City of Clearw�ter, F�arida
Impro�ement Revenue R�fi.uiding Bonds, Series �d01
Iiz �onnection W[�Yl t�'1� lSSll�17G� l7� t]7� Clty Df Cl��t'l�L+c`],��i, Ftorida {the "City"} af its
�11,47Q,�Da Impm�eme�t Ite�enue I7.efunding �onds, Series Z��1 (th� "S�C"f�5 ZO�Z Bbi1CiS"} and
pursuant ta Section 1.148-2(b)(2} of the Irt�vxne Tax Regul�tians �the "Regulatians"), th� City makes
and enters inta the f�llowin� Tax �ertif cate as tn Arbitrage and th� Pro�isians of Sectivns 1�41-15�
of the Internal Rer�enue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"}:
I. The Series ��41 Bonds are heing issued pursuant ta the Constitutian and laws of the
State of Flarida, including particularly Cl�apter 1 dG, Flcrrida Statutes, and p�arsuant to the tenns ❑f
Drciinanc� No. G8?G-�I, enacted an Qctvber 4, 2001, (the "Drdinance"} and Resolution No. D1-35,
adopted by the City Cammission of the City an Qctaber 4, 24�1 and Resolution No. al-3� adapted
hy tY�e City Commission an �ctaher 18, 2�Q] (�allecti�ely, lhe "R�salution"} ta pro�ide for the
deposit vf rnoney tp �arious funds and a��nunts estahlished pursuant to the Qrdinance:
{�) to refund the ❑utsEanding principal balance of the City's Fublic Service Tax
Brid�e Revenue Bozids, Series 1��5 �the "Series 19$5 Bonds"} and the City's Impro�ement
Revenue $ands, Series 1995 (the "Series 1995 Sonds," tagether with the Series I985 Bonds,
callecti�ely, tk�e "Refunded Eonds"},
��S) ta pay Firi�nci�l S�curity Assur�nce Inc. ("FSA"} a premium f�r pro�iding �
municipai hoi�d insuran�e palicy for the Series 2QD1 Bonds;
(c) tv fund tlte Reserrre Fund f�r tlie henefit of thc Series 20Q1 Bonds;
(d} tv pay #he costs af issuing the Series 20Q1 Bonds (tlie "�ssuance Expez�ses"}; and
(e) to pay interest accniing an the Series �Odl Bonds �'rom �ctober l5, 20I�1 to
Na�ember 1, Z�O 1�the "Accrued Interest"}.
llnless atherwise sp�cifi�ally defined, all capitalized terms used iz� this Certiftc�te shall have the
meanings as those set forth in the �rdinance.
No. 4
2. �n Che hasis af the facts, estimates and �ircumstan�es in existence on the date h�reof, I
reasonably expect the following with respect ta lhe Series 2�QJ Bands being issued #his day and as
to the use v�the pro�eeds thezeo%
�a} Sa�e Fra�eeds af the Series 2�01 Bands in the �maunt of $I 1,484,625.4D
�representin� $11,47a,d�4 principal amount af the Seri�s 20q1 Bands, plus net or�ginal issue
prer�-�iuna af $14,625.4�}, are expected to be needed and fully expended as fallows:
[i} $163,79Z.55 of said prviceeds will be �ased tv the Tssuan�e Expenses
(including an underwriting disc�unt} related ta the S�ries 2��1 �ands;
(ii} $d�,35i.84 of said proceeds wi11 be paid on �he date hereaf ta FSA as a
premium far Bond Insurance far the Series 200i Bonds;
(iii) $2,845.39 of said proceeds, representing a rounding am�w�t, wi�i be
used hy the city fvr any lawful purpase;
(i�) $$�G,750.0� of said pra�eeds wiii be deposited in the Reser�� Fur�d on
th� date hereof in satisfactian vf the Reserve Requirement;
�v} $2��.67 0£ said praceeds will be paid an November 1, 2d0I ta the
Un'tted States Treasury represer�tin� the transferred proceeds penalCy r�suitin�
�rom the re�'wnding of the Series 1985 Bands;
��i} $32�,�157.48 of said pro�eeds, together with $1 � 1,�G2.5Q of funds on
deposat in the Reserv� Fund fvr the Series 1985 Boiids will he used ta defeas� the
Series 1985 Bonds an the date hereoiand ta retire said bands on Navember 8, Z001;
{vii} $l0,Of4,197,47 of said pra�eeds, together with $283,486.5b of funds
an depasit in the debt servic� fund far the Series 1995 Bonds will be us�tl t� defease
the Series 1995 Bonds on �lie date hereof and ta retire said bands on February 1,
�n addition, Accrued Interest in the amount of $2�,891.55 far the Series 20Q1 Bands will be
deposited in the Tnterest Account of the Sinking Fund and us�d ta pay a portian of the
interest due on the respecti�e series af 5eries 2d41 Sonds on February 1, 2002.
(6} Th� City does n�t exp�ct ta sell ar otherwise dispose of any property
comprising; a part �Fany project refina�nced with the praceecls vf the S�ries 2(��i �ands �riar
to the fi��al maturity dat� of the Series 20� S Bonds, exc�p� su�h minar parts or por�ions
thereof as may b� dispQSed of due ta normal wear, absolescenc�, or �eprc;ci7tian in ilte
❑rclinary cours� of bi�siness.
4. Binding cantracts or �ammitments ahligatin� the expenditiire of not less than 5
perce��t of the originai proceeds nf the ea�h respecti�e series af the Refunded Bands toward the cost
of �apital projects respecti�ely finar�cec� with sucl� praceeds were entered into hy the City withir� G
months fram the dace aF issuance ❑f each respecti�e series of the Refunded Bvnds. Wark a�z t�ie
canstruction arid equippittg of such �apital prajects and the allocation �f tf�e origiizal praceeds flf
each respecti�e series of the Refi�nded Bonds ta th� �osts vf such capital projects proceeded with du�
diligence. Each af the respective capital projects were campleted and at least 85 per�ent oT the
origir�3l praceeds o� �acit resp��tiv� series af the Refui�ded Bonds were atlocated t� �nch pro}sct
ex�enditures wiihin tliree y�ars af the respe�ti�e date aF issuance of each respecti�e series of the
Refundeci Bonds.
5. Nat mare than 5� percent a�the prv��eds of tlie Series 2�QI Bonds wiil l�e i»�es#ed
in abiigations ha�ing a su�stantially guaranteed yield far 4 years ar more.
5. The Qrciinance req�.iires the City to l�a� e on depo�it in th� Reserve Fund cash ar a Reserve
Fund Sur�ty ili an amaunt eqii�l to #h� Reserv� Requirement. The City li� electe� ta deposit SaIe
Proceeds nF ihc Serics 2a01 Bond in ih� Reserve �'und. Amounts an depasit in the Rese�ve Fui�d ar�
to he used to pay the principal af and inieresi an the Series 2a01 Sonds when other znoneys in the
Sir►k�ng �'und are insuffcient therefor. The Re�erve Requirement for t�ae Ser�es 20�1 Sonds shall
mean the lesser a� {1 } maximum annual debt service an the Series Z�O 1 Bonds, (2} � 2S percent of
a�erage �nual �ebt service an the Series 20a] Bands, or (3} 10 percent af the �rincipal ainaunt of
ihe Series 2�Q] Sonds. Banc af Am�rica Secixrities LLC, as the Ci#y's financial ad�isvr, has ad�is��i
the Ciry in a ielter attached as Exhibit B hereto that the deposit in the Reserv� Fund in #he amaunt
of the Res�rve Raguirement was a�ital factor in marketing the Series 200I Bonds at an interest rate
comparable to other band issues of a si►nilar type and was a requirerzaent for secuxing hond insura.nce
for the Series 2Qd1 Bonds under the terms a�cepted.
7. There are na funds ar ac�vun#s established pursuant ta #he �rdinan�e ar vEherwise,
other thar� the Sinking Fund, which are reasanably expected to be used to pay debt service an the
Series 2001 Bvncis, or which are pledged as collateral for the Series 2401 Bands {vr subject ta a
negati�� pledge} and far whi�h there is a r�ason�bi� assuranc� an Che part caf the bondh�lders pr FSA
that amotmts therein �vill be �t��ilable tv pa� debt serr�i�e on tl�e Series 2(3�I Bonds if tlte City
encouriters fnancial dif�iculti�s.
8. The porti�n of tile Sinking Fund allacab�e tn the Series 2Q01 Sands will be u�ed primariiy
to achi�ve a proper mat�hing of th� Pledged R��enues and debt servic� on the 5erie� �Q�1 A�ncls
within each bflnd y�ar �n�i amnunts d�pasited thereta will be depleted at 1€ast ance a year �xc�pt 1'or
any cazryover amount which wili n�t in th� ag�reg�t� exce�d the greater of {Aj th� e�rnin�;s an such
fund for the immediately pr��edin� band y�ar, �r �} one-twelfth af the debt service o� the Series
2001 Sonds for tl�e imr�ediateiy preceding bond year.
9. The City wfll enter into arj Escrow Deposit Agreement �.ated Na��znber 1, 2�fl1 (t1�e
"Escrow Deposit Agreement"} ��ith First Uniott National Bank, as the Escrow Holder, pursuant tv
which the City wi�l depasit proceeds of the Series 2001 Bcands, funds held in th� debt service re5er�ve
fund far th� Series l 985 Baz�ds and �'i�nds heid in the debt service fund far the Series I995 I3ands.
The funds i�eld under the Escrvw Deposit Agreement allocable to the Series 1985 Bands will be held
in cash until the redemptian date far the �eries 1985 Br�nds vn N��ember 8, 244�. The funds held
under the Es�row Deposit Agreement allacable to the Series 1995 Sonds will be in�ested in United
St�ttes Treasury Securities - Siate and LaGal Go�ernment Series, except f�r $�5.�3 which will he
retained in cash until th� final red�mp#ion date for ttae 5eries 1995 Bands on Febniary i, 24D3, and
will be used r�n Fehruary l, 240� and August 1, 2�D2 to pay the schetluled debt ser�ice vn the Series
1995 Bonds then due. The funds deri�ed from the Series 1985 Bonds will he �sed on the same day
as funds provided i�y the Series 2�O1 Bonds ta retire the Series 1985 Sands. All af the �unds derived
from the Series 1995 Bands will be used an Fehruary 1, 2002 to pay a portion of the deht service an
the Series 19�5 Bonds due on such date.
1�. The fallowing represents the expectations of lhe City with r�spect to the in�e�tment af
funds on deposit in the afarementianed £unds ar�d a�counts:
(a} Proc�eds deri�ed trom the sale of the 5eries 2aD1 Bonds tv b� applied to pay
Issuance Expenses may be in�ested at an unrestricted yie]d for a period not ta exce�d 13
tnonths from the date hereof;
(b) Pro�eeds deri�ed from the sale of th� Series 20D1 Bonds deposited in the
Escrow Deposit Agreement to retire fhe Series 1985 $onds may he in�vested at an
unrestricted yielr� far a perivd nat fo exceed ninety from the d�te k�eraof and proceeds deri�ed
from the sa�e ofthe Series �a�l Bonds depasited in the Escraw Deposit A�r�em�nt to retire
the Seraes 1995 Bands may n�t be in�ested at a yield in ex�ess of the yieid of the Series 24a1.
(c} in��stm�nt earnings on t�bli�;ations acquir�d with amaunts described in
subparagra�sh (a} aba�e may be in�ested at an unresfrict�d yield far a periad aot to exceeci
13 manths from tltie dat� af re�eipt.
(d} Amounts described in subparagraphs (a) and (c} Chat may nat be invcsted at
1r� ��nrestri�ted yield �ursuant to s►�ch subpara�ra�hs, may b� inve�t�d at an unrestrictecl yield
ta tlte extent such amounts do not exce�d $1��,�a� �tl�e "Minar Partian"}.
(e) All am�unt� deposited in the Sinkin� Fund �includiz�� Accrued Fnterest}
allocated ta the Series 2��1 Bands may be in�ested at an unr�strict�d yield for � periad of
13 montl�s fresm the date of�ep�sit of s�Eh amounts i� such Fuzzd. �n�estrnent ��rnings on
s�;�h amvtimt� may l�� ind�st��l at �►n �tinr�strict��i yield fvr a��riod �f 13 mantly� ft'vzt� t���
date af'r���ipt af the �maunt earned.
�i} Amvunts descriY�ed in subparagraph [e} that rnay not be in�estcd at an
►,u�restricted yield �ur5uant to s�ch subparagraph may be inv�sted at an unrestrict�d yield to
ihe �xt�nt sucl� arnount dves nat �xc�ed th� Minor Particsn reduced by the �mvunts clescrib�d
in subparagraph (�i} that are in�ested at a yield in excess of the yield vn the ��ries 2Q01
(g} Amaunts des�ribed in this Paragraph 10 that may not he in�ested af ai1
unrestri�ted yield sh�1 bc in�ested at a yield not in exc�ss of 4.95739I5°/v {i.e. 4.8423916°/n
pl�is.l Z5°/o} or be invesL�d in tax-exempt ahligaiiot�s under 5cction l 03{a} of the Code the
interest an which is nvt an item ofpreference within the meaning af Seetian 57(a){5} Qf the
11. Far purposes of ti�is Certificate, "yield" meax►s that yield which when used in
computing tiie present wart�i of �11 payments QF principal and interest tv be paid on a�� obligation
produces an amount �qua1 ta th� pnrchase price af such obligation. The $d6,3S1.84 paid as
premiunis for th� Band �nsurance far the Series ���1 Band� is trea�ed �s additioi3al inter�st paid �r�
the Series 2a�1 Bands in camputing the yield afthe �eries 2QOl Bands. T�e yield �n ohlig�tions
acqiiir��i with amvunts described in Fara�raph lO l�ereof and che yield vn the Series 20d1 Bonds
�ltall he c�lculateci t�y the ��s� �f the same freq��ncy interval of cornpounding interest. In the case
of th� �eries 2001 Bands, the purclxas� price is the initial aff�ring price to the public (excluding ha�id
l�aus�s, br�kers �nd. other int�rnxediaxies} at which price at �e�st 14°/a of each matiu-iry af tlie ��ri�s
20QI Bands wa� sold ta Che p�blic. Su�h initial affering price f�r th� �eri�s 20D I B�ncl� is, in th�
aggregate, $� 1,484,525.4�, p]us a�crued interest, as re�resented in a let�er fram William R. Hough
�i Ca. atta����ci as Exhibit A her�to. Any in�vest�nents acquired with amounts that may not be
investeci at an unrestricted yield pursuant tQ paragraph 14 al�o�e shall be pur�hased at prevailing
market prices and shall be Iimited to securities for which there is an estahlished markei or shal] be
tax-exernpt abligations under 103�s} vf the Cat1e the interest on wl�ich is a�ot an item nf ta�c
preFerence within the meaning af Se�tion 57�a}(5} of the Cade.
In accardance with such meaning of the term yield, the yietd on the Series 2�01 Bonds has
been determined to be nat Ies� than 4.�423916% S�ach deterrr►inations as to yield ha�e l�een made
an xhe basis of camputations perfvrmed by William R. Hough & Co., �eriCied by The Arbitr�ge
Group, Inc. See Exhibit A hereto.
1�. The present value a£ $GG,351.84 paid as premiums #`or tl�� Bond Ins��rance for t1�e Series
2�Oi Bonds is less ihAn the present �alue of the interest reasonahly expected ta Ue sa�ed as a result
af such i;zsiarance, a� represent�d in a letter t� the City from tltie F7nancial Ad�is�r �tta�hed as
Exhibit B hereta. Yn ttdditian, F5A has rnade cer�ain representatic�ns ��vith r�s}�ect tv tl�� Boncl
Insurance in a leEter aitached as Exhihit D hereto.
13. Nv portian af the praceeds af the �eries 2001 Bands will he �tseci as a substitute far
uther maneys vf th� Ciry which were �kh�n�ise ta �€ ��s�d to pay tl�e principal ❑f or int�r�st c�n th�
��fi�nc��i Rvnds �n�i ��vhicl� h��� b�en �r t�ili b� i�s� to �sc��air�, �lireccly or inr�ir�tl�, ohli��ti�n�
producin� a yieid in exc€ss nf the yield on the Seri�s 2D01 Bonds.
14, The weighted a�erage maturity of the Series 200IA Bonds daes not exceed 12i�
percent af the r�asanably expe�t�d remaining ecvnami� li% of the pra�ecis �nan�ed ��ith ti13e
praceeds of the Refundetl Bands {within the meaning of Section l47(b} af the Code}.
1 S. Th�re ar� no ather obli�ations af the City that (i} �r� heing sold at substantially th�
sainc time as tl» Sez-i�s 2��1 Bonds �within 15 days}; (ii} are heing sald pursuani to a comnion plan
of �inancing tagetF7er wit�t th� Series 2d41 Sonds, and {iii} will �e paid out af substantially the same
source of funds [or wi�I ha�e substantially the same clairn ta be paid a�t of substantially the sarne
s4urce of funds} as the Series ��01 Bonds.
l6. The �ity has Ga�enanted in the Ordinance that sa l�ng as the Series 2QD1 Bonds
remain outst�nding, the maneys on deposit in any fund vr a�coi�nt inaintained in corjne�tian with
the Series 2�01 Bonds, will not be used in any max�xter that would �ause the Series 2D�1 Bonds to
be "arbitrage honds" within the meat�ing af Se�tion 148 of tl�e Code az bonds not descril�ed under
Secti�n 1 i�3�a} of the Code and trie applicable regulatians �romulgated frorn time to time therEUnder.
A�cordingly, tl�e Cily shall comply ��itl� the g;uidelines and instructions in the ArE�itrage Letter of
�nstnictions from Band Counsel, dated tl�e date hereof, by which the City shall, amtiz�g vther tl�angs,
�ay or cause to be paid t� the [3nit�d States an amount equal Ca the st�m of �i) thc �xcess of t.he
aggreg�te amount earned Cram the inv�stment �f "Grass Pra�eed�" ❑f ihe Series 2�d1 Bands fram
the date af issue o��r the amou.nt th�t wauld ha�e l�een earned if such amounts l��d k�een i�i�este�l
at a yi�ld �qual #n th� yi�ld a#'the S�ri�s �Ofll Sond�, plt�s [ii} the in�ome ar e�rni�7g� attril��itx]�Ie
to the �xcess amount described in �i}. See Exhibit E atta�hed hereto.
17. The City is not aware of any facts ar �ircumstan�es that would cause it tQ que�#ian
thE �c���ra�y raf th€ r�prexentation�s m�d� by the Financial Ad�ist�r, the Und�rwriter or FSA in the
]etters atta�hed as Exhibits A, B and D h�reto, or the accuracy afthe computatians perfarmed by ti��
18. Nan� of the praceeds af the ��-i�s �00] Bands wil] be used {directFy ar indirectly}
to malce or finance loans to persans ather than Ga�ernmenta� Units.
19. Nane v�the praceeds of the Seri�s 2001 Bands will be us�d �directly ar indirectly)
tv a�quire any praperty whiGh prior to its acquisitivn was use�l (or held for use} hy a persan other
than a state nr lvcal �p�ernmentai ►.tnit in cvnnectian ��ith an uutput fa�iIity. For purpases af this
�ertificate, the term "autput facility" means electric axid gas generatian, transmission, and related
f��ilities {but not water fa�ilities}.
20. Na parti[�n vf th� pro�e�ds af th� �eries 2D01 F�ands �vill b� used tn fin�nc� c�r
refinance ot�tput faciliEies �as that term is defined in Paragraph 19 aba�e}.
Z l. The City does not expect that more than S% of the proce,eds af Che Scries 2UOI Bonds
will be uscd (direct�y or i�directiy} in a trade or business (ar tv finance fa�ilities which �re used in
a trade or h���in�ss} carri�d an by �ny p�rsvn other ihan a state ar local ��t+�rnm�n��l unit� �`�r th�
�urpose of lhis Paragraph �1, us� of � f�ciliEy by a p�rsar� can �h� �am� ba5i� �� z rn�ml��r of ih�
general pitbli� shall nat be talcen into ac�ount.
22. Paragraph 2I sh�ll apply on�y if the p�yment a#' S°/fl vr more of the principal raf Qr
interest on tl�e ��ries 20�]1 �onds is (under the terrn� af such Bonds or a�iy u�dertying arr�n�ement}
dir�ctly or indirectly sccur�d by any interes# in property �sed ar ta be us�d for a pri�vat� b�asii�e�s use
or in }�ayni�nts in respect c�f �«�h prv��rty or ci�ri�cd fram �aaym�nts vvl��th�r ar r�vt tv ihe �ity in
rc�p�Et af'pro�crty or barr�w�d �nnr�ey used nr ta be u���i far � pri�at� bu�ine�s us�.
23. The payment of the principal Qf and interest on the Series 2(]O1 Bonds is nat and will
not �e guaranteed d'zrectly ar iizdireetly by the federal go�ernment within �he meaning of Scction
149(b} of the Code.
24. This Certificate is, in part, to senr� as a guideline in implementing the requirements
of Seclions l�41 to 150 af the �ode. If regulativns, rulings, annauncernenis and zaati�es �alidly
prornul�ated undEr the Cpde contain requirements which differ frann those outlined here which must
b� satisfied for the Series 2D�1 Bonds to be tax-exetnpt qr in �rder to a�oid the impositian af
penalties tmd�r Sectian 148 of th� Code, p�.rsuant to the co�venants �ontained in thc C]rdinancc, the
City is abligated to take sueh steps as ar� necessary ta comply with such requirements. If �mder
ihose pranour�cements, com}�ti�n�e wit�i any of the requiretnents of this Ce�-tif��te is nat necessary
to rnuntazn the exclusion of interest on Che Series 200I Banr�s fram gross incc�me and aiternati��
minimum taxable in�ome {except to the extent af certain �djustm�nts applica�l� to corporativns} or
ta a�aid the imposition of penalties on the Co�rir�issian under Sectian 148 of the Code, the City shall
not be al�ligated to cornply with that rec�uiremen[. The City has been ad�ised to seek the ad�ce af
r,.omp�cent counsei with a natianally zecogniz�d exp�rtise ir� matters affecting ex�lusian of interest
on mur�icipal t�ond� frAm grnss income in fi�lfilling its ahli�ations und�r ihe God� fa tak� all 4teps
as are necessa�'y ta maintain t,he tax-exempt status of the Series 2�01 B�nds.
25. To the hest of my knowletlge, infvrmatian and belzef, fhe above expe�tations az-e
1N WITNESS VVHEREQF, I ha�e hereunta set zny hand this 1g` day of No�ember, 200 i.
By: S�.- r
Margaret Simrnons
Finance Directvr
Exxz�zT A
Novenlber l, �001
City Cammissian
City of Clearwater, Flarida
Re: $11,47U,OflU City oF Cl�fuwater, Florida
Impra�ement Re�enue Reftinding Bonds, Series ZOdl
and G�ntlemen:
The undersi�ned, as representati�e of tlie underwriters in connection with the sale vf the
�eferenced Series 2QQ1 �onds, hereby represents that:
1. All ofthe Senes 2�01 Bonds have heen the suhject vf an initial offerin� to the public
;ding l�nnd houses, hrokers ar simiiar persans or vrganizations actin� in the capacity of
�vriters or wholesalers), at prices no higher than, or yields no lawer than, those shown an the
of the �f�cial Staternent relating to the Series 2D01 Sanrls.
2. Ta the best of our knowledge, based on aur recards and other infarmatian a�ailabl�
Us which we heiieve to be �orrect, at least 1 D°/o of the Series 2001 Bands af ea�h rnaturity vf each
ti� were sold ta the public (exciuding hand houses, br�kers or similar persons r�r organizatians
ting in the capacity vf underwriters or whalesalers) at such prices.
3. At the time we agreed Eo purchase the Series 20aI Sands, based upari our ass�ssrne��t
the then pre�aiIing market conditions, we had no reason ta k�elie�e any of ihe Series 2�41 Bands
�uld be inatially sold to the pu�lic (excludin.g bond houses, brakers ar similar persons ar
;ani�atians actin� in the capacity af underwriters ar whvl�salers} at prices greater than the prices
�wn an the caver of#l�e Dfficial Statement including interest accrued on the Series 2�d] Bonds.
$y: - . � � - ��
Eonnie Wise
Its: Seixivr Vice President
Navember 1, 2d41
Ci#y Cammissian
City of Clearwater, Florida
Fde: $11,47Q,OQU City afClcarwaler, Flarid�t
Impro�vement Re�enue Refunding Bands, Series 2�D I
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Thc undersi�neci, � Financial AdvisQr �o the City of Ci��ter, F�orid� (the "�ity"} in
Eonnectian with th� sale vf tl�e aba��-referenc�d Series 2041 Band�, m�.kes the followin�
1. The funding o£the Re�erv� Fund securin� the �eries 20�I Bonds in an �maunt equ�l to
the Reserve Reyuirement ��as a�ital factor in marketing the S�ries 2�41 Bonds and faciliiated the
marketin� vF the S�ries 2401 Bancis at an intere5t rat� camparabl� tc� that o�' ot:Y3gr �and is�ues vf a
simiiar type, and was a requirernent far ohtaining Bond Insuran�e under the terms accepted.
2. The present �Eslue af th� premi�rrns paid to obtain the Bvnd Insurance from F5A Insurance
Corpuration ("FSA"} is less than the present �aiue af the interest r�asonably expected ta be sa�ed
as � rese�lt of the Eand Insuxan�c. Ir1 determi�zin� such pr�sent ��lue sa�viil�;s, �he yielci of th� Seri�s
2001 Bands was used as the discount rat�. It is nat reasanat�ly exp�cted that F5A will k�e called upon
to make any payment under the Bond Znsurance.
W� understanci that Sand Coutasel may r�ly upon the repres�tations contained in this lett�r,
among vther thin�s, in renc�ering its apinivn that �he int�r��t on the �eri�s 24�1 Bonc�s is �xclud�ci
from gr�ss incam� for Federal income tax purposes.
�,. � �. . �
F�y: ,.��_-- �_ � r�� `� �.._..�..�_k.�....e..
�� �� . �
I��; � �;7 . 3
• S'tii�.p'/'-tr4 f
No�ember I, 2fl01
Ciiy Comxnissian
City of Clearwater, Florida
Re: $11,470,Q4U City of Clearwater, F3orida
Impro�ement Re�enue Ref�ding Bonds, Series 24�1
Ladies and Gentlemen:
This letter instrt�cts you �s tu �ertain r�quirements of �e�tian �4$ of the Int�rnal Revenu�
�ocie af 198G, as amended (the "�ade"}, with respe�t to tl�e $i 1,474,0�[] City of Clearwater, Flarida
Impro�ement Re�enue Refundin� �onds, S�ries �4�1 (the "Series 2�D1 Bonds"}. CapitaIized #erms
used in this l�lter, nat a#hen�vise d��ned herein, shall ha�e the same meanings as s�t forih in the
City's Tax C�rti�cate as tv Arbitra�e and the Prv�visions �f Se�tic�ns 141-15D ofthe intemal Reven�e
Code af 19$5, As Amended {the "Ta7t Certi�cate"} executed on the date hereof.
This letter is intended tv prQVide yvu wit�a general guidance regarding compliance witi�
S�ctian l4$(�} vf the Code. Becaus� the requirement� �f th� Cvde are subject to amplifcatian and
clari�icati4n, you should seek supp�ements to this letter from time �o time to reflect any additional
ar different rec}uirernents of the Cade. In parti�ular, you shauld he aware that regulatians
implementing the rei�ate requirernents af Se�tion 148(f} �the "Regulatians"} ha�� beer� issued by the
llnited Stat�S Treasury Department. These regulativns will, by nec�ssity, b� sut�ject tv cantinuin�
ir►ter�retatian and clarifica�i�n tlira�zgh future nilings or other announcements of the United State§
Tre�.�ury Depafinent. YcsE� should seek F�r�her ad�i�e of�ond Counsel �� ta Ch� �ffect aiany such
future i�aterpretation� before the computation and payment of any arhitrage rebate.
For tl�� ptirpas�s of ihis Letter, (i} any instructions relating to a fund or accvunt shall be
de�m�d tca a�pl� an�� t� th� �nrtion af s�i�h fund or ��c�wnt allvc�bl� to the 5erie� 20d � F3ond� �nd
(ii� any r�ferenc� to "the date her�of' shall be deemed �o mean November l, 20Qi .
Secti�n 1. Ta,x.Correnants. Pursuant to �rdinance No. 5$75-�1, ena�ted by th� City
Commission ofi.he Issuer an Qctober�, 2d�] (the "�rdinance"}, the City has made certain co�enants
designed to assur� th�t inter�st with respect ta the Series 2aQ 1 Bands is and shall rerrtain ex�luded
trnm �rv�s income fvr �ed�ral in�vme tax purposes. The City has agreed, and by this Letter does
hereby cQ�enant, that it will not directly or indirectly use or pern�it the w�e of �ny proce�ds of thc
Series 2001 Bands or any ather funds or take �r omit ta take any action #laat ��ou�d cause tl�e Series
2001 Sands ta be "arhitrage bands" w-ithin the meaning of Sectian 14$ vf the Code and that wouId
�ause interest on the Series 2401 Sonds i� be included in gross income for federal incame tax.
puzposes under the pro�isions of the Cade. Yau ha�e further agreed l�y this letter to c�mply with
all oth�r requirements as shail be determined by Bond Counsel �as herein�fter defined} ta be
necessary ar appropriate to assure that inter�st on tlae Series 2bD1 Bands will be excluded fram �ross
incoine far fed�ral incam� tax purpases. To that end, the City will cam�ply wi[h ail requirements af
Section I48 oFth�: Cod� tv th� extent applicai�l� to the Series 24�1 Bonds. In p�rticular, the City
agrees ta cause the proceeds of the Series 2QQ1 B�nds and cer�ain other amaunts descrihed in
Para�raph 1 Q ofthe Tax Certi�-�cate to l�e invested in a rtianner that is cansistent with the expectations
set fa��1 ix� such Certificate. In the event that at at�y time th� City is of the opinion t�iat i`or purpos�s
oFthis Sectian 1 it i� nec�ssa .ry tv z�strict or iv lima,t the yi�ld an the investment crf any moneys h�ld
by the City, the City shall take su�h ac�an as may be necessary.
Section 2. L��finitians, Un�ess the context otherwise r�quires, in addition ta the use af the
terms defined in th� Nan Arbitrage Certificate, the faltowing capitalixed tenxas ha�e the fallowing
"Boi�d Counsel" si�all mean Bryant, Miller and Olir�e, F.A., or ather nationally r�cagnized
bond counsel.
"Bond Year" shall mean the one year period that ends at the clos� of business an the day i»
the ca�endar year that is selected hy the City. Th� first and last bvnd yeaz-s may he sl�►ort periods.
"Bond Yield" �hali mean that discount rate that, when used in camputirtg the present �aiue
an the I3eli�ery Date of all unconditionally payable payments of �Srincipal, interest, retireme�t pri�e,
atkd Quali#'ied Guarantee payments paid and ta be paid on the Se�es 20�I Bonds, produces an
amaur�t equal to the present �alue an the T]eii�ery Date, using th� same disc�unt rate, af t�e
aggregate Issue Price a� the Series 20� 1 Sands. Yield is �amputed under the Econamic Accrual
Method using any cansistently applied campounding inter�al of not mare than ane yea.r. Short �rst
and last compounding intervals may b� used, Qther reasanab�e, standard financial con��ntions, such
as the 3(� d��ys per mant1�13GD days per y�ar cvn�ention, may be used in computing yield b�t must
ne cansistently lppli�, The yie�d on the Serias ���1 Sands, computed by William R. Hou�l� & Ca.
and as verified �y T}ie Arbitrage Cr�raup Inc. in t,�is manner, is 4.842391 fi°/a.
"Code" shall mean the Int€rnal Revenu� Code af i�BG, as amended, and the applicahle
Treasttry Reguiations proinulgated thereunder.
"Computation Date" shall mean any dat� selected hy the Ciry as a camp�.�tat�or� dat� p«rsLtant
ta Section I.14$-3(e) ❑f the Regulatians, arid the Final Camputation Date.
"Computation Credit Amount" means ax� aFnount, as of each G�mputation Credit Date, equal
ta $1,0�4.
"Cflmputatian Credit Date" means the last day af each Bs�nd Year t�uring whi�h there ar�
�mounts allacated to C�-oss Pr�ce�ds of the �eri�s 2fl01 Bonds that �r� suhject to the r�batc
requirem�nt af Se�tian i48�#] of tl�e C�de, and the Fir�al Computation Date.
"Delivery IJate" shatl mean Nv�ember 1, 24U1.
"Ecvnomic Accrual Method" shall rneaz� the method of computing yield that is based on the
�dizx� of interest at the end of each compounding period (alsa known as th� constaz�t interest
or the actuari al methad}.
"�inal Computatian Date" shall rnean the date that the last bond that is part of the Series 20�I
mds is discharged.
"Gross Pra�eeds" shall mean with respect #a the Series 2001 Bonds, any proceeds ❑f the
�ories 2�O1 Bonds and ariy funds (other thaxi the proceeds �f the Senes 2t1�1 Bands} that are a part
�� reserve nr repia�ement �und for the issue, which amvunts include amounts which are �A}
`� aily vr constructi�v�ty r�cei�etl by the City from the sale of t�ie Series 2401 Bands (other than
4unts used to pay Accrued Interest an the Series 2dUi Bond� as set forth in th� Tax Certificate};
} treated as transferred pro�eeds (as defined in �e�tion t.148-9(h} of the Regulatipns); 4C} treated
-at Replacement Prac�eds iind�r S�ctior� 1.14$-1(c} of the Regulatians; (D} in�ested in a reasQnably
tequired reserve ar replacement fitnd {as de�'ined in Sectioi� t.148-2(�} of the Regulatians); (E}
pledged by the City as security fvr payment of debt ser►�ice on the Serics 2�� 1 Bonds; (F} recei�ed
with respect to abiigations acyuired with praceeds of the Series 2Dd1 Bonds; (G} used to pay debt
scrvice an t3�e Series 24�1 Bands; artd {H} oiherwise recei�ed as a r�sult of in�esting �ny pra�eeds
-�afche Series ?UDl Bands. The determination af whether an amflux►t is included within this definitiai�
sha11 be macie without regard to whether tlae amount is credited ta any fund or account estaka�ished
�•i�nder the Qrdinance or texcept in the �ase af an arnount described in �E} abo�e} wlaether the amount
`is suhject to the pledge of such instxument.
"Guaranteed In�estment Canlract" means any Nanpurpose In�es#ment that has �peci�'ically
�; negatiated withdxawai ar rein�estment provisiot�s and a specifically ne�otiated interest rate, and also
� in�ludes any agreement t� supply in�estments oia two or mo�e iuture dates �e.g., a for►Na�'d supply
:: contract}-
` "Installment Payment lJate" shail mean a Computatian Date that is not lat�r than S years
F after the Deli�ery Date and �ubsequent Camputation Dates which vccur ng later than 5 years af�er
� the immediately pre�eding Instaliment Payrrtent D�t�.
"Investment Praperty" sht�ll m�an any se�urity �ar abligat�on, any arjnuity cvntracl c�r att�er
' investm�nt-type property �vithin the m�aning vf Sectian 14�(�}�2} of th� C�d�. The t�rm In�esrm�nt
property shall nc�t include any obiigatian the interest t�n which is �xclud�d from �ss incomc 4athcr
than a 5pecif't�d Pn�at� Acti�ity Bond withirz the meanin� af Section S7(a}(S}(C} c�f Clse Cc�de} and
shall nat incl�;d� �n vhlig�tinn th�t is � on�-d�y �ertificat� c�F indebtedness issu�d hy th� CJnited
�t��cs Tr��stzry piir�u�nt tv th� D�mand �]�pasit St�te a�d Lnc�l Gc�vernment ��ri�s Program
d�s�ribed in 31 CFR, part 34�.
'�Issue �ric�" shall meAn, r��itl� respe�t to ��1� band cornprising the 5�ries ��(ll �onds, the
i��z� price far s�ic�� iaar�d s�t Fortl� an thc l�tt�r from Willi�m �. Hvu�h & Ca., as Che underwriter af
thc ��ri�� 2��1 Sand�, �ttach�d �s ��chibit A to th� Tax �erci�cat�.
"Issue Yield" shall mean the Bond Yietd unless the Series 2a01 Bonds are described in
ctian 1.148-4(b}(3} Qr (4} of #he Regulations, in which case, the Issue Yieid shall be the Bond
eld as recomputed in accordance with such pro�isians af the R�gulaiians.
"Nonp�irpose ln�estrr�ent" shall mean any In�estment Property in which Gr�s� Proceeds are
sted, o#her than any Purpose Ti��estmer�t as defined in Section 1.148-I�h} vf the Regulations.
purposes af this Letter, In�estment Praperty a�quired with re�enues deposited in the Sinking
d#fl be used to pay debt service on the Series 2p01 Bonds within 13 rn�nths of the daEe of
�sit therein s�all be disregaxded.
"Nflnputpose Payment" shall, with respect fo a IVonpurpase Investment allocaterl to the
ie� 2001 Bonds, include the follawing: �J ) tl�e amaunt actually �r �onstructi�ely paid ta acquire
Nvnpurpnse In�est�nent; �2} #he Value vf an in�estment not acquired with Crrass Proceecls oi� th�
; such in�estrnent is allocated ta the Series 2001 Bands, and [3) any payment of Rebatable
�itra�e to the United St�t�s Go�emment not later tl�an the date s�i�h amount was requir�d tc� be
i. In addi#ian, the Camputation Credit Arr►ouni shall be treated as a Nanpurpose Payrnent witl�
�ect to fhe Series 2001 Bonds an each Com.putation Credit Daie.
"Nanpurpose Receipt" shall rr�ean any receipt ot' paymezxt with respect to a Nc�npur�qse
Tnvestment allo�ated ta the Series 20Q1 Bonds. Far this pu�pose the terrn "receipt" anear3s any
'�tnnunt actualty or can.stru�ti�ely recei�ed with respe�t to the in�vestment. In the e�ent a Nonpurpose
�vestment ceases tv be allocated ta the 5eries 2QD1 Bands ather than by reason af a sale ar
retirement, such Non�urpose In�estment shall be treated as if sold on the date af su�h cessat�fln for
1f5 ValUe. IJl addltlan, t�l� V7.ILle 4� EaC�l NOIl�7i1T�J�5� IriVeStI'C1ellt 3t Llie C105e OF �Jll51ri�55 Dri �aCY1
Camputatinn Date shall �e taken into account as a Nonpurpose R�c�ipt as pF such date, and �ach
refund of Re�atable Arhitrage pursuant ta Section 1.14$-3�i) of the Regulations slaall be treated as
a Nonpurpose Receipt,
"Qualif ed Guarante�" shall mean th� Muni�ipal T3nnd Insuranc� Policy issued by Financia]
Security Assurance Inc, in conne�tion with the �eries 2041 Bvnds.
"Rehatalale Arbitrag�" shall me�n a� of any Camputation Date the excess of th� fuEur� �al�e
af all Nanpurpos� R�ceipts wi#h r�spect ta tl�e Series 2�41 Bonds v�er t�z� ftiture valu� vf all
Nonpurpos€ Payments with respect ta the �eries 2Q01 T3ands. The fiatur� �valu� of a Nonpurpos�
Payment or a Nonpurpo�e R.eceipt as af any CorrtpuEation Date is determined using �he Ecanamic
Accr�ial Method and e�ual� fh� �vaiue of that p�ym�nt or receipt when it is ��id Qr re�ei�ed �ar
treated as paid crr rec�i��d}, plus int�r��t assumed to t�e ��rned and �am�cr�and�d o�er tl�� p�rio�l at
� r�te eqt��i ta th� Is�u� Yi�ld, �in� tlse same �vmpo�rn�iin� interval �nd �n�n�ial canv�ntians used
in ca�nputin� that yield.
"Retit'em�nt Price" sha11 rn�an, with respect to a b�nd, the amo�int paid in �annectir�n ��iilt
the retirement or redemption of the �onci.
'�Val���" means �v�lti�e �� d�termin�d ��nd�r S��tion 1.148-5(d} nf' t]z� Re�ulaiinns f�r
� i !, ' i ! "!!'1
(a) Pursuant ta this L�[ter there shall be establisl�eci a fi�nd separatc from any
atl�er fund estab['rsl�ed arxd maintained ►,�nder the Qrdinance desigr�ated the Rcbate Fund {tl}e
"Reb�zt� �t�nd"}. Ti1e City shall a�iminister or cau�� ta be admini�ter�cl the R�bate Fu��d and
in�est ar�� �tmaunts h�ld ther�in in tdanp�rpos� �n�r��tm�nts. Mon�ys sh�ll not h€ trar�sferrE�l
from the f�ebat� I'urtd exc�pt as pra�ided in this �ectivn 3.
�h} []niess ane or mnre of th� Spending Exceptions t4 Rehate descrihed in
App�nc�i� i to ihis letter � applic�b�� to all or a por�ivn v£th� Gro�s Pro���ds c�F thc S�ri�s
24�1 ��nd�, ti�� �ity �p��ifi��lly coden:�nts th�t it w'r�l pay or �aus� ta be p�it� tn ilze L7nit�d
�t�te� Go�ernment tl�e f�llowing amounts:
{1} Na later tl�an 60 �ays after eaEh Installment Paymer�t �3ate, an amaunt
whicl�, �v�en added to the fut�zre �alUC af all pre�ia�,;s r�bate �ayme��ts made with
r�s�a��t tn tl�� S�ri�$ ��](�� F3vn�s, �q�anl� �t ieast 9Q p�r��nl pf th� Reb�t�lsi�
Ari�itrage calc�alat�d as af each ��ch Tnstallment Paym�nt Dale; ai��i
(�} N� latcr than 60 day� �f�er the Final Cvmp�ta�ian Dat�, an amount
which, ��hen 7ticl�d t� the futur� �alue of all pre�ia�as r�l?at� p�yments made with
respect to th� S�ri�s ��0� Bands, �qL�a1s ]�Q p�r��nt af th� 1��hat�hl� Ar`hitra�� as
❑�' ihe k� ii�al Computalian Date.
(c} Any p�ymei�t orRebatable Arbitra�e mad� within th� b0-day period d�scribed
in �ection 3(h)(1 } an� [2} abo�� may be tr�ated as paid nn Che Installm�nt P�y�ne►�t I7at� or
Final computation date to wlxi�h it relates.
(d) C}n ar �efor� �5 �iays fallvwing each Insta�Iment Payment �at� and the Finai
Cvm}�ut�tion Date, tl�e City �hall d�temzine !he �m�itin� of R�hatabl� Arhitra�e to b� p�id ta
th� i]nst�ti �t�te� �'io��rnm�n.t �s r�quir�� l�y S�tian 3�b) vf this ���t�r. CJpon rnnl�in� ilSis
determinatian, the City shall takc the follo��ving actions:
(1} If th� ars���tr�t �af R�batabl� Arbitra�e i� ��l��il�t�d tc� i�� p�siti��,
ciepasit the r�q►�ired arnouxat of R�batable Arbit��ge to the Rebate Fund;
(2} IFth� �unount c�FRehatable Arbitrage is �atcul�ted tn h� n���[i�� �nc�
�n�n�y i� bein� heId in I.]i� T��b�t� �und, trar�sf�r fxam ihe R��r�rte T'un�l tl�� �mfl�n�t
rir� depa�it in such fund; and
{3} Dn or before b� days fvllawing the Installment P�}nm�nt D�tc �r Final
�c�mputatian Llate, pay the amotant d�scrit�ed in Sectian 3(b) of this i..�tt�r fo tl�e
C.Tnit�ci 5tates Go�ernment at the Internal R.evenu� Service �enter, ��dcn, L3tah
S��D1. P��rm�nt �l��li h� a��€�rr�par�i��l by Form $O���T. �4 r�bat� }�a�rt�e��t ia ��ic�
�h�n ii is fii�� witla tl�e Tnt�-n�l �.���nu� ��rvi�� �t th� �bcr�� ]oc�tin�}:
{e) The City shall keep prcap�r bavks af record and a��ounts containin� camplete
and carrect entries af a11 transactions relating to the receipt, in�estment, disbursement,
allocation and applicatidn of the money related ta the Series 2QD1 Bonds, includin� money
deri��i fram, pledged ta, or to he used ta make payment� on ihe Series 2aQ1 F3ands. Such
recvrds sha�i specify tlie ac�vunt or fund ta which each in�eshnent {ar partian il�ereof} held
uy the Ci#y is to b� allocaied and shall set forth, in the case of �ach in�estment secL�rity, [a)
its purchase price; (b} nominal rate af interest; �c} the amount af a�crued interest purchased
�inctuded in th� pux�hase price}; {dJ the par or face amount; �e} maturity date; [f� the amount
of original issue discount vr premium (if any}; (g} I:he type of In�estment Pro�erty; (h} the
frequen�y af periodic payments; �i} the pe�ad of �ampounding; (j) the yield to maturity; (k)
da�� 0'�C�I5�3051tI0I3� (1) amount realized on dispositivn {includin�; accrued interest); and (m)
mark�t price data sufficient to establish the fair m�rkct value of any Nonpurpase inv�5tment
as of any Com��tation D�t�, and a� of th� dat� su�h Nonpur��s� In��stment be�or���s
allo�ahle ta, �r ceases tv be allacable to, Gross Proceeds ai the Series 20q 1 Bonds.
w- � ' ' � � -� i - �t -E .�� / r� ��
(a} Nn In�estment Properly sha�l he acc�uired with Gross Pro�eeds far an amount
(including tr�nsactia» costs} in excess of Che fair market valu� af such In�estment Praperty.
Nu �n��stm�nt Praperty sha�l b� s�ld vr �th�rwis� disposed nf fvr an arrraunt (in�hi�iin�
trazasac[ian �osts) Iess than the fair mark�t �alue of the In�estment Pr�perty.
(b} Fvr p►�rp�ses of suhse�tion �(a), the fair m�rket �alue af any �n�estm�nt
Froperty far which th�re is an eslablished rnarket s�al] be determined as pmvided in
subsectinn 4(c}. Excc�pt as otherwise pra�xded in subse�tians 4{�j an�i (f], any inarket
�specially est�b�ished tv provide investment Prtaperty tv �n issuer v#' �n�ernrnent�l
ohiigations s�iali n�t he treated as an estal�lished market.
�c} The fair marlcet �alue aF any In�€stment PropErCy for which tl�er� i� an
established mar�Cet is il�e price �t whic� a willi� buyer w�u3d purchase the in�vestmcnt Trom
a willin� se��er in a bana fid�, arm's-leng;tl� transaction. Fair market �aluc is generafly
determ'rne�i an the date vn which a cantract tt� purchas� or sell the In�estme«t Praperty
hecomes �indiiig (i.e., th� trade date rather than tlxe setilement date}. If a United Stat�s
Treasury oblig�tian is acquired d'rrectly fram or disposed vf diractly to the United Stat�s
Trcasury, such �cquisitian or dispositinn shall b� tr�ated as �st��lishin� a�n�rk�E far ti�e
obl'rgatian zncl as esta�lishing the fair market �alue af the abligation.
(d} Exc�pt to the extent provided in subsectians (�) and �f}, any In�estment
�'ropert� far which there is not an ��t�blish�d m�r�c�t shali be retaut�at�l_y gr��um�d tn de
acquired ar dis�osed of far a price that is nat equal to i#s fair market �alue.
�e) In the case af a certificate af d�posit th�t l��s a�'ixed intere�t rat�, a tix�d
paytnent sch�ciule, �ntl � subsi�nti�l penalty far �arly ��ithdraw��, the p��rch��e }�ric� af s�a���
a c�rtificate of clepc�sit is tre3i�d as its fair m�.rket �alt�e �n its p��rch�e date �Fthe yi�ld a�1
th� ���.ific€�te 4i depv�it is nvt l�s� tiyan (1) !h� yi�ld 6n reas�n�hl� enn�}��ra�l� dir�ct
c��lig��in�s �Ft��� i�Tt�i��l �t�t��; an�l (�j t�� ]ti�t���t �+i�lEl th�� is ��.ib�i�hed Qr ���t�� lrty th�
�ra�ic�er to b� c�arrently a�ailable fram the pro�ider vn reasonably comparable �ertf fcates
af deposit affered to tlYe puhlic.
�� Th� p�irchas� price af a�u�rante�d In�estm�nt C�ntract is treat�d as its fair
n�arket �aiue an the purcl�ase date if:
{] } The City makces a Uar►� fide scrlicitation for the Guarantee�l In�esiment
Contract vvith sp�cified �reatenal tenns �nd r��ei��es at l�ast 3 qtaalifying from
difF�r�nt rea�nn�bly �omp�titi�� pm�id�rs �f Guarant�ed in��strr��nt �antr�ct� th�4
ha�e no mat�rial finaricial interest in ih� Series �OD 1 I3onds;
(�) Th� �ity p�r�h���� �l�� high�st-yicldin� �u€�r�nt��ci ln��stme�t
Cantract far wl�ich a quali�ring bid is made {dctermined net of br�ker's fees};
{3} The det�rmin�tinn of the terms oflh� Gtiar�rtt�ecl iilv�stment Con#ract
t�kes into r�ccvux�t as a�i�r�ifi�ant Ta�tar t�Ye �itv's r�asonabl�+ e�tp�Gt�[i dr�wdc��v��
��I��dt��e fvr th� C�nds tt� h� ind�:�ted� �;��l�si�� vf �]c��t Ti�neis an�l r��snrz€�bly
rec�Lt�re�I r�servc �na r��l�cement f�and�;
(4} Tl�e �vll€tt�ral s�urity requir�rn�r�ts far t]�� Giru�r�n�ecd Investr��nE
Contr�ct are r�asonabl�, hased an all the facts and circunrastances;
�5} Thc abiigar af the Guaraa�teed In�estm�nt Cantract certi�ie� lhosc
administrati�e cv�ts that it is paying (vr expects t� pay} to third parties in cannectiart
with the contract; and
�5} The yi�ld on the Guarantee[� In��stment Contract is not less ihan the
yi�ld currentiy a�ailable from the vbligor on reasonably cvmpar�ble in��stment
contracts off�red ta oth�r persans, if any, �rom a sQUrce of funds other than �ross
Proceeds of tax-exempt bonds.
S�ctian 5. A�'�s�s711�tin� far..C'�i'�,�,. _ �ds, In order to �a�rform th� �al��ilations r�quir�d by
ii�e �oc�� and th� R�$�laYivns, ifi is ne����ary to tra�k ihe inv�stm�x�t and expenditur� r�f �ll �'rraG�
Prac�e4ls, To that end, th� �it� m�.st �dvpt � re��crnahle �r��i �ansist�ntiy �p�lieci metl�aci �f
accaunting far �ll Cxrvss Pr�ceeds.
�eC[i��l �i. �]IIl�i%it'L�4751..5.S1lJIL�t1��e�.
�a) T?x�ept �s oti�arwise pra�id�d in tl�is ��ction, �an allocatio�i af Cros� Prac�c�s a�
the ��ri�s ��41 Bvnds to a payment or receipt an a Nanpurpas� In��stment is nat a�i�u�ted
ta take into accounfi any costs or expensES paid, directly vr indir�ctly, ta p�.�rchase, cany, s�ll
❑r rc#ir� �he I�Tc�n��Yr�sas� Snv�stm�nt (a�dministr�ii�� cast�j. Th��s, �t�ministr�ti�e evsts
��ner�ll� d� nat in�r�a�� tix� �ayir��nts fvr, ar r�ci���e th� rec�i�ts frvm, �Ion��►�r�ase
[n��eti37 �nt�:
Section 8. �u►vi�al af Defeasance. hTatwathstanding anythzng in this Leiter to the cantrary,
abligation of the City ta rernit the Rehate Requirement to the United SCates Department af tl�e
as�ry and to comply w�th all other requirements contained in ti�is Letter must su�vi�e the
:asan�e or payment of the Series 2�01 Bonds.
Very txuly yours,
� �� ��- �`��, ��
� �
atid acknvw�edged:
City of Clearwater, F1ari�la
Margaret Simmo.
�'inance Director
Datec�: No�veml�er 1, 204I
i I 1 Riverside Avenue, Suite 2a0
)aeksanville, Florida 322a2
T: 9�4.557.fl790
F: 9i14.388.298h
Gity of Clearwater, Flari,da
Clearwatez', FL
City o,f Clearrvater, Flarir�a
Improvement Reuenue Refundir�g Bonds
Series �UUI
For the November 1, Zd�6 Computatian Date
We ha�ve carnpleted aur engagement ta prepare ceztain COxilputatiDnS relating to the abo�e-
captioned issue (the "Bonds"). The Rebate Amoun� as sho��n in this repnrt, is cumu�aCive �or the
per�od �ram Noven�her 1, 2a01, ihe �eli�ery date of the Ronds, to 1�1o�ember 1, 2Q0� (the
"Camputation Period"}. All nonpurpose payments and receipts are future vaiued to ��
GamputatiQn Date.
The scope af our en�agemeni cansisted nf preparation of �:he computatians as shawn in tlz�
attached scheduies to determine the Rebate Amatxnt as described in Sectian 148(f��2} ❑f the
�nt.ernal Re�e�nue Code af 1986, as amended (the "Cade"}, and xelated Sectinns i.348-1 thrauglz
1. ].48� I 1 of th� Treasury Ae�ulatians issued 7une � S, 1993, �s amended (the "Regulatinns"},
Certain �pmputational rnethods us�d in the preparation af the schedules are descri€��d [n t�e
Sum�rnary of CornputationaI T�nfnz�nn,ation and Definitions.
Qur en�agement was limited to the cnmputation of the Reba[e Anaflunt based upon infonnation
furnishcd ta us. In accordance with the terms of our engagement, w� did not audit t.�e ir►farmation
prat�ided to us, and we express no apinion as t�s th� camp�eteness, acc�.ir�cy; or suitabiliCy oi� such
information far purpases ofcalcul�ting the Rebate Axnount.
City of Cleaz�vvater, Florida
Our camputations zn Lhe attache� s�hedules are s�mmarized as follows:
In�vestment: 5.59529�%
Bond: 4.84239I °/a
Rebate Surrimary
AGtual Ea7x�ings:
Allowahle Earnings:
Current 1'eriod Rebate
Future Value of
Computation CrediEs;
�uture Value of PriQr
P�riod Rebate Amount:
Tatat Rebate Arr►aunt:
Minimum Paym�nt Due:
Decem�er 31, 200G
(2,�49.41 }
{ 166,7I 5.26}
$ ti.d0
The terms of our engagement are su�h that we htt�e no abligatinn to updat� �his report becaus� ❑f
e�er►ts accurring, ar data or informatian coming tn our attentian, subse�uent ta #I�e date af �his
re�ort. This repart is intended sQlely far the in%rm�tion �nd use of the parties identified in this
letter and is not intended to be and should nat be used by anyone ather ihan these spe�ified parlies.
,T�n;��ry 3, �0�7
� �
• �r
/ � �
March 18, 2� 11
City of Clearwater, Florida {"Yssuer"�
P.�. Box 4748
Clearwater, FEorida 33758-4748
C�N fRQI. #9.a0
�ATE �F I$SU�: NOV�MBER Q1, 2U01
NOV�MBEi� d1, 2001 TQ FESRUARY 0'[, 2fl'I1
MARCH 98, 2�1'I
At your request, Arbitrage Campliapce Specialists, Inc. �"ACS"} has prepared computations pertaining io
the amaunt of the final rebate payment ("Fina� Rebate paymer�t") tht�t is due on ar before Monday, Aprii 04, �Ot 1
fram the Issuer to the C]nited States Treasury, Internai Aevenue 5erviGe {"IRS"} wif.h respect to ttse abar+e-
referenced issue af tax-exempt deht �"Debt") far the aba�e-referenced T'inal Com�utation Periad ("I'inal
Comput3tioxz Period"}. At the Issuer's request, we ha�e izvt re�iewed Integrity Puhlic Finance Cnns�ltir�g LLC's
rebate report dated January b3, 2DQ7 far the period Na�emlqer Ul, 2aQI to Np�emher O1, 20Q6 ("Prior Aebate
Repart"}. We have computed the Final Rebat� payment for the Final Co�nputation Periad assuming the
Cumulati�e Rebatab�e Ar6itrage fram the Prior Ftebate Repart. The computations attached as Exfsibits {together
with this �e�ter, the "Re�ort"} have heen performed by ACS and are based u�an the limtted scope of ACS'
enga�ement with infarmation, instructions, assumptions and representations as prv�itied ta AC5 by the Issuer.
The computatrons re£lected in the Exliibits of this Repar� are sumanari�ed as fol�aws:
The yield on the Debt is 4,84239t°/a.
The yield on the in�estments is 3,628844235%,
1 QD% FinaI Rebate payment
Using procedures, which ACS has developed far calce�lating arbitrage rebate, AC5 has computed the
�maunt of the Final Re6ate paym�nY rvrth respect to the Debt for the �inal Gvmputation Ferifld i�i a�cordance
with tl�e applicable pro�isions af Che Internal Re�renue Code af 19$b, as amended and tl�e Treasury Regulatxons
appticabte Eo the Debt.
� BY: �
Ira B, Sacks, CPA, Directvr
PTIltiF: P�1�47303
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