tltlV t3l.1Kllr, �sLGKll l!t l:Vl1K!
--���# z� ��1��7v 05;0�;2�7� at 9�:13 ��;
OFF REC BK: 17989 PG: 1715-1716
DocType:GOV RECORDING: $713.50
WHEREAS, on April 2, 2009, the City of Clearwater (City) authorized the
execution of a Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) APF54 between the City and
Florida's Department of Transportation (FDOT) for a project to install new security
fencing, cameras, digital recorders, card readers, and signage at the Clearwater
Airpark; and
WHEREAS, the (FDOT) has agreed to amend JPA APF54, a copy of which is
attached hereto as Exhibit "A," via Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement Number
1 to use the remaining $24,860.66 funds in the agreement for Airpark improvements not.
originally in JPA APF54 as part of FDOT's 80% contribution to Clearwater Airpark
improvements and increase the City's 20% contribution to the project an additional
$6,215.16; and
WHEREAS, adoption of Resolution 13-07 would authorize the appropriate
officials to execute Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement Number 1, which is
attached hereto as Exhibit "B;" now, therefore,
Section 1. The City Council hereby accepts and approves the Supplemental Join1:
Participation Agreement Number 1 befinreen the City and the State of Florida
Department of Transportation, Financial Project No.: 415770-1-94-01, Contract No.:
APF54 at the Clearwater Airpark.
Section 2. The City Clerk shall record this resolution in the public records oi�
Pinellas County, Florida, following adoption.
Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption.
Resolution No. 13-07'
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1 8th day of p,pril , 2013.
Camilo A. Soto
Assistant City Attorney
[A04-01371 /122271l1]
� �t,or�c �c�t��
George N. Cretekos
,�0,�.�tiCC�,k �(, � �-�- c'
Rosemarie Call �
City Clerk �
oF ryF.
. _
Resolution No. 13-0,7
� ���
,i .�
� �.
.. � _,
Financial PrOjed No.:
Con#ract No.: APF54 -
CFDA Number. WA
PaDs f a u
FLAIR Approp.: ��79 `
FLAIR Obj.: ��a _
� No.: WA jOrg. Code: 55072020�28 —
No.: WA IVendor No.: F588000289002
CSFA Number: �
iHIS AGREEM�NT, made and entered in�o this �� day of , 2, ' ,
by and between the STATE OF FLORiDA DEPARTM�NT QF TRANSPORTATION, an agency of the State of Fbrida,
hereinafter referred to as the Deparbnent, and City af Clsarwater
P.O. Box 4748, Clearwater, Fbrida 33578
hereinaf�r r�a#emed �o as Agerrcy. The D�parfinent and �ency agree thai a{I terms of this Agreement wil} be compWeted
an or before 30 June 2013 and this �reernent will expire unless a timc r.xtension is provide�d
in acoordance with Section 18.00.
WHEREAS, the Agency h�s the authoMy to en�er into said Agreernent and tc undertalce the project hereinafter described,
and the Department has been gran�ed th� authwity tn function adequately in all arees af appropriate jurisdiction inGuding
the implementation of an integrabed and �lanced trar�sporfation system and is authorized under
332.007 (8)
Fbrida Sratutes, to enter into this Agreemeni
NOW, THEREFORE, in oonsidera�on of the mutual cavenants, promisea and r�epresentations herein, the pardes agree
as folbws:
1.00 Purpose of Agreemen� The purpose of this A�reement is
to provide for the DepartmeM's pa�tic�pation through the Aviation program to instaN ►�ew Security
�encing/CameraslDigita! RecorderslCard Read�s and SignaBe at Clearvvater Airpark.
and as further described in E�ibit(s) A.B,C and D attac:hed hereto and by this reference made a paR
her�eof, hereinafter referred to as the proj�ct. to I financial assistance to the Agency and stat� d�e
terms and canditions upon vifiich such assis�nce will be provided and the understandings as � the manner in whidh the
project wiN be undertaken and completed.
Exhibit "A"
Page � af 11
2.Q0 Accanplishm�nt of the Project
2.10 C�nsral Requlrements: The ABency shail corru�r�enoe, and camplet� the project as desc�bed in Exhibit
"A" attached here�o and by this rderence made a pert hereof this A�r+�errient, wiil� aN prac�ic,ai dispabc�, in a sound,
ecortamical, and efiaert! manner� and in acaordanCe with the provisions herein, arid aU a�plicable laws.
2.Z0 Pursu�M m�'adaral, 3t�b, �nd l.oca�l I,.a�vw M the �.went that any dection. referendum. approval, permit,
natice, or otl�r proceeding or � is requisite under applicable law to enable the /�ency to enter irrto thi�
Apreer+�ent or io unde�take th�e projed he�eunder, or to obsenre, assume or Carry out any ofi the provisions of the
AB�eement, the Agency wiN initiate and oor�sunur�ete, as Provicied by I�w� a�N actions necessah► with nespect to any such
matters so requisibe.
280 Funds at tl�e Agency: The A�en�y sttaU initia�e and prosecute t� oanple�ion a� pnooeettings neces�ary
iru�uding federal eid r�equiremerrts to enebla the ABenc�r to provide the nec�asary furxls �or aompietion of tt�e Pro�t•
2.40 Submia�ion aF Proceedings. C4ntraals� and Otlwr pocuments: The A�ency �hall submit b the
Dep�rb�nent such data� r�ports. �eoo�ds� ooMracts and o�her doaKnents relating to the project as tl�e Dep�rtment m�y
r�equire � listed in Ead�ibit "C" .attac�hed fierefio and by this re�Fer+enoe m�de a part hereof.
8.00 Project Cos� The total estirr�aied cost o� the pr+ojecx is; �186,799.Q0 _ This etYtaint
� be�sed upon the e�rtu�te sumrr�ed iii E�diiE�t'B" at6�c�ed henabo aT1d by tti�s ��efi�r+�lic�+ made 'a part F�eteo�f thi$
Apreerner►t The Agen�y � bo be�r aH p�enses in exoess of the total esbkr�abed a�st of the prajext and any c�eficits
involaed. -
4.00 Deparb�nent Parti�patfon: The Dep�rtment a�r+ees io rna�aimum pardcip�tion. induding c��rdngencies�
in the projeCk in the arr�ount af S$168�799.00 as dete�iled in Exh�it "B", or in an amourrt equal �o the
percentage(s) o# botal pr+ojet� c�ost shown M F�chibit "B". whichever is I�s.
e.10 r�roject co�t Eligiai�ity : Prgea oes�s eugible for state �rblapation wiu be auow�ea ony from tne�el�ecbve
date ofi this ag�neM. It is undetsipod 111at S�e participation in eiig�le pipjer.t costs is subjett io:
(a) Le9islative a�pro�val ofi the Dep�s approp�On request in the wo�1c program year that the prc�jec:t is
sc�eduled t� b� oommitbad;
(b) AvailabNiiy oi funds as stated in Section 17.00 of ihia ABreen'�err�
(c) Approval o� a1F Plans� sp�ific�qons, contrads or other obligating doc�xrients and aU o�r tierms of this
(d) Department approval of the project scope and budget (Exhibits A 8 6) at th� timme �ropriation auth�oriiy .
becar�es available.
4.20 �ront En�d Funding : Eront end tunding Q i� Q is not appl'�abte. If applic:able, the Depa�ment
may initialy pay 10096 0� the tota! allowvsble incun�d project oosts up to an amourrt e�ai io irts tatal share of p�►ticipation
&s st�own in paragraph 4.00.
5.00 Retalnage : Retainage O is UO is not applicable. If applicable, percent of �e �
DeparbmenYs to�al share of partic�tion as shown in psr�reph 4.00 �s �o be held in retginage to be disbursed. a� the
Depar6meni's discx+etia�, on �x bgFore the oompletiort of the fin�l project audiL
Paps3 W 14
6.0� �i�@Ct BUdQAt ifld PH�111M�t P�+OV�S10116:
6.10 The Projec,t Budget: A proj�ct budget shaN be pr�epared by the A�erny and appron►ed by the DepaAment
The Aaenc.y shaN m�intain said budget, carry out the projec� and shall incur obligations against and make disbursernents
pf projec� funcis only in conf�ormihr with the latest approved badget for the _project No budget incx+ease or decre�ase shall
be e�Cdve unless � complies with fund pardppetion �quiremeMs established in Section 4.00 of this Agreement and is
� bY � � ��-
5.30 Payment P�ra�risions: Unless oRhe�vvise allo�ved under. Sedion 420, payment vvill begin in ttie y�rth�
pro)� a P� i�� is sch�duled in the werk pr+agram as of the dabe of the agnaemeM. Paymer�t will be made fnr
ac�al o�ts incumed aa af the date the invoioe is aubmitied with the finai payn�ent due up� �pt af a finel invaice.
7.00 AccauMing Roc,ords:
7.10 Eatabl�hment and Main�e�e�ce af Aa:ounting R�ee�: Tha Agency � e�ablish for the projec'�, in
oor�tarmit�► with requiretnents es�t�ed by Dep�fir�enYs progtyam guidel"mes/procedures and "Prinapka for StatQ and
L�cat� Govemrrier�ts°� sep�rabe ar.couMs �o be maiMained within its e�osting aacourrting sys#em or establish indep�endent
aocounts. Suc;h ac�aur�ts �re referred �o herein coqec�ivey► as the "proj�ct aawunt". Docurr�entatian of the project
account shall be macie available to tl�e Departmer►t upon request any time during tha period of the Agreernent and for
thr�ee years after fi�al payrr�ent is made. .
7.�0 Funds Rscoived Or Made Av�ilabis for The Pr+ojec� The Apenc,y shall appropriately record in the proje�t
aa;outn. and depo�it in a b�nk or trust oomparry wfiich is a rr�ernber of the Federal Deposit Ir�surar�ce Corporation� all �
payments reoeived by it from Ihe Deparb'nent pursu�nt to th� Agreem�nt �d a11 other funds provided fqr� accruing to, or
o�then�se rec�ived on a000unt of the projeet, which Deparbrient peymer►ts and olt�er funds � herein oolle�reM
r+e�emed ta aa "pro�:c:t funds". The Agen�y ShaN require deposi4aries vF projeot funds to aecure oontinuousiy and t�ly aA
projed funds in eatcess af the arriourrts ir�sured under federal ptans, or und�r Slate plahs whiCh have b6en approvE.'d for
the deposit af project funds by the Dep�rbner�, bY the de�it or �etting aside af oollateral af tl�e types and in the +�anner
as pre�cribed by S't�te Law for the security of public funds, or as epproved by the Depa�nt-
7.30 Casts Mcurrod for the ProjecC The Agency shaN d�arge to the project axouM aq eNgible cx�ts af the
project. Costs in excess af the latest approved budget or att�utable to actions which have not rec�ived the required
approva! of the Deparht�ent sFtaB not be o�nsidered eligible uosts.
7.40 Dacumsnlatlon of Pr+oject Coa=s: Aq co�ts � t� the Projed, including anY a�+ov�ed servi�s
c�ated by the A�en�y or ott�s. shaM be suPi�� bY Pr'oP��Y �� i�Y�ls, Mt�e rec�ords. im+dir�s, oonitacts. or
vouchers evidenang in preper dee�N the natur�; and propriety of the char+ges.
T.50 Checks� Onders, and Vouch�rs: Arry d�edc or order dra�wn by d�e AAenc�t with respec� b arry ite�n which is
or wi0 be cna�geabie agair�st tne pro�cc aocax+t w� bm clrawn ony in �000rtl�r�ce witn a Properh+ signed v�,�cher +rhen on
flle in tl�e offioe of the Apency staling in prpper detail the purpos� �or which such c�ecac or orda' is drawn. Aq checks.
payrotls, inv�oices, contrac�s, v�aud�ers. aders, or a� acoaurt� doc�rr�ents qertaining in whole a i� part �o the projec:!
shaN be deariy identified, r�+d�y acx:ess�ble, and, to the exbent f�es�ble, ke�t sep�rate and apart irom alt other sur��
7.60 Audit Reporla: In addition � the reqwirement� Delow� the AAerx.y agnees to e�amp�y and cocperate with anY
rrronitoring procc�durea/proc�sses deemed �pr�p��be d!I t�e Departrnen� indudin9 but not I�r�ibed to site visits
s�d lmubed scape audi�s. The Age�c.�y further agrees to comph► ana 000perabe witn any inspeGions, revie�rs,
�v�estigations, or audits dsemed neo�sary by the Siate CompfroNer or Audilar Gerreral. The �eric.y sFtall ret�in
sufliaeM f�oords denrwnstratin9 its oomplianCe with #he benr�s af this ApreemeM for a period of thre9 yesr's from the d�te
the audit report is issued. and sh�l allow the DepaM�ent acoess to stx:h reoords ar�d N►orkin9 PaP� uP�n � T�
t�ollorvirtg requir+ements cb nat lirr�it the aufAOrity of th� Dep�rtment t� corxluc� or arrange fiar the cx�r�duct af addkianal
atxiits ar �valuations o� stabe fir�l assis�oe or NrrNt �e autl�ority► of any slats agencY � genera�� the Auditor
C'.�eneral, or an�l other sta�e offlciat.
The Agerwy shall oomply wkh all audit m�d at�dit repatin9 req�arernents as sp�cifiad in E�cMbik "D" attac�►ed herefia and by
fhfi� �Fer�enc�e made a part hereo� this A�'eement
7.61 Monitoring: In addition to reviews pf audits conducted in acxordance with OMB Circular �133 and Section
z1s.97, Fbrida statu�ez, (see ~Audits" be�o�w). monitoring prooedures may indude, but not be �imit�d to, on-�ite vieits by
D�p�trnent staff, lhnited scope audits as defir►ed by OMB Circula� A-133, arxl/or other prooedures. The A�encY a9rees
to c�orr�pl�r and c�ooperate fulN with arq► moniEorin9 Procedures/praoesass deemec% aPP�P� bY ���nt. In the
event the Departrnent detertnines that a limibed stope au�it aF ths Agsncy is appnopriale� th� AgencY aSrees to eompiy
with arry addidonal insMx�ions pro�vided by the Departrnent stafF b� fhe AqencY �n9 such audit. The A�ency further
�grees to c�ornply and 000peratie wEth any it�ons� reviews. investi$ations, or aud� deemed necessary by FDUTs
Offic�e af Inspecior Generel (OIG) and Fbrida's Cti�et Finanaal Offioer (CFO} or Auditor General.
7.62 Audrts:
Part 1 Federa�l Funded: tf the A�nqr is � staoe� loc�l govemment, or non-profit organizatbns �s de5ined in OMB
Cira�ar M183 and a r�ec�pient of federal funcls, the ioNo�wing �nnual audt critieria will appy:
7. In tl�e event that th� r+�cipient eac�ends 5500,000 or more in Federal awards in its �SCaI ye�r, the rec�pient must
t�ave a single or program�pecific audit conduded in a000rrlanx with the provisions af OMB Circular A 133, as r�.
E�dlibit "D" �o tfiis agreernent ir►dic�tes Federal resoun�as awarcied through the Depa�dment by this agreement In�
de�terrriini� the Federal a�vvards expended in its fiscal year, the recipient st►aN consider all sourcea of Federal avvards,
indtiding Federal resounces r+eoeived from the Depewbrent The deierrnir�tion of amounts d�ecieral ativ�xds e�er►ded
shouk! be in axordanoe with the guide�in� esmbl'rsheci by OMB Ciroular A 133� as revised_ M audit af the reap�ent
conducCad by tl1e AudiEOr Gerte�ral irt aao0ndance MMh the prq�visiats OMB Cit�cularA-733, as revised, N►iN rrteet the
r�equiremerits of this part.
2. In oor�ion vkilh d�e sudit r�+emenls addressed in Part 1. Peragr�h 1.,1he re�ipeM shadl fulfiN the
requiremenis relative ta auditae responsib�itles as pro+rided in Subpert C o# OMB Circular 1�133.
3. !f the �cipient expends less it�n the arrwuM in Part 1. Paragrsiph a., an audit � in a000raance.w�h the
prnvisions of OMB Circular �133, is not r�quired. ff the rw�ipient eleas to c�ndud such an audit, the oost ofi the �audit
must be paid fi�om r+esour�a�s obtained from odte� than federal entitie�.
4. Federal awa�ds ar�e to be identified using the Catalog of feder�al Dome�ic Aasi,�emce (CF� tiMtle and number,
a�Nard nurr�ber and y�r� and name oF the aw�rding fiederal agency.
Put 11 Sia�b Fund�d: If the Agency is a rwnstatie enMy as dafined by S�tion 215.87Ct)im). Florida Statnlbes� and
a reci�ent of state fur�ds, �e idlowing artnusl au�t cxiteria wiU apply:
1. In the event that 1he recipient e,�ends a ta�d �unouM a� st�te finanaal assistanae equal tia ar in �ocesa of $500,
000 in eny fiacal ye�r� fhe recipient must hav� e 8tabe si�gle or project�pedfi� audit for au�h fisad year in acx:orr�nce .
with Section 215.97, Fbrida St�: �ble rules of the DeparUr��t o� Financfal Servioes and the CFO; and Chaptiers
10.550 (bcal govemmental eMides) or 10.65Q (nor�profit end fo�-p�o�fit arga�atior�s). Rtdes of the A�tor General.
E�fiibit "o~ to this a�nenc irxiica6es sta� financia� � a�varaed tt�r� me De�rhnent by this agreemer►t �n
dete�rmming the sta�e fi� � e�ended in its fi�tal ye�',1he r�ipient afiaN consider aN sources of s1�
financial e�noe. ir�duding a� finenaal �r�oe reaei�red trom the De�tment, other stebe agerx�s, and ort�
�e eMi�es. Shale tnanpal �r�ce do�a not include Fedet�l � or p�rough aiwards and nesouroes
r+eoelved by a nonstats entity fAr Feder�l pr�ogram matc�ing r+equir�err�.
2. In tonnection with the sud'd cec�irernents add�sed in Psrt 11, Perapraph 1., the r�c.ipient st�N ensur� tt►�t the
audit oomp�es with tl�e requiremenffi af Sec�ion 215.97(�. Fbrida Sta/v�es. This inc�udes submission of a fMarrciat
reporbn9 padcage as de�ned by Sed10r1215.97(2xe), i�lOrida 3�u1�s, and Chap�er 10.550 (IoCal gOVeemmenMaM eMidesj
or 10.650 (nonprofit and fixi�rc�ft org�ons). Rules a�f the Aud'Ror General. �
3. If the recipient e� less tfian fhe amouni in Part 11, Paragraph 1., such au�t is rat required. If the ret�pient
elec�s to conducx such an audit, the c�st at the audit mu9t.be paid trom the redpienY's regour�es oDtained from nonstate
4. Srate �wards are �o be identi%ed using the Cafabg of St�te Ftr� A�noe (CSFA) title and nwnber,
award number end ye�'. and name of the st�be agent.y awarding it
Part �u oth.r audik R�pu�rements
1. The �ney shaN follow-up and talce con�div�e actior► on audit findings. Prepsu�tion df a summary scheiiule of
P� Y�r audit �irxbngs, induding oorrectiv�e action and cument siatus af the aud'd findings is required. Current yea�r audit
findings requir+e oorred'nre acfion and status af f+ndmgs.
2. Reoortis rela�ed to unresoNed au�t findings. appeal�� pr Ntig�tion shail be retained unbl the �ction is oormpleted
or the dispuEe is nesoMed. A�ooess to pr�oject reoords and audit wark papers shell be qiven to ilte i]epartrr�ent, the
pepertment Compiroller, amd tl�e pwdi6or General. ihis section does nct Nmit the authority af the Deparbnent to canduct ar
amar�ge for the conduc:t af eddi�lor�al audits or evalu�ions af ata�e flnsndai assisbanoe a limit the autho�hr o� eny �
staie a�Cial.
Part N I�eport submissian
�p� of reportin9 Pscka9es for audits oondt,wted in a000rdanoe with �MB Cincx►lat M133, as revised. and required
t�y Sec�ion i.822 Pa�t I a# this �ment ahaN k�e aubmitted, wt�en reciuired by Sectic�n .320 (d). OMB Circuls�r Ar133,
by or on behalf of xhe recctipient dir�ectly b essch af the �oNowing: '
A. 7he Departrnent at e�ch of the folo�wutg addt�esses:
Flaid� Departrnant � Transportation .
11201 North AAcKu�iay Drive M.S. 7-b00
Tampa, FL 33612-64.56
At�: �'xa'9e BoYle
B. ihe number af c�pies required bY 5�s .3'Z� (dN1) �d (7)� OMB Circular �133, subrtidbed to the %ilo�n►ing
Feder�l Audd CN.eringhouse
Bureau of the Cer�sus
1201 East 1 E3th Stt+eet
Je�sOnviMe, IN 47132
C Ottter Feder�l egencie.s and �-through en� in aa�r�dance with Sections .320 (e) and (fl� OMB C'�utar
A-133. �
2. {n the event that s oopy of the reP��9 P� ior an audit �quired by Sectio� 7.62 Part i o# ihis /�greememt and
t��dudsd in acxotda�►oB with OMB Circula� A 133 is no! requh+ed to be s�bmitEed to ths Dep�rbneM for reaaons
pursuant bo section .320 (ex2), OMB C� M133� the reapient shaA submit the required wri#ten �ficatior�
pursuaM to Section .320 (e)C2) and a aoay of tlte redpisnYs gudibBd sc�tedule afi expe+nditures of �ederal aw�rc�
dir+ectiy to each of the fdbwing:
Florida Depariment of Trartapor�ion
11201 I�lorU� MdCmley Drive M.S. 7-500
Tampa. FL 33612�456
AWt: Geage Boyle
In addidon, pursu�nt to Section .320 (�, OMB Citc�r A-133. as r�evis�l. the rec�pient sh�N subrnit a copy of the
►�Po�in9 pacl�9e d�cn�d in Sedion .320 (c), OMB Circular A�-133. and any tr�agerr�ent leite�rs issued b�r the
eudi�or. b the Dep�rtrnertt at e�ch Cf the tobowMg addre�ses:
Florida Deparbnent ofi T�sportatlon
11201 t�b�th MdGnley Driv�e M.S. 7�00
T�, FL 33612�8456
Aitn: t3�o►9e BoYle
P�pe 8 d 1�
s_ �cop+es o� �nanc�i repo�rg a� requ�d by secti.on 7.62 Part II � fhis A��eement ahall be submitted by or on
behalf of the reapieM dire�ly to eadt of the following:
A The De�ertment at each af the foNawing add�sses:
Fbrida Dep�rbrnent � Trer�sport�tion
11201 North MdGnley Dri�e M.S. 7�a00
Tampa, FL 33612-64a6
B. The Auditor C'�erai's Of�ke at tt�e folbwing address:
Audibor General's Offioe
Room 401, Pepper Bu�ding
111 V11est Madison Sh+eet
Talhahassee� Flo�ida 3�2399-1450
4. CppieS af reports or the mar�r�M IetEer required by Sedion 7.62 PBrt ill of tt►is ABreernent shall be subrrritted by
or on behalf of the �cipier�t diredly to:
A. The Deparbnent at e�ch af the fdbwing �tddresses:
FlOrida Depattment of Ttar�spor�ation .
11201 Nath McKiNey Drive M.S. 7-bQ0
7ampa, FL 33612-6458
Atd� Geor9e Boyle . .
5. Any r�eports� mar�agernent let�� or other �fdrm�tiat rec�ired %o be submitted b the Departrnent pursuarrt 1� ihis
Ag�ennent shall be submitbed tirr�el�r in aocordanee with OMB Circular A-133. Section 215.97, Fbrida Si�ahtbes, and
Chapter 10.550 (Iocal go�►emmental e�es) or 10.650 (nonpr�o�it aMt for-pra�t organizatiwss)� Rules o� 1he AuKlitor
General. as applicable.
8. Recipienb, v�hen submi[ting fina� reparting Pac�a9es tv the Deparbnent for audits daie in ecc�rdana� wi�h OMB
Ci�cular A-133 0� �F�apters 10.550 (bEal gov�nm�rt� erttides) or 10.650 (nonpreyFt end #x-pr�ofit cx�n�io�ns}.
Rules ot ihe Auditor General, should indiea�e the daie that the nepo�t't�g p�t�cage was delivei�ed to tl�e flpenc�l in
Gorne�pondenoe accompanYin9 the reportin9 p�dc�e-
7.s3 Reaaro ReteMion: The A�ency snau retain sul�aent r�rds demo�ting i� oornpliance wi� a�e i�m� of
this ApreemeM for a peri�d of at least fiv�e years from the d�a the audit roport �s issued. and shaN aMow the Dep�rbrrent,
or i!s designee� the CFO ar Auditor Generat eooess b such recflrds upon requ�at. The ABanCy shaN ensure th�t the
independeM aud'd warldr�g p�pers ane triade aivailabis bo tl�e �t, or its designee. the CFO, or Audibor G�rat
upor► request for a period aF at least fire ye�rs iran the da�e the au�it report is issued. unlesa extended in wrifin9 la�► the
7.64 Other Roquin�naMs: tf a� audit diadoaes any signific�nt �udit iindings t�el�ded to any award. indudin�
rr�l no�ar�ce with a� Projed compl� n:�ir� or' repottable c�a►ditior�s in iMemal eorrtro�a af the
Apency, the A�ency shall submit as pert of the eudit p�ckage to the Departrhent a p�n for oorteative actiort to eliminate
such audit fiindings or � staterner�t describing d1e r� ifiat oon+edive actlon is not necessary. The Apency shaU fake
t�r�ely and appropriate co�r�ive actlo� to any audit findings, s. and comective a�ctior► p�ens•
7'.651nsuranos: E�te�ion af this .loint Participetion AQreerr�eM oo�iiutes a oertification that the �4gency h� artd
wiN maintain tl�e abiWtY tO re�ir a' r�epFaoe a�Y Ix+�C� equip�+ecrt or fa�es in itte event of bss cx damage dtie ta any
aacident or casually for the useh�t IiFe d such equipment or fac�iities. In the event of the I�s o� such equipment or
f�ities, the A�ency sNaN eitl�r replac� the equiperx�nt or faciNlire o► reirr�urse th� Dep�meret id Ute �t af i�s in�erFSt
in the lost equiprr�ent or facil'ity. 1n Me eveM this Ag�nent is for purci�ase oi land or iar the oo�cdon of �bvcture
such as airport rurnn►aYs tl�e Deparbrent maY wa'rve or m�dify this sectbn.
Pdps 7 d 14
s.00 r�u�sraons ��a Paymer�: �
8.10 Action by ths Agenc�r: In order bo abtain any Dep�rlmerrt fund�, the Aqency shall file with the Depa�rtment
of Tcartsportation� Distiict Seven Public Tr�nsportation OffiGe 11201 N MdCinley Dm►e� TamUa � FL.
33612�8456 its requisition on a form ar forms prescr�ed .bY the Dep�rtmer�t.. and any other data pertaining tia
tt� prnject account (as defx�ed 'm Psragreph 7.10 hereo�)10 j� and suPPort the payment re��•
6.11 Invoioes iar fees or oRher compensaHon for se�i� °r e�P� �II ���� in detail
suFficient for a proper preaudit and po�udik �-
8.12 Invoices for ar�y trsvel e�e.t�es aha� b� submi�d in a��'�danc� � Chapssr 112.061, F.S.
The p�rhr�snt may estabtish rates Io+Ner thsn the maximum protiided in Chapter 112.081. F.S.
8.13 For real property acquired. submit;
(a) the dgie the A�ency acquired the T�e�l pl�operty.
(b) a��y � q�,y �y�g �t i�e qpency has aoquired said r�l property, and
aclual oonsideration p�id �nr real pnoperly.
(�) a s�aiement by the Aaec�cY certifyin9 th� the ap�al and acQuisition of the r�al property
together with a�y at0�ant relocafion of occupaMs w� acoomp�ished in c�ompliance with all
feder�l laws: rules and procedur�es �ired by any i�ecleral oversight agenc.y �nd with all stale
181h18, IL�S 81'1(� �l00�111+Q$ � f1'1E�/ 8� ����i �UIfIP19 {� 1'�) pf�1'1y.
8.20 7he D�eparbnenrs Oblig�tions: SubjeCt tio other prvvisio�s �, the De�nt wiN honor such
requi�orw in arrtiounts and at times dee+'r�ad by the Dep�'+�nt b� be qoper to er�sure the r,�rrying out of tl� projed
and payrr�ent di the eNgible c�o�1s. Ho�wever, nn�witl��andin9 an'Y �� P� af ihis IA�reenneM. the Ds�rbnerit
may �t by notice in wridng rwt io make � paymeEtt on �e pr+vjed fi
8.21 M�r+�p�+ss�ntation: The AAency shall have made misrepresen� of a ma�erial nature in its appHr,�tion,
or any supplerrier�t the� or a�r�endrner�t tf�evf. � in or vvith r�pa� �o anY docxirr�ent or dat� fumished therewilh or
pursuant hereto;
8.�Z l,itigation: There is then pendinp 1'r�gatiot► vritlt re�pcc� t� tl1e performance bl► the A�enCY of �y of ii�CSS duties
or obligations which ma�t jeop�rdize or sdv�se�l affec� the projec.t, the AQreemeM. °r P�Y�r�ts to the pro�
8.�3 Approvat by Depaitme� T�te Agency shall have talaert �ny action pertaining t� tl�e pro�eCt which� under
this �tnent, r+�quines the approval af the DeQ�rbr+ent ar i'ias made reNa�6ed e�nditures orincumed rela�ed
obliga�ons without having been advised by the Deparbnent that s�me are approved;
8.24 ConflK:t of IrMer�: There hes been any viol�tion of fhe crortAia of ir►Zetest p�ions c�� h�r+ein;
s.�s r�urc: rne n�en�i r�s �en ae�nmined ny u�e ue�rt�c � ae m d�,rt ur� ary a� tne
� o� tne �c. .
8.�6 Federal Parp�ipatioEt (If APp��)� �Y ���Y p^�'r��9 � flrrancial �noe ta the
Pro�ett �spends or terrnin�fies ��ir�r�cial ass�anoe �o the Pr'olect. In the e�rent qf st�spensia+ or temiir�abon af
federal fir�ar�ial assistanoe. the A�wy wiM reinnburse the De�tent for sM disallowed costs, induding amr arw� aN
fadoral finarxti�al assistanoB a� detailed M E�d►ibit "B." .
8.30 DiSaNarved Co�ts: ln de�ermirdng the arr�ount of the p�yrr�errt, the Departrr�er►t will exciude al1 proj�ds
co�s incurred bI► the Age�.y priar' to the a#Fediae c�te ot this Apreedr�M, �sls which are nat providsd. for in the I�t
app�v�cl budget for tf�e projed. �nd ca�ts amnbutable to goods or aervice� reveiv�xi under g contra�ct or other
airangenner►ts vvhid't have r�ot been approMed ht vv�itlng by tl�e Depa�t.
F�qe 8 CI H
�.40 �yll'1611R �@t: If, 8'f�B� prOJ� COf�I. 8f1Y C�M 161118d@ b�l �1@ D�fb119t1t 1�86U�f1Q f1+Ot1'18C1 �UdK
or for work or servioes per�om�ed P�rsuant to this agreemertt, the DeparM�ent maY affset auctt atrouM from psymeMs
due for worlc or servioes done under any public transpo�ti�on lvint parfic+pation ag�eeme�t which it has with the A�ency
awing such amouM if, upon derriand, Paymer�t of tha arnouM is not made within sixt�t (60) days bo th� D�a�e�t�
Offsettirag amounts shall not be consider�ed 8 breat� of contracx bY the Dep�trnent•
9.00 Termin�tion or Suspen�aion af Project:
9.70 Terminatlon or Suspensbn C,enerally: ff ihe Agerwy ab�ndons or, before complet+on. finaliy diacar�tinues
ttre pnojer� or if, by rra�son a�f any of th� ev�ents or vondibons set%rth in Sections 8.21 io 8.2B indusiv�e. ar%r an� o�er'
r�eason, the oomme�cement. Pr'osea�tion. a' time1�► complatior+ of the Projec� by the AOsncY is rendered imPro6ab�e�
infeas��le. imposs�ble, or illegat, �tl�e Departrnent wiN, by vrri�tten rwtioe �o the A�en�y. auape�d, snY or aU of its
oblig�tions under this Apr+eer►tent unt� suc:h tims � the ev�eM ot oor�tion resuldng in such susPension haa ce�ed w
been oorr�ec�ed. or the Dep�xbnent may tertnina�e any or all oi its obMgations under this 148r�ment
9.11 Action Subeoqaentt� Notie� af Tennination or Suspension. Upon receipt af any final temiMat�n or
suspar�sion notic:e under ttua paragraph. the Agenc,y shs�ll prqoeed prorr�ptfy to c�ury out U�e aciions raquired there.w►
which rn�ay inc�ude any or aA af the �allowing: (1) necessary adior► � terrr�inatie or suspend� a�t the c�se may be� pr'cjed
�ivipes and oont�^acts and such other actlon ss m�y be re�uired or desir�le 6o Ioeep b tha mm�num tl�e c�oste upon the
basis aF vvhic.�h tFre finanCing is ta be c:ompu�ed: �(2) ftim�sh a sCatierM.r►t of tt� Fxoj�ct activiaes and c�nt�act$, srnd ott►�x
undertalcings tl�e o�st of which �+e ot�vvf�e indudabie as project oosis; and (3) remit b ihe D�rbnent such partion o�
tltte financinp and any advanoe payMent pre�riousl�l �v�cl �� de�ermined by the Dep�bnerrt to be due under the
provisions ai the A�ment The tertnina�ibn or suaper�aion shaN be carried out in confortniiy with H�e iabest sc�dule,
plan� ar�d budget as approved by the Dep�tr�nt or upon U�e b�is of �emrs and conditions imposed bY the De�b�t
upcx� the faiture of the Hgency ip fi�rnish the sd�edule� I�n� and budget within a�nabl� tar�e. The apprnvai af a
remittance by the Agency or the d� out of federal fm�al paniapation in 1he pfaj�ct BhaN not aonstidYte a w�iver of
any aaim wnia, the oepsranent may oti,erwise t,ave arising ouc of tnia n�rcernent
9.1 F The Dep�M�ent reserves the right b uniFateraNy c�r�t fhis A�reement for nefiusal bY the contractor
or Ager�cy to albw pubNc a�xess to aM doaxr�. papers. ls4ters, or other rr�aterial subject b tite pr�pvisions af Chapter
1'19, F.S. �nd made or r+eaeived in oonjurx�ion wqh this A�r�ent
10.00 Remis�sion of Project Account Upon Completion of Projsct Upon campletior► o� the Prolect, and aiter
P�Y�. P� for payrr�er�t, or reirr+#xu�s�ment of all pr+oject oosts payable irom tl�e projed aoc�nt is rr�ade� �e
A�erwy stx�ll r�emd to the Depatbmer�t its share af any une�tpended b�anoe in tl�e pr+oject aocount
1 i.OQ Audit and b�spsctbn: The � shaN pen»i� and sha� requ�e its oonbacbors 1� permit� the
Dep�rterrt`s author¢ed represe�ativ�s b inspec� sl{ wak, maia+rials, payrolts, records: and io audit the books. �
and acoounts pertaining to fhe flnancing and de�rebpmerrt of the projec�.
1�,Q0 Cc�ntr�ats of the Agency:
12.10 Third Party Agreerr�snbs: Exoept a� o�hervvi�e autlwri¢ed in v�riting by the Department,lhe AgencY shaN
rx�t �xecute any contract or oblig�e �alf in any manner t+equiring tlte disburserr�ent of.D�ep�r�er�t.� P?r�ip��
fur►ds. induding consuttaM. construction or purc.l�se aF corrxr�o� canfirads or amendments thereto� w�th arry third
party with � to the projed without the Mrritb�n approval of the Deperbr�ent. Failure io abtain s�h approval shaU be
�uff�ciettt� for.nonp�nr�ntb�ythe�.as�noet�d.in �ti0n 8.23. The D�1�r�t�hl �eecvrea
un� itseff the right to reviear the qt�dons d any oa�ultant or c�rtractor ancl � approvp or dlsa�prove the
empldyn�ent pf the sa�r�e.
I'aga 9 d 11
12.� CompNance wlth Con�ulbRnis' Competltive Negotistion Ac� It is und�rslood and agreed by the partie�
her+efi� that pa'tiap�ion by the Depa�bnerrt m a projec:t with an Agency, where said project involves a cflnaultant cantract
f� engineer�ng, archibec�ur� or surv�eying services, is conqngent on the A�ncy c�mplying in fuli with provisions of
Chapier 287, F.S., Cor�sultan�' ComPet�re Wegotiation Aat- At the d� af the Dep�ubnent, the ApencY wtll involve
the Deparbr�ent in the Cansultant Selec�ion Proc�ess for aM cantracts. ln aN c.ases, the Aper�c�s �°►ttomeY st►all c�ily �o
the DepartrrteM that seledbn has been aocorr�plished 'm caompliar�oe with the Consultants' Compe�tive Negotiation, Act.
12.30 Disad�►antag4d Business �erpriso (DBE) Policy �nd Obllgation:
12.31 DBE Poiicy: lt is the poNc.y o( the Denartrrient that disadvan#aged business en�erprises as delined
in 49 CFR Part 26. as amended, shaq have !he meximum cpporbur�h� bo par�pabe in tl�e pafonnanoe of
cxarttracts fit�arK:ed im whole ar in part w�tlt t�par'b'nent fu�s under iMs A�reernent. Tt�e DBE requirerrier►ts of 49 CFR
P�rt 28, as �, apply to this A�nent
.1232 DBE Qb119�ioer The Aeenvy and its oonwa�Ors ag�e t� er►sure if�at Disadva��qed Susiness
En�prises � defined 'm 49 CFR P�t 26, as amended� have the maxirrwm opportunihr to p�te in the �
af aor�treds and this Agr�eerr�ent In this �gatd. aN reapier►ts. and contr�iora shall take aN neoe�arY and reason�ble
step� in aa�rdanoe with 49 CFR Patt 26� as amended� to ensure that the Disadvani�ged � Enterprises t�ra ihe
ma�dnwm opportunity t� oompe�e far end perfoml Contr's�cis. Qrant�s, r�apie�s and U�eir oontrac�ars shail ncx
discriminate on fl�e basis oE raoe, oobr, naaonal origin or sex in the-award and performance of Departrnent ass�sted
ovntrac:ts. .
17»�0 7'he Apency agr+ees to report anY r�aaonabie cause no�ic�e af noncompliarto� based on 49 CFR Par� 26 filed
unde� this sec�iott to the Deparbtr�nt wilhin 30 days o�t receipt by the Ager►c.y
13.00 Res�b�ictions. Prflhibiifwns� Contc�ols, and Labor Provisfons:
i3.10 Eqwl Employment Opportueily: ln wnnec�ian wifh the carrying out aF �ny project, ti�e AO�Y �
not d�cximina�e agaimst any � or � foc err�pby�r�ent bewuse of rac�, age. c�eed, aoio�, sex or riational
origin. T#�e Aeet�cy wiil t�ce ��ction b er►sure that app� are err�plo9red� and �at err►pbYees are truated
durin9 emPlayment� witlwut rege�d to tfieir .race� age. c�xd� oola', sex. or nationa� o�. Such aciion shall indudws, but
nat be IKn'rbe� �o, the Uoibwing: Employrr�ent uPgredin9. demc�iion. or trans'�er, recxc�ihnent ar recruibnen# �9;
layoff or terminstiort: rates of pey or olhei' foriris of a�mppnsation; anc! se�ori for tranting, i�'x�udin9 apprer�shiP.
The Apenc.y shall insert the �or�egoing Pro�+ision modified only to show ths p�rticul�r conb�cWaE relationship in all its
cantracis in con�ec�ion wikh ihe development or operati0n af the pr+oj�Ct, e�ooept ��or Standar+d oonxt�erc�l
ssup�iies or taw rr�s� and sfiall requir� ab such contradors to inse�t a sirrn�ar pro�vision in e�l subcont�ac.ts, exoept
suboontr�cts for gtandard oomnner�l supplies Or raw rr�erisls. V1RtEn the project irrvolves ir�llation, c�rts�x�on,
de�r�olition, roemoval, site nnpravement, or sim�r M►ork. the 14�ertcy shaN po�t, in odnspicuous Plaoes avaifable t�
employees and �plic�nffi for er�loyment ior Projed worlc. notioes b be pravided by tl�e D�bnent �in9 � the
qnovisions of tl�e nondiscximination clause. ' .
13.ZC Tde VI - Civil Righls Act af 1864: Executia� of this Joint Partiapation Apreem�nt constitutes a
cdr�c�tion that the A�ency w�! compht with aN the requinemer►ts impos�d by Title 1A af tF�e Ci�M Riptris 14�ct of � 964 (42
U.S.C. 2000d, et �eq-)� the RegWations of 1he Federal �M'�r►t af Trertsportatior► issued tl�ereunder, and tl�e
asswrance by the ABenc.y pu�uant tl�.
13.30 Title NIII - Clvil Rigltis Act of 1868: E�oec�fior► at this JaM PaKdc�tion Apreement cor�stitutes a
r�rti�Catiar► that the Aaency w�l aor+►ply v� aq tl�e requi�r�ents hnpo�ed by 71tle VIII of 1he Ci�ril RigFtEs Ad af 4A68, 42
USC 3601 �+st seq., which a►nong ather things� p�rot►� �crimination � housing on the besis o� race. c�br, natidnal
origin, creed, sex, and ape.
13�l4 M�ericans rrilt� DisabiMias Act df 499Q (ADA): E�oewtien af thia JaM Parbc�pation A�ent .
oa�sU"tutes a oer��don that the Apency wdl comply wilt� a� the r�quirsrr�ents irr�po�sd bY the Al7d°► (42 U.S.C.12'iQ2� �t.
seQ•)� the regul�ns of the federal gotiemMent issuecl thereunder. and the �ssur� by the %�gencY Pur'suant thereto.
o�,�a to a ta
15.50 ProhiWtad In�eresis: The AAency shall not ent� into a contract or arcangernent � conn�c�ion with the
projed or any properiy i� or planned io be induded in the project, wRh any ofFicer, director or atr�abyee o# th�e
A�ncy, or any business entity o# which the c�t'icec. direc�r or employee or the o�fioe�'s, direc�or's or emplayee's spouse
or dtild is an oificer. P�rine�, d�or� a" proPriebor or in which sudt o�lioer, director or emp{oyee or the ofticers, di�s
rx emPbYee's spouse or chAd. or any oombination af thern. has a mate+ial inierest.
"Material lnteresY' means dired or indired o�wnership of ma+e than 5 peroent o# the t�tat asseta or capital stodc of �r►y
business entity.
The Agency shaN rat enler ir�ta any aontrat:t or an�angement in �onnec�on with the project or aryr praperty induded �
planned to be induded in the projed, wilh any person or erNiiy wtio was r�epr�eser�ted before the Aper�cf► bY a�Y P�'�
who at am► time durinq the immediately pr�eoadi�g twu ye�rs w�as an offioer, diraaUdr or employee of the Agency.
'l Itp ptpvisions of this su�on shaM not be appaoable to eny agr'eemer►t beMreen 1he AgencY and iis iiscal
deposibries, anY acJ�t �' �Y servioes the rates for which are foced or Gontrdled by 1he gov�mment� or any
�greerr�ent b�lvreen the A�enc�► and sn ag�rx.y of state govemmen� '
iS.60 M�er+est o# Members af, or Dslegat� to. Con9ress: No niember or deleg�s t0 the Congress o�F 1he
United states shaN be admined b any snere or peirt of th� ABreement or a�,y bene�ic arisin0 ther�efnom•
14 00 Miscellanoous Provlsbns:
14.10 Envko�m�tal Potkitlon: Execution of this .IoiM P�dc�tion A�reenneM oor�titubes a certificatio+� by the
Agency that tlte project v� be catried out in confortnanoe wilf� aN appWr�e envirorur�ent�l regutations induding tl�e
�ing �f anY applicab�e permits• The �►�ricY wiA be soiely r�espot�le for any IiabiMy in ihe event vf non-oompliartre
with applicable environmentat regulations� �din9 the �in9 ��Y aPP� P��. �nd wi� reirr�burse the
Department for any lo+ss incurned in connedicn therewitt►.
14.20 Depawnerrt Not Obllgatsd t� Third P�rties: The Departrnent shaq �at be obligafied or 1"�able hereunder
to any party o�her than the A�ency.
14.30 VYh�n Rights and Rpmvdios Not 11Vaiv0d: ln rw event shalt the malcing by the Dep�rrtrr�ent o� any
paym�nt to the Agency consMu�e or be oonstrued as a waiver by th� Departrner►t aF any brsac�� aE oov�nant or any
default whic:h may then exist, on the pa�t of �tl�e A�y. a�nd the makirg cf auc:h payment b'!► the Dep�rbneM wt►ile' anY.
such br+each or default shaa exist shaN in rw way �r�pair or prejudioe anY rigM or ►�emedY avalieble bo ths De�rtm�nt wdh
resped to such breec� or defau�.
t4.�10 Ho�w Agro�meru Is Afl�ected b�► Pro�io� Being HsW InvaMd: tf any pc�vision of this Agnee�rneM is
hetd imatid, the r�emairxler o� th� A�err�er�t shaN nat be af�eceed. fn such an instance the remamder would then
c�a'ttinue to oonform �p the terms and requiren'�er�ts ot applic:able law.
44.50 BOnus or CommissiOn: By execuiion of ttte AAreement tlle A�ency repr� tltet it h8s t�ot p� and.
also, a9rees not to pa�y, t�nY bon� or c�orramissiat for the purpose o� ob�aining an appr�ral o� tts applir.atwn for the
finar�cting hereutader. .
14.60 Stals or Terd/oM�1 L.�w: Nolhina in the Apreenlent 81uaq requne tlte A�enq►1a obser�a or enforoe
oompliarroe with any pro�uision thereaf. perf�m anY dher.at� or do any other thing in ccnKsventlott af any aqpll�ble State
latiw. Providesl� th8t if any of tlte pro�iOr►s of the A�r�rr�nt violate ar�Y apP�ic�ble Sf�te law� the Agerx'y will �t o�nce notifjl
the pepattrnent in wridrlg in ader that appropria�e t�langes 8nd mo�ons ma�Y be rriads b!+ ths D�r�nt and ihs
q�et��y to the end tha# tl�e Hgency may Arooeed as soon as pos�ible with tlte projed.
�►�c �tnr+sat�r�rioN
74.T0 Uso �ed Nlaintaranc� o� Project Faailit�s and Equipmse�t The A�ency agrees that the {x�oject fa�ilities
and �qu'�ment will be used by the A�erx,y t� pr+ovide or suPPa't Public trar�pOrtation for ?he p� ofi the us�ful iii� of
such faal'rties and equipment as debBrmined in accordance with general ac�counting pr�naples and aPProved bY th�
Departrnent The �4g�ncy furlher ag►ees to maintsin the p►oject facii'dies and equipmeM in good wotking order for the
useful life af said iaciG6ies or eqtiipment
14.i1 Property Rscords: The ABenGy agrees tp maintain property r+sc�ords. oandtx� physical imrentories and
develop control syatems ag r�equireci by 49 CFR Part 18, when applicable.
14.80 Dispos�l of Project Faci�fies or Equiqnent If the AAency disposes of anY Pr+ojec� faci�i�t or equiPrnent
durit�g its useiul life for anY Pu�Pose exoepR i� �r�eM v�d� �a ��!► or aquipmeM for public transpodation u�se, tl�e
Apenc.y wiu c�omply with ihe �arrns af 49 CFR Part 18 �el�ing b property management s�rds. The A�Y a9�'�es �
remit to the DeparbneM a pr�opornonal amount of the prooeeds fr+am the disposal af the facil�y or equipment. Said
ptoqortbnai amount sheN be detertnined on the b�sis of the nado of the Deparbm�nt financing af the faalit�r or equiprnent
as p�vided in this Apr�t.
14.90 Contractual Indemnity: To the ex6ent provided bY lan�►. the.Agency shall indemridY, defend. and hol�i
hatmless the Dep�rtrnent and aN of its a(�c�ers. �� and err�ployees irom any daim, bas, damage, cos1. charg�. a
e�ense �g out of any act. ertar. omission. or negligeM ad �!► the Apent.y� its ageMs. or empbyees, during the
performanos ofi the Aareement� �coept Ifi�t neitl�er the l4�ency, its sgeMa, or its empb'Yeea v�riN be kable undet thi�
parasrap+� fa am daim, ass, dan�ge. co�t. c�arge. o� e�enae arisins out ai any ac�, error orm�ion, a ne9�qerrt ad
by the Deparb'nent or any of its offioer�s, egenta. or �oy� du�'in9 � t��ance vf the AOreemer►t•
When the Deparhnent reoeives a notic�e of daim fiot d� that may have been r.aused bf► tf�e AAencY in the
perfi�rrr�ence of se�vic�s repuired tmder this /�reeme+nt, the Deparb�r�rrt wiN wnmediateli► forn►ani 1f�e c�aim to 1he
I�.y. The Aeency and the Dep�rdnent wiN ewaNiate the d�m and report th�ir findings ta �ch otha�' within fourbeen
��4� wortCCing days and will jointly d'�ass optiplts M defendwtg the daim. A1�ec r+eviewm9 the �aim� the Dep��+�# wiN
deterrriine whst�' to reqtuns the paniap�tiort d the Ap�ncy a� the defense aF tt►e claim or tp reqt�r�e that the P�erocy
defend the Deparbnent in such daan as desuibed in this sedion. Ttte DepertrttenYs f$ilure b pnomptly notifY the Nger►�Y
of a claun shall tioi aCt as a wahrer o# arry ripht herein to r�i►e fhe p�rtidp�tion in or da� oE the d�n by �4gancy
The Department and the Agency wiM �ach pay �s o�wn s�en�es fior the ev�rti4n, se�ent nego�ador�s� and trial, iF
any. Hawever, if onlY one panY P�P� in the de�fer�se oi the Claim at trial, that parly is respor�sible for aN exp�nse�
at trial.
15.00 Plans and 8pectflcatlons: In the ev�ent that thia lAOnsement irnroNes the pur�ng af �pi�� equipment
or ttt� �ng �nd equipping o� fac�lit�. the Agency shaN s�m� to fhe Dapartment for aQprova� dl approp�ate
plans and sp�fications coverin9 the Drol�- �� w�l re�view aU pi�tns ar�d speaf�ior�s and wiY issue b tl�e
AgencY wntter► approva� w�t► anY aPPr� p� �� Prol� �d oommetrts ot �� a�Y
nemairtder of the pr�nject deemed appr�opriale. Nf1er r�dt�tion of tt�ese oom�t�ents and i� U�e
pep�tettYs sa�on,lhe Dep�r6ment w81 is�ue 4o the A�enCy wtil�en a�ppro�va! with seid re�r�nde�r af the projed.
FaUure �o obtain this wrilt�en approval sha# be sufficieM causs for nor�yrttent by the Deperh'r�ent as pr�vi�d in
8.23. �
16.OQ Prol�ct Compleaon+ Ag4n�Y Cer�fic�On: The Agency wi� oertify in wri6n$ or► a� b#wr final
invoioe. that 1he pnojed was comp�eted in aoaordanoQ wifh app�iCable plans and �tions, i� in place on the I1�erx.y
faciliiy, that a�e title is m the �c�► and tha# tl�e projed is aooeptad by the Agency as suitable for the mbe�nded
17.00 Appropriation of Funds:
17.10 'ihe St�te of Florida's perforrna�t0e and obNga�on io pay under this AOr�emeRt is aonting�rt upon an
annual appropri�tion by the L.eg�ature•
pU�l,.l(`, 7RM�P'qRTAT10N
Ppge y2 C174
17.30 Multi-Year Canmiat�ent: ln the ev�ent this ABreement is in exceaa o# �25.Q00 ar�d has a term for a period
ofi more than one year, the pr+�r►iaions of Chap�er 339.135(6}(a), F.S.. are hereby incarporated: "(a) The �epartment,
during any fiscal year, shall not e�end money� irxxu any liability, or en�er into any oontrad which, bY its te�ms involves
the e�enditure of money in exoess of the arriouMs budgeied as �vvailabk for eo�endih►re during such flscal year• AnY
oontraci, verbal or wMben. made in violation of this subseaion is null and void, and no money may be p�id on s�x�r
contract. 'liie DepartrneM shali req�re a si�ement irnm the comptroNer ofi ihe Depnrhnent that funds arB avaitabMd prior
to er�iering inia any stx:h oontrac:t or other Wnding commibrnent of funds. Nothing herein oonbainecl shall prevent th�
making of corrb�Cts for penods e�aceedin9 � Y�. ��Y contrad so made shaN be e�aecxilory onfy for the value of the
�eniioes t� be rent�red or agr+eed fio be r�id f« in suooeeding %ec�l years; and this p�ragrsapn shat� be incaparat�a
verba�m in au ca�traets of the Departrnent which are for an smount in excess of 25,OOQ doll�rs and which havs a term for
a period o� mor�e than 1 yeer."
78.00 Expiration af Agreernon� The A�ency eigrges m oompl�e #�e project on or before .
30 June 2Q13 . If ifie �4�ncy does not oompletie fhe p�ject within this time period, this A�eement
wiil e�iro unless an extension af the time period is requesled bY the AAencY and granted in wrfing by the
Direcbr of Transportatbn D�elopme��t E�i�atbn af thia p►greprient vwiN be oonsiciersd termination
of the projed arxi tha prnoedune established in Sedion 9.00 of this /4�r�dne.nt shall be initiated.
1$.10 Fina1 hrvace: The AOency must submit the fmal inwic�e on this projec� fia 1t�e Dep�rirn9nt within 120 c�ys
after tN,e expuration of this A�nent. �rrvoic� subr�ed a� n,e 12a da�y bme period wiA not be paid.
19.04 Agrrsmse�t Pormat: fW vMOrds used hrrein in the singular form shaN extend io and indude the plural. AU
words used in the piural form shall exter�d to and inck�de the sa�gufar. All words used in arry ger►�t shali e�c�end ba and
indude �II genders. �
Z0.00 Execution af Agr�en�ent: This A�reement maY bc simultaneoush� e�a�cubad in a minimum of two
couMerpaRs� � of wR'�fi so execuf�eed shaN be deemed i� be an original. and such courMerp�s �gether shall
constitute aie in the same insbrumen�
a�.00 R.sa�cao� on �obayr�:
21.70 FetMr81: The A�erlc.y agrees th�t rw iedec'a18Qpropr�ated funds hBVe been p�id or tN�l be paid by ar on
behalf aF the Agency. to anY persan for influer�cing or �ng to inilu�nce anY offu:�r' or empbYce of a�y tederal ,
�gerwy, a Me�r�ber ot Cvng�ess, am a�f'ioer or err�ployee of Congress. ar an e�r►pbyee of a Member af Congr�ess un �
connecdon with the awabing of any federdl conbact, the maldr�g af anY federal9rent, tl�e ���Y �ederal ban, the
e�terir� into af anY �ooperative �meM, and the �xtension. oorrtinuation, renewal. amendment or ma�on af any
f8deral contr�ct. 9rar►t� loan or 000p�tiv� �ment
If any funda other tha� �ederal approlxfaA�d funda hanre been paid by the Agerwy 4a any person iar influe�cing or
attsmpiQng � irrfluence � offioer a emplvyee d ary fedsr�al �gency. a Merr� of Con9ress. an a�i'icer or emPbyree of
Congress, or an �rnplayee of a Member of Congr+ess in oonnec�ion with this Joint Participation A9�t, the
undersigned shaN cflmple� and submk Standand Fom�-LLL, "Disdos�u+e Farm t� Report l.obbying." in accordanae with
its ins�ctians.
The Apency shali rsquiro that th� langu�ge of this sedior� be irxauded in U�e swrand do� �a' aN subav�r�rds at all
tiers ('�nduding subcontrac�s� subgraMs, and oornrac.l� under gran�s� bans and 000pe�tive �) �d thak a�
subr�cipieMs sh�N certify and disdose a000rd�ngf!►•
21.�Z0 Stab: No funds r�t�iMed pursuerrt ta U�s �r�d may be e�end�d for IobbYin9 t� � rx a s�te
Paps 73 d 1+
23.fl0 Vendora Riphts: Vendors (M thia document ider�tified as A�encY) W'��i�9 9�S and services to t�e
Departrnet►t should be awere of the following time frames. Upon t+eceip�t, the Depm'h'r�ent has fhre (S) working days to
inspect and approve the gaotls and servic�s unless the bid s��e�tia�s� Purct�ase order or oontrad speafies ott�rise.
The Dapartr►�ent has 20 days ta deliver a request for payment (v�ax�er) to the D�partment of Finanaal Servic�ees. 'The 20
tiays are me�sured fnom the tadaer af the daie the invoioe is received or the goods or services are rec�eived. insPeGb�d
and approv�ed.
If a payment is ndt ��ble within 40 days aRer r�eoeipt of the invoioe and rec�iipt, insp�tion 8nd approval of goocls and
servi�es, a sepa�ate inter�est pe�talty in aoc�oe with Sedion 215.�122(3)(b), F.S. will be due and peyable, m eddition
b� the invoios amount to the Aperwy. The inlerest P�Y P� � after a 35 day time period to he�th c�ne
providers, as da�r�ed by rule. Inienest penalbiea d less it�an one (1) doqsr wN not be enforoed unless the Agency
rsquests pa,n�nent Invokes which have ta be reWmed ta a� Agency becau�e of vendor pr�eQaration ertors wiK result in a
d�lay in the p�yment The invaic;e payrr�ent requir+err�enk da nat start un�i a pr�operty oorr�plebed invoica is Provicbd b� the
A Vendor Ornbudsman has been �I�hed within the D�'nerrt af Finanaal Servioes. The duties ofi this individual
indude ading as �h advoca� for A�encies who may be experienanA problems in obtaining timel�t p�mient(s) iroim the
Depa�ttr�ent The Vendor Ombudsman msy be contacbed at (850) 413-5516 or by caNing tlie Deparbnent af
Finanaal Services Hotline, 877�93-5Z36.
23.00 I�ub�c Enfily Crime: A person or aii'iba�e who has beerr plaoed on the c:onvic�ed vendor f�t follo�wing a
cwtivK.�ion tar a public eMdy ptirne maY nat submit a bid on � Contrad 14 pron►ide anY goods or senrices i� a pubtic entitY�
may rat submit a bid on a eanfiract with a public entiiy for the constnictivn or repair of a public buikling or public w�ric,
may not subm� � on 1� of reai property to a pub6c �ity, rr�Y twt be e�Marded or perfprm w�ork a� a cx�rtUac�or,
suPPtier, suboont�ctor.. or oensuttant under a oontrad w�h any publ'�c er�ity. and may naRtrar�sact bt�s with rany
pubtic er�tity in exce� of the thres#�old arrwunt protiidcd in s. 287.017, F.S. for CATEGORY 11N� for a period af 36
rnonths from the d�e of being plac�ed on the convkted v�endor hst
24.00 Dlscrimination: An entity ar affiliar� who has been pfaced on the di�cximirtatory vendor list rr�y ndt submit
a bid an a oantrad ta Provide anY 9oads a servic�es t4 a pub�ic entihr, maY not submit a bid on a Gae�hact with a public
e�r i+or the oonstn,ction or repair at a pubGc bu� or pub�ic work, maY nat submit bids on le�s oi r�eal prop�rty to a
publ� entity� maY not be ewrarded or pertorm w�nrk as a oontr�c�or. suppWer. subcontrac�or. or consultaM under a rortirad
with �nY Rub�ic eMit�l� and may not transact business vrit� �► public enMy.
Pegx 14 of 14
Financial Project No. 41577a-1-94-01
Contract No. APF54
Agreement Dabe , (�ry 111A°/ � -
IN WITNESS WMEREOF, the paRies herebo have caused these pr�esents be executed, the day and year first above written.
C' of Ctearwater
William B. Horne II
'�%,�,�4,�►r►"`r � • ,� `�
5,�� Man,�?r —
Cyn: ia E. Goudeau, City Glerk
Countersigned^ !
.�y Fr
Camilo A. Soto, Assistant City Attorney
See attached Encumbrance Form for date af Funding
Approval by Comptroller
Director of Transportation Development �
This exhibit forms an integral part of that certain Joint Participation Agreement between
the State of Fiorida� Department of Transportation and the City of Clearwater.
Dated: i�'1A�( � R -
referenced by the above Financial Project Number.
PROJECT LOCATION: Pinellas County, Clearvva�ter Airpark.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Install new Securify Fencing/Camera's/Digital ReoorderslCartN
Readers and Signage a# Clearweter Airpark.
The audit report(s) required in paragraph i.60 of the Agreement shall incfude a schedule of
project assistanoe that will reflect the Departrnent's contra►ct number, Financial Projec�k
Number and the Federal ldent'rfication number, where applicable, and the amount of state
funding action (receipt and disbu�nt of funds) and any federai or local funding actiora
and the funding action from any other source with respect to the project.
Audit reports must be submitted to the Departrnent within 13 months after fiscaf year end
or 30 days from audit completion.
Aud'rt work papers and reports shall be retained by the independent auditor for a minimum
of three years from the date of the audit report.
Time extensions may be granted by the Director of Transportation Development.
FINANCIAL PROJECT NO. 416770-1 �4-01
This exhibit forms an integral perE of that oertain Jant Parbidpation �reement belw�een the
State of Florida, Department af Transportati�on and the City of Ciearwater.
Dated: ,���,� 4
refenenoed by the above Finanaal Project Number.
Maximum Federal Participation
�ency Paracipation
( %) or �
( °�) $
( °%) or $
( °�) $
Maxirnum Department Participation, �
(DDR) ( 10�%) or $ 168,789.00
Federal Reimbursable (DU)(FRAxDFTA) ( 9�O) or $
Local Reimbursable (DL) ( %} or $
TOTAL $ 166,799.00
No�: 100°�6 State Funding is allowable for security Projects in accordanc:e
with Fbrida Statute 332.007 (8).
FINANCIAL PROJECT NO. �15770-1 �4-01
Contract APF54
This exh�it forms an ir�egra�l part of the Joir�t Participation Ag�rd between the
Sta#e of Florida, Department of Trart,sportation and the City of Clearwater.
A. General
1. Duration: The terms, conditions, and assurances of the l�greement shall remain in
full foroe ar�d e�(fed throughout the useiul li% of the facilities deweloped or equipment
acquired for an airport deve[opment or noise compati�li�Y Pro9� Prol� or
throughout the useful {i#e of the project i�ns installed within a i�cility under a noise
oompatibilityy program project, but in any erreent not #o exceed twenty (20) years from the
date #hat tbe ABr�nerrt is ezecuted. Ho�w�ever, there shall be no limit on the duration
af the assurances reg€�rding Exdusive Rights and Airport Revenue so long as the
airport is used as an airport. There shaU be no lim� ort the duration of the terms,
oandiqons. and assuranc�s with r�espeat to real property avquired with sta�be funds.
2. Obi'�gation: The /�ency shall honor these assuranoes far the duration of this
A�reementi If the Ayency t�ke� �ny acaon tha�t is not oonsisbent with U�se
assurances, the full amount of this A�reement wiN immediately become due and
payable to tl� Flor�a Deparbn�nt of Trarnsporta�on.
B. Ganera! Assuranr:e�
The Agency hereby assures tha#:
1. Gaod Title: It holds good title, satisfaCtory to the Departrnerrt, to the landing area of
the airport or srte thereof, or will give assuranoe satisfar.bory to the Department that
good t�le will be acx�uired.
2. Presenring Righ�s and Powers:
a. It will nat tak� or permit any adion which w�oukl operate to deprive it of any aF
the rights and po+Mers neoessa�ry � perform any or all of the t�ms� conditrons,
and assuranc�s in ttie Apree�nent without the wMten approval af if�e
D�parbnent, and will act promptiy to acquire, ext�ngui�h or rrwdify any
outstanding rights or claims of right of others which would inte�fere with such
perFarmanc:e by the �ency. This shaN be dQne in a manner aoce�table to the
b. If an arrangement is made for managemerrt and opeca�tpn af the airport by
anY ��Y a P�� o�er than the �ency or an employee af the qgency► the
Agency will r�eserve sufficient right�s and authority to ensure that the airpart will b�
operated and maintairted according to applicabie federat and state laws,
reguiations, and rules.
3. Hazard Renwval � Mitlgation: It wip dear and proteCt terminal a�irspace required
for instrument and visual ope�r�tior�s at U�e aitport (including established minimum flight
altiitudes) by removing, lowering, relocating� marking� or lighting or othervvise mitigating
existing airport tta�rds and by preventing the establishment or creation cyf future airport
4. Compatible Land IJ�e: It will tekc appropriate achon to ensure local govemment
adoption of airpart zoning ordln�nces that comply with Chapter 333, F.S. The
orclinanoes shaN address height restricaons and �ther poteMial aviation hazards and
timitations on incompa#�le I�nd use.s in the vicin�y of the airport. The vi�inity of the
airport indt�des aU areas that will be aifec�d by norma! aircraft op�rafions and noise.
The qge�cy a�sures that it will take appropriate action to oppose and/or disapprove any
attsmpted change in kaacal Nand use regul�tions tl�at viro�ufd adversely affe�t the
continued level of airport operations by the cr�ation or expansion of incompatible land
use ar�as. Th� Agency assures that it will provide the Dep�rtmerrt with a copy of a�ll
�ocat a;rport zoning orriii,arroes, codes, rules, r�gwatio�,s, and amendments, indudir�g
Proposeci and grarrted variarx� thereto.
S. Consis�ency with Local Plans: . It wil{ take eppropriate actions fio ttave the curnent
airp�art master plan adopted irrto the la:al 8ovemment comprehensive��plan at the
earlies# feasible opportunity.
6. Airport L.ayout P1an:
a. lt will keep a layaut plan oi the airport up to date shawing:
(1) Boundaries of the airport and all proposed additi�ons thereto, together
with the boundaries of �tl offsifi� areas awned or controlled by the Agency
for airport purposes and proposed addikions thereto;
(2) Location and �ah�re of all e�asting and proposed airport faaliaes and
strt�ctures �such a� rurnvays, ta�aways, aprons, t+erminal buiklinga, hanga�rs,
and roads), induding alt proposed extensions and redudions of existing
airport faciliaes; and
(3) Location of al[ exisang and proposed non-aviation aneas and of ail
existing improvements thereon. �
b. Such airport layout plans and each amendmerrt, r�evision, or modification
thereof, shall be subject to the epproval of the Department The Agency will r�ot
make or permit any changes or altera�ons in the airport or any of its faal'fies that.
are nat in conformily wi#h the airport layout plan � approved by the Depa�tment
and which might, in the opin'ion of the Department, ad�er3ely a(fiect the saf�ty,
util"�ty, or efficiency of the airport.
7. .Fee and Rentai Structur+e: 1# will maintain a fee end rental stiudure for the facilities
and services at the airport which will make the a�port as seif-sustaining as possible
under the arcumstanoes existing at the particular airport #aking into account such
factors as the volume o# traffic �nd economy o�f cottedion. tf this qqreemerrt results in a
facility that will be teased or otherwise produces r�venue, the �flencY assures that the ,
revenue will be at fair market value or higher.
8. Airport Revenue: That aN revenue generated by the airport will be expended for �
capital �r operating ca�ts of the airport; the local airport sysiem; or other local faali�es
which are owned or operated by the owner or operator of the airport and whicli are
dire�tty and substanfiially related ta the actua►I air transportation of pa�engers or
property, or for environmental or noise mikiga#ion purposes on or off the airport:
9. Financial Plan: It will develop and mairrtain a cost feasibie finanaal ptan to
acxomplish the projects necessary to achieve the proposed airport improvements
depic�ed in the airport layout plan. The financial plan shall be a part of the airport
ma�ster plan. The financial plan shall realistic:ally assess project pha�ing considering
availability of state funding and local funding and the likelihood of federa[ tunding under
#he Federal Aviation Administra#ion's Prwrity system- All Project coat estima�s
carttained in the financial pian shal{ be entered in the Joint Automated Capital
lmpnvvem�nt Program (JACIP) Online Web site. The JACIA anline infonmation shal!
be kept curreM � the finanaai plan is updated.
10. Operation � Mairt�nance: The airport and all facilities which are neoessery to
serve the aeronautical users of the airport, shaA be operafied at atl times in a safie and
servioeable conditan and in acx.undanoe with the minimum standards as may be
r�equired or pr�cribed by applicabie f�deral and s�te a�ncies fior maint�ance and
operation. The Agency assw�s that it will not cause or permit any activsiy or action
thereon whid� v�rould interfiere withh its use for airNpnrt purposes. Any Proposal to
#emporariiy dose the airp�t for non aeronautical purposes must first be approved by
the Depafinent The AgenGy will have arrangemen�s for I�P�Y ��n9 aimnen of �
any c�ndition a�ffe�ing aeronautical use of the a'u�port. No�hing contained her+ein shall
be construed to require that the airport be operated for aeronautical use during
#emporary Periods when flooding or other climatic conditions i�terfere wi�h such
operation and maint�enance. Further, nothing herein shall be construed as requiring the
maintenance, repair. restoration. or repla�aement of an.y struCture or facility which is
substantially damsged or destroyed due to an act of God or other condition or
circumstance beyond the control of the Agency. -
11. Economic Nond�tcrimination; It will make the airport available as an airport for
public use on reasonable tierms and without unjust discrimination to a{I types, kinds, and
classes of aeronau�c;al activities, including commer�cial aeronautical activities offering
services to the public at the airport.
12. Excl�ive Rights: It wiil permit no exdusive right.for the use of the airport by any
person providing, or intendin0 to provide, aeronauticat services to the pubiic.
13. Federal Funding Eligibil"�ty: n will take appropriate actions to mair�tain federal
funding eligibili�j► for the airport. Further� it will avad any ac�ion that renders the airp�ort
ineligible for federal funding.
14. Tenninafion of Agreemen� it will malce e�enditures or incur obHgations
pertaining to this Agreement within tMro years af�er the date of this ABreement or the
Department of Transportation may tenninate this Agreement. The Ager�cy may request
a one-year ex�sion of thi� iw�o-year time period. The Distrir,t Secr�:tary sha11 have
approval authaihr.
15. Refiention of Rights and Intierests: It will not sell, lease, encumber, or otherv�iise
transfer or dispose of any part of i�s ti�e or other interests in the property sho�wn on
Exhibit A to this application or, for a no�se oompatibiliEy Pro9ram Proj�t. that portion of
�e PropertY uPon which state funds have been e�ended, for the durafion of the terms,
cond�ior�s, and assurances in the �reement without approval by the Departmer�t.
96. Consuttant, Contractor, Scope, and Cost Approval: It will grant the Depattment
the right to disapprove the A�nc�y's smploymeni of specfic consul�tnts, corttrat�ors,
and suboontractors for a!I or any part of this praject if the specfic consu4tants,
cor�trac�ars, or subcont�tors have a reoor+d of pcor projed performance with the
Departmen� Further, the AgencY assures that ii wil! grant !he D�parhnent the right to
disapprove the ProPosed proled s� and cast af professionat servioes.
17, Airfieid Aae�sa: � The �qenc�► will not grant or allaw easement or access that opens
ontra or cros�ses the airport runw�ys, taxiways. flight 1'u�e. Passenger facilities, or any
ar�ea used for emergenc.Y e4uipment, fu�l� suPplies. PaSSe�9eB� mai! and freight, radar,
communic:�tions, utilities, and tandir�g sysbems. induding but not fimited to flight
operatio�s, ground serviaes, emergenoY ser�ioes� terminal facili�es. mainfier�ance,
r+apair, or storaige. �
18. Project Devolopmen� All pro�t rela�ad w�otic will oomply with federal, st�ate, and
profession�l st�ndarcls: aPPlkabl� Federal Aviation A�dminisb�ation advisory arc�lars;
and Florida Department of Transportation requinemen�s per chapter 14-60, Florida
Administrative Code, Airport Li�ensing, Regisbabon, And Airspace Pnyi�ctior►-
C. Planning Projects
If this project irnoivas planning or o�her aviartion studies, the Agency assures that it will:
1. Project Scops: Execute the projed in acxordance with the approved project
narrative a with approved modifications.
2. Reporht: Fumish the DepartmeM with such periodic project and work activity
reports as required.
S. Public Information: Make such material availabi� for examinafion by the pubtic.
No material prepargd under this A�reemerrt shaN be subject to copyright in the United
States or any other country.
4. Disclo�ure: Grarrt the Depattrnent unrestricbed authority to publish, disdose,
distribute, and otherwise use any of the ma�erial prepared in cannec�ion with this
Agr�ement. �
5. Departrnent Guidelit�s: Compiy with DeparbmeM airport rnasfier planning
guidelines if the projed invohres airport master planning or developinp an airpart layout
p1an. This includes:
a. Providing copies� in electronic and editable fomnat, of final project materials fio
the Deparhnent This includes computer-a'�cied drafting (CAD) files of the airport
layout plan.
b. Developing a cost feasible financial plan, approved by the Department, to
accomplish the p�ojerts described in the airport m�ster Qlan or depicled in the
airport layout plan. The co�t feasible financial plan shall realistically assess
P� Phasing consi�ring availabitity of statie and local funding and the
likelihood af federal funding under the Fedeial Aviation Admin�ttra�on's priority
c. Entering al! projects contained in the c�t feasible plan out fio fwenty years in
the Jar�t Automated Capital Impn�rement Program (JACiP) database.
6. No Implied Commitmenls: Understand and agree that DepartrnerYt approval of th�s
Prol�t Agr�ement or any planning m�terial devebped as part of this Agre�ment does
not c;onstitufie or imply any assuranoe or oommihnent on the paR of the Departrnent to
approve any pending or future appl'�cation for state aviafwn funding.
D. L�nd Acquisition Projecis
If this project involves land purchase, the A�ency assures that it wili:
1. Appiic�ble Laws: Acquire the iand interest in aovord2�nce with the Uniform
Relocation Assistance and Real Properly Acquisi6on Poliaes ACt of 1970; the National
Environmental Policy of 1969; FAA Order 5100.37A; FAA Order 5050.4A.; chapfiers 73
and 74, F.S., when Proper#y � aoquired through condemr�a�on; and sedion 286.23,
2. Administration: Maintain dir�ec� coMrol of projeCt administration� induding:
a. Maintaining nesponsibility for all c�ntraCt letting and administrative procedures
r�ecessary for the acquisition of the land interests.
b. Securing written pem�ission from the Department #o execute each agreement
with any third party.
c. Fumishing a projected schedule of events and a r,ash flow projection within
tw�enty (20) calendar days �i%r completion of the r�eview appraisal.
d. Establ"�shing a project accourrt for purchase of land interests.
e. Colleding and disbursing federal� s�fie, and bcal project funds.
3. Loans: Comply with the fo{lowing requiremerrCs iF the funding conveyed by this
Agreement is a ban for land purd�ase axording � Chapter 332, F.S.:
a. The Apency shall apply for a Federal Aviation Administration Airport
Improvemerrt Program grant for the Mand purchase within 60 days of executin�
thi� Aqr�ement.
b. tf federal funds are �:oeived for the land purchase, the Agency sh�ti nutiiy the
Deparbnen# by U.S. Mail within 14 calendar days of receivin8 the fedsral
funds and is responsible for reimbursing the Department within 30 calendar
days to achieve normal proj�act federal, state, and Ixal funding shares as .
described in Chapter 332, F.S.
c. If fiederal funds ar�s nat rec�ived for the la�nd pun�as�, the Agency shall
reimburse tl� Departrr�nt fio achie� ��1 project state and local funding
shares as described in Chapter 332, F.S.� vvithin 30 calendar days after the loan
d. If federal funds are not r��oeiv�d for the land purchase and the state funding
shane of the land pur�chase is less than or equal to normal state and local funding
shat�es as described in Chep�er 332, F.S., when the ban maturss, no
reimbursement to the Deparbment shall be required.
4. New Airports:
a. Protect the airport and r�ela�bed airspace by ensuring local govemmerrt
adoptiQn of an airport zoning ordinance or amending an exi�ting airport zoning
ordinanoe, consistent with the pro�risions of Chapter 333, F.S., prior to the
4ompieti�on of the project.
b. Apply for federal and state funding to construc.t a paved runway, associated
aircraft parking apron� and conneding taxiway within one year of the date of lan�
purchase. , �
c. Complefie an aitport mastier plan within two years of land purchase.
d. Complete construction neoessary fior basic airport operation within #en years of
land pun�ase.
5. Uae of Land: The �ency shaq use the land for aviati�on purposes in accor�danoe
with the terms of this �reement within ten years afber the acquisiti�on date.
6. Dispo�al of land: For land purchased ur�er an Aere�ment for airport noise
compatibility or airport development purposes, dispo�iaon of such land wiN be subject to
the retention or reservatian of any ir�tere�t or right ther�e in nec�ssary to ensure that
such land will only be used for purposes which are compatible with no�se levels
associated with operation of the airport.
E. Aviation Gon:bvction Proj�cts
tf this projecf involves construction� the Aaency assures thait i# will:
1. CertiRcations: Provide certi�a�ons that
a. Ca�.sultant and oontractor se�c�ion compty with afl applicable federal, state
and local laws. rules, regula�ons, and pol'�cies. .
b. All design plans and specihc�tions oomply vNtl1 fed�ral, staie� and professional
standar+ds and appficable Federat Aviation Administration advisory circulars.
c. The projec:t compiies with �tl appl"�cable building codes and other statutory
d. Complebed construcbon c�mpNes with the proj�ct plana and s�peafiCations.
Such oertificaraon must inck�de an at�estation from the Enginee� #hat the proje�t
was oomplebed per the aPP� P� P�ns and speafice�ons. ,
2 D�ign Dev�fapment Criteria: The ptans, specifications, canstruction contract
docum�nts, and ar�y and atl other sim�ar engineering, construction, and contractual
dQCUmer�ts produced by the Engineer for ihe project � hereinaRer Cdledively rofeired
to as "plans" in this Exhibit
Plans shall be devebped in aacordance with sound engineering and design principles,
and with generally accepted profiessional standards.
Plans shall be ax�sis#ent with the irrtent of the project as defined in Exhibits "A" and °B"
of this Agreement.
The Engineer shall pertorm a thorough review of the requirements aF the follawing
standards and make a determination as to their applicability to this project. Plans
produoed fot this projed shall be developed in canpliano� with the applicable
requirements of these standards:
• Federal Aviation Adminis#ration Regulations and Advisory Circulars
• Fbrida Department of Transportation requir�ements per chapter 14fi0, Fbrida
Administrative Code, Airpat l.�cer►sing, Registratan, And Airspace Pr�ntection
• Florida Department Af Transpottation Standard Speci�ations For Construction Of
Generel Aviation Airports
• Manual Of Uniform Minimum Standarrls For Design. Coc�stru� And Maintenance
For Streets And Highways. oommonly t+�ferred to as the Fbrida Greenbook
• Manual on Unifam Traffic Control Devioes
Devebpment of the plans shall comply vvith all epplicable laws, ordinances, zor�ing and
�itting requinemerrts, public notice requirerr�nt�, and a�her similar regulations that
apply to the scope and location of the project. �
3. Construction Inspection � Approval: Provide and maintain competent t�chnicel
supenr�ron at the c:or�strucbat site throughout the project to assure tha# the wnrk
conforms to the plans� specfiCatior�s, and sc�edules approved by the Department for
the project. The AAen�y assures that � will aNaw the Departmer�t to �spect the work.
7t�e Depa�tment may r+equire t:�t and progre�s neportin9 bY the �c�r-
4. Pavement Preventative Mainbenanoe: Vlrith respect to a project for the
repk�cement or r�ecar��#ruCtion pf pav�r�nt at the airport, implernent sn effective airpart
pavem�nt maintenanr,� management pr�ogram and the Agenc�r assures tha�t it wi�� use
such program f.or'the useful life �f any paverrtent c�nstruc�d, recons�tr't�cted, or
repaired with state financial assistance at the airport.
F. Noisa Il�tigation Projec�s
If this projed involv�es no�se mitigation, the �ency assures that it wili:
1. Local Gov�rnmeM Agreemertts: For aA twise compa�biNty projec�s th�t are
carried o�t by another unit aF bcal govemment or are on property awned by a unit of
la:ai govemmeM other than #he Agency, enter into an agreement with that govemmerrt.
The agreement shall obligate the unit of bcal govemmerrt to the same fienms,
conditions, and assurances that apply to the Agency. The agreement and changes
thereto must b� sat�actory ta the Departmen�t. The /�qency assures that it will take
sfeps to enforce th� agreement if there i� sut�stantial non-complianoe with the terms o�
the agreement.
2. Priva�e Agreements: For noise compatibility Pro�ects to be carried out on priva�tety
owned ProPerhi, enfier into an agreemer�t with the awner of that property to exclude
future ac�ions against the aifport. The Agency assur+es that it wiN take steps to enforoe
the agrBe�rnent if there is substantial non-complianoe with the temns aF the agreement.
Number 1
Financial Project No.: Fund: DDR
41577019401 Function: 683
(item-segment-phase-sequence) Fedefal No.: n/a
F'age 1 of 4
FLAIR Category: 088179
Object Code: 750004
Org. Code: 55072020728
Contract No.: APF54 I DUNS No.: 80-939-7102 I Vendor No.: F59600289002
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: n/a Catalog of State Financial Assistance Number: 55004
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of
by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, an agency of the State of Flor�da,
hereinafter referred to as the Department, and City of Clearwater
P.O. Box 4748, Clearwater, Florida 33578
hereinafter referred to as Agency.
WHEREAS, the Department and the Agency heretofore on the 4th
entered into a Joint Participation Agreement; and
day of May
WHEREAS, the Agency desires to accomplish certain project items as outlined in the Attachment "A" appended
hereto; and
WHEREAS, the Department desires to participate in all eligible items for this project as outlined in Attachmen�t
"A" for a total Department Share of $166,799.00
NOW, THEREFORE THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: that for and in consideration of the mutual benefits to flow
from each to the other, the parties hereto agree that the above described Joint Participation Agreement is to be arriended
and supplemented as follows:
1.00 Project Description: The project description is amended
to include the construction of an additional eight hundred feet to the main runway and taxiway. In addition the appropriate
lighting and markings will be included as will the installation of a PAPI (Precision Approach Path Indicator) system. 1"he
project will require work such as pavement markings, electrical installation and inspection, project management services,
design, permitting, environmental engineering and irrigation.
The scope of the project is expanded to include but not limited to the completion of the groundwater cleanup, which would
include field testing of monitoring wells, lab sampling and report production. It will also include the purchase and
installation of an automated weather operating system (AWOS), consultant fees, engineering of the site preparation,
construction of a pad, electrical installation and the application process. The purchase of a portable fueling trailer to move
Jet A fuel to aircraft, the purchase of an auxiliary power unit to assist aircraft powering up and the purchase of an aircraft
tug to safely move aircraft in and around the airport.
Exhibit B
2.00 Project Cost:
Paragraph 3.00 of said Agreement is increased by
bringing the revised total cost of the project to $173,014.16
Paragraph 4.00 of said Agreement is decreased by
bringing the DepartmenYs revised total cost of the project to
3.00 Amended Exhibits:
Exhibit(s) B
4.00 Contract Time:
Paragraph 18.00 of said Agreement �une
5.00 E-Verify
Vendors/Contracto rs:
Page 2 of 4
of said Agreement is amended by Attachment "A".
30th ,2014
1. shall utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify system to verify the employment elir.�ibility
of all new employees hired by the Vendor/Contractor during the term of the contract; and
2. shall expressly require any subcontractors performing work or providing services pursuant to the state contract
to likewise utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify system to verify the employme�nt
eligibility of all new employees hired by the subcontractor during the contract term.
Page 3 of 4
Financial Project No. 41577019401
Contract No. APF54
Agreement Date
Except as hereby modified, amended or changed, all other terms of said Agreement dated May 4th ,2009
and any subsequent supplements shall remain in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed, the day and year first
above written.
City of Clearwater
Geor�P N C`rr�taknc
Rosemarie Call
City Clerk
See attached Encumbrance Form for date of Fun�ding
Approval by Comptroller
;��� ;
Debbie Hunt
Director of Transportation Development
William B. Horne, II
-. . .
��� �� .
Camilo A. Soto
Assistant City Attorney
Page 4 of 4
Financial Project No. 41577019401
Contract No. APF54
Agreement Date ,
This Attachment forms an integrai part of that certain Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement betweeri
the State of Florida, Department of Transportation and City of Clearwater
P.O. Box 4748, Clearwater, Florida 33578
DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLEMENT (Include justification for cost change):
There is currently $24,860.66 remaining in state funds on this contract. The City of Clearwater has agreed to utiliz�y the
remaining funds at an 80/20 match. The contract is amended to show the City's obligation is now at $6,215.16
Project Cost:
Total Project Cost
As Approved
$166, 799.00
As Amended
Net C:hange
II. Fund Participation: As Approved As Amended Net Change
Department: $166,799.00 $166,799.00 $0.00
Agency: $0.00 $6,215.16 $�,215.16
Total Project Cost $166,799.00 $173,014.16 $�i,215.16
Additional Page
If a project is a multi-year or prequalified project subject to paragraphs 4.10 and 17.20 of this agreement, fi.inds
are programmed in the Department's Work program in the following fiscal year(s):
Project years may be advanced or deferred subject to Legislative appropriation or availability of funds.