5757-95 q ORDINANCE 'NO. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO GTE FLORIDA INCORPORATED, THE ER11XSS1O i TO OCCUPY I+IL NIC I.P L STREETS AM) RIG S S-OF-TKA Y IN THE CITY OF GL RATER, FLOC) ID , AS A MEMNS OF P., ,37'I ING TELECOMMUNICATI01, SERVICES; PRESCRIBING THE TERMS ADD e,-jA,,1TI0NS ACCOMPANYING THE Gl- 'ITT OF FRANCHISE; AND PRESCRIBING G PE ALTIE' FOR THE VIOLATION ' ITS PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEV RABlL1TY OF PROVISIONSS' AND PROVIDING KNT EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED 1311 THE CITY C01MISSION OF THE CITY OF C EAR:' AT R, FLORIDA SECTION 1. (A) The Grantor deems it necessary, desirable and in the interest of the health, safety any welfare of its citizens to establish by ordinance a franchise wan=ting the pe mission to Grantee to occupy Rights-of-Way in 'the City of Clearwater, Florida, as a means of providing telecommunication services. (B) The Grantee is willing to place and maintain its Tel e ommunicatia is facilities within the C ity under a franchise from Grantor, pursuant to Section 362 . 01 Florida Statutes (1993 and Section 337 . 4101 Florida Statues (1993) , and Chapter 32 , article II of the City Clearwater Cade. SECTION - "his ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "GTE Florida Incorporated IelecoruTtun catlons Franchise. " SECTION 3. For the purposes of this ordinance` the following terms, phrases, words, and their, derivations shall have the meaning riven herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words in the present tense include the future, words ii n the plural number include the singular rit as.aTu9TdTau . : . a Y .��L� - � �? �� �aR, cnid va dd r Ln 6L e siriqJ`a� du2% nia.th n- o The word "shall" is alvaY.s mandatory and not merely di.rectorv. (A) "Cable Systei s" - A. facility, consisting of a stet of closed transmission paths and associated signal genera Lion, reception, and control equipment that is designed to provide: cable service which includes video programming and which is provided to multiple subscribers within a community, but such term does not include. 1) A: facility that serves only to re-=transmit, the television signals of one or more television broadcast stations ) A facility that serves only sulbscri."hers in one or more multi le-unit dwellings under common awnership,r control, or management, unless suc h facility or facilities .uses any public rights-of-way; ) A faci l! -i t.y � a common carrier, except that sucl:i facility shat?.€, be considered a cable systea o the e tent such facility, is used in the transmission of its video programming directly to subscribers ) Any facilities of any electric utility used solel,Y for operating its electric facility systems. (B) "The City" The City of C-learwaiter, Florida. ( "Emergency" A: reasonably unforeseen occurrence with the potential to endanger personal safety or hearth, or cause substantial damage to property, that calls for immediate action. (D) "Franchise Areall - That area portion of Grantee' s service which is within the corporate city lim, t,s of the Grantor. (E) "Grantee," _. GTE Florida Tncorporated, its successors and assigns. ('F) "Grantor" The City of Clearwater, Florida. (G) "Person" - Any person., Firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind . (H) "Recurring Local. Service Revenues" - Subject to the provisions of Section 6 (A) , all revenues presently set out, or which in -the future, may represent those presently set out, in the revenue accounts 5000-5069 as established by the Federal Conamunicat ions commission for local network revenues in accordance with 47 CFR Part 32 , Sub-part D. Such revenues shall also include any subaccounts as established by Grantee under these account numbers l) "Rights-of-Way 11 - All of the public streets, alleys, highways, waterways, bridges, easements, sidewalks and parks of the City, as they now exist st or may be hereafter constructed. opened, laid out or q _ H re s _._._ a a�: J'v°rs ra a'^�Af°9 .; '' y d-$*sue tv^arr_ �r�„ its J.-- ... �.. .d... tie � ,aar J-_L A.L- a�L LAI City, �� �i31 u��a territory as may hereafter be added to, consolidated or annexed to the City. (J) 11Tel�ecommunications Facilities" - AI.l of Grantee ' s facilities used in the prevision of Telecommunications services. ) "Telecommunications Servi.ces°4 - Services which enable the a, electronic or electricatransmission, on, conveyance, routine, or reception of sounds, signals, data, images, or .information through 2 the utilization of wires, cables, radio waves, microwaves, satellites, fiber optics, or any other method now in existence or that may fie deli ised. SECTION 4. (A) There is hereby granted by Grantor, to Grantee, the right and privilege to construct, erect, operate, own and maint-al"n, in, upon, along, across, above, over and under Rights-of-Way now laid out or dedicated, and all extensions thereof, and additions t1hereto in the City, poles, lw:)Lres, cables, underground conduits, rinanholes and other communication fixtures and utility structures necessary or proper for the maintenance and operation of its TelecommunJiLcations the provided that all visible portions of t he sane seal conform to the Iational Electrical Code. This Franchise is awarded subject to all applicable provisions of general or special laws of Florida and the federal laws and regulations. Grantee and Grantor acknowledge that Grantee' s Telecommunications Services business is 4 subject as a telecommunicat ions common carrier to the requirements of Chapter 364 Florida Statutes. (1993) and the Plules and Regulations of the Florida Public Service Commission in its intrastate aspects and to 47 U. S.C. §201. "And the Rkxles and Regulations of the Federal Communications Commission in its interstate aspects. (B) This Franchise is for use by Grantee of Grantor' s Rights-of-Way for all lawful PurDoses related to Grantee' s Tel ecoirm.un icat ions services business. Grantee agrees that it shall not, unless allowed specifically by applicable State or Federal law, use Grantor's Rights­of-day for the operation of a Cable System without a separate franchise therefor from the City. Grantee also agrees that without the prior writ-ten permission of Grantor, it will not allow any entity providing a wireless communication system to acquire rights to occupy Rights-of-Way under this Franchise. Grantor shall not prevent Grantee from using wireless technology to provide Te leconmunicat ions Services, under applicable ordinances and regulations. Any other use of Grantor' s Rights-of-way by Grantee, its wholly owned subsidiaries, subcontractors, agent s and authorized representatives for any reason shall require a separate franchise and is not permitted under this Franchise. Grantp-e- agrecR-S that the Franch—s Area ­ay be subject to expansion or reduction by virtue o.; Grantor' s annexation or contraction of municipal boundaries. if Grantor approves any Franchise Area expansion or reduction by annexation, Grantor will provide notice to Grantee. Grantee must revise its payments due to any expansion or reduction by annexation within a reasonable time after not-ice to Grantee, but no later tha-ra sixty (60) days after notice of the effective date of change. (D I Ngja I Usp The right to use and occupy Rights-of-Way for the purpose,_S herein set forth shall be non-exclusive, and the 3 Grantor reserves the right to gran-IC a similar lase of said Rights- of-Way, to any person at any time during the period of this Franchise so lonc as such grant does not materially and adversely affect Grantee lss right to use and occupy Rights-of-Waly as aforesaid. ISECTION S . T_g=. _&L),1 -2-ra (A) The FranchJuse and rights herein granted shall take effect and be in force from and after the final passage hereof, as required by law and upon the filing of an acceptance by Grantee of all the terms thereof wlitliL the Grantor and shall continue in force and effect for a term of ten (1 0) years after the efffective date of this franchise. This Franchise m'av be extended at the sole option of the Grantor for additional twelve (12) month periods unless the Grantor notifies the Grantee, of teritination at the end of the ten '(10) year term. The City may terminate the extension and the effectiveness of the >Franchise at any time after the initial, term hereof. (B) Provided, however, that the Grantor or Grantee at any time during the term of this Franchise open applicable terms hereof for renegotiation if, as a result of legal or recyalatory changes on the Federal or State level: (1) Grantee ' s offering of video services over its; 4 Telecormunications Facilities wi .M th Grantor's Rights-of- Way causes such facilities to be subject to Grantor' s municipal franchise authority; or (2) Grantor requires access to Grantee' s video dia.1tone, servilce for transmission of Grantee ' s municipal government programming and such access becomes, permissible on a preferential basis to Grantee. ""he party seeking to reopen the terms of the Franchise shall provide written notice of intent to do so to the other party. Upon receipt of notice to reopen, the party receiving such notice shall be required to meet with the other party -to review the terms 1z 4-0, _G­�S4-CA an%A negot-ILate in good fal-th on such terms. A- i_j"%-- ., %A Necroti ations C--. --c-opanneCAJ 11---er—ULS s'Elail be conciuded within a reasonable period of time, but in any event shall be concluded within ninety (90) days after commencing. Neither party is excused from compliance with the Franchise during any period of renegotiation. If the parties are unable to reach agreement on the reopened terms, the Franchise may be terminated by the City. SECTION 6. (A) The Grantee shall pay to the Grantor monthly as a franchise fee under this Franchise the, sum of one (1%1 percent of the month" y, 4 4� gross receipts Recurring Local Service Revenues, a s defined in Section 3 (H) of this ordinance, the City of Clsarxvater Code of Ordinances Section 32 . 034 , as prescribed in. Section 337 . 40";_ (3) 0 Florida Statutes_, (1993) . Should: the Florida orid:a statutes be modified to er i-t, a higher percentage or broader base of services to be subject to franchise fees, or if ;'t is determined that ec rri.ny, Local, Service Revenues include a 'broader range of revenue accounts than des riled in Section (3) ( 1) , the percentage or base spe,eifieC in this agreement shall be automatically modified to the maximum amount permitted by law. ( if at any time, the Grantee agrees to pay any municipality or county in the State of Florida: (a) a greater percentage of the gross receipts on Recurring Local. Service Revenues; or, (b) agrees to pay the same percentage of gross receipts on e cures i ng Local Service Revenues upon additional classifications of revenues (as described in the: :Federal Co:naun.iacations Co ission m s 'Uniform System of Accounts 47 ('-.F.R.°; past 32) , the Grantee shall immediately notify the Granter, and the Granter reserves the right to amend this Franchise to regpAre the Grantee to pay the ran"Cor such inci ea.s;ed percentage or the same percentage upon the additional classifications of revenues paid any other Florida municipality or county.' The Grantee's failure to notify Grantor of such additional payments does not limit Grantor's rights to such addi;ti.onal payments nor lilnit Grantee' s liability with respect thereto including interest can late payments outlined in Section 6 (C) . (C) Payment shall be made to the Grantor for each month noi later than the twentieth (20th) day of the following month. The monthly payment shall be :made by wire transfer.. Any monthly payment or any portion thereof received thirty 430) days or more after the die date shall be subject to interest at the rate of 12% percent per annum, or the maximum amount allowed by law, whichever is higher, until all payments are paid in full. SECTION 7 . AMLgival of %~r;kn f er. The rights and privileges granted by this Franchise shall not be sold, assigned, transferred, leased or pledged in whole or in part without the express consent of the t vaa,°t�a: _��x eb2X LYL .s� ::.ryL{ac3 fl�r .a with the City of Clearwater Code of ordinances Section 32 . 035, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. No such sale or transfer shall be effective until the vendee, assignee or lessee has filed with the Grantor an instrument, duly executed, reciting the fact of such sale, assignment or .lease accepting the terns of the Franchise, and agreeing to perform all the conditions thereof. 5 SECTION 8. m-- tl (A) .,_ Any material violation by the Gr t , it vendee, lessee or successor of the provisions of this Franchise or any material. porbons thereof, may cause the Franchise and all rights hereunder to be 'terminated and/or p.-nal ti es to be iriposed in accordance with the City of Clearwater Geode of Ordinances Section . 3 . After written not-ice to Grantee of a 'violation and failure by Grantee to rectify the violation within a real ana ale time, Grantor may terminate the Franchise and/car assess a penalty. A reasonable period of time is defined as the period of time required to rectify a, violation assuming that the Grantee has con ence good faith effort to reat.i£y, such violation but unde-r no circumstances shall be longer than thirty 30) days unless violation is due to circumstances beyond Grantee' s control such as an act of God. (B) Penalties Fo Non® °ma e. In the event that certain events occur, penalties from a mihirium of$50 to maximum 0; $1000 per occurrence ma,Y be imposed by the Grantor. . Listed below are certain re wire ents which, if not net by Grantee, may cause Grantee to be subject Ito penalties: ; 1)' Upon Grantor' s undertaking a utilities project and submission of plans or drawings to Grantee for review and comment, Grantee shall respond to Grantor no later than two weeks from the date of receipt: of such plans to comment on he feasibility, and compatibility of such plans with the existing Telecommunications Facilities. (2) Teleco ulrlieations Facilities shall not be installed or placed without obtaining all required permits. (3`) Grantee shall. obtain Grantor' s approval before Grantee undertakes any project requiring the closing of streets or traffic lanes, except wring emergency situations. (4 ) Grantee shall obtain permits from Grantor prior to the trimming and removal of trees. Grantee shall obtain. Grantor ' s approval before Grantee has displaced, damaged, or destroyed any sewer or water main, storm water appurtenance, or Bather utility belonging to Grantor. (6) Grantee shall provide adequate custome-r service to Granter in accordance with Florida Statute 364 . 0! and Florida puJblic 6ervi.ca Commission Rules for service 6 standards. Penalties shall only apply to the extent deemed a i, opriate by the Florida Public Service Commission under its existing rules and regulations. The Grantor shall enforce the foregoing roe isions with respect to the assessment cf penalties in accordance with the Floriic11 Administrative Proce&are Act, Chapter 120 of the Florida Statutes BEC-TION 9 . 9Txmtor, ,Riahts in Franchise. (A) The right is hereby reserved to the Grantor to adopt, in addition to the provisions herein contained and existing applicable ordinances, such atdditi<onal regulations as it shall find necessary in the exercise of its police power, provided that, such regulations, by ordinance or otherwise, shall be reasonable, and shall, not be in conflict with the laws of the State of �°lo�cida or of the United. States or with the lawful regulations of any state or federal agency possessing the power to regulate the activities of the Grantee. (B) The right is hereby reserved to the Grantor to order, in accordance with all applicable tariff terms, Telecomrunicat ions Services offered by Grantee with®n the Franchise Area, including any video di altone services that inay be offered by Grantee and that Grantor may wish to order for -municipal government programming. Nothing herein shall be deemed to the contrary. SECTION 10 des on e ,you (A) Egg. Telecoirtmunicat ions Facilities erected by the Grantee within the Franchise Area shall be so located. as to cause minimum interference with the proper use of Rights-of-Way, and to cause minimum: interference with the rights or reasonable convenience of property owners who adjoin any of the said Rights-of-Way. . ( oration . In case of any disturbance of surface, base or landscape treatment of Rights-of-Way Way or damages to Grantor' s structures and facilities caused by the Grantee' s operations and activities, the Grantee shall, at its own oast and expense and in a manner approved by the Grantor, replace and restore all :Riaht.s- of-Way or Grantor'4 s :structures and facilities disturbed, in as good or better condition as before said work was commenced and in accordance with ic-:i.ty Codex However, should the Grantee iLail to corm ence restoration after fifteen (1 5) days notice, in writing, to said Grantee by the Grantor, the Grantor may mal, e such repair and restoration and the cost of the same shall be paid by the Grantee. Grantee shall warrant for one (1) year all work done to repair Grantor's Rights-of-Way and other property during the, term of this Franchise. Upon detection by Grantee or upon request of the Grantor, Grantee shall at no -cost to the Grantor repair sunken patches, trenches or make other repairs that become necessary because of excavation or other work done by the Grantee at any time during the term of the Franchise agreenient. Grantor will set parameters for street cuts and maintenance as provided in the City Codes. Parameters will also be set for `L---ree trimm ire. ., (C) If at any time during the period of this Franchise-, Grantor shall lawfully elect to alter, or change the grade of any Rights-of-Way, or alter or move any structure or facility of Grantor Grantee, upon reasonable notice by Grantor, shall review, relay, and relocate its poles, wires, cables, underground conduit and other Telecommunication Facilities at its own expense. (D) Placement c- fjxtM_rea. Grantee shall not place poles or other fixtures where the same will interfere with any water hydrant, water main, or sewage line, reclaimed water lines and hydrants,' traffic signal poles and facilities, storm drains and facilities and all such poles or other fixtures placed in any Right-of-Way shall be placed <in such a manner as not to interfere with the usual travel hereon. UngjV_thg,-ej, L.,,,, t�t 9 Except in an Emergency,, any conduits, cable.s or pole lines installed or placed without first having obtained the permits; herein provided for shall be -moved within thirty (310) days after receipt of written notice by Grantor to remove the same. In default of compliance with such notUice, the conduits, cables, or poles may be removed by order of the Department of Public Works of the City and the cost of removal shall be borne and paid by the Grantee. (F) muor ary RE ag ydj__Qf Wire e f or Building Mgyi-na. Grantee shall, on the request of any person holding a building permit issued by Grantor, temporarily raise or lower its wires to permit the moving of buildings. The expense of such temporary removal, raising or lowering of wires shall be paid by the person requesting the same, and Grantee shall have the authority to require such payment ir, advance. Grantee shall be given notice of not less than forty-eight (48) hours to arrange for such temporary wire changes. -V- -M '1-,M eNg (G) T-r-r—�e_.TrIMMiM. Grantee shall_ have the author-lit-N upon and overhanging rights-of-Way of Grantor so as® 1:c pre�rent the branches of such trees from coming in contact with the wires and cables of Grantee, all trimming to be done pursuant to governing laws and at the expense of Grantee. (H) Unde�r rurLd Facilities,. (1) All existing underground cable shall. remain underground when repaired, replaced, extended or la-paraded, when practical. Consistent with good eng.-Meering practices and economic feasibility, future construction shall be underground. Under grounding of utilities along the Rights-of-Way 8 that abut development Which utilize a large volume of utilitie's may, w or-cur in coordination with "existing deficiencies" classified by Granl'-Ior. (2) Replacement poles, underground cables or other Telecommunications Facilities shall be placed between the property line and the curb line of all streets and avenues and shall not be within the roadway recovery area. New underground cables, when it is practicable to do so, shall have consistent alignment parallel with the edge of pavei,,,,ent, a thirty-six inch (3611) depth of cover for the paved portion of roadways, a twenty-four inch (24") to thirtv inch (3011) depth of cover in all areas except the paved portion of roadways, and shall have a two (2) foot horizontal clearance from other underground utilities and their aiDpurtenance. The loteiest wire on any poles placed in any Right-of-Way used by vehicle traffic shall not be less than eighteen (18) feet from the .ground and, whenever Grantee's wires and electric power wires cross each other, wires shall cross and be maintained in accordance with the National Electrical Code. Within six (6) months of the effective date of this Franchise, the Grantee shall. present a facilities plan, which shall: (i) , include a construction schedule; (ii) be coordinated: - with. the Grantor's construction programs to minimize impact on the motoring pub'lic; (iii) be in compliance with Section 10 (H) of this Franchise Ordinance, and be acceptable to the City' s Director of the Department of Public Works. The goal of the plan shall be the undergrounding of the Grantee' s aerial facilities consistent with good engineering practices and economic feasibility within ten (10) years from the effective date of this Ordinance. 1lhe Grantee shall within ten (10) years of the effective date of this Franchise, have over 90 percent of all the Telecommuni cat ions Facilities underground. (4) The Grantee shall provide the Grantor with records of its undercrround installation, on as built field ties, (horizontal and vertical) or on drawings provided by the Grantor within thirt: (3 0) days of the Grantor' s request for such information. (5) Grantor agrees to be a member of the one-call toll-free telephone notification system prescribed pursuant 'to Chapter 556 of the Florida Statutes (1993) , (I) :germ_its. No work shall be performed by Grantee, its subcontractors, contractors, agents or authorized representatives to install, locate, relocate or maintain Grantee' s Telecommunications, Facilities in, upon, along, across, above, over or under the Rights-of-Way now laid out or dedicated, and all extensions thereof, without first obtaining a proper permit for such work from Grantor. To the extent required by law, Grantee and each of its sulb-Contractors, contractors, agents or authorized representatives must be licensed to perform their service in the 9 Franchise Area.. 3T� me antee assumes al responsibility for a,pp�.i.,cab e permit(s) , their requirements and conditions, including notification for inspection purposes, and conformance to Grantor specifications. Grantee assumes responsil�ilit;y for licensing[ fees and any fines or penalties resulting from the failure of Grantee, its sub c ntraac,'t contractors, agents or authorized representative': to comply with this section of the Franchise agreement. To the extent allowed by law, all licensing fees are applicable to Grantee. ( � wsrra ted. Grantor does not warrant any right, title or interest of any Rights-of-'stay in existence or hereafter acquired, used by, Grantee or as may be used by Grantee in the future. ( Ut i. itv ,, . Upon Grantor' s; ,undertaking a utilities project and submission of plains or drawings to Grantee for review and comment, Grantee shall respond to Grantor no later than thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of such plans to comment on the feasibility and compatibility of such plans with the existing Teleco unicatioi s Facie ities'. pegti.gn. The Grantor shall have the right to inspect all construction and installation work to insure compliance with governing ordinances. SECTION 11. V—P-J;,ai ge V nUO- (.A) Grantee shall, at all times during the life of this Franchise, be subject to all lawful exercise of the police power by Gir-a dt.or and to such regulation as Grantor shall hereafter by resolution or ordinance provide. (B) The rights and privileges granted to Grantee by this Franchise shall at all tines be subordinate and inferior to the rights of the public in and to the ordinary use of Grantor' s rights-of-way and nothing in this Franchise shall be considered as a surrender. by Grantor of its rig]�t and power to use and relocate the use of its Rights-of-Way. (C) The Franchise and r i gh Is herein granted are subject- to the provisions of the .Y..—i✓.iid' A"�.r+0.A.ii 581 �..GIW.e°w and 5...: `'a3 ' of the State of Florida and those hereafter enacted pertaining to the granting of this Franchise and to the existing ordinances and provisions of the Charter of Grantor and those hereafter enacted pertaining to the granting of franchises. (D) .. In tt;te event that any legal proceeding is brought to enforce the terms of this franchise, the sane shall be brout ht in Pinellas 4vounty, Florida. 10 SECTION 12 . (A) The Grantee shall indemnify and hold. the Grantor and its officers, irecto,,ws; agents, servants, employees, successors, and assigns harmless of and from any and all claimts for personal injury, death, or property damage, any other .posses, damages, charges or expenses, including attorneys fees, itness fees, cis urt' costs and the reasonable value of any services rendered; by any officer or employee of the Grantor, and any orders, j $1, 000, 000 for all. other types of liability. The Certificate of Insurance reflecting the above coverages and limits of liability, with Grantor named as an additional ins�.Ared ' shall be filed with an-di approved by the city Commission, and such proof of insurance shall be filed and maintained with the City Clerk during the term of this F.anch se. SECTION 13. B AM X1L1!' , it a Should any section c, - provision of this Franchise Ordinance or any portion thereof be i:L ;hared by a court of compete nt j uri5dic;L 0-11 L,o be invalid,, such decision shal.1 not affect the validity y of the remainder, as a whole or any part thereof, other than the part declared to be invalid.. In the event of any such partial invalidity, the Grantor and Grantee shall meet and negotiate in good faith to obtain a, replacement provision that is in compliance 1wiRth the judicial'; authority' s decision. SECTION 14. Sys andte�o The following records and reports shall be filed with or available to or from Grantor (A) regulations. copies of such rules,. regulations, terms and conditions adopted by Grantee that relate to Grantee's; use of Grantor p s Ri.ght_of-tray, shall be available upon request by Grantor. (B) AhhqaJ Wiz . Grantee shall annually submit to Granter a copy of its published Annual Report upon request by Gran tsar P ('c) AccQunL-a. she Grantee will attach to each pa rent a statement" of its annual Recurring Local. Ser'vic.e Revenues by revenue ac-ountr category for the period on which such payment is based, signed by an authorized representative of the Grantee, in such reasonable form and detail as Grantor may from time to time prescribe, sufficient to shoe the source and. method of computation of said revenues. The acceptance of any statement or payment shall not estop the Grantor from asserting that the amount paid is not the amount due: or froi.ra recovering anv deficit by any lawful prccepdi gig. including interest: to be applied at a rate equal to that provided. by � Alrute for 4: ".<.t� `s- -t a a s a. :a a anaa J i tC.al 5la Il (D) vai lability records K Grantee shall supply all accounts and records of the Grantee and/or all such information that the Grantor or its representatives may from time to time request or require. Such financial records as are required under this agreement hereof shall be kept and maintained in accordance with generally accepted acc ou.ni:i.ng principles. A-11 of the said records shall , on written request of Grantor,, be open for examination and audit by Grantor 12 and +Grantor ¢ s -E-bcternal Auditors and their staff during ordi nar)r business hours, in the Glearnwater area Office of Grantee av,.`� such records :shall be retained by Grantee for a minimum, of five (5) years In the event the Reports are not made available to Grantor at Grantee's principal office in the City of Clearwater, Gra ntee shall reimburse Grantor for the reasonable travel expense of Grantor' representative ire �3uitin frc c� said re presentative' s tra vel to the location �The e the reports are maintained. ecor s an o - u Grantor may require an audit of Grantee"s books at Grantor' s expense once every five (5) , years during the term of this ordinance. in the event any such audit. identifies a 5%, or greater error on Grantee's part in failing to report the franc;` i.se revenue base for the audit period, Grantee agrees to reimburse Grantor for its reasonable audit costs Provided, however, that such costs shall not have been incurred by Grantor as a result e� any contingency fee arrangement bietween. Grantor and any t1ird party ;auditor, that any such auditor shall Beet all legal. qualifications to perform such audit, and that grantee shall have the right_ upon request, to review the contract between Grantor and any such auditor to confirm the foregoiniig. In the farther event.,, the audit identifies errors W,, hich will require time for correction, such errors may be projected into the future for a reasonable period of time to allow Grantee to correct same. At the time of correction of the >error(s) , a true-up or comparison of the amounts paid as a result of any projections, shall be made and if such true-,up results in the Grantee overpaying its franchise fee, Grantor s'ZIZAA reimburse Grantee for said amount including interest at the rate of 10% per annum. If such true-up results in the Grantee underpaying its "tanc:hise fee, Grantee shall pay said amount including interest at 10'% per annum.. Any underpayment or overpayment as provided herein shall be paid within thirty (30) slays after receipt of any demand or invoice from Grantor or Grantee ") n rs x° _ Xistc 1l at on Egcor s m Grantee shall provide Grantor with records of its underground installation, on as built field ties, (horizontal and vertical) or on drawings provided by Grantor within thirty (30) days of Grantor 's request for such information. SECTION 15 . Grantee shall maintain and operate its Telecommunications Facilities and render efficient service in accordance with the rules and regulations as are, or may be, set forth by the Public Service GommissiC:n of the State of Florida. 13 SECTION 16. Presence. Grantee shall maintain a business office or autho.rized agents or* locations within the City 'which shall be open during normal, business hours for the purpose of accepting payment,s of telephone bills and receiving customer inquiries. SECTION 17. gZ,4jft&)r1s Authority. (A) Nothing in this ordinance shall prevent GrantoAr from levying and collecting any other taxes or f-ses as Grantor may from '16-ine- to time be empowered, by law, to levy and collect. Such taxes and fees are not considered part of the franchise fees. (B) Grantee shal,l not be excused from complying with any of the terms and conditions of this Franchise by any failure of the Grantor, upon any one or more occasions, to require Granteel:s performance or compliance with any one or more of such terms or (C) Purcha-s-gz In the event the City' shall , seek to ,acquire the property rights of the utility as we'll as any extensions thereof within ,and without the' City, used in or useful in or connected with such utilitv and 'the extensions 'thereof, all. grants or renewals sha-11 at once terminate in accordance with the City of Clearwater Code of Ordinances Section 32 . 0-14 (2) . The purchase price of said property will be determined by negotiation between the parties. in the event the parties are unable to agree -he value, the parties hereby agree to submit the matter, to an . arbitration board of three members for determination. Each, party shall have the richt to appoint one member and the two memblers so appointed shall select the third member of the board. If either party does not wish to abide by the f indings of the arbitration board, in that event the parties may disregard the arbitration findings and exercise any other legal rights they may have, including condemnation proceedings. SECTION 18. Ordinances in Conflict. the contrary, in the event that (1) this Franchise or any part hereof, (2) any procedure provided in the Franchise or (3) any compensation due Grantor under this Franchise ordinance, becomes, or is declared or determined by final judicial authority exercising its jurisdiction to be- excessive, unenforceable, void, unlawful, in whole or in part, Grantee and Grantor shall meet and negotiate in good faith to obtain a new franchise that is in compliance with the authority ' s declSion 0� enactment; and, unless explicitly prohibited, the new franchise shall, provide Grantor with a level of compensation carnparable to that set forth in this Franchise. ` SECTION 19 . AC Grantee shall signify its acceptance of the Franchise terms is writing prior to City Commission' s approval of this Ordinance,,b filing such itt:n acceptance with the City Clerk . SECTION 20. A&t& ev' s -Feas and Expenses. Except as otherwise provided for herein, Grantor and Grantee hereto agree that if litigation becomes necessary to enforce any of the obligations, terms and conditions of this Franchise, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover a reasonable amount of attorney's fees and cut costs, including fees and costs on appeal, rom t hd�`. scan-�pre�rall Ong �aar°ty. SECTION 1. "a� Except in exigent circumstances, all notices by either Grantor or Grandee to the other ;shall be made by either depositing such notice in the Unite. States Mail:, Certif ied Mail return receipt requested or by facsimile. Any notice served by certified mail. return receipt shall be deemed. delivered d f ive (S) ' days after the date of such deposit in the certified United States mail unless otherwise provided. Any notice given by facsimile is deemed received by next Business Day. !'Business Day" for purposes, of this section shall: mean Monday through Friday, with Saturday, Sunday and Grantor and Grantee observed holidays excepted. All notices shall be addressed ssed as follows: To Grantors Ms. Elizabeth De tula City Manager City of Clearwater 112 S. Osceola Avenue Clearwater, Florida 34618--4748 To Grantees Donald W. McLeod VP-Regulatory & Governme ntal Affairs Eastern Regions GTE Florida Incorporated P. 0. BOX 110 `LTC0006 Tampa, Florida 3:3601 Notice shall be given as required by this Franchise and for all other Emergencies. Notice shall be provided to the above-named 15 addressees unless directed otherwise in writing by Grantor or Grantee. SECTION %=VA r x2x��An The failure of either party to insist in any one or more instance upon the strict performance of any one or more of the 'terms or rwiisions of ibis Franchise, shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment for the future of any such term or provision, and the same shall continue in full force and effect,. No waiver or relinquish ment sl,�.a]!Ll he deemed to have been nade by either ,party unless` said waiver or: relinquishment is in writing and signed key the parties SZCTION 25. This ordinance nail take.:. effect immediately upon adoption® PASSED O F1IR a`l~ READING i rr y ?9 5 PASSED ON SECOND AND FINAL June 15, 1995 Attest., tCyri�;ij- . doweau, City Clerk Appr€ai/ed as to form and legal sufficiency: Pamela K. Akin, City Attorney 16