1'''''';''' ("'/If- p..4 " e. .~.,_....._~' .' . .~-_. ..........!...'. .' '.'~: ',>~;.:: ' . " . :; " .:'.. ,,:.' IECEIYED 10' 0 . 8J5 CRY ~.... ~ ~0 . d ll:U01 DURABLE POWER 011' ATI'OBNEY J(N( W AU. MEN BY TRUE PRESENTS: That '. the IIDderslJPled. BETH B. GARLAND. a resldeDt of P. IICIIas Cout)'. JIedd-. baw: ...... CGOatitBtecI ad .ppobated. and do hereby make. CGIl8titute IIIId appolJlt tATRlCIA OUTLAW 8lJ trIIe IDd Iawfulldforaey-In-.faet for me IDd Ia my pl_lIIId atead to do allY ad all "'thelollowl.s .....1pedIIed hcreIa fer 11III rr. wa utes L ft Iy ....rae,-IIl-lllCt II IIItIIortud tlI depoIIt or wllltdraw fmdl OIl or from Illy and III bIIIIk KCaIIDQ, w... tiler IICJW or ben:Iner Ja IB1I1lU11e ... Ia tnlIt for odIen, or hi . JoIat KtODDt where my IUlJIUl appear I .. 0IIe of the jobd teIIaIICI, ad III)' ~act II authoIiIed to .... eIIeckl OB lilY UCOIIIIt Ia ,,1IIcb I have a Ia1IIrestt II.. my IWDe theretG for the JIlII1*C of Wlthdrawlag tuDela therefro8I. wi edleruld ftmdsll8W eDIt III' IU'e Iaerafter depoaIted therela. 2. T I cater .y ....cay deposit bus reglltered Ia my ladiYldul IUIIae or jaIDdy with othen ud to remove there rom all or part of the CGDteab ud 10 bmat.ory the caa_.. or pIaee addldoDal eoDCeob in uld IlIIety 110 ~ 3. 1.1et11e uy ad all d..... for or apIoIt me. aad to give or take releases therefor. aad to eomprcnnbe G ~ settle any such daiDu Ia any IIWIDU of 10 aDY IlIIIGWIt he/she dOlllll adYIsable. 4. M' attomey-Io-Iaet is lUltborized to give ooticel.... brlDg suits ror the caforeement of eoOtracb. foreclosure of IIIOrtpees. eoIIeedea of debts, and for uy other JIlU1)OIe whea my said attoraey-lo-faet, ID his lber IOIIil disc. etioa. deems It bcadletal to mylDterest ud Is empowered to employ and d.IsduIrge attoraeya- adaw aDd to IA\II! them repnlellt me Ia proteetiag 11I1 propaty aad IDteRet tberela aIId to pay for their servlcea. . 5. I j lrther aulllorDe aod empewer my attoraey-I...,.. to take eharge of. muage aod coalrol any btvestmea.. ( ilia)' DOW have or hereafter acqlllre; eodone my RIUllI! IIIId coiled all eIIeckl _eel to lIlc: fol' retireDteat pi ,. peuIon paymeata or aIIotmedtl, lacladJu, c:bedIs Issaed by the Treasurer of tile Oulled Statet. sf8ek . lYIdeads, ud ehedui IIsued ., tile Treuuv 01 tile Ualted Stata, Itock dividends, aDd checks iaaed to lIlc: tl .. any odIer JIIlrpele; to cull or redeem boatII; to Dlake IDd nle III tu retanls. IDcJudiog bul DOl UmIted to federal Jaeeme tax retunls, ameaded ntanaI, ~ for rdmds for overpaymeaab aad ate tangible lIIld · IItlUlllble tal retaanua to leU, ......1' 8lId deliver stodc eerdflClltes, lacIudiDll the rlpl to assign the.... ~l to"sell or ~um!Jer aa'_ODd all real property la "l)leh I have Ibllateresl,ldcladIDg jointly --\iwiiiid"pi'Oifei' ,. ud to jo1ia ia caanyalleCll 01' IIlOrtpga on suc:h Propertyl to make IgreeDIClIlt8 or coat..., (0 the event 01 my JIIaeIs, to pnMde fOl' medical attalloo, iaehulht, the eatry and lIIa......from h....itllls aad aaniag II )IDea, and to purc:hae ud pay lor llIedIclaes aDd ........ to employ aod dtscharae doelors, DUnes IIIId ot Ier atteDd...... and to make ao, aadlll deeIsIoJu COIICeI'llIua 11I1 pel'lOllal care. aad the maaagaaeat. IIIe, euewnbnuee Of .......011 of my Property. w&elber real or persGlUll. taaglble or 1ataD....1e, g1v DI aad graadag uatu my laid lnorney-lu-fact fuU power lUld aatborlty to do IDd perform all aad e\Iel'f" lad tbJng whattoc.er recpdslte and neec:ssary to be: ...... that I ml&bt or could do if pel'lClDally pretlCld, with Dllpower of subldtutloa ud revoeatlell, hereb)' ratifylaa and c:oaftrmlag all Ibat my .ald altonaey-ia-flll t. or substltade, sIaaU Iawftdly do 01' auJe to be delle by YlrtlUl hereof. Ci. Till Dunble PoWCI' of Attonaey ahaII Dot be affected by dlultlllty of the prllldpal eJICcpt as provIded by It INte:. IN WII'NESS WIDREO'. IIuml Mreu8to set my IuuacIIlld sat..... /, -t'I{ uy of July. 1,"- WITNESSED BY; . . ~~~ " . (/1cJ . . ~ .~u" 13 ~ 73. ~/ _C:J (SEAL) BethB..~arI~_~ ".. "'-f. __ .. ..._. - ..Jt". \;f~~~~:~'! STATE 0.11'1 ()RlDA ) f.~./7;t;k ~.:."~~~~{:~i,', ~iB;/;& ~;~~ COUNTY Oil. 'INELLAS ) .. ;'''',' ~,\~.. \t~~ '~~ . \\.' ,... ".' -/} ''i. :::-'.:.'.:.....;.'~ 'Ibe fo 'llgObaglaslrUmeDt ".. adounvledpd lIefo", me ~~f(;? day of July. 1995 b, BETH B. GARLA m who Is pel'I8....y kaOWll to e"/ or who produced . v /A- asldeatlftc:atloa. ~_ c!.~ c0'd 88Vge9~t8t 01 ~~<<<<<<~<(<<<<<<((<. ((<(<((<(((<((<(<((<<<<<<<(<<<<~, .' ,:,11" ''l> CYNTlfIA F., OROZCO ) : " )!lli''' Not"'}' rubllc, ~..", "r flo";d,, ~ ,. ~~'lfl.t! Cnromif.sion No. CC 29'/IdH ?< .~: .m. My Ctlmmi..ion Expires &t20fn.* ~;>>=;:;;:>'~"~~~~~~~'~~:~~:':'I' .?~ SS3NlsnB 1138G~d wo~~ ~~:~t v66~-60-~ON