RFID TAGGING - CLEARWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM1.1814 ARY WORt KS' Or -3 tr- Services Prices ore valid for a period of 90 calendar days from the quote dote. July 22, 2013 Project: RFID Tagging - Clearwater Public Library System City of Clearwater Library 100 N. Osceola Clearwater, FL 33758 . Description: RFID tagging for Clearwater Public Library System. The Library has approximately 578,400 items of which 67,000 are A/V material. A/V material will be double - tagged, as directed by the Ubrary in RFP scope of work. Custom telephone and on -site profiling sessions (procedures manual) Profile verification and sample tagging to specifications INCLUDED INCLUDED Estimated time for completion Backstage recommends 8 technkions and 1 project manager on -site for an estimated project completion time of 16 to 17 weeks (approximately 4 months). Price per tag applied $0.25 '645,400 $161,350.00 Price includes profiling and all project management lobor, trovel, on -site expenses supervision, training and light weeding of any worn or damaged items. Price does not include cost of the RFIO togs. NOTE: Due to the nature of on-site projects there is a project minimum is $145,215.00 or 580,860 tags applied. Handling of books without readable barcodes, per item $2.00 TBD no This price is offered as o contingency measure in case there are a large number of items for which the borcodes ore not machine- readoble. Library stuff may request that Backstage search such items on the cotolog and odd new borcode /libels. Quality verification testing Shipping cost. osts, If any INCLUDED ACTUAL Total Estimated Cost: $161,350.00 Comprehensive Quality Guarantee All work done by Backstage Library Works is delivered with our exclusive lifetime guarantee. We wit correct to the client's satisfaction, and at our expense, any problem with our services, no matter when such problem comes to light. Notes to Peking 1. All prices are in US dollars and are valid for 90 days. 2. Unit prices are firm. Invoices will reflect the actual number of kerns processed. 3. It during production, Backstage Library Works determines that the sample (or other Information given by the Library) does not accurately reflect the actual composition of the collection, the pricing will be re- negotiated. 4. Payment plan: 30% upon contract signing, 60% invoiced monthly throughout production, balance due upon completion. Invoices are Net 30. 5. Locked cases for AV will cost $0.05 per case removed if removed /unlocked by Backstage Library Works. 6. The above pricing assumes the library will move equipment (tagging stations, power supplies, etc.) between branch libraries as needed throughout the project. if Backstage is required to move the equipment, the Library will be changed $500.00 per equipment move. 7. Backstage's RFP response describes the scope of work for this protect and the services we will provide to the clty of Clearwater Public Library System. The RFP response documents are to be included with this contract and serve as an attachment to this agreement. The parties below agree to the ottmhedwoposed tea For City of Clearwater: See signature block bow Print Name Name President Title Date 11-) � zoJ3 Please return to the Backstage Library Works Corporate Offk., attention Christie Chimney. Fax to 4/440411183-3995 or scan and email to cchumney @bstw.com, or mail mlgMsl signature to: Backstage Library Works • 2S East 1700 South • Provo, UT 84606 Countersigned: George Mayor CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA By: lliam B. Horne II ity Manager Attest: Camilo A. Soto Assistant City Attorney Rosemarie Call City Clerk