WEST COAST FRUIT COMPANY DEEO {"}o:l PAGE l,~~ I .1 ~ . . , "r ~,. _J ""'. '-'!- E A S E MEN T c,T;,TE OF FLORID]!, , ,'J' C'):T. , ~'-lf' ;-) T ,--:i"T : , (' ) .:.. _l. 1 ~ ~_:.~...J.LJ.1. L . THIS AGHEEl.lENT, U;2Ge cnl~ enter80, in to, In duplicr,te, this, the ~d.y of" ~ )" D. 194:J, by end between the \'[:':,1 COAST ~HuIT Cm,jpAl,JY, ':' .::; J'r';Jr;oti ~lr1, party of thE firt:t part, ('He. tij,e cITY ',}[ "I vJ' f'l<j^ TJi'R rJ Li--,..", b. -\ ,.J." C , ']''"'lCl'''''l t 'o-r.','o'~"'.t; ""j (,,)f :',:,11 ')(, v' 1,.:., J, (; JJ..J!, ~ t'lE: l~l)Unt;y: of Pine:L123, St2te of :F'lori6a, jJc'rty 01 t"e sscond pnrtj , WITNESS~~TH: That the saic; """\<)T'+~T !),f the' -"l'rc.t _~U"L 1I./ ',_'__ -L... ~ '-.... pc.rt, for and in cGl1sideratiohof the SIDJI of Ten Dollars ($10.00), and other good o.no. valuc;b Lf3 consic er2tions, in hane;, o8id by the said party of the second pert, the re- C(~ L ,jt '\',hereof IS here by pcknowledged, cloth here by grant to ~~( ie:, tJart~/ of the sE~conCi ,~;Lrt, it::; SUCcu:,;:)r::: ;:'l1C .' (, 01' '.. c -t 1)7> Ci.~:J!...... ,":;. II ~, .J. ... ...L (:' period of t':-lirty (30) ]ears, or ULLil L~'j'c' bonds and/or S8v'er reVeDW~~ cE?rti:::icE tC2 iC:'8JUt "!yv t:""lE Citv of CleBTIf2ter to finance t~e COEt of construction of u' sene. ;:.c.ni tcTY fev.sr sy-ste;:l Ere retired, Em 8L2e:Tent ten (10) ~eet viie: e rnel ext(:;~-:din,:: di," ]onclll:/ (Cl'O.':; ~~ Vle '()!'OJE.H--.ty of' the party Qft4~:;fi:t;'pt pEl:rt herein Qescr:Lbed :;:'0..," t:~t" opArcti,m end i~c.intF,jnDnce of c::, i~jj.-;,'ciiic Bani tery sewer line nov; being constructed and ovml:;.d by S21d narty of the second part, in and uuon the hcreim):fter described 'Y'l" 'C 1 r, c' -l- ,', t " ...... . U-L \..,::.L; l.Jc... ':"., " l' ,1-', .:-'~ ,'C, 1"'1' 1 r,lI( v, _ LJl.l L~J.\..; L.~ 01....0_ ,-' r;'c" }',j, ,1+ '].; I]PI'tv 'end ...L _. _ .. __ ~J.... v, .._..l. -' J c, cluthori ty to enter upon and to con,struct, repc:ir, 111- steill ond ouerEte the said BE ni tell''! sewer&:e line o",ynE, J " bv or, i ,:::!,"h of the <:!econd;,J., Lrt, cU1Q to ';c;:intcdn c1DG d L- C -.....\~ J'-_..... u~. ~ rSi)(,il' the SUll:e in cEld u:Jon the sr.ic strin of lc,nd, being ten (10) feet in wiath, situate in the city of Cle2rwatel', County of Pinellc:'s, [Dei stC)tc of }lo~'i(lc:., (;,:;scribed E'S P 1] "~ 1.O,L,O, '-', to-v;it: Begin at the center line of l"ort Harrison Avenue as it now exists, th~ficeEast ,149 ."feet along the i,jort'; L hi':: o=- ;...u':,:, l)J, (,:1.11.1, "I.lL '-"ie, Subdivision, as recorcled in Book 5, page 36 of the public records of Pinellas County, Ylori6<J, to the center of a 10 foot strin of land, thence alon~ the center of 83id. ~) strip, South 61.1 feet, thence to the right 30-06' a distance 01 300.5 feet to thE Nortj line of A. StrEst, said point being 12~ feet Fast of t~e center l.ine of ~ort Harrison Avenue, (c:s it nm, existE:), alon!:_. the [!orth Line of A. Street. IT IE BEJiEBY l::r1'I?ULAT:L j liD AGLELD by and be- t'i'cen the respective parties that in the event the party of the iir[;t ])(irt s;nulc c:sL'i:~'=':. ,':,: ":::'')V,l..-.,J:' Pie S,.ill- tary seViEr Tine from the aforesClid premise::: prior to the -2- DEED 86:1 PAGEJ,24 I I, .....- " -'" , . '-- tEr'1i:l;::tion of this ecsement as hereinbefore y)rovided, t'len cmd In thE~t event the saiu sEni tary ,8 ewer line 8"10.11 be removed; provided, however, th2t t;lC pert: of t"I'= -f'-i -Y'0t D,,-,-,t c:~,nll Invp t"c' ri.~';lt :ct . l:.. ._ .l...... - 1 c....... ._",_C_-,_ C ,-' _._' . ~~:;."'_ ..... ,n~: o~.n expense after fifteen (15) day's notice to the party,of the [~econd D[lrt to remove the scid sev,'sr line to 2 different 10ceti'Jll on the oroperty owned oy the party 01 LiC: iir.st 'J[rt or to property owned by the Gerty of the second part, to-vvi t, streets or Cilleys, or U)Qn )ropert,Y 01] [1>:,6 by othE2' )E'I',:"ons, provicied t:h,e pETty of the fi rst ::,isrt sh<ill ac- / i qUIre!cJJ1 easelhent ten (l'J) feet v,ice :md extending the entirc'fiistc'Ilce and connect the S2me b8.ck to the! prr.::.,:,ent I or then maintained t'1nesf 0fthe~aT'~y"ofthe s:ee'ond nart; it being distinctly understood and agreed between the respective parties hereto that in the event the party of the first part shall desire to move the sev;cr line from the eC!sement hereby granted to a new loccition that t:1C res,,~'Ecti ve .:=mrties hereto shell asree on the new loc(';tion, the method and manner of constructi :In of the s,:;:ernu. the t . 1 -:J c1- ,11' f" 'I ,~ h + t 1.na erlC: USE'tj <_,llCt, be 0 SI:IlI ar KIna and c ..arac "er 0 the materiels usca in the construction of the ori[;inal 2e"!,';~r systef1 to be ap)roveci b:{ the pprty of the second part; and the party of ;the first part shall furnish to -3- OlLD t'j6J PAGE J25 I I .- the 0.,. arty of t11e secol1d lY)'cJrt q."t1' ("lL"{"+1)1'O\( ("VI' (~(.,rl:"( t,11~+ _. ~... -)....; t,. 1..._'. t. ....... V J.. (/ ,_ ~~ ......t. -J../ . u. V t~e pro~osed new location of the said sewer line is eit~pr o~ned by the party of the second D&rt or th~t the party of the first paI,'~ has acquired em easement €('lJi'r- 1 "nt '--'1"':; ]".-,) 11' :,- --- t -, ',",- -, .', c' lId h J 11 ,'- ~ J." Ii lu u,;JOt _ 1).-":; l::::I ule 0,-, nerc' n prov'deo. Q,n' 2 S .1'U~. right and lawful authority to trcmsfer tIle eGse;nent right to the party of the second pDrt for said sc;nitar;y sev',er line in its new location; or the ':Jarty of the secon(~ port SIle: J.l upon the demand of the .Qarty of t~e first D2.rt FC- C0:10oDVlne: the demand \vi th a deDosi t of sufficient iT:one,Y I v "-' to cover the EX)enSe of removing and reloxinz t.'1e seid sev.er line from points of connection c;,t this ti!11e over thE' new rout.e and.. to the other end of connection" 8Ild .' ",. "'-.' 't" 'u"o1" tl., .....-r+, of +, h..,C fl'.",ct ")"'l~t '::"1", t>",(:,'1 ~,,,,.,,n"'-~n:~ t'J ~-'\. .,j ",8 ~JC~", "'/ ' . u,~ .L " ,~, -^- ,. ,. '.. \",/1j.-,; Ll,c> ~ - f;~~,i~l:. ,," ~1'i; ; ;;';:;., .-:' ..,P!!:'t:~~~~:'lh:l-l:'" thf; pGrty of the second part satisfactory proof that. he hBS' secured (~11 eas8"lent rights needEd by the party of the SE:conG part for the purpose of layin,g the s;: 10 8r:!wer line uDon like t~~rmE' lli"1d candi tioHE' Of: set forth In this C:,~;I'U- ment, that then and in that event the party of the .secona part '.'iill re,llove the said seViEr line u"on the sbid fift('en (IE) (~.o ys ' notice and UDon the cOffinletion of the under- .1. .1. takings on the part of the party of t.he first part as con~ t. ". ". h .-, -, C'l-' ~,~ . I ('. ,.- -,'")~'~ (....... ,...,. ---' (. III ~ '-'-. _ ~ t L 1,1 ,: ,,(., --'- (" co:,I (. J _ . _Ll_ .L the afores&id sanitary sewer line o~ned by s8id 'nnr>t'. " c: J. "f " ,} of t~1e second. part. 1)'1..;' Party of the first part hereby covenants with I said party of the secClnd part that it is lawfully seizer~ in fee c:no is t11e mmer of the re81 property above de- scribed, and has full right and l2wful authority to exe- cute this agreement. IN Vi ITNESS WHEREOF', the said perty of the fi rs t. part has caused this easement to be executE!d in its nalI,e and on its beha.lf bv its " President, attested by its Becretb,ry, the day and year first above v,ri tten. - ~,......' ~~"" ~-;.,,'" _;-.~~~"i.: ~ f1 {J' "~"" ~.. l'Itlt,r ........'.....,..,_. ..,/" I.. .: ~ "W ..',/""" ... Ji." .li?:~:~i~~~;; "'\.e~\ ,',,'w,'" ",. ....." ',> ,",', ~t.,. ,'" . '~- ',' '", :J~"IiI.1~-,: "'~~ ~, :..,",.~, ~ . J. ''''')O:;j~ '.'/\ ;:~-;;~\~,.'" ,?:?-"~jiZ,r,, ':-"I;Ir~~:~~~;:~~:}~~;:";~?~S~': 'II" ., ,,,....."/....,...- " -..,. ~ ~", ," ;~\\\',,::~ a wI. ~.!~'T':7ST. +',-. '.:\>:" ........ -:1'!J,. J2..; . BY WEST COAST FRUIT t;OMPANY ~' , ".,,'.,.,'..,',~~t~~ 4~ J? . Secretary Signed, se2led and delivered in the uresence of: -L -6- DEED 861 PAGE 128 I .1 4 i. Iw. " '. . ~ ., STj\TE OF' .tLORllr, COUNTY OF PINELLAS. : ,_. -,' -,~." Before me, the undersigned authority, < persondly appeered --G ~ I , to P.le well known and known to me to be the person who executed the foregoing Easement, and he acknowledged Defore me thet he executed the SCJlne in his officic:l capacity as President of, and for and on be- half of the WEST COAST FRUIT COMPANY, a corpor8tion, as the free act and deed of said Corporrtion, for the uses 2nd purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF', I have hereunto set my hend O!lQ official seeI, t!1i~':the 'S~;:;,::; o-t..~ A. D. 1940. ",''''~5 H >~t:'-' '~~..~:.,.....~~~~..~ ..t- " .' ..'\<'" ......~~~.;:. '>,~.."r ,.' ..... ^ T"~" 'L\~ ,~: \.::..~ ,,'''''f ^')..;' ':~ ':....: "... 'iI":!!'!-'.'-'.", ~ :. , . A """^",,, ",,;.. ',', , ',:,'"./"U .:::;..~ f"'" "",~,- ~'". .ri:.~~"':":~~ ~~ ~...J.~""lJ 13 t! \ G'~, ~~.t::;, . .'~.: ,fitJ'~, ,.,.., ..~, , ' -...;.. #-,.~ -' """ . 1It~ ~', ,', ,,::,;fj~~"- " /-_ ,l (j B. I 0 ~ i ii' I' . ..t"',_(.I,,.'_ ;,(:] f' t'cL4 ~ Note.ry Public, St2te of Florio_a at Larae. b Notary Public State of Florida At large My Commission Expires July 3D, 1941 My COITmission ~xpires: -7- DEED 861 PAGf129 I I . . STA~E OF FLORIDA ) . . COTJV'IY OF PINELLAS ) KNOF AI,L I,iEN BY THESE PRESENTS : Too t I, BEA 1'RICE C. JUDKINS, for and in considera tion of the sum of :~10.00" and other good and valuable considerations" in ha.nd paid to me by !~.;est Coast Fruit Com- pany and the City of Cles.rwater, Plorida" receipt of which is hereby acknowledged.. being the owner and holder of that certain mortgage dated December 31st.. 1937, filed for record February 7th, 1938.. ~nd recorded in the pUblic records of Pine11as County" Florida.. as Instrument //55448, said mortgage being in the principal sum of $1000.00.. covering the prop- erty described in the above and foregoing easement, do hereby consent and agree to the execution of the above and fore~oing easement, bearing date of the Itld day of ~ ' 1940, by and between West Coast Fruit Com,tJany and dCity of Clearwater.. Florida.. a l'Iunicipal Corporation. I further consent to all of the terms, provisions" ~nd-con- ditions as contained in the above and foregOing easem~nt, and hereby signify my approval thereof and fully autllorize the execution of the same by West Coast Frui~ Company ; and I do further waive and relin- quish any right" title or interest in the real property described in the easement referred to herein in so far as the same may be affected by. the mortgage which I hold against said property, provided however.. this wa~ver and agreement shall become null and void in the event said easement is ever abandoned or not used by the City of Clearwater. IN WITNESS yn'0'REOF.. I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this the~ day of July, A. D. 1 9 4 O. ~~4t.~ (J ( SEAL) Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of : - 1 - I DEED l"itil PAGE 130 I I .. -~ - '~ ;. COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) : ) STATE OF FLORIDA Before me" the undersigned authority" personally appeared" BEATRICE C. JUDKINS, a widow" to me well known and known to me to be the perla'On who executed the foregoing a~gr_eeme:g.t" and she acknowledged before me that she executed the same as her free act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein expressed. ;, '\', t U f ';:""'<' , '- \\........, I 1/ I;, \""I,J",. , " ,~ /~ '-~.... .T'i,.....~, '-:~IN WITNESS WHEREOF" I have hereunto set my hand and 1;,1/\\qA;i"Y~\r- ~ _ 0 ~\::~[1~!-~tal, this the ~ day of July, A. D. 1 9 4 O. ".... +..," '. <-,,~~...t ""..,~, ""-,:" JII.....&-,.., ~~ -....,.... r L Q J I ~ ~'~"::~,. , ; " ~ .~\ ", \ \ '-; \ l ~ ~A~..\ ~'~. .6\.. ~1I Notary ,;,'ublic, S 'ta 'te of Florida at Large. My Commission Expj,res '.., Notary Public, State ..f Florida at Larg, My Commission Expires Feb. 23, 1941 .