06/28/2013 - Topic Trasnportation CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION MEETING MINUTES CITY OF CLEARWATER June 28, 2013 Present: Mayor George N. Cretekos, Vice Mayor Paul Gibson, Councilmember Doreen Hock-DiPolito, Councilmember Bill Jonson, and Councilmember Jay E. Polglaze. Also Present: William B. Horne II - City Manager, Jill S. Silverboard - Assistant City Manager, Rod Irwin - Assistant City Manager, Pamela K. Akin - City Attorney, Rosemarie Call - City Clerk, and Nicole Sprague - Official Records and Legislative Services Coordinator. To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. 1. Call to Order - Mayor George N. Cretekos The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. at City Hall. The Mayor presented a Proclamation, July 4, 2013 as Independence Day, to the Sons of the American Revolution: Dan Hooper, John Siegert, and Nelson Jansen. The City Manager said Amendment 1 and the recession that followed resulted in significant changes in the Parks and Recreation Department's budget and service delivery approach. As the economy strengthens in some areas, staff is now being faced with requests to expand services and amend the fee structure. Today, staff will provide a brief orientation on the department and seek council feedback regarding possible changes. 2. Council Discussion Items 2.1 Department Overview - Kevin Dunbar (5 minutes) Overview and Workshop Goals and Objectives, Organizational Structure, Introductions Parks and Recreation Director Kevin Dunbar said the Master Plan is the guiding principle for how the Department provides services. The current plan was established in 2002. With the recent recession and Department resource reductions, now is the appropriate time to review the document and determine what changes are needed, as well as ensuring staff is in-sync with Council's vision. Work Session 2013-06-28 1 Mr. Dunbar said the Department currently runs on a facilitator model; the Department does not need to do everything but must make sure everything is done. 2.2 Division Overviews - (30 minutes - 5 minutes each division) Administration - Felicia Leonard Office on Aging - Kerry Marsalek Recreation Programming - Mike Lockwood Landscape Division - Alexis Wells Community Maintenance - Jim Halios Planning and Projects - Leroy Chin Mses. Leonard and Marsalek and Messrs. Lockwood, Wells, Halios, and Chin provided a PowerPoint presentation and an overview of their respective Division's responsibilities and activities. 2.3 10 Year Historical Perspective - Art Kader (10 minutes) 2002 Master Plan Goals and Overview Strategic Planning Process and Outcomes Needed due to Economic Conditions Completed Master Plan Items Current Projects / Strategic Objectives Master Plan Update Needed Parks and Recreation Assistant Director Art Kader said the City's 20-year Master Plan was adopted in 2002 after completing a citizen engagement process and council feedback. The Master Plan includes a comprehensive needs assessment and an action plan/implementation program. The economic downturn in 2007/2008 caused staff to look at the Plan and make strategically necessary reductions due to less revenue and personnel. Personnel budget was reduced by 25%; 240.8 FTEs (FY 2006/2007) to 184.1 FTEs (FY 2010/2011). The reduction in staffing levels has resulted in reduced level of service. 2.4 2013 Master Plan Update - Felicia Leonard (30 minutes) Process Master Plan Community Engagement Input Work Session 2013-06-28 2 Administrative Support Manager Felicia Leonard provided a PowerPoint presentation and reviewed the community engagement plan process for the Master Plan Update. The approach will look at the existing conditions; revisit the Department's mission, vision, and guiding principles; and develop an action plan. The community engagement program will include a Stakeholder Advisory Committee, Internal Stakeholders, community workshops, an online community forum, and a mail survey. The community engagement component will target a minimum participation level of 383 residents. The Stakeholder Advisory Committee will be tasked with drafting most of the Plan update. Ms. Leonard said reviewing the existing conditions will encompass demographic trends, level of service system-wide, and evaluation of park properties and programs. The department follows national and state guidelines for determining the types of recreation facilities and amenities needed per population. The process should be completed within six months, beginning with reviewing the existing conditions during July through September. Discussion ensued with suggestions made that survey questions should include defining Crest Lake Park as a community park and consider what is trending with the young professional age group, a bike share program, splash parks and other amenities that attract young families, operation and capital cost when posing options for facilities/amenities, and community gardens. It was also suggested that the entry of Crest Lake Park be improved and consideration be given for a new recreation facility at the city's southeast quadrant (Morningside area). A concern was expressed regarding lighting neighborhood parks. 2.5 Council Feedback - (45 minutes) In response to questions, Parks and Recreation Director Kevin Dunbar said the community engagement process will collect feedback through various community meetings and survey results. Staff will present the updated Master Plan to Council for prioritization; priorities will be discussed annually during the budget process. Administrative Support Manager Felicia Leonard said the Stakeholders Advisory Committee will review the Department's public-private partnerships model for new opportunities. Staff was directed to proceed with appointing individuals to the Stakeholders Advisory Committee, which should include a Pinellas County Commissioner and an administrative representative; provide an update on Crest Lake Improvements in August; and include a question regarding preference for a smaller community park or neighborhood park in the Master Plan survey. 3. Adjourn Work Session 2013-06-28 3 The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Work Session 2013-06-28 4