5921-95 OIZDIP!LT k CE NO. 5921-95 AN ()RDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLEAR WATER, FLOIK _A, RELATING TO THE LAND DE ELOPM2NT .ODE, CREATING TING DIVISION 14 OF CHAPTER 41, CODE OF ORDINANCES, TO ES"T.ABLISH DEVELOPMENT T STAN"" S FOR ", NG GARAGES; PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED Y THE CITY CO MrISSIO N OF THE CITY OF CEE .R '+ AT°E , FLORIDA: Section 1. Chapter 41, Code of Ordinances, is arnended by the creation of Division 14, consisting of Sections 41.251 thrpugh 41.'.252, inclusive, to read: DIVISION 1 . PAPMNG GARAGES. Sec. 41.251. Definitions. The following—words. terms, and.phrase���when used in this division .Rhal? have the nee' es ascribed to them in this section. except here the context clear •° indicates a c fferent "Automatic ticket d s ensina enter", shall mean-an.ertry inter a parking gaiza contrllecl by a machine dispesin pickets far gage flea "Free flow entrg" shall mean an entr into a arkina e ritl but ccantr l such as attendants or automatic or manual ticke�dis ensi � ccntr€�ls. "Manual ticket a3i resin r�sltall mean an entr�intc a parking a e ccan�r��lley aaerspn nanualy d=spgnsg tickets foL garage lase. "Parking.�9.4Lag `a�shall mean ap above grgqn�i_-or below g r���a�s�� a�tt�_t-vp] T _ stt-t��ra�re. "Pedestrian- nented zonin district" -shia.11 mean the rest;rt commercial districts on Clearwater beach. th,g each commercial district., the North Greenwood c mniercial district. and the BavfrontCore and Eastern Corridor subdistricts of the urban center district. "Fggytackir " shall mean a harking stall design in which one vehicle parks behind another fr n1 a sin�l travel aisle access po int. "Rgh2 is parj igaaara e" shall mean a parkina_garage that utilizes a mechanical process to maneuver or store vehicles, "Valet arkin -;girage" shall mean a parking garage inhere each vehicle is arkec�b attendant. Sec 41s xai drical eel � etaiets lL in The fall,,)".r g is ensioiial and nuc�tgrical r gay g e is shall a 1 to tlt� �e�relc� �� 2f-parking arag s-_ _ l _Miri a o n s-tbacl . Farlaiter..a es slalla!tae following rUiniaum t , s; Lal Epom a street rigb!:o a'v L FaLVAr gasses located in pedestzia�-griented zo g distr ct, , the m"i,im.um setback from a_street ri ht-o nw .shall be 10 feet if the street iss,jassifigd as are arterial or co lector street€n the thorl .�hfarg platy:, and five.- feet if the street is otherwise classified on the t s�ra� ``II r An unless a lesser di as ce is 'r a r r eg fired ar tl e a l ahle t esi guidelines. 2. jLg Rgrkirl r , the minimmam se tback from a street r 11t ti - a shall he the same as for other strUciures in the afo in. g ict i ;hich the arl irj a e is l ca'�ed , ffi From sidsi k from side and rear a"q Xer 2LEJ�nes shall be the same as for other structures i the zoniDg.d suit in which they pDarking g&L age, s located. _._Mwd hc. l The maximum height; for jparkLar shall be the saigq as for other sL,- etures in th z minx istrii t llr vhicLi'i„ arl is as s at i:ghnimp a en space: Not,applicable. Maximuni floor aa.B eg Kano, t a, ficable. Maximum building coverage: Not applicable. ffil MinimumLparking stab Oj eusions: As specified its section 42.34 diesiga8 standards. iirrAua�zTall aalwidtls ss Fcsfied in v,,ection 422_.';AL4 dg�sgn srs .D.....:.[. Minimum chicle. +�Pf.zoE ,e L.4.��M.G�IA B.+d Sitw&SE� at 4rEHi.d 4 S-�.'V&SdLs: For free: flow entries: One space ,Der entry lane. For automatic ticket dispensing entries: Twos aces Per entr lane. For manual ticket dispensing entries: Fight spaces Per entry laa�e�. a a I For robotic or vale arkin tsar age;: 10 Der ce of that r)ortion of the $.,�.d"in gjj!2g2.M'gj(J.,ng-capacit'y served bv the e tzg, lane. or as otherwise eciLied by the cite engineer. Fhe above minim. um r ;��igirecer in cases where, they arejggged jggd��quate tp-per.rr`,E uclk!Mr in jit� - accordance with site-Me 'iffic traffic safety conditions; in these casgs, rags' cur-rent Florida Department of irang,,00rtationstandkrAde,,,i r�f(LiL[ight tumi LWe-s m 11 I�g used as the standard of reference. L91 Minimum landscavin2 reau ire mtints: tal Perimeter landscape standards. The perimeter landscape standards of sect—ion 42.27 hall be met unless exempted by the applicable, desi tL&idelines. �b) Interior larlk[ss���� (c) Other 'landscane standards. All other landscave standards of section 42.27 shall. be met unI LUO Ground flcw�r commercial or office component. For pafIkgiDj MagLigggLe _gg d in pedestrian-oriented zs-rjLn dictricts not less thajj;OTei�cent of the linear width !Lthp arlo _ _ _p, -p g gera_gYeasLMeasured alon any abutting street right-of (on the eround floor level only) sihall g be devoted Ip _nee AW4 r conditional uses in the le zonine district that contrFout to KgjL__Sj. apRlicab p�Ldest.:fiaqInteres,t suc � g indoor I sales, restaurants, nightclubs. taverns and bars ffices L_ _j Le of con-u-nerce,_gQvgrrmR q)it offices cQn ptio n centers such floor area shall and hotel/motels. S not be, used in co n jmRu Lfin the total floor area allowed for ea j2peMLon which Abe pa-Ig a 1 is located. I f I pilp7--y' backirL2. PiggyboaCkKing shall be, permitted an-lv in aLe .11........I ---I -- -- _—L- — — ---Y- Pi ybacki�rl s hall Y�o N z is � submitted showing how t],-I garage could be converted to meet-f;he parking reguirements with a standard (i.e., noppiggyb c_, e arkin space arrangement in the event the valet parking is discontinued. This regdir e waived f_ r Darking garages controlled b y peM gtual -_ aereements between the city and th owner t( 'dc val pa a that allow for Hens Kdq�p-��� aeainst the properties in the event the valet var' ine is discontinued, such agreements shall be contin2ent 1-mon approval of the cjtL_g�r � jhe civ j alq ni _-q gy, _01 2-1 hall nol.pLe-q Lud-.!z or irymedc dhe ,,:-,,Xreencv vehicle service and reasonably-a Aicipa-ed Vehicle loadin Section 2. The provisions of this ordinance are found and determined to be consistent with the City of Clearwater Comprehensive Plan. 3 c� Segti n �3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption. � S READING December 7, ' 995 PA SSED ON SECOND AND FINAL READIM AND ADOPTED January 4, 1996 Garvey Mayor-Commissioner issioner Approved as to fob and Attest: legal sufficiency. ', (f�.✓ / i les Cy "a E. saes sstat pity As �y City Jerk 4