DRC - DRAFT ACTION AGENDA - 09/05/20138/15/20131DRC_Agenda_NoComments Applicant:&OHDUZDWHU3URI3OD]D/WG 0DLQ6W6WH 6DUDVRWD)/ 3+21(  )D[1RID[(PDLO1RHPDLO Representative:&OHDUZDWHU3URI3OD]D/WG 0DLQ6W6WH 6DUDVRWD)/ 3+21(  )D[1RID[(PDLO1RHPDLO Owner(s):&OHDUZDWHU3URI3OD]D/WG 0DLQ6W6WH 6DUDVRWD)/ 3+21(  )D[1RID[(PDLO1RHPDLO Case number:FLD2013-08024 -- 1510 BARRY RD Location:north side of Barry Road approximately 330 feet east of Highland Avenue Proposed Use:Assisted Living Facilities Request:Flexible Development application to permit an Assisted Living Facility (ALF) with up to 172 beds with a height of 22 feet, a front (south) setback of nine feet (to building) and zero feet (to parking), a front (north) setback of three feet (to parking), a side (east) setback of 74 feet (to building) and 2.6 feet (to parking), a side (west) setback of zero feet (to building and parking), a rear (north) setback of 33 feet (to building) and 4.7 feet (to parking and solid waste enclosure) and 90 parking spaces (1.91 spaces per resident) in the Office (O) District as a Comprehensive Infill Redevelopment Project under the provisions of Community Development Code (CDC) Section 2-1004.A; to permit non-residential off-street parking with a front (south) setback of 12 feet (to pavement) and side (east) setback of 35 feet and a rear (north) setback of 37 feet (both to pavement) in the Low Medium Density Residential (LMDR) district as a Residential Infill Project under the provisions of CDC Section 2-204.A and to reduce the front (south) landscape buffer from 10 feet to three feet (to concrete wall) and zero feet (to parking), reduce the front (north) landscape buffer from 10 feet to three feet (to parking), reduce the side (east) landscape buffer from 12 feet to 2.6 feet (to parking), reduce the side (west) landscape buffer from five feet to zero feet (to building and parking), increase the number of parking spaces in a row from 10 spaces to 11 spaces reduce the required number of canopy trees and eliminate the required foundation plantings along the front (south) façade of two existing buildings as part of a Comprehensive Landscape Program under the provisions of CDC Section 3-1202.G. Atlas Page:307A Zoning District:Office #Error '5$)7$&7,21$*(1'$ '(9(/230(175(9,(:&200,77(( 7KXUVGD\6HSWHPEHU 8:30 - Staff Review 8/15/20132DRC_Agenda_NoComments Neighborhood Association(s): Presenter:Matthew Jackson, Planner III 8/15/20133DRC_Agenda_NoComments Representative:.DWKHULQH&ROH +LOO:DUG+HQGHUVRQ3$ 3DUN3ODFH%OYG 6XLWH &OHDUZDWHU)/ 3+21(  )D[1RID[(PDLO.FROH#KZKODZ&RP Location:south side of South Gulfview Boulevard approximately 725 feet west of Parkway Drive and 300 feet east of the South Gulfview Boulevard and Bayway Boulevard intersection. Atlas Page:285A Case number:FLD2013-08025 -- 625 S GULFVIEW BLVD Owner(s):/HQDUW7HG7UH /HQDUW)DPLO\7UXVW 6*XOIYLHZ%OYG &OHDUZDWHU)/ 3+21(1RSKRQH)D[1RID[(PDLO1RHPDLO Applicant:/HQDUW7HG7UH /HQDUW)DPLO\7UXVW 6*XOIYLHZ%OYG &OHDUZDWHU)/ 3+21(1RSKRQH)D[1RID[(PDLO1RHPDLO Neighborhood Association(s): Presenter:Mark Parry, Planner III Proposed Use:Overnight Accomodations Zoning District:Tourist Request:Flexible Standard Development application for a Termination of Status of Nonconformity to permit an Overnight Accommodation with 64 hotel units, a lot area of 29,888 square feet, lot width of 120 feet, a height of 55 feet, a front (north) setback of 103.5 feet (to building) and zero feet (to pavement), a side (east) setback of five feet (to building and 4.2 feet (to pavement), a side (west) setback of 40.7 feet (to building) and 4.2 feet (to pavement), a rear (south) setback of 20.8 feet (to building) and four feet (to pool) and 54 parking spaces under the provisions of CDC Section 6-109. #Error 8/15/20134DRC_Agenda_NoComments Representative:7HUUL6NDSLN :RRGV&RQVXOWLQJ &RXQW\5RDG6XLWH 'XQHGLQ)/ 3+21(  )D[1RID[(PDLO7HUULVNDSLN#ZRRGVFRQVXOWLQJ2UJ Location:The subject property is located on Clearwater Beach Island and consists of 0.174 acres (7,579.44 SF). The parcel is a waterfront lot located on the eastern side of Bay Esplanade at the northeast corner of Bay Esplanade and the termination of Mango Street with the Mandalay Channel. Atlas Page:249A Case number:FLS2013-08027 -- 801 BAY ESPLANADE Owner(s)::LOOLDP%ODFNZRRG %D\(VSODQDGH &OHDUZDWHU)/ 3+21(  )D[1RID[(PDLO1RHPDLO Applicant::LOOLDP%ODFNZRRG %D\(VSODQDGH &OHDUZDWHU)/ 3+21(  )D[1RID[(PDLO1RHPDLO Neighborhood Association(s): Presenter:Robert Tefft, Development Review Manager Proposed Use:Detached Dwelling Zoning District:Low Medium Density Residential Request:Flexible Standard Development application to permit the construction of a new accessory use boat dock and boat lift for a single-family dwelling located within the Low Medium Density Residential (LMDR) Zoning District. The applicant is seeking relief from the required side setbacks, length and width of the proposed dock. The proposed dock will feature a setback of 12.3 feet along the northern extended property line and 7.3 feet along the southern extended property line where a minimum of 20 feet is required under Section 3-601.C.1.a. The proposed length of the dock will be 79 feet where the maximum length permitted is 33.75 feet (half width of waterfront property line of 67.5 feet) under Section 3-601.C.1.b. The proposed width of the dock will be 47 feet where the maximum width permitted is 23.62 feet (35% of waterfront property line of 67.5 feet) under Section 3-601.C.1.c. Deviations from the Community Development Code may be granted for maximum length requirements for an additional 50% of the allowable length in order to protect environmentally sensitive areas under Section 3-601.C.1.g.i(a) and 3-601.C.1.g.ii. #Error 8/15/20135DRC_Agenda_NoComments Representative:(G+RRSHU (G+RRSHU 3R%R[ &OHDUZDWHU)/ 3+21(  )D[1RID[(PDLO(KRRSHU#DRO&RP Location:The 1.477 acre subject property is located at the southwest corner of Parkway Drive and South Gulfview Boulevard. Atlas Page:285A Case number:HDA2013-08001 -- 691 S GULFVIEW BLVD Owner(s):(QFKDQWPHQW/OF *XOIYLHZ%OYG6 &OHDUZDWHU)/ 3+21(  )D[1RID[(PDLO1RHPDLO Applicant:(QFKDQWPHQW/OF *XOIYLHZ%OYG6 &OHDUZDWHU)/ 3+21(  )D[1RID[(PDLO1RHPDLO Neighborhood Association(s): Presenter:Kevin Nurnberger, Planner III Proposed Use: Zoning District:Tourist Request:Approve a Development Agreement between Enchantment, LLC (the property owner) and the City of Clearwater, providing for the allocation of 93 overnight accommodation units from the Hotel Density Reserve under Beach by Design; adopt Resolution No.13-XX, and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. (HDA2013-08001). #Error 8/15/20136DRC_Agenda_NoComments Representative:7HUHQFH0FQD\ 6XQVWUHDP/DQH &OHDUZDWHU)/ 3+21(  )D[1RID[(PDLO1RHPDLO Location:14.946 acres located 150 feet west of the intersection of Sunstream Lane and Parkstream Lane. Atlas Page:233B Case number:ANX2013-08024 -- 2850 Sunstream LN Owner(s):6XQVWUHDP/DQH'HYHORSPHQW/OF 6XQVWUHDP/DQH &OHDUZDWHU)/ 3+21(  )D[1RID[(PDLO1RHPDLO Applicant:PHONE: No phone, Fax: No fax, Email: No email Neighborhood Association(s): Presenter:Andrew Hayslip, Planner II Proposed Use:Detached Dwelling Zoning District:Low Density Residential Request:3URSRVHGDQQH[DWLRQRIDDFUHSDUFHOLQWRWKH&LW\RI&OHDUZDWHUDWWKH UHTXHVWRISURSHUW\RZQHU D3HWLWLRQWRDQQH[DWWKHUHTXHVWRIWKHSURSHUW\RZQHU E)XWXUH/DQG8VH0DSDPHQGPHQWIURP3UHVHUYDWLRQ 3 DQG5HVLGHQWLDO/RZ 5/  3LQHOODV&RXQW\ WR3UHVHUYDWLRQ 3 DQG5HVLGHQWLDO/RZ 5/  &LW\RI &OHDUZDWHU  F=RQLQJ$WODVDPHQGPHQWIURP$JULFXOWXUDO(VWDWH5HVLGHQWLDO $(  3LQHOODV &RXQW\ WR/RZ'HQVLW\5HVLGHQWLDO /'5  &LW\RI&OHDUZDWHU  9:00 AM 8/15/20137DRC_Agenda_NoComments Representative:PHONE: No phone, Fax: No fax, Email: No email Location:0.141 acres located on the south side of Union Street approximately 600 feet west of Betty Lane. Atlas Page: Case number:ANX2013-08025 -- 1247 UNION ST Owner(s):%URZQLQJ-XDQLWD- 8QLRQ6W &OHDUZDWHU)/ 3+21(1RSKRQH)D[1RID[(PDLO1RHPDLO Applicant:PHONE: No phone, Fax: No fax, Email: No email Neighborhood Association(s): Presenter:Andrew Hayslip, Planner II Proposed Use:Detached Dwelling Zoning District: Request:3URSRVHGDQQH[DWLRQRIDDFUHSDUFHOLQWRWKH&LW\RI&OHDUZDWHUDWWKH UHTXHVWRIWKHSURSHUW\RZQHU D3HWLWLRQWRDQQH[DWWKHUHTXHVWRIWKHSURSHUW\RZQHU )XWXUH/DQG8VH0DSDPHQGPHQWIURP5HVLGHQWLDO8UEDQ 58 &DWHJRU\ 3LQHOODV &RXQW\ WR5HVLGHQWLDO8UEDQ 58 &DWHJRU\ &LW\RI&OHDUZDWHU DQG F=RQLQJ$WODVDPHQGPHQWIURP56LQJOH)DPLO\5HVLGHQWLDO'LVWULFW 3LQHOODV &RXQW\ WR/RZ0HGLXP'HQVLW\5HVLGHQWLDO /0'5 'LVWULFW &LW\RI&OHDUZDWHU  9:00 AM 8/15/20138DRC_Agenda_NoComments Applicant:PHONE: No phone, Fax: No fax, Email: No email Representative:PHONE: No phone, Fax: No fax, Email: No email Owner(s):6WDFH\5HHG $VK&W 'XQHGLQ)/ 3+21(  )D[1RID[(PDLO1RHPDLO Presenter:Andrew Hayslip, Planner II Case number:ANX2013-08026 -- 1501 LAUREL DR Location:0.178 acres located on the east side of Laurel Drive approximately 100 feet south of Nursery Road. Proposed Use:Detached Dwelling Neighborhood Association(s): Request:3URSRVHGDQQH[DWLRQRIDDFUHSDUFHOLQWRWKH&LW\RI&OHDUZDWHUDWWKH UHTXHVWRIWKHSURSHUW\RZQHU D3HWLWLRQWRDQQH[DWWKHUHTXHVWRIWKHSURSHUW\RZQHU E)XWXUH/DQG8VH0DSDPHQGPHQWIURP5HVLGHQWLDO/RZ 5/ &DWHJRU\ 3LQHOODV &RXQW\ WR5HVLGHQWLDO/RZ 5/ &DWHJRU\ &LW\RI&OHDUZDWHU DQG F=RQLQJ$WODVDPHQGPHQWIURP56LQJOH)DPLO\5HVLGHQWLDO'LVWULFW 3LQHOODV &RXQW\ WR/RZ0HGLXP'HQVLW\5HVLGHQWLDO /0'5 'LVWULFW &LW\RI&OHDUZDWHU  Atlas Page:315B Zoning District:Low Medium Density Residential 9:00 AM 8/15/20139DRC_Agenda_NoComments Zoning District:Low Medium Density Residential Presenter:Andrew Hayslip, Planner II Request:3URSRVHGDQQH[DWLRQRIDDFUHSDUFHOLQWRWKH&LW\RI&OHDUZDWHUDWWKH UHTXHVWRIWKHSURSHUW\RZQHUV D3HWLWLRQWRDQQH[DWWKHUHTXHVWRIWKHSURSHUW\RZQHUV E)XWXUH/DQG8VH0DSDPHQGPHQWIURP5HVLGHQWLDO8UEDQ 58 &DWHJRU\ 3LQHOODV&RXQW\ WR5HVLGHQWLDO8UEDQ 58 &DWHJRU\ &LW\RI&OHDUZDWHU DQG F=RQLQJ$WODVDPHQGPHQWIURP56LQJOH)DPLO\5HVLGHQWLDO'LVWULFW 3LQHOODV &RXQW\ WR0HGLXP'HQVLW\5HVLGHQWLDO 0'5 'LVWULFW &LW\RI&OHDUZDWHU  Neighborhood Association(s): Proposed Use:Wholesale/Distribution/Warehouse Facility Location:0.321 acres located on the north side of Sunset Point Road at the western corner of Chenango Avenue and Sunset Point Road. Case number:ANX2013-08027 -- 1248 SUNSET POINT RD Atlas Page: Owner(s):*X\$OEHUW$QG/LQGD 2DN3O &OHDUZDWHU)/ 3+21(  )D[1RID[(PDLO1RHPDLO Representative:PHONE: No phone, Fax: No fax, Email: No email Applicant:PHONE: No phone, Fax: No fax, Email: No email 9:00 AM