SID LICKTON PARK - RESTROOM/PRESS BOX/CONCESSION BUILDING - 12-0024-PR-B, � � � � � � � i � � � � ' ' � � � � PARKS AND RECREATION DEPT. SID LICKTON PARK RESTROOM/PRESS BOX/CONCESSION BUILDING PROJECT NO.12-0024-PR-B TO BE OPENED THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 08, 2012 AT 1:30 P.M. EST OCTOBER, 2012 LL �y�� b_� � t ,t } �ar . �� � � a:�r�� _ �.�.� U ./ '4` °R°" CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE °"'�`"�'°°"""'' i2�3i�zoiz THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLD�R. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATNELY OR NEGATNELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE P+DLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUINCi INSURER(S), AUTMORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certiflcate hoider is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, tlw policy(les) must ba endorsad. H SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, su�ect to the terms and conditlons of the policy, certaln policies may requlro an endorsemenf. A stabment on thb csrtlflcab does not coMer rights to tM eerttHeate holder in Ileu of such endorseme s. PRODUCER COIDm6IC181 I.1II68 D1V1810II �TBC�C R1C9 Insurance P�oNE . (727)530-0684 F� (727)532-9602 i3oeo s sei�he= Ra -�. Largo FL 33773 ��� Modern Business Aasociates, Znc. ETAI. L/C/F/ Enerqy Servicea and Producta Corporation 9455 Koger Blvd., Suite 200 St. Peteraburq FL 33702 COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER�k:nerqy services and 2853 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH TH�S CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERM3, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLI CIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDU CED BY PAID CW MS. INSR TYPE OF INSINtANCE � uMrrs (iENERAL LIA�UTY EACH OCCURRENCE _ COMMEI2CIAL GENERAL LIABILITY s � CUIMS-MADE � OCCUR MED EXP ans = . PERSONAL3AONINJURY i GENERALAGGREGATE S . CaEN'LAGGREGATELIMITAPPLIESPER PRODUC75-COMP/OPAGG S POLICY �a LOC : AUTOM09LE LJABILITY ANY AUTO BOqLY INJURY (Per persai) f A�� ED AC�E�WLED BOpILYIN,NJRY(Paracddsn) S HIRED AUT� q�� : S UMBRELU W1B ��R EACH pCCURRENCE S EXCESS W18 CLAMAS-MADE AGC,REGA7E S DED RETENTION s p' �o �ai.o� u�neni��m g n u- �+ AP1Y PROPRIETOR/PAKR�IERIEXECUTIVE YI N E.L. EAdi ACCbENT S 1(Y00 OOO OFFICEWMEMBER D4CLUDED9 � N / A (Mand�tory M NH) 196-06932 /1/2013 /1/201� E.L DISFASE - EA EMPLOYE S 1 iY00 000 Ifyes deaaAbsunder DESG�RIPTION OF OPERA71pNS below E.L DISEASE - POIICY LIMIT S 1 0 �0 000 DESCPoPl10N OF OPERA71pNS I LOCATIOI�IS / VEHCLEB (Aqad� ACORD 707, Addltlonal Rw�AogdMA�N, Y ma� ap�e� h nquk� Workers Compensation coveraqe is provided by contract to all amployaea of Modern Business Asaociatas, Inc. and its svholly o�vned subsidiaries assiqned to Energy Sa:vi�s and Products Corporation. Coverage doea not apply to any employees not approvad 6 assiqned by Modern Businass Associatas, Inc. and ita rrholly o�rned subsidiaries, Enerqy Servioes and Products Corporation, Effective 01/O1/2013. Project No. 12-0024-PR-8 - 3id Lickton Park Restroom/Press Hox/Conoession Building CERTIFICATE HOLDER reurG� � er�nu City of Clearwater 100 S. Myrtle Ave. Clesrsvater, FL 33758 ACORD 25 (2010/OS) INS025 t�mnna� m SHOULDANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BUEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISION3. AUTHORIZED REPRESEPRATIVE webster/I�i � 1988-2010 ACI Thn Af:AR�1 namn anrl Innn �ro ronietawrl rnarire � A('AR�I � �. CORPORATION. All rights rsserved. � S ��.+'�\. CNCt'G7YL... . Vi" �Y. �v+. v 1 ACC3RC►' oa��ra�vi�wr�mry �,,�.�- CERTtFiCATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 12126I2012 THIS CERTIFI�ATE IS ISSUED kS A'NfATTER QF 1NFORMATIQN ONLY /WD CONPEftS NO RIGH'M UPpN'THE GERTIFICATE NOLQER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRNfATNELY OR NE�ATNELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE C01/ERAtiE J4FFORRED B'l TF1E FqWCIES BELOW. THtS CERTIFICATE OF 1NSURANGE DO�S NOT GONSTITUTE A CONTRAGT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(5), At17t#�ORiZED R�RRESENTATNE Oti RRODUCEI�, AND THE:GERTiFICA`�E NOLDER, IMPORTANT: tf fhe certificaie fwider is an ADDIiiONAL tNSkJR�D, the palicy('ies) musf be endorsed. If SU�Rd('iATMON IS WAhtED, subject #o the tertns and conditiw�s af tfie poficy, certain poficies may require an endorsemern. A statement on fhis certificabe does rwt coMer rights to tMe certif'icate hcWer in lieu of su�h ent! s. ar�cwuc� Phone: 727-343-7275 � A Cath Green Da�rg Mayer insucance Agency FBx: 727�343 2346 �ON� 727-343�1 a27$ qrc ao : 727-343-2346 5737 Nit�lh Avenue Norqt _ S�. Peters6urg, FL 33T10 ,��y�: �cath . reen dau ma era ene .com ►NSUr�a B 3817 W Hurnphrey St Suife 204 Tampa, FL 3361d-4988 INDIGATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REf1UIREMENT, TfRM OR GQNDfCION CERTIF{CATE MAY BE fS$UED OR MAY PERTAIN, 7HE INSURANCE AFFORD EXCLUSiONS AND CbIVDITIONS OF 3UGH POLICIES. UMtTS SHOWN MAY HAVE 0�� B AN7 AUTO ALIOWNED SCHEDULED AlJT06 � AlJTnS X HIRED AtJTOS X �p�� X �g�+� X occu� A Exc�ss u�e � C � Y/N � N/A C UTRACT OR POUGIES DI :ED 6Y PAID OSi26/2012 ( 06/25/2013 � WITH RESPEGT TO W�ICH THIS IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE: TERMS, ,.� 3 .DSINGlE11 R a acckk . Q���i2 OSI26/YO'I$ BODILYINJURY{Perpersonj 3 BODILY WJURY (Per sCddeqtJ S DAMAGE S accideM S OSt2�/2D'12 � O�I25/20i3 Sid Lir.lcton Park Raatrooms/Ps�ss Bo�/Conce¢sion Building 12-4024-PR-S. fiaats holder, The CStty o£ Gleasarater, is named as an additional ed. 30 day not3ce oi caricellation applies ocith the escepfiion of 10 Por non-payment of pr�uann. . City of Giearwater 100 S INyrtte Avenue Glearwater, FL, 33758 cinrc�� a SHOULD 1kNY OF 7HE RBOVE OESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLEU BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOE, N0710E iMLL BE dELNFRED IN ACGORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PRQVI$tONS. _ :; � 19 ACORD GORPORAT{ON. Atl ri�hts t�eserved. ACORD 25 {2010105) The AGORD name and logo are registsred marks f ACORD � � � � � � � � � � � ,- � r � �. �. �. � City of Clearwater, Florida SID LICKTON PARK � RESTROOM/PRESS BOX/CONCESSION BUILDING PROJECT NO.: 12-0024-PR-B TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS & NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SECTION II INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS SECTION III GENERAL CONDITIONS SECTION IV TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PRE-QUALIFICAITON FORM SECTION IV ARCHITECTS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION V CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 0 � :� � � SECTION I ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS & NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SID LICKTON PARK- RESTROONUPRESS BOX/CONCESSION BUILDING PROJECT N0.12-0024-PR-B CLEARWATER, FLORIDA Copies of the Contract Documents and Plans for this Project aze available for inspection and/or purchase by prospc;ctive bidders at the City of Clearwater's Plan Room - website address: www.mvClearwater.com/cit,yprojeets, ON Mondav, October 15, 2�12, until no later than close of business three (3) days preceding the bid opening. Price of Con�tract Documents and Plans, as indicated on the website, reflects reproduction cost only. Scope of Work: The work for which proposals consists the Building General Cmitractor to provide insurance, l�or, equipment, and building materials 1ix new � construction of a two story restroom/press box/concession building includes but not limited to; all conswction of undergound utilities to 5 foot outside limits of roof canopy line and beneath the roof canopy; connections of alI undergound building utilities to Site Contractor's underground utilities; building conUactor shall be required to bring in electrical service and provide conductor wiring from the property line from Progress Energy electrical service point of connectia�; provide and i►�stafl greue trap including sanitary building sewet line connection lo existing sanitary sewer line; co�Wct all masonry planters around building, these planter are locffied outside the drip line of the roof canopy_ Owner's Site Civil Contractor shall instal) the drainage system and planting soil of the planters. The Building Contractor is requured to � conswct all other items relazed to the masonry planters; construct masonry trash dumpster enclosure according to the drawings and specificatiwis; construct c��ncrete flatwork beneath the canopy roof line to outside the building canopy support columns sWcNre and roof line, concrete slab paving pattem and expansionlsaw cut contraction joinu shalt match paving pattem/medium broom finish as shown on the site plan tlus work shall be coordinated with the Owner's concrete flatwork coMractor, construction hade works includes but not limited to: reinforced concrete footing and slabs, masonry, plumbing, electrical, mechanical HV/AC system, elevator; glazing; framing, painting, finishes, millwork, roo5ng. The scope of work is a lump sum contract; there will be no additional funds provided for niissing � quantities or additional costs to perform the building construction works for this project as shown on the drawings and specificapons. The Owner has elected to provide direct purchase orders for building materials to ihe Building General Contractor's material vendors in having state sales taac saving for this proje�:t. The Ow[�er wilf provide purchue ordeis to the various material vendors for the Building General Contractor providing building materials and other miscelll�aneous materials to construct the two story resUoom/press bo�r/concession building for this project. The successful bidder shall, at the preconstruction meeting, g�rovide � his vendors providing the building materials for the project The successful bidder shall be included in the material vendor's the bill of quantities ancl dollar amount which shall include all applicable state sales for materials required for this project. The Owner will develop purchase orders for the Building 43er�eral Contractor's material vendors for the building materials less the state sales ta�c. � Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference for all prospective bidders will be held on 1:30 PM, Monday, October 29, 2p12 at Frank Conyers Park Conf. Rm. 714 N. Saturn Ave., Clearwater, FI. 33755 Representatives of the Ownet• and Consulting Architect & Engineer will be present to discuss this Projec� Sealed proposals will be received by the Purchasing Manager, at the Purchasing Office, located at the Munflcipal Services Bldg., 100 S. Myrtle Ave., 3`d Floor, Clearwater, Florida 33756-5520, until 1:30 P.M. on Thursdav, November, O8. 2012, and publicly opened and read at that hour and place for SID LICKTON PA►.RK- RESTROOM/PRESS BOX/CONCESSION BUII.DINGPROJECT N0.12-0024PR-B A complete bidders package containing plans, specifications, bond forms, contract form, affidavits and pra�►osal form is available to the general public (Contractors, Sub-contractors, suppliers, vendors, etc.) for revierw and purchase. However, sealed proposals will only be accepted from those Contractors that aze currenfly City pre-qualified Contractors , or has previously contracted with Parks & Recreation Department and has a minimum of 5 years expexience in similaz the conistrvction category of Commercial Buildines with a minimum pre-qualification or similar size pxoject in the amount of $850,000.00. Contractors wanting to pre-qualify to bid this project must do by fillin� out attachment in bid urouosal referencing of five (5) references with project name, value of project, contact person, address, phone number, fax number and �:-mail address submitted along with bid proposal on the bid opening date. Bid bond is reguired; contractor must hold his bid for a minimum of ninety days from date of bid opening. The right is reserved by the City Manager of the City of Clearwater, Florida to reject any or all bids. ''� The City of Clearwater, Florida Michael Mw�ray, Purchasing Manager (727)562-4633 1 SectionI112-0024-PR-B.doc � Page 1 of 2 7/23/2012 � ' � � � � � ' � � � � � ' � � � SECTION 11 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Table of Contents: 1 COPIES OF BIDDING DOCiJMENTS .......................................................................... l 2 QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS ..................................................................................1 3 EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE .................................1 4 INTERPRETATIONS AND ADDENDA .............:......................................................... 2 5 BID SECURITY OR BID BOND .................................................................................... 3 6 CONTRACT TIME .......................................................................................................... 3 7 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES ............................................................................................. 3 8 SUBSTITUTE MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT ......................................................... 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 SUBCONTRACTORS...................................................................................................... 3 BID/PROPOSAL FORM ................................................................................................. 4 SUBMISSIONOF BIDS .................................................................................................. 4 MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS .................................................... 5 REJEC'I'ION OF BIDS .................................................................................................... 5 DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDER .............................................................................. 5 OPENINGOF BIDS ......................................................................................................... 5 LICENSES, PERMITS, ROYALTY FEES AND TAXES ........................................... 5 IDENTICAL TIE BIDSlVENDOR DRUG FREE WORKPLACE ............................. 6 AWARDOF CONTRAC'T ............................................................................................... 7 BIDPROTEST .................................................................................................................. 7 TRENCHSAFETY ACT ................................................................................................. 9 CONSTRUCTION SITE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MEASURES ....................................................................................... 9 iSectionII[1].doc � � 4/3/2012 � ' � � � Section II — Instructions to Bidders 1 COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS l.l Complete sets of the Bidding Documents are available at the City of Clearwater's Plan Room — website address: www.mvclearwater.com/cityprojects. Price of Contract Documents and Plans, as indicated on the City's Website, reflects reproduction costs only, which is non-refundable. A complete bidder's package containing plans, specifications, bond forms, contract form, affidavits and bid/proposal form is available only to pre-qualified bidders. Contractors, suppliers, or others who are not pre-qualified but who may be a possible subcontractor, supplier, or other interested person may purchase a"Subcontractor" package consisfing of plans, specifications, and list of pay items. � 1.2 Complete sets of Bidding Documents must be used in preparing bids. Neither the City nor the Engineer shall be liable for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents, by Bidders, sub-bidders or others. � 1.3 The City, in making copies of Bidciing Documents available on the above terms, does so only for the purpose of obtaining Bids on the Work and dces not confer a license or grant any other pernussion to use the documents for any other purpose. I 2 QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS � � r- � I_ � �� � � ' , � �� 2.1 Each prospective Bidder must pre-qualify to demonstrate, to the complete satisfaction of the City of Clearwater, that the Bidder has the necessary facilities, equipment, ability, financial resowces and experience to perform the work in a satisfactory manner before obtaining drawings, spec�cations and contract documents. An application package for pre- qualification may be obtained by contacting the City of Clearwater, Engineering Department, P.O. Box 4748, Clearwater, Florida 33758-4748 (mailing address); 100 South Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, Florida 33756-5520 (street address only) or by phone at (72'� 562-4750. Pre-Qualification requirements information is also available on City of Clearwater Website at address: www.myclearwater.com/ o� v/depts/pwa/en�?inlConstructionlprequal.asp. Contractors wanting to pre-qualify to bid on a project as a General Contractor must do so two weeks (ten work days) prior to the bid opening date. Bidders currently pre-qualified by the City do not have to make reapplication. 3 EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE 3.1 It is the responsibility of each Bidder, before submitting a Bid, to (a) examine the Contract Documents thoroughly; (b) visit the site to become familiar with local conditions that may in any manner affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the work; (c) consider and abide by all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations; and (d) study and carefully correlate Bidder's observations with the Contract Documents, and notify Engineer of a11 conflicts, enors or discrepancies in the Contract Documents. 3.2 In reference to the Technical Specifications and/or the Scope of the Work for identification of those reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at the site which have been utilized by the Engineer in the preparation of the Contract Documents, bidder may rely upon the accuracy of the technical data contained in such reports but not upon non-technical data, interpretations or opinions contained therein or far the completeness thereof for the purposes of bidding or construction. In reference to those drawings relating to physical SectionII[1).doc Page 1 of 9 4/3l2012 Section II — Instructions to Bidders conditions of existing surface and subsurface conditions (except Underground Facilities) which are at or contiguous to the site and which have been utilized by the Engineer in prepazation of the Contract Documents, bidder may rely upon the accuracy of the technical data contained in such drawings but not upon the completeness thereof for the purposes of bidding or construction. 3.3 Information and data reflected in the Contract Documents with respect to Underground Faciliries at or contiguous to the site are based upon information and data furnished to the City and Engineer by owners of such Underground Facilities or others, and the City does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness thereof unless expressly provided in the Contract Documents. 3.4 Provisions concerning responsibilities for the adequacy of data fiunished to prospective Bidders on subsurface condirions, Underground Facilities, other physical condirions, possible conditions, and possible changes in the Contract Documents due to differing condirions appeaz in the General Conditions. 3.5 Before submitting a Bid, each Bidder shall, at Bidder's own expense, make or obtain any additional examinafions, investigations, explorations, tests and studies and obtain any additional information and data which pertain to the physical conditions (surface, subsurface and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing the work in accordance with the time, price and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 3.6 On request in advance, City will provide each Bidder access to the site to conduct such explorations and tests at Bidder's own expense as each Bidder deems necessary for submission of a Bid. Bidder shall fill atl holes and clean up and restore the site to its former condition upon completion of such explorations and tests. 3.7 The lands upon which the Work is to be performed, rights-of-way and easements for access thereto and other lands designated for use by the Contractor in performing the Work are identified in the Contract Documents. All additional lands and access thereto required for temporary construction facilities or storage of materials and equipment are to be provided by the Contractor. Easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing structures are to be obtained and paid for by the City unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. 3.8 The submission of a Bid will constihrte an unequivocal representation by the Bidder that the Bidder has complied with every requirement of these Instructions to Bidders and that, without exception, the Bid is premised upon performing and fiunishing the Work required by the Contract Documents by such means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction as may be indicated in or required by the Contract Documents, and that the Contract Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions of performance and furnishing of the work. 4 INTERPRETATIONS AND ADDENDA 4.1 All questions as to the meaning or intent of the Contract Documents are to be directed to the Engineer. Interpretations or clarifications considered necessary by the Engineer in response to such questions will be issued by Addenda, by the City's plan room to all parties recorded by the City's plan room as plan holders having received the Bidding Documents. Quesrions received after the time fiame specified at the pre-bid meeting prior to the date for opening of SectionII[I].doc Page 2 of 9 � , � � � � � ' � � La � �� � � � , 4/3/2012 � � ' � ' � ' � � ' ' � l� � � Section II — instructions to Bidders Bids may not be answered. Only information provided by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations of clarifications will be without legal effect. 4.2 Addenda may also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by the City or Engineer. 5 5.1 5.2 53 6 6.1 % �.l 8 BID SECURITY OR BID BOND Each Bid must be accompanied by Bid Security made payable to the City of Clearwater in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the Bidder's maximum Bid price and in the form of a certified or cashier's check or a Bid Bond (on form attached) issued by a surety meeting the requirements of the General Conditions. A cash bid bond will not be accepted. T'he Bid Security of the Successful Bidder will be retained until such Bidder has executed the Agreement and furnished the required Payment and Performance bonds, whereupon the Bid Security will be returned. If the Successful Bidder fails to execute, deliver the Agreement and fumish the required Bonds within ten (10) days after the award of contract by the City Council, the City may annul the bid and the Bid Security of the Bidder will be forfeited. The Bid Security of any Bidder whom the City believes to have a reasonable chance of receiving the award may be retained by the City until the successful execution of the agreement with the successful Bidder or for a period up to ninety (90) days following bid opening. Security of other Bidders will be returned approximately fourteen (14) days after the Bid opening. The Bid Bond shall be issued in the favor of the City of Clearwater by a surety company qualified to do business in, and having a registered agent in the State of Florida. CONTRACT TIME The number of consecutive calendar days within which the work is to be completed is set forth in the Technical Specifications. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Provisions for liquidated damages are set forth in the Contract Agreement. SUBSTITUTE MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 8.1 The contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of material and equipment described in the Drawings or specified in the Specifications without consideration of possible substitute or "or equal" items. Whenever it is indicated in ihe Drawings or specified in the Specifications that a substitute or "or equal" item may be fiunished or used, application for its acceptance will not be considered by the Engineer until after the effective date of the Contract Agreement. The procedure for submittal of any such application is described in the Genera,l Conditions and as supplemented in the Technical Specifications. �, 9 SUBCONTRACTORS 9.1 If requested by the City or Engineer, the Successfui Bidder, and any other Bidder so � requested, shall, witivn seven (7) days after the date of the request, submit to the Engineer an experience statement with pertinent information as to similar pmjects and other evidence of qualification for each Subcontractor, supplier, person and organization to be used by the ' SecdonII[i].doc Page 3 of9 4/3/2012 � 9.2 Section II — Inswctions to Bidders Contractor in the completion of the Work. The amount of subcontract work shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the Work except as may be specificaily approved by the Engineer. If the Engineer, after due investigation, has reasonable objection to any proposed Subcontractor, supplier, other person or organization, he may, before recommending award of the Contract to the City Council, request the Successful Bidder to submit an acceptable substitute without an increase in Contract Price or Contract Time. If the Successful Bidder declines to make any such substitution, the City may award the contract to the next lowest and most responsive Bidder that proposes to use acceptable Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations. Declining to malce requested substitutions will not constitute grounds for sacrificing the Bid security to the City of any Bidder. Any Subcontractor, supplier, other person or organization listed by the Contractor and to whom the Engineer does not make written objection prior to the recommendation of award to the City Council will be deemed acceptable to the City subject to revocation of such acceptance after the Effective Date of the Contract Agreement as provided in the General Conditions. No Contractor shall be required to employ any Subcontractor, supplier, person or organization against whom he has reasonable objection. 10 BID/PROPOSAL FORM 1Q.1 The Bid/Proposal Form is included with the Contract Documents and shall be completed in ink or by typewriter. All blanks on the BidlProposal Forms must be completed. Unit Prices shall be to no more than two decimal points in dollars and cents. The Bidder must state in the Bid/Proposal Form in words and numerals without delineation's, alterations or erasures, the price for which he will perform the work as required by the Contract Documents. Bidders are required to bid on all items in the Bid/Proposal form. The lump sum for each � section or item shall be for furnishing all equipment, materials, and labor for completing the section or item as per the plans and contract specifications. Should it be found that quantities or amounts shown on the plans or in the proposal, for any part of the work, are exceeded or should they be found to be less after the actual construction of the work, the amount bid for each section or item will be increased or decreased in direct proportion to the unit prices bid for the listed individual items. 10.2 Bids by corporations shall be e�ecuted in the corporate name by the president or a vice- president (or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign) and the corporate seal shall be af�ixed. The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be shown below the Signature. If requested, the person signing a Bid for a corporation or partnership shall produce evidence satisfactory to the City of the person's authority to bind the corporation or partnership. 10.3 Bids by partnerships shall be executed in the partnership name and signed by a general partner, whose title shall appear under the signature and the official address of the partnership shall be shown below the signature. 10.4 11 All names shall be typed or printed below the signature. SUBMISStON OF BIDS 11.1 Sealed Bids shall be submitted at or before the fiime and at the place indicated in the Advertisement for Bids and shall be submitted in a 8.5"xll" manila envelope with the project name and number on the bottom left hand comer. If forwarded by mail, the Bid shall be enclosed in another envelope with the notation "Bid Enclosed" on the face thereof and Sectionll[1].dce Page 4 of 9 4/3/2012 ' ' � � � � � � � LJ � � � � , 12 Section 11— Instr�ctions to Bidders addressed to the City of Clearwater, attention Purchasing Manager. Bids will be received at the office indicated in the Advertisement until the time and date specified. Telegraphic or facsimile bids received by the Purchasing Manager will not be accepted. MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS 12.1 Bids may be modified or withdrawn by an appropriate document duly executed (in the manner that a Bid must be executed) and delivered as described in the Advertisement of Bids. A request for withdrawal or a modification shall be in writing and signed by a person duly authorized to do so. Withdrawal of a Bid will not prejudice the rights of a Bidder to submit a new Bid prior to the Bid Date and Time. After expiration of the period for receiving Bids, no Bid may be withdrawn or modified. 12.2 After a bid is received by the City, the bidder may request to modify the bid for typographical or scrivener's errors only. The bidder must state in writing to the City that a typographical or scrivener's error has been made by the bidder, the nature of the error, the requested correction of the error, and what the adjusted bid amount will be if the correction is accepted by the City. The City reserves the right at its sole discretion to accept, reject, or modify any bid. 13 REJECTION OF BIDS 13.1 To the extent permitted by applicable State and Federal laws and regulations, the City reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, and to waive any and all informalities. Grounds for the rejection of a bid include but aze not limited to a material omission, unauthorized alteration of form, unauthorized alternate bids, incomplete or unbalanced unit prices, or irregularities of any kind. Also, the City reserves the right to reject any Bid if the City believes that it would not be in the best interest of the public to make an awazd to that Bidder, whether because the Bid is not responsive or the Bidder is unqualified or of doubtful financial ability or fails to meet any other pertinent standazd or criteria established by the City. The City reserves the right to decide which bid is deemed to be the lowest and best in the interest of the public. 14 DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDER 14.1 Any or all bids will be rejected if there is any reason for believing that collusion exists among the bidders, the participants in such collusion will not be considered in future proposals for the same work. Each bidder sha11 execute the Non-Collusion Affidavit contained in the Contract Documents. 15 OPENING OF BIDS 15.1 iI� Bids will be opened and read publicly at the location and time stated in the Advertisement for Bids. Bidders aze invited to be present at the opening of bids. LICENSES, PERMITS, ROYALTY FEES AND TAXES 16.1 The Contractor sha11 secure all licenses and pernuts (and shall pay a11 permit fees} except as ' specifically stated otherwise in the Technical Specifications. The Contractor shall comply with all Federal and State Laws, County and Municipal Ordinances and regulations, which in any manner effect the prosecution of the work. City of Clearwater building permit fees � SectionlI[I].doc � Page 5 of 9 4l3/2012 Section Il — Instructions to Bidders and impact fees will be waived except as specifically stated otherwise in the Technical Specifications. 16.2 The Contractor shall assume all liability for the payment of royalty fees due to the use of any construction or operation process, which is protected by patent rights except as specifically stated otherwise in the Technical Specifications. The amount of royatty fee, if any, shall be stated by the Contractor. 16.3 The Contractor sha11 pay all applicable sales, consumer, use and other taxes required by law. The Contractor is responsible for reviewing the pertinent State Statutes involving the sales tax and sales tax exemptions and complying with a11 requirements. 16.4 The City of Cleazwater is exempt from state sales tax on materials incorporated into the WORK. The City of Clearwater reserves the right to implement the Owner Direct Purchase (ODP) Option, if indicated in the Scope of Work Description in Section N— Technical Specifications and as defined in Section III — General Conditions. 17 IDENTICAL TIE BIDSNENDOR DRUG FREE WORKPLACE 17.1 In accordance with the requirements of Section 287.087 Florida Statutes regarding a Vendor Drug Free Workplace, in the event of identical tie bids, preference shall be given to bidders with drug-free workplace programs. Whenever two or more bids which are equal with respect to price, quality, and service are received by the City for the procurement of commodities or contractual services, a bid received from a business that certifies that it has implemented a drug-free workplace program shall be given preference in the award process. Established procedures for processing tie bids will be followed if none or all of the tied bidders have a drug-free workplace program. In order to ha�e a drug-free workplace program, a contractor shall supply the City with a certificate containing the following six statements and the accompanying certification statement: (1) Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. (2) Inform employees as to the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. (3) Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1). (4) In the statement specified in subsection (1}, notify the employees tha.t, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and wili notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of chapter 893, or of any controlled substance law, of the United States, or of any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. (5) Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. SectionII[1].doc Page 6 of 9 4/3l2012 � , r � ' � � � � �I � � ' � ' � , Section II — Instructions to Bidders (6) Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of this section. I certify that this fum does/does not (select only one) fully comply with the above requirements. 18 AWARD OF CONTRACT 18.1 Discrepancies between words and figures will be resolved in favor of words. Discrepancies in the multiplication of units of work and unit prices will be resolved in favor of the unit prices. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any column of figures and the conect sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. 18.2 In evaluating the Bids, the City will consider the qualifications of the Bidders, whether or not the Bids comply with the prescribed requirements, unit prices, and other data as may be requested in the Bid/Proposal form. The City may consider the qualifications and experience of Subcontractors, suppliers and other persons and organizations proposed by the Contractor for the Work. The City may conduct such investigations as the City deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial ability of Bidders, proposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons, and organizations to perform and furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents to the City's satisfaction within the prescribed time. 18.3 If the Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to the lowest responsible, responsive Bidder whose evaluation by the City indicates to the City that the award will be in the best interest of the City. 18.4 Award of contract will be made for that combination of base bid and alternate bid items in the best interest of the City, however, unless otherwise specified a11 work awarded will be awarded to only one Contractor. '19 BID PROTEST 19.1 RIGHT TO PROTEST: Any actual bidder who is aggrieved in connection with the solicitation or award of a contract may seek resolution of hislher complaints initially with the Purchasing Manager, and if not satisfied, with the City Manager, in accordance with protest procedures set forth in this section. 19.2 PROTEST PROCEDURE: A. A protest with respect to the specifications of an invitation for bid or request for proposal sha11 be submitted in writing a minimum of five (S) work days prior to the opening of the bid or due date of the request for proposals, unless the aggrieved person could not have been reasonably expected to have lrnowledge of the facts giving rise to such protest prior to the bid opening or the closing date for proposals. Opening dates for bids or due dates for requests for proposal will be printed on the bid/request document itself. B. Protests in respect to award of contract sha11 be submitted in writing a maximum of five (5) work days after notice of intent to award is posted, or is mailed to each bidder, whichever is earlier. Notice of intent to award will be forwarded to bidders upon telephonic or written request. Protests of recommended award should cite � SectionII[1].doc � Page ? of 9 4/32012 Section II — Instructions to Bidders specific portions of the City of Clearwater Code of Ordinances that have allegedly been violated. C. Exceptions to the five (5) day requirements noted in both A and B above may be granted if the aggrieved person could have not been reasonably expected to have knowledge of the facts giving rise to such protest prior to the bid opening, posting of intent to award, or due date for requests for proposals. Request for exceptions should be made in writing, stating reasons for the exception. D. The Purchasing Manager shall respond to the formal written protest within five (5) work days of receipt. The Purchasing Manager's response will be fully coordinated with the appropriate Department Director and the Assistant City Manager. E. If the protestor is not satisfied with the response from the Purchasing Manager, helshe may ihen submit in writing within five (5) work days of receipt of that response his�er reason formal protest letter and Manager. or dissatisfaction, along with copies of his/her original the response from the Purchasing Manager, to the City F. The City Manager as Purchasing Agent for the City has the final authority in the matter of protests. The City Manager will respond to the protestor within ten (10) work days of receipt of the appeal. 19.3 PROTEST FEE: When filing a formal protest, the protesting vendor must include a fee in the amount of 5% of the selected vendor's total bid to offset the City's additional expenses related to the protest. This fee shall not exceed $2,500 nor be less than $50. If either the Purchasing Manager or the City Manager upholds the protest, the City will refund 100% of the fee paid. 19.4 STAY OF PROCUREMENT DURING PROTEST: In the event of a timely pmtest, the Purchasing Manager shall not proceed with the solicitation or award of contract until all administrative remedies have been exhausted or until the City Manager makes written determination that the award of contract without delay is necessary to protect the best interest of the City. SectionlI[1].doc Page 8 of 9 L_� , ' r C_J �J ' r � ' � � � ' � , I� LJ 4/3/2012 � � � ' Section II — Instructions to Bidders 20 TRENCH SAFETY ACT ' 20.1 The Bidder shall comply with the provisions of the City of Cleazwater's Ordinance related to trench digging (Ordinance No. 7918-08) along with the Florida Trench Safety Act (Sections 553.60-553.64, Florida Statutes) and the provisions of the Occupational ' Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) excavation safety standards, 29 C.F.R.s 1926.650 Subpazagraph P, or current revisions of these laws. ' 21 CONSTRUCTION SITE EROSION AND SEDtMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MEASURES , 21.1 The Bidder shall comply with the provisions of the Envirorunental Protection Agency (EPA) National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater permit and implement stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPP's) or stormwater � management programs (both using best management practices (BMPs) that effectively reduce or prevent the discharge of pollutants into receiving waters. , ' � u � ' � , ' � � ' A. The control of construction-related sediment loadings is critical to maintaining water quality. The implementation of proper erosion and sediment control practices during the construction stage can significantly reduce sediment loadings to surface waters. B. Prior to land disturbance, prepare and implement an approved erosion and sediment control plan or similar administrative document that contains erosion and sediment control provisions. NPDES Management Environmental Division Management Practices. References EPA website SectionII[I].doc Measures available at City of Clearwater En ing eering and EPA websites to help address construction-related Best Page 9 of 9 4/3/2012 � ' 1 ' ' , � ' ' � ' � ' , ' ' ' ' ' Table of Contents: 1 ►� 3 4 5 6 SECTION III GENERAL CONDITIONS DEFINITIONS..................................................................................................................1 PRELIMINARYMAT`I'ERS ........................................................................................... 5 2.1 DELIVERY OF BONDS AND CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE ............................ 5 2.2 COPIES OF DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................ 5 23 COMMENCEMENT OF CONTRACT TIME/NOTICE TO PROCEED; STARTING THEPROJECT ................................................................................................................ 5 2.4 BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION .......................•-•........................................... 5 2.5 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE ........................................................................ 6 2.6 PROGRESS MEETINGS ................................................................................................ 6 CONTRACI' DOCUMENTS, INTENT ......................................................................... 7 3.1 1N'I'ENT ........................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 REPORTING AND RESOLVING DISCREPANCIES .................................................. 7 AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS .................................................................................................... 8 4.1 AVAILABILI'I`Y OF LANDS ......................................................................................... 8 4.2 INVESTIGATIONS AND REPORTS ............................................................................ 8 4.3 PHYSICAL CONDITIONS, UNDERGROUND FACILITIES ..................................... 8 4.4 REFERENCE POINTS .................................................................................................... 9 BONDS AND INSURANCE ............................................................................................ 9 5.1 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND/CONTRACT BOND ............................... 9 5.2 INSURANCE ................................................................................................................... 9 5.2.1 WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE ......................................................... 10 5.2.2 PUBLIC LIABILITYAND PROPERTYDAMAGE COVE.RAGE ............................ i0 5. 2. 3 COMPREHENSNE A UTOMOBILE LIABILITY .................................................... i 1 5.3 WANER OF RIGHTS .................................................................................................. 12 CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITIES .....................................................................12 6.1 SUPERVISION AND SUPERINTENDENCE.........••• .................................................12 6.2 LABOR, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ...............................................................13 6.3 SUBS'I"ITIJTES AND "OR EQUAL" ITEMS .............................................................. 14 6.4 SUBCONTRACTORS, SUPPLIER.S AND OTHERS .................................................. 14 6.5 USE OF PREMISES ...................................................................................................... 15 6.5.1 STAGINGAREAS ........................................................................................�--.........15 6. S. 2 RESTORATION TIME LIMITS ................................ ................................................ 1 S 6.6 LICENSE AND PATENT FEES, ROYALTIES AND TAXES ................................... 16 6.7 LAWS AND REGIJI..ATIONS ...........................................•---.......................................16 6.8 PERMITS .......................................................................................................................17 6.9 SAFE'TY AND PRO`TECTION .....................................................................................17 6.10 EMERGENCIES ............................................................................................................18 6.11 DRAWINGS .................................................................................................................. 18 SectionIII.doc 7/31/2012 6.11.1 SHOP DRAWINGS, SAMPLES, RFIs, and SZIBMI7TAL REI/IEW ........................ 18 6.11.2 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS .............................................................•----.......................... 19 6.11.3 CAD STANDARDS ................................................................................................... 2� 6.11.4 DELIVERABLES :....................................................................................................23 6.12 CONTRACTOR'S GENERAL WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE ........................... 23 6.13 CONTINUING THE WORK ........................................................................................ 23 6.14 INDEMNIFICATION .................................................................................................... 24 6.15 CHANGES IN COMPANY CONTACT INFORMATION ......................................... 24 7 OTHER WORK .............................................................................................................. 24 7.1 RELATED WORK AT SITE ............................................................................••••........ 24 7.2 COORDINATION .........................................................................................................25 8 OWNERS RESPONSIBILI'I'Y ...................................................................................... 25 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 10 11 12 13 14 OWNER REPRESENTATIVE'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION .............. 25 OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE ......................................................•••.......................... 25 CLARIFICATIONS AND IN'I'ERPRETATIONS ........................................................ 26 REJECTING OF DEFECTIVE WORK ........................................................................ 26 SHOP DRAWINGS, CHANGE ORDERS, AND PAYMENTS .................................. 26 DECISIONS ON DISPUTES ........................................................................................ 26 LIMITATIONS ON OWNER REPRESENTATIVE'S RESPONSIBILITIES ............. 27 CHANGESIN THE WORK .......................................................................................... 28 CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT PRICE ................................................................... 28 1 l.l CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT PRICE .................................................................... 28 11.2 ALLOWANCES AND FINAL CONTRACT PRICE ADNSTMENT ....................... 30 113 UNIT PRICE WORK .................................................................................................... 30 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 14.1 14.2 143 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT TIME .................................................................... 31 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS, CORRECTION, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK ............................................................................................... 31 TESTS AND INSPECTION .......................................................................................... 31 UNCOVERINGTHE WORK ...............................•-•..................................................... 32 OWNER'S REPRESENTAT'IVE MAY STOP THE WORK ....................................... 32 CORRECTION OR REMOVAL OF DEFEC'TIVE WORK ........................................ 33 WARRANTY/CORRECTION PERIOD ...................................................................... 33 ACCEPTANCE OF DEFEC'TIVE WORK ................................................................... 33 OWNER MAY CORRECT DEFECTNE WORK ....................................................... 34 PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPLETION ......................................... 34 APPLICATION FOR PROGRESS PAYMENT ........................................................... 34 CONTRACTOR'S WARRANTY OF TITI.,E ............................................................... 35 REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS FOR PROGRESS PAYMENTS ................................ 35 PARTIAL UTII.,IZA'ITON ............................................................................................ 36 FINAL INSPECTION ................................................................................................... 37 FINAL APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT ................................................................... 37 FINAL PAYMENT AND ACCEPTANCE ................................................................... 37 WAIVER OF CLAIMS ................................................................................................. 38 SectionIlI.doc � �r�ino�2 , ' , � , , ' � �I I_ I ' � L� � ' ' ' � , 15 l S.l 15.2 15.3 16 17 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.7 18 19 20 21 22 22.1 22.2 23 23.1 232 233 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 23.8 24 25 SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION .................................................... 38 OWNER MAY SUSPEND THE WORK ...................................................................... 38 OWNERMAY TERMINATE ...................................................................................... 38 CONTRACTOR MAY STOP WORK OR TERMINATE ........................................... 40 DISPLJ'TE RESOLUTION .............................................................................................. 40 MISCELLANEOUS....................................................................................................... 40 SUBMITTAL AND DOCUMENT FORMS ................................................................. 40 GIVINGNOTICE .......................................................................................................... 40 NOTICEOF CLAIM ..................................................................................................... 41 PROFESSIONAL FEES AND COURT COSTS INCLUDED ..................................... 41 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTR.ACT ................................................................................. 41 RENEWALOPT'ION .................................................................................................... 4l ROLL-OFF CONTAINERS AND/OR DUMPSTERS ................................................. 41 ORDER AND LOCATION OF THE WORK .............................................................. 41 MATERIAL USED ......................................................................................................... 41 CONFLICT BETWEEN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ..................................... 42 OWNER DIRECT PURCHASE (ODP) OPTION ....................................................... 42 RESIDENT NOTIFICATION OF START OF CONSTRUCTION .......................... 42 GENERAL..................................................................................................................... 42 EXAMPLE..................................................................................................................... 42 PROJECT INFORMATION SIGNS ............................................................................ 43 SCOPE AND PURPOSE ............................................................................................... 43 TYPE OF PROJECT SIGN, FIXED OR PORTABLE ................................................. 43 FIXEDSIGN ................................................................................................................. 44 PORTABLESIGNS ...................................................................................................... 44 SIGNCOLORING ...................................................•-.................................................... 44 SIGNPLACEMENT ..................................................................................................... 44 SIGNMAINTENANCE ................................................................................................ 44 TYPICAL PROJECT SIGN .......................................................................................... 45 AWARD OF CONTRACT, WORK SCHEDULE AND GUARANTEE .................. 45 SCRUTINIZED COMPANIES AND BUSINESS OPERATIONS WITH CUBA AND SYRIA CERTIFICATION FORM ..................................................................... 46 ' SectionIll.doc ' � 7/31/2012 , � � ' ' ' Section III — General Conditions 1 DEFINITIONS Addenda Wririen or graphic instruments issued prior to the opening of Bids which clarify, correct or change the Bidding Requirements or the contract documents. Agent Architect, engineer or other outside agency, consultant or person acting on behalf of the City. Agreement T'he written contract between Owner and Contractor covering the Work to be performed; other Contract Documents aze attached to the Agreement and made a part thereof as provided therein. Application for Payment ' The form accepted by Engineer which is to be used by Contractor in requesting progress or final payments and which is to be accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. ' ' � Approve The word approve is defined to mean satisfactory review of the material, equipment or methods for general compliance with the design concepts and with the information given in the Contract Documents. It does not imply a responsibility on the part of the Engineer to verify in every detail conformance with the Drawings and Specifications. Bid The offer or proposal of the bidder submitted on the prescribed form setting forth the prices for the work to be performed. ' Biddzng Documents The advertisement or invitation to Bid, instructions to bidders, the Bid form, and the proposed Contact Documents (including all Addenda issued prior to receipt of Bids). � Bonds Performance and payment bonds and other instruments of security. ' ' , ' ' � ' Change Order A written order to Contractor signed by Owner and Contractor authorizing an addition, deletion or revision in the Work, or an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time issued on or after the effective date of the Agreement. City The City of Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida. Construction Inspector A person who is the authorized representative of the Construction Manager and inspects City construction projects in order to insure the Contractor's work complies with the intent of the Contract Documents. Construction Manager The person who is typically in responsible charge of City construction projects. The Construction Manager assumes responsibility for the management of construction contracts at the Preconstruction Conference. The Construction Manager chairs the Preconstruction Conference and is the authority on any disputes or decisions regarding SectionlII.doc Page I of 49 7/31l2012 Section III — General Conditions contract administration and performance. The Construction Manager typically acts as the Owner's Representative during construction. Contract Documents The Agreement, Addenda (which pertain to the Contract Documents), Contractor's Bid (including documentation accompanying the bid and any post-Bid documentation submitted prior to the execution of the Agreement) when attached as an exhibit to the Agreement, the Bonds, Instructions to Bidders, these General Conditions, any Supplementary Conditions, the Specifications and the Drawings, any other exhibits identified in the Agreement, together with all Modifications issued after the execution of the Agreement. Contract Price The Contract price constitutes the total compensation (subject to authorized adjustments) payable by Owner to Contractor for performing the Work. Contract Time The number of days or the date stated in the Agreement for the completion of the Work. Contractor The Person with whom the Owner has entered into the Agreement. For the purposes of this contract, the person, firm or corporation with whom this contract or agreement has been made by the City of Clearwater or its duly authorized representative. Critical Path Method Construction Schedule—CPM A graphic format construction schedule that displays construction activities as they relate to one another for the purpose of identifying the most efficient way to perform the work in a timely manner. The critical path identifies which activity is critical to the execution of the schedule. Day A calendar day of twenty-four (24) hours measured from midnight to the next midnight. Defective An adjective which when modifying the word Work refers to Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty or deficient, or does not conform to the Contract Documents or does not meet the requirements of any inspection, reference standard, test or approval referred to in the Contract Documents, or has been damaged prior to Engineers recommendation of fmal payment. Drawings The drawings, which will be identified in Technical Specifications or the Agreement, which show the character and scope of the Work to be performed and which have been prepared or approved by Engineer and are referred to in the contract documents. Shop drawings are not Drawings as so defined. Engineer The duly appointed representative of the City Manager of the City of Clearwater. For the purposes of this contract, the City Engineer of the City of Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida, or his authorized representative. For certain projects, the Engineer may serve as � the Owner's Representative during construction. Engineer's Consultant A Person having a contract with Engineer to furnish services as Engineer's independent SectionIIl.doc Page 2 of 49 , 7/31/2012 ' �L_ I � ' ' , ' , , � , r , ' ' , ' � , , � � � ' ' , � r Section III — General Conditions professional associate or consultant with respect to the Project and who is identified as such in the Supplementary Conditions. F.D.O.T Specifications The Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as issued by the Florida Department of Transportation (latest English edition). Furnish The words "furnish", "furnish and install", "install", and "provide" or words of similar meaning shall be interpreted, unless otherwise specifically stated, to mean "furnish and install complete in place and ready for service". Inspection The term "inspection" and the act of inspecting means examination of construction to ensure that it conforms to the design concept expressed in the Drawings and Specifications. These terms shall not be construed to mean supervision, superintending or overseeing. Laws and Regulations Any and all applicable laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes and orders of any kind of governmental bodies, agencies, authorities and courts having jurisdiction. Liens Liens, charges, security interests or encumbrances upon real property or personal property. Milestone , A principal event specified in the contract Documents relating to an intermediate completion date or time prior to the final completion date. ' � ' � , ' ' ' ' Notice to Proceed (NTP) A written notice given by the Owner to the Contractor fixing the date on which the Contract Time will commence to run and on which Contractor shall start to perform his obligations under the Contract Documents. Owner The City of Clearwater, Florida. For the purposes of this contract, the person who is the City's authorized representative from the City's Department with whom will be responsible for the maintenance and operation of the Work once the Work is completed. For certain projects, a designee of the Owner may serve as the Owner's Representative during construction. Owner's Representative Designee of the Owner with authority to act on behalf of the Owner during construction. Person A natural person, or a corporation, partnership, firm, organization, or other artificial entity. Project The total construction of which the Work to be provided under the Contract Documents may be the whole or a part as indicated elsewhere in the Contract Documents. SectionIIi.doc Page 3 of 49 7/31l2012 Section III — General Conditions Partial Utilization Use by Owner of a substantially completed part of the Work for the purpose for which is intended (or a related purpose) prior to Final Completion of all the Work. Representative of Contractor The Contractor shall assign a responsible person or persons, one of whom shall be at the consh-uction site at all times that work is progressing. The names and positions of these persons shall be submitted to the City Engineer at the time of the pre-construction conference. This person or persons shall not be changed without written approval of City Engineer. Request for Information (RFI) An official written request for cIarification of the intent of the contract documents from the Contractor to the Engineer. Shop Drawing All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules and other data which are specifically prepared by or for Contractor to illustrate some portion of the Work and all illustrations, brochures, standard schedules, performance charts, instructions, diagrams and other information prepared by a supplier and submitted by Contractor to illustrate material or equipment for some portion of the Work. Specifrcations Those portions of the Contract Documents consisting of written technical descriptions of materials, equipment, construction systems, standards and workmanship as applied to the Work and certain administrative details applicable thereto. Subcontractor A person having a direct contract with Contractor or with any other Subcontractor for the performance of a part of the Work at the site. Substantial Completion The Work (or a specified part thereo� which has progressed to the point where, in the opinion of Engineer, as evidenced by Engineer's definitive certificate of Substantial Completion, it is sufficiently complete, in accordance with the Contract documents, so that the Work (or specified part) can be utilized for the purposes for which it is intended; or if no such certifcate is issued, when the Work is complete and ready for fnal payment as evidenced by the Engineer's recommendation of final payment. The terxns "substantially complete" and "substantially completed" as applied to all or part of the Work refer to Substantial Completion thereof. Supplementary Conditions The part of the Contract which amends or supplements these General Conditions. Supplier A manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, distributor, material man or vendor having a direct contract with Contractor or with any Subcontractor to fiarnish materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work by the Contractor. Surety Any person, firm or corporation which is bound with Contractor and which engages to be responsible for Contractor and his acceptable performance of the Work by a Bid, Performance or Payment Bond. SectionIII.doc Page 4 of 49 7/31l2012 ' � � � ' ' ' � r ' ' � , � ' , ' � ' -� � � ' � � Section III — General Conditions Underground Facilities All pipelines, conduits, ducts, cables, wires manholes, vaults, tanks, tunnels or other such facilities or attachments, and any encasements containing such facilities which have been installed underground to furnish any of the following services or materials: electricity, gases, steam, liquid petroleum products, telephone or other communications, cable television, sewage and drainage removal or treatment, traffic or other control systems or water. Unit Price Work Work to be paid for on the basis of unit prices. Work � The entire completed construction or the various separately identifiable parts thereof required to be furnished under the Contract Documents. Work includes and is the result of performmg or funushing labor and mcorporating matenals and equipment into the construction, and performing or furnishing services and furnishing documents, all as � required by the Contract Documents. � � � ' Work Change Directive A written directive to Contractor, issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement and signed by the Engineer, ordering an addition, deletion, or revision in the Work, or responding to differing or unforeseen physical conditions under which the Work is to be performed or emergencies. Work Change Directive will not change the Contract Price or Contract Time, but is evidence that the parties expect that the change directed or documented by a Work Change Directive will be incorporated in a subsequently issued Change Order following negotiations by the parties as to its effect, if any, on the Contract Price or Contract Times. 2 2.1 PRELIMINARY MATTERS DELIVERY OF BONDS AND CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE � When Contractor delivers the executed Agreements to the Owner, Contractor shall also deliver to the Owner such Bonds and Certificates of Insurance as Contractor may be required to furnish by this contract. � �� ' � 2.2 COPIES OF DOCUMENTS Engineer shall fiunish to Contractor one (1) copy of Contract Documents for execution. Additional copies will be furnished, upon request, at the cost of reproduction. 2.3 COMMENCEMENT OF CONTRACT TIME/NOTICE TO PROCEED; STARTING THE PROJECT The Contract Time will commence on the day indicated in the Notice to Proceed. Contractor ' shall start to perform the work on the date the Contract Time commences to run. No work shall be done at the site prior to the date that the Contract Time commences to run. � , ' 2.4 BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION Before undertaking each part of the Work, Contractor shall cazefully study and compare the Contract Documents and check and verify pertinent figures shown thereon and all applicable SectionIlI.doc Page 5 of 49 7/31/2012 Section III — General Conditions field measurements. Contractor shall promptly report in writing to Engineer any conflict, error or discrepancy which Contractor may discover; and shall obtain a written interpretation or clarification from Engineer before proceeding with any work effected thereby; however, Contractor shall not be liable to the Owner for failure to report any conflict, error or discrepancy in the Drawings or Specifications, �uiless Contractor had actual knowledge thereof or should reasonably have known thereof. No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, Agent or employee of the Owner or Engineer's Consultant, either before or after the execution of this Contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained. Contractor shall not comnnence any work at any time without approved insurance required by these General Conditions. Failure to obtain this insurance will be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. 2.5 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE Within twenty (20) days of Awazd of Contract and before the start of the Work, the Owner's Representative shall schedule a preconstruction conference to be attended by Contractor, Engineer, Owner and others as appropriate to establish a working understanding among the parties as to the Work and to discuss the schedule of the Work and general Contract procedures. Typically, oversight of the project officially passes from the Engineering Departrnent to the Construction Department at the preconstruction conference. In these cases, the preconstruction conference is run by the Construction Department and chaired by the City's Construction Manager. The Contractor shall deliver to the Owner's Representative at the Preconstruction Conference a color Critical Path Method (CPM) Construction Schedule. This is to be a sequence of events including submittal review and procurement. Notice to Proceed is usually established at this conference and such date can be inserted into the schedule at that time. The Contractor shall also bring a Submittal Schedule for review by the Engineer. This is to make sure that the list is complete and this schedule shall be the basis of a Submittal Log. The Contractor shall deliver to the Owner's Representative at the preconstruction conference a completed Emergency Call List and a completed Authorized Signature List. The Owner's Representative shall deliver to the Contractor at the preconstruction conference a project disk that has all of the necessary data and survey control points for the purpose of construction stakeout and as-built survey. The Owner's Representative shall deliver to the Contractor at the preconstruction conference a Contractor evaluation package. This is for the purpose of rating the Contractor's performance for reference when considering future contracts and bid prequalifcation. . 2.6 PROGRESS MEETINGS The Contractor is required to attend Progress Meetings. These meetings will be scheduled on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis depending on the needs of the project. The Contractor shall bring to each meeting an updated submittal log, an updated request for information (RFI) log, a look-ahead schedule to cover the project activity from the current xneeting to the next meeting, and all material test reports generated in the same time period. SectionllI.doc Page 6 of 49 '7/3 �/2p � 2 ' � � � � � � �' � � � � i � � � � � Section III — General Conditions 3 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, INTENT 3.1 INTENT The Contract Documents comprise the entire Agreement between Owner and the Contractor concerning the Work. They may be altered only by written agreement. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to describe a functionally complete project (or part thereo fl to be constructed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Any Work, materials or equipment which may reasonably be infened from the Contract Documents or from prevailing custom or from trade usage as being required to produce the intended result will be fumished and performed whether or not specifically called for. When words or phrases, which have a well- known technical or construction industry or trade meaning, are used to describe Work, materials cr equipment, such words or phrases shall be interpreted in accordance with that meaning. Clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents shall be issued by the Owner's Representative. Reference to standards, specifications, manuals or codes of any technical society, organization or association, or to the code, Laws or Regulation of any governmental authority, whether such reference be specific or by implication, shall mean the latest standard specification, manual or code, or Laws or Regulations in effect at the time of opening of Bids except as may be otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents. However, no provision of any referenced standard specification, manual or code, whether or not specially incorporated by reference in the responsibilities of Owner or Contractor as set forth in the Contract Documents, shall change the duties and responsibilities of Owner, Contractor, Engineer or Owner's Representative, or any of their Agents or employees from those set forth in the Contract Documents. Clarifications and interpretations of the Contract shall be issued by the Owner's Representative. Each and every provision of law and clause required by law to be inserted in these Contract documents shall be deemed to be inserted herein, and they shall be read and enforced as through it were included herein, and if through mistake or otherwise, any such provision is not inserted, or if not correctly inserted, then upon the application of either party, the Contract Documents shall forthwith be physically amended to make such insertion. 3.2 REPORTING AND RESOLVING DISCREPANC(ES If, during the performance of the Work, Contractor discovers any conflict, enor, ambiguity or discrepancy within the Contract Documents or between the Contract Documents and any provision of any such Law or Regulation applicable to the performance of the Work or of any such standard, specification, manual or code or of any instruction of any Supplier, Contractor shall report it to the Owner's Representative in writing at once, and Contractor shall not proceed with the Work affected thereby (except in an emergency) until an amendment or supplement to Contract Documents has been issued by one of the methods provided in these General Specifications, provided however, that Contractor sha11 not be liable to Owner, or Owner's Representative for failure to report any such conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy unless Contractor knew or reasonably should have known thereof. Sectionlll.doc Page 7 of 49 7/3l/2012 4 Section III — General Conditions AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS 4.1 AVAILABILITY OF LANDS The Owner shal! furnish, as indicated in the Contract Documents, the lands upon which the Work is to be Performed, rights-of-way, easements for access thereto, and such other lands which are designated for the use of contractor. The Owner shall identify any encumbrances or restrictions not of general application but specifically related to use of lands so furnished with which contractor will have to comply in performing the Work. Easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities will be obtained and paid for by the Owner, unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. 4.2 INVESTIGATIONS AND REPORTS Reference is made to the Supplementary Conditions and Technical Specifications for identiiication of those reports of investigations and tests of subsurface and latent physical conditions at the site or otherwise affecting cost, progress or performance of the Work which have been relied upon by Engineer in preparation of the Drawings and Specifications. Such reports aze not guazanteed as to accuracy or completeness and aze not part of the Contract Documents. Contractor shall promptly notify the Owner's Representative in writing of any subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site, or in an existing structure, differing materially from those indicated or referred to in the Contract Documents. Engineer will promptly review those conditions and advise if further investigation or tests aze necessary. Owner or Engineer shall obtain the necessary additional investigations and tests and furnish copies to the Engineer and Contractor. If Engineer iinds that the results of such investigations or tests indicate that there are subsurface or latent physical conditions, which differ materially from those, indicated in the contract Documents, and which could not reasonably have been anticipated by Contractor, a work change or Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions. 4.3 PHYSICAL CONDITIONS, UNDERGROUND FACILITIES The information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site is based on information and data furnished to Owner or Engineer by the owners of such Underground Facilities or by others. Unless otherwise expressly provided in the Contract Documents, Owner and Engineer sha11 not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any such information or data; and the cost of all the following will be included in the Contract Price and contractor shall have full responsibility for: (i) reviewing and checking all such information and data, (ii) locating all Underground Facilities shown or indicated in the Contract Documents, (iii) coordination of the Work with the owners of such Underground Facilities during construction, and (iv) the safety and protection of all such Underground Facilities and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the Work. The Contractor is required to call the LOCAL PUBLIC UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER prior to any excavation per State regulations and to notify any utility owners who are not a member of the LOCAL PUBLIC UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER prior to any excavation. The LOCAL PUBLIC UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER is an agency for the protection and location of utilities prior to any excavation and contact number is available in local telephone directory. SectionIll.doc . Page 8 of 49 7/31/2012 ' I� � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � Section III — Genera[ Conditions 4.4 REFERENCE POiNTS Engineer shall provide engineering surveys to establish reference points for construction, which in Engineer's judgment are necessary to enable Contractor to proceed with the Work. Contractor shall be responsible for laying out the Work, shall protect and preserve the established reference points and shall make no changes or relocations without the prior written approval of the Owner and Engineer. Contractor shall report to Engineer whenever any reference point is lost or destroyed or requires relocation because of necessary changes in grades or locations, and shall be responsible for the accurate replacement or relocation of such reference points by a surveyor licensed in the State of Florida. The Contractor is referred to the Technical Specifications for more specific information regarding the provision of construction surveys. If a City survey crew is assigned to the project and there is excessive stake replacement caused by negligence of Contractor's forces after initial line and grade have been set, as determined by the Engineer, the Contractor will be charged at the rate of $100.00 per hour. Time shall be computed for actual time on the project. All time shall be computed in one-hour increments with a minimum chazge of one hour. 5 BONDS AND INSURANCE 5.1 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND/CONTRACT BOND � Contractor shall furnish a Performance and Payment Bond in an amount at least equal to the Contract Price as security for the faithful performance and payment of all Contractor's obligations under the Contract Documents. This bond shall remain in effect at least one year after � the date when final payment becomes due, unless a longer period of time is prescribed by laws and regulations or by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall also furnish such other Bonds as are required by the Supplementary Conditions. All Bonds shall be in the form prescribed by the � Contract Documents and shall be executed by such sureties as are named in the current list of "Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies" as published in Circular 570 (amended) by the Audit Staff, Bureau of Government Financial Operations, U.S. Treasury Department. All bonds signed by an � agent must be accompanied by a certified copy of such agents' authority to act. All bonds shall be deemed to contain all of the Conditions of Section 255.05, Florida Statutes, even if such language is not directly contained within the bond and the Surety shall be licensed and qualified � to do business in the State of Florida. Owner reserves the right to reject any surety. If the Surety on any Bond furnished by the Contractor is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent or its right to do business is terminated in any state where any part of the Project is located or it ceases to meet � the requirements of these Contract Documents, the Contractor shall within five days after notice thereof substitute another Bond and surety, both of which must be acceptable to Owner. � � � 5.2 INSURANCE Contractor shall purchase and maintain such liability and other insurance as is appropriate for the Work being performed and furnished and as will provide protection from claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from Contractor's performance and fiarnishing of the Work and Contractor's other obligations under the Contract Documents, whether it is to be performed or furnished by Contractor, and Subcontractor or Supplier, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable for the following: (i) Claims under worker's compensation, disability benefits and other similaz employee benefit acts; (ii) Claims for damages because of bodily SectionIII.doc Page 9 of 49 7/3l/2012 Section III — General Conditions injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of Contractor's employees; (iii) Claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than Contractor's employees; (iv) Claims for damages insured by customary personal injury liability coverage which are sustained by any person as a result of an offense directly or indirectly related to the employment of such person by Contractor, or by any other person for any other reason; (v) Claims for damages, other than to the Work itself, because of injury to or destruction of tangible property wherever located, including loss of use resulting therefrom; and (vi) Claims for damages because of bodily injury or death of any person or property damage arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of any motor vehicle. The Contractor shall deliver to the Owner, with copies to each additional insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions, certificates of insurance (and other evidence of insurance requested by the Owner or any other additional insured) which Contractor is required to purchase and maintain in accordance with this paragraph. The policies of insurance so required by this paragraph to be purchased and maintained shall: (i) include as additional insured (subject to any customary exclusion in respect of professional liability) Owner of Clearwater and any other persons or entities identified in the Supplementary Conditions, all of whom shall be listed as additional insured, and include coverage for the respective oi�"icers and employees of all such additional insures; (ii) include completed operations insurance; (iii) include contractual liability insurance covering Contractor's indemnity obligations in Article for Contractor's Responsibilities; (iv} contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage afforded will not be canceled, materially changed or renewal refused until at least thirty days prior written notice has been given to the Owner, and Contractor and to each other additional insured identified in the Supplemental Conditions to whom a certificate of insurance has been issued (and the certificates of insurance furnished by the Contractor as described in this paragraph); (v) remain in effect at least until final payment and at all times thereafter when Contractor may be correcting, removing or replacing defective Work in accordance with Article for Correction of Defective Work; (vi) with respect to completed operations insurance, and any insurance coverage written on a claims-made basis, shall remain in effect for at least two years after final payment. Contractor shall fumish the Owner and each other additional insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions to whom a certificate of insurance has been issued evidence satisfactory to the Owner and any such additional insured, of continuation of such insurance at final payment and one year thereafter and (vii) Name and telephone number of the authorized insurance agent for the Insurer. The limits of liability for the insurance required shall provide coverage for not less than the following amounts or greater where required by laws and regulations: 5.2.1 WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE Contract Award Amount Contract Award Amount Under $1,000,000. $1,000,000. and Over (1) Workers' Compensation Statutory Statutory (2) Employer's Liability $500,000. $1,000,000. 5.2.2 PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PR�PERTY DAMAGE COVERAGE Comprehensive General Liability including Premise/Operations; Explosion, Collapse and Underground Property Damage; Products/Completed Operations, Broad Form Contractual, Independent Contractors; Broad Form Property Damage; and Personal Injury liabilities: SectionIll.doc Page 10 of 49 7/31/2012 i� �J � � � l� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � l� � � � � Section III — General Conditions Contract Award Amount Contract Award Amount Under $1,000,000. $1,400,000. and Over (1) Bodily Injury: $500,000. Each $1,000,000. Each Occurrence Occurrence $1,000,000. Annual $1,000,000. Annual Aggregate Aggregate (2) Property Damage: $500,000. Each $1,000,000. Each Occurrence Occurrence $1,000,000. Annual $1,000,000. Annual Aggregate Aggregate (3} Personal Injury, with $1,000,000. Annual $1,000,000. Annual employment exclusion deleted Aggregate Aggregate 5.2.3 COMPREHENSIVE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY including all owned (private and others), hired and non-owned vehicles: Contract Award Amount Contract Award Amount Under $1,000,000. $1,Q00,000. and Over (1) Bodily Injury $500,000. Each Person $1,000,000. Each Person $500,000. Each Accident $1,000,000. Each Accident (2) Property Damage $500,000. Each $1,000,000. Each Occurrence Occurrence � Receipt and acceptance by Owner of the Contractor's Certificate of Insurance, or other similar document does not constitute acceptance or approval of amounts or types of coverages, which may be less than required by these Contract Documents. The Owner shall not be responsible for � purchasing and maintaining any property insurance to protect the interests of Contractor, Subcontractors or others in the Work. Owner may at its option require a copy of the Contractor's Insurance Policy(s). All insurance policies required within this Contract Document shall provide � full coverage from the first dollar of exposure unless otherwise stipulated. No deductibles will be accepted without prior approval from Owner. Longshore and Harbor Worker's Comnensation Act: Section 32 of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 932, � requires an employer, with employees in maritime employrnent, to secure the payment of benefits under the Act either by insuring with an insurance carrier authorized by the U.S. Department of Labor, or to be authorized by ihe U.S. Department of Labor as a self-insurer. � For General Contractors: Section 4(a) of the Act provides that every employer shall be liable for and shall secure the payment to his employees of the compensation payable under Sections 7, � 8, and 9 of the Act. In the case of an employer who is a subcontractor, only if such subcontracEor fails to secure the payment of compensation shall the contractor be liable for and be required to secure the payment of compensation. 1 SectionIII.doc Page 11 of49 7/31/2022 � Section III — General Conditions 5.3 WAIVER OF RIGHTS The Owner and Contractor intend that all policies purchased in accordance with Article on Insurance will protect the Owner, Contractor, Subcontractors, Engineer, Engineer's Consuttants and all other persons or entities identified in the Supplementary Conditions to be listed as insured or additional insured in such policies and will provide primary coverage for all losses and damages caused by the perils covered thereby. All such policies shall contain provisions to the effect that in the event of payment of any loss or damage the insurers will have no rights of recovery against any of the insured or additional insured thereunder, the Owner and Contractor waive all rights against each other and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents for all losses and damages caused by, arising out of or resulting from any of the perils covered by such policies and any other property insurance applicable to the work; and, in addition, waive all such rights against Sub-contractors, Engineer, Engineer`s Consultants and all other persons or entities identified in the Supplementary Conditions to be listed as insured or additional insured under such policies for losses and damages so caused. None of the above waivers shall extend to the rights that any party making such waiver may have to the proceeds of insurance otherwise payable under any policy so issued. In addition, the Owner waives all rights against Contractor, Subcontractors, Engineer, Engineer's Consultant and the officers, directors, employees and agents of any of them for: (i) loss due to business interruption, loss of use or other consequential loss extending beyond direct physical loss or damage to the Owner property or the Work caused by, arising out of or resulting from fire or other peril, whether or not insured by the Owner and; (ii) loss or damage to the completed Project or part thereof caused by, arising out of or resulting from fire or other insured peril covered by any property insurance maintained on the completed Project or part thereof by the Owner during partial utilization, after substantial completion or after final payment. 6 CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITIES 6.1 SUPERVISION AND SUPERINTENDENCE Contractor shall supervise, inspect and direct the Work competently and efficiently, devoting such attention thereto and applying such skills and expertise as may be necessary to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Contractor sha11 be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction. Contractor shall not be responsible for the negligence of others in the design or specification of a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction which is shown or indicated in and expressly required by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall be responsible to see that the completed work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. Contractor shall keep on the work at all times during its progress a competent resident superintendent, who shall not be replaced without notice to the Owner's Representative except under extraordinary circumstances. The superintendent will be Contractor's representative at the site and shall have authority to act on behalf of Contractor. All communications to the superintendent sha11 be as binding as if given to Contractor. The Contractor's superintendent shall keep a mobile cell phone on his person so he can be contacted whenever necessary. Contractor shall employ only competent persons to do the work and whenever the Owner's Representative shall notify Contractor, in writing, that any person on the work appeazs to be incompetent, unfaithful, disorderly, or otherwise unsatisfactory, such person shall be removed SectionIII.doc Page 12 of 49 7/3l /2012 � � � � � � � r � � �� � Section lll — General Conditions from the project and shall not again be employed on it except with the written consent of the Owner's Representative. Contractor shall reimburse Owner for additional engineering and inspection costs incurred as a result of overtime work in excess of the regular working hours or on the Owner normally approved holidays. At such times when Inspector overtime is required, the Contractor shall sign an overtime slip documenting such hours and the Contractor shall be provided a copy for his records. At the end of the project and prior to payment of withheld retainage funds, the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner a check made out to the Owner of Clearwater for full reimbursement of all Inspector overtime hours. Withheld retainage shall not be released until the Owner has received this check. Minimum number of chargeable hours for inspection costs on weekends or holidays shall be four hours. The cost of overtime inspection per hour shall be $60.00 per hour. Contractor shall provide and maintain in a neat and sanitary condition, such sanitary accommodations for the use of Contractor's employees as may be necessary to comply with the requirements of Laws and Regulations and the Engineer. 6.2 LABOR, MATERtALS AND EQUIPMENT Contractor shall provide competent, suitably qualified personnel to survey, lay out and construct the work as required by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall at all times maintain good discipline and order at the site. Except as otherwise required for the safety or protection of persons or the work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, and except as otherwise indicated in the Contract Documents, all work at the site shall be performed during regular working hours and Contractor will not permit overtime work or the performance of work on Saturday, Sunday, or any legal holiday without the Owner consent given after prior notice to Engineer. Unless otherwise specified in the General Requirements, Contractor shall fiunish and assume full responsibility for all materials, equipment, labor, transportation, construction equipment and machinery, tools, appliances, fuel, power, light, heat, telephone, water, sanitary facilities, temporary facilities, and all other facilities and incidentals necessary for the furnishing, performance, testing, start-up and completion of the Work. All materials and equipment installed in the Work shall be of good quality and new, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. If required by Engineer, Contractors shall furnish satisfactory evidence (including reports of required tests) as to the quality of materials and equipment. The Contractor shall provide suitable and secure storage for all materials to be used in the Work so that their quality shall not be impaired or injured. Materials that are improperly stored, may be rejected by the Engineer without testing. All materials and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accordance with the instructions of the applicable manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, or distributor, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. T`he City of Clearwater, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to purchase major equipment to � be incorporated into the WORK under the Owner Direct Purchase (ODP) Opiion, if indicated in the Contract Documents. In such event, the Contractor shall cooperate and assist the Owner of Clearwater, at no additional cost, to implement the ODP documents and procedures. � � SectionIII.doc Page 13 of 49 ?/31/2012 � Section III — General Conditions 6.3 SUBSTITUTES AND "�R EQUAL" tTEMS Whenever an item of material or equipment is specified or described in the Contract Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular Supplier, the specification or description is intended to establish the type, function and quality required. Unless the specification or description contains or is followed by words reading that no like, equivalent or "or equal" item or no substitution is permitted, other items of material or equipment or material or equipment of other Suppliers may be accepted by Engineer. If in Engineer's sole discretion an item of material or equipment proposed by Contractor is functionally equal to that named and sufficiently similaz so that no change in related Work will be required, it may be considered by Engineer for approval. If in the Engineer's sole discretion an item of material or equipment proposed by Contractor does not qualify as an "or equal" item, it may be considered as a proposed substitute item. Contractor shall submit sufficient information as required by the Engineer to allow the Engineer to determine that the item of material or equipment proposed is essentially equivalent to that named and is an acceptable substitute therefore. Request for review of proposed substitute and "or equal" will be not be accepted by Engineer from anyone other than Contractor. Request for substitute and "or equal" items by Contractor must be submitted in writing to Owner's Representative and will contain all information as Engineer deems necessary to make a determination. All data provided by Contractor in support of any proposed substitute or "or equal" item will be at Contractor's expense. Engineer will be allowed a reasonable time to evaluate each proposal or submittal made per this paragraph. Engineer will be sole judge of acceptability. 6.4 SUBCONTRACTORS, SUPPLIERS AND OTHERS The Contractor shall deliver to the Owner's Representative before or at the preconstruction conference a list of all Subcontractors, suppliers and other persons and organizations proposed by the Contractor for Work to be performed on the Project. The Contractor shall include with this list the qualifcations and references for each Subcontractor, supplier or other person and organization for review and approval. Any changes to this list must be submitted to the Owner's Representative for approval prior to the substitution of any Subcontractors, suppliers or other persons and organizations before performing any Work on the Project for the Contractor. Contractor shall be fully responsible to Owner and Engineer for all acts and omissions of the Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons performing or furnishing any�of the work under a direct or indirect contract with Contractor just as Contractor is responsible for Contractor's own acts and omissions. Nothing in the Contract Documents shall create for the benefit of any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person any contractual relationship between Owner or Engineer and any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person, nor shall it create any obligation on the part of Owner or Engineer to pay or to see to the payment of any moneys due any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person. Contractor shall be solely responsible for scheduling and coordinating the work of Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons performing or furnishing any of the work under a direct or indirect contract with Contractor. Contractor shall require all Subcontractors, Suppliers and such other persons perfornung or furnishing any of the work to communicate with the Engineer through Contractor. The divisions and sections of the Specifications and the identifications of any Drawings shall not control Contractor in dividing the work among Subcontractors or Suppliers or delineating the work to be performed by any specific trade. SectionllI.doc Page l4 of 49 7/31 /2012 � � L1 � LJ � Section III — General Conditions All work performed for Contractor by a Subcontractor or Supplier will be pursuant to an appropriate agreement between Contractor and the Subcontractor or Supplier which specifically binds the Subcontractor or Supplier to the applicable terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the benefit of Owner and Engineer. Contractor shall not pay or employ any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization whether initially or as a substitute, against whom Owner or Engineer may have reasonable objection. Contractor shall not be required to employ any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization to furnish or perform any of the work against whom Contractor has reasonable objection. Owner or Engineer will not undertake to settle any differences between Contractor and his Subcontractors or between Subcontractors. 6.5 USE OF PREMISES � Contractor shall conf'me construction equipment, the storage of materials and equipment and the operations of works to the site and land azeas identifed in and permitted by the Contract Documents on other land azeas permitted by Laws and Regulations, right-of-way, permits and � easements, and shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with construction equipment or other materials or equipment. Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any damage to any such land or area, or to the owner or occupant thereof or of any adjacent land or areas, resulting from the performance of the Work. Should any claim be made by any such owner or occupant � because of the performance of the Work, Contractor shall promptly serile with such other party by negotiation or otherwise resolve the claim by arbitration or other dispute resolution proceed in � or at law. Contractor shall, to the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, indemnify and hold harmless Owner, Engineer, Engineer's Consultant and their officials, directors, employees and agents from and against all claims, costs, losses and damages arising out of or � resulting from any claim or action, legal or equitable, brought by any such owner or occupant against Owner, Engineer or any other party indemnified hereunder to the extent caused by or based upon Contractor's performance of the Work. � During the progress of the Work, Contractor shall keep the premises free from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish and other debris resuIting from the Work. At the completion of the Work or at intervals established by the Engineer, Contractor sha11 remove all waste materials, � rubbish and debris from and about the premises as well as all tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery and surplus materials. Contractor shall restore to original condition all property not designated for alteration by the Contract Documents. � � 6.5.1 STAGtNG AREAS The Contactor shall obtain and deliver to the City written permission for the use of all staging and storage areas outside of the Limits of Construction. 6.5.2 RESTORATION TIME LIMITS The timely restoration of all impacted areas, especially right-of-ways, is very important to the Citizens of Clearwater; therefore these time limits aze imposed: • Debris piles shall be removed within five (5) consecutive calendar days. • Concrete driveways and sidewalks shall be replaced within ten (10) consecutive calendar days of removal. Resident access shall be maintained at all times. � SectionlIl.doc � Page I S of 49 7/31/2012 Section III — General Conditions • All arterial and collector roadways shall be restored ASAP. • Local streets and asphalt driveways shall be restored as soon as a sufficient quantity is generated, however, this is never to exceed fifteen (15) consecurive calendar days. Local and resident access shall be maintained at all times. • Sod must be restored within fourteen (14) consecutive calendar days of a successful pipe pressure test, removal of concrete forms, backfill of excavations, replacement of driveways or sidewalks or other project specific milestone. It must be watered for a period of thirty (30) days after it is placed. Erosion control and dust control of denuded areas must be maintained at all times. If the project or a poriion of it does not involve right-of ways, then a different schedule of sod restoration may be considered. 6.6 LICENSE AND PATENT FEES, ROYALTIES AND TAXES Contractor shall pay all license fees and royalties and assume all costs incident to the use in the performance of the work or the incorporation in the Work of any invention, design, process, product or device which is the subject of patent rights or copyrights held by others. If a particulaz invention, design, process, product or device is specified in the Contract Documents for use in the performance of the work and if to the actual knowledge of Owner or Engineer its use is subject to patent rights or copyrights calling for the payment of any license fee or royalty to others, the existence of such rights shall be disclosed by Owner or Engineer in the Contract Documents. To the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless Owner, Engineer, Engineer's Consultants and the officers, directors, employees, agents and other consultants of each and any of them from and against all claims, costs, losses and damages arising out of or resulting from any infringement of patent rights or copyrights incident to the use in the performance of the Work or resulting from the incorporation in the Work of any invention, design, process, product or device not specified in the Contract Documents, and shall defend all such claims in connection with any alleged infringement of such rights. Contractor shall pay all sales, consumer, use and other t�es required to be paid by Contractor in accordance with the Laws and Regulations of the State of Florida and other governmental agencies, which are applicable during the performance of the work. 6.7 LAWS AND REGULATIONS Contractor shall give all notices and comply with all Laws and Regulations applicable to furnishing and perFormance of the Work. Except where otherwise expressly required by applicable Laws and Regulations, neither Owner nor Owner's Representative shall be responsible for monitoring Contractor's compliance with any Laws or Regulations. If Contractor performs any work knowing or having reason to lc�ow that it is contrary to Laws or Regulations, Contractor shall bear all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by or arising out of such work: however, it shall not be Contractor's primary responsibility to make certain that the Specifications and Drawings are in accordance with Laws and Regulations, but this shall not relieve Contractor of Contractor's obligations to the Owner to report and resolve discrepancies as described above. When City projects include Federal or State funding, the requirements of Executive Order 11-02 shall be adhered to utilizing the Homeland Security E-Verify System to verify employment eligibility. SectionIlI.doc Page 16 of 49 7/31/2012 � � � l_J � � � � � � � � � � Section III — General Conditions 6.8 PERMITS Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, Contractor shall obtain and pay for all construction permits and licenses. The Owner shall assist Contractor, when necessary, in obtaining such permits and licenses. Contractor shall pay all governmental chazges and inspection fees necessary for the prosecution of the Work, which are applicable af the time of opening of Bids. Contractor shall pay all charges of utility owners for connections to the work, and the Owner shall pay all charges of such utility owners for capital costs related thereto such as plant investment fees. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents, Owner of Clearwater Building Permit Fees will be waived. 6.9 SAFETY AND PROTECTION Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: (i) all persons on the work site or who may be affected by the work, (ii) all the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the site; and (iii) other property at the site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures, utilities and Underground Facilities not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construction. In the event of temporary suspension of the work, or during inclement weather, or whenever Owner's Representative may direct; Contractor shall, and shall cause Subcontractors, to protect carefully the Work and materials against damage or injury from the weather. If, in the opinion of the Owner's Representative, any portion of Work or materials shall have been damaged or injured by reason of failure on the part of the Contractor or any Subcontractors to so protect the Work, such Work and materials shall be removed and replaced at the expense of Contractor. The Contractor shall initiate and maintain an accident prevention program which shall include, but shall not be limited to the establishment and supervision of programs for the education and training of employees in the recognition, avoidance and prevention of unsafe conditions and acts. Contractor shall provide first aid services and medical care to his employees. The Contractor shall develop and maintain an effective fire protection and prevention program and good housekeeping practices at the site of contract performance throughout all phases of construction, repair, alteration or demolition. Contractor shall require appropriate personal protective equipment in all operations where there is exposure to hazardous conditions. The Engineer may order that the work stop if a condition of immediate danger to the Owner's employees, equipment or if property damage exists. This provision shall not shift responsibility or risk of loss for injuries of damage sustained from the Contractor to Owner, and the Contractor shall remain solely responsible for compliance with all safety requirements and for the safety of all persons and property at the site of Contract performance. The Contractor shall instruct his employees required to handle or use toxic materials or other harmful substances regarding their safe handling and use. The Contractor shall take the necessary precautions to protect pedestrians and motorists from harm, and to prevent disruptions of such traffic due to construction activity. Contractor shall comply with all applicable Laws and Regulations of any pubtic body having jurisdiction for safety of persons or property and to protect them from damage, injury or loss; and shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for such safety and protection. Contractor shall notify owners of adjacent property and of Underground Facilities and utility owners when SectionIII.doc Page 17 of 49 7/3l/2012 Section III — General Conditions prosecution of the work may affect them, and shall cooperate with them in the protection, removal, relocation and replacement of their property. All damage, injury or loss to any property caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or part, by Contractor, any Subcontractor, Supplier or any other person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, shall be remedied by Contractor. Contractor's duties and responsibilities for safety and for protection of the Work shall continue until such time as all the Work is completed and Engineer has issued a notice to Owner and Contractor that the Work is acceptable. 6.10 EMERGENCIES In emergencies affecting the safety or protection of persons or the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, Contractor, with or without special instruction or authorization from Owner or the Owner's Representative, is obligated to act to prevent damage, injury or loss. Contractor shall give Engineer prompt written notice if Contractor believes that any signifcant changes in the Work or variations from the Contract Documents have been caused thereby. If the Owner's Representative determines that a change in the Contract Documents is required because of the action taken by Contractor in response to such an emergency, a Work Change Directive or Change Order will be issued to document the consequences of such action. 6.11 DRAWINGS 6.11.1 SHOP DRAWINGS, SAMPLES, RFIs, and SUBMITTAL REVIEW Contractor shall submit Shop Drawings to Engineer for review and approval as called for in the Technical Specifications or required by the Engineer. The data shown on the Shop Drawings will be complete with respect to quantities, dimensions, specified performance and design criteria, materials and similar data to show Engineer the materials and equipment Contractor proposes to provide and to enable Engineer to review the information. Contractor shall also submit Samples to Engineer for review and approval. Before submitting each Shop Drawing or Sample, Contracior shall have determined and verified: (i) all field measurements, quantities, dimensions, specified performance criteria, installation requirements, materials, catalog numbers and similar information with respect thereto, (ii) all materials with respect to intended use, fabrication, shipping, handling, storage, assembly and installation pertaining to the performance of the Work, and (iii) a11 information relative to Contractor's sole responsibilities in respect to means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. Contractor shall also have reviewed and coordinated each Shop Drawing or Sample with other Shop Drawings and Samples with the requirements of the Work and the Contract Documents. Each submittal will bear a stamp or specific written indication that Contractor has satisfied Contractor's obligations under the Contract Documents with respect to Contractor's review and approval of that submittal. At the time of submission, Contractor shall give Engineer specific written notice of such variations, if any, that the Shop Drawing or Sample submitted may have from the requirements of the Contract Documents, such notice to be in a written communication separate from the submittal; and, in addition, shall cause a specific notation to be made on each Shop Drawing and Sample submitted to Engineer for review and appmval of each such variation. The Contractor shall maintain a submittal log as mentioned in Article 2.5. The Engineer and Construction Services Department shall receive updated copies at each progress meeting, and the Engineer shall respond to each submittal within twenty-one (21) consecutive calendar days. The Sectionlll.doc Page l8 of 49 7/31/2012 � � � � � � � � Section III — General Conditions Contractor shall maintain a request for information (RFI) log as mentioned in Article 2.5. The Engineer and Construction Services Department shall receive updated copies at each progress meeting, and the Engineer shall respond to each RFI within twenty-one (21) consecutive calendar days. The untimely submission of Submittal or RFIs shall not be grounds for a delay claim from the Contractor. Engineer's review and approval of Shop Drawings and Samples will be only to determine if the items covered by the submittals will, after installation or incorporation in the Work, conform to the information given in the Contract Documents and be compatible with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated the Contract Documents. Engineer's review and approval will not extend to means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction (except where a particular means method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction is specifically and expressly called for by the Contract Documents) or to safety precautions or programs incident thereto. The review and approval of a sepazate item as such will not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item functions. Contractor shall make corrections required by Engineer, and shall return the required number of corrected copies of Shop Drawings and submit as requued new Samples for review and approval. Contractor shall direct specific attention in writing to revisions other than the corrections called for by Engineer on previous submittals. Engineer's review and approval of Shop Drawings or Samples shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility for any variation from the requirements of the Contract Documents wiless Contractor has in wtiting called Engineer's attention to each such variation at the time of submission and Engineer has given written approval of each such variation by specific written notation thereof incorporated in or accompanying the Shop Drawing or Sample approval; nor will any approval by the Engineer relieve the Contractor from responsibility for complying with the requirements of paragraph above discussing field measurements by the Contractor. � Contractor shall furnish required submittals with complete information and accuracy in order to achieve required approval of an item within two (2) submittals. Owner's Representative reserves the right to backcharge Contractor, for Engmeer's costs for resubnuttals that account for a number greater than twenty percent (20%) of the total number of first time submittals. Owner's � Representative reserves the right to backcharge Contractor for all third submittals. The number of first time submittals shall be equal to the number of submittals agreed to by Engineer and Contractor. All costs to Engineer involved with subsequent submittal of Shop Drawings, � Samples or other items requiring approval will be backcharged to Contractor at the rate of 3.0 times direct technical labor cost by deducting such costs from payments due Contractor for Work completed. In the event that Contractor requests a substitution for a previously approved item, all � of Engineer's costs in the reviewing and approval of the substitution will be backcharged to Contractor, unless the need for such substitution is beyond the control of Contractor. � � � � 6.11.2 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS The Contractor shall keep and maintain one set of blueprints, As-Built Drawings, in good order and legible condition to be continuously marked-up at the job site. The Contractor shall mark and annotate neatly and clearly all project conditions, locations, configurations and any other changes or deviations which may vary from the details represented on the original Contract Plans, including revisions made necessary by Addenda, Shop Drawings, and Change Orders during the construction process. The Contractor shall record the horizontal and vertical locations, in the plan and profle, of all buried utilities that differ from the locations indicated or which were not SectionlIl.doc Page 19 of 49 7l31/2012 Sectioo IIl — General Conditions indicated on the Contract Plans and buried (or concealed), construction and utility features which are revealed during the construction period. The As-Built Drawings shall be available for inspection by the Engineer, Engineer's Consultant, and the Owner's Representative at all times during the progress of the Project. The As-Built Drawings shall be reviewed by the Owner's Representative, or his designee, for accuracy and compliance with the requirements of "As-Built Drawings" prior to submittal of the monthly pay requests. The pay requests shall be rejected if the marked-up blueline prints do not conform to the "As-Built Drawings" requirements. As-Built Drawings shall be submitted to the Owner Inspector for approval upon completion of the project and prior to acceptance of final pay request. Final pay request shall not be processed until As-Built Drawings have been reviewed by the Engineer or the Engineer's Consultant for accuracy and completeness. Prior to placing new potable water mains in service, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer intersection drawings, as specified for the water mains. The Owner's acceptance of the "As-Built Drawings" does not relieve the Contractor of the sole responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the As-Built Drawings. General The Contractor shall prepare an "AS-BLTILT SURVEY" per chapter SJ-17.052, Florida Administrative Code (see definition below), signed and sealed by a Florida registered land surveyor. The contractor will deliver to the Owner two hard copies of signed and sealed As-Built Drawings and an AutoCAD file. SJ-17.050 Definition: (10)(a) As-Built Survey: a survey performed to obtain horizontal and/or vertical dimensional data so that constructed improvements may be located and delineated: also knonw as Record Survey. This survey shall be clearly titled "As-Built Survey" and shall be signed and sealed by a Florida registered land surveyor. The survey must be delivered to the Owner of Clearwater Construction Division upon substantial completion of the project. If this condition is not met, the Owner will procure the services of a Professional Surveyor and Mapper registered in the State of Florida and will back charge the contractor a fee of $1,800 per day or any portion thereof to provide the Owner with the required As-Built Survey. Sanitary and Storm Sewer Piping Systems 1. Manholes and inlets shall be located by survey coordinates (northing, easting and elevation) based on the approved horizontal and vertical datum or utilize the stationing supplied on the construction plans. New sanitary service connections and replaced sanitary service connections shall be dimensioned to the nearest downstream manhole. All manholes, cleanouts and catch basin invert and rim elevations, manhole and catch basin dimensions, pipe sizes, and pipe material shall also be noted on the plan view and also on the profile if one exists. 2. Pipe materials and areas of special construction shall be noted. Pressure Pipe construction (Water, Reclaimed Watec, Forcemain) All pipes shall be located by survey coordinates (northing, easting and elevation) based on the approved horizontal and vertical datum or utilize the stationing supplied on the construction Sectionlll.doc Page 20 of 49 7/31/2012 � � � � � � � � , � � � Section II] — General Conditions plans. Coordinates shall be at all pipe bends, tees, valves, reducers, and deflections. Also all new and replaced service connections for potable and reclaimed water will be located as described above. Additionally there must be survey coordinates no further than 140 feet apart on linear type construction and shall denote top of pipe elevation at those points. Electrical and Controt Wiring The as-built drawings shall include all changes to the original Contract Plans. The as-built drawings shall also include the size, color, and number of wires and conduit. For projects where this information is too voluminous to be contained on the blueline prints, the Contractor shall prepare supplemental drawings, on same size sheets as the blueline prints, showing the additional conduit runs, 1-line diagrams, ladder diagrams, and other information. The wiring schematic diagrams shall show ternunation location and wiring identification at each point on the ladder diagram. Horizontai and Vertical Control The As-Built survey shall be based on the original datum used for the construction design plans or if required by the Owner the datum shall be referenced to the North American Datum of 1983/90 (horizontal) and the North American Vertical Datutn of 1988. The unit of ineasurement shall be the United States Foot. Any deviation or use of any other datum, (horizontal and or vertical), must be approved by the Owner of Clearwater Engineering Department. Standards The As-Built survey shall meet the Minimum Technical Standards per Chapter SJ-17 and the Clearwater CAD STANDARDS set forth below. In addition to locating all improvements that pertain to the as-built survey it is the requirement of the Owner to have minimum location points at every change in direction and no more than 100 feet apart on all pressure pipes. Other The As-Built drawings shall reflect any differences from the original Contract Plans, in the same level of detail and units of dimensions as the Plans. 6.11.3 CAD STANDARDS Layer Naming Prefixes and Suffixes DI prefix denotes digitized or scanned entities EP prefix denotes existing points - field collected EX prefix denotes existing entities - line work and symbols PR prefix denotes proposed entities - line work and symbols FU prefix denotes future entities (proposed but not part of this conizact) - line work and symbols TX suffix denotes text — use for all text, no matter the prefix � SectionIIl.doc � Page 21 of 49 7/31/2012 6. Section III — General Conditions La er Namin Definitions: GAS gas lines and appurtenances ELEC power lines and appurtenances PHONE telephone lines and appurtenances CABLE cable TV lines and appurtenances BOC curbs WALK sidewalk WATER water lines and appurtenances, sprinklers STORM storm lines and appurtenances TREES trees, bushes, planters SANITARY sanitary lines and appurtenances FENCE all fences BLDG buildings, sheds, finished floor elevation DRIVE driveways EOP edge of pavement without curbs TRAFFIC signal poles, control boxes TOPBANK top of bank TOESLOPE toe of slope TOPBERM top of berm TOEBERM toe of berm SEAWALL seawall CONCSLAB concrete slabs WALL walls, except seawall SHORE shoreline, water elevation CL centerline of road CLD centerline of ditch CLS centerline of swale CORNER property corners, monumentation BENCH benchmazk, temporary benchmarks Other layers may be created as required, using above format. Layer Properties All layers will use standazd AutoCAD linetypes, bylayer. All layers will use standard AutoCAD colors, bylayer. SectionIlI.dce Page 22 of 49 � �r��i2o�2 � � i � � � Section III — General Conditions All text will use standard AutoCAD fonts. Text Styles Text style for EX layers wi11 use the simplex font, oblique angle of 0°, and a text height of .008 times the plot scale. Text style for PR and FU layers will use the simplex font, oblique angle of 22.5°, and a text height of .010 times the plot scale. 6.11.4 DELIVERABLES: The as-built survey shall be produced on bond material, 24" x 36" at a scale of 1"=20' unless � approved otherwise. The consultant shall deliver all drawing files in digital format. Acceptable file formats include: DWG, of a shape file. l� i � � � � � � � � � ' � L.J Please address any questions regazding format to Mr. Tom Mahony, at (727) 562-4762 or e-mail address Thomas.Mahonvna,mvClearwater.com. 6.12 CONTRACTOR'S GENERAL WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE Contractor warrants and guarantees to Owner, Engineer and Engineer's Consultants that all Work will be in accordance with the Contract Documents and will not be defective. Contractor's warranty and guarantee hereunder includes defects or damage caused by abuse, vandalism, modiiication or operation by persons other than Contractor, Subcontractors or Suppliers. Until the acceptance of the Work by the Owner, the Work shall be under the charge and care of the Contractor, and he shall take every necessary precaution against injury or damage to any part thereof by action of the elements, or from any other cause whatsoever, arising from the execution or non-execution of the Work. The Contractor shall rebuild, repair and make good, at his own expense, all injuries or damages to any portion of the Work occasioned by any cause before its completion and final acceptance by the Owner. In addition, "the Contractor shall remedy any defects in the work at his own expense and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which appear within a period of one year from the date of final acceptance". Contractor's warranty and guarantee hereunder excludes improper maintenance and operation by Owner's employees and normal wear and tear under normal usage for any portion of the Work, which has been partially accepted by the Owner for operation prior to iinal acceptance by the Owner. Contractor's obligation to perform and complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be absolute. None of the following will constitute an acceptance of Work that is not in accordance with the Contract Documents or a release of Contractor's obligation to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents: (i) observations by Owner's Representative, (ii) recommendation of any progress or final payment by Owner's Representative, (iii) the issuance of a certificate of Substantial Completion or any payment by the Owner to contractor under the Contract Documents, (iv) use or occupancy of the Work or any part thereof by Owner, (v) any acceptance by Owner or any failure to do so, (vi) any review and approval of a Shop Drawing or Sample submittal or the issuance of a notice of Acceptance by the Engineer. 6.13 CONTINUING THE WORK Contractor shall carry on the work and adhere to the progress schedule during all disputes or disagreements with the Owner. No work shall be delayed or postponed pending resolution of any disputes or disagreements, except as the Owner or Contractor may otherwise agree in writing. SectionIII.doc Page 23 of 49 7/3l/2012 Section III — General Conditions 6.14 INDEMNIFICATION Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless Owner, Engineer, Engineer's Consultants and the off'icers, directors, employees, agents and other consultants of each and any of them from and against all claims, costs, losses and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) caused by, arising out of or resulting from the performance of the Work, provided that any such claim, cost, loss or damage: (i) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the work itsel fl, including the loss of use resulting therefrom, and (ii) is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of Contractor, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any person directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not caused in part by any negligence or omission of a person or entity indemnified hereunder or whether liability is imposed upon such indemnified party by Laws and Regulations regardless of the negligence of any such person. If, through acts of neglect on the part of Contractor, any other Contractor or any Subcontractor shall suffer loss or damage on the work, Contractor shall settle with such other Contractor or Subcontractor by agreement or arbitration if such other Contractor or Subcontractor will so settle. If such other Contractor or Subcontractor shall assert any claim against the Owner on such account of any damage alleged to have been sustained, the Owner shall notify Contractor, who shall indemnify and save hannless the Owner against any such claim. Tn any and all claims against Owner or Engineer or any of their respective consultants, agents, officers, directors, or employees by any empIoyee (or the survivor or personal representative of such employee) of Contractor, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any person directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the work, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation under this paragraph shall not be limited in any way by any Iimitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for Contractor or any such Sub-contractor, Supplier or other person or organization under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. The indemniiication obligations of Contractor under this paragraph shall not extend to the liability of Engineer and Engineer's Consultants, officers, directors, employees, or agents caused by the professional negligence, errors or omissions of any of them. 6.15 CHANGES IN COMPANY CONTACT INFORMATION Contractor shall notify Owner by US mail addressed to the City Engineer of any changes in company contact information. This includes: contact phone, address, project manager, email addresses, etc. 7 OTHER WORK 7.1 RELATED WORK AT SITE The Ciiy reserves the right to have its own forces enter the construction site at any time and perform work as necessary in order to perform infrastructure repair or maintenance, whether related to the project or not. The Contractor will allow complete access to all utility owners for these purposes. SectionlIl.doc Page 24 of49 7/31/2QI2 1 �� � � � � � � Section 11] — General Conditions The City may have its own forces perform new work related to the project, however, this work will be identified in the Contract Scope of Work and coordination will be such that this activity is denoted in the Contractor's CPM Schedule so as not to cause any delays or interference with the Contractor's work or schedule. 7.2 COORDINATION If the Owner contracts with others for the performance of other work on the Project at the site, the following will be set forth in the Scope of Work: (i) the person who will have authority and responsibility for coordination of the activities among the various prime contractors will be idenrified; (ii) the specific matters to be covered by such authority and responsibility will be itemized; and (iii) the extent of such authority and responsibilities will be provided. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, the Owner shall have sole authority and responsibility in respect of such coordination. 8 OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY Except as otherwise provided in these General Conditions, the Owner shall issue all communications from the Owner to the Contractor through Owner's Representative. The Owner shall furnish the data required of ihe Owner under the Contract Documents promptly and shall make payrnents to Contractor promptly when they aze due as provided in these General Conditions. The Owner is obligated to execute Change Orders as indicated in the Article on Changes In The Work. The Owner's responsibility in respect of certain inspections, tests, and approvals is set forth in the Article on Tests and Inspections. � In connection with the Owner's right to stop work or suspend work, see the Article on Engineer may Stop the Work. T'he Arkicle on Suspension of Work and Termination deals with the Owner's right to terminate services of Contractor under certain circumstances. � Owner shall not supervise, direct or have control or authority over, nor be responsible for, Contractor's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or for any failure of Contractor to comply with Laws � and Regulations applicable to the fumishing or performance of the Work. The Owner will not be responsible for Contractor's failure to perform or fiunish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. � , 9 OWNER REPRESENTATIVE'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION 9.1 OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE � Dependent of the project type, the Owner's Representative during the construction period will either be the Construction Manager, the Engineer, or a designee of the ProjecYs Owner. The duties, responsibilities and the limitations of authority of Owner's Representative during � construction are set forth in the Contract Documents and shall not be extended without written consent of Owner and Engineer. � SectionIII.doc Page 25 of49 7/31R012 � Section III — General Conditions 9.2 CLARIFICATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS Engineer will issue with reasonable promptness such written clarifications or interpretations of the requirements of the Contract Documents regazding design issues only, in the form of Submittal responses, RFI responses, Drawings or otherwise, as Engineer may determine necessary, which shall be consistent with the intent of and reasonably inferable from Contract Documents. All other clarifications and interpretarions of the Contract Documents shall be issued form the Owner's Representative. Such written clarifications and interpretations will be binding on the Owner and Contractor. If Contractor believes that a written clarification or interpretation justifies an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time and the parties aze unable to agree to the amount or extent thereof, if any, Contractor may make a written claim therefore as provided in the Articles for Change of Work and Change of Contract Time. 9.3 REJECTING OF DEFECTIVE WORK The Owner's Representative or the Engineer will have authority to disapprove or reject Work which Owner's Representative or the Engineer believes to be defective, or that Owner's Representative or the Engineer believes will not produce a completed Project that conforms to the Contract Documents or that will prejudice the integrity of the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. The Owner's Representative or the Engineer will also have authority to require special inspection or testing of the Work whether or not the Work is fabricated, installed or completed. 9.4 SHOP DRAWINGS, CHANGE ORDERS, AND PAYMENTS In connection with Engineer's authority as to Shop Drawings and Samples, see articles on Shop Drawings and Samples. In connection with Owner's Representative authority as to Change Orders, see the articles on Changes of Work, Contract Price and Contract Time. In connection with Owner's Representative authority as to Applications for Payment, see the articles on Payments to Contractor and Completion. 9.5 DECISIONS ON DISPUTES The Owner's Representative will be the initial interpreter of the requirements of the Contract Documents and judge of the acceptability of the work thereunder. Claims, disputes and other matters relating to the acceptability of the work or the interpretation of the requirements of the Contract Documents pertaining to the performance and furnishing of the work and Claims under the Articles for Changes of Work, Changes of Contract Time and Changes of Contract Price will be referred initially to Owner's Representative in writing with a request for a formal decision in accordance with this paragraph. Written notice of each such claim, dispute or other matter will be delivered by the claimant to Owner's Representative and the other party to the Agreement promptly, but in no event later than thirty (30) days, after the start of the occurrence or event giving rise thereto, and written supporting data will be submitted to Owner's Representative and the other party within sixty (60) days after the start of such occurrence or event unless Owner's Representative allows an additional period of time for the submission of additional or more accurate data in support of such claim, dispute or other matter. The opposing party shall submit any response to Owner's Representative and the claimant within thirty (30) days after receipt of the claimant's last submittal, unless Owner's Representative allows additional time. Owner's Representative will render a formal decision in writing within thirty (30) days after receipt of the opposing party's submittal, if any, in accordance with this paragraph. Owner Representative's SectionIII.doc Page 26 of 49 7/3l/2012 � 1� � � � � � � r � � � � 1 � � � � � � ' , , � � � � j� � � � � � Section III — General Conditions written decision on such claim, dispute or other marier will be final and binding upon the Owner and Contractor unless (i) an appeal from Owner Representative's decision is taken within thirty (30) days of the Owner Representative's decision, or the appeal time which may be stated in a Dispute Resolution Agreement between Owner and Contractor for the settlement of disputes or (ii) if no such Dispute Resolution Agreement has been entered into, a written notice of intention to appeal from Owner Representative's written decision is delivered by the Owner or Contractor to the other and to Owner's Representative within thirty (30) days after the date of such decision and a formal proceeding is instituted by the appealing party in a forum of competent jurisdiction to exercise such rights or remedies as the appealing party may have with respect to such claim, dispute or other matter in accordance with applicable Laws and Regulations within sixty (60) days of the date of such decision, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Owner and Contractor. Wl�en functioning as interpreter and judge, Owner's Representative will not show partiality to the Owner or Contractor and will not be liable in connection with any interpretation or decision rendered in good faith in such capacity. The rendering of a decision by Owner's Representative with respect to any such claim, dispute or other matter will be a condition precedent to any exercise by the Owner or Contractor of such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the Contract Documents or by Laws or Regulations in respect of any such claim, dispute or other matter pursuant the Article on Dispute Resolution. 9.6 LIMITATIONS ON OWNER REPRESENTATIVE'S RESPONStBILITIES Neither Owner Representative's authority or responsibility under this paragraph or under any other provision of the Contract Documents nor any decision made by Owner's Representative in good faith either to exercise or not exercise such authority or responsibility or the undertaking, exercise or performance of any authority or responsibility by Owner's Representative shall create, impose or give rise to any duty owed by Owner's Representative to Contractor, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any other person or organization or to any surety for or employee or agent of any of them. Owner's Representative will not supervise, direct, control or have authority over or be responsible for Contractor's means, methods, techniyues, sequences or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or for any failure of Contractor to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to the fumishing or performance of the work. Owner's Representative will not be responsible for Contractor's failure to perforrn or furnish the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Owner's Representative will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of Contractor or of any Subcontractor, any Supplier, or of any other person or organization performing or furnishing any of the work. Owner Representative's review of the final Application for Payment and accompanying documentation and all maintenance and operating instructions, schedules, guarantees, bonds and certificates of inspection, tests and approvals and other documentation required to be delivered by the Contractor will only be to determine generally that their content complies with the requirements of the Contract Documents and, in the case of certificates of inspections, tests and approvals that the results certified indicate compliance with the Contract Documents. The limitations upon authority and responsibility set forth in this paragraph shall also apply to Owner Representative's CEI, the Engineer's Consultants, and assistants. SectionIlI.dac Page 27 of 49 7/3l/2012 Section III — General Conditions 10 CHANGES IN THE WORK Without invalidating the Agreement and without notice to any surety, the Owner may, at any time or from time to time, order additions, deletions or revisions in the Work. Such additions, deletions or revisions will be authorized by a Written Amendment, a Change Order, or a Work Change Directive. Upon receipt of any such document, Contractor shall promptly proceed with the Work involved which will be performed under the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents (except as may otherwise be specifically provided). If the Owner and Contractor are unable to agree as to the extent, if any, of an adjustment in the Contract Price or an adjustment of the Contract Time that should be allowed as a result of a Work Change Directive, a claim may be made therefore as provided in these General Conditions. Contractor shall not be entitled to an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time with respect to any Work performed that is not required by the Contract Documents as amended, modified and supplemented as provided in these General Conditions except in the case of an emergency as provided or in the case of uncovering work as provided in article for Uncovering Work. The Owner and Contractor shall execute appropriate Change Orders or Written Amendments recommended by Owner's Representative covering: changes in the work which are (i) ordered by the Owner (ii) required because of acceptance of defective work under the article for Acceptance of Defective Work or correcting defective Work under the article for Owner May Correct Defective Work or (iii) agreed to by the parties; changes in the Contract Price or Contract Time which aze agreed to by the parties; and changes in the Contract Price or Contract Time which embody the substance of any written decision rendered by Owner's Representative pursuant to the article for Decisions on Disputes; provided that, in lieu of executing any such Change Order, an appeal may be taken from any such decision in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents and applicable Laws and Regulations, but during any such appeal, Contractor shall carry on the Work and adhere to the progress schedule as provided in the article for Continuing the Work. If notice of any change affecting the general scope of the work or the provisions of the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, Contract Price or Contract Time) is required by the provisions of any Bond to be given to a surety, the giving of any such notice will be Contractor's responsibility, and the amount of each applicable Bond will be adjusted accordingly. 11 CHANGES tN THE CONTRACT PRICE 11.1 CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT PRICE The Contract Price constitutes the total compensation (subject to authorized adjustments) payable to Contractor for performing the Work. All duties, responsibilities and obligations assigned to or undertaken by Contractor shall be at Contractor's expense without change in the Contract Price. The Contract Price may only be adjusted by a Change Order or by a Written Amendment. Any claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price shall be based on a written notice of claim stating the general nature of the claim, to be delivered by ihe party making the claim to the other party and to Owner's Representative or promptly (but in no event later than thirty days) Sectionlll.doc Page 28 of 49 7l31/2012 � � �� � � , � � � � � � � � � � � � � � , � Section III — General Conditions after the start of the occurrence or event giving rise to the claim. Notice of the amount of the claim with supporting data shall be delivered within sixty (60) days after the start of such occurrence or event, unless Owner's Representative allows additional time for claimant to submit additional or more accurate data in support of the claim, and shall be accompanied by claimant's written statement that the claimed adjustment covers all known amounts to which the claimant is entitled as a result of said occurrence or event. No claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price will be valid if not submitted in accordance with this pazagraph. The value of any Work covered by a Change Order or of any claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price will be determined as follows: (i) where the Work involved is covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents, by application of such unit prices to the quantities of the items involved (ii) where the Work involved is not covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents, by a mutually agreed lump sum (which may include an allowance for overhead and profit), (iii) where the Work is not covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents and agreement is reached to establish unit prices for the Work. � Where the work involved is not covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents and where the Owner's Representative, the Owner, the Engineer, the Engineer's Consultant, and Contractor cannot mutually agree on a lump sum price, the City of Clearwater shall pay for � directed changes in the WORK, on "COST REIMBURSEMENT" basis. The Contractor sha11 apply for compensation, detailing Contractors forces, materials, equipment, subcontractors, and other items of direct costs required for the directed work. ,� The application for Cost Reimbursement shall be limited to the following items: 1. Labor, including foremen, for those hours associated with the direct work (actual � payroll cost, including wages, fringe benefits, labor insurance and labor taxes established by law). Expressly excluded from this item aze all costs associated with negotiating the subject change. � � �� � , � 2. Materials associated with the change, including sales t�. The costs of materials shall be substantiated through vendors' invoices. 3. Rental or equivalent rental costs of equipment, including necessary transportation costs if specifically used for the WORK. T'he rental rates shall not exceed the current rental rates prevailing in the locality or as defined in the rental Rate Blue Book for Construction Equipment (a.k.a. DataQuest Blue Book). The rental rate is defined as the full-unadjusted base rental rate for the appropriate item of construction equipment and shall cover the costs of all fuel, supplies, repairs, insurance, and other costs associated with supplying the equipment for work ordered. Conlxactor-owned equipment will be paid for the duration of time required to complete the work. Utilize lowest cost combination of hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly rates. Do not exceed estimated operating costs given in Blue Book. Operating costs will not be allowed for equipment on stand-by. 4. Additional costs for Bonds, Insurance if required by the City of Clearwater. The following fixed fees shall be added to the costs of the directed work performed by the Contractor or Subcontractor. � A. A fixed fee of fifteen percent (15%) shall be added to the costs of Item 1 above. If work is performed by a subcontractor, the Contractor's fee shall not exceed five percent (5%), and the subcontractor's fee shall not exceed ten percent (10%). � SectionIII_doc �� B. A fixed fee of ten percent (I O%) shall be added to the costs of Item 2 above. Page 29 of 49 7/3l/2012 Section III — General Conditions C. No markup shall be added to the costs of Items 3 and 4. The fixed fees shall be considered the full compensation for all cost of general supervision, overhead, proiit, and other general expense. 11.2 ALLOWANCES AND FINAL CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTMENT It is understood that Contractor has included in the Contract Price all allowances so named in the Contract Documents and shall cause the Work so covered to be furnished and performed for such sums as may be acceptable to Owner and Engineer. Contractor agrees that: (i) the allowances include the cost to Contractor (less any applicable trade discounts) of materials and equipment required by the allowances to be delivered at the Site, and all applicable taxes; and (ii) Contractor's costs for unloading and handling on the site, labor, installation costs, overhead, profit and other expenses contemplated for the allowances have been included in the Contract Price and not in the allowances and no demand for additional payment on account of any of the foregoing will be valid. Prior to final payment, an appropriate Change Order will be issued as recommended by Owner's Representative to reflect actual amounts due Contractor on account of Work covered by allowances and all the Work actually performed by the Contractor, and the Contract Price shall be correspondingly adjusted. 11.3 UNIT PRICE WORK Where the Contract Documents provide that all or part of the Work is to be Unit Price Work, initially the Contract Price will be deemed to include for all Unit Price Work an amount equal to the sum of the established unit price for each separately identified item of unit price work times the estimated quantity of each item as indicated in the Agreement. The estimated quantities of items of Unit Price Work are not guaranteed and are solely for the purpose of comparison of Bids and determining an initial Contract Price. Determinations of the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Work performed by Contractor will be made by Owner's Representative. Each unit price will be deemed to include an amount considered by Contractor to be adequate to cover Contractor's overhead and profit for each separately identiiied item. The Owner or Contractor may make a claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price if: (i) the quantity of any item of Unit Price Work performed by Contractor differs materially and significantly from the estimated quantity of such item indicated in the Contract Documents; and (ii) there is no corresponding adjustment with respect to any other item of Work; and (iii) if Contractor believes that Contractor is entitled to an increase in Contract Price as a result of having incurred additional expense or the Owner believes that the Owner is entitled to a decrease in Contract Price and the parties are unable to agree as to the amount of any such increase or decrease. On unit price contracts, Owner endeavors to provide adequate unit quantities to satisfactorily complete the construction of the project. It is expected that in the normal course of project conshuction and completion that not all unit quantities will be used in their entirety and that a finalizing change order which adjusts contract unit quantities to those unit quantities actually used in the construction of the project will result in a net decrease from the original Contract Price. Such reasonable deduction of final Contract Price should be anticipated by the Contractor in his original bid. SectionIll.doc Page 30 of 49 7/3l/2012 i 1 ' � ' � � � � � � � � � � � ' � Section III — General Conditions 12 CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT TIME The Contract Time (or Milestones) may only be changed by a Change Order or a Written Amendment. Any claim for an adjustment of the Contract Time (or Milestones) shall be based on written notice delivered by the party making the claim to the other party and to Owner's Representative promptly, but in no event later than thirty (30) days, after the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim and stating the general nature of the claim. Notice of the extent of the claim with supporting data shall be delivered within sixTy (60} days after such occurrence, unless Owner's Representative allows an additional period of time to ascertain more accurate data in support of the ciaim, and shall be accompanied by the claimant's written statement that the adjustment claimed is the entire adjustment to which the claimant has reason to believe it is entitled as a result of the occurrence of said event. All claims for adjustment in the Contract Time (or Milestones) shall be determined by Owner's Representative. No claim for an adjustment in the Contract Time (or Milestones) will be valid if not submitted in accordance with the requirements of this paragraph. All time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Agreement. Where Contractor is prevented from completing any part of the work within the Contract Time (or Milestones) due to delay beyond the control of Contractor, the Contract Time (or Milestones) may be extended in an amount equal to the time lost due to such delay if a claim is made therefore as provided in the article for Changes in the Work. Delays beyond the control of Contractor shall include, but not be limited to, acts by the Owner, acts of utility owners or other contractors performing other work as contemplated by the article for Other Work, fires, floods, epidemics, abnormal weather conditions or acts of God. Delays attributable to and within the control of a Subcontractor or Supplier shall be deemed to be delays within the control of Contractor. Where Contractor is prevented from completing any part of the Work within the Contract Times (or Milestones) due to delay beyond the control of both the Owner and Contractor, an extension of the Contract Time (or Milestones) in an amount equal to the time lost due to such delay shall be Contractor's sole and exclusive remedy for such delay. In no event shall the Owner be liable to Contractor, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any other person, or to any surety for or employee or agent of any of them, for damages arising out of or resulting from (i} delays caused by or within the control of Contractor, or (ii) delays beyond the control of both parties including but nat limited to fires, floods, epidemics, abnormal weather conditions, acts of God or acts by utility owners or other contractors performing other work as contemplated by paragraph for Other Work. 13 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS, CORRECTION, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK 13.1 TESTS AND INSPECTION Contractor shall give Owner's Representative and Engineer timely notice of readiness of the Work for all required inspections, tests or approvals, and shall cooperate with inspection and testing personnel to facilitate required inspections or tests. Contractor shall employ and pay for the services of an independent testing laboratory to perform all inspections, tests, or approvals required by the Contract Documents. T'he costs for these SectionIlI.doc Page 31 of 49 7/31/2012 Section III — General Conditions inspections, tests or approvals shall be borne by the Contractor except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. If Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction reyuire any Work (or part thereo� specifically to be inspected, tested or approved by an employee or other representative of such public body including all Owner Building Departments and Owner Utility Departments, Contractor shall assume full responsibility for arranging and obtaining such inspections, tests or approvals, pay all costs in connection therewith, and furnish Owner's Representative the required certificates of inspection or approval. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents, Owner permit and impact fees will be waived. Contractor shall also be responsible for arranging and obtaining and shall pay all costs in connection with any inspections, tests or approvals required for Owner's and Engineer's acceptance of materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work, or of materials, mix designs, or equipment submitted for approval prior to Contractor's purchase thereof for incorporation of the Work. If any Work (or the work of others) that is to be inspected tested or approved is covered by Contractor without written concurrence of Owner's Representative, it must, if requested by Owner's Representative, be uncovered for observation. Uncovering Work as �provided in this pazagraph shall be at Contractor's expense unless Contractor has given Owner's Representative and Engineer timely notice of Contractor's intention to cover the same and Owner's Representative has not acted with reasonable promptness in response to such notice. 13.2 UNCOVERING THE WORK If any Work is covered contrary to the written request of Owner's Representative, it must, if requested by Owner's Representative, be uncovered for Owner Representative's observation and replaced at Contractor's expense. If Owner's Representative considers it necessary or advisable that covered Work be observed by Owner's Representative or inspected or tested by others, Contractor, at Owner Representative's request, shall uncover, expose or otherwise make available for observation, inspection or testing as Engineer or Owner's Representative may require, that portion of the Work in question, furnishing all necessary labor, material and equipment. If it is found that such Work is defective, Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by, arising out of or resulting from such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection and testing and of satisfactory replacement or reconstruction (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others); and the Owner shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price for the costs of the investigation, and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount thereof, may make a claim therefore as provided in the article for Change in Contract Price. If, however, such Work is not found to be defective, Contractor shall be allowed an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time (or Milestones), or both, directly attributable to such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection, testing, replacement and reconstruction; and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount or extent thereof, Contractor may make a claim therefore as provided the article for Change in Contract Price and Change of Contract Time. 13.3 OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE MAY STOP THE WORK If the Work is defective, or Contractor fails to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment, or fails to furnish or perform the Work in such a way that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents, Engineer or Owner's Representative may order Contractor to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the cause for such order has been SectionlIi.doc Page 32 of 49 7/31/2022 � �� � � � Section lII — General Conditions eliminated; however, this right of Owner's Representative to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of Owner's Representative or Owner to exercise this right for the benefit of Contractor or any surety or other party. If the Owner's Representative stops Work under this paragraph, Contractor shall be entitled to no extension of Contract Time or increase in Contract Price. 13.4 CORRECTION OR REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE WORK If required by Engineer or Owner's Representative, Contractor shall promptly, as directed, either � correct all defective Work, whether or not fabricated, installed or completed, or, if the Work has been rejected by Engineer or Owner's Representative, remove it from the site and replace it with Work that is not defective. Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by � or resulting from snch correction or removal (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others). � CI � � � � � � � � � � � 13.5 WARRANTY/CORRECTION PERIOD If within one year after the date of Substantial Completion or such longer period of time as may be prescribed by Laws or Regulations or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Documents or by any specific provision of the Contract Documents, any Work is found to be defective, Contractor shall promptly, without cost to ihe Owner and in accordance with the Owner's written instructions; (i) correct such defective Work, or, if it has been rejected by the Owner, remove it from the site and replace it with Work that is not defective and (ii) satisfactorily correct or remove and replace any damage to other Work or the work of others resulting therefrom. If Contractor does not promptly comply with the terms of such instructions, or in an emergency where delay would cause serious risk of loss or damage, the Owner may have the defective Work corrected or the rejected. Work removed and replaced, and all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by or resulting from such removal and replacement (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others) will be paid by Contractor. In special circumstances where a particular item of equipment is placed in continuous service before Final Completion of all the Work, the correction period for that item may start to run from an eazlier date if specifically and expressly so provided in the Specifications or by Written Amendment. Where defective Work (and damage to other Work resulting therefrom) has been corrected, removed or replaced under this paragraph ihe correction period hereunder with respect to such Work will be extended for an additional period of one year after such correction or removal and replacement has been satisfactorily completed. 13.6 ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK If, instead of requiring correction or removal and replacement of defective Work, the Owner prefers to accept it, the Owner may do so. Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, losses and damages attributable to the Owner's evaluation of and determination to accept such defective Work such costs to be approved by Owner's Representative as to reasonableness. If any such acceptance occurs prior to Owner Representative's recommendation of fmal payment, a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work; and the Owner shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, and, if the parties are unable to agree SectionIII.doc Page 33 of 49 7/31/2012 Section III — General Conditions as to the amount thereof, the Owner may make a claim therefore Change of Contract Price. If the acceptance occurs afler the recommendation for final payment an appropriate amount will be Owner. 13.7 OWNER MAY CORRECT DEFECTIVE WORK as provided in article for Owner Representative's paid by Contractor to the If Contractor fails within a reasonable time after written notice from Owner's Representative to conect defective Work or to remove and replace rejected Work as required by Owner's Representative in accordance with the article for Correction and Removal of Defective Work or if Contractor fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, or if Contractor fails to comply with any other provision of the Contract Documents, the Owner may, after seven days' written notice to Contractor, correct and remedy any such deficiency. In exercising the rights and remedies under this paragraph the Owner shall proceed expeditiously. In connection with such corrective and remedial action, the Owner may exclude Contractor from all or part of the site, take possession of all or part of the Work, and suspend Contractor's services related thereto, and incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which the Owner has paid Contractor but which are stored elsewhere. Contractor shall allow Owner, Owner's Representatives, Agents and employees, the Owner's other contractors, and Owner's Representative, Engineer, and Engineer's Consultants access to the site to enable the Owner to exercise the rights and remedies under this pazagraph. All claims, costs, losses and damages incurred or sustained by the Owner in exercising such rights and remedies will be charged against Contractor and a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work; and the Owner shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount thereof, the Owner may make a claim therefore as provided in the article for Change of Contract Price. Such claims, costs, losses and damages will include but not be limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others destroyed or damaged by correction, removal or replacement of Contractor's defective Work. Contractor shall not be allowed an extension of the Contract Time (or Milestones) because of any delay in the performance of the Work attributable to the exercise by the Owner of the Owner's rights and remedies hereunder. 14 PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPLETION Reyuests for payment shall be processed in accordance with F.S. 218.735 and as described herein. Progress payments on account of Unit Price Work will be based on the number of units completed. 14.1 APPLICATION FOR PROGRESS PAYMENT Contractor shall submit (not more often than once a month) to Owner's Representative for review an Application for Payment filled out and signed by Contractor covering the Work completed as of the 25th of each month and accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Owner's Representative and the Contract Documents. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents, payment will not be made for materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work. Payment will only be made for that portion of the Work, which is fully installed including all materials, labor and equipment. A retainage of not less than five (5%) of the amount of each Application for Payment for the total of all Work, including as-built survey and Inspector overtime reimbursement, completed to date will be held until final completion and SectionlII.doc Page 34 of 49 7/3l/2012 LJ ' Section 111— Generat Conditions acceptance of the Work covered in the Contract Documents. No progress payment shall be construed to be acceptance of any portion of the Work under contract. � The Contractor shall review with the Engineer or the Construction Inspector all quantities and work for which payment is being applied for and reach agreement prior to submittal of an Official Pay Request. The Engineer or the Construction Inspector will verify that the on-site � marked up as-built drawings are up to date with the work and are in compliance with the Contract Documents. � In addition to all other payment provisions set out in this contract, the Owner's Representative may require the Contractor to produce for Owner, within fifteen (15) days of the approval of any progress payment, evidence and/or payment affidavit that all subcontractors and suppliers have � been paid any sum or sums then due. A failure on the part of the contractor to provide the report as required herein shall result in further progress or partial payments being withheld until the report is provided. � 14.2 CONTRACTOR'S WARRANTY OF TfTLE Contractor wanants and guarantees that title to all Work, materials and equipment covered by ' any Application for Payment, whether incorporated in the Project or not, will pass to the Owner no later than the time of payment, free and clear of liens. No materials or supplies for the Work shall be purchased by Contractor or Subcontractor subject to any chattel mortgage or under a , conditional sale contact or other agreement by which an interest is retained by the seller. Contractor wanants that he has good title to all materials and supplies used by him in the Work, free from all liens, claims or encumbrances. Contractor shall indemnify and save the Owner � harmless from all claims growing out of the lawful demands of Subcontractors, laborers, workmen, mechanics, materialmen, and furnisher's of machinery and parts thereof, equipment, power tools, and all supplies incurred in the furtherance of the performance of this Contract. ' Contractor shall at the Owner's request, furnish satisfactory evidence that all obligations of the nature hereinabove designated have been paid, discharged, or waived. If Contractor fails to do so, then the Owner may, after having served written notice on said Contractor either pay unpaid � bills, of which the Owner has written notice, or withhold from the Contractor's unpaid compensation a sum of money deemed reasonably sufficient to pay any and all such lawful claims until satisfactory evidence is furmshed that all liabilrties have been fully discharged, � whereupon payment to Contractor shall be resumed in accordance with the terms of this Contract, but in no event shall the provisions of this sentence be construed to impose any obligations upon the Owner to the Contractor or the Surety. In payuig any unpaid bills of the Contractor, the Owner shall be deemed the agent of Contractor and any payment so made by the ' Owner shall be considered as payment made under the Contract by the Owner to Contractor, and the Owner shall not be liable to Contractor for any such payment made in good faith. � 14.3 REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS FOR PROGRESS PAYMENTS � � ' � The Owner's Representative will within twenty (20} business days after receipt authorize and process payment by the Owner a properly submitted and documented Application for payment, unless the application requires review by an Agent. If the Application for payment requires review and approval by an Agent, properly submitted and documented Applications for payment will be paid by the Owner within twenty-five (25) business days. If an Application for payment is rejected, notice shall be given within twenty (20) business days of receipt indicating the reasons for refusing payment. The reasons for rejecting an Application will be submitted in writing, specifying deficiencies and identifying actions that would make the Application proper. SectionIII.doc Page 35 of 49 7/312012 Seclion III — General Conditions In the latter case, Contractor may make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. The Owner's Representative or Agent may refuse to recommend the whole or any part of any payment to Owner. Owner's Representative or Agent may also refuse to recommend any such payment, or, because of subsequently discovered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections or test, nullify any such payrnent previously recommended, to such extent as may be necessary in Owner Representative's or Agent's opinion to protect the Owner from loss because: (i) the Work is defective, or completed Work has been damaged requiring correction or replacement, (ii) the Contract Price has been reduced by amendment or Change Order, (iii) the Owner has been required to correct defective Work or complete Work, or (iv) Owner's Representative or Agent has actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in the article on Suspension of Work and Termination. The Owner may refuse to make payment of the full amount recommended by the Owner's Representative or Agent because: (i) claims have been made against the Owner on account of Contractor's performance or furnishing of the Work, (ii} Liens have been filed in connection with the Work, except where Contractor has delivered a specifc Bond satisfactory to the Owner to secure the satisfaction and discharge of such Liens, (iii} there are other items entitling the Owner to a set-off against the amount recommended, or (iv) the Owner has actual knowledge of any of the events described in this paragraph. The Owner shall give Contractor notice of refusal to pay in accordance with the time constraints of this section with a copy to the Owner's Representative or Agent, stating the reasons for such actions, and Owner sha11 promptly pay Contractor the amount so withheld, or any adjustment thereto agreed to by the Owner and Contractor, when Contractor corrects to the Owner's satisfaction the reasons for such action. 14.4 PARTIAL UTILIZATION Use by the Owner at the Owner's option of any substantially completed part of the Work which (i) has specifically been identifed in the Contract Documents, or (ii) Owner, Engineer, Owner's Representative, and Contractor agree constitutes a sepazately functioning and usable part of the Work that can be used by the Owner for its intended purpose without significant interference with Contractor's performance of the remainder of the Work, may be accomplished prior to Final Completion of all the Work subject to the following: The Owner at any time may request Contractor in writing to permit the Owner to use any such part of the Work which the Owner believes to be ready for its intended use and substantially complete. If Contractor agrees that such part of the Work is substantially complete, Contractor will certify to Ovtmer, Owner's Representative, and Engineer that such part of the Work is substantially complete and request Owner's Representative to issue a certificate of Substantial Completion for that part of the Work. Contractor at any time may notify Owner, Owner's Representative, and Engineer in writing that Contractor considers any such part of the Work ready for its intended use and substantially complete and request Owner's Representative to issue a certificate of Substantial Completion for that part of the Work. Within a reasonable time after either such request, Owner, Contractor, Owner's Representative, and Engineer shall make an inspection of that part of the Work to determine its status of completion. If Engineer does not consider that part of the Work to be substantially complete, Engineer will notify Owner, Owner's Representative, and Contractor in writing giving the reasons therefore. If Engineer considers that part of the Work to be substantially complete, the provisions of the articles for Substantial Completion and Partial Utilization will apply with respect to certiiication of Substantial Cornpletion of that part of the Work and the division of responsibility in respect thereof and access thereto. SectionlIl.doc Page 36 of 49 ?!31/2012 �J ��' ' � � �� �J , , � LJ �� f� ' , �� ' � � � Section III — General Conditions 14.5 FINAL INSPECTION Upon written notice from Contractor that the entire Work or an agreed portion thereof is complete, Owner's Representative will make a final inspection with Engineer, Owner and Contractor and will within thirty (30) days notify Contractor in writing of particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Work is incomplete or defective. The Owner's Representative will produce a final punch list, deliver it to the Contractor within five (5) days of completion and assign a date for this work to be completed not less than thirty (30) days from delivery of the list. Failure to include any corrective work or pending items does not alter the responsibility of the contractor to complete all the construction services purchased pursuant to the contract. Contractor shall immediately take such measures as are necessary to complete such Work or remedy such defciencies. 14.6 FINAL APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT After Contractor has completed all such corrections to the satisfaction of Owner's Representative and has delivered in accordance with the Contract Documents all maintenance and operating instructions, As-builllRecord Drawings, schedules, guarantees, Bonds, certifcates or other evidence of insurance required by the paragraph for Bonds and Insurance, certificates of inspection, Inspector overtime reimbursement as required in the Contract Documents and other documents, Contractor may make application for final payment following the procedure for progress payments. The final Application for Payment shall be accompanied (except as previously delivered) by: (i) all documentation called for in the Contract Documents, including but not limited to the evidence of insurance required by paragraph for Bonds and Insurance, (ii) consent of the surety, if any or if necessary, to final payment, and (iii} complete and legally effective releases or waivers (satisfactory to the Owner} of all Liens arising out of or filed in connection with the Work. In lieu of such releases or waivers of Liens and as approved by the Owner, Contractor may fizrnish receipts or releases in full and an affidavit of Contractor that: (i) the releases and receipts include all labor, services, material and equipment for which a Lien could be filed, and (ii) all payrolls, material and equipment bills and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which the Owner or the Owner's property might in any way be responsible have been paid or otherwise satisfied. If any Subcontractor or Supplier fails to furnish such a release or receipt in full, Contractor may furnish a Bond or other collateral satisfactory to the Owner to indemnify the Owner against any Lien. Prior to application for imal payment, Contractor shall clean and remove from the premises all surplus and discarded materials, rnbbish, and temporary structures, and shall restore in an acceptable manner all property, both public and private, which has been damaged during the prosecution of the Work, and shall leave the Work in a neat and presentable condition. 14.7 FINAL PAYMENT AND ACCEPTANCE If through no fault of Contractor, final completion of the Work is significantly delayed and if Owner's Representative so conf'irms, the Owner shall, upon receipt of Contractor's final Application for payment and recommendation of Owner's Representative, and without terminating the Agreement, make payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted. If the remaining balance to be held by the Owner for Work not fully completed or corrected is less than the retainage stipulated in the Agreement, and if Bonds have been furnished as required in paragraph for Bonds and Insurance, the written consent of the surety to the payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and SectionIII.doc Page 37 of 49 7/3 ]/2012 Section III — General Conditions accepted shall be submitted by Contractor to Owner's Representative with the Application for such payment. Such payment shall be made under the terms and conditions governing final payment, except that such payment shall not constitute a waiver of claims. If on the basis of Owner Representative's observation of the Work during construction and fmal inspection, and Owner Representative's review of the final Application for Payment and accompanying documentation, all as required by the Contract Documents, Owner's Representative is satisfied that the Work has been completed and Contractor's other obligations under the Contract Documents have been fulfilled, Owner's Representative will indicate in writing his recommendation of payment and present the Application to Owner for payment. Thereupon, Owner's Representative will give written notice to Owner and Contractor that the Work is acceptable subject to the provisions of this article. Otherwise, Owner's Representative will retum the Application to Contractor, indicating in writing the reasons for refusing to recommend final payment, in which case Contractor shall make the necessary conections and resubmit the Application. If the Application and accompanying documentation are appropriate as to form and substance, the Owner shall, within twenty (20) days after receipt thereof pay contractor the amount recommended by Owner's Representative. 14.8 WAIVER OF CLAIMS The making and acceptance of fnal payment will constitute: a waiver of all claims by the Owner against Contractor, except claims arising from unsettled Liens, from defective Work appearing after final inspection, from failure to comply with the Contract Docwnents or the terms of any special guarantees specified therein, or from Contractor's continuing obligations under the Contract Documents; and a waiver of all claims by Contractor against the Owner other than those previously made in writing and still unsettled. 15 SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION 15.1 OWNER MAY SUSPEND THE WORK At any time and without cause, Owner's Representative may suspend the Work or any portion thereof for a period of not more than ninety (90) days by notice in writing to Contractor, which will fix the date on which Work will be resumed. Contractor shall resume the Work on the date so fixed. Contractor shall be allowed an adjustment in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Times, or both, directly attributable to any such suspension if Contractor makes an approved claim therefore as provided in the articles for Change of Contract Price and Change of Contract Time. 15.2 OWNER MAY TERMINATE Upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following events; if Contractor persistently fails to perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, failure to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment or failure to adhere to the progress schedule as adjusted from time to time); if Contractor disregards Laws and Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction; if Contractor disregards the authority of Owner's Representative; if Contractor otherwise violates in any substantial way any provisions of the Contract Documents; or if the Work to be done under this Contract is abandoned, or if this SectionIII.doc Page 38 of 49 7/312012 � ' � � � � ' Section III — General Conditions Contract or any part thereof is sublet, without the previous written consent of the Owner, or if the Contract or any claim thereunder is assigned by Contractor otherwise than as herein specified, or at any time Owner's Representative certifies in writing to the Owner that the rate of progress of the Work or any part thereof is unsatisfactory or that the work or any part thereof is unnecessarily or unreasonably delayed. The Owner may, after giving Contractor (and the surety, if any), seven days' written notice and, to the extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, terminate the services of Contractor, exclude Contractor from the site and take possession of the Work and of all Contractor's tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery at the site and use the same to the full extent they could be used by Contractor (without liability to Contractor for trespass or conversion), incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which the Owner has paid Contractor but which are stored elsewhere, and finish the Work as ihe Owner may deem expedient. In such case Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds all claims, costs, losses and damages sustained by the Owner arising out of or resulting from completing the Work such excess will be paid to Contractar. If such claims, costs, losses and damages exceed such unpaid balance, Contractor shall pay the � difference to the Owner. Such claims, costs, losses and damages incurred by the Owner will be reviewed by Owner's Representative as to theu reasonableness and when so approved by Owner's Representative incorporated in a Change Order, provided that when exercising any , rights or remedies under this paragraph the Owner shall not be required to obtain the lowest price for the Work performed. i ' � L� , Where Contractor's services have been so terminated by the Owner, the termination will not affect any rights or remedies of the Owner against Contractor then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of moneys due Contractor by the Owner will not release Contractor from liability. Upon seven (7) days' written notice to Contractor and Owner's Representative, the Owner may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy of the Owner, elect to terminate the Agreement. In such case, Contractor shall be paid (without duplication of any items): for completed and acceptable Work executed in accordance with the Contract Documents prior to the effective date of termination, including fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profit on such Work; for expenses sustained prior to the effective date of termination in performing services and furnishing labor, materials or equipment as required by the Contract Documents in connection with uncompleted Work, plus fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profit on such expenses; � for all claims, costs, losses and damages incurred in settlement of terminated contracts with Subcontractors, Suppliers and others; and for reasonable expenses d'uectly attributable to termination. � � , � Contractor shall not be paid on account of loss of anticipated profits or revenue or other economic loss arising out of or resulting from such termination. SectionlII.doc Page 39 of 49 7l31/2012 Section III — General Conditions 15.3 CONTRACTOR MAY STOP WORK OR TERMINATE If, through no act or fault of Contractor, the Work is suspended for a period of more than ninety (90) days by the Owner or under an order of court or other public authority, or the Owner's Representative fails to act on any Application for Payment within thirty (30) days after it is submitted or the Owner fails for thirty (30) days to pay Contractor any sum imally deternuned to be due, then Contractor may, upon seven (7) days' written notice to the Owner and Owner's Representative, and provided the Owner or Owner's Representative does not remedy . such suspension or failure within that time, terminate the Agreement and recover from the Owner payment on the same terms as provided in the article for the Owner May Terminate. However, if the Work is suspended under an order of court through no fault of Owner, the Contractor shall not be entitled to payment except as the Court may direct. In lieu of terminating the Agreement and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, if Owner's Representative has failed to act on an Application for Payment within thirty (30) days after it is submitted, or the Owner has failed for thirty (30) days to pay Contractor any sum imally determined to be due, Contractor may upon seven (7) day's written notice to the Owner and Owner's Representative stop the Work until payment of all such amounts due Contractor. The provisions of this article are not intended to preclude Contractor from making claim under paragraphs for Change of Contract Price or Change of Contract Time or otherwise for expenses or damage directly attributable to Contractor's stopping Work as permitted by this article. 16 DISPUTE RESOLUTION If and to the extent that the Owner and Contractor have agreed on the method and procedure for resolving disputes between them that may arise under this Agreement, such dispute resolution method and procedure will proceed. If no such agreement on the method 'and procedure for resolving such disputes has been reached, subject to the provisions of the article for Decisions on Disputes, the Owner and Contractor may exercise such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the Contract Documents or by Laws or Regulations in respect of any dispute provided, however, that nothing herein shall require a dispute to be submitted to binding arbitration. 17 MISCELLANEOUS 17.1 SUBMITTAL AND DOCUMENT FORMS The form of all submittals, notices, change orders, pay applications, logs, schedules and other documents permitted or required to be used or transmitted under the Contract Documents shall be deterxnined by the Owner's Representative subject to the approval of Owner. �17.2 GIVING NOTICE Whenever any provision of the Contract Documents requires the giving of written notice, notice will be deemed to have been validly given if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the ium or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the last business address known to the giver of the notice. SectionIlI.doc Page 40 of 49 7/31/2012 ' ' Section III — General Conditions 17.3 NOTICE OF CLAIM � Should the Owner or Contractor suffer injury or damage to person or property because of any error, omission or any act of the other party or of any of the other party's officers, employees or agents or others for whose acts the other party is legally liable, claim will be made in writing to the other party within a reasonable time of the first observance of such injury or damage. The , provisions of this paragraph shall not be construed as a substitute for or a waiver of the provisions of any applicable statute of limitations or repose. � 17.4 PROFESSIONAL FEES AND COURT COSTS INCLUDED Whenever reference is made to "claims, costs, losses and damages," the phrase shall include in , each case, but not be limited to, all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals and all court or other dispute resolution costs. , ' � � � ' � 1 � 17.5 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT The Contractor shall not assign this contract or any part thereof or any rights thereunder without the approval of Owner, nor without the consent of surety unless the surety has waived its rights to notice of assignment. 17.6 RENEWAL OPTION Annual Contracts issued through the Engineering Department may be renewed for up to two (2) years, upon mutual consent of both the Owner and the Contractor/Vendor. All terms, conditions and unit prices shall remain constant unless otherwise specified in the contract specifications or in the Invitation to bid. Renewals shall be made at the sole discretion of the Owner, and must be agreed to in writing by both parties. All renewals are contingent upon the availability of funds, and the satisfactory performance of the Contractor as determined by the Construction Department. 17.7 ROLL-OFF CONTAINERS AND/OR DUMPSTERS All City construction projects shall utilize City of Clearwater Solid Waste roll-off containers and/or dumpsters for their disposal needs. For availability or pricing contact Mike Pryor at the City of Clearwater, Solid Waste Department, phone: (727) 562-4923 or email: Michael.P or �Clearwater.com. 18 ORDER AND LOCATION OF THE WORK The City reserves the right to accept and use any portion of the work whenever it is considered to the public interest to do so. The Engineer shall have the power to direct on what line or street the Contractor shall work and order thereof. 19 MATERIAL USED ' All material incorporated into the final work shall be new material unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish purchase receipts of all materials. � ' Sectionlll.dce Page 4I of 49 7/31/2012 � Section lIl — General Conditions 20 CONFLICT BETWEEN PLANS AND SPECIFtCATIONS The various Contract Documents shall be given precedence, in case of conflict, enor or discrepancy, as follows: Modifications, Contract Agreement, Addenda, Supplementary General Conditions, General Conditions, Supplementary Technical Specifications, Technical Specifications, Drawings. In a series of Modifications or Addenda the latest will govern. 21 OWNER DIRECT PURCHASE (ODP) OPTION The Owner reserves the right, when identified during the bidding process as part of the project's documents, to contract with the Contractor to purchase certain portions of materials identified in the project as a sales tax savings option in compliance with Florida Law since the Owner is exempt from payment of sales tax. The Contract price includes Florida sales and other applicable taxes for materials, supplies, and equipment, which will be a part of the Contractor's work. The Ovmer, being exempt from sales tax, reserves the right to make direct purchases of various construction materials included in the Contractor's contract. The Owner purchasing of construction materials, if selected, will be administered on a deductive Change Order basis. Additionally, Purchase Orders will include Owner's Certificate of Exemption number. See SECTION IV, ARTICLE 1.1 - SCOPE DESCRIPTION for ODP items included in the Contract Documents and the APPENDIX for ODP Documents. 22 RESIDENT NOTIFICATION OF START OF CONSTRUCTION 22.1 GENERAL The Contractor shall notify all residents along the construction route or within a 500-foot radius, unless stated otherwise in the Contract Documents, with a printed door hanger notice indicating the following information about the proposed construction work and the Contractor performing the work: City seal or logo; the scheduled date for the start of construction; the type of construction; general seyuence and scheduling of construction events; possibility of water service disruption andlor colored water due to construction efforts; Contractor's name, the Superintendent's name, Contractor address and telephone number; Contractor's company logo (optional); requirement for residents to remove landscaping and/or other private appurtenances which are in conflict with the proposed construction; and other language as appropriate to the scope of Contract work. Sample door hanger including proposed language shall be approved by the City prior to the start of construction. Notification shall be printed on brightly colored and durable card stock and shall be a nninimum of 4-'/4 by 11 inches in size. Notification (door hanger) shall be posted to residences and businesses directly affected by the Contractor's activities no later than seven (7) days prior to the start of construction activity. Directly affected by the Contractor's activities shall mean all Contractor operations including staging areas, equipment and material storage, principal access routes across private property, etc. Contractor cannot start without proper seven (7) day notice period to residents. Contractor is required to maintain sufficient staff to answer citizen inquiries during normal business hours and to maintain appropriate message recording equipment to receive citizen inquires after business hours. Resident notification by the Contractor is a non-specific pay item to be included in the bid items provided in the contract proposal. 22.2 EXAMPLE CITY SEAL SectionlIl_doc Page 42 of 49 7/31/2012 Section III — General Conditions 0� CITY OF CLEARWATER NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION TODAY' S DATE: / / PLEASE EXCUSE US FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE � are the construction contractor performing (state type of contract) for the City of Clearwater your area. The work will be performed in the public right-of-way adjacent to your property. is notice is placed a minimum of seven (7) days in advance of construction to notify property mers of the pending start of construction. I(Brief description of the construction process to be expected by the property owners) The construction process may necessitate the removal of certain items from the right-of-way. Typical items such as sprinklers, grass, and postal approved mailboxes will be replaced by the contractor within a reasonably short period of time. The replacement of driveways and sidewalks will be made using standazd asphalt or concrete materials. The property owner is responsible for the expense and coordination to replace driveways and sidewalks which have customized colors, textures and/or materials. Small trees, shrubs, landscaping materials, unauthorized mailboxes or structures within the right-of-way which must be removed due to the construction process will not be replaced. The property owner is responsible to relocate any such items which the property owner wishes to save prior to the start of construction. Vehicles pazked on the streets or within the right-of-way may be required to be placed elsewhere. We are available to answer any questions you may have regazding the construction process or any particular item that must be relocated. Please contact our Construction Manager at (�27) . We will be more than happy to assist you. is anticipated to begin on: Company Name Company Address Contractor Phone Number 23 PROJECT INFORMATION SIGNS 23.1 SCOPE AND PURPOSE The Owner desires to inform the general public on the Owner's use and expenditure of public funding for general capital improvement and maintenance projects. To help accomplish this purpose, the Contractor is required to prepare and display public project information signs during the full course of the contract period. These signs will be displayed at all location(s} of active work. Payment to Contractor for the preparation, installation and management of project sign(s) shall be included in the cost of the work. The number of and type of signs will be stated in SECTION N, ARTICLE 1.1 — SCOPE DESCRIPTION. 23.2 TYPE OF PROJECT SIGN, FIXED OR PORTABLE Sign type shall be"fixed" on stationary projects and "portable" on projects which have extended � locations or various locations. The particular wording to be used on the signs will be determined after contract award has been approved. Contractor will be provided the wording to be used on sign at the preconstruction conference. ' SectionIIl.doc Page 43 of 49 7/31/2012 �l Section III — General Conditions 23.3 FIXED SIGN Fixed sign shall be 4-foot by 6-foot (4'x6') in size and painted on a sheet of exterior grade plywood of the same size and a minimum thickness of 1/2-inches. Sign shall be attached to a minimum of two (2) 4-inch by 4-inch (4"x4") below grade pressure treated (P.T.) wooden posts and braced as necessary for high winds. Posts shall be long enough to provide secure anchoring in the ground. Bottom of sign must be a minimum of 24-inches above the ground. Alternate mounting system or attachment to fencing or other fixed structure can be considered for approval. Sign shall be painted white on both sides with exterior rated paint. 23.4 PORTABLE SIGNS Portable sign shall be a minimum of 24-inches by 30-inches (24"x30") in size and will be attached to a standazd sized portable traffic barricade. Sign material shall be aluminum, 0.080- inches or thicker, background of white reflective sheeting, and shall be silkscreen or vinyl lettering. Portable sign shall be two signs located and attached to each side of the traffic barricade. 23.5 SIGN COLORING Background shall be white. Project Descriptive Name sha11 be in blue lettering. All other lettering shall be black. Basic lettering on sign shall be in all capital letters, of size proportional to the sign itself. Each sign shall depict the City's sun and waves logo. The color of the sun shall be pantone yellow; the wave shall be process blue; and the text shall be black. 23.6 SIGN PLACEMENT Signs shall be placed where they are readily visible by the general public which pass by the project site. Signs are not to be placed where they may become a hazard or impediment to either pedestrian or vehicular traffic. For construction projects outside of the Owner's right-of-way, the signs will be placed on the project site. For projects constructed inside of the Owner's right-of- way, the signs will be placed in the right-of-way. Portable signs are to be moved to the locations of active work on the project. Multiple portable signs will be necessary where work is ongoing in several locations at the same time. Fixed signs are to be placed at the start of construction and will remain in place until the request for final payment. 23.7 SIGN MAINTENANCE The Contractor is responsible for preparation, installation, movement, maintenance, replacement, removal and disposal of all project signs during the full course of the contract period. The Contractor will place and secure portable signs from dislocation by wind or other actions. Signs are to be cleaned as necessary to maintain legibility and immediately replaced if defaced. SectionIII.doc Page 44 of 49 7/3l/2012 � � � � 1 , �' 1 � ' ' ' ' ' , ' , Section III — General Conditions 23.8 TYPICAL PROJECT SIGN � �� PROJECT NAME (CONTR.ACT r1UMBER) �DEPARTMENT NAME) PROJECT N CONTR.ACTOR: � COMPLETION DATE: t .q' L E � E .� N \1 FI7NDING: OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE: LL � �� \ � °� ; �le��rwate� �� .:� U 2'-3'. 4"x4" P.T. Pos'c (Typ.) 24 AWARD OF CONTRACT, WORK SCHEDULE AND GUARANTEE � It will be required that the work will commence not later than five (5) calendar days after the Engineer gives written notice to proceed (NTP), which notice shall be given as outlined in Article 2 of these General Conditions. It is further required that all work within this contract be completed within the indicated number of consecutive calendar davs as determined in SECTION IV, ARTICLE 1.1 - SCOPE DESCRIPTION. Contract date to commence at issuance of notice to proceed. If the Contractor fails to complete the work within the stipulated time, the City will retain the amount stated in the Contract, per calendar day, for each day that the contract remains incomplete. The work shall be discontinued on Saturdays, Sundays, and approved Holidays. If it becomes necessary for the Contractor to perform work on Saturdays, Sundays, and approved City of Clearwater Employee Holidays, that in the opinion of the Engineer, will require the presence of Inspectors, the ' SectionlIl.doc �� Page 45 of 49 7/31/2012 Section III — General Conditions Contractor shall pay the City of Clearwater, Florida, the amount of Four Hundred Eighty Dollars ($480.00) per each eight-hour (8) day for each Inspector given such assignment. The Contractor shall remedy any defects in the work at his own expense and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which appear within a period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance. 25 SCRUTINIZED COMPANIES AND BUSINESS OPERATIONS WITH CUBA AND SYRIA CERTIFICATION FORM Any company, individual, principal, subsidiary, affiliate, or owner on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List, the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, or is engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria, is ineligible for, and may not bid on, submit a proposal for, or enter into or renew a contract with the City of Clearwater for goods or services for an amount equal to or greater than one million ($1,�00,000.00) dollazs. Therefore, if applicable, each entity submitting a bid, proposal, or response to a solicitation must certify to the City of Clearwater that it is not on either list or engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria at the time of submitting a bid, proposal or response, in accordance with section 287.135, Florida Statutes. Business Operations means, for purposes specifically related to Cuba or Syria, engaging in cominerce in any form in Cuha or Syria, including, but not limited to, acquiring, devetoping, maintaining, owning, selling, possessing, leasing, or operating equipment, facilities, personnel, products, services, personal pmperty, real property, military equipment, or any other apparatus of business or commerce. The certification form (the Certification) is attached hereto, and it must be submitted, along with all other relevant contract documents, at the time of submitting a bid, pmposal, or response. Failure to provide the Certification may deem the entity's submittal non-responsive. If the City of Clearwater determines that an entity has submitted a false certification form, been placed either on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, (for contracts entered into or renewed on or after July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012), or submitted a false certification form, has been placed either on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List or been engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria, (for contracts entered into or renewed on or after July 1, 2012) then the contract may be terminated at the option of the City of Clearwater. Other than the submission of a false certification, the option to waive the aforementioned deficiencies mentioned in the previous sentence may be asserted on a case-by-case basis, at the sole discretion of the City of Clearwater, if to the following conditions aze found to exist: A. For Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, (all of the following must occur): Sectionlll.doc 1. The scrutinized business operations were made before July 1, 2011. 2. The scrutinized business operations have not been expanded or renewed after July 1, 2011. 3. The City of Clearwater determines that it is in the best interest of the City to contract with the company or entity. Page 46 of 49 7/3 Z/20I2 ' ' ' ' ' � ' Section lll — General Conditions 4. The company or entity has adopted, has publicized and is implementing a formal plan to cease scrutinized business operations and to refrain from engaging in any new scrutinized business operations. B. For Companies Engaged in Business Operations in Cuba or Syria: l. The business operations were made before July 1, 2012. 2. The business operations have not been expanded or renewed after July 1, 2012. 3. The City of Clearwater determines that it is in the best interest of the City to contract with the company or entity. 4. The company or entity has adopted, has publicized, and is implementing a formal � plan to cease business operations and to refrain from engaging in any new business operations in Cuba or Syria. ' � � � , � L__J ' ' � � Further, the City may allow a company to bid on, submit a proposal for, or enter into or renew a contract with the City of Clearwater for goods or services for an amount equal to or greater than one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars, if the City makes a public finding that, absent one of the above exemptions, the City would otherwise be unable to obtain goods or services for which the contract is offered. The City retains the right to pursue civil penalties and any other applicable rights and remedies as provided by law for the false submission of the attached certification form. ' SectionlII.doc � Page 4? of 49 7/312012 Section III — General Conditions SCRUTINIZED COMPANIES AND BUSINESS OPERATIONS WITH CUBA AND SYRIA CERTIFICATION FORM THIS FORM MIIST BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED WITH THE BID PROPOSAL. FAILURE TO SUBMIT THIS FORM AS REQUIRED, MAY DEEM YOUR SUBMITTAL NONRESPONSIVE. The affiant, by virtue of the signature below, certifies that: 1. The vendor, company, individual, principal, subsidiary, affiliate, or owner is aware of the requirements of section 287.135, Florida Statutes, regarding companies on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List, the Scrutinized Companies with Acrivities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, or engaging in business operations in Cuba and Syria; and 2. The vendor, company, individual, principal, subsidiary, affiliate, or owner is eligible to participate in this solicitation and is not listed on either the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List, the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleurn Sector List, or engaged in business operations in Cuba and Syria; and 3. Business Operations means, for purposes specifically related to Cuba or Syria, engaging in commerce in any form in Cuba or Syria, including, but not limited to, acquiring, developing, maintaining, owning, selling, possessing, leasing or operating equipment, facilities, personnel, products, services, personal property, real property, military equipment, or any other apparatus of business or commerce; and 4. If awarded the Contract (or Agreement), the vendor, company, individual, principal, subsidiary, affiliate, or owner will immediately notify the City of Clearwater in writing, no later than five (5) calendar days after any of its principals are placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List, the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Sector List, or engages in business operations in Cuba and Syria. SectionlII.doc Authorized Signature Printed Name Title Name of Entity/Corporation , , �I � ' � , � � LJ , � ' � , � , Page 48 of 49 7/31/2012 , I_ _I ' � � � ' � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Section III — General Conditions STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of , 201_, by (name of person whose signature is being notarized) as the (title) of (name of corporation/entity), personally known to me as described herein , or produced a (type of identification) as identification, and who did/did not take an oath. NOTARY SEAL ABOVE SectionIll.doc Notary Public Printed Name My Commission Expires: Page 49 of 49 7/31/2012 �I l � � SECTION IV TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Table of Contents: � SECTION IV ...................................................................................................... ' ............................ i TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................... i � � L �� 'J � i � 1 2 SCOPEOF WORK ...........................................................................................................1 1.1 SCOPE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 1 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK CHECKLIST .................................................................................. 5 FIELDENGINEERING .................................................................................................. 6 2.1 LINE AND GRADE SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR ............... 6 2.1.1 GRADES, LINESAND LEVELS ............................................................................. 6 2.1.2 LAYOUT D.4TA ....................................................................................................... 7 2.2 LINE AND GRADE SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CITY ................................. 7 3 DEFINITION OF TERMS ............................................................................................... 7 3.1 REFERENCE STANDARDS ....................................................... ... 7 ............................... 3.2 ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ..................... ........ 7 .............................................. 4 ORDER AND LOCATION OF THE WORK ................................................................ 9 5 EXCAVATION FOR UNDERGROUND WORK .......................................................... 9 6 CONCRE'I'E ....................................................................................................................10 7 EXCAVATION AND FORMS FOR CONCRETE WORK ........................................10 7.1 EXCAVATION ..............................................................................................................10 7.2 FORMS .........................................................................................................................10 8 REINFORCEMENT .......................................................................................................10 8.1 BASIS OF PAYMENT ..................................................................................................11 9 OBSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................................11 10 RESTORATION OR REPLACEMENT OF DRIVEWAYS, CURBS, SIDEWALKS AND STREET PAVEMENT ...........................................................................................11 11 WORK IN EASEMENTS OR PARKWAYS ................................................................12 12 DEWATERING ...............................................................................................................12 12.1 GENERAL ..................................................................... ................. 12 12.2 PERMIT REQUIRENiENTS ........................•---............................................................ 13 12.2.1 DEWATERING CON7'ROL ................................................................................... 13 12.2.2 GENERIC PERMIT FOR THE DISCHARGE OF PRODUCED GROUND WATER FROMANYNON-CONTAMINATED SITEACTNITY ........................... 13 � 13 SANITARY MANHOLES ..............................................................................................15 13.1 BUILT UP 'I'YPE ..........................................................................................................15 13.2 PRECAST TYPE ........................................:.................................................................16 � SectionIV.doc i 5/15/2012 � 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 2 2 13. 2.1 MANHOLE AD.IUSTMENT RINGS (GRADE RINGS) ........................................16 13.3 DROP MANHOLES ..................................................................................................... 16 13.4 FRAMES AND COVERS ............................................................................................ 16 13.5 MANHOLE COATINGS .............................................................................................. 16 13.6 CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES ............................................................................. 17 BACKFILL......................................................................................................................17 STREET CROSSINGS, ETC . .......................................................................................17 RAISING OR LOWERING OF SANITARY SEWER, STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURE5................................................................................................................17 16.1 BASIS OF PAYMENT ................................................................................................. 17 UNSiJITABLE MATERIAL REMOVAL .....................................................................18 17.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT ...................................................................................... 18 17.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT ................................................................................................. 18 UNDERDRAINS.............................................................................................................18 18.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT ...................................................................................... 18 18.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT ................................................................................................. 19 9 STORM SEWERS ..........................................................................................................19 19.1 AS BUILT 1NFORMATION ......................................................................................... 19 19.2 TESTING ...................................................................................................................... 19 19.3 BASIS OF PAYMENT ............................................................•-•-----•--.....---••••---........... 20 0 SANITARY SEWERS AND FORCE MAINS .............................................................. 20 20.1 MATERIALS .......................................................................................20 ......................... 20.1.1 GRAVITYSEWER PIPE ........................................................................................ 20 20.1.2 FORCE MAINPIPE ............................................................................................. 20 20.2 INSTALLATION ................................................................................. ..... 20 .................... 20.2.1 GRAV17'YSEWER PIPE ........................................................................................ 20 20.2.2 FORCE MAIN PIPE .........................................:................................................... 21 203 AS BUILT DRAWINGS ............................................................................................... 21 20.4 TESTING ...................................................................................................................... 21 20.4.1 TESTING OF GRAVITYSEWERS ........................................................................ 21 20. 4.2 TESTING OF FORCE MAINS .............................................................................. 22 20.5 BASIS OF PAYMENT ......................................................................................... ... 22 20.5.1 GRAVITYSEWER PIPE ........................................................................................ 22 20.5.2 FORCE MAINPIPE ............................................................................................. 22 1 DRA.INAGE .....................................................................................................................22 2 ROA,DWAY BASE AND SUBGRADE .......................................................................... 22 22.1 BASE ............................................................................................................................ 22 22.1.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT FOR BASE AND REWORKED BASE ................... 24 22.1. 2 BASIS OF PAYMENT FOR BASE AND REWOIZKED BASE ............................... 24 22_2 SUBGRADE .................................................••--••••-••-••--•...............................................24 22.2.1 BASISOFMEASUREMEIV7' ................................................................................24 22. 2. 2 BASIS OF PAYMENT ............................................................................................ 25 SectionlV.doc �i snsi2o�2 � � LJ � � � �� � � � �' �� � L� � � � � � 23 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE MATERIALS ................................................................... 25 23.1 ASPHAL'I'IC CONCRETE ...................................................................................•--..... 2S 23.1.1 AGGREGATE ......................................................................�--...............................25 23.1.2 BITUMINOIIS MATERIALS ..................................................................... ............ 25 23.2 HOT BITUMINOUS MIXTURES - PLANT, METHODS, EQUIPMENT & QUALITYASSURANCE ............................................................................................ 25 23.3 ASPHALT MIX DESIGNS AND TYPES .................................................................... 26 23.4 ASPHALT PAVEMENT DESIGNS AND LAYER THICKNESS ............................... 26 23.5 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .................................................... 27 23.6 CRACKS AND POTHOLE PREPARATION .............................................................. 27 23.6.1 CRACKS ................................................................................................................27 23.6.2 POTHOLES ...........................................................................................................27 23.7 ADJUSTMENT OF MANHOLES ............................................................................... 28 23.8 ADDITIONAL ASPHALT REQUIREMENTS ............................................................ 28 23.9 SUPERPAVEASPHALTIC CONCRE`TE...........••---• ................................................... 29 23.10 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT ...................................................................................... 29 23.11 BASIS OF PAYMENT ................................................................................................. 29 24 A.DJUSTMENT TO THE UNIT BID PRICE FOR ASPHALT .................................. 30 25 GENERAL PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................. 30 25.1 IRRIGATION ................................................................................................................ 30 25.1.1 DESCRIPTION ......................�--...........----.............._..............................................30 25.1.2 PRODUCTS ..........................................................................................................32 25.1.3 EXECUTION ...............�--•-�-----...............................................................................36 25.2 LANDSCAPE ............................................................................................................... 39 25.2.1 GENERAL .............................................................................................................39 25.2.2 PRODUCTS .......................................................................................................... 44 25.2.3 EXECUTION .........................................................................................................47 26 HDPE DEFORMED - REFORMED PIPE LINING ................................................... 54 26.1 INTENT ........................................................................................................................ 54 26.2 PRODUCT AND CONTRACTOR/INSTALLER ACCEPTABILITY ........................ 54 26.3 MATERIALS ................................................................................................................ 54 26.4 CLEANING/SURFACE PREPARATION ................................................................... 55 26.5 TELEVISION INSPECTION ....................................................................................... 55 26.6 LINER INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 56 26.7 LATERAL RECONNECTION ..................................................................................... 56 26.8 TIME OF CONSTRUCTION ....................................................................................... 56 26.9 PAYMENT ....................................................................................................................56 27 PLANT MIX DR.IVEWAYS ........................................................................................... 56 27.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT ...................................................................................... 57 27.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT ................................................................................................. 57 28 , REPORTING OF TONNAGE OF RECYCLED MA,TERIALS ................................ 57 , 29 CONCRETE CURBS ..................................................................................................... 57 29.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT ...................................................................................... 57 29.2 BASIS OF PAY1v1ENT ................................................................................................. 57 sectionIV.aoc E�tl 5/15/2012 30 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 31 32 33 33.1 33.2 33.3 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS AND DRIVEWAYS ......................................................... 57 CONCRETESIDEWALKS .......................................................................................... 57 CONCRETEDRNEWAYS ......................................................................................... 58 BASISOF 1v1EASUREMENT ...................................................................................... 58 BASISOF PAYIv1ENT ................................................................................................. 58 SODDING........................................................................................................................ 58 SEEDING......................................................................................................................... 59 STORM MANHOLES, INLETS, CATCH BASINS OR OTHER STORM STRUCTURES................................................................................................................ 59 BUILTUP TYPE STRUCTiJRES ................................................................................ 59 PRECASTTYPE ....................................................••-................................................... 60 BASISOF PAYMENT ................................................................................................. 60 34 MATERIAL USED ......................................................................................................... 60 35 CONFLICT BETWEEN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ...................................... 60 36 STREET SIGNS .............................................................................................................. 60 37 AUDIO/VIDEO RECORDING OE WORK AREAS ........................:......................... 60 37.1 CONTRACTOR TO PREPARE AUDIO/VIDEO RECORDING ................................ 60 37.2 SCHEDULING OF AUDIONIDEO RECORDING ................................................... 60 373 PROFESSIONALVIDEOGRAPHERS ..................................•-...................................61 3�.4 EQUIPMENT .......................................................................:....................................... 61 37.5 RECORDED INFORMATION, AUDIO ..............................................................••-••--- 61 37.6 RECORDED INFORMATION VIDEO ....................................................................... 61 37.7 VIEWER ORIENTATION ............................................................................................ 61 37.8 LIGHTING ................................................................................................................... 62 37.9 SPEED OF TRAVEL .................................................................................................... 62 37.10 VIDEO LOG/INDEX ..................•-............................................................................... 62 37.11 AREA OF COVERAGE ............................................................................................... 62 37.12 COSTS OF VIDEO SERVICES ................................................................................... 62 38 EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL ................................................................... 62 38.1 STABILIZA'I'ION OF DENUDED AREAS ................................................................. 62 38.2 PROTECTION AND STABILIZATION OF SOIL STOCKPILES ............................. 63 383 PRO'I'ECTION OF EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEMS .................................... 63 38.4 SEDIMENT TRAPPING MEASURES ........................................................................ 63 38.5 SEDIMENTATION BASINS ....................................................................................... 63 38.6 WORKING IN OR CROSSING WATERWAYS OR WATERBODIES ...................... 63 38.7 SWALES, DITCHES AND CHANNELS .................................................................... 64 38.8 UNDERGROUND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION ....................................................... 64 38.9 MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................................... 64 38.10 COMPLIANCE.•-• ......................•--•-..............................................................................64 39 UTILI'I'Y TIE IN LOCATION MARKING ................................................................. 67 40 AWARD OF CONTRACT, WORK SCHEDULE AND GUARANTEE .................... 67 SectionN.doc iv 5/15/2012 � � ' � 41 POTABLE WATERMAINS, REC`LAIMED WATERMAINS AND APPURTENANCES....................................................................................................... 67 42 43 41.1 SCOPE .......................................................................................................................... 67 41.2 MATERIALS ................................................................................................................ 68 41.2.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................. 68 41.2.2 PIPE MATERIALSAND FITI7NGS ..................................................................... 68 41.2.3 GATE VALVES ...................................................................................................... 70 41.2.4 YALVE BOXES ...................................................................................................... 70 41. 2. S ITYDRANTS ........................................................................................................... 71 41.2.6 SERVICE SADDLES ............................................................................................. 72 41.2. 7 TESTS, INSPECTIONAND REPAIRS .................................................................. 72 41. 2. 8 BACKFLOW PREVEIV7'ERS ................... .................................. ...... ..................... 72 41.2.9 TAPPING SLEEVES ............................................................................................. 73 41.2.10 BLOW OFF HYDRAIV7'S ...................................................................................... 73 41.3 CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................................................ '73 41.3.1 MATERIAL HANDLING ....................................................................................... 73 41.3.2 PIPE LAYING ....................................................................................................... 73 41.3.3 SETTING OF YALVES, HYDRANTS AND FITTINGS ......................................... 75 41.3.4 CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING LIIVES ............................................................... 75 41.4 TESTS ...........................................................................................................................76 41.4.1 HYDROSTATIC TESTS .....................................�----............................................... 76 41.4.2 NOTICE OF TEST ................................................................................................ 76 41.5 STERILIZATION ......................................................................................................... 76 41.5.1 STERILIZING AGEIV7' ........ .................................................................................. 76 41.5.2 FLUSHIIVG SYS7'EM ............................................................................................ 76 41.5.3 STERILIZATIONPROCEDURE ..........................................................................76 41.5.4 RESIDUAL CHLORINE TESTS ............................................................................ 77 41.5.5 BACTERIAL TESTS ..................................................�----....................................... 77 41.6 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ........................................................................... 77 41.6.1 GENERAL ...............................................................................................�--...........77 41.6.2 FURNISHAND INS7'ALL WATER MAIIVS ........................................................... 78 41.6.3 FURNISHAND INSTALL F17'T7NGS ................................................................... 78 41. 6.4 FURNISHAND INSTALL GATE VALVES COMPLETE WITH BOXESAND COVERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 41.6.5 FURNISHAND �NS7'ALL FIRE HYDRAN7'S ....................................................... 78 GAS SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................. 79 TENNISCOURTS .......................................................................................................... 79 43.1 PAVED TEI�TNIS COURTS .... 43.1.1 SOIL TREATMENTS....... 43.1.2 BASE COURSE ............... 43.1. 3 PRIME COAT ................. 43.1.4 LEVELING COURSE...... 43. ]. S SURFACE COURSE ....... 43.1.6 COLOR COAT ................ 43.2 CLAY TENNIS COURTS ...... 43.2.1 GENERAL ....................... 43.2.2 SITE PREPARATION...... SectionN.doc ................................. ... ........ ...................... ................................. ................................. � .............•--•-•--........... ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. v ..................................................... 79 ..................................................... 79 ......... ............................................ 79 .......... .........:................................. 79 ...... ............................................... 79 ..... ................................................ 79 . .................................................... 80 ..................................................... 81 ...... ............................................... 81 .. ................................................... 82 5/I S/2012 44 4 43.2.3 SLOPE ...................................................................................................................82 43.2.4 BASE CONSTRUCTION .................�---....................---........................................... 83 43.2.5 PERIMETER CURBING ....................................................................................... 83 43.2.6 SURFACECOURSE ...........................�-�---............................................................83 43.2.7 ROOTBARRIER ...................................................................................................83 43.2.8 FENCING ............................................................................................................. 84 43.2.9 WINDSCREENS ....................................................................................................84 43.2.10 COURT EQUIPMENT .......................................................................................... 84 43.2.11 SHADE STRUCTURE ........................................................•--•�---........................._. 86 43.2.12 WATER SOURCE (Potable) .................................................................................. 86 43.2.13 CONCRETE ..........................................................................................................86 43.2.14 EXIS77NG SPORT TENNIS COURT LIGH77NG ................................................. 86 43.2.1 S WATER COOLER .................................................................................................. 87 43.2.16 DEMONSTRATION .................................•--......----.........--�--..............................---.87 43.2.17 WARRANTY ...........................................................................................................87 WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL ......................................................................... 88 44.1 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL ......... 88 44.2 WORK ZONE TR.AFFIC CONTROL PLAN .............................................................. 88 44.2.1 WORK ZONE SAFETY ......................................................................................... 88 44.3 ROADWAY CLOSURE GUIDELINES ....................................................................... 89 44.3.1 ALL ROADWAYS ................................................................................................... 89 44.3. 2 MAJOR ARTERIALS, MINOR ARTERIALS, LOCAL COLLECTORS ................. 89 44.3.3 MAJORARTERIALS, MINORARTERIALS ......................................................... 89 44. 3. 4 MAJOR ARTERIALS ............................................................................................. 89 44.4 APPROVAL OF WORK ZONE TRA.FFIC CONTROL PLAN ................................... 89 44.5 INSPECTION OF WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL OPERATION .................... 90 44.6 PAYMENT FOR WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL ............................................. 90 44.7 CERTIFICATION OF WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL SUPERVISOR............ 90 5 CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINING .............................................................................. 90 45.1 INT'ENT ........................................................................................................................ 90 45.2 PRODUCT AND CONTRACTOR/INSTALLER ACCEPTABILITY ........................ 91 45.3 MATERIALS ................................................................................................................ 91 45.4 CLEANING/SURFACE PREPARATION ................................................................... 91 45.5 TELEVISION INSPEC'I'ION ....................................................................................... 92 45.6 L1NER 1NSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 92 45.7 LA'I'ERAL RECONNECTION ..................................................................................... 92 45.8 TIME OF CONSTRUCTION ....................................................................................... 92 45.9 PAYMENT ....................................................................................................................92 46 SPECIFICATIONS FOR POLYETHYLENE SLIPLINING ..................................... 93 46.1 MA'I`ERIALS ........................................................................................................••---•.. 93 46.1.1 PIPEAND F1777NGS ........................................•-----....................-•------._............... 93 46.1.2 QUAL17'YC01V7'ROL ........................................................................................... 93 46.1.3 SAMPLES ............................................................................................. .......93 46.1.4 REJECTION ..........................................................................................................93 46.2 PIPE DIMENSIONS ..................................................................................................... 93 46.3 CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES ................................................................................. 94 SectionIV.doc vi snsi2oiz � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 4 4 49 46.3.1 HANDLING OFPIPE ........................................................................................... 94 46. 3. 2 REPAIR OF DAMAGED SECTIONS .................................................................... 94 46.3.3 PIPEJDINING ................................�---.......................................................---•---...94 46.3.4 HANDLINGOFFUSEDPIPE ...........................•--..._.............................._..---.......94 46.4 SLIPLINING PROCEDURE ........................................................................................ 94 46.4.1 PIPEREQUIREMENTSANDDIMENSIONS ......................................................94 46. 4. 2 CLEANING AND INSPECTION . .............. . .. .. .... ........... .................. ..... .......... ... .... 94 46. 4. 3 INSERTION SHAFT AND EXCAYATIDNS ............. ............................................. 95 46.4. 4 INSERTION OF THE LINER ................................................................................ 95 46.4.5 CONFIRMATIONOFPIPESIZES ......................................................................95 46. 4. 6 UNDERDRAIN COIVNECTIONS IF REQ UIRED ................................................ 95 46. 4. 7 BACKFILLING .......................... ........................................................................... 96 46.4.8 POINT REPAIR .......................�---..................................---..................................... 96 46.4.9 CLEAN UP OPERATIONS ................................................................................... 96 7 SPECIFICATIONS FOR POLYVINYL CHLORIDE RIBBED PIPE ...................... 96 47.1 SCOPE ..........................................................................................................................96 47.2 MATERIALS ................................................................................................................ 96 47.3 PIPE .............................................................................................................................. 96 47.4 JOINING SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... 97 47.5 FITTINGS ..................................................................................................................... 97 8 GUNITE SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................ 97 48.1 PRESSURE IN.TECTED GROUT ................................................................................ 97 48.2 REHABILITATION OF CORRUGATED METAL PIPE WITH GL)NITE ................. 97 48.3 CONIPOSITION ........................................................................................................... 97 48.4 STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................. 98 48.5 MATERIALS ................................................................................................................ 98 48.6 WATER .......................................................:................................................................. 98 48.7 REINFORCEMENT .....................................................................................................98 48.8 STORAGE OF MATERIALS ....................................................................................... 98 48.9 SURFACE PREPARATION ......................................................................................... 99 48.10 PROPOR'I'IONING .......................................................................................................99 48.11 MIXING .....................................•••..................................:.............................................99 48.12 A.PPLICATION .............................................................................................................99 48.13 CONSTRUCTION 30INTS .......................................................................................100 48.14 SURFACE FINISH....• ................................................................................................ 100 48.15 CURING ...........................••........................................................................................100 48.16 A.DJACENT SURFACE PRO`TECTION ................................................................... 100 48.17 INSPECTION ............................................................................................................. 101 48.18 EQUIPIVIENT ............................................................................................................. 101 SANITARY AND STORM MANHOLE LINER RESTORATION .........................102 49.1 SCOPE AND INTENT .......................................................................•-...................... 102 49.2 PAYIVIENT .................................................................................................................. 102 49.3 FIBERGLASS LINER PRODUCTS .........................................••---............................ 102 49.3.1 MATERIALS ........................................................................................................102 49.3.2 INSTALLATIONAND EXECU770N .................................................................. 103 49.4 STRONG SEAL MS-2 LINER PRODUCT SYSTEM .............................................. 103 SectionN.doc vii 5/15/2012 49.4.1 MATERIALS ........................................................................................................104 49.5 INFILTR.ATION CONTROL ..............................................................•-•..................... 104 49.6 GROUTING MIX ....................................................................................................... 104 49.7 LINER MIX ................................................................................................................ 104 49.8 WATER ....................................................................................................................... 105 49.9 OTHER MA'I'ERIALS .......................••-.............................................................•-•-.....105 49.10 EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................. 105 49.11 INSTALLATION AND EXECUTION ....................................................................... 105 49.11.1 PREPARATION ...................................................................................................1OS 49.11.2 MIXING ...............................................................................................................106 49.11.3 SPRAYING ................................................................. ......................................... 106 49.11. 4 PRODUCT TESTING ......................................................................................... 106 49.11.5 CURING ..............................................................................................................106 49.11. 6 MANHOLE TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE ...................................................... 107 49.12 INNERLINE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LINER PRODUCT SYSTEM ....... 107 49.12.1 SCOPE ....................�-•--.......................---.............................................................107 49.12.2 MATERIALS ........................................................................................................107 49.12.3 INSTALLATIONAND E,YECUTION .................................................................. 109 50 51 52 53 PROJECT INFORMATION SIGNS ...........................................................................11l IN-LINE SKA.TING SURFACING SYSTEM .............................................................111 51.1 SCOPE ...............................................................•-•........ 512 SURFACE PREPARATIONS ....................................... 51.2.1 ASPHALT ..................................... ......................... 51.2.2 CONCRETE .......................................................... 51.2.3 COURTPATCHBINDERMIX ............................. 51.3 APPLICATION OF ACRYLIC FILLER COAT........... 51.4 APPLICATION OF FORTIFIED PLEXIPAVE............ 51.5 PLEXIFLOR APPLICATION ...................................... 51.6 PLAYING LINES ......................................................... 517 GENERAL � . ............................................................•-............... 51.8 LIMITATIONS ....................................................................... .................................... I 11 ....................................112 ..................... ..............112 .. ..................................112 .......... ..........................112 ....................................112 ....................................113 -• .................................. l 13 .................................... l 13 ....................................113 ........................... •--......113 RESIDENT NOTIFICATION OF START OF CONSTRUCTION ..........................114 GABIONS AND MATTRESSES ........................:.........................................................114 53.1 MATERIAL .................................................................................................................114 53.1.1 GABIONAND RENO MATTRESS MATERL4L ...................................................114 53.1.2 GABIONAND MA7T'RESS FILLER MA?'EXIAL : ...............................................116 53.1.3 MATTRESS WIRE ................................................................................................117 53.1. 4 GEOTF..YTILE FABRIC ........................................................................................117 53.2 PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................................117 54 LAWN MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS ...........................................................118 54_1 SCOPE ...................................•-•----------....._........._.................._.......................-•---..........118 54.2 SCHEDULING OF WORK .........................................................................................118 54.3 WORK METHODS..•---• ..............................................................................................119 54.3.1 MA11V7'ENANCE SCHEDULING ........................................................................119 54.3.2 DUTIES PER SERVICE VISI'I' ............................................................................119 SectionIV.doc viii 5/15/2012 � � L� � t � � � � I55 � ' � � � � � � 54.4 LITTER ........................................................................................................................119 54.5 VISUAL CHECK .......................................................................................••-•---..........119 54.6 PLANT TRIMMING AND PALM PRUNING ...........................................................119 54.7 PHOENIX SPECIES (CANARY DATE, INDIA DAT'E, PYGMY DATE, ETC.)......119 54.8 DEBRIS REMOVAL ...................................................................................................119 54.9 TRAFFIC CONTROL ................................................................................•-.............. 120 54.10 PEDESTRIAN SAFETY ....................................••-••................................................... 120 54.11 PLANT FERTILIZATION .......................................................................................... 120 54.12 WEED REMOVAL IN LANDSCAPED AREA .........................................................120 54.13 MULCH CONDITION ...............................................................................................120 54.14 IRRIGATION SERVICEAND REPAIR .................................................................... 120 54.15 LAWN AND ORNAMENTAL PEST CONTROL .....................................................120 54.16 PALM FERTILIZA'ITON ............................................................................................ 120 54.17 FREEZE PROTECTION ............................................................................................ 121 54.18 LEVEL OF SERVICE ................................................................................................. 12l 54.19 COMPLETION OF WORK ....................................................................................... 121 54.20 INSPECTION AND APPROVAL .............................................................................. 121 54.21 SPECIAL CONDITIONS ........................................................................................... 121 MILLING OPERATIONS ...........................................................................................122 55.1 55.2 553 55.4 55.5 55.6 55.7 55.8 55.9 55.10 EQUIPMENT, CONSTRUCTION & MILLED SURFACE ...................................... 122 ADDITIONAL MILLING REQUIREMENTS .......................................................... 122 SALUAGEABLE MATERIALS ................................................................................. 123 DISPOSABLE MATERIALS ..................................................................................... 123 ADJUSTMENT AND LOCATION OF IJNDERGROIJND UTILITIES .................. 123 ADNSTMENT OF UTILITY MANHOLES ............................................................ 123 TYPESOF IvIILLING ................................................................................................ 123 MILLING OF INTERSECTIONS .............................................................................. 124 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT ...................................... ..... 124 ......................................... BASISOF PAYMENT ..........................••--•................................................................ 124 56 CLEARING AND GRUBBING ...................................................................................124 56.1 BASIS OF Iv1EASUREMENT ..........................................•-........................................ 124 56.2 BASIS OF PAYNIENT ............................................................................................... 124 57 RIPRAP .........................................................................................................................124 57.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT ....................................................................................124 57.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT ............................................................................................... 125 58 TREATMENT PLANT SAFE'I'I' ................................................................................125 58.1 HAZARD PO'TEN'I'IAL .............................................................................................125 58.2 REQUIRED CONTRACTOR TRAINING ................................................................ 125 59 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQIJIPMENT AND MATERIALS ...........................................125 59.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ....................................................... 126 60 SIGNING AND MARHING .........................................................................................126 60.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ....................................................... 126 61 ROADWAY LIGHTING ..............................................................................................116 SectionIV.doc ix 5/15/2012 61.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ....................................................... 126 62 TREE PROTECTION ..................................................................................................127 62.1 TREE BARRICADES ................................................................................................ 127 62.2 ROOT PRUNING .................••.................................................................................... 127 623 PROPER TREE PRUNING ........................................................................................ 128 63 PROJECT WEB PAGES ..............................................................................................129 63.1 WEB PAGES DESIGN ............................................................................................... 129 63.2 WEB ACCESSIBILITY GUIDELINES ..................................................................... 129 63.3 THE SUN AND WAVES LOGO AND ITS USE ....................................................... 129 63.4 MAPS AND GR.APHICS ........................................................................................... 130 63.5 INTERACTIVE FORMS ...........................................................................................130 63.6 POSTING ....................................................................................................................130 63.7 WEB PAGES UPDATES ............................................................................................ 130 64 OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE CLEARANCE ......................................................130 64.1 CLEARANCE OPTIONS ........................................................................................... 130 642 REQUIRED MINIMUM CLEAR.ANCE DISTANCES ............................................. 130 SectionlV.doc x 5/15/2012 � � 1 � � � � � � � 1.1 Section N — Technical Specifications SCOPE OF WORK SCOPE DESCRIPTION Project: SID LICKTON PARK - RESTROOM/PRESS BOX/CONCESSION BiJII.DING PROJECT N0.12-0024PR-B Scope of Work: l. The work for which proposals consists the Building General Contractor to provide insurance, labor, equipment, and building materials for new construction of a two story restroom/press box/concession building includes but not limited to a. All construction of underground utilities to 5 foot outside limits of roof canopy line and beneath the roof canopy; b. Connections of all underground building utilities to Site Contractor's underground uti]ities; c. Building contractor shall be required to bring in electrical service and provide conductor wiring from the property line from Progress Energy electrical service point of connection; d. Provide and install grease trap including sanitary building sewer ]ine connection to existing sanitary sewer line; e. Construct all masonry planters around building, these planter are located outside the drip line of the roof canopy. Owner's Site Civil Contractor shall install the drainage system and planting soil of the planters. The Building Contractor is required to construct all other items related to the masonry planters; f. ConsUvct masonry trash dumpster enclosure according to the drawings and specifications; g. Construct concrete flatwork beneath the canopy roof line to outside the building canopy support columns structure and roof line, concrete slab paving pattern and expansion/saw cut contraction joints shall match paving pattern/medium broom finish as shown on the site plan this work shall be coordinated with the Owner's concrete flatwork contractor, h. Construction trade works includes but_not limited to: reinforced concrete footing and slabs, masonry, plumbing, electrical, mechanical HV/AC system, elevator, glazing; framing, roofing. 2. The scope of work is a lump sum contract; there will be no additional funds provided for missing quantities or additional costs to perform the building construction works for this project as shown on the drawings and specifications 3. The Owner has elected to provide direct purchase orders for building materials to the Building General Contractor's material vendors in having state sales t� saving for this project. The Owner will provide purchase orders to the various material vendors .for the Building General Contractor providing building materials and other miscellaneous materials to constr�ct the two story restroomlpress box/concession building for this project. The successful bidder shall, at the preconshvction meeting, provide his vendors providing the building materials for the project. The successful bidder shall be included in the material vendor's the bill of quantities and dollar amount which shall include all applicable state sales for materials required for this project. 'The Owner will develop purchase orders for the Building General Contractor's material vendors for the building materials less the state sales tax. This state sales tax will be placed in the contingency funds of the project_ Any funds le$ over from the materials suppliers after completion of the project will be returned to the Building General Contractor. Should additional materials be required after the purchase order has been issued, increase to the purchase order can be made by the Owner; increases must be made while there are still funds available in the purchase order. There will be no reissuing of existing purchase orders by the Finance Department. Increases to the purchase order will be communicated by e-mail to the Building General Contractor by the Owner. 4. The Building Contractor of this project shall coordinate is work with other Owner's contractors perforrning other work on site. Conflicts shall be brought to the attention to the Owner and will resolve any conflicting constuction issues. � SectionN.doc � Page 1 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications 5_ It is noted the Building General Contractor shall be reyuired to coordinate with the Owner's Site Electrical Sports Lighting Contractor in coordination of the site electrical lighting works brought into the electrical room. The Building Contractor shall not pour any concrete slabs of the building until confirmation that all site electrical conduits are brought into the electrical room by the Site Electrical Contractor. 6. The Owner's Site Contractor shall bring the proper compacted subgrade of the building slab prior notice to proceed of the Building Contraetor. The Building Contractor shall confirm the final subgrade provided by the Site Civil Contractor meeYs his satisfaction. The Building Contractor shall dispose of soils from his excavation of the building footings and undergound utilities outside his work areas in a neat and orderly manner and shall be coordinated with the Owner's Site Civil Contractor. Site Civil Contractor shall spread out soils excavated by the Building Contractor in other areas of the project site in meeting the proposed grades. The Building General Contractor is responsible for all activities within his work areas and shall not expect other contractors to assist in the implementation his work within of his project area or unless coordinated with the Owner/Architect. 7 9 1� 11 12. Contractor's yualifications: the Contractor shall have a minimum of 5 years of experience of performing similar type projects. The contractor must be preyualified with City of Clearwater - Engineering Dept. two weeks or 10 working days prior to the bid opening date. The application form is provided in this bid documents and if the contractor is not prequalified shall complete this form and send to the City of Clearwater - Engineering Dept. as directed in the application. The contractors who are previously preyualified shall confirm with the City of Clearwater — Engineering Dept. theu preyualification is still active and do expire after 3 years after original date submitted. The Contractor shall be required to collect the building permit for this work from the City of Clearwater's Building Department. There is no fee for the permit from the City of Clearwater Building Dept. The Owner applied for the building permit and will provide the information to the successful bidder to collect the building permit at the pre-construction meeting. The Building Contractor shall develop a list of materials and shop drawings submittals required for the project. These two lists from the Building Contractor shall be provided to the Owner/Architect at the pre-construction meeting. All material submittals and shop drawings on the two lists shall be submitted to the Architect for his review within 45 days from Notice to Proceed date. All material and shop drawings submittals submitted to the Architect and maybe filed electronically. The Owner shall require three (3) hard copies and three (3) compact disk (of electronic files) of the each shop drawing, material submittal and shall be maintained by the contractor in separate file boxes by specification sections in file folders clearly marked item contained in the file folder. These documents shall be turn over to the owner at the completion of the project as part of the close out material documents. Excel or word file shall contain list of sub-contractors and material suppliers. This list shall be provided to the Owner/Architect at the pre-construction meeting. These documents shall be updated turn over to the owner at the completion of the project as part of the close out material documents. The hard copies shall be included as part of the close out documents as well as electronic files on the three (3kompact disk a list of sub-contractors, material vendors and clearly identify as to discipline of work with contact information such as contact person, addresses, telephone/celUfax numbers, and e-mail addresses in a excel or word format. 13. The successful bidder shall be required to provide a detailed construction schedule outlining all work and minor and major milestones for the project and shown long lead items of materials delivery. This schedule shall be updated at each progress meeting. This schedule shall be provided at the pre- construction meeting. 14. Successful bidder shall provide at the gre-construction meeting company's humcane plan; safety plan and emergency contact information. 15. The contractor shall be reyuired to provide a tie in survey by a licensed land surveyor, the plan must be signed and sealed and submitted to the City of Clearwater Building Dept., Owner and Architect prior to the building going vertical by the Building Contractor. SectionN.doc Page 2 of 128 5l15/2012 � � I� u L� � �] � � � � � � � � � Section IV — Technica] Specifications 16_ All discrepancies between the construction plans and the technical specifications shall be brought to the attention of the Architect/Owner for clarification in writing prior to the Building Contractor in submitting his bidder's proposal for this project. After award of the contract any discrepancies brought to the attention to the Owner/Architect the most stringent of the discrepancy shall be utilized in the implementation of this project and no additional compensation will be provided by the Owner. 17. The Building Contractor shall construct the project as shown according to the contract drawings and specifications. No deviations will be allowed from the Building Permitted construction drawings and specifications without prior approval by the Owner/Architect. The Building Contractor is responsible for any deviations from the drawings even approved deviations as requested by the Building ConUactor and approved by the OwnerlArchitect. Any ramifications because of the deviations from the approved Building Deparhnent's building permitted drawings requested by the Building Contractor it shall be his responsibility and no additional funds will be provided by the Owner because of unforeseen items at time of approval by the Owner/Architect for the deviations from the approved building permitted drawings. It shall be the responsibility of the Building Contractor to make all submittals building permit amendments to the Building Dept. to obtain final certification of completion to close out the project and building permit. 18. The Contractor shall provide one project signs as described in SECTION III, ARTICLE 23 of the Contract Documents. Site location of the project signs will be determined at the pre-construction meeting and shall be installed by the Contractor one week upon notice to proceed. The Contractor shall provide hard copy of the project sign to the Owner for approval at the pre-construction meeting for approval by the Owner. Project sign shall be provided at no additional cost to the Owner. 19. P.AYMENT WILL BE PEFORMED AS FOLLOWS FOR THE PROJECT: a. At the preconstruction conference the Contractor shall provide a schedule of value for the work, this schedule of value shall be used to establish periodic payment for the work completed by the Contractor. b. The Contractor shall invoice for the work completed on the 25`� of each month. c. The Contractor shall provide a preliminary draft of his payment request to the Owner/Architect a week prior to the actual due date of invoice for review. d. 1'he invoice shall be on AIA form showing invoice number, the total value of the contract (base value of the contract less contingency) amount of payment request. e. No payment will be made for more than work completed by Contractor. f. The Owner/Architect will determine of amount completed based on the schedule of value and the physical work completed on site. g. Detail particulars of invoicing shall be worked out on the submission of the first invoice, and remaining invoices will follow the same format. h. There will be a ten percent (10%) retainage of the contract value at each pay request and shall be reflected on each pay application. This retainage shall be paid on final close out of the project and confirmation that the building permit has been closed out and all work is completed including closeout documents to the Owner/Architect satisfaction. i. Payment of invoice is twenty (20) days from the Owner receiving the invoice for payment request. j. Payment will be mailed by the United States Postal Service and no payment will be hand delivered to the Contractor by the Owner. 20. Red lined `As-built' drawings shall be maintained on site and on a clean set of construction plans and changes notated in red ink to the plans and shall be check on a weekly basis by the Owner/Architect and prior to each pay request. Red line plans shall be available at progress meetings. These red lined `As-Built' drawings shall be turned over to the owner at the end of the project for his files. The hard copy of the As-Built drawing shall be copied on to a CD and three (3) CD's including the hardcopy turned over to the Owner as part of the close out documents. 21. Periodic daily inspections will be made by the Owner of the work and the Building Contractor shall have a responsible supervisor on site at all times during the daily activities so the Owner can confer SectionIV.doc Page 3 of 128 5/IS/2012 Section N — Technical Specifications with them about the project's progress. This person shall be responsible for the implementation of daily activities and have complete knowledge of the project scope of work. At a minimum, a progress meeting will be held every two weeks between the Building Contractor's project manager and the Owner/Architect to determine the past two weeks of work completed and progress for the upcoming next two week work schedule. This progress meeting wil} be prearranged for a day and time at the preconstruction meeting. A typed, written bullet notes sheet shall be provided to the Owner from the Building Contractor showing work completed over the past two weeks and work scheduled for the next two weeks at each of these meetings. Exchange of payment request applications shall be performed at this progress meeting. 22. Near the completion of the project, a walk, though of the project shall be scheduled and conducted between the Building Contractor and Owner/Architect to develop a punch list of outstanding items which must be completed to close out the project. A written punch list will be provided by the Owner/Architect. 1fie Building Contractor must complete the punch list within 15 calendar days of the Building Contractor receiving the list from the Owner/Architect. 23. Final walk though shall be conducted between the Building Contractor and the Owner/Architect. If the punch list is completed, the Building Contractor shall provide invoice for final payment of any outstanding items due to the Building Contractor and the ten percent (10%) retainage to the Owner/Architect for payment. 24. SCHEDULE The City will utilize the following prel'uninary timetable with the goal of selection. This schedule may be changed solely at the City's discretion. Wednesday, October 10, 2012 — Bid Advertisement Monday, October 15, 2012 — Prospective Bidder may Obtain Bid Package Monday October 29, 2012 1:30 -3:00 PM EST — Mandatory Pre-bid Conference — Frank Conyers Park Conf. Rm. 7l4 N. Satum Ave., Clearwater, FL Friday, November 02, 2012,12:00 (Noon) EST — Last day for questions by the prospective bidders and answers. Answers to all questions received will be posted on the City's website on this date. Thursday, 1:30 AM EST, November 08, 2012 — Bid Dae Date and Bid Openings, 3`d Floor, Purchasing Office. Municipal Services Boilding,100 South Myrtle Ave., Clearwater, FL 33756 TO BE DETERMINED — Notice Award Contract to Vendor TO BE DETERMINED Pre-Construction Meeting between Owner & Vendor — Parks & Recreation Department, Conference Room, Municipal Service Building (MSB) 100 South Myrtle Ave., Room 120, Clearwater, Florida 33756 TO BE DETERMINED — Notice to Proceed CONTRACT PERIOD: 180 CONSECUTIVE CALENDAR DAYS SectionIV.doc Page 4 of 128 5/IS/2012 � � � � Section IV — Technical Specifications 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK CHECKLIST � Project: SID LICKTON PARK - RESTROOM/PRESS BOX/CONCESSION BUII..DING PRO.TECT NO. I2-0024-PR-B The following Articles of the Technical Specifications will apply to this contract if marked � "�"as shown below: 1 0 Sco e Of Work 2.1 0 Line and Grade Shall Be Performed B The Contractor � 2.2 ❑ Line and Grade Sha11 Be Performed B The Ci 3 0 Definition Of Terms 4 B Order And Location Of The Work � 5 B Excavation For Under ound Work 6 0 Concrete 7 0 Excavation And Forms For Concrete Work � 8 C�J Reinforcement 9 � Obstructions 10 ❑ Restoration Or Re lacement Of Drivewa s, Curbs, Sidewalks And Street Pavement � 11 ❑ Work In Easements Or Parkwa s 12 0 Dewaterin 13 Sani Manholes � 14 E�J Backfill 15 ❑ Street Crossin s, Etc. 16 ❑ Raisin Or Lowerin Of Sanit Sewer, Storm Draina e Structures � 17 0 Unsuitable Material Removal 18 ❑ Underdrains 19 ❑ Storm Sewers � 20 � Sanit Sewers And Force Mains 21 ❑ Draina e 22 ❑ Roadwa Base And Snb rade � 23 ❑ As haltic Concrete Materials 24 ❑ Ad'ustment To The Unit Bid Price For A halt 25 ❑ General Plantin S ecifications � 26 Hd e Deformed - Reformed Pi Linin 27 Plant Mix Drivewa s 28 ❑ Re ortin Of Tonna e Of Rec cled Materials � 29 ❑ Concrete Curbs 30 � Concrete Sidewalks And Drivewa s 31 ❑ Soddin � 32 ❑ Seedin 33 Storm Manholes, Inlets, Catch Basins Or Other Storm Structures � 34 Material Used 35 0 Conflict Between Plans And S ecifications 36 ❑ Street Si s � 37 0 Audio�deo Recordin Of Work Areas 38 Fxosion And Siltation Control 39 ❑ Ut�li Tie In Location Markin � 40 0 Awazd Of Contract, Work Schedule And Guarantee SectionN.doc Page 5 of 128 5/15/2012 1 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 E Section IV — Technical Specifications Potable Water Mains, Reclaimed Water Mains and Gas System Specifications Tennis Courts Work Zone Traff'ic Control Cured-In-Place Pipe Linin� Specifications for Polyeth} Specifications for Polyvin� Gunite Specifications lene Sliplining �1 Chloride Ribbed Pi ❑ Sanit and Storm Manhole Liner Restoration Cd Pro'ect Information Si s In-Line Skatin Surfacin S stem ❑ Resident Notification of Start of Construction ❑ Gabions and Mattresses ❑ Lawn Maintenance S ecifications �--, _ _.... ,.. . and Grubbi Treatment Plant Traffic Signal E Si�,min� And M� and Materials Tree Protection Project Web Pages Overhead Electric Line Clearance FIELD ENGINEERING 2.1 LINE AND GRADE SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall provide and pay for fietd engineering service required for the project. Such work shall include survey work to establish lines and levels and to locate and lay out site improvements, structures, and controlling lines and levels required for the construction of the work. Also included aze such Engineering services as are specified or required to execute the Contractor's construction methods. Engineers and Surveyors shall be licensed professionals under the laws of the state of Florida. The Contractor shall provide three (3) complete sets of As- built Survey to the Engineer prior to final payment being made as outlined in Section III (General Conditions), Article 6.11.2 of these Contract Documents. 2.1.1 GRADES, LINES AND LEVELS Existing basic horizontal and vertical control points for the project are those designated on the Drawings or provided by the City. Control points (for alignment only) shall be established by the Engineer. The Contractor shall locate and protect control points prior to starting site work and shal] preserve all permanent reference points during construction. In working near any permanent property corners or reference markers, the Contractor shall use care not to remove or disturb any such mazkets. In the event that markers must be removed or are disturbed due to the SectionlV.doc Page 6 of I28 5/15/2012 � �� i � �� � � �� � Section IV — Technical Specifications proximity of construction work, the Contractor shall have them referenced and reset by a Land Surveyor yualified under the laws of the state of Florida. 2.1.2 LAYOUT DATA `The Contractor shall layout the work at the location and to the lines and grades shown on the Drawings. Survey notes indicating the information and measurements used in establishing locations and grades shall be kept in notebooks and furnished to the Engineer with the record drawings for the project. 2.2 LINE AND GRADE SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CITY At the completion of all work the contractor shall be responsible to have furnished to the project inspector a replacement of the wooden lath and stakes used in the construction of this project. Excessive stake replacement caused by negligence of Contractor's forces, after initial line and grade have been set, as determined by the City Engineer, will be chazged to the Contractor at the rate of $100.00 per hour. Time shall be computed for actual time on the project. All time shall be computed in one-hour increments. Minimum chazge is $100.00. `Fhe City will generate the project Record construction drawings. 3 DEFfNITION OF TERMS For the purpose of these Technical Specifcations, the definition of terms from SECTION III, ARTICLE 1- DEFINITIONS of these Contract Documents shall apply. For the purpose of the Estimated Quantities, the Contractor's attention is called to the fact that � the estimate of quantities as shown on the Proposal Sheet is approximate and is given only as a basis of calculation upon which the award of the contract is to be made. The City does not assume any responsibility that the final quantities will remain in strict accordance with estimated � quantities nor shall the contractor plead misunderstandings or deception because of such estimate of quantities or of the chazacter or location of the work or of other conditions or situations pertaining thereto. 3.1 REFERENCE STANDARDS Reference to the standards of any technical society, organization, or associate, or to codes of � local or state authorities, shall mean the latest standazd, code, specification, or tentative standazd adopted and published at the date of receipt of bids, unless specifically stated otherwise. � 3.2 ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS Abbreviations used in the Contract Documents are defined as follows: � r � !� SectionlV.doc � AA Aluminum Association, Inc. AAMA Architectural Aluminum Manufacturers' Association AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation officials ACI American Concrete Institute AISI American Iron and Steel Institute AMA Acoustical Materials Association AMCA Air Moving and Conditioning Association, Inc. ANSI American National Standards Institute Page 7 of 128 5/I S/2012 APA ASAE ASCE ASHRAE ASME ASSE ASTM AWG AWMA AWS AWWA CFR CISPI CRSI CS DEP DOT EPA FAC FBC FFPC FGC FMC FPC FedSpec HI IBBM IEEE IPS MIL NAAMM NBFU NEC NEMA NFPA NPT NWMA PCA PCI SBC SBCCI SDI SFPC SGC SJI SMACCNA SectionIV.doc Section IV — Technical Specifications American Plywood Association American Society of Agricultural Engineers American Society of Civil Engineers American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Society of Sanitary Engineering American Society for Testing and Materials American Wire Gauge Aluminum Window Manufacturer's Association American Welding Society American Water Works Association Code of Federal Regulations Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Commercial Standards and National Bureau of Standards Department of Environmental Protection (Florida) Department of Transportation (Florida) Environmental Protection Agency Florida Administrative Code Florida Building Code Florida Fire Prevention Code Florida Gas Code Florida Mechanical Code Florida Plumbing Code Federal Specifications Standards of Hydraulic Institute Iron Body, Bronzed Mounted Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Iron Pipe Size Military Specification National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers National Board of Fire Underwriters Nationa] Electrical Code National Electrical Manufacturers Association National Fire Protection Association National Pipe Thread National Woodwork Manufacturers' Association Portland Cement Association Prestressed Concrete Institute Standard Building Code (SBCCn Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. Steel Door Institute Standazd Fire Prevention Code (SBCCI) Standard Gas Code (SBCC� Steel Joist Institute Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association Page 8 of l28 5/15/2012 � � � � � � Section ]V — Technical Specifications SMC Standard Mechanical Code (SBCCI) SPC Standard Plumbing Code (SBCC� SPIB Southern Pine Inspection Bureau SSPC Steel Siructures Painting Council TCA Title Council of America UL Underwriters' Laboratories 4 ORDER AND LOCATION OF THE WORK � This article deleted. See SECTION III, ARTICLE 18 — ORDER AND LOCATION OF THE WORK. � � � � � � � � � � � � 5 EXCAVATION FOR UNDERGROUND WORK The contractor is responsible to take all necessary steps to conduct all excavation in a manner which provides for the successful completion of the proposed work while at all times maintaining the safety of the workmen, the general public and both public and private property. The contractor's methods of work will be consistent with the standard practices and requirements of all appropriate Safety Regulatory Agencies, particularly the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements for excavation. Unless otherwise specifically stated in these plans and specifications, the methods of safety control and compliance with regulatory agency safety requirements aze the full and complete responsibility of the contractor. For the purposes of the Contractor's safety planning in the bidding process, the contractor is to consider all excavation to be done in the performance of this contract to be in soil classified as OSHA "Tyge C". 'The Contractor's attention is called to specific requirements of OSHA for excavation shoring, employee entry, location of excavated material adjacent to excavation, the removal of water from the excavation, surface encumbrances and in particular the requirement of a"Competent Person" to control safety operations. The Contractor will identify his Competent Person to City staff at the start of construction. City staff aze required from time to time to perform inspections, tests, survey location work, or other similar activity in an excavation prepared by the contractor. City staff in conformance with the OSHA Excavation Safety Requirements are to only enter an excavation in compliance with these OSHA standards. The City's staff reserve the option to refuse entry into the Contractor's excavation if, in the opinion of the City's staff, the entry into the Contractor's excavation is unsafe or does not conform OSHA requirements. If this circumstance occurs, the contractor must either provide the necessary safety requirements or provide alternate means for the accomplishment of the City's work at the Contractor's expense. The restoration quantities, if any, contained in the bid proposal for this contract to not contain sufficient quantities to allow the contractor to perform excavation work using strictly the "open cut" method whereby no shoring systems are used and trench side slopes are cut to conform to OSHA safety requirements without a shoring system. In addition to safety reasons, the Contractor is required to use excavation and trench-shoring methods in compliance with all safety requirements which allow the Contractor to control the amount of restoration work necessary to complete the project. Not more than one hundred (100) feet of trench shall be opened at one time in advance of the completed work unless written permission is received from the Engineer for the distance specified. For pipe installation projects, the trench shall be six (6) inches wider on each side than the greatest external horizontal width of the pipe or conduit, including hubs, intended to be laid SectionN.doc Page 9 of 128 5/l5l2012 Section N — Technical Specifications in them. The bottom of the trench under each pipe joint shall be slightly hollowed, to allow the body of the pipe to rest throughout its length. In case a trench is excavated at any place, excepting at joints, below the grade of its bottom as given, or directed by the Engineer, the filling and compaction to grade shall be done in such manner as the Engineer shall direct, without compensation. 6 CONCRETE Unless otherwise directed, all concrete work shall be performed in accordance with the latest editions of the Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures by the Portland Cement Association, the American Concrete Institute, and FDOT's Standard Specifications. All appropriate testing shall be performed according to the American Society of Testing Materials. Unless otherwise specified, all concrete shall have fiber mesh reinforcing and have a minimum compressive strength of 3000 p.s.i. at 28 days. The cement type shall be Type I and shall conform to AASHTO M-85. The aggregate shall conform to ASTM C-33. All ready mix concrete shall conform to ASTM C-94. The slump for all concrete shall be in the range of 3" to 5", except when admixtures or special placement considerations are required. The Contractor shall notify the Project Inspector a minimum of 24 hours in advance of all concrete placement. All concrete shall be tested in the following manner: Placement of less than 5 cubic yards (cy) shall be tested at the Engineer's discretion. Otherwise, for each class, for each day, for every 50 cy or part thereof exceeding 5 cy, one set of 3 compressive strength cylinders will be required (1 at 7 days and 2 at 28 days). At the discretion of the Engineer, unacceptable test results may require the Contractor to provide further tests, as determined by the Engineer, to determine product acceptability, or need for removal, and compensation or denial thereof. 7 7.1 EXCAVATION AND FORMS FOR CONCRETE WORK EXCAVATION Excavating for concrete work shall be made to the required depth of the subgrade or base upon which the concrete is to be placed. The base or subgrade shall be thoroughly compacted to a point 6" outside said concrete work before the forms are placed. Concrete shall be poured "in the �'�� • 7.2 FORMS Forms for concrete work shall be either wood or metal (except curbs, metal only, unless by written permission from Engineer). They shall be free from warps or bends, shall have a depth equal to the dimensions required for the depth of the concrete deposited against them and sha11 be of sufficient strength when staked to resist the pressure of concrete without moving or springing. 8 REINFORCEMENT When required, reinforcement shall be placed in the concrete work. Bar reinforcement shall be deformed: ASTMA-A 615, steel shall be billet Intermediate or Hard Grade: Rail Steel A.A.S.H.T.O. M42. Twisted Bars shall not be used, Fabric Reinforcement shall conform to the SectionN.doc Page 10 of ] 28 5/I Sl2012 � � r � � � � � � �� � �J � r ' � � � y � l� � LI ' � � i � � � � Section IV —Technical Specifications requirements of AASHTO M55 (ASTM A185). Welded deformed steel wire fabric for Concrete reinforcement shall meet the requirements of AASI-ITO M 221 (ASTM A497). Epoxy coated reinforcing Steel Bars shall meet ASTM 775/A77 M-86 requirements. 8.1 BASIS OF PAYMENT Reinforcement shall not be paid for separately. The cost of such work shall be included in the contract unit price for the item of work specified. 9 OBSTRUCTtONS Any pipes, conduits, wires, mains, footings, driveways, or other structures encountered shall be carefully protected from injury or displacement. Any damage thereto shall be fully, promptly, and properly repaired by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the owner thereof. Should it become necessary to change the position of water or gas or other pipes, sewer drains, or poles, the Engineer shall be at once notified of the locality and circumstances, and no claims for damages arising from the delay in adjusting the pipe, sewer drains or poles shall be made. Failure of the plans to show the location, nature or extent of any existing structures or obstructions shall not be the basis of a claim for extra work. Any survey monument or benchmark which must be disturbed shall be carefully referenced before removal, and unless otherwise provided for, shall be replaced upon completion of the work by a registered land surveyor. Any concrete removed due to construction requirements shall be removed to the nearest expansion joint or by saw cut. Contractor shall consult Inspector for the approved means. 10 RESTORATION OR REPLACEMENT OF DRIVEWAYS, CURBS. SIDEWALKS AND STREET PAVEMENT Driveways, sidewalks, and curbs destroyed or damaged during construction shall be replaced and shall be the same type of material as destroyed or damaged, or to existing City Standazds, whichever provides the stronger repair. All street pavement destroyed or damaged shall be replaced with the same type of material, to existing City Standards, unless the existing base is unsuitable as determined by the Engineer, then the base shall be replaced with City approved material. All replaced base shall be a minimum 8" compacted thickness, or same thickness as base destroyed plus 2", if over 6", and compacted to 98% of ma�cimum density per AASHTO T 180. Unless called for in the proposal as separate bid items, cost of the above work including labor, materials and equipment required shall be included in the bid price per lineal foot of main or square yard of base. The bid price for street pavement, restoration or replacement when called for in the proposals, shall include all materials, labor and equipment required to complete the work, and shall be paid for on a square yard basis. When replacement is over a trench for utilities, the area of replacement shall be limited to twice the depth of the cut plus twice the inside diameter of the pipe. All over this will be at the Contractor's expense. The bid price for restoration or placement of driveways, curbs and sidewalks, when called for in the proposals, shall include all materials, labor and equipment required to complete the work and shall be paid for on the basis of the following units: Driveways, plant mix - per square yard: concrete - per square foot; curbs - per lineal foot; sidewalk 4" or 6" thick - per square foot. SectionIV.doc Page I l of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications Concrete walks at drives shall be a minimum of 6" thick and be reinforced with 6/6 X 10/10 welded wire mesh (also see Articles 8 and 30). The Contractor shall notify the Project Inspector a minimum of 24 hours in advance of aIl driveway, curb, sidewalk and street restoration and replacement work. 11 WORK IN EASEMENTS OR PARKWAYS Restoration is an important phase of constntction, particularly to residents af�'ected by the construction progress. The Contractor will be expected to complete restoration Activities within a reasonable time following primary construction activity. Failure by the Contractor to accomplish restoration within a reasonable time shall be justification for a temporary stop on primary construction activity or a delay in approval of partial payment requests. Reasonable care shall be taken for existing shrubbery. Contractor shall replace all shrubbery removed or disturbed during construction. No separate payment shall be made for this work. The contractor shall make provision and be responsible for the supply of all water, if needed, on any and all phases of the contract work. The contractor shall not obtain water from local residents or businesses except as the contractor shall obtain written permission. Reuse water is available for the Contractor's use without charge from the City's wastewater treatment plants, provided the water is used on City of Clearwater contractual work. Details for Contractor to obtain and reuse water from the treatment plants will be coordinated at the pre- construction conference. The Contractor's use of reuse water must conform to all regulatory requirements. 12 DEWATERING 12.1 GENERAL Unless specificalIy authorized by the Engineer, all pipe, except subdrains, shall be laid "in the dry". The contractor shall dewater trench excavation as required for the proper execution of the work, using one or more of the following approved methods: well point system, trenched gravity underdrain system, or sumps with pumps. Well point systems must be efficient enough to lower the water level in advance of the excavation and maintain it continuously in order that the trench bottom and sides shall remain firm and reasonably dry. The well points shall be designed especially for this type of service, and the pumping unit used shall be capable of maintaining a high vacuum, and at the same time, of handling large volumes of air as well as of water. The Contractor shall be responsible for disposing of all water resulting from trench dewatering operations, and shall dispose of the water without damage or undue inconvenience to the work, the surrounding azea, or the general public. He sha11 not dam, divert, or cause water to flow in excess in existing gutters, pavements or other structures: and to do this he may be required to conduct the water to a suitable place of discharge may be determined by the Engineer. The cost of dewatering shall be included in the unit price bid per lineal foot of pipe, or, in the case of other underground structures, in the cost of such structures. SectionIV.doc Page 12 of 128 5/15/2012 � �I � � u � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � ' � �' � � � ' � Section IV —Technical Specifications 12.2 PERMtT REQUIREMENTS 12.2.1 DEWATERING CONTROL The City of Clearwater will hold the Contractor responsible for obtaining a Generic Permit for the Dischazge of Produced Groundwater from Any Non-Contaminated Site Activity prior to dewatering or discharging into the City's streets, storm sewers or waterways. Prior to discharging produced groundwater from any construction site, the contractor must collect samples and analyze the groundwater, which must meet acceptable discharge limits. The following document has been incorporated into this section for reference... 12.2.2 GENERIC PERMIT FOR THE DISCHARGE OF PRODUCED GROUND WATER FROM ANY NON-CONTAMINATED SITE ACTIVITY City Notification Procedure - Contractor must provide the City of Clearwater Environmental Department with the following information prior to beginning dewatering activities: l) A copy of all groundwater laboratory results 2) A copy of the FDEP Notification It is recommended that the Contractor call or meet with the City Environmental staff if you have any questions. You may contact the City at 562-4750 for d'uection or further assistance. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION GENERIC PERMITOR THE DISCHARGE OF PRODUCED GROUND WATER FROM ANY NON-CONTAMINATED SITE ACTIVtTY The facility is authorized to discharge produced ground water from any non-contaminated site ' activity which discharges by a point source to surface waters of the State, as defined in Chapter 62- 620, F.A.C., only if the reported values for the parameters listed in Table 1 do not exceed any of the listed screening values. Before discharge of produced ground water can occur from such sites, � analytical tests on samples of the proposed untreated discharge water shall be performed to determine if contamination exists. �i � � � �� Minimvm reporting requirerrients for all produced ground water dischargers. The ei�luent shall be sampled before the commencement of discharge, again within thirty (30) days after commencement of discharge, and then once every six (6) months for the life of the project to maintain continued coverage under this generic permit. Samples taken in compliance with the provisions of this permit shall be taken prior to actual discharge or mixing with the receiving waters. The effluent sha11 be sampled for the parameters listed in Table 1. TABLE 1 Screening Values for Discharges into: Parameter Fresh Waters Coastal Waters , SectionlV.doc � Page l3 of 128 5l15/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications Total Organic Carbon (TOC) 10.0 mg/1 10.0 mg/1 PH, standard units 6.0-8.5 6.5-8.5 Total Recoverable Mercury — by Method 1631 E 0.012 µg/1 0.025 µg/1 Total Recoverable Cadmium 9.3 µg/I 9.3 µg/1 Total Recoverable Copper 2.9 µg/1 2.9 µg/1 Total Recoverable Lead 0.�3 mg/1 5.6 µg/1 Total Recoverable Zinc 86.0 µg/1 86.0 µg/1 Total Recoverable Chromium (Hex.) 11.0 µg/1 50.0 µg/I Benzene ' 1.0 µg/1 1.0 µg/1 Naphthalene 100.0 µg/1 100.0 µg/1 If any of the analytical test results exceed the screening values listed in Table 1, except TOC, the discharge is not authorized by this permit or bv the Citt�oiClearwater. (a) For initial TOC values that exceed the screening values listed in Table 1, which may be caused by naturally occurring, high moleculaz weight organic compounds, the permittee may request to be exempted from the TOC requirement. To request this exemption, the permittee shall submit additional information with a Notice of Intent (NOn, described below, which describes the method used to determine that these compounds are naturally occurring. The Department shall grant the exemption if the permittee affirmatively demonstrates that the TOC values aze caused by naturally occurring, high molecular weight organic compounds. (b) The NOI shall be submitted to the appropriate Department district office thirty (30) days prior to discharge, and contain the following information: l. the name and address of the person that the permit coverage will be issued to; 2. the name and address of the facility, including county location; 3. any applicable individual wastewater permit number(s}; 4. a map showing the facility and discharge location (including latitude and longitude); 5. the name of the receiving water; and 6. the additional information required by paragraph (3)(a) of this permit. (c) Discharge shall not commence until notification of coverage is received from the Department. For fresh waters and coastal waters, the pH of the effluent shall not be lowered to less than 6.0 units for fresh waters, or less than 6.5 units for coastal waters, or raised above 8.5 units, unless the permittee submits natural background data confuming a natural background pH outside of SectionIV.doc Page 14 of l28 � , � � � � � � ��[ '�� J � � l_� � siisi2o�2 � � , � � � � Section IV — TechnicaI Specifications this range. If natural background of the receiving water is determined to be less than 6.0 units for fresh waters, or less than 6.5 units in coastal waters, the pH shall not vary below natural background or vary more than one (1) unit above natural background for fresh and coastal waters. If natural background of the receiving water is determined to be higher than 8.5 units, the pH shall not vary above natural background or vary more than one (1) unit below natural background of fresh and coastal waters. The permittee shall include the natural background pH of the receiving waters with the results of the analyses required under paragraph (2) of this permit. For purposes of this section only, fresh waters are those having a chloride concentration of less than 1500 mg/1, and coastal waters are those having a chloride concentration equal to or greater than 1500 mg/1. In accordance with Rule 62-302.500(1)(a-c), F.A.C., the discharge shall at all times be free from � floating solids, visible foam, turbidity, or visible oil in such amounts as to form nuisances on surface waters. , � If contamination exists, as indicated by the results of the analytical tests required by paragraph (2), the discharge cannot be covered by this Generic Pernut. The facility shall apply for an individual wastewater permit at least ninety (90) days prior to the date discharge to surface waters of the State is expected, or, if applicable, the facility may seek coverage under any other applicable Department generic permit. No discharge is permissible without an effective permit. If the analytical tests required by paragraph (2) reveal that no contamination exists from any � source, the facility can begin dischazge immediately and is covered by this permit without having to submit an NOI request for coverage to the Department. A short summary of the proposed activity and copy of the analytical tests shall be sent to the applicable Department district office , within one (1) week after discharge begins. These analytical tests shall be kept on site during discharge and made available to the Department if requested. Additionally, no Discharge Monitoring Report forms are required to be submitted to the Department. � i � � � � , � � All of the general conditions listed in Rule 62-621.250, F.A.C., are applicable to this Generic Permit. There aze no annual fees associated with the use of this Generic Permit. 13 SANITARY MANHOLES 13.1 BUILT UP TYPE Manholes shall be constructed of brick with cast iron frames and covers as shown on the drawings. Invert channels shall be constructed smooth and semicircular in shape conforming to inside of adjacent sewer section. Changes in direction of flow shall be made in a smooth curve of as large a radius as possible. Changes in size and grade of channels shall be made gradually and evenly. Invert channels shall be formed by one of the following methods: form directly into concrete manhole base, build up with brick and mortar, lay half tile in concrete, or lay full section of sewer pipe through manhole and break out top half of pipe. The manhole floor outside of channels sha11 be made smooth and sloped toward channels. Free drop in manholes from inlet pipe invert to top of floor outside the channels shall not exceed twenty four inches. Standard Drop Manholes shall be constructed wherever free drop exceeds twenty four inches. Manhole steps shall not be provided. Joints shall be completely filled and the mortaz shall be smoothed from inside of manholes. SeciionIV.doc Page l5 of 128 5/ISl2012 Section N — Technical Specifications The entire exterior of brick manholes shall be plastered with one half inch of mortar. Brick used may be solid only. Brick shall be laid radially with every sixth course being a stretcher course. 13.2 PRECAST TYPE Precast Sanitary Manholes shall conform to this specification unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. AASHTO M 85 Type II cement shall be used throughout with a minimum wall thickness of 5 inches. The precast sections shall conform to ASTM C 478 latest revision. Section joints shall be a tongue and groove with "ram neck" gasket or "O" ring to provide a watertight joint. Minimum concrete strength shall be 4000 psi at 28 days. Three sets of shop drawings and location inventory shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. Approval of shop drawings does not relieve contractor of responsibility for compliance to these specifications unless letter from contractor requesting specific variance is approved by the City Engineer. Location inventory submitted with shop drawing shall detail parts of manhole per manhole as numbered on the construction plans. All manhole parts shall be numbered or lettered before being sent to the job site to permit proper consiruction placement. A plan or list of the numbering system shall be present on tl�e job site when manhole components aze delivered. Precast manhole dimensions, drop entry, grout flow of channel, etc., shall be as shown on City of Clearwater Engineering Index #302 Sheets 1 and 2 of 2. Manhole sections shall be rejected if abused during shipping or placement and if pipe openings are not properly aligned. The "break in" to precast manholes for pipe entry will not be allowed. The manhole base shall be set on a pad of A 1 or A 2 Classification soil approximately five (5) inches thick to secure proper seating and bearing. 13.2.1 MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT RINGS (GRADE RINGS) Between the top of the manhole cone and the manhole cover frame, a manhole adjustrnent ring sha11 be installed. The intent of the manhole adjustment ring is to accommodate future grade changes without disturbing the manhole. See Section IV, Article 23.7 — Asphaltic Concrete — Adjustment of Manholes. 13.3 DROP MANHOLES Standard drop inlets to manholes shall be constructed of commercial pipe, fittings and specials as detailed on the drawings. 13.4 FRAMES AND COVERS Manhole frames and covers shall be set in a full bed of mortar with the top of the cover flush with or higher than fnished grade as directed. Refer to Detail 301. 13.5 MANHOLE COATINGS The exterior and interior of all built up manholes shall be coated with two (2) coats of Type II Asphalt emulsion, moisture and damp proof (Specification ASTM D 1227 Type II Class n as SectionIV.doc Page 16 of 128 5/IS/2012 � � � �� �i � , � � �� � � � � ' � � , C� � � , ' �, �J � � Section IV —Technical Specifications manufactured by W.R. Meadows Sealtite or approved equal. Interior of built up manholes which have sewers entering with a free drop or which receive discharge from a force main shall have the inside plastered with l/2-inch of grout and coated as precast manholes below. T'he exterior of all precast manholes shall have a 15 mil dry thickness of PROCO EP214-351 Sewper Coating or approved equal. The interior shall be AGRU SUREGRIP HDPE or PP-R Liner with a minimum thickness of 2 mm. 13.6 CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES Connections to existing sanitary manholes using approved PVC sewer main shall be made with a manhole adapter coupling by Flo Control, Inc., or approved water stop coupling. 14 BACKFILL Material for backfill shall be carefully selected from the excavated material or from other sources � as may be required by the Engineer. Such material shall be granular, free from organic matter or debris, contain no rocks or other hard fragments greater than 3" in the lazgest dimension and all fill shall be similar material. � Backfill placed around pipes shall be carefully placed around the sides and top of pipe by hand shovels and thoroughly compacted to 12" above the pipe by tamping or other suitable means. � Backfill under all types of paving shall be compacted in layers not to exceed 12" in thickness unless alternate method is approved by the Engineer. Backf'ill shall be a minimum of 98% compaction as determined by the modified Proctor Density Test to the bottom of pavement. � � ' � ' � � ' Backfill outside of pavement areas shall be compacted the full depth to the ground surface to a minimum of 95% compaction of AASHTO T 180 Standard Density Test. The cost of backfill shall be included in the unit price bid per lineal foot of the pipe, or, in the case of other underground structures, in the cost of such structure. 15 STREET CROSSINGS. ETC. At such crossings, and other points as may be directed by the Engineer, the trenches shall be bridged in an open and secure manner, so as to prevent any serious interruption of travel upon the roadway or sidewalk, and also to afford necessary access to public or private premises. The material used, and the mode of constructing said bridges, and the approaches, thereto, must be satisfactory to the Engineer. The cost of all such work must be included in the cost of the trench excavation. 16 RAISING OR LOWERING OF SANITARY SEWER. STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURES Sanitary Sewer or Storm Drainage Structures shall be raised or lowered as indicated on the plans or as indicated by the Engineer. 16.1 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment, unless covered by a-bid item, shall be included in the cost of the work. , Sectionlv.doc � Page 17 of 128 5/l5/2012 Section N —Technical Specifications 17 UNSUITABLE MATERIAL REMOVAL All unsuitable material, such as muck, clay, rock, etc., shall be excavated and removed from the site. All material removed is property of the Contractor, who shall dispose of said material off- site at his expense. The limits of the excavation shall be determined in the field by the Engineer. 17.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurement shall be the amount of cubic yazds of unsuitable material excavated and replaced with suitable material as determined by either cross sections of the excavation, truck measure, or lump sum as specified in the Scope of Work and Contract Proposal. 17.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT T'he unit price for the removal of unsuitable material shall include: all materials, equipment, tools, labor, disposal, hauling, excavating, dredging, placing, compaction, dressing surface and incidentals necessary to complete the work. If no pay item is given, the removal of unsuitable material shall be included in the most appropriate bid item. 18 UNDERDRAINS The Contractor shall construct sub-surface drainage pipe as directed in the Contract Scope of Work and detail drawings contained in the Project construction plans. In general, underdrain pipe shall be embedded in a bed of #6 FDOT crushed aggregate, located behind the back of curb and aggregate surface covered with a non-degradable fibrous type iilter material. A#57 aggregate may be used in lieu of #6 if it is washed and screened to remove iines. The aggregate may be stone, slag or crushed gravel. Unless otherwise noted on the plans, underdrain pipe shall be 8" diameter, polyvinyl chloride pipe, in conformance with ASTM F-758 "Standazd Specification For Smooth Wall PVC Underdrain Systems for Highways" latest revision, minimum stiffness of 46 in conformance with ASTM D2412, perforations in conformance with AASHTO M-189 described in FDOT Section 948-4.5 or latest revision and in conformance with ASTM D3034 - SDR 35. Alternate acceptable underdrain pipe material is Contech A-2000 which is a rigid PVC pipe exceeds ASTM Speciiications D1784, minimum cell classification of 12454B or 12454C, manufactured per ASTM F949-93a, minimum pipe stiffness of 50 psi, with no evidence of splitting, cracking or breaking when pipe is tested in accordance with ASTM D2412 at 60% flatting and with a double gasket joint. Underdrain pipe placed beneath existing driveways and roadways shall be non-perforated pipe with compacted backfill. All poly-chloride pipe which has become deteriorated due to exposure to ultra violet radiation shall be rejected. Where ductile iron pipe is specified, pipe material shall be the same as specified for potable water pipe in these technical specifications. All underdrain aggregate shall be fully encased in a polyester filter fabric "sock" (Miraf'i 140-N or approved equal) per the construction detail clrawings. 18.1 BAS1S OF MEASUREMENT Measurement shall be the number of lineal feet of 8" Sub-drain in place and accepted. SectionIV.doc Page 18 of 128 5/l5/2012 � i ' �� ' , � � ' � � � � � � � � L� , � � Section IV — Technical Specifications 18.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment shall be based upon the unit price per lineal foot for underdrain as measured above, which shall be full compensation for a11 work described in this section of the specifications and shall include all materials, equipment, and labor necessary to construct the underdrain (specifically underdrain pipe, aggregate and filter fabric). Underdrain clean-outs, sod, driveway, road and sidewalk restoration shall be paid by a sepazate bid item. 19 STORM SEWERS All storm drain pipe installed within the City of Clearwater shall be reinforced concrete unless otherwise specified or approved by the City Engineer. Said pipe shall comply with Section 941 of the current FDOT Specifications. All reinforced concrete pipe joints shall be wrapped with Mirafi 140N filter fabric or equivalent (as approved by the City Engineer). The cost for all pipe joint wraps shall be included in the unit price for the pipe. All pipe, just before being lowered into a trench, is to be inspected and cleaned. If any difficulty is found in the fitting the pieces together, this fitting is to be done on the surface of the street before laying the pipe, and the tops plainly mazked in the order in which they are to be laid. No pipe is to be trimmed or chipped to fit. Each piece of pipe is to be solidly and evenly bedded, and not simply wedged up. Before finishing each joint, some suitable device is to be used to find that the inverts coincide and pipe is clear throughout. 19.1 AS BUILT INFORMATION The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the stations and left or right offsets of all manholes, inlet structures and terminals ends of subdrains, as measured from the nearest downstream manhole along the centerline of the sewer along with the elevations of the north edge of manhole cover, inverts of all pipe in structures, and the flow line of inlets. (Gutter) 19.2 TESTING The ConVactor shall take all precautions to secure a perfectly watertight sewer under all conditions. At the discretion of the City Engineer or his designee, the watertightness of a sewer which has a crown lying below groundwater level may be tested by measuring the infiltration. The watertightness of sewers having crowns lying above groundwater level may be tested by filling the pipe with water so as to produce a hydrostatic head of two feet or more above the crown of the sewer at the upper end of the test section of the water table outside of the sewer, whichever is higher, and then measuring the exfiltration. In no case shall the infiltration or exfiltration exceed 150 gallon per inch of diameter per mile per day. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment to test the amount of infiltration or exfiltration under the Engineer's direction. Where the infiltration or exfiltration is excessive the Contractor at his own expense sha11 take the necessary steps to remedy such conditions by uncovering the sewer, remaking the joints or by replacing the entire length of sewer as required by the Engineer. No trench made joints may be backfilled until after they have been tested and found to be acceptable. Caze shall be taken to avoid flotation. The above tests shall be performed at the discretion of the Engineer on any or all sections of the line. SectionN.doc Page 19 of 128 5/15l2012 Section IV —Technical Specifications 19.3 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment shall be the unit price per lineal foot for storm sewer pipe in place and accepted, measured along the centerline of the storm sewer pipe to the inside face of exterior walls of storm manholes or drainage structures and to the outside face of endwalls. Said unit price includes all work required to install the pipe (i.e. all materials, equipment, filter fabric wrap, labor and incidentals, etc.). 20 SANITARY SEWERS AND F4RCE MAINS 20.1 MATERIALS 20.1.1 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE GRAVITY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE POLYVINYL CHLORIDE OR DUCTILE IRON. Polyvinyl chloride pipe and fittings shall conform with ASTM specification D 3034 for S.D.R. 35. Sewer pipe with more than 10 feet of cover shall be SDR 26. The pipe shall be plainly marked with the above ASTM designation. The bell end of joints and fittings shall have a rubber sealing ring to provide a tight flexible seal in conformance with ASTM D 3212 76. The laying length of pipe joints shall be a maximum of 20-feet. Unless otherwise noted in these specifications or construction plans, Ductile Iron pipe and fittings for gravity sewer shall conform to Section 41 of these Technical Specifications for DIP water main except pipe shall be interior "polylined" in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Where sanitary sewer main is to be placed between building lots in a sideline easement, the sewer main shall, insofar as possible, be constructed without manholes or lateral connections within the side easement. The pipe material in the side easement between streets shall be C 900, SDR 18 polyvinyl chloride water main pipe as described in Technical Section 41. A two-way cleanout shall be installed on each lateral at the property line. 20.1.2 FORCE MAIN PIPE FORCE MAIN PIPE SHALL BE POLYVINYL CHLORIDE OR DUCTILE IRON. Unless otherwise noted in the specifications or construction plans, both polyvinyl chloride and ductile iron force main pipe and fittings shall conform to Section 41 of these Technical Specifications for water main pipe except that DIP shall be "polylined" in accordance with manufactures recommendations. All polyvinyl chloride pipe which has become deteriorated due to exposure to ultra violet radiation shall be rejected. 20.2 INSTALLATION 20.2.1 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE Installation of gravity sewer pipe shall be in conformance with recommended practices contained in ASTM D 2321 and Unibell LJNI B 5. T'he bottom trench width in an unsupported trench shall be limited to the minimum practicable width (typically pipe OD plus 8 to 12-inch on each side) allowing working space to place and compact the haunching material_ The use of trench boxes and movable sheeting shall be SectionN.doc Page 20 of 128 5l15/2012 ' � r ' � � � ' � � � � � � � , , !i U I' II J u � � , � �' � � ' � � � Section N — Technical Specifications perforrned in such a manner that removal, backfill and compaction will not disturb compacted haunching material or pipe alignment. Dewatering of the trench bottom shall be accomplished using adequate means to allow preparation of bedding, placement of the haunching material and pipe in the trench without standing water. Dewatering shall continue until sufficient backfill is placed above the pipe to prevent flotation or misalignment. Where pipe bedding is insufficient to adequately support pipe, the contractor will be required to remove unsuitable material and bed pipe in Class I material (1/2" Dia. aggregate) to provide firm support of pipe. Connections to manholes with sanitary pipe shall use a joint 2 feet in length and shall use an approved water stop around pipe joint entry. The laterals shown on the plans do not necessarily reflect exact locations. The contractor is required to locate all existing laterals for reconnection and to coordinate with the construction inspector the location of all new laterals. 20.2.2 FORCE MAIN PIPE Installation of force main pipe shall be in conformance with Section 41 of these Technical Specifications for water main pipe. 20.3 AS BUILT DRAWINGS The contractor shall submit to the Engineer a marked set of "As Built" construction drawings describing both the stations and left or right offset of all lateral terminal ends as measured from the nearest downstream manhole along the center line of the sewer main. The as built drawings will also describe elevations of the north edge of the manhole cover rings and inverts of all main pipes in manholes. 20.4 TESTI NG 20.4.1 TESTING OF GRAVITY SEWERS The Contractor shall take all precautions to secure a perfectly water tight sewer under all � conditions. The water tightness of a sewer which has a crown lying below groundwater level may be tested by measuring infiltration. The water tightness of sewers having crowns lying above groundwater level may be tested by filling the pipe with water so as to produce a � hydrostatic head of two feet or more above the crown of the sewer at the upper end of the test section or the water table outside of the sewer, whichever is higher, and then measuring the exfiltration. In no case shall the infiltration or exfiltration exceed 50 gallon per inch of diameter , per mile per day. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment to test the amount of infiltration or exfiltration under the Engineer's direction. Where the infiltration or exfiltration is excessive, the Contractor at his own expense shall take the necessary steps to � remedy such conditions by uncovering the sewer, remaking the joints or by replacing the entire length of sewer as required by the Engineer. No such repaired joints may be backfilled until after they have been tested and found to be acceptable. Caze shall be taken to avoid flotation. The ' Contractor shall TV inspect all mains to verify the true and uniform gade and the absence of bellies or dropped joints prior to acceptance. Any infiltration, dips or sags of more than 1/4- inches shall be cause for rejection. , SectionN.doc Page 21 of 128 5/152012 � Section IV —Technical Specifications The above tests shall be performed at the discretion of the Engineer on any or all sections of the line. 20.4.2 TESTING OF FORCE MAINS Force mains shall be tested under a hydrostatic pressure of 150 P.S.I. for two (2) hours, as described in Section 41.04 of these Technical Specifications for the testing of water mains. 20.5 BASIS OF PAYMENT 20.5.1 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE Payment for in place sanitary sewer gravity main pipe shall be the unit price per lineal foot per appropriate range of depth of cut as contained in the contract proposal. Measurement for payment shall be along the centerline of the sewer main from center to center of manholes. Payment for laterals shall be the unit price per lineal foot of pipe as measured from the centerline of the sewer main pipe to the terminal end of the lateral pipe including a two-way cleanout at the property line. Payment for sewer pipe shall include all labor, equipment and materials necessary to complete the installation. This shall include clearing and grubbing, excavation, shoring and dewatering, bac�ll and grading. 20.5.2 FORCE MAIN PIPE Payment and measurement of force main pipe shall be the same as described in Section 41 of these Technical Specifications for water main pipe. 21 DRAINAGE The Contractor shall provide proper outlet for all water courses and drains interrupted during the progress of the work and replace them in as good condition as he found them. 22 ROADWAY BASE AND SUBGRADE 22.1 BASE This specification describes the construction of roadway base and subgrade. The Contractor shall refer to Section IV, Article 1"Scope of Work" of the city's Contract Specifications for additional roadway base and subgrade items. Roadway base shall be 8" compacted minimum thickness unless otherwise noted on the plans or directed by the Engineer. The subgrade shall be l2" compacted minimum thickness with a minimum Limerock Bearing Ratio (LBR} of 40 unless otherwise noted on the plans or directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall obtain from an independent testing laboratory a Proctor and an LBR for each type material. The Contractor shall also have an independent testing laboratory perform all required density testing. Where unsuitable material is found within the limits of the base, Section IV, Article 17 (Unsuitable Material Removal) of the city's Contract Specifications will apply. Once the roadway base is completed, it shall be primed that same day (unless otherwise directed by the Engineer) per Section 300 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). Repairs SectionN.doc Page 22 of I28 5/15/20I2 ' � I � ' � � � � � � � � � � � , � � � u , � , ' � ' ' ' � r �J � � Section IV — Technical Specifications required to the base that result from a failure to place the prime in a timely manner shall be done to the City's satisfaction, and at the Contractor's expense. No paving of the exposed base can commence until the City approves the repaired base. The cost for placement of prime material shall be included in the bid item for base. The Contractor shall notify the Project Inspector a minimum of 24 hours in advance of all base and subgrade placement or reworking. T'he following base materials are acceptable: l. SHELL BASE: Shell base shall be constructed in accordance with Sections 200 and 913 of FDOT's Standard Specifcations (latest edition), and shall have a minimum compacted thickness as shown on the plans. The shell shall be FDOT approved. The cost of the prime coat shall be included in the bid item price for base. 2. LIMEROCK BASE: Limerock base shall be constructed in accordance with Sections 200 and 911 of FDOT's Standard Specifcations (latest edition), and shall have a minimum compacted thickness as shown on the plans. The limerock shall be from a FDOT approved certified pit. The cost of the prime coat shall be included in the bid item price for base. CRUSHED CONCRETE BASE: Crushed concrete base shall be constructed in accordance with Sections 204 and 901 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition), and shall have a minimum compacted thickness as shown on the plans. The crushed concrete material shall be FDOT approved. The Contractor shall provide certified laboratory tests on gradation to confirm that the crushed concrete base material confomis to the above specifications. The LBR shall be a minimum of 185. LBR and gradation tests shall be provided to the city by the Contractor once a week for continuous operations, or every 1000 tons of material, unless requested more freyuently by the City Engineer or designee. The cost of the prime coat shall be included in the bid item price for base. 4. SOIL CEMENT BASE: Unless otherwise noted, soil cement base shall be constructed in accordance with Section 270 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications, and shall have a minimum compacted thickness as shown on the plans. An Asphalt Rubber Membrane Interlayer (ARMI) shall be included in the pavement design per Section 341 of FDOT's Standazd Specifications (latest edition) to minimize reflective cracking unless otherwise noted in the project plans and specifications. The ARMI layer shall be overlaid with asphalt on the same day it is placed for the Contractor to receive full compensation for the work. The soil cement base design shall be by a certifed lot under the direction of a Registered Florida Professional Engineer, and must be approved by the City Engineer. Said design shall provide for a minimum of 300 P.S.I. in seven days. All plant mixed soil cement shall be certified by a registered laboratory that has been approved by the Engineer. The only approved method for spreading the cement is the use of a spreader box. The use � of a spreader bar for spreading cement will not be allowed. The applying of the cement shall not be allowed when the wind velocity is sufficient to jeopardize material interests (i.e. vehicles, etc.) from airborne cement particles. The density testing freyuency shall be � at the discretion of the registered Florida Professional Engineer responsible for the soil cement design. � SectionN.doc , Page 23 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV —Technical Specifications 5. ASPHALT BASE: Full depth asphalt base shall be constructed in accordance with Section 280 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications, and shall have a minimum compacted thickness as shown on the plans. The cost for preparation, placement and compaction shall be included in the per ton unit cost for asphalt unless otherwise noted in the project scope and plans. The cost of the tack coat shatl be included in the bid item price for asphalt or base. 6. REWORKED BASE: When the plans call for the working of the existing base, the finished reworked base shall have a minimum compacted thickness of 8" unless otherwise shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer, and be constructed in accordance with the applicable FDOT requirements for the type of material used. The density requirements (except for asphalt and soil cement base) shall be per Section 200-7 of FDOT's Standazd Specifications (latest edition}. For asphalt, the density requirements are per Section 330-11 and for soil cement per Section 270-5 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. 22.1.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT FOR BASE AND REWORKED BASE The basis of ineasurement shall be the number of square yards of base in place and accepted as called for on the plans. The maximum allowable deficiency shall be a half-inch (U2"). Areas deficient in thickness shall either be fixed by the Contractor to within acceptable tolerance, or if so approved in writing by the City Engineer, may be left in place. No payment, however, will be made for such deficient areas that are left in place. 22.1.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT FOR BASE AND REWORKED BASE The unit price for base shall include: all materials, roadbed preparation, placement, spreading, compaction, finishing, prime, base, subgrade (unless the plans specify a separate pay item), stabilization, mixing, testing, equipment, tools, hauling, labor, and all incidentals necessary to complete the work. Payment for asphalt base shall be included in the per ton unit cost for asphalt unless otherwise noted in the project scope and plans. 22.2 SUBGRADE All subgrade shall be stabilized and constructed in accordance with Sections 160 and 914 of FDOT's Standazd Specifications (latest edition) unless otherwise noted herein. All subgrade shall have a minimum compacted thickness of 12" unless otherwise shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer. If limerock is used, it shall also meet the requirements of Section 911 of FDOT's Standazd Specifications (latest edition). Where unsuitable material is found within the limits of the subgrade, Section IV, Article 17 (Unsuitable Material Removal) of the city's Contract Specifications will apply. The extent of said removal shall be determined by the Engineer in accordance with accepted construction practices. The Contractor is responsible for clearing, grading, filling, and removing any trees or vegetation in the roadbed below the subgrade to prepaze it per the plans. "The cost of this work shall be included in the unit price for base or subgrade. The Contractor shall obtain from an independent testing laboratory the bearing value after the mixing of materials for the stabilized subgrade. 22.2.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurement shall be the number of squaze yazds of stabilized subgrade in place and accepted as called for on the plans. The maximum allowable deficiency for mixing depth SecYionIV.doc Page 24 of 128 5/IS/20I2 r �! � � ' � � � �� , r ' � � � � � � ' ' ' r � � ' � _I ' � ' � Section IV — Technical Specifications shall be per Section 261-6.4 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. Acceptable bearing vaiues shall be per Section 160-7.2 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. Areas deficient in thickness or bearing values shall either be corrected by the Contractor to within acceptable tolerance, or if so approved in writing by the City Engineer, may be left in place. No payment, however, will be made for such deficient areas that are left in place (latest edition). 22.2.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT The unit price for subgrade sha11 include: roadbed preparation, placement, spreading, compaction, iinishing, testing, stabilizing, mixing, materials, hauling, labor, equipment and all incidentals necessary to complete the work. If no pay item is given, subgrade shall be included in the bid item for base. 23 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE MATERIALS This specification is for the preparation and application of all S-Type Marshall Mix Design asphaltic concrete materials on roadway surfaces unless otherwise noted. 23.1 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 23.1.1 AGGREGATE All aggregates shall be obtained from an approved FDOT source and shall conform to Sections 901 through 915 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Speciiications. 23.1.2 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS All bituminous materials shall conform to Section 916 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. 23.2 HOT BITUMINOUS MIXTURES - PLANT, METHODS, EQUIPMENT & QUALITY ASSURANCE ' The plant and methods of operation used to prepare all asphaltic concrete and bituminous materials shall conform to the requirements of Section 320 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). Unless otherwise noted, all acceptance procedures and quality controUassurance � procedures shall conform to the requirements of Section 330 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. The Contractor shall note that the City shall have the right to have an independent testing � laboratory select, test, and analyze, at the expense of the City, test specimens of any or all materials to be used. Tests to be performed by the independent testing laboratory every 1000 tons include, but are not limited to, Marshall stability and flow, extractionlgradation and cores to ' determine density and thickness. The results of such tests and analyses shall be considered, along with the tests or analyses made by the Contractor, to determine compliance with the applicable specifications for the materials so tested or analyzed. The Contractor hereby understands and � accepts that wherever any portion of the work is discovered, as a result of such independent testing or investigation by the City, which fails to meet the requirements of the Contract documents, all costs of such independent inspection and investigation as well as all costs of ' removal, correction, reconstruction, or repair of any such work shall be borne solely by the Contractor. ' � Pavment reductions for asphalt related items shall be determined by the following; SectionIV.doc Page 25 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications l. Density per Section 330-I 1 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. 2. Final surface or friction course tolerances per Section 330-13 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. 3. Thickness will be determined from core borings. Deficiencies of '/4" or greater shall be corrected by the Contractor, without compensation, by either replacing the full thickness for a length extending at least 25' from each end of the deficient area, or when the Engineer allows for an overlay per Section 330-15.23 of FDOT's Standard Specifications 2000 edition. In addition, for excesses of '/o" or greater, the Engineer will determine if the excess area shall be removed and replaced at no compensation, or if the pavement in question can remain with payment to be made based on the thickness specified in the contract. The Contractor shall notify the Proiect Inspector a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the �lacement of all asphalt. 23.3 ASPHALT MIX DESIGNS AND TYPES All asphalt mix designs shall conform to the requirements of Sections 331 and 337 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. All asphalt mix designs shall be approved by the Engineer PRIOR to the commencement of the paving operation. Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) material may be substituted for aggregate in the asphaltic concrete mixes up to 25% by weight. 23.4 ASPHALT PAVEMENT DESIGNS AND LAYER THICKNESS All asphalt pavement designs shall conform to the following requirements: Table 1: Layer Thickness for Asphalt (Layers Are Listed in Sequence of Construction) COURSE LAYER THICKNESS (Inches) THICKNESS (Inches) , Type S—I Type S—I with Type S—III FC-3 Type S—III Type S—I Type S—III with FC-3 with FC-3 Top Layer Top Layer Top Layer 1 st 2nd 1 st 2"a 1 st 2nd 1 st 2°a 1 st 2nd 1 st 2nd 1 1 1 1 %2 1 %Z 2 1��4 3�4 � 1 1 2%z 1'/4 1%4 1'/z 1 1%z 1 3 1'h 1%2 2 1 2 1 * At the Engineer's discretion, 2" of S-III is acceptable for use on residential streets Additiona} Notes: 1. Type S—III shall be limited to the final (top) structural layer (one layer only). SectionN.doc Page 26 of 128 ' ' r � , � � ' � i � �� � � �� �1 � 5/15/2012 , , ' , � ' � Section N—Technical Specifications 2: All asphalt pavement designs shall conform to the requirements of Sections 33I and 337 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. 3. All pavement designs shall include a minimum of two inches of asphalt. 4. The Contractor shall be responsible to review the project plans for complete pavement design detail. 5. Unless otherwise specified on the plans, Type S—III per Section 331 of FDOT's 2Q00 Standard Specifications shall be used as final riding surface on streets with the speed limit of less than 35 mph, streets with an average daily traffic (AD1� of less than 3000, and all residential streets. , 6. An FC-3 friction course per Section 337 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications shall be used on streets with a speed limit of 35 mph or greater, and streets with an ADT of 3000 or greater. , 23.5 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS The general construction requirements for all hot bituminous pavements (including limitations of , operations, preparation of mixture, preparation of surface, placement and compaction of mixture, surface requirements, correction of unacceptable pavement, etc.) shall be in accordance with Section 330 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifcations. � ' ' 23.6 CRACKS AND POTHOLE PREPARATION 23.6.1 CRACKS Cracks in roadway pavement shall be repaired prior to the application of asphaltic concrete by the following steps: 1. All debris to be removed from cracks by compressed air or other suitable method. 2. Apply a multiple layered application of bituminous binder and fine aggregate, as , appropriate to the depth of the crack until the void of the crack is completely filled to the level of the surrounding roadway surface. � ' ' i� ' , � 3. If application of asphaltic concrete is not to begin immediately after crack repair, cracks are to be sanded to prevent vehicular tracking. 4. Payment for crack filling shall be included in the unit price for asphaltic concrete. 23.6.2 POTHOLES Potholes shall be repaired prior to the application of asphaltic concrete by the following steps: I. All debris is to be removed from potholes by hand, sweeping, or other suitable method. 2. A tack coat is to be applied to the interior surface of the pothole. 3. The pothole is to be completely flled with asphaltic concrete, and thoroughly compacted. 4. Payment for pothole preparation shall be included in the unit price for asphaltic concrete. SectionlV.doc Page 27 of 128 S/IS/2012 Section N — Technical Specifications 23.7 ADJUSTMENT OF MANHOLES The necessary adjustments of sanitary sewer and storm drain manholes and appurtenances shall be accomplished by the Contractor. The Contractar shall be paid on a per unit basis for each item. The use of manhole adjustment risers is acceptable under the following conditions: The riser shall meet or exceed all FDOT material, weld, and construction requirements. The riser shall consist of an A-36 hot rolled steel meeting or exceeding the minimum requirements of A.S.T.M. A-36. The riser shall be a single piece with a stainless steel adjustment stud and shall have a rust resistant finish. The use of cast iron, plastic, or fiberglass risers is not permitted. In addition, the installation of each riser shall be per manufacturer's specifications. Each manhole shall be individually measured, and each riser shall be physically marked to ensure that the proper riser is used. Also, the ring section shall be cleaned, and a bead of chemically resistant epoxy applied to the original casting, prior to installation of the riser. It is the Contractors responsibility to ensure that the manholes are measured, the risers are physically marked, the ring sections are thoroughly cleaned, and that the epoxy is properly applied prior to installation of each riser. If risers are not used, the adjustment of manholes shall be accomplished by the removal of pavement around manhole, grade adjustment of ring and cover, and acceptable replacement and compaction of roadway materials prior to paving. A full depth backfill using asphalt is acceptable. The use of Portland cement for backfill is not acceptable. All manhole and valve adjustments shall be accomplished prior to the applicaiion of final asphaltic concrete surface. Unless otherwise noted in the specs or on the plans, the paving operation shall occur within seven (7) calendar days from the completion of the adjustment. On arterial roadways, the manholes are to be ramped with asphalt during the time period between initial adjustment and final resurfacing. Water and gas valves, sewer cleanouts, valve boxes, tree aeration vents, etc. will be adjusted by the Contractor with the cost for tlus work to be included in the unit cost of the asphalt. Care must be taken around said appurtenances to ensure that they are not paved over. It is the Contractor's responsibility to inform the owners of all utilities of impending work and coordinate their adjustments so they are completed prior to the scheduled paving• 23.8 ADDITIONAL ASPHALT REQUtREMENTS 1. All impacted radius returns within project limits shall be paved unless otherwise directed by the Construction Inspector or Engineer, with payment to be included in the per ton bid item for asphalt. 2. All pavement markings impacted by placement of asphalt shall be replaced prior to the road being open to traffic unless otherwise noted in the contract scope and plans. 3. All project related debris shall be hauled off the job site by the Contractor in a timely manner and at their own expense in conformance with all regulatory requirements. 4. The Contractor shall pay particular attention to sweeping when paving. Prior to paving, all construction areas shall be swept with a Municipal type sweeper (either vacuum or mechanical type) that picks up and hauls off, dust and dirt. The sweeper must be equipped with its own water supply for pre-wetting to minimize dust. Moreover, the SectionIV_dce Page 28 of 128 5/15/2012 ' � � � � � � ' � � Section N — Technical Specifications Contractor shall sweep debris off of sidewalks, driveways, curbs and roadways each day before leaving the job site. 5. The application of tack and prime coats (either required or placed at the Engineer's discretion) shall be placed per Section 300 of FDOT's Standazd Specifications (latest edition). Tack shall also be applied to the face of all curbs and driveways. The cost (including heating, hauling and applying) shall be included in the per ton bid item for asphalt, unless otherwise noted in the project scope and plans. 6. Leveling course and spot patching shall be applied to sections of the road as noted on the plans, or as directed by the Engineer, per Section 330 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifcations. The cost shall be included in the per ton unit cost for asphalt, unless otherwise noted in the project scope and plans. 7. If an asphalt rubber binder is required, it shall conform to the requirements of Section 336 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifcations. 8. On all streets with curb and gutter, the final compacted asphalt shall be '/4" above the lip or face of said curb per City Index 101. 23.9 SUPERPAVE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 1. Unless otherwise noted in this section, all of the asphaltic concrete specifications in Sections 23.1 through 23.8 above shall apply to superpave asphaltic concrete. All asphaltic concrete pavement shall be designed and placed in accordance with the FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (latest edition). 2. All aggregate shall be obtained from an approved FDOT source and shall conform to Sections 901 and 902 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). 3. All bituminous materials shall conform to Section 916 of FDOT's Standard , Specifications (latest edition). Asphaltic binder shall be Grade PG 67-22 unless otherwise specified in the Scope of Work. ' u ' ' ' ' 4. All superpave mix designs shall conform to Sections 320 and 334 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). 5. All general construction requirements shall conform to Section 330 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). 23.10 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT Basis of ineasurement will be the number of tons of asphaltic concrete completed, in place and accepted. Truck scale weights will be required for a11 asphaltic concrete used. 23.11 BASfS OF PAYMENT Payment shall be made ai the contract unit price for asphaltic concrete surface as specified and measured above. This price shall include all materials, preparation, hauling, placement, tack and/or prime coat either required or placed at Engineer's discretion, leveling, spot patching, filling of cracks, pothole repair, sweeping, debris removal, labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the asphalt work in accordance with the plans and specifications. � sectionIV:ace ' Page 29 of l28 5/15l2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications 24 ADJUSTMENT TO THE UNIT BID PRICE FOR ASPHALT When this Article applies to the contract, the unit bid price for asphalt will be adjusted in accordance with the following provisions: 1. Price adjustment for asphalt shall only be made when the current FDOT Asphalt Price Index varies more than 10% from the bid price at the time of the bid opening. 2. The Bituminous Material Payment Adjustment Index published monthly by the FDOT shall be used for the adjustment of unit prices. This report is available on FDOT's internet site. The address is: http://wwwl l.myflorida.com. It is under the section "Doing Business with FDOT" in the "Contracts Administration" section under "Asphalt Index". For additional information, call FDOT @ 850-414-4000. 3. The FDOT Payment Adjustment Index in effect at the time of the bid opening will be used for the initial determination of the asphalt price. 4. The FDOT Payment AdjusVnent Index in effect at the time of placement of the asphalt will be used for payment calcuIation. 5. The monthly billing period for contract payment will be the same as the monthly period for the FDOT Payment Adjustment Index. 6. No adjustment in bid prices will be made for either tack coat or prime coat. 7. No price adjustment reflecting any further increases in the cost of asphalt will be made for any month after the expiration of the allowable contract time. 8. The City reserves the right to make adjustments for decreases in the cost of asphalt. 25 25.1 GENERAL PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS IRRIGATION 25.1.1 DESCRIPTION A. The work specified in this Section consists of the installation of an automatic underground irrigation system as shown or noted in the plans. Provide all labor, materials, equipment, services and facilities required to perform all work in connection with the underground sprinkler irrigation system, complete, as indicated on the drawings and/or specified. Work noted as"NIC", "existing", or "by others" is not included in this pay item. B. The irrigation plans are schematic in nature. Valves and pipes shall be located in the turf/landscape azeas except at road/paving crossings. All piping under paving shall be sleeved. Changes in the irrigation system layout shall be modified with the approval of the Engineer. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The irrigation work shall be installed by qualified personnel or a qualified irrigation subcontracting company that has experience in imgation systems of similar size, scope, mainline, system pressure, controls, etc. SectionlV.doc Page 30 of 128 5/IS/2012 � _l � � � , ' � ' � , ' � � C� ' , ' � , ' � u ' Section IV — Technical Specifications B. Al] applicable ANSI, ASTM, FED.SPEC. Standards and Specifications, and all applicable building codes and other public agencies having jurisdiction upon the work shall apply. C. Workmanship: All work shall be installed in a neat, orderly and responsible manner with the recognized standards of workmanship. The Engineer reserves the right to reject material or work which does not conform to the contract documents. Rejected work shall be removed or conected at the earliest possible time at the contractor's expense. ' D. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: The contractor shall prepare and deliver to the Engineer within ten (10) calendar days prior to completion of construction a minimum of three (3) hazd cover binders with three rings containing the following information: ' ' � L__J � ' 1. Index sheet stating the contractor's address and business telephone number, 24 hour emergency phone number, person to contact, list of equipment with name(s) and address(es) of local manufacturer's representative(s) and local supplier where replacement equipment can be purchased. 2. Catalog and part sheet on every material and equipment installed under this contract. 3. Complete operating and maintenance instructions on all major equipment. 4. Provide the Engineer and the City of Clearwater maintenance staff with written and "hands on" instructions for major equipment and show evidence in writing to the Engineer at the conclusion of the project that this service has been rendered. a. Four-hour instruction (minimum) for the Drip Emitter equipment operation and maintenance. b. Two-hour instruction (minimum) for automatic control valve operation and maintenance. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. The Irrigation Contractor shall coordinate the work with all other trades, all underground ' improvements, the location and planting of trees and all other planting. Verify planting requiring excavation 24 in. diameter and larger with the Engineer prior to installation of main lines. � B. Provide temporary irrigation at all times to maintain plant materials. C. The Irrigation Contractor is responsible to maintain the work area and equipment until ' final acceptance by the Engineer. Repairs and replacement of equipment broken, stolen, or missing as well as regular maintenance operations shall be the obligation of the contractor. ' D. The Irrigation Contractor shall submit a traff'ic control plan (per FDOT specifications) to the Engineer prior to initiating construction on the site. The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of traffic signs, bamers, and any additional equipment to ' comply with the FDOT standards and to ensure the safety of its employees and the public. � � ' WARRANTY A. The Manufacturer(s) shall warrant the irrigation system components to give satisfactory service for one (1) year period from the date of acceptance by the Engineer and the City SectionIV.doc Page 31 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications of Clearwater. Should any problems develop within the warranty period due to inferior or faulty materials, they shall be corrected at no expense to the City of Clearwater or FDOT. 25.1.2 PRODUCTS GENERAL A. All materials throughout the system shall be new and in perfect condition. No deviations from the specifications shall be allowed except as noted. PIPING A. The imgation system pipe shall be as stated herein and shall be furnished, installed and tested in accordance with these specifications. B. All pipe is herein specified to be Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe, 1120, Schedule 40, conforming to ASTM D2665 and D1785. C. All nipples, pipe connections, bushings, swing joints, connecting equipment to the mainline is required to be threaded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe, Schedule 80. . PIPE FITTINGS A. All pipe fittings for Schedule 40 PVC pipe shall be as follows: Fittings shall conform to the rec�uuements of AS"TM D2466, Standard Specification for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80. All fittings shall bear the manufacturer's name or trademark, material designation, size, applicable IPS schedule and NSF seal of approval. The connection of mainline pipe to the automatic control valve shall be assembled with threaded Schedule 80 iittings and threaded Schedule 80 nipples. PVC PIPE CEMENT AND PRIMER A. Provide solvent cement and primer for PVC solvent weld pipe and fittings as recommended by the manufacturer. Pipe joints for solvent weld pipe to be belled end. B. Purple primer shall be applied after the pipe and iittings has been cut and cleaned. The Primer shall be of contrasting color and be easily recognizable against PVC pipe. THREADED CONNECTIONS A. Threaded PVC connections shall be made using Teflon tape or Teflon pipe seatant. CATE VALVES MANUAL GATE VALVES 2 IN. AND SMALLER A. Provide the following, unless otherwise noted on Drawings: 1. 200-250 psi Ball Valve 2. PVC body - with Teflon Ball Seals 3. 'Threaded-Dual end Union Connectors 4. Non-Shock Safe-T-Shear Stem SectionIV.doc Page 32 of 128 si�si2o�2 , , ! � C7 � � � � � � � � � r Section IV — Technical Specifications 5. Safe-T-Shear True Union Ball Valve as manufactured by Spears Manufacturing Company , Sylmer, California, or approved equal. GATE VALVES 2'/2' IN. AND LARGER A. Provide the following, unless otherwise noted on Drawings: 1. AWWA-G509 2. 2001b. O. W.Cx 3. Cast Iron body - ASTM A 126 Class B 4. Deep socket joints 5. Rising stem 6. Bolted bonnet 7. Double disc 8. Equipped with 2" square operating key with tee handle B. Provide two (2) operating keys for gate valve 3" and larger. The "street key" shall be 5' long with a 2" square operating nut. SLEEVES A. Sleeves: (Existing by City of Clearwater) REMOTE CONTROL VALVES A. The remote control valve shall be a solenoid actuated, balance-pressure across-the diaphragm type capable of having a flow rate of 25-30 gallons per minute (GPivn with a pressure loss not to exceed 6.1 pounds per square inch (PSI). The valve pressure rating shall not be less than I 50 psi. B. The valve body and bonnent shall be constructed of high impact weather resistant plastic, stainless steel and other chemical/W resistant materials. The valve's one-piece diaphragm shall be of durable santoprene material with a clog resistant metering orifice. C. The valve body shall have a 1" inch (FNPT) inlet and outlet or a one inch slip by slip inlet and outlet for solvent weld pipe connections. D. The valve construction shall be as such to provide for all internal parts to be removable � from the top of the valve without disturbing the valve installation. E. The valve shall be as manufactured by Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp., Glendora, � California, or approved equal. F. Identify all control valves using metal I.D. tags numbered to match drawings. � � , ' VALVE BOXES A. For remote control drip valve assembly and tJNIK control timer use a Brooks #36 concrete value box with #36-T cast iron traffic bearing cover, or approved equal. B. For flush valve assembly use an Ametek #181014 (10") circular valve box with #181015 cover comparable to Brooks, or approved equal. SectionlV.doc Page 33 of 128 5/IS/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications C. For air relief assembly use an Ametek # 182041 (6") economy turf box cover comparable to Brooks, or approved equal. DRIP IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION � with # 182002 � A. Techline shall consist of nominal sized one-half inch (1/2") low-density linear polyethylene tubing with internal pressure compensating, continuously self-cleaning, integral drippers at a specified spacing, (12", 18", or 24" centers). The tubing shall be brown in color and conform to an outside diameter (O.D.) of 0.67 inches and an inside diameter (I.D.) of 0.57 inches. Individual pressure compensating drippers shall be welded to the inside wall of the tubing as an integral part of the tubing assembly. T'hese drippers shall be constructed of plastic with a hard plastic diaphragm retainer and a self- flushing/cleaning elastomer diaphragm extending the full length of the dripper. OPERATION A. The drippers shall have the ability to independently regulate discharge rates, with an inlet pressure of seven to seventy (7-70} pounds per square inch (PSI), at a constant flow and with a manufacturer's coefficient of variability (Cv) of 0.03. Recommended operating pressure shall be between 15-45 PSI. The dripper discharge rate shall be 0.4, 0.6, or 0.9 gallons per hour (GPH) utilizing a combination turbulent flow/reduced pressure compensation cell mechanism and a diaphragm to maintain uniform discharge rates. The drippers shall continuously clean themselves while in operation. The dripperline shall be available in 12", 18" and 24" spacing between drippers unless otherwise specified. Techline pipe depth shall be under mulch unless otherwise specified on Plans. Maximum system pressure shall be 45 PSC. Filtration shall be 120 mesh or fner. Bending radius shall be 7". B. For on-surface or under mulch installations, 6" metal wire staples ('fLS6} shall be installed 3'-5' on center, and two staples installed at every change of direction. LINE FLUSHING VALVES A. The sub-surface system shall utilize Automatic Line Flush Valves at the end of each independent zone area. T'his valve shall be capable of flushing one gallon at the beginning of each irrigation cycle. The valves shall match the dripline manufacturer and connect directly to the dripline. AIRNACUUM RELIEF VALVE A. Each independent imgation zone shall utilize an Air/Vacuum Relief Valve at its high point(s). The air and vacuum relief valve shall seal effectively from 2 to 110 psi. PRESSURE REGULATORS A. The pressure regulator shall be designed to handle steady inlet pressures over 150 pounds per square inch (psi) and maintain a constant outlet pressures of 25 psi. Regulating accuracy shall be within =/-6%. The pressure regulator shall be manufactured from high- impact engineering grade thermoplastics. Regulation shall be accomplished by a fixed stainless steel compression spring which shall be enclosed in a chamber separate from the water passage. SectionN.doc Page 34 of 128 5/15l2012 � LJ � Section N — Technical Specifications FfLTERS A. The filter shall be a multiple disc type filter with notation indicating the minimum partial � size to travel through or the mesh size of the element being nsed. The discs shall be constructed of chemical resistant thermoplastic for corrosion resistance. � � � � � � � � � FITTINGS A. All connections shall be made with barb or compression type fitting connections. Fittings and dripline shall be as manufactured by the manufacturer of the dripline to ensure the integrity of the subsurface imgation system. AUTOMATIC CONTROL TIMER A. The imgation controller (control module) shall be programinable by a separate transmitter device only. The program shall be communicated to the Control Module from the Field Transmitter via an infrared connection. The controller shall be of a module type which may be installed in a valve box underground. The controller shall function normally if submerged in water and the communication from the transmitter shall function if submerged in water. B. The control module shall be housed in an ABS plastic cabinet and shall be potted to insure waterproof operation. The control module shall have two mounting slots for screws allowing the module to be securely mounted inside a valve box. C. The controller shall operate on one nine volt alkaline battery for one full year regardless of the number of stations utilized. The controller shall operate 1, 2, or 4 stations either sequentially or independently. D. The controller shall have three independent programs with eight start times each, station run time capability from one minute to twelve hours in one minute increments, and a seven day calendar. The controller shall turn on stations via latching solenoids installed on the valves. Manual operations shall be initiated by attaching the Field Transmitter to the Control Module and programming a manual start. The controller shall be capable of manual single station or manual program operation. E. The controller shall be as manufactured by Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp., Glendora, California USA. FIELD TRANSMITTER � A. The irrigation controller shall be programmable by a separate transmitter device (Field Transmitter) only. The Field Transmitter shall communicate to the Control Module via an infrared connection. The Field Transmitter shall be water resistant and housed in ABS � plastic and have a removable, reversible protective sheath. The Field Transmitter shall operate on one 9V alkaline battery. B. The Field Transmitter shall have a large LCD screen and a seven-key programming pad. � A beep sound shall confirm every key stroke. The screen shall automatically turn off after one minute when not in use. � C. The Field Transmitter shall be capable of programming an unlimited number of UNIK Control Modules. rSectionIV.doc Page 35 of 128 5/IS/2012 � Section N — Technical Specifications D. The Field Transmitter shall be as manufactured by Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp., Glendora, California USA. LATCHING SOLENOID A. The Latching Solenoid shall be supplied with an installed, filtered adapter allowing installation of the solenoid onto any Rain Bird DV, PGA, PEB, PES-B, GB, of EFB series valve. B. The Latching Solenoid shall be as manufactured by Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp., Glendora, California USA. 25.1.3 EXECUTION GENERAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A. Before work is commenced, hold a conference with the Engineer to discuss general details of the work. B. Verify dimensions and grades at job site before work is commenced. C. During the progress of the work, a competent superintendent and any assistants necessary shall be on site, all satisfactory to the Engineer. This superintendent shall not be changed, except with the consent of the Engineer. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor in his absence and all directions given to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. D. Obtain and pay for all irrigation and plumbing permits and all inspections required by outside authorities. E. All work indicated or notes on the Drawings shall be provided whether or not specifically mentioned in these Technical Special Provisions. F. If there are ambiguities between the Drawings and Specifications, and specifc interpretation or clarif cation is not issued prior to bidding, the interpretation or clarification will be made only by the Engineer, and the Contractor shall comply with the decisions. In event the installation contradicts the directions given, the installation shall be corrected by the Contractor at no additional cost. G. Layout of sprinkler lines shown on the Drawing is diagrammatic only. Location of sprinkler equipment is contingent upon and subject to integration with all other underground utilities. Contractor shall employ all data contained in the contract Documents and shall verify this information at the construction site to confirm the manner by which it relates to the installation. H. Do not proceed with the installation of the sprinkler system when it is appazent that obstructions or grade differences exist or if conflicts in construction details, legend, or specific notes are discovered. All such obstructions, conflicts, or discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer. I. The disturbance of existing paving will not be permitted. Install all required sleeving prior to roadway base. SectionN.doc Page 36 of l28 5/ISl2012 � � � � � � L� � u � � � � � :r � � �L ' � �J � � C� r � � � � I-7 Section N— Technical Specif cations EXCAVATING AND BACKFILLING TRENCHING - GENERAL A. Dig sides of trenches straight. Provide continuous support for pipe on bottom of trenches. Lay pipe to uniform grade. Trenching excavation shall follow layout indicated on Drawings. B. Maintain 6 in. horizontal and minimum clearance between sprinkler lines and between all lines of other trades. C. Do not install sprinkler lines directly above another line of any kind. D. Maintain 6 in. vertical minimum between sprinkler lines which cross at angles of 45 degrees to 90 degrees. E. Exercise care when excavating, trenching and working near existing utilities. BACKFILLING A. All pressure supply lines (mainline) shall have 18" of fill placed over the pipe. B. Initial backfill on all lines shall be of a fine granular material with no foreign matter larger than %2 in. C. Compact backfill according to Section 125 of FDOT Specification Book, 1996 Edition. D. Do not, under any circumstances, use equipment or vehicle wheels for compacting soil. E. Restore grades and repair damages where settling occurs. F. Compact each layer of fill with approved equipment to achieve a m�imum density per AASHTO T 180 - latest edition. Under landscaped area, compaction shall not exceed 95% of maximum density. G. Compaction shall be obtained by the use of inechanical tampers or approved hand tampers. When hand tampers are used, the materials shall be deposited in layers not more than six (6") inches thick. The hand tampers shall be suitable for this purpose and shall have a face area of not more than 100 square inches. Special precautions shall be taken to prevent damage to the irrigation system piping and adjacent utilities. ROUTING OF PIPING: A. Routing of pressure and non-pressure piping lines are indicated diagrammatically on Drawings. B. Coordinate specimen trees and shrubs with routing of lines. 1. Planting locations shall talce precedence over sprinkler and piping locations. 2. Report to Owner any major deviation from routing indicated. C. Conform to Drawings layout without offsetting the various assemblies from the pressure supply line. D. Layout drip tube and make any minor adjustments required due to differences between site and Drawings. Any such deviations in layout shall be within the intent of the original Drawings, and without additional cost. SectionIV.doc Page 37 of l28 5/152012 Section IV — Technical Specifccations E. Layout alI systems using an approved staking method, and maintain the staking of approved layout. INSTALLATION WATER SUPPLY A. Connections to the water sources shall be at the approximate locations indicated on the Drawings. Make minor changes caused by actual site conditions without additional cost to the Owner. ASSEMBLIES A. Routing or pressure supply lines as indicated on Drawings is diagrammatic only. Install lines and required assemblies in accordance with details on Drawings. B. Do not install multiple assemblies on plastic lines. Provide each assembly with its own outlet. When used, the pressure relief valve shall be the last assembly. C. Install all assemblies in accord with the respective detail Drawings and these Technical Special Provisions. D. Plastic pipe and threaded fittings shall be assembled using Teflon tape, applied to the male threads only. SLEEVES: (EXISTING BY CITY OF CLEARWATER) A. The contractor shall verify the location of all existing sleeves as shown on the roadway, utility and/or irrigation plans and notify the Engineer of any discrepancies. PLASTIC PIPE A. Install plastic pipe in accord with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Prepaze all welded joints with manufacturer's cleaner prior to applying solvent. 1. Allow welded joints as least 15 minutes setup/curing time before moving or handling. 2. Partially center load pipe in trenches to prevent arching and shifting when water pressure is on. 3. Do not permit water in pipe until a period of at least four hours has elapsed for solvent weld setting and curing, unless recommended otherwise by solvent manufacturer. C. Curing 1. When the temperature is above 80 degzees F., allow soluble weld joints at least 24 hours curing time before water is introduced under pressure. D. Flushing the system: l. After all sprinkler pipe lines and risers are in place and connected, open the control valves and flush out the system with a full head of water. E. Installing piping under existing pavement: 1. Piping under existing pavement may be installed by jacking & boring. SectionN.doc Page 38 of 128 � � � � � � � � � siisnoi2 � � � � � � � � Section IV — Technica] Specifications 2. Secure permission from the Engineer before cutting or breaking any existing pavement. All repairs and replacements shall be approved by Engineer and shall be accomplished at no additional cost. CONTROLLERS A. Install all automatic controllers as shown in the plans. 1. The location of all controllers shall be approved by the Engineers representative prior to installation. REMOTE CONTROL VALVES A. Install at sufficient depth to provide not more than 6 in., nor less than 4 in. cover from the top of the valve to finish grade. B. Install valves in a plumb position with 24 in. minimum maintenance clearance from other � equipment, 3 feet minimum from edges of sidewalks, buildings, and walls, and no closer than 7 feet from the back of curb or edge of pavement along roadways. � � � � � � � � � � C. Contractor shall adjust the valve to provide the proper flow rate or operating pressure for each sprinkler zone. GATE VALVES A. Install where indicated and with suff'icient clearance from other materials for proper maintenance. B. Check and tighten valve bonnet packing before backfill. 25.2 LANDSCAPE 25.2.1 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Contract Documents shall include the Plans, Details, Specifications, Bid Proposal, Contract Agreement, including Installation Schedule, all Addenda, and Contractual and Special Conditions when rec�uired. � REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES A. Comply with Federal, State, Local, and other duly constituted authorities and regulatory agencies, without additional cost to the Owner in matters pertaining to codes, safety, and environmental matters. B. Any permits for the installation or construction of any of the work included under the contract, which aze required by any of the legally constituted authorities having jurisdiction, shall be arranged for by the Contractor and paid for directly by the Contractor, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing. SCOPE OF WORK A. All provisions of Contract, including General and Special Provisions and Plans, apply to the work specified in this Section. The Scope of Work includes everything for and SectionN.doc Page 39 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV —Technical Specifications incidental to executing and completing all landscape work shown on the Plans, Schedules, Notes and as specified herein. B. Furnish and provide all labor, plants and materials tools and equipment necessary to prepare the soil for plantings, to install and caze for all plant materials (including finish grading if necessary); to remove and/or transplant existing plants if indicated; to furnish, plant, fertilize, guy and brace, water, mulch and prune all new plant materials; and to execute all other Work as described herein or indicated on the Plans. C. Work under this Section shall include labor and materials for iinal grading and raking to prepare the site for sodding, sprigging, or seeding, so fmished lawn or playing field will appear even and uniform, will drain adequately, and will comply with the intent of the landscape drawings. D. Initial maintenance of landscape materials as specified in this document. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Landscape work shall be contracted to a single firm specializing in landscape work, who shall in turn subcontract no more than 40% of the work specified. All subcontractors under the control of the Contractor involved in the completion of the landscape work, shall be made known to the Owner and the Landscape Architect prior to their commencement of work on the project. B. All work of this Section shall conform to the highest standard of landscape practices. C. The Plant Material Schedule included with these Plans is provided only for the Contractor's convenience; it shall not be construed as to conflict or predominate over the Plans. If conflict between the Plans and Specifications exists, the Plan shall predominate and be considered the controlling document. D. During this work, the Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining safety among persons in his employ in accordance with the standards set by The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (and all subsequent amendments). Owner and Landscape Architect shall be held harmless from any accident, injury or any other incident resulting from compliance or non-compliance with these standards. E. The Contractor shall cooperate with and coordinate with all other trades whose work is built into or affects the work in this Section. F. All appropriate utility companies and agencies shall be contacted 72 hours prior to excavation. Call "One Call" at 1-800-432-4770. G. The Contractor shall carefully examine the site and a11 existing conditions affecting the work, such as: soil, obstructions, existing trees, utilities, etc. Report any conditions in conflict with the work to the Landscape Architect. SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor is required to submit prior to the expiration of the required maintenance period, two copies of typewritten instructions recommending procedures to be established by the Owner for maintenance of landscape work for a period of one year. B. Furnish unit prices for all plant materials and inert materials, including labor for all specified work. SectionN.doc Page 40 of 128 5/152012 � � Section iV — Technical Specifications ALTERNATES, ADDITIONS, DELETIONS, SUBSTITUTIONS A. If there aze additions/alternates included in these Plans and Specifications, the Contractor � must propose prices to accomplish the work stated as additions/altemates at the time of bidding. � � � B. The Owner, through his Project Representative, reserves the right to add or deduct any of the work stated herein without rendering the Contract void. C. The Contractor must have written approval by the Project Representative for any substitutions not previously agreed to in the purchase agreement: installation without approval is entirely at the Contractor's risk. D. All material acquired through additions or substitutions shall be subject to all conditions and warranties stated herein. ABBREVIATIONS/DEFINITIONS 0.�1. or H7:: The over-all height of the plant measured from the ground to the natural, untied state of the majority of the foliage, not including extreme leaves, branches or fronds. w G T.: Clear trunk is measured from the ground to the bottom of the first leaf or frond stem with � no foliage from ground to specified height. For example, on Canary Island Date Palms or similaz, the clear trunk measurement includes the "nut" at the base of the fronds. C. W.: � � SPR.: ' � � � Ll Clear wood is measured from the ground to the bottom of the base of the lowest leaf sheath or boot, trimmed in a natural manner. For example, on Canary Island Date Palms or similar, the clear wood measurement does not include the "nut" at the base of the fronds. Spread, branches measured in natural untied position to the average crown diameter, not including extreme �eaves, branches or fronds. S7:TR.: Straight trunk. MIN.: Minimum. GAL.: O. C.: DIA.: LVS.: Gallon container size, i.e., 1 gallon, 3 gallon, 7 gallon, etc. On center, distance between plant centers_ Diameter. Leaves. � SectionIV.doc � Page 41 of l 28 5/152012 Section N — Technical Specifications D.B.H : Diameter or caliper of main trunk of tree as measured at breast height at 4-1 /2 feet above grade. CAL.: B&B: PPP: FG: STD.: Caliper, the outside diameter of up to a four inch tree is measured six inches above grade, lazger trees are measured at 12 inches above grade. Balled and burlapped in accordance with horticultural standards of the American Association of Nurserymen. Plants per pot. Field grown. Standard, single, straight trunk. Owner: To be known as that entity which holds title or control to the premises on which the work is performed. Owner 's Representative: Owner's on-site representative shall be responsible for approval of quantity and quality of materials specified and execution of installation. Contractor: Shall refer to that person or enterprise commonly known as the Landscape Contractor. Landscape Architect: This person or firm is the responsible representative of the Owner who produces the landscape Plans and Specifications. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLtNG PLANT MATERIALS A. Provide container grown or, if appropriate, freshly dug trees and shrubs. Do not prune prior to delivery. Do not bend or bind trees or shrubs in such a manner as to damage bark, break branches or destroy natural shape. Provide protective covering during delivery. If plant delivery is made in open vehicles, the entire load shall be suitably covered. B. All plants are to be handled at all times so that roots or root balls are adequately protected from sun, cold, or drying winds. No root balls for trees and container plants that have been cracked or broken shall be planted except upon special approval. Plants sha11 not be pulled by the tops or stems, nor handled in a rough or cazeless manner at any time. C. Balled and burlapped plants shall be moved with fum, natural, balls of soil, not less than 1 foot diameter of ball to every 1 inch caliper of trunk; root ball depth shall not be less than 2/3 of root ball diameter. B& B plants which cannot be planted upon delivery shall have their root balls covered with moist soil or mulch. SectionN.doc Page 42 of 228 � � lJ � � � � [J � � � 5/15/2012 � � IJ � � � � � � � � � Section IV — Technical Specifications D. Trees shall be dug with adequate balls, burlapped, and wire bound if needed. Root pruning to be done a minimum of 4 weeks before removal from the field and planting at the site. Root balls may not be encased in "grow bags" or other synthetic material, except plastic shrink wrap for transport only. E. Remove all fronds form sabal palms prior to planting, but leave a minimum of 12 inches of new frond growth above the bud. Do not damage bud. On all other palms, only a minimum of palm fronds shall be removed from crown to facilitate moving and handling. Clear trunk shall be determined after minimum fronds have been removed. Boots shall be removed from tnuik unless otherwise specified. Palms shall be planted within 24 hours of delivery. F. Deliver trees and shrubs after prepazations for planting have been completed and plant immediately. If planting is delayed more than 6 hours after delivery, set trees and shrubs in shade, protect from weather and mechanical damage, and cover to keep the roots moist. G. Label at least one tree and one shrub of each variety with a securely attached waterproof tag bearing legible designation of botanical and common name. H. Sod: Time delivery so that sod will be placed within twenty-four (24} hours after stripping. Protect sod against drying and breaking by covering palettes of sod or placing in a shaded area. JOB CONDITIONS ACCEPTANCE OF JOB CONDITIONS. A. The Contractor shall examine the sub-grade, verify elevations, observe the conditions under which work is to be performed and notify the Landscape Architect or Project Representative in writing of unsatisfactory conditions prior to beginning work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the Landscape Architect. Start of work shall indicate acceptance of conditions and full responsibility for the completed work. B. Proceed with and complete the landscape work as rapidly as portions of the site become available, working within the seasonal limitations for each kind of landscape work and following the approved schedule. If seasonal limitations apply, notify the Landscape Architect for adjustments to the Schedule. C. Determine locations of all underground utilities and review for conflicts with planting procedures. D. When adverse conditions to plant growth are encountered, such as rubble fill, drainage � conditions or obstruction, the Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect in writing prior to planting. � � � E. Plant trees and shrubs after fmal grades are established and prior to the planting of lawns, protecting lawn trees and promptly repairing damages from planting operations. SCHEDULING OF WORK A. The work shall be carried out to completion with the utmost speed. Immediately upon awazd of contract, the Contractor shall prepare a construction schedule and furnish a copy SectionIV.doc Page 43 of 128 5/152012 Section IV — Technical Specifications to the Owner's Representative and/or the Landscape Architect for approval. The Contractor shall carry out the work in accordance with the approved schedule. B. If the Contractor incurs unforeseen costs, such as overtime hours, holidays, etc. in order to complete the work within the time stated in the Contract, and/or to maintain the progress schedule, all said costs shall be borne by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. C. The Owner's Representative's may request in writing work stoppage. Upon written request from the Owner's Representative, the Landscape Contractor shall suspend delivery of material and stop all work for such a period as deemed necessary by the Owner, the Owner's Representative, or the General Contractor with respect to any additional costs which may result from work stoppage. UTILITiES A. The Contractor shall perform work in a manner which will avoid conflicts with utilities. Hand excavate, as required, to minimize possibility of damage to underground utilities. Maintain grade stakes set by others until removal is mutually agreed upon by all parties concerned. 25.2.2 PRODUCTS MATERIALS PLANT MATERIALS: NOMENCLATURE A. Plant species, sizes, etc. shall be per Plans and Specifcations on Plant Material Scheduled. Nomenclature is per Manual of Cultivated Plant, Standard Encyclopedia of Horticulttire, L.H. Bailey, or Standazdized Plant Names Dictionary, American Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature (latest editions), or conforms with names accepted in the nursery trade. PLANT MATERIALS: QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide healthy, vigorous stock grown under climatic conditions similar to conditions in the locality of the project. Plants shall have a habit of growth that is normal for the species and be sound, healthy, vigorous and free from insect pests or their eggs, plant diseases, defects and injuries. Plants shall be well branched and densely foliated when in leaf and shall have healthy, well-developed root systems. B. Trees shall be heavily branched or, in the case of palms, be heavily leafed. Some plant materials may be collected stock with the approval of the Landscape Architect. Provided tree species that have a single main trunk (central leader}, unless otherwise stated. Trees that have the main trunk forming a"Y" shape or parallel branching are not acceptable. C. Plant materials shall be specified and shall be Florida #1 or better as to shage and quality for the species as outlined in Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants Part I and II, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (latest edition). D. The Owner or Landscape Architect reserves the right to inspect plant materials either at the place of growth or at the project site prior to planting for compliance with requirements for name variety, size quality, or designated azea. SectionIV.doc Page 44 of 128 5/(5/2012 � � � Ll � � � �_� � � u � � �� � � � � � � Section IV — Technical Specifications E. Landscape materials shall be shipped with certificates of inspection as required by govemmental authorities. The Contractor shall comply with all goveming regulations that are applicable to landscape materials. F. Do not make substitutions. If specified landscape material is not available, submit Landscape Architect proof of it being non-available. In such event, if the Landscape Architect designates an available source, such shall be acquired from designated source. When authorized, a written change order for substitute material will be made by adjustment to Contract amount. G. Height and/or width of trees shall be measured from ground up; width measurement shall be normal crown spread of branches with plants in the normal position. This measurement shall not include immediate terminal growth. All measurements shall be taken after pruning for specified sizes. All trees and shrubs shall conform to measurements specified in the plant material schedule, except that plant material larger than specified may be used with the approval of the Owner or Landscape Architect; with no increase to the Contract price. Plant materials shall not be pruned prior to delivery. H. Plant Material shall be symmetrical, typical for variety and species. Plants used where symmetry is required shall be matched as nearly as possible. I. Balled and burlapped plants shall have firm, natural balls of earth of sufficient diameter and depth to encompass the feeding root system necessary for full development of the plant and to conform with the standards of the American Association of Nurserymen. Root balls and tree tnznks shall not be damaged by improper binding and B& B procedures. J. Container-grown plants may be substituted for balled and burlapped plants or vice-versa provided the quality is equal or better than specified and the Landscape Architect approves the substitution. K. Container grown stock shall have been grown in containers for at least four months, but not over two years. If requested, samples must be shown to prove no root bound condition exists. GRASSES: SOD OR SEED A. Sod or seed (as/if specified) shall be a species as stated on the Plan. Solid sod shall be of even thickness and with a good root structure, 95% free of noxious week, freshly mowed before cutting, and in healthy condition when laid. It must not be stacked more than 24 hours before laying and it must be grown in soil compatible to that in which it will be installed. Sod must be kept moist prior to and after installation. B. Seed shall be delivered to the site in unopened bags with certification tags in place. Purity, germination and weed content shall be as certification requirements. MULCH A. Mulch shall be 100°/a Grade "B" shredded cypress bark mulch, thoroughly mixed with a pre-emergence weed killer according to the label directions as specified on the plan. B. Install mulch to an even depth of 3" before compaction. � SectionN.doc � Page 45 of I28 5/IS/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications FERTILIZER A. Granular fertilizer shall be uniform in composition; free flowing and suitable for application with approved equipment; received at the site in full, labeled, unopened bags bearing the name, trade name or trademark and warranty of the producer; fully conforming to State of Florida fertilizer laws. B. All fertilizer shall bear the manufacturer's statement of analysis and shall contain the appropriate minimum amounts of elements for the type of use specified herein. C. Agriform 20-10-5 fertilizer tablets or approved equal, shall be placed in planting pit for all plant materials at time of installation and prior to completion of pit backfilling. D. Ground cover and annual azeas shall receive fertilization with Osmocote Time Release Fertilizer according to product instructions and rate. E. For sod and seeded areas, fertilize with a complete granular fertilizer on Bahia and St. Augustine grass at the rate of one (1) pound of nitrogen per one thousand (1,000) square feet. Fertilizer shall be commercial grade, mixed granules, with 30% - 50% of the nitrogen being in slow or controlled release form. The ratio of nitrogen to potash will be 1:1 or 2:1 for complete fertilizer formulations. Phosphorus shall be no more than % the nitrogen level. They shall also contain magnesium and micronutrients (i.e. manganese, iron, zinc, copper, etc.). STAKES AND GUYS A. For trees, approved plastic or rubber guys shall be used between the stakes and the tree trunk. Galvanized steel guy wire shall not be used. B. Stakes shall be cut from 2" x 4" pressure treated (p.t.) stock for trees over 2" caliper. Stakes shall be 2" x 2" pressure treated (p.t.) stock for trees 2" caliper and under. A minimu.m of 2 stakes per tree or an optional3 stakes per tree shall be used. C. For single trunk palms, stakes shaIl be eut from 2" x 4" pressure treated (p.t.) stock, with a minimum of 3 stakes per palm. Batten consisting of 5 layers of burlap and 5- 2" x 4" by 16" wood connected with two - 3/" steel bands shall be used around the palm trunk. D. Other tree staking systems may be acceptable if approved. PLANTING SOIL A. Unless stated on the plans or in the specifications, install plant material in tilled and loosened native soil backfill. It is the responsibility of the Landscape Contractor to test, prior to planting and at no additional cost to the Contract, any soils which may be unsuitable for the vigorous growth of plants. Unsuitable conditions shall be reported to the Landscape Architect immediately in writing. B. When required, planting soil media shall be provided by the Contractor and shall eonsist of 1/3 peat and 2/3 sandy loam, with no lumps over 1". C. Backfill and clean fill dirt provided by the Contractor shall be in a loose, friable soil. There must be slight acid reaction to the soil (about 6.0 — 6.5 pH) with no excess of calcium or carbonate, and it shall be free from excess weeds, clay lumps, stones, stumps, roots and toxic substances or any other materials that might be harmful to plant growth or SectionIV.doc Page 46 of 128 5/1 Sl2012 �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Section IV — Technical Specifications a hindrance to grading, ptanting, and maintenance procedures and operations. No heavily organic soil, such as muck or peat shall be used as fill dirt. D. Bed prepazation for annual beds under 1 gallon container size shall consist of 3" of Florida peat or other approved organic soil amendment spread over full length and width of planting area. Rototil organic layer 6 inches to 8 inches into native soil. SOIL AMENDMENTS � A. Terra-Sorb AG or approved equal, soil amendment shall be mixed with native or planting soil for all trees, shrubs, ground cover, and annuals according to manufacturer's recommended application rates and methods, if specified on the Plans. � TREE PROTECTION A. Wood fencing shall be 2" x 4" pressure treated (p.t.} stock with flagging on horizontal members. Space vertical members 6 feet to 8 feet on center. The barricade shall be placed so as to protect the critical protection zone area, which is the area surrounding a tree within a circle described by a radius of one foot for each inch of the tree's diameter at breast height DBH at 4-'h feet above grade. ROOT BARRIER SYSTEM � A. Root barrier fabric shall be installed when specified in the plans and/or specifications for protection of adjacent paved surfaces according to specific product name or equal. Install as directed by the manufacturer. � PACKAGED MATERIALS A. Deliver packaged materials in containers showing weight, analysis and name of � manufacturer. Protect materials from deterioration during delivery and while stored at the site. � � � � PESTICIDES A. Pesticides shall be only approved, safe brands applied according to manufacturer's directions. 25.2.3 EXECUTION PREPARATION OBSTRUCTIONS BELOW GROUND A. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to locate and mark all underground utilities, irrigation lines and wiring prior to commencement of the work. B. If underground construction, utilities or other obstructions are encountered in excavation � of planting areas or pits, the Landscape Architect shall be immediately notified to select a relocated position for any materials necessary. � � GRADING AND PREPARATION FOR PLANT MATERIALS A. AII proposed landscape areas containing existing turf grass or weeds shall be treated with Monsanto's "Round-Up" per manufacturer's specifications. All proposed landscape areas SectionN.doc Page 47 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV —Technicat Specifications adjacent to water bodies shall be treated with "Rodeo" per the manufacturer's specifications. B. New plant materials will not be installed until a 98% weed/turf eradication has been achieved. More than one application may be required to produce an acceptable planting bed. C. Pre-emergent herbicides are not a substitute for spray treatment of "Round-Up" or "Rodeo", and may be used only with the written approval of the Landscape Architect. D. Should any plant material in the same, or adjacent beds be damaged by these chemicals, the same size, quantity and quality of plants shall be immediately replaced by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. E. Any necessary corrections or repairs to the finish grades shall be accomplished by the Contractor. All planting areas shall be carefully graded and raked to smooth, even finish grade, free from depressions, lumps, stones, sticks or other debris and such that they will conform to the required finish grades and provide uniform and satisfactory surface drainage without puddling. F. The Contractor shall remove debris (sticks, stones, rubbish) over 1-%2 inches in any dimension form individual tree, shrub and hedge pits and dispose of the excavated material off the site. PREPARATION EOR ANNUAL BED PLANTING A. Prepare native subgrade by mtotilling or loosening by hand methods. Spread 3 inches of Florida peat (1/3), sandy loam (1/3), or other approved organic soil amendment over the full length and width of planting area for annuals. Rototill organic layer 6 inches to 8 inches into the native soil. Grade the planting bed by "crowning' to insure that surface drainage, percolation, and aeration occur at rapid rates. Add Osmocote time release fertilizer according to product instructions and rate. PREPARATION FOR SEEDING AND SOD AREAS A. All pmposed sod areas containing existing turf grass or weeds shall be treated with Monsanto's "Round-Up" per manufacturer's specifications. All proposed sod areas adjacent to water bodies shall be treated with "Rodeo" per .the Manufacturer's Specifications. B. Limit preparation to areas which will be planted promptly after preparation. Loosen sub- grade of seed and sod areas to a minimum depth of 4 inches. C. Immediately prior to any turf work, the Contractor shall finish grade the soil to a smooth, even surface assuring positive drainage away from buildings and the subsequent turf flush to the tops of adjacent curbs and sidewalks. The surface shall be sloped to existing yard drains. D. A complete fertilizer shall be applied to St. Augustine or Bahia grass at a rate of one (1) pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet. Fertilizer shall be commercial �ade, mixed granules, with 30% - 505 of the nitrogen being in slow or controlled release form. Thoroughly work fertilizer into the top 4 inches of soil. SectionIV.doc Page 48 of 128 5/15/2012 i � � � � � I� LJ � � � � � � � � � � � Section N —Technica) Specifications E. Moisten prepared seed and sod areas before planting if soil is dry. Water thoroughly and allow surface moisture to dry before planting lawns. Do not create a muddy soil condition. INSTALLATION BERM CONSTRUCTION (IF SPECIFIED) A. Instalt berms at location and design shown on Plans and at the height and slope indicated. Height stated is for finished berm with soil at natural compaction. B. Exact location and configuration of berms may require modification to allow proper drainage; such changes will be coordinated with the Landscape Architect. C. If shown on the Plan, construct berms using clean sandy loam fill dirt wluch is well- drained, free of rocks, roots, or other debris, with a soil pH of an acid Nature (about 6.0 - 6.5). No heavily organic soil, such as muck or peat shall be used in berm construction. LAYOUT OF PLANT MATERIALS A. Unless otherwise stipulated, plant materials shall be approximately lacated per the plans by scale measurements using established building, columns, curbs, screen walls, etc. as the measuring reference point. Slight shifting may be required to clear wires, prevent blockage of signage, etc. B. Shrubs and ground covers shall be located and spaced as noted on the plant material schedule (if provided), otherwise plants will be placed in the planting beds at the normally accepted spacing for each species. C. Leave an 18 inch (450 millimeters) border of mulched space between outer leaves of installed plant material and the bed line, curb, or building foundation wall for all plant sizes. D. Any necessary "minor" adjustments in the layout of planting shall be made by the � Contractor with the approval of the Landscape Architect in order to conform as nearly as possible to the intent of the plans. LJ � PLANTING PROCEDURES A. All shrubs, trees and ground covers or vines shall be planted in pits having vertical sides and being circular in outline. Planting pit sha11 be 3 to 5 times the width of the root ball. B. Plants shall be set straight or plumb, in the locations shown, at such level that after settlement normal or natural relationship of the top of the root ball with the ground surface will be established. With regards to proper nursery practices, plants under certain conditions (i.e. low and wet areas) will benefit from being planted "high" with the root ball about 1 inch higher than the surrounding grade. � C. All plant materials shall be fertilized with Agriform 20-10-5 planting tablets, or approved equal, at time of installation and prior to completion of pit backfilling. Agriform planting tablets shall be placed uniformly around the root mass at a depth that is between the middle and the bottom of the root mass. � Application rate: � SectionIV.doc Page 49 of 128 5/15/2012 � 1 gallon 3 gallon 5 gallon 7 gallon Trees Palms Section IV — Technical Specifications 1 - 21 gram tablet 2 - 21 gram tablet 3 - 21 gram tablet 4 - 21 gram tablet 3 tablets each %2" (12 millimeters) caliper 7- 21 gram tablets D. Native soil shall be used in back-filling plant pits or as specified. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing additional soil for bnilding tree sancers. E. When balled and burlapped plants are set, undisturbed native soil sha11 be left under the base of the root ball to prevent voids. Backfill tilled and loosened native soil around the sides of the root ball. Remove the top 4 inches (100 millimeters) of burlap wire, and all tie-down material from the root ball. Do not remove these materials from the bottom of the root ball. Thoroughly water-in before bringing the back-fill up to the proper grade Roots of bare plants shall be properly spread out, and planting soil cazefully worked in among them. Failure to comply is cause for rejection. F. Containerized plants shall be installed with undisturbed native soil left under the base of the root ball to prevent voids. Planting pit shall be 3 to 5 times the width of the root ba11. Backfill tilled and loosened native soil around the sides of the root ball. Thoroughly water-in before bringing the backfill up to the proper grade. G. Plant spacing shall be"on center" and varies with the different plant species. Space each variety of plant equally in the planting areas. Shrubs and ground covers adjacent to straight or curved edges shall be triangular - spaced in rows parallel to those edges. Plant a minimum of 18 inches from the back of the curb to the outside edge of the plant. H. All azaleas shall be placed into a prepared bed of amended soil containing 50% weed-free Florida peat or approved equivalent. Root balls shall be scarified vertically at 120 degree angles in a triangular pattern. I. Sabal palms may be planted deeper than normal if conditions warrant and if approved. SODDING A. During periods of dronght, sod sha11 be watered sufficiently at its origin to moisten the soil adequately to the depth to which it is to be cut. B. An application of 6-6-6, 40% organic, slow or controlled release fertilizer shall be made to all lawn areas just prior to the laying of ihe sod at a rate of one (1) pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. The ground shall be wet down before the sod is laid in place. C. Solid sod shall be laid tightly with closely abutting staggered joints with an even surface edge and sod edge, in a neat and clean manner to the edge of all the paving and shrub areas. Cut down soil level to 1 inch to 1-1/2 inches below top of walks prior to laying sod. D. Within 2 hours after installing sod and prior to rolling, irrigate the sod. Sufficient water shall be applied to wet the sod thoroughly and to wet the sod to a depth of 2 inches (50 millimeters). Watering shall be done in a manner that will avoid erosion due to the application of excessive quantities, and the watering equipment shall be a type that will prevent damage to the finished sod surface. Watering shall be repeated as necessary to keep sod moist until rooted to subgrade. SectionN.doc Page 50 of 128 � � � � � � � � I�� � � 5/I S/2012 � � � � � � �' � � i � � � �� Section IV — Technical Specifications E. The sod shall be pressed firmly into contact with the sod bed using a turf roller or other approved equipment so as to eliminate air pockets, provide a true and even surface and insure knitting without any displacement of the sod or deformation of the surfaces of sodded areas. After the sodding operation has been completed, the edges of the area shall be smooth and shall conform to the grades indicated. F. If, in the opinion of the Landscape Architect, top dressing is necessary after rolling, clean silica sand shall be used to fill voids. Evenly apply sand over the entire surface to be leveled, filling-in dips and voids and thoroughly washing into the sod areas. G. On slopes steeper than 2:1 and as required, the sod shall be fastened in place with suitable wooden pins or by other approved method. SEEDING A. Seed shall be installed per the specifications of the State of Florida Department of Transportation. See plan for type of seed. TREE GUYING, BRACING AND STAKING A. Tree guying, staking and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Contractor per sound nursery practices, and shall be done per details shown on the Plans. For trees, a minimum of 2 stakes per tree or an optional 3 stakes per tree at 120 degree spacing shall be used. Stakes shall be driven in at an angle, then tightened to vertical supported by approved plastic or rubber guys. Trees shall be staked with a minimum of 4 feet height of stake above grade and a minimum of 30 inches of stake below grade. B. For single trunk palms, a minimum of 3 stakes per palm at 120 degree spacing shall be used. Toenail the stakes to batten consisting of 5 layers of burlap and 5- 2 inch x 4 inch x 16 inch wood connected with two 3/a inch steel bands. Palms shall be staked with a minimum of 5 feet of stake above grade. C. Contractor shall remove all tree guying, staking, and bracing from trees six (6) months after the date of final acceptance of the landscape work. D. Stake only trees that require support to maintain a plumb position or are in potentially hazardous areas. MULCHING A. All planting beds shall be weed-free prior to mulching. B. All curb, roadway, and bed line edges will be "trenched" to help contain the applied mulch. � � C. All plant beds and tree rings shall be mulched evenly with a 3 inch layer (before compaction) of 100% Grade B recycled cypress bark mulch, or other mulch as specified on the Plans or General Notes. �' � � D. Mulch shall not be placed against the trunks of plant materials or foundations of buildings. Maintain a minimum 3 inch clearance for trees and shrub trunks and a minimum 6 inch clearance for the walls of buildings. E. For beds of annual flowers, a 12 inch wide x 3 inch deep band of mulch shall be installed in front of the first row of annuals. Maintain a minimum 6 inches of non-mulched clearance from the outside edge of annuals. SectionN.doc Page 51 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV —Technical Specifications PRUNING A. Pruning shall be done by an experienced certified Arborist to maintain the natural shape and form of the plant. B. Upon acceptance by the Owner, prune any broken branches, remove crossed branches, and branches hanging below the clear trunk of the tree. CLEAN-UP A. During landscape work, store materials and equipment where directed by the Owner. B. The Contractor shall promptly remove any materials and equipment used on the job, keeping the area neat at all times. Upon completion of all planting, dispose of all excess soil and debris leaving pavements and work areas in safe and orderly condition. C. The clean-up of the site shall include the removal and proper disposal of the tree guying, staking, and bracing materials as described in specifications. PROTECTION A. The Contractor shall provide safeguards for the protection of workmen and others on, about, or adjacent to the work, as required under the parameters of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (O.S.H.A.) standards. B. The Contractor shall protect the Owner's and adjacent property from damage. C. the Contractor shall protect the landscape work and materials from damage due to landscape operations. Maintain protection during installation and maintenance periods. D. The Contractor shall provide protection (tree banicades) for all existing trees and palms as specifed. REPAIR OF DAMAGES E. The Contractor shall repair all damage caused by his operations to other materials, property, or trades to a level equal in quality to the existing condition prior to damage. F. The Contractor shall be held responsible for all damage done by his work or employees to other materials or trades' work. Patching and replacement of damaged work may be done by others, at the Owner's direction, but the cost of same shall be paid by the Contractor who is responsible for the damage. MAINTENANCE A. The Contractor shall maintain all plant materials in a first class condition from the beginning of landscape construction until Final Acceptance. B. Operations: SectionIV.doc Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, watering of turf and planting beds, mowing, fertilizing, cultivation, weeding, pruning, disease and pest control, replacement of dead materials, straighiening, turf or planter settlement corrections, replacement of rejecied materials, staking and guying repair and tightening, wash-out repairs and regrading, and any other procedures consistent with the good horticultural practice necessary to insure normal, vigorous and healthy growth of all work under Page 52 of 128 snsi2oi2 � � � �� � L_J J Ci � � LJ Section IV — Technical Specifications the Contract. Mowing shall be consistent with the recommended height per the University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service. 2. Within the warranty period, the Contractor shall notify the Owner of any maintenance practices being followed or omitted which would be detrimental to the healthy, vigorous growth of the landscape. 3. The Contractor sha11 be responsible for the final watering of not less than one inch of water for all planted materials before leaving the site. INSPECTION, REJECTION, AND ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION A. Upon completion of the installation, the Contractor will notify the Owner or the Owner's Representative that the job is ready for inspection. Within 15 days of notifications, the installation will be inspected by the Landscape Architect. A written and/or graphic inspection report will be sent to the Owner and/or Landscape Contractor. REJECTION AND REPLACEMENT A. The Landscape Architect shall be fmal judge as to the suitability and acceptability of any part of the work. Plant material will be rejected if it does not meet the requirements set forth in Plans and Specifications. B. Replace any rejected materials immediately or within 15 days and notify the Landscape Architect that the correction has been made. ACCEPTANCE A. After replacement of rejected plant material (if any) have been made, and completion of all other correction items, the Owner or Project Representative will accept the project in writing. � B. Upon Final Acceptance, the Owner assumes responsibility for maintenance within the terms of the Contract. Acceptance will in no way invalidate the Contractor's warranty period. � r � C. The Contractor's warranty period will begin after final acceptance of the project by the Owner. 1. If evidence exists of any lien or claim arising out of or in connection with default in performance of this Contract, the Owner shall have the right to retain any payment sufficient to discharge such claim and all costs in connection with discharging such claim. 2. Where the Specifications call for any stipulated item or an"approved equivalent", or in words to that effect, the Contractor shall indicate the price of the type and species specified in the proposal, giving the price to be added or deducted from his Contract price. The final selection rests with the Owner or his representative. 3. Where plants installed do not meet specifications, the Owner reserves the right to � request plant replacement or an appropriate deduction from the Contract amount to compensate for the value not received from the under-specified plant materials. No � SectionlV.doc � Page 53 of 128 5/152012 Section IV — Technicat Specifications additional compensation will be made to the Contractor for plants installed that exceed specifications. WARRANTY A. The Contractor shall warranty all palms and trees fiarnished under this contract for a period of one (1) year and all shrubs for a period of six (6) months. Material which is either dead or in poor health during this period or at completion will be replaced at no charge to the Owner. Should any of the plant materials show 50% or more defoliation during the warranty period, due to the Contractor's use of poor quality or improper materials or workmanship, the Contractor upon notice, shall replace without delay same with no additional cost to the Owner. Should any plant require replacing, the new plant shall be given the equal amount of warranty. 26 26.1 HDPE DEFORMED - REFORMED PIPE LINING INTENT It is the intention of this specification to provide for ihe trenchless restoration of 8" to 12" sanitary sewers by the installation of a high density polyethylene, jointless, continuous, fold and form pipe liner which is watertight and chemically resistant to withstand exposure to domestic sewage including all labor, materials and equipment to provide for a complete, fully restored and functioning installation. � 26.2 PRODUCT AND CONTRACTOR/INSTALLER ACCEPTABILITY The City requires that all contractors be prequalified. See General Conditions regarding contractor prequalification. In addition, the City requues a proven extensive tract record for the fold and form liner system to be used in this project. All contractors submitting for prequalification approval for this project must exhibit extensive satisfactory experience in the installation of the proposed liner system and satisfactory evidence that the proposed liner system has been extensively and successfully installed in the Unites States and the State of Florida. 'The installer must be certified by the liner system manufacturer for installation of the liner system. The City reserves full and complete authority to approve the satisfactory nature of the both the liner system and the installer. 26.3 MATERIALS Pipe shall be made from P. E. 3408 polyethylene resins complying with ASTM D 3350, cell classification: P.E. 345434 D for High Density. It shall be Type 3, Grade 4, Class D, according to ASTM D 1248. The Contractor shall provide certified test results for review by the Engineer, from the manufacturer, that the material conforms with the applicable requirements. Material shall have a minimum thickness of SDR 32.5. Pipe specimens shall comply with the minimum property values shown below with the applicable ASTM requirements: Material Pm e ASTM Method Value HDPE Tensile Strength D 638 3,300 psi Elasticity Modulus E=113,000 psi � � � � �� � � l_� � ,� L�' � � � � � � � SectionIV.doc Page 54 of 128 5/l5/2012 � � � � � � � � �� � � �� � � � � � � � � � Section N — Technical Specifications HDPE Impact Strength D 256 A 3.0 ft-Ib/in Flexure Modulus E=136,000 psi Expansion Coef�: c=0.009 in/in/deg F At the time of manufacture, each lot of liner shall be reviewed for defects and tested in accordance with ASTM D 2837 and D 1693. At the time of delivery, the liner sha11 be homogeneous throughout, uniform in color, free of cracks, holes, foreign materials, blisters, or deleterious faults. The Contractor shall provide, as requested, certified test results for review by the Engineer, from the manufacturer, that the material conforms with the applicable requirements. The Engineer may at any time request the Contractor provide test results from field samples to the above requirements. Liner shall be marked at 5-foot intervals or less with a coded number, which identifies the manufacturer, SDR, size, material, date, and shift on which the liner was extruded. Lining manufacturer shall submit to the Engineer for approval as requested, complete design calculations for the liner thickness. The criteria for liner design sha11 be HS-20 traffic loading, water table to the ground surface, minimum expected lifetime of 50 years, and no structural strength retained from the existing pipe. Liner materials shall meet manufachzres specifications of Pipe Liners, Inc. 3421 N. Causeway, Suite 321, New Orleans, LA 70002, 1-800-344-3744 or approved equal. Any approved equal liner system must be approved by the Engineer as an equal system prior to receiving bids. Request for contractor prequalification and/or equal liner system approval must be received by the Engineer no later than 14 days prior to the date for receiving bids. 26.4 CLEANING/SURFACE PREPARATION It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to clean and prepare the existing pipes for rehabilitation. The Contractor will thoroughly clean the interior of the sewers to produce a clean interior surface free of all coatings, sand, rock, roots, sludge, or other deleterious materials prior to liner insertion. Bypass pumping will be provided by the Contractor as part of the unit cost of restoration. Bypass operations are to be so arranged as to cause minimum disruptions to local trafFic, residents and particularly to commercial facilities. During the cleaning and preparation operations a11 necessary precautions shall be taken to protect the public, all property and the sewer from damage. All material removed from the sewers shall be the Contractor's responsibility for prompt disposal in accordance with all regulatory agency requirements. The Contractor may be required to control the rate of sewer cleaning in the sa.nitary system to avoid heavy pollution loads at the City's treatment plants. 26.5 TELEVISION INSPECTION After cleaning, and again after the rehabilitation work on each section of the project is completed, all pipe sections shall be visually inspected by means of closed-circuit color television, and recorded on VHS format tapes provided to the project engineer. The television system used shall be designed for the purpose and suitably lighted to provide a clear picture of the entire periphery of the pipe. SectionlV.doc Page 55 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications 26.6 LINER INSTALLATION Liner shall be sized to field measurements obtained by the Contractor to provide a tight fit to the full interior circumference of the existing sanitary sewer and shall be a continuous, jointless liner product from inside of manhole to inside of manhole. Contractor shall use installation methods approved by the liner manufacturer including liner placement, reforming to fit existing pipe, pressure and heat requirements and reconnection of laterals. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any construction delays taking place during the insertion operation. Contractor shall maintain a reasonable backup system for bypass pumping should delays or problems with pumping systems develop. Liner entries at manholes shall be smooth, free of irregularities, and watertight. No pinholes, tears, cracks, thin spots, or other defects in the liner shall be permitted. Such defects sha11 be removed and replaced by the Contractor at his expense. OSHA requirements for installation procedures, in particular, confined spaces are to be met. 26.7 LATERAL RECONNECTION Sanitary laterals shall be reconnected as soon as possible to renew service. Laterals are to be reconnected by means of robotics, by internally cutting out the liner to 140% of the area of the original opening. All lateral reconnections are to be grouted to prevent leakage. Grouting method and material is to be approved by the Engineer. Any reconnections to laterals and connections to manholes which are observed to leak shall be resealed by the Contractor. All laterals discovered during the lining process are to be reconnected unless specifically directed otherwise by the City. The Contractor will be requested to reconnect any laterals discovered to not be reconnected at a later date. Contractor shall notify all local system users when the sanitary system will not be available for normal usage by the delivery of door hangers with appmpriate information regazding the construction project. 26.8 TIME OF CONSTRUCTION Construction schedules will be submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. At no time will any sanitary sewer service connection remain inoperative for more than a eight hour period without a service bypass being operated by the Contractor. Tn the event that sewage backup occurs and enters buildings, the Contractor shall be responsible for cleanup, repair and property damage costs and claims. 26.9 PAYMENT Payment for sanitary sewer restoration shall be made per lineal foot including all preparation, bypass pumping, equipment, labor, materials, operations, restoration, etc, to provide a fully completed and operational sewer. Payment shall be measured from center of manhole to center of manhole for the sanitary systems and from end of pipe to end of pipe for storm systems. 27 PLANT MIX DRIVEWAYS New driveways or existing black top driveways that must be broken back in widening the pavement (remove only enough to allow adequate grade for access to the street) shall be constructed or replaced in accordance with the specifications for paving the street with the exception that the base shall be six (6) inches. Use Section 23 G Asphaltic Concrete as specified for the street paving. SectionIV.doc Page 56 of 128 5/15/2012 � � � � L1 � � L� � � � � � r � � I� � � ' ��� � � � � � ' ' � � � � � � � � � Section IV — Technical Specifications When finished surface of existing drive is gravel, replacement shall be of like material. Payment shall be the same as Plant Mix Driveways. 27.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT Measurement shall be the number of square yazd of Plant Mix Driveways in place and accepted. 27.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment shall be the unit price per square yard for Plant Mix Driveways as measured above, which price shall be full compensation for all work described in this section of the specifications and shall include all materials, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 28 REPORTING OF TONNAGE OF RECYCLED MATERIALS This Article deleted. 29 CONCRETE CURBS Concrete Curbs shall be constructed to the line, grade and dimensions as shown on the plans. Unless otherwise noted, all concrete curbs shall have fiber mesh reinforcement and have a minimum strength of 3000 p.s.i. at 28 days. Expansion joints shall be placed at intervals not to exceed 100 feet, and scored joints shall be placed at intervals not to exceed 10 feet. In addition, all the requirements of City Articles 6, 7, and 8 shall also apply. The Contractor shall notify the Project Inspector a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the placement of all concrete curbs. 29.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurement shall be lineal feet of curb in place and accepted. 29.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment shall be the unit price per lineal foot of curb, which price sha11 be full compensation for all work described in this and other applicable parts of the specifications and shall include all materials, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 30 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS AND DRIVEWAYS 30.1 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed to the line, grade and dimensions as shown on the plans or herein specified. Unless otherwise noted, all concrete sidewalks sha11 have fiber mesh reinforcement and have a minimum strength of 3000 p.s.i. at 28 days. Unless otherwise specified, all concrete sidewalks shall have a minimum width of four feet (4'}. Concrete sidewalks shall have a minimum thickness of four inches (4"), except at driveway crossings where a minimum thickness of six inches (6") is required. Also, 6/6 X 10/10 welded wire mesh reinforcement is required for all sidewalk that crosses driveways. The welded wire mesh shall be positioned in the middle to upper third of the placement. No compensation shall be given if the welded wire mesh is not properly placed. Expansion joints shall be placed at intervals of not SectionlV.doc Page 57 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV —Technical Specifications more than 100 hundred feet, and scoring mazks shall be made every 5 feet: Concrete shall be poured only on compacted subgrade. In addition, all the requirements of City Articles 6, 7, and 8 shall also apply. 30.2 CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS Concrete driveways, whether new construction or replacement, shall be a minimum of six (6) inches in thickness with 6/6 x 10/10 welded wire mesh reinforcement and a minimum horizontal distance between expansion joints of no less than four (4) feet measured in any direction. The welded wire mesh shall be positioned in the middle to upper third of the placement. No compensation shall be given if the welded wire mesh is not properly placed. Concrete shall be poured only on compacted subgrade. In addition, all the requirements of City Articles 6, 7, and 8 shall also apply. The Contractor shall notify the Project Inspector a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the placement of all concrete sidewalks and driveways. 30.3 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurement shall be the number of square feet of 4" concrete sidewalk, 6" concrete sidewalk, and 6" concrete driveways in place and accepted. 30.4 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment shall be the unit price per square foot for each item as measured above, which price shall be full compensation for all work described in this section and other applicable parts of the specifications and shall include all materials, equipment, tools, welded wire mesh where requued, labor and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 31 SODDING Unless otherwise noted herein, the contractor shall place all sod, either shown on the plans or at the direction of the Engineer, in conformance with Sections 575, 981, 982 and 983 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). The area for sod application sha11 be loosened and excavated to a suitable depth and finished to a grade compatible with existing grass and structures. Sod shall be placed with edges in close contact and shall be compacted to uniform finished grade with a sod roller immediately after placement. In sloped areas, the sod shall be graded and placed so as to prohibit erosion and undermining of the adjacent sidewalk. No sod that has been cut for more than 72 hours can be used unless authorized by the Engineer in advance. The sod shall be thoroughly watered immediately after placement. The Contractor shall continue to water sod as needed and/or directed by the Engineer as indicated by sun exposure, soil, heat and rain conditions, to establish and assure growth, until termination of the contract. Dead sod, or sod not acceptable to the Engineer, shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor at no additional compensation. Any questions concerning the type of existing sod shall be determined by the Engineer. Unless otherwise noted on the plans, payment for sod (including labor, equipment, materials, placement, rolling, watering, etc.) shall be included in other bid items. Payment for these associated bid items may be withheld until the Contractor provides the City a healthy, properly placed stand of gass. When this work is given as a separate bid item, it shall cover all labor, equipment and materials, (including water) required for this work and shall be paid for on the SectionIV.doc Page 58 of 128 5/15/2012 i �� ' � � � � � C� , � � � � � � l� u � � � � � , � � Section IV — Technical Specifications basis of each square foot in place and accepted. No payment for sod shall be made until the Contractor provides the City a healthy, properly placed stand of grass. 32 SEEDING Seed, or seed and mulch, shall only be used when specified for certain demolition projects. The seed and/or mulch shall be placed as called for on the plans in the following manner. The area to be seeded shall be brought to the required line and grade, fertilized and seeded in basic conformance with the latest edition of FDOT's Standard Specifications Sections 570, 981, 982 and 983. However, no wildflower seed shall be used, and Argentine Bahia Seed shall be used instead of Pensacola Bahia. No sprigging will be required. Also, the addition of 20 lb. of Rye Seed (to total 601b. of seed per acre) will be required during the stated periods. It is also required that the Contractor maintain said seed until growth is assured. When this work is given as a bid item, the item shall cover all labor, material, equipment (including water), required for this work, and shall be paid for on the basis of each square yard in place and accepted. If called for on the plans, but not shown as a bid item, then the cost of such work as stated above shall be included in the cost of other work. 33 STORM MANHOLES, INLETS, CATCH BASINS OR OTHER STORM STRUCTURES For details on specific design of a type of storm structure refer to Part B Index Numbers 200 to 235. When required, inlets, catch basins or other structures shall be constructed according to the plans and applicable parts of the specifications, Section Numbers 7, 8, & 9, and as approved by the Engineer. Said structures shall be protected and saved from damage by the elements or other causes until acceptance of the work. 33.1 BUILT UP TYPE STRUCTURES � Manholes shall be constructed of brick with cast iron frames and covers as shown on the Index Numbers 201 and 202. Invert channels shall be constructed smooth and semi circular in shape conforming to inside of adjacent sewer section. Changes in direction of flow shall be made in a � smooth curve of as large a radius as possible. Changes in size and grade of channels shall be made gradually and evenly. Invert channels shall be built up with brick and mortar on top of concrete base. � � � � � The storm structure floor outside of channels shall be made smooth and sloped toward channels. Manhole steps shall not be provided. Joints shall be completely filled and the mortar shall be smoothed from inside of the manholes. The entire exterior of brick manholes shall be plastered with one half inch of mortar. Brick shall be laid radially with every sixth course being a stretcher course. In cases where a storm pipe extends inside a structure, the excess pipe will be cut off with a concrete saw and shall not be removed with a sledge hammer. SectionIV.doc Page 59 of 128 SJIS/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications 33.2 PRECAST TYPE The manhole base shall be set on a pad of dry native sand approximately five inches thick to secure proper seating and bearing. Precast Manholes and Junction Boxes: The Contractor may substitute precast manholes and junction boxes in lieu of cast in place units unless otherwise shown on the plans. Precast Inlets will not be acceptable. When precast units are substituted, the construction of such units must be in accordance with ASTM C 478, or the standard specifications at the manufacturers option. Precast structures must also meet the requirement that on the lateral faces, either inside or outside, the distance between precast openings for pipe or precast opening and top edge of precast structure be no less than wall thickness. A minimum of four courses of brick will be provided under manhole ring so that future adjustment of manhole lid can be accommodated. Manhole steps shall not be provided. Manhole using O ring between precast sections will not be acceptable for storm structures. 33.3 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment for Junction Boxes, Manholes or other structures shall be on a unit basis. 34 MATERIAL USED This article deleted. See SECTION III, ARTICLE 19 — MATERIAL USED. 35 CONFLICT BETWEEN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS This article deleted. See SECTION III, ARTICLE 20 — CONFLICT BETWEEN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 36 STREET SIGNS The removal, covering or relocation of street signs by the Contractor is PROHIBITED. All street signs shall be removed, covered or relocated by the City's Traffic Engineering Division in accordance with Sections 700, 994, 995, and 996 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). The Contractor shall notify the City's Tr�c Engineering Division a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the proposed sign relocation, covering. or removal. 37 AUDIONIDEO RECORDING OF WORK AREAS 37.1 CONTRACTOR TO PREPARE AUDIO/VIDEO RECORDING Prior to commencing work, the Contractor shall have a continuous color audio/video recording taken along the entire length of the Project including all affected project areas. Streets, easements, rights-of-way, lots or construction sites within the Project must be recorded to serve as a record of a pre-construction conditions. 37.2 SCHEDULING OF AUDIONIDEO RECORDING The video recordings shall not be made more than twenty-one (21) days prior to construction in any area. SectionN.doc Page 60 of 128 5/ISI2012 � � Section IV — Technical Specifications 37.3 PROFESSIONAL VIDEOGRAPHERS � The Contractor shall engage the services of a professional videographer. The color audio videotapes shall be prepared by a responsible commercial firm known to be skilled and regularly engaged in the business of pre-construction color audio-video recording documentation. � � 37.4 EQUIPMENT All equipment, accessories, materials and labor to perform this service shall be fumished by the Contractor. The total audio video system shall reproduce bright, sharp, clear pictures with accurate colors and shall be free from distortion, tearing, rolls or any other form of imperfection. The audio portion of the recording sha11 reproduce the commentary of the camera operator with proper volume, clarity and be free from distortion and interruptions. In some instances, audio video coverage may be required in areas not accessible by conventional wheeled vehicles. Such coverage shall be obtained by walking. 37.5 RECORDED INFORMATION, AUDIO Each recording shall begin with the current date, project name and be followed by the general � location, i.e., viewing side and direction of progress. Accompanying the video recording of each video shall be a corresponding and simultaneously recorded audio recording. T'his audio recording, exclusively containing the commentary of the camera operator or aide, shall assist in � viewer orientation and in any needed identification, differentiation, clarification, or objective description of the features being shown in the video portion of the recording. The audio recording shall also be free from any conversations. ' � � � � � � � � � � 37.6 RECORDED INFORMATION VIDEO All video recordings must continuously display transparent digital information to include the date and time of recording. The date information sha11 contain the month, day and year. The time information shall contain the hour, minutes and seconds. Additional information shall be displayed periodically. Such information shall include, but not be limited to, project name, contract number, direction of travel and the viewing side. T'his transparent information shall appear on the extreme upper left hand third of the screen. Camera pan, tilt, zoom-in and zoom out rates shall be suff`iciently controlled such that recorded objects will be clearly viewed during videotape playback. In addition, all other camera and recording system controls, such as lens focus and aperture, video level, pedestal, chrome, white balance, and electrical focus shall be properly controlled or adjusted to maximize picture quality. The construction documentation shall be recorded in SP mode. 37.7 VIEWER ORIENTATION The audio and video portions of the recording shall maintain viewer orientation. To this end, overall establishing views of all visible house and business addresses shall be utilized. In areas where the proposed construction location will not be readily apparent to the videotape viewer, highly visible yellow flags shall be placed, by the Contractor, in such a fashion as to clearly indicate the proposed centerline of construction. When conventional wheeled vehicles are used as conveyances for the recording system, the vertical distance between the camera lens and the ground shall not exceed 10 feet. T'he camera sha11 be firmly mounted such that transport of the camera during the recording process will not cause an unsteady picture. SectionlV.doc Page 6l of l28 5115/2012 Section IV — Technicat Specifications 37.8 LIGHTING All recording shall be done during time of good visibility. No taping shall be done during precipitation, mist or fog. The recording shall only be done when sufficient sunlight is present to properly illuminate the subjects of recording and to produce bright, sharp video recordings of those subjects. 37.9 SPEED OF TRAVEL The average rate of travel during a particular segment of coverage shall be directly proportional to the number, size and value of the surface features within that construction areas zone of influence. The rate of speed in the general direction of travel of the vehicle used during taping shall not exceed forty-four (44) feet per minute. 37.10 VIDEO LOG/INDEX All videotapes shall be permanently labeled and shall be properly identified by videotape number and project title. Each videotape shall have a log of that videotape's contents. The log shall describe the various segments of coverage contained on the video tape in terms of the names of the streets or location of easements, coverage beginning and end, directions of coverage, video unit counter numbers, engineering survey or coordinate values (if reasonably available) and the date. 37.11 AREA OF COVERA�E Tape coverage shall include all surface features located within the zone of influence of construction supported by appropriate audio coverage. Such coverage shall include, but not be limited to, existing driveways, sidewalks, curbs, pavements, drainage system features, mailboxes, landscaping, culverts, fences, signs, Contractor staging areas, adjacent structures, etc. within the area covered by the project. Of particular concern shall be the existence of any faults, fractures, or defects. Taped coverage shall be limited to one side of the Site, street, easement or right of way at any one time. 37.12 COSTS OF VIDEO SERVICES The cost to complete the requirements under this section shall be included in the contract items provided in the proposal sheet. There is no separate pay item for this work. 38 EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL 38.1 STABILIZATION OF DENUDED AREAS No disturbed area may be denuded for more than thirty (30) calendaz days unless otherwise authorized by the City Engineer. During construction, denuded azeas shall be covered by mulches such as straw, hay, filter fabric, seed and mulch, sod, or some other permanent vegetation. Within si�.y (60) calendar days after fmal grade is established on any portion of a project site, that portion of the site shall be provided with established permanent soil stabilization measures per the original site plan, whether by impervious surface or landscaping. SectionIV.doc Page 62 of l28 5/15/2012 �J � � , � � � � �] � � � � � , � � �.J � � � � � � � � � � � � � I� LJ � � L_J � Section IV — Technical Specifications 38.2 PROTECTION AND STABI�IZATION OF SOIL STOCKPILES Fill material stockpiles shall be protected at all times by on-site drainage controls which prevent erosion of the stockpiled material. Control of dust from such stockpiles may be required, depending upon their location and the expected length of time the stockpiles will be present. In no case shall an unstabilized stockpile remain after thirty (30) calendar days. 38.3 PROTECTION OF EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEMS During construction, all storm sewer in]ets in the vicinity of the project shall be protected by sedimznt traps such as secured hay bales, sod, stone, etc., which shall be maintained and modified as required by construction progress, and which must be approved by the City Engineer before installation. 38.4 SEDIMENT TRAPPING MEASURES Sediment basins and traps, perimeter berms, filter fences, berms, sediment barriers, vegetative buffers and other measures intended to trap sediment and/or prevent the transport of sediment onto adjacent properties, or into existing water bodies; must be installed, constructed, or, in the case of vegetative buffers, protected from disturbance, as a first step in the land alteration process. Such systems shall be fully operative and inspected by the City before any other disturbance of the site begins. Earthen structures including but not limited to berms, earth filters, dams or dikes shall be stabilized and protected from drainage damage or erosion within one week of installarion. 38.5 SEDIMENTATION BASINS Areas of 3 acres or more shall be required to have temporary sedimentation basins as a positive remedy against downstream siltation and will be shown and detailed on construction plans. During development, permanent detention areas may be used in place of silt basins, provided they are maintained to the satisfaction of the City. The Contractor will be required to prohibit discharge of silt through the outfall structure during construction of any detention area and will be required to clean out the detention area before installing any permanent subdrain pipe. In addition, permanent detention azeas must be totally cleaned out and operating properly at final inspection and at the end of the one year warranty period. When temporary sedimentation basins are used, they shall be capable at all times of containing at least one (1) cubic foot of sediment for each one hundred (100) square feet of azea tributary to the basin. Such capacity shall be maintained throughout the project by regular removal of sediment from the basin. 38.6 WORKING IN OR CROSSING WATERWAYS OR WATERBODIES Land alteration and construction shall be minimized in both permanent and intermittent waterways and the immediately adjacent buffer of 25 feet from top of bank of the waterways and the buffer area whenever possible, and barriers shall be used to prevent access. Where in channel work cannot be avoided, precautions must be taken to stabilize the work area during land alteration, development and/or construction to minimize erosion. If the channel and buffer area are disturbed during land alteration, they must be stabilized within three (3) calendaz days after the in channel work is completed. SectionN.doc Page 63 of l28 5/15/2012 Section N — Technical Specifications Silt curtains ar other filter/siltation reduction devices must be installed on the downstream side of the in channel alteration activity to eliminate impacts due to increased turbidity. Wherever stream crossings are required, properly sized temporary culverts shall be provided by the contractor and removed when construction is completed. The area of the crossing shall be restored to a condition as nearly as possible equal to that which existed prior to any construction activity. 38.7 SWALES, DITCHES AND CHANNELS All swales, ditches and channels leading from the site shall be sodded within three (3) days of excavation. All other interior swales, etc., including detention areas will be sodded prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 38.8 UNDERGROUND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION The construction of underground utility lines and other structures shall be done in accordance with the following standards: a. No more than 4001ineal feet of trench shall be open at any one time; b. Wherever consistent with safety and space consideration, excavated material shall be cast to the uphill side of trenches. Trench material shall not be cast into or onto the slope of any stream, channel, road ditch or waterway. 38.9 MAINTENANCE All erosion and siltation control devices shall be checked regularly, especially after each rainfall and will be cleaned out and/or repaired as required. 38.'[0 COMPLIANCE Failure to comply with the aforementioned requirements may result in a fine and/or more stringent enforcement procedures such as(but not limited to) issuance of a"Stop Work Order". City of Clearwater Standard Detail Drawings No. 60I and 607 are examples of accepted methods that may be used or required to control erosion and siltation. SectionIV.doc Page 64 of l28 5/]5/2012 � ' � � � � � � � � � ' � � � � � � l� � , r � � � , � � � Section IV — Technical Specifications City of Clearwater - Erosion Control This notice is to inform the prime contractor that the City of Clearwater holds them responsible for soil erosion control on their site. The City of Clearwater Engineering Department has the responsibility to minimize the amount of soil erosion into the City's streets, storm sewers and waterways. The conshuction of a new residence or commercial site and major remodeling of an existing site creates a potential for soil erosion. These instances aze usually the result of contractors and subcontractors accessing the property with equipment or construction materials. Then rain storms redistribute the eroded soil into the adjacent streets, storm systems and waterways. When erosion takes place, a City Inspector will place a correction notice at the site. The procedure will be as follows: 1 st occurrence - Waming 2nd occurrence - $32 Re-inspection Fee 3rd occurrence - $80 Re-inspection Fee 4th occurrence - Stop Work Order Dependent on the severity of the erosion, the City's Engineering Department may elect to rectify the erosion problem and charge the contractor accordingly. ' The attached drawings and details aze recommendations for the contractor to use as means to support the site from eroding. The contractor may elect to shovel and sweep the street daily or on an as needed basis. However, erosion must be held in check. ' , ' � , , � If the contractor would like to meet with a City inspector on any particular site, please conta.ct Construction Services at 562-4750 or Planning & Development Services at 562-4741. Erosion Control Required - City of Clearwater's Code of Ordinances requires erosion control on all land development projects. Erosion control must be in place and maintained throughout the job. Failure to do so may result in additional costs and time delays to the permit holder. Contact Engineering Department with specific questions at 562-4750. � SectionlV.doc � Page 65 of l28 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications CITY OF CLEARWATER NOTICE OF EROSION VIOLATION UNDER SECTION 3-701 (DIVISION 7— EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL) OF THE CITY OF CLEA.RWATER CODE OF ORDINANCES, THIS SITE HAS BEEN FOUND IN VIOLATION. THIS SITE MUST BE RESTORED TO AN EROSION CONTROLLED SITE PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER DEVELOPMENT TO CONTINUE. Warning $32.00 Re-inspection Fee $80.00 Re-inspection Fee Stop Work Order DATE POSTED: Inspector's Name: Inspector's Signature: SectionIV.doc CITY OF CLEARWATER PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 727 562-4741 & ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION 727 562-4750 Received by: (Signature indicates only a copy of this notice has been received and does not in any way indicate admission of guilt or concurrence with findings of the inspector.) IT IS A VIOLATION TO REMOVE THIS NOTICE ANY UNAUTHORIZED PERSON REMOVING THIS SIGN WILL BE PROSECUTED Page 66 of 128 sitsi2ot2 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � . ,. ' , ' t � ' ' ' � � ' ' � � Section N—Technical Specifications 39 UTILITY TIE IN LOCATION MARKING The tie in locations for utility laterals of water, sanitary sewer, and gas shall be plainly marked on the back of the curb. Marking placed on the curb sha11 be perpendicular with respect to the curb of the tie in location on the utility lateral. Marks shall not be placed on the curb where laterals cross diagonally under the curb. The tie in location shall be the end of the utility laterat prior to service connection. Markings shall be uniform in size and shape and colors in conformance with the code adopted by the American Public Works Association as follows: SAFETY RED Electric power, distribution & transmission Municipal Electric Systems HIGH VISIBILITY SAFETY YELLOW Gas Distribution and Transmission Oil Distribution and Transmission Dangerous Materials, Produce Lines, Steam Lines SAFETY ALERT ORANGE Telephone and Telegraph Systems Police and Fire Communications Cable Television SAFETY PRECAUTION BLUE Water Systems Slurry Pipe Lines SAFETY GREEN Sewer Systems LAVENDER RECLAIMED WATER WHITE PROPOSED EXCAVATION Marks placed on curbs shall be rectangulaz in shape and placed with the long dimension perpendicular to the flow line of the curb. Marks placed on valley gutter and modified curb shall be 6-inch x 3-inch and placed at the back of the curb. Marks placed on State Road and vertical curb shall be 4-inch X 2-inch and be placed on the curb face. 40 AWARD OF CONTRACT, WORK SCHEDULE AND GUARANTEE This article not used. See SECTION III, ARTICLE 24 — AWARD OF CONTRACT, WORK SCHEDULE AND GUARANTEE. 41 POTABLE WATERMAINS, RECLAIMED WATERMAINS AND APPURTENANCES 41.1 SCOPE ' The Contractor shall fiunish all plant, labor, materials and equipment to perform all operations in connection with the construction of potable water mains, reclaimed water mains and appurtenances including clearing, excavation, trenching, backfilling and clean up. � SectionN.doc Page 67 of 128 5/15/2012 , Section IV — Technical Specifications 41.2 MATERtALS 41.2.1 GENERAL Materials, eyuipment and supplies furnished and permanently incorporated into the project shall be of iirst quality in every respect and shall be constructed and fnished to high standards of workmanship. Materials shall be suitable for service intended, shall reflect modern design and engineering and shall be fabricated in a first class workmanlike manner. All materials, equipment and supplies shall be new and shall have not been in service at any time previous to installation, except as required in tests or incident to installation. Machined metal surfaces, exposed bearings and glands shall be protected against grit, dirt, chemical corrosion and other damaging effects during shipment and construction. 41.2.2 PIPE MATERIALS AND FITTINGS DUCTILE IRON PIPE Ductile Iron Pipe shall be in accordance with ANSUAWWA C151/A21.51 81 or latest revision. Pipe thickness class, wall thickness and working pressure shall conform to the following table: Size Class Thickness Rated Water Working Pressure (In.) (PSI) 4" 51 0.26 350 6" 50 0.25 350 8" 50 0.27 350 12" 50 0.31 350 The trench laying condition shall be Type 2, Flat bottom trench backfill lightly consolidated to centerline of pipe. Pipe shall be manufactured in accordance withANSUAWWA C151/A21.51 81 or latest revision. Pipe shall be asphalt coated on the outside and standard cement lined and sealed coated with approved bituminous seal coat in accordance with ANSUAWWA C104/A21.4 80 or latest revision. POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PIPE Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe 4-inch through 8-inch shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C900 or latest revision and the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) Standard D 2241 and PVC Resin Compound conforming to ASTM Specification D 1784. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe shall have the same O.D. as Cast and Ductile Iron Pipe and be compatible for use without special adapters with Cast Iron Fittings. Pipe dimension ratio, working pressure and laying length shall conform to the following table: SectionIV.doc Page 68 of I28 5/l5/2012 � ' � � , � � � ' , ' � , r � � � � ' � , � � ' ' Section N — Technical Specifications Size Dimension Ratio Rated Water Working Pressure Laying Length (OD/Thick.) (PSI) (Ft) 4 18 150 20 6 18 150 20 8 18 150 20 Pipe larger than 8-inch shall be ductile iron. The City Engineer reserves the right to require the use of ductile iron in sizes 4-inch through 8-inch when needed due to laying conditions or usage. The bell of 4-inch and larger PVC pipe shall consist of an integral wall section with a solid cross section elastomeric ring which meets the requirements of ASTM D 1869. , Each length of pipe shall bear identification that will remain legible during normal handling, storage and installation and so designate the testing agency that verified the suitability of the pipe material for potable water service. ' All polyvinyl chloride pipe shall be laid with two (2) strands of insulated 12 gauge A.W.Cz solid strand copper wire taped to the top of each joint of pipe with about 18-inches between each piece of tape. It is to be installed at every valve box through a 2-inch PVC pipe to 12-inches minimum ' above the top of the concrete slab. The 2-inch PVC pipe shall be the same length as the adjustable valve box, and the 2-inch PVC pipe shall be plugged with a 2-inch removable brass plug with recessed nut. This wire is to be continuous with splices made orily by direct bury 3M , brand splice kit approved by the Engineer. This wire is to be secured to all valves, tees and elbows. ' ' , ' ' , FITTINGS AND JOINTS Fitting from 4-inch through 16-inch in size will be compact ductile iron cast in accordance with ANSUAWWA C153/A 21.53 with mechanical joint bells. Bolts, nuts and gaskets shall be in accordance with requirements of ANSUAW WA C 153/A 21.53. The working pressure rating shall be 350 P.S.I. Ductile iron fittings shall be coated and lined in accordance with require requirements of ANSUAWWA C104/A21.4. Mechanical joint glands shall be ductile iron in accordance with ANSUAWWA Clll/A 21.11. When reference is made to ANSUAWWA Standards, the latest revisions apply. Only those fittings and accessories that are of domestic (USA) manufacture will be acceptable. RESTRAINT Restraint of plugs, caps, tees, bends, etc., shall be accomplished by the use of approved mechanical restraining rings or glands installed per manufacturers recommendations. Hydrants shall be restrained by the use of swivel connecting joints. Restraining mechanical joint glands on hydrants shall be used only where hydrant runout length precludes the use of swivel joint connectors. PIPE WITHIN CASING � All pipe placed within casings shall be slip joint ductile iron restrained by the use of restraining gaskets designed for use with the particulaz joint being installed and have properly sized casing spacers (Cascade Series) installed on the pipe so that the pipe will be centered within the casing. , SectionlV.dce Page 69 of 128 5/IS/2012 t Section IV — Technical Specifications Each end of the casing shall be properly sealed to prevent the intrusion of soil, water, or debris within the casing itself. It shall be sealed by brick and mortar, cement or any approved method by the Engineer. 41.2.3 GATE VALVES Discs of valves shall be operated by methods which will allow operation in any position with respect to the vertical. Gate valves for interior piping or exposed above grade outside structures, shall be handwheel operated with rising stems. Valves 4-inches and lazger, buried in earth shall be equipped with 2-inch square operating nuts, valve boxes and covers. Valves shall be fitted with joints suitable for the pipe with which they are to be used. The direction of opening for all valves shall be to the left (counter clockwise). Pressure Rating: Unless otherwise shown or specified, valves for high pressure service sha11 be rated at not less than 150 psi cold water, nonshock. The manufacturer's name and pressure rating sha11 be cast in raised letters on the valve body. Installation: Installation shall be in accordance with good standard practice. Exposed pipelines shall be so supported that their weight is not carried through valves. Two Inch Diameter and smaller: Not allowed. These should be approved ball valves. Three Inch Diameter: Not allowed. Four Inch to Sixteen Inch Diameter: Gate Valves, 4 to 16-inch diameter, inclusive, shall be resilient seated gate valves encapsulated with EPDM Rubber in conformance with ANSUA.W.W.A. Standard Specification C509-515 latest revision. These valves shall include the following features consistent with C509-515, full opening unobstructed waterway, zero leakage at 200 p.s.i. differential pressure, all internal parts removable from bonnet without removing body from pressure main, corrosion resistant bronze or stainless steel nonrising stem with O ring bonnet seal with epoxy coated inside and outside cast iron or ductile iron valve body.. Larger than Sixteen Inch Diameter: Gate valves lazger than 16-inch shall be suitable for the service intended and shall be resilient seated gate valves encapsulated with EPDM rubber in conformance with ANSI/AWWA. These valves shall include the following features consistent with C509-80, full opening unobstructed waterway, zero leakage at 20d psi differential pressure. All valves shall be equipped with steel cut bevel gears, extended type gear case and rollers, bronze or babbitt tracks and scrapers and valved by-pass. 41.2.4 VALVE BOXES Valve boxes shall be of standard extension design and manufacture and shall be made of cast iron. No PVC Risers or Derisers are allowed as part of a valve box assembly. They are to be 3- piece valve box assembles. The lower part of the assembly can be ordered in various heights to accommodate different depths. Suitable sizes of valve boxes and extension pieces shall be provided where shown. The valve box cover shall be of cast iron. Valve boxes and their installation shall be included in the bid price for valves. Refer to City Index No. 402; Sheet 1 of 5& Sheet 2 of 5 for potable water valve pad detail, and City Index No. 502; Sheet 1 of 2& Sheet 2 of 2 for reclaimed water valve boxes and pad detail. SectionIV.doc Page 70 of 128 5/I S/2012 � ' ' � ' r � � , ' ' ' , , , ' � ' n U ' ' Section IV — Technical Specifications 41.2.5 HYDRANTS No other hydrants, other than those listed below, may be used in extension to or replacement of the City of Clearwater potable water system: • Kennedy Guardian #K 81D Fire Hydrant, , • Mueller Super Centurion 25 Fire Hydrant • AVK Nostalgic 2780. • American Dazling B-84-B. LJ r , ' No substitutions shall be allowed without the approval of the City of Clearwater. Above hydrants shall be in accordance with the latest revision of the AWWA Specification C 502 and include the following modifications: 1. All shipments to be palletized and tailgate delivery. 2. Hydrants shall conform to A.W.W.A. Standard C-502 latest revision and must be UL/FM listed. 3. Hydrants shall be of the compression type, closing with line pressure. 4. The operating threads will be contained in an operating chamber sealed at the top and bottom with an O-ring seal. The chamber will contain a lubricating grease or oil. ' S. Hydrants shall be of the tr�c model breakaway type, with the barrel made in two sections with the break flange located approximately 2-inch above the ground line. Brealcaway bolts not allowed. ' ' , �I ' � � � ' 1 6. Operating nut shall be of one-piece bronze or ductile iron construction. 7. A dirt shield shall be provided to protect the operating mechanism from grit buildup and corrosion due to moisture. 8. A thrust washer shall be supplied between the operating nut and stem lock nut to facilitate operation. 9. Operating nut shall be a#7 (1-1 /2-inch) pentagon nut. � 10. Nozzles shall be of the tamper resistant, 1/4 tam type with O-ring seals or threaded into upper banel. Nozzles shall be retained with a stainless steel locking device. 11. The main valve shall be of EPDM solid rubber. 12. The seat shall be of a bronze ring threaded to a bronze insert in the hydrant shoe, with O- rings to seal the barrel from leakage of water in the shoe. 13. The main valve stem will be 304 or higher grade stainless steel and made in two sections with a breakable coupling. 14. Hydrant shall have a 6-inch Mechanical Joint epoxy lined elbow, less accessories. 15. Hydrant shall have a 5-1/4-inch valve opening, and shall be a left hand operation to open. 16. Hydrant shall be without drains. 17. Hydrant shall have two (2) 2-1/2-inch hose nozzles and one (1) 4-1/2-inch pumper nozzle. Threads shall be in accordance with the National Standazd Hose Coupling Thread Specifications. SectionN.doc Page 71 of 128 5/l5/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications 18. Hydrant body shall have a factory finish of yellow paint. All paints shall comply with AWWA standard C-502-85 or latest revision. All hydrants will be shop tested in accordance with the latest AWWA Specification C 502. Consirained joint assemblies sha11 be used which have bolted mechanical and swivel joints from the hydrant tee through to the hydrant. Constrained joints shall absorb all thrust and prevent movement of the hydrant. All hydrants shall be provided with an auxiliary gate valve so that the water to the hydrant may be shut off without the necessity of closing any other valve in the distribution system. No hydrants shall be installed on the reclaimed water system unless approved by the City of Clearwater's Engineering Department. 41.2.6 SERVICE SADDLES Service saddles shall be used on all service taps to 4-inch P.V.C. water main. The largest service connection allowable on 4-inch main shall be 1-1/2-inch. Service saddles shall be used on all 2- inch service connections to 6-inch and larger mains. Service saddles (JCM 406 series or Ford FC 202 series) shall be wide bodied ductile iron with epoxy or nylon coating and shall have stainless steel straps. 41.2.7 TESTS, INSPECTION AND REPAIRS l. All materials shall be tested in accordance with the applicable Federal, ASTM or AWWA Speciiication and basis of rejection shall be as speciiied therein. Certified copies of the tests shall be submitted with each shipment of materials. 2. All materials will be subject to inspection and approved by the Engineer after delivery; and no broken, cracked, misshapen, imperfectly coated or otherwise damaged or unsatisfactory material shall be used. 3. All material found during the progress of the work to have cracks, flaws, or other defects shall be rejected and promptly removed from the site. 4. If damage occurs to any pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants or water main accessories in handling, the damage shall be immediately brought to the Engineer's attention. The Engineer shall prescribe corrective repairs or rejection of the damaged items. 41.2.8 BACKFLOW PREVENTERS The City of Clearwater owns and maintains all backflow prevention devices that are installed within their system. Therefore, any and all devices must be purchased from the City and insfalled by City work forces. Backflow prevention devices installed on customer's service lines at the point of delivery (service connection) shall be of a type in accordance with AWWA speciiication C506 or latest revision. Two (2) different types of backflow prevention devices are allowed. Type of device, when required, is determined by the degree of hazard presented to the municipal water system from possible backflow of water within the customers private system. The types of devices allowed are: SectionIV.doc Page 72 of 128 5lIS/2012 , �� l � J LI � ' � ' , , � _� ' � '� , � , , , , ' � ' � ' Section N — Technical Specifications 1. Double Check Valve Assembly a device composed of two single, independently acting, approved check valves, including tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly and suitable connections for testing the watertightness of each check valve. 2. Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device a device containing a minimum of two independently acting, approved check valves, together with an automatically operated pressure differential relief valve located between the two check valves. The unit must include tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the device, and each device shall be fitted with properly located test cocks. 41.2.9 TAPPING SLEEVES � Steel body tapping sleeves shall be JCM Industries Inc., JCM 412 or Smith-Blair 622. All steel body tapping sleeves shall have heavy welded ASTM A 285, Grade C steel body, stainless steel bolts, manufacturer's epoxy coated body, and 3/4-inch bronze test plug. 1 � ' � 41.2.10 BLOW OFF HYDRANTS Blow offs are not allowed. 41.3 CONSTRUCTION 41.3.1 MATERIAL HANDLING l. Pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants and accessories shall be loaded and unloaded by lifting with hoists or skidding so as to avoid shock or damage. Under no circumstances shall such materials be dropped. Pipe handled on skidways shall not be skidded rolled against pipe already on the ground. � 2. Pipe shall be so handled that the coating and lining will not be damaged. If, however, any part of the coating or lining is damaged, the repair shall be made by the Contractor at his expense in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. � � � ' ' ' 1 �� 3. In distributing the material at the site of the work, each piece shall be unloaded opposite or near the place where it is to be laid in the trench. 41.3.2 PIPE LAYING ALIGNMENT AND GRADE The pipe shall be laid and maintained to the required lines and gades with fittings, valves and hydrants at the required locations, spigots centered in bells; and all valves and hydrant stems plumb. All pipe installed shall be pigged and properly blown off before any pressure testing and sterilization of the pipe can be completed. The depth of cover over the water main shall be a minimum of 30-inches and a m�imum of 42- inches below finished grade, except where approved by the Engineer to avoid conflicts and obstructions. Whenever obstructions not shown on the plans aze encountered during the progress of the work and interfere to such an extent that an alteration of the plans is required, the Engineer shall have the authority to change the plans and order a deviation from the line and grade or arrange with the Owners of the structures for the removal, relocation, or reconstruction of the obstructions. SectionlV.doc Page 73 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications lNSTAlLATION Proper implements, tools, and facilities satisfactory to the Engineer shall be provided and used by the Contractor for the safe and convenient performance of the work. All pipe, fittings, valves and hydrants shall be carefully lowered into the trench piece by piece by means of a derrick, ropes, or other suitable tools or equipment in such a manner as to prevent damage to materials and protective coatings and linings. Under no circumstances shall materials be dropped or dumped in the trench. If damage occurs to any pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants or accessories in handling, the damage shall be immediately brought to the Engineer's attention. The Engineer shall prescribe corrective repairs or rejection of the damaged items. All pipe and fittings shall be carefully examined for cracks and other defects while suspended above the trench immediately before installation in fmal position. Spigot ends shall be examined with particular care as this area is the most vulnerable to damage from handling. Defective pipe or fittings shall be laid aside for inspection by the Engineer who will prescribe corrective repairs or rejection. All lumps, blisters, and excess coating shall be removed from the bell and spigot end of each pipe, and the outside of the spigot and the inside of the bell shall be wire brushed and wiped clean and dry and free from oil and grease before the pipe is laid. Pipe joints shall be made up in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Every precaution shall be taken to prevent foreign material from entering the pipe while it is being placed in the line. If the pipe laying crew cannot put the pipe into the trench and in place without getting earth into it, the Engineer may require that, before lowering the pipe into the trench, a heavy, woven canvas bag of suitable size shall be placed over each end and left there until the connection is to be made to the adjacent pipe. During laying operation, no debris, tools, clothing or other materials shall be placed in the pipe. As each length of pipe is placed in the trench, the spigot end shall be centered in the bell and the pipe forced home and brought to correct line and grade. The pipe shall be secured in place with approved backfill material tamped under it except at the bells. Precautions shall be taken to prevent dirt from entering the joint space. At times when pipe laying is not in progress, the open ends of pipe shall be closed by a watertight plug or other means approved by the Engineer. The cutting of pipe for inserting valves, fittings, or closure pieces shall be done in a neat and workmanlike manner without damage to the pipe or cement lining and so as to leave a smooth end at right angles to the axis of the pipe. Pipe shall be laid with bell ends facing in the direction of laying unless directed otherwise by the Engineer. Where pipe is laid on the grade of 10 per cent or greater, the laying shall start at bottom and shall proceed upward with the bell ends of the pipe upgrade. Wherever it is necessary to deflect pipe from a straight line, either in the vertical or horizontal plane to avoid obstructions or to plumb stems; or where long radius curves are permitted, the amount of deflection allowed shall not exceed ihat allowed under the latest edition of ANSUAVJWA C600-82 and C900 81 or latest revisions. No pipe shall be laid when, in the opinion of the Engineer, trench conditions are unsuita.ble. SectionlV.doc Page 74 of 128 , ' , � , � ' � , ' ' � � _� � , , � s�isi2oi2 t ' � C � , ' 41.3.3 Section IV — Technical Specifications SETTING OF VALVES, HYDRANTS AND FITTINGS GENERAL Valves, hydrants, fittings, plugs and caps shall be set and joined to pipe in the manner specified above for installation of pipe. VALVES Valves in water mains shall, where possible, be located on the street property lines extended unless shown otherwise on the plans. All valves shall be installed at the tee in all cases, not to exceed 18-inches from the main line. ' The valve box shall not transmit any shock or stress to the valve and shall be centered and plumb over the wrench nut of the valve, with the box cover flush with the surface of the finished pavement or such other level as may be directed. Refer to City Index No. 402; Sheet 1 of 5& ' Sheet 2 of 5 for potable water valve pad detail, and City Index No. 502; Sheet 1 of 2& Sheet 2 of 2 for reclaimed water valve box and pad detail. ' � ' HYDRANTS Hydrants shall be located as shown or as directed so as to provide complete accessibility and minimize the possibility of damage from vehicles or injury to pedestrians. All hydrants located 10-feet of more from the main shall have a gate valve at the main and another gate valve at the hydrant location. No valve can be located anywhere in the hydrant run to circumvent the use of two valves. Refer to City Index No. 402; Sheet 5 of 5 for potable water hydrants. No hydrants shall be installed on the reclaimed water system unless approved by the City of Clearwater's Engineering Department. All hydrants shall stand plumb and sha11 have their nozzles parallel with, or at right angles to, the , curb, with the pumper nozzle facing the curb. Hydrants shall be set to the established grade, with nozzles as shown or as directed by the Engineer. � ' � ' ' ' ' ' Each hydrant shall be connected to the main with a 6-inch ductile iron branch controlled by an independent 6 inch gate valve. ANCHORAGE Movement of all plugs, caps, tees, bends, etc., unless otherwise specified shall be prevented by attaching approved mechanical restraining rings or glands and installed per manufacturers recommendations. Hydrants shall be held in place with restrained swivel joints. Restraining mechanical joint glands on hydrants may be used where hydrant runout length precludes the use of hydrant connecting swivel joints. Where special anchorage is required, such anchorage sha11 be in accordance with details shown on the plans. 41.3.4 CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING LINES Where shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer, the water lines constructed under this contract shall be connected to the existing lines now in place. No such connection shall be made until a11 requirements of the specifications as to tests, flushing, and sterilization have been met and the plan of the cut in to the existing line has been approved by the Engineer. SectionIV.doc Page 75 of 128 5/15/20I2 Section IV — Technical Specifications Where connections are made between new work and existing work, the connections shall be made in a thorough and workmanlike manner using proper materials and fittings to suit the actual conditions. All fittings shall be properly sterilized and pipe will be properly swabbed before connections to existing facilities. All connections to existing facilities will be completed under the supervision of the CiTy of Clearwater Water Division. 41.4 TESTS 41.4.1 HYDROSTATIC TESTS After installation of water mains, complete with all associated appurtenances including service taps, all sections of newly laid main shall be subject to a hydrostatic pressure test of l50 pounds per square inch for a period of two (2) hours and shall conform to AWWA C600 latest revision. All mains shall be pigged and flushed to remove all sand and other foreign matter before any hydrostatic test can or will be performed. The pressure test shall be applied by means of a pump connected to the pipe in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. The pump, pipe connection and all necessary apparatus, together with operating personnel, shall be furnished by the Contractor at his expense. The Contractor shall malce all necessary taps into the pipe line. The Owner will furnish the water for the test. Before applying the test pressure, all air shall be expelled from the pipe line. 41.4.2 NOTICE OF TEST The Contractor shall give the City of Clearwater's Owner Representative 48-hours advance notice of the time when the installation is ready for hydrostatic testing. 41.5 STERILIZATION Before the system is put into operation, all water mains and appurtenances and any item of new construction with which the water comes in contact, shall be thoroughly sterilized in accordance with AWWA C651. 41.5.1 STERILIZING AGENT The sterilizing agent shall be liquid chlorine, sodium hypochlorite solution conforming to Federal Specification 0 S 642B, Grade D, or dry hypochlorite, commonly known as "HTH" or "Perchloron". 41.5.2 FLUSHING SYSTEM Prior to the application of the sterilization agent, all mains shall be thoroughly flushed. Flushing shall continue until a clean, clear stream of water flows from the hydrants. Where hydrants are not available for flushing, such flushing shall be accomplished at the installed blow off devices generally at the ends of the lines. 41.5.3 STERILIZATI�N PROCEDURE All piping, valves, fittings and all other appurtenances shall be sterilized with water containing a minimum chlorine concentration of 75 ppm at any point in the system. This solution shall then remain in the distribution system for a minimum contact period of eight (8) hours and never more than 24 hours before it is flushed out. All valves in the lines being sterilized shall be opened and closed several times during the contact period. SectionN.doc Page 76 of 128 5/15/2012 � , ' u L_ l ' ' , � ' ' � , ' ' 1 ' ' , [J 1 Section IV — Technical Specifications 41.5.4 RESIDUAL CHLORINE TESTS ' After the sterilization outlined above has been accomplished, flushing shall continue until free residual chlorine tests not less than 0.2 ppm nor more than 3.0 ppm. Residual chlorine test shall be in accordance with standard methods using a standard DPD test set. � ' � � 41.5.5 BACTERIAL TESTS After the water system has been sterilized and thoroughly flushed as specified herein, City of Clearwater Water Division or the Owner's Representative personnel shall take samples of water from remote points of the distribution system in suitable sterilized containers. The City shall forward the samples to a laboratory certified by the Florida State Board of Health for bacterial examination in accordance with AW WA C651. If tests of such samples indicate the presence of coliform organisms, the sterilization as oudined above shall be repeated until tests indicate the absence of such pollution. The bacterial tests shall be satisfactorily completed before the system is placed in operation and it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to perform the sterilization as outlined above. If inethods of sterilization differ materially from those outlined above, such methods shall be in � accordance with directives of the Florida State Board of Health and all methods employed shall have the approval of that agency. Definite instructions as to the collection and shipment of samples shall be secured from the laboratory prior to sterilization and shall be followed in all � respects. The City of Clearwater shall secure clearance of the water main from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection before the water distribution system is put into operation. r- � �, , ' ' � � ' � 41.6 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 41.6.1 GENERAL Bids must include all sections and items as specified herein and as listed on the Bid Form. Payment for the work of constructing the project will be made at the unit price or lump sum payment for the items of work as set forth in the Bid, which payment will constitute full compensation for a11 labor, equipment, and materials requued to complete the work. No separate payment will be made for the following items and the cost of such work shall be included in the applicable pay items of work: • Clearing and grubbing • Excavation, including necessary pavement removal • Shoring and/or dewatering • Structural fill • Backfill • Grading � Tracer wire • Refill materials • Joints materials • Tests and sterilization • Appurtenant work as required for a complete and aperable system. , SectionIV.doc � Page 77 of 128 5/IS/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications 41.6.2 FURNISH AND INSTALL WATER MAINS MEASUREMENT The quantity for payment shall be the actual number of feet of pipe of each size and type satisfactorily furnished and laid, as measured along the centerline of the completed pipe line, including the length of valves and fittings. PAYMENT Payment of the applicable unit price shall be full compensation for fumishing all plant, labor, materials and equipment, and constructing the water mains complete and ready for operation. 41.6.3 FURNISH AND INSTALL FITTINGS MEASUREMENT The quantity for payment will be the number of tons, or decimal part thereof, of ductile iron fittings satisfactorily fi.�rnished and installed. Fitting weights shall be based on weights stamped on the body of the fitting, provided such weights do not exceed the theoretical weights by more than the tolerances permitted in ANSUAWWA C110/A 21.10 82, latest revision, in which case, the weight will be based upon the theoretical weight plus the maximum tolerance. PAYMENT Payment of the applicable unit price shall be full compensation for furnishing all plant, labor, materials, and equipment required to furnish and install ductile iron fittings. 41.6.4 FURNISH AND INSTALL GATE VALVES COMPLETE WITH BOXES AND COVERS MEASUREMENT The quantity for payment shall be the number of gate valves of each size satisfactorily furnished and installed. PAYMENT Payment of the applicable unit price for each size shall be full compensation for furnishing all plant, labor, material and equipment and installing the valve complete with box and cover. 41.6.5 FURNISH AND INSTALL FIRE HYDRANTS MEASUREMENT The quantity for payment shall be the number of fire hydrants satisfactorily furnished and installed. The only hydrants allowed to be installed in the City of Clearwater utilities system aze listed in Section 41.2.5. No exceptions. PAYMENT Payment of the applicable unit price shall be full compensation for furnishing all plant, labor, material and equipment and installing the fire hydrant complete including necessary thrust SectionN.doc Page 78 of ] 28 5/152012 � � , � ' � � � � � !1 , ' , i ' � C' 1 , � � L1 � � ' � � � � Section N — Technical Specifications anchorage, 6-inch pipe between the main and the hydrant and gate valve and valve box on the hydrant lead. 42 GAS SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS This article not applicable. 43 TENNIS COURTS 43.1 PAVED TENNIS COURTS 43.1.1 SOIL TREATMENTS Ail soil under courts shall be treated with DSMA 184 at the rate of 2 pounds active ingredient per 1,000 square foot. Materials shall be brought to the job site in tagged containers. Tags shall be retained and turned into the Engineer's Office. 43.1.2 BASE COURSE Base Course shall be Limerock 6" thick after compaction. Specifications for the base sha11 be the same as those for Limerock in Section IV - Article 22 of the City of Clearwater Technical Specifications. Subgrade stabilizing will not be required. Surface shall be cut to within 1/2" of true grade in preparation of 1" leveling course. Prior to applying prime coat, surface shall be approved by the Engineer. 43.1.3 PRIME COAT � The material used for prime coat shall be cut-back Asphalt Grade RC-7� or RC-250 and shall conform to Section 300 of the Florida State Department of Transportation's "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction". � 43.1.4 LEVELING COURSE A.Leveling Course shall be a minimum of 1" of Type S-III Asphaltic Concrete as specified in � Section 331 of FDOT's Standard Specification (latest edition}. The Leveling Course shall be constructed running East and West. � Finish surface of leveling course shall not vary more than 1/4" when checked with a 10 foot straight edge. If a deficiency of more than '/4" exists, the Engineer will determine if the surface should be leveled or removed and replaced. Such remedial work shall be without compensation. � � � 43.1.5 SURFACE COURSE Surface course shall be a minimum of 1" of Type S-III Asphaltic Concrete as specified in Section 331 of FDOT's Standard Specification (latest edition). The Surface Course shall be constructed running North and South. Finish surfaces shall not vary more than 1/4" in 10 feet. Prior to application of color coat, surface ' shall be checked for low areas by flooding the surface with water. Low areas shall be patched as approved by the Engineer prior to application of the color coat. No areas which retain water will 1 SectionN.doc Page'79 of 128 5/l5/2Q12 ' Section N — Technical Specifications be approved. If a deiiciency of more than %4" exists, the Engineer will determine if the surface should be leveled or removed and replaced. Such remedial work shall be without compensation. 43.1.6 COLOR COAT MATERIALS Materials used in the patching and color coating of Tennis Courts shall be manufactured specifically for Tennis Court Application. All materials must be approved by the Engineer prior to the start of construction. Request for approval of coating materials may be submitted prior to the opening of bids. In requests for approval, the Contractor shall present manufacturer's literature along with the name, address, and date of three previous Tennis Court applications of the proposed material. CONSTRUCTION SURFACE PREPARATION The surface to be coated must be sound, smooth, and free from loose dirt or oily materials. Prior to the application of surfacing materials, the entire surface should be checked for minor depressions or irregularities. If it is determined that minor corrections are necessary, the Contractor shall make repairs using approved tack coat and/or patching mix in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations for use. After patching the surface shall not vary more than 1/8" in ten feet in any direction. If a deficiency of more than 1/8" exists, the Engineer will determine if the surface should be leveled or removed and replaced. Such remedial work shall be without compensation. In order to provide a smooth, dense underlayment of the finish course, one or more applications of resurfacer or patch mix shall be applied to the underlaying surface as deemed necessary by the Engineer. Asphaltic concrete Surface Course with a smooth tight mix and no ponding, will not require the resurfacing or patching mix. Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course which is course and rough or is ponding water will require the use of the resurfacer or patch mix. No applications shall be covered by a succeeding application until thoroughly cured. FINISH COLOR COURSE The fnish course shall be applied to a clean, dry surface in accordance with the manufacturer's directions. A minimum of two applications of color coat will be required. Texture of cured color coat is to be regulated in accordance with manufachuer's recommendations to provide a medium speed surface for tennis play. The color of application shall be dark green for the regulation double's playing area and red for all other others. The finished surface shall have a uniform appearance and be free from ridges and tool marks. PLAYING LINES Forty-eight (48) hours minunum after completion of the resurfacing, 2 inch wide playing lines shall be accurately located, mazked and painted with approved marking paint. SectionlV.doc Page 80 of 128 5/15/2012 1 � � � � I� � LJ � � � � � � � ' � Section IV — Technicat Specifications WEATHER LIMITATIONS No parts of the construction involving Tennis Court surfacing or patching products shall be � conducted during rainfall, or when rainfall is imminent or unless the air temperature is at least 50 degrees, Fahrenheit and rising. � NOTE: The Contractar shall notify the Project Inspector a minimum or 24 hours in advance of all base and asphalt related work. 43.2 CLAY TENNIS COURTS 43.2.1 GENERAL � SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for the installation of � clay tennis court(s) as set forth in these specifications and /or the construction drawings. The scope of work is indicated on drawings and specified herein. Basis of design for clay courts with sub-surface imgation system is Hydrogrid Tennis, Inc. or prior approved equal. � � � �' � � � � � � � � CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS The Owner may make such investigation as he deems necessary to determine the ability of the Bidder to perform the work and the Bidder shall furnish to the Owner all such information and data for this purpose as the Owner may request. The Owner reserves the right to reject any Bid if the evidence submitted by, or investigations of such Bidders fail to satisfy the owner that such Bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Contract and to complete the work contemplated herein within the time limit agreed upon. Factors to be considered in awarding the Bid shall include the successful completion of similar sub-surface irrigation clay tennis court installations of like value, scope, size and quality as this project, with in the last five (5) years. The Owner desires to awazd this contract to firms that have been in business for a minimum of five (5) years. The qualifications and experience of the personnel assigned to the project will be a determining factor in the award of the Bid. STANDARDS The Contractor shall perform all work in a thorough, workmanlike manner and conform to standards for tennis court construction as prescribed or approved by the United States (Lawn) Tennis Association and the United States Tennis Court and Tract Builders Association. The Contractor shall construct the tennis courts with laser guided equipment. BUILDING PERMITS AND TAXES The Contractor shall secure all construction permits required by law, the City of Clearwater will waive all permit fees. COURT LAYOUT The Owner shall establish two horizontal control points and a construction bench mazk. The Contractor shall locate the four corners of each battery and shall layout the courts in conformance with the specifications and drawings. SectionlV.dce Page 81 of l28 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications BUILDING REQUIREMENTS The Owner shall provide and maintain reasonable access to the construction site, as well as an area adjacent to the site for storage and preparation of materials. Adequate water outlets within fifly (50) feet of the site shall be provided. SCHEDULE The Owner desires to award the contract to firms who will complete this project in a reasonable time schedule. Consideration in awarding this bid will be given to firms who may commence and complete the project within a reasonable period of time after award of the bid. The Owner, in its sole discretion, will determine the reasonable schedule standard as it relates to the "Notice to Proceed." 43.2.2 SITE PREPARATION SUITABILITY The Contractor shall examine the site to determine its suitability for installation of the courts. DEMOLITION The contractor shall demo the existing tennis courts, remove the existing ten (10) foot high fence surrounding the tennis courts and all underground utilities within the limits of the construction area. Utilities extending outside the construction limits shall be capped and terminated. The existing tennis courts shall be ground into millings suitable to be mixed into the sub-grade at the proposed location af the new clay tennis courts. Any sub-grade material beneath the existing tennis courts not suitable for planting beds shall be removed and also utilized as sub-grade material beneath the new courts. All demolition materials not utilized in construction of the new courts shall be removed and disposed from the project site. The Contractor shall provide documentation of any recycled materials. SUB-GRADE The sub-grade shall be graded to a tolerance of plus or minus one (1) inch of the final sub-grade elevation. The sub-grade shall be graded level. A compaction to a density not less than 95% of the maximum standard density as determined by AASHTO T 180 is required. The Contractor shall provide documentation of testing to the Owner. FINAL GRADE The final grades outside the tennis court areas and within the construction limits shall be graded to a tolerance of plus or minus one (1) inch of the final grade elevations with positive drainage away from tennis courts and towazds drainage swales or outfatl structures. A compaction to a density not less than 95% of the maximum standard density as determined by AASHTO T 180 is required. The contractor shall provide documentation of testing to the Owner. 43.2.3 SLOPE SLOPE REQUIREMENTS Rate and direction of slope of the finushed surfaces shall be one ( I) inch in forty (40) feet, all in one plane, as indicated on the drawings. , � � � � � � � ,� � � � SectionIV.doc page 82 of ]28 5/15/2012 � � � I_ I � � � Section N — Technical Specifications 43.2.4 BASE CONSTRUCTION LINER Two layers of 6 mil construction plastic shall be installed over the sub-grade surface with a minimum overlap of five (5) feet where pieces are joined. Use only materials that are resistant to deterioration when tested in accordance with ASTM E 154, as follows: a. Polyethylene sheet, Construction Grade. BASE COURSE The base course shall consist of six (6) inches of porous base material as supplied by Quality � Aggregate of Sarasota Florida. The surface of the base course shall be smooth and even, and it shall be within one-quarter (1/4) inch of the established grade. � � � � � � � � � �1 � � IRRIGATION SYSTEM Perforated pipe shall be installed in trenches in the base course. These trenches shall be in on four (4) foot centers and shall be run perpendicular to the slope of the couri. The pipe shall be two and one-quarter (2-1/4} inch diameter with a nylon needle punched sock surrounding the pipe. Six (6) water control canisters shall be installed per court with each canister controlling five (5) grid pipe trenches. Provide all required controls systems time clocks; float switches, control wiring and solenoids, etc. for a complete sub-surface irrigation system. 43.2.5 PERIMETER CURBING CURB Brick curb shall be installed around the entire perimeter of the court area with an elevation of one-quazter (1/4) to one-half (1/2) inch above the finished screening course elevation. 43.2.6 SURFACE COURSE COURT SURFACE A surface course of ISP Type II Aquablend or Lee Hyroblend tennis court material shall be installed over the screening course to a compacted depth of one (1) inch. The Aqua/Hydroblend material shall be watered to its full depth immediately after leveling and then compacted by rolling with a tandem roller weighing 600 to 1000 pounds. The finished surface shall not vary from specified grade by more than one-eighth (1/8) inch. 43.2.7 ROOT BARRIER Root barrier (geo-tech fabric) eighteen (18) inches height shall be placed in a trench on the outside edge of the perimeter curbing eighteen (18) inches in depth with herbicide coating buttons to prevent plant root systems in entering the sub-surface base course of the clay tennis courts. SectionlV.doc Page 83 of l28 5/15/2012 Section IV —Technical Specifications 43.2.8 FENCING DESIGN The contractor shall provide a total color coated fencing system as indicated on drawings and described herein. All components: frames, fabric and fittings shall be black. Basis of Design Ameristaz HT 25 or prior approved equal subject to strict compliance with Ameristar published specification. POSTS All posts shall be a minimum 2-1/2" Ameristaz HT 25 pipe; top rails 1-5/8" Ameristar HT 25 pipe with manufacturers standard "Permacoat" color system. FENCE FABRIC Fence Fabric shall be 1-3/4" #6 gauge mesh throughout, manufactures standard galvanized wire with PVC coating. All fabric to be knuckled on both selvages. GATES Provide gates at locations indicated. At service gates, provide a keeper that automatically engages gate life and holds it in the open position until manually released. Provide gate stops for double gates consisting of a mushroom-type flush plate with anchors, set in concrete, and designed to engage a center drop rod or plunger-bar. Include a locking device and padlock eyes as an integral part of the latch, permitting both gate leaves to be locked with a single padlock. Provide latch, fork type or plunger-bar type to permit operation from either side of gate, with padlock eye as an integral part of the latch. Gate Hinges — Size and material to suit gate size, non-lift-offtype, and offset to permit 180-degree gate opening. Provide one and one-half (1-1/2) pair of hinges for each leaf over six (6) foot nominal height. 43.2.9 WINDSCREENS The contractor shall provide nine (9) foot high windscreens at all ten (10) foot high fencing. Basis of design is Durashade plus by Ball Products, Inc. or equal by Putterman. Black high- density polyethylene, eight (8) oz. per square yazd edges hemmed with grommets at twelve (12) inch on center. Attach to chain link fencing at the top and bottom with 50 LBS plastic ties. 43.2.10 COURT EQUIPMENT POST FOUNDATIONS Post foundations shall be not less than thirty-six (36) inches in length, eighteen (18) inches in width and thirty (30) inches in depth. Foundations shall be placed to provide an exact distance between posts of forty-two (42) feet on a doubles court and thirty-three (33) feet on a singles court. NET POSTS & SLEEVES Net posts shall be galvanized steel having an outside diameter of not less than two and seven- eighths (2 7/8} inches with electrostarically applied enamel finish and shall be equipped with a reel type net tightening device. Post sleeves and posts shall be set plumb and true so as to support SectionN.doc Page 84 of 128 5/]5/2012 � � � LJ � � ;� � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � Section IV — Technical Specifications the net a height of forty-two (42) inches above the court surface at the posts. Post sleeves sha11 be Schedule 40 PVC to be set in concrete per net post manufactures recommendation. 43.2.1Q.3 CENTER STRAP ANCHOR A center strap anchor shall be firmly set in accordance with the rules of the USTA. NET A tennis net conforming to the USTA regulations shall be installed on each court. The net shall have black synthetic netting, a headband of white synthetic material in double thickness with the exterior treated for resistance to mildew and sunlight, and bottom and end tapes of back synthetic material treated to prevent deterioration from the sunlight. A vinyl coated, impregnated steel cable, having a diameter of one quarter (1/4) inch and a length five (5} feet greater than length between the net post shall hold the net in suspension. The net shall have tie strings of a synthetic material at each corner. Basis of Design — Duranet DTS by Ball Products, Inc. CENTER STRAP � Provide a center strap of white heavy duty polyester webbing with black oxide coated brass slide buckles and nickel plated double end snap. Center strap shall be placed on the net and attached to the center strap anchor. � � � � l__ I � `__� � � LINE TAPES Line tapes shall be 100% nylon and shall be two (2) inches in width. The tapes shall be firmly secured by aluminum nails with aluminum length of two and one-half (2 — 1/2) inches. Positioning shall be in accordance with regulations of the USTA. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Deliver the following equipment to the owner: 1. Ride-on Tandem Roller - Brutus AR-I Roller, automatic forward-neutral-reverse transmission; 24 inch wide drum; 3-horse power Briggs and Stratton engine. 2. Hand drag brooms (4 each) - 7' wide aluminum frame with 4-1/2" synthetic bristles; Proline. 3. Tow drag brooms (1 each) - 7' wide aluminum frame 4-1/2" synthetic bristles; Proline. 4. Del�e Proline Line Sweeper (4 each) - friction-driven rubber sleeves; synthetic bristle brush; with fence hook cast aluminum. 5. Scarifier/Lutes (2 each) - 30" wide all aluminum; Proline. 6. Tennis Shoe Cleaners (2 each) - steel frame construction "Scrusher" exact installation location by Owner. 7. Tennis Two Step (2 each) - polyethylene construction with two rubber panels. 8. Court Rake (1 each) — six-foot length aluminum. � SectionN.doc u Page 85 of 128 5/15/2012 Section 3V —Technical Specifications 43.2.11 SHADE STRUCTURE Provide shade structures as indicted on drawings. Basis of design: Suntrends, Inc. "Cabana Bench 8" — 8'long x 6' wide gable design with standard canvas canopy, direct burial installation. Provide concrete footing, size and reinforcement as required by shade structure manufacture. 43.2.12 WATER SOURCE (Potable) The owner shall supply water line to within fifty squaze inch running pressure at its terminus. Thi gallons of water per minute for each court. 43.2.13 CONCRETE (50) feet of the courts with 50 pounds per s line shall have the capacity to supply 30 Provide concrete consisting of portland cement per ASTM C 150, aggregates per ASTM C 33, and potable water. Mix materials to obtain concrete with a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3,500 psi. Use at least four sacks of cement per cu. yd., 1-inch maacimum size aggregate, 3-inch maximum slump. 43.2.14 EXISTING SPORT TENNIS COURT LIGHTING SHOP DRAWtNGS The Contractor shall provide signed and sealed electrical shop drawings by a professional electrical engineer for approval of the relocation and re-aiming of the existing tennis court sport lighting fixtures and electrical service to water coolers. The shop drawings shall include all necessary information according to local electrical codes in providing a complete operating system from the existing electrical panel. The shop drawings shall provide data showing the m�imum foot candles the existing fixtures will provide at its new locations for tournament play. Shop drawings shall be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Department for approval. RE-LAMP The Contractor shall re-lamp and clean lens of all existing lighting fixtures after relocating the light pole and fixtures to its new location. T'he City will provide the new lamps. ELECTRICAL PERMIT The Contractor shall submit electrical drawings to City of Clearwater Planning and Development Services to obtain permits for installation of the electrical works. POLES � FIXTURES The Contractor shall install three (3) new sixty foot (60') poles and fourteen (14) new fixtures. The City will purchase and provide the new poles and fixtures for the Contractor to install, any other miscellaneous items required to provide a complete operable system shall be provided by the Contractor. Attached with this specification aze the photometric lumination charts for the eight-(8) tennis courts. This information is provided by Musco Sport Lighting, 1838 East Chester Drive, Suite #104, High Point, NC 27265, phone (336) 887-0770 fax (336) 887-0771. Contact Douglas A. Stewart. Contractor shall install the poles and fixtures based on the following information: SectionIV.dce Page 86 of 128 5/]5/2012 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � r � � � Section IV — Technical Specifications Pole Tl existing 5 fxture pole, remove one fixture and place on pole TS Pole T2 existing 12 fixture pole, remove six fixtures and place on pole TS Pole T3 existing 5 fixture pole, remove one fixture and place on pole TS Pole T4 new pole with new seven fixtures and two circuits Pole TS new pole w/existing sixteen fixtures (8 on one side and 8 on the other) and 2 circuits Pole T6 new pole with new seven fixtures and two circuits Pole T7 existing 5 fixture pole, remove two fixtures and place on pole TS Pole T8 existing 12 fi�ure pole, remove four fixtures and place on pole TS Pole T9 existing 5 fixture pole, remove two fixtures and place on pole TS Light levels ended up at 58+ footcandles. Existing poles have concrete footing approximately one foot wide on all sides Contractor shall plan relocation light poles accordingly. ELECTRICAL CONDUITS Existing electrical conduits are installed individually to the existing light pole, it is suggested the � Contractor place electrical junction boxes at existing pole locations and utilize existing conduits. New conduits will be required for the three (3) new light poles and the Contractor shall include the cost for these electrical conduits in the relocating of the new light poles. � � � � � � � 43.2.15 WATER COOLER SHOP DRAWINGS The Contractor shall provide shop drawings for the installation of water cooler in the cabana area of the tennis courts, electrical, water and drainage submitted to the Parks and Recreation Department for approval. WATER FOUNTAIN Basis for design: Halsey Taylor HOF Series — water cooler with sealed back panels, or equal. 43.2.16 DEMONSTRATION Instruct the Owner's personnel on proper operation and maintenance of court and equipment. 43.2.17 WARRANTY EQUIPMENT The Contractor shall supply warranty cards and operation and maintenance manuals for all equipment to the Owner upon completion of construction of the project. WARRANTY The Contractor sha11 warranty the courts, fencing, sidewatks and court accessories against defective materials and /or workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of completion. � SectionIV.doc � Page 87 of 128 5!I S/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications WARRANTY SUB-SURFACE IRRIGATION SYSTEM The Contractor shall warranty the sub-surface imgation of the clay tennis courts for a period of two years from the day of completion. 44 44.1 WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL The Contractor shall be responsible to furnish, operate, maintain and remove all work zone traffic control associated with the Project, including detours, advance warnings, channelization, hazazd warnings and any other necessary features, both at the immediate work site and as may be necessary at outlying points. 44.2 WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN The Contractor shall prepare a detailed traffic control plan designed to accomplish the level of performance outlined in the Scope of the Work and/or as may be required by construction permits issued by Pinellas County and/or the Florida Department of Transportation for the Project, incorporating the methods and criteria contained in Part VI, Standards and Guides for Traffic Controls for Street and Highway Construction, Maintenance, Utility and Incident Management Operations in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices published by the U.S. Department of Transportation and adopted as amended by the Florida Department of Transportation, or most recent addition. 44.2.1 WORK ZONE SAFETY The general objectives of a program of work zone safety is to protect workers, pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists during construction and maintenance operations. This general objective may be achieved by meeting the following specific objectives: • Provide adequate advance warning and information regazding upcoming work zones. • Provide the driver clear directions to understanding the situation he will be facing as he proceeds through or around the work zone. • Reduce the consequences of an out of control vehicle. � Provide safe access and storage for equipment and material. � Promote speedy completion of projects (including thorough cleanup of the site). • Promote use of ihe appropriate traffic control and protection devices. • Provide safe passageways for pedestrians through, in, and/or around construction or maintenance work zones. The 2004 Design Standards (DS), Index 600 "When an existing pedestrian way or bicycle way is located within a traffic control work zone, accommodation must be maintained and provision for the disabled must be provided. Only approved temporary traffic control devices may be used to delineate a temporary traffic control zone pedestrian walkway. Advanced notification of sidewalk closures and detours mazked shall be provided by appropriate signs". 2004 Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction SectionIV.doc Page 88 of 128 � f� � � � � �� � � � � � � snsr�oi2 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Section IV — Technical Specifications 102-5 Traffic Control: 102-5.1 Standards: FDOT Design Standards (DS) are the minimum standards for the use in the development of all traffic control plans 44.3 ROADWAY CLOSURE GUIDELINES Roadway types: Major Arterials, Minor Arterials, Local Collectors, and Local Following are typical requirements to be accomplished prior to closure. The number of requirements increase with traffic volume and the importance of access. Road closures affecting business or sole access routes will increase in process requirements as appropriate. For all but local streets, no road or lane closures are allowed during the Christmas holiday season and the designated "Spring Break" season with prior approval by the City Engineer. 44.3.1 ALL ROADWAYS Obtain permits for Pinellas County and Florida Department of Transportation roadways. Traffic control devises conform to national and state standards. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION Standard property owner notification prior to start of construction for properties directly affected by the construction process. 44.3.2 MAJOR ARTERIALS, MINOR ARTERIALS, LOCAL COLLECTORS Consult with City Traffic staff for preliminary traffic control options. Develop Formal Traffic Control Plan for Permit Submittal to Regulatory Agency as necessary. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION Message Board Display, Minimum of 7-day notice period prior to road closure and maybe longer for larger highway. The message board is to be provided by the Contractor. 44.3.3 MAJOR ARTERIALS, MINOR ARTERIALS PUBLIC NOTIFICATION C-View Release 44.3.4 MAJOR ARTERIALS PUBLIC NOTIFICATION News Release The Message Board may need to be displayed for a period Ionger than 7 days. 44.4 APPROVAL OF WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTR�L PLAN The Contractor is invited and encouraged to confer in advance of bidding, and is required, as a specification of the work, to confer in advance of beginning any work on the Project, with the Traffic Operations Division, Municipal Services Building, 100 South Myrtle Avenue, telephone 562-4750, for the purpose of approval of the Contractor's proposed detailed traffic control plan. SectionN.doc Page 89 of I28 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications All maintenance of traffic (MOT} plans shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer or an individual who is certified in the prepazation of MOT plans in the State of Florida. 44.5 INSPECTION OF WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL OPERATION The Traffic Operations Division may inspect and monitor the traffic control plan and traffic control devices of the Contractor. The City's Construction Inspector assigned to the project, may make known requirements for any alterations or adjustments to the traffic control devices. The Contractor shall take direction from the Project Engineer or Project Inspector. 44.6 PAYMENT FOR WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Payment for work zone tr�c control is a non-specific pay item to be included in the construction costs associated with other specific pay items unless specifically stated otherwise in the Scope of Work in these Technical Specifications and a bid item(s} is included for Work Zone Traffic Control in the proposal form. 44.7 CERTIFICATION OF WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL SUPERVISOR The City may require that the Supervisor or Foreman controlling the work for the Contractor on the Project have a current International Municipal Signal Association, Work Zone Traffic Control SafeTy Certification or Worksite Traffic Supervisor Certification from the American Traffic Safety Association with additional current Certification from the Florida Department of Transportation. This requirement for Certification will be noted in the Scope of Work and/or sections of these Technical Specifications. When the certified supervisor is required for the Project, the supervisor will be on the Project site at all times while work is being conducted. The Worksite Traffic Supervisor shall be available on a 24-hour per day basis and shall review the project on a day-to-day basis as well as being involved in all changes to traffic control. The Worksite Traffic Supervisor shall have access to all equipment and materials needed to maintain traffic control and handle traffic related situations. The Worksite Traffic Supervisor shall ensure that routine deficiencies aze corrected within a 24-hour period. The Worksite Traf�'ic Supervisor shall be available on the site within 45 minutes after notification of an emergency situation, prepared to positively respond to repair the work zone traffic control or to provide alternate trafFic arrangements. Failure of the Worksite Traffic Supervisor to comply with the provisions of this Subarticle may be grounds for decert�cation or removal from the project or both. Failure to maintain a designated Worksite Traffic Supervisor or failure to comply with these provisions will result in temporary suspension of all activities except traffic and erosion control and such other activities deemed to be necessary for project maintenance and safeTy. 45 CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINING 45.1 INTENT It is the intention of this specification to provide for the trenchless restoration of sanitary sewer and storm pipes by the installation if a cured in place jointless, continuous, thermosetting resin impregnated polyester flexible felt liner which is watertight and chemically resistant to withstand SectionN.doc Page 90 of l28 5/] 5/20] 2 � � � � � � Section N — Technical Specifications exposure to domestic sewage including all labor, materials and equipment to provide for a complete, fully restored and functioning installation. 45.2 PRODUCT AND CONTRACTOR/INSTALLER ACCEPTABILITY The City requires that all contractors be prequalified. See General Conditions regazding contractor prequalification. In addition, the City requires a proven extensive tract record for the liner system to be used in this project. All contractors submitting for prequalification approval for this project must exhibit extensive satisfactory experience in the installation of the proposed liner system(s) and satisfactory evidence that the proposed liner system has been extensively and successfully installed in the Unites States and the State of Florida. The installer must be certified by the liner system manufacturer for installation of the liner system. The City reserves full and complete authority to approve the satisfactory nature of the both the liner system and the installer. 45.3 MATERIALS The liner shall be polyester fiber felt tubing saturated with a resin prior to insertion. Resin type and qualities shall be as specified by the manufacturer to obtain a cured liner with the following properties: Tensile Strength ASTM D638 3,000 psi � Flexural Strength ASTM D790 4,500 psi Flexural Modulus of Elasticity ASTM D790 300,000 psi Long Term Modulus of Elasticity (50 Years) ASTM D2290 150,000 psi I� u � � � � � r I� Liner shall meet strengths as shown in ASTM F1216 unless otherwise submitted and approved by the Engineer. Lining manufacturer shall submit to the Engineer for approval as requested, complete design calculations for the liner thickness. The criteria for liner design shall be HS-20 traffic loading, water table to the ground surface, minimum expected lifetime of 50 years, and no structural strength retained from the existing pipe. Liner materials shall meet manufactures specifications of Insituform of North America, Inc., 3315 Democrat Road, Post Office Box 181071, Memplus, Tennessee 38118; or InLiner USA 1900 N.W. 44th St., Pompano Beach Florida 33064, 305-979-0802, or an approved equal. Any approved equal liner system must be approved by the Engineer as an equal system prior to receiving bids. Request for contractor prequalification and/or equal liner system appmval must be received by the Engineer no later than 14 days prior to the date for receiving bids. 45.4 CLEANING/SURFACE PREPARATION It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to clean and prepare the existing pipes for rehabilitation. The Contractor will thoroughly clean the interior of the sewers to produce a clean interior surface free of all coatings, sand, rock, roots, sludge, or other deleterious materials prior to liner insertion. Bypass pumping will be provided by the Contractor as part of the unit cost of restoration. Bypass operations are to be so ananged as to cause minimum disruptions to local traffic, residents and particularly to commercial facilities. During the cleaning and preparation operations all necessary precautions shall be taken to protect the public, all property and the sewer from damage. All material removed from the sewers shall be the Contractor's responsibility for prompt disposal in accordance with all regulatory agency requirements. The Contractor may be required to control the rate of sewer cleaning in the sanitary system to avoid heavy pollution loads at the City's treatment plants. SectionlV.doc Page 91 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications 45.5 TELEVISION INSPECTION After cleaning, and again after the rehabilitation work on each section of the project is completed, all pipe sections shall be visually inspected by means of closed-circuit color television, and recorded on DVD, CD VHS format tapes provided to the project engineer. The television system used shall be designed for the purpose and suitably lighted to provide a clear picture of the entire periphery of the pipe. 45.6 LINER INSTALLATION Liner sha11 be sized to field measurements obtained by the Contractor to provide for a tight fit on the interior of the existing pipe to be lined. Contractor shall use installation methods approved by the liner manufacturer including operations for inversion, heat curing and reconnection of laterals. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any construction delays taking place during the insertion operation. Contractor shall maintain a reasonable backup system for bypass pumping should delays or problems with pumping systems develop. Liner entries at manholes shall be smooth, free of irregularities, and watertight. No pinholes, tears, cracks, thin spots, excessive wrinkling or other defects in the liner shall be permitted. Such defects shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor at his expense. 45.7 LATERAL RECONNECTION Sanitary laterals shall be reconnected as soon as possible to renew service. Laterals are to be reconnected by means of robotics, by internally cutting out the liner to 95% of the area of the original opening. All lateral reconnections are to be grouted to prevent leakage. Crrouting method and material is to be approved by the Engineer. Any reconnections to laterals and connections to manholes which are observed to lealc shall be resealed by the Contractor. All laterals discovered during the lining process are to be reconnected unless specifically directed otherwise by the City. The Contractor will be requested to reconnect any laterals discovered to not be reconnected at a later date. Contractor shall notify all local system users when the sanitary system will not be available for normal usage by the delivery of door hangers with appropriate information regarding the construction project. 45.8 TIME OF CONSTRUCTION Construction schedules will be submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. At no time will any sanitary sewer service connection remain inoperative for more than an eight-hour period without a service bypass being operated by the Contractor. In the event that sewage backup occurs and enters buildings, the Contractor shall be responsible for cleanup, repair and property damage costs and claims. 45.9 PAYMENT Payment for sanitary sewer restoration shall be made per lineal foot including ali preparation, bypass pumping, equipment, labor, materials, operations, restoration, lateral reconnection, etc, to provide a fully completed and operational sewer. Payment shali be measured from center of manhole to center of manhole for the sanitary systems and from end of pipe to end of pipe for storm systems. SectionN.doc Page 92 of 128 5/ISl2012 � � � � � � � � � � � � � r � � , � � � � � 46 46.1 46.1.1 Section IV — Technical Specifications SPECIFICATIONS FOR POLYETHYLENE SLIPLINING MATERIALS PIPE AND FITTINGS The pipe supplied under this specification shall be high performance, high molecular weight, high density polyethylene pipe (Driscopipe 1004) as manufactured by Phillips Driscopipe, Inc., Dallas, Texas and shall conform to ASTM D 1248 (Type III, Class C, Category 5, Grade P34) or approved equal. Minimum cell classification values shall be 345434C as referenced in ASTM D 33501atest edition. If fittings are rec�uired, they will be supplied under this specification and shall be molded or manufactured from a polyethylene compound having a cell classification equal to or exceeding the compound used in the pipe. To insure compatibility of polyethylene resins, all fittings supplied under this specification shall be of the same manufacture as the pipe being supplied. 46.1.2 QUALITY CONTROL � The resin used for manufacturer of the pipe shall be manufactured by the pipe manufacturer, thus maintaining complete control of the pipe quality. The pipe shall contain no recycled compound except that generated in the manufacturer's own plant from resin of the same specification from � the same raw material. The pipe shall be homogeneous throughout and free of visible cracks, holes, foreign inclusions, or other deleterious defects, and shall be identical in color, density, melt index, and other physical properties. II u � � The polyethylene resin used shall have all ingredients pre compound prior to extrusion of pipe, in plant blending is not acceptable. The Engineer may request, as part of the quality control records submittal, certification that the pipe produced is represented by the quality assurance testing. Additionally, test results from manufacturer's testing or random sampling by the Engineer that do not meet appropriate ASTM standards or manufacturer's representation, may be cause for rejection of pipe represented by the testing. These tests may include density and flow rate measurements from samples taken at selected locations within the pipe wall and thermal stability determinations according to ASTM D 3350, 10.1.9. 46.1.3 SAMPLES � The owner or the specifying engineer may request certified lab data to verify the physical properties of the materials supplied under this specification or may take random samples and have them tested by an independent laboratory. 46.1.4 REJECTION Polyethylene pipe and firiings may be rejected for failure to meet any of the requirements of this specification. 46.2 PIPE DIMENStONS � Pipe supplied under this specification shall have a nominal IPS (Iron Pipe Size) O.D. unless otherwise specified. The SDR (Standard Dimension Ratio) of the pipe supplied shall be as specified by the Engineer, on the construction plans and/or the scope of work. � SectionlV.doc Page 93 of 128 5115/2012 � Section N — Technical Specifications 46.3 CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES 46.3.1 HANDLING OF PIPE Pipe shall be stored on clean, level ground to prevent undue scratching or gouging of the pipe: If the pipe must be stacked for storage, such stacking should be done in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. The handling of the pipe should be done in such a manner that it is not damaged by dragging over sharp objects or cut by chokers or lifting equipment. 46.3.2 REPAIR OF DAMAGED SECTIONS Segments of pipe having cuts or gouges in excess of 10% of the wall thickness of the pipe should be cut out and removed. The undamaged portions of the pipe shall be rejoined using the butt fusion joining method. 46.3.3 PIPE JOINING Sections of polyethylene pipe should be joined into continuous lengths on the job site above ground. The joining method shall be the butt fusion method and shall be performed by the manufacturer's representative and in strict accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. The butt fusion equipment used in the joining procedures should be capable of meeting all conditions recommended by the pipe manufacturer, including, but not limited to, temperature requirements, alignment, and fusion pressures. 46.3.4 HANDLING OF FUSED PIPE Fused segments of pipe shall be handled so to avoid damage to the pipe. When lifting fused sections of pipe, chains or cable type chokers should be avoided. Nylon slings aze preferred. Spreader bars should be used when lifting long fused sections. Care should be exercised to avoid cutting or gouging the pipe. 46.4 SLIPLINING PROCEDURE 46.4.1 PIPE REQUIREMENTS AND DIMENSIONS The liner(s) to be slip lined into the existing storm sewer shall have the following sizes: 12-inch diameter liner (SDR 26) into 15-inch existing sewer. 16-inch diameter liner (SDR 26) into 18-inch existing sewer. 18-inch diameter liner (SDR 26) into 21-inch existing sewer. 21 %z-inch diameter liner (SDR 32.5) into 24-inch existing sewer. 28-inch diameter liner (SDR 32.5) into 30-inch existing sewer. 34-inch diameter liner (SDR 32.5) into 36-inch existing sewer. 42-inch diameter liner (SDR 32.5) into 48-inch existing sewer. 46.4.2 CLEANING AND INSPECTION The existing line shall be cleaned of debris and other obstructions prior to TV inspections or insertion of the polyethylene liner. Cleaning can be accomplished with a high velocity cleaner, a bucket and scrapper, root saws, corkscrews, and rodding or balling units. The method used will be determined by the condition of the existing line. Final cleaning may be required prior to inserting the liner. SectionN.doc Page 94 of l28 5/I S/2012 � ' � LJ � � , _� � � � � � � { N LJ �l � � i_ ] � � � � J � Section IV — Technical Specifications 46.4.3 INSERTION SHAFT AND EXCAVATIONS All excavations shall conform to OSHA requirements and any additional requirements as set by the specifying engineer or his representative. Insertion shaft excavations shall coincide with points requiring removal of obstructions or shall be determined by the engineer. An entry slope grade of 2 1/2:1 maximum shall be used to provide a safe bending radius for the polyethylene. The bottom of the entry pit should provide a straight section for ease of entry of the liner into the existing pipe. The length of the level excavation should be at least twelve times the diameter of the liner being inserted. The width of the shaft should be as narrow as possible. The required width will depend on the location, type of soil, depth of the existing sewer line and the water table. 46.4.4 INSERTION OF THE LINER After completion of the access shaft, the top half of the existing sewer shall be broken or cut and removed for the full length of the access shaft. A fabricated pulling head shall be connected to the leading end of the liner pipe. A cable shall be connected to the pulling head so that the liner pipe can be pulled into the existing sewer. Power winches used for pulling in long lengths of polyethylene liner pipe shall be rated equal to the project requirements. Once started, the pulling operation should continue to completion. � Insertion is normally done at about a slow walking speed. After insertion, a minimum of 12 hours shall be allowed for the liner pipe to reach equilibrium with the sewer temperature and to allow the liner pipe to stress relieve itself. � � � � � � �� The polyethylene liner pipe should protrude at least 6 inches into the manhole where it terminates. After the 12-hour equilibrium period, the annular space between the original pipe and the liner shall be pressure grouted. Said grouting must be from the bottom up to prevent air pockets from forming. Also the grout must be recommended for underwater application and have elastomeric properties. Products used shall be approved by the engineer. The liner shall not be displaced when the annular space is being filled. Spacers, inflatable plugs or other methods approved by the Engineer must be used to prevent displacement. The length of fused pipe that can be pulled will vary depending on field conditions, the ease of access to the area, and the working space available. 46.4.5 CONFIRMATION OF PIPE SIZES The Contractor shall be solely responsible to confirm all pipe sizes prior to ordering, fusing and installation of the liner. 46.4.6 UNDERDRAIN CONNECTIONS IF REQUIRED After the liner has been pulled into place, allowed to recover and sealed at the manholes, pipe connections okayed by the engineer shall be reconnected io the liner pipe. SectionIV.doc Page 95 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications Pipe connections shall be connected by the use of a pre-fabricated polyethylene saddle. A neoprene gasket shall be installed between the saddle and the liner pipe so that a complete water seal is accomplished when the saddle is placed on the liner pipe and secured with stainless steel bands. 46.4.7 BACKFILLING All excavations shall be backfilled using on site materials or as specified by the engineer. Cost for backfilling of access shafts and underdrain connections shall be including in the unit price bid for sliplining and reconnection of service laterals. Before any excavation is done for any purpose, it will be the responsibility of the contractor to contact the various utility companies and to determine the locations of their facilities. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to provide adequate protection for utility facilities. Any temporary construction right of way and/or storage areas will be arranged for by the contractor. 46.4.8 POINT REPAIR The engineer or his representative will determine if a point repair is necessary only after it has been demonstrated that a liner pipe cannot be pulled through the existing pipe. Payment will be made for each repair. The contractor will be expected to remove the obstruction and clear the pipe. If removing the top of the existing pipe will accomplish the removal of the obstruction, the bottom of the existing pipe should remain in place to form a cradle for the liner. 46.4.9 CLEAN UP OPERATIONS All materials not used in the backfilling operation shall be disposed of off site by the contractor. Finish grading shall be required. In locations other than street right-of-ways, the surface shall be graded smooth and sodded with the same kind of grass as the existing lawn. Excavation points in street right-of-ways shall be repaired as specified by the engineer. 47 SPECIFICATIONS FOR POLYVINYL CHLORIDE RIBBED PIPE 47.1 SCOPE This specification designates general requirements for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic (spiral wound) pipe with integral wall bell and spigot joints for the conveyance of storm water. 47.2 MATERIALS All pipe and fittings shall be manufactured and tested in accordance with specification for "Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Lazge Diameter Ribbed Gravity Storm Sewer Pipe and Fittings Based on Controlled Inside Diameter". The pipe and fittings shall be made of PVC plastic. 47.3 PIPE The bell shall consist of an integral wall section. The solid cross section fiber ring shall be factory assembled on the spigot. Sizes and dimensions shall be as shown in this specification. SectionIV.doc Page 96 of 128 5/15/2012 � � � � � � � � �� � � � �� LJ � � � � � II u , � Section IV — Technical Specifications Standazd laying lengths shall be 13 ft. + 1 inch. At manufacturer's option, random lengths of not more than 15% of total footage may be shipped in lieu of standard lengths. 47.4 JOINING SYSTEM � Joints shall be either an integral bell gasketed joint. When the joint is assembled according to manufactures recommendation it will prevent misalignment of adjacent pipes and form a silt tight joint. � � � r � � � 47.5 FITTINGS All fittings and accessories shall be as manufactured and furnished by the pipe supplier or approved equal and have bell and/or spigot configurations compatible with that of the pipe. 48 GUNITE SPECIFICATIONS 48.1 PRESSURE INJECTED GROUT Pressure injected grout shall be of cement and water and shall be proportioned generally in the ratio of 1.5 (one and one hal fl cubic foot (one and one half bags) of cement to 1(one} cubic foot (7.50 gal.) of water. This mix shall be varied as the grouting proceeds as is necessary to provide penetration in the operator's judgment. Cement sha11 be Portland Cement conforming to all of the requirements of the American Society for Testing Materials Standard Specifications, latest edition serial designation C150 for Portland Cement, Type I. Portland Cement shall weigh not less than 94 pounds per cubic foot. Water used in the grout shall be fresh, clean and free from injurious amounts of oil, alkali, vegetable, sewage and/or organic matter. Water shall be considered as weighing 833 pounds per gallon. Grout pump shall be of the positive displacement type and shall be capable of producing adequate pressure to penetrate the azea. All pressure grouting will be at the direction of the Engineer. 48.2 REHABILITATION OF CORRUGATED METAL PIPE WITH ' GUNITE Guniting shall conform to all requirements of "Specifications for Materials, Proportioning, and � Application of Shotcrete (ACI 506.2 77)" published by the American Concrete Institute, Detroit, Michigan, except as modiiied by those specifications. � � � i � Steel reinforcement shall be incorporated in the Gunite as required and shall be furnished, bent, set and placed in accordance with the provisions of these specifcations. The purpose of this specification is to obtain a dense and durable concrete having the specified strength. 48.3 COMPOSITION Gunite shall be composed of Portland Cement, aggregate and water so proportioned as to produce a concrete suitable for pneumatic application. SectionIV.doc Page 97 of128 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications 48.4 STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS Concrete ingredients shall be selected, proportioned in such a manner as will produce concrete which will be extremely strong, dense and resistant to weathering, and abrasion. Concrete shall have a minimum 28-day strength of 4,000 psi. 48.5 MATERIALS Portland Cement: Cement shal] be Portland cement conforming to a1l of the requirements of the American Society for Testing Materials Standard Specifications, Latest Serial Designation C150 for Portland Cement, Type I. A bag of cement shall be deemed to weigh not less than 94 pounds per cubic foot. Fine Aggregate: Fine aggregate shall be natural siliceous sand consisting of hard, clean, strong, durable and uncoated particles, conforming to the requirements of American Society for Testing Materials Standard Specifications, Latest Serial Designation C33 for Concrete Aggregates. Fine aggregate shall not contain less than 3% nor more than 6% of moisture. Fine aggregate shall be evenly graded from fine to coarse and shall be within the following limits: Passing No. 3/8 Sieve Passing No. 4 Sieve Passing No. 8 Sieve Passing No. 16 Sieve Passing No. 30 Sieve Passing No. 50 Sieve Passing No. 100 Sieve 48.6 WATER 100% 95% to 100% 8Q% to 100% 50% to 85% 25% to 60% 10% to 30% 2% to 10% Water used in mixing, at the nozzle shall be fresh, clean, and free from injurious amounts of oil, acid, alkali, vegetable, sewage, and/or organic matter. Water shall be considered as weighing 8.33 pounds per gallon. 48.7 REINFORCEMENT Steel mesh reinforcement shall be electrically welded, cold drawn, mild steel fabric conforming to the latest requirements of ASTM Standard Specifications, Serial Designation A 185 for Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement. Mesh can be fabricated from cold drawn steel wire conforming to the requirements of the latest ASTM Standard Specifications, Serial Designation A 82 and sized as shown on Plans Page 7 of 7. 48.8 STORAGE OF MATERIALS Cement shall be stored with adequate provisions for the prevention of absorption of moisture. It shall be stored in a manner that will permit easy access for inspection and identification of each shipment. Aggregate shall be stockpiled at points selected to provide maximum drainage and to prevent the inclusion of any foreign material during rehandling. SectionlV.doc Page 98 of ]28 5/l5/2012 � � � , u � � , � � � I' � � � � , � � , � � � � Section N — Technical Specifications 48.9 SURFACE PREPARATION Unsound materials of construction and all coated, scaly, or unsound concrete in manholes and inlets shall be removed by chipping with pneumatic hammers and chisels to sound surface, all cracks and cavities shall be chipped to such formation that their sides form approximately a 45 degree angle to the exposed surface for at least one (1) inch in depth. A11 areas to receive pneumatic concrete sha11 be cleaned by flushing or scouring with water and compressed air jets to assure removal of all loose particles. All areas of existing surfaces that do not require chipping shall be given a wet sandblasting with the gunite equipment and the air pressure at the cement gun shall not be less than 50 psi. Surface preparation of existing metal surface of a corrugated pipe shall be lightly sandblasted to � remove loose material. All sandblasted areas shall then be cleaned by an air/water blast to remove all particles from the cleaning operation. To insure perfect bond, the newly sandblasted surface shall be thoroughly moistened with water � prior to application of gunite. In no instance shall gunite be applied in an area where free running water exists. � � 48.10 PROPORTtONING Prior to start of guniting the Contractor shall submit to the Owner the recommended mix as a ratio of cement to aggregate. Recommended mix shall be on the basis of test data from prior experience. Provided data submitted is adequate no further testing of recommended mix will be required. � If required, the Contractor shall provide all equipment necessary to control the actual amounts of all materials entering into the concrete. The types of equipment and methods used for measuring materials shall be subject to approval. � � ��� � ' , � � 48.11 MIXING Gunite shall be thoroughly mixed by machine and then passed through a sieve to remove all large particles before placing in hopper of the cement gun. The mixture shall not be permitted to become damp. Each batch should be entirely discharged before recharging is begun. The mixer should be.cleaned thoroughly enough to remove a11 adherent materials from the mixing vanes and from the drum at regulaz intervals. Water in any amount shall not be added to the mix before it enters the cement gun. Quantities of water shall be controlled by a valve at the nozzle of the gun. Water content shall be adjusted as required for proper placement, but shall in no case exceed four gallons of water per sack of cement, including the water contained in the aggregate. Remixing or tempering shall not be permitted. Mixed material that has stood 45 minutes without being used shall be discarded. Rebound materials shall not be reused. 48.12 APPLICATION Gunite shall not be placed on a frozen surface nor during freezing weather. Gunite shall not be placed when it is anticipated that the temperature during the following 24 hours will drop below 32 degrees, Fahrenheit. Sequence of application may be from bottom to top or vice versa if rebound is properly removed. Corners shall be filled first. "Shooting" shall be from an angle as near perpendiculaz to the SectionN.doc Page 99 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV —Technical Specifications surface as practicable, with the nozzle held approximately 3 feet from the work (except in conf`uied control}. If the flow of material at the nozzle is not uniform and slugs, sand spots, or wet sloughs result, the nozzleman shall direct the nozzle away from the work until the faulty conditions are corrected. Such defects shall be replaced as the work progresses. Guniting shall be suspended if: 1. Air velocity separates the cement from the sand at the nozzle. 2. Temperature approaches freezing and the newly placed gunite cannot be protected. Gunite shall be applied in one or more layers to such total thickness as required to restore the area as detailed over the original lines of the adjoining surface, unless otherwise specified. All cavities, depressions, washouts and similar failures shall be rebuilt to original lines by use of gunite reinforced with wire mesh. Where the cavity exceeds 4 inches in depth a layer of inesh shall be used for each 3 inches of depth of gunite. In no case shall wire mesh be placed behind existing reinforcement. The time interval between successive layers in sloping vertical or overhanging work must be sufficient to allow initial but not final set to develop. At the time the initial set is developing, the surface shall be cleaned to remove the thin film of laitance in order to provide a perfect bond with succeeding applications. 48.13 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS Construction joints or day's work joints shall be sloped off to a thin, clean, regular edge, preferably at a 45-degree slope. Before placing the adjoining work, the slope portion and adjacent gunite shall be thoroughly cleaned as necessary, then moistened and scoured with an air jet. 48.14 SURFACE FINISH Nozzleman shall bring the gunite to an even plane and to well formed corners by working up to ground wires or other guides, using lower placing velocity than normal. After the body coat has been placed, the surface shall be trued with a thin edge screed to remove high areas and expose low areas. Low areas shall be properly filled with concrete to insure a true, flat surface. After the concrete surface has been trued, the entire surface shall be given a flashcoat finish except where a special type fmish is specified on the drawings. 48.15 CURING Curing shall be in accordance with either paragraph 3.7.1(d) or paragraph 3.7.5. of ACI 506.2 77 depending upon atmospheric condition. 48.16 ADJACENT SURFACE PROTECTION During progress of the work, where appearance is important, adjacent areas or grounds which may be permanently discolored, stained, or otherwise damaged by dust and rebound, shall be adequately protected sensitive azeas, when contacted, shall be cleaned by early scraping, brushing or washing, as the surroundings permit. SectionN.doc Page 100 of l28 5/15/2012 � � � � � � � , � , � u' � � � � i � ' � Section N — Technical Specifications 48.17 INSPECTION � Because of the importance of workmanship affecting the quality of the gunite, continual inspection during placing shall be maintained. Any imperfections discovered shall be cut out and replaced with sound material. , � � � ' � 1 , �_ S � � � � � � 48.'18 EQUIPMENT Cement Gun: The mixing and delivering equipment shall be either the vertical double chamber type or rotary type. The upper chamber of the double chamber type shall receive and pressurize the dry mix and deliver it to the lower chamber. The lower chamber shall force the pressurized mix into the delivery hose by means of a feed wheel. The type of feeder utilized should be of sufficient capacity that the lower chamber may continuously furnish all required material to the delivery hose while the upper chamber receives the recharge. The rotary type cement gun shall have an enlarged hopper to feed material into a rotating multiported cylinder. Material shall fall by gravity into a port which shall then be rotated to a position in which the material is expelled by air into a moving stream of air. All equipment must be kept in good repair. The interior of drums, feed gearing and valves shall be cleaned as often as necessary (at least once every 8 hour shift) to prevent material from caking on critical parts. Nozzle: Nozzle shall be the premixing type with perforated water feed ring inside the nozzle. The maximum length of material hose for the application of gunite shall be approximately 150 feet although it shall be permissible to use as much as 800 feet of material hose if the supply air pressure measured at the cement gun is increased to maintain proper velocity. The following table gives requirements for compressor size, hose size and air pressure using 150 feet of material hose: Comp. Cap Max. Hose Dia. Max. Size Nozzle Min. Air Press. (cfm) (In.) (In.) (psi) 365 1 5/8 1 5/8 60 600 2 2 80 750 2 1/2 2 1/2 90 For each 25 feet of material hose used in excess of 150 feet, the required air pressure shall be increased by 5 psi. Air Compressor: Any standard type of compressor shall be satisfactory if it is of sufficient capacity to provide, without interruption, the pressures and volume of air necessary for the longest hose delivery. The air compressor capacity determinations shall include allowances made for the air consumed in blowing rebound, cleaning, reinforcing and for incidental uses. Compressor equipment sha11 be of such capacity so as to insure air pressures at the special mixer capable of producing the required material velocities. Water Supply: The water pressure at the discharge nozzle should be su�iciently greater than the operating air pressure to assure the water is intimately mixed with the other materials. If the line water pressure is inadequate, a water pump or pressurized tatik shall be introduced into the line. The water pressure shall be uniformly steady (nonpulsating). SectionIV.doc Page 101 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV —Technical Specifications 49 SANITARY AND STORM MANHOLE LINER RESTORATION 49.1 SCOPE AND INTENT It is the intent of this portion of the specification to provide for the structural rehabilitation of manhole walls and bases with solid preformed liners and made-in-place liner systems used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and these specifications. In addition to these specifications, the Contractor shall comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for work. Purpose of work is to eliminate infiltration, provide corrosion protection, repau voids and to restore the structural integrity of the manhole. For any particular system the Contractor will submit manufacturer's technical data and application instructions. All OSHA regulations shall be met. 49.2 PAYMENT Payment for liners shall be per vertical foot of liner installed from the base to the top of the installed liner. Liners will generally be installed to the top of existing or new corbels. No separate payment will be made for the following items and the cost of such work shall be included in the pay item per linear foot of liner: Bypass pumping; Traffic Control; Debris Disposal; Excavation, including necessary pavement removal; Shoring andJor dewatering; Structural fill; Backfill and compaction; Grout and mortar; Brick; Resetting of the manhole ring and cover; Pipe extensions and connectors necessary to the installation; Replacement of unpaved roadway and grass or shrubbery plot; Replacement of roadway base and asphalt surface; and Appurtenant work as required for a complete and operable system. 49.3 FIBERGLASS LINER PRODUCTS 49.3.1 MATERIALS C�'l��iRi��l►1�:�� Liners shall be fiberglass engineered to meet or exceed AASHTO H 2Oloading of 16,000 pound vertical wheel load. Manhole liners aze to be of the integral corbel design unless otherwise stipulated. Manhole liners aze to be as large in diameter as will fit into the existing manhole. The contractor shall measure the existing manhole immediately prior to ordering materials and is solely responsible for the fitting of the liner. Contractor will be required to submit factory certification for fiberglass liners. "The manhole liner shall meet all requirements of ASTM D 3753. MORTAR Mortar shall be composed of one part Portland Cement Type I and between two and three parts clean, well graded sand, l 00% of which shall pass a No. 8 sieve. GROUTING Grouting shall be a concrete slurty of four bags of Portland Cement Type II per cubic yard of clean, well graded sand. SectionN.doc Page 102 of 128 5/15/2012 , Y I � � � � � � � � , � � � � CJ � � � � ' � � � �� � � � � ' � � , Section 1V — Technical Specifications 49.3.2 INSTALLATION AND EXECUT{ON Excavate an area around the top of the existing manhole sufficiently wide and deep for the removal of the manhole ring and corbel section. Remove the frame and cover and corbel section without damaging the existing manhole walls. Caze is to be taken not to allow brick or soil to fall into the existing manhole. Remove or reinsert loose brick which protrude more than one inch from the interior wall of the manhole and which could interfere with the insertion of the fiberglass liner. If the shelf of the manhole invert is not level around the perimeter, form a flat shelf with mortar. Cut the liner to the proper length. Cutouts in the manhole sha11 be made to accommodate existing inlet and outlet pipes, drops and cleanouts. Lower the liner into the existing rnanhole and set the bottom of the liner into quick setting grout. Obtain a good bottom seal to prevent the loss of grout from the annulaz space between the outside of the liner and the inside wall of the existing manhole. Set the liner as nearly vertically as possible. Pour six inches of quick setting grout above the initial bottom seal in the annular void to insure an adeyuate bottom seal. Bridge the gap from drops, laterals, force mains, cleanouts and all existing piping between the existing manhole wall and the new manhole liner with P.V.C. pipe. Use quick setting mortar to seal the area around the manhole liner and piping. Fill the annular space between the manhole liner and the existing manhole interior walls with grout. Care must be taken not to deflect the manhole liner due to head pressure. Set the existing manhole ring and cover using brick to make elevation adjustments as needed. Observe watertightness and repair any visible leakage. Backfill around the new liner and compact the backfill. Sod the disturbed area. Match existing sod. Where manholes fall in paved areas, disturbed base shall be replaced twice the original thickness and compacted in 8" layers. Asphalt shall be replaced with 1 1/2" of Pinellas County Type II surface. 49.4 STRONG SEAL MS-2 LINER PRODUCT SYSTEM This specification shall govern all work to spray apply a monolithic fiber reinforced cementitious liner to the wall and bench surfaces of brick, concrete or any other construction material; Strong Seal MS 2 product. Described aze procedures for manhole preparation, cleaning, application and testing. The � applicator must be approved, trained and certified as having successfully completed factory training. The applicator/contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment and materials for applying the Strong Sea1 MS 2 product directly to the contour of the manhole to form a structural � cementitious liner of a minimum 1/2" thickness using a machine specially designed for the application. All aspects of the installation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and with the following specifications which includes: I+ 1. The elimination of active infiltration prior to making the application. 2. The removal of any loose and unsound material. � SectionIV.doc �I Page 103 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technica] Specifications 3. The spray application of a pre blended cementitious mix to form a monolithic liner in a 2 coat application. 49.4.1 MATERIALS PATCHING MiX Strong Seal shall be used as a patching mix according to the manufacturer's recommendations and sha11 have the following minimum requirements: 1. Compressive Strength (ASTM C-109) 15 min., 200 psi 6 hrs., 1,400 psi 2. Shrinkage (ASTM C-596) 28 days, 150 psi 3. Bond (ASTM C-952) 4. Cement 5. Density, when applied 49.5 INFILTRATION CONTROL 28 days, 150 psi Sulfate resistant 105 +/- 5 pcf Strong Plug shall be used to stop minor water infiltration according to the manufacture's recommendations and shall have the following minimum requirements: 1. Compressive strength (ASTM C-109) - 600 psi, 1 hr.; 1000 psi 24 hrs. 2. Bond (ASTM C-952) - 30 psi, 1 hr.; 80 psi, 24 hrs. 49.6 GROUTING MIX Strong-Seal Grout shall be used for stopping very active infiltration and filling voids according to the manufacture's recommendations. The grout shall be volume stable, and have a minimum 28 day compressive strength of 250 psi and a 1 day strength of 50 psi. 49.7 LINER MIX Strong Seal MS 2 shall be used to form the monolithic liner covering all interior manhole surfaces and shall have the following minimum requirements at 28 days: 1. Compressive strength (ASTM C 109) 3,000 psi 2. Tensile strength (ASTM C 496) 300 psi 3. Flexural strength (ASTM C 78) 600 psi 4. Shrinkage (ASTM C 596) 0% at 90% R.H. 5. Bond (ASTM C 952) 130 psi 6. Density, when applied 105 + pcf Product must be factory blended requiring only the addition of water at the Job site. Bag weight shall be 50 51 pounds and contents shall have dry bulk density of 54 to 56 pounds per cubic foot. Fiberglass rods which are contained in the product shall be alkaline resistant and shall be 1/2" to 5/8" long with a diameter of 635 to 640 microns. Products shall, in the un mixed state, have a lead content not greater than two percent (2%) by weight. SectionIV_doc Page 104 of 128 5/15/2012 � ' L� � LJ � ' � � , ' � � Section N — Technical Specifications Strong Seal MS 2C shall be made with Calcium Aluminate Cement and shall be used according to the manufactwer's recommendations in applications where there is evidence of severe sulfide conditions. Product must be factory blended requiring only the addition of water at job site. Bag weight shall be 50-51 pounds and contents must have a dry bulk density of 50 56 pounds per cubic foot. Cement content must be 65%-75% of total weight of bag. One bag of product when mixed with correct amount of water must have a wet density of 95 108 pounds per cubic foot and must yield a minimum of .67 cubic foot of volume. Fiberglass rods must be alkaline resistant with rod lengths not less than 1!2" in length nor greater than 5/8" in height. Product shall not include any basic ingredient that exceeds m�imum allowable EPA limit for any heavy metal. Manufacturer must provide MSDS sheets for product(s) to be used in reconstruction process. A two coat application of liner material will be required (no exceptions) with the first coat rough troweled to force materials into cracks and crevices to set the bond. The second coat to be spray applied to assure minimum 1/2" thickness after troweling or brush finishing to a relatively smooth finish. 49.8 WATER Shall be clean and potable. 49.9 OTHER MATERIALS No other material shall be used with the mixes previously described without prior approval or recommendation from the manufacturer. 49.10 EQUIPMENT A specially designed machine consisting of an optimized progressive cavity pump capable of � producing a minimum of 250 psi pumping pressure, contra blend mixer with twin ribbon paddles with discharge, and an air system for spray application of product. Equipment must be complete with water storage and metering system. Mixer and pump is to be hydraulically powered. ' Equipment is to be mounted to heavy duty construction tandem axle road worthy trailer complete with electric brakes and running lights. Intemal combustion engine must be included to power the hydraulic system and air compressor. � � �' LJ , 49.11 INSTALLATION AND EXECUTION 49.11.1 PREPARATION 1. Place boards over inverts to prevent extraneous material from entering the sewer lines and to prevent up stream line from flooding the manhole. 2. All foreign material shall be removed from the manhole wa11 and bench using a high pressure water spray (minimum 1,200 psi). Loose and protruding brick, mortar and SectionlV.doc Page 105 of I28 5/15r2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications concrete shall be removed using a mason's hammer and chisel and/or scraper. Fill any large voids with quick setting patching mix. 3. Active leaks shall be stopped using yuick setting specially formulated mixes according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Some leaks may require weep holes to localize the infiltration during the application after which the weep holes shall be plugged with the quick setting mix prior to the final liner application. VJhen severe infiltration is present, drilling may be required in order to pressure grout using a cementitious grout. Manufacturer's recommendations shall be followed when pressure grouting is required. 4. Any bench, invert or service line repairs shall be made at this time using the quick setting mix and following the manufacturer's recommendations. 5. After all preparation has been completed, remove all loose material. 49.11.2 MIXING For each bag of product, use the amount of water specified by the manufacturer and mix using the Spray Mate Mode135C or 35D equipment for 30 seconds to a minute after all materials have been placed in the mixing hopper. Place the mix into the holding hopper and prepare another batch with timing such that the nozzleman can spray in a continuous manner without interruption until each application is complete. 49.11.3 SPRAYING The surface, prior to spraying, shall be damp without noticeable free water droplets or running water. Materials shall be sprayed, applied to a minimum uniform thickness to insure that all cracks, crevices and voids are filled and a somewhat smooth surface remains after light troweling. The light troweling is performed to compact the material into voids and to set the bond. Not before the first application has begun to take an initial set (disappearance of surface sheen which could be 15 minutes to 1 hour depending upon ambient conditions) is the second application made to assure a minimum total finished thickness of 1/2 inch. The surface is then troweled to a smooth finish being careful not to over trowel so as to bring additional water to the surface and weaken it. A brush finish may be applied to the finished coat to remove trowel marks. Manufacturer's recommendation shall be followed whenever more tl�an 24 hours have elapsed between applications. The wooden bench covers shall be removed and the bench is sprayed such that a gradual slope is produces from the walls to the invert with the thickness at the edge of the invert being no less than 1/2 inch. The wall bench intersection shall be rounded to a uniform radius, the full circumference of the intersection. The fmal application shall have a minimum of four (4) hours cure time before being subjected to active flow 49.11.4 PRODUCT TESTING At some point during the application, at least four (4) 2 inch cubes may be prepared each day or from every 50 bags of product used, identified and sent, in accordance with the Owner's or Manufacturer's directions, for compression strength testing as described in ASTM C 109. 49.11.5 CURING Ambient manhole conditions are adequate for curing so long as the manhole is covered. It is imperative that the manhole be covered as soon as possible after the application has been completed. SectionlV.doc Page 106 of 128 5/15/2012 u ' � � � � , l� ' ' , � � � , � � � � , ' �� � � � � , �� � � � ' , � C� � ' LJ � , Section IV — Technical Specifications 49.11.6 MANHOLE TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE Manhole may be vacuum tested from the top of manhole frame to the manhole base. All pipes entering the manhole shall be plugged, taking care to securely place the plug from being drawn into the manhole. The test head shall be placed and the seal inflated in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. A vacuum pump of ten (10) inches of inercury shall be drawn and the vacuum pump shut off. With the valves closed, the time shall be measured for the vacuum to drop to nine (9) inches. The manhole shall pass if the time is greater than sixty (60) seconds for forty eight (48) inch diameter, seventy five (7S) seconds for sixty (60) inches, and ninety (90) seconds for seventy two (72) inch diameter manholes. If the manhole fails the initial test, necessary repairs shall be made. Retesting shall proceed until a satisfactory test is obtained. Tests shall be performed by the Contractor under the direction of the Project Engineer. 49.12 INNERLINE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVlCES LINER PRODUCT SYSTEM 49.12.1 SCOPE Materials and application procedures for manhole rehabilitation for the purpose of restoring structural integrity, providing conosion resistance, and stopping infiltration by means of: 1. Hydraulic grouting, where required, as a preliminary measure to stop high volume infiltration 2. Hydrophilic grouting (positive side waterproofing), where required, as follows: a. Hydrophilic foam-injected through wall of manhole to fill voids and/or b. Hydrophilic gel-injected through wall of manhole to stop active leaks 3. Cementitious waterproofing with crystallization (negative side waterproofing) 4. Calcium aluminate cement lining, minimum of 1/2 inch 5. Epoxy coating, minimum of 30 dry mils 49.12.2 MATERIALS REPAIRING CEMENT A quick setting hydraulic cement compound shall be used to plug all visible minor leaks and to instantly stop major leaks, so that further waterproofing processes may proceed unhindered. The repairing cement shall be nonshrinking, nonmetallic, and noncorrosive. The compound shall have the following properties: Set Time Tensile Strength ASTM C 307 Compressive Strength ASTM -C 109 SectionIV.doc 1-3 minutes 1 day 510 psi 3 days 745 psi 28 days 855 psi 1 day 3,125 psi 7 days 7,808 psi 28 days 9,543 psi Page I 07 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications Flexural Strength ASTM C 78 HYDROPHILtC GROUTING 1 day 410 psi 3 days 855 psi 28 days 1,245 psi Based on conditions found in and around the manhole, the applicator shall pressure inject either one or both of the following materials: 1. An expansive foam grout shall be used to stop major intrusion of water and fill cracks in and voids behind the structure's surface. Physical properties are as follows: Tensile Strength Elongation Bonding Strength 380 psi ASTM D 35�4-86 440% ASTM D 3574-86 250-300 psi , ' � � , � 2. A hydrophilic gel grout shall be used for soil stabilization behind the manhole-to prevent seepage, to provide a damming effect, and to place a hydrostatic bamer around exterior , of manhole. Physical properties are as follows: Density Tensile Strength Elongation Shrinkage Toxicity WATERPROOFING 8.75-9.171bs/gal ASTM D-3574 150 psi ASTM D- 412 250% ASTM D-3574 Less than 4% ASTM D-1042 Non Toxic A waterproofing component based on the crystallization process shall be applied. The system combines cementitious and silicate based materials that aze applied to negative side surfaces to seal and stop leakage caused by hydrostatic pressure. A combination of five coats (using three components-two powders and a special liquid) react with moisture and the constituents of the substrate to form the crystalline structure. It becomes an integral part of the structure and blocks the passage of water. With moisture present, the crystallization process will continue for approximately six months. Upon completion the color will be light grey. Physical properties are as follows: S1antlShear bond Strengih to Calcium Aluminate Cement ASTM (to be given) 1,200 1,800 psi Tensile Strength (7 day cure) ASTM C 190 Permeability (3 day cure) CRD 48 55 CEMENT LINING 380 psi (2.62 MPa) 325 psi (2.24 MPa) 8.1x10 Ilcm/sec to 7.6x10 cm/sec at 100% RH at 50% RH A self bonding calcium aluminate cement shall be applied to restore structural integrity and provide corrosion resistance qualities. The cement (before adding fibers) shall have the following properties: Calcinm Aluminate Cement 12 Hrs 24 Hrs 7 Days 28 Days SectionIV.doc Page 108 of 128 S/15/2012 � � � ' , � � � � � � , ' , , � � I� ' Section IV — Technical Specifications Astm C 495 Compressive Strength, Psi 7000 11000 12000 1300� Astm C 293 Flexural Strength, Psi 1000 1500 1800 2000 Astm C 596 Shrinkage At 90% Humidiry -- <0.04 <0.06 <O.U8 Astm C 666 Freeze-Thaw Aft 300 Cycle No Damage Astm C 990 Pull - Out Strength 200 - 230 Psi Tensile Astm C 457 Air Void Content (7 Days) 3% A.stm C 497 Porosiry/Adsorption Test 4- 5°/a Modules of Elasticity: 7.10 X 10 PSI after 24 Hrs moist curing at 68 F. The calcium aiuminate cement shall be reinforced with inert fibers which comply with ASTM C 1116 and ASTM C 1018, added at the rate of one pound per cubic yard of concrete. The mixture shall be applied to a thickness of at least one half inch, but no greater than two inches. It will have a dark grey color. EPDXY COATING � A high build, flexible waterproofing epoxy shall be applied to a minimum of 30 dry mils. T'his epoxy will seal structure from moisture and provide protective qualities to the surface, including excellent resistance to chemical attack and abrasion. The epoxy sha11 be 100% solids, can be , applied to damp surfaces, cures to a tile like finish, is easy to clean, and has no toxic fumes. Its uses include sewage treatment plants and other sewer structures. The epoxy shall have the following properties at 75 degrees F: ' ' , ' � � , u Mixing Ratio (Parts A:B), by volume Color (other colors available on request) Pot Life, hrs Tensile Strength, psi, min Tensile Elongation, % Water Extractable Substances, mg./sq. in., max Bond Strength to Cement (ASTM 882) psi CHEMICAL RESISTANCE l:l Light Gray 1 2,000 10 —20 5 1,800 Alcohols, Trichloroethylene, Nitric Acid (3%), Jet Fuels, Water, Sulfuric Acid (3% 10%), MEK, Wine, Butyl Acetate, Beer, Lactic Acid (3%), Gasoline, Corn Oil, Aluminum Sulfate, Paraf�in Oil, Vegetable Juice, Sodium Chloride, Motor Oil, Hydrochloric Acid (3%), and many others. 49.12.3 INSTALLATION AND EXECUTION PROCEDURAL OVERVIEW Work shall proceed as follows: 1. Remove rungs (steps), if desired by client. 2. Clean manhole and remove debris. , SectionIV.doc ' a. Plug lines and/or screen out displaced debris. b. Apply acid wash, if necessary, to clean and degrease. c. Hydroblast and/or sand blast structure. Page 109 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technica2 Specifications d. Remove debris from work azea. 3. Repair minor defects in wa11s, benches, and inverts, as required, with repairing cement. (Note: Major structural repairs, such as rebuilding of benches, will also be made as required by client. 4. Inject hydrophilic grout through all surfaces, as needed, to eliminate infiltration. 5. Apply cementitious/crystallization waterproofing agents to a11 surfaces, repeating steps as needed. 6. Spray and/or hand apply calcium aluminate cement lining to all surfaces. 7. Spray apply epoxy coating to all surfaces. NOTE: Steps 1-5 shall be executed consecutively with minimal delays; calcium aluminate (Step 6) sha11 require a cure time of at least twenty-four hours for needed adhesion of epoxy (Step 7) to cement lining. PREPARATION An acid wash shall be used (if needed} to clean and degrease. Then, if the client desires, the rungs shall be removed. Next, the entire structure is thoroughly water and/or sand blasted to remove any loose or deteriorated material. Care shall be taken to prevent any loose material from entering lines and other areas by either plugging the lines ( where feasible) or inserting protective screens. 49,12.3.3 STRUCTURAL REPAIR Hand place or spray apply hydraulic cement material as necessary to prepared surface to fill cracks and voids in structure. Allow twenty (20) minutes before applying waterpmofing/crystallization. INFILTRATION CONTROL Pressure injection of hydrophilic gel and hydrophilic foam. 1. Dri115/8" holes through active leaking surface. 2. Install all zert fittings, as recommended by manufacturer. 3. Inject material until water flow stops. 4. Remove fittings (if necessary). WATERPROOFING/CRYSTALLIZATION PROCESS 1. Apply a slurry coat of powder #1 to moist wall using a stiff brush, forming an undercoat. 2. Apply dry powder #2 to slurry coat by hand. 3. Brush or spray on sealing liquid during the application to penetrate and initiate the crystal forming process. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, until there aze no visible leaks. 5. Apply powder #1 as an overcoat. 6. Allow one (1) hour to cure before applying cement lining. SectionIV.doc Page I 10 of 128 5,�52��2 r C� � ' , � LJ ' ' � ���' ' � ' ' ' Section N — Technical Specifications CEMENT LINING 1. Dampen surface. 2. Mix material in mixer as recommended for spray or hand trowel application. 3. Apply cement until required build up of at least one half inch (and no more than 2 inches) has been achieved_ 4. Trowel to smooth finish, restoring contours of manhole. 5. Texture brush surface to prepaze for epoxy finish. 6. Allow for a 24-hour cure time prior to epoxy coating. NOTE: If conditions of heavy humidity prevail, a dry air blower shall be used to facilitate curing times. EPDXY COATING Spray apply epoxy coating using airless spraying equipment until surface is visibly covered and a thickness of at least 30 mils has been achieved. Manhole may be safely entered after six (6) hours, as epoxy will be hardened. Full cure strength will be achieved at forty eight (48) hours. CLEAN UP The work crew shall remove all debris and clean work area. MANHOLE TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE Manhole may be vacuum tested from the top of manhole fiame to the manhole base. All pipes entering the manhole shall be plugged, taking care to securely place the plug from being drawn into the manhole. The test head shall be placed and the seal inflated in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. A vacuum pump of ten (10) inches of inercury shall be drawn and the vacuum pump shut off. With the valves closed, the time shall be measured for the vacuum to drop to nine (9) inches. The manhole shall pass if the time is greater than sixty (60) seconds for forty eight (48) inch diameter, seventy five (75) seconds for sixty (60) inches, and ninety (90) seconds for seventy two (72) inch diameter manholes. If the manhole fails the initial test, necessary repairs shall be made. Retesting shall proceed until a satisfactory test is obtained. Tests shall be performed by the Contractor under the direction of the Project Engineer. WARRANTY All materials and workmanship sha11 be warranted to the Owner for a period of five (5) years, provided that all the above mentioned repair steps are used. ' 50 PROJECT INFORMATION SIGNS This article deleted. See SECTION III, ARTICLE 23 — PROJECT INFORMATION SIGNS. , 51 IN-LINE SKATING SURFACING SYSTEM � � ' 51.1 SCOPE 1. These specifications pertain to the application of the Plexiflor Color Finish System over recreational areas intended for In-Line Skating activities. The materials specified in the SectionN.doc Page l l I of 128 5/l5/2012 Section IV —Technical Specifications site plans shall be of colors indicated and for application over the Plexipave Acrylic Latex System. 2. The work shall consist of suitable cleaning and preparation of the surface to assure a satisfactory bond of the system to the existing surface. 3. All coverage rates are calculated prior to dilution. 4. Plexiflor In-line Skating Surfacing System • 1 Coat ofAcrylic Resurfacer • 2 Coats of Fortified Plexipave • 2 Coats of Plexiflor • Plexicolor Line Paint 51.2 SURFACE PREPARATIONS 51.2.1 ASPHALT Allow new asphalt to cure a minimum of 6 months. The surface must be checked for birdhaths, cracks and other irregularities and repaired with Court Patch Binder according to California Specification Section 10.14. (Surfacing prior to six months may make the asphalt subject to indentation). 51.2.2 CONCRETE Concrete shall have a wood float or broom finish. DO NOT PROVIDE STEEL TROWEL FINISH. DO NOT USE CURING AGENTS OR CONCRETE HARDENERS. Allow the concrete to cure a minimum of 30 days. Acid Etch the entire surface with Concrete Preparer according to California Specification Section 1 d.13. Check surface for birdbaths, cracks and other irregularities and repair with Court Patch Binder according to California Specification Section 10.14. 51.2.3 COURT PATCH BINDER MIX Court Patch Binder Mix: 100 Lbs. #80-100 Mesh Silica Sand (dry} 3 gallons Couth Patch Binder 1 to 2 gallons Portland Cement. 51.3 APPLICATION OF ACRYLIC FILLER COAT 1. Application of the Acrylic Resurfacer Mix shall be applied to the clean, dry, level surfaces to receive the Plexiflor Surfacing System. The mix shall be applied according to California Specification Section 10.8 using the following mix: Acrylic Resurfacer Water (Clean and Potable) Sand (60-80 mesh) Liquid Yield 55 gallons 20-40 gallons 600-900 pounds 112-138 gallons 2. Over asphalt surfaces, apply the Acrylic Resurfacer Mix in one or two coats (depending on surface porosity) at a rate of .OS -.07 gallons per square yard per coat. 3. Non-coated concrete surfaces must be neutralized with concrete preparer and primed with California Ti-Coat according to Specification Section 10.17. The Acrylic Resurfacer Mix SectionlV.doc Page ] l2 of 128 5/15/2012 L_ J ' � '� J ' ' ' � ' � , ' , , , � , , �J ' ' � ' , ' Section N — Technical Specifications must be applied within 3 hours of the TiCoat application while the primer is dry but still tacky to the touch. Apply the Acrylic Resurfacer Mix in one or two applications at a rate of .OS-.07 gallons per square yard per coat. 51.4 APPLICATION OF FORTIFIED PLEXIPAVE After the filler coat application has dried, apply two coats of Fortified Plexipave at an undiluted rate of .OS-.07 gallons per square yard per coat using the following mix: Plexipave Color Base Plexichrome Water 51.5 PLEXIFLOR APPLICATION 30 gallons 20 gallons 20 gallons 1. Ple�flor is factory premixed and ready to use from the container. The material may be � diluted with one (1 ) part water to six (6) parts Plexiflor to improve flowability and provide uniform application. � , ' ' � L_I � �I ' , l� ' 2. Apply two coats of Plexiflor at a rate of .04-.OS gallons per square yard per coat. 3. Plexiflor is applied (in a similar manner to Plexipave) in windrows on the surface with sufficient quantity to cover as the squeegee is pulled over the surface. Apply only light pressure to the squeegee. Do not allow ridges to form between passes of the squeegee. Ridges existing after material dries should require corrective action. 4. Plexiflor and its preliminary coatings should be allowed to thoroughly dry prior to application of subsequent coats. 51.6 PLAYING LINES Four hours minimuxn after completion of the color resurfacing, playing lines shall be accurately located, marked and painted with Plexicolor Line Paint as specified by The National In-Line Hockey Association. 51.7 GENERAL 1. The contractor shall remove all containers, surplus materials and debris upon completion of work leaving the site in a clean, orderly condition that is acceptable to the owner. Gates shall be secured and all containers shall be disposed of in accordance with Local, State and Federal regulations. 2. Materials specified for the Plexiflor System shall tee delivered to the site in sealed, property labeled arusns with California Products Corporation labels that aze stenciled with the proper batch code numbers. Products packaged or labeled in any other manner will not be accepted. Mixing with clear, fresh water shall only be done at the job site. Coverage rates are based upon material prior to mixing with water as specified. 51.8 LIMITATIONS 1. Do not apply if surface temperature is less than 50°F or more than 1 40°F. 2. Do not apply when rain or high humidity is imminent. 3. Do not apply when surface is damp or has standing water. SectionIV.doc Page I l3 of l28 5!I S/2012 Section N — Technical Specifications 4. Plexiflor will not hide surface imperfections of previous coatings. 5. Keep from freezing. Do not store in the hot sun. 6. Keep containers tightly closed when not in use. 7. Plexiflor will not prevent substrate cracks from occurring. 8. Plexiflor will mark slightly from normal use of some In-line Skates. 9. Coefficient of friction = 0.78 10. Coating Application Drying Time: 30 minutes to 1 hour at 70°F with 60% relative humidity. 11. Keep court clean. Excess dirt or foreign material can cause the surface to be slippery. In-Line hockey is a physical sport. Always wear NIHA recommended protective gear. 52 RESIDENT NOTIFICATION OF START OF CONSTRUCTION This article deleted. See SECTION III, ARTICLE 22 - RESIDENT NOTIFICATION OF START OF CONSTRUCTION. 53 GABIONS AND MATTRESSES 53.1 MATERIAL 53.1.1 GABION AND RENO MATTRESS MATERIAL PVC COATED WIRE MESH GABIONS � MATTRESSES Gabion & mattress basket units shall be of non-raveling construction and fabricated from a double twist by twisting each pair of wires through three half turns developing the appearance of a triple twist. The galvanized wire core shall have a diameter of 0.1063 inches (approx. US gauge 12). All wire used in the fabrication of the gabion shall comply with or exceed Federal Specifications QQ-W-461H, possess a maximum tensile strength of 70,000 p.s.i. with a Finish 5, Class 3 zinc coating in accordance with the current ASTM A-641. The weight of zinc coating shall be determined by ASTM A-94. The grade of zinc used for coating shall be High Grade or Special High Grade, as prescribed in ASTM B-6, Table 1. Uniformity of coating shall equal or exceed four 1-minute dips by the Preece test, as determined by ASTM A-239. The PVC coating shall be extruded and adhere to the wire core prior to weaving. The PVC coated wire shall be woven into a double twisted hexagonal mesh having uniform openings of 3 I/4 inches by 4%z inches. The overall diameter of the mesh wire (galvanized wire core plus PVC coating} shall be O.I46 inches. Selvedge and reinforcing wire shall be of heavily galvanized wire core, 0.1338 inches in diameter (approx. US gauge 10), coated with PVC and having an overall diameter (galvanized wire core plus PVC coating) of 0.173 inches. Lacing and connecting wire shall be of soft tensile strength (75,000 PSI max), heavily galvanized wire core, 0.087 inches in diameter (approx. US gauge 13 'h}, coated with PVC and having an overall diameter (galvanized wire core plus PVC coating) of 0.127 inches. The use of altemate wire fasteners shall be permitted in lieu of tie wire providing the alternate fastener produces a four (4) wire selvedge joint with a strength of 1200 lbs. per linear foot while remaining in a locked and closed condition. Properly formed interlocking fasteners shall be spaced from 4 to 6 inches and have a minimum 3/4 square inch inside area to properly confine the required selvedge wires. Tiger-Tite SectionN.doc Page 114 of l28 5/15/2012 , ' C�� � �J , � �l ' � � �� � lI , ' , ' ' ' ' � ' ' ' � � � Section IV — Technical Specifications Interlocking Fasteners are an approved alternate joint material. The Interlocking Wire Fastener shall meet stainless steel material specification ASTM A-313, Type 302, Class 1, or equal. All of the above wire diameters are subject to tolerance limit of 0.004 inches in accordance with ASTM A-641. PVC (POLYVINYL CHLORIDE) COATING The coating shall be gray in color and shall have a nominal thickness of 0.0216 inches but not less than O.OlS inches in thickness. The protective PVC plastic shall be suitable to resist deleterious effects from exposure to light, immersion in salt or polluted water and shall not show any material difference in its initial compound properties. The PVC compound is also resistant to attack from acids and resistant to abrasion. l . Specific Gravity: a. According to ASTM D-2287 and ASTM D- 792; in the range of l.30 to 1.34. 2. Tensile Strength: a. According to ASTM D-142; not less than 2980 psi. ' 3. Modulus of ElasticiTy: a. According to ASTM D-412; not less than 2700 psi at 100% strain. � i ' , ' ' -, ' ' ' 4. Resistance to Abrasion: a. According to ASTM l 242; weight loss <12% (Method B). 5. Brittleness Temperature: a. According to ASTM D-746, Procedure A; shall be at least 8.3 degrees centigrade below the minimum temperature at which the gabions will be handled or placed but not lower than -9.4 degrees centigrade. 6. Hazdness: a. According to ASTM D-2240; shall be between 50 and 60 Shore D when tested. 7. Creeping Corrosion: a. Maximum corrosion penetration to the wire core from a square cut end section shall not be more than 25mm when the specimen has been immersed for 2000 hours in a 50% SOLUTION HC l(hydrochloric acid 12 Be). ACCELERATED AGING TESTS Variation of the initial properties will be allowed, as specified below, when the specimen is submitted to the following Accelerated Aging Tests: l. Salt Spray Test: a. According to ASTM B-117 b. Period of test = 3000 hours. ' 2. Exposure to ultraviolet rays: a. According to AST'M D-1499 and ASTM G-23 (Apparatus Type E}. Period of test = 3000 hours at 63 degrees centigrade. ' SectionIV.doc , Page 115 of ] 28 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications 3. Exposure to high temperature: a. Testing period: 24� hours at 105 degrees centigrade, when tested in accordance with ASTM D- 1203 and ASTM D-2287. PROPERTIES AFTER AGING TESTS After the above Accelerated Aging Tests have been performed, the PVC compound shall exhibit the following properties: 1. Appearance: a. The vinyl coating shall not crack, blister or split and shall not show any remarkable change in color. 2. Specific Gravity: a. Shall not show change higher than 6% of its initial value. 3. Durometer Hardness: a. Shall not show change higher than 10% of its initial value. 4. Tensile Strength: a. Shall not show change higher than 25% of its initial value. 5. Elongation: a. Shall not show change higher than 25% of its initial value. 6. Modulus of Elasticity: a. Shall not show change higher than 25% of its initial value. 7. Resistance to Abrasion: a. Shall not show change higher than 10% of its initial value. 8. Brittleness Temperature: a. Cold Bend Temperature - Shall not be lower than -20 degrees centigrade. b. Cold Flex Temperature - Shall not be higher than +18 degrees centigrade. 53.1.2 GABION AND MATTRESS FILLER MATERIAL: The filler stone sha11 be limestone from a source approved by the Engineer before delivery is started. Representative preliminary samples of the stone shall be submitted by the contractor or supplier for examination and testing by the Engineer. The stone shall have a minimum specific gravity of 2.3 and be of a quality and durability sufficient to insure permanency in the structure. The individual stones shall be free of cracks, seams, and other defects that would tend to promote deterioration from natural causes, or which might reduce the stones to sizes that could not be retained in the gabion or mattress baskets. The stone shall meet the following physical requirements: � Absorption, maximum 5% • Los Angeles Abrasion (FM l OT096), maximum loss 45% • Soundness (Sodium Sulphate), (FM 1-T104), maximum loss 12% SectionIV.doc Page 116 of 128 5/15/2012 ' � , , � ' � i �u � ' � I'J � ' �; � � � Section IV — Technical Specifications • Flat and elongated pieces, materials with least dimension less than one third of greatest dimension shall not exceed 5% by weight. All filler material shall be uniformly graded between 4 inch and 8 inch (equivalent spherical diameter) and shall be angular in form. Rounded stones shall not exceed 10% of the stone, by weight and 7Q% of the stone, by weight, shall exceed the largest dimension of the mesh opening. 53.1.3 MATTRESS WIRE Mattress wire shall conform to the same specifications as gabions except as follows: 1. The nominal diameter of the wire used in the fabrica�tion of the netting shall be 4.0866 inches minimum, subject to diameter tolerance in accordance with the current ASTM A 641, Table 3. 2. All wire shall be galvanized according to ASTM A 641, Table 1. The minimum weight of the zinc coating shall be 0.70 ozs./sq. ft. for the 0.0866 inch wire used for mesh and lacing and 0.80 ozs./sq. ft. for the 0.106 wire used for selvedge. 3. Adhesion of the zinc coating to the wire shall be capable of being wrapped in a close helix at a rate not exceeding l5 turns per minute around a cylindrical steel mandrel having a diameter 3 times the nominal wire diameter being tested. After the wrap test is completed, the wire shall not exhibit any cracking or flaking of the zinc coating to such an extent that any zinc can be removed by rubbing with bare fingers. 53.1.4 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC Fabric shall conform to FDOT Standard Index 199, Type D-2, and FDOT Standard Specifications, 1996 edition, Section 985. 53.2 PERFORMANCE Gabions and Reno Mattresses shall be installed according to the manufacturer's recommendations and as shown on the Drawings. Fabrication of gabion baskets shall be in such a manner that the sides, ends, lid and diaphragms can be assembled at the construction site into rectangulaz baskets of the sizes specified and shown on the Drawings. Gabions and mattresses shall be of single unit construction; the base, lid ends and sides shall be either woven into a single unit or one edge of these members connected to the base section of the gabion in such a manner that the strength and flexibility at the connecting point is at least equal to that of the mesh. Where the length of the gabion and mattress exceeds one and one-half its horizontal width, they shall be equally divided by diaphragms of the same mesh and gauge as the mattresses shall be furnished with the necessary diaphragms secured in proper position on the base so that no additional tying is required at this juncture. The wire mesh is to be fabricated so that it will not ravel. This is defined as the ability to resist pulling apart at any of the twists or connections forming the mesh when a single wire strand in a section of inesh is cut. Each gabion or mattress shall be assembled by tying all untied edges with binding wire. The � binding wire shall be tightly looped around every other mesh opening along seams so that single and double loops are alternated. ' 1 ' A line of empty gabions shall be placed into position according to the contract drawings and binding wire shall be used to securely tie each unit to the adjoining one along the vertical reinforced edges and the top selvedges. The base of the empty gabions placed on top of a filled line of gabions shall be tightly wire to the latter at front and back. SectionIV.doc Page 117 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications To achieve better alignment and finish in retaining walls, gabion stretching is recommended. Connecting wires shall be inserted during the filling operation in the following manner: Gabions shall be filled to one third full and one connecting wire in each direction shall be tightly tied to opposite faces of each cell at one third height. The gabion shall then be filled to two thirds full and one connecting wire in each direction shall be tightly tied to opposite face of each cell at one two third height. The cell shall then be filled to the top. Filler stone shall not be dropped more than 12" into the gabions and mattresses. Geotextile fabric shall be installed at Iocations shown in the Drawings. The surface to receive the cloth shall be prepazed to a relatively smooth condition free of obstructions which may tear or cut the cloth. The panel shall be overlapped a minimum of 30 inches and secured against movement. Cloth damaged or displaced during installation, gabion work, or backfill shall be replaced or repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer at the contractor's expense. The work shall be scheduled so that the fabric is not exposed to ultraviolet light more than the manufacturer's recommendations or five days, whichever is less. 54 LAWN MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS 54.1 SCOPE To remove trash and debris from ]andscape and paved area; maintenance and fertilization of plant beds and landscape materials; maintenance, repair, and operation of irrigation systems; ornamental pest control; palm pruning; maintenance of traffic; and the cleaning of hazd surfaces at designated areas. The Contractor is to work with the City in coordinating maintenance activities and reporting irregularities in the work zone. The Contractor(s) will provide the labor and materials required to maintain the landscaped street medians including: • Tra�ic safety and Maintenance of Tr�c; • Trash and debris removal from the job site; • Removal of weeds in landscaped areas and hard surfaces; • Proper trimming and pruning of landscape plants and palms; • Proper fertilization and pest control of landscape and palms (may be subcontracted); • Irrigation service and repair; • Mu1ch replacement; • Cleaning of hard surfaces; and the • Reporting of irregularities at the job site. 54.2 SCHEDULING OF WORK The Contractor(s) shall accomplish all landscape maintenance required under the contract between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, excluding observed holidays. The City may grant, on an individual basis, permission to perform contract maintenance at other hours. All work shall be completed in a continuous manner, that is the cleanup, weeding, trimming, etc., be completed before leaving the job site. SectionN.doc Page 118 of 128 5l15/2012 � � � � ' , LJ , ' � ' � ' , � ' � u � ' ' 1 � � � � � � � Section N — Technicat Specifications 54.3 WORK METHODS 54.3.1 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULING The Contractor(s) will adhere to a work schedule provided by the City (see Level of Service). Any variations to that schedule, requested by either party, must be approved, either verbally or in writing by an authorized representative of the other party. 54.3.2 DUTIES PER SERVICE VISIT The contractor(s) shall provide the following service at each scheduled visit to the designated location: 54.4 LITTER Remove trash and debris from the area to be maintained. Proper disposal of collected trash and debris is a requirement of the contractor. Extraordinary amounts of debris caused by hurricanes, tornadoes, vandalism, etc., would be the responsibility of the City to clean up. The contractor should report such accumulations of debris when they are encountered. Bids for the extraordinary cleanup from the contractor would be considered. 54.5 VISUAL CHECK The site should be checked for irregularities, such as imgation leaks, vehicle damage, dead or damaged plant material, vandalism, etc., which should be reported to the City within 24 hours after providing the service. 54.6 PLANT TRIMMING AND PALM PRUNING � All plant material should be trimmed in a manner that promotes the natural shape and mature size of the particular specie. Trimming should be performed at intervals that will maintain plants in a neat appearance. Trimming should be performed to promote fullness of the plants, while � maintaining height restrictions in Clear Sight Zones as established on the landscape plans. Plants shall be kept trimmed to the back of curb. Brown foliage shall be removed from Liriope. ' P! , u � � � Palm pruning to be performed at least once per year, preferably in late June or July following flower formation, according to the following specifications: 54.7 PHOENIX SPECIES (CANARY DATE, INDIA DATE, PYGMY DATE, ETC.) Remove all descending fronds, to the base of the frond; all parallel and ascending fronds are to remain in order to leave a full, rounded head; seed heads may remain, but remove old faded heads that are encountered in the pruning process; remove loose frond boots; remove vegetation; such as strangler figs, Brazilian Pepper, Asparagus fern, etc., growing in the frond boots or on the trunk. Provide the rounded, classic cut on all Medjool palm boots. No climbing spikes allowed on palms. 54.8 DEBRIS REMOVAL All debris from pruning process is to be removed from the job site and disposed of by the contractor. Work sites should be left in a clean and neat appearance upon completion. SectionlV.doc Page 119 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications 54.9 TRAFFIC CONTROL Proper and safe work zones in vehicular traffic areas are to be set up and maintained by the contractor, according to the attached Maintenance of Tr�c specifications. 54.10 PEDESTRIAN SAFETY Contractor is responsible for maintaining safe work zones in areas where pedestrian and park users are present. The City reserves the right to limit the howrs of operation in certain high pedestrian use areas. 54.11 PLANT FERTILIZATION All tree and plant material should be fertilized with the appropriate amount of 20-6-12 sulfur coated, slow release, ornamental fertilizer, three times per year. Applications should be made in mid-February, early June, and mid-September, for the first two years. Fertilizer types and amounts will change with requirements of maturing landscape materials. 54.12 WEED REMOVAL IN LANDSCAPED AREA Weeds should be removed on a regular basis in order to keep them from being visibly noticeable. Weed control with the use of appropriate herbicides is allowable, given they are properly applied by a certified applicator. Herbicide damage to landscape material will be remedied by contractor at his/her expense. 54.13 MULCH CONDITION Should be maintained at a thickness that will discourage weed growth as well as help retain soil moisture, usually 3 inches. 54.14 tRRIGATION SERVICE AND REPAIR Should be perFormed at each visit to assure the systems proper operation and timing. Drip tubing shouid be kept covered with mulch. Timer shouid be checked for proper time of day and operating schedule. Leaks or breaks in the system should be repaired before the next scheduled system running time. All repairs which will be charged at $20.00 or more must be approved in advance by the city. Minor repairs, less than $20.00, should be billed to the City in addition to the monthly maintenance fee. 54.15 LAWN AND ORNAMENTAL PEST CONTROL Should be performed by a properly licensed and certified applicator to keep pest populations at a Iess than damaging level. Landscape materials lost to or extensively damaged by pests will be replaced by the contractor at the contractor's expense. Diazinon products are not to be used on City properties. 54.16 PALM FERTILIZATION Apply three pounds of Magnesium sulfate and one pound of Potassium evenly, per tree, across the root zone (typically within the dripline), annually in early February. SectionIV.doc Page 120 of 128 5/15/2012 ' � � � � � Y� �� �� 6� ' � � � � � � � � �9 � � i � I�� � � � � � �_ , � � Section IV — Technical Specifications 54.17 FREEZE PROTECTION The City will provide a freeze/frost protection fabric for the Contractor to install over freeze/frost sensitive plants (Lantana and Pentas). The covering material will be stored at a City facility (yet to be determined). Contractor will remove the covering material from storage and install over the sensitive plants, securely fastening edges of the material to the ground per manufacturer's directions. The City will fizrnish metal pins needed for securing fabric to the ground. The City will notify the Contractor one (1) day or twenty-four (24) hours minimum prior to the need to protect plant material. After uses, the Contractor will prepare the fabric for storage and return it to the designated City facility. Protective covering shall be removed the following afternoon or remain in place as directed by the City. The City shall notify the Contractor by I 1:00 a.m. about removing the cover or keeping it in place due to continued freezing temperatures. The City may cancel the freeze protection event at any time prior to the end of the scheduled installation day (5:00 p.m.) The Contractor will be compensated for the number of hours mobilization or on-site work at the contracted rate per man-hour unit price. The Contractor shall provide a unit price for the installation and removal of the covering fabric on a per event basis, as well as an hourly rate per employee required. The City and contractor will coordinate appropriate irrigation operations with weather conditions. Should freeze/frost damage occur, the Contractor shall perform remedial work as per unit basis, as directed by the City. 54.18 LEVEL OF SERVICE This location is to be serviced weekly. Repairs to damage or vandalism to be made within 7 working days of reported irregularity. Weekly visits should occur no closer than six and no further than ten calendaz days apart. 54.19 COMPLETION OF WORK Within 24 hours of completing work the contractor shall notify the supervisor assigned to monitor the contract either in person or by phone of said completion. It is acceptable to leave a phone message. However, to make certain the message is received, it is advisable to call between 6:30 a.m. — 7:30 a.m. or 2:30 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. 54.20 INSPECTION AND APPROVAL Upon receiving notification from the Contractor, the City shall inspect the serviced location the following business day. If, upon inspection, the work specified has not been completed, the City shall contact the Contractor to indicate the necessary corrective measures. The Contractor will be given 48 hours from this notification to make appropriate corrections. If the work has been completed successfully then the City will pay for services billed. 54.21 SPECIAL CONDITIONS ]. This location will be newly installed and under wananty by the installer for a six month period on plants and 12 month warranty on palms. Landscape installer will coordinate irrigation operation with the Maintenance contractor to assure adequate irrigation to the landscape materials. Installer will also be responsible for the untying of palm heads/fronds as he feels appropriate. 2. All listed acreage or square footage figures are estimates. � SectionN.doc � Page 121 of 128 5115/2012 55 Section IV —Technical Specifications 3. All maintenance shall be performed in a good and workmanlike manner, consistent with trade practices and standards which prevail in the industry. 4. The Contractor shall be responsible for damage to any plant material or site feature caused by the Contractor or his/her employees. The Contractor shall be notified in writing of the specific nature of the damage and cost of repair. The City shall, at its option, invoice the Contractor for the payment, or reduce by the amount of the repairs the next regular payment to the Contractor. 5. Occasionally circumstances (standing water, prolonged inclement weather, parked vehicles, etc.) may make all or portions of a location unserviceable during the regular schedule. The Contractor shall notify the City Supervisor of such occurrences, and sha11 schedule to perform the required maintenance to the location as soon as the pertaining circumstances are relieved. MILLING OPERATIONS 55.1 EQUIPMENT, CONSTRUCTION & MIL�ED SURFACE Unless otherwise noted in the specs, plans or this Article, the milling operation shall be performed in accordance with Section 327 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). The Contractor shall notify the Project Inspector a minimum of 24 hours in advance of all milling. 55.2 ADDfTIONAL MILLING REQUIREMENTS l. If the milling machine is equipped with preheating devices, the contractor is responsible to secure any necessary permits, and for complying with all local, state and federal environmental regulations governing operation of this type of equipment. 2. All millecl surfaces must be repaved within seven days from the time it was milled, unless otherwise noted in the contract documents. 3. Prior to paving, all milled areas shall be swept with a Municipal type sweeper either of the vacuum or the mechanical type, that picks up and hauls off, dust and dirt. The sweeper must be equipped with its own water supply for pre-wetting to minimize dust. Moreover, the Contractor shall sweep debris off of sidewalks, driveways and curbs in addition to the roadways before leaving the job site. 4. In cases where concrete valley swales are present, the adjoining pavement shall be milled to allow for the new asphalt grade to be flush with the concrete surface. 5. The Contractor shall be responsible for removing any asphalt that remains in the curb line andJor median curbs after the milling operation of a street is complete. The cost of this removal shall be included in the bid item for milling. 6. All radius returns on streets to be milled shall also be milled uriless otherwise directed by the Engineer, with payment to be included in the bid item for milling. 7. Any leveling or base replacement required after milling shall be applied to sections of the road as noted on the plans, or directed by the Engineer, per Section 330 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications for S-Type resurfacing projects or Section 330 (latest edition) for superpave resurfacing projects. The cost shall be included in the per ton unit cost for asphalt, unless otherwise noted in the project scope and plans. SectionIV.dce Page 122 of ] 28 5l15/2012 � � � � � � � � � � � � Y� � � � LJ � � � � � � Section IV — Technical Specifications 8. Any roadway base materiat exposed as a result of the milling operation shall be primed that same day (unless otherwise directed by the Engineer) per Section 300 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). Repairs required to said base that result from a failure to place the prime in a timely manner shall be done to the City's satisfaction, and at the Contractor's expense. No paving of the exposed base can commence until the City approves the repaired base. The cost of said prime shall be included in the bid item for milling. 9: Prior to the placement of asphalt, the face of all curbs and driveways shall be tacked after the milling operation is complete. 55.3 SALVAGEABLE MATERIALS All swrplus existing materials resulting from milling operations shall remain the property of the City. The transporting and stockpiling of salvageable materials shall be performed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall contact the Public Services Division at (72'n 562-4950 to schedule delivery of material. 55.4 DISPOSABLE MATERIALS All surplus materials not claimed by the City shall become the property of the Contractor. The Contractor shall dispose of the material in a timely manner and in accordance with all regulatory requirements in areas provided by the Contractor at no additional expense to the City. 55.5 ADJUSTMENT AND LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES All utilities and related structures requiring adjustment shall be located and adjusted by their owners at the owner's expense. The Contractor shall arrange his schedule to allow utility owners the time required for such adjustments (minimum 48 hours notice per State Statute). All utility adjustments shall be completed prior to the commencement of milling and resurfacing operations. 55.6 ADJUSTMENT OF UTILITY MANHOLES The necessary adjustments of sanitary sewer and stormwater utility manholes and appurtenances shall be accomplished by the Contractor in accordance with Section IV, Article 23.7 of the City's Technical Specifications. 55.7 TYPES OF MILLING There are two types of milling used by the City: A. Wedge — This will consist of milling a six foot wide strip along the curb line of the � pavement adjacent to the curb so the new asphalt will align with the original curb height and pavement cross section. B. Full Width — This will consist of milling the entire roadway (i.e. curb line/edge of � pavement to curb line/edge of pavement). All existing horizontal and vertical geometry shall remain unless otherwise indicated or approved by the Engineer. � SectionIV.doc � Page 123 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV —Technical Specifications 55.8 MILLING 4F INTERSECTIONS Intersections, as well as other areas (including radius returns) are to be milled and repaved to restore and/or improve the original drainage chazacteristics. Said work should extend approximately 50 to l00 feet in both directions from the low point of the existing swale. 55.9 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The quantiTy to be paid for will be the area milled, in square yards, completed and accepted. 55.10 BASIS OF PAYMENT The unit price for milling shall include: all materials, preparation, hauling, transporting and stockpiling of salvageable materials, disposal of all surplus material, any required milling of radius reiurns and intersections, prime andlor tack coat either required or placed at Engineer's discretion, removal of asphalt from curbs, sweeping, labor, equipment, and all incidentals necessary to complete the milling in accordance with the plans and specifications. 56 CLEARING AND GRUBBING The work included in this specification includes the removal and disposal of all structures, appurtenances, asphalt, concrete, curbs, walls, trees, roots, vegetation, boulders, conduits, poles, posts, pipes, inlets, brush, stumps, debris and other obstructions resting on or protruding through the ground surface necessary to prepare the area for construction. Clearing and grubbing shall be performed in accordance with Section 110 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, the Contractor shall take ownership of all removed material and dispose of them off-site in accordance with all Local, State and Federal Requirements. 56.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurement shall be either a lump sum quantity or the number of acres cleared and grubbed as specified on the plans or directed by the Engineer. 56.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT The pay item for clearing and grubbing shall include: all removal and disposal of materials and structures as well as all materials, hauling, equipment, tools, labor, leveling of terrain, landscape trimming and all incidentals necessary to complete the work. 57 RIPRAP The work included in this specification includes the construction of either sand-cement or rubble riprap as shown on the plans. The riprap shall be constructed per Section 530 of FDOT's Standazd Specifications (latest edition). 57.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurement for riprap shall be the volume of sand used in cubic yards for sand- cement, or the dry weight in tons for rubble. SectionIV.doc Page 124 of 128 5/15/2012 � � �� � � � � � � 1 __� � � � fJ Section N — Technical Specifications 57.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT � The pay item for sand-cement riprap shall include: all materials, testing, labor, grout, hauling, equipment, excavation, backfill, dressing and shaping for placement of sand-cement and all mcidentals necessary to complete the work. � � �i The pay item for rubble riprap shall include: all materials, required bedding stone, dressing and shaping for placement of bedding stone, filter fabric, testing, hauling, excavating, backfill, dressing and shaping for placement of rubble, and all incidentals necessary to complete the work. No payment will be granted if concrete or stone that exists on-site is used as rubble riprap. 58 TREATMENT PLANT SAFETY This article applies to all City projects located at one of the City's Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) or Potable Water Reservoirs. 58.1 HAZARD POTENTIAL The Contractor shall be aware that hazardous materials are used at the WWTP's and the water reservoirs. These may include sodium hypochlorite, gaseous chlorine, sulfiu dioxide and ammonia. Potential safety hazards associated with these substances include: • An accidental spill or release can impair respiratory functions and result in severe bums � to the skin and eyes. At the pre-construction conference, the contractor will be provided with a copy of the City of Clearwater Public Utilities Department Emergency Response Plan, and a copy of the applicable Material Safety Data Sheets. All employees of the � contractor and sub-contractor assigned to this job shall be familiar with the content of these documents. � � 58.2 REQUIRED CONTRACTOR TRAINING Prior to issuance of a notice to proceed, the contractor must submit documentation regarding employee safety training relating to the items in Section A above. The documentation must include: • Verification that all employees assigned to this job have received and understood training � in the proper work practices necessary to safely perform the job while working around gaseous chlorine and sulfur dioxide gas. � � I �- � • The date of the training, and • The means used to verify that the employee understood the training. 59 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUlPMENT AND MATERIALS All traffic signal work shall be performed per the latest edition of FDOT's Standard Specifications (Sections 603 through 699), unless otherwise specified in the contract documents and plans. This specification includes, but is not limited to, the following items: all necessary equipment, materials, guaranties, acceptance procedures, signal timings, field tests, grounding, conduit, signal and interconnect cable, span wire assemblies, pull and junction boxes, electrical power service assemblies, poles, signal assemblies, pedestrian assemblies, inductive loop detectors, SectionN.doc Page 125 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications pedestrian detectors, tr�c controller assemblies, controller cabinets and accessories, removal of existing tr�c signal equipment, and internally illuminated signs. All traffic signal installations shall be mast arms and conform to the requirements of FDOT's Mast Arm Assembly standard, and shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer registered in the state of Florida. All mast ann calculations, as well as the geotechnical repori, shall also be signed and sealed by a professional engineer registered in the state of Florida. All mast arm colors shall be determined and approved by the City prior to ordering from the manufacturer. All traf�ic signal indicators for vehicles and pedestrians shall be LED's and, approved by both the City and FDOT. In addition to this, all pedestrian signal indicators shall utilize countdown features. Contractor changes to the operation of an existing signal is PROHIBITED unless directed by the City's Traffic Engineering Division. 59.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT The basis of ineasurement and payment shall be specified in the contract documents and/or plans and shall include all equipment, preparation, materials, testing and incidentals reyuired to complete the work per the plans. 60 SIGNING AND MARKING All signing and marking work shall be performed per the latest edition of FDOT's Standard Specifications, unless otherwise specified in the contract documents and plans. This specification includes the following work: RPM's (Section 706), painted traffic stripes and markings (Section 710), thermoplastic stripes and markings (Section 711) and tubulaz delineators/flex posts (Sections 705 and 972). The Contractor is responsible to ensure that striping is conectly placed. Errors in striping or markings shall be "blacked-out" with paint, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. No payment will be made for these incorrect or "blacked-out" areas. Omissions in striping or markings shall be corrected to the City's satisfaction prior to any payment being made. 60.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT The basis of ineasurement and payment shall be specified in the contract documents and/or plans and shall include all equipment, preparation, materials and incidentals reyuired to comptete the work per the plans. 61 ROADWAY LIGHTING All roadway lighting shall be constructed per Sections 715 and 992 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition), unless otherwise specified in the contract documents and plans. 61.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT The basis of ineasurement and payment shall be specified in the contract documents and/or plans and shall include all equipment, materials, testing and incidentals required to complete the work per the plans. SectionN_doc Page 126 of l28 5/15/2012 � � � � � � � � � � � � � Section IV — Technical Specifications 62 TREE PROTECTION � 62.1 TREE BARRICADES A. A protective bamer shall be placed around all protected trees and palms prior to land � preparation or construction activities within or adjacent to the work zone, including all staging and/or lay down areas. Protective bamers shall be installed as follows: � � � l. At or greater than the full dripline of all species of Mangroves and Cabbage Palms. 2. At or greater than the full dripline or all protected native pine trees and other conifer species. 3. At or greater than two-thirds of the dripline of all other protected species 4. At or greater than the full dripline of trees within a specimen tree stand. B. Protective bamers are to be constructed using no less than two-inch lumber for upright posts. Upright posts are to be at least four feet in length with a minimum of one foot anchored in the ground. Upright posts are to be placed at a maximum distance of eight feet apart. Horizontal rails are to be constructed using no less than one inch by four-inch ltunber and shall be securely attached to the top of the upright post. The project City's representative must approve any variation from the above requirements. � C. Whenever a protective barrier is required, it shall be in place until all constr�,iction activity is terminated. The area within the bamer timits shall remain undisturbed by any activity during construction. Native ground cover and understory vegetation existing within the barriers shall � remain throughout construction. Exotic plant species may only be removed by manual labor utilizing hand tools or by other means if authorized in writing by the City's representative. � � � �� D. Prior to the erection of any required protective bamer, all surface foreign material, trash or debris shall be removed from the area enclosed by the bazrier, and after erection of the barrier no such material or litter shall be permitted to remain within the protected area. No equipment, chemicals, soil deposits or construction materials shall be placed within such protective barriers. E. No signs, building permits, wires, or other attachments of any kind shall be attached to any protected tree or palm. F. At all times, due care shall be taken to protect the critical root zone of trees protected by this section, and root pruning requirements shall apply to such trees. 62.2 ROOT PRUNING A. Where proposed construction improvements involve excavation and/or impacts to the critical root zone of protected trees, the Contractor shall be required to have an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certified arborist perform, or directly supervise root pruning to reduce the impacts of construction. The critical root zone is equivalent to the tree's dripline. Prior to any clearing, grubbing or excavation activities, the affected roots must be severed by clean pruning cuts at the point where grubbing or excavation impacts the root system. Roots can be pruned utilizing specified root pruning equipment designed for that purpose or by hand digging a trench and pruning roots with a pruning saw, chain saw or other equipment designed for tree pruning. Root pruning by trenching equipment or excavation equipment is strictly prohibited. Roots located in the critical root zone that will be unpacted by � SectionIV.doc � Page l27 of l28 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications construction activities shall be pruned to a minimum depth of 18 inches below existing grade or to the depth of the proposed impact if less than 18 inches from existing grade. Tim Kurtz, Senior Landscape Architect is the City's Representative on Engineering Department projects for root Pruning issues and can be reached at (727} 562-4737, or through the construction inspector assigned to the project. B. Root pruning shall only be performed by or under the direct supervision of an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certified arborist. C. Any proposed root pruning trenches shall be identified on site (i.e. staked or painted) inspected and approved by the City's representative prior to actual root pruning. D. Root pruning shall be performed as far in advance of other construction activities as is feasible, but at a minimum shall be performed prior to ANY impacts to the soil. Associated tree protection measures should be implemented upon completion of said root pruning. E. If there is a likelihood of excessive wind and/or rain exceptional care shall be taken on any root pruning activities. F. Root pruning shall be limited to a minimum of ten inches per one inch of the trunk diameter from the tree base. Any exception must be approved by the City's representative prior to said root pruning. G. Roots shall be cut cleanly, as far from the trunk of the tree as possible. Root pruning shall be done to a minimum depth of 18" from existing grade, or to the depth of the disturbance if less than 18". H. Root pruning shall be performed using a Doscocil Root Cutting Machine or equivalent. Alternate equipment or techniques must be approved by the City's representative, prior to any work adjacent to trees to be preserved. I. Root pruning shall be completed, inspected and accepted prior to the commencement of any exca�ation or other impacts to the critical root zones of trees to be protected. J. Excavations in an azea where root are present shall not cause the tearing or ripping of tree roots. Roots must first be cleanly severed prior to continuing with the excavation, or tunneled around to prevent damage to the root. K. Tree roots shall not be exposed to drying out. Root ends shall be covered with native soil or burlap and kept moist until final backfill or final grades has been established. L. When deemed appropriate (e.g., during periods of drought) the City representative may require a temporary irrigation system be utilized in the remaining critical root zones of root pruned trees. M. When underground utility lines are to be installed within the critical root zone, the root pruning requirement may be waived if the lines are installed via tunneling or directional boring as opposed to open trenching. 62.3 PROPER TREE PRUNING A. All tree pruning and/or root pruning on existing trees to remain shall only be performed by or under the direct supervision of an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certified arborist. Furthermore, all tree work shall conform to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 2001, American National Standard for tree care operations — Tree, Shrub and other Woody Plant Maintenance — Standard practices (pruning) ANSI A-30�. SectionN.doc Page 128 of 128 5/l5/2012 ,� � � � � � V� � � � � � � � � � � Section N — Technical Specifications B. Proper pruning techniques for all lateral branches of protected trees are required. Flush cuts (pruning cuts that remove the branch collar) and stub cuts (cuts that leave a stub on the tree) are improper techniques. Any protected tree that has been improperly pruned will not be recognized as a tree left on the project in a healthy growing condition, and will require replacement consistent with the current City Codes and Ordinances. C. No protected tree shall have more than 30 percent of its foliage removed. D. No protected tree shall be topped, hat racked or lion-tailed. Any protected tree that has been improperly pruned will not be recognized as a tree left on the project in a healthy growing condition, and will require replacement consistent with the current City Codes and Ordinances. � E. Tree Trunks and limbs shall be protected. The use of tree spikes or other devices that damage trunk and bark tissue on protected trees shall be prohibited. Any protected tree that has been damaged in such a manner will not be recognized as a tree left on the project in a healthy � growing condition, and will require replacement consistent with the current City Codes and Ordinances. � 63 PROJECT WEB PAGES 63.1 WEB PAGES DESIGN � � � � � � � If requested by the City, Engineer shall design the Project Web Site in accordance with the current City Web Site standards and styles. Project Web Site should include general project information as: Project Name & Number, Scope description, Location, Schedule, and Project Contacts. Note: Occasionally City modifies the general design of the City's Web Site, and the Engineer shall consult the City Webmaster for the current requirements, before designing or updating the Project Web Pages. 63.2 WEB ACCESSIBILITY GUIDELINES Project Web Pages should conform to the W3C Web Accessibility Guidelines and US Section 508 guidelines whenever possible: hrip://www.w3.or�JTR/1999/WA.I-WEBCONTENT 19990505/ http://www. section5 08. �ov/ In particular, use of variable-width tables, user-adjustable/relative font sizes, ALT text for images, CSS whenever possible, etc. Accessibility should be a priority over design/aesthetics. 63.3 THE SUN AND WAVES LOGO AND ITS USE The City's Sun and Waves logo should be used for everyday business, on all print and electronic material. It should be used on all internal correspondence, brochures, advertising, vehicles, appazel and signage. It should be used only in the manner presented here, in the proportion shown here, with no alterations. It should not be condensed, lengthened, or otherwise distorted to fit a space. The logo is approved for use by city departments, and is not to be used by outside vendors without the permission of the City Manager, Assistant City Manager or Public Communications office. Electronic versions of the logo should be obtained from the Public Communications. This is for internal use only. SectionN.doc Page 129 of 128 5/15/2012 Section IV — Technical Specifications 63.4 MAPS AND GRAPHICS Use of maps and graphics is recommended to illustrate the project; only approved graphics should be posted to the Project Web Pages. fi3.5 INTERACTIVE FORMS The site should also include an interactive form or other options to allow Public's input sent back to the City regarding the Project. 63.6 POSTING The site should be presented to the City's Webmaster for review and posting to the City's Web Server. Posting of the Project Web Pages to a different than City's Web server, if approved, should be coordinated with the City's Webmaster for resolving all accessibility and confornvty issues. 63.7 WEB PAGES UPDATES Unless otherwise specified and agreed Engineer is responsible for keeping the posted Web Pages up-to-date, by sending revisions and updates through the City Project Manager to the City's Webmaster for posting. 64 OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LtNE CLEARANCE 64.1 CLEARANCE OPTIONS When working in the vicinity of overhead power lines the Contractor shall utilize one of the following options: Option 1- Having the power lines de-energized and visibly grounded. Option 2- Maintaining a minimum distance of 20 feet of clearance for voltages up to 350 kV an 50 feet of clearance for voltages more than 350 kV. Option 3- Determine the line voltage and provide clearance in accordance with the table included in Section 64.2. 64.2 REQUIRED MINIMUM CLEARANCE DISTANCES VOLTAGE MINIMUM CLEARANCE DISTANCE (nominal, kV, alternating current) (feet) Up to 50 10 Over 50 to 200 I S Over 20 to 350 20 Over 350 to 500 2$ Over 500 to 750 35 � � 5ectionlV.doc Page 130 of 228 5/t5/2012 � � � � � � Section IV — Technical Specifications Over 750 to 1,000 45 Over 1000 (as established by the utility owner/operator or registered professional engineer who is a qualified person with respect to electric power transmission and distribution) Note: The value that follows "to" is up to and includes that value. For example, over 50 to 200 � means up to and including 200kV. � � � � � � � SectionN.doc � Page l31 of 128 5/I S/2032 �� � � � � � � � � � � � � TO DATE: QIIALIFICATION APPLICATION OF PROSPECTIVE BIDDER CITY OF CLEARWATER CONSTRIICTION PROJECTS City of Clearwater Engineering Dept./Construction Division Attn: Alice Eckman, Construction Specialist 100 So. Myrtle Ave., Ste #220 Clearwater, Florida 33756 or (PO Box 4748, Clearwater, FL. 33758-4748) PURPOSE: To provide the City with reasonable assurance that the prospective bidder on City of Clearwater formal construction contracts has the financial assets, resources, work force, and work experience to successfully complete contemplated construction contract agreements with the City. CONTRACTOR FIRM NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: CITY - STATE - ZIP CODE: PHONE NUMBER: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NLTMBER : TYPE OF ORGANIZATION: (Individual, Corporation, Partnership, etc.) LIST ALL PRINCIPALS OF ORGANIZATION: (President; Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Partner, etc.) DATE ORGANIZATION BEGAN UNDER PRESENT NAME: OTHER NAMES AND DATES UNDER WHICH ORGANIZATION EXISTED: REFERENCES: 1 0 CONTR.ACTOR'S LICENSE NUMBER: INDIVIDUAL HOLDING LICENSE: ISSUING AUTHORITY: CLASSIFICATION OF LICENSE: �! � . � . � HAS YOUR FIRM EVER FAILED TO COMPLETE WORK AWARDED TO YOU? IF SO, � WHERE AND WHY? NUMBER OF FULL TIME EMPLOYEE'S DIRECTLY ON APPLICANTS PAYROLL: PRESENT VALUE OF AND GENER.AL TYPE OF ALL CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATIONAL EQUIPMENT DIRECTLY OWNED BY THE APPLICANT (INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM MOST RECENT FINANCIAL STATEMENT & INCLUDE LONG TERM LEASE/PURCHASE EQUIPMENT): The pre-qualification to bid limitation is an amount of dollars equal to the amount of the largest single construction project which has been successfully completed by the Contractor, The pre-qualification amount is limited to the particular construction categories in which the Contractor is approved to perform work. This pre-qualification amount may be adjusted as the Contractor may successfully complete larger construction projects. The Contractor may exhibit where two or more similar projects were substantially accomplished by the Contractor at the same time where the aggregate amount af these projects in excess of the largest single project accomplished. This aggregate amount will be considered as the pre-qualification amount up to an amount equal to 1500 of the largest single project amount. Pre-qualification amounts and categories may be limited as warranted by the City's experience with the Contractor's construction projects. T.ARGEST SINGLE PROJECT COMPLETED BY THE CONTRACTOR: l. AMOUNT: $ 2. DATE OF COMPLETION: 3. TYPE OF WORK: 4. OWNER/REREPRESENTATIVE: Address: Phone Number Fax Number Email Address 2 � � � � � � � � � � , ALTERNATE PRE-QUALIFICATION AMOUNT IS BASED ON THE AGGREGATE TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONCURRENT PROJECTS COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR WITH A MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF 150o OF LARGEST SINGLE PROJECT LISTED ABOVE. LARGEST AGGREGATE AMOUNT COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR WHERE WORK WAS PERFORMED AT THE SAME TIME: $ (Total aggregate amount determined from project list below) PROJECT I PROJECT 2 PROJECT 3 1. AMOUNT: $ 2. DATE OF START OF WORK: 3. DATE OF COMPLETION: 4. TYPE OF WORK: 5. OWNER/REPRESENTATIVE: Telephone Number: Fax Address: Email. 1. At�totrNT : $ 2. DATE OF START OF WORK: 3. DATE OF COMPLETION: 4. TYPE OF WORK: 5. OWNER/REPRESENTATIVE: Telephone Number: Fax Address: Email 1 . AMOL7NT : $ 2. DATE OF START OF WORK: 3. DATE OF COMPLETION: 4. TYPE OF WORK: 5. OWNER/REPRESENTATIVE: Telephone Number: Fax Address: Email THE FOLLOWING THR£sE ADDITIONAL ITEMS ARE TO ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION: l. A current Financial Statement for your company which will be returned uncopied upon completion of review. 2. A list of major projects completed (each � include type of work, dollar volume, name number of project representative or address). � � � project is to and phone/fax owner w/email 3. Three letters of reference are requested from owners your company has performed work for. The reference letters shall be on the owner's letterhead and contain the following information: A.} Location and type of work. B.} Dollar volume with your company. C.) Project owner's name, address & phone number. D.) Surety Company involved, if any. E.) Consulting Engineer or ArclZitect, address and phone/fax number. F.) Start and completion dates. Pre-qualification is limited to particular construction categories or construction activities in which the contractor has successfully � 3 completed construction projects or extensive work in the category in conjunction with larger project work. Following are the general categories of construction work which are available for contractor pre-qualification approval by the City of Clearwater. Check those categoriesfor which your firmis seeking pre-qualification approval. To receive approval in a particular construction category, your application must contain documentation of successfully completed work experience in that category. This documentation is to be included in your firm's completed project list as described above. In addition, your application must exhibit that your firm has sufficient equipment, reso�rces, and employees on your firm's direct payroll to complete work as a prime contractor in each approved construction work category. Contractors with an insufficient work force or insufficient resources will not be approved for pre-qualification or will not receive pre-qualification in particular work categories. ASPHALTIC CONCRETE RESURFACING ..................... BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION AND MODIFICATION ............... COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS ............................. COMMERCIAL SWIMMING POOLS ......................... CONCRETE FLAT WORK (CURBS, WALKS, COURTS, ETC.}.... CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES. . . . . . . .... DEMOLITION ........................................ DESIGN BUILD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXCAVATION/SITE WORK . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . GI7NITE RESTOR.ATION ................................ HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING. . . . . . . . . . INDUSTRIAL PAINTING ............................... LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION ........................... MARINE CONSTRUCTION ............................... MARINE DREDGING ................................... ROADWAY AND PARKING LOT CONSTRUCTION ............... SANITARY PLJMP STATIONS ............................ SANITARY AND STORM SEWERS .......................... STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONSTRUCTION ................. TENNIS COURTS ..................................... 4 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � URBAN STREETSCAPE ................................ � WASTEWATER & WATER TREATMENT FACILITIES._.......... WATER AND FORCE MAINS .............................. � WELL CONSTRUCTION .................................. � � � � � � � r � r � � � 1 5 THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS TRUE ANll CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. FIRM- BY: Please Type SIGNATURE: TITLE: (Owner, President, etc.) DATE: � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � 6 � LJ � APA 08.12 � � Sid Lickton TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR RESTROOM/CONCESSION BUILDING SID LICKTON COMPLEX 714 N. Saium Avenue � Clearwater, Florida 33755 City of Clearwater Project Number 12-Q024-PR-B � � � � � � � � TABLE OF CONTENTS OCTOBER 1, 2012 • Table of Contents • Cover Sheet • Schedule of Drawings Section Section Page Number Title Number DIVISION 1— GEIVERAL REQUIREMENTS 01100 ................ Summary.......................................................................................................01100 1 of 01322 ................ Photographic Documentation................................................................_......01322 — 1 of 01330 ................ Submittal Procedures.............................................._.....................................01330 — 1 of 01420 ................ References.....................................................................................................01420 — 1 of 01500 ......:......... Temporary Facilities and Controls...............................................__......._......01500 — 1 of 01524 ................ Construction Waste Management................................................................01524 — 1 of 01600 ................ Product Requirernents ........_.........................................................................01600 — 1 of 01731---------------- G�tting and Patcbing ..._....................................---..........................._.......__....01'731 — 1 of 01770 ................ Closeout Procedures .....................................................................................01770 —1 of 01781 ................ Project Record Documents....................................._.....................................01781 — 1 of DIVISION 2 — SITE CONSTRUCTION 2 2 6 1 3 1 4 3 4 2 02224 ................ Site Preparation, Excavatian, & Earthwork for Foundation (McCarthy)...02220 —1 of 5 02361 ................ Termite Control............................................................................................02361 —1 of 2 DIVISION 3 — CONCRETE 03300 ................ Cast-in-Place Concrete (McCarthy).............................................................03300 — 1 of 14 03320 ................ Precast Concrete U-Lintels and Sills (McCarthy) .......................................03320 — 1 of 2 DIVISION 4 — NIASONRY 04200 ................ Unit Masonry (McCarthy)............................................................................04200 —1 of 11 04210 ................ Split Face Masonry..............................................._.......................................04210 — 1 of 2 � TOC � 1 of 4 APA 08.12 DIVISION 5 — METALS � Sid Lickton � 05510 ............... Metal Stairs..............................................---..................................................05510 — 1 of 3 05521 ................ Pipe Railings........................................_....--••--..............................................05521 —1 of 2 DIVISION 6— WOOD AND PLASTIC 06100 ................ Rough Carpentry...........................................................................................06100 —1 of 2 06105 ................ Wall Framing....................._...........------.........................................................06105 — 1 of 2 06110 ................ Plywood Sheathing.......................................................................................U6110 — 1 of 2 06164 ................ Gypsum Sheathing..............................._........................................................06164 —1 of 2 06192 ................ Prefabricated Metal-Plate-Connected Wood Trusses..................................06192 — 1 of 6 06402 ................ Architectural Casework.......................................__.......................................06402 — 1 of 3 06462 ................ Hardie Rustic Trim Boards ..........................................................................06462 — 1 of 4 06463 ................ Hardie Soffit Panels and Battens .................................................................06463 —1 of 4 06611 ................ Solid Surfacing Fabrication.......................--.--._...................----...------............06611 — 1 of 2 DIVISION '7 — THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07100 ................ Roof Equipment Stands................................................................................07100 —1 of 1 07141 ................ Cold Fuild Applied Waterproofmg, Fabric Material and Perforated Pipe .........................................................................•••--•..............07141 —1 of 2 07200 ................ Roof Penetration Curbs ....-.-.--.--.-.---------.---..........-----------.---.------..._.........---.._07210 — 1 of 5 07210 ................ Batt Insulation...............................................................................................07210 — 1 of 2 07211 ................ Foamed-in-place Insulation.................._..-•--•.----._.........................................07211 —1 of 2 07411 ................ Metal Roof Panels ........................................................................................07411 —1 of 4 07520 ................ Modified Membrane Roofing .................._...................................................07411 — 1 of 4 07620 ................ Sheet Metal Fiashing and Trim....................................................................07620 — 1 of 2 0772Q ................ Roof Hatch and Fixed Ladder......................................................................07720 — 1 of 3 07730 ................ Roof Hatch Grip ......................................._......_............................................07730 — 1 of 3 07920......-•--�•---. Joint Sealers .................................................•--•-----•-----•---�---�--...._..._..............07920 — 1 of 3 DIVISION 8— DOORS AND WINDOWS 08100 ................ Steel Doors and Frames........................................-•-•---.................................08100 —1 of 6 08330 ................ Aluminum Roll Down Shutters......................................._............................08330 —1 of 2 08410 ................ Aluminuun-framed Storefronts .....................................................................0841 d-1 of 2 08710 ................ Finish Nardware (Provided by the City of Clearwater) ..............................08710 —1 of 10 DIVISION 9 — FINISHES 09220 ................ Portland Cement Plaster (Stucco) --....---.......................................................09220 — 1 of 4 09250 ................ Gypsum Boazd.........................................................................._.._................09250 —1 of 3 09623 ................ Water Reepellants and Graffiti Resistant Coatings......_..............................09623 —1 of 7 09650 ................ Resilient Tile Flooring..................................................................................09651 —1 of 3 09653 ................ Resilient Base -----....._..-•-----......._............_...._..........---.....---•-•-•-•------------.........09653 — 1 of 2 09680 ................ Tile Carpeting..........................................._......._.._......_......_..........................09680 — 1 of 3 09770 ................ Decorative Fiberglass Reinforced Wall Panels .._._...._........................_........09770 —1 of 4 09900 ................ Painting ............................................................................_............................09900 —1 of 7 � � � � � i � � �� � � TOC 2 of 4 � � , � �'' � � � � � � u � l� � � � � r APA 08.12 09910 ................ Quartz Flooring..............._...._...................----........----• DIVISION 10—SPECIALTIES Sid Lickton ........................09910 — 1 of? 10142 ................ Building Address Numbers............._......._.......-----•-•--------•---------•---.._............10142 — 1 of 1 10155 ................ Toilet Compartments..............................................------��---�-�----....................10155 — 1 of 3 10431 ................ Interior Panel Signs ...................................................................:..................10431 —1 of 2 10522 ................ Fire Extinguisher and Cabinets ....................................................................10522 —1 of 2 10801 ................ Toilet Accessories ...............................................--•�-�-�-�----------�-�-----�-------.....10801 — 1 of 3 DIVISION 11— EQUIPMENT (not used) DIVISION 12 — FURNISHINGS (not used) DIVISION l3 — SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION (not used) DIVISION 14 — CONVEYING SYSTEMS 14210 ................ Electric Traction Elevator ................................_...........................................14210 — 1 of 8 DIVISION 15 — MECHANTCAL 15060 ................ Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment ......................15060 —1 of 5 15061 ................ Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment...........................1506I — 1 of 4 15072 ................ Vibration Controls for HVAC Piping and Equipment......................._........15072 —1 of 2 15075 ................ Identifiction for Plumbing Piping and Equipment .........._......._.............._....15075 —1 of 3 15076 ................ Identifiction for HVAC Piping and Equipment.............._._......._...._.__..........15076 —1 of 2 15080 ................ Plumbing Insulation.................................................._...._._...---.....---..............15080 —1 of 5 15081 ................ HVAC Insulation.............................................................................---......._..15081 —1 of 5 15140.........•••.... Domestic Water Piping ........-•••••••••••• ...........................................................15140 — I of 6 15150 ................ Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping ................................................................_.I 5150 — 1 of 5 15184 ................ HVAC Piping......................................-••-......................................................15184 —1 of 5 15410 ................ Plumbing Fixtures ........................................................................................15410 — i of 5 15739 ................ Split System Air Conditioning Units...................---------------.----.._.................15739 — 1 of 4 15810 ................ Ducts .............................................................................................................15810 — 1 of 6 15820 ................ Air Duct Accessories............._.._.......----....................................._..................15820 — 1 of 4 15830 ................ Fans .............._................................................................................................15830 — 1 of 3 15850 ................ Air Ducts and Iniets------------�--....................................................._......_.......---15850 — i of 4 15950 ................ Testing, Adjusting and Balancing forHVAC ......................_.......................15950 — 1 of 6 DIVISION 16 — ELECTRICAL 16010 ................ Supplementary Special Conditions ..............................................................16010 — l of 8 16110 ................ Raceways ............................................................................._........................16110 —1 of 4 TOC 3 of 4 A.PA 08.12 Sid Lickton 16120 ................ Wires and Cables......._.................._...............................................................16120 — 1 of 3 16131 ................ 3unction and Pull Boxes............................_..................................................16131 — 1 of 1 16133 ................ Cabinets............................................._...........................................................16133 —1 of 1 16134 ................ Outlet Boxes .................................................................................................16134 —1 of 3 16140..._..-•--�---.. Wiring Devives .............................................................................................16140 —1 of 3 16155 --•--•-•--...... Motor Starters ...............................................................................................16155 — 1 of 1 16160- ............... Panel Boazds .........................................-------�--...................................._......._.16160 — 1 of 3 16170 ................ Motor and Circuit Disconnects ....................................................................16170 — 1 of 1 16181 ................ Fuses ..........................._._...............................................................................16181 — 1 of 1 16182 ................ Circuit Breaker .............................................................._..............................16182 — 1 of 1 16420 ................ Service Entrance........................._......................................_....._....................16420 — 1 of 2 16450 ................ Grounding .....................................................................................................16450 — 1 of 2 16500 ................ Lighting Fixtures .........---..........................._..................................................16500 — 1 of 2 16501 ................ Lamps............................................................................................................16501 —1 of 1 16709 ................ Surge Protection Devices ..-.----------................_._....................----....................16709 — 1 of 7 End of Table of Contents �� � � � � � r I_ � � � � � � �� � � 4of4 � � � � � � � � � � i � � � � � � � i � 1 APA 08.12 OCTOBER 1, 2012 Sid Lickton TECHNICAL SPECIFICATI�NS FOR RESTROOM/CONCESSION BUILDING SID LICKTON COMPLEX 714 N. Saturn Avenue Clearwater, Florida 33755 PROJECT NUMBER 12-0024-PR-B ARCHIT`ECT: STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: MECHAIVICAL ENGINEER: ELECTRICAL ENGINEER: Plisko Architecture, PA, AIA 800 Drew Street Clearwater, FL 33755 727-442-7200 McCarthy & Associates, Inc 2555 Nursery Road Suite 101 Clearwater, FL 33764 727-536-8772 Griner Engineering, Inc. 1628 First Avenue North St. Petersburg, FL 33713 (727) 822-2335 M.P. Spychala & Associates 240 Pine Avenue Oldsmar, FL 34677 (813) 855-2721 Address all communicarions regarding this work to the Architect at the address listed above. � � � � L� � � � � � � r , APA 08.12 Schedule of Drawings A-1 TITLE SHEET Sid Lickton ARCHITECTURAL A-2.1 1/4" FIRST FLOOR PLAN A-2.2 1/4" SECOND FLOOR PLAN A-23 1/4" ROOF PLAN A-2.4 ROOF DETAILS A-2.5 1/4" FIRST FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING PLAN A-2.6 1/4" SECOND FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING PLAN A-2.7 1 /8" PLANTER PLAN A-3.1 1/4" EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A-3.2 1/4" EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A-4 1/4" BUILDING SECTIONS A-5. l 1/2" WALL SECTIONS A-5.2 1/2" WALL SECTIONS A-5.3 1/2" WALL SECTIONS A-5.4 1/2" WALL SECTIONS A-5.5 1 /2" WALL SECTIONS A-6 DETAILS, DOOR AND EII�IISH SCHEDULE, DOOR AND WINDOW PROFILES A-7.1 ENLARGED RESTROOM PLAN AND RESTROOM ELEVATIONS A-72 ENLARGED KITCHEN PLAN, CABINET DETAILS, INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A-7.3 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS STRUCI'URAL S-1.1 STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATIONS S-1.2 STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATIONS S-2 1/4" FOUNDATION PLAN S-3 1/4" LOWER ROOF & SECOND FLOOR FRAMING PLAN S-4 1/4" UPPER ROOF FR.AMING PLAN MECHA1vICAL � M101 MECHAI�TICAL COVER SHEET M201 MECHANICAL FIRST FLOOR PLAN � M202 MECHATTICAL SECOND FLOOR PLAN M203 MECHA1vICAL ROOF PLAN M301 MECHANICAL DETAILS , M302 MECHANICAL DETAILS M401 MECHAI�IICAL SCHEDULES M501 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS �� � � SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS 1 of 2 APA 08.12 ELECTRICAL E-01 ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN E-02 ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN E-03 ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN E-04 EXISTING ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN E-OS EXISTING ELECTRICAL SIT'E PLAN E-06 EXISTING ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN E-1 SYMBOL LIST AND NOTES E-2 RISER AND SCHEDULES E-2.1 SCHEDULES E-3.1 FIRST FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN E-3.2 SECOND FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN E-4.1 FIRST FLOOR POWER PLAN E-4.2 SECOND FLOOR POWER PLAN E-5.1 FIRST FLOOR LOW VOLTAGE PLAN E-5.2 SECOND FLOOR LOW VOLTAGE PLAN E-6 ROOF PLAN E-7.1 MUSCO FIELDS #1-6 AIMING DETAILS E-72 MUSCO CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY PLUMBING P101 PLLJMBING COVER SHEET P201 FIRST FLOOR SUPPLY PLAN P202 FIlZST FLOOR SANITARY PLAN P203 SECOND FLOOR PLUMBING PLAN P204 GAS PLAN P301 ROOF DRAINAGE PLAN P401 PLUMBING RISERS P501 PLUMBING SCHEDULES P601 PLLTMBING DETAILS FIRE PROTECTION FP101 FIRE PROTECTION COVER SHEET FP201 FIRST FLOOR FIRE PROTECTION PLAN FP202 SECOND FLOOR FIRE PROTECTION PLAN FP301 FIRE PROTECTION DETAILS Sid Lickton SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS 2 of 2 � L.J � � �� � APA 08.12 SECTION 01100 — SUMMARY PART 1 - GENERA.L 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Work covered by Contract Documents. 2. Access to site. Sid Lickton 3. Coordination with occupants. 4. Work restrictions. 5. Specification and drawing conventions. B. Related Requirements: 1. Division 1 Section "Temporary Facilities and Controls" for limitations and procedures governing temporary use of Owner's facilities. � 1.2 I'ROJECT INFORMATION A. Project Identification: Restroom/Concession Building � B. Project No.12-0024-PR-B 1. Project Location: Sid Lickton Complex 714 N. Saturn Avenue � � � � , � � i � � C. Owner: Clearwater, Florida 33755 1. Owner's Representative: Leroy Chin. D. Architect: Plisko Architecture, P.A. 800 Drew Street Clearwater, FL 33755 1.3 WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. The Work of Project is defined by the Contract Documents and Bidder's Proposal Form. B. Type of Contract. 1. Project will be constructed under a single prime contract. 1.4 COORDINATION WITH OCCUPANTS A. Full Owner Occupancy: Owner will occupy site and existing building during entire construction period. Cooperate with Owner during construction operations to minimize conflicts and facilitate Owner usage. Perform the Work so as not to interfere with Owner's day- to-day operations. Maintain existing exits unless otherwise indicated. 1. Maintain access to existing walkways and other adjacent occupied or used facilities. Do not close or obstruct walkways or other occupied or used facilities without written permission from Owner and approval of authorities having jurisdiction. 2. Notify Owner not less than five days in advance of activities tUat will affect Owner's operations. 1.5 SPECIFICATION AND DRAWING CONVENTIONS A. Specification Content: The Specifications use certain conventions for the style of language and the intended meaning of certain terms, words, and phrases when used in particular situations_ These conventions are as follows: 1. Imperative mood and streamlined language are generally used in the Specifications. The words "shall," "shall be," or "shall comply with," depending on the context, are implied where a colon (:) is used within a sentence or phrase. 2. Specification requirements are to be performed by Contractor unless specifically stated otherwise. SUMMARY O 1100 - 1 of 2 APA 08.12 7 Sid Lickton � B. Division 1 General Requirements: Requirements of Sections in Division 1 apply to the Work of all Sections in the Specifications. C. Drawing Coordination: Requirements for materials and products identified on Drawings are described in detail in the Specifications. One or more of the following are used on Drawings to identify materials and products: 1. Terminology: Materials and products are identified by the typical generic terms used in the individual Specifications Sections. 2. Abbreviations: Materials and products are identified by abbreviations published as part of the U.S. National CAD Standard and scheduled on Drawings. 3. Keynoting: Materials and products are identified by reference keynotes referencing Specification Section numbers found in this Project Manual. PART 2 -PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used} END OF SECTION 01200 SUMMARY O1100-2of2 � � � � � � � � �, � � , , � , �J � i r , APA 0812 SECTION 01322 - PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION PART1-GENERAL Sid Lickton 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for the following: 1. Preconstruction photographs. 2. Periodic conshuction photographs. B. Related Requirements: 1. Division 1 Section "Closeout Procedures" for submitting photographic documentation as Project Record Documents at Project closeout. 1.2 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Key Plan: Submit key plan of Project site and building with notation of vantage points marked for location and direction of each photograph. B. Digital Photographs: Submit unaltered, original, full-size image files within seven days of taking photographs. I. Digital Camera: Minimum sensor resolution of 8 megapixels. � 2. Identification: Provide the following information with each image description in file metadata tag: a. Name of Project. b. Name and contact information for photographer. c. Date photo�aph was taken. d. Description of vantage point, indicating location, d'uection (by compass point), and elevation or story of construction. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 PHOTOGRAPHIC MEDIA A. Digital Images: Provide images in JPG format, with minimum size of 8 megapixels. PART3-EXECUTION 3.1 CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS A. General: Take photographs using the maximum range of depth of field, and that are in focus, to clearly show the Work. Photographs with blurry or out-of-focus areas will not be accepted. 1. Maintain key plan with each set of construction photographs that identifies each photographic location. B. Digital Images: Submit digital images exactly as originally recorded in the digital camera, without alteration, manipulation, editing, or modifications using image-editing software. 1. Date and Time: Include date and time in file name for each image. 2. Field Office Images: Maintain one set of images accessible in the field office at Project site, available at all times for reference. Identify images in the same manner as those submitted to Architect. C. Preconstruction Photographs: Before starting construction, take photographs of Project site and surrounding properties, including existing items to remain during construction, from different vantage points. 1. Flag construction limits before taking construction photographs. 2. Take 20 photographs to show existing conditions adjacent to property before starting the Work. PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION 01322 - 1 of 2 A.PA 08.I2 � Sid Lickton � 3. Take 20 photographs of existing buildings either on or adjoining property to accurately record physical conditions at start of construction. D. Periodic Construction Photographs: Take 2U photographs weekly. Select vantage points to show status of construction and progress since last photographs were taken. E. Final Completion Construction Photographs: Take 20 color photographs after date of Substantial Completion for submission as Project Record Documents_ END OF SECTION 01322 PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION 01322-2of2 � , � l� � � � L_.1 � � � � � � ' � � � � ' APA 08.12 SECTION 01330 - SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES PARTI-GENERAL Sid Lickton 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and pmcedural requirements for submitting Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples, and other submittals. B. See Division 1 Section "Construction Progress Documentation" for submitting schedules and reports, including Contractor's Construction Schedule. C. See Division 1 Section "Photographic Documentation" for submitting construction photographs. D. See Division 1 Section "Closeout Procedures" for submitting warranties. E. See Division 1 Section "Project Record Documents" for submitting Record Drawings, Record Specifications, and Record Product Data. 1.2 DEFINITIONS A. Action Submittals: Written and graphic information that requires Architect's responsive action_ B. Informational Submittals: Written information that does not require Architect's responsive action. Submittals may be rejected for not complying with requirements. 13 n : C. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Coordination: Coordinate preparation and processing of submittals with performance of construction activities. 1. Coordinate each submittal with fabrication, purchasing, testing, delivery, other submittals, and related activities that require sequential activity. 2. Coordinate transmittal of different types of submittals for related parts of the Work so processing will not be delayed because of need to review submittals concurrently for coordination. a. Architect reserves the right to withhold action on a submittal requiring coordination with other submittals until related submittals are received. Processing Time: Allow enough time for submittal review, including time for resubmittals, as follows. Time for review shall commence on Architect's receipt of submittal. No extension of the Contract Time will be authorized because of failure to transmit submittals enough in advance of the Work to permit processing, including resubmittals. 1. Initial Review: Allow 15 days for initial review of each submittal. Allow additional time if coordination with subsequent submittals is required. Architect will advise Contractor when a submittal being processed must be delayed for coordination. 2. Intermediate Review: If intermediate submittal is necessary, process it in same manner as initial submittaL 3. Resubmittal Review: Allow 15 days for review of each resubmittal. Identificarion: Place a permanent label or title block on each submittal for identification. 1. Indicate name of firm or entity that prepared each submittal on label or title block. 2. Provide a space approximately 6 by 8 inches on label or beside title block to record Contractor's review and approval markings and action talcen by Architect. 3. Include the following information on label for processing and recording action taken: a_ Project name. b. Date. c. Name and address of Architect. d. Name and address of Contractor. e. Name and address of subcontractor. f. Name and address of supplier. g. Name of manufacturer. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 4133a - 1 of 6 APA 08.12 � E. F G H. I. � Sid Lickton � h. Submittal number or other unique identifier, including revision identifier. 1) Submittal number shall use Specification Section number followed by a decimal point and then a sequential number (e.g., 06100.01). Resubmittals shall include an alphabetic suffix after another decimal point (e.g., 061 QU.O1.A)_ i. Number and title of appropriate Specification Section. j. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate. k. Location(s) where product is to be instalied, as appropriate. 1. Other necessary identification. Deviations: Highlight, encircle, or otherwise specifically identify deviations from the Contract Documents on submittals. Additional Copies: Unless additional copies are required for final submittal, and unless Architect observes noncompliance with provisions in the Contract Documents, initial submittal may serve as final submittal. 1. Additional copies submitted for maintenance manuals will not be marked with action taken and will be retumed. Transmittal: Package each submittal individually and appropriately for transmittal and handling. Transmit each submittal using a transmittal form. Architect will discard submittals received from sources other than Contractor. Resubmittals: Make resubmittals in same form and number of copies as initial submittal. I. Note date and content of previous submittal. 2. Note date and content of revision in label or title block and clearly indicate extent of revision. 3. Resubmit submittals until they are mazked "REVIEWED." Distribution: Furnish copies of final submittals to manufacturers, subcontractors, suppliers, fabricators, installers, authorities having jurisdiction, and others as necessary for performance of constntction activities. Show distribution on transmittal forms. Use for Construction: Use only final submittals with mazk indicating "REVIEWED" taken by Architect. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. General: Prepare and submit Action Submittals required by individual Specification Sections. B. Product Data: Collect information into a single submittal for each element of construction and type of product or equipment. 1_ If information must be specially prepared for submittal because standard printed data are not suitable for use, submit as Shop Drawings, not as Product Data. 2. Mark each copy of each submittal to show which products and options are applicable. 3. Include the following information, as applicable: a. Manufacturer's written recommendations. b. Manufacturer's product specifications. c. Manufacturer's installation instructions. d. Manufacturer's catalog cuts. e. Wiring diagrams showing factory-installed wiring. f. Printed performance curves. g. Operational range diagrams. h. Compliance with specified referenced standards. i. Testing by recognized testing agency. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES � � l� � �_� � � � � ' � �� �I � �' l u 01330 - 2 of 6 � , , � LJ � u �I J � � II V' �J � � � � S r APA 08.12 C. Q Sid Lickton 4. Number of Copies: Submit seven copies of Product Data, unless otherwise indicated. Architect will retum five copies. Mark up and retain one returned copy as a Project Record Document. Shop Drawings: Prepare Project-specific information, drawn accurately to scale. Do not base Shop Drawings on reproductions of the Contract Documents or standard printed data. 1. Preparation: Fully illustrate reyuirements in the Contract Documents. Include the folIowing information, as applicable: a. Dimensions. b. Identification of products. c. Fabrication and installation drawings. d. Roughing-in and setting diagrains. e. Wiring diagrams showing field-installed wiring, including power, signal, and control wiring. f. Shopwork manufacturing instructions. g. Templates and patterns. h. Schedules. i. Notation of coordination requirements. j. Notation of dimensions established by field measurement. k. Relationship to adjoining construction cleazly indicated. 1. Seal and signature of professional engineer if specified. m. Wiring Diagrams: Differentiate between manufacturer-installed and field-installed wiring. 2. Sheet Size: Except for templates, patterns, and similar full-size drawings, submit Shop Drawings on sheets at least 8-1/2 by 11 inches but no larger than 24 by 36 inches. 3. Number of Copies: Submit two opaque (bond) copies of each submittal. Architect will return one copy. Samples: Submit Samples for review of kind, color, pattern, and texture for a check of these chazacteristics with other elements and for a comparison of these chazacteristics between submittal and actual component as delivered and installed. 1. Transmit Samples that contain mulriple, related components such as accessories together in one submittal package. 2. Identification: Attach label on unexposed side of Samples that includes the following: a. Generic description of Sample. b. Product name and name of manufacturer. c. Sample source. d. Number and title of appropriate Specification Section. 3. Disposition: Maintain sets of approved Samples at Project site, available for quality- control comparisons throughout the course of construction activity. Sample sets may be used to determine final acceptance of construction associated with each set. 4. Samples for Initial Selection: Submit manufacturer's color charts consisting of units or sections of units showing the full range of colors, textures, and patterns available. a. Number of Samples: Submit three full sets of available choices where color, pattern, texture, or similar characteristics aze required to be selected from manufacturer's product line_ Architect will return submittal with oprions selected. 5. Samples for Verification: Submit full-size units or Samples of size indicated, prepared from same material to be used for the Work, cured and finished in manner specified, and physically identical with material or product proposed for use, and that show full range of color and texture variations expected. Samples include, but are not limited to, the following: partial sections of manufactured or fabricated components; small cuts or containers of materials; complete units of repetitively used materials; swatches showing SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES O1330-3of6 APA 08.12 E. F G. Sid Lickton color, texture, and pattem; color range sets; and components used for independent testing and inspection. a. Number of Samples: Submit three sets of Samples. Architect will retain one Sample set; remainder will be returned. Matk up and retain one retumed Sample set as a Project Record Sample. Product Schedule or List: As required in individual Specification Sections, prepaze a written summary indicating types of products required for the Work and their intended location. l. Number of Copies: Submit three copies of product schedule or list, unless otherwise indicated. Architect will return two copies. Submittals Schedule: Comply with requirements specified in Division 1 Section "Construction Progress Documentation." Subcontract List: Prepare a written summary identifying individuals or firms proposed for each portion of.the Work, including those who are to fumish products or equipment fabricated to a special design. l. Number of Copies: Submit three copies of subcontractor list, unless otherwise indicated. Architect will return two copies. 2.2 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. General: Prepare and submit Informational Submittals required by other Specification Sections. i. Number of Copies: Submit two copies of each submittal, unless otherwise indicated. Architect will not rehun copies. 2. Certificates and Certifications: Provide a notarized statement that includes signature of entity responsible for preparing certification. Certificates and certifications shall be signed by an officer or other individual authorized to sign documents on behalf of that entity. 3. Test and Inspection Reports: Comply with requirements specified in Division 1 Section "Quality Requirements." B. Coordination Drawings: Comply with requirements specified in Division 1 Section "Project Management and Coordination." C. Contractor's Construction Schedule: Comply with requirements specified in Division 1 Section "Construction Progress Documentation." D. Qualification Data: Prepare written information that demonstrates capabilities and experience of fum or person. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses of azchitects and owners, and other information specified. E. Welding Certificates: Prepaze written certification that welding procedures and personnel comply with requirements in the Contract Documents. Submit record of Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) and Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) on AWS forms. Include names of fums and personnel certified. F. Installer Certificates: Prepare written statements on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that Installer complies with requirements in the Contract Documents and, where required, is authorized by manufacturer for this specific Project. G. Manufacturer Certificates: Prepare written statements on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that manufacturer complies with requirements in the Contract Documents. Include evidence of manufachuing experience where required. H. Product Certificates: Prepare written statements on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that product complies with requuements in the Contract Documents. I. Material Certificates: Prepare written statements on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that material complies with requirements in the Contract Documents. J. Material Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standazd form, indicating and interpreting test results of material for compliance with requirements in the Contract Documents. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES ' � � � � � � � � � � � � J � r � � � 0133d-4of6 , � , � APA 08.12 � � , � � � � � �I � � ' � � u � ' Sid Lickton K. Product Test Reports: Prepare written reports indicating current product produced by manufacturer complies with requirements in the Contract Documents. Base reports on evaluation of tests performed by manufacturer and witnessed by a qualified testing agency, or on comprehensive tests performed by a qualified testing agency. L. Research/Evaluation Reports: Prepare written evidence, from a model code organization acceptable to authorities having }urisdiction, that product complies with building code in effect for Project. M. Preconstruction Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting results of tests performed before installation of product, for compliance with performance requirements in the Contract Documents. N. Compatibility Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting results of compatibility tests performed before installation of product. Include written recommendations for primers and substrate prepazation needed for adhesion. O. Field Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting results of field tests performed either during installation of product or after product is installed in its final location, for compliance with requirements in the Contract Documents. P. Maintenance Data: Prepare written and graphic instructions and procedures for operation and normal maintenance of products and equipment. Compty with requirements specified in Division 1 Section "Operation and Maintenance Data." Q. Design Data: Prepare written and graphic information, including, but not limited to, performance and design criteria, list of applicable codes and regulations, and calculations. Include list of assumptions and other performance and design criteria and a summary of loads. Include load diagrams if applicable. Provide name and version of soflware, if any, used for calculations. Include page numbers. R. Manufacturer's Instructions: Prepare written or published information that documents manufacturer's recommendations, guidelines, and procedures for installing or operating a product or equipment. Include name of product and name, address, and telephone number of manufacturer. S. Manufacturer's Field Reports: Prepare written information documenting factory-authorized service representative's tests and inspections. Include the following, as applicable: 1. Statement on condition of substrates and their acceptability for installation of product. 2. Summary of installation procedures being followed, whether they comply with requirements and, if not, what corrective action was taken. 3. Results of operational and other tests and a statement of whether observed performance complies with requirements. T. Insurance Certificates and Bonds: Prepaze written information indicating cuirent status of insurance or bonding coverage_ Include name of entity covered by insurance or bond, limits of coverage, amounts of deductibles, if any, and term of the coverage. U. Construction Photographs: Comply with requirements specified in Division 1 Section "Photographic Documentation." V. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs): Submit information directly to Owner; do not submit to Architect. 2. Architect will not review submittals that include MSDSs and will retum them for resubmittal. 2.3 DELEGATED DESIGN A. Performance and Design Criteria: Where professional design services or certifications by a design professional are specifically requued of Contractor by the Contract Documents, provide products and systems complying with specific performance and design criteria indicated. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 01330 - 5 of 6 APA 08.12 � Sid Lickton � 1. If criteria indicated are not sufficient to perform services or certification required, submit a written request for additional information to Architect. B. Delegated-Design Submittal: In addition to Shop Drawings, Product Data, and other required submittals, submit three copies of a statement, signed and sealed by the responsible design professional, for each product and system specifically assigned to Contractor to be designed or certified by a design professional. 1. Indicate that products and systems comply with performance and design criteria in the Contract Documents. Include list of codes, loads, and other factors used in perfornring these services. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 n � CONTRACTOR'S REVIEW Review each submittal and check for coordination with other Work of the Contract and for compliance with the Contract Documents. Note corrections and field dimensions. Mark with approval stamp before submitting to Architect. Approval Stamp: Stamp each submittal with a uniform, approval stamp. Include Project name and location, submittal number, Specification Section title and number, name of reviewer, date of Contractor's approval, and statement certifying that submittal has been reviewed, checked, and approved for compliance with the Contract Documents. 3.2 ARCHTTECT'S ACTION A. General: Architect will not review submittals that do not beaz Contractor's approval stamp and will retum them without action. B. Action Submittals: Architect will review each submittal, make marks to indicate corrections or modifications required, and retum it. Architect will stamp each submittal with an action stamp and will mark stamp appropriately to indicate action taken, as follows: l. Reviewed. 2. Revise. 3. Rejected. 4. Furnish as Corrected. C. Informational Submittals: Architect will review each submittal and will not return it, or will return it if it does not comply with requirements. Architect will forwazd each submittal to appropriate party. D. Partial submittals aze not acceptable, will be considered nonresponsive, and will be retumed without review. E. Submittals not reyuired by the Contract Documents may not be reviewed and may be discazded. END OF SECTION 01330 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES r ' � � L__l � � � � , C� � � I 01330-6of6 � , ' � � , r � � � ' � � � ' ' ' ' � � ' APA 08.12 SECTION 01420 — REFERENCES PART1-GENERAL 1.1 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Sid Lickton DEFINITIONS General: Basic Contract definitions aze included in the Conditions of the Contract. "Approved": When used to convey Architect's action on Contractor's submittals, applications, and requests, "approved" is limited to ArchitecYs duties and responsibilities as stated in the Conditions of the Contract. "D'uected": A command or instruction by Architect. Other terms including "requested," "authorized," "selected," "required;' and "permitted" have the same meaning as"directed." "Indicated": Requirements expressed by graphic representations or in written form on Drawings, in Specifications, and in other Contract Documents. Other terms including "shown," "noted," "scheduled," and "specified" have the same meaning as "indicated." "Regulations": Laws, ordinances, statutes, and lawful orders issued by authorities having jurisdiction, and rules, conventions, and agreements within the construction industry that control performance of the Work. "Fumish": Supply and deliver to Project site, ready for unloading, unpacking, assembly, installation, and similar operations. "Install": Operations at Project site including unloading, temporarily storing, unpacking, assembling, erecring, placing, anchoring, applying, working to dimension, finishing, curing, protecting, cleaning, and similar operations. "Provide": Furnish and install, complete and ready for the intended use. "Project Site": Space available for performing construction activities. The extent of Project site is shown on Drawings and may or may not be identical with the description of the land on which Project is to be built. IZ INDUSTRYSTANDARDS A. Applicability of Standards: Unless the Contract Documents include more stringent requirements, applicable construction industry standards have the same force and effect as if bound or copied directly into the Contract Documents to the extent referenced. Such standards are made a part of the Contract Documents by reference. B. Publication Dates_ Comply with standards in effect as of date of the Contract Documents unless otherwise indicated. C. Copies of Standards: Each entity engaged in construction on Project should be familiar with industry standards applicable to its construction activity. Copies of applicable standards are not bound with the Contract Documents. 1. Where copies of standards are needed to perform a required construction activity, obtain copies directly from publication source. 1.3 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS A. Industry Organizations: Where abbreviations and acronyms are used in Specifications or other Confract Documents, they shall mean the recognized name of the entities indicated in T'homson Gale's "Encyclopedia of Associations" or in Columbia Books' "National Trade & Professional Associations of the U.S." PART 2 -PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUT'ION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01420 REFERENCES 01420 - 1 of l , � � ' ' , � � , � � ' � � � ' ' � , 1 APA 08.12 SECTION O150Q - TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS PART1-GENERAL Sid Lickton l.l SUMMARY A. Section includes requirements for temporary utilities, support facilities, and security and protection facilities. B. Related Reyuirements: 1. Division 1 Section "Summary" for limitations on work restrictions and utility interruptions. 1Z USE CHARGES A. General: Installation and removal of and use charges for temporary facilities shall be included in the Contract Sum unless otherwise indicated. Allow other entities to use temporary services and facilities without cost. 1.3 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Site Plan: Show temporary facilities, utility hookups, staging areas, and parking azeas for constructaon personnel. B. Erosion- and Sedimentation-Control Plan: Show compliance with requ'uements of EPA Construction General Permit or authorities having jurisdiction, whichever is more stringent. C. Fire-Safety Program: Show compliance with requirements of NFPA 241 and authorities having jurisdiction. Indicate Contractor personnel responsible for management of fue prevention program. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electric Service: Comply with NECA, NEMA, and UL standards and regulations foz temporary electric service. Install service to comply with NFPA 70. B. Tests and Inspections: Arrange for authorities having jurisdiction to test and inspect each temporary utility before use. Obtain required certifications and permits. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Temporazy Use of Permanent Facilities: Engage lnstaller of each permanent service to assume responsibility for operation, maintenance, and protection of each permanent service during its use as a construction faciliry before Owner's acceptance, regazdless of previously assigned responsibilities. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Chain-Link Fencing: Minimum 2-inch, 0.148-inch thick, galvanized-steel, chain-link fabric fencing; minimum 6 feet high with galvanized-steel pipe posts; minimum 2-3/8-inch OD line posts and 2-7/8-inch OD corner and pull posts, with 1-5/8-inch OD top rails. 2.2 TEMPORARY FACILITIES A. Field O�ces, General: Prefabricated or mobile wuts with serviceable finishes, temperature controls, and foundations adequate for normal loading. 2.3 EQUIPMENT A. Fire Extinguishers: Portable, UL rated; with class and extinguishing agent as required by locations and classes of fire exposures. TEMPORARY FACILTTIES AND CONTROLS 01500 - 1 of 3 APA 08. I 2 ' Sid Lickton � PART3-EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Locate facilities where they will serve Project adequately and result in minimum interference with performance of the Work. Relocate and modify facilities as reyuired by progress of the Work. l. Locate facilities to limit site disturbance as specified in Division 1 Section "Summary." B. Provide each facility ready for use when needed to avoid delay. Do not remove until facilities are no longer needed or are replaced by authorized use of completed permanent facilities. 3.2 TEMPORARY UTILITY INSTALLATION A. General: Install temporary service or connect to existing service. 1. Arrange with utility company, Owner, and existing users for time when service can be interrupted, if necessary, to make connections for temporary services. B. Sewers and Drainage: Provide temporary utilities to remove effluent lawfully. I. Connect temporary sewers to municipal system as directed by authorities having jurisdiction. C. Water Service: Install water service and distribution piping in sizes and pressures adequate for construction. D. Water Service: Connect to Owner's existing water service facilities. Clean and maintain water service facilities in a condition acceptable to Owner. At Substantial Completion, restore these facilities to condition existing before initial use. E. Sanitary Facilities: Provide temporary toilets, wash facilities, and drinking water for use of construction personnel. Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction for type, number, location, operation, and maintenance of fixtures and facilities. 1. Electric Power Service: Connect to Owner's existing Service. F. Lighting: Provide temporary lighting with local switching that provides adequate illumination for construction operations, observations, inspections, and traffic conditions. 1. Install and operate temporary lighting that fulfills security and protection requirements without operating entire system. 33 SUPPORT FACILITIES INSTALLATION A. General: Comply with the following: 1. Maintain support facilities until Architect schedules Substantial Completion inspection. Remove before Substantial Completion. Personnel remaining after Substantial Completion will be permitted to use permanent facilities, under conditions acceptable to Owner. B. Parking: Use designated areas of Owner's existing parking areas for construction personnel. C. Dewatering Facilities and Drains: Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Maintain Project site, excavations, and construction free of water. 1. Dispose of rainwater in a lawful manner that will not result in flooding Project or adjoining properties or endanger permanent Work or temporary facilities. D. Project Signs: Provide Project signs as indicated. Unauthorized signs are not permitted. 1. Identification Signs: Provide Project identification signs as indicated in Project Manual. 2. Temporary Signs: Provide other signs as indicated and as required to inform public and individuals seeking entrance to Project. a. Provide temporary, directional signs for construction personnel and visitors. 3. Maintain and touchup signs so they are legible at all times. E. Waste Disposal Facilities: Comply with requirements specified in Division 1 Section "Construction Waste Management." � ' , � � � � ' ' � , � � � � TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01500 - 2 of 3 � , ' � � � ' , � ' , � ' LJ , � ' ' � ' ' APA O8. ] 2 Sid Lickton F. Waste Disposal Facilities: Provide waste-collection containers in sizes adequate to handle waste from construction operations. Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Comply with progress cleaning requirements in Division 1 Section "Execution Reyuirements." 3.4 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. SECURITY AND PROTECTION FACILITIES INSTALLATION Protection of Existing Facilities: Protect existing vegetation, equipment, structures, utilities, and other improvements at Project site and on adjacent properties, except those indicated to be removed or altered. Repair damage to existing faciliries. Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control: Comply with authorities having jurisdiction. Stormwater Control: Comply with requirements of authoriries having jurisdiction. Provide barriers in and azound excavations and subgrade construction to prevent flooding by runoff of stormwater from heavy rains. Tree and Plant Protection: Install temporary fencing located as indicated or outside the drip line of trees to protect vegetation from damage from construction operations. Protect tree root systems from damage, flooding, and erosion. Site Enclosure Fence: Before conshvction operations begin, fumish and install site enclosure fence in a manner that will prevent people and animals from easily entering site except by entrance gates. 1. Extent of Fence: As indicated on Drawings. 2. Maintain security by limiting number of keys and restricting distribution to authorized personnel. Furnish one set of keys to Owner. Security Enclosure and Lockup: Install temporary enclosure around partially completed areas of construction. Provide lockable entrances to prevent unauthorized entrance, vandalism, theft, and similar violations of security. Lock entrances at end of each work day. Barricades, Waming Signs, and Lights: Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction for erecting structurally adequate barricades, including waming signs and lighting. Temporary Egress: Maintain temporary egress from existing occupied facilities as indicated and as required by authorities having jwisdiction. END OF SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY FACILITTES AND CONTROLS 01500 - 3 of 3 ' L� � � ' � ' , , �I ' � � � ' �I � � L�I ' APA U8.12 SECTION 01524 - CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT PART1-GENERAL Sid Lickton 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for the following: 1. Salvaging nonhazardous demolition and construction waste. 2. Disposing of nor►I�azardous demolition and construction waste. B. See Division 1 Section "Selective Demolition" for disposition of waste resulting from partial demolition of buildings, structures, and site improvements. 1.2 DEFINITIONS A. Construction Waste: Building and site improvement materials and other solid waste resulting from construction, remodeling, renovation, or repair operations. Construction waste includes packaging. B. Demolition Waste: Buitding and site improvement materials resulting from demolition or selecrive demolition operations. C. Disposal: Removal off-site of demolition and construction waste and subsequent sale, recycling, reuse, or deposit in landfill or incinerator acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. D. Salvage: Recovery of demolition or construction waste and subsequent sale or reuse in another facility. PART 2 -PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART3-EXECUTION 3.1 SALVAGING DEMOLITION WASTE A. Salvaged Items for Owner's Use: 1. Clean salvaged items. 2. Pack or crate items after cleaning. Identify contents of containeis. 3. Store items in a secure area until delivery to Owner. 4. Transport items to Owner's storage area designated by Owner. 5. Protect items from damage during transport and storage. 3.2 DISPOSAL OF WASTE A. General: Except for items or materials to be salvaged, recycled, or otherwise reused, remove waste materials from Project site and legally dispose of them in a landfill or incinerator acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 1. Except as otherwise specified, do not allow waste materials that are to be disposed of accumulate on-site. 2. Remove and transport debris in a manner that will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces and areas. , B. Burning: Do not bum waste materials. C. Disposal: Transport waste materials off Owner's property and legally dispose of them. END OF SECTION 01524 CONS'TRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT �1524 - 1 of 1 ' , ' , ' 1 , ' � ' � u � � , APA 08.12 SECTION 01600 - PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS PARTI-GENERAL Sid Lickton i.l SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for selection of products for use in Project; product delivery, storage, and handling; manufacturers' standard warranties on products; special warranties; and comparable products. 1.2 DEFINIT'IONS A. Products: Items obtained for incorporating into the Work, whether purchased for Project or taken from previously purchased stock. The term "producY' includes the terms "material," "equipment," "system," and terms of similar intent. 1. Named Products: Items identified by manufacturer's product name, including make or model number or other designation shown or listed in manufacturer's published product literature, that is current as of date of the Contract Documents. 2. New Products: Items that have not previously been incorporated into another project or facility. Products salvaged or recycled from other projects are not considered new products. 3. Comparable Product: Product that is demonstrated and approved through submittal process to have the indicated qualities related to type, function, dimension, in-service performance, physical properties, appearance, and other chazacteristics that equal or exceed those of specified product. B. Basis-of-Design Product Specification: A specification in which a specific manufacturer's product is named and accompanied by the words "basis-of-design product;' including make or model number or other designation, to establish the significant qualities related to type, function, dimension, in-service performance, physical properties, appeazance, and other characteristics for purposes of evaluating comparable products of additional manufacturers named in the specification. 1.3 A. �� ACTION SUBMITTALS Comparable Product Requests: Submit request for consideration of each comparable product. Identify product or fabrication or installation method to be replaced. Include Specification Section number and title and Drawing numbers and titles. . l. Architect's Action: If necessary, Architect will request additional information or documentation for evaluation within one week of receipt of a comparable product request. Architect will notify Contractor of approval or rejection of proposed comparable product request within I S days of receipt of request, or seven days of receipt of additional information or documentation, whichever is later. a. Form of Approval: As specified in Division l Section "Submittal Procedures." b. Use product specified if Architect does not issue a decision on use of a comparable product request within time allocated. Basis-of-Design Product Specification Submittal: Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Submittal Procedures." Show compliance with requirements. � 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Compatibility of Options: If Contractor is given option of selecting between two or more products for use on Project, select product comparible with products previously selected, even if previously selected products were also options. � , � PRODUCT REQUIItEMENTS 01600 - 1 of 4 APA 08.12 , Sid Lickton ' 1.5 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, and handle products using means and methods that will prevent damage, deterioration, and loss, including theft and vandalism. Comply with manufacturer's written � C. instructions. Delivery and Handling: 1. Schedule delivery to minimize long-term storage at Project site and to prevent overcrowding of construction spaces. 2_ Coordinate delivery with installation time to ensure minimum holding time for items that are flammable, hazardous, easily damaged, or sensitive to deterioration, theft, and other losses. 3. Deliver products to Project site in an undamaged condition in manufacturer's original sealed container or other packaging system, complete with labels and instructions for handling, storing, unpacking, protecting, and installing. 4. Inspect products on delivery to determine compliance with the Contract Documents and to determine that products are undamaged and properly protected. Storage: 1. Store products to allow for inspection and measurement of quantity or counting of units. 2_ Store materials in a manner that will not endanger Project structure. 3. Store products that are subject to damage by the elements, under cover in a weathertight enclosure above ground, with ventilation adeyuate to prevent condensation. 4. Protect foam plastic from exposure to sunlight, except to extent necessary for period of installation and concealment. 5. Comply with product manufacturer's written instructions for temperature, humidity, ventilation, and weather-protection reyuirements for storage. 6. Protect stored products from damage and liquids from freezing. 1.6 PRODUCT WARRANTIES A. Warranties specified in other Sections shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties required by the Contract Documents. Manufacturer's disclaimers and limitations on product warranties do not relieve Contractor of obligations under requirements of the Contract Documents_ 1. Manufacturer's Warranty: Written warranty fiunished by individual manufacturer for a particular product and specifically endorsed by manufacturer to Owner. 2. Special Warranty: Written warranty required by the Contract Documents to provide specific rights for Owner. B. Special Warranties: Prepare a written document that contains appropriate terms and identification, ready for execution. 1. Manufachuer's Standard Form: Modified to include Project-specific information and properly executed. 2. Specified Form: When specified forms are included with the Specifications, prepare a written document using indicated form properly executed. 3. Refer to Divisions 2 through 16. Sections for specific content requirements and particular requirements for submitting special warranties. C. Submittal Time: Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Closeout Procedures." PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 PRODUCT SELECTION PROCEDURES A. General Product Requirements: Provide products that comply with the Contract Documents, are undamaged and, unless otherwise indicated, are new at time of installation. PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS ' ' � ' ' ' � ' � ' 1 � ' �� � � 01600 - 2 of 4 ' ' ' LJ � � � � � � � � � ' � � ' ' � � � APA 08.12 � C. Sid Lickton 1. Provide products complete with accessories, trim, finish, fasteners, and other items needed for a complete installation and indicated use and effect. 2. Standard Products: If available, and unless custom products or nonstandard options are specified, provide standard products of types that have been produced and used successfiilly in similar situations on other projects. 3. Owner reserves the right to limit selection to products with warranties not in conflict with requirements of the Contract Documents. 4. Where products are accompanied by the term "as selected," Architect will make selection. 5. Descriptive, performance, and reference standard requirements in the Specificarions establish salient characteristics of products. Product Selection Procedures: 1. Product: Where Specifications name a single manufacturer and product, provide the named product that complies with requirements. Comparable products or substitutions for Contractor's convenience will not be considered. 2. Manufacturer/Source: Where Specifications name a single manufacttuer or source, provide a product by the named manufachuer or source that complies with requirements. Comparable products or substitutions for Contractor's convenience will not be considered. 3. Products: a. Restricted List: Where Specifications include a list of names of both manufacturers and products, provide one of the products listed that complies with requirements. Comparable products or substitutions for Contractor's convenience will not be considered. b_ Nonrestricted List: Where Specifications include a list of names of both available manufacturers and products, provide one of the products listed, or an unnamed product, that complies with requirements. Comply with requirements in "Comparable Products" Article for consideration of an unnamed product. 4. Manufacturers: a. Restricted List: Where Specifications include a list of manufacturers' names, provide a product by one of the manufacturers listed that complies with requirements. Comparable products or substitutions for Contractor's convenience will not be considered. b. Nonrestricted List: Where Specifications include a list of available manufacturers, provide a product by one of the manufacturers listed, or a product by an unnamed manufacturer, that complies with requirements. Comply with requirements in ' "Compazable Products" Arricle for consideration of an unnamed manufacturer's product. 5. Basis-of-Design Product: Where Specifications name a product, or refer to a product indicated on Drawings, and include a list of manufacturers, provide the specified or indicated product or a comparable product by one of the other named manufacturers. Drawings and Specifications indicate sizes, profiles, dimensions, and other characteristics that are based on the product named. Comply with requirements in "Comparable Products" Article for consideration of an unnamed product by one of the other named manufacturers. Visual Selection Specification: Where Specifications include the phrase "as selected by Architect from manufacturer's ful] range" or similar phrase, select a product that complies with requirements. Architect will select color, gloss, pattern, density, or texture from manufacturer's product line that includes both standard and premium items. PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Ol 600 - 3 of 4 � APA 08.12 Sid Lickton � 2.2 COMPARABLE PRODUCTS � A. Conditions for Consideration: Architect will consider Contractor's request for compazable product when the following conditions aze satisfied_ If the following conditions are not satisfied, Architect may return requests without action, except to record noncompliance with these requirements: � 1. Evidence that the proposed product does not require revisions to the Contract Documents, that it is consistent with the Con�act Documents and will produce the indicated results, and that it is comparible with other portions of the Work. � 2. Detailed comparison of significant qualities of proposed product with those named in the Specifications. Significant qualities include attributes such as performance, weight, size, durability, visual effect, and specific features and requirements indicated. 3. Evidence that proposed product provides specified warranty. � 4. List of similar installations for completed projects with project names and addresses and names and addresses of azchitects and owners, if requested. 5. Samples, if requested. � PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01600 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS � � I'� � � � , 01600 - 4 of 4 � � � �I � � � � � � � � �� � 1 � � � � � APA b8.12 SECTION 01731 - CUTTING AND PATCHING PART1-GENERAL Sid Lickton 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes procedural requirements for cutting and patching. B. See Divisions 2 through 16 Sections for specific requirements and limitations applicable to cutting and patching individual parts of the Work. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Cutting and Patching Proposal: Submit a proposal describing procedures at least l0 days before the time cutting and patching will be performed, requesting approval to proceed. Include the following information: 1. Extent: Describe cutting and patching, show how they will be performed, and indicate why they cannot be avoided. 2. Changes to In-Place Construction: Describe anticipated results. Include changes to struchual elements and operating components as well as changes in building's appearance and other significant visual elements. 3. Products: List products to be used and firms or entities that will perform the Work. 4. Dates: Indicate when cutting and patching will be performed. 5. Utility Services and MechanicaUElectrical Systems: List services/systems that cutting and patching procedures will disturb or affect. List services/systems that will be relocated and those that will be temporarily out of service. Indicate how long services/systems will be disrupted. 6. Structural Elements: Where cutting and patching involve adding reinforcement to structural elements, submit details and engineering calculations showing integration of reinforcement with original structure. 7. Architect's Approval: Obtain approval of cutting and patching proposal before cutting and patching. Approval does not waive right to later require removal and replacement of unsatisfactory work. 1.3 A. B. C. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE Struchual Elements: Do not cut and patch structural elements in a manner that could change their load-carrying capacity or load-deflection ratio. Operational Elements: Do not cut and patch operating elements and related components in a manner that results in reducing their capacity to perform as intended or that results in increased maintenance or decreased operational life or safety. Miscellaneous Elements: Do not cut and patch miscellaneous elements or related components in a manner that could change their load-cazrying capacity, that results in reducing their capacity to perform as intended, or that results in increased maintenance or decreased operational life or safety. Visual Requirements: Do not cut and patch construction in a manner that results in visual evidence of cutting and patching. Do not cut and patch construction exposed on the exterior or in occupied spaces in a manner that would, in Architect's opinion, reduce the building's aesthetic qualities. Remove and replace construction that has been cut and patched in a visually unsatisfactory manner. 1.4 WARRANTY A. Existing Warranties: Remove, replace, patch, and repair materials and surfaces cut or damaged during cutting and patching operations, by methods and with materials so as not to void existing warranties. CUTTING AND PATCHING 01731 - 1 of 3 APA 08.12 � Sid Lickton � PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. General: Comply with requirements specified in other Sections. B. In-Place Materials: Use materials identical to in-place materials. For exposed surfaces, use materials that visually match in-place adjacent surfaces to the fullest extent possible. 1. If identical materials are unavailable or cannot be used, use materials that, when installed, will match the visual arid functiona] performance of in-place materials. PART3-EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine surfaces to be cut and patched and conditions under which cutting and patching aze to be performed. l. Compatibility: Before patching, verify compatibility with and suitability of substrates, including compatibility with in-place finishes or primers. 2. Proceed with installation only after unsafe or unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Temporary Support: Provide temporary support of Work to be cut. B. Protection: Protect in-place construction during cutting and patching to prevent damage. Provide protection from adverse weather conditions for portions of Project that might be exposed during cutting and patching operations. C. Adjoining Areas: Avoid interference with use of adjoining areas or interruption of free passage to adjoining areas. D. Existing Utility Services and MechanicaUElectrical Systems: Where existing services/systems are required to be removed, relocated, or abandoned, bypass such services/systems before cutting to prevent interruption to occupied areas. 3.3 PERFORMANCE A. General: Employ skilled workers to perform cutting and patching. Proceed with cutting and patching at the eazliest feasible time, and complete without delay. 1. Cut in-place construction to provide for installation of other components or performance of other construction, and subsequently patch as required to restore surfaces to their original condition. B. Cutting: Cut in-place construction by sawing, drilling, breaking, chipping, grinding, and similar operations, including excavation, using methods least likely to damage elements retained or adjoining consttuction. If possible, review proposed procedures with original Installer; comply with original Installer's written recommendations. 1. In general, use hand or small power tools designed for sawing and grinding, not hammering and chopping. Cut holes and slots as small as possible, neatly to size required, and with minimum disturbance of adjacent surfaces. Temporarily cover openings when not in use. 2. Finished Surfaces: Cut or drill from the exposed or fmished side into concealed surfaces. 3. Concrete and Masonry: Cut using a cutting machine, such as an abrasive saw or a diamond-core drill. 4. Excavating and Bac�lling: Comply with rec�uirements in applicable Division 2 Sections where required by cutting and patching operations. � � � � � 1 � � � � � , CUTTING AND PATCHING 01731 - 2 of 3 � � � L.l � � 1 � L� � � C � � r � APA 08.12 C� � Sid Lickton 5. Mechanical and Electrical Services: Cut off pipe or conduit in walls or partitions to be removed. Cap, valve, or plug and seal remaining portion of pipe or conduit to prevent entrance of moisture or other foreign matter after cutting. 6. Proceed with patching after construction operations requiring cutting are complete. Patching: Patch construction by filling, repairing, refinishing, closing up, and similar operations following performance of other Work. Patch with durable seams that aze as invisible as possible. Provide materials and comply with installation requirements specified in other Sections. 1. Inspection: Where feasible, test and inspect patched azeas after completion to demonstrate integrity of installation. 2. Exposed Finishes: Restore exposed finishes of patched areas and extend finish restoration into retained adjoining construction in a manner that will eliminate evidence of patching and refinishing. 3. Floors and Walls: Where walls or partitions that aze removed extend one finished area into another, patch and repair floor and wall surfaces in the new space. Provide an even surface of uniform finish, color, texture, and appearance. Remove in-place floor and wall coverings and replace with new materials, if necessary, to achieve uniform color and appearance. 4. Ceilings: Patch, repair, or rehang in-place ceilings as necessary to provide an even-plane surface of uniform appearance. 5. Exterior Building Enclosure: Patch components in a manner that restores enclosure to a weathertight condition. Cleaning: Clean areas and spaces where cutting and patching are performed. Completely remove paint, mortar, oils, putty, and similar materials. END OF SECTION 01731 CUTTING AND PATCHING O1731 - 3 of 3 a , � � � �� � � i � � ' r � APA 08.12 SECTION O1770 - CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES PART1-GENERAL 1.1 A. � Sid Lickton SUMMARY Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for contract closeout, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Substantial Completion procedures. 2. Final completion procedures. 3. Warranties. 4. Final cleaning. 5. Repair of the Work. Related Requirements: 1. Division i Section "Photographic Documentation" for submitting final completion construction photographic documentation. 2. Division 1 Section "Project Record Documents" for submitting record Drawings, record Specifications, and record Product Data. 3. Divisions 2 through 16 Sections for specific closeout and special cleaning requirements for the Work in those Sections. 1.2 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Contractor's List of Incomplete Items: Initial submittal at Substantial Completion. B. Certified List of Incomplete Items: Final submittal at Final Completion. 1.3 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Certificates of Release: From authorities having jurisdiction. 1.4 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS A. Schedule of Maintenance Material Items: For maintenance material submittal items specified in other Sections. 1.5 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION PROCEDURES A. Contractor's List of Incomplete Items: Prepare and submit a list of items to be completed and corrected (Contractor's punch list), indicating the value of each item on the list and reasons why the Work is incomplete. B. SubmittaIs Prior to Substantial Completion: Complete the following a minimum of seven days prior to requesting inspection for determining date of Substantial Completion. List items below that are incomplete at time of request. 1. Certificates of Release: Obtain and submit releases from authorities having jurisdiction permitting Owner unrestricted use of the Work and access to services and utilities. Include occupancy permits, operating certificates, and similar releases. 2. Submit closeout submittals specified in other Division 1 Sections, including project record documents, operation and maintenance manuals, fmal completion construction photographic documentation, damage or settlement surveys, property surveys, and similar final record information. 3. Submit closeout submittals specified in individual Divisions 2 through 16 Sections, including specific warranties, workmanship bonds, maintenance service agreements, final certifications, and similar documents. 4. Submit maintenance material submittals specified in individual Divisions 2 through 16 Sections, including tools, spare parts, extra materials, and similar items, and deliver to location designated by Architect. Label with manufacturer's name and model number where applicable. CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 01770 - 1 of 4 APA 08.12 C. I� � Sid Lickton � a. Schedule of Maintenance Material Items: Prepare and submit schedule of maintenance material submittal items, including name and quantity of each item and name and number of related Specification Section. Obtain Architect's signature for receipt of submittals. Procedures Prior to Substantial Completion: Complete the following a minimum of l 0 days prior to requesting inspection for determining date of Substantial Completion. List items below that are incomplete at time of request. 1. Make final changeover of permanent locks and deliver keys to Owner. Advise Owner's personnel of changeover in secwity provisions. 2. Complete startup and testing of systems and equipment. 3. Perform preventive maintenance on equipment used prior to Substantial Completion. 4. Instruct Owner's personnel in operation, adjustrnent, and maintenance of products, equipment, and systems. Submit demonstration and training video recordings specified in Division 1 Section "Demonstration and Training." 5. Terminate and remove temporary facilities from Project site, along with mockups, construction tools, and similar elements. 6. Complete final cleaning requirements, including touchup painting. 7. Touch up and otherwise repair and restore marred exposed finishes to eliminate visual defects. Inspection: Submit a written request for inspection to determine Substantial Completion a minimum of 10 days prior to date the work will be completed and ready for final inspection and tests. On receipt of request, Architect will either proceed with inspection or notify Contractor of unfulfilled reyuirements. Architect will prepaze the Certificate of Substantial Completion after inspection or will notify Contractor of items, either on Contractor's list or additional items identified by Architect, that must be completed or corrected before certificate will be issued. I. Reinspection: Request reinspection when the Work identified in previous inspections as incomplete is completed or corrected. 2. Results of completed inspection will form the basis of requirements for final completion. 1.6 FINAL COMPLETION PROCEDURES A. Preliminary Procedures: Before requesting final inspection for determining final completion, complete the following: l. Submit a final Application for Payment. 2. Certified List of Incomplete Items: Submit certified copy of Architect's Substantial Completion inspection list of items to be completed or corrected (punch list), endorsed and dated by Architect. Certified copy of the list shall state that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance. 3. Submit pest-control fmal inspection report and warranty. 4. Instruct Owner's personnel in operation, adjustment, and maintenance of products, equipment, and systems. B. Tnspection: Submit a written rec�uest for final inspection to determine acceptance. On receipt of request, Architect will either proceed with inspection or notify Contractor of unfulfilled requirements. Architect will prepare a fmal Certificate for Payment after inspection or will notify Contractor of construction that must be completed or corrected before certificate will be issued. 1. Reinspection: Request reinspection when the Work identified in previous inspections as incomplete is completed or corrected. 1.7 LIST OF INCOMPLETE ITEMS (PUNCH LIS1� A. Organization of List: Include name and identification of each space and area affected by construction operarions for incomplete items and items needing conection including, if necessary, areas disturbed by Contractor that are outside the limits of construction. CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES U1770 - 2 of 4 � � � � [ _� � � � � , � �� � � � � �� � � � � � L� J � APA U8.12 Sid Lickton 1. Organize list of spaces in sequential order, starting with exterior areas first and proceeding from lowest floor to highest floor. 2. Organize items applying to each space by major element, including categories for ceiling, individual walls, floors, equipment, and building systems. 3. Submit list of incomplete items in the following format: a Three paper copies unless otherwise indicated. Architect will retum two copies. 1.8 SUBMITTAL OF PROJECT WARRANTIES A. Time of Submittal: Submit written warranties on request of Architect for designated portions of the Work where commencement of warran[ies other than date of Substantial Completion is indicated, or when delay in submittal of warranties might limit Owner's rights under warranty. B. Organize warranty documents into an orderly sequence based on the table of contents of the Project ManuaL 1. Bind warranties and bonds in heavy-duty, three-ring, vinyl-covered, loose-leaf binders, thickness as necessary to accommodate contents, and sized to receive 8-1/2-by-1l-inch paper. 2. Provide heavy paper dividers with plastic-covered tabs for each separate warranty. Mark tab to identify the product or installation. Provide a typed description of the product or installation, including the name of the product and the name, address, and telephone number of Installer. 3. Identify each binder on the front and spine with the typed or printed title "WARRANTIES," Project name, and name of Contractor. 4. Warranty Electronic File: Scan warranties and bonds and assemble complete warranty and bond submittal package into a single indexed electronic PDF file with links enabling navigation to each item. Provide bookmarked table of contents at beginning of document. C. Provide additional copies of each warranty to include in operation and maintenance manuals. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Cleaning Agents: Use cleaning materials and agents recommended by manufacturer or fabricator of the surface to be cleaned. Do not use cleaning agents that aze potentially hazardous to health or property or that might damage finished surfaces. ]. Use cleaning products that comply with Green Seal's GS-37, or if GS-37 is not applicable, use products that comply with the Califomia Code of Regulations maximum allowable VOC levels. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 FINAL CLEANING A. General: Perform final cleaning. Conduct cleaning and waste-removal operations to comply with local laws and ordinances and Federal and local environmental and antipollution regulations. B. Cleaning: Employ experienced workers or professional cleaners for final cleaning. Clean each surface or unit to condition expected in an average commercial building cleaning and maintenance program. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. ]. Complete the following cleaning operations before requesting inspection for certification of Substantial Completion for entire Project or for a designated portion of Project: a. Clean Project site, yazd, and grounds, in areas disturbed by construction activities, including landscape development areas, of nibbish, waste material, litter, and other foreign substances. CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 01770 - 3 of 4 APA 08.12 Sid Lickton b. Sweep paved areas broom clean. Remove petrochemical spills, stains, and other foreign deposits. c. Rake gounds t6at are neither planted nor paved to a smooth, even-textured surface. d. Remove tools, construction equipment, machinery, and surplus material from Project site. e. Clean exposed exterior and interior hard-surfaced fmishes to a dirt-free condition, free of stains, films, and similar foreign substances. Avoid disturbing natural weathering of exterior surfaces. Restore reflective surfaces to their original condition. f. Remove debris and surface dust from limited access spaces, including roofs, plenums, shafts, trenches, eyuipment vaults, manholes, attics, and similar spaces. g. Sweep concrete floors broom clean in unoccupied spaces. h. Clean transpazent materials, including mirrors and glass in doors and windows. Remove glazing compounds and other noticeable, vision-obscuring materials. Replace chipped or broken glass and other damaged transparent materials. Polish mirrors and glass, taking care not to scratch surfaces. i. Remove labels that are not permanent. j. Wipe surfaces of inechanical and electrical equipment and similar equipment. Remove excess lubrication, paint and mortar droppings, and other foreign substances. k. Clean plumbing fixtures to a sanitary condition, free of stains, including stains resulting from water exposure. 1. Clean light fixtures, lamps, globes, and reflectors to function with full e�ciency. m. Leave Project clean and ready for occupancy. 3.2 REPAIR OF THE WORK A. Complete repair and restoration operations before requesting inspection for determination of Substantial Completion. B. Repair or remove and replace defective construcrion. Repairing includes replacing defective parts, refmishing damaged surfaces, touching up with matching materials, and properly adjusting operating eyuipment. Where damaged or worn items cannot be repaired or restored, provide replacements. Remove and replace operating components that cannot be repaired. Restore damaged construction and permanent facilities used during construction to specified condition. 1. Remove and replace chipped, scratched, and broken glass, reflective surfaces, and other damaged transparent materials. 2. Touch up and otherwise repair and restore marred or exposed finishes and surfaces. Replace finishes and surfaces that that akeady show evidence of repair or restoration. a. Do not paint over "UL" and other required labels and identification, including mechanical and electrical nameplates. Remove paint applied to reyuired labels and identification. 3. Replace parts subject to operating conditions during construction that may impede operation or reduce longevity. 4. Replace bumed-out bulbs, bulbs noticeably dimmed by hours of use, and defective and noisy starters in fluorescent and mercury vapor fixtures to comply with requirements for new fixtures. END OF SECTION 01770 � ' � � � � � L__I � � � �� � CLOSEOUT PROC�DURES 01770 - 4 of 4 � � � ' � � � � � � � � � � � � � � APA 08.12 SECTION 01781 - PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS PART1-GENERAL Sid Lickton 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for project record documents, including the following: 1. Record Drawings. 2. Record Specifications. 3. Record Product Data. B. Related Requirements: 1. Divisions 2 through 16 Sections for specific requirements for project record documents of the Work in those Sections. 1.2 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Record Drawings: Comply with the following: 1. Number of Copies: Submit copies of record Drawings as follows: a. Submittal: ]) Submit record digital data files and one set of plots. b. Final Submittal: 1) Submit one paper-copy set of marked-up record prints. 2) Submit record digital data files and three sets of record digital data file plots. 3} Plot each drawing file, whether or not changes and additional information were recorded. B. Record Specifications: Submit one paper copy of Project's Specifications, including addenda and contract modifications. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 I:\ � RECORD DRAWINGS Record Prints: Maintain one set of marked-up paper copies of the Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings, incorporating new and revised Drawings as modifications are issued. 1. Preparation: Mark record prints to show the actual installation where installation varies from that shown originally. Require individual or entity who obtained record data, whether individual or entity is Installer, subcontractor, or similar entity, to provide information for prepazation of corresponding marked-up record prints. a. Give particular attention to information on concealed elements that would be difficult to identify or measure and record later. b. Record data as soon as possible a8er obtaining it. c. Record and check the markup before enclosing concealed installations. 2. Mark the Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings completely and accurately. Use personnel proficient at recording graphic information in production of marked-up record prints. 3. Mark record sets with erasable, red-colored pencil. Use other colors to distinguish between changes for different categories of the Work at same location. 4. Note Construction Change Directive numbers, alternate numbers, Change Order numbers, and similar identification, where applicable. Format: Identify and date each record Drawing; include the designation "PROJECT RECORD DRAWING" in a prominent location. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 01781-1of2 APA 08.12 Sid Lickton 1. Record Prints: Organize record prints and newly prepared record Drawings into manageable sets. Bind each set with durable paper cover sheets. Include identification on cover sheets. 2.2 RECORD SPECIFICATIONS A. Preparation: Mark Specifications to indicate the actual product installation where installation varies from that indicated in Specifications, addenda, and contract modifications. 1. Give particular attention to information on concealed products and installations that cannot be readily identified and recorded later. 2. Mark copy with the proprietary name and model number of products, materials, and equipment furnished, including substitutions and product options selected. 3. Record the name of manufactur , supplier, Installer, and other information necessary to provide a record of selections made. 4. Note related Change Orders, record Product Data, and record Drawings where applicable. B. Format: Submit record Specifications as one paper copy. PART3-EXECUTION 3.1 RECORDING AND MAINTENANCE A. Recording: Maintain one copy of each submittal during the construction period for project record document purposes. Post changes and revisions to project record documents as they occur; do not wait until end of Project. B. Maintenance of Record Documents and Samples: Store record documents and Samples in the field office apart from the Contract Documents used for construction. Do not use project record documents for construction purposes. Maintain record documents in good order and in a clean, dry, legible condition, protected from deterioration and loss_ Provide access to project record documents for Architect's and Construcrion Manager's reference during normal working hours. END OF SECTION 01781 � � � �� � � � � r � � � PROJECT RECORD DOCiJMENTS 01781 - 2 of 2 � � � � � � � L' � � � � � � � � 07/12 McCarthy and Associates Sid Lickton SECTlON 02220 SITE PREPARATION, EXCAVATION AND EARTHWORK FOR FOUNDATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. All requirements of Division 0 and Division 1 forms a part of this section. B. A subsurface investigation and soils report have been completed for this project. Alt work in this section shall comply with the soils report. 1.02 REQUIREMENTS OF RECULATORY AGENCIES A. Comply with federal, state, local, and other duly constituted authorities in matters pertaining to: 1. Permitting 2. Disposal of and hauling of waste material 3. Safety precautions 4. Barricades 5. Protection of environmental matters 1.03 SCOPE OF WORK A. Periorm al{ work specified herein as indicated within the grading area, i.e., that area within which earth grades are shown to be approximately 5 feet outside building perimeter. Remainder of property is to be left undisturbed, except as otherwise authorized for such purposes as spoil or stock pile areas, temporary ditches, swales and/or haul or access roads, in which case such authorized areas become part of the grading area. This work includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Clearing and grubbing of vegetation and debris of all kinds. 2. Stripping. 3. Excavating to grade and subgrades. 4. Excavating and backfilling for foundations. 5. Providing finish load-bearing subgrades for foundations. 6. Disposal of removed materials. 7. Dewatering. 8. Laboratory testing. B. Related work not specified under this subdivision. 1. Excavation of backfill for utilities. 2. Finish grading. 1.04 GENERAL A. Contractor shall obtain a copy of the soils report for use with this section. � B. The Contractor shall examine all drawings and the specifications, consulted the records of adjacent construction and of any existing utilities, and the connections, if any, and noted all conditions and limitations which may influence the work required by this Section. � r � EARTHWORK 02220 - 1 07112 McCarthy and Associates 1 1 Sid Lickton � C. Where recommendations presented in the soils report conflict with this section, the soils report shall govern. 1.05 EXISTING STRUCTURES A. Care shall be exercised during excavation, backfilling, and compaction work to avoid damage to existing buildings or foundations. 1.06 PROTECTION A. Protect trees and dispose of all removed trees including stumps and roots. B. Protect bench marks, existing structures, fences, sidewalks, paving, and curbs from equipment and vehicular tra�c. C. Protect above and below grade utilities which are to remain. D. Protect excavations by shoring, bracing, sheet piling, underpinning, or other methods required to prevent cave in or loose soi! from falling into excavation. E. Notify Architect/Engineer of unexpected subsurface conditions and discontinue affected work in area until notified to resume work. F. Control grades in vicinity of excavations to prevent surface water running into excavated areas. G. Conduct ea�thwork operations under this division to insure against rainwash and silting of watercourses, ponds and adjoining property resulting therefrom. Should such silting occur, restore such areas to their original condition if outside the grading areas, or to lines, grades and conditions shown specified if within grading areas, all at no cost to the Owner_ PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 FILL MATERIALS A. Fill material shall be as specified in the soils reporE or at least c{ean fine sand, free of rubble, organics, clay, debris and other unsuitable maierial. Fill should be tested and approved prior to acquisition. B. Source of new material and length of haul shall be the Contractor's responsibility. C. Drainage fill: Crushed stone or gravel so that 100% passes 1-1/2" sieve with not more than 10% passing a No. 4 sieve. PART 3 - EXECUTtON 3.01 PREPARATION A. Identify required lines, levels, contours, and datum. 1. Identify known underground utilities. Stake and flag locaiions. 2. Identify and flag surface and aerial utilities. 3. Notify companies to remove and relocate utilities as required. EARTHWORK 02220 - 2 � � � ' �l � � 07/12 McCarthy and Associates Sid Lickton 4. Maintain and protect existing utilities remaining which pass through work area. B. If required, perform remedial de-watering prior to any earthwork operations. C. Clear and grub site as defined in the soils report. � D. Proof-roll the sub-grade in accordance with the soils report and under the observation of the tesGng laboratory. Proof-rolling will help locate any zones of especialiy loose or soft soils not encountered in the soil test borings. Then undercut, or otherwise treat these zones as recommended by the testing lab. � � � � �� � � � � � � � � E. Testing the sub-grade for compaction will be as directed by the testing laboratory and as shown on the structural drawings. 3_02 FILL A. Fill in areas where required shall be placed in loose lifts as directed by the soils report. B. In load-bearing areas, fill shall be compacted as recommended in the soils report or at least to 95°/a of maximum modified Proctor dry density. A moisture content within two percent (2%) points of optimum indicated by the modified Proctor test (ASTM D-1557) is recommended. C. Perform compliance tests within the fill as directed by the testing lab. 3.03 EXCAVATION A. Excavation shall conform to the dimensions and elevations shown on the drawings, but excavation lines shall be such as to provide sufficient clearance for the proper execution of the work to be installed. Allowances shall be made for work and inspections. Bottom of all excavations shall be trimmed to the levels indicated and sloping surfaces cut in steps shown on drawings. After carrying the excavation to the required depth, the Contractor shall await the inspection and testing of the bearing soil. B. Control of ground water, including all necessary equipment, to maintain all excavated areas in a dry condition shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. C. Sides of temporary excavations can be cut to maximum stope of 1:1. However, no claim may be made by the Contractor for extra work for damages resulting from slope stability failure. D. The bottom of foundation excavations shall be compacted after excavation to densify any soils loosened in the excavation process. Backfill soils placed adjacent to footing or walls shall be carefully compacted with a light rubber tired roller or vibratory plate compactor to avoid damaging the footings and walls. Approved sand fills placed in footing excavations above the bearing level, in trench excavations, and in other areas which are expected to provide slab support and foundation embedment constraint shall be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 6 inches and shall be compacted to a minimum of 95% of the maximum modi�ed Proctor dry density. E. Test all footing cuts for compaction to a depth of 1 foot, as directed by the testing laboratory. 3.04 DEWATERING A. Refer to the soils report for an estimate of seasonal high ground water table. EARTHWORK 02220 - 3 07/12 McCarthy and Associates Sid Lickton B. The geotechnical testing faboratory shall determine the depth of ground water just prior to construction to determine what dewatering will be required. C. Water control witl consist of, but not necessarily be limited to, well points, sumps, and pumps, in conjunction with berms and any needed ditches. Deep wells will not be permitted. D. Approval by the Architect of data submitted shall not relieve the Contractor of full responsibility for adequacy of dewatering system. In the event that ducing the progress of the work it is determined that the dewatering system is inadequate, the Contractor shall install and operate such additional dewatering equipment and/or make such changes in the system or plan of operation as may be necessary to perform the dewatering system in an adequate manner. E. Groundwater shall be maintained at least 24 inches below all earthwork, foundations, and compacted surfaces, or as directed by the testing laboratory. 3.05 BACKFILL UNDER AND AROUND BUILDING AREA A. All debris shall be removed from excavations prior to backfilling and filling. B. Backfill under and around building area shall be placed in loose layers not exceeding 12" and shall be compacted as defined in the soils report or at least to a density equal to 95% of the modified Proctor maximum dry density as per ASTM D698-70. C. Backfill in electrical plumbing and mechanical trenches shall be compacted to previously specified density. 3.06 GRADtNG A. Grade areas to lines and elevations indicated, including adjacent transition areas. Smooth finish surface within specified tolerances. Compact and bring to uniform levels or slopes between points where elevations are shown or between such points and existing grades. B. Unless shown on the drawings, stope the grade evenly to provide drainage away from the building. C. Complete the grading operations after the building has been finished, utilities installed, site improvements constructed, and all excavated materials, rubbish, and debris removed from the site. Leave grade for lawns and planted areas clean and at required grades. 3.07 TESTING A. A qualified licensed geotechnical testing laboratory shall be retained to perform all necessary quality control testing for earthwork. B, All testing shall comply with the project soils report. C. See structural drawings for a minimum testing program. D. Provide samples of materials proposed for fills as required. Cooperate with laboratory personnel in obtaining samples, and during quality control testing. 3.08 SPECIAL NOTES EARTHWORK 02220 - 4 , � � 07/12 McCarthy and Associates Sid Lickton A. Fi{I material shall not be placed against walls until 7 days after grouting of masonry cells. Compaction of exterior fill and interior backfill shall not be performed until wall grout has cured ' 14 days. B. Do not use drum compactor within 6 feet of walls. Compaction within 6 feet of walls shall be accomplished with a hand operated vibratory compactor. END OF SECTION 02220 � �� � , �� � � � � , � � EARTHWORK 02220 - 5 � � ' r � ,� , u � � � � � � �I � ' � � ' APA 0812 SECTION 02361 - TERMITE CONTROL PART1-GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Soil treatment with termiticide. Sid Lickton 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Include the EPA-Registered Label for termiticide products. B. Product certificates. C. Soil Treatment Application Report: Include the following: 1. Date and time of application. 2. Moisture content of soil before application. 3. Termiticide brand name and manufacturer. 4. Quantity of undiluted termiticide used. 5. Dilutions, methods, volumes used, and rates of application. 6. Areas of application. 7. Water source for application. D. Warranties: Sample of special warranties. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: A specialist who is licensed according to regulations of authorities having jurisdiction to apply termite control treatment and products in jurisdiction where Project is located and who employs workers trained and approved by manufacturer to install manufacturer's products. B. Regulatory Requirements: Formulate and apply termiticides and termiticide devices according to the EPA-Registered Labe1. 1.5 WARRANTY A. Soil Treatment Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form, signed by Applicator and Contractor, certifying that termite control work, consisting of applied soil termiticide treatrnent, will prevent infestation of subterranean termites. If subterranean termite activity or damage is discovered during warranty period, re-treat soil and repair or replace damage caused by termite infestation. 1. Warranty Period: Five years from date of Substantial Completion. PA.RT 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SOIL TREATMENT A. Termiticide_ Provide an EPA-Registered termiticide, complying with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction, in an aqueous solution formulated to prevent termite infestation. Provide quantity required for application at the label volume and rate for the maximum termiticide concentration allowed for each specific use, according to product's EPA-Registered Label. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, available products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. BASF Corporation, Agricultural Products; Termidor. TERMITE CONTROL 02361 - I of 2 APA 08.12 � Sid Lickton � b. Bayer Environmental Science; Premise 75. c. FMC Corporation, Agricultural Products Group; Dragnet FT, Talstar, Prevail. d. Syngenta; Demon TC, Prelude, Probuild TC. 2. Service Life of Treatment: Soil treatment termiticide that is effective for not less than five years against infestation of subterranean termites. PART3-EXECDTION 3.1 APPLICATION, GENERAL A. General: Comply with the most stringent requirements of authorities having jurisdiction and with manufacturer's EPA-Registered Label for products. 3.2 A I� 0 E F G. H. APPLYING SOIL TREATMENT Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Applicator present, for compliance with requirements for moisture content of soil per termiticide label requirements, interfaces with earthwork, slab and foundation work, landscaping, utility installation, and other conditions affecting performance of termite control. Proceed with application only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Soil Treatment Preparation: Remove foreign matter and impermeable soil materials that could decrease treatment effectiveness on areas to be treated. Loosen, rake, and level soil to be treated except previously compacted areas under slabs and footings. Termiticides may be applied before placing compacted fill under slabs if recommended in writing by termiticide manufacturer. 1. Fit filling hose connected to water source at the site with a backflow preventer, complying with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Application: Mix soil treatment termiticide solution to a uniform consistency. Provide quantity required for application at the label volume and rate for the maximum specified concentration of termiticide, according to manufacturer's EPA-Registered Label, to the following so that a continuous horizontal and vertical termiticidal barrier or treated zone is established around and under building construction.. Distribute treatment evenly. 1. Slabs-on-Grade: Under ground-supported slab construction, including footings, building slabs, and attached slabs as an overall treatment. Treat soil materials before concrete footings and slabs are placed. 2. Penetrations: At expansion joints, control joints, and areas where slabs will be penetrated. Avoid disturbance of treated soil after application. Keep off treated areas until completely dry. Protect termiticide solution, dispersed in treated soils and fills, from being diluted until ground- supported slabs are installed. Use waterproof bartier according to EPA-Registered Label instructions. Post warning signs in areas of application. Reapply soil treatment solution to areas disturbed by subsequent excavation, grading, landscaping, or other construction activiries following application. END OF SECTION 02361 TERMITE CONTROL � ' � � � � � � � � � r � � 02361 - 2 of 2 � � � � r ' � � , � , ' ' �J � C� � � � � 07/12 McCarthy and Associates SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART1-GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS Sid Lickton A. Drawings and general provisions of the contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, and Division 1 specification sections, apply to this section. 1.02 DESCRIPTION A. SCOPE OF WORK 1 � K� Provide all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary to complete all cast-in- place concrete work, including formwork, reinforcing steel and all related work as shown and specified, except as specifically excluded hereinafter. In addition to construction of cast-in-place concrete work, the work includes the items listed below: a_ Setting anchor bolts, irames, ar►d other items indicated to be embedded in concrete b. Grouting of structural steel bearing on concrete c. Concrete curbs d. Dowe[s for masonry walls e. Concrete walks f. Concrete pavement g. Laboratory field testing services Cooperate with affected personnel or contractors in setting and/or fastening sleeves, piping, inserts, coriduits, hangers, ties and similar items in the forms, where such items are to be furnished and installed under other subdivisions of these specifications. B. RELATED WORK NOT SPECIFIED UNDER THIS SUBDIVISION 1. Foundations and pads not shown on architectural, civil or structural drawings. 2. Fumishing steel frames and grating. 3. Fumishing miscellaneous steel shapes and plates embedded in concrete. 4. Furnishing anchor boRs for structural steel. 5. Fumishing piping and conduit embedded in concrete. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. APPLICABLE STANDARDS 1. Provide all materials and perform all work in accordance with the latest issue of ACI 301 "Standard Specifications for Structural Concrete A" and the reierence specifications listed therein. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 -1 07/12 McCarthy and Associates Sid Lickton 2. The applicable provisions of the latest issue of the following ACI and CRSI Standards are made a part of these specifrcations.Where the provisions of any reference spec�cation conflict with those of ACI 301, the more stringent provisions govern. ACI NUMBER TtTLE 117 Standard Spec�cations for Tolerances for Concrete Construction 226 Ground Granulated Blast-furnace Stag 301 Standard Spec�cation for Structural Concrete for Buitdings 302.1R Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction 304.R Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete 304.2R Placing concrete by Pumping Methods 305R Hot Weather Concreting 306R Cold Weather Concreting 308 Standard Practice for Curing Concrete 309R Guide for Consolidation of Concrete 315 Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures 318 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete 347 Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork 70-56 Guide for Use of Epoxy Compounds with Concrete — Committee 503 Report 75-18 Concrete Committee 503 Report.Cold Weather Concreting. CRSI NUMBER TITLE 63 1.04 SUBMITTALS Recommended Practice for Placing Reinforcing Bars A. Submit, not less than 21 days prior to placing of concrete, the following proposed concrete mix design data: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Intended usage and location for each type Mix design for each type Cement content in pounds per cubic yard Coarse and fine aggregate in pounds per cubic yard Water-cement ratio by weight Cement type and manufacturer Slump range Air content range Admixture types and manufacturers Percent of admixtures by weight Strength test data reguired to establish mix design B. Submit complete detail and placing shop drawings for all reinforcing steel including accessories , that have been reviewed and stamped by the General Contraetor. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 2 � � � � ' � L__: � , , ' � 07/12 McCarthy and Associates C. Refer to Section 01300 for all submittals. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.01 CONCRETE MATERIALS Sid Lickton A. Portland Cement - ASTM C 150, Type I.Type III may be used where authorized by the Engineer. B. Air-Entraining Admixtures - ASTM C 260, Darax AEA, W. R. Grace & Company, SIKA AER, SIKA, MB-AE90, Master Builders, Air Mix, Euclid Chemical Corp. C. Water-Reducing Admixtures - ASTM C 494, Type D. WRDA-64, W.R. Grace & Company Plastiment, SiKA, Pozzolith N, Master Builders. D. No accelerators, retarders or admixtures containing chlorides will be permitted. E. Use fresh, clean and drinkable water for concrete. F. For normal weight concrete use coarse and fine aggregate to conform to ASTM C33. G. Super Plasticizer ASTM C494 Type F or G where authorized by the Engineer. H. Fly-ash ASTM C618 Type C618.Maximum loss on ignition shall not exceed 3% by weight. The � combined weight of fly-ash sha{I not exceed 20 percent of the total weight of cementitious material.The fly-ash present in blended cement conforming to ASTM C595 shall be included in the calculated percentage.Do not use for architectural concrete. � � u � �� ' � � � I. Ground granulated blast-furnish slag ASTM C989.the combined weight of GGBFS shall not exceed 50 percent of the total weight of cementitious material.Slag used in blended hydraulic cement confirming to ASTM C595 shall be included in the calculated percentage. 2.02 PROPORTIONING A. Concrete Strength — See structural drawings for minimum concrete compressive strength at 28 days. B. PROPERTIES 1. Provide concrete having the general properties specified for each class of concrete with the following tables to provide workability and consistency so concrete can be worked readily into forms and around reinforcement without segregation or bleeding, and to provide an average compressive strength adequate to meet acceptance requiremerds of ACI 301. 2.03 PRODUCT{ON OF CONCRETE A. Concrete must be batched, mixed and transported in accordance with spee�cations for ready- mixed concrete ASTM C 94. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 3 07/12 McCarthy and Associates Sid Lickton B. Concrete shall be batched to produce a slump of 4" plus/minus 1".Refer to 2.02B unless noted otherwise. C. Provide at the site, delivery tickets for each batch of concrete showing the following: 1. Batch number, volume and date 2. Time of loading 3. Design 28-day compressive strength 4. Concrete type 5. Cement content in pounds per cubic yard 6. Water content in pounds per cubic yard 7. Admixtures in amount per cubic yard 8. Maximum amount of water that may be added at the job site. D. Restrict the addition of mix water at the job site.Do not add water without the approval of the general contractor and do not exceed slump limitations or tota{ allowable water to cement ratio.Use cold water from the truck tank and remix to achieve consistency.The reports shall indicate how much water was added at the job site.IVote on delivery ticket amount of water added and name of person authorizing. E. During hot weather, conform to the detailed recommendations of ACI 305. F. When air temperature is befinreen 85 and 90 degrees F., reduce mixing and delivery time to 75 minutes.When air temperature is higher than 90 degrees, reduce mixing and delivery time to 60 minutes. G. Concrete should be deposited as nearly as practicable to its final position to avoid segregation of materia{s due to re-handling or flowing. H. Concreting should be carried on at such a rate that the concrete is at all times plastic and flows readily into spaces between reinforcement. I. The use of the following is prohibited: 1. Partially hardened concrete 2. Contaminated concrete 3. Re-tempered concrete 4. Concrete that has been re-mixed after it has taken its initial set. J. After concreting has been started, it should be carried on as a continuous operation until placing of a panel or section, as determined by its boundaries or joints, is completed. K. All concrete should be thoroughly consolidated by suitable means during placement and should be worked around reinforcement and embedded fixtures and into comers of forms. 2.04 PtACING CONCRETE A. GENERAL 1. Inner surtaces of c�nveying equipment must be free of hardened concrete and foreign materials. 2. All reinforcing bars are to be tied in proper p�ition prior to placing concrete. 3. Provide sufficient time for inspection of all preparatory woric before proceeding with the placing of concrete. � ' � , � ' � � � �� � � � � ' CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 4 � � 1 ' , � ' � � u I� U � � ' � �1 � � ' � � � 07/12 McCarthy and Associates Sid Lickton 4. Immediately prior to placing concrete, sprinkle semi-porous sub-grades sufficiently to eliminate suction and seal porous sub-grades, except where a vapor barrier is used. 5_ Deposit concrete in forms in horizontal layers continuously, no deeper than 18 inches.Horizontal cold joints will not be permitted.Fill forms completely using methods to ensure even distribution of aggregate around reinforcement and into corners of forms. 6. When air temperature is between 85 and 90 degrees F, reduce mixing and delivery time to 75 minutes.When air temperature is higher than 9Q degrees F, reduce mixing and delivery time to 60 minutes. 7. Concrete shall have a wet cure time of 7 days minimum at 50 degrees minimum temperature. 8. Concrete shall be deposited as nearly as practicable to its final position to avoid segregation of materials due to re-handling or flowing. 9. Concreting shall be carried on at such a rate that the concrete is at all times plastic and flows readily into spaces between reinforcement. 10. The foll�wing conditions are prohibited: a. Partially hardened concrete. b. Contaminated concrete. c_ Re tempered concrete. d. Concrete that has been re-mixed after it has taken its initial set. 11. After concreting has been started, it shall be carried on as a continuous operation until placing or a panel or section, as determined by its boundaries or joints, is completed. B. CONSOLIDATION 1. Consolidate concrete by vibration in accordance with the detailed recommendations of ACI 309. 2. Intemal vibrators must be used in beams, girders and framed slabs and along bulkheads or slabs-on-grade to thoroughly consolidate the concrete.Do not use grossly oversized equipment. 3. Do not use vibrators to transport concrete within forms. C. FINISHING 1. Finish concrete slabs in accordance with the finishes and tolerances as specified in ACI 301, and the detailed recommendations in ACI 302.Confirm all finishes with Architect. 2. Dusting of slabs with cement or other materials to absorb excess bleed water is strictly prohibited. TOLERANCE ITEM CLASS FINISH Exterior Pavement B Broom or belt Exterior Walks/Curbs B Fine broom {nterior Sfabs A Troweled Exterior Steps A Nonslip 3. For flat, very flat and super flat floors, "F" numbers are required for defining flatness and Ievelness.Refer to ACI 301.1R, Fig., for minimum required "F' numbers for rype of slab use. D. NONSLIP FINISH Give surface a dry shake application as specified in ACI 301 using crushed selected abrasive aggregate of aluminum oxide.The rate of application of blended mixture should not be less than 25 pounds per 100 square feet of surface. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 5 07/12 McCarthy and Associates 2. Acceptable products are: TYPE G rip-It Frictex N.S. Nonslip Emag 20 2.05 REINFORCEMENT A. GENERAL MANUFACTURER L&M Construction Chemicals Sonnebom Euclid Chemica! Co. Lambert Corp. , r Sid Lickton � 1. Details of concrete reinforcement and accessories not covered herein or shown on drawings to be in accordance with ACI 315. 2. Reinforcement is to be secured in proper position and thoroughly clean of loose rust, scale, grease or other coatings. B. REINFORCING MATERIALS 1. Unless otherwise indicated, for all reinforcing shown provide deformed bars conforming to ASTM A 615, or a 616 Grade 60. 2. Smooth dowels - ASTM A 615 and A 616, plain bars having a minimum yield strength of 60,000 psi. 3. Welded wire fabric - ASTM A 185 plain wire fabric in flat sheets. 4. Plain wire to conform to ASTM A 82. 5. Accessories to conform to ACI 315. 6. Where reinforcing rods are used as supports, use rods no lighter than No. 5. • 7. Where concrete surfaces are exposed, make those portions of all accessories in contact with the concrete surtace or within 1/2 inch thereaf, of plastic or stainless steel. 8. Reinforcing steel should be free of kinks and non-shop bends.Field bends should be only as approved by the architect. C. F{BROUS REINFORCING(Synthetic) 1. Reinforcing fibers to be virgin 100% pofypropylene fibers, per ASTM C1116, specifically manufactured for use in concrete, containing no reprocessed olefin materials, with the following minimum physical characteristics: a. spec�c gravity: 0.91 b. modulus of elasticity: 500-700 KSI c. tensile strength: 70-110 KSI d. fiber length: muRi-design gradation, 3/4" maximum. 2. Reinforcing fibers to be supplied by the following approved manufacturers: a. "FIBERSiRAND 100", Euclid Chemicat Company b. "FIBERMESH INFORCE e3 or STEALTH e3+, SI Concrete Systems c. "FORTA SUPER-NET', Forta Corporation d. "NYCON FIBERS", Nycon, Inc. 3. Fibers to be added in manufacturer's approved amount with a minimum of 1.5 pounds per cubic yard for poly and 1.0 pounds per cubic yard for nylon. 4. Concrete to be batched and mixed in accordance wfth fiber manufacturer's recommendations for uniform and complete dispersion of fiber bundles into single strands within concrete. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE �' � �� � , L� � ' � � � � �I 03300 - 6 � � � , , ' �I � , r r � ' � �� �I U LI ' 07l12 McCarthy and Associates Sid Lickton 5. Reinforcing fibers may be used in concrete slabs-on-grade in tieu of VWVF with approval of the engineer. 6. Submit product data for review and approval. 7. For a"non-hairy" surface use a monofilament fiber.Collated fibrillated fibers wear away in a short period of time. D. FIBROUS REINFORCING (alternate to wwf on composite metal decks) 1. All fibers must meet the criteria in the Steel Deck Institute design manual (Publication No. 30). 2_ Cold drawn steel fibers meeting the criteria of ASTM A820, at a minimum addition rate of 25 Ibtyd3 (14.8 kg/m3) and possessing an average residual strength of at least 80 psi 550 kpa when tested ASTM C1399, may be used as a su'dable aRernative to the welded wire fabric specified for temperature and shrinkage reinforcement. 3. Reir�forcing fiber to be supplied by the folbwing approved suppliers: a. "NOVOMESH 850, or NOVOCON 1050" by SI Concrete Systems b. "DRAMIX 65/60" by Bekaert 4. Steel fibers do not replace rebar over girders, which are used to control negative moment. 5. Steel fibers are to be added at the batch plant and in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations for uniform and complete dispersion. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PLACING A. GENERAL 1. Place reinforcing in conformance with the requirements of CRSI 63.PIace reinforcement in proper position prior to placing concrete.Placing reinforcement during concrete placement will not be permitted. 2. Unless otherwise shown or indicated, provide minimum concrete protective covering for reinforcement as follows: a. Concrete deposited against the ground, 3". b. Formed sucFaces exposed to weather or in contact with the ground, 2" for reinforcing bars No. 6 or larger, and 1-1/2" for reinforcing bars No. 5 or smaller. c. Interior sucfaces, 1-1/2" for beams, girders and columns, 3/4" for slabs, walls and joists. d. See drawing for special conditions. 3. Support reinforcing for slabs-on-grade on staggered concrete bricks or metal or plastic bar chairs and spacers with metal plates. 4. Unless specifically authorized, do not bend reinforcement partially embedded in hardened concrete. 5. Support and fasten all dowels in the formwork prior to placing concrete.Do not place dowels after concrete is in ptace. 3.02 JOINTS A. CONSTRUCTION JOINTS , 1. Construction jants n�t shavn in the contract documents must be located and made to least impair the strength of the structure. 2. No horizontal construction jants will be permitted in beams, girders or slabs. 3. Location of any construction joint not shown is subject to review and acceptance by Engineer. � CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 7 I_� � 07/12 McCarthy and Associates Sid Lickton 4. Reinforcing is continuous through all constructi�n joints. Obtain bond by roughening surface of concrete in an acceptable manner which will expose aggregate uniformly and will not leave any latence, loosened particles or aggregate or damaged concrete at surface. 5. Construction joints shall be cleaned, welted, and standing water removed. 6. All concrete shall be thoroughly consolidated by suitable means during placerr�nt and should be worked around reinforcement and embedded fixtures and into comers af forms. 7. Concrete wet cure time to be 7 days minimum at 50 degrees minimum temperature. B. EXPANSION JOINTS Reinforcement or other embedded metal items bonded to the concrete (except dowels in floors bonded on only one side of joints) will not be permitted to extend continuously through any expansion joint. C. DOWELED SLIP JOINTS 1. Use comptetely smooth round bars for dowels. 2. For construction joints, paint half of bar with red lead paint.When dry, coat painted end with satisfactory grease to insure against bond with concrete. 3. For control joints, paint and grease entire bar. 4. For expansion joints, paint, grease and provide a metal expansion cap for one end. 5. Place in forms to insure that bars are perpendicular to joint face. Stop reinforcement at doweled slip joints so that it will not extend through joint. D. JOINT MATERIALS 1. Expansion joint filler non-bituminous type - ASTM D 1752, resin impregnated fiberboard Homosote 300 or Thermosetting Polyurethane, W. R. Meadows' Rescor.Asphalt impregnated materials are unacceptable. 2. Potyethylene Film - ASTM D 2103 minimum 6 mil. 3. Horizontal Joint Sealer - 2�omponent seff-leveling urethane conforming to Federal Spec�cation TT-S-227E, Type 1, Class A.Color to match concreteAcceptable products are _ TYPE MANUFACTURER Daraseal-U A. C. Horn Sonolastic SL2 Sonneborn Pourthane W. R. Meadows 4. Vertical Jant Sea�r - 1-component Polyurethane conforming to Federal Specification TT-S- 002306, Type II, Class A, color to match concrete. Acceptable products are: TYPE MANUFACTURER SIKAFLEX IA SIKA SONOLASTIC NPI Sonneborn 5. Epoxy Joint Sealer - semi-rigid epoxy, MM80 as manufactured by Metzger McGuire Co., master fill 300 by Master Builders. � ' r ' � ' !I L� Cl � , � � � � , CAST-IN-PIACE CONCRETE 03300 - 8 � � , ' ' ' , � � , �J ' ' ' ' ' � ' LJ u � r 07/12 McCarthy and Associates Sid Lickton 6. Epoxy Bond - 2-component 100 percent solids epoxy resin, amine cured.Acceptable materials are Concresive Series by Master Builders, Sonnebom=s Epogrip and Epiweld 580 by Lambert Corp. 7. Epoxy Grout - Epoxy bond filied with suitable mineral filler, 100 percent passing the No. 100 sieve, in ratio to insure thixotropic action without impairment of adhesive properties. 8. Compressive Joint Material - expanded polystyrene having a compressive strength not tess than 8 psi when the board is compressed to a deformation of 5 percent of its original thickness when tested in conformance with ASTM C 165, modified to change drying temperature to 150°F. 9. Felt - 30 pound asphalt or coal tar roofing felt ASTM D 226 or D 227. E. PLACING DOWELS IN EXISTING CONCRETE Use deformed reinforcing bars as dowels.Drill holes in existing concrete of size 12" larger in diarrieter than the dowel using power�lriven drill with tungsten-carbide fipped bit ground to insure against oversize hole.Clean out hotes with air Thoroughly swab surfaces of hole and embedded portion of dowel with epoxy grout.Force dowel into place.Wipe off excess grout and let set for not less than 12 hours at a temperature above 60°F. 3.03 FORMWORK A. GENERAL 1. Provide and construct formwork in accordance with AC1301 and 347_ 2. Form design by P.E. registered in the State of Florida. 3. Observe and check formwork continuously while concrete is being placed to determine that there are � evidences of changes of elevations, plumbness, or camber and adjust forms as necessary.lf, during construction, any such evidence or other defect appears, stop the work, remove concrete placed, if necessary, and repair formwork or supports before proceeding. 4_ Earth cuts may be used as forms for footing vertical surfaces increase size 2 inch. 5. Forms and shoring is the responsibility of General Contractor. B. FORMWORK MATERIALS 1. Make forms of lumber, plywood, metal or other materials suitable to provide the strength and tolerances specified herein before and the surface finishes specified hereinafter. 2. Forming exposed surfaces use any of the following materials as suitable for the specified finish, and to produce smooth uniform surfaces, true-to-line, in order that surfaces produced will require little finishing: a. New plastic-bonded natural plywood, American Plywood Association, HD Overlay Plyform Class I, Ext APA, or equal. 3. For forming exposed surfaces use plywood, or other nonmetallic surfaces free from knots, warps, breaks, or other defects likely to cause irregular surfaces. 4. Provide commercial formulation form coating compounds with maximum VOC of 350 mg/1 that will not bond with stain or adversely affect concrete surfaces and will not impair subsequent surf�e treatments. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 9 07/12 McCarthy and Associates C. REMOVAL OF FORMS , CJ Sid Lickton � 1. Forms and shoring in the formwork supporting the weight of concrete, in beams, slabs and other structural elements are to remain in place until the concrete has reached its specified 28-day compressive strength. 2. Formwork and facing forms for members such as grade beams, foundation walls and spread footings not supporting the weight of concrete may be removed as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficienty to resist damage from the removal operations. 3. Arrange shores and other vertical supports so that the non-load carrying form-facing material may be removed without loosening or disturbing the shores and suppo�ts. 4. Whenever the formwork is removed during the curing period, continue curing of both the unexposed and exposed concrete by one of the methods specified in section "Curing and Protection". D. REMOVAL STRENGTH Removal Strength - The concrete will be presumed to have reached its specified strength when additional test cylinders (paid for by contractor) are field cured along with the concrete they represent and have reached the strength specfied. 3.04 REPAIR OF SURFACE DEFECTS A. GENERAL 1. Patch all tie holes and repair afl honeycombed and defective areas immediately after form removal. 2. For surfaces other than those to be backfilled against, use patching rriortar. 3. For surfaces to be backfilled against, use mastic damp-proofing compound, except that where reinforcing is exposed, use patching mortar. 4. Remove all honeycombed and defective concrete down to sound concrete prior to patching.Thoroughly clean the holes of dirt and debris. B. PATCHING MORTAR 1. Cut edges of honeycombed and defective concrete to form dove-tail (undercut) joints.No feather edges will be permitted. 2. Apply a chemical bonding agent to voided surface.An acceptable product is L&M Construction chemicals — Everbond or equivaler�t. 3. Patch the cement mortar as specified in ACl 301, or with proprietary patching compounds, except that proprietary patching mixtures may be not used on exposed surfaces. 4. Acceptable proprietary patching mixtures are: a. Euclid Chemical Corporation - Poly Patch b. SIKA - Sikaset Mortar c. Emaco R Series - Master Builders d. Lambert Corp, l.ambco �Finyl Patch e. Sonnebom - Sonopatch C. MASTIC DAMP-PROOFING COMPOUND Patch full depth of hole and flush the surface with emulsified asphalt mastic heavy viscosity for trowel application.Prepare and place in accordance with manufacturer's directions.Acceptable products are: , ' � � � , , , , ��� � , , CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 -10 � � � , , , � S 07/12 McCarthy and Associates a. W. R. Meadows - Sealmastic Trowel Mastic b. Euclid Chemical Company - Damp-proofing Asphalt Coatings c. Sonneborn - Hydrocide 700 Mastic d. Lambert Corp — Waterban 60M 3.05 FINISHING OF FORMED SURFACES - GENERAL Sid Lickton A. After removal of forms, give surfaces of concrete the following finishes as specified in ACI 301. � SURFACE FINISN Unexposed Rough Form Exposed Smooth Form Exposed to Public View Smooth Rubbed ' � � ' � ' ' � ' 3.06 CURING AND PROTECTION A. GENERAL 1. 2. 3. 5. Conform to the applicable detailed recommendations of ACI 301 and 308. Hot weather curing to be in accordance with appiicable AC{ Standard 305. All cast-in-place concrete must be maintained with minimal moisture loss at a relatively constant temperature for a minimum of 7 days fallowing the ptacing of the concrete by the use of a water spray, water saturated fabric, moisture retaining membrane or liquid curing compound. Full curing days will be determined by the cumulative number of days or fractions thereof during which the temperature of the air in contact with the concrete is above 50°F. Cure slabs-on-grade for the first 72 hours by the use of: a. fog spraying b. ponding c. sprinkling d. continuously wet absorptive mats or fabric e. continue curing by use of moisture retaining cover until concrete has obtained its spec�ed 28 day compressive strength f. or liquid curing compound after finishing process is completed. g. concrete wet cure time to be 7 days minimum at 50 degrees minimum temperature. 6. Submit materials and method of curing for review. 7. Do not use moisture retaining curing compounds for curing surFaces to receive the following coverings, unless it has been demonstrated that such compounds will not prevent bond of: a. Carpet b. Flexible flooring c. Ceramic tiled floors d. Other specified floor systems B. MATERIALS 1. Where moisture retaining membranes or curing compounds are used for curing, provide ' only materials conforming to the following requirements: a. Polyethylene Film -ASTM C171, Type II b. Waterproof Paper - ASTM C 171, Type I I� r ��� CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 -11 07/12 McCarthy and Associates c. d. Sid Lickton Absorptive Cover - AASHTO M 182, Class 3, Burlap cbth made from Jute or Kenaf or ASTM C 440 cotton mats ASTM C309 spray on at max. C. TEMPERATURE, WIND AND HUMIDITY Do not permit concrete not fuliy cured to be exposed to excessive temperature changes or high winds. 3.07 EMBEDDED ITEMS A. GENERAL 1. Prior to concreting, place all embedded ftems to be provided under this subdivision or to be furnished under other subdivisions for installation under this subdivision. 2. Give all contractors whose work is related to the concrete or must be supported by it, ample notice and opportunity to introduce and/or furnish embedded items before the concrete is placed. 3. Make certain that all embedded items furnished and set in forms by them are secured in position, and exercise due care not to disturb or damage their work while placing concrete. 4. Set anchor bofts for steel and equipment in accordance with setting drawings or templates which have been reviewed and found satisfactory. 5. Where holes in concrete for such purposes as recesses for railing posts, passageways for pipes, and the like are shown formed by sleeves, the contractor may, at his option, provide such holes by drilling with a acceptable diamond or tungsten carbide tipped drill bits.Fill with epoxy seal after railings are in place. B. EMBEDDED ITEMS TO BE PROVIDED UNDER THIS SUBDIVISION 1. Dovetail anchor slots and dovetail brick anchors - DAS-G20 beehive dovetail anchor slot as manufactured by Gateway Building Products, together with DBA-G14 dovetail brick anchors.provide masonry trades with one anchor for each 16" of anchor slot or fraction thereof plus one additional anchor for each vertica! section.Place anchor slots 1'-4" on center in beams and walls where masonry abuts and one slot in each face of each column faced with masonry.Furnish anchors to space 16" on center in slots. 2. Plastic reglets for above and below grade counter flashing.Make of Type A rigid polyvinyl chloride, 0.060" thick, as manufactured by Superior Concrete Accessories, Inc. or equal. 3. Sleeves - galvanized steel pipe ASTM A 120, or plastic pipe ASTM D 2661, ASTM D 2665 or ASTM D 2852, bituminized fiber pipe conforming to ASTM D 1861 or Wilson anchor bolt sleeve. 4. Column Anchor Bolts - ASTM F 1554.Furnish with one leveling nut plus one nut and one washer. 5. Anchor Bolts —ASTM A 307.As shown on drawings. 6. Cast Iron Frames and Grates - as manufactured by Neenah Foundry Company.Castings as manufactured by Flockhart Foundry Company or McKinley Iron Works may be acceptable, provided the dimensions and design are comparable in all respects. 7. Water stops locations as shown on drawings. 3.08 VAPOR RETARDER CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE , � r � � � , r , L _J , ' � , , ' 03300 -12 � � ' ' , u � L� J � � , � 07l12 McCarthy and Associates 2. Sid Lickton Provide sub-grade under concrete slabs-on-grade with vapor retarder consisting of polyethylene film not thinner than 10 miis, conforming to ASTM E1745, or asphalt laminated reinforced Kraft paper with polyethylene coating on both sides.Moistop as manufactured by FortiFiber Buiiding Systems Group. Provide film in width and length not less than one foot larger than dimensions of slab sub- grade unless patently impracticable.Lap edges not less than 6" and tape continuously.Take care to avoid puncturing film. Immediately prior to placing concrete, tape-seal all tears, cuts and holes. 3.09 GROUTING OF BASE PLATES 1. Nonferrous grout acceptable products are: TYPE MANUFACTURER Crystex L&M Construction Chemicals Five Star U.S. Grout Sonogrout Sonneborn Euco N.S. Euclid Chemical Company Construction Grout Master Builders Vibroprvf #11 Lambert Corp. 2. Mix and place in conformance with printed instructions of the manufacturer. 3.10 TESTING A. GENERAL ' 1. The services of an independent testing laboratory shall be retained for obtaining test specimens and perForming quality control work, routine testing of materials or proposed mix designs and of resufting concrete for compliance with technical requirements of specifications. ' 2. Testing of field-cured test cylinders, or testing required because of changes requested by contractor in materials or proportions of the mix, as well as any extra testing of concrete or materiats occasioned by failure to meet specification requirements, to be at contractor's expense. � 3. Failure of the testing laboratory to detect any defective work or materials is not in any way to prevent iater rejection when such defect is discovered, nor is it to obligate the owner for final acceptance. ' 4. The testing agency and/or its representatives are not authorized to revoke, alter, relax, enlarge or release any requirement of the specifications, not to approve or accept any portion of the work, not to act as foreman or perform other duties for contractor. ' ' , � ' ' B. SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE TESTING AGENCY 2. Field Sampling - Secure from different batches, on a truly random basis, composite samples for all field testing required below in accordance with ASTM C 172 where applicable.Take all samples at discharge end of conveying system.Clearly mark each test specimen master as to exact part of the structure represented, class of concrete curing conditions, temperature of concrete, and time and date of sample. Compressive Strength Test - mold and cure test cylinders in accordance with ASTM C 31 and test each cylinder for strength in accordance with AS7M C 39.Take one "test seY' consisting of four cylinders for each day's pour of 50 cubic yards, or fraction thereof. Test cylinders one at 7 and two 28 days, one hold. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 0330d -13 07112 McCarthy and Associates Sid Licktoc► 3. Slump Tests - determine slump range for each "test seY' in conformance with ASTM C 143. 4. Air Content Test - determine air content for each "test set" for air-entrained concrete in accordance with ASTM C 231. 5. Submif two copies of the results in each of the above tests and inspection to the contractor and the owner's representative and Engineer. 6. Should any of the test results fail to meet the requirements specified, make an immediate telephone report to the contractor and the owner's representative. 7. Furnish evaluation reports of compression tests as recommended by ACI 214 when any compression test fails to meet the specified strength. 8. Criteria for acceptance of concrete cylinder tests: a) Every arithmetic average of any consecutive three tests equals or exceed fc, and b) No individual strength test (average of two cylinders) <f'c by more than 500 psi. 3.11 ACCEPTANCE OF STRUCTURE A. GENERAL Acceptance of structure will be made in conformance with ACI 301, except that contractor must pay all costs incurred for providing any additional testing or analysis required when strength of stnicture is considered potentially deficient. B. CRACKS 1. The contractor will be required to restore without cost to the owner any concrete which develops cracks within a period of one year after placement which has not been caused by action of the owner or others in over stressing the concrete. 2. Repair the cracks by means that wilf restore the cracked members to their designed strength and appearance by acceptable methods which will not impair the appearance of the affected surtaces, if exposed, such repairs must be pertamed by use of suitabfe epoxy cements employed by an organizafion having satisfactorily demonstrated ability in the techniques necessary to effect such repairs, or by other acceptable methods. END OF SECTION 03300 , ' ' � LJ ' L� ' � f �u , 1 i _� ' ' ' , CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 -14 � , , ' C � , ' � ' CI �! IJ , , 07/12 McCarthy and Associates SECTION 03320 PRECAST CONCRETE U-LINTELS AND SILLS PART1-GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section inctudes: precast concrete U-lintels and sills B. Related Sections: 1. Concrete Masonry Units 2. Concrete Reinforcement 3. Cast-in-Place Concrete 1.02 REFERENCES A. American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM) 1. C33 — Specification for Concrete Aggregates 2. C150 — Specification for Portland Cement Sid Licktore B. PrecasUPre-Stressed Concrete Institute (PCI) Standards: Manual for Quality Control for Precast and Pre-Stressed Concrete MNL-116. C. American Concrete Institute: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318) D. American Concrete Institute: Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (ACI 530) 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Provide manufacturer's catalog engineering data. B. Manufacturer shall rate U-lintel units for gravity, uplift, and lateral loads in units of pounds per finear foot. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE ' A. Fabricator's Qualifications: Units shall be fabricated by a firm engaged in the manufacturing of precast and pre-stressed concrete U-lintels and sills for a minimum of 5 years. Fabricator shall have a quality assurance program that complies with the procedures of Manual 116 by the PrecasUPre-Stressed Concrete Institute (PCI). ' � ' �' ' ' B. Plant records of production and quality control shall be kept in accordance with PCI recommendations and made availabte upon request for the Architect. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. If storage is required prior to erection, take all necessary precautions to provide protection to prevent damage prior to installation. Maintain units free of dirt and airborne pollutants until immediately prior to erection. B. Replace all units that are damaged due to mishandling at the job site. PRECAST CONCRETE U-LINTELS AND SILLS 03320-1 07/12 McCarthy and Associates Sid Lickton PART2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Concrete Materials 1. Portland Cement: ASTM C150 Type I or III, gray color 2. Aggregates: ASTM C33 3. Water. Potable 4. Admixtures: Shali not contain calcium chioride or chloride ions 2.02 FABRICATION A. Unless specified otherwise, conform to PCI MNL-116. B. All U-lintel units 14 feet in overall length and shorter shall be made of concrete with a minimum strength of 3500 psi at 28 days. C. All U-lintel units exceeding 14 feet in overall fength shall be made of concrete with a minimum strength of 6000 psi at 28 days and shall be pre-stressed concrete. D. All sill units shalt be made of concrete with a minimum strength of 3000 psi at 28 days. E. All units shall be sand block finish except pre-stressed, 6" wide, and 12" wide U-lintels shall be smooth form finished. F. Tolerances shall be per PCI MNL-116. G. Minor patching in plant is acceptable provided structural adequacy of units is not impaired. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 FURNlSHING A. Fumish to the concrete masonry unit installer, all units that will be installed as part of the work of that section. 3.02 PROTECTION A. Protect all stored and installed units from job site debris and impact. B. Units damaged during storage shall be replaced if beyond repair to restore its structural adequacy. END OF SECT{ON 0332� PRECAST CONCRETE U-LINTELS AND SILLS 03320-2 ' � ' , � � � � � � , � � , � � � ' 07/12 McCarthy and Associates SECTION 04200 UNIT MASONRY Sid Lickton PART1-GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply this Section. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK A. Provide labor, material, equipment and perform operations necessary for, and incidental to, erection of masonry work. B. Related sections: The following sections contain requirements that relate to this section: 1. Division 3 section "Cast-in-Place Concrete" C. Products installed but not furnished under this Section include the following: 1. Steel lintels in unit masonry are specified in Division 5 Section "Metal Fabrication". 2. Wood nailers and blocking built into unit masonry are specified in Division 6 Section "Rough Carpentry". 3. Reglets in masonry joints for metal flashing are specified in Division 7 Section Flashing and Sheet Metal". 4. Hollow metaf frames in unit masonry openings are specified in Division 8 Section "Steel Doors and Frames". 5. Hollow metal frames in unit masonry openings are specified in Division 8 Section "Custom Hollow Metal Work". 6. Sealants 1.03 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Provide unit masonry that develops the following installed compressive strengths (fm): 1. Pm = 1500 psi on net area. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit for review, manufacturers literature and/or drawings of material that is pre-fabricated or pre-assembled. 1. Product data for each different masonry unit, accessory, and other manufactured product indicated. 2. Shop drawings for reinforcing detailing fabrication, bending, and placement of unit masonry reinforcing bars. Comply with ACI 315 "Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcing" showing bar schedules, stirrup spacing, diagrams of bent bars, and arrangement of masonry reinforcement. 3. Submitted shop drawings must be checked and signed by the General Contractor. UNIT MASONRY 04200-1 07I12 McCarthy and Associates ' � Sid Lickton ' 4. Material cert�cates signed by manufacturer and Contractor certifying that each type of masonry unit complies with requirements specified in referenced unit masonry standard, including fire performance characteristics. 5. Hot weather construction procedures evidencing compliance with requirements specified in referenced unit masonry standard. 6. Results from tests and inspections pertormed by Owner's representatives will be reported promptly and in writing to Architect and Contractor. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Unit masonry standard: ACI 530.1lASCE 6"Specifications for Masonry Structures". B. Fire performance characteristics: Where indicated, provide materials and construction identical to those of assemblies whose fire resistances has been determined per ASTM E 119 by a testing and inspecting organization, by equivalent concrete masonry thickness, or by other means, as acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. C. Single source responsibility for masonry units: Obtain mortar ingredients of uniform quality, including color for exposed masonry, from the manufacturer for each cementitious component and from one source and producer for each aggregate. D. The contractor shall retain a qualified testing laboratory to perform the following tests: 1. 2. Sample and test grout in accordance with ASTM C1019 for each 5000 square foot of masonry. Slump tests - ASTM C143. E. When requested by the ArchitecUEngineer, a qualified testing laboratory shall be retained to perform masonry prism test in accordance with ASTM E447, Method B, modified as follows: 1. Prisms shall be stack bond, one unit long and thidc with a full mortar bed. 2. Limit height/thickness ratio from 1.33 - 5.00 3. Provide a minimum of one joint. One set of three (3) prisms prior to construction and during construction for each 500Q square feet of wall. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver masonry material to project in undamaged condition. B. Store and handle masonry units off the ground, under cover, and in a dry {ocation to prevent their deterioration or damage due to moisture, temperature changes, contaminants, corrosion, and other causes. If units become wet, do not place until units are in an air-dried condition. C. Store cementitious materials off the ground, under cover, and in dry location. D. Store aggregates where grading and other required characteristics can be maintained and contamination avoided. UNIT MASONRY � � � � ' � ' ' � � ' � 1 04200-2 ' ' � , � � � � ' ' ' ��1 � LJ � � � � � � � � 07/12 McCarthy and Associates Sid Lickton E. Store masonry accessories including metal items to prevent corrosion and accumulation of dirt and oil. 1.07 PROJECT CONDITIONS A_ Protection of masonry: During erection, cover tops of walls, projections, and sills with waterproof sheeting at end of each day's work. Cover partiaily completed masonry when construction is not in progress. B. Extend cover to minimum of 24 inches down both sides and hold cover securely in place. C. Where one wythe of multi-wythe masonry walls is completed in advance of other wythes, secure cover a minimum of 24 inches down face next to unconstructed wythe and hold cover in place. D_ Do not apply uniform floor or roof loads for at least 12 hours and concentrated loads for at least 3 days after building masonry walls or columns. E. Stain prevention: Prevent grout, mortar, and soil from staining the face of masonry to be left exposed or painted. Remove immediately any grout, mortar, and soil that come in contact with such masonry. F. Protect base of walls ftom rain splashed mud and mortar splatter by means of covering spread on ground and over wall surface. G. Protect sills, ledges, and projections from mortar droppings. H. Protect surfaces of window and door frames, as well as similar products with painted and integral finish from mortar droppings. I. Hot weather construction: Comply with referenced unit masonry standard. PART 2 - GENERAL 2.01 MATERIALS - GENERAL A. Comply with referenced unit masonry standard and other requirements spec�ed in this Section applicable to each material indicated. 2.02 CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS A. General: Comply with requirements indicated below applicable to each form of concrete masonry required. B. Masonry Units for Fire-Rated Walls 1. Provide fire-rated units which are rated product of manufacturer listed in latest revision of building materials list, published by UL. In lieu of above rating, furnish fire resistive units on basis of examination, tests and report by nationally recognized testing agency acceptable to governing authorities and c�des having jurisdiction. Report must state that units proposed to be fumished are equivalent in fire rating to those products furnished by producers in above UL building materials list. UNtT MASONRY 04200-3 07/12 McCarthy and Associates Sid Lickton C. Size: Provide concrete masonry units complying with requirements indicated below for size that are manufactured to specified face dimensions within tolerances specified in the applicable referenced ASTM specification for concrete masonry units. D. Concrete masonry units: Manufactured to specified dimensions of 3/8 inch less than nominal widths by nominal heights by nominal lengths indicated on drawings. E. Provide Type II, non-moisture controlled units. F. Exposed faces: Manufacturer's standard color and texture, unless otherwise indicated. G. Hollow load-bearing concrete masonry units: ASTM C 90, Grade N and as follows: 1. Unit compressive strength: Provide units with minimum average net area compressive strength indicated below. Not less than the unit compressive strengths required to produce concrete unit masonry construction of compressive strength indicated. 2. Use inspection and cleanout hoies at bottom of wall reinforced vertical cells for grouting lifts over 5 feet high. Cleanout holes should be 3" minimum, see ACI 530.1-02, Section 3.2F. See grout space requirements for various grout pour heights in ACI 53Q.1-02, Section 3.5C with Table 7. See Florida Building Code page 35.1 H. Weight classification: Normal weight 2.03 MORTAR AND GROUT MATERIALS A. Moctar - Type M or S B. Grout - 2500 psi at 28 days C. Portland cement: ASTM C 150, Type I or II. Provide natural color. D. Ready-mixed mortar. Cementitious materials, water, and aggregate complying with requirements specified in this article, combined with set controlling admixtures to produce a ceady-mixed mortar complying with ASTM C 270. E. Hydrated lime: ASTM C 207, Type S. F. Aggregate for mortar: ASTM C 144, except for joints less than 1/4 inch use aggregate graded with 100 percent passing the No. 16 sieve. G. Aggregate for grout: ASTM C 404. H. Water. Clean and potable. 2.04 REINFORCING STEEL A. General: Prov�e reinforcing steel complying with requirements of referenced unit masonry standard and this article, formed from the following: 1. Galvanized carbon steel wire, coating class as required by referenced unit masonry standard for application indicated. UNIT MASONRY 04200-4 � � � i � � � � �I, � � � � � � � r � � � � 07/12 McCarthy and Associates Sid Lickton B. Description: Welded wire units prefabricated with deformed continuous side rods and plain cross rods into straight lengths of not less than 10 feet, with prefabricated corner an tee units, and complying with requirements indicated below: 1. Wire diameter for side rods: 0.1483 inch (9 gage). C. For single wythe masonry provide type as follows with single pair of side rods: 1. Ladder design with perpendicular cross rods spaced not more than 16 inches O.C. D. For multi-wythe masonry provide type as follows: 1. Ladder design with perpendicular cross spaced not more than 16 inches O.C. 2. Number of side rods for multi wythe concrete masonry: One side rod for each face shell of hollow masonry units more than 4 inches or less in nominal width. E. Tab design with single pair of side rods and rectangular box-type cross ties spaced not more than 16 inches O.C., with side rods spaced for embedment within each face shell of backup wythe and ties extended to engage the outer wythe by at least 1-1/2" inches. F. Use units with adjustable two piece rectangular ties where horizontal joints of facing wythe do not align with those of backup by more than and where indicated. G. Availabte manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering joint reinforcement that may be incorporated in the work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. AA Wire Products/Hohmann & Barnard, Inc. 2. Dur-O-WaI, inc. 3. Masonry Reinforcing Corporation of America 2.05 TIES AND ANCNORS A. General: Provide ties and anchors specified in subsequent articles that comply with requirements for metal and size of reference unit masonry standard and this article. B_ Galvanized carbon steel wire: ASTM A 82, coating class as required by referenced unit masonry standard for application indicated. C. Wire diameter: 0.1875 inch. D. Galvanized heavy thickness steel sheet: ASTM A 635 (commercial quality) hot-rolled carbon steel sheet hot-dip galvanized after fabrication to comply with ASTM A 525, Class 63, for rigid anchors fabricated from steef sheet or strip with a thickness of 0.180 inch and greater. E. Steel plates and bars: ASTM A 36, hot dipped galvanized to comply with ASTM A 123 or ASTM A 153, Class 63, as applicable to size and form indicated. F. Available manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated in the work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Dur-O-WaI, Inc. UNIT MASONRY 04200-5 07/12 McCarthy and Associates 2. Heckman Buiiding Products, Inc. 3. Hohmann 8� Barnard, Inc. 2.06 BENT WIRE TIES Sid Lickton A. Individual units prefabricated from bent wire to comp{y with requirements indicated below: 1. Tie shape for hollow masonry units laid with cells vertical: Rectangular with closed ends and not less than 4 inches wide. B. Type for masonry where coursing between wythes align: Unit ties bent from one piece of wire. C. Type for masonry where coursing between wythes does not align: Adjustable ties composed of two parts, one with pintles, the other with eyes, maximum misalignment 1-1/4 inches. 2.07 ADJUSTABLE ANCHORS FOR CONNECTING MASONRY TO STRUCTURAL WORK A. General: Two piece assemblies as described below allowing vertical or horizontal differential movement between wali and frarnework parallel to plane of wall, but resisting tension and compression forces perpendicular to it. B. For anchorage to concrete framework, provide manufacturers standard with dovetail anchor section formed from sheet metal and triangular shaped wire ties section seized to extend within 1 inch of masonry face and as follows: 1. Wire diameter. 0.1875 inch 2.08 MISCELLANEOUS ANCHORS A. Unit type masonry inserts in concrete: Cast iron or malleable iron inserts of type and sized indicated. B. Dovetail slots: Furnished dovetail slots, with filler strips, or slot size indicated, fabricated from 0.0336 inch (22 gage) sheet metal. 2.09 POST-INSTALLED ANCHORS A. Anchors as described below, with capacity to sustain, without failure, load imposed within factors of safety indicated, as determined by testing per ASTM E 488, conducted by a qualified independent testing laboratory. 1. Type: Chemical anchors 2. Type: Expansion anchors B. Corrosion protection: Carbon steel components zinc plated to comply with ASTM B 633, Class Fe/Zn 5(5 microns) for Class SC 1 service condition (mild). C. For cast-in-place and post-installed anchors in concrete: Capability to sustain, without failure, a load equal to 4 times loads imposed by masonry. UNIT MASONRY 04200-6 � � � LJ 1_� � � � li� � � �� � 07112 McCarthy and Associates Sid Lickton D. For post-installed anchors in grouted concrete masonry units: Capability to sustain, without failure, a load equal to 6 times loads imposed by masonry. 2.10 MISCELLANEOUS MASONRY ACCESSORIES A. Non-metallic expansion joint strips: Pre-molded filler strips complying with ASTM D 1056, Type 2 (closed cell), Class A(cellular rubber and rubber-like materials with specific resistance to petroleum base oils), Grade 1(compression deflection range of 2-5 psi), compressible up to 35 percent, of width and thickness indicated, formulated from the following material: 1. Neoprene 2. Urethane 3. Polyvinyl chloride B. Pre-formed control joint gaskets: Materials as indicated below, designed to fit standard sash block and to maintain lateral stabiliry in masonry wall; size and configuration as indicated. 1. Styrene-Butadiene rubber compound: ASTM D 2000, Designation 2AA-805 2. Polyvinyl Chloride: ASTM D 2287, General Purpose Grade, Type PVC-65406 C. Bond breaker strips: Asphalt saturated organic roofing felt complying with ASTM D 226, Type I (No. 15 asphalt felt). 2.11 MASONRY CLEANERS A. Job mixed detergent solution: Solution of trisodium phosphate (1/2 cup dry measure) dissolved in one gallon of water. B. Job mixed muriatic solution: Solution of 1 part muriatic acid and 10 parts clean water, mixed in a non-metallic container with acid added to water. � C. Proprietary acidic cleaner: Manufacturer's standard strength, general purpose cleaner designed for removing mortar/grout stains, efflorescence, and other new construction stains from new masonry surFaces of type indicated below without discoloring or damaging masonry surfaces; expressly approved for intended use by manufacturer of masonry units being cleaned. � �� �� � � � � i D. For masonry not subject to metallic oxidation stains, use formulation consisting of a concentrated blend of surface acting acids, cheating, and wetting agents. E. For masonry subject to metallic oxidation stains, use formulation consisting of a liquid blend of organic and inorganic acids and special inhibitors. F. Available products: Subject to compliance with requirements, a product that may be used to clean until masonry surfaces includes, but is not limited to, the follawing: 1. "Sure Klean No. 600 Detergent", ProSoCo, Inc. 2. "Sure Klean No. 101 Lime SolvenY', ProSoCo, Inc. 3. "Sure Kleart Vana Trol", ProSoCo, Inc. 2.12 MORTAR AND GROUT MIXES UNIT MASONRY 04200-7 0T112 McCarthy and Associates Sid Lickton A. General: Do not add admixtures including coloring pigments, air-entraining agents, antifteeze compounds, or admixtures, unless otherwise indicated. B. Do not use calcium chloride in mortar or grout. C. Procedures of ASTM C780 is to be used to test and evaluate mortar and establish pre- construction datum and quality control testing for types of mortar indicated below: 1. Type M or S D. Grout for unit masonry: Comply with ASTM C 476 and referenced unit masonry standard. 2.13 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Concrete masonry unit tests: For each type, class, and grade of concrete masonry unft indicated, units will be tested by qualified independent testing laboratory for strength, absorption, and moisture content per ASTM C 140, if required by Architect. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other specific conditions, and other conditions affecting performance of unit masonry. B. Examine rough-in and built-in construction to verify actual locations of piping connections prior to installation. C. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.02 INSTALLATION - GENERAL A. Mix mortar and grout in power driven, drum type mixers. Operate mixer a minimum of 5 minutes after addition of all materials. B. Comply with referenced unit masonry standard and other masonry construction to the full thickness shown. Build single wythe walls to the actual thickness of the masonry units, using units of nominal thickness indicated. C. Build chases and recesses as shown or required to accommodate items specified in this and other sections of the specifications. Provide not less than 8 inches of masonry between chase or recess and jamb of openings and between adjacent chases and recesses. Coordinate masonry with all adjacent work of other trades. D. Leave openings for equipment to be installed before completion of masonry. After installation of equipment, compfete masonry to match construction immediately adjacent to the opening_ E_ Cut masonry units with motor driven saws to provide clean, sharp, unchipped edges. Cut units as required to provide continuous pattem and to fd adjoining construcfions. Use full size units without cutting where possible. UNIT MASONRY � �� � � � � � �' � oa2oas �' � � � � � � 07/12 McCarthy and Associates Sid Lickton F. Matching existing masonry: Where appficable, match coursing, bonding, color, and texture of new masonry with existing masonry. G. Do not use masonry units with chips, cracks, voids, discolorations or other defects. 3.03 CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES A. Comply with construction tolerances of ACI 530 or N.C.M.A. � 3.04 CAYING MASONRY WALLS � � �� � � � � � � � � � A. Layout walls in advance for accurate spacing of surface bond patterns with uniform joint widths and for accurate locating of openings, movement rype joints, returns, and offsets. Avoid the use of less-than-half-size units at corners, jambs, and where possible at other locations. B. Lay up walls to comply with specified construction tolerances, with courses accurately spaced and coordinated with other construction. C. Bond pattern for exposed masonry: Lay exposed masonry in the following bond pattern; do not use units with less than nominal 4 inch horizontal face dimensions at corners or jambs. 1. One half running bond with vertical joint in each course centered on units in courses above and below. D. Lay concealed masonry with alf units in a wythe in running bond or bounded by lapping not less than 2 inches. Bond and interlock each course of each wythe at corners. Do not use units with less than nominal 4 inch horizontal face dimensions at corners or jambs. E. Stopping and resuming work: In each course, rack back 1/2 unit length for one-half running bond or 1/3 unit length for one -third running bond; do not tooth. Clean exposed surfaces of set masonry, wet clay masonry units lightly (if required), and remove loose masonry units and mortar prior to laying fresh masonry. F. Re-temper mortar as necessary to keep plastic. Use no mortar after setting has begun or after 2 1/2 hours of initial mixing. G. Built-in work: As construction progresses, built-in items specified under this and other sections of the specifications. Fill in solidly with masonry around built-in items. H. Fill space between hollow metal frames and masonry solidly with mortar, unless otherwise indicated. I. Where built-in items are to be embedded in cores of hollow masonry units, place a layer of inetal lath in the joint below and rod mortar or grout into core. J. Fili cores in hollow concrete masonry units with grout 3 courses (24 inches) under bearing plates, beams, lintels, posts, and similar items, unless otherwise indicated. K. Reinforced vertical concrete blocks cells, grouting solid where indicated on plan. 3.05 MORTAR BEDDING AND JOINTING UNIT MASONRY 04200-9 07/12 McCarthy and Associates � � Sid Lickton � A. Lay holbw concrete masonry units as follows: Wth futl mortar coverage on horizontal and vertical face shells. Bed webs in mortar in starting course on footings and in all courses of piers, columns, and pilasters, and where adjacent to cells or cavities to be filled with grout. For starting course on � footings where cells are not grouted, spread out full mortar bed including areas under cells. 3.06 HORIZOfdTAL JOINT REINFORCEMENT A. General: Provide continuous horizontal joint reinforce�-�er ; zs :nc�icated. Install longitudinal side rods in mortar for their entire length with a minimum cover of 5/8 inch of exterior side of walls, 112 inch etsewhere. Lap reinforcing a minimum of 6 inches. B. Cut or interrupt joint reinforcement at control and expansion joints, unless otherwise indicated. C. Provide continuity at corners and wall intersections by use of prefabricated "L" and 'T' sections. Cut and bed reinforcement units as directed by manufacturer for continuiry at returns, offsets, c�lumn fireproofing, pipe enclosures, and other special conditions. � D. Provide horizontal joint reinforcement at doors and windows for first and second bbck course above and below apertures. Run reinforcing continuous or extend two feet from aperture edge. 3.07 ANCHORING MASONRY TO STRUCTURAL MEMBERS A. Anchor masonry to structural members where masonry abuts or faces structural members to comply with the following: � 1. Provide an open space not less than 1 inch in width befinreen masonry and structural member, unless otherwise indicated. Keep open space free of mortar or other rigid materials. 2. Anchor masonry to structural members with flexible anchors embedded in masonry joints and attached to structure. 3. Space anchors as indicated, but not more than 24 inches o.c. vertically and 26 inches o.c. horizontally. 3.08 MOVEMENT (CONTROL AND EXPANSION) JOINTS A. General: Install control and expansion joints in unit masonry where indicated. Build in related items as masonry progresses. Do not form a continuous span through movement joints unless provisions are made to prevent in-plane restraint of wall or partition movement. B. Form control joints in concrete masonry as follows: Fit bond breaker strips on in ends of block units on one side of control joint. Fill the joint with mortar and rake joints in exposed faces. 3.09 LINTELS A. Install steel lintels where indicated. B. Provide masonry lintels where shown and wherever openings of more than 1'-0" for brick size units and 2'-0" for block size units are shown without structural steel ar other supporting lintels. Provide reinforced precast concrete lintels. Cure precast lintels before handling and installation. � � � � � � � � � � UNIT MASONRY 04200-10 � � � ' � � � �J , � � � � � � � � � � 07/12 McCarthy and Associates C. Provide minimum bearing of 8 inches at each jamb, unless otherwise indicated. 3.10 INSTALLATION OF REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY Sid Lickton A. General: Install reinforced unit masonry to compty with requirements or referenced unit masonry standard. ' B. Temporary formworli: Construct formwork and shores to support reinforced masonry elements during construction. Contractor is completely responsible for the proper design and construction of all temporary forms and bracing. C. Construct formwork to conform to shape, line, and dimensions shown. Make su�cienty tight to prevent leakage of mortar and grout. Brace, tie, and support forms to maintain position and shape during construction and curing of reinforced masonry. D. Do not place grout unti! entire height of masonry to be grouted has attained su�cient strength to resist grout pressure. E. Do not remove forms and shores until reinforced masonry members have hardened sufficiently to carry their own weight and other temporary loads that may be placed on them during construction. 3.11 REPA{RING, POINTING, AND CLEANING A. Remove and replace masonry units that are loose, chipped, broken, stained, or otherwise damaged or if units do not match adjoining units. Install new units to match adjoining units and in fresh mortar or grout, pointed to eliminate evidence of replacement. B. Pointing: During the tooling of joints, enlarge any voids or holes, except weep holes, and completely fill with mortar. Point up all joints including corners, openings, and adjacent construction to provide a neat, uniform appearance, prepared for application of sealants. C. Final cleaning: After mortar is thoroughly set and cured, clean exposed masonry as follows: 1. Remove large mortar particles by hand with wooden paddles and non-metallic scrape hoes or chisels. 2. Test cleaning methods on sample wall panel; leave 1/2 panel uncleaned for comparison purposes. Obtain ArchitecYs approval of sample cleaning before proceeding with cleaning of masonry. 3. Protect adjacent stone and non-masonry surfaces from contact with cleaner by covering them with liquid strippable masking agent, polyethylene film, or waterproof masking tape. 4. Wet all surfaces with water prior to application of cleaners; remove cleaners promptly by rinsing thoroughly with clear water. 5. Clean concrete masonry by means of cfeaning method indicated in N.C.M.A. TEK 45 applicable to type of stain present on exposed surfaces. D. Protection: Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner acceptabte to Installer, that ensure unit masonry is without damage and deterioration at time of substantial completion. UNIT MASONRY END OF SECTION 04200 0420Q11 LJ � � � � � � � � � � � i APA 08.12 SECTION 04210 — SPLIT FACE MASONRY Sid Lickton PART2-GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes: 1. Split face masonry. B. Related Sections: 1. 04200 Unit Masonry. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals for Review: l. Product Data: Provide information on reinforcing and anchors including sizes, profiles, materials, and finishes. 2. Samples: Split face block samples in quantities showing full color and texture range. 1.3 QUALIT"Y ASSURANCE A. Mockup: 1. Size: 2 feet high x 4 feet wide. 2. Show: a. Masonry color and texture range. b. Mortar joint size, color, and profile. c. Each bond pattern. 3. Locate where directed. 4. Approved mockup may remain as part of the Work. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Store masonry off ground; prevent contact with materials that could cause staining or damage. B. Protect reinforcement and anchors from corrosion. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Split face concrete block: 1. A-1 Block Corporation (www.Alblock.com} B. Substitutions: Not permitted. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Concrete Masonry Units shall conform to requirements under Section 04200 Unit Masonry 1. Surface finish: Split. 2. Color: Two colors shall be selected from standard split colors manufactured by A-1 Block. 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. Mortar: Per Section 04200 Unit Masonry. B. Grout: Per Section 04200 Unit Masonry. SPLIT FACE MASONRY 04210 —1 of 2 APA 08.12 PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 A. B_ C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Sid Lickton INSTALLATI ON Establish lines, levels and courses indicated. Protect from displacement_ Maintain masonry courses to uniform dimensions. Form horizontal and vertical joints of uniform thickness. Lay concrete masonry in running bond. Course one masonry unit and one mortar joint to equal 8 inches. Lay masonry plumb and level. Do not adjust masonry units after mortar has set. Lay solid masonry units in fu11 mortar bed, with full head joints. Lay hollow masonry units with face shell bedding on head and bed joints. Do not butter corners or excessively furrow joints. Machine cut masonry with straight cuts and clean edges; prevent oversized or undersized joints. Discard damaged units. Do not expose cut cells. When joining fresh masonry to partially set masonry, remove loose masonry and mortar; clean and lightly wet exposed surface of set masonry. Stop horizonta} runs by racking back normal bond unit in each course. Toothing not permitted. Horizontal Reinforceinent: Per Section 04200 Unit Masonry. 3.2 CLEANING A. Protect adjacent and underlying surfaces. B. Apply masonry cleaner in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Thoroughly rinse surfaces with clean water after completion of cleaning; remove all traces of cleaning solution. END OF SECTION 04210 SPLIT FACE MASONRY � � � � � �� � � � � � � � 04210 — 2 of 2 � � � � � � � �J � � � � � � � � � � APA 08.12 SECTION 05510 — METAL STAIRS PART1-GENERAL l.l SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Shop fabricated steel stairs with concrete pan. 2. Guard rails and handrails. 1.2 � C. � Sid Lickton REFERENCES American Welding Society (AWS} (www.amweld.org) D1.1 - Structural Welding Code. ASTM International (ASTM) (www.aws.org):http://www.astm.org 1. A36/A36M - Standard Specification for Cazbon Structural Steel. 2. A123/A123M - Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products. 3. A283 - Standard Specification for Low and Intermediate Strength Carbon Steel Plates. 4. A307 - Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Extemally Threaded Standard Fasteners. 5. A500 - Standazd Specification for Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes. 6. A501 - Standard Specification for Hot-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing. 7. A780 - Standard Practice for Repair of Damaged and Uncoated Areas of Not-Dip Galvanized Coatings. 8. A1008/A1008M - Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet, Cold-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy and High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Fortnability. 9. A1011/AlO11M - Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Hot-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-Strength, Low-Alloy and High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability. 10. C94 - Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete. 11. E985 - Standard Specification for Permanent Metal Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings. National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers (NAAMM} (www.naamm.org): 1. AMP 510 - Metal Stairs Manual. 2. MBG 531 - Metal Bar Grating Manual. Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) (www.sspc.org) - Painting Manual. 1.3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design Requirements: 1. Design stair assembly to support a uniform live load of 100 PSF and a concentrated load of 300 pounds, with maximum deflection of L/360. 2. Design guard rails and handrails to resist following without damage or permanent set: a. 50 pounds per linear foot applied in any direction at top, transferred via attachments and supports to building structure. b. Concentrated 200 pound load applied in any direction at any point along top, transferred via attachments and supports to building structure. c. Maximum deflection under loading: U120. 3. Concentrated and uniform loads do not need to be applied simultaneously. 4. Perform design under direct supervision of Professional Strucrival Engineer licensed in State in•which Project is located, with minimum 2 years documented experience in work of this Section. METAL STAIItS 05510 - 1 of 3 APA 08.12 B. Fabricate stair assembly to NAAMM AMP 510, Commercial Class. C. Fabricate guard rails and handrails in accordance with AS7'M E985. � Sid Lickton � l.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals for Review: 1. Shop Drawings: a. Indicate profiles, sizes, connection attachments, reinforcing, anchorage, size and type of fasteners, and accessories_ b. Indicate welded connections using standazd AWS welding symbols. Indicate net weld lengths. B. Quality Control Submittals: 1. Certificate of Compliance from Professional Structural Engineer performing system design. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Fabricator Qualifications: Minimurn 5 years documented experience in work of this Section. 2. Perform Work in accordance with ASTM E985. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS - STEEL A. Sections: ASTM A36/A36M. B. Plate: ASTM A283. C. Pipe: ASTM A501. D. Tube: ASTM A500. E. Sheet: ASTM A1008/A1008M. 2.2 MATERIALS - CONCRETE A. Concrete: Specified in Section 03300. B. Concrete Reinforcement: Mesh type, unfinished. 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. Bolts, Nuts, and Washers: ASTM A307. B. Primer Paint: SSPC I5, Type 1, red oxide. 2.4 FABRICATION A. Fit and shop assemble components in largest practical sections, for delivery to site. B. Fabricate components with joints tightly fitted and secwed. C. Contittuously weld connections. Welding to conform to AWS D1.I. D. Grind exposed joints flush and smooth with adjacent finish surface. Make exposed joints butt tight, flush, and hairline. Ease exposed edges to small uniform radius. E. Supply components required for anchorage of fabrications. Fabricate anchors and related components of same material and fuush as fabrication, except where specifically noted otherwise. F. Accurately form components required for anchorage of stairs, landings, and railings to each other and to building structure. G. Treads and Landings: 1_ Fabricate from minunwn 14 gage steel sheet, shaped to receive concrete. 2. Fabricate stairs with closed steel sheet risers. METAL STAIRS � � � � � � � � � � 05510-2of3 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � APA 08.12 Sid Lickton 3. Reinforce underside with stee] angles when required to resist design loads. 4. Secure pans to stringers with clip angles, welded in place. 2.5 FINISHES A. Steel: 1. Surface preparation: SSPC SP2 - Hand Tool Cleaning or SP3 - Power Tool Cleaning. 2. Application: One coat; follow coating manufacturer's instructions. 3. Minimum dry film thickness: 2.0 mils. 4. Do not prime surfaces in direct contact with concrete or where field welding is required. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. INSTALLATION Install components plumb and level, accurately fitted, free from distortion and defects. Provide anchors, angles, hangers, and struts required for connecting stairs to structure. Allow for erection loads, and for sufficient temporary bracing to maintain true aligrunent until completion of erection and installation of permanent attachments. Field weld components indicated on Shop Drawings. Perform field welding in accordance with AWS Di_1. Field bolt and weld to match shop bolting and welding. Conceal bolts and screws whenever possible. Mechanically fasten joints butted tight, flush, and hairline. Grind welds smooth and flush. Fill treads and landings with concrete. Consolidate concrete, strike off flush with perimeter frame, and apply light broom finish with striations parallel to long dimension of tread. Installation Tolerances: 1. Maximum variation from plumb: l/4 inch per story, noncumulative. 2. Maximum offset from true alignment: I/4 inch. 3.2 ADJUSTING A. Clean and touch up primer paint at welded and abraded surfaces with same product as applied in shop. END OF SECTION 05510 METAL STAIRS 05510 - 3 of 3 � � � APA 08.12 SECTION 05521 - PIPE RAILINGS PART1-GENERAL � 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Aluminum pipe railings. � � , �� � � � � �� Sid Lickton 1.2 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A_ Structural Performance: Provide railings capable of withstanding the effects of gravity loads and the following loads and stresses within limits and under conditions indicated: I. Top Rails of Guazds: a. Uniform load of SO lbf/ 8. applied in any direction. b. Concentrated load of 200 ibf applied in any direction. c. Unifortn and concentrated loads need not be assumed to act concutxently. 2. Infill of Guards: a. Concentrated load of SO lbf applied horizontally on an area of 1 sy. ft.. b. Uniform load of 251bf/sq. ft. applied horizontally. c. Infill load and other loads need not be assumed to act concurrently. B. Control of Corrosion: Prevent galvanic action and other forms of corrosion by insulating metals and other materials from direct contact with incomparible materials. 1.3 I:� C. D. SUBMITTALS Product Data: For grout and anchoring cement. Shop Drawings: Tnclude plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work. 1. For installed products indicated to comply with design loads, include structural analysis data signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparation. Samples: For each exposed finish required. Product Test Reports: Based on evaluation of comprehensive tests performed by a qualified testing agency, according to ASTM E 894 and ASTM E 935. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Aluminum Pipe Railings: a. AlumaGuard Corp. b. ATR Technologies, Inc. c. Blum, Julius & Co., Inc. d. Braun, J. G., Company; a division of the Wagner Companies. � e. CraneVeyor Corp. f. Hollaender Manufacturing Company. g. Moultrie Manufacturing Company. � h. Pisor Industries, Inc. i. Sterling Dula Architectural Products, Inc. j. Superior Aluminum Products, Inc. k. Thompson Fabricating, LLC. � l. Tubular Specialties Manufacturing, Inc. m. Tuttle Aluminum & Bronze. � � PIPE RAILINGS 05521 - 1 of 2 APA 08.12 n. Wagner, R& B, Inc.; a division of the Wagner Companies. n � Sid Lickton � 2.2 METALS A. Brackets, Flanges, and Anchors: Cast or formed metal of same type of material and finish as supported rails, unless otherwise indicated. B. Aluminum: Provide alloy and temper recommended by aluminum producer and finisher for type of use and finish indicated, and with not less than the strength and durability properties of al}oy and temper designated below for each aluminum form required. 1. Extruded Structural Pipe: ASTM B 429, Alloy 6063-T6. 2.3 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes: Select according to AW S specifications for metal alloy welded. B. Grout and Anchoring Cement: Factory-packaged, nonshrink, nonmetallic grout complying with ASTM C 1107; or water-resistant, nonshrink anchoring cement; recommended by manufacturer for exterior use. 2.4 FABRICATION A. General: Fabricate railings to comply with design, dimensions, and details indicated, but not less than that required to support structural loads. B. Welded Connections: Cope components at connections to provide close fit, or use fittings designed for this pwpose. Weld all around at connections, including at fittings. C. Form changes in d'uection by bending. D. Form curves by bending in jigs to produce uniform curvature; maintain cross section of inember throughout bend without cracking or otherwise deforming exposed surfaces. E. Close exposed ends of railing members with prefabricated end fittings. 2.5 FINISHES A. Aluminum: 1. Class I, Clear Anodic Finish: PART 3 - EXECUTION AA-M 12C22A41 complying with AAMA 611 _ 3.1 INSTALLATION A. General: Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required for installing railings. Set railings accurately in location, alignment, and elevation. 1. Set posts plumb within a tolerance of I/16 inch in 3 feet. 2. Align rails so variations from level for horizontal members and variations from parallel with rake of steps and ramps for sloping members do not exceed 1/4 inch in 12 feet. B. Coat concealed surfaces of aluminum that will be in contact with grout, concrete, masonry, wood, or dissimilar metals, with a heavy coat of bituminous paint. C. Anchor posts in concrete by inserting into formed or core-drilled holes and grouting annular space. D. Adjusting and Cleaning: 1. Immediately after erection, clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of shop paint, and paint exposed azeas with the same material as used for shop painting. 2_ Galvanized Surfaces: Clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas and repau galvanizing to comply with ASTM A 780. END OF SECTION OS521 PIPE RAILINGS � � ' � � � � � �' � 05521 - 2 of 2 � � , � � APA 08.12 SECTION 06100 — ROUGH CARPENTRY PARTI-GENERAL � 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Wood blocking and furring. � 2. Telephone and electrical panel backboards. B. Related Sections: 1. Division O1: Administrative, procedural, and temporary work requirements. > � � � � Sid Lickton 1.2 REFERENCES A. American Wood Protection Association (AWPA) (www.awpa.com) U1 - Use Category System - User Specification for Treated Wood. B. ASTM Intemational (ASTM) (www.astm.org): 1. A153/A153M - Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. 2. E84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. 3. F593 - Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws and Studs. C. Engineered Wood Association (APA) (www.apawood.org) PRP-108 - Performance Standards and Qualification Poticy for Structural-Use Panels. D. Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (SPIB) (www.spib.org) - Standard Grading Rules for Southern Pine Lumber. E. West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau (WCLIB) (www.wclib.org) - Standard Grading Rules for West Coast Lumber. F. Western Wood Products Association (WWPA) (www.wwpa.org) G-5 - Westem Lumber Grading Rules. ' 1.3 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Store materials minimum 6 inches above ground on framework or blocking and cover with protective waterproof covering providing for adequate air circulation. � B. Do not store seasoned or treated materials in damp location. C. Protect edges and comers of sheet materials &om damage. PART2-PRODUCTS � � u � � � � 2.1 MATERIALS A. Lumber: 1. Grading rules: SPIB, WCLIB, WWPA. 2. Species: a. Southern Pine, SPIB. b. Douglas Fir-South, WWPA. c. Hem-Fir, WCLIB or WWPA. 3. Surfacing: Surfaced four sides (S4S) unless otherwise indicated. 4. Maximum moisture content: 19 percent. B. Panel Products: 1. Type: APA Plywood. 2. Panel grade: APA Rated Sheathing; refer to drawings for panel types and thicknesses. ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100 -1 of 2 APA 08.12 ' Sid Lickton � 2.2 ACCESSORIES A. Fasteners: 1. Type and size: As required by conditions of use or as noted on drawings_ 2. Exterior locations and treated prodncts: Stainless steel, ASTM F593, Type 304 or 3 t 6. 3. Other interior locations: Plain steel. 23 FABRICATION A. Preservative Treatment: 1. Treat lumber and panel products in accordance with AWPA U1: a. Interior locations protected from moisture sources: Category UCI - Interior/Dry. b. Interior locations subject to sources of moisture: Category UC2 - Interior/Damp. c. Exterior locations above ground: Category UC3A - Above Ground/Protected and UC3B - Above Ground/Exposed. 2. Treatment process: Type CCA - Chromated Copper Arsenate. B. Fire Retardant Treatment; treat lumber and panel products in accordance with AWPA U1: 1. Interior locations: Category UCFA - Fire Retardant/Interior. 2. Exterior locations: Category UCFB - Fire Retardant/Exterior. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Provide blocking, nailers, grounds, furring, and other similar items reqnired to receive and support work. B. Set members level, plumb, and rigid. C. Install telephone and electrical panel backboards where indicated. END OF SECTION 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100 - 2 of 2 � � , � ' ' � ' � , � � � � � � u � � � � � APA 08.12 SECTION 06105 — WALL FRAMING PART1-GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Wall framing. 2. Wall insulation. B. Related Sections: 1. Section 06100 — Rough Carpentry. 2. Section 06110 — Plywood Sheathing. 3. Section 07210 — Building Insulation. Sid Lickton 1.2 REFERENCES A. Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (SPIB) (www.spib.org) - Standard Grading Rules for Southern Pine Lumber. B. West Coast Lumber Inspection Btueau (WCLIB) (www.wclib.org) - Standard Grading Rules for West Coast Lumber. C. Western Wood Products Association (WWPA) (www.wwpa.org) G-5 - Westem Lumber Grading Rules. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Lumber Grading Agency: Certified to I�IIST PS 20. B. Identify Iwnber and panel products by official grade mark. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Store materials minimum 6 inches above gmund on framework or blocking and cover with protective waterproof covering providing for adequate air circulation. B. Do not store seasoned or treated materials in damp location. C. Protect edges and corners of sheet materials from damage. PART 2 -PRODUCTS Z.1 MATERIALS A. Dimension Lumber: 1. Grading rules: SPIB, WRCLA, or WVJPA. 2. Species: Douglas Fir or Southem Pine. 3. Surfacing: Surfaced four sides (S4S). 4. Maximum moisture content: 19 percent. 2.2 ACCESSORIES A. Anchor Bolts: ASTM F1554. B. Fasteners: 1. Type and size: As required by conditions of use. PART3-EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Set members level, plumb, and rigid. B. Make provisions for erection loads, and for temporary bracing to maintain structure safe, plumb, and in true alignment until completion of erection and installation of permanent bracing. WALL FRAMTNG 06105 - 1 of 2 APA 08.12 Sid Lickton C. Place beams, joists, and rafters with crown edge up. D. Stud Framing: 1. 2x4s at 16 inches on center, width as indicated on drawings. 2. Provide single bottom plate and double top plates for load bearing partitions. 3. Provide single bottom and top plates for non load bearing partitions. 4. Triple studs at comers and partiEion intersections. 5. Anchor studs abutting masonry or concrete with toggle or expansion bolts. 6. Frame openings with double studs and headers. Space short studs over and under opening to stud spacing. 7. Insta113-1/2" batt insulation in Second Floor stud walls.. 3.2 TOLERANCES A. Framing Members: 1/4 inch from true position, maximum. END OF SECTION 06105 WALL FR.AMING 06105 - 2 of 2 LJ � r � i ' � I� � � ' �� r � � � � ' u APA 08.12 SECTION 06110 — PLYWOOD SHEATHING PARTl-GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Floor decking. 2. Roof sheathing. 3. Wood blocking and furring. 4. Telephone and electrical panel backboards. f �►a A. � C. a E. F. Sid Lickton REFERENCES American Wood Protection Association (AWPA) (www.awpa.com} U1 - Use Category System - User Specification for Treated Wood. ASTM International (AST'1� (www.astm.org): l. A153/A153M - Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. 2. A653/A653M - Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process. 3. E84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. 4. F593 - Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws and Studs. 5_ F1554 - Standazd Specification for Anchor Bolts, Steel, 36, 55 and 105 KSI Yield Strength. Engineered Wood Association (APA) (www.apawood.org) PRP-108 - Performance Standards and Qualification Policy for Structural-Use Panels. Southem Pine Inspection Bweau (SPIB) (www.spib.org) - Standard Grading Rules for Southern Pine Lumber. Western Red Cedaz Lumber Association (WRCLA) (www.wcrla.org) - Grading Rules. Western Wood Products Association (WWPA) (www.wwpa.org) G-5 - Western Lumber Grading Rules. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Lumber Grading Agency: Certified to IVIST PS 20. B. Identify lumber and panel products by official grade mark. C. Fire Retardant Treated Products: Beaz label of recognized independent testing laboratory indicating flame spread rating of 25 or less, tested to ASTM E84. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Store materials minimum 6 inches above ground on framework or blocking and cover with protective waterproof covering providing for adequate air circulation. B. Do not store seasoned or treated materials in damp location. C. Protect edges and comers of sheet materials from damage. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Panel Products: 1. Type: APA Plywood. 2. Panel grade: a. Floor and roof sheathing: APA Rated Sheathing_ PLYWOOD SHEATHING . 06110 - 1 of 2 APA 08.12 2.2 FABRICATION A. Fire Retardant Treatment; treat panel productsin accordance with AWPA U1: 1. Interior locations: Category UCFA - Fire Retardantlfnterior. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. � I. Sid Lickton INSTALLATION Set members level, plumb, and rigid. Make provisions for erection loads, and for temporary bracing to maintain structure safe, plumb, and in true alignment until completion of erection and installation of permanent bracing. Place beams, joists, and rafters with crown edge up. Construct load bearing framing members full length without splices. Roof Sheathing: 1. Place panels perpendicular to framing members with ends staggered and sheet ends over firm bearing. 2. Install sheathing clips between adjacent sheets between roof framing members. 3. Leave I/8 inch expansion space at panel ends and edges. 4. Secure to supports with nails spaced per notes on Sheet S-4 of Contract Documents. Floor Decking: 1. Place panels perpendicular to framing members, with ends over fum bearing and staggered. 2. Leave 1/8 inch expansion space at panel ends and edges. 3. Secure to supports with nails or screws and glued, spaced maxnnum 12 inches on center along edges and in field of panels. Subflooring: 1. Install flooring underlayment after dust and dirt generating activities have ceased and prior to application of finished flooring. 2. Install building felt between floor decking and subflooring. 3. Apply perpendicular to decking; stagger joints of underlayment in adjacent rows. 4. Leave 1/8 inch expansion space at panel ends and edges. 5. Secure to supports with adhesive and nails or screws spaced maximum 6 inches on center along edges and maximum 12 inches on center in field of panels. Provide blocking, nailers, grounds, fiuring, and other similar items required to receive and support work. Install telephone and electrical panel backboards where indicated on drawings. 3.2 TOLERANCES A. Framing Members: 1/4 inch from true position, maximum. B. Surface Flatness of Floor: 1/4 inch in 10 feet maximum. END OF SECTION 06110 PLYWOOD SHEATHING ' � � �� L� r � r � r , � , i� � � � 06110-2of2 � � � � Ir� ' APA 08.12 SECTION 06164 — GYPSUM SHEATHING PART 1- GENERAL Sid Lickton l.l SUMMARY � A. Section Includes: Fiberglass-mat faced, moisture and mold resistant gypsum sheathing_ B. Related Sections: 1. Section 06100 Rough Carpentry. t ' r � � ' � , ' � 4�' � ' ' 1.2 REFERENCFS A. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. ASTM C473 Standard Test Methods for Physical Testing of Gypsum Panel Products. 2. ASTM C518 Standard Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus. 3. ASTM C1002 Standard Specification for Steel Self-Piercing Tapping Screws for the Application of Gypsum Panel Products or Metal Plaster Bases to Wood Studs or Steei Studs. 4. ASTM C1177 Standard Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum Substrate for Use as Sheathing. 5. ASTM C1280 Standard Specification for Application of Gypsum Sheathing. 6. ASTM D3273 Standard Test Method for Resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surface of Interior Coatings in an Environmental Chamber. 7. ASTM D6329 Standard Guide for Developing Methodology for Evaluating the Ability of Indoor Materials to Support Microbial Growth Using Static Environmental Chambers. 8. ASTM E72 Standard Test Methods of Conducting Strength Tests of Panels for Building Construction. 9. ASTM E96 Standazd Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials. B. Gypsum Association (GA): GA-253 Application of Gypsum Sheathing. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions for each product specified. 1.4 WARRANI'Y A. Provide products that offer twelve months of coverage against in-place exposure damage (delamination, deterioration and decay). B. Manufacturer's Warranty: 1. Five years against manufacturing defects. 2. Ten years against manufacturing defects when used as a substrate in architecturally specified EIFS. PART Z - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC: 1. Fiberglass-Mat Faced Gypsum Sheathing: DensGlass Sheathing. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Fiberglass-Mat Faced Gypsum Sheathing: ASTM Cl 177: 1. Thickness: i/2 inch. 2. Width: 4 feet. GYPSUM SHEATHING 06164 - 1 of 2 APA 08.12 � Sid Lickton � 3. Length: 8 feet. 4. Weight: l.9 lb/sq. ft. . 5. Edges: Square. 6. Surfacing: Fiberglass mat on face, back, and long edges. 7. Racking Strength (Ultimate, not design value) (ASTM E72): Not less than 540 pounds per square foot, dry. 8. Flexural Strength, Parallel (ASTM C473): 80 Ibf, parallel. 9. Humidified Deflection (ASTM C 1177): Not more than 2/8 inch. 10. Permeance (ASTM E96): 23 perms. 11. R-Value (ASTM C518): 0.56. 12. Mold Resistance (ASTM D3273): 10, in a test as manufactured. 13. Microbial Resistance (ASTM D6329, GREENGUARD 3-week protocol): Will not support microbial growth. 14. Acceptable Products: a. 1/2 inch DensGlass Sheathing, Georgia-Pacific Gypsum. 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. Screws: ASTM C1002, corrosion resistant treated. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: 1. Inspection: Verify that project conditions and substrates are acceptable, to the installer, to begin instaltation of work of this section. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. General: In accordance with GA-253, ASTM C1280 and the manufacturer's recommendations. 1. Manufacturer's Recommendations: a. Current "Product Catalog", Georgia-Pacific Gypsum. 3.3 PROTECTION A. Protect gypsum board installations from damage and deterioration until date of Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 06164 GYPSUM SHEATHING 06164 - 2 of 2 , � � � ' 07112 McCarthy and Associates Sid Lickton � SECTION 06192 PREFABRICATED METAL-PLATE-CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES PART1-GENERAL ' 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of contract, including general and supplementary ' conditions and Division 1 specification sections, apply to this section. 1.02 DESCRIPTION ' A. SCOPE OF WORK 1. Provide all labor, materials, equipment and services for fabrication, delivery, unload and store in locations directed and erect all wood trusses shown and � specified to include the following: a. Gable-shaped trusses. b. Hip and girder trusses at hip ends of roof. c. Scissors trusses. � d. Monopitch trusses. e. Parallel chord 4 x 2 wood trusses. f. Piggy back trusses. ' B. Related work not specified under this subdivision: 1. Roof sheathing is specified in Division 6 Section "Rough Carpentry" or on the structural drawings_ ' 2. Setting anchor bolts, cast-in-concrete or masonry. 3. Pressure treated lumber. ' 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Prefabricated metal-plate-connected wood trusses include planar structural units consisting of inetal-plate-connected members that are fabricated from dimension lumber ' and that have been cut and assembled prior to delivery to the project site. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE ' A. Applicable Publication 1. Westem Wood Products Association Publication: Standard Grading Ru/es For Westem Lumber. � 2. National Forest Products Association Publication: National Design Specification lor Stress Graded Lumber and its Fastenings 3. West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau Standards: StandaM Grading and Dressing Rules for pouglas Fir, West Coast Hemlock, Sitka Spruce, White Fir, � and Westem Red Cedar Lumber, No. 96 4. Southern Pine Inspection Bureau: Standard Grading Rules for Southem Pine Lumber 5. Southern Forest Products Association. � PRE-FAB METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES 06192-1 � � 07/12 McCarthy and Associates B. C. � i Sid Lickton � TPI Standards: Comply with applicable requirements and recommendations of the following Truss Plate Institute (TPi) publications: 1. "Design Specification for Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses." 2. "Design Specification for Metal Plate Connected Parallel Chord Wood Trusses." 3. "Commentary and Recommendations for Handling and Erecting Wood Trusses." 4. "Commentary and Recommendations for Bracing Wood Trusses." 5. "Quality Standard for Metal Pfate Connected Wood Trusses." Connector Plate Manufacturer's Qualifications: A manufacturer that is a member of TPI and that complies with TPI quality control procedures for manufacture of connector plates published in TPI "Quality Standard for Metal Connector Plate Manufacture." D. Wood Structural Design Standard: Comply with applicable requirements of N.F.P.A. "National Design Specification for Wood Construction." E. Single-Source Engineering Responsibility: Provide trusses engineered by the metal plate connector manufacturer to support superimposed dead and live loads indicated, with design approved and certified by a qualified professional engineer. F. Engineer Qualifications: A professional engineer legally authorized to practice in jurisdiction where Project is located and experienced in providing engineering senrices of the kind indicated.that have resulted in the installation of inetaf-plate-connected wood trusses similar to those of this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance. G. Fabricators Qualifications: A firm that complies with the following requirements for quality control and is experienced in prefabricating metal-plate-connected wood trusses similar to those of this Project that have a record of successful in-service performance: Fabricator participates in a recognized quality assurance program that involves inspection by SPIB; Timber Products Inspection, Inc.; Truss Plate Institute; or other independent inspection and testing agency acceptable to Architect and authorities having jurisdiction. H. Single Source Responsibility for Connector Plates: Provide metal connector plates from a single manufacturer. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Product data for lumber, metal connector plates, hardware, fabrication process, and fasteners. B. Shop drawings indicating species, species group, sizes, and stress grades of lumber to be used; pitch, span, camber, configuration, and spacing for each type of truss required; type, size, material, finish, design values, and focation of inetal connector plates; and bearing details. PRE-FAB METAL PIATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES 06192-2 , LJ ' ' � � � r ' , , � � r� I �_ L_ J � � , � � ' , , � � � �� ' �-1 ' � 07/12 McCarthy and Associates C. D. 1.06 A. 1.07 A_ Sid Lickton 1. To the extent engineering design considerations are indicated as fabricator's responsibility, include design anatysis indicating loading, assumed allowable stress, stress diagrams and calculations, shop drawings and other information needed for review that have been signed and sealed by a qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparation. Product ce�tificate, signed by o�cer of fabricating firm, certifying that metal- ptate-connected wood trusses supplied for Project comply with spec�ed requirements. Submitted shop drawings must be checked and signed by the General Contractor. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLlNG Handle and store trusses with care and comply with manufacturer's instructions and TPI recommendations to avoid damage from bending, overturning, or other cause which trusses are not designed to resist or endure. SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING Time delivery and erection of trusses to avoid extended on-site storage and to avoid delaying work of other trades whose work must follow erection of trusses. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 CONNECTOR PLATE MANUFACTURERS A. 2.02 Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering metal connector plates that may be incorporated in the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Simpson Strong-Tie Connectors 2. Hughes Manufacturing. 3_ Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. 4. Bemax of Florida, Inc. LUMBER A. Factory mark each piece of lumber with type, grade, mill, and grading agency. B. Lumber Standard: Manufacture lumber to comply with PS 20 "American Softwood Lumber Standard" and with applicable grading rules of inspection agencies certified by American Lumber Standards Committee's (ALSC) Board of Review. 1. SPIB - Southem Pine Inspection Bureau. C. Nominal sizes are indicated, except as shown by detail dimensions. � D. Provide dressed lumber, S4S, manufactured to actual sizes required by PS 20 to comply with requirements indicated below: , PRE-FAB METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES 06192-3 � ' 07/12 McCarthy and Associates 2.03 A. L C. D. 2.04 A. B. C. D. E. F. 2.05 Sid Lickton 1. Moisture Content: Seasoned, with 19 percent maximum moisture content at time of dressing and shipment for sizes 2 inches or less in nominal thickness, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Any species and grade that complies with the following requirements for species group as defined in Table 8.1a of N.F.P.A National Design Specification, for extreme fiber stress in bending "Fb" for single and repetitive members, and for modulus of elasticity "E": a. Group II species, "Fb" of 1200 psi for single member use and of 1400 psi for repetitive member use, and "E" of 1,600,000 psi. METAL CONNECTOR PLATES General: Fabricate connector plates from metal complying with requirements indicated in this article. Electrolytic Zinc-Coated Steel Sheet: Structural (physical quality steel sheet complying with ASTM A 591, Coating Class C, and, for structural properties, with ASTM A 446, Grade A; Zinc coated by electradeposition; with minimum coated metal thickness indicated but not less than 0.047 inch. Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel Sheet: Structural (physical) quality steel sheet complying with ASTM A 446, Grade A; zinc coated by hot-dip process to comply with ASTM A 653, Designation G60; minimum coated metal thickness indicated but not less than 0.036 inch. Exterior Coastal Areas: Stainfess steel, Type 316L. FASTENERS General: Provide fasteners of size and type indicated that comply with requirements specified in this article for material and manufacture_ 1. With galvanized connector plates, provide fasteners with a hot-dip zinc coating per ASTM A 653. 2. With stainless steel connector plates, provide fasteners per AISI Type 304 stainless steel. Nails, Wire, Brads, and Staples: FS FF-N-105. Power Driven Fasteners: National Evaluation Report NER-272. Wood Screws: ANSI B18.6.1_ Lag Bolts: ANSI B18.2.1. Bolts: Steel bofts complying with ASTM A 307, Grade A; with ASTM A 563 hex nuts and where indicated, flat washers. METAL FRAMING ANCHORS PRE-FAB METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES 06192-4 , � 1 , ' � ' , '� u ' u ' � ' ' ' � ' � � ' 07/12 McCarthy and Associates Sid Lickton A. General: Provide metal framing anchors of type, size, metal, and finish indicated that comply with requirements specified including the following: 2. Current Evaluation/Research Reports: Provide products for which reports exist from a model code organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction that evidence compliance of inetal framing anchors for application indicated with the building code in effect for this Project. Allowable Design Loads: Provide products for which manufacturer publishes allowable design loads that are determined from empirical data or by rational engineering analysis and that are demonstrated by comprehensive testing performed by a qualified independent testing laboratory. B. Galvanized Steel Sheet_ Steel sheet zinc-coated by hot-dip process on continuous lines prior to fabrication to canply with ASTM A 525 for Coating Designation G60 and with ASTM A 446, Grade A(structural quality); ASTM A 653 (commercial quality); or ASTM A 527 (lock-forming quality); as standard with manufacturer for type of anchor indicated. 2.06 A. FABRICATION Fabricate metal connector plates to size, configuration, thickness, and anchorage details required to withstand design loadings for types of joint designs indicated. B. Assemble truss members in design configuration indicated using jigs or other means to ensure uniformity and accuracy of assembly with full-bearing joints closely fitted, particularly at peak heel joints, to comply with tolerances specified in TPt "Quality Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses." Position members to produce design camber indicated. C. Connect truss members by means of inetal connector plates accurately located and securey fastened to each side of wood members by means indicated or approved. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. B. C. D. General: Erect and brace trusses to comply with applicable requirements of referenced TPI standards. Where trusses do not fit, return them to fabricator and replace with trusses of correct size; do not alter trusses in the field. Erect trusses with plane of iruss webs vertical (plumb) and parallel to each other, located accurately at design spacings indicated_ Joist trusses in place by means of lifting equipment suited to sizes and types of trusses required, exercising care not to damage truss members or joints by out-of-plane bending or other causes. E. Anchor trusses securely at all bearing points to comply with methods and details indicated. PRE-FAB METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES 06192-5 07/12 McCarthy and Associates F G. Sid Lickton Instail permanent bracing and related components to enable trusses to maintain design spacing, withstand live and dead loads including lateral loads, and to comply with other indicated. requirements. Do not cut or remove truss members_ END OF SECTION 06192 PRE-FAB METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES 06192-6 , ' � ' ' ' � ' � � � ' �I APA 08.12 SECTION 06402 - ARCHITECTURAL CASEWORK PART1-GENERAL Sid Lickton 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Plastic-laminate cabinets. 2. Plastic-laminate countertops. 3. Stainless steel countertops. B. Interior architectural woodwork includes wood furring, blocking, shims, and hanging strips unless concealed within other construction before woodwork installation. C. Related Sections: section 06610 Solid Surfacing Fabrication. 1.2 SUBMIT"I'ALS A. Product Data: For cabinet hardware and accessories and finishing materials and processes. B. Shop Drawings: Show location of each item, dimensioned plans and elevations, large-scale details, attachment devices, and other components. C. Samples: 1. Plastic-laminates, for each type, color, pattern, and surface finish. 2. Each hardware component. 3. Countertop stainless steel. 1.3 A. B. C. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer Qualifications: Fabricator of woodwork. Quality Standard: Unless otherwise indicated, comply with AWI's "Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards." Mockup: 1. Size: Base and wall cabinet, minimum 48 inches wide. 2. Show: Cabinets, countertops, and hardwaze 3. Approved mockup may remain as part of work.. Pre-Installation Conference: 1. Convene 2 weeks prior to beginning work of this Section. 2. Attendance: Architect, Owner, Contractor, installer, and related trades. 3. Review, discuss and resolve: a. Critical dimensions. b. Product delivery and storage. c. Staging and sequencing. ' 1.4 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Do not deliver or install woodwork until building is enclosed, wet work is complete, and HVAC system is operating and maintaining temperature and relative humidity at occupancy levels during the remainder of the construction period. II L� ' ' ' ' PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Wood Products: 1. Hardboard: AHA A135.4. 2. Particleboard: None to be used. 3. Soflwood Plywood: DOC PS 1, Medium Density Overlay. ARCHITECTUR.AL CASEWORK 06402 - 1 of 3 APA 08.12 � Sid Lickton , B. High-Pressure Decorative Laminate: NEMA LD 3, grades as indicated or, if not indicated, as required by woodwork quality standard. 1. Acceptable Manufacturers: a. Formica Corp. b. Nevamar Co.. c. Wilsonart Intemational, Inc__ 2.2 CABINET HARDWARE AND ACCESSORIES A. General: Provide cabinet hardware and accessory materials associated with architectural woodwork. B. Frameless Concealed Hinges (European Type): BHMA A156.9, B01602, 170 degrees of opening, self-closing. C. Wire Pulls: Back mounted, solid metal, 4 inches (100 mm) long, 5/16 inch (8 mm) in diameter. D. Drawer Slides:. 1. Slides shall be self-closing design, epoxy coated to match drawer body color, with positive in-stop, out-stop, and out-keeper to maintain drawer in the 80% open position. Slides shall have captive nylon rollers, front and rear and shall have minimum l 001b. dynamic load rating. E. Exposed Hazdware Finishes: For exposed hardware, provide finish that complies with BHMA A 156.18 for BHMA fmish number indicated. I. Satin Stainless Steel: BHMA 630. 2.3 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Furring, Blocking, Shims, and Hanging Strips: Softwood or hardwood lumber, kiln-dried to less than l 5 percent moisture content. 2.4 FABRICATION A. General: Complete fabrication to maxunum extent possible before shipment to Project site. Where necessary for fitting at site, provide allowance for scribing, trimming, and fitting. 1. Interior Woodwork Grade: Custom. 2. Shop cut openings to maximwn extent possible. Sand edges of cutouts to remove splinters and burrs. Seal edges of openings in countertops with a coat of varnish. B. Plastic-Laminate Cabinets: 1. AWI Type of Cabinet Construction: Flush overlay. 2. Laminate Cladding for Exposed Surfaces: High-pressure decorative laminate as follows: a. Horizontal Surfaces Other Than Tops: Grade HGS. b. Vertical Surfaces: Grade VGS. c. Edges: Grade VGS. 3. Materials for Semiexposed Surfaces Other Than Drawer Bodies: High-pressure decorative laminate, Grade VGS. 4. Drawer Sides and Backs: Solid-hardwood lumber. 5. Drawer Bottoms: Hardwood plywood. 6. Colors, Patterns, and Finishes: As selected by Architect from laminate manufacturer's full range of solid colors and patterns, matte finish. C. Plastic-Laminate Countertops: 1. High-Pressure Decorative Laminate Grade: HGS. 2. Colors, Patterns, and Finishes: As selected by Architect from laminate manufachuer's full range of solid colors and patterns, matte finish. 3. Edge Treatment: Same as laminate cladding on horizontal surfaces. 4. Core Material at Sinks: Exterior-grade plywood. D. Stainless Steel Countertops: ' ' ' , � ' � , r � ' � ' ' ARCHITECTURAL CASEWORK 06402 - 2 of 3 , ' ' ' APA 08.12 Sid Lickton ' 1. 18-8 stainless steel type 304-16 gauge_ 2. Finish: Satin (#4) brushed finish. 3. 1 1/2" edge and a 4" backsplash with seamless sanitary cove in sazne stainless as ' countertop 4. Core Material: solid backing as recommended by manufacturer to allow no denting 5. Joints: welded, polished and invisible. ' �-1 ' , ' � � ' ' , LJ ' ' ' ' PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. INSTALLATION Before installation, condition woodwork to average prevailing humidity conditions in installation areas. Examine shop-fabricated work for completion and complete work as required, including removal of packing and backpriming. Grade: Install woodwork to comply with requirements for the same grade specified in Part 2 for fabrication of type of woodwork involved. Install woodwork level, plumb, true, and straight to a tolerance of 1!8 inch in 96 inches (3 mm in 2400 mm). Shim as required with concealed shims. Scribe and cut woodwork to fit adjoining work, refinish cut surfaces, and repair damaged finish at cuts. Anchor woodwork to anchors or blocking built in or directly attached to substrates. Secure with countersunk, concealed fasteners and blind nailing as required for complete installation. Use fine finishing nails or finishing screws for exposed fastening, countersunk and filled flush with woodwork and matching final finish if transparent finish is indicated_ Cabinets: Install without distortion so doors and drawers fit openings properly and are accurately aligned. Adjust hardware to center doors and drawers in openings and to provide unencumbered operation. 1. Fasten wall cabinets through back, near top and bottom, at ends and not more than 16 inches (400 mm) o.c. with toggle bolts through metal backing or metal framing behind wall finish. Countertops: Anchor securely by screwing through comer blocks of base cabinets or other supports into underside of countertop. Caulk space between backsplash and wall with sealant specified in Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants." END OF SECTION 06402 ARCHITECTURAL CASEWORK 06402 - 3 of 3 , ' � � �L J ' ' ��' � �J ' i� '� ' , � , ' � APA 08.12 SECTION 06462 — HARDIE RUSTIC TRIM BOARDS PART1-GENERAL Sid Lickton 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Fiber cement panels, single, trim, fascia, moulding and accessories, James Hardie HZ10 Engineered for Climate Siding. 2. Factory-finished fiber cement panels, single, trim, fascia, moulding and accessories, James Hardie HZ 10 Engineered for Climate Siding. 1.2 REFERENCES A. ASTM D3359 - Standard Test Method for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test, Tool and Tape. B. ASTM E136 - Standard Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube Furnace at 750 degrees C. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01330. B. Product Data: Manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used, including: I. Preparation inshuctions and recommendations. 2. Storage and handling requirements and recommendations. 3. Installation methods. C. Shop Drawings: Provide detailed drawings of atypical non-standard applications of cementitious siding materials which are outside the scope of the standazd details and specifications provided by the manufacturer. D. Selection. Samples: For each finish product specified, two complete sets of color chips representing manufacturer's full range of available colors and pattems. E. Verification Samples: For each finish product specified, two samples, minimum size 4 by 6 inches (100 by I50 mm), representing actual product, color, and patterns. 1.4 QUALTTY ASSURANCE A. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. B. Installer Qualifications: Minimum of 2 years experience with installation of similar products. C. Mock-Up: Provide a mock-up for evaluarion of surface preparation techniques and application workmanship. l. Finish areas designated by Architect. 2. Do not proceed with remaining work unril workmanship, color, and sheen aze approved by Architect. 3. Refinish mock-up area as required to produce acceptable work. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Store products in mannfacturer's unopened packaging until ready for installation. B. Store siding flat on a smooth level surface. Protect edges and corners from chipping. Store sheets under cover and keep dry prior to installing. C. Store and dispose of solvent-based materials, and materials used with solvent-based materials, in accordance with requirements of local authorities having jurisdiction. HARDIE RUSTIC TRIM BOARDS 06462 - 1 of 4 APA 08.12 ' Sid Lickton , l.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Maintain environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and ventilation) within limits recommended by manufacturer for optimum results. Do not install products under envirorunental conditions outside manufacturer's absolute limits. 1.7 WARRANTY A. Product Warranty: Limited, non-pro-rated product warranty. 1. HardieTrim HZ10 boards for IS years. '� B. Finish Warranty: Limited product warranty against manufachu-ing finish defects. 1. When used for its intended purpose, properly installed and maintained according to Hardie's published installation insttvctions, James Hardie's ColorPlus fmish with ColorPlus Technology, for a period of l 5 years from the date of purchase: will not peel; will not crack; and will not chip. Finish warranty includes the coverage for labor and material. C. Worlananship Warranty: Application limited warranty for 2 years. PART Z -PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURER: A. James Hazdie Building Products, Inc., La Alameda Suite 400 ; Mission Viejo, CA 9269] Toll Free Tel: 866-274-3464; Tel: 949-367-4980 Email: request info (info@jameshardie.com) Web: www.jameshardiecommercial.com B. Substitutions: Not permitted. 2.2 TRIM A. HardieTrim HZ10 5/4 Rustic boards as manufactured by James Hardie Building Products, Inc. 2.3 FASTENERS A. Wood Framing Fasteners: 1. Corrosion resistant nails, size as recommended by manufacturer. 2.4 FINISHES A. Factory Primer: Provide factory applied universal primer. 1. Primer: Factory applied sealer/primer by James Hardie. 2. Topcoat: Refer to Section 09900 and Exterior Finish Schedule. B. Factory Finish: Refer to Exterior Finish Schedule. 1. Product: ColorPlus Technology by James Hardie. 2. Definition: Factory applied finish; defined as a finish applied in the same facility and company that manufactures the siding substrate. 3. Process: a. Factory applied fuush by fiber cement manufacturer in a controlled environment within the fiber cement manufacturer's own facility utilizing a multi-coat, heat cured finish within one manufacturing process. b. Each fuush color must have documented color match to delta E of �.5 or better between product lines, manufacturing lots or production runs as measured by photospectrometer and verified by third party. 4. Protection: Factory applied finish protection such as glastic laminate that is removed once siding is installed. � � , ' II I_.I ' � � u , ' u , C1 HARDIE RUSTIC TRIM BOARDS 06462 - 2 of 4 ' �l ' II � � � � � �I � ' � � ' ' ' � ' ' ' �� ' APA 08.12 5. Sid Lickton Accessories: Complete fmishing system includes pre-packaged touch-up kit provided by fiber cement manufacttuer. Provide yuantities as recommended by manufacturer. PART3-EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Do not begin installation until substrates have been properly prepared. B. If framing preparation is the responsibility of another installer, notify Architect of unsatisfactory preparation before proceeding. C. Nominal2 inch by 4 inch (51 m by 102 mm) wood framing selected for minimal shrinkage and complying with local building codes, including the use of water-resistive barriers or vapor barriers where required. Minimum 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) face and straight, true, of unifonn dimensions and properly aligned. 1. Install water-resistive barriers and claddings to dry surfaces. 2. Repair any punctures or tears in the water-resistive barrier prior to the installation of the siding. 3. Protect siding from other trades. 3.2 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. 3.3 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. PREPARATION Clean surfaces thoroughly prior to installation. Prepare surfaces using the methods recommended by the manufacturer for achieving the best result for the substrate under the project conditions. Install a water-resistive barrier is required in accordance with local building code requirements. The water-resistive barrier must be appropriately installed with penetration and junction flashing in accordance with local building code requirements. Install Engineered for ClimateTM HardieWrapTM weather barrier in accordance with local building code requirements. Use HardieWrapTM Seam Tape and joint and laps. Install and HazdieWrapT'M flashing, HardieWrapTM Flex Flashing. INSTALLATION — HARDIE TRIM HZ10 BOARDS Install materials in strict accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. Install flashing around all wall openings. Fasten through trim into structural framing or code complying sheathing. Fasteners must penetrate minimum 3/4 inch (l9 mm) or full thickness of sheathing. Additional fasteners may be required to ensure adequate security. ' Place fasteners no closer than 3/4 inch (19 mm) and no fwther than 2 inches (51 mm) from side edge of trim board and no closer than 1 inch (25 mm) from end. Fasten maximum 16 inches (406 mm) on center. Maintain cleazance between trim and adjacent finished grade. Trim inside corner with a single boazd trim both side of comer. Outside Corner Board Attach Trim on both sides of corner with 16 gage corrosion resistant finish nail 1/2 inch (]3 mm) from edge spaced I6 inches (406 mm) apart, weather cut each end spaced minunum 12 inches (305 mm) apart. Allow I/8 inch gap between trim and siding. Seal gap with high quality, paint-able caulk. Shim frieze boazd as required to align with corner trim.. Fasten through overlapping boards. Do not nail between lap joints. Overlay siding with single board of outside comer board then align second corner boazd to outside edge of first comer board. Do not fasten HardieTrun boards to HardieTrim boards. Shim frieze board as reyuired to align with corner trim. HARDIE RUSTIC TRIM BOARDS 06462 - 3 of 4 APA 08.12 , Sid Lickton ' M. Instal) HardieTrim Fascia boards to rafter tails or to sub fascia_ 3.4 FINISHING A_ Finish unprimed siding with a minimum one coat high quality, alkali resistant primer and one coat of either, 100 percent acrylic or latex or oil based, exterior grade topcoats or two coats high quality alkali resistant 100 percent acrylic or latex, exterior grade topcoat within 90 days of installation. Follow paint manufacturer's written product recommendation and written application instructions. B. Finish factory primed siding with a minimum of one coat of high quality 100 percent acrylic or latex or oil based exterior grade paint within 180 days of installation. Follow paint manufacturer's written product recommendarion and written application instructions. 3.5 PROTECTION A. Protect installed products until completion of project. B. Touch-up, repair or replace damaged products before Substantial Completion_ END OF SECTION 06462 HARDIE RUSTIC TRIlVI BOARDS 06462 - 4 of 4 ' ' � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ' � � APA Q8.12 SECTION 06463 — HARDIE SOFFIT PANELS AND BATTENS PARTI-GENERAL Sid Lickton 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Inciudes: 1. Artisan Matrix Panel, a cementitious express/reveal jointed panel with accessories. 1.Z A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. REFERENCES ASTM C834 - Standard Specification for Latex Sealants. ASTM C920 - Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants. ASTM Cl l86 - Standard Specification for Flat Non-Asbestos Fiber-Cement Sheets. ASTM E 84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. AS1'M E 119 - Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials. ASTM E136 - Standard Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube Furnace at 750 degrees C. ASTM E330 - Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure. ASTM E331 - Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used, including: 1. Preparation instructions and recommendations. 2. Storage and handling requirements and recommendations. 3. Best Practices Building Guide. 4. Technical data sheet. B. Shop Drawings: Provide detailed drawings of atypical non-standard applications of cementitious siding materials which are outside the scope of the standard details and specifications provided by the manufacturer. C. Selection Samples: For each finish product specified, two complete sets of color chips represenring manufacturer's full range of available colors and pattems. D. Verification Samples: For each finish product specified, two samples, minimwn size 4 by 6 inches (100 by 150 mm), representing actual product, color, and patterns. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. B. Installer Qualifications: Minimum of 2 years experience with installation of similar products and listed by James Hardie as a JH Preferred Installation Company. C. Mock-Up: Provide a mock-up for evaluarion of surface preparation techniques and application workmanship. 1. Finish areas designated by Architect. 2. Do not proceed with remainutg work until workmanship, color, and sheen aze approved by Architect. 3. Refinish mock-up area as required to produce acceptable work. HARDIE SOFFIT PANELS AND BATTENS 06463 -1 of 4 APA 08.12 Sid Lickton 1.5 DELIVERIES, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Store products in manufacturer's unopened packaging until ready for installation. B. Store siding flat on a smooth level surface. Protect edges and corners from chipping. Store sheets under cover and keep dry prior to installing_ C. Store and dispose of solvent-based materials, and materials used with solvent-based materials, in accordance with requirements of local authorities having jurisdiction. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Maintain environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and ventilation) within limits recommended by manufacturer for optimum results. Do not install products under environmental conditions outside manufacturer's absolute limits. 1.7 WARREINTY A. Artisan Matrix Panel Limited Product Warranty: 30-year limited product wamdnty against manufacturing defects. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MANiJFACTURER: A. James Hardie Building Products, Inc., La Alameda Suite 400 ; Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Toll Free Tel: 866-274-3464; Tel: 949-367-4980 Email: request info (info@jameshardie.com) Web: www.jameshazdiecommercial.com B. Substitutions: Not permitted. 2.2 Soffits A. Hardie 1!4" non vented in Cedarmill Finish B. Hazdie 1/4" vented in Cedarmill Finish C. Hazdie Rustic Battens D. Sealant: Joint Sealant complying with ASTM C920 Grade NS, Class 25 or higher or a Latex Joint Sealant complying with ASTM C834. 2.3 FASTENERS A. Fasteners for Attaching James Hardie Batten Boazds: 1. Wood Framing: Siding nail, 0.092 inch shank by 0.222 inch HD by 2.5 inches long. 2.4 FINISHES A. Factory Primer: Provide factory applied universal primer. I. Primer: Factory applied sealer/primer by James Hardie. 2. Topcoat: Refer to Section 09900 and Exterior Finish Schedule. PART3-EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Do not begin installation until substrates have been properly prepared_ B. If framing preparation is the responsibility of another installer, notify Architect of unsatisfactory preparation before proceeding. C. Nominal2 inch by 4 inch (51 m by 102 mm) wood framing selected for minimal shrinkage and complying with local building codes, including the use of water-resistive bazriers or vapor LJ � � � � � � � � � � � 1-IARDIE SOFFIT PANELS AND BATTENS 06463 - 2 of 4 � � � � � �I � ' � � � � �' � � � � APA 08.12 Sid Lickton bamers where required. Minimum 1-1 /2 inches (38 mm) face and straight, true, of uniform dimensions and properly aligned_ l. Install water-resistive barriers and claddings to dry surfaces. 2. Repair any punctures or tears in the water-resistive barrier prior to the installation of the siding. 3. Protect siding from other trades. D. Minimum 20 gauge 3-5/8 inch (92 mm) GStud ] 6 inches maximum metal framing complying with local building codes, including the use of water-resistive barriers and/or vapor barriers where required. Minunum 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) face and straight, true, ofuniform dimensions and properly aligned. 1. Install water-resistive barriers and claddings to dry surfaces. 2_ Repair any punctures or tears in the water-resistive barrier prior to the installation of the siding. 3. Protect siding from other trades. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Clean surfaces thoroughly prior to installation. B. Prepare surfaces using the methods recommended by the manufacturer for achieving the best result for the substrate under the project conditions. 3.3 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. INSTALLATION Install materials in strict accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. Place fasteners no closer than 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) from panel edges and 2 inches (51 mm) from panel corners. Install cavity vent strips along the bottom edge of framing or sheathing. Install futring over sheathing attaching to framing members. Apply caulking over furring. Only apply enough caulking for one panel at a time. Install first panel at the bottom corner working across and up. Ensure panels are square and level. Fasten bottom half of panel. Apply caulking to horizontal "T" backing strip and insert over top of panel just installed_ Install second panel using 1/2 inch (13 mm) spacers at vertical joints. Fasten bottom half of second panel and finish attaching first panel. Install a tcickout flashing to deflect�water away from the siding at the roof intersection. Install a self-adhering membrane on the wall before the subfascia and trim boazds are nailed in place, and then install the kickout. Allow minimum vertical cleazance between the bottom edge of siding and any other material in strict accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. Maintain clearance between siding and adjacent finished grade. All field cut edges shall be primed or sealed during the installation process using an exterior grade primer or sealer which is compatible with the type of paint to be used. Specific framing and fastener requirements refer to the applicable building code compliance reports. 3.4 FINISHING A. Finish unprimed siding with a minimum one coat high quality, alkali resistant primer and one coat of 100 percent acrylic, exterior grade topcoats within 90 days of installation. Follow paint manufacturer's written product recommendation and written application instructions. B. Finish factory pruned siding with a minimum of one coat of high quality 100 percent acrylic exterior grade paint within 180 days of installation. Follow paint maz►ufacturer's written product recommendation and written application instructions. HARDIE SOFFIT PANELS AND BATTENS 06463 - 3 of 4 APA 08_ I 2 3.5 PROTECTION A. Protect installed products until completion of project. B. Touch-up, repair or repIace damaged products before Substantial Completion_ END OF SECTION 06463 HARDIE SOFFIT PANELS AND BATTENS Sid Lickton 06463 - 4 of 4 � � ,� ' � � � � � � � � ' � APA 08.12 SECTION 06611— SOLID SURFACTNG FABRICATIONS PART1-GENERAL Sid Lickton 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Solid surfacing countertops. 2. Solid surfacing countertops with sink bowls. 3. Solid surfacing countertop brackets. B. Related Sections: 1. Section 06402 — Architectural Casework. 1.2 REFERENCES A. AST'M International (ASTM) (www_astm.org) E84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals for Review: 1. Shop Drawings: Indicate dimensions, component sizes, fabrication details, attachment provisions and coordination requirements with adjacent work. 2. Product Data: Indicate product description, fabrication information and compliance with specified performance requirements. 3. Samples: 2 x 2 inch samples showing available colors. B. Closeout Submittals: 1. Maintenance Data: Include recommended cleaning materials and procedures and datnage repair. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturer for solid surfacing: 1. DuPont. (www.corian.com) B. Manufacturer for brackets: I _ Federal Brace. (www.federalbrace.com) C. Substitutions: Not permitted. 2.2 A. � 2.3 A. � MATERIALS Solid Surfacing: 1. Material: Homogenous sheet material composed of acrylic resins, filler materials, and coloring agents. 2. Thickness: 3/4 inch. 3. Color: Sandstone. 4. Surface finish: Matte. Sinks: Same material as solid surfacing, round, undercounter mounted. 1. Color: White. ACCESSORIES Adhesive: 1. Type recommended by solid surfacing manufacturer. Brackets: 1. Brunswick decorative stainless steel bracket in sizes and locations as indicated on plans. SOLID SURFACING FABRICATIONS 06610 - i of 2 APA 08.12 Sid Lickton C. Joint Sealer: Specified in Section 07920. 2.4 FABRICATI�N A. Fabricate components in shop to sizes and shapes indicated, in accordance with manufachuer's instructions and approved Shop Drawings. B. Fabricate splashes and skirts from solid surfacing in Sandstone color. C. Form joints to be inconspicuous in appearance and without voids. Join pieces with adhesive. D. Provide holes and cutouts for mounting of sinks and accessories. E. Finish exposed edges to smooth, uniform syuaze profile. F. Allowable Tolerances: 1. Maximum variation in size: 1/8 inch. 2. M�imum variation in location of openings: 1/8 inch from indicated location. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.I INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and approved Shop Drawings. B. Set plumb, level, and rigid. C. Adhere countertops, splashes, and skirts with beads of adhesive. D. Seal perimeter with joint sealer as specified in Section 07920. Finish smooth and flush. 3Z ADJUSTING A. Sand out minor scraiches and abrasions. 3.3 PROTECTION A. Protect surfaces from damage with nonstaining coverings. END OF SECTION 06611 SOLID SURFACING FABRICATIONS 06610 - 2 of 2 � ' � � � � � � � � � � � APA 08.12 Pier 60 Retail Mechanical Renovations SECTION 07100 — ROOF EQUIPMENT STANDS PART1-GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Prefabricated roof equipment stands with lead flashing boots. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals for Review: 1. Shop Drawings: Indicate locations, dimensions, materials, imishes, attachment, and relationship to adjacent construction. 2. Product Data: Manufacturer's literature including description of materials, iir►ishes, operarion, and installation instructions. 3. Warranty: Sample warranty form. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Roof Equipment Stands: Support minimum 350 pounds. 1.4 WARRANTIES A. Furnish manufacturer's 2 year warranty providing coverage against defective materials and workmanship. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturer: F& L Aluminwn Parts, Inc., ] 7l0 NW 2nd Court, Unit 7 Pompano Beach, FL 33069,954-4220-3766. B. Substitutions: Not permitted. 2.2 MANUFACTURED UNITS A. Roof Equipment Stands: Heavy-duty "Aluminum Stand" 1. 24" high with lead flashing boots. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INST.ALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and approved Shop Drawings. B. Set units plumb and level, without warp and rack. C. Secure to supporting construction. END OF SECTTON 07100 ROOF EQUIPMENT STANDS 07100 - 1 of l LJ i � � � � � � � � � I� U APA 08.12 Sid Lickton SECTION 07141— COLD FLUID-APPLIED WATERPROOFING, FABRIC MATERIAL AND PERFORATED PIPE PART1-GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1_ Cold fluid-applied polyurethane membrane waterproofing. 2. Fabric material. 3. Perforated pipe. 4. Gravel. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals for Review: 1. Product Data: Manufacturer's data for waterproofing, fabric material, perforated pipe, and gravel_ 2. Wananty: Sample warranty form. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: 1. Minimum 5 years experience in work of this Section. 2. Licensed or certified by waterproofing manufacturer. B. Pre-Installation Conference: 1. Convene at site 2 weeks prior to beginning work of this Section. 2. Attendance: Architect, DesignBuilder, Owner, Conh�actor, waterproofing applicator, and related trades that may affect waterproofing installation prior to, during, or following installation. 3. Review and discuss Contract Documents, waterproofing system manufacturer's literature, job conditions, scheduling, and other matters affecting application as appropriate. 4. Tour representative areas of waterproofing substtates, and discuss substrate construction, related items, work conditions, and materials compatibility. 1.4 WARRANTIES A. Furnish applicator's 5 year warranty providing coverage against water leakage through waterproofing system. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable waterproofmg manufacturers: 1. BASF Building Systems. (www.chemrex.com) 2. Neogard Corporation. (www.neogard.com) 3. Tremco, Inc. (www.tremcosealants.com) B. Acceptable fabric material manufacturer: 1. Propex Geotextile Systems (www.geotile.com). C. Acceptable perforated pipe manufacturer: 1. Comtech Construction Products, Inc. (www.contech-cpi.com) D. Substitutions: Permitted. COLD FLUID APPLIED WATERPROOFING 07141-1of2 APA 08.12 � Sid Lickton � 2.2 MATERIALS A. Fluid Applied Waterproofmg: 1. Type: Single-component, bitumen modified, cold liquid applied moisture curing urethane complying with ASTM C836; trowel, roller, or spray grade. 2. Physical properties: a. Elongation: Minimum 600 percent, tested to ASTM D412. b. Tensile strength: Minimum 150 psi, tested to ASTM D412_ c. 100 percent modulus: Minirnum 80 psi, tested to ASTM D412. d. Crack bridging: Pass 1/16 inch with no loss of bond or cracking e�chibited, cycled 10 times per 24 hours at 15 degrees F, tested to ASTM C836. e. Moistwe vapor permeability: Maximum 0.1 perm, tested to ASTM E96. B. Reinforcing Fabric: Waterproofing manufacturer's standard. 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. Surface Conditioner, Joint Sealers, and Patching Compounds: Type recommended by waterproofing manufacturer. B. Fabric material: Geotex 601. C. Perforated drain: A-2000 perforated pipe. D. Gravel: #6 coarse gravel. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Clean surfaces; remove loose and foreign matter that could impede adhesion or performance of waterproofing. B. Apply surface conditioner and coat of waterproofing material to minirnum 60 mils thickness. Extend coat of waterproofing from bottom planter wali footing up planter wall to concrete cap. C. Clean cracks and joints in substrate less than 1/16 inch in width and apply preparatory coat of waterproofing material, minimum 60 mils wet film thickness; extend minimum 3 inches out onto adjoining surfaces. D. Rout out cracks and joints over 1/16 inch in width to minimum 1!4 inch depth, and fiil with waterproofing. Apply preparatory coat of waterproofing material, minimum 60 mils wet film thickness; extend minimum 3 inches out onto adjoining surfaces. E. At changes in plane of substrate, form cant of waterproofmg material, minimum 1 inch high. F. Allow preparatory work to cure minimum 12 hours, then clean and apply surface conditioner. 3.2 APPLICATION OF WATERPROOFING A. Apply waterproofmg system in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Apply in as many coats as needed to achieve minimum 60 mils wet film thickness, excluding preparatory work. C. Extend membrane up vertical surfaces to concrete cap of planter walls. D. Seal items projecting tlzrough membrane. E. Apply waterproofing with reinforcing fabric at locations of potential high movement, including intersections not structurally connected. 3.3 INSTALLATION OF PERFORATED DRAIN, FABRIC MATERIAL, AND GRAVEL A. Install as detailed on Sheet A2.7 of drawings. END OF SECTION 07141 � � � L_� � � � COLD FLUID APPLIED WATERPROOFING 07141 - 2 of 2 � � � � � � � � � �� r � � � APA 08.12 SECTION 07200 — ROOF PENETRATION CURBS PART1-GENERAL 1.1 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Pier 60 Storage Addition WORK CONDITIONS Do not apply the Pro Pack two part urethane pourable sealer if rain is expected within four hours after application time. 1-Part Pourable Sealer is not adversely affected by rain immediately after application. The roof surface should be dry during installation. Do not apply Pro Pack two part urethane pourable sealer below 40° F(4° C). Cold temperatures can result in slow or incomplete cure. Do not apply over wet or oily surfaces, or uncured concrete. Do not apply directly to smooth surfaced A.P.P. modified bitumen products. A piece of granulated A.P.P. shall be installed around the roof penetration that will extend beyond the ChemCwb a minimum of 2" in all directions. This will provide a proper surface for bonding. Do not install ChemCurbs on TPO membranes without CHEM LINK TPO Primer. TPO Primer must be used to obtain proper bonds. Under no circumstances shall ChemCurbs be installed on Hypalon membranes. Do not use roof cement for night seals around roof penetrations. Roof cement is incompatible with CHEM LINK pourable sealants. Apply a bead of M-1 Structural Sealant around the base of each roof penetration to provide a temporary seal. Also, do not prime penetrations with asphalt primer. Apply additional M-1 Structural Sealant to the cleaned penetration, extending from the base of the penetration to a minimum of 3"above the Base. Tool the M-1 smooth. M-1 shall be applied to new penetrations in the sazne manner. In many instances, asphalt roof mastics and other sealants have been applied to the roof penetrations that extend above the profile of a ChemCurb. These sealants can act as a bond breaker and cause the Pro Pack or I-Part Pourable Sealer to separate from the penetrations. It is imperative that the contractor remove as much of the contaminants as possible. The M-1 will act as a primer for the Pro Pack or 1-Part Pourable Sealer and will seal any residual contaminants that could adversely affect the pourable sealants. In order to give the M-1 suffcient time to cure, it is recommended that the M-1 (as a primer} be applied to the penetrations before the ChemCurbs aze set in place and the Pro Pack is mixed. If lazge rectangular ChemCurbs are being installed, allow the M-1 to set and gain strength for a minimum of 1 hour before flling the ChemCurb. PART 2- DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Examine all ChemCurb packages and containers upon delivery to make sure they are not damaged. Do not use any unlabeled products. If any products are unlabeled, notify CHEM LINK at (800)-826-1681. B. If ChemCurb products aze stored in an unheated area during freezing conditions, make sure they are brought to room temperature 24 hours before use. The shelf life of unopened containers is one year from batch date printed on cans. C. Do not expose any of the ChemCurb products to moisture during storage. PART 3- CHEMCURB STANDARD SIZES AND ACCESSORIES A. Standard ChemCurb sizes are 7.5" i.d. and 5" i.d. round curbs. Each ChemCurb is 2" high. B. ChemG�rb Straights are available in 6" and 12" lengths. These are used to make the ChemCurb longer. The 6" and 12" sections fit both the 7.5"i.d. and the 5"i.d. curbs. ROOF PENETRATION CURBS 07200 —1 of 5 APA 08.12 C_ D. E. � Pier 60 Storage Addition � ChemCurb Corners are used to make box shaped curbs. Used with the Straights, ChemCurbs can be made to your own size specifications right on the job site. If multiple penetrations are present in one ChemCurb, a 1" space should be maintained between penetrations and the inside edge of the ChemCurb. ChemCurbs are made of weather and U.V. resistant gray polyester resin. Fitting cuts to any of the ChemCurb sections can be easily done with a power saw and masonry blade. Eye protection shall be worn while cutting at all times. PART 4 - SURFACE PREPARATION 4.1 SINGLE-PLY (E.P.D.M., P.V.C. etc.) All dirt, dust and other contaminants such as, but not limited to, water, ice, oil, grease, animal fat and industrial solvents shall be thoroughly cleaned away from the application area. Wipe the azea with denatured /100% rubbing alcohol and allow drying. Do not use splice wash or gasoline. NOTE: DO NOT USE CHEMCURBS ON TPO MEMBRANES WITHOUT CHEM LINK TPO PRIMER. TPO PRIMER SHALL BE APPLIED FROM THE BASE OF THE PENETRATION EXTENDING BEYOND THE PERIMETER OF THE CHEMCURB, ONE INCH IN ALL DIRECTIONS. TPO PRIMER WILL NOT WORK ON HYPALON MEMBRANES. CHEMCURBS CANNOT BE INSTALLED ON HYPALON MEMBRA.NES UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. 4.2 4.03 GRANULATED S.B.S AND A.P.P MODIFIED BITUMEN As described above in section 4.01, prepare the surface of the application area as described in that section. Due to the texture of the granulated surface, the ChemCurb can be applied directly to the granulated surface of the membrane. It is not required to clean the surface of the membrane with denatured/rubbing alcohol. Due to poor granule adhesion, 1-Part Pourable Sealer should be used exclusively when installing ChemCurbs on any granulated membrane. NOTE: APPLY A VERY TNIN BEAD OF M-1 STRUCTURAL SEALANT TO THE OUTSIDE BASE OF THE CHEMCURB AND TOOL IT SMOOTH, MAKING SURE TO SEAL ALL VOIDS AND GAPS.IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT A BEAD OF 1-PART POURABLE SEALER (APPLIED FROM 28 OZ. CARTRIDGE) BE APPLIED OVER TOP OF THE BEAD OF M-1. THE 1-PART POURABLE SEALER WILL HELP OBTAIN PROPER GRANULE ADHESION. 4.3 PENETRATIONS INSIDE THE CHEMCURB With a wire brush and scraper, thoroughly clean and remove all loose roof cement, mastics, coatings, scaled rust and caulking that may be adhered to the penetrations inside the ChemCurb. If any fresh roof cement is present, it must be removed completely. These products act as a contaminant and will adversely affect the bonding of the new sealant that will be applied_ As an additional precaution, apply M-1 Structural Sealant azound the penetration starting at the base of the penetration. Tool the M-1 smooth around the entire circumference of the penetration(s), extending a minimum of 3" above the roof surface, or beyond the point where any mastics or sealants may have been previously applied. Tool the M-1 smooth to an approximate thickness of 1/8". ROOF PENETRATION CURBS � �� � � � � � 07200 — 2 of 5 � � � � � � � � � � � � I I t_...� � � � � LJ � � APA 08.12 Pier 60 Storage Addition NOTE: DO NOT PRIME ANY PENETRATIONS INSIDE THE CHEMCURB WITH ASPHALT PRIMER. THIS CAN ADVERSELY AFFECT THE BONDING PROPERTIES OF THE NEW SEALANT. PART 5-APPLICATION OF THE CHEMCURB 5.1 5.2 PRIMING In order to prevent water infiltration at the roof penetration, apply a bead of CHEM LINK M-1 Structural Sealant around the base of all penetrations that are inside the ChemCurb. Apply additional M-1 to the penetrations, starting at the base and extending a minimum of 3" above the roof or I/2" above the point where previous sealants may have been installed. Tool the M-1 smooth, covering the entire circumference of the penetration(s). DO NOT USE ROOF CEMENT! INSTALLATION If necessary (on a latge ChemCurb) pre-cut the ChemCurb Accessory Straights and set them in place "dry" with the ChemCurb Comers around the penetration/s to ensure a proper fit. On standard-sized ChemC�rbs there will only be two pieces that will form a circle. Hold the first section (or curved section) of the ChemClub "flat side up", and apply a 1/4" bead of M-1 Structural Sealant to the entire bottom perimeter and an additional bead down the center of the ChemCurb section. M-1 shall also be applied to the scarf joints. Place the freshly treated section into place on the prepared surface, and press it down firmly. Apply M-1 to the second section (or succeeding sections for large ChemCurbs) as described above. Press the sections together and down firmly_ Apply additional M-1 to any voids. Neatly tool any excess M-1 that extrudes from the scarf joints. NOTE: ALWAYS MAINTAIN A DISTANCE OF 1" BETWEEN PENETRATIONS AND THE INSIDE EDGE OF THE CHEMCURB IN ORDER TO OBTAIN A PROPER SEAL. When the entire ChemCurb is assembled and pressed into place, a 1/4" round continuous bead of M-1 Structural Sealant shall be applied around the outside base of the ChemCurb. All joints and seams shall be tooled to a smooth finish with the applicator stick that is included with each ChemCtiub case. When installing ChemCurbs on granulated membranes, a thin bead of M-1 shall be applied to the outside of the ChemCurb and tooled smooth. An additional bead of 1- Part Pourable Sealer should be applied (using 28 oz. Cartridges) over the M-I to ensure proper granule adhesion. 5.3 TWO-PART PRO PACK As per mixing instructions on the ChemCurb Pro Pack, mix parts "A" and "B" for a minimum of five minutes, until they become a uniform black. Pour Pro Pack pourable sealant into the ChemC�tb until it is completely flush with the top of the ChemCurb. Do not apply Pro Pack if rain is expected within four hours. ROOF PENETRATION CURBS 07200 — 3 of 5 APA 08.12 5.4 5.5 1-PART POURABLE SEALER � Pier 60 Storage Addition � I-Part Pourable Sealer can be used instead of Pro Pack in any Chem Curb. This product is available in 28oz. cartridges, or in two-liter pouches. This product does not require any mixing and unused portions can be sealed and used on future projects. Due to poor granule adhesion, 1-Part Pourable Sealer should always be used in ChemCurbs installed on granulated surfaces or on any roof penetration that is subjected to extreme movement. ROOF WITH MULTIPLE CHEMCURBS On a roof that has many ChemClirbs to be installed, it can be faster to install the sections of several ChemCurbs and then fill them all at once. This can help reduce the possibility of having unused Pro Pack pourable sealant le8 in a can. Make sure all temporary seals around the roof penetrations were sealed with M-1 Struchual Sealant. NOTE: DO NOT USE ROOF CEMENT FOR TEMPORARY SEALS. When assembling large rectangular ChemCurbs, allow the M-1 Structural Sealant to cure for a minimum of 1 hour before filling the ChemCurb with Pro Pack or 1-Part Pourable Sealer. This will prevent any of the curb sections from rupturing due to the hydrostaric pressure of the large volume of pourable sealer. ChemCurbs can be made in any size or shape using ChemC�rb straights and/or corners. There is no maximum size limit to a ChemCurb. 5.6 POSITIVE SLOPE INSTALLATIONlPIPES THROUGH A VERTICAL WALL It is imperative to maintain the 2"depth of the sealer inside the entire ChemCurb. This can be accomplished by installing the ChemCurb azound the penetration according to normal installation specifications. On pipes extending through a vertical wall, it is imperative to apply the external bead of M-1 Structural Sealant around the outside base perimeter and tool it quickly. The M-1 on the bottom of the curbs sections and the external bead of M-1 will hold the ChemCurb in place. Fill the entire ChemCurb with CHEM LINK's low modulus DuraLink sealant. Hand tool the DuraLink to a metal smooth fvush flush with the top of the ChemCurb. If the sloped roof is a Kynar coated roof, assemble and fill the entire ChemCurb with DuraLink. PART 6-10 YEAR LIMITED MATERIALS WARRANTY When applied in accordance with the CHEM LINK application instructions using only CHEM LINK materials, CHEM LINK, Inc. warrants its ChemCurb System against leaks for 10 years from the date of installation. Our liability under this warranty, and buyer's sole and exclusive remedy, will be to provide replacement product free of charge. CHEM LINK, Inc.'s total liability for sale of this product shall in no event exceed the original cost of the product. CHEM LINK, Inc. shall not be liable for: cost of labor to apply the product; damage to roofing, other structures, or interior contents of buildings; or for any other damages, whether direct, incidental, or consequential. ROOF PENETRATION CURBS � � � � � � � � � � � � 07200 — 4 of 5 � �J �I u � � � � ' � � � � � � � � � LJ � � APA 08.12 Pier 60 Storage Addition This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed and implied, including the wananties of inerchantability and fimess for a particular putpose and warranties in tort. CHEM LINK, Inc. also disclaims any liability under any non-warranry theory of liability, including, but not limited to contractual, tort, or liability. Neither the scope of the wananty nor liability thereunder may be extended except in writing executed by a duly eiected officer of CHEM LINK, Inc. of Schoolcraft, Michigan. END OF SECTION 07200 ROOF PENETRATION CURBS 07200 — 5 of 5 APA 08_12 SECTION 07210 — BATT INSULATION PARTI-GENERAL 1.] SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Batt insulation in ceiling and wall assemblies. Sid Lickton l.2 SUBMITTALS , A. Quality Control Submittals: 1. Certificates of Compliance: Certification from an independent testing laboratory that insulation meets fue hazazd classification requirements. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fire Hazard Classification: 1. Noncombustible, tested to AST'M E136. 2. Flame spread/smoke developed rating of 25/50 or less, tested to ASTM E84. l.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Store insulation in clean, dry, sheltered area, off ground or floor, until used. Protect against wetting and moisture absorption. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Do not install until insulation until building is substantially water and weather tight. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturers: 1. Johns Manville. (www.jm.com) 2. Knauf Insulation. (www.knaufusa.com) 3. Owens Corning. (www.owenscorning.com) B. Substitutions: Permitted. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Thermal Batt Insulation: 1. Type: AST'M C665, glass fiber composition. 2. Facing: Unfaced for walls and Reinforced Kraft paper vapor barrier on one side with stapling flanges for ceilings. 3. Thermal resistance: a. 3-1/2 inches thick: R-value of 11.00 in Second Floor walls. b. 10 inches thick: R-value of 30.00 above Second Floor ceiling. 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. Tape: Minimum 2 inches wide, pressure sensitive, waterproof. B. Fasteners: Hot-dip galvanized steel staples, type best suited to application, minimum 5/8 inch penetration into framing. BATT INSiJLATION 07210 -1 of 2 APA 0812 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Friction fit between framing members. B. Butt insulation to adjacent construction. Butt ends and edges. C. Carry insulation around pipes, wiring, boxes, and other components. D. Ensure complete enclosure of spaces without voids. E. Apply with vapor barrier facing towards interior of structure. F. Tape seai iapped flanges, butt ends, and tears and holes in facings. END OF SECTION 07210 Sid Lickton BATT INSULATION 07210 - 2 of 2 � � � APA 08.12 SECTION 0'7211 - FOAMED-IN-PLACE INSULATION PARTi-GENERAL , 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Foamed-in-place insulation in masonry cavities. ' B. Related Sections: i. Division Ol : Administrative, procedural, and temporary work requirements. � � � � � � � � � � �J � � � Sid Lickton 1.2 REFERENCES A. AST'M International (ASTM): 1. Cl'77 - Standard Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux Measurements and Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Guarded-Hot-Plate Apparatus. 2. C518 - Standard Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus. 3. D5116 - Standard Guide for Small-Scale Environmental Chamber Determinations of Organic Emissions From Indoor Materials/Products. 4. E84 -.Standard Test Method for Surface Buming Characteristics of Building Materials. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals for Review: 1. Product Data: Provide product description, insulation properties, and preparation requirements. B. Quality Control Submittals: I. Certificates of Compliance: Certification from an independent testing laboratory that insulation meets fire hazard classification requirements. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: Minimum 5 years experience in work of this Section. B. Fire Hazard Classification: Maximum flame spread/smoke developed rating of 25/450, tested to ASTM E84. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Do not install insulation when ambient temperature is below 70 degrees F. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturers: 1. Core Foam. (www.cfifoam.com) 2. Demilec USA (www.demilecusa.com} 3. Polymaster, Inc. (www.polymaster.com) 4. Thermal Corp. of America. (www.thermcofoam.com) 2.2 MATERIALS A. Foamed-In-Place Insulation: 1. Type: Two component, plastic resin and catalyst, cold setting foam, [open) [closedj cell. 2. R-value: Minirnum 4.4 per inch at 75 degrees F, tested to ASTM C177 or ASTM C518. FOAMED-IN-PLACE INSULATION 07211 - 1 of 2 APA 08.12 Sid Lickton 3. No CFC or HCFC emissions and total forrnaldehyde emissions less than I percent, cured for 7 days and tested to AST'M D5116 for 24 hows. PART3-EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Protect adjacent surfaces from accidental application. B. Drill access holes in mortar joints at spacings required by manufacturer. 3.2 APPLICATION A. Apply insulation in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Apply insulation by froth method, to uniform monolithic density without voids. C. Patch access holes with mortar; finish flush with adjacent surfaces. 3.3 ADJUSTING A. Patch damaged areas. END OF SECTION FOAMED-IN-PLACE INSULATION 07211 - 2 of 2 � � � , LJ J � � � �� � I i U� � � � � , � � APA 08.12 SECTION 07411 — METAL ROOF PANELS PART1-GENERAL Sid Lickton 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Formed metal roofing panels with colored stone chip finish. (Gerald Barrel Wault). 2. Battens used only on Hip, Ridge and Rake areas. 3. Associated metal flashings. 4. Underlayment. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 5 Section "Sheathing" for custom-fabricated and on-site, roll-formed sheet metaI roofmg. 1.2 REFERENCES A. ASTM A792/A792M - Sheet Steel, Aluminum - Zinc alloy coated by the Hot-Dip Process, structural (physical) quality. B. ASTM E 109 - Test for Fire Resistance of Roof Covering Material. C. IJLI897 Tests for wind uplift resistance of roof assemblies. D. ASTM C 920-86 - Specification for Electrometric Joint Sealant. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Shop Drawings: Show fabrication and installation layouts of inetal roof panels; details of edge conditions, side-seam and endlap joints, panel profiles, comers, anchorages, trim, flashings, closures, and accessories; and special details. Distinguish between factory- and field-assembled work. C. Samples: For each type of exposed finish required. D. Delegated-Design Submittal: For metal roof panel assembly indicated to comply with performance requuements and design criteria, including analysis data and calculations signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparation. E. Coordination Drawings: Roof plans, drawn to scale, based on input from installers of the items involved. F. Manufacturer Certificates: Signed by manufacturer certifying that roof panels comply with energy performance requirements specified in "Performance Requirements" Article. I. Submit evidence of ineeting performance requirements. G. Product test reports. H. Field quality-control reports. I. Maintenance data. J. Warranties: Samples of special warranties. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site two weeks prior to commencing roofmg. B. Perform work in accordance with guidelines as set out Gerald Roofing Technologies installation instructions. C. Maintain one copy of each document on site. D. Installer - Company specializing in performing the work of this Section shall be experienced in the installation of the roofing system or trained in its applieation by a manufacturer's representative. METAL ROOF PANELS 07411 - l of 4 APA 08.12 1.5 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to applicable codes. �� Sid Lickton � 1.6 DELIVERIES, STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. During shipment, finished surfaces shall be protected from abrasion. B. Accept metal roofing on site in packaging. Inspect for damage. C. Job site storage shall be in a clean, dry area out of direct contact with the ground, under cover or sloped for drainage, protected from traffic, contamination by corrosion and staining materials. 1.7 WARRANTY A. Special Warranty: Provide owner with a fifty (50) year written fully transferable, limited warranty for defects from Metro Roof Products as the roofing material manufacturer. B. A written guarantee on labor and workmanship will be supplied by the installer in connection with this contract. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS: A. Roof Tile Manufacturer: Gerald Roof Technologies (www.geraldusa.com}. B. Underlayment Manufacturer: Certainteed Corporation. 2.2 PANEL MATERIALS A. Metal Panels: Gerald Barrel Vault Pressure formed aluminum-zinc alloy coated sheet steel ASTM A792/A792M; 26 gauge thick Galvalume steel 42.75 inches ]ong X 14.25 inches deep nominal size. Acrylic resin coated, colored stone chip finish. Architect shall select color from manufacturer's standard cotors. B. Hips, Ridges and Rakes: Barrel Trim of same color and surface finish as panels. C. Flashing - Stone-Coated: V-Bat'Bird-Stop' Profiled Riser Flashing, Fascia Flashing, Head- Wall Flashing, Z-Bar Flashing, Tile-Rake Metal Flashing, Valley Cover Flashing and Top- Course Flashing of same color and surface fmish matching roof panels. D. Flashing - Painted: Provide as necessary for specific job various shaped metal flashing sections for transition areas with construction & Stone-Coated steel roof. E. Deck Attachment: Corrosion resistant full round headed flathead, Ring Shank nails, 8d, 2-I/2- inches long or #8 X 2 inches long wood screws at 6 inches on center in the plywood field and edges. F. Valley and other Flashings: Aluminum zinc alloy coated sheet ASTM-A792/A792M or G-90 Galvanized. NOTE: Copper and lead flashings shall not be used due to metal incompatibility. 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. Battens: Nominal2-inch X 2-inch standard grade Douglas Fir (or equal) or better along Hips, Ridges and Rakes. B. BattenNails: Common smooth 16d, 3 1/2-inches long. C. Altemate Battens: Galvanized steel hat section; 25 gauge. D. Sealant: In accordance with AST'M C 920-86. E. Pipe Jack Flashings: SMART-Jack 3-in-i (Fit pipes from 1-1/4" - 3") or 3-in-4 (Fit pipes from 3" - 4") rubber gasket pipe jacks stone coated to match the Metro panel finish. 26 gauge galvanized or aluminum/zinc alloy steel. Clean, prime and paint to match roof color. NOTE: Lead pipe flashing shall not be used. F. Pipe Sleeve Covers: SMART-Sleeves (For pipes from 1/2" up to and including 4" diameter) and are designed to be used in conjunction with a SMART-Jack pipe flashing. Ij , � , � � � � � � � � � � METAL ROOF PANELS 07411 - 2 of 4 � � i� � � r � APA 08.12 2.4 UNDERLAYMENT MATERIALS A. Self-Adhering, High-Temperature Metalayment by Certainteed Corporation. B. Felts: ASTM D 226, Type II(No. 30), asphalt-saturated organic felts. C. Slip Sheet: Manufacturer's recommended slip sheet, of type required for application. 2.5 SUBSTRATE BOARDS � A. Plywood: 5/8" thick. Refer to Division 5, "Sheathing." PART3-EXECUTION � L_.! ' � � � , I� � � � � � � � Sid Lickton 3.1 PREPARATION A. Plywood Sheathing: Install substrate boards over metal roof deck on entire roof surface. Attach with fasteners as required by signed and sealed engineered drawings. B. Veriry roof structure for correct framing prior to placing battens and roof panels. C. Verify roof penetrations and plumbing vent stacks are in place and flash to roof surface. D. Exterior stucco accessible from roof is to be completed prior to roofing panel installation. E. It is the responsibility of the General Contractor that roof access by other trades be limited during installation. 3.2 INSTALLATION OF UNDERLAYMENT A. Install Metalayment in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and 2010 Florida Building Product Approval Number. 3.3 INSTALLATION - PERIMETER METALS A. Install Drip-Edge metal around roof perimeter, with end laps of a minimum of 4-inches, fastening per code. B. Install Stone-Coated metal V-Bat Riser Metal on top of the drip edge metal making sure the 'Locator -Lip' detail is fitted together tightly. Fasten per code. Stagger end joints. C. Fasten in place with screws or nails as specified per manufacturer's instruction. 3.4 INSTALLATTON - VALLEY A. Valleys shall be installed with minimum 6-inches overlap in the direction of flow. B. Fasten in place minimum 24-inches centers through outer flange section of valley flashing or use hold tabs. Fasteners shall be either sealed or have a rubber-washered head to prevent leaking. C. Roof panels shall be cut and accurately bent down into valley. Panels on opposing sides of valley shall form a straight and even line over the valley. 3S INSTALLATION A. Install with alternating courses staggered. B. Fastened at not less than eight (8) points (four across the nose & four across the back flange) for regular conditions and twelve (12) points (six across the nose and six across the back flange) for High Velocity Hurricane Zones (HVHZ) areas. C. Fastener points shall be, along the back flange and across the front downtum nose of each panel at the overlap, and at two other intermediate positions. D. Install tile to meet 2010 Florida Building Product Approval Number. MET'AL ROOF PANELS 07411 - 3 of 4 APA 08.12 Sid Lickton 3.6 INSTALLATION A. Place flashing and trim over locations as specified for their use by the manufacturer. B. Fold exposed ends of ridges and hips neatly and cap with similaz roof material. C. Seal folds with sealant as required by manufacturer and secure with additional approved fasteners. END OF SEC'I'ION 07411 METAL ROOF PANELS 07411 - 4 of 4 � � , ' � , ' � � u ' � � , , � ' APA 08.12 SECTION 07520 — MODIFIED MEMBRANE ROOFING PARTI-GENERAL 2.1 SUMMARY A_ Section Includes: 1. Rigid roof insulation. 2. Cover board_ 3. Granular surfaced modified bihuninous membrane roofing. 4. Base flashings. 5. Walkway pads. 6. Roof drain. Sid Lickton 2.2 REFERENCES A. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 7- Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures_ B. ASTM Intemational (ASTM): 1. C208 - Standard Specification for Cellulosic Fiber Insulating Board. 2. C728 - Standard Specification for Perlite Thermal Insulation Board. 3. C1177/C1177M - Standard Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum Substrate for Use as Sheathing. 4. C1289 - Standard Specification for Faced Rigid Cellular Polyisocyanurate Thermal Insulation Board. 5. C 1303 - Standard Test Method for Estimating the Long-Term Change in Thermal Resistance of Unfaced Rigid Closed Cell Plastic Foams by Slicing and Scaling Under Controlled Laboratory Conditions. 6. C1549 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Solar Reflectance Near Ambient Temperature Using a Portable Solar Reflectometer. 7. D41 - Standard Specification for Asphalt Primer Used in Roofing, Dampproofing and Waterproofing. 8. D312 - Standard Specification for Asphalt Used in Roofing. 9. D 1863 - Standazd Specification for Mineral Aggregate Used on Built-Up Roofs. 10. D2824 - Standard Specification for Aluminum-Pigmented Asphalt Roof Coatings. 11. D3273 - Standard Test Method for Resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surface of Tnterior Coatings in an Environmental Chamber. 12. D4586 - Standard Specification for Asphalt Roof Cement, Asbestos Free. 13. D4601 - Standard Specification for Asphalt Coated Glass Fiber Base Sheet Used in Roofing. 14. D6162 - Standard Specification for Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) Modified Bituminous Sheet Materials Using a Combination of Polyester and Glass Fiber Reinforcements. 15. D6163 - Standard Specification for Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) Modified Bituminous Sheet Materials Using Glass Fiber Reinforcements. 16. D6164 - Standard Specification for Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) Modified Bituminous Sheet Materials Using Polyester Reinforcements. 17. D6222 - Standard Specification for Atactic Polypropylene (APP) Modified Bituminous Sheet Materials Using Polyester Reinforcements. 18. D6223 - Standard Specification for Atactic Polypropylene (APP) Modified Bituminous Sheet Materials Using Glass Fiber Reinforcements. 19. E 108 - Standazd Test Methods for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings. MODIFIED MEMBRANE ROOFING 07520 -1 of 4 APA 08.12 Ci. I� � Sid Lickton � 20. E1980 - Standard Practice for Calculating Solar Reflectance Index of Horizontal and Low-Sloped Opaque Surfaces. Factory Mutual Insurance Co. (FM}: 1. 4470 - Approval Standard for Class 1 Roof Covers. 2. Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-28 - Design Wind Loads. 3. Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-49 - Perimeter Flashing_ National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) - Roofing and Waterproofmg Manaal_ 1.3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design Requirements: Design roofing system to resist minimum wind loads in accordance with Building Code. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals for Review: 1. Shop Drawings - Indicate: a. Setting plan for insulation. b. Roof slopes. c. Base flashing, termination, and special details. d. Fastener types and locations_ Signed and sealed drawings indicting that the fastening pattem meets specified wind loads stated on structural drawings. 2. Product Data: a. Manufacturer's product specifications, installation instructions, and general recommendations for each principal roofing product. l.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: 1. Minimum 5 years documented experience in work of this Section. 2. Licensed or certified by roofmg materials manufacturer. B. Pre-Installation Conference: 1. Convene at site 2 weeks prior to beginning work of this Section. 2. Attendance: Architect, Contractor, Owner's Representative, roofing applicator, roofing manufacturer's representarive, and related trades. 3. Review and discuss: Contract Documents, roofing system manufacturer's literature, project conditions, scheduling, and other matters affecting application. 4. Tour representative areas of roofing substrates; discuss substrate construction, related work, work conditions, and materials compatibility. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Handle rolled goods to prevent damage to ends. B. Protect materials against moisture absorption, direct sunlight, damage, and temperatures above 110 degrees F and below 40 degrees F. C. Store materials off ground or roof deck on pallets. Cover materials stored outside with breathable covering, properly vented. D. Stockpile gravel surfacing near building in clean, well drained area. Prevent inclusion of vegetation, building debris, and other deleterious material in surfacing. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: 1. Do not apply roofing to damp, wet, or frozen substrates, or during precipitation. 2. Do not apply emulsions when temperature is below 40 degrees F, or if freezing weather is anticipated within 24 hours after application. MODIFIED MEMBRANE ROOFING 07520 - 2 of 4 , ' L__I LJ � ' � � � , � , � � , � I� , , � ' ' ' � � ' , , � , �, ,L� � � � APA 08.12 1.8 A. B. C. D. Sid Lickton Do not use frozen materials. SEQUENCING Do not install more insulation than can be protected with roofing during the same day. Staging of roof inembrane application or temporary membrane is not acceptable; install system in final form each day. If phased roofing occurs as result of emergency conditions, install additional plies over phased areas. Install water stops at exposed edges of roofing system if work is stopped due to adverse weather conditions. Complete flashings daily. 1.9 WARRANTIES A. Fumish manufacturer's 20 year warranty providing coverage against water leakage through roofing system. 1. Make repairs to roofing system required due to defects in materials or workmanship resulting in water leakage into or through roofing system. 2. Include cost of labor and materials necessary to make required repairs. 3. Cover all roofing system components including roofing membrane, built-up and metal flashings, high wall waterproof flashings, roof insulation, [expansion joint covers,] and preflashed accessories. 4. Not limited to specific dollar amount. 5. Transferable to subsequent building owners during warranty period. 6. Include coverage for wind speeds up to 120 MPH. PART2-PRODUCTS 21 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturers - Roofmg System: 1. Certainteed (www.certainteed.com) 2. GAF Materials Corp. (www.gaf.com) 3. Johns Manville. (www jm.com) 4. Tamko Roofing Products, Inc. (www.tamko.com) B. Acceptable Manufacturers - Cover Board: 1. GP Gypsum Corporation. (www.gp.com) C. Substitutions: Not permitted. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Rigid Insulation: 1. Type: ASTM C1289, Type II, rigid polyisocyanurate faced both sides with glass fiber mat facings. 2. Provide board tapered to I/4 inch per foot. B. Cover Boazd: Densdeck roof board by Georgia Pacific, 48 inches wide by 1/2" thick. C. Roofing System: Certainteed SA-FR-C-B3 with 20-year warranty. 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. Edge Strips: Perlite, ASTM C728, 18 inches wide, tapered from 1 inch thick. B. Cant Strips: Perlite, AST'M C728, 4 inch nominal vertical height, 45 degree face. C. Walkway Pads: Adhesive set Certainteed grade GMS. D. Fasteners: Hot-dip galvanized or fluoropolymer coated steel, approved by roofing system manufacturer, type and length suited to project conditions. MODIFIED MEMBRANE ROOFING 07520 - 3 of 4 APA 08.12 Sid Lickton E. Insulation Fasteners: Hot-dip galvanized or fluoropolymer coated steel, approved by FM and roofing system manufacturer, type and length suited to project conditions, with plastic plates. F. Roof Drains: 3" Zurn Z105 Control-Flo Roof Drain or approved equivalent. G. Overflow Drains: 3" Zurn or approved equivalent. PART3-EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Complete roof penetrations and preparation for drains, flashings, and other penetrations prior to beginning roofmg. B. Protect adjacent and underlying surfaces. 3.2 APPLICATION - GENERAL A. Apply roofing system in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, NRCA Manual, and approved Shop Drawings. 3.3 INSTALLATION OF COVER BOARD A. Apply panels with long edges continuous [and perpendiculac to [deck flutes.] [duection of insulation.] Stagger end joints in adjacent rows. [Offset joints from those in insulation.] [Locate ends over solid bearing.J B. Mechanically fasten to substrate in manufacturer's r�ommended fastening pattern. 3.4 APPLICATION OF ROOFING A. Install in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Crickets to be installed at location of roof curbs as indicated on roof plan. 3.5 INSTALLATION OF WALKWAY PADS A. Clean substrate prior to placing; self-adhere to membrane. B. Leave 6 inch space between pieces as detailed on drawing. 3.6 INSTALLATION OF ROOF DRAIN A. Install in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. END OF SECTION 07520 MODIFIED MEMBRANE ROOFING 07520 - 4 of 4 � � � � ' � � , L , � i � APA 08.12 SECTION 07620 — SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM PART1-GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Copings. 2. Gutters, scuppers, and downspouts. 3. Counterflashings over membrane roof base flashings. 4. Counterflashings at roof mounted equipment and utility penetrations. B. Related Sections: 1. Division O1: Administrative, procedural, and temporary work requirements. 2. Section 07920 - Joint Sealers. Sid Lickton 1.2 REFERENCES A. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Manufachuer's Association International (SMACNA) (www.smacna.org) - Architechval Sheet Metal Manual_ 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals for Review: 1. Shop Drawings: Show locations, types and thicknesses of inetal, profiles, dimensions, fastening methods, provisions for expansion and contraction, and joint details. 2. Samples: a. Each flashing and trim profile, minunum 12 inches long. Include comers where applicable. 1.4 QUALIT'Y ASSURANCE A. Fabricator and Installer Qualifications: Minimum 5 years experience in work of this Section. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS ' A. Aluminum Sheet: 1. ASTM B209, alloy 3003, temper H14, thickness as noted on drawing. 2. Finish: Natural. ' � � � � � � 2.2 ACCESSORIES A. Solder: ASTM B32. B. Fasteners: Stainless steel, with neoprene gasketed washers where exposed. C. Joint Sealers: Specified in Section 07920. 2.3 � C. D. E. F. G. FABRICATION Fabricate components in accordance with SMACNA Manual. Profiles: 1. Gutters: Per drawings. 2. Downspouts: Per drawings. Solder shop formed joints. Ai%r soldering, remove flwc and wash clean. Fabricate comers in single units with minunum 18 inch long legs. Fabricate vertical faces with bottom edge formed outward i/4 inch and hemmed to form drip. Form sections accurate to size and shape, square and &ee from distortion and defects. Provide for thermal expansion and contraction in sheet metal: SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM 07620 - 1 of 2 APA 08.12 � Sid Lickton ' 1. Gutters: a. Place expansion joints at maximum 40 feet on center, one per side of building in center of gutter. b. Locate expansion joints between downspouts; prevent water flow over joint. 2. Other sheet metal: a. Place expansion joints at 10 feet on center maximum and maximum 2 feet from corners and intersections. 3. Joint width: Consistent with types and sizes of materials, minimum width 1/4 inch. H. Fabricate expansion joints in metal copings as indicated on drawings. I. Unless otherwise indicated, provide minimum 3/4 inch wide flat lock seams; lap in direction of water flow. J. Fabricate cleats and starter strips of same material as sheet metal. PART3-EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install flashing and sheet metal as indicated and in accordance with SMACNA Manual. B. Install cleats and starter strips before starting installation of sheet metal. Fasten at 6 inches on center maximum. C. Expansion Joints in Metal Copings: i. Standing seam as detailed on drawing. D. Secure flashings with concealed fasteners where possible. E. Apply plastic cement between metal and bituminous flashings. F. Fit flashings tight, with square corners and surfaces true and straight. G. Seam and seal field joints. H. Separate dissimilar metals with bihuninous coating or non-absorptive gaskets. I. Gutters: As noted on drawings. J. Downspouts: As noted on drawings. K. Apply joint sealers as specified in Section 07920. 3.2 CLEANING A. Clean sheet metal; remove slag, flux, stains, spots, and minor abrasions without etching surfaces. END OF SECTION 07620 � r �� ' � , ' � � � , � � � r SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM 07620 - 2 of 2 � � , � � , , �I J � , ' , rl ' ' � � II �l u �� � A.PA 08.12 SECTION 07720 — ROOF HATCH AND FIXED LADDER PART1-GENERAL Sid Lickton 1.1 SUMMARY A. Work included: Furnishing and installing factory fabricated roof hatch and fixed ladder. 1.2 A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 100 Baz Harbor Drive, West Conshocken, PA 19428-2959; (610) 832-9585, fax (610) 832-9555 1. ASTM A 36-93a: Standard Specificarion for Structural Steel B. Miami-Dade Building Code Compliance Office, 140 W Flagler Street, Suite 1603, Miami, FL 33130-1563, phone (305) 375-2901, fax (305) 375-2908 1. N.O.A. 11-0722.10 High velocity hurricane zone, large and small missile impact. C. Florida Building Commission, 1940 North Monroe Street, Tallahassee FL 32399, phone: 850- 487-1824 1. 1. Florida Product Approval number FL13501 High velocity hurricane zone, large and small missile impact. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's product data for all materials in this specifcation. B. Shop Drawings: Show profiles, accessories, location, and dimensions. C. Samples: Manufachuer to provide upon reyuest; sized to represent material adecryately. D. Contract Closeout: Roof hatch manufacturer shall provide the manufacturer's Warranty prior to the contract closeout if applicable. 1.4 PRODUCT HANDLING A. All materials shall be delivered in manufacturer's original packaging. B. Store materials in a dry, protected, well-vented azea. The contractor shall thoroughly inspect product upon receipt and report damaged material immediately to delivering carrier and note such damage on the carrier's freight bill of lading. C. Remove protective wrapping immediately after installation if applicable. 1.5 SUBSTITUTIONS A. Proposals for substitution products shall be accepted only from bidding contractors and not less than (10) working days before bid due date. Contractor guarantees that proposed substitution shall meet the performance and yuality standards of this specification. 1.6 JOB CONDITIONS A. Verify that other trades with related work are compiete before installing roof hatch. B. Mounting surfaces shall be straight and secure; substrates shall be of proper width. C. Refer to the construction documents, shop drawings, and manufacturer's installation instructions. D. Coordinate installation with roof inembrane and roof insulation manufacturer's instructions before starting. E. Observe all appropriate OSHA safety guidelines for this work. ].7 WARRANTY/GUARANTEE A. Manufacturer's standard warranty: Materials shall be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of five years from the date of purchase. Should a part fail to function in normal use within this period, manufacturer shall furnish a new part at no chazge. Electrical ROOF HATCH AND FIXED LADDER 0�720 - 1 of 3 APA 08.12 motors, special fuushes, and other special equipment (if applicable) shall be warranted separately by the manufacturers of those products. PART2-PRODUCTS i Sid Lickton � 2.1 MANUFACTURER A. Roof Hatch: The BILCO Company, P.O. Box 1203, New Haven, CT �6505, 1-203-934-6363, Fa�c: i-203-933-8478, Web: www.bilco.com 1. No substitutions. B. Fixed Ladder: 1. Cotterman Co. 1-800-552-3337 2. FS Industries 1-800-421-0314 3. Cacico Ladders l-8Q�-403-7024 4. Substitutions are allowed. 2.2 ROOF HATCH A. Fumish and install where indicated on plans metal roof hatch Type S, size width: 3'0" (914mm) x length: 2'6" (762mm). Length denotes hinge side. The roof hatch shall be single leaf. The roof hatch shall be pre-assembled from the manufacturer. B. Performance characteristics: 1. Cover shail be reinforced to support a minimum live load of 40 psf (195kg/m2) with a maximum deflection of 1/150th of the span or a maacimum design pressure of + or - 70 psf (342kg/m2) with a factor of safety of 2. 2. Operation of the cover shall be smooth and easy with controlled operation throughout the entire arc of opening and closing. 3. Operation of the cover shall not be affected by temperahue. 4. Entire hatch shall be weathertight with fully welded corner joints on cover and curb. C. Cover: Shall be l 1 gauge aluminum with a 3" (76mm) beaded flange with formed reinforcing members. Cover shall have a heavy extruded EPDM rubber gasket that is bonded to the cover interior to assure a continuous seal when compressed to the top surface of the curb. D. Cover insulation: Shall be fiberglass of 1" (25.4mm) thickness, fully covered and protected by a metal liner 18 gauge aluminum. E. G�rb: Shall be 12" (305mm) in height and of 11 gauge aluminum.. The curb shall be formed with a 3-1/2" (89mm) flange with 7/16" (1 l.lmm) holes provided for securing to the roof deck. The curb shall be equipped with an integral metal capflashing of the same gauge and material as the curb, fully welded at the corners, that features the Bil-Clip flashing system, including stamped tabs, 6" (] 53mm) on center, to be bent inward to hold single ply roofing membrane securely in place. F. Curb insulation: Shall be rigid, high-density fiberboard of 1" (25.4mm) thicla�ess on outside of curb. G. Lifting mechanisms: Manufacturer shall provide compression spring operators enclosed in telescopic tubes to provide, smooth, easy, and controlled cover operation throughout the entire azc of opening and closing. The upper tube shall be the outer tube to prevent accumulation of moisture, grit, and debris inside the lower tube assembly. The lower tube shall interlock with a flanged support shoe [for aluminum construction: welded to the curb assembly; for steel construction: through bolted to the curb assembly). H. Hardware i. Heavy pintle hinges shall be provided 2. Cover shall be equipped with a spring latch with interior and exterior tum handles 3. Roof hatch shall be equipped with interior and exterior padlock hasps. 4. The latch strike shall be a stamped component bolted to the curb assembly. � ' , � � � � ' ' � ' � r ' � ROOF HATCH AND FIXED LADDER 07720 - 2 of 3 � � i 1 � 1 L_J' r-II J � I ' � i ' ' � r � � � , APA 08.12 I. J. Sid Lickton 5. Cover shall automatically lock in the open position with a rigid hold open arm equipped with a 1"(2S.4mm) diameter red vinyl grip handle to permit easy release for closing. 6. Compression spring tubes shall be an anti-corrosive composite material and all other hardware shall be zinc plated and chromate sealed. For installation in highly corrosive environments or when prolonged exposure to hot water or steam is anticipated, specify Type 316 stainless steel hardware. 7. Cover hardware shall be bolted into heavy gauge channel reinforcing welded to the underside of the cover and concealed within the insulation space. Finishes: Factory finish shall be mill finish aluminum. Model S-50 (aluminum cover and curb) shall be Mianu-Dade Product Control approved, NOA #10-0113.01 (Exp. l2/2/14) meeting lazge and small missile impact requirements. 2.3 FIXED LADDER A. Ladder: 1. Side Rails: Continuous steel flat bars, 1/2 x 2-1/2 inches, eased edges, spaced 22 inches apart. 2. Rungs: Round steel bars, 3!4 inch diameters, spaced 12 inches on center. Fit rungs in centerlines of side rails and plug weld on outer rail face. 3. Support ladders at top, bottom, and at intermediate points spaced maximum 5'-0" on center with steel brackets, welded or bolted to supports. 4. Ladder shall be galvanized. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION A. Verify that roof hatch installation will not disrupt other trades. Verify that the substrate is dry, clean, and free of foreign matter. Report and correct defects prior to any installation. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Submit product design drawings for review and approval to the architect or specifier before fabrication. B. The installer shall check as-built conditions and verify the manufacturer's roof hatch details for accuracy to fit the application prior to fabrication. The installer shall comply with the roof hatch Manufacturer's installation instructions. C. The installer shall furnish mechanical fasteners consistent with the roof requirements. END OF SECTION 0'7720 ROOF HATCH AND FIXED LADDER 07720 - 3 of 3 , , �_� � ' , , , ' ' ' � ' � r � IL_ l � � I_- APA 08.12 SECTION 07730 — ROOF HATCH GRIP PART1-GENERAL Sid Lickton i.l SECTION INCLUDES A. Specialty cust�m designed HATCHGRIP� (Patent Numbers 6,095,283; 6,347,685; 6,619,428) for roof hatches, including, 1. HATCHGRIP� - Model Number HTG-PCG 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 07720 — Roof Hatches 13 REFERENCES A. AISC M016 Manual of Steel Construction, Allowed Stress Design B. ASTM A 36/A 36M Standard Specification for Structural Steel C. ASTM A 123 (Standard Specification fro Zinc coating — Hot Dip Galvanizing of Iron and Steel Products} D. ASTM Z325 (Bolts, Nuts, and Washers) E. Joint Surface Preparation, SSPC-3, Power Tool Cleaning F_ American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) - ASTM A36 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steei G. American Iron and Steel Institute (AISn - AISI CL 304. H. American Welding Society Structural Welding Code (AWS) - AWS D1.1, D1.2 1.4 A. 1.5 A. B. C. D. E. DESIGN / PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS The HATCHGRIP� provides horizontal grab bars to assist in safely exiting/entering a roof hatch. SUBMITTALS Submit under provisions of Section 01300. Product Data: Manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used, including: 1. Preparation instructions and recommendations. 2. Storage and handling reyuirements and recommendations. 3. Installation instructions. Shop Drawings: Provide shop drawings showing layout, profiles, and product components, including anchorage, hazdwaze, and finishes. Include dimensional plans, applicable material specifications, elevations and sections detailing mounting and connections. Closeout Submittals: Provide Operation and Maintenance data to include methods for maintaining installed products, precautions against cleaning materials and methods detrimental to fmishes and performance. Manufacturer's Certificates: Certify products meet or exceed specified requirements. ].6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Experience: Manufacturer must demonstrate a minimum of Five (5) years successful experience in design and manufacture of similar related products. B. Provide evidence to the effect, including list of installations, descriptions, name and method of wntact shall be provided. C. Welder Qualifications: Welders Certified in accordance with American Welding Society Procedures: AWS-I-GMAW-S, WPS No. B2_004_90 for applicable material used in producrion of specified product. ROOF HATCH GRII' 07730 - 1 of 3 APA 08.12 , Sid Lickton ' 1.7 DELIVER, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Delivery 1. Deliver materials in manufacturer's original, unopened, undamaged shipping container with identification labels intact. I�. C_ Storage 1. Store all materials in a dry, controlled area to protect from elements and damage. If outdoor storage is required, block materials to store at an incline, to prevent pooling of any moisture and promote runoff: 2. Do not tarp tightly, as this will entrap moisture. Instead, tarp materials in a tent-like arrangement, elevated above the product with open sides to allow airflow. 3. For additional questions on delivery, storage, or handling, contact the manufactwer at 800.284.0623 or 701.746.4519 or email to 4psinfo@psdoors.com. Handling 1. Use caution when unloading and handling product to avoid bending, denting, crushing, or other damage to the product. 2. When using forklifts, use forks of proper length to fully support product being moved. Consult shop drawings or consult with factory for proper lift points. 1.8 WARRANTY A. Special Warranties 1. Manufacturer provides limited warranty on this product and components to be free from manufacturing defects for a period of One (l ) year from date of shipment. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Phone Toll Free: 800-2840623. Phone: 701-'746-4519. Fax: 701-775-7415. Web Site: www.psdoors.com. E-mail: 4psinfo@psdoors.com. B. Substitutions: Permitted. C. Obtain all HATCHGRIP� assemblies from single manufacturer. 2.2 EQUIPMENT A. Products Details: 1. HATCHGRIP� provides horizontal grab bars to assist in safely exiting/entering a roof hatch by providing horizontal hand holds to ascend or descend through the hatch opening. 2. Only horizontal grip members are reliable to sustain a fall of the body if the foot slides off the rung for any reason. If a vertical member is held, no matter what the shape of the side rail or the strength of grip, the force of falling causes the hand to slide, producing an impact with the next rail obstruction, which causes release of the handhold and a resulting fall. 3. ModeUOperation Options: 4. Model: HTG-PCG - HATCHGRIP� 5. Material requirements: See Section 2.3 MATERIALS. 2.3 MATERIALS A. Attributes 1. HATCHGRIP� to be fabricated from structural or formed steel shapes, ASTM A36; tubing, ASTM-A-500 Grade B, ASTM-A-513; bars, ASTM-A-36, M1020; of appropriate size and strength, welded construction. Optional materials include Stainless Steel (304 or 316). ROOF HATCH GRIP � C ' � u ' � ' � ' 1 ' ' r ' ' 07730 - 2 of 3 , ' ' , , � LJI ' 1 APA 08.12 Sid Lickton 2. Finish on all exposed surfaces to be Powder Coat Gray. 2.4 FABRICATION A. Fit and shop assemble items in largest practical sections, for delivery to site. B. Fabricate items with joints tightly fitted and secured. C. Supply components required for anchorage of fabrications. Fabricate anchors and related components of same material and finish as fabrication, except where specifically noted otherwise. PART 3 - EXECUTTON 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Compliance: Comply with all manufacturer's product data, including installations instructions, reference drawings, shipping, handling, and storage instructions, and product carton instructions for installation. 3.2 PREPARATION , A. Clean surfaces thoroughly prior to installation. B. Prepaze surfaces using the methods recommended by the manufacturer for achieving the best result for the substrate under the project conditions. , � ' 3.3 INSTALLATION/APPLICATION A. HATCHGRIP� Installation 1. Install in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions, shop drawings, and . details. 2. All bolted connections must be tight with no fewer than two threads exposed and the nuts are to be positively locked by provide lock nuts. B. Tolerances l. All dimensional requirements must be in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions and shop drawings. ' 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Installation: Product to be instalied using good general construction methods and practices, in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and drawings. B. Field Tests/Installation Verification: ' I. Verify all anchorage is in accordance with manufacture's installation instructions and applicable data sheets. 3.5 CLEANING ' A. Repair or replace damaged installed products or components. B. Touch up damaged finish. ' 3.6 PROTECTION A. Protect installed product and finish surfaces from damage during handling, storage, and installation. ' B. Protect installed product and finish surfaces during normal and general use. END OF SECTION 07730 I� �� ' ROOF HATCH GRIP 07730 - 3 of 3 ' � ' � , � � ' , I� ' � ' ' , APA 08.12 SECTION 07920 - JOINT SEALERS PART1 -GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Joint backup materials. 2. Joint sealers. B. Related Sections: I. Division 01: Administrative, procedural, and temporary work requirements. Sid Lickton 1.2 REFERENCES A. AS'FM International (AST'M): 1. CS ] 0- Standard Test Method for Staining and Color Change of Single- or Multicomponent Joint Sealants. 2. C719 - Standard Test Method for Adhesion and Cohesion of Elastomeric Joint Sealants Under Cyclic Movement (Hoclanan Cycle). 3. C794 - Standard Test Method for Adhesion-In-Peel of Elastomeric Joint Sealants. 4. C834 - Standard Specification for Latex Sealing Compounds. 5. C919 - Standard Practice for Use of Sealants in Acousrical Applications. 6. C920 - Standard Specificarion for Elastomeric Joint Sealants. 7. C1193 - Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants. 8. C1248 - Standard Test Method for Staining of Porous Substrate by Joint Sealants. 9. CI330 - Standard Specification for Cylindrical Sealant Backing for Use with Cold Liquid Applied Sealants. 10. D2203 - Standard Test Method for Staining from Sealants. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals for Review: 1. Product Data: Indicate sealers, primers, backup materials, bond breakers, and accessories proposed for use. 2. Samples: a. 1/2 x 1/2 x 3 inch-long joint sealer samples showing available colors or in specified colors. b. 6 inch-long joint backup material samples. 3. Warranty: Sample warranty form. 1.4 A. 1.5 A. QUALITY ASSURANCE Applicator Qualifications: Minimum 5 years experience in work of this Section. PROJECT CONDITIONS Do not apply sealers at temperahues below 40 degrees F unless approved by sealer manufachuer. , 1.6 WARRANTIES A. Furnish manufacriuer's 10 year wazranty providing coverage for exterior sealers and accessories that fail to provide air and water tight seal, exhibit loss of adhesion or cohesion, or do not cure. ' � ; � , JOINT SEALERS 07920 - 1 of 3 APA 08.12 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturers: 1. BASF Building Systems. (www.buildin�ystems.basf.com) 2. Dow Corning Corp. (www.dowcoming.com) 3. GE Silicones. (www.siliconeforbuildin .g com) 4. Pecora Corp. (www.Decora.com) 5. Sika Corp. (www.sikausa.com) 6. Tremco, Inc. (www.tremcosealants.com) 2.2 A. Q C. I� Sid Lickton . MATERIALS Joint Sealer Type 1: 1. ASTM C920, Grade P, multiple component polyurethane type, self-leveling and slope grades. 2. Movement capability: Plus or minus 25 percent. 3. Color: To be selected from manufacturer's full color range. Joint Sealer Type 2: l. ASTM C920, Grade NS, multiple component polyurethane type, non sag. 2. Movement capability: Plus or minus 25 percent. 3. Color: To be selected from manufacturer's full color range. Joint Sealer Type 3: 1. ASTM C834, single component acrylic latex, non sag. 2. Movement capability: Plus or minus 7-1/2 percent. 3. Color: White. Joint Sealer Type 4: I. ASTM C920, Grade NS, single component silicone, non sag, mildew resistant. 2. Movement capability: Plus or minus 25 percent. 3. Color: To be selected from manufacturer's full color range. 23 ACCESSORIES A. Primers, Bondbreakers, and Solvents: As recommended by sealer manufacturer. B. Joint Backing: 1. AST'M C1330, closed cell polyethylene foam, preformed round joint filler, non absorbing, non staining, resilient, compatible with sealer and primer, recommended by sealer manufacturer for each sealer type. 2. Size: Minimum 1.25 times joint width. 2.4 MIXES A. Mix multiple component sealers in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. l. Mix with mechanical mixer; prevent air entrainment and overheating. 2. Continue mixing until color is uniform. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Remove loose and foreign matter that could impair adhesion. If surface has been subject to chemical contamination, contact sealer manufacturer for recommendation. JOINT SEALERS 07920 - 2 of 3 , � , � ' � � ' ' ' � � , ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' � � � � �' ' � � � � � � � � � ' � � APA 08_12 B. C. D. 3.2 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 3.3 A. B. 3.4 Sid Lickton Clean and prime joints in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Protect adjacent surfaces with masking tape or protective coverings. Sealer Dimensions: 1. Minimum joint size: 1!4 x 1/4 inch. 2. Joints 1/4 to 1/2 inch wide: Depth equal to width. 3. Joints over 1/2 inch wide: Depth equai to one half of width. APPLICATION Apply products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Install sealers and accessories in accordance with ASTM C 1193. Install acoustical sealers and accessories in accordance with ASTM C919. Install joint backing to maintain required sealer dimensions. Compress backing appro�cimately 25 percent without puncturing skin. Do not twist or stretch. Use bondbreaker tape where joint backing is not installed. Fill joints full without air pockets, embedded materials, ridges, and sags. Tool sealer to smooth profile. Apply sealer within manufacturer's recommended temperature range. CLEANING Remove masking tape and protective coverings after sealer has cured_ Clean adjacent surfaces. SCHEDULE JO1NT LOCATION OR TYPE Exterior Joints: Joints in horizontal surfaces subject to pedestrian traffic Joints in above-grade svrfaces Interior Joints: Joints in toilet rooms, countertops, kitchens Other joints END OF SECTION JOINT SEALERS SEALER TYPE 1 2 4 3 07920 - 3 of 3 � � � � � � � � � � � � �' � CITY OF CLEARWATER SECTION 08100 — STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES PARTI-GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED SID LICKTON A. The work under this section sball include the fumishing of all items shown on the drawings and as specified, but not limited to, the following. 1. Steel Doors 2. Steel Door Frames 3. Louvers Installed in Steel Doors l 2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Masonry mortar B. Masonry lintels C. Finish Hardware D. Painting of steel doors and frames 1.3 REFERENCES A. Steel Doors and Frames in this section must meet all standards as established by the following listing. 1. Door and Hardware Preparation ANSI 115_1. 2. Life Safety Codes NFPA-101 (Latest edition). 3. Fire Doors and Windows NFPA-80 (Latest edition). 4. Steel Door Institute ANSUSDI-100 (Latest edition) 1.4 SUBMITTALS ' A. Coordinate approved shop drawings with all other trades and manufacturers whose products are used in conjunction with the Steel Doors and Frames under section 08100. B. Finish hardware supplier is to furnish templates, template reference number and/or physical hardware to the steel door and frame supplier in order to prepare the doors and frames to receive the finish hardware items. C. Each floor of the building is to be detailed separately. D. The steel door and frame supplier will furnish to the architect (6) complete copies of the proposed steel door and frames schedule andior shop drawings. iJsing the same reference number for details and openings as those on the contract drawings. After receipt of the approved door schedule the steel door and frame supplier will make any corrections submit to the architect (6) sets of conected schedules, for file and field use. E. All door openings including wood, aluminum, overhead etc. must be listed on the steel door schedule. Include details on the following list of items: 1. Frame elevations 2. Door design elevations 3. Frame sections 4. Details of construction 5. Anchorage 6. Opening conditions 7. Joints and connections 8. Hardware locations F. If any opening is not by the steel door manufacturer only the door opening number should be shown along with the type of material (alum, wood etc.). STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES �: �� CITY OF CLEARWATER 1.5 SID LICKTON G. Upon request of the architect or for any substitution to this specification, (4) copies of the door manufacturers cataIog cut sheets are to be submitted to the architect before any material is placed on the job site. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide Steel Doors and Frames complying with the Steel Door Institute recommended specifications for Standard Steel Doors and Frames ANSUSDI 100 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. All steel doors and frames must be properly marked with door opening mark number to correspond with the schedule. B. Deliver all the steel doors in cartons and palletized to provide protection dwing transit and job storage. C. Inspect doors and frames upon delivery for damage. Minor damage is to be repaired, provided they are equal in all respects to new work and acceptable to the architect. D. Store doors and frames at the building site under cover. Place units on wood sills or on the floor in a manner that will prevent rust and damage. Avoid the use of non- vented plastic or canvas shelters, which could create a humidity chamber. If the wrapper on the door becomes wet, remove the carton immediately. Provide a I/4 inch space between stacked doors to promote air circulation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Steelcraft Manufacturing Company 2.2 HARDWARE LOCATIONS AND GENERAL REINFORCEMENTS A. Locate hardware on doors and frames in accordance with the manufactures standard location. B. Steel frames for use with wood doors the hardware prepazation on the doors is govemed by its location on the frames. If the doors are factory mortised, the door supplier is responsible for coordinating hardware locations. C. Hardware reinforcements are to be in accordance with the minimum standard gages as listed in SDI-100. D. Doors shall be mortised, reinforced and function holes provided at the factory in accordance with the hardware schedule and templates provided by the hardware supplier. Through bolt holes, attachment holes, drilling and tapping for surface hardware, shall be done by others. 2.3 STEEL DUORS A. Material - Exterior doors and as indicted on the schedule 1. Face Sheets to be made of commercial quality hot dipped zinc coated steel that complies with ASTM A924 A60. Grade III - 14ga. 2. Vertical edges are to have continuous vertical mechanical interlocking joints at lock and hinge edges with visible edge seams. The internal portion of the seam shall be sealed with epoxy. 3_ Hinge reinforcement shall be not less than 7gage (3/16") plate 1-1/4" X 9". Approved equal is a 12 gage continuous channel with formed holes drilled and tapped. The manufacture to provide test information that this type reinforcement is equal to a 3/16" or 7 gage plate reinforcement. 4. Reinforce tops and bottoms of all doors with a continuous steel cflannel not less than 14 gage galvanized A60, extending the full width of the door and welded to the face sheet. Doors with an inverted top channel shall have a steel closure channel flush with the face sheets and screwed into the door. Plastic fillers are not acceptable. STE� DOORS AND FRAMES 08100 - 2 � � � � �� � � � � � � � � I� � � � u � � � � � �I � � � �' � CITY OF CLEARWATER SID LICKTON 5. Exterior poor Core: Rigid Polystyrene Insulation. 6. Interior doors shall be reinforced, stiffened, sound deadened and insulated with impregnated kraft honeycomb core completely flling the inside of the doors and laminated to inside faces of both panels using contact adhesive applied to both panels and honeycomb core. 7. Graintech Doors: Indicated on the Door Schedule as HMGT. 8. L and H Series: GrainTech laminated full flush design doors 9. Graintech stainable steel doors are fabricated from steel that has an embossed wood grain pattem extending the full height and width of the door faces and vertical edges. 10. Wood grain embossment; minimum 0.005 inch (0.012mm) deep. Applied grain pattem or material is not acceptable. Clean, phosphatize and prime paint the wood grain face sheets with a stain absorbing primer. Finish: Stain the door faces and edges using conventional stains to achieve: Wood tone finish color as selected by the ArchitecUOwner. 1. Apply clear coat after staining with a clear coat that contains LTV inhibitors and that provides graffiti resistance. 2. Glass Vim for Graintech doors; fabricate from 24 gage (0.6 mm) steel with an embossed wood grain pattem and stained with the same color selected for the door. 11. Acceptable Manufactures a) Steelcraft Manufacturing - H Series with flush top closure. B. Materials - Interior doors as indicted on the schedule 1. Face sheets are to be made of commercial quality Cold rolled steel that complies with ASTM A366 or 620. Grade II - 18ga. 2. Vertical edges are to have continuous vertical mechanical interlocking joints at lock and hinge edges with visible edge seams. The intemal portion of the seam shall be sealed with epoxy. 3. Hinge reinforcement shall be not less than 7 gage (3/16") plate 1-1/4" X 9". Approved equal is a 12 gage continuous channel with formed holes drilled and tapped. The manufacture to provide test information that this type reinforcement is equal to a 3/16" or 7 gage plate reinforcement. 4. Doors over 7 feet in height and or 3 feet in width shall have continous type gear hinges 5. Reinforce tops and bottoms of all doors with a continuous steel channel not less than 14 gage galvanized A60, extending the full width of the door and welded to the face sheet. Doors witb an inverted top channel shall have a steel closure channel screwed in place so that the web of the channel is flush with the face sheets and screwed into the door. 6. Doors shall be reinforced, stiffened, sound deadened and insulated with impregnated kraft honeycomb core completely filling the inside of the doors and laminated to inside faces of both panels using contact adhesive applied to both panels and honeycomb core. 7. Acceptable Manufactures: a) Steelcraft Manufacturing - L and H Graintech 2.6 STEEL FRAMES A. Materials - exterior and as indicted on the schedule. 1. Are to be hot dipped zinc coated steel that complies with ASTM designations A924 A60, 16ga. STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES �100 - 3 CITY OF CLEARWATER : C. 0 SID LICKTON 2. All frames are to have back welded face seams only of the frame corner or intersection. Grind and dress smooth the weld area. Apply a factory baked on zinc rich primer over the grinding area, and finish with a matching prime paint. 3. Acceptable Manufactures: a) Steelcraft Manufacturing - F series Materials all other frames as indicted on the schedule. 1. Will comply with ASTM A366-68 or ASTM A569-66T, 16ga. 2. All frames are to have back welded face seams only of the frame corner or intersection. Grind and dress smooth the weld area. Apply a factory baked on zinc rich primer over the grinding area, and finish with a matching prime paint. 3. Acceptable Manufactures: b) Steelcraft Manufacturing - F series Fabrication 1. General design and construction a) Provide steel frames for doors, transoms, sidelights, borrowed lites, and other openings to the size and design as shown on the architectural drawings. b) All finished work to be strong and rigid, neat in appearance, square, true and free of defects. c) Jamb depths, trim, profile and backbends to be as scheduled and shown on approved shop drawings. d) When shipping limitations so dictate, frames for large openings shall be fabricated in sections designed for splicing in the field by others_ e) Hardware reinforcements are to be in accordance with the minimum standard gages as listed in SDI-100. fl Frames shall be mortised, reinforced, drilled and tapped at the factory for template mortised hardware only, in accordance with approved hardware schedule and template provided by the hardware contractor. Where surface mounted hardware is to be applied, frames shall have reinforcing plates only; all drilling, and tapping shall be done by others. g) Hinge reinforcements, to be 7ga steel. Anchors 1. Floor anchors shall be provided at each jamb. 2. Anchors for in masonry are to be of the wire type. 3. Anchors for stud partitions are to be steel of a suitable design, not less than 18ga thickness. 4. Dust boxes/mortar guards to be no less than 26 gage. 5. All frames that are welded, to be provided with a steel spreader temporarily attached to the bottom of both jambs to serve as a brace during shipping and handling. Spreader bars are for bracing only not to be used to size the frame opening. 6. Loose glazing stops are to be of 18 gage galvanized at labeled openings and 20 gage galvanized on non-labeled openings, butted at the comer joints and secured to the frame with countersunk cadmium or zinc-plated screws. 7. Provide 3 silencers on single door and 2 silencers for double door openings. 2.7 STEEL LOiNERS A. Materials 1. Materials to be galvanized hot-dipped coated steel that complies with ASTM designations A942, A60, 16 gauge. 2. The blades of the louver are welded to a fabricated sub-frame. 3. Louver is held in place by auxiliary frame, 16 gauge anchored with phillips screws from inside requiring no drilling through door. 4. Acceptable Manufacturer a. Anemostat Door Products AFDL Inverted Y Non-Vision Louver with gray pnmer. STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES 08100 - 4 i� � � � �' � � � � � � � � �� � CITY OF CLEARWATER SID LICKTON 2.8 LABELED DOORS AND FRAMES A. Construct and install doors and frames to comply with current issue of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard Number 80, as scheduled. B. Doors and/or frames for labeled openings are to bear either a stamped or applied label from Wamock Hersey or Underwriters Laboratory 2.9 PRIME FINISH: A. Doors and frames are to be cleaned, and chemically treated to insure maximum finish paint adhesion. All surfaces of the door and frame exposed to view shall receive a coat of rust inhibiting baked on primer applied at the factory. The �nish shall meet the requirements for acceptance stated in ANSI A224.1 "Test Procedure and Acceptance Criteria for Prime Painted Steel Surfaces." The baked on prime finish is not intended to be the final layer of protection from the elements. Field painting using a good grade of paints are to be used in accordance with the recommendations of the door and frame manufacturer. For specialty types of finished coatings, the paint snpplier should also be consulted. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION A. It is the responsibility of the General Contractor to make sure that all dimensions for existing opening or existing frames (strike height, hinge spacing, hinge back set, etc.) given to the steel manufacturer are accurate_ B. It is the responsibility of the General Contractor to see that any scratches or disfgurements caused in shipping or handling are properly cleaned and touched up with a rust inhibiting primer. 3.2 INSTALLATION A_ Frames ]. Prior to installation, all frames must be checked for rack, twist and out of square conditions. 2. Place frames prior to enclosing walls and ceilings. Set frames accurately in position, plumbed and braced securely until permanent anchors are set. 3. Fill frames in masonry walls with mortar. 4. When temperature conditions necessitate an additive to be used in the plaster or mortar to prevent freezing, the contractor installing the frames will coat the inside of the frames, in the field, with a corrosion inhibiting bituminous material. 5. SDI-105, "Recommended Erection Instructions for Steel Frames" and SDI-110 "Standard Steel Doors and Frames for Modular Masonry Construction" shall indicate the proper installation procedures. B. Doors 1. Install doors plumb and in true alignment in a prepared opening and fasten them to achieve the maximum operational effectiveness and appearance. 2. Proper door clearance must be maintained in accordance with SDI-110. 3. Where necessary, only metal hinge shims are acceptable to maintain clearances. 4. "Installation Guide for poors and Hardware" published by DHI is recommended for further details. C. Hardware must be applied in accordance with hardware manufacturer's templates and instructions. STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES 08100 - 5 CITY OF CLEARWATER SID LICKTON 3.3 ADJUST AND CLEAN A. Check and re-adjust operating fnish hardware items in hollow metal work just prior to final inspection. Leave work in complete and proper condition. B. Immediately after erection, sand smooth any rusted or damaged areas of prime coat and apply to touch-up or compatible air-drying primer. 3.4 SCHEDULES A. After installation, copies of the door schedules will be tumed over to the owner when the building is accepted. END OF SECTION 08100 STEEL DOOFiS AND FRAMES 06100 - 6 � � � � � � � � � � � AP'A 08.12 SECTlON 0833 — ALUMINUM ROLL DOWN SHUTTERS PARTI-GENERAL Sid Lickton 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Aluminum overhead coiling doors. 2. Operating hardware, controls, and supports. 1.2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design Requirements: Design shutters to withstand wind loads as noted on Structural Specifications Sheet 5-1.1, Item 7 under Miscellaneous. B. Operation: Crank. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals for Review: 1. Shop Drawings: Indicate opening dimensions and required tolerances, connection details, anchorage spacing, hazdware locations, and installation details. 2. Product Data: Provide information on component construction, anchorage method, and hardware. 3. Samples: 3 x 3 inch coating samples in specified color. B. Cioseout Submittals: 1. Operation and Maintenance Data. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturer: 1. Maestroshied (www.maestroshied.com) B. Substitutions: Not permitted. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Aluminum: 1. Extrusions: ASTM B221, 6063-TS or T6 alloy and temper. 2. Sheet: ASTM B209, alloy and temper best suited to application. 2.3 COMPONENTS A. Curtain: 1. Material: Extruded aluminum. 2. Profile: Flat. 3. Slat face width: Non-vented 56mm. 4. Slat ends: Equip with end locks to act as wearing surface and prevent lateral movement. 5. Bottom bar: Tubular aluminum extrusion. B. Hood: Minunum 24 gage aluminum with closed ends. C. Guides: Exttvded aluminum. D. Counterbalance: Adjustable, enclosed, helical torsion spring with grease sealed ball bearings or self lubricating graphite bearings for rotating members. E. Lock: Slide bolt type mounted on both ends of bottom bar at interior. F. Lock: Chain keeper with padlock provisions. ALUMINUM ROLL DOWN SHUTTERS 08330 - 1 of 2 APA a8.12 � Sid Lickton � 2.4 FINISHES A. Aluminum: Powder coat, in Beige. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install door assembly in accordance with manufacturer's instructions_ B. Anchor to adjacent construction without distortion or stress. C. Fit and align door assembly including hardware, level and plumb, to provide smooth operation. 3.2 ADJUSTING A. Adjust doors for smooth operation throughout full operating range. END OF SECTION 08330 ALUMINUM ROLL DOWN SHUTTERS 08330 - 2 of 2 � � � � L� � � � � � �� 1 APA 08.12 SECTION 08410 — ALUMINUM-FRAMED STOREFRONTS PART1 GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Aluminum framed glazed storefronts. 2. Glazing. B. Related Sections: 1. Section 07920 - Joint Sealers. Sid Lickton 1.2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design Requirements: Design exterior systems to withstand: 1. Design wind pressure in accordance wind design criteria under Structural Specifications Sheet 5-1.1, Item 7 under Miscellaneous. B. Performance Requirements: 1. Air infiItration, tested to ASTM E283. a. Storefront: 0.15 CFM per square foot of fixed area at static pressure differential of 6.24 PSF. 2. Water infiltration: No uncontrolled water leakage, tested to ASTM E331 and E547 at minimum test pressure of 6.24 PSF and 15.0 PSF for storefront. 3. Uniform structutal loading: No glass breakage or permanent damage to fasteners or system components, tested to ASTM E330 at 1.5 times design pressure. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals for Review: i. Shop Drawings: Indicate system dimensions, framed opening requirements and tolerances, trim, sealers, hardware, and accessories. 2. Samples: a. 12 inch long aluminum framing system samples showing profile and finish. b. 12 inch X 12 inch sample of laminated glass. ( Do not order glass without approval) B. Quality Control Submittals: 1. Test Reports: Certified results of previous tests by a recognized independent laboratory substantiating compliance with specified design and performance criteria, current within past 5 years. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Minimum 5 years experience in work of this Section. PA,RT 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturers: 1. YKK AP Amterica, Inc. (www.ykkap.com) a. Design based on YKKYHSSOFS. B. Substitutions: Not permitted. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Aluminum: ALUMINUM-FRAMED STOREFRONTS 0841 �- 1 of 2 APA 08.12 Sid Lickton 1_ Extrusions: ASTM B221, 6063-TS alloy and temper. 2_ Sheet: ASTM B209, alloy and temper best suited to application. 2.3 COMPONENTS A. Storefront: Flush glazing system designed to receive 9l16 inch laminated glass by means of elastomeric gaskets; 2-1/2 inch face width x 5 inch depth, center glass application. 2.4 GLAZING A. Glazing shall be 9/16" laminate: 1/4" Oldcastle Building Envelope Sun Glass Low-E #2 — 0.060" clear PVB — 1/4" gray_ 2.5 ACCESSORIES A. Joint Sealers: Specified in Section 07920. B. Glass and Glazing Accessories: Specified in Section 08800. 2.6 FABRiCATION A. Fabricate with minimal clearances and shim spaces around perimeter. B. Accurately fit and secure joints and intersections. Make joints flush, hauline, and weathertight. C. Fabricate in largest practical units. D. Conceal fasteners and attachments from view. E. Fabricate aluminum components with integral low conductance thermal barrier located between exterior and interior exposed components that eliminates meta-to-metal contact. 2.7 FINISHES A. Aluminum: AAMA 611, Architectural Class I anodized to 0.0007 inch minimum thickness, clear. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and appmved Shop Drawings. B. Install components plumb and level, in proper plane, free from warp and twist. C. Anchor to supporting construction. D. Set thresholds and sill members exposed to weather in mastic and secure. E. Install hardware using templates provided by manufacturer. F. Install glass and accessories in accordance with Section 08800. G. Installation Tolerances: 1. Maximum variation from plumb or level: 1/4 inch in any 1Q feet. 2. Maximum misalignment of inembers abutting end to end: 1/32 inch. 3_ Sealant space between framing members and adjacent construcrion: 1/2 inch plus or minus 1/8 inch. 3.2 ADJUSTING A. Touch up minor scratches and abrasions to match original finish. END OF SECTION 08410 � � � � � � � � C� � � ALUMII�TLTM-FRAMED STOREFRONTS 08410 - 2 of 2 � � LJ � � � � � � � r City of Clearwater 08.12 FINISH HARDWARE Section 08710 PARTI-GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED Sid Lickton A. The work in this section shall include furnishing of all items of finish hardware as hereinafter specified or obviously necessary to complete the building, except those items that are specifically excluded from this section of the specification. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Steel Doors and Frames 1.03 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Fumish labor and material to complete hardware work indicated, as specified herein, or as may be required by actual conditions at building. B. Include all necessary screws, bolts, expansion shields, other devices, if necessary, as required for proper hardware application. The hardware supplier shall assume all responsibility for correct quantities. C. All hardware shall meet the requirements ofFederal, State and Local codes having jurisdiction over this project, notwithstanding any real or apparent conflict therewith in these specifications. D. FIRE-RATED OPENINGS: 1. Provide hardware for fire-rated openings in compliance with A.I.A. (NBFU) Pamphlet No. 80, NFPA Standards NO. 101, UBC 702 (1997} and L1L10C. This requirement takes precedence over other requirements for such hardware. Provide only hardware that has been tested and listed by UL for the types and sizes of doors required, and complies with the requirements of the door and door&ame labels. 2. Where panic exit devices are required on fire-rated doors, provide supplementary marking on door UL label indicating Fire Door to be equipped with fire exit hardware and provide UL label on exit device indicating "Fire Exit Hardware". D. FASTENERS: � 1. Hardware as furnished shall conform to published templates generally prepared for machine screw installation. � � FII�TISH HARDWARE 08710 - l of 10 City of Clearwater 08.12 2. Fumish each item complete with all screws required for installation. Sid Lickton Typically, all exposed screws installation. 3. Insofar as practical, furnished concealed type fasteners for hardware units that have exposed screws shall be furnished with Phillips flat head screws, finished to match adjacent hardware. 4. Door closers and exit devices to be installed with closea head through bolts (sex bolts). E. HURRICANE OPENINGS: 1. Provide hardware for hurricane openings in compliance with local jurisdiction. This requirement takes precedence over other requirements for such hardwaze. Provide only hardware that has been tested and listed by local authority for the types and sizes of doors required, and complies with the requirements of the door and door frame. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The supplier to be a directly franchised distributor of the products to be furnished and have in their employ an AHC (Architectural Hardware Consultant). This person is to be available for consultation to the architect, owner and the general : � � E. contractor at reasonable times during the course of work. The finish hardware supplier shall prepare and submit to the architect six (6) copies of a complete schedule identifying each door and each set number, following the numbering system and not creating any separate system himself. He shall submit the schedule for review, make corrections as directed and resubmit the corrected schedule for final approval. Approval of schedule will not relieve Contractor of the responsibility for furnishing all necessary hardware, including the responsibility for fiunishing conect quantities. No manufacturing orders shall be placed until detailed schedule has been submitted to the architect and written approval received. After hardware schedule has been approved, fumish templates required by manufacturing contractors for making proper provisions in their work for accurate fitting, finishing hardware setting. Furnish templates in ample time to facilitate progress of work. Hardware supplier shall have an office and warehouse facilities to accommodate the materials used on this project. The supplier must be an authorized distnbutor of the products specified. F. The hardware manufactures are to supply both a pre-installation class as well as a post-installation walk-thru. This is to insure proper installation and provide for any adjustments or replacements of hardware as required. FII�TISH HARDWARE I TI 08710 - 2 of 10 � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � J , � � � � City of Clearwater 08.12 1.05 DELIVERY, STOR.AGE, AND HANDLING Sid Lickton A. Wrap, protect finishing hardware items for shipment. Deliver to manufacturing contractors hardware items required by them for their application; deliver balance of hardware to job; store in designated location. Each item shall be clearly marked with its intended location. 1.06 WARRANTY A. The material fumished shall be warranted for one year after installation or longer as the individual manufacturer's warranty permits. B. Overhead door closers shall be warranted in writing by the manufacturer against failure due to defective materials and workmanship for a period of ten (10} years commencing on the Date of Final Completion and Acceptance, and in the event of failure, the manufacture is to promptly repair or replace the defective with no additional cost to the Owner. PART II - PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. To the greatest extent possible, obtain each kind of hardware from only one manufacturer. B. All numbers and symbols used herein have been taken from the current catalogues of the following manufacturers. PRODUCT ACCEPTABLE MANUFACT[JRER 1) Hinges Hager 2) Locks & Latches Best 3) Cylinders, Keys, Keying Best 4) Exit Devices Von Duprin 5) Door Closers LCN 6) OH StopslHolders Glynn Johnson 7) Push Button Access Schlage CO-200-MS 8) Magnetic Locks Locl�etics 9) Wall Stops/Floor Ives Stops, Flushbolts 10) Kick Plates Ives 11) Threshold/Weather-strip National Guard 12) Silencers Ives 13) Key Cabinet Lund FII�TISH HARDWARE ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTE Stanley, Bommer Schlage None (No Substitution) Hager Hager Rixson None (No Substitution) Sentronics Hager Hager Pemko, Zero Hager Key Control 08710 - 3 of 10 City of Clearwater 08.12 Sid Lickton C. If material manufactured by other than that specified or listed herewith as an equal, is to be bid upon, permission must be requested from the architect seven (7) days prior to bidding. If substitution is allowed, it will be so noted by addendum. 2.02 FINISH OF HARDWARE: A. Exterior Hinges to be Stainless Steel (32D), Interior Hinges to be Satin Chrome (26D). Door Closers to be Aluminum. Locks to be Satin Chrome (26D), Exit Devices to be Satin Chrome (26D). Overhead Holders to be Satin Chrome (26D), Flat Goods to be Satin Chrome (26D) or Stainless Steel (32D) and the Thresholds to be Mill Finish Aluminum. 2.03 HINGES AND PIVOTS: A. Exterior butts shall be Stainless Steel. Butts on all out swinging doors shall be furnished with non-removable pins (NRP). B_ Interior butts shall be as listed. C. Doors 5' or less in height shall have two (2) butts. Fumish one (1) additional butt for each 2'6" in height or fraction thereof. Dutch door shall have two (2) butts per leaf. 2.04 KEYING: A. All locks and cylinders to be keyed to the owner's existing BEST system. B. Combinated to Owner's instructions. (Permanent cores need to be ordered at least 5 weeks prior to turning over to the City of Clearwater.) C. Provide Two (2) each change keys per Iock and Six. Owner to provide additional keys needed. D. Hardware supplier to provide temporary cores during the construction phase. The city will change out the temporary cores for the permanent cores. All cores become the property of the city upon completion of the work. �_F,�, � �:����LOCKSETS: A. Locksets shall be Heavy Duty Cylindrical type, unless specified otherwise, in "35H" series, 15H Design as manufactured by BEST on New Construction "93K" series, ISD Design as manufactured by BEST only where scheduled. 1. Acceptable substitutions: SCHLAGE "L9000" series, 06C design Hager 3400 series, 3800 series mortise locks were required Fi1�TISH HARDWARE 08710 - 4 of 10 � � � � � � � � �� � � � L� � � � City of Clearwater 08.12 2.06 EXIT DEVICES: Sid Lickton A. All devices shall be Von Duprin 98 Series in types and functions specified. All devices must be listed under "Panic Hardware" in accident equipment list of Underwriters Laboratories. All labeled doors with "Fire Exit Hardware" must have labels attached and be in strict accordance with Underwriters Laboratories. B. All e�cit devices shall be tested to ANSUBHMA A156.3 test requirements by a BHMA certified testing laboratory. A written certification showing successfitl completion of a minimum of 1,000,000 cycles must be provided. C. All surface strikes shall be roller type and come complete with a plate undemeath to prevent movement. And shall be provided with a dead-latching feature to prevent latchbolt ta.mpering. D. Vertical rob exit devices NOT recommended. Key removable mullions with rim exit devices preferred. Acceptable substitutions: A. Hager 4500 series 2.07 DOOR CLOSERS: A. All closers shall be LCN 4040 Series having non-ferrous covers, forged steel arms sepazate valves for adjusting backcheck, closing and latching cycles and adjustable spring to provide up to 50% increase in spring power. Closers shall be furnished with pazallel arm mounted on all doors opening into corridors or other public spaces and shall be mounted to permit 180 degrees door swing wherever wall conditions permit. Furnish with non-hold open arms unless otherwise indicated. B. Door closer cylinders shall be of high strength cast iron construction to provide low wear operating capabilities of intemal parts throughout the life of the installation. All door closers shall be tested to ANSUBHMA A156.4 test requirements by a BHMA certified testing laboratory. A written certification showing successful completion of a minimum of 10,000,000 cycles must be provided. C. Door closers shall utilize temperature stable fluid capable of withstanding temperature ranges of 120 degrees Fahrenheit to -30 degrees Fahrenheit, without requiring seasonal adjustment of closer speed to properly close the door. Closers for fire-rated doors shall be provided with temperature stabilizing fluid that complies with the standards UBC 7-2 (199'7) and UL lOC. D. Door closers shall incorporate tamper resistant non-critical screw valves of V-slot design to reduce possible clogging from particles within the closer. Closers shall have separate and independent screw valve adjustments for latch speed, general speed, and hydraulic backcheck. Backcheck shall be properly located so as to effectively slow the swing of the door at a minimum of 10 degrees in advance of the dead stop location to FIIJISH HARDWARE 08710 - S of 10 City of Clearwater 08.12 Sid Lickton protect the door frame and hardware from damage_ Pressure relief valves (PR� are not acceptable. 1. Acceptable substitutions: A. Hager 5100 series 2.08 TRIM AND PLATES: A. Kick plates, mop plates, and armor plates, shall be .050 gauge with 32D finish. Kick plates to be 8" high, mop plates to be 4" high_ All plates shall be two (2} inches less full width of door. B. Push plates, pull plates, door pulls, and miscellaneous door trim shall be shown in the hardware schedule. 2.09 DOOR STOPS: A. Doorstops shall be furnished for all doors to prevent damage to doors or hardware from striking adjacent walls or fixtures. Wall bumpers equal to Ives WS407 Series aze preferred, but where not practical furnish floor stops equal to Ives FS436 or FS438 series. Where conditions prohibit the use of either wall or floor type stops, furnish surface mounted overhead stops equal to Glynn Johnson, 450 Series. 2.10 THRESHOLDS AND WEATHERSTRIP: A. Thresholds and weather-strip shall be as listed in the hardware schedule. 2.11 DOOR SILENCERS: A. Furnish rubber door silencers equal to Ives SR64 for all new interior hollow metal frames, (2) per pair and (3) per single door frame. PART III - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION: A. All hardware shall be applied and installed in accordance with the Finish Hardware schedule. Care shall be exercised not to mar or damage adjacent work. B. Contractor to provide a secwe lock-up for hardware delivered to the project but not yet installed. Control the handling and installation of hardware items that are FIrTISH HARDWARE 08710 - 6 of 10 � � City of Clearwater 08.12 Sid Lickton � not immediately replaceable, so that the completion of the work will not be delayed by hardware losses both before and after installation. C. No hardware is to be installed until the hardware manufactures have provided a � pre-installation class. This is to insure proper installation of the specified products_ �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � 3.02 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING: A. Contractor shall adjust all hardware in strict compliance with manufacturer's instructions. Prior to turning project to owner, contractor shall clean and make any final adjustments to the finish hardware. 3.03 PROTECTION: A. Contractor shall protect the hardware, as it is stored on construction site in a covered and dry place. B. Contractor shall protect exposed hardware installed on doors during the construction phase. HARDWARE SCHEDULE: Hardware Group No. 2 For use on markJdoor #(s): 07 Provide each PR door(s} with the following: Qty Description Catalog Number s EA HW HINGE 5BB1 HW 4.5 X 4.5 NRP 2 EA SURFACE BOLT SB360 T 12" 1 EA PUSH BUTTON/PRX CO-200-MS-70-PRK-RHO-BD LOCK 1 EA PERMENENT CORE 1 C7 1 EA LOCK GUARD LG1 2 EA SURFACE CLOSER 4040XP 2 EA KICK PLATE 8400 10" X 1" LDW B4E 2 EA FLOOR STOP/HOLDER FS40 1 SET SEALS 188S 1 EA THRESHOLD 65A MSLA-10 Metal Z-Astragal by Meta! Door Supplier doors must swing 180 degree FiI�1ISH HARDWARE Finish 630 604 626 626 630 689 630 626 BLK AL 08710-7of20 Mfr IVE IVE SCE BES IVE LCN IVE IVE ZER ZER City of Clearwater 08.12 Hardware Group No. 2 For use on mark/door #(s): ot Provide each SGL door(s) with the following: Qty Description Catalog Number 3 EA HINGE 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 NRP 1 EA PUSH BUTTON/PRX CO-200-993R-70-PRK-RHO-BD LOCK 1 EA PANIC HARDWARE 98-EO 1 EA PERMENENT CORE 1 C7 1 EA Sl1RFACE CLOSER 4040XP 1 EA KICK PLATE $400 10" X 2" LDW B4E 1 EA WALL STOP W$406CCV 1 SET SEALS 188S 1 EA THRESHOLD 65A MSLA-10 Hardware Group No. 3 For use on mark/door #(s): os Provide each SGL door(s) witt� the following: Qty Description Catatog Number 3 EA HINGE 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 NRP 1 EA PANIC HARDWARE g8-EO 1 EA SURFACE CLOSER 4040XP 1 EA KICK PLATE 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E 1 EA WALL STOP �I�I$406CCV 1 SET SEALS 188S 1 EA THRESHOLD 65A MSLA-10 Sid Lickton Finish 652 626 626 626 689 630 630 BLK AL Finish 652 626 689 630 630 BLK AL FIIJISH HARDWARE 08710 - 8 of 10 Mfr IVE SCE VON BES LCN IVE !VE ZER ZER Mfr IVE VON LCN IVE IVE ZER ZER � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � City of Clearwater 08.12 Hardware Group No. 4 For use on mazk/door #(s}: 05 06 09 1D 11 Provide each SGL door(s) with the following: Glty Description Catalog Number 3 EA HINGE 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 NRP 1 EA PUSH BUTTON/PRX CO-200-MS-70-PRK-RHO-BD LOCK 1 EA PERMENENT CORE 1C1� 1 EA LOCK GUARD LG1 1 EA SURFACE CLOSER 4040XP 1 EA KICK PLATE $400 10° X 2" LDW B4E 1 EA WALL STOP WS406CCV 1 SET SEALS 1885 1 EA THRESHOLD 65A MSLA-10 Hardware Group No. 5 For use on mark/door #(s): 13 16 Provide each SGL door(s} with the following: Qty Description Catalog Number 3 EA HINGE 5861 4.5 X 4.5 1 EA FIRE EXIT HARDWARE gg-L-BE-F-996-06 1 EA SURFACE CLOSER 4040XP 1 EA KICK PLATE $400 10" X 2" LDW B4E 1 EA WALL STOP WS406CCV 1 SET SEALS �j$$g FII�IISH HARDWARE Sid Lickton Finish 652 626 626 630 689 630 63d BLK AL Finish 652 626 689 630 630 BLK 08710-9of10 Mfr IVE SCE BES IVE LCN IVE lVE ZER ZER Mfr IVE VON LCN IVE IVE ZER City of Clearwater 08.12 Hardware Group No. 6 For use on mark/door #(s): 14 15 Provide each SGL door(s) with the following: Qty Description Catalog Number 3 EA HINGE 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 1 EA PUSH BUTTON/PRX CO-200-MS-70-PRK-RHO-BD LOCK 1 EA PERMENENT CORE 1 C7 1 EA SURFACE CLOSER 1461 1 EA WALL STOP WS406CCV 1 SET SEALS 188S Hardware Group No. 7 For use on mark/door #(s): 10A 12 Provide each SGL door(s) with the following: Qty Description Catalog Number 3 EA HINGE 5PB1 4.5 X 4.5 1 EA PASSAGE SET ND10S RHO 1 EA WALL STOP WS406CCV 3 EA SILENCER SR64-1 END OF SECTION FINISH HARDWARE Sid Lickton Finish 652 626 626 689 630 BLK Finish 652 626 630 GRY 08710 - l0 of 10 Mfr IVE SCE BES LCN IVE ZER Mfr IVE SCH IVE IVE � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � APA 08.12 SECTION 09220 - PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTERING (STUGCO) PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Portland cement plaster on metal lath base located on parapets. 2. Trim. 3. Building wrap. 4. Metallath. Sid Lickton 1.2 REFERENCES A. ASTM International (ASTM): 1_ CI50 - Standard Specification for Portland Cement. 2. C206 - Standard Specification for Finishing Hydrated Lime. 3. C847 - Standard Specification for Metal Lath. 4. C897 - Standard Specification for Aggregates for Job-Mixed Portland Cement-Based Plasters. 5. C926 - Standard Practice for Application of Portland Cement-Based Plaster. 6. C932 - Standard Specification for Surface-Applied Bonding Compounds for Exterior Plastering. 7. C1063 - Standazd Specification for Installation of Lathing and Furring to Receive Interior and Exterior Portland Cement-Based Plaster. 8. C1116 - Standard Specification for Fiber-Reinforced Concrete and Shotcrete. B. National Association of Architectural Metal Manufaciurers (NAAMM) ML/SFA 920 - Guide Specifications for Metal Lathing and Furring. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals for Review: 1. Samples: a_ Finish coat: 12 inch long trim samples. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: Minimum 5 years experience in work of this Section. B. Mockup: 1. Size: 100 square feet. 2. Show: Sand finish stucco texture, horizontal and vertical control joints, and casings. 3. Locate where directed. 4. Approved mockup may remain as part of the Work. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Cold Weather Requirements: Do not apply plaster unless minimum ambient temperature is above 50 degrees F for 48 hours prior to, during, and after application and during curing period. B_ Hot Weather Requirements: 1. At ambient temperature above SS degrees F, relative humidity less than 75 percent, or winds in excess of 20 MPH, fog surface with water and cover with minimum 6 mil polyethylene film weighted or taped in place. 2. Leave coverings in place minimum 48 hours after application. PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTERING (STUCCO) 09220 - 1 of 4 APA Q8.12 PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 A_ B. C. D. MANUFACTURERS Acceptable Manufacturers - Metal Furring: I. Califomia Expanded Metal Company. �www.cemcosteel.com} 2. ClarkDietrich Building Systems. (www.clarkdietrich.com) 3. Marino Waze Industries. (www.marinoware.com) Acceptable Manufacturers - Metal Lath: 1. Alabama Metal Industries Corp. (www.amico-grating.com) 2. CEMCO / Califomia Expanded Products Co. (www.cemcosteel.com) 3. Marino Ware Industries. (www.marinoware.com) Acceptable Manufacttuers - Plaster Materials: 1. LaHabra Stucco. (www.lahabrastucco.com) 2. Merlex Stucco, Inc. (www.merlex.com) Substitutions: Not permitted. � Sid Lickton � 2.2 MATERIALS A. Metal Lath: 1. ASTM C847, expanded self-furring diamond mesh, high rib, 3/8 inch high, galvanized , backed with treated Kraft paper. B. Plaster Materials: 1. Portland cement: ASTM C150, Type 1. 2. Lime: AST'M C206, Type S. 3. Sand: AST'M C897, nahual or manufachued, uniformly graded. 4. Plaster mix reinforcement: ASTM C116, glass fibers, produced specifically for integral plaster reinforcement, chopped to 1/2 inch nominal length, alkali resistant. 5. Water: Potable. 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. Trim Accessories: 1. Material: Extruded PVC, perforated fianges. 2. Comer bead: Beaded edge, size and profile to suit application. 3. Casing bead: Thickness govemed by plaster thickness, syuare edge. 4. Control joint: Accordion profile with minitnum 2 inch flanges each side. B. Fasteners: Type and size suited to application, hot-dip galvanized or fluoropolymer coated steel. C. Tie Wire: 16 gage, galvanized steel, soft annealed. D. Bonding Agent: ASTM C932; type recommended for bonding plaster directly to concrete and concrete masonry surfaces. E. Building wrap: Dupont Tyvek stucco wrap (no substitutions). 2.4 MIXES A. Proportions: 1. Scratch and brown coats: ASTM C926. Add glass fibers at a rate of 1-1/2 pounds per sack of cement_ B. Finish Coat: Mix in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Mixing: I _ Use mechanical mixer. 2. Mix each batch separately; double batching with single batch discharge not acceptable. PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTERING (STUCCO) � � � � � � � � � � � � � 0922Q - 2 of 4 � � � ' � i � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � APA 08.12 5. 6. 7. Sid Lickton Accurately proportion materials for initial mixhue using measuring devices of known volume. Sand may be added by shovel after mixer is calibrated with known volumes of materials, including water. Thoroughly mix materials dry before adding water. Continue mixing for 3 to 5 minutes after all ingredients have been added. Clean equipment after each batch. Miactures may be retempered one time after initial mixing. Discard frozen, caked, and hardened mixes. Discard mixes not used within 1-1/2 hours after initial mixing. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Clean substrate surfaces of foreign matter. B. Apply bonding agent to concrete and masonry surfaces in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Wet high suction bases with fine water spray to produce uniformly damp surface. 3.2 A. 3.3 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. INSTALLATION OF TYVEK STUCCO WRAP Install two layers in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. INSTALLATION OF METAL LATH Install over two layers of Tyvek stucco wrap per Detail A2.4-04 of drawings. Perform Work in accordance with ASTM C 1063. Apply with long dimension perpendicular to supports, with end joints staggered and occurring over supports. Secure end laps with tie wire where they occur between supports. Lap ends minunum 1 inch and sides minimum 1-1/2 inches. Screw to framing at maximum 6 inches on center. Stop lath at each side of [expansion and] control joints and secure. Reinforce corners of openings with 6 x 12 inch lath strip installed diagonally at each comer, wire tied to lath. If lath is not continued minimum 3 inches on each side of intemal corners, reinforce with 12 inch wide lath strip bent at 90 degrees and wire tied to lath. 3.4 INSTALLATION OF ACCESSORIES A. Install casing beads where plaster abuts dissimilaz material or stops wiih edge exposed. B. Install comer beads at external corners. C. Install control joints at locations indicated on drawings: I. Apply joint sealer to form waterstop behind joints at intersections. D. Set level and true to line. 3.5 APPLICATION OF PLASTER A. Refer to Detail A2.4-04 of drawings. B. Apply plaster in accordance with ASTM C926. C. Apply brown and finish coats to minimum 3/4 inch thickrzess from face of lath and masonry. D. Dampen each coat prior to applying succeeding coats. E. After application of each coat, fog spray plaster with clean water in sufficiently frequent applications to maintain plaster uniformly moist for minnnum of 48 hours. F. Installation Tolerances: 1. Plaster: Maximum 1/8 inch in 10 feet variation from true flatness. PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTERING (STUCCO) 09220 - 3 of 4 APA 08.12 2. Trim: Maximum I/4inch in 10 feet variation from piumb, levei, or true piane, noncumulative. 3.6 AD3USTING A. Repair or replace damaged, discolored, and defective plaster. Match patched areas to surrounding plaster. 3.7 CLEANING A. Clean plaster from trim and accessories before it sets. END OF SECTION 09220 � PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTERING (STUCCO} � Sid Lickton � 09220 - 4 of 4 � � i� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � �� � � � � L_I APA 08.12 SECTION 09250 - GYPSUM BOARD PART ] - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Gypsum board. 2. Taping and bedding of gypsum board. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 01: Administrative, procedural, and temporary work requirements. 2. Section 07920 - Joint Sealers. 1.2 A. I:� C. Sid Lickton REFERENCES ASTM International (ASTM}: 1. C475 - Standard Specification for Joint Compound and Joint Tape for Finishing Gypsum Board. 2. CS l4 - Standard Specification for Nails for the Application of Gypsum Wallboard. 3. C665 - Standard Specification for Mineral Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for Wood Frame and Light Construction Buildings. 4. C1002 - Standard Specification for Steel Drill Screws for the Application of Gypsum Board. 5. C1047 - Standard Specifications for Accessories for Gypsum Wallboard and Gypsum Veneer Base. 6. C 1178 - Standazd Specification for Glass Mat Water-Resistant Gypsum Backing Panel. 7. C1396 - Standard Specificarion for Gypsum Board. 8. C 1629 - Standard Classification for Abuse-Resistant Nondecorated Interior Gypsum Panel Products and Fiber-Reinforced Cement Panels. 9. D3273 - Standard Test Method for Resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surface of Interior Coatings in an Environmental Chamber. Gypsum Association (GA): I. GA-214 - Levels of Gypswn Soard Finish. 2. GA-216 - Recommended Specifications for the Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board. 3. GA-600 - Fire Resistance Design Manual. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (LTL) - Fire Resistance D'uectory. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals for Review: 1. Product Data: Illustrate panel product types, thicknesses, and locations; acoustical insulation; and accessories. B. Samples for Review: l. 24" X 24" sample of both medium orange peel and medium knockdown finishes for Owner's approval. 1.4 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Do not install gypsum board until building is substantially weathertight. B. Maintain temperature in spaces in which work is being performed above 50 degrees F during and after installation. GYPSiJM BOARD �9250 - 1 of 3 APA 08.12 PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturers - Gypsum Panels: 1. CertainTeed Gypsum, Inc. (www.certainteed.com) 2. GP Gypsum Corporation. (www.gp.com) 3_ National Gypsum Co. (www.national�}+nsum.com) 4. Temple-Inland. (www.templeinland.com) 5. USG Corporation. (www.us .g com) B. Substitutions: Not permitted. � Sid Lickton � 2.2 MATERIALS - GYPSUM PANELS A. Regular Gypsum Board: ASTM C1396; 48 inches wide x 5/8 inch thick, maximum practical length, tapered edge. B. Fire resistant Gypsum Board ASTM C1396, Type X; 48 inches wide x 5/8 inch thick, maximum practical length, tapered edge; apply where indicated. 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. Fasteners: ASTM C1002, Type S screws. B. Trim Accessories: ASTM C1047. I. Material: Extruded PVC, perforated flanges. 2. Comer reinforcement: GA-216, Type CB-100 x 100. 3. Casing: GA-216, Type LC. 4. Control joint. C. Joint Treaiment Materials: 1. Reinforcing tape and joint compound; ASTM C475. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION OF GYPSUM PANELS A. Install panels and accessories in accordance with ASTM C754, GA-216, and manufacturer's instructions. B. Accurately cut panels to fit around openings and projections. Do not teaz face paper or break gypsum core. C. Apply panels [at non fire-rated assemblies] in most economical manner, with ends and edges occurrir►g over supports. D. Stagger joints on opposite sides of partitions. E. Do not locate joints to align with edges of openings unless a control joint is installed. F. Mechanically fasten single layer panels to framing. Place fasteners minimum 3/8 inch from edges of panels; drive heads slightly below surface. Stagger fasteners at abutting edges. G. Treat cut edges and holes in moisture resistant gypsum board with joint sealer. 3.2 INSTALLATION OF ACCESSORIES A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install comer reinforcement at outside comers. Use single lengths where length of comer does not exceed standazd length. C. Install casings where indicated and where gypsum boazd abuts dissimilar materials or stops with edge exposed. D. Install control joints at ceilings: � � u � L� J � � � � � � � � GYPSLJM BOARD 09250 - 2 of 3 � � � � � � � � � � � � i � � � � i � � , APA 08.12 E. 3.3 A. B. 1. At ma�cimum 50 feet on center. 2. Where ceiling framing changes direction. Install control joints at walls and partitions: 1. At changes in backup material. 2. At maximum 30 feet on center. JOINT TREATMENT Treat joints and fasteners in gypsum board in accordance with GA-214. Finishes: 1. Ceiling: Medium knockdown. 2. Second Floor Walls: Medium orange peel. END OF SECTION 09250 GYPSUM BOARD Sid Lickton 09250 - 3 of 3 , r� � � � � � � � � � � '� � City of Clearwater 08.12 Sid Lickton SECTION 09623 - WATER REPELLENTS AND GRAFFITI RESISTANT COATINGS PART 1 GENERA.L 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This specificarion covers preparation, materials, services, and equipment required for the application of PROFESSIONAL� Water Sealant & Anti-Graffitiant for projects involving either old or new construction. Any substantial deviations shall be referred to the manufacturer or authorized representative. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 04200 — Unit Masonry: Concrete Block walls to receive water repellent and/or anti-graffitiant. Exterior split-faced concrete block walls and columns shall be coated with graffiti-resistant coating. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit in accordance with Section 01330 — Submittals. B. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data sheets for the specified water repellents, graffiti resistant coatings and cleaners. Submit description for protection of surrouriding areas and non-masonry surfaces, surface preparation, application, and final cleaning. C. Applicator Qualifications: Submit qualifications of applicator; stating applicator has a minimum of 3 years experience using the specified or a similaz products. Provide a list of several most recently completed projects, including project name and location, names of owner and architect, and description of products used, substrates, and method of application. D. Environmental Regulations: Submit applicable environmental regulations. � E. VOC Certification: Submit certification that water repellent and graffiti resistant coatings fumished comply with regulations controlling content of volatile organic compounds (VOC). � 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: , 1. l. Experience in the application of the specified or similar products. 2. 2. Employs persons trained in the application of the specified products or similar products. � L� � WATER REPELLENTS AND GRAFFITI RESISTANT COATINGS 09623 -1 of 7 City of Clearwater 08.12 Sid Lickton B. Pre-Application Meeting: Convene a pre-application meeting 2 weeks before the start of application of water repellent and graffiti resistant coatings. Require attendance of parties directly affecting work of this section, including the Contractor, Architect, Applicator, and Professional Products of Kansas' representative. Review environmental regulations, test panel procedures, protection of surrounding areas and non-masonry surfaces, surface preparation, application, field quality control, final cleaning, warranty application procedures, and coordination with other work. 1.05 ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS A. Comply with applicable federal, state, and local environmental regulations. 1.06 TEST PANELS A. Before full-scale application, review manufacturer's product data sheets to determine the suitability of each product for the specific surfaces. Apply each water repellent and graffiti resistant coating to test panels to determine appropriate strengths, coverage rates, compatibility, effectiveness, surface preparation, application procedures, and desired results. B. Apply graffiti resistant coatings to test panels in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. Allow a minimum of 5 days curing time prior to applying graffiti paint to test panels. Apply graffiti paint to test panels and allow at least 24 hours or longer for paint to cure. Apply cleaner to evaluate ease of graffiti removal. Repeat cycles of cleanings as directed by Architect. Do not begin full-scale application until test panels are inspected and approved by the Architect. C. Submit Sections 1& 2 of Manufacturer's warranty application using information resulting from test panel application. Tl�ese sections must be submitted to Manufacturer for approval prior to project commencement. Section 3 to be completed and submitted at project completion. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Delivery: Deliver materials to the job site in original, tightly sealed, unopened containers, with labels clearly identifying product name and manufacturer. Verify that the product matches that of the original sample applied on the test panel. B. Storage and Handling: Store containers upright in a cool, dry place. Keep away from sparks and open flame. Store and handle materials in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. 2.08 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Surface Preparation: Contractor or applicator shall be responsible for providing a clean, dry substrate free from oil, dirt, grease, efflorescence, form release agents or any WATER REPELLENTS AND GRAFFITI RESISTANT COATINGS 09623 - 2 of 7 ' � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � L� , � City of Clearwater 08.12 Sid Lickton � other coating, which may inhibit penetration and adhesion of water repellent and graffiti resistant coating. This requirement applies to new construction, renovation or remedial projects. Substrate must be completely dry prior to applying product. r LJ � � � � � � � �I � C� � � � B. Environmental Requirements: 1. Temperature: Product may be applied at any temperature providing that there is no frozen moisture present in the substrate. When applied at temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit the product may cure at a slower rate. Optimal temperature range for application is between 40YF (SY'C) or below 95Y'F (35Y'C). 2. Do not apply material if the substrate is wet or contains frozen moisture. Allow substrate to dry for a minimum of 48 hours after rain or 72 hours after power washing. 3. Do not apply material during inclement weather or if precipitation is expected within 12 hours. 4. Do not commence application under windy conditions. C. Protection: 1. Special precautions should be taken to avoid fumes from entering the building. Heating and air conditioning, ventilation systems, and fresh air intakes should be turned off and covered. 2. Protect shrubs, metal, glass, vehicles, and other building hardware from overspray. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.oi 2.01 MANUFACTURER Professional Products of Kansas, Inc., 4456 S. Clifton, Wichita, KS 67216, (800) 676- 7346, (316) 522-9300, Fax (316) 522-9346 2.02 WATER REPELLENT AND GRAFFITI RESISTANT COATINGS A. 2 Coat Professional� Water Sealant & Anti-Graffitiant, Super Strength: First coat in the two-coat process. Depending on the porosity of the substrate, it may be used for the second coat as well. Penetrating silicone rubber graffiti resistant coating for use on vertical concrete, brick, sandstone, limestone, stucco, split face block, concrete block, and fluted block. Non-sacrificial, will withstand repeated cycles of graffiti tagging and removal with no requirement to reapply the sealant. May enhance or darken some substrates. Will not form a surface film or gloss. Inorganic, it is not af�'ected by iJV rays, salts, acid rain, etc. Breathable, it allows moisture vapor to escape while preventing liquid penetration. Flexible, it bridges hairline cracks and allows for building movement. Provides a graffiti barrier as well as waterproofing protection. 1. Form: Liquid 2. Color: C1ear 3. Active Substance: RTV Silicone Rubber 4. Percent Active Material: 15% 5. Flash Point: lOSY' WATER REPELLENTS AND GRAFFITT RESISTANT COATINGS 49623 - 3 of 7 City of Clearwater 08.12 Sid Lickton B. Professional� Water Sealant & Anti-Graffitiant, Extra Strength: May be used as the second coat in the two-coat process. Porosity of substrate is the determining factor. THE SECOND COAT SHOULD BE APPLIED TO THE ENTIRE STRUCTURE TO ACHIEVE WATER REPELLENT PROTECTION IN ADDITION TO GRAFFITI PROTECTION. 1. Form: Liquid 2. Color: Clear 3. Active Substance: RTV Silicone Rubber 4. Percent Active Material: 8% 5. Flash Point: lOSY C. The graffiti resistant coating product listed above is selected as a standard of quality. Application procedure and coverage rates must be in conformance with results achieved in test panels and manufacturer's application instructions. 1. Proposed altemate products must be equal in terms of chemical composition and performance standards_ Products must be penetrating, permanent treatments using a silicone rubber base and not contain any paraffin waxes, urethanes or polysiloxanes. Silane and siloxane based products will not be considered because of their lack of elongation. Products must be non-sacrificial, allowing for repeated cycles of tagging and cleaning without the requirement to reapply the sealant. 2.04 CLEANERS A. CLEANER: Phase II Cleaner (for graffiti removal), manufactured by Professional Products of Kansas, Inc. No other product will be accepted as they may void the warranty. B. Extra Material: provide one gallon Phase II Cleaner, manufacturer's instructions, MSDS and product data to Owner. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify the following: 1. 1. The required joint sealants have been installed. 2. 2. New masonry and mortar have cured a minimum of 28 days. 3. 3. Surface to be treated is clean, dry, and contains no frozen moisture. 4. 4. Environmental conditions are appropriate for application. 3.02 PROTECTION A. Protect surrounding areas, glass, landscaping, building occupants, pedestrians, vehicles, and non-masonry surfaces during the work from contact with water repellent and graffiti resistant coatings. WATER REPELLENTS AND GRAFFITI RESISTANT COATINGS 09623 - 4 of 7 � LJ � � � � � � � �� J � � � l� � , L� ' � � � � � �J r� u City of Clearwater 08.12 Sid Lickton B. Special precautions should be taken to prohibit fumes from entering the building. Heating and air conditioning ventilation systems and fresh air intakes should be turned off and covered. 3.03 SURFACE PREPARATION A. Clean all dirt, oil, grease, mold, mildew, efflorescence, form release agents or any other coating or material from surfaces that may interfere with penetration, performance, adhesion, or aesthetics of water repellent and graffiti resistant coatings. Thoroughly remove cleaner residues. Allow surfaces to dry completely before application of water repellent and graffiti resistant coatings. B. Repair, patch, and fill all cracks, voids, defects, and damaged areas in surface as � approved by the Architect. Allow repair materials to cwe completely before application of water repellent and graffiti resistant coatings. i � � � � � � _I , � � � C. Seal all open joints. D. Allow new masonry and concrete construction and repointed surfaces to cure for a minimum of 28 days before application of water repellent and graffiti resistant coatings. 3.04 APPLICATION A. Apply water repellent and graffiti resistant coatings to substrates in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions, environmental regulations, and application procedures determined from the test panel results approved by the Architect. Graffiti protection requires a two-coat application. In most cases, the first coat will be Super Strength. The second coat will be either Super or Extra, depending on the porosity of the substrate. B. Apply to clean, dry, cured, and properly prepared surfaces approved by Architect. C. Apply material as shipped by the manufacturer. Do not dilute. D. Do not apply to below-grade surfaces. E. Do not apply to painted surfaces. F. Do not apply anti-graffitiant to horizontal surfaces. G. Do not apply to compensate for structural or material defects in substrates. H. Do not apply to substrates such as asphalt or polystyrene, which may be affected by the solvent camer. WATER REPELLENTS AND GRAFFITI RESISTANT COATINGS 09623 - 5 of 7 City of Clearwater 08.12 Sid Lickton I. Apply material using a high-volume, low pressure, pump-up sprayer (between 40-60 psi), with solvent resistant fittings. Foam roller, or brush of natural bristle or foam may be used in areas where spray application is not appropriate. 1. Vertical Applications: Apply in a flood coat, from top to bottom, being sure to obtain a 4 to 6 inch nundown of product from the point where the spray makes contact with the surface. Work all the way down the building covering the rundown as you go. Avoid excessive overlapping. Allow first coat to dry to the touch prior to applying second coat. Apply the second coat in the same manner. a. Extremely dense substrates may require back rolling after product is applied to smooth out any rundown lines. b. Brush any excess product that may accumulate on ledges and other areas that may hold excess material. 3.05 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspection: Inspect the water repellent and graffiti resistant coating work with the contractor, Architect, applicator, and Professional Products of Kansas representative, and compare with test panel results approved by the Aschitect. Determine if the substrates are suitably protected. Allow the test panel to cure for 5 days prior to applying graffiti paint for testing purposes. B. Manufacturer's Field Services: Provide the services of a manufacturer's authorized field representative to verify specified products are used; protection, surface preparation, and application of graffiti resistant coatings are in accordance with the manufacturer's written instxuctions; the test panel has been approved by the Architect. C. Provide manufacturer's written wananty covering material performance for a period of five (5) years for gr�ti protection and Ten (10} years for Vertical water repellent applications from the date of project completion. 3.06 FINAL CLEANING A. Upon completion of all work covered in the specification, the Contractor shall remove all equipment, material and debris, leaving the area in an undamaged and acceptable condition. Dispose of coating containers according to state and local environmental regulations. B. Repair, restore, or replace to the satisfaction of the Architect, all materials, landscaping, and non-masonry surfaces damaged by exposure to water repellent and graffiti resistant coatings. WATER REPELLENTS AND GRAFFITI RESISTANT COATINGS 09623 - 6 of 7 L J , � � � � � [ _� � � � LJ � � , L� � IJ , ' � � � � � � � � � � � P� � l_ J � C _I � Ciry of Clearwater 08.12 Professional Products of Kansas, Inc. 4456 S. Clifton Wichita, KS 67216 (800)676-7346 (316) 522-9300 Fax(316)522-9346 www.watersealant.com END OF SECTION Sid Lickton WATER REPELLENTS AND GRAFFTTI RESISTANT COATTNGS 09623 - 7 of 7 � ' � � � � � , � , , � � � � � � ' � APA �8.12 SECTION 09650 — RESILIENT TILE FLOORING PARTI-GENERAL Sid Lickton 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Resilient tile flooring_ 2. Resilient stair treads and landings. 3. Reducers. 1.2 REFERENCES A. Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCn (www.rfci.com) - F1oorScore Certification Program. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals for Review: 1. Product Data: Provide data on specified products, describing physical and performance characteristics. 2. Samples: a. Tile: Samples showing available colors. b. Stair treads: 6 inch long samples showing available colors. c. Reducers: 4 inch long samples showing available colors. B. Quality Control Submittals: 1. Certificates of Compliance: Certification from an independent testing laboratory that flooring meets fue hazard classifcation requirements. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Minimum 5 years experience in work of this Section. B. Fire Hazard Classification: Class I rated, tested to ASTM E648. C. Static Coefficient of Friction: Minimum 0.5, tested to AST'M D2047. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Maintain temperature in spaces to receive flooring between 70 and 90 degrees F for 24 hours before, during, and for minirnum 48 hows after installation. B. Maintain minimum temperature of 55 degrees F after flooring is installed, except as otherwise specified. 1.6 MAINTENANCE A. Extra Materials: 2 percent of each color and pattern. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturers - Vinyl Composirion Tile: 1. Armstrong World Industries. (www.armstrong.com) 2. Azrock. (www.azrock.com) 3. Mannington Resilient Floors. (www.mannington.com) 4. Tarkett, Inc. (www.tarkett.com) B. Acceptable Manufacturers - Stair Treads and Landings: 1. Armstrong World Industries. (www.armstrongfloors.com) 2_ Azrock. (www.domco_com) 3. BurkeMercer Flooring Products. (www.burkemercer.com) RESILIENT TILE FLOORING 09651 - i of 3 APA 08.12 4. Endura Rubber Flooring. (www_endura-flooring.com) 5. Johnsonite, Inc. (www.johnsonite.com} 6. Roppe Corp. (www.roppe.com) C. Acceptable Manufacturers - Installation Materials: 1. BASF Corporation. (www.buildingsystems.basf.com) 2.2 MATERIALS A. Vinyl Composition Tile: 1. ASTM F1066, Class 2- Through Pattern. 2. Product: Standard Excelon VCT by Armstrong. 3. Size: 12 x 12 inches x 1/8 inch thick. 4. Color: To be selected from manufacturer's full color range. 5. Static load limit: Minimum 125 PSI, tested to ASTM F970. B. Linoleum Tile Flooring: To be selected under an allowance. C. Stair Treads and Landing: 1. Type: Armstrong. 2. Composition: Vinyl. 3. Thickness: 0.130 inch with raised circles. 4. Color: To be selected from manufacturer's full color range. D. Stair Risers: 1. Composition: Vinyl. 2. Profile: Smooth, coved at bottom edge. 3. Thickness: 0.125 inch. 4. Color: To match stair treads.. � Sid Lickton � 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. Reducer Strips: Solid vinyl or rubber composition, 1 inch wide by tile thickness, tapered, to match tile. B. Leveling Compound: White, premixed, latex based. C. Adhesive: 1. Water based, waterproof, recommended by flooring manufacturer.] PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that concrete floors have cured a minimum 28 days and do not e�chibit negative alkalinity, carbonization, or dusting. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Clean substrate; remove loose and foreign matter that could impede adhesion or performance of flooring. B. Fill cracks, voids, and depressions in substrate with leveling compound. C. Grind off high spots and projections in substrate; leave smooth and level to 1/4 inch in 10 feet. D. Test substrate for moisture content to ASTM F1869; do not install flooring until moisture emission level is acceptable to flooring manufactwrer. 3.3 INSTALLATION OF TILE A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Mix tile from container to ensure shade variations are consistent when tile is placed. C. Spread only enough adhesive to permit installation of materials before initial set. D. Lay flooring with joints parallel to building lines to produce symmetrical tile pattern. � � � i � � � , ' � � � � � � RESILIENT TILE FLOORING 09651 - 2 of 3 ' � ' � � � � � � , � C.1 ' � � � , , ' 1� � APA 08.12 E. F. G. H. I. 3.4 A. B. C. D. 3.5 A. B. C. 3.6 A. 3.7 A. 3.8 Sid Lickton Install tile to pattern directed by Architect. Allow minimum half-size tiles at room or area perimeter. Set flooring in place; press with heavy roller to attain full adhesion. Scribe flooring to walls, colwnns, cabinets, and other appurtenances to produce tight joints. Ensure that base, trim, plates, or escutcheons will completely cover cut edges. Extend tile into recesses and under equipment. Terminate flooring at centerline of door openings where adjacent floor finish is dissimilar. INSTALLATION OF REDUCER STRIPS Install where tile stops with edge exposed; set in adhesive. Center strips under doors where flooring terminates at door openings. Install in longest practical lengths; butt ends tight. Scribe to abutting surfaces. INSTALLATION OF STAIR TREADS AND LANDINGS Apply adhesive uniformly over substrate; remove adhesive that has dried or filmed over. Accurately cut to required sizes and profiles without gaps. Fit tight to treads, risers, and stringers. ADJUSTING Conect tiles that are not seated; replace damaged tiles. CLEANING Clean tile, wax, and machine buff in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. PROTECTION A. Do not allow traffic on flooring until adhesive has set. B. Cover areas subject to traffic with protective covering. END OF SECTION 09650 RESILIENT TILE FLOORING 09651 - 3 of 3 � ' � � � ' � , , � � � , � ' � � L�� ' � APA 08.12 SECTION 09653 - RESILIENT BASE Sid Lickton PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: l. Resilient wall base. B. Related Sections: 1. Division Oi: Administrative, procedural, and temporary work requirements. 1.2 REFERENCES A. ASTM International (ASTM) F1861 - Standard Specification for Resilient Wall Base. B. Resilient Floor Covenng Institute (RFC� - F1oorScore Certification Program. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals for Review: 1. Samples: 12 inch long samples showing available colors in each color. 1.4 MAINTENANCE A. Extra Materials: 2 percent of each profile and color. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturers - Base: 1. Allstate Rubber Corp. (www.allstaterubber.com) 2. Armstrong World Industries. (www.armstrong.com} 3. Burke Flooring. (www.burkeflooring.com) 4. Johnsonite, Inc. (www.johnsonite.com) 5. Roppe Corp. (www.roppe.com) B. Acceptable Manufactwers — Installation Materials: 1. BASF Corporation. (www.buildingsystems.basf.com) C. Substitutions: Not permitted. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Resilient Base: 1_ Type: ASTM F1861, thermoplastic vinyl. 2. Thickness: 0.125 inch. 3. Profile: Coved. 4. Height: 4 inches. 5. Length: Continuous rolls. 6. Color: To be selected from manufacturer's full color range. 7. Finish: Satin. 8. End units and outside comers: Preformed; profile, size, and color to match base. 23 ACCESSORIES A. Adhesive: I. Water based, waterproof, recommended by base manufactwer. RESILIENT BASE 09653 - 1 of 2 APA 08.12 Sid Lickton PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Prepare surfaces to receive base: I. Remove materials that could interfere with adhesion. 2. Fill low spots with patching compound; finish flush with adjacent swface. 3. Remove high spots, ridges and nibs. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Apply adhesive continuously to back of base. B. Maintain top edge true to line and bottom edge in continuous contact with floor. Butt joints tight; butt base tight to adjacent construction. C. Do not install pieces less than 48 inches long. D. Miter and butt inside corners. E_ At outside corners install preformed corner pieces. F. At exposed ends, install premolded units. G. Scribe to door frames and other interruptions. END OF SECTION RESILIENT BASE 09653 - 2 of 2 ' , APA 08.12 , ' ' , , � � � �I' CI' , '�I L � ' SECTION 09681— TILE CARPETING PART1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Tile carpeting. 2. Edgings and Cap strips. Sid Lickton l.2 REFERENCES A. ASTM International (ASTM} (www.astrn.org): 1. D2859 - Standard Test Method for Flammability of Finished Textile Floor Covering Materials. 2. D4258 - Standard Practice for Surface Cleaning Concrete for Coating. 3. E84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Buming Characteristics of Building Materials. 4. E648 - Standard Test Method for Crirical Radiant Flux of Floor Covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source. 5. E662 - Standard Test Method for Specific Optical Density of Smoke Generated by Solid Materials. 6. F1869 - Standard Test Method for Measuring Moisture Vapor Emission Rate of Concrete Subfloor Using Anhydrous Calcium Chloride. B. Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) (www.carpet-rug.com): 1. 104 - Standard for Installation Specification of Commercial Carpet. 2. Indoor Air Quality Testing Program. C. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) (www.nfpa.org) 253 - Test for Critical Radiant Flux of Floor Covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals for Review: 1. Shop Drawings: Indicate carpet tile locations, dye lot limitations, direction of carpet tile in each room or area, and type and location of edgings. 2. Samples: a. Carpet tile: Samples showing available colors. b. Edgings and Cap strips: 4 inch long samples showing available colors. 3. Warranty: Sample warranty form. B. Quality Control Submittals: 1. Certificates of Compliance: Certification from an independent testing laboratory that carpet tiles meet fue hazard classification requirements. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qvalifications: Minimum 5 years experience in work of this Section. B. Class A rated. C. Mockup: 1. Show: Carpet tile color and pattern, and edgings. 2. Locate where directed. 3. Approved mockup may remain as part of the Work. D. Pre-Installation Conference: i. Convene at site 2 weeks prior to beginning work of this Section. 2. Attendance: Architect, Contractor, carpet tile installer, carpet tile manufacriuer's representative, and related trades. , TILE CARPETING ' 09680 -1 of 3 APA 08.12 Sid Lickton 3. Review and discuss: Contract Documents, carpet rile manufacturer's literature, project conditions, scheduling, protection after installation, and other matters affecting application. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Do not begin installation until painting and finishing work have been completed. B. Envuonmental Requirements: 1. Temperature of spaces and subfloor between 65 and 90 degrees F. 2. Humidity in spaces to receive carpet tiles between 20 and 65 percent. 2.6 WARRANTTES A_ Fumish manufacturer's 10 year warranty providing coverage against defective materials and workmanship. 2.7 MAINTENANCE A. Extra Materials: 2 percent of each color and pattem. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturers: 1. Mohawk International (www.mohawkinternational.com) 2. Shaw. (www.shawcontract.com) B. Acceptable Manufacturers — Installation Materials: 1. BASF Corporation. (www.buildingsystems.basf.com) C. Substitutions: Not permitted. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Carpet Tiles: 1. Source:Carpet Tile by Shaw Contract Group or approved Mohawk substitute. 2. Pattem: Captivate 59554 by Shaw. 3. Color: Lagoon 54400 (to be approved by Owner. 4. Construction: Multi-level pattem loop. 5. Face yarn type: Eco solution q Nylon. 6. Face yarn weight: 19 ounces per square yard_ 7. Backing: Synthetic. 8. Size: 24 x 24 inches. 2.3 A B. C. D. ACCESSORIES Adhesive: 1. Waterproof, latex based cement formulated specifically for installing carpet tiles; recommended by carpet tile manufactiu�er. Edgings: Preformed rubber, profile required to suit conditions, color to match carpet tiles. Cap Strip: Preformed vinyl; profile required to suit conditions, color to match carpet tiles. Leveling Compound: Premixed, latex based. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that concrete floors have cured a minimum 28 days and do not eachibit negative alkalinity, cazbonization, or dusting. TILE CARPETING 09680 - 2 of 3 ' , APA 08.12 , , � ' , � ' ' , , ' � ' � ' ' ' Sid Lickton 3.2 PREPARATION A. Clean substrate; remove loose and foreign matter that could impede adhesion or performance of flooring_ B. Fill cracks, voids, and depressions with leveling compound. C_ Grind ridges and higt� spots smooth. D. Test substrate for moisture content to ASTM F1869; do not install carpet tiles until moisture emission level is acceptable to carpet tile manufactwer. 3.3 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. INSTALLATION OF CARPET TILES Install in accordance with CRI 104. Install carpet tile and adhesive in accordance with manufacturers' instructions. Blend carpet tiles from different cartons to ensure minimal variation in color match. Lay out each room or area to minimize tiles less than one half size. Cut tile clean. Fit tiles tight to intersection with vertical surfaces without gaps. Lay carpet tile to basket weave pattern, with tile direction alternating to next unit, set parallel to building lines_ Locate change of color or pattern between rooms under door centerline. Fully adhere carpet tiles to substrate. Bind cut edges where not concealed by edge strips. 3.4 INSTALLATION OF EDGINGS A. Install sh-ips where carpet tiles abut dissimilar flooring materials; secure to subfloor. B. Center strips under doors where carpet tiles terminate at door openings. C. Install in longest practical lengths; butt ends tight. D. Scribe to abutting surfaces. 3.5 CLEANING A. Clean spots as recommended by carpet tile manufacturer. B. Cut off loose threads flush with top surface. C. Clean with commercial vacuum cleaner. END OF SECTION 09680 TILE CARPETING 09680 - 3 of 3 ' II � APA 08.12 SECTION 09770 — DECORATIVE FIBERGLASS REINFORCED WALL PANELS PART1-GENERAL ' 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: Prefinished polyester glass reinforced plastic sheets and adhered to unfinished gypsum wallboard. ' 1. PVC trim. B. Products Not Furnished or Installed under This Section: 1. Gypsum substrate board. � ' , CI ' , � � C� ' � � ' � 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 09250 — Gypsum Board. B. Section 09111 — Metal Support Assemblies Sid Lickton 1.3 REFERENCES A. American Society for Testing and Materials: Standard Specifications (ASTM) I. AST'M D 256 - Izod Impact Strengths (ft #/in) 2. ASTM D 570 - Water Absorption (%} 3. ASTM D 638 - Tensile Strengths (psi) & Tensile Modulus (psi) 4. ASTM D 790 - Flexural Strengths (psi) & Flexurat Modulus (psi) 5. ASTM D 2583- Barcol Hardness 6. ASTM D 5319 - Standazd Specification for Glass-Fiber Reinforced Polyester Wall and Ceiling Panels. 7. ASTM E 84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit sufficient manufacturer's data to indicate compliance with these specifications, including: I. Preparation instructions and recommendations. 2. Storage and handling requirements and recommendations. 3. Installation methods. B. Shop Drawings: Submit elevations of each wall showing location of paneling and trim members with respect to all discontinuities in the wall elevation. C. Selection Samples: Submit manufacturer's standard color pattem selection samples representing manufacturer's full range of available colors and patterns. D. Samples for Verification: Submit appropriate section of panel for each finish selected indicating the color, texture, and pattern required. 1. Submit complete with specified applied finish. 2. For selected pattems show complete pattem repeat. 3. Exposed Molding and Trim: Provide samples of each type, finish, and color. E. Manufacturers Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for adhesives and sealants prior to their delivery to the site. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to building code requirements for interior finish for smoke and flame spread requirements as tested in accordance with: 1. ASTM E 84 (Method of test for surface burning characteristics of building Materials) a. Wall Required Rating — Class A. B. Sanitary Standards: System components and finishes to comply with: DECORATIVE FIBERGLASS REINFORCED WALL PANELS 09770 -1 of 4 A.PA 08.12 Sid Lickton I. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) requirements for food preparation facilities, incidentaI contact. 2. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 1999 Food Code 6-101.11. 3. Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) reyuirements. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A_ Deliver materials factory packaged on strong pallets. B. Store panels and trim lying flat, under cover and protected from the elements. Allow paneis to acclimate to room temperature (70°) for 48 hows prior to installation. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Building aze to be fully enclosed prior to installation with su�cient heat (70°) and ventilation consistent with good working conditions for fuush work B. During installation and for not less than 48 hours before, maintain an ambient temperature and relative humidity within limits required by type of adhesive used and recommendation of adhesive manufacturer. 1. Provide ventilation to disperse fumes during application of adhesive as recommended by the adhesive manufacturer. 1.8 WARRANTY A. Furnish one year guarantee against defects in material and workmanship. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURER A. Marlite; 202 Harger Street, Dover, OH 44622. 800-377-1221 FAX (330) 343-4668 Email: info@marlite.com www.mazlite.com. B. Product: 1. Standazd FRP 2.2 PANELS A. Fiberglass reinforced thermosetting polyester resin panel sheets complying with ASTM D 5319. 1. Coating: Multi-layer print, primer and finish coats or applied over-layer. 2. Dimensions: a. Thickness - 0.090 inch b. Width - 4'-0" c. Length -As indicated on the drawings. 3. Tolerance: a. Length and Width: +/-1/8 inch b. Square - Not to exceed 1/8 inch for 8 foot panels B. Properties: Resistant to rot, corrosion, stauung, denting, peeling, and splintering. 1. Flexural Strength - 1.0 x 104 psi per ASTM D 790. (7.0 kilogram-force/square millimeter) 2. Flexural Modulus - 3.1 x 105 psi per ASTM D 790. (217.9 kilogram-force/square millimeter) 3. Tensile Strength - 7.0 x 103 psi per ASTM D 638. (4_9 kilogram-force/square millimeter) 4. Tensile Modulus - 1.6 x 105 psi per ASTM D 638. (122.5 kilogram-force/square millimeter) 5. Water Absorption - 0.72% per ASTM D 570. 6. Bazcol Hardness (scratch resistance) of 35 55 as per ASTM D 2583_ 7. Izod Impact Strength of 72 ft. lbs./in ASTM D 256 DECORATIVE FIBERGLASS REINFORCED WALL PANELS � � � � � � I,� � ' I_ J , � � � � � , --, , � 09770 - 2 of 4 ' � 1 , ' � � � LJ � � � � � � � ;' ' f' �I � ' APA 08.12 Sid Lickton C. Back Surface: Smooth. Imperfections which do not affect functional properties are not cause for rejection. D. Front Finish: In accordance with pre-approved sample. 1. Color: Shall be selected from Marlite Standazd FRP. 2. Surface: Marlite Standard FRP Pebbled finish. 3. Fire Rating: Class A(n 4. Size: As indicated on drawings. 2.3 MOLDINGS A. PVC: Extruded PVC Trim Profiles for .090 inch thick panels. 1. M 350 Inside Corner 2. M 360 Outside Corner 3. M 365 Division 4. M 370 Edge 5. Color: To match wall panels. 2.4 ACCESSORIES A. Fasteners: Non-staining nylon drive rivets. 1. Match panel colors. 2. Length to suit project conditions. B. Adhesive: Either of the following construction adhesives complying with AST'M C 557. 1. Marlite C-551 FRP Adhesive - Water- resistant, non-flammable adhesive 2. Mazlite C-375 Construction adhesive flexible, water-resistant, solvent based adhesive formulated for fast, easy application. C. Sealant: 1. Marlite Brand - Color Match Sealant PART3-EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Examine backup surfaces to determine that corners are plumb and straight, surfaces aze smooth, uniform, clean and free from foreign matter, nails countersunk, joints and cracks filled flush and smooth with the adjoining surface. 1. Verify that stud spacing does not exceed 24 inch (61cm) on-center. B. Repair defects prior to installation. 1. Level wall surfaces to panel manufacturer's requirements. Remove protrusions and fill indentations. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Comply with manufacturer's recommended procedures and installation sequence. B. Cut sheets to meet supports allowing 1/8" inch (3 mm) clearance for every 8 foot (2.43m) of panel. 1. Cut and drill with carbide tipped saw blades or drill bits, or cut with shears. 2. Pre-drill fastener holes 1/8 inch (3.175mm) oversize with high speed drill bit. a. Space at 8 inches (20.32cm) maximum on center at perimeter, approximately 1 inch from panel edge. b. Space at in field in rows 16 inches (40.64cm) on center, with fasteners spaced at 12 inches (30.48 cm) maximum on center. C. Apply panels to board substrate, above base, vertically oriented with seams plumb and pattern aligned with adjoining panels. 1. Install panels with manufacturer's recommended gap for panel field and corner joints. DECORATIVE FIBERGLASS REINFORCED WALL PANELS 09770 - 3 of 4 APA 08.12 Sid Lickton a. Adhesive trowel and applicarion method to conform to adhesive manufacturer's recommendations. b. Drive fasteners for snug fit. Do not over-tighten_ D. Apply panel moldings to all panel edges using silicone sealant providing for required clearances. 1. All moldings must provide for a minimum i/8 inch (3.18mm) of panel expansion at joints and edges, to insure proper instailation. 2. Apply sealant to all moldings, channels and joints between the system and different materials to assure watertight installation. 3.3 CLEANING A. Remove excess sealant from panels and moldings. Wipe panel down using a damp cloth and mild soap solution or cleaner. B. Refer to manufacturer's specific cleaning recommendations Do not use abrasive cleaners. END OF SECTION 09770 DECORATIVE FIBERGLASS REINFORCED WALL PANELS 09770 - 4 of 4 ' � �I � � � � r � �� � j II U I � � � � � � APA 08.12 SECTION 09900 - PAINTING PART1-GENERAL Sid Lickton l.l RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes surface preparation and field painting of the following: l. Exposed exterior items and surfaces. 2. Exposed interior items and surfaces. 3. Surface preparation, priming, and fmish coats specified in this Section are in addition to shop priming and surface treatment specified in other Sections. B. Paint exposed surfaces, except where the paint schedules indicate that a surface or material is not to be painted or is to remain natural. If the paint schedules do not specifically mention an item or a surface, paint the item or surface the same as similar adjacent materials or surfaces whether or not schedules indicate colors. If the schedules do not indicate color or finish, the Owner will select from standard colors and finishes available. 1. Painting includes field painting of exposed bare and covered pipes and ducts (including color coding), hangers, exposed steel and 'uon work, and primed metal surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment. C. Do not paint prefinished items, concealed surfaces, finished metal surfaces, operating parts, and labels. 1. Prefuushed items include the following factory-finished components: a. Toilet partitions. b. Finished mechanical and electrical equipment. c. Light fixtures. d. Distribution cabinets. 2. Concealed surfaces include walls or ceilings in the following generally inaccessible spaces: a. Furred areas. b. Ceiling plenums. 3. Finished metal surfaces include the following: a. Anodized aluminum. b. Stainless steel. 4. Operating parts include moving parts of operating equipment and the following: a. Valve and damper operators. b. Linkages. c. Sensing devices. d. Motor and fan shafis. 5. Labels: Do not paint over Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Factory Mutual (FM), or other code-required labels or equipment name, identification, performance rating, or nomenclature plates. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Prodnct Data: For each paint system specified. Include block fillers and primers. 1. Material List: Provide an inclusive list of required coating materials. Indicate each material and cross-reference specific coating, finish system, and application. Identify each material by manufacturer's catalog number and general classification. PAINTING 099pp - 1 of 7 APA 08_I2 1.4 f� A. : u Sid Lickton ' 2. Manufacture�s Information: Provide manufacturer's technical information, including label analysis and instructions for handling, storing, and applying each coating material proposed for use_ 3. Certification by the manufacturer that products supplied comply with local regulations controlling use of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Samples for Initial Selection: Manufachuer's color charts showing the full range of colors available for each rype of finish-coat material indicated. I. After color selection, the Owner will furnish color chips for surfaces to be coated. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver materials to the Project Site in manufacttuer's original, unopened packages and containers bearing manufacturer's name and label, and the following information: 1. Product name or title of material. 2. Product description (generic classificarion or binder type). ' 3. Manufacturer's stock number and date of manufacture. 4. Contents by volume, for pigment and vehicle constituents. 5. Thinning instructions. 6. Application instructions_ 7. Color name and number. 8. VOC content. Store materials not in use in tightly covered containers in a well-ventilated area at a minimwn ambient temperature of 45 deg F(7 deg C). Maintain containers used in storage in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. 1. Protect from freezing. Keep storage azea neat and orderly. Remove oily rags and waste daily. Take necessary measures to ensure that workers and work areas are protected from fire and health hazards resulting from handling, mixing, and application. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Apply water-based paints only when the temperature of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air temperatures are between 50 and 90 deg F(10 and 32 deg C). B. Apply solvent-thinned paints only when the temperature of sudaces to be painted and surrounding air temperatures are between 45 and 95 deg F(7.2 and 35 deg C). C. Do not apply paint in rain, fog, or mist; or when the relative humidity exceeds 85 percent; or at temperatures less than 5 deg F(3 deg C) above the dew point; or to damp or wet surfaces. 1. Painting may continue during inclement weather if surfaces and areas to be painted are enclosed and heated within temperature limits specified by manufacturer during application and drying periods. 1.6 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish extra paint materials from the same production run as the materials applied in the quantities described below. Package paint materials in unopened, factory-sealed containers for storage and identify with labels describing contents. Deliver extra materials to the Owner. 1. Quantity: Fumish the Owner with an additional 5 percent, but not less than 1 gal. (3.785 L) or 1 case, as appropriate, of each material and color applied. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers Names: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products of one of the following: PAINTII�iG � � � r � � � � i � � 09900 - 2 of 7 � r � � � � APA 08.12 Sid Lickton ]. Porter Paint Company (Paint Schedule is based on Porter Paint. If another manufacturer is submitted, submit both Porter Data Sheets along with Data Sheets for paint proposed to be used. All products must be equivalent or exceed quality of Porter Products scheduled for Architect's approval.) 2. ICI Dulux Paints. 2.2 PAINT MATERIALS, GENERAL � A. Material Compatibility: Provide block fillers, primers, undercoats, and finish-coat materials that are compatible with one another and the substrates indicated under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by manufacturer based on testing and field experience. � I� � > � �1 � � � � � u PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with the Applicator present, under which painting will be performed for compliance with paint application requirements. 1. Do not begin to apply paint until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected and surfaces receiving paint are thoroughly dry. 2. Start of painting will be construed as the Applicator's acceptance of surfaces and eonditions within a particular area. B. Coordination of Work: Review other Sections in which primers are provided to ensure comparibility of the total system for various substrates. On request, fumish information on characteristics of finish materials to ensure use of compatible primers. Norify the Architect about anticipated problems using the materials specified over substrates primed by others. 3Z PREPARATION A. General: Remove hazdware and hazdware accessories, plates, machined surfaces, lighting fixtures, and similar items already installed that aze not to be painted. If removal is impractical or impossible because of the size or weight of the item, provide surface-applied protection before surface preparation and painting. 1. After completing painting operations in each space or area, reinstall items removed using workers slalled in the trades involved. B. Cleaning: Before applying paint or other surface treatments, clean the substrates of substances that could impair the bond of the various coatings. Remove oil and grease before cleaning. 1. Schedule cleaning and painting so dust and other contaminants from the cleaning process will not fall on wet, newly painted surfaces C. Surface Prepararion: Clean and prepaze surfaces to be painted according to manufacturer's written instructions for each particulaz substrate condition and as specified. I. Provide barrier coats over incompatible primers or remove and reprime. 2. Cementitious Materials: Prepare concrete, concrete masonry block, cement plaster, and mineral-fber-reinforced cement panel surfaces to be painted. Remove efflorescence, chalk, dust, dirt, grease, oils, and release agents. Roughen as required to remove glaze. If hardeners or sealers have been used to improve curing, use mechanical methods of surface preparation. a. Use abrasive blast-cleaning methods if recommended by paint manufacturer. Power spray exterior of existing building to be repainted. b. Determine alkalinity and moisture content of surfaces by performing appropriate tests. If surfaces are sufficiently aikaline to cause the finish paint to blister and PAINTING 09900 - 3 of 7 APA 08.I2 � Sid Lickton � burn, correct this condition before application. Do not paint surfaces where moisture content exceeds that permitted in manufacturer's written instructions. 3. Wood: Clean surfaces of dirt, oil, and other foreign substances with scrapers, mineral spirits, and sandpaper, as required. Sand surfaces exposed to view smooth and dust off. a. Scrape and ciean small, dry, seasoned knots, and apply a thin coat of white shellac or other recommended knot sealer before applying primer. After priming, fill holes and imperfections in finish surfaces with puriy or plastic wood filler. Sand smooth when dried. 4. Ferrous Metals: Clean ungalvanized ferrous-metal surfaces that have not been shop coated; remove oil, grease, dirt, loose mill scale, and other foreign substances. Use solvent or mechanical cleaning methods that comply with the Steel Structures Painting Council's (SSPC) recommendations. a. Blast steel surfaces clean as recommended by paint system manufacturer and according to reyuirements of SSPC-SP 10. b. Treat bare and sandblasted or pickled clean metal with a metal treatment wash coat before priming. c. Touch up bare areas and shop-applied prime coats that have been damaged. Wire- brush, clean with solvents recommended by paint manufacturer, and touch up with the same primer as the shop coat. 5. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean galvanized surfaces with nonpetroleum-based solvents so surface is free of oil and surface contaminants. Remove pretreatment from galvanized sheet metal fabricated from coil stock by mechanical methods. D. Materials Prepazation: Mix and prepare paint materials according to manufacturer's written instructions. 1. Maintain containers used in mixing and applying paint in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. 2. Stir material before application to produce a mixture of uniform density. Stir as required during application. Do not stir surface film into material. If necessary, remove surface film and strain material before using. 3. Use only thinners approved by paint manufacturer and only within recommended limits. E. Tinting: Tint each undercoat a lighter shade to simplify identification of each coat when multiple coats of the same material are applied. Tint undercoats to match the color of the finish coat, but provide sufficient differences in shade of undercoats to distinguish each sepazate coat. 3.3 APPLICATION A. General: Apply paint according to manufacturer's written instructions. Use applicators and techniques best suited for substrate and type of material being applied. 1. Paint colors, surface treatments, and finishes are indicated in the schedules. 2. Do not paint over dirt, rust, scale, grease, moisture, scuffed surfaces, or conditions detrimental to formation of a durable paint film. 3. Provide finish coats that are compatible with primers used. 4. The term "exposed surfaces" includes areas visible when permanent or built-in fixtures, convector covers, covers for finned-tube radiarion, grilles, and similar components are in place_ Extend coatings in these areas, as required, to maintain the system integrity and provide desued protection. 5. Paint surfaces behind movable equipment and furniture the same as similar exposed surfaces. Before the final installation of equipment, paint surfaces behind permanently fixed equipment or furniture with prime coat only. 6. Paint interior surfaces of ducts with a flat, nonspecular black paint where visible through registers or grilles. � � � � u � � � � � � � PATNTING U9900 - 4 of 7 � � ' � � �i � � � L� � L, � � � C� � � � � APA 08.12 I: C D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Sid Lickton 7. Paint back sides of access panels and removable or hinged covers to match exposed surfaces. 8. Finish exterior doors on tops, bottoms, and side edges the same as exterior faces. Scheduling Painting: Apply first coat to surfaces that have been cleaned, pretreated, or otherwise prepared for painting as soon as practicable after preparation and before subsequent surface deterioration. 1. The number of coats and the film thiclrness reyuired are the same regardless of application method. Do not apply succeeding coats until the previous coat has cured as recommended by the manufachuer. If sanding is required to produce a smooth, even surface according to manufacturer's written instructions, sand between applications. 2. Omit primer on metal surfaces that have been shop primed and touchup painted. 3. If undercoats, stains, or other conditions show through final coat of paint, apply additional coats until paint film is of uniform finish, color, and appearance. Give special attention to ensure edges, corners, crevices, welds, and exposed fasteners receive a dry film thickness equivalent to that of flat surfaces. 4. Allow su�cient time between successive coats to permit proper drying. Do not recoat surfaces until paint has dried to where it feels firm, does noi deform or feel sticky under moderate thumb pressure, and where application of another coat of paint does not cause the undercoat to lift or lose adhesion. Application Procedures: Apply paints and coatings by brush, roller, spray, or other applicators according to manufactluer's written instructions. 1. Brushes: Use brushes best suited for the type of material applied. Use brush of appropriate size for the surface or item being painted. 2. Rollers: Use rollers of carpet, velvet back, or high-pile sheep's wool as recommended by the manufacturer for the material and texture required. 3. Spray Equipment: Use airless spray equipment with orifice size as recommended by the manufacturer for the material and texriue required. Minimum Coating Thickness: Apply paint materials no thinner than manufacturer's recommended spreading rate. Provide the total dry film thickness of the entire system as recommended by the manufacturer. Mechanical and Electrical Work: Painting of inechanical and electrical work is limited to items exposed in equipment rooms and in occupied spaces. Mechanical items to be painted include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Piping, pipe hangers, and supports. 2. Ductwork. 3. Insulation. 4. Accessory items. Electrical items to be painted include, but are not lnnited to, the following: 1. Conduit and fittings. 2. Switchgear. 3. Panelboards. Block Fillers: Apply block fillers to concrete masonry block at a rate to ensure complete coverage with pores filled. Prime Coats: Before applying finish coats, apply a prime coat of material, as recommended by the manufacttuer, to material that is required to be painted or finished and that has not been prime coated by others. Recoat primed and sealed surfaces where evidence of suction spots or unsealed areas in fust coat appears, to ensure a finish coat with no burn through or other defects due to insufficient sealing. Pigmented (Opaque) Finishes: Completely cover surfaces as necessary to provide a smooth, opaque surface of uniform finish, color, appearance, and coverage. Cloudiness, spotting, PAINTII�TG 09900 - 5 of 7 APA 08.12 � Sid Lickton ' holidays, laps, brush marks, runs, sags, ropiness, or other surface imperfections will not be acceptable. K. Stipple Enamel Finish: Roll and redistribute paint to an even and fine texture. Leave no evidence of rolling, such as laps, irregulanity in texture, skid marks, or other surface imperfections. L. Completed Work: Match approved samples for color, texture, and coverage. Remove, refinish, or repaint work not complying with requirements. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. The Owner reserves the right to invoke the following test procedure at any time and as often as the Owner deems necessary during the period when paint is being applied: 1. The Owner will engage the services of an independent testing agency to sample the paint material being used. Samples of material delivered to the Project will be taken, identified, sealed, and certified in the presence of the Contractor. 2. The testing agency will perform appropriate tests for the following characteristics as required by the Owner: a. Quanritative material analysis. b. Abrasion resistance. c. Apparent reflectivity. d. Flexibility. e. Washability. f. Absorption. g. Accelerated weathering. h. Dry opacity. i. Accelerated yellowness. j. Recoating. k. Sldnning. 1. Color retention. m. Alkali and mildew resistance. 3. The Owner may direct the Contractor to stop painting if test results show material being used does not comply with specified requirements. The Contractor shall remove noncomplying paint from the site, pay for testing, and repaint surfaces previously coated with the rejected paint. If necessary, the Contractor may be required to remove rejected paint from previously painted surfaces if, on repainting with specified paint, the 2 coatings are incompatible. 3.5 CLEANING A. Cleanup: At the end of each workday, remove empty cans, rags, rubbish, and other discarded paint materials from the site. 1. After completing painting, clean glass and paint-spattered sutfaces. Remove spattered paint by washing and scraping. Be careful not to scratch or damage adjacent iu►ished surfaces. 3.6 PROTECTION A. Protect work of other trades, whether being painted or not, against damage by painting. Correct damage by cleaning, repairing or replacing, and repainting, as approved by Architect. B. Provide "Wet Paint" signs to protect newly painted fmishes. Remove temporary protective wrappings provided by others to protect their work after completing painting operations. 1_ At completion of construction activities of other trades, touch np and restore damaged or defaced painted surfaces. Comply with procedures specified in PDCA P 1. PAINTING � � L�' � � � � � 09900 - 6 of 7 � � APA 08.12 Sid Lickton 3.7 EXTERIOR PAINT SCHEDULE A. Sand Float Stucco: I. First Coat: "PorterLock" #6010 Pigmented Sealer 2. Intermediate Coat: "3939 PortersepY' Exterior Satin Acrylic 3. Top Coat: "3939 Portersept" Exterior Satin Acrylic B. Hardie Fiber Cement Trim and Soffits: 1. First Coat: #515 Series Primer 2. Intermediate Coat: "3939 PortersepY' Extenor Satin Acrylic 3. Top Coat: "3939 PortersepY' Exterior Satin Acrylic C. P.T. Wood: Painted: l. First Coat: #515 Series Primer 2. Intermediate Coat: "3939 PortersepY' Exterior Satin Acrylic 3. Top Coat: "3939 Portersept" Exterior Satin Acrylic D. Doors Frames: i. First Coat: "Porter Guard" #215/212 series, DTM Primer 2. Intermediate Coat: "Porter Guard" #2905 series, DTM Gloss Enamel 3. Top Coat: "Porter Guard" #2905 series, DTM Gloss Enamel 3.8 INTERIOR PAINT SCHEDULE A. Interior Masonry Walls: 1_ First Coat: Porter #896 Block Filler 2. Second Coat: Porter #896 Block Filler 3_ Third Coat: Porter #9370 Duraglaze Epoxy 4. Top Coat: Porter #9370 Duraglaze Epoxy B. Interior Gypsum Ceiling and Walls: C. First Coat: #515 Series Primer 1. Intermediate Coat: "3939 Portersept" Exterior Satin Acrylic 2. Top Coat: "3939 PortersepP' Exterior Satin Acrylic D. Concrete Floor Sealer : 1_ First Coat: Cantol 227 Water-based Seal & Finish for Concrete 2. Top Coat: Canto1227 Water-based Seal & Finish for Concrete END OF SECTION 09900 PAINTING 09900 - 7 of 7 i 1 ' � � �J � � � � � � � � � r � � APA 08.12 SECTION 09910 — DECORATIVE QUARTZ FLOORING PARTI-GENERAL Sid Lickton l.l WORK INCLUDED A. Work described in this section includes surface preparation and installation of Silikal reactive resin industrial floor system. 1.2 RELATED WORK - SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Cast-in-place concrete (Section 03300) 1. See Pazagraph 1.8 - Requirements for New Concrete. B. Painting (Section 099�0) 1.3 A. B. C. D. E. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The Silikal 61 CQ is a 4-6mm (3/16"-1/4") thick troweled surfacing composite of Silikal 100% reactive binder resin and Silikal colored quartz aggregate with specified Silikal primer and topcoat. The Silikal coating system shall cure completely and be available to normal operations in no more than 90 minutes at temperatures as low as 0°C. after application of the final coat. The finished Silikal floor coating system shall be uniform in color combinations, texture, and appearance. All edges that terminate at walls, floor discontinuities, and other embedded items shall be sharp, uniform, and cosmetically acceptable with no thick or ragged edges. The Contractor shall work out an acceptable masking technique to ensure the acceptable finish of all edges. See Paragraph 3.04 and/or 3.07 for number and thicknesses of each coadlayer in each system. All resins must be manufactured and tested under an ISO 9001 registered quality system and ISO 14001 ecology management system. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A_ Manufacturer Qualifications: 1. Acceptable manufacturer: Silikal GmbH, Germany. B. Applicator Qualifications: 1. Pre-qualification requirements: Only approved applicators, licensed by Silikal shall be considered for qualification. In no case will Silikal permit the application of any of its materials by untrained, non-approved Contractor or personnel. 2. Each approved applicator shall have been qualified by the Manufacturer as knowledgeable in all phases of surface preparation. 3. Each approved applicator must have three (3) years experience of installing resinous flooring systems and submit a list of five projects/references as a prequalification requirement. At least one of the five projects/ references must be of equal size, quantity, and magnitude to this project as a prequalification requirement. Owner has the oprion to personally inspect the projects/references to accept or reject any of the Contractors prior to bid time as a prequalification requirement. C. Subcontractor Qualifications: 1. The only approved and specified subcontractors for this resurfacing work shall be for shot-blast cleaning of the concrete substrate. D. Acceptance Sample: 1. Representa.tive sample of the specified flooring system shall be submitted to the Owner prior to the bidding phase of the project. All bidders shall inspect the "acceptance sample" before submitting their bids. DECORATIVE QUARTZ FLOORFNG 09910 - 1 of 7 APA 08.12 Sid Lickton 2. The installed flooring system shall be similar to the acceptance sample in thicknesses of respective filmlayers, color, texture, overall appearance and finish. E. Bond Testing: 1. Surface preparation efforts shall be evaluated by conducting Bond Tests at the site prior to application of the flooring system(s). 2. See Paragraph 3.3 - B or consult with Material Manufacturer for specific procedure. F. Pre-Job Meeting 1. Owner requires a Pre-Job Meeting with representatives of Owner, Contractor/Applicator, and Material Manufacttuer in attendance. The agenda shall include a review and clarification of this specification, application procedures, quality control, inspection and acceptance criteria, and producrion schedules. Applicator is not authorized to proceed until this meeting is held or waived by Owner. 1.5 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ACI 308 - Standard Practice for Curing Concrete B. ACI 302.1R-80 - Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction C. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and (Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorizarion) for incidental contact with foodstuffs. 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. Acceptance Sample: As required by owner, one foot square (1 ft. by 1 ft.) sample of the specified acrylic flooring system applied to hardboard or similar backing for rigidity and ease of handling. B. Manufacturer's Literature: Descriptive data and specific recommendations for surface preparation, mixing, and application of materials. C. Manufacturer's Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for each respective product to be used. D. Cleaning and Maintenance. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. All material shall be delivered in original Manufacriuer's sealed containers with all pertinent labels intact and legible. B. Store materials in dry protected area between 25° and 80° Fahrenheit. Keep out of direct sunlight. Protect from open flame; keep aIl containers grounded. C. Follow all Manufacturer's specific label instructions and prudent safety practices for storage and handling. 1.8 PROJECT/SITE CONDITIONS A. Material, air, and surface temperatures shall be in the range of 32° to 85° Fahrenheit during application and cure, unless a special formulation is being used and Manufacturer has been consulted. B. Relative humidity in the specific location of the application shall be less than 85 percent and the surface temperature shall be at least 5 degrees above the dew point. C. Conditions required of new concrete to be coated: 1. Concrete shall be moisture cured for a minimum of 7 days at 70° F. The concrete must be fully cured for a minunum of 28 days prior to application of the coating system pending moisture testing. 2. Surface contaminants such as curing agents, membranes, or other bond breakers should not be used. 3. Concrete shall have a"rubbed" fmish; float or dazby finish the concrete (a hard steel trowel is neither n�essary nor desirable). i 1 � � 1 � � � � � � � � � � � r DECORA.TIVE QUARTZ FLOORING 09910 - 2 of 7 � I_f � ' ' C LJ � � � APA 08.12 D. E. F. Sid Lickton 4. Drains should be set to the concrete grade rather than'raised to the fmished grade of the topping. Concrete shall have a moisture emission rate of no more than S lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. per 24 hour period as determined by proper Calcium Chloride Testing. Concrete R/H must be 85% or less as measured by protimeter. Readings greater than 5 by the Calcium Chloride method or 85% by protuneter, may require a preliminary treatment with Silikal RE40. Foodstuffs are the responsibility of the Owner and shall have been removed from the area of application by the Owner or his representatives. Vapor barriers and/or suitable means shall have been installed beneath grade slabs to prevent vapor transmission. Consult Technical Department. 1.9 WARRANTY A. Silikal warrants that materials shipped to buyers are at the time of shipment subsiantially free from material defects and will perform substantially according to Silikal published literature if used strictly in accordance with Silikal's prescribed procedures and prior to expuation date. B. Silikal's liability with respect to this warranty is strictly limited to the value of the material purchased. C. Silikal has no responsibility for the application and processing of products and is under no circumstances liable to any third party whatsoever. , PART2-PRODUCTS 2.l ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Silikal GmbH, Germany ' � � � ' ' � � � � 2.2 MATERIALS A. Silika161 CQ Decorative Quartz Flooring 1. 1. Moisture Vapor Treahnent (if required) a_ Silikal R.E40 2. Sahuating Primer/SIlikal Coat: a. Silikal R41 with Additive I 3. Patching/Sloping (if reyuired) a. Silikal R17 Polymer Concrete 4. Coving (if required): a. Silikal HK20 with Silikal filler CQ 5. Topping: a. Silikal R61 Quartz, consisting of Silikal R61 resin and Silikal Filler 6. Topcoat(s): a. Silikal R81 Colorless Siiikal Topcoat Resin. 7. Silikal CQ for broadcasting: Color/s to be chosen by owner. 8. Aluminium Oxide (if required) 2.3 PRODUCT INSTALLATION & APPLICATION CRITERIA A. All Silikal Material Systems Excepting Moisture Vapor Treatment: 1. Pot Life at 68° F .................................... 10-15 minutes 2. Cure Time at 68° F ............................... 60 minutes 3. Recoat Time at 68° F ............................ 60-90 minutes 2.4 MIXES A. Follow manufacturer's prescribed procedures and recommendations. DECORATIVE QUARTZ FLOORING 09910 - 3 of 7 APA 08.12 PART 3 - EXECUTION Sid Lickton 3.1 PREWORK INSPECTION A. Examine all surfaces to be coated with Silikal material systems and report to the Contractor and/or Engineer any conditions that will adversely affect the appearance or performance of these coating systems and that cannot be put into acceptable condition by the preparatory work specified in Paragraph 33. B. Do not proceed with application until the surface is acceptable or authorization to proceed is given by the Engineer. 3.2 GENERAL A. Material storage area must be selected and approved by Applicator and the Contractor. B. If existing ventilation is inadequate, Applicator will provide sufficient ventilation to allow complete air exchange every five (5) minutes. C. Applicator will protect adjacent surfaces not to be coated with masking and/or covers. Owner's eyuipment shall be protected from dust, cleaning solutions, and flooring materials. 3.3 /1 3 C. PREPARATION Surface Preparation - General I. Concrete substrate must be clean and dry. Dislodge dirt, mortar spatter, paint overspray, and other dry surface accumulations and contamination by scraping, brushing, sweeping, vacuuming, and/or compressed air blowdown. 3. New concrete: See 1_8 - C for requirements. 4. Surfaces that are heavily contaminated shall be cleaned with the appropriate degreaser, detergent, or other appropriate cleaner/surfactant followed by thoroughly rinsing with fresh water to remove the accumulation prior to mechanical cleaning efforts. Mechanical cleaning will not remove such deposits, but only drive them deeper. 5. Concrete shall have a moisture emission rate of no more than 5 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. per 24 hour period asdetermined by proper Calcium Chloride Testing and no more than 85% R/H as measured by Protimeter Bond Testing 1. The applicator shall evaluafe all surface prepazation by conducting bond tests at strategic locations. 2. Mix six (6) ounces of the primer to be used in the application with 5% by volume Silikal Powder Hardener. Add #10-#12 mesh, dry quartz sand until an easily trowelable mixture is obtained. App1y palmsized patties 1/8" to 1/4" thick. 3. After one (1) hour at (68° F.), patties must be cured tack-free and cooled to ambient temperature of concrete. Remove patties with hammer and chisel and examine frachue/delamination plane. Concrete with fractured aggregate must be attached to the entire underside of the patty. 4. If only laitance or a small amount of concrete is attached or if interface between patty and substrate is tacky, further substrate preparation is required. 5. If further surface preparation is required, bond tests shall be conducted again when this has been completed. 6. If no amount or kind of surface preparation produces satisfactory bond tests, the applicator shall report that to the Owner, Engineer, and Manufacturer. Mechanical Surface Preparation and Cleaning 1. All accessible concrete floor surfaces shall be mechanically blast cleaned using a mobile steel shot, dust recycling machine such as BLASTRt1C�, or approved equivalent. All DECORATIVE QUARTZ FLOORING � ' r l_� � ' � , � � � � � � , 09910-4of7 � u , � APA 08.12 Sid Lickton � surface and embedded accumulations of paint, toppings, hardened concrete layers, laitance, power trowel finishes, and other similar surface characteristics shall be completely removed leaving a baze concrete surface having a profile similar to 40 grit , sandpaper and exposing the upper fascia of concrete aggregate. 2. Floor areas inaccessible to the mobile blast cleaning machines shall be mechanically abraded to the same degree of cleanliness, soundness, and profile using vertical disc scarifiers, starwheel scarifiers, needle guns, scabblers, or other suitably effective � equipment. 3. After blasting, traces or accumulations of spent abrasive, laitance, removed toppings, and other debris shall be removed with brush or vacuum. � 4. Conduct Bond Tests to check adequacy of surface preparation. See Paragraph 3.3 - B (Bond Testing). 5. Application of the respective sp�ified material system(s) must be completed before any water or other contamination of the surface occurs. � � � , � � � ' � � � LJ 3.4 I:! � C. INSTALLATION Application of Silikal 61 CQ flooring system consists of: 1. Applying moisture vapor treatrnent (if required) 2. Applying the primer, 3. Applying coving (if required), 4. Performing patching and sloping with polymer concrete (if required), 5. Re-priming polymer concrete areas 6. Applying the topping, broadcasting the quartz 7. Applying the topcoat(s), a. Time for curing (45 - 60 minutes) shall be allowed between each coat. b. Thiclrnesses are specified below and/or in Paragraph 3.7. Open only the containers of component materials to be use in each specific application as needed. Refer to Manufactu.rer's data sheets for pot-life/temperahue relationship to determine size of batches to mix and mix ratios for each respective coat of the system. Measure, add, and mix the Silikal BP-Powder Hardener into the respective resin components in the proportions recommended by the Material Manufacturer. Pot life is short, so mix only as much material at a time as can be easily and efficientiy applied. 3.5 MOISTURE VAPOR TREATMENT A. Mix moisture vapor treatment products as recommended by manufachuer. B. Pour out all resin onto the concrete surface and spread it with a squeegee. After a short operating time (appr. 10 minutes) the excess must be removed with the squeegee. The remaining resin can be rolied out with a lint free resin proof roller. 1. Resin films as well as the building of puddles have to be avoided! 2. The waiting time between the coats depends on the absorbency of the substrate and is normally between one and three hours. Before applying the second coat if required, the impregnation of the first coat into the substrate should be evident. C. If required, repeat the above process. 1. During application of the treatment take care that there is no film building at the surface. 2. T'he surface texture has to be maintained after every step. 3.6 PRIME COAT A. Mix primer components according to manufactiuers instructions. B. Pour the mixture batches onto the floor surface and use a 9" or 18" wide, 1/2" - 3/4" thick- napped, solvent resistant paint roller to roll out the materiai at a rate of 100 sq_ ft./ gal. to form a DECORATIVE QUARTZ FLOORING 09910-5of7 APA 08.12 � Sid Lickton � uniform, continuous film, ensuring that all crevices, cracks, other surface discontinuities have been saturated and coated. Use a paint brush to reach areas inaccessible to the roller. Work quickly and deliberately; the pot life is short (10 —15 minutes}. Do not leave any "puddles"; roll out any such accumulations. C. Allow the primer coat to cure. D. If any of the concrete has absorbed all of the primer or if the concrete still has a dry look, reprime these areas before applying the next layer. 3.7 COVING (IF REQUIRED) A. Surface Preparation 1. If concrete walls are to be painted prior to installation of cove base, the bottom portion of the walls shall remain uncoated to the height of the cove base to insure a proper bond to the concrete wall. 2. If walls are constructed of a non-compatible material or if a coating exists, a backer board of 1/2" cement board cut to the desired height of the cove base nceds to be installed. The top of the backer board should be cut at a 45° angle to create a"beveled" edge. 3. If a backer board needs to be installed it shall be fastened using a high grade construction adhesive as well as counter sunk screws or concrete masonry anchors. B. System Description 1. Cove base shall be installed according to manufacturer's recommendations and shall be: C. Application area requires prime coat according to 3.04.02 D_ Trowel-On Cove Base consisting of a trowel appiied radius/base mix with a termination strip installed at the top of the base. 1. Cove base will receive a broadcast and top coat consistent with flooring system. 3.8 PATCHING/SLOPING (IF REQUIRED) A. Mix polytner concrete components as recommended by the Material Manufacturer. B. Use mixhue to repair any damaged concrete, or to slope any areas as needed. C. Once cured, material must be re-primed before next layer is applied. 3.9 TOPPING A. Size the batches, and mix according to Manufacturer's instructions. The entire batch should be poured and spread at once, i.e., do not let material set in pail. B. Spread the topping material with a gauge rake set to a depth of 1/8". Lightly trowel to a uniform thiclrness of 1/8" as necessary. C. If necessary, roll with a porcupine roller to release trapped air. D. Broadcast colored quartz into the fresh material before it begins to cure. Broadcast by hand, or use a backpack type blower or sand blast pot to achieve an even broadcast. The quartz must `rain' down and not be thrown into the wet base coat. E. Allow the topping to cure. F. Remove excess quartz by sweeping, "blow-down", and/or vacuuming. 3.10 TOP COAT A. Apply with clean rollers at a rate of 80 - 90 sq. ft./gal. in the same way as the Silikal Primer was applied as described in Paragraph 3.04.02. B. (If Require� Broadcast aluminum oxide, or other suitable material into wet topcoat resin; size and rate as determined by owner. C. Allow topcoat to cure. Floors without aluminum oxide broadcast may be lightly sanded if required. Vacuum all dust, paying particulaz attention to edges and corners. L�' � � � IJ r ' � � i � � DECORATIVE QUARTZ FLOORING 09910 - 6 of 7 � � � � � , ' � �l ' , � r � � � � ' � � APA 08.12 Sid Lickton 3.11 SECOND TOP COAT A. Apply with clean rollers at a rate of 10� - 125 sq_ ft./gal. in the same way as the Silikal Primer was applied as described in Pazagraph 3.6. B. Allow topcoat to cure. 3.12 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL/INSPECTION A. Applicator shall request acceptance of surface preparation from the Engineer before application of the prime/seal coat. B. Applicator shall request acceptance of the prime coat from the Engineer before application of subsequent specified materials. 3.13 A � CLEANING Applicator shall remove any material spatters and other material that is not where it should be. Remove masking and covers taking caze not to contaminate surrounding area. Applicator shall repair any damage that should arise from either the application or clean-up effort. 3.14 COATING SCHEDULE A. Moisture vapor treatment shall be Silikal RE40 application rate shall be approximately 220 sq. ft. per gallon (approx. 7 mils) B. Primer shall be Silikal R41 with Additive I Application rate shall be approx. 100 sq.ft. per gallon (approx. 16 mils). C. Patching/Sloping material shall be R17 D. Coving shall be Silikal HK 20 per manufacturers recommendations. E. Body coat shall be Silikal R61 CQ, applied with a gauge rake set at 1/8" for a rate of 40 sq. ft. per batch. Colored quartz to be broadcast into the uncured topping (optional). Broadcast the quartz at the rate of 0.5 — 0.75 pounds per sq. ft. F. Cleaz topcoat shall be Silikal R81; apply at the rate of 80 - 90 sq. ft. per gallon for the fust coat and 90 — 120 sq. ft. per gallon for the second application. DECORATIVE QUARTZ FLOORING 09910 - 7 of 7 ' ' � , ' � , ' � , � � � r � � ' ' � APA 08. ] 2 Sid Lickton SECTION 10142 — BUILDING ADDRESS NUMBERS PART1-GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1 _ Aluminum individual numbers. 1.2 SUBMIT'I'ALS A. Submittals for Review: 1. Shop Drawings: Indicate character style, layout, dimensions, materials, finishes, and attac}unent. 2. Samples: Typical number in specified size, style, and finish. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.l MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturers: 1. A.R.K. Ramos Mfg. Co., Inc. (www.arkramos.com) 2. Gemini, Inc. (www.signletters.com) 3. National Sign, Inc. (www.natsign.com) B. Substitutions: Permitted. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Aluminum Plate: I. ASTM B209, alloy and temper best suited to application. 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. Anchors: Type best suited to application_ 2.4 FABRICATION A. Fabricate numbers in accordance with approved Shop Drawings. B. Ciit letters from 1/4 inch thick aluminum plate. C. Hand tool to sharp, clean edges. D. Chazacter Style: Helvetica Bold. E. Height: 12 inches. F. Mounting Method: Surface. 2.5 FINISHES A. Polished black anodized. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install letters in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and approved Sh�p Drawings. B. Set plumb, level, rigid, and aligned. END OF SECTION 10142 BUILDING ADDRESS NUMBERS 10142-1ofl , ' �� , ' � � ' , � � , , L , � , ' � APA 08.12 SECTION 10155 - TOILET COMPARTMENTS PART1-GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: I. Solid-polymer toilet compartments configured as detailed on drawings. Sid Lickton 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Shop Drawings: For toilet compartrnents. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work. C. Samples for each exposed product and for each color and texture specified. D. Product certificates. E. Maintenance data. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Surface-Burning Chazacteristics: As determined by testing identical products according to ASTM E 84, or another standard acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, by a qualified testing agency. Identify products with appropriate markings of applicable testing agency. 1. Flame-Spread Index: 25 or less. 2. Smoke-Developed Index: 450 or less. B. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with applicable provisions in the U.S. Architectural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Board's "Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Architectural Barriers Act (ABA} Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities". PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 A. . � SOLID-POLYMER UNITS Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Santana Products, Inc., or comparable product by one of the following: 1. Accurate Partitions Corporation. 2. Ampco, Inc. 3. Bradley Corporation; Mills Partirions. 4. Comtec Industries/Capitol Partitions. 5. General Partitions Mfg. Corp. 6. Global Steel Products Corp. 7. Hadrian Manufacturing Inc. 8. Knickerbocker Partition Corporation. 9. Metpar Corp. l0. , Partition Systems Incorporated of South Carolina. 11. Rockville Partitions Incorporated. 12. Sanymetal; a Crane Plumbing company. 13. Weis-Robart Partitions, Inc. Toilet-Enclosure Style: Overhead braced. Entrance-Screen Style: Overhead braced._ Door, Panel, Screen, and Pilaster Construction: Solid, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) panel material, not less than 1 inch thick, seamless, with eased edges, and with homogenous color and pattern throughout thickness of material. i. Integral Hinges: Configure doors and pilasters to receive integral hinges. TOILET COMPARTMENTS 1O15S-lof3 APA 08.12 u Sid Lickton , 2. Heat-Sink Strip: Manufacturer's standard continuous, extruded-aluminum orstainless- steel strip fastened to exposed bottom edges of solid-polymer components to prevent burning. 3. Polymer Panel Finish: One color and pattem in each room. a. Color and Pattem: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range. E. Pilaster Shoes and Sleeves (Caps): Manufacturer's standard design; stainless steel. F. Brackets (Fittings): l. Full-Height (Continuous) Type: Manufacturer's standard design; stainless steel. 2.2 ACCESSORIES A. Hardware and Accessories: Manufacturer's standard design, heavy-duty operating hardware and accessories. 1. Material: Stainless steel. 2. Hinges: Manufacturer's standard. 3. Latch and Keeper: Manufacturer's standard surface-mounted latch unit designed for emergency access and with combination rubber-faced door strike and keeper. Provide units that comply with regulatory requirements for accessibility at compartments designated as accessible. 4. Coat Hook: Manufacturer's standard combination hook and rubber-tipped bumper, sized to prevent in-swinging door from hitting compartment-mounted accessories. 5. Door Bumper: Manufacturer's standard rubber-tipped bumper at out-swinging doors. 6. Door Pull: Manufacturer's standard unit at out-swinging doors that complies with regulatory requirements for accessibility. Pmvide units on both sides of doors at comparhnents designated as accessible. B. Overhead Bracing: Manufacturer's standazd continuous, extruded-aluminum head rail with antigrip profile and in manufacturer's standard finish. C. Anchorages and Fasteners: Manufachuer's standard exposed fasteners of stainless steel, fuushed to match the items they are securing, with theft-resistant-type heads. Provide sex-type bolts for through-bolt applications. For concealed anchors, use stainless steel, hot-dip galvanized steel, or other rust-resistant, protective-coated steel. 2.3 FABRICATION A. Overhead-Braced Units: Provide manufacturer's standard corrosion-resistant supports, leveling mechanism, and anchors at pilasters to suit floor conditions. Provide shoes at pilasters to conceal supports and leveling mechanism. B. Door Size and Swings: Unless otherwise indicated, provide 24-inch wide, in-swinging doors for standard toilet compartments and 36-inch wide, out-swinging doors with a minnnum 32- inch wide, clear opening for compartments designated as accessible. C. Anchor vertical pilasters into masonry walls with stainless steel screws at 16" o.c. vertically. PART 3 -EXECUTTON 3.1 INSTALLATION A. General: Comply with manufacturer's written installation instructions. Install units rigid, straight, level, and plumb. Secwe units in position with manufacturer's recommended anchoring devices. B. Clearances: Maximum 1/2 inch between pilasters and panels; 1 inch between panels and walls. C. Stirrup Brackets: Secure panels to walls and to pilasters with no fewer than three brackets attached at midpoint and neaz top and bottom of panel. Locate wall brackets so holes for wall anchors occur in masonry or tile joints. Align brackets at pilasters with brackets at walls. � ' ' � r r u � � r � ' � � TOILBT COMPARTMENTS 10155 - 2 of 3 ' u ' , � , ' � � ' r � � � � � � � � � ' APA 08.12 Sid Lickton 3.2 ADJUSTING A. Hardware Adjustment: Adjust and lubricate hardware according to hardware manufacturer's written instructions for proper operation. Set hinges on in-swinging doors to hoid doors open approacimately 30 degrees from closed position when unlatched. END OF SECTION 10155 TOILET COMPARTMENTS 10155-3of3 , �_J ' ' � ' ' ' , , � � ' ' G ' , � ' APA 08.12 SECTION 10431 - INTERIOR PANEL SIGNS PART l - GENERAL Sid Lickton 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Plastic interior panel signs. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 01: Administrative, procedural, and temporary work requirements. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals for Review: 1. Shop Drawings: Include sign locations, sizes, mounting heights, and content. 2. Samples: a. 3 x 3 inch sign samples showing available colors. b. After color selection, submit Typical sign illustrating pictograms, characters, and Braille indications. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to applicable accessibility code for sign design, construction, location, and mounting height. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturers: 1. APCO Graphics, Inc. (www.apcosigns.com) 2. Best Sign Systems, Inc. (www_bestsigns.com) 3. Seton Identification Products. (www.seton.com) 2.2 MATERIALS A. Signs: 1. Type: Melamine plastic laminate with contrasting color core, non static, fire retardant, self extinguishing, matte finish. 2. Thicla�ess: 1/8 inch. 3. Face and core colors: To be selected from manufacturer's full color range. 2.3 ACCESSORIES 1. Fasteners: Stainless steel screws. 2.4 A. B. C. D. FABRICATION Fabricate signs by reverse engraving process to produce characters and graphics in contrasting color, raised 1/32 inch. Characters: 1. Height: 5/8 inch. 2. Style: Sans serif style in upper case. 3. Width to height rario: Between 3:5 and 1:1. Pictograms: Universal accessibility symbols, 6(six) inches high. Provide Braille indications for each chazacter. INTERIOR PANEL SIGNS 10431-1of2 APA 08.12 Sid Lickton E. Corners: 1/2 inch radius. F. Edges: Beveled. G. Border: 3/8 inch wide. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Clean surfaces of loose and foreign matter. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and approved Shop Drawings. B. Locate signs on wall adjacent to scheduled doors on knob side of door at 48" o.c. off finished floor unless noted otherwise. C. Women and Men HC signs to be located 3'-6" from edge of double door on exterior wall. 3.3 SCHEDULE LOCATION SIGN CONTENT SI7.E 101 Concession 4 x 8 inches 001 CONCESSIONS 102 Pantry 4 x 6 inches 002 PANTRY 103 Elevator 4 x 8 inches 003 2ND FLOOR ENTRANCE 106 Electrical 4 x 8 inches 004 ELECTRICAL 107 and 107A Storage 4 x 6 inches 005 STORAGE and OOSA STORAGE 108 Umpires 4 x 6 inches 006 UMPIRES 109 Stairwell 4 x 8 inches 007 FIRE EXIT — NO ENTRY 110 Vestibule 6 x 8 inches 008 WOMEN HC RESTROOM with female pictogram mounted on exterior wall-verify location with azehitect/owner 110 Vestibule 6 x 8 inches 009 MEN HC RESTROOM with male pictogram mounted on exterior wall-verify location with architecdowner Ol 1 Women's Restroom 6 x 8 inches 08 WOMEN HC RESTROOM with female pictogram Verify location with architect/owner 012 Men's Restroom 6 x 8 inches 009 MEN HC RESTROOM with male pictogram Werify location with architect/owner 013 Office registration 4 x 8 inches 010 OFFICE REGISTRATION 201 Meeting Room 4 x 8 inches 201 MEETING ROOM verify location with architect/owner 202 A/C 4 x 6 inches 202 A/C CLOSET 203 Elevator Equipment 4 x 8 inches 203 ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT NOTE: Sign size may vary by content. Submit shop drawing with size of sign to match content. END OF SECTION INTERIOR PANEL SIGNS 10431 - 2 of 2 , , , ' ' � ' , , ' ' � ' � ' ' , ' , APA O8.12 SECTION 10522 — FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND CABINETS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Portable fire extinguishers. 2. Cabinets. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 01: Administrative, procedural, and temporary work requirements. 1.2 REFERENCES A. ASTM International (ASTM) E814 - Standard Test Method for Fire Tests of Through- Penetration Firestops. B_ National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 14 - Portable Fire Extinguishers. C. Underwriters Laboratories (UL): 1. 1 S4 - Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers. 2. 299 - Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers. 3. 626 - 2-1/2 Gallon Stored Pressure, Water Type Fire Extinguishers. 4. 711 - Rating and Fire Testing of Fire Extinguishers. 5. 1093 - Halogenated Agent Fire Extinguishers. 1.3 A !� Sid Lickton SUBMITTALS Submittals for Review: 1. Shop Drawings: Indicate cabinet locations and mounting heights. 2. Product Data: Include data on extinguishers and cabinets, cabinet dimensions, operational features, materials, finishes, and anchorage. Closeout Submittals: 1. Maintenance Data: Include test, refill, or recharge schedules and re-certification requirements. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide fire extinguishers complying with UL 711 and NFPA 10. B. Conform to applicable accessibility code for locating extinguishers. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturers: 1. Ansui Incorporated. (www.ansul.com) 2. JL Industries. (www.jlindustries.com) 3. Larsen's Mfg. Ca. (www.larsensmfg.com) 4. Potter Roemer. (www.potterroemer.com) B. Substitutions: Not pernvtted. 2Z COMPONENTS A. Extinguishers: 1. Multi-purpose dry chemical type, UL 299, stainless steel tank, Class 4A:80B:C, 10 pound nominal capacity as located on sheets A-2.1 and A-2.2. B. Extinguishers: FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND CABINETS 10522 — 1 of 2 A.PA 08.12 ' Sid Lickton ' I. Wet chemical type, stainless steel tank, Class 2A:K, 6 L nominal capacity in Concessions 101. C. Cabinets: 1. Formed stainless or steel sheet, 18 gage minimum. 2. Configuration: Semi-recessed, sized to accommodate extinguishers. 3. Trim: Returned to wall surface. 4. Door: a. Vertical glass style, equipped with recessed pull handle and latch. b. Hinge doors for 180 degree opening with continuous piano hinge. c. Glazing: Clear acrylic. d. Graphics: Letter FIRE EXTINGUISHER vertically on door in red die-cut vinyl pressure sensitive letters. 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. Mounting Hardware: Type best suited to application. 2.4 FINISNES � A. Cabinet: No. 4 satin. B. Extinguishers: No. 8 polished or baked enamel, red color. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install cabinets in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Set plumb, level, and rigid. C. Place an extinguisher in each cabinet. END OF SECTION 10522 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND CABINETS 10522 — 2 of 2 ' � , ' � ' , � � �� ' , , , ' ' l 1 I� ' , ' � ' APA 08.12 SECTION 10801 - TOILET ACCESSORIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Toilet accessories. 2. Framed mirrors. 3. Mop Hanger B. Related Sections: 1. Division 01: Administrative, procedural, and temporary work requirements. Sid Lickton 1.2 REFERENCES A. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. A123/A123M - Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products. 2. A269 - Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service. 3. A666 - Standard Specification for Annealed or Cold-Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Flat Bar. 4. A1008/A1008M - Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet, Cold-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy and High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability_ 5. B456 - Standazd Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Copper Plus Nickel Plus Chromium and Nickel Plus Chromium. 6. C1036 - Standazd Specification for Flat Glass. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals for Review: 1. Product Data: a. Schedule accessories by room; show plans and elevations, and identify room name and number, type and quantity of accessories, and mounting heights. 2. Include manufacturer's brochures showing sizes, details of function, finishes, and attachment methods. 3. Warranty: Sample warranty form. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to applicable accessibility code for locating accessories. 1.5 WARRANTTES A. Furnish manufacturer's 10 year wamanty providing coverage against mirror silver spoilage. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturers: 1. A and J Washroom Accessories. (www.ajwashroom.com) 2. American Specialties, Inc. (www.americanspecialties.com) 3. Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc. (www.bobrick.com) TOILET ACCESSORIES 108Q1-1of3 APA 08_12 4. Bradley Corp. (www.bradleycorp.com) 5. GAMCO. (www.gamcousa.com) B. Substitutions: Not permitted. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Stainless Steel: 1. Sheet: ASTM A666, Type 304, rollable temper. 2. Tubing: ASTM A269. B. Galvanized Steel: 1. ASTM A1008/A1008M. C. Mirror Glass: ASTM C1036, Type I, Class 1, Quality ql, 1/4 inch thick. Sid Lickton 2.3 HAND DRYERS A. Manufacturer: Excel Dryer, Inc., Xlerator Hand Dryer, Model XL-SB surface-mounted, automatic, brushed stainless steel cover. No substitution allowed. 2.4 BABY CHANGING STATION A. Manufacturer: Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc., KoalaKare Products Model KB 200-00 Cream. No substitution allowed. 2.5 UNDERLAVATORY GUARDS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requuements, provide products by one of the following: l. Plumberex Specialty Products, Inc. 2. Truebro by IPS Corporation. B. Underlavatory Guazd: 1. Description: Insulating pipe covering for supply and drain piping assemblies that prevent direct contact with and burns from piping; allow service access without removing covenngs. Material and Finish: Antimicrobial, molded plastic, white. 2.6 ACCESSORIES A. Fasteners: Stainless steel where exposed, hot dip galvanized where concealed; type best suited to substrate conditions. 2.7 FABRICATION A. Use stainless steel for exposed surfaces; galvanized steel may be used in concealed locations. B. Form exposed surfaces from single sheet of stock, free from joints, and flat, without distortion. C. Weld joints of fabricated components and grind smooth. D. Fabricate grab bazs of tubing, free of visible joints, return to wall with end attachment flanges. Peen grip surfaces. E. Fabricate soap dispensers to operate with less than 5 pound force. F. Provide hangers, adapters, anchor plates, and accessories required for installation. G. Key locks alike; fumish six keys. H. Mirrors: I. Frame: One piece, roll-formed stainless steel channel, 1/2 inch x l/2 inch, with welded comers. 2. Mirror: Apply one coat of silver, one coat of electroplated copper, and one coat of organic mirror backing compound to back surface of glass. 3. Backing: Galvanized steel sheet. 4. Isolate glass from frame and backing with resilient, waterproof padding. TOILET ACCESSORIES 10801 - 2 of 3 ' u ,r'� i � � ' ' �I , ' � � , �_1 � I� � ' ' u ' , ' �'' � � � 1 [� ' � APA 08.12 I. J_ 2.8 A. B. C. D. E. Sid Lickton Shop assemble units and package complete with anchors and fittings. Keys: Provide universal keys for internal access to accessories for servicing and resupplying. Provide minimum of six keys to Owner's representative. FINISHES Stainless Steel: No. 8 polished. Galvanizing: ASTM A123/A123M to 1.25 ounces per square foot_ Chrome Plating: ASTM B456, Type SC 2, polished. Polyethylene: White. Enamel: White. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install accessories according to manufacturers' written instructions, using fasteners appropriate to substrate indicated and recommended by unit manufacturer. Install units levet, plumb, and firmly anchored in locations and at heights indicated. B. Grab Bars: Install to withstand a downward load of at least 2501bf, when tested according to ASTM F 446. C. Install wiring between power supply and accessories. 3.2 SCHEDULE `'�''y`ER DESCRIPTION ' a Hand Dryer b Soap Dispenser by owner installed by GC ' c Toilet Paper Dispenser by owner installed by GC d Feminine Tampon/Napkin Disposal ' e 36" Grab Bars f 42" Grab Bars g Baby Changing Station , h Mirrors i 1/4" Glass Mirror with Fiberglass Backing ' , ' ' ' � END OF SECTION 10801 TOILET ACCESSORIES MANUFACTURER MODEL NO. Xlerator Hand Dryer XL-SB American Specialties, Inc. 20852 American Specialties, Inc. 3800 American Specialties, Inc. 3800 KoalaKareProduces gg 200_00 American Specialties, Inc. 0620 ] 0801 - 3 of 3 � ' � � � i � � � � , � � � � , � � ' APA 08.12 SECTION 14210 - ELECTRIC TRACTION ELEVATORS PART1-GENERAL 1.1 A. B. C. Q E. Sid Lickton SUMMARY Section Includes: Electric Traction Elevators. Products Supplied But Not Installed Under this Section: 1. Hoist Beam 2. Pit Ladder 3. Inserts mounted in block walls for rail attachments Work Supplied Under Other Sections: 1. Temporary lighting, including temporary lighting in hoistway for machine space with switch located in hoistway on the strike jamb side of top landing door. 2. Hoistway ventilation shall be in accordance with local and national building code requirements. 3. Guide Rail Support shall be structurally adequate to extend from pit floor to top of hoistway, with spans in accordance with requirements of authority having jurisdiction and final layouts. 4. Removable barricades at all hoistway openings, in compliance with OSHA 29 CFR 1926.502 in addition to any local code requirements. 5. Lifeline attachments capable of withstanding SOOO lb load in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1926.502. Provide a minimum of 2 at the top, front of each hoistway. 6. Pit lighting: Fixture with switch and guards. Provide illumination level equal to or greater than that required by ASME A17.1/CSA B44 2000, or applicable version. 7. Control space lighting with switch. Coordinate switch with lighting for machine space as allowable by code. 8. Access Doors: As required for access to govemor. Access door shall be self-closing, self- locking if necessary and operable from the inside without a key. Related sections: 1. Section 015000 - Temporary Facilities and Controls 2. Section 033000 - Cast-in-Place Concrete: 3. Section 042000 - Unit Masonry 4. Section 055000 - Metal Fabrications 5. Section 071600 - Cementitious Waterproofing 6. 230000 - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning 7. Section 260000 - Electrical 8. Section 263000 - Electric Power Generating and Storing Equipment 9. Section 273000 - Voice Communications 10. Section 283100 - Fire Detection and Alarm 11. Section 310000 - Earthwork Industry and government standards: 1. ICC/ANSI A117.1 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities 2. ADAAG - Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities 3. ANSI/NFPA 70, National Electrical Code 4_ ANSI/NFPA 80, Standard for Fue Doors and Fire Windows 5. ASME/ANSI A17.1, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF ELEVATOR A. Elevator Equipment: KONE EcoSpaceTM gearless traction elevator B. Equipment Control: KCM831 C. Drive: Non-Regenerative ELECTRIC TRACTION ELEVATOR 14210-1of8 APA 08.12 D. E. F. G. H. I. 3. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q- R. S. T. Quantity of Elevators: i Landings: 2 Openings: 2 Front Openings, 0 Back Openings Travel: 12'-10" Rated Capacity: 2000 lbs (907 kg) Rated Speed: 150 fpm Clear Inside Dimensions (W x D): S'-8" x 4'-3" Cab Height: 8' Clear height under suspended ceiling: 7'-7" Entrance Width & Type: 3' & Right Opening Entrance Height: 7' Main Power Supply: 208 Volts + 5%, three-phase Operation: Simplex Machine Location: Inside the hoistway mounted on car guide rail Control Space Location: Remote Closet Elevator Equipment shall conform to the requirements of seismic zone: Non-Seismic Maintenance Service Period: 12 Months � Sid Lickton � 1.3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Car Performance 1. Car Speed t 5% of contract speed under any loading condition or direction of travel. 2. Car Capacity: Safely lower, stop and hold (per code) up to 125% of rated load. B. System Performance I. Vertical Vibration (maximum): 25 mg 2. Horizontal Vibration (maximum): 25 mg 3. Jerk Rate (maximum): 1.3 ftlsec3 4. Acceleration (maximum) 13 ft/sec2 5. In Car Noise: = 55 dB(A) 6. Leveling Accuracy: t0.2 inches '7. Starts per hour (maacimum): 120 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product literature for each proposed system. 1. Cab design, dimensions and layout. 2. Layout, finishes, and accessories and available options. 3. Controls, signals and operating system. 4. Color selection charts for cab and entrances. B. Shop Drawings: l. Clearances and travel of car. 2. Clear inside hoistway and pit dimensions. 3. Location and layout of equipment and signals_ 4. Caz, guide rails, buffers and other components in hoistway. 5. Maximum rail bracket spacing. 6. Maximum loads imposed on building structure. 7. Hoist beam requirements. 8. Location and sizes of access doors. 9. Location and details of hoistway door and frames. 10. Electrical characteristics and connection requirements_ C. Operation and maintenance data: 1. Provide manufacturer's standard maintenance and operation manual. ELECTRIC TRACTION ELEVATOR � � � � � Id i � � � � 14210-2 of8 � ' � � � � � � � � � u � � � � � � � �� APA 08.12 Sid Lickton D. Diagnostic Tools I. Prior to seeking fmal acceptance for the completed project as specified by the Contract Documents, the Elevator Contractor shall deliver to the Owner any specialized tool(s) that may be required to perform diagnostic evaluations, adjustments, and/or parametric software changes and/or test and inspections on any piece of control or monitoring equipment installed. This shall include any specialized tool(s) required for monitoring, inspection and/or maintenance where the means of suspension other than conventional wire ropes are furnished and installed by the Elevator Contractor. Any and all such tool(s) shall become property of the Owner. Any diagnostic tool provided to the Owner � by the Elevator Contractor shall be configured to perform all levels of diagnostics, systems adjustment and parametric software changes which are available to the Elevator Contractor. In those cases where diagnostic tools provided to the Owner require periodic recalibration/or re-initiation, the Elevator Contractor shall perform such tasks at no additional cost to the Owner for a period equal to the term of the maintenance agreement from the date of final acceptance of the competed project During those intervals in which the Owner might fmd it necessary to surrender a diagnostic tool for re-calibration, re- initiation, or repair, the Elevator Contractor shall provide a temporary replacement for the tool at no additional cost to the Owner. The Elevator Contractor shall deliver to the Owner, printed instructions for the proper use of any tool that may be necessary to perform diagnostic evaluations, system adjustment, and/or parametric software changes on any unit of microprocessor-based elevator control equipment and means of suspension other than standard elevator steel cables fumished and install by the Elevator Contractor. Accompanying the printed instructions shall be any and all access codes, password, or other proprietary information that is necessary to interface with the microprocessor- con�ol equipment. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer: Minimum of fifteen years experience in the fabrication, installation and service of elevators of the type and performance of the specified. The manufachuer shall have a documented quality assurance program. B. Installer: T'he equipment manufacturer shall install the elevator. C. Inspection and Testing: In accordance with requirements of local jurisdiction, obtain required permits, inspections and tests. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. If the construction site is not prepared to receive the elevator equipment at the agreed ship date, the General Contractor shall be responsible to provide a safe, dry, and easily accessible storage area on or off the premises. Additional labor costs for double handling will be the responsibility of the general contractor. B. Delivered elevator materials shall be stored in a protected environment in accordance with manufachuer recommendations. A minimum storage azea of 10 feet by 20 feet is required adjacent to the hoistway. 1.7 WARRANTY A. Provide manufacturer warranty for a period of one year. The warranty period is to begin upon Substantial Completion of the Contract. Warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship_ Damage due to ordinary use, vandalism, improper or insufficient maintenance, misuse, or neglect do not constitute defective material or workmanship. ELECTRIC TRACTION ELEVATOR 14210-3 of8 APA 08.12 � Sid Lickton � 1.8 MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. The elevator manufacturer sha11 provide maintenance service consisting of regular examinations and adjustments of the elevator equipment for a period of 12 Months after date of substantial completion. Replacement parts shall be produced by the original equipment manufacturer. B. Maintenance service be performed during regular working hours of regular working days and shall include regular time call back service. C. Maintenance service shall not include adjustments, repairs or replacement of parts due to negligence, misuse, abuse or accidents. PART 2 -PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURER A. Provide AC geazless machine room-less elevator systems subject to compliance with the design and performance requirements of this specification. Elevator manufacturers may include but are not limited to one of the following: 1. Basis of Design: EcoSpace"''M traction elevators by KONE, Inc. (www.kone.com). 2. Other acceptable machine room-Iess products: manufacturer with minimum 15 years experience in manufacturing, installing, and servicing elevators of the type required for the project. 2.2 EQUIPMENT: CONTROL COMPONENTS AND CONTROL SPACE A. Controller: Provide microcomputer based control system to perform all of the functions. 1. All high voltage (I lOV or above} contact points inside the controller cabinet shall be protected from accidental contact in a situation where the controlIer doors aze open. 2. Controller shall be separated into two distinct halves; Motor Drive side and Control side. High voltage motor power conductors shall be routed and physically segregated from the rest of the controller. 3. Provide a serial cardrack and main CPU board containing a non-erasable EPROM and operating system firmware. 4. Variable field parameters and adjustments shall be contained in a non-volatile memory module. B. Drive: Provide Variable Voltage Variable Frequency AC drive system to develop high starting torque with low starting current. C. Controller Location: Within 100'-0" (30.48m) Controller(s) shall be located in a remote cabinet or room within 140"-0" (42.6 m) wire feet of the elevator machine. 2.3 EQUIPMENT: HOISTWAY COMPONENTS A. Machine: AC gearless machine, with permanent magnet synchronous motor, direct current electro-mechanical disc brakes and integral traction drive sheave, mounted to the car guide rail at the top of the hoistway. B. Governor: Friction type over-speed governor rated for the duty of the elevator specified. C. Buffers, Car and Counterweight: Polyurethane buffer. D. Hoistway Operating Devices: 1. Emergency stop switch in the pit 2. Terminal stopping switches. 3. Emergency stop switch on the machine E. Positioning System: System consisting of magnets and proximity switches. F. Guide Rails and Attachments: Steel rails with brackets and fasteners. � � �� � � � � � � � � ELECTRIC TRACTTON ELEVATOR 14210 — 4 of 8 � � � ' ' � � LJ � � � � � � � � � � � ' APA 08.12 2.4 EQUIPMENT: HOISTWAY ENTRANCES Sid Lickton A. Hoistway Entrances l. Sills: extruded. 2. Doors: Hollow metal construction with vertical internal channel reinforcements. 3. Fire Rating: Entrance and doors shall be UL fire-rated for I-1/2 hour. 4. Entrance Finish: Brushed Stainless Steel. 5. Entrance Markings Jamb Plates: Provide standazd entrance jamb tactile markings on both jambs, at all floors. Plate Mounting: Refer to manufacturer drawings. 2.5 EQUIPMENT: CAR COMPONENTS A_ Car Frame: Provide car frame with adequate bracing to support the platform and car enclosure. B. Platform: Platform shall be per manufacturers standard. C. Car Guides: Provide guide-shoes mounted to top and bottom of both car and counterweight frame. Each guide-shoe assembly shall be arranged to maintain constant contact on the rail surfaces. Provide retainers in areas with Seismic design requirements. D. Load weighing device shall be strain gauge type mounted to dead-end hitch attached atop the hoistway guide-rail. E. Steel Cab 1. Panels: Non-removable vertical panels, plastic laminate selected from standard manufacturer's catalog of choices. 2. Car Front Finish: Brushed stainless steel. 3. Car poor Finish: Brushed stainless steel. 4. Ceiling: a. Standard Translucent Panels - LF-1: Polygai Translucent three panel suspended ceiling with T-5 Fluorescent lighting and Brushed Aluminum frame. 5. Handrail: a. Custom Round - satin stainless steel - 2 in.. Rails to be located on Back Wall of car enclosure. 6. Flooring: By others. (Not to exceed 2sqft & 1/2" fmished depth_) 7. Threshold: Aluminum 8. Protective pad hooks and quilted fire retardant protective pads: Pad to be hung from suspended ceiling F_ Emergency Car Si�als 1. Emergency Siren: Siren mounted on top of cab that is activated when the alarm button in the car operating panel is engaged. Siren shall have rated sound pressure level of 80 dB(A} at a distance of three feet from device. Siren shall respond with a delay of not more than one second after activation of alarm button. 2. Emergency Car Lighting: Provide emergency power unit employing a 12-volt sealed rechargeable battery and totally static circuits shall illuminate the elevator car and provide current to the alarm bell in the event of building power failure. 3. Emergency Exit Contact: An electrical contact shall be provided on the caz-top exit. G. Ventilation: Fan. 2.6 EQUIPMENT: SIGNAL DEVICES AND FIXTURES A. Car Operating Panel: Provide vandal resistant car operating panel with all push buttons, key switches, and message indicators for elevator operation. Fixture finish to be: Scottish Quad Texhued Stainless Steel. 1. Flush mounted caz operating panel shall contain a bank of round, mechanical, illuminated buttons mazked to correspond to landings served, emergency call button, door open button, door close button, and key switches for lights, inspection, and exhaust fan. Buttons have amber illumination and shall be flat flush targets. All buttons to have raised ELECTRIC TRACTION ELEVATOR 14210-5 of8 APA 08.12 E•� � � Sid Lickton , text and Braille marking on left hand side. The car operating display panel shall be amber DOT-matrix. All texts, when illuminated, shall be amber. The car operating panel shall have a Scottish Quad Textured Stainless Steel finish. Z. Additional features of car operating panel shall include: a. Car Position Indicator within operating panel (amber). b. Elevator Data Plate marked with elevator capacity and car number on car top. c. Help buttons with raised markings. d. In car stop switch per local code. e. Firefighter's hat. f. Firefighter's Phase II Key-switch. g. Call Cancel Button. h. Pre-programmed integrated ADA phone (complete description of lams features included as standard) i. Help Button/Communicator_ Activation of help button will initiate two-way communication between car and a location inside the building, switching over to alternate location if call is unanswered, where personnel aze available to take the appropriate action. Visual indicators are provided for call initiation and call acknowledgement. j. Firefighter's Phase II emergency in-car operating instructions. Hall Fixtures: Wall mounted vandal resistant hall fixtures shall be provided with necessary push buttons and key switches for elevator operation. The hall fixture faceplate shall have a Scottish Quad Textured Stainless Steel finish. 1. Hall fixtures shall feature round, mechanical, illuminated buttons in flush fixture housings. Hall fixtures shall correspond to options available from that landing. Hall Lanterns and Chime: A vandal resistant duectional lantem visible from the corridor shall be provided at each hall entrance. When the car stops and the doors are opening, the lantem shall indicate the direction in which the car is to travel and a chime will sound. The chime will sound once for up and twice for down. The hall lantern shall have a Scottish Quad Textured Stainless Steel finish. 2.7 EQUIPMENT: ELEVATOR OPERATION AND CONTROLLER A. Elevator Operation 1. Simplex Collective Operation: Using a microprocessor-based controller, operation shall be automatic by means of the caz and hall buttons. If all calls in the system have been answered, the car shall park at the last landing served. 2. Zoned Car Parking. 3. Relative System Response Dispatching. B. Standard Operating Features to include: 1. Full Collective Operation 2. Fan and Light Control. 3. Load Weighing Bypass. 4. Ascending Caz Uncontrolled Movement Protection 5. Top of Car Inspection Station. C. Additional Operating Features to include: 1. Independent Service. 2. Hoistway Access Bottom Landing 3. Hoistway Access Top Landing 4. Emergency Battery Power Supply When the main line power is lost for longer than 5 seconds the emergency battery power supply provides power automatically to the elevator controller. The elevator will rise or ELECTRIC TRACTION ELEVATOR � � � , [� � � � 14210-6of8 � � � � � � 1 � ,� � � � � � � � � APA 08.12 Sid Lickton lower to the first available landing, open the doors, and shut down. The elevator will retum to service upon the return of normal main line power. An auxiliary contact on the main line disconnect and shunt trip breaker ( if used } will be provided by others. D. Elevator Control System for Inspections and Emergency 1. Provide devices within controller to run the elevator in inspection operation. 2. Provide devices on car top to run the elevator in inspection operation. 3. Provide within controller an emergency stop switch to diseonnect power from the brake and prevents motor from running. 4. Provide the means from the controller to mechanically lift and control the elevator brake to safely bring car to nearest available landing when power is interrupted. 5. Provide the means from the controller to reset the governor over speed switch and also trip the governor. 6. Provide the means from the controller to reset the emergency brake when set because of an unintended car movement or ascending car over speed. 7. Provide the means for the control to reset elevator earthquake operation. 2.8 n � C. � E. EQUIPMENT: DOOR OPERATOR AND CONTROL Door Operator: A closed ]oop permanent magnet VWF high-performance door operator shall be provided to open and close the car and hoistway doors simultaneously. Door movement shall be cushioned at both limits of travel. Electro-mechanical interlock shall be provided at each hoistway entrance to prevent operation of the elevator unless all doors are closed and locked. An electric contact shall be pmvided on the car at each car entrance to prevent the operation of the elevator unless the car door is closed. The door operator shall be arranged so that, in case of interruption or failure of electric power, the doors can be readily opened by hand from within the car, in accordance with applicable code. Emergency devices and keys for opening doors from the landing shall be provided as requued by local code. Doors shall open automatically when the car has arrived at or is leveling at the respective landings. Doors shall close after a predetermined time interval or immediately upon pressing of a car button. A door open button shall be provided in the car. Momentary pressing of this button shall reopen the doors and reset the time interval. Door hangers and tracks shall be provided for each car and hoistway door. Tracks shall be contoured to match the hanger sheaves. The hangers shall be designed for power operation with provisions for vertical and lateral adjustment. Hanger sheaves shall have polyurethane tires and pre-lubricated sealed-for-life bearings. Electronic Door Safety Device. T'he elevator caz shall be equipped with an electronic protective device extending the full height of the car. When activated, this sensor shall prevent the doors from closing or cause them to stop and reopen if they aze in the process of closing. The doors shall remain open as long as the flow of traffic continues and shall close shortly afier the last person passes through the door opening. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Field measure and examine substrates, supports, and other conditions under which elevator work is to be performed. B. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory eonditions are corrected. C. Prior to start of Work, verify hoistway is in accordance with shop drawings. Dimensional tolerance of hoistway from shop drawings: -0 inches +2 inches. Do not begin work of this section unril dimensions are within tolerances. ELECTRIC TRACTION ELEVATOR 14210-7 of8 APA 08.12 D. E. F. G. H. 3.2 A. � Sid Lickton � Prior to start of Work, verify projections greater then 2 inches (4 inches if ASME A17.1/CSA B44 2000 applies) must be beveled not less then 75 degrees from horizontal. Prior to start of Work, verify landings have been prepared for entrance sill installation. Traditional sill angle or concrete sill support shall not be required. Prior to start of Work, verify elevator pit has been constructed in accordance with requuements, is dry and reinforced to sustain vertical forces, as indicated in approved submittal. Verify that sumps or sump pumps located within pit will not interfere with installed elevator equipment. Prior to start of Work, verify control space has been constructed in accordance with requirements, with access coordinated with elevator shop drawings, including Sleeves and penetrations. Verify installation of GFCI protected 20-amp in pit and adjacent to each signal control cabinet in control space. PREPARATION Coordinate installation of anchors, bearing plates, brackets and other related accessories. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Install equipment, guides, controls, car and accessories in accordance with manufacturer installation methods and recommended practices. B. Properly locate guide rails and related supports at locations in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and approved shop drawings. Anchor to building structure using isolation system to minimize transmission of vibration to structtue. C. All hoistway frames shall be secwely fastened to fixing angles mounted in the hoistway. Coordinate installation of sills and frames with other trades. D. Lubricate operating system components in accordance with manufacturer recommendations. E. Perform final adjustments, and necessary service prior to substantial completion. 3.4 CONSTRUCTION A. Interface with Other Work: 1. Guide rail brackets attached to steel shall be installed prior to application of fireproofing. 2. Coordinate construction of entrance walls with installation of door frames and sills. Maintain front wall opening until elevator equipment has been installed. a. Enswe adequate support for entrance attachment points at all landings. b. Coordinate wall openings for hall push buttons, signal fixtures and sleeves. Each elevator requires sleeves within the hoistway wall. c. Coordinate emergency power transfer switch and power change pending signals as required for termination at the primary elevator signal control cabinet in each group. d. Coordinate interface of elevators and fue alarm system. e_ Coordinate interface of dedicated telephone line. 3.5 TESTING AND INSPECTIONS A. Perform recommended and required testing in accordance with authority having jurisdiction. B. Obtain reyuired permits and provide originals to Owner's Representative. 3.6 DEMONSTRATION A. Prior to substantial completion, instruct Owner's Representative on the proper function and required daily maintenance of elevators. Instruct personnel on emergency procedures. END OF SECTION 14210 ELECTRIC TRACTION ELEVATOR � � � � � � � � 14210-8of8 � � � � r � r � � � � � i � �� � � � � � � Griner 07.12 SECTION 15060 - Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment Sid Lickton PART 1 GENERAL 1 _ 1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Pipe hangers and supports. 2. Hanger rods. • 3. Flashing. 4. Equipment bases and supports. 1.2 REFERENCES A. American Society of Mechanical Engineers: i. ASME B31.1 - Power Piping. 2. ASME B31.9 - Building Services Piping. B. ASTM International: 1. ASTM E84 - Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. 2. ASTM E] ] 9- Method for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials. 3. ASTM E814 - Test Method of Fire Tests of Through Penetration Firestops. 4. ASTM F708 - Standard Practice for Design and InstalIation of Rigid Pipe Hangers. 5. AS'TM E1966 - Standard Test Method for Fire-Resistive Joint Systems. C. American Welding Sociery: 1. AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel. 1.3 D. Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry: 1. MSS SP 58 - Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design and Manufacturer. 2. MSS SP 69 - Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Application. 3. MSS SP 89 - Pipe Hangers and Supports - Fabrication and Installation Practices. E. Underwriters Laboratories Inc.: I. UL 263 - Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials. 2. LIL 723 - Tests for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. 3. UL 1479 - Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Firestops. 4. LJL 2079 - Tes[s for Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems. 5. UL - Fire Resistance Directory. SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Indicate system layout with location including critical dimensions, sizes, and pipe hanger and support locations and detail of trapeze hangers. B. Product Data: Hangers and Supports far Plumbing Piping and Equipment 15060 - 1 of 5 Griner 07.12 Sid Lickton 1. Hangers and Supports: Submit manufacturers catalog data including load capacity. 2. Firestopping: Submit data on product chazacteristics, performance and limitation criteria. C. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: l. Hangers and Supports: Submit special procedwes and assembly of components. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with applicable authority AWS D1.1 for welding hanger and support attachments to building structure. 1.5 QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing Products specified in this section with minimum three years experience. B. Installer: Company specializing in performing Work of this section with minimum years documented experience. 1.6 PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Convene minim�m one week prior to commencing work of this section. 1. ] 0 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING • A. Accept materials on site in original factory packaging, labeled with manufacturer's identification. B. Protect from weather and construction traffic, dirt, water, chemical, and damage, by storing in original packaging. l .I 1 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS C. Provide ventilation in areas to receive solvent cured materials. 1.12 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify field measurements prior to fabrication. 1.13 WARRANTY B. Furnish one year manufacturer warranty for pipe hangers and supports. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Manufacturers: I . Carpenter & Paterson Inc. Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment � 15060 - 2 of 5 � � � � � � � � � � u � � � r r � Griner 07.12 2. Creative Systems Inc. 3. Flex-Weld, Inc. 4. Glope Pipe Hanger Products Inc. 5. Michigan Hanger Co. 6. Superior Valve Co. Sid Lickton B. Plumbing Piping - DWV: 1. Conform to ASME B31.9 ASTM F708 MSS SP58 MSS SP69 MSS SP89. 2. Hangers for Pipe Sizes l/2 to 1-1/2 inch: Malleable iron Carbon steel, adjustable swivel, split ring. 3. Hangers for Pipe Sizes 2 inches and Larger: Cazbon steel, adjustable, clevis. 4. Multiple or Trapeze Hangers: Steel channels with welded spacers and hanger rods. 5. Wall Support for Pipe Sizes 3 inches and Smaller: Cast iron hook. 6. Wall Support for Pipe Sizes 4 inches and Larger: Welded steel bracket and wrought steel clamp. 7. Vertical Support: Steel riser clamp. 8. Copper Pipe Support: Copper-plated, cazbon-steel adjustable, ring. C. Plumbing Piping - Water: 1. Conform to ASME B3l .9 AST'M F708 MSS SP58 MSS SP69 MSS SP89. 2. Hangers for Pipe Sizes 1/2 to 1-1/2 inch: Malleable iron Carbon steel, adjustable swivel, split ring. 3. Hangers for Cold Pipe Sizes 2 inches and Larger: Carbon steel, adjustable, clevis. 4. Hangers for Hot Pipe Sizes 2 to 4 inches: Carbon steel, adjustable, clevis. 5. Multiple or Trapeze Hangers: Steel channels with welded spacers and hanger rods. 6. Wall Support for Pipe Sizes 3 inches and Smaller: Cast iron hook. 7. Wall Support for Pipe Sizes 4 inches and Larger: Welded steel bracket and wrought steel clamp. 8. Vertical Support: Steel riser clamp. 9. Floor Support for Cold Pipe: Cast iron adjustable pipe saddle, lock nut, nipple, floor flange, and steel support. 10. Floor Support for Hot Pipe Sizes 4 inches and Smaller: Cast iron adjustable pipe saddle, lock nut, nipple, floor flange, and steel support. I 1. Copper Pipe Support: Copper-plated, Cazbon-steel ring. 2.2 ACCESSORIES A. Hanger Rods: Mild steel threaded both ends, threaded on one end, or continuous threaded. 2.3 INSERTS A. Manufacturers: l. Submit Manufacturer and Model # for Architect/Engineer approval. Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment 15060 - 3 of 5 Griner 07.12 2.4 � Sid Lickton � B. Inserts: Malleable iron case of galvanized steel shell and expander plug for threaded connection with lateral adjustment, top slot for reinforcing rods, lugs for attaching to forms; size inserts to suit threaded hanger rods. FLASHING A. Metal Flashing: 26 gage thick galvanized steel. B. Metal Counter flashing: 22 gage thick galvanized steel. C. Lead Flashing: 2. Waterpmofing: 5 lb./sq. ft sheet lead. 2. Soundproofing: I lb./sq. ft sheet lead. D. Flexible Flashing: 47 mil thick sheet buryl; compatible with roofing. E. Caps: Steel, 22 gage minimum; 16 gage at fue resistant elements. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION - PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Install in accordance with ASME B31.t ASME B31.5 ASME 31.9 ASTM F708 MSS SP 58 MSS SP 69 MSS SP 89. B. Support horizontal piping as scheduled. C. Install hangers with minimum 1/2 inch space between finished covering and adjacent work. D. Place hangers within 12 inches of each horizontal elbow. E. Use hangers with l-1/2 inch minimum vertical adjustment. F. Support vertical piping at every floor. G. Where piping is installed in parallel and at same elevation, provide multiple pipe or trapeze hangers. H. Support riser piping independently of connected horizontal piping. I. Provide copper plated hangers and supports for copper piping. J. Design hangers for pipe movement without disengagement of supported pipe. K. Provide clearance in hangers and from structure and other equipment for installation of insulation. Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment 15060 - 4 of 5 � � � � � � � � 1� ' � � i � i � � � Griner 07.12 3.2 33 3.11 Sid Lickton INSTALLATION - EQUII'MENT BASES AND SUPPORTS A. Provide housekeeping pads of concrete, minimum 3-I/2 inches thick and extending 6 inches beyond supported equipment. B. Using templates furnished with equipment, install anchor bolts, and accessories for mounting and anchoring eyuipment. C. Construct supports of steel members steel pipe and fittings. Brace and fasten with flanges bolted to structure. INSTALLATION - FLASHING A. Provide flexible flashing and metal counter flashing where piping penetrates weather or waterproofed walls, floors, and roofs. B. Flash vent and soil pipes projecting 3 inches minimum above finished roof surface with lead worked I inch minimum into hub, 8 inches minimum cleaz on sides with 24 x 24 inches sheet size. For pipes through outside walls, turn flanges back into wall and caulk, metal counter-flash, and seal. C. Flash floor drains in floors with topping over finished azeas with lead, 10 inches cleaz on sides with minimum 36 x 36 inch sheet size. Fasten flashing to drain clamp device. D. Seal floor, mop sink, drains watertight to adjacent materials. PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK A. Protect adjacent surfaces from damage by material installation. END OF SECTION 15060 Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment 15060 - 5 of 5 � �_ I � Griner 07.12 SECTION 15061- Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment Sid Lickton � PART ] GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY � A. Section Includes: 1. Pipe hangers and supports. 2. Hanger rods. 3. Equipment curbs. � 4. Formed steel channel. B. Related Sections: � 1. Section 15184 - HVAC Piping: Execution requirements for placement of hangers and supports specified by this section. � ' � � � � � � , � 1.2 1.3 REFERENCES A. American Society of Mechanical Engineers: 1. ASME B31.1 - Power Piping. 2. ASME B31.9 - Building Services Piping. B. ASTM International: l. ASTM EI 19 - Method for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials. 2. ASTM E814 - Test Method of Fire Tests of Through Penetration Firestops. 3. ASTM F708 - Standard Practice for Design and Installation of Rigid Pipe Hangers. 4. ASTM E1966 - Standard Test Method for Fire-Resistive Joint Systems. C. American Welding Society: l. AWS Dl.l - Structural Welding Code - Steel. D. Underwriters Laboratories Inc.: l. UL 263 - Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials. 2. iJL 723 - Tests for Surface Buming Characteristics of Building Materials. 3. iJL 1479 - Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Firestops. 4. LTL 2079 - Tests for Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems_ 5. iJL - Fire Resistance Directory. SUBMITTALS A. Section 01330 — Submittal Procedures: Shop drawings, product data and saznples. B. Product Data: 1. Hangers and Supports: Submit manufachuers catalog data including load capacity. C. Design Data: Indicate load canying capacity of trapeze, multiple pipe, and riser support hangers. Indicate calculations used to determine load carrying capacity of trapeze, multiple pipe, and riser support hangers. Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment 15061 - I of 4 Griner 07.12 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 I .9 1.10 Sid Lickton D. Manufacturer's Instatlation Instr�ctions: 1_ Hangers and Supports: Submit special procedures and assembty of components. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with Florida Building Code, Mechanical standards. QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing Products specified in this section with minimum three years experience. B. Installer: Company specializing in performing Work of this section with minimum three years experience. PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Convene minimum one week prior to commencing work of this section DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Accept materials on site in original factory packaging, labeled with manufacturer`s identification. B. Protect from weather and construction traffic, dirt, water, chemical, and damage, by storing in original packaging. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Provide ventilation in areas to receive solvent cured materials. FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify field measurements prior to fabrication. WARRANTY � A. Section 01770 - Closeout Procedures: Product warranties and product bonds. B. Furnish one year manufacturer warranty for pipe hangers and supports. Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment 15061 - 2 of 4 � � � , � t � � ' � � � � � , � r � Griner 07.12 Sid Lickton PART 2 PRODUCTS 2. l P1PE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Manufacturers: 1. Carpenter & Paterson Inc. 2. Anvil International, Inc. 3. Flex-Weld, Inc. 4. Michigan Hanger Co. 5. Substitutions: Section 01600 — Product Requirements. B. Refrigerant and Condensate Drain Piping: 1. Conform to ASME B31.9 ASTM F708. 2. Hangers for Pipe Sizes 1/2 to 1-1/2 inch: Cazbon steel, adjustable swivel, split ring. 3. Hangers for Cold Pipe Sizes 2 inches and Larger: Carbon steel, adjustable, clevis. 4. Multiple or Trapeze Hangers: Steel channels with welded spacers and hanger rods. 2.2 ACCESSORIES A. Hanger Rods: Mild steel threaded both ends, or continuous threaded. 2.3 INSERTS A. Inserts: Malleable iron case of galvanized steel shell and expander plug for threaded connection with lateral adjustment, top slot for reinforcing rods, lugs for attaching to forms; size inserts to suit threaded hanger rods. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify openings are ready to receive sleeves. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Clean substrate surfaces of dirt, dust, grease, oil, loose materiai, or other matter affecting bond of firestopping material. B. Remove incompatible materials affecting bond. C. Install materials to arrest liquid material leakage. D. Obtain permission from General Contractor before using powder-actuated anchors. E. Obtain permission from Architect before drilling or cutting structural members. 3.3 INSTALLATION - PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Install in accordance with ASME B31.1, ASME B31.5, ASME 31.9, ASTM F748. Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment 15061 - 3 of 4 Griner 07.12 3.4 3.5 3.8 3.9 � Sid Lickton � B. Support horizontal piping as scheduled. C. Install hangers with minimum 1/2 inch space between finished covering and adjacent work. D. Place hangers within 12 inches of each horizontal elbow. E. Use hangers with 1-1/2 inch minimum vertical adjustment. F. Where piping is installed in parallel and at same elevation, provide multiple pipe or trapeze hangers. G. Support riser piping independently of connected horizontal piping. H. Prime coat exposed steel hangers and supports. Hangers and supports located in crawl spaces, pipe shafts, and suspended ceiling spaces are not considered exposed. 1. Provide clearance in hangers and from structure and other equipment for installation of insulation. Refer to Section 15081. INSTALLATION - EQUIPMENT BASES AND SUPPORTS 3. Using templates furnished with equipment, install anchor bolts, and accessories for mounting and anchoring equipment. K. Construct supports of steel members formed steel channel stee] pipe and fittings. Brace and fasten with flanges bolted to structure. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Section 01770 - Closeout Procedures: Field inspecting, testing, adjusting, and balancing. B. Inspect installed firestopping for compliance with specifications and submitted schedule. CLEAIVING A. Section 01770 - Closeout Procedures: Requirements for cleaning. B. Clean adjacent surfaces of firestopping materials. PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK A. Section 01770 - Closeout Procedures: Requirements for protecting finished Work. B. Protect adjacent surfaces from damage by material installation. END OF SECTION 15061 Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment 15061 - 4 of 4 � , Griner 07.12 Sid Lickton ' SECTION 15072 - Vibration Controls for HVAC Piping and Equipment � PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY � A. Section lncludes: 1. Vibration isolators. l.2 REFERENCES � A_ American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and: � 1. ASHRAE Handbook - HVAC Applications. 13 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS � A. Provide vibration isolation on motor driven equipment over 0.5 hp, plus connected piping and ductwork when motor and drive assembly are not internally isolated. � 1 _4 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit schedule of vibration isolator type � B. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Submit special procedures and setting dimensions. 1.5 QUALIFICATIONS � A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section with minimum three years experience. � PART 2 PRODUCTS � 2.1 VIBRATION ISOLATORS A. Manufacturers: � I . Mason Industries 2. Kinetics 3. Substitutions: Section 01600 — Product Requirements. , B. Neoprene Pad Isolators: 1. Rubber or neoprene-waffle pads. a. 30 durometer. � b. Minimum 1/2 inch thick. c. Maximum loading 40 psi. d. Height of ribs: not to exceed 0.7 times width. 2. Configuration: Single layer. 1/2 inch thick waffle pads bonded each side of 1/4 � incb thick steel plate. � Vibration Controls for HVAC Piping and Equipment 15072 - 1 of 2 � Griner 07.12 Sid Lickton C. Spring Hanger: 1. Spring Isolators: a. Code: Color code springs for load carrying capacity. 2. Springs: Minimum horizontal stiffness equal to 75 percent vertical stiffness, with working deflection between 03 and 0.6 of maximum deflection. 3. Housings: Incorporate rubber hanger with threaded insert. 4. Misalignment: Capable of 20 degree hanger rod misalignment. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify equipment, ductwork and piping is installed before work in this section is started. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Adjust equipment level. B. Install spring hangers without binding. 33 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect isolated equipment after installation and submit report. Include static deflections. 3.4 ISOLATOR SCHEDULE ITEM ISOLATOR TYPE Condensing Units Neoprene Pad Isolators Air Handling Units Spring Hangers END OF SECTION 15072 Vibration Controls for HVAC Piping and Equipment 15072 - 2 of 2 � � ' � a � � � � � , � � � �I , � � � Griner 07.12 SECTION 15075 - Identification for Plumbing Piping and Equipment Sid Lickton PART ] GENERAL l.l SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Nameplates. 2. Tags. 3. Pipe mazkers. 4. Painting 1.2 REFERENCES A. American Society of Mechanical Engineers: 1. ASME A 13.1 - Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturers catalog literature for each product required. B. Shop Drawings: Submit list of wording, symbols, letter size, and color coding for mechanical identification and valve chart and schedule, including valve tag number, location, function, and valve manufachuer's name and model number. C. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate installation instructions, special procedures, and installation. l.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Project Record Documents: Record actual locations of tagged valves• include valve tag 1.5 1.6 1.7 , numbers_ QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to ASME A13.1 and Pinellas County Construction Standards for color scheme for identification of piping systems and accessories. QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section with minimtun three years experience. B. Installer: Company specializing in performing Work of this section with minimum three years experience. PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Convene minimum one week prior to commencing work of this section. Identification for Plumbing Piping and Equipment 15075 - 1 of 3 Griner 07.12 l .8 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify field measurements prior to fabrication. � Sid Lickton , PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 NAMEPLATES A. Furnish nameplate materials as approved by the owner and install in locations in accordance with Florida Building Code -Plumbing. B. Product Description: Laminated three-tayer plastic with engraved black letters on light contrasting background color as approved by Owner. 2.2 TAGS A. Metal Tags: As approved by owner. 2.3 1. Manufacturers: a. Seton Identification Products. b. Craftmazk Identification Systems. c. Brimar Pipe Mazkers. 2. Aluminum with stamped letters; tag size minimum l-1/2 inches diameter square with finished edges. B. Information Tags: as approved by owner/architect. 1 _ Manufacturers: a Seton Identification Products. b. Craftmark Identification Systems. c. Brimaz Pipe Mazkers. 2. Clear plastic with printed "Danger," "Caution," or "Warning" and message; size 3-1/4 x 5-5/8 inches with grommet and self-locking nylon ties. C. Tag Chart: Typewritten Ietter size list of applied tags and location in anodized aluminum frame or plastic laminated. PIPE MARKERS A. Color and Lettering: Conform to ASNIE A13.1. B. Plastic Pipe Mazkers: as approved by Owner/Architect. 1. Manufacturers: a. Seton Identification Products. b_ Craftmark Identification Systems. c. Brimar Pipe Markers. 2. Factory fabricated, fle�tible, semi-rigid plastic, preformed to fit around pipe or pipe covering. Larger sizes may have maximum sheet size with spring fastener. C. Plastic Tape Fipe Markers: as approved by Owner/Architect 1. Manufacturers: a. Seton Identification Products. Identification for Plumbing Piping and Equipment 15075 - 2 of 3 ' � ' � , 1 � , � r � ' � ' , � ' � Griner 07.12 Sid Lickton b. Craftmark ldentification Systems. c_ Brimar Pipe Markers. 2. Flexible, vinyl film tape with pressure sensitive adhesive backing and printed markings. 2.4 PAINTING A. Paint all exposed piping in Mechanical Equipment Rooms and Finished spaces in accordance with the following schedule: Pipe Service Scott Paint # Scott Paint Name Potable Water T37-8 (C) American Blue Potable Hot Water Supply T26-8 (C) Euro Green PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Degrease and clean surfaces to receive adhesive for identification materials. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install identifying devices after completion of coverings and painting. B. Install plastic nameplates with corrosive-resistant mechanical fasteners, or adhesive. C. Install tags using corrosion resistant chain. Number tags consecutively by location. D. ldentify water heaters with plastic nameplates. Identify in-line pumps and other small devices with tags. E. Identify valves in main and branch piping with tags. F. Identify piping, concealed or exposed, with plastic pipe markers. Use tags on piping 3/4 inch diameter and smaller. Identify service, flow direction, and presswe. Install in clear view and align with axis of piping. Locate identification not to exceed 20 feet on straight runs including risers and drops, adjacent to each valve and tee, at each side of penetration of structure or enclosure, and at each obstruction_ END OF SECTION 15t175 Identification for Plumbing Piping and Equipment 15075 - 3 of 3 � � ' ' � �� C� � ' � ' , r � ' ' , ' � Griner 07.12 SECTION 15076 - Identification for HVAC Piping and Equipment Sid Lickton PARTIGENERAL 1.1 SIJMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Nameplates. 1.2 REFERENCES A. American Society of Mechanical Engineers: 1. ASME A13.1 - Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems. ] 3 SUBMITTALS A. Section 01330 — Submittal Procedures: Shop drawings, product data and sarr►ples. B. Product Data: Submit manufacturers catalog literature for each product required. C. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate installation instructions, special procedures, and installation. D. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify products meet or exceed specified reyuirements. 1.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Section 01770 - Closeout Procedures: Closeout procedures. B. Project Record Documents: Record acival locations of air ierminal units; include air terminal unit numbers. 1.5 QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section with minimum three yeazs experience. B. Installer: Company specializing in performing Work of this section with minimum three years experience. 1.6 PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Convene minimum one week prior to commencing work of this section. 1.7 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify field measurements prior to fabrication. Identification for HVAC Piping and Equipment 15076 - 1 of 2 Griner 07.12 Sid Lickton PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.l NAMEPLATES � A. Manufacturers: ] . Craftmark Identification Systems. 2. Brimaz Pipe Markers. 3. Seton Identifcation Products 4. Substitutions: Section 01600 — Product Requirements. B. Product Description: Laminated three-layer plastic with engraved black letters on tight contrasting background color. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.] PREPARATION A. Degrease and clean surfaces to receive adhesive for identification materials. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install identifying devices after completion of coverings and painting. B. Install plastic nameplates with corrosive-resistant mechanical fasteners, or adhesive. C. Identify air handling units and heat transfer equipment with plastic nameplates. E1KD OF SECTION 15076 Identification for HVAC Piping and Equipment 15076 - 2 of 2 � � , ' � � � � ' � , � e � , ' , , � � � , Griner 07.12 SECTION 15080 - Plumbing Insulation Sid Lickton , PART 1 GENERAL I.1 SUMMARY , A. Section Includes: 1. Piping system insulation. 2. Equipment insulation. ' 3. Pipe insulation jackets. 4. Equipment insulation jackets. 5. Insulation accessories including vapor retarders and accessories. � 1.2 REFERENCES A. ASTNIInternational: � 1. ASTM C195 - Standard Specification for Mineral Fiber Thermal Insulating Cement. 2. ASTM C449/C449M - Standard Specification for Mineral Fiber Hydraulic- Setting Thermal Insulating and Finishing Cement. ' 3. ASTM C534 - Standard Specification for Preformed Flexible Elastomeric Cellular Therrnal Insulation in Sheet and Tubulaz Form. 4. ASTM C547 - Standard Specification for Mineral Fiber Pipe lnsulation. ' S. ASTM C612 - Standard Specification for Mineral Fiber Block and Board Thermal Insulation. 6. ASTM C921 - Standazd Practice for Determining the Properties of Jacketing � Materials for Thermal Insulation. 7. ASTM E84 - Standazd Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. l� J � � S ' � ' � 13 1.4 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit product description, thermal characteristics and list of materials and thickness for each service, and location. B. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Submit manufacturers published literature indicating proper installation procedures. QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section with minimum three yeazs experience. B. Applicator: Company specializing in performing Work of this section with minimum three years experience. PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Convene minimum one week prior to commencing work of this section. Plumbing Insulation 15080 - 1 of 5 Griner 07.12 1.6 l.7 1.8 1.9 i Sid Lickton � DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Accept materials on site in original factory packaging, labeled with manufacturer's identification, including product density and thickness. B. Protect insulation from weather and construction traffic, dirt, water, chemical, and damage, by storing in original wrapping. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Install insulation only when ambient temperahue and humidity conditions are within range recommended by manufacturer. B. Maintain temperature during and after installation for minimum period of 24 hours. FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify field measurements prior to fabrication. WARRANTY A. Fumish one year manufacturer warranty for man made fiber. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.l MAN MADE MINERAL FIBER A. Manufacturers: 1. Johns Manville. 2. Owens Coming. 3. Knauf. B. Insulation: ASTM C547 Mineral Fiber Pipe Insulation, Type I, 850 degrees F. C_ Insulation: AST'M C795; semi-rigid, noncombustible, end grain adhered to jacket. 1. `K' factor: ASTM C177, 0.24 at 75 degrees F. 2. Maximum service temperature: 650 degrees F. 3. Maximum moisture absorption: 0.2 percent by volume. D. Vapor Retarder Jacket: 1. White Kraft paper with glass fiber yarn, bonded to aluminized film. 2. Moisture vapor transmission: ASTM E96; 0.02 perm-inches. E. Tie Wire: 0.048 inch stainless steel with twisted ends on maximum l2 inch centers. F. Insulating Cement/Mastic: 1. ASTM C195; hydraulic setting on mineral wool. Plumbing Insulation 15080-2of5 � � , L__l ' ' � � � , , ' , � Griner 07.12 2.2 2.3 Sid Lickton G. Glass Fiber Fabric: 1. Manufacturers: a. Johns Manville. b. Owens Corning. c. Knauf. 2. Cloth: Untreated; 9 oz/sq yd weight. 3. Blanket: 1.O lb/cu ft density. 4. Weave: 5 x 5. GLASS FIBER, RIGID A. Manufacturers: I . Johns Manville. 2. Owens Coming. 3. Knauf. � B. Insulation: ASTM C612 or ASTM C592; rigid, noncombustible. I. `K' factor: ASTM C177 or ASTM CSl8, 0.24 at 75 degrees F. 2. Maximum Service Temperature: 450 degrees F. 3. Maximum Moist�re Absorption: 0.1 percent by volume. 4. Density: 1_0 Ib/ct� ft. C. Vapor Retarder Jacket: ASTM C1136 Flexible, Low Permeance Vapor Retarders for Thermal Insulation, Type II. D. Facing: 1 inch galvanized steel hexagonal wire mesh stitched on one face of insulation. E. Insulating Cement/Mastic: I. ASTM C195; hydraulic setting on mineral wool. PIPE INSULATION AND EQUIPMENT JACKETS A. Aluminum Pipe Jacket: I. Thickness: O.OI 6 inch thick sheet. 2. Finish: Smooth. 3. Joining: Longitudinal slip joints and 2 inch laps. 4. Fittings: O.Ol6 inch thick die shaped fitting covers with factory attached protective liner. 5. Metal Jacket Bands: 3/8 inch wide. 0.010 inch thick stainless steel. ' PART 3 EXECUTION 3.l EXAMINATION , A. Verify piping and equipment has been tested before applying insulation materials. B. Verify surfaces aze clean and dry, with foreign material removed. ' � � Plumbing Insulation l 5080 - 3 of 5 Griner 07.12 3.2 INSTALLATION n : Exposed Piping: Locate insulation and cover seams in least visible locations. � Sid Lickton � For hot piping conveying fluids over l40 degrees F, insulate flanges and unions at equipment_ C. Man made mineral fiber insulated pipes conveying fluids above ambient temperature: 1. Furnish factory-applied or field-applied standard jackets. Secure with outwazd clinch expanding staples or pressure sensitive adhesive system on standazd factory-applied jacket and bntt strips or both. 2. Insulate fittings, joints, and valves with insulation of like material and tl�ickness as adjoining pipe. Finish with glass cloth and adhesive or PVC fitting covers. D. Inserts and Shields: 1. Application: Piping or Equipment 1-l/2 inches diameter or larger_ 2. Shields: Galvanized steel between pipe hangers or pipe hanger rolls and inserts. 3. Insert location: Between support shield and piping and under finish jacket. 4. Insert configwation: Minimum 6 inches long, of thickness and contour matching adjoining insulation; may be factory fabricated. 5. Insert material: Compression resistant insulating material suitable for planned temperature range and service_ E. Continue insulation through penetrations of building assemblies or portions of assemblies having fire resistance rating of one hour or less. Provide intumescent firestopping when continuing insulation through assembly. Finish at supports, protrusions, and interruptions. LJ , , ' r � � ' F. Pipe Exposed in Mechanical Equipment Rooms or Finished Spaces: l. All service jacket (ASJ) painted in accordance with Section 15075 - Identification for Plumbing Piping and Equipment. �. 2. Furnish aluminum jacket and fittings for piping installed below 8 feet above finished floor. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. Factory Insulated Equipment: Do not insulate. Exposed Equipment: Locate insulation and cover seams in least visible locations. Apply insulation close to equipment by grooving, scoring, and beveling insulation. Fasten insulation to equipment with studs, pins, clips, adhesive, wires, or bands. Fill joints, cracks, seams, and depressions with bedding compound to form smooth surface. For hot equipment containing fluids over 140 degrees F, insulate flanges and unions with removable sections and jackets. Mineral fiber insulated equipment containing fluids above ambient temperature: Provide standard jackets, with or without vapor retarder, factory-applied or field-applied. Finish with glass cloth and adhesive. Finish insulation at supports, protrusions, and interruptions. Plumbing Insulation 15080 - 4 of 5 ' ' ' , � � , � ' � , ' ' � ' ' ' , � � � ' � ' ' ' � Griner 07.12 Sid Lickton N. Equipment in Mechanical Equipment Rooms or Finished Spaces: Finish with PVC jacket and fitting covers. O. Nameplates and ASME Stamps: Bevel and seal insulation around; do not insulate over. END OF SECTION 15080 Plumbing Insulation 15080 - 5 of 5 ' � I� � , ' ' ' � ' ' � � ' � , ' ' ' Griner 07.12 SECTION 15081- HVAC Insulation PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY l.2 A. Section Includes: i. Piping system insulation. 2. Pipe insulation jackets. 3. Insulation accessories including vapor retarders and accessories. 4. Ductwork insulation. 5. Ductwork insulation jackets. 6. Insulation accessories including vapor retarders and accessories. Sid Lickton B. Related Sections: 1. Section 15061 - Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment: Product and Execution requirements for inserts at hanger locations. 2. Section 15076 - Identification for HVAC Piping and Equipment: Product requirements for HVAC piping and equipment identification. REFERENCES A. AST'M International: 1. ASTM C195 - Standard Specification for Mineral Fiber Thermal Insulating Cement. 2. AS'TM C449/C449M - Standard Specification for Mineral Fiber Hydraulic- Setting Thermal Insulating and Finishing Cement. 3. AST'M C518 - Standard Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux Measurements and Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus. 4. AST'M C534 - Standard Specification for Preformed . Flexible Elastomeric Cellular Thermal Insulation in Sheet and Tubular Form_ 5. ASTM C553 - Standard Specification for Mineral Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for Commercial and Industrial Applications. 6. ASTM C921 - Standard Practice for Determining the Properties of Jacketing Materials for Thermal Insulation. 7. ASTM C1136 - Standard Specification for Flexible, Low Permeance Vapor Retarders for Thermal Insulation. 8. ASTM C1290 - Standard Specification for Flexible Fibrous Glass Blanket Insulation Used to Externally Insulate HVAC Ducts. 9. ASTM E84 - Standazd Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. 10. ASTM E96 - Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials. 11. ASTM E162 - Standard Test Method for Surface Flammability of Materials Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source. I� HVAC Insulation Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors': 1. SMACNA - HVAC Duct Construction Standard - Meta1 and Flexible. 15081 - 1 of 5 Griner 07.12 13 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 ' Sid Lickton ' SUBMITTALS A. Section 013300 — Submittal Procedures: Shop drawings, product data and samples. B. Product Data: Submit product description, thermal characteristics and list of materials and thickness for each service, and location. C. Manufacturer's Installation InstTVCtions: Submit manufacturers published literature indicating proper installation procedures. QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section with minimum three years experience. B. Applicator: Company specializing in performing Work of this section with minimum three yeazs experience. PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Convene minimum one week prior to commencing work of this section. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Accept materials on site in original factory packaging, labeled with manufacturer's identification, including pmduct density and thickness. B. Protect insulation from weather and construction traffic, dirt, water, chemical, and damage, by storing in original wrapping. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Install insulation only when ambient temperature and humidity conditions are within range recommended by manufacturer. B. Maintain temperature during and after installation for minimum period of 24 hours. FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify field measurements prior to fabrication. WARRANTY A. Section 017700 - Closeout Procedures: Product warranties and product bonds. B. Fumish one yeaz manufacturer warranty for man made fiber. HVAC Insulation ' 15081 - 2 of 5 Griner 07.12 Sid Lickton PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.l MINERAL FIBER, FLEXIBLE A. Manufacturers: 1. Owens Coming. 2. Johns Manville. 3. Knauf. 4. Substitutions: Section 016000 — Product Requirements. B. Insulation: ASTM C553 Mineral Fiber Blanket T'hermal Insulation for Commercial and Industrial Applications, Type II. C. Vapor Retarder Jacket: 1. Kraft paper with glass fiber yarn and bonded to aluminized film. 2. Moisture vapor transmission: AST'M E96; 0.02 perm. 3. Secure with two coats of vapor barrier mastic and glass tape. D. Vapor Retarder Tape: l. Kraft paper reinforced with glass fiber yarn and bonded to aluminized film, with pressure sensitive rubber based adhesive. 2.2 MINERAL FIBER, RIGID E. Manufacturers: 1. Owens Corning. 2. Johns Manville. 3. Knauf. 4. Substitutions: Section 016000 — Product Requirements. F. Insulation: ASTM C612 Mineral Fiber Block and Board Insulation, Type IA G. Vapor Retazder Jacket: l. Kratt paper with glass fiber yarn and bonded to aluminized film. 2. Moisture vapor transmission: ASTM E96; 0.04 perm. 3. Secure with two coats of vapor barrier mastic and glass tape. H. Indoor Vapor Retarder Finish: l. Cloth: Untreated; 9 ozJsq yd weight, glass fabric. 2. Vinyl emulsion type acrylic, compatible with insulation, white color. 2.3 ELASTOMERIC CELLULAR FOAM I. Manufacturers: 1. Armacel. 2. Substitutions: Section 01600 — Product Requirements. J. Preformed Flexible Elastomeric Cellulaz Thermal Insulation in Sheet and Tubular form: AST'M C534; Type I, Tubulaz form K. Elastomeric Foam Adhesive: HVAC Insulation 15081 - 3 of 5 Griner 07.12 � Sid Lickton ' 1. Air dried, contact adhesive, compatible with insulation. 2.4 PIPE INSULATION JACKETS L. Aluminum Pipe Jacket: 1 _ ASTM B209. 2. Thickness: 0.016 inch thick sheet. 3. Finish: Embossed. 4. Joining: Longitudinal slip joints and 2 inch laps. 5. Fittings: 0.016 inch thick die shaped fitting covers with factory attached protective liner. 6. Metal Jacket Bands: 3/8 inch wide; 0.010 inch thick stainless steel. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify piping, equipment and ductwork has been tested before applying insulation materials. B. Verify surfaces are clean and dry, with foreign material removed. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Exposed Piping: Locate insulation and cover seams in least visible locations. B. Insulated pipes conveying fluids below ambient temperature: Insulate entire system including fittings. C. Continue insulation through penetrations of building assemblies or portions of assemblies having fire resistance rating of one hour or less. Finish at supports, protrusions, and interruptions. D. Exterior Applications: Cover with aluminum jacket with seams located at 3 or 9 o'clock position on side of horizontal piping with overlap facing down to shed water or on bottom side of horizontal equipment. E. Factory Insulated Equipment: Do not insulate. F. Apply insulation close to equipment by grooving, scoring, and beveling insulation. Fasten insulation to equipment with studs, pins, clips, adhesive, wires, or bands. G. Fill joints, cracks, seams, and depressions with bedding compound to form smooth surface. On cold equipment, use vapor retarder cement. H. Insulated equipment containing fluids below ambient temperatwe: Insulate entire system. I. Finish insulation at supports, protrusions, and interruptions. J. Nameplates and ASME Stamps: Bevel and seal insulation around; do not insulate over. HVAC Insulation 15081 - 4 of 5 ! � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ' � � � Griner 07.12 3.3 Sid Lickton K. Insulated ductwork conveying air below ambient temperature: 1. Provide insulation with vapor retarder jackets. 2. Finish with tape and vapor retarder jacket. 3. Continue insulation through walls, sleeves, hangers, and other duct penetrations. 4. Insulate entire system including fittings, joints, flanges, fire dampers, flexible connections, and expansion joints. L. Ductwork Exposed in Mechanical Equipment Rooms or Finished Spaces: Finish with canvas jacket. M. Provide mechanical insulation fasteners for rectangular duct over 22 inches wide. SCHEDULES A. Cooling Systems: 1. Refrigerant Piping: a. Elastomeric Cellular Foam 1) Thickness: 3/a inch. 2. Condensate Drains from Cooling Coils: a. Elastomeric Cellular Foam 1) Thickness: 3/a inch. B. Plenums: 1. Rigid Glass Fiber Insu[ation: 1-'/� thick. C. Supply, Retum and Outside Air Ducts: (Concealed): 1. Flexible Glass Fiber Insulation: 1-1/2 inch thick D. Supply, Return and Outside Air Ducts (Exposed): 1. Rigid Glass Fiber Insulation: 1-1/2 inch thick END OF SECTION15081 HVAC Insulation 15081 - 5 of 5 ' � � � � �' � � � � �� � � � � Griner 07.12 SECTION I S l40 - Domestic Water Piping Sid Lickton PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SU1VIIvIARY A. Section Includes: 1. Domestic water piping, within 5 feet of building. 2. Domestic water piping, above grade. 3. Unions and flanges. 4. Valves. 5. Relief valves. 6. Diaphragm-type compression tanks. 1.2 REFERENCES A. American National Standards Institute: 1. ANSI Z2122 - Relief Valves for Hot Water Supply Systems. B. American Society of Mechanical Engineers: l. ASME B16.18 - Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings. 2. ASME B16.22 - Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings. 3. ASME B16.26 - Cast Copper Ailoy Fittings for Flared Copper Tubes. 4. ASME B31.9 - Building Services Piping. 5. ASME B40.1 - Gauges - Pressure Indicating Dial Type - Elastic Element. 6. ASME Section VIII - Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code - Pressure Vessels. 7. ASME Section IX - Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code - Welding and Brazing Qualifications. C. American Society of Sanitary Engineering: 1. ASSE 1010 - Performance Reyuirements for Water Hammer Arresters. 2. ASSE 1011 - Performance Requirements for Hose Connection Vacuum Breakers. 3. ASSE 1012 - Performance Requirements for Backflow Preventer with Intermediate Atmospheric Vent. 4. ASSE 1013 - Perforrnance Requirements for Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventers and Reduced Pressure Fire Protection Principle Backflow Preventers. D. ASTM International: 1. ASTM B32 - Standard Specification for Solder Metal. 2. ASTM B42 - Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Fipe, Standard Sizes. 3. ASTM B88 - Standazd Specification for Seamless Copper Water Tube. 4. ASTM B584 - Standard Specification for Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General Apptications. E. American Welding Society: 1. AWS A5.8 - Specification for Filler Metals for Brazing and Braze Welding. F. Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry: Domestic Water Piping 1514Q - 1 of 6 Griner 07.12 ]3 l.4 l.5 1.6 1.7 ' Sid Lickton � 1. MSS SP 80 - Bronze Gate, Globe, Angle and Check Valves. 2. MSS SP I 10 - Ball Valves Threaded, Socket-Welding, Solder Joint, Grooved and Flared Ends. G. National Electrical Manufacturers Association: 1. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum). H. Plumbing and Drainage Institute: 1. PDI WH2O1 - Water Hammer Arrester Standard. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: 1. Piping: Submit data on pipe materials, fittings, and accessories. Submit manufactwer's catalog information. 2. Valves: Submit manufacturers catalog information with valve data and ratings for each service. 3. Domestic Water Specialties: Submit manufacturers catalog information, component sizes, rough-in requirements, service sizes, and finishes. 4. Pumps: Submit pump type, capacity, certified pump curves showing pump performance characteristics with pump and system operating point plotted. Include NPSH curve when applicable. Include electrical characteristics and connection requirements. B. Manufachuer's Installation Instructions: Submit installation instructions for pumps, valves and accessories. CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Project Record Documents: Record actual locations of valves and equipment. B. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit spare parts list, exploded assembly views and recommended maintenance intervals. QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section with minimum three years experience. B. Installer: Company specializing in performing work of this section with minimum three years experience. PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Convene minimum one week prior to commencing work of this section. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Accept valves and equipment on site in shipping containers with labeling in place. Inspect for damage. Domestic Water Piping 15140 - 2 of 6 � � � � �� � � � �� � � � r � � � Griner 07.12 1.8 1.9 Sid Lickton B. Provide temporary end caps and closures on piping and fittings. Maintain in place until installation. C. Protect piping systems from entry of foreign materials by temporary covers, completing sections of the Work, and isolating parts of completed system. FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify field measurements prior to fabrication. WARRANTY A. Fumish one year manufacturer warranty for domestic water piping. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 DOMESTIC WATER P1P1NG, BELOW GRADE A. PVC Pipe: ASTM D1785, Schedule 80, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material. 1. Fittings: ASTM D2467, Schedule 80, PVC. _ B. 3oints: AST'M D2855, solvent weld with AST'M D2564 solvent cement. 2.2 DOMESTIC WATER PIPING, ABOVE GRADE A. CPVC Pipe: ASTM D2846/D2846M, ASTM F441/F441M, or ASTM F442/F442M, chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC} material_ i. Fittings: ASTM D2846/D2846M, ASTM F437, ASTM F438, ASTM F439, or ASTM F441/F441M, CPVC. 2. Joints: AST'M D2846/D2846M, solvent weld with ASTM F493 solvent cement. 23 UNIONS AND FLANGES 1. CPVC Piping: CPVC. 2.4 BALL VALVES A. 2 inches and Smaller: I50 psi at 73 degrees F water temperature, maximum service temperature: 210 degrees F, ASTM D1784 CPVC body and hall, double lever handle, EPDM seals, teflon seats, full port, double union type with socket ends. 2.5 RELIEF VALVES A. Manufacturers: 1. Watts. 2. Zum. B. Pressure Relief 1. ANSI Z21.22 certified, bronze body, teflon seat, steel stem and springs, automatic, direct pressure actuated. C. Temperature and Presswe Relief Domestic Water Piping 15140 - 3 of 6 Griner 07.12 2.6 � Sid Lickton � ]. ANSI Z21.22 certified, bronze body, teflon seat, stainless steel stem and springs, automatic, direct pressure actuated, temperature relief maximum 21 d degrees F, capacity ASME certified and labeled. DIAPHRAGM-TYPE COMPRESSION TANKS A. Manufacturers: 1. Watts 2. Bell & Gossett. 3. Taco. 4. Amtrol. B. Construction: Welded steel, tested and stamped in accordance with ASME Section VIII; supplied with National Board Form U-1, rated for working pressure of ]25 psig, with flexible EPDM diaphragm sealed into tank, and steel legs or saddles. C. Accessories: Presswe gage and air-chazging fitting, tank drain; pre-charge to l2 psig. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.l EXAMINATION A. Verify excavations are to required grade, dry, and not over-excavated. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Ream pipe and tube ends. Remove burrs. B. Remove scale and dirt, on inside and outside, before assembly. 3.3 INSTALLATION - BURIED PIPING SYSTEMS A. Verify connection size, location, and inverts are as indicated on Drawings. B. Establish elevations of buried piping with not less than ft of cover. C. Establish minimum separarion from sanitary sewer piping in accordance with code. D. Remove scale and dirt on inside of piping before assembly. E. Excavate pipe trench. F. Instal] pipe to elevation as indicated on Drawings. G. Place bedding material at trench bottom to provide uniform bedding for piping, level bedding materials in one continuous layer not exceeding 4 inches compacted depth; compact to 95 perceni maximum density. H. Install pipe on prepared bedding. I. Route pipe in straight line. Domestic Water Piping 15140 - 4 of 6 � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � Griner 07.12 Sid Lickton J. Install pipe to allow for expansion and contraction without stressing pipe or joints. K. Pipe Cover and Bac�lling: l. Maintain optimum moisture content of fill material to attain reyuired compaction density. 2. After hydrostatic test, evenly backfill entire trench width by hand placing backfill material and hand tamping in 6 inches compacted layers to l2 inches minimum cover over top of jacket. Compact to 95 percent maximum density. 3. Evenly and continuously backfill remaining trench depth in uniform layers with backfill material_ 4. Do not use wheeled or tracked vehicles for tamping. 3.4 INSTALLATION - ABOVE GROUND PIPING A. Install non-conducting dielectric connections wherever jointing dissimilar metals. B. Route piping in orderly manner and maintain gradient. Route pazallel and perpendiculaz to walls. C. Install piping to maintain headroom without interfering with use of space or taking more space than necessary. D. Group piping whenever practical at common elevations. E. Slope piping and arrange systems to drain at low points. F. Install piping to allow for expansion and contraction without stressing pipe, joints, or connected equipment. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. Provide clearance in hangers and from structure and other equipment for installation of insulation and access to valves and fittings. Provide access where valves and fittings aze not accessible. Where pipe support members are welded to structural building framing, scrape, brush clean, and apply one coat of zinc rich primer to welding. Prepare exposed, unfinished pipe, fittings, supports, and accessories ready for finish painting. Install domestic water piping in accordance with ASME B31.9. Sleeve pipes passing through partitions, walls and floors. Install firestopping at fire rated construction perimeters and openings containing penetrating sleeves and piping. Install unions downstream of valves and at eyuipment or apparatus connections. Install valves with stems upright or horizontal, not inverted. Domestic Water Piping 15140-Sof6 Griner 07_12 3.5 3.6 � Sid Lickton � P. Install brass male adapters each side of valves in copper piped system. Solder adapters to P�Pe- Q. lnstall ball valves for shut-off and to isolate eyuipment, part of systems, or vertical risers. R. Install water hammer arrestors complete with accessible isolation valve on hot and cold water supply piping. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Test domestic water piping system in accordance with local authority having jurisdiction. CLEANII�IG A. Prior to starting work, verify system is complete, flushed and clean. B. Verify pH of water to be treated is between 7.4 and 7.6 by adding alkali (caustic soda or soda ash) or acid (hydrochloric). C. Inject disinfectant, free chlorine in liquid, powder and tablet or gas form, throughout system to obtain residual from 50 to 80 mg/L. D. Bleed water from outlets to obtain distribution and test for disinfectant residual at minimum 15 percent of outlets. E. Maintain disinfectant in system for 24 hours. F. When final disinfectant residuai tests less than 25 mg/L, repeat treatment. G. Flush disinfectant from system until residual concentration is equal to incoming water or ] .0 mg/I,. H. Take samples no sooner than 24 hours after flushing, from 5 percent of outlets and from water entry, and analyze in accorciance with AWWA C651. END OF SECTION 15140 Domestic Water Piping 15140 - 6 of 6 � L_� r � Griner 07.12 SECTION 15150 - Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping PART l GENERAL ] .1 SUMMARY � A. Section Includes: 1. Sanitary sewer piping buried within 5 feet of building. 2. Sanitary sewer piping above grade. 3. Unions and flanges. � 4. Floor drains. 5. Cleanouts_ � � � � � � � � � 1.2 REFERENCES A. American Society of Mechanical Engineers: 1. ASME A112.14.1 - Backwater Valves. 2. ASME A112.21.1 - Floor Drains. 3. ASME B31.9 - Building Services Piping. Sid Lickton B. ASTM Intemational: 1. ASTM D1784 - Standard Specification for Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds. 2. AST'M D1785 - Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120. 3. ASTM D2241 - Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pressure- Rated Pipe (SDR Series). 4. ASTM D2464 - Standard Specification for Threaded Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80. 5. ASTM D2466 - Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40. 6. AST'M D2467 - Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80. 7. ASTM D2564 - Standard Specification for Solvent Cements for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Piping Systems. 8. ASTM D2665 - Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and Fittings. 9. AST'M D2729 - Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings. 10. ASTM D2855 - Standard Practice for Making Solvent-Cemented Joints with Poly (Vinyl Chloride} (PVC) Pipe and Fittings. C. Plumbing and Drainage Institute: 1. PDI G101 - Standard - Testing and Rating Procedure for Grease Interceptors. l3 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Indicate dimensions, weights, and placement of openings and holes for sewage-ejectors, and manholes. Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping 15150 - 1 of 5 Griner 07.12 l.4 1.5 ].6 1.7 1.8 1.9 � Sid Lickton � B. Product Data: l. Piping: Submit data on pipe materials, fittings, and accessories. Submit manufacturers catalog information. 2. Sanitary Drainage Specialties: Submit manufacturers catalog information, component sizes, rough-in requirements, service sizes, and finishes. 3. Pumps: Submit pump type, capacity, certified pump curves showing pump performance characteristics with pump and system operating point plotted. Include NPSH curve when applicable. Include electrical characteristics and connection requirements. C. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Submit installation instructions for material and equipment. CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Project Record Documents: Record actual locations of eyuipment and clean-outs. B. Operation and Maintenance L>ata: Submit frequency of treatment required for interceptors. Include, spare parts lists, exploded assembly views for pumps and equipment. QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section with minimum three years experience. B. Installer: Company specializing in performing Work of this section with minimum three years experience. PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Convene minimum one week priar to commencing work of this section. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Protect piping systems from entry of foreign materials by temporary covers, completing sections of the Work, and isolating parts of completed system. FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify field measurements prior to fabrication. WARRANTY A. Furnish one year manufacturer w<irranty. Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping � i5I50-2of5 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � Griner �7_12 Sid Lickton PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.l SANITARY SEWER PIPING, BURIED WITHIN 5 FEET OF BUILDING A. PVC Pipe: ASTM D1785, Schedule 40, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material, bell and spigot style solvent sealed joint ends. 1. Fittings: ASTM D2466, Schedule 4Q, PVC. 2. Joints: ASTM D2855, solvent weld with ASTM D2564 Solvent cement. 2.2 SANITARY SEWER PIPING, ABOVE GRADE A. PVC Pipe: ASTM D1785 Schedule 40, SDR-26 for not ]ess than 150 psi pressure rating, polyvinyt chloride (PVC) material. 1. Fittings: ASTM D2466, Schedule 40, PVC. 2. Joints: ASTM D2855, solvent wetd with ASTM D2564 Solvent cement. 23 UNIONS AND FLANGES A. Unions for Pipe 2 inches and Smaller: 1. PVC Piping: PVC. B. Flanges for Pipe 2-l/2 inches and Larger: 1. PVC Piping: PVC flanges. 2. Gaskets: 1/16 inch ihick preformed neoprene gaskets. C. PVC Pipe Materiais: For connections to equipment and valves with threaded connections, furnish sotvent-weld socket to screwed joint adapters and unions, or ASTM D2464, Schedule 80, threaded, PVC pipe. 2.4 FLOOR DRAINS A. Manufacturers: 1. Zurn. 2. Josam. B. Floor Drain: ASME Al 12.21.1; lacquered cast iron two piece body with double dra.inage flange, weep holes, reversible clamping collar, and round, adjustable nickel-bronze strainer. C_ Floor Drain: ASME AI 12.21.1; lacquered cast iron two piece body with double drainage flange, weep holes, reversible clamping cotlar, and round, adjustable nickel-bronze strainer with polished bronze funnel . 2.5 CLEANOUTS A. Manufacturers: 1. Zurn. 2. Josam. B. Exterior Surfaced Areas: Round cast nickel bronze access frame and non-skid cover. Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping ] 5150 - 3 of 5 Griner 07.12 Sid Lickton C. Exterior Unsurfaced Areas: Line type with lacquered cast irorr body and round epoxy coated cover wit gasket. D. Interior Finished Floor Areas: Lacyuered cast iron body with anchor flange, reversible clamping collar, threaded top assembly, and round scored cover with gasket in service areas and round depressed cover with gasket to accept floor finish in finished floor areas. E. Interior Finished Wall Areas: Line type with lacquered cast iron body and round epoxy coated cover with gasket, and raund stainless steel access cover secured with machine screw. F. Interior Unfinished Accessible Areas: Calked or threaded type. Provide bolted stack cleanouts on vertical rainwater leaders. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify excavations are to required grade, dry, and not over-excavated. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Ream pipe and tube ends. Remove burrs. B. Remove scale and dirt, on inside and outside, before assembly. C. Prepare piping connections to equipment with flanges or unions. D. Keep open ends of pipe free from scale and dirt. Protect open ends with temporary plugs or caps. 33 INSTALLATION - BURIED PIPING SYSTEMS A. Verify connection size, location, and invert are as indicated on Drawings. B. Establish elevations of buried piping. C. Remove scale and dirt on inside af piping before assembly. D. Excavate pipe trench. E. Install pipe to elevation as indicated on civil drawings. F. Place bedding material at trench bottom to provide uniform bedding for piping, level bedding materials in one continuous layer not exceeding 4 inches compacted depth; compact to 95 percent maximum density. G. Install pipe on prepared bedding. H. Route pipe in straight line. Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping 15150 - 4 of 5 i �_ � � � � � � � �J � � , � � Griner 07.12 Sid Lickton I. Pipe Cover and Backfilling: 1. Maintain optimum moisture content of fill material to attain required compaction density. 2. After hydrostatic test, evenly backfill entire trench width by hand placing bac�ll material and hand tamping in 6 inches compacted layers to l2 inches minimum cover over top of jacket. Compact to 95 percent maximum density. 3. Evenly and continuously backfill remaining trench depth in uniform tayers with backfll material. 4. Do not use wheeled or tracked vehicles for tamping. 3.4 INSTALLATION - ABOVE GROUND PIPING 3.5 A. Establish invert elevations, slopes for drainage to 1/8 inch per foot minimum. Maintain gradients. B. Extend cleanouts to finished floor or wall surface. Lubricate threaded cleanout plugs with mixture of graphite and linseed oil_ Provide clearances at cteanout for snaking drainage system. C. Encase exterior cleanouts in concrete flush with grade. D. Install floor cleanouts at elevation to accommodate finished floor. E. Route piping in orderly manner and maintain gradient. Route parallel and perpendicular to walls. F. Install piping to maintain headroom. Do not spread piping, conserve space. G. Group piping whenever practical at common elevations. H. Install piping penetrating roofed areas to maintain integrity of roof assembly. I. Where pipe support members are welded to structural building framing, scrape, brush clean, and apply one coat of zinc rich primer to welding. J. Install bell and spigot pipe with bell end upstream. K. Sleeve pipes passing through partitions, walls and floors. L. Install firestopping at fire rated construction perimeters and openings containing penetrating sleeves and piping. M. Support cast iron drainage piping at every joint. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Conduct water pressure test of the sanitary waste and vent piping system in accordance with Florida Building Code 2007 - Plumbing. END OF SECTION 15050 Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping I 5150 - 5 of 5 � � � Griner 07.12 SECTION 15184 - HVAC Piping PART1 GENERAL l.l SUNIIvIARY � A. Section Includes: 1. Refrigerant piping. 2. Condensate Piping. 3. Unions. ' 4. Refrigerant moisture and liquid indicators. 5. Refrigerant filter-driers. � � � � � �� � � � � � � 1.2 Sid Lickton B. Related Sections: 1. Section 15061 - Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment: Product requirements for pipe hangers and supports, sleeves, [and firestopping] for placement by this section. 2. Section 15072 - Vibration Controls for HVAC Piping and Equipment: Product requirements for Vibration Isolation for placement by this section. 3. Section 15476 - Identification for HVAC Piping and Equipment: Product requirements for pipe identification for placement by this section. 4. Section 15081 - HVAC Insulation: Product requirements for Piping Insulation for placement by this section_ REFERENCES A. Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute: 1. ARI 7I0 - Liquid-Line Driers. 2. ARI 730 - Flow-Capacity Rating and Application of Suction-Line Filters and Filter Dryers. B. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers: 1. ASHRAE 15 - Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration. C. American Society of Mechanical Engineers: 1. ASIvIE B16.22 - Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings. 2. ASNIE B16.26 - Cast Copper Alloy Fittings for Flared Copper Tubes. 3. ASME B31.5 - Refrigeration Piping. 4. ASME Section VIII - Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code - Pressure Vessels. D. ASTM Intemational: 1. ASTM A234/A234M - Standard Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and High Temperature Service. 2. ASTM B88 - Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Water Tube. 3. AST'M B280 - Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Tube for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Field Service. E. American Welding Society: HVAC Piping I 5184 - 1 of 5 Griner 07.12 1.3 1.4 1.5 l .6 I .7 1.8 l.9 Sid Lickton 1. A WS A5.8 - Specification for Filter Metals for Brazing and Braze Welding. 2. AWS DI.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Where more than one piping system material is specified, provide comparible system components and joints. Use non-conducting dielectric connections when joining dissimilar metals in systems. SUBMITTALS A. Section 0133 - Submittal Procedures: Submittal procedures. B. Product Data: ]. Piping: Submit data on pipe materials, fittings, and accessories. 2. Refrigerant Specialties: Submit manufacturers catalog information including capacity, component sizes, rough-in requirements, and service sizes for the following: a. Refrigerant moisture and liquid indicators. b. Refrigerant filter-driers. C. Test Reports: Indicate results of piping system pressure test. CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Section O1770 - Closeout Procedures: Closeout procedures. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with ASME B3I.5 code for installation of refrigerant piping systems. QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section with minimum three years experience. B. Fabricator or Installer: Company specializing in performing Work of this section with minimum three years experience. PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Convene minimum one week prior to commencing work of this section. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Dehydrate and chazge refrigeration components including piping and receivers, seal prior to shipment. Maintain seal until connected into system. B. Provide temporary end caps and closures on piping and fittings. Maintain in place until installation. HVAC Piping 15184 - 2 of 5 � � � � � ' � � � �� � � � Griner 07.12 1.10 1.11 1.12 Sid Lickton C. Protect piping systems from entry of foreign materials by temporary covers, completing sections of the Work, and isolating parts of completed system. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Do not install underground piping when bedding is wet. FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify field measurements prior to fabrication. WARRANTY A. Section 01770 - Closeout Procedures: Product warranties and product bonds. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 REFRIGERANT PIPING A. Copper Tubing: ASTM B280, Type ACR hard drawn. 1. Fittings: ASME B16.22 wrought copper. 2. Joints: Braze, AWS A5.8 BCuP silver/phosphorus/copper alloy with melting range 11�90 to 1480 degrees F. B. Copper Tubing to 7/8 inch OD: ASTM B88, Type K, annealed. 1. Fittings: ASME B16.26 cast copper, compression type. 2. Joints: Flared. 2.2 CONDENSATE DRAIN , A. Copper Tubing: ASTM B88, Type M, hard drawn. 1. Fittings: ASME B 16.18, cast brass, or ASME B 16.22 solder wrought copper. 2. Joints: Solder, lead free, 95-5 tin-antimony, or tin and silver, with melting range 430 to 535 degrees F. 23 tTNIONS A. 2 inches and Smaller: ]. Copper Pipe: Bronze, soldered joints. B. Dielectric Connections: Union with galvanized or plated steel threaded end, copper solder end, water impervious isolation barrier. 2.4 REFRIGERANT MOISTURE AND LIQUID INDICATORS A. Manufacturers: 1. Alco Controls Div, Emerson Electric Co. 2. Parker Hannifin Corp., Refrig. & Air Cond. Div_ 3. Sporlan Valve Co. 4. Substitutions: Section 01600 — Product Requirements. HVAC Piping 15184-3of5 Griner 07.12 2.5 � Sid Lickton � B. Indicators: 1. Port: Single, UL listed. 2. Body: Copper or brass, flared or solder ends. 3. Sight glass: Color-coded paper moisture indicator with removable element cartridge and plastic cap. 4. Maximum working pressure: 500 psig 5. Maximum working temperahue: 200 degrees F. REFRIGERANT FILTER-DRIERS A. Manufacturers: 1. Alco Controls Div, Emerson ElecVic Co. 2. Pazker Hannifin Corp., Refrig. & Air Cond. Div. 3. Sporlan Valve Co. 4. Substitutions: Section 0] 600 — Product Requirements. B. Replaceable Cartridge Angle Type: ]. Shell: ARI 710, UL listed, brass, removable cap, for m�imum working pressure of 500 psig 2. Filter/Dryer Cartridge: Pleated media with solid core sieve with activated alumina. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.l EXAMINATION A. Verify excavations are to required grade, dry, and not over-excavated. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Ream pipe and tube ends. Remove burrs. B. Remove scale and dirt on inside and outside before assembly. C. Keep open ends of pipe free from scale and dirt. Protect open ends with temporary plugs or caps. 3.3 INSTALLATION - ABOVE GROUND PIPING SYSTEMS A. Route piping parallel to building structure and maintain gradient. B. Instal] piping to conserve building space, and not interfere with use of space. C. Group piping whenever practieal at common elevations. D. Sleeve pipe passing through partitions, walls and floors. Refer to Section ] 5061. E_ Install pipe identification in accordance with Section 150761. F. Install piping to allow for expansion and contraction without stressing pipe, joints, or connected equipment. HVAC Piping 15l 84 - 4 of 5 � � � � , � � � � � � � �1 � � Griner 07.12 3.4 3.5 Sid Lickton G. Arrange refrigerant piping to return oil to compressor. Provide traps and loops in piping, and provide double risers as required. Slope horizontal piping 0.40 percent in direction of flow. H. Flood refrigerant piping system with nitrogen when brazing. I. Insulate piping ;refer to Section 15081. J. Provide replaceable cartridge filter-dryers, with isolation valves and bypass with valve. K. Fully chazge completed system with refrigerant after testing. L. Follow ASHRAE l S procedures for chazging and purging of systems and for disposal of refrigerant. M. Install refrigerant piping in accordance with ASME B31.5. INSTALLATION - REFRIGERANT SPECIALTIES A. Refrigerant Liquid Indicators: 1. Install line size liquid indicators in main liquid line downstream of condenser. 2. Install line size liquid indicators downstream of liquid solenoid valves_ B. Filter-Dryers: 1. Install permanent filter-dryer in systems containing hermetic compressors. 2. Install replaceable cartridge filter-dryer vertically in liquid line adjacent to receivers. 3. Install replaceable cartridge filter-dryer upstream of each solenoid valve. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Test refrigeration system in accordance with ASME B3l .5. B. Pressure test refrigeration system with dry nitrogen to 200 psig. Perform final tests at 27 inches vacuum and 200 psig using halide torch. C. Repair leaks. D. Retest until no leaks aze detected. END OF SECTION 15184 HVAC Piping 15184-SofS , � � � � �' � � � � � � �� � � Griner 07.12 SECTION 15410 - Plumbing Fixtures Sid Lickton PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Water closets. 2. Urinals. 3. Lavatories. 4. Sinks. 5. Mop Service Basins. 6. Electric water coolers. 1.2 REFERENCES A. American National Standards Institute: ]. ANSI Al 17.1 - Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities. 2. ANSI Z358.1 - Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment. B. Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute: 1. ARI ] O10 - Self-Contained, Mechanically Refrigerated Drinking-Water Coolers. C. American Society of Mechanical Engineers: I. ASME A112.6.1 - Floor-A�xed Supports for Off-the-Floor Plumbing Fixtures for Public Use. 2. ASME A112.18.1 - Plumbing Fixture Fittings. 3. ASME A112.19.2M - Vitreous China Plumbing Fixtures. 4. ASME A112.19.5 - Trim for Water-Closet Bowls, Tanks and Urinals. 13 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit catalog illustrations of fixtures, sizes, rough-in dimensions, utility sizes, trim, and finishes. B. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Submit installation methods and procedures. C. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify products meet or exceed specified requirements. l.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit fixture, trim, exploded view and replacement parts lists. 1.5 QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section with minimum three years experience. Plumbing Fixtures ]5410- 1 of5 Griner 07.12 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 r s�a L���on � B. Installer: Company specializing in performing Work of this section with minimum three years experience. PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Convene minimum one week prior to commencing work of this section. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Accept fixtures on site in factory packaging. Inspect for damage. B. Protect installed fixtures from damage by securing areas and by leaving factory packaging in place to protect fixtures and prevent use. WARRANTY A. Furnish one year manufacturer warranty for plumbing fixtures. EXTRA MATEWALS A. Furnish two sets of faucet washers, flush valve service kits and lavatory supply fittings. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 FLUSH VALVE WATER CLOSETS A. Manufacturers: 1. Toto 2. No Substitutions per Owner B. Bowl: ASME A112.19.2M; wall hung, siphon jet vitreous china closet bowl, with elongated rim, 1-1/2 inch top spud, china bolt caps. C. Bowl: ASME A] ]2.19.2M; floor mounted, siphon jet 17 inch bowl height, vitreous china closet bowl, with elongated rim, l-1/2 inch top spud, china bolt caps. D. Flush Valve: ASME A112.18.1; concealed rough brass, diaphragm type with handle in chrome plated plate, wheel handle stop and vacuum breaker, maximum 128 gallon flush volume. E. Seat: Solid white plastic, open front, extended back, self-sustaining hinge, brass bolts, without cover, inch. 2.2 WALL HUNG URINALS A. Manufacturers: 1. American Standard Plumbing 2. Kohler Co. 3. Sloan Valve Co. 4. Toto Plumbing Fixtwes 15410 - 2 of 5 � r ' � � ' , � � � � � � � � � � � Griner 07_ 12 Sid Lickton B. Urinal: ASME A112.19.2M; vitreous china, wall hnng siphon jet urinal with shields, integral trap, , 3/4 inch topspud, steel supporting hanger. C. Flush Valve: ASME A l] 2.18.1; exposed chrome plated, diaphragm type with handle in chrome plated plate, wheel handle stop and vacuum breaker; maximum 1/S gallon flush volume. D. Wall Mounted Carrier: ASME Al 12.6.1; cast iron and steel frame with tubulaz legs, lugs for floor and wall attachment, threaded fixtwe studs for fixture hanger, bearing studs. 2.3 LAVATORIES A. B. C. D. Manufacttirers: 1. American Standard Plumbing 2. Kohler Co. Vitreous China Wall Hung Basin: ASME A112.19.2M; vitreous china wall hung lavatory, with 4 inch high back, drillings on 4 inch centers, rectangulaz basin with splash lip, front overflow, and soap depression. Vitreous China Counter Top Basin: ASME A112.192M; vitreous china self-rimming counter top lavatory, with drillings on 4 inch centers, front overflow, soap depression, seal of putty, caulking, or concealed vinyl gasket. Faucet: ASME A 112.18.1; chrome plated single handle faucet with chrome finish, aerator and cover plate, open grid strainer. E. Accessories: 1. Chrome plated l7 gage brass P-trap with clean-out plug and arm with escutcheon. 2. Offset waste with perforated open strainer plug and strainer. 3. Wheel handle Screwdriver stops. 4. Rigid Flexible supplies. 5. Trap and waste insulated and offset to meet ADA compliance. F. Wall Mounted Cazrier: ASME A112.6.1; cast iron and steel frame with tubular legs, lugs for floor and wall attachment, concealed arm supports, bearing plate and studs. 2.4 ELECTRIC WATER COOLERS A. Manufacturers: 1. Elkay B. Fountain: 1. ARI 1010; surface handicapped mounted electric water cooler with stainless steel top, vinyl on steel body; elevated anti-squirt bubbler with stream guazd, aatomatic stream regulator, push button, mounting bracket, refrigerated with integral air cooled condenser . Plumbing Fixtures I5410-3of5 Griner 07.12 2.5 2.6 � Sid Lickton � SERVICE SINKS A. Manufacturers: 1. Fiat 2. American Standard B. Bowl: molded stone, floor mounted, with one inch wide shoulders, vinyl bumper guard, and stainless steel strainer. C. Trim: ASME A112.18.] exposed wall type supply with lever handles, spout wall brace, vacuum breaker, hose end spout, strainers, eccentric adjustable inlets, integral screwdriver stops with covering caps and adjustable threaded wall ftanges. D. Accessories: l. 5 feet of ]12 inch diameter plain end reinforced plastic rubber hose. 2. Hose clamp hanger. 3. Mop hanger. 4. LAVATORY INSULATION KIT A. Manufacturers: 1. Truebro B. Product Description: Where Lavatories are noted to be insulated for ADA compliance, furnish the following: Safety Covers conforming to ANSI A 177. I and consisting of insulation kit of molded closed cell vinyl construction, 3/16 inch thick, white color, for insulating tailpiece, P-trap, valves, and supply piping. Fumish with weep hole and angle valve access covers. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify walls and floor finishes are prepared and ready for installation of fixtures. B. Verify electric power is available and of correct chazacteristics. C. Confirm millwork is constructed with adequate provision for installation of counter top lavatories and sinks. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Rough-in fixture piping connections in accordance with minimum sizes indicated in fixture rough-in schedule for particular fixtures. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Install each fixture with trap, easily removable for servicing and cleaning. Plumbing Fixtures 154I0 - 4 of 5 , � � �' � ' � � � � � � ' � � � � � � Griner 0?.l2 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Sid Lickton B. Provide chrome plated flexible supplies to fixtures with screwdriver stops, reducers, and escutcheons. C. Install components level and plumb. D. Install and secure fixtures in place with wall camers and bolts. E. Sea! fixtures to wall and floor surfaces with sealant as speci�ied in Section 07900, color to match fixture. F. Solidly attach water closets to floor with lag screws. Lead flashing is not intended hold fixture in place. G. For ADA accessible water closets, install flush valve with handle to wide side of stall. INTERFACE WITH OTHER PRODUCTS A.. Review millwork shop-drawings. Confirm location and size of fixtures and openings before rough in and installation. ADNSTING A. Adjust stops or valves for intended water flow rate to fixtures without splashing, noise, or overflow. CLEAI�JING A. Clean plumbing fixtures and eyuipment. PROTECTION OF INSTALLED CONSTRUCTION A. Do not permit use of fixtures before final acceptance. END OF SECTION 15410 Plumbing Fixtures 154]0-SofS � � � � � , � � � �� � � � � � � � Griner 07.12 Sid Lickton SECTION 15739 - Split System Air Conditioning Units PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Air handling unit. 2. Condensing unit. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit data indicating: 1. Cooling and heating capacities. 2. Dimensions. 3. Weights. 4. Rough-in connections and connection requirements. 5. Duct connections. 6. Electrical requirements with electrical characteristics and connection requirements. 1. Controls. 8. Accessories. B. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Submit assembly, support details, connection requirements, and include start-up instructions. C. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify Products meet ar exceed specified requirements. D. Manufacturer's Field Reports: Submit start-up report for each unit. 13 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Project Record Documents: Record actual locations of controls installed remotely from units. B. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit manufacturer's descriptive literature, operating instructions, installation instructions, and maintenance and repair data. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Performance Requirements:, Energy Efficiency Rating (EER) not less than prescribed by ASHRAE 90.1 when used in combination with compressors and evaporator coils when tested in accordance with ARI 210/240 ARI 340/360. B_ Cooling Capacity: Rate in accordance with ARI 210/240 ARI 340/360 ARI 365. C. Sound Rating: Measure in accordance with A.RI 270. D. Tnsulation and adhesives: Meet reyuirements of NFPA 90A. E. Maintain one copy of each document on site. Split System Air Conditioning Units 15739 - 1 of 4 Griner 07.12 Sid Lickton 1.5 WARRANTY A. Furnish five year manufacturers warranty for compressors. l .6 MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Furnish service and maintenance of equipment for one year from Date of Substantial Completion. Include maintenance items as shown in manufacturer's operating and maintenance data, including filter replacements, fan belt replacement, and controls checkout and adjustments. B. Fumish 24-hotu emergency service on breakdowns and malfunctions for this maintenance period. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.l SPLIT SYSTEM AIR CONDITIONING UNITS A. Manufacturers: 1. 7'he Trane Company. 2. No Substitutions per Owner. 2.2 AIR HANDLING UNIT A. Configuration: As indicated on Drawings. B. Cabinet: 1. Panels: Constructed of galvanized steel with baked enamel finish. Access Panels: Located on both sides of unit. Furnish with duct collars on inlets and outlets. 2. Insulation: Factory applied to each surface to insulate entire cabinet. 1/2 one inch thick neoprene coated aluminum foil faced glass fiber with edges protected from erosion. C. Evaporator Fan: Forward curved centrifugal type, resiliently. mounted with adjustable belt drive and high efficiency motor compiying with NEMA MG1, Type 1. Motor permanently lubricated with built-in thermal overload protection. Furnish oversize motor. D. Evaporator Coil: Constructed of copper tubes expanded onto aluminum fins. Factory leak tested under water. Removable, PVC construction, double-sloped drain pan with piping connections on both sides. E. Electric Heating Coil: Helical nickel-chrome resistance wire coil heating elements with refractory ceramic support bushings easily accessible with automatic reset thermal cut- out, built-in contactors, galvanized steel frame, control circuit transformer and fuse, manual reset thermal cut-out, air flow proving device, pilot duty toggle switch, load fuses. F. Air Filters: 2 inch thick glass fiber disposable media in metal frames. 25 to 30 percent efficiency based on ASHRAE 52.1. Split System Air Conditioning Units 15739 - 2 of 4 u � �I I �� � , � a � � � �� � � � �� � � , � � � Griner 07_]2 2.3 CONDENSING L7NIT Sid Lickton A. General: Factory assembled and tested air cooled condensing units, consisting of casing, compressors, condensers, coils, condenser fans and motors, and unit controls. B. Unit Casings: Exposed casing surfaces constructed of galvanized steel with manufacturer's standard baked enamel finish. Designed for outdoor installation and complete with weather protection for components and controls, and complete with removable panels for required access to compressors, controls, condenser fans, motors, and drives. C. � E. F Compressor: Single refrigeration circuit or two independent refrigeration circuits with rotary or hermetic semi-hermetic reciprocating type compressors, resiliently mounted, with positive lubrication, and internal motor overload protection. Condenser Coil: Constructed of copper tubing mechanically bonded to aluminum copper fins, factory leak and pressure tested. Controls: Furnish operating and safety controls including high and low pressure cutouts. Control transformer. Fumish magnetic contactors for compressor and condenser fan motors. Condenser Fans and Drives: Direct drive propeller fans statically and dynamically balanced. Wired to operate with compressor. Permanently lubricated ball bearing type motors with built-in thermal overload protection. Furnish high efficiency fan motors. G. Condensing Unit Accessories: Furnish the following accessories: 1. Controls to provide low ambient cooling to 0-20 degrees F. 2. Time delay relay. 3. Anti-short cycle timer. 4. Disconnect switch. 5. Vibration isolators. 6. Hot gas bypass kit. 7. Coil with corrosion resistant coating capable of withstanding salt spray test of ] 000 hours in accordance with ASTM B 1 l 7. 8. Condenser Coil Guard: Condenser fan openings furnished with PVC coated steel wire safety guards. 9. Suction and discharge pressure gauges. H. Refrigeration specialties: Furnish the following for each circuit: l. Charge of compressor oil. 2. Holding charge of refrigerant. 3. Replaceable core type filter drier. 4. Liquid line sight glass and moisture indicator. 5. Shut-off valves on suction and liquid piping_ 6. Liquid line solenoid valve. 7. Charging valve. 8. Oil level sight glass. 9. Crankcase heater. Split System Air Conditioning Units 15739 - 3 of 4 Griner 07.12 � Sid Lickton � PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.l EXAMINATION A. Verify concrete pad for condensing unit is ready for unit installation. 3.2 INSTALLATION - AIR HANDLING UNIT A. Install air handling units on vibration isolators. B. Connect air handling units to supply and return ductwork with flexible connections. C. Install condensate piping with trap and route from drain pan to condensate drainage system. 33 INSTALLATION - CONDENSING UNIT A. lnstal] condensing units on vibration isolators. B. Install refrigerant piping from unit to condensing unit. C. Evacuate refrigerant piping and install initial charge of refrigerant. D. Install electrical devices furnished loose for field mounting. E. ]nstall control wiring between air handling unit, condensing unit, and field installed accessories. F. Install connection to electrical power wiring in accordance with Division l6. 3.4 CLEAI�IING A_ Vacuum clean coils and inside of unit cabinet. B. Throwaway filters in units at Substantial Completion. C. Install temporary filters during construction period. Replace with permanent filters at Substantial Completion. 3.5 DEMONSTRATION A. Demonstrate air handling unit operation and maintenance. B. Demonstrate starting, maintenance, and operation of condensing unit including low ambient temperature operation. C. Fumish services of manufacturer's technical representative for one 8 hour day to instruct Owner's personnel in operation and maintenance of units. Schedule training with Owner, provide at least 7 days notice to Architect/Engineer of training date. 3.7 PROTECTION OF FII�tISHED WORK A. Do not operate air handling units until ductwork is clean, filters aze in place, bearings lubricated, and fan has been test nm under observation. END OF SECTION 15739 Split System Air Conditioning Units 15739 - 4 of 4 C� 1 � Griner 07.12 SECTION 15810 - Ducts Sid Lickton PART I GENERAL , 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: � 1. Duct Materials. 2. Insulated flexible ducts. 3. Single wall spiral round ducts. � 4. Ductwork fabrication. 5. Duct cleaning. B. Related Sections: ' 1. Section 15061 - Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment: Product requirements for hangers, supports and sleeves for placement by this section � 2. Section 15820 - Air Duct Accessories: Product requirements for duct accessories for placement by this section. � � � 1__J � ' � � � � � 1.2 REFERENCES A. ASTM Intemational: 1. ASTM A90/A90M - Standard Test Method for Weight Mass of Coating on Iron and Steel Articles with Zinc or Zinc-Alloy Coatings. 2. ASTM A653/A653M - Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process. 3. ASTM E84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. B. National Fire Protection Association: 1. NFPA 90A - Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems. 2. NFPA 90B - Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems. C. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors: 1. SMACNA - HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual. 2. SMACNA - HVAC Duct Construction Standard - Metal and Flexible. D. Underwriters Laboratories Inc.: 1. LTL I8I - Factory-Made Air Ducts and Connectors. 1.3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Variation of duct configuration or sizes other than those of equivalent or lower loss coefficient is not permitted except by written permission. Size round ducts installed in place of rectangular ducts in accordance with ASHRAE table of eyuivalent rectangular and round ducts. Ducts 15850- 1 of5 Griner 07.I2 ' Sid Lickton � 2.4 SUBMITTALS A. Section 01330 — Submittal Procedwes: Shop drawings, product data and samples. B. Shop Drawings: Submit duct fabrication drawings, drawn to scale not smaller than '/4 inch equals 1 foot, on drawing sheets same size as Contract Documents, indicating: 1. Fabrication, assembly, and installation details, including plans, elevations, sections, details of components, and attachments to other work. 2. Duct layout, indicating pressure classifications and sizes in plan view. For exhaust duct systems, indicate classification of materials handled as defined in this section. 3. Fittings. 4. Reinforcing details and spacing. 5. Seam and joint construction details. 6. Penetrations through fire rated and other walls. 7. Terminal unit, coil installations. 8. Hangers and supports, including methods for building attachment and duct attachment. C. Product Data: Submit data for duct materials. D. Test Reports: Indicate pressure tests performed. Include date, section tested, test pressure, and leakage rate, following SMACNA HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual. E. SUBMITTALS 1. Submit manufacture�'s product data for duct materials. 1.5 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Section 01770 - Closeout Procedwes: Closeout procedures. B. Project Record Documents: Record actual locations of ducts and duct fittings. Record changes in fitting location and type. l.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with SMACNA - HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and flexible. B. Construct ductwork to NFPA 90 and NFPA 90B standards. 1.7 QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufactwing products specified in this section with minimum three yeazs experience_ B. Installer: Company specializing in performing Work of this section with minimum three yeazs experience. Ducts 15810 - 2 of 5 ' C_ � ' , I�� l� ' ' I ' LJ �II� �' i � � ' , � � � � � Griner 07.12 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 Sid Lickton PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Convene minimum one week prior to commencing work of this section. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Do not install duct sealant when temperatures aze less than those recommended by sealant manufacturers. B. Maintain temperatures during and a$er installation of duct sealant. FIELD MEASUREIvIENTS A. Verify field measurements prior to fabrication. WARR.ANTY A. Section 01770 - Closeout Procedures: Product warranties and product bonds. B. Furnish one year manufacturer warranty for ducts. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 DUCT MATERIALS A. Galvanized Steel Ducts: ASTM A653/A653M galvanized steel sheet, lock-forming quality, having G90 zinc coating of in conformance with ASTM A9�/A90M. B. Fasteners: Rivets, bolts, or sheet metal screws. C. Hanger Rod: ASTM A36/A36M; steel, galvanized; threaded both ends, threaded one end, or continuously threaded. 2.2 INSULATED FLEXIBLE DUCTS A. Manufacturers: 1. Flexmaster. 2. Atco. 3. Substit�tions: Section 01600 — Material and Equipment. B. Product Description: Two ply vinyl film supported by helical wound spring steel wire; fiberglass insulation; polyethylene aluminized vapor barrier film. 1. Pressure Rating: 10 inches wg positive and I.0 inches wg negative. 2. Maximum Velocity: 40Q0 fpm. 3. Temperature Range: -l0 degrees F to ] 60 degrees F. 4. Thermal Resistance: 4.2 square feet-hour-degree F per BTU. Ducts 15810 - 3 of 5 Griner 07.12 ' Sid Lickton � 2.3 DUCTWORK FABRICATION A. Fabricate and support rectangular ducts in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible and as indicated on Drawings. Provide duct material, gages, reinforcing, and sealing for operating pressures indicated. B. Fabricate and support round ducts with longitudinal seams in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible (Round Duct Construction Standards), and as indicated on Drawings. Provide duct material, gages, reinforcing, and sealing for operating pressures indicated. C. Construct T's, bends, and elbows with minimum radius 1-I/2 times centerline duct width. Where not possible and where rectangular elbows aze used, provide airfoil turning vanes. Where acoustical lining is indicated, furnish turning vanes of perforated metal with glass fiber insulation. D. Increase duct sizes gradually, not exceeding 15 degrees divergence wherever possible; maximum 30 degrees divergence upstream of equipment and 45 degrees convergence downstream. E. Fabricate continuously welded round and oval duct fittings two gages heavier than duct gages indicated in SMACNA Standard. Minimum 4 inch cemented slip joint, brazed or electric welded. Prime coat welded joints. F. Provide standazd 45-degree lateral wye takeoffs. When space does not allow 45-degree lateral wye takeoff, use 90-degree conical tee connections. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify sizes of equipment connections before fabricating transitions. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install and seal ducts in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Fle�cible. B. During construction, install temporary closures of inetal or taped polyethylene on open ductwork to prevent construction dust from entering ductwork system. C. Use crimp joints with or without bead or beaded sleeve couplings for joining round duct sizes 8 inches and smaller. D. Install duct hangers and supports in accordance with Section I 5061. E. Use double nuts and lock washers on threaded rod supports. F. Connect flexible ducts to metal ducts with draw bands. Ducts 15810 - 4 of 5 � 1 , � i ' � � � ' � r � � � � � ' � Griner Q7.12 Sid Lickton 3.3 INTERFACE WITH OTHER PRODUCTS A. Install openings in ductwork where required to accommodate thermometers and controllers. Install pitot tube openings for testing of systems. Install pitot tube complete with meta] can with spring device or screw to prevent air leakage. Where openings are provided in insulated ductwork, install insulation material inside metal ring. B. Connect diffusers to low pressure ducts directly or with 6 feet maximum length of flexible duct held in place with strap or clamp. 3.4 SCHEDULES C. Ductwork Material Schedule: AIR SYSTEM MATERIAL Supply (System with Cooling Coils) Galvanized Steel Return and Relief Galvanized Steel General Exhaust Galvanized Steel Outside Air Intake Galvanized Steel D. Ductwork Pressure Class Schedule: AIR SYSTEM PRESSURE CLASS Supply I inch wg regardless of velocity. Return and Relief 1 inch wg regardless of velocity. General Exhaust 1 inch wg regardless of velocity. END OF SECTION 1581� Ducts 15810-SofS ' � ' ' , ' a , � , L r , � � ' ' i i Griner Qi.l2 SECTION 15820 -Air Duct Accessories Sid Lickton PART l GENERAL 1.1 SUNIMARY A. Section Includes: l . Duct access doors. 2. Static fire dampers. 3. Volume control dampers. 4. Duct test holes. B. Related Sections: 1. Section 15810 - Ducts: Requirements for duct construction and pressure classifications. 1.2 1.3 REFERENCES A. Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.: 1. AMCA 500 - Test Methods for Louvers, Dampers, and Shutters. B. AST'M International: 1. ASTM El - Standazd Specification for ASTM Thermometers. C. National Fire Protection Association: 1. NFPA 90A - Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems. D. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors: 1. SMACNA - HVAC Duct Construction Standard - Metal and Flexible. E. Underwriters Laboratories Inc.: 1. UL 555 - Standard for Safety for Fire Dampers. SUBMITTALS A. Section 01330 — Submittal Procedures: Shop drawings, product data and samples. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate for shop fabricated assemblies including volume control dampers duct access doors and duct test holes. C. Product Data: Submit data for shop fabricated assemblies and hardware used. D. Product Data: Submit for the following. Include where applicable electrical characteristics and connection requirements. l . Flexible duct connections. 2. Volume control dampers. 3. Duct access doors. 4. Duct test holes. Air Duct Accessories 15820 - l of 4 Griner 07_ 12 , Sid Lickton � 1.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Section 01770 - Closeout Procedures: Closeout procedures. B. Project Record Documents: Record actual locations of access doors test holes. C. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit for Fire Dampers. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Dampers tested, rated and labeled in accordance with the latest UL requirements. B. Damper pressure drop ratings based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA 500. 1.6 QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section with minimum three years experience. 1.7 PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Convene minimum one week prior to commencing work of this section. 1.8 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Protect dampers from damage to operating linkages and blades. B. Delivery: Deliver materials to site in manufacturer's original, unopened containers and packaging, with labels cleazly indicating manufacturer and material. C. Storage: Store materials in a dry area indoor, protected from damage. D. Handling: Handle and lift dampers in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Protect materials and finishes during handling and installation to prevent damage. 1.9 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify field measurements prior to fabrication. 1.1 � WARRANTY A. Section 01770 - Closeout Procedures: Product warranties and product bonds. B. Furnish one year manufacturer warranty for duct accessories. Air Duct Accessories 15820 - 2 of 4 � � � � � ' ' , � � � , r , � r Griner 07.12 Sid Lickton PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 DUCT ACCESS DOORS A. Manufacturers: 1. Ruskin 2. Substitutions: Section 01600 — Product Requirements. B. Fabricate in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible, and as indicated on Drawings. C. Fabrication: Rigid and close fitting of galvanized steel with sealing gaskets and quick fastening locking devices. For insulated ductwork, furnish minimum 1 inch thick insulation with sheet metal cover. 1. Less than 12 inches square, secure with sash locks. 2. Up to 18 inches Square: Furnish two piano-type hinges and two sash locks. 3. Up to 24 x 48 inches: Three piano-type hinges and two compression latches with outside and inside handles. 4. Lazger Sizes: Furnish additional piano-type hinges. 5. Access panels with sheet metal screw fasteners aze not acceptable. 2.2 VOLUME CONTROL DAMPERS A. Manufacturers: I. Ruskin. 2. Greenheck. 3. Substitutions: Section 016000 — Product Requirements. B. Fabricate in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible, and as indicated on Drawings. 2.3 C. Multi-Blade Damper: Fabricate of opposed blade pattern with m�imum blade sizes 8 x 72 inches. Assemble center and edge crimped blades in prime coated or galvanized frame channel with suitable hazdwaze. D. Quadrants: l. Fumish locking, indicating quadrant regulators on single and multi-blade dampers. DUCT TEST HOLES E. Permanent Test Holes: Factory fabricated, air tight flanged fittings with screw cap. Furnish extended neck fittings to clear insulation. ' PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION ' A. Verify ducts and equipment installations are ready for accessories. Air Duct Accessories , ' 15820 - 3 of 4 Griner 07.12 Sid Lickton B. Check location of air outlets and inlets and make necessary adjustments in position to conform to architectural features, symmetry, and lighting arrangement. 32 INSTALLATION. A. Install in accordance with NFPA 90A, and follow SMACNA HVAC Duct Consrivction Standards - Metal and Flexible. Refer to Section 15810 for duct construction and pressure class. B. Access Doors: Install access doors at the following locations and as indicated on Drawings: 1. After each duct mounted smoke detector. C. Access Door Sizes: Install minimum 8 x 8 inch size for hand access, 18 x 18 inch size for shoulder access, and as indicated on Drawings. Review locations prior to fabrication. D. Install temporary duct test holes where indicated on Drawings and required for testing and balancing purposes. Cut or drill in ducts. Cap with neat patches, neoprene plugs, threaded plugs, or threaded or twist-on metal caps. E. Install permanent duct test holes where indicated on Drawings and required for testing and balancing purposes. 3.3 DEMONSTRATION A. Section 01770 - Closeout Procedures: Reyuirements for demonstration and training. B. Demonstrate re-setting of fire dampers to Owner's representative. END OF SECTION 15820 Air Duct Accessories ] 5820 - 4 of 4 � ' � � ' , ' � r � ' � ' , , ' ' , ' � , � � ' � ' ' � , �' , ' , 1 ' ' ' ' Griner 07.12 SECTION 15830 - Fans Sid Lickton PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Ceiling Fans. B. Related Sections: 1. Section 15070 - Mechanical Sound, Vibration, and Seismic Control: Product requirements for resilient mountings and snubbers for fans for placement by this section. 2. Section 15810 - Ducts: Product requirements for hangers for placement by this section. 3. Section 15820 - Duct Accessories: Product requirements for duct accessories for placement by this section. 4. Division 16: Electrical. 1.2 13 Fans REFERENCES A_ American Bearing Manufacturers Association: l. ABMA 9- Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Ball Bearings. 2. ABMA 11 - Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Roller Bearings. B. Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.: l. AMCA 99 - Standards Handbook. 2. AMCA 204 - Balance Quality and Vibration Levels for Fans. 3. AMCA 210 - Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Aerodynamic Performance Rating. 4. AMCA 300 - Reverberant Room Method for Sound Testing of Fans. 5. AMCA 301 - Methods for Calculating Fan Sound Ratings from Laboratory Test Data. C. National Electrical Manufacturers Association: I. NEMA MG I- Motors and Generators. 2. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electricai Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum). D. Underwriters Laboratories Inc.: 1. UL 705 - Power Ventilators. SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Indicate size and configuration of fan assembly, mountings, weights, ductwork and accessory connections. B. Product Data: Submit data on each type of fan and include accessories, fan curves with specified operating point plotted, power, RPM, sound power levels for both fan inlet and outlet at rated capacity, electrical characteristics and connection requirements. 15830 - 1 of 3 Griner 07.12 ' Sid Lickton ' C. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Submit fan manufacturer's instructions. 1.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit instructions for lubrication, motor and drive replacement, spare parts list, and wiring diagrams. l .5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Performance Ratings: Conform to AMCA 210 and bear AMCA Certified Rating Seal. B. Sound Ratings: AMCA 301, tested to AMCA 300,and bear AMCA Certified Sound Rating Seal. C. LTL Compliance: IIL listed and labeled, designed, manufactured, and tested in accordance with UL 705. D. Balance Quality: Conform to AMCA 204. l.6 QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section with minimum three years experience. B. Installer: Company specializing in performing Work of this section with minimum three years experience. ].7 PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Convene minimum one week prior to commencing work of this section. 1.8 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Protect motors, shafts, and bearings from weather and construction dust. ] .9 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify field measurements prior to fabrication. l . ] 0 WARRANT'Y A. Furnish one year manufacturer's warranty for fans. l .l 1 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish one set of belts for each fan. Fans 15830 - 2 of 3 ' 1 , ' � � ' � � � ' Griner 07.12 Sid Lickton PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 2.1 DOWNBLAST CENTRIFUGAL ROOF FANS A. Manufacturers: 1. Greenheck Corp. 2. Loren Cook Company B. Fan Unit: Downblast type. Direct drive, with spun aluminum housing; resilient mounted motor; aluminum wire bird screen; square base to suit roof curb with continuous curb gaskets. C. Sheaves: Cast iron or steel, dynamically balanced, bored to fit shafts and keyed; variable and adjustable pitch motor sheave selected so required rpm is obtained with sheaves set at mid-position; fan shaft with self-aligning pre-lubricated ball bearings. D. Motor: Open drip proof. E. Roof Curb: 14 inch high self-flashing of aluminum construction with continuously . welded seams, built-in cant strips, I inch insulation and curb bottom, and factory installed nailer strip. F. Disconnect Switch: Factory wired, non-fusible, in fan housing for thermal overload protected motor, NEMA 250 Type l enclosure. G. Accessories: 1. Backdraft Damper: Gravity actuated, aluminum multiple blade construction, felt edged with offset hinge pin, nylon beazings, blades linked [and line voltage motor drive, power open, spring return]. 2. Fan speed controller. EXECUTION ' 3.l INSTALLATION A. Secure roof fans stainless steel lag screws to [roof curb] [str�cture]. , B. Install backdraft dampers on inlet to roof exhaust fans. ' ' , ' 1 ' END OF SECTION 15830 Fans 15830 - 3 of 3 ' � 1 � � � � � � ' � � � � _� � � � � Griner 07.12 SECTION 15850 - Air Outlets and Inlets Sid Lickton PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Diffusers. 2. Registers 3. Grilles. 4. Louvers. B. Related Sections: 1. Section 15820 - Duct Accessories: Volume dampers for inlets and outlets. 1.2 REFERENCES A. Air Movement and Control Association Intemational, Inc.: 1. AMCA 500 - Test Methods for Louvers, Dampers, and Shutters. B. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers: 1. ASHIZf�E 70 - Method of Testing for Rating the Performance of Air Outlets and Inlets. C. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors: 1. SMACNA - HVAC Duct Construction Standard - Metal and Flexible. 13 SUBMITT'ALS A. Section 01330 — Submittal Procedures: Shop drawings, product data and samples. B. Product Data: Submit sizes, finish, and type of mounting. Submit schedule of outlets and inlets showing type, size, location, application, and noise level. 1.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Section 01770 - Closeout Procedures: Closeout procedures. B. Project Record Documents: Record actual locations of air outlets and inlets. l.5 QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section with minimum three years experience. 1.6 PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Convene minimum one week prior to commencing work of this section. Air Outlets and Inlets 15850 - 1 of 4 Griner 07.12 ' Sid Lickton � 1.7 WARRANTY A. Section Ol 770 - Closeout Procedures: Product warranties and product bonds. B. Furnish one year manufacturer warranty for air outlets and inlets. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 RECTANGULAR CEILING DIFFUSERS A. Manufacturers: I. E. H Price Company 2. Krueger 3. Titus. 4. Substitutions: Section 01600 — Product Requirements. B. Type: Square, plaque diffuser to discharge air in four-way pattern. C. Frame: Inverted T-bar type. In plaster ceilings, furnish plaster frame and ceiling frame. D. Fabrication: Aluminum with haked enamel off-white finish. E. Accessories: Butterfly damper and multi-louvered equalizing grid with damper adjustable from diffuser face. 2.2 CEILING EXHAUST AND RETURN REGISTERS/GRILLES A. Manufacturers: 1. E. H Price Company. 2. Krueger 3. Titus 4. Substitutions: Section 01600 — Product Requirements. B. Type: Streamlined blades, 3/4 inch minimum depth, 3/4 inch maximum spacing, with blades set at 45 degrees, horizontal face. C. Frame: 1 inch mazgin with countersunk screw mounting. D. Fabrication: Aluminum frame and blades, with factory off-white enamel. E. Damper: Integral, gang-operated, opposed blade type with removable key operator, operable from face where not individually connected to exhaust fans. 23 WALL SUPPLY REGISTERS/GRILLES A. Manufacturers: 1. E.H Price Company. 2. Krueger. 3. Titus. 4. Substitutions: Section 016000 — Product Requirements. . Air Outlets and Inlets � 15850 - 2 of 4 � � Griner 07.12 � � � 2.4 � � � �� � � � f � � � ' � Sid Lickton B. Type: Streamlined and individually adjustable blades, 3/4 inch minimum depth, 3/4 inch maximum spacing with spring or other device to set blades, vertical face, double deflection. C. Frame: 1 inch margin with countersunk screw mounting and gasket. D. Fabrication: Aluminum frame and blades with factory off-white enamel. E. Damper: Integral, gang-operated opposed blade type with removable key operator, operable from face. WALL EXHAUST AND RETURN REGISTERS/GRILLES A. Manufacturers: 1. E. H Price Company 1. 2. Krueger. 3. Titus. 4. Substitutions: Section 01600 — Product Requirements. B. Type: Streamlined blades, 3/4 inch minimum depth, 3/4 inch maximum spacing, with spring or other device to set blades, horizontal face. C. Frame: 1-l/4 inch margin with countersunk screw mounting. D. Fabrication: Aluminum extrusions, with factory off-white enamel finish. E. Damper: Integral, gang-operated, opposed-blade type with removable key operator, operable from face. 2.5 LOUVERS A. Manufacturers: 1. Greenheck Corp. 2. Ruskin Manufacturing 3. Substitutions: Section 01600 — Product Requirements. B. Product Description: Stationary Drainable, Miami-Dade qualified Wind Driven Rain 4 tYPe• C. Type: 6 inch deep inverted vee blades. D. Fabrication: ] 6 gage thick galvanized steel or 12 gage thick extruded aluminum, welded assembly, with factory prime coat, color to be selected. E. Mounting: Furnish with exterior flat flange angle flange screw holes in jambs masonry strap anchors for installation. F. Bird Screen: Bird screen with 1!2 inch square mesh for exhaust and 3/4 inch for intake. G. Insect Screen: Aluminum mesh, set in aluminwn steel frame. Air Outlets and Inlets 15850 - 3 of 4 Griner 07.12 Sid Lickton PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Section O1330 — Submittal Procedures: Shop drawings, product data and samples. B. Verify inlet and outlet locations. C. Verify ceiling systems are ready for installation. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install diffusers to ductwork with airtight connection. B. Install balancing dampers on duct take-off to diffusers, grilles, and registers, whether or not dampers are furnished as part of diffuser, grille, and register assembly. Refer to Section 15820. 33 INTERFACE WITH OTHER PRODUCTS A. Check location of outlets and inlets and make necessary adjustments in position to conform to architectural features, symmetry, and lighting arrangement. END OF SECTION 15850 Air Outlets and Inlets 15850 - 4 of 4 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Griner 07.12 SECTION 15950 — Testing, Adjnstiug and Balancing for HVAC PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: l. Testing adjusting, and balancing of air systems. 2. Measurement of final operating condition of HVAC systems. 12 REFERENCES Sid Lickton A. Associated Air Balance Council: l. AABC MN-1 - National Standards for Testing and Balancing Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems. B. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers: l. ASHRAE l l l- Practices for Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems. C. Natural Environmental Balancing Bureau: 1. NEBB - Procedural Standazds for Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing of Environmental Systems. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Prior to commencing Work, submit proof of latest calibration date of each instrument. B_ Test Reports: Indicate data on AABC MN-1 National Standards for Total System Balance forms. C. Field Reports: Indicate deficiencies preventing proper testing, adjusting, and balancing of systems and equipment to achieve specified performance. D. Prior to commencing Wark, submit report forms or outlines indicating adjusting, balancing, and equipment data required. Include detailed procedures, agenda, sample report forms and copy of AABC National Project Performance Guaranty. E. Submit draR copies of report for review prior to final acceptance of Project. F. Furnish reports in soft cover, letter size, 3-ring binder manuals, complete with table of contents page and indexing tabs, with cover identification at front and side. Include set of reduced drawings with air outlets and equipment identified to correspond with data sheets, and indicating thermostat locations. 1.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMIT"TALS A. Operation and Maintenance Data: Furnish final copy of testing, adjusting, and balancing report inclusion in operating and maintenance manuals. Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for HVAC l 5950 - 1 of 6 Griner 07.12 � Sid Lickton � 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with AABC MN-1 National Standazds for Field Measurement and Instrumentation, Total System Balance. 1.6 QUALIFICATIONS A. Agencies: ]. Southem Independent Testing Agency. 2. Phcenix Agency. 3. Test and Balance Corp. 4. SpecTech Consultants. B. Perform Work under supervision of AABC Certified Test and Balance Engineer. 1.7 PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS � A. Convene minimum one week prior to commencing work of this section. 1.8 SEQtJENCING A. Sequence balancing between comgletion of systems tested and Date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 PRODUCTS Not Used. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify systems are complete and operable before commencing work. Verify the following: 1. Systems are started and operating in safe and normal condition. 2. Temperature control systems are installed complete and operable. 3. Proper thermal overload protection is in place for electrical equipment. 4. Final filters are clean and in place. If reyuired, install temporary media in addition to final filters. 5. Duct systems are clean of debris. 6. Fans aze rotating correctly. 7. Air coil fins are cleaned and combed. 8. Access doors are closed and duct end caps are in place. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Furnish instruments required for testing, adjusting, and balancing operations. B. Make instruments available to Engineer to facilitate spot checks during testing. Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for HVAC 15950 - 2 of 6 � � � � � � � � � � � �� i � � � � � Griner 07.12 K�G] 3.4 3.5 Sid Lickton INSTALLATION TOLERANCES A. Air Handling Systems: Adjust to within plus or minus IO percent of design. B. Air Outlets and Inlets: Adjust total to within plus 10 percent and minus 5 percent of design to space. Adjust outlets and inlets in space to within plus or minus ]0 percent of design. ADNSTING A. Verify recorded data represents actual measured or observed conditions. B. Permanently mark settings of valves, dampers, and other adjustment devices allowing settings to be restored. Set and lock memory stops. C. After adjustment, take measurements to verify balance has not been disrupted. If disrupted, verify correcting adjustments have been made. D. Report defects and deficiencies noted during performance of services, preventing system balance. E. Leave systems in proper working order, replacing belt guards, closing access doors, c(osing doors to electrical switch boxes, and restoring thermostats to specified settings. F. At final inspection, recheck random selections of data recorded in report. Recheck points or areas as selected and witnessed by Owner. G. Check and adjust systems approximately six months after final acceptance and submit report. AIR SYSTEM PROCEDURE A. Adjust air handling and distribution systems to obtain required or design supply, return, and exhaust air yuantities. B. Make air quantity measurements in main ducts by Pitot tube traverse of entire cross sectional area of duct. C. Measure air quantities at air inlets and outlets. D. Adjust distribution system to obtain uniform space temperatures free from objectionable drafts. E. Use volume control devices to regutate air quantities only to extent adjustments do not create objectionable air motion or sound levels. Effect volume control by using volume dampers located in ducts. F. Vary total system air quantities by adjustment of fan speeds. Provide sheave drive changes to vary fan speed. Vary branch air quantities by damper regulation. Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for HVAC l 5950 - 3 of 6 � Griner 07.12 Sid Lickton � G. Measure static air pressure conditions on air supply units, including filter and coil pressure drops, and total pressure across fan_ Make allowances for 50 percent loading of fi Iters. H. Adjust outside air, return air, and exhaust dampers for design conditions. I. Measure temperature conditions across outside air, return air, and exhaust dampers to check leakage. 3.6 SCHEDULES A. Equipment Requiring Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing: 3. Air Handling Units. 2. Air Inlets and Outlets_ B. Report Forms ]. Title Page: a. Name of Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Agency b. Address of Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Agency c. Telephone and facsimile numbers of Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Agency d. Project name e. Project location f. Project Architect g. Project Engineer h. Project Contractor i. Project altitude j. Report date 2. Summary Comments: a. Design versus final performance b. Notable characteristics of system c. Description of systems operation sequence d. Summary of outdoor and exhaust flows to indicate building pressurization e. Nomenclature used throughout report f. Test conditions 3. Instrument List: a. Instrument b. Manufacturer c. Model number d. Serial number e. Range f. Calibration date 4. Electric Motors: a. Manufacturer b. ModeUFrame c. HPBHP and kW d. Phase, voltage, amperage; nameplate, actual, no load e. RPM f. Service factor g. Starter size, rating, heater elements Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for HVAC l 5950 - 4 of 6 � � � �� � 1 �� � � �' � � � � � Griner 07.12 5. 6. 7. 8. h. Sheave Make/SizeBore Cooling Coil Data: a. Identi fication/number b. Location c. Service d. Manufactwer e. Air flow, design and actual f. Entering air DB temperature, design and actual g. Entering air WB temperature, design and actual h. Leaving air DB temperature, design and actual i. Leaving air WB temperature, design and actual j. Water flow, design and actual k. Water pressure drop, design and actual 1. Entering water temperature, design and actual m. Leaving water temperature, design and actual n. Saturated suction temperature, design and actual o. Air pressure drop, design and actual Air Moving Fc�uipment: a. Location b. Manufacturer c. Model number d. Serial number e. Arrangement/Class/Discharge f. Air flow, specified and actual g. Return air flow, specified and actual h. Outside air ftow, specified and actual i. Total static pressure (total external), specified and actual j. Inlet pressure k. Discharge pressure 1. Sheave Make/SizeBore m. Number of Belts/Make/Size n. Fan RPM Return Air/Outside Air Data: a. Identificati on/location b. Design air flow c. Actual air flow d. Design return air flow e. Actual return air flow f. Design outside air flow g. Actual outside air flow h. Return air temperature i. Outside air temperature j. Required mixed air temperature k. Actual mixed air temperature 1. Design outside/return air ratio m. Actual outside/return air ratio Air Distribution Test Sheet: a. Air terminal number b. Room number/location c. Terminal type Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for HVAC Sid Lickton 15950 - 5 of 6 Griner 07. l2 d. e. f. g• h. i. .1� Terminal size Area factor Design vetocity Design air flow Test (final) velocity Test (final) air flow Percent of design air flow END OF SECTION Sid Lickton Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for HVAC ] 5950 - 6 of 6 � � � � � I ' �_ , LI L1 � � � L_7 � � � M.P_ Spychala 07_12 SECTION 16010 SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL PROVISIONS PART 1— GENERAL Sid Lickton A. The general provisions of the contract, inciuding general and supplementary conditions and genera{ requirements described in Division 1 ofthese specifications, apply to the work specified in this section. B. Quality Assurance 1. Supervisory qualifications: A. The electrical work on the project shall be under the direct supervision of a licensed journeyman. 2. Qualifications of installers: A. For the actual fabrication, installation, and testing of the work of this section use only thoroughly trained and experienced personnel who are completely familiar with the requirements of this work and with the installation recommendations of the manufacturers of the specified items. B. In acceptance or rejection of installed electrical systems, no allowance will be made for lack of skill on the part of the installers. C. Drawings 1. The intent of the drawings and specifications is to obtain a complete and satisfactory installation. An attempt to separate and completely define the work of Division 16000 has been made. Separate divisional drawings and specifications shall not relieve the electrical contractor from full compliance of the work of his trade indicated on any drawings or in any section of the specifications. Should conflict occur between the contract drawin4s and this specification, the contractor is deemed to have based his/her estimate uuon the more exqensive method of performinq the work. unless he/she has repuested and received a written decision from the architect or enqineer before submission of his/her proposal_ 2. Examine all drawings and specifications carefully prior to submitting a bid. The electrical contractor will be required to furnish, install andlor connect with appropriate services all items shown on any of the drawings without additional expense to the owner. 3. Architectural drawings take precedence over mechanical or electrical drawings with reference to building construction. Mechanicat and electrical drawings are diagrammatic but shall be fol{owed as closely as actual building construction and work of other trades permit. SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL PROVISIONS 16010 - 1 of 8 M.P. Spychala 07.12 �❑ Sid Lickton 4. Changes from drawings necessary to make the work of the electrical contractor conform to the building as constructed, or to fit work of other trades, or to comply with the rules of bodies having jurisdiction, shalt be made by the electrical contractor at his own expense. 5. Field coordinate with other trades in ample time to build all chases and openings, set all sleeves, inserts and concealed materials and provide ciearances that may be required. 6. The term "provide" used in this section of the specifications shall include all labor, materials and equipment necessary to install any item or system indicated on either plans or specifications, including items catled for, implied or normally part of the equipment or system. The finished installation shalt be complete and fully operational before final acceptance. 7. The architect or engineer reserves the right to make any reasonable changes (approximately six (6) feet) in the tocation of outlets, fixtures, switches, receptacles or equipment prior to the rough-in of such without any additional cost to the owner. 8. The electrical contractor is responsible for and shall pay for all access panels required in the architectural finishes or surFaces to provide access to junction boxes, strip heaters, ballasts or other devices provided and located by the electrical contractor. The access panel shall be installed by the trade constructing the base to which the access pane! will be installed. Refer to architectural specifications regarding access doors. 9. The electrical contractor is responsible for design, fabrication and erection of all supplementary structural framing required for attachment of hangers or other devices to support electrical equipment. A_ Framing members shall be designed for their actual loads, with allowable stresses set forth in AISC specifications and the AISC code, without excessive deflection and with consideration for rigidity under vibration. Supplementary framing including design loads, member size and location shall be clearly shown on the shop drawings. B. No cutting or drilling of holes in structural members or precast concrete slabs will be permitted except where written permission has been obtained from the architect or structural engineer. Explanation to Bidders No oral explanations in regard to the meaning of drawings and specifications will be made and no oral instructions will be given before the award of the contract. Discrepancies, omissions or doubts as to the meaning of drawings and specifications should be communicated in writing to the engineer for interpretation. Bidders should act promptly and allow sufficient time for a SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL PROVISIONS 16010-2of8 �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � M.P. Spychala 07.12 E Sid Lickton reply to reach them before the submission of their bids. Any interpretation made will be in the form of an addendum to the specifications which will be forwarded to all bidders. Receipt of the addendum shall be acknowledged by the bidder on his bid form. Bid Requirements Before submitting his proposal, the bidder is required to visit the site of the proposed work and familiarize himself with the nature and extent of the work and any local conditions that may in any manner affect the work to be done or the equipment, materials and labor required. He is also required to carefully examine the plans and specifications and to inform himself thoroughly regarding any and all conditions and requirements that may in any manner affect the work to be performed under the contract. Ignorance on the part of the contractor will in no way relieve him of the obligations and responsibilities assumed under the contract. 2. In assembling his bid, the contractor, shalt assemble a price based on these specifications and drawings, as shown, and with all materials and equipment exactly as specified. This figure shall be known as the "base bid". All prices must have this base bid clearly stated to be considered. Alternate equipment may be quoted as an "add" or "deduct" item from the base bid in accordance with the specifications on substitutions. 3. If asked, the contractors bidding on this project shall show evidence of � having recently completed a similar job of like size and complexity. If the Eow bid contractor does not have sufficient financial resources, skilled labor, technical competence or experience, he shall not be awarded the contract. � F. Substitutions 1. Materials and equipment are specified by single or multiple manufacturers to � indicate quality, material and type of construction desired. One manufacturer's product is shown on the drawings and has been used as a basis for design. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to ascertain that altemate manufacturer's products meet detailed specifications, and that size � and arrangement of equipment is suitable for installation. The contractor may then bid the substituted products as a voluntary alternate with the price clearly indicated as an "add" or "deducY' from the base bid. � � LJ � 2. Products of alternate manufacturers will be considered for use if, the item requested for substitution is equivalent to that specified. The final decision as to equivalency shall be that of the architecUengineer. 3. All requests for substitution shall clearly and specificalfy indicate any and a41 differences or omissions between the product specified as the basis of design and the product proposed for substitution. Differences shall include, but shall not be limited to the data as follows: A. Principle of operation SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL PROVISIONS 16010-3of8 M.P. Spychala 07.12 B. Materials of construction or finishes C. Thickness or gauge of materials D. Weight of item , E. Deleted features or items F. Added features or items Sid Lickton G. Changes in other contractor's work caused by the substitution. 4. If the substitution is reviewed and accepted but contains differences or omissions not specifically called to the attention of the architect/engineer, the architect/engineer reserves the right to require equal or similar features to be added to the substituted product at the contractor's expense. 5. The contractor making the substitution shall assume responsibility and expense for any changes or damages to his or any ather contractor's work caused by the substitution. G. Submittats 1 2. 3 4. Submit items for this division as follow: A. Submit all Division 16000 submittals at one time and in one integral group. Piece-by-piece submission of individual items will not be acceptable. The architecUengineer may check the contents of each submittal set upon initial delivery and if not complete as set forth herein, submittal sets may be returned to the contractor without review and may not be accepted until made complete. B. Division 16000 submittals must be delivered to the architecUengineer within thirty (3U) days from official notice to proceed. Any delays arising directly or indirectly from deliverance of submittals after this time shall be the contractor's responsibility. Allow ten (10) working days from date of receipt for architect/engineer's review. Submittal items shall be submitted on materials, apparatus and equipment as indicated under each section of this division and in compliance with the general conditions. Shop drawings shall comply with Section 013d0 and shall include sufficient information to indicate compliance with specifications. Data shall include illustrations, catafog sheets, drawings, and certifications. Each sheet shall show the manufacturer's name or trademark. At the time of each submission, the contractor shall call the architecUengineer's attention to any deviations from the contract documents and shall plainty mark the deviations on the submittals. SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL PROVISIONS � 16010-4of8 �� � � � � M.P. Spychala 07.12 H. Sid Lickton 5. Manufacturer's names and catalog numbers: in some instances, specific references have been made to one or more manufacturers' names and catalog numbers. It should be noted that such use does not indicate that the material and equipment specified is necessarily an "off the shelf' item. Variances may be due to the requirement of a desired finish, material or other modification. The electrical contractor shall ascertain that such modifications are fully considered. 6. A copy of the construction drawings can be obtained from the engineer at a cost of $25.00 c�er reauested sheet number for expidition of prepared shop drawing creation. Fax ail requests specifying format type (ie. ACAD .DWG or .DXF) to 813-855-2741. Familiarity with laws and codes A. The bidder is assumed to be familiar with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that in any manner affectthe work. Ignorance's on the part of the bidder will in no way relieve the bidder from responsibility to meet these requirements. Ordinances and regulations � 1. All work sha{I conform to all federai, state and local laws, ordinances or regulations governing the installation of the specified equipment. tf the work as laid out, indicated or specified is contrary to or conflicts with local laws, � ordinances or regulations, the contractor shall report these conflicts to the architecUengineer before submitting a bid. The architecUengineer will then issue instructions to clarify the conflict. � � � � LJ J. � 2. If the contractor fails to notify the architect/engineer of conflicts or omissions as noted above, all changes required to comply with local ordinances and regulations shall be made without additional expense to the owner. Permits and fees The electrical contractor shall obtain all necessary permits and inspections required for the electrical portion of the work and shalf pay all charges incidental thereto. 2. The electrical contractor shall deliver to the architect/engineer afl certificates of inspection issued by authorities having jurisdiction. Codes and inspections The installation shall comply with all laws applicable to the electrical installations which are enforced by the authority having jurisdiction. The following codes shall apply to this project: NFPA - 7Q (2008) National Electrical Code NFPA - 72 (2002) National Fire Alarm Code SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1601�-5of8 M.P. Spychala 07.12 L. M 0 � Sid Lickton NFPA - 75 (2003) Standard for the Protection of Information Technology NFPA - 90A (2002) Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventiiating Systems NFPA - 101 (2002) Life Safety Code — Standard on Means of Egress Florida Building Code - 2007 with 2009 supplements 2. In any specific case, where, different sections of any of the aforementioned codes or these plans and specifications speciiy different materials, methods of construction or other requirements, the most restrictive shall govern. In the case of any conflict befinreen a general provision and a special provision, the special provision shall govern. � 4. All materials shall be listed by nationally recognized testing laboratory (NRTL), as conforming to its standards, where such a standard has been established for the particular type of material in question. Where contract document requirements are in excess of code requirements and are permitted under the code, the contract documents shall govem. Singular 8 Plural References 1. Singular references in specifications shall not be construed as requiring one (1) device if multiple devices are indicated on the drawings. Materials Materials and equipment shall be new and in good condition. The commercially standard items of equipment and the specific names mentioned herein are intended to fix the standards of quality and pertormance necessary for the proper functioning of the electrical work. 2_ Since manufacturing methods vary, reasonable minor equipment variations are expected; however, performance and material requirements for the specified equipment are the minimum acceptable standards. The architect/engineer retains the right to judge equafity of equipment that deviates from the specifications. Identification of Equipment 1. 2. All electricat equipment and motor controllers shall be identified by means of nameplates permanently attached to the equipment. Nameplates shall be engraved laminated plastic with letters at least 1/4" high. Nameplate designations shall correspond to the identifications on the "record drawings". Operating Instructions SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL PROVISIONS 16010-6of8 � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � r � � � � � M.P. Spychata 07.12 ,� C� 17 Sid Lickton The electrical contractor shall provide the services of a competent operating engineer to supervise the operation of alf equipment specified herein and to instruct the owner's operators during an eight (8} hour period. The operating instruction period shall be defined as straight time working hours and shall not include nights, weekends, or travel time to and/or from the project. 2. The architect/engineer shall be notified in writing at least five days before each operating instruc6on period begins. The contractor shall not commence any instruction period until the owner has issued his written acceptance of the starting time. Operating and Maintenance Books The electrical contractor shall provide the owner, through the architect/engineer, with operating instructions and maintenance data books for all equipment and materials furnished under this division. 2. The electrical contractor shall submit four copies of operating and maintenance data books to the architecUengineer for review a minimum of four weeks before final inspection of the project. All data shall be assembled in a single completely indexed volume and shall identify the size, model, and features indicated for each item. 3. The following information shall be included where applicable: A. Identifying name and mark number. B. Locations (where several similar items are used, Provide a list). C. Complete nameplate data. D. Certified record drawings and shop drawings. E. Parts lists. F. Wiring diagrams. G. Manufacturers' operating and maintenance instructions with all non- applicable information deleted. Date of Completion and Testing of Mechanical/Electrical Systems. The date for the final acceptance test shall be sufficiently in advance of the contract completion date to permit the execution of any adjustments and/or alterations which the final acceptance tests indicate as necessary for the proper functioning of all equipment. Any such modifications shall be completed within the number of days allotted for completion of the contract. Retests shall not relieve the contractor for this division of completion date responsibil'�ty. Guarantee and Service 1. In addition to the guarantee of equipment by the manufacturer of each piece of equipment specfied herein, the electrical contractor shall also guarantee such equipment and shall be held for a period of one (1} year from final acceptance test for necessary adjustments and/or . replacements of all SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL PROVISIONS 16010-7of8 M.P. Spychala 07.12 � 3. 4. Sid Lickton defective equipment, materials and workmanship without expense to the owner. The contractor shal! furnish maintenance and service for one (1) year from finat acceptance of the contract for all portions of the system. Such service for the one year period includes the following: A. Necessary adjustment and/or replacement of all defective equipmerrt and materials furnished. Service and replacement of light bulbs shall be limited to thirty (30) days after final acceptance of the job. Upon expiration of each of these limits noted herein, the maintenance, including labor and material costs, shall be at the owner's expense. S. Acceptance 1. As a precedent to requesting a final inspection and release of retained monies, the electricat contractor shall: A. Complete all work required under the electrical section of the specifications and drawings. B. Submit four (4) certified copies of final test data to the architecUengineer. C. Furnish a complete set of "as built" reproducible tracings of the contractor's work to the architecU engineer. Part II - Not Aaplicable Part III - Not Aaalicable End of Section SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL PROVISlONS 16010 - 8 of 8 � � � � � M.P. Spychala 07.12 SECTION 16110 PART1-GENERAL A. I� Sid Lickton RACEWAYS The general provisions of the contract, including general and suppiementary conditions and general requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. Refer to Section 16010 for supplementary general conditions. � C. The work included under this section of these specifrcations consists of furnishing all materials and equipment and performing all labor and senrices necessary for the comptete installation of the system of conduits for power and lighting service, � including all related system and accessories as shown by the drawings and hereinafter specified. � � � �� � � Part 11 Products A. Bushings, Locknuts and Connectors. Where rigid conduit enters a box of any descrip6on, the conduit shall be secured to the box with a locknut on the outside and a similar nut and bushings on the inside. 2. Where electric metallic tubing enters such boxes the connection between the connector and the box shalt be made 6ght by an approved manner both on the inside and the outside of the box. 3. Conduit terminations at the boxes shall be provided with bushings. Bushings for conductors through #8 AWG shall be galvanized, non-insulating type for #6 AWG and larger conductors, bushings shall be insulated and selected for the size conduit involved. 4. Conductors in vertical runs must be supported if the vertical rise exceeds values in table 300.19(A) of the NEC. Provide properly sized support bushing at the top of the vertical raceway. Intermediate supports shall be provided as necessary to limit supported conductor length to not exceed values specified in table 300.19(A) of the NEC. B. Conduit 1. 2. 3. RACEWAYS All conduit installed in concrete floor slabs shalt be Underwriter's approved hot dipped rigid galvanized steel conduit or schedule 4Q PVC conduit. All conduit installed underground shail be schedule 40 rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or hot dipped rigid galvanized steel conduit coated with an asphaftum paint approved by the architect. Alt conduit installed exposed in exterior areas above finished grade shall be Underwriter's approved rigid hot dipped galvanized steel. Conduit installed 16110 - 1 of 4 M.P. Spychala 07_12 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sid Lickton exposed in interior areas above finished floor shall be Underwriter's approved hot dipped rigid galvanized steel or efectrical metallic tubing unless otherwise noted on the drawings. All conduit installed in or above ceilings or stud partitions shall be rigid galvanized steel conduit or electrical metallic tubing. PVC schedule 40 conduit sha11 not be used above grade anywhere on the project. PVC conduit may not be used within the building. Electrical metallic tubing: Alt electrical metallic tubing shall be galvanized and conform to all pertinent requirements of the National Electrical Code. AU flexible metallic conduit installed in wet or damp locations shall be liquid- tight (PVC extruded cover) and all installations in dry locations shall be flexible steel conduit (no cover), unless specifically noted otherwise. PVC Conduit: all polyvinyl chloride conduit shall be heavy-wal! schedule 40, with factory made bends, coup�ings, and fittings. 9. Connectors and couplings: for electrical metallic tubing, compression, ta�ron or set screw type fittings shall be used. For rigid steel conduit, threaded couplings and locknuts and bushings shall be used. For PVC, PVC couplings and fittings shali be used. Where PVC underground conduit connects to steel conduit, suitable threaded conduit adapter fittings shall be used. For flexible conduit, liquid-tight fittings shall be used with liquid-tight flexible conduit and compression fittings shall be used with flexible steel conduit. 10. Where allowed by code, Hospital grade MC Cable may be used for branch circuiting. Part {II Execution A. I nspection 1. 2. Prior to all work of this section, carefufly inspect the installed work of all other trades and verify that all such work is complete to the point where this installation may properly commence. Verify the electrical installation may be made in complete accordance with all pertinent codes and regulations and the original design. B. Discrepancies 1 2 In the event of discrepancy, immediately notify the architecUengineer. Do not proceed with insta)lation in areas of discrepancy until afl such discrepancies have been fully resolved. C. Preparation RACEWAYS 16110-2of4 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � L� � � 1�' � M.P. Spychala 07.12 L�7 Sid Lickton Coordinate the installation of electrical items with the work schedules of other trades to prevent unnecessary defays in the total work. Installation of Raceways and Fittings: 1. Conduit shatl be of the sizes required to accommodate the number of conductors in accordance with the national electricai code, or as noted on the drawings. The sizes shown on the plans may be increased if desired to facilitate the pulling of conductors. The minimum conduit size shall be one half inch (1/2"). 2. All conduit shall be concealed unless otherwise shown on the drawings. Concealed conduit run above the ceiling shall be supported independent of ceiling construction. Where a ceiling of the lay-in type is used, the conduit must be installed high enough to permit removal of ceiling panels. 3. Exposed conduit shall be run paralle! with or at right angles to the building walls and supported from the walls or ceilings with straps or clamps secured with wood screws for wood construction, machine screws for metal construction, and expansion anchors with bolts for masonry or concrete slab construction. All exposed conduit runs shall be subject to approval. 4. �� 7. Underground conduit shall be laid at a minimum depth below grade of 36 inches, unless specifically noted otherwise. Conduit shal! be continuous from outlet to outlet and from outlet to cabinet, junction or pull box. Conduits shall enter and be secured to all boxes in such a manner that each system shall be electrically continuous from point of service to all outlets. Approved Appleton, Crouse-Hinds, or O.Z. Manufacturing Company expansion fittings shall be installed in all rigid conduit and E.M.T. runs, where such conduit runs extend across expansion joints in the building. No conduit shall be trapped except where shown on the drawings. 8_ Conduit connection to a box which has no threaded hub for its reception shall be double tocknutted with locknuts designed to bite into the metal. Provide an insulated bushing at each end of each conduit run. Use insulated bushings with separate locknuts on all conduit entering a panel cabinet. All conduits entering outlet boxes shafl be provided with either insulated throat connectors or separate locknuts and insulated bushings. Bushings must be instalied before any wire is puiled in. �� 10 RACEWAYS At rigid steel couplings, conduits shall be threaded so that they meet in the coupling. Right and left couplings shall not be used; conduit couplings of the Erickson type shall be used at locations requiring such joints. All threaded joints shall be made up with joint compound applied to the male threads on{y. 16110-3of4 M.P. Spychala 07.12 Sid Lickton 11. Conduit shait be secured in place and protected to prevent damage to work during construction. The ends of ali conduit runs shall be plugged to avoid filling with plaster, etc. All conduit shall be blown out and/or swabbed clear of water and trash prior to pulling wire. 12. Flexible conduit shall be used only where indicated on the drawings, or where specified othervvise. 13. Conduit connections from outlet boxes, junction boxes, conduit, switch boxes, or motor controller to rotating or vibrating machinery or equipment shall be made with flexible conduit which shall be as short as possible with a maximum length of thirty-six (36) inches. 14. Conduit connections from outlet boxes to recessed lighting fixtures shatl be made with 3/8" flexible conduit which shall have a maximum length of 72 inches, unless otherwise noted. 15. PVC conduit installed underground shall be encased in concrete with a minimum thickness of six inches on all sides of the conduit in high traffic areas such as driveways, roads, and other areas as indicated on the drawings. 16. Where underground PVC conduit turns up to run above grade, the elbow and al{ conduit ftom the elbow up shaN be rigid galvanized steel. Where the PVC conduit is encased in concrete, the transition to steel conduit shafl be made within the concrete casing. 17 �, 19 All telephone conduit routed to the telephone terminal wood backboard shall be terminated with an end bushing within six (6) inches of the edge of the backboard. All conduit penetrating a fire or smoke wall shall be sealed with DOW Corning Silicone RTV foam #3-6548 to preserve the rating of the fire watl. All boxes and enclosures including conduits for emergency circuits shall be marked (spot painted) so that they will be readily identified as a component of an emergency circuit. The colors for emergency circuits are as follows: Yellow - Life Safety Branch Orange - Critical Branch Green - Equipment Sranch Red - Fire Alarm System Purple - Essential Electrical System White - Distribution Not Covered Above End of Section RACEWAYS 16110 - 4 of 4 � � � � � � � L� � � � M.P. Spychafa 07.12 SECTION 16120 PART 1 - GENERAL � � Sid Lickton WIRES AND CABLES The general provisions of the contract, including general and supplementary condi6ons and general requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. Refer to section 16010 for supplementary general conditions. C. The work included under this sec6on of these specifications consists of furnishing al{ materiats and equipment and performing a!I labor and services necessary for the complete installation of the system of conductors for power and lighting service, including all related system and accessories as shown by the drawings and hereinafter specified. Part II Products A. B. C. All conductors shall be copper of 98% conductivity with 600 volt insulation unless specifically noted otherwise. Refer to drawings for conductors indicated as aluminum. Conductors sizes specified are AWG up to No. 4/0 and circular mils above No. 4l0. Conductor sizes 10 AWG and smaller shall be solid. Conductors No. 8 AWG and {arger shall be stranded. D. Conductors No. 6 and smaller shali be NEC standard dual rated type'THWN;' approved for operation at 75°c in dry and wet locations and 90°c within electric discharge lighting equipment as permitted in NEC 410-31. Conductors No.4 and larger shall be NEC standard rated type "THW," approved for operation at 75°c in dry and wet locations. E. F G. All wire and cable shall be of the same name brand, and shall be in the original wrapping., Type "MC" cable, solid/stranded copper conductor and insulated green grounding conductor, 90 degree THHN insulation as manufactured by AFC Cable where allowed by code. Type "MC" homerun cable, solid/stranded copper and insulated green grounding conductor, 90 degree C type THHN insulation as manufactured by AFC Cable where allowed by code. Pa�t III Execution A. Minimum size conductors installed shall be No. 12 AWG for atl applications 1 except where specifically noted otherwise for specia! system circuits. WIRES AND CABLES 16120 -1 of 3 � �� � M.P. Spychala 07.12 Sid Lickton B. AI! lighting and receptacie branch circuit conductors shall be color coded. Feeder cables and service entrance conductors shall be color coded by use of colored plastic tape applied within 6" of each conductor end. All color coding shall be with the same color being used with its respective phase or bus through the entire job as fotlows: C� 0 208/120 Volts 480/277 Volts (If a�alicable) Phase A— Black Phase A- Brown Phase B— Red Phase B- Orange Phase C— Blue Phase C- Yellow Neutral — White Neutral - White Ground — Green Ground — Green No wires or cables shall be pulled into the conduit until the conduit system is complete and plastering is applied and dried. This does not refer to a white finish coat of plaster which may be applied after the wires are pulled in. All wiring for lighting and receptacles branch circuits shall be run as single-phase, finro-wire. If it is necessary that more circuits be placed in any run, a separate neutral must be provided for additional two-wire, three-wire, or four-wire branches. E. Conductors shall be continuous from outlet to outlet and from outlet to junction box or pull box. All splices and joints shall be carefully and securely made to be mechanically and electrically solid with solderless pressure connectors and insulated with Scotch 33 tape and friction tape, if insulation is not provided in pressure type connector used. Where connection is made to any terminals of more than 30 amperes capacity and where conductors targer than No. 10 are connected to any terminal, CUTAL terminal lugs shall be bolted to the conductors. Where multiple connections are made to the same terminal, individual lugs for each conductor shall be used. All conductors shall be properly terminated in accordance with torque requirements specified in the nationai electrical code. Aluminum terminations shall be treated with an oxide inhibiting compound prior to torque. F. All wire and cables for power, lighting, control and signal shall be continuous from origin to destination with proper splices as specified. At the end of these wires and cables only sufficient slack shall be left as may be required for making proper connections. There shall be no unnecessary slack. G. � Where conductors are to be connected directly to the devices without the use of lugs, such as occurs at side connections of lighting switches and plug receptacles, the conductors shall be formed into suitable loops to fit around the terminal screws. Where wires and cables are connected to metallic surfaces, the coated surfaces of the metai sha{I be polished before installing the mechanical connectors. The lacquer coating of conduits shall be removed where ground clamps are to be installed. I. The conductors terminating at each wired outlet shall be left not less than six (6} WIRES AND CABLES 16120 - 2 of 3 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � M.P. Spychala 07.12 Sid Lickton inches long at their outlet fitting to facilitate the installation of devices or fixtures. Where more than one pair of conductors enters an outlet, the several pairs of conductors shall be neatly spliced and made mechanically and electrically secure to conductors which shall be not less than six (6) inches long within the outlet. J. Branch circuit wiring which suppties more than one fluorescent fixture through the wireway of other fixtures shall be approved for use at 90°c. K. Wall switch outlets shall be wired to provide contro! of outlets indicated. All connections to single pole switches shall be made so that the off operation of the switch opens the ungrounded leg. L. Each wire in a pulk box, junction box or equipment wire chamber shall be labeled with the proper panel letter and circuit number identification, and where two or more wires are spliced, each shall be labeled. Labels shall be printed numbers and letters on suitable plastic tape. Wires and cables shall be identified by suitable Brady or approved equal adhesive label tapes. End of Section WIRES AND CABLES 16120 - 3 of 3 � � � � � �1 � M.P. Spychala 07.12 SECTION 16131 PART1-GENERA� A. � Sid Lickton JUNCTION AND PULL BOXES The general provisions of the contract, including general and supplementary conditions and general requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. Refer to Section 16010 for supplementary conditions. C. The work included under this section of these specifications consists of fumishing all material and equipment and performing all labor and services necessary for the installation of junction and pull boxes, including all related systems and accessories as shown by the drawings and hereinafter specified. Part II Products A. Junction and pull boxes one hundred (100) cubic inches in volume or smaller shall be standard outlet boxes. Those one hundred fifty (150) cubic inches or larger shall be constructed as specified for cabinet construction and shall be furnished with covers. Boxes shall be coated inside and out to prevent corrosion. B. Boxes shall be sized in accordance with the requirements of the nationaf electrical code, and junction boxes not used for service entrance duty shall not be smaller than four (4) inches square and one and one-half (1-1/2) inches in depth with covers accessible at all times. Boxes on concealed conduit shall be set with covers flush with the finished plaster line unless otherwise shown. Part III Execution A. Junction boxes and pull boxes made of code gauge steet shall be furnished and �installed where such boxes may be necessary to facilitate the pulling or splicing of ' cables. Boxes must be made accessible. Conduits shall enter these boxes through tight fitting clearance holes. Where required, suitable supports shall be provided in all pull boxes to support feeders passing through the boxes so that feeder �� conductors will not remain unsupported for a distance greater than three (3) feet. � � � �� � � B. Junction boxes shall have only the holes necessary to accommodate the conduits at point of installation. All boxes shall have suitable provisions to secure covers. C. Junction boxes shall be securely attached to the building construction, using wood screws far wood construction, bolts for�metal construction, and expansion anchors with bolts for masonry or concrete construction. Boxes flush mounted in tile or masonry construction shall be secured in place with cement mortar. Boxes flush mounted in ceiling shall be supported from building structure in dependent of the ceiling construction. JUNCTION AND PULL BOXES End of Section 16131 -1 of 1 � � � � � � � � � � � M.P. Spychala 07.12 SECTION 16133 PART 1 — GENERAL A. B. C. CABINETS Sid Lickton The general provisions of the contract, including general and supplementary conditions and general requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. Refer to Section 16010 for supplementary general conditions. The work included under this section of the specifications consists of furnishing all materials and equipment and performing all labor and services necessary for the complete installation of the cabinets, inctuding all related systems and accessories as shown by the drawings and hereinafter specified. Part II Products A. Cabinets shall be of code gauge steel with overlapped riveted or welded comers and with edges turned to receive trim. Each trim shall be of the same size as that of its cabinet or one and one-half (1-1/2) inches oversize, according to whether the cabinet required is surface-mounted or flush-mounted_ Trim shall be held in place by toggle bolts or other adjustable fasteners which will permit adjustment. Doors shall be provided with latches, locks and keys. Part III Execution A. Cabinets shatl be securely attached to the building construction, using wood screws for wood construction, bolts for metal construction, and expansion anchors with bolts for masonry or concrete construction. CABINETS End of Section 16133-1of1 u � t _� � � � � � � � � � � � �, � M.P. Spychala 07.12 SECTION 16134 PART 1 — GENERAL A. � Sid Lickton OUTLET BOXES The general provisions of the contract, including general and supplementary conditions and general requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. Refer to Section 16010 for supplementary condi6ons. C. The work included under this section of these specifcations consists of furnishing all material and equipment and performing all labor and services necessary for the installation of outlet boxes, including all related systems and accessories as shown by the drawings and hereinafter specified_ Part II Products A. At each outlet shown, furnish and install a box of suitable size and construction to serve the purpose properly. Furnish and install plaster rings where required in connection with adjacent plaster finish where these occur. In unfinished masonry walls, furnish and install handy boxes of such size as to permit their being completely covered by the device plate. Boxes throughout shall be galvanized steel. All unused knockouts in boxes shall be frlled or capped before plates or devices are installed. B. C. D. E. F. Ceiling outlets shall be four (4) inch octagonai boxes of the appropriate depth and furnished with three-eighths (3/8) inch fixture studs fastened through from back of boxes. For plaster surfaces, fumish and install plaster rings and ears. At each switch or receptacle outlet shown, provide an approved switch box or handy box of the number of gangs indicated. Outlet boxes for all exposed work shall be of the cast type. Stamped steel outlet boxes shall be manufactured by Appleton Electric Company, Raco Manufacturing Company or Steel City Eiectric Company. Cast metal outlet boxes shall be manufactu�ed by Appleton Electric Company, Crouse-Hinds Company, or Killark Electric Manufacturing Company. Part III Execution A. Boxes shall have only the holes necessary to accommodate the conduits at point of installation. All boxes shall have suitable provisions to secure covers. B. Boxes shall be securely attached to the building construction, using wood screws for wood construction, bolts for metal construction, and expansion anchors with bolts for masonry or concrete construction. Boxes flush mounted in tile or masonry construction shall be secured in place with cement mortar. Boxes flush mounted in OUTLET BOXES 16134-1 of3 M.P. Spychala 07.12 C� Sid Lickton ceiling shall be supported from buiiding structure independent of the ceiling construction. All outlet boxes shall be flush mounted within the wall regardless of wall construction, unless they are specifically shown as being used with exposed conduit. D. The edge of aIl outlet boxes shall be flush with the surface in which they are recessed. The contractor shall be attentive to boxes set in masonry walls. The devices that fit into the outlet boxes shall be screwed tight before the cover plates are installed. The cover plates shall not be used as a means of tightening the devices in place. E. F � H Flush mounted outlet boxes in al{ exposed masonry walls shall be masonry boxes or shall be four (4) inch square boxes with square cornered tile covers. The boxes or box covers shall have square edges and shall have the device holes inside the box. Extra deep type concrete boxes shall be used in concrete walls and slabs to permit entering and leaving of conduits and to avoid steel reinforcing rods. Wall switch outlets shown at door locations shall be installed on the lock side of the door, four (4) inches from the jamb, unless otherwise indicated on the drawings. Door swings shall be verified from architectural drawings. Outlet boxes for telephones shall be 4-11/16 inches square and shall have raised covers with rectangular opening in center. � I. Outlets shall be located approximately as shown on the plans. Exact mounting heights for all outlets shall be determined at the building site and shall be verified by the contractor from architectural drawings which indicate casework and other architectural conditions. Outlets sha11 be located so as not to split the top of wainscot, backsplashes, or to be obstructed by equipment of any type indicated or specified. Where outlets are shown on the drawings as being adjacent and different mounting heights are specified for each, they shall be mounted one directly over the other, on the centerline of the group or on the centerline of the room. J. Where outlets are instalted in waterproofed walls or columns, a 6" x 6" x 3" deep wood box shall be placed in the forms before the concrete is poured. This box is to be removed before the waterproofing is applied. The contractor shall then waterproof the wall and the opening after which the outlet shall be instatied. Grout around the box. Boxes to be set carefully so the cover plates will be flush. K. Outlet boxes in conduit work which is exposed to the weather, and for vapor-tight lighting fixtures and devices shall be cast corrosion resistant type with threaded conduit hubs to accommodate the conduit size entering. L. Outlets for the attachment of lighting fixtures shall be provided with fixture studs securely anchored to the boxes. Where outlet boxes are used to support lighting fixtures, the outlet boxes shall be firmly anchored to the structural members of the building. OUTLET BOXES 16134-2of3 � � � � � � � � � , � � � � � � � � � M.P. Spychala 07.12 OUTLET BOXES End of Section Sid Lickton 16134-3of3 � � � � � � � r � � � � � � � M.P. Spychala 07_12 SECTION 16140 WIRING DEVICES Sid Lickton PART1-GENERAL A. The general provisions of the contract, including general and supplementary conditions and general requirements, appfy to the work in this section. B. Refer to Section 16010 for supplementary general conditions. C. The work included under this section of these specifications consists of furnishing all materials and equipment and performing all labor and services necessary for the complete installation of the wiring devices, including all related systems and accessories as shown by the drawings and hereinafter spec�ed. Part II Products A. Wall switches 1. Switches shall be totally enclosed, rated at 120/277 volts, ivory plastic handles, of the quiet type, back and side wired full rated at 20 amperes as follows, unless othen�vise noted: Switch Hubbell Leviton Arrow-Hart Single pole 1221-I 1221-! 1221-I Double pole 1222-I 1222-I 1222-I Three way 1223-I 1223-I 1223-I Four-way 1224-I 1224-i 1224-1 Keyed-switches 1221-L 1221-L 1991-L 3-way keyed switches 1223-L 1223-L 1994-I 3-position momentary Contact (center offl 1557-I 1557-I 1995-I 2. Atl occupancy sensor switches shall be of the dual technology type. B. Receptacles 1. All receptacles shall be hospital grade (where applicable), Single and duplex receptacles shall be 15 or 20 ampere rated if required by a 8edicated 20 amp circuit, 125 volts, back and side wired, with grounded pole, of ivory plastic color as follows: Receptacle Hubbell Leviton Arrow-Hart Duplex 8200-I 8200-I 8200HV Single 8210-I 8210-I 8210HV WIRING DEVICES 16140 -1 of 3 M.P. Spychala 07.12 Sid Lickton C. Special-purpose receptacles shall be of similar grade specification as single or duplex receptacles and shall be as described in the legend of symbols and notes for electrical systems on the drawings. D. Provide device plates for each and every outlet box requiring same and of the type required for the senrice and device involved; furnish in gangs as necessary. Plates and screws shall be the product of the same manufacturer. Finish of the plates shall be ivory bakelite unless otherwise noted. E. Where necessary, receptacles shall be furnished with a matching cap. F. Prior to installation the wiring devices shall be stored on the job site in the originai labeled cartons. The devices shall be installed in the outlets as soon as possible after the wire is installed. The devices shall then be temporarily covered using the device packaging material, until finishing and painting operations are completed. Devices and device plates that are stained, paint splashed, or damaged shall be replaced. A cleaned device or device plate will not be accepted. G � Alt device plates shall be engraved with the feeding panel and circuit number (FF- PNL-CKT#). The contractor shall submit a sample to the architecUengineer for review. Time switches 1. Furnish and install where shown time switches of the finrenty-four hour or seven day type, powered by a self-starting synchronous motor, capable of being set for different on-off times each day of the week, to an operating accuracy of plus or minus 15 minutes of the desired time and with day omitting device. Time switches controlling life safety lighting shall be of the astronomical type. 2. Time switch conta�ts shall be capable of switching 40 amperes per pote continuously at rated voltage as indicated and shall have poles and switching arrangement as indicated on the drawings. 3. Removable on-off trippers shall make possible multiple on-off periods. Separate manual on and off levers shall enable operation by hand without disturbing automatic settings. 4. Enclosure shall be NEMA 1 for indoor use and NEMA 3R for outdoor use. NEMA 1 enclosure shall have combination 1/2"-3/4" knock-outs on bottom and both sides. Provision shall be made for positive padlocking andlor sealing. 5. Terminals shall be capable of receiving up to #8 AWG wire. 6. Time switches shall be as manufactured by Tork, Intermatic or Paragon. Part III Execution A. Installation of walf switches. WIRING DEVICES 16140-2of3 � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ' � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � M_P. Spychala 07.12 Sid Lickton B. Wall switches shall be installed in the vertical position unless otherwise specified or indicated on the drawings. C. Vertically operated switches shafl be "on" in the upper position, except for 3-way and 4-way switches. If operated horizontally, they shall be "on" tn the left position. D. Where more than one switch is shown at one outiet, they shall be installed under one plate in an order appropriate to the location of the outlets contro{led, unless otherwise indicated on drawings. WIRING DEVICES End of Section 16140-3of3 r � � � � f� M.P. Spychala 07.12 SECTlON 16155 PART 1 - GENERAL A. � Sid Lickton MOTOR STARTERS The general provisions of the contract, including general and supplementary conditions and general requirements, apply to the work in this section. Refer to Section 16010 for supptementary general conditions. C. The work included under this section of these specifications consists of furnishing all material and equipment and pertorming all labor and services necessary for the complete installation of the motor starters, incfuding all related systems and accessories as shown by the drawings and hereinafter spec�ed. Part II General � A. In general, motor starters for afl mechanical and plumbing equipment will be furnished by the mechanical and plumbing contractors respectively. The electrical contractor shall be required to install the motor starters and to furnish and instatl all � electrical power wiring to the starter and equipment The control wiring to operate the equipment shall be fumished and installed by the contractor furnishing the starter. � � � � � � � � � B. Where motor starters are shown on the electrical plans they are to be furnished by the electrical contractor. Motor starters shall be full voltage, across-the-line magnetic motor starters, rated as required for equipment served, with 120 volt coil, hand-off-automatic selector switch in cover, and general purpose NEMA-1 (indoor) or rain tight NEMA-3R (outdoor) enclosure. The starters shall be equipped with thermal overloads in each ungrounded conductor. Thermal overloads shall be sized in accordance with nameplate rating of motor supplied. Motor starters shall be as manufactured by Square "D" Company or Siemens ITE. Part I11 Execution a. Where required, motor starters shall be securely attached to building construction, using wood screws for wood construction, bolts for metal construction, and expansion anchors with bolts for masonry or concrete construction. MOTOR STARTERS End of Section 16155-1of1 � , r � � � � �� � �i U SURGE PROTECTIVE DEV{CES SECTION 16160 PANELBOARDS PART1-GENERAL 16709 - 1 of 3 A. The general provisions of the contract, including general and supplementary conditions and general requirements, apply to the work of this section_ B. Refer to Section 16010 for supplementary general conditions. C. The work included under this section of these specifications consists of fumishing all material and equipment and perForming all labor and services necessary for the complete installation of the panelboards including all related systems and accessories as shown by the drawings and hereinafter specified. Part II Products A. Panelboards shall be of the dead-front type incorporating switching and protective devices of the number, rating and type specified herein or shown on the drawings. Panelboards shall have general purpose enclosures and shall be suitable for flush or surface mounting as indicated. All panelboards shall be rated for the intended voltage and shall be in accordance with the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. "Standard for Panelboards" and "Standard for Cabinets and Boxes" and shall be so tabeled where procedures exist. Where panelboards are to be used as service entrance equipment, they shalt be so labeled. Panelboards shall also comply with NEMA standard for panelboards, National Electrical Code and Federal Specification 115A (Power Distribution Panels) where applicable. B. Interiors 1. All interiors shatt be completely factory assembled with switching and � protective devices, wire connectors, etc. All wire connectors, except screw terminals, shall be of the anti-turn solderless type and all shall be suitable for copper or aluminum wire of the sizes indicated on the drawings. � � � � � � � 2. Interiors shall be so designed that switching and protective devices can be replaced without disturbing adjacent units and without removing the main bus connectors and shall be so designed that circuits may be changed without machining, drilling or tapping. 3. Bus bars for the mains shall be of tin-plated copper or tin-plated aluminum, sized in accordance with Underwriters' Laboratories standards. Unless otherwise noted, full-size insulated neutral and ground bus bars shall be included. Bus bar taps for panels with single pole branches shall be arranged for sequence phasing of the branch circuit devices. Bussing shalt be braced throughout to conform to industry standard practice goveming short circuit stresses in panelboards. Bracing shall be equivalent to, or compatible with, the rated interrupting capacity of the smallest overcurrent device in that panelboard. All panel boards shall be fully rated. Series rating of panels is not acceptable. PANELBOARDS 16160-1 of3 SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES 16709 - 2 of 3 4. Phase bussing shall be full height without reduction. Cross connectors shall be tin-pfated copper or tin-plated aluminum. 5. Insulated neutral bussing shall have a suitable lug for each outgoing feeder requiring a neutral connection or shall utilize set-screws to bond the neutral wire to the neutral bus through holes drilled in the neutral bar. A neutral bus utitizing flat head screws to hold the neutra{ wires will be acceptable provided that ring type crimp-on connectors are used on the conductors that are to be connected to the neutral bus. A ground bus, identical to the neutral bus, sha{I be provided and bolted to the interior. 6. All molded case main circuit breakers shall be vertically mounted. All vertically mounted molded case circuit breakers shall be mounted so the handle is up for "on" and down for "off", when viewed from the normal standing position. 7. Spaces for future installation of molded case circuit breakers on the job site may be permitted if so required, to utilize the manufacturer's standard panelboard design. The spaces shatl be complete with afl bus and bus connectors such that future breakers can be installed without adding or changing bus on the main bus. Bus connectors connected to the energized main bus shall be rigidly anchored at the other end with insulating bus supports or dummy breakers or spare breakers. C.Boxes 2. 3 D. Trims Boxes shall be made from unpainted galvanized code gauge steel having multiple knockouts except where noted. Boxes shall be of sufficient size to provide a minimum gutter space of four (4) inches on all sides, and to have a minimum width of twenty (20) inches unless noted otherwise. Where feeder cables supplying the mains of a panel are carried through its box to supply other electrical equipment, the box shall be so sized as to include this wiring space. This wiring space shall be in addition to the minimum gutter space specified above and the limiting width may be increased accordingly. At least four (4) interior mounting studs shall be provided. Box identification number shall be on box. Hinged doors covering all switching device handles shall be included in all panel trims, and shall not uncover any live parts in making switching device handles accessible. Doors shall have semi-flush-type cylinder lock and catch. Door hinges shall be concealed. All locks shall be keyed alike. A directory frame and typewritten directory card with all spares marked in pencil and having a transparent plastic cover shafl be furnished on the inside face of each door. The trims shalE be fabricated from code gauge sheet steel. PANELBOARDS 16160 - 2 of 3 , � � , i � � � � � � � � � IJ � �� � ' SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES 16709 - 3 of 3 3. All exterior and interior steel surtaces of the panelboard trim shall be properly cleaned and finished with grey ANSI-61 paint over a rust-inhibiting phosphatized coating. 4. Trims shall have the same width and height as the box. Trims shall be mountable by a screwdriver without the need for special tools. 5. Shop drawings for the panels shall show that atl of the aforementioned requirements have been incorporated into each panel. Panels shall be as manufactured by Siemens ITE or Square "D" Company. The branch circuit breaker arrangement and circuit breaker types in each respective panel shatl be as indicated in the panel schedules and on the drawings. Part 111 Execution A. Panelboards shall be secured to wal)s with unistrut metal framing and spring bolts. B. Provide a white core bakelite nameplate for each panelboard. Nameplates shall be installed in a suitable location and fastened with sheet metal screws. End of Section PANELBOARDS 16160-3of3 � � � ' , � � M.P. Spychala 07.12 SECTION 16170 PART1-GENERAL A. Q Sid Lickton MOTOR AND ClRCUIT DISCONNECTS The general provisions of the contract, including general and supplementary conditions and general requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. Refer to Section 16010 for supptementary general conditions. C. The work included under this section of these specifications consists of furnishing all materials and equipment and performing all labor and senrices necessary for the complete installation of the motor and circuit disconnects, including all related systems and accessories as shown by the drawings and hereinafter specified. Part II Products � A_ All motor disconnect switches shall be rated at 240 volts in NEMA-1 (indoor} or raintight NEMA-3R (outdoor) enclosures unless noted otherwise. Switches shall be fusible or non-fusible as indicated on the drawings in ratings as required for the � equipment served. Disconnect switches shall be of the general duty type as manufactured by Siemens ITE or Square "D" Company_ � ��, � , , � ' � � � � B. Any and a{I fused or unfused safety switches which may be required shall be furnished and installed under this section of the work; no switches of any kind or type will be provided under other sections of the specifications. Switches shall be provided with quick-make, quick-break mechanisms and shall be general duty type and of the appropriate ampere rating. Those employed for motors and their feeders shall be horsepower rated switches. Switches for outdoor installation shall be provided with weathertight cabinets. Those utilized for service entrance duty shall bear the UL label of approval for such senrice_ Part III Execution A. Where required, motor and circuit disconnects shall be securely attached to the building construction, using wood screws for wood construction, bolts for metal construction, and expansion anchors with bolts for masonry or concrete construction. B. Motor circuit disconnects fumished and instalted by the electrical contractor shall not be mounted to mechanical equipment unless otherwise noted. The motor and circuit disconnects shall be supported by the building structure or by independent supports. End of Section MOTOR AND CIRCUIT DISCONNECTS 16170 -1 of 1 LJ ' r � ' � � � ' i � � ' M.P. Spychala 07.12 SECTION 16181 PART1-GENERAL � � Sid Lickton FUSES The general provisions of the contract, including general and supplementary condi- tions and general requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. Refer to section 16010 for supplementary general conditions. C. The work included under this sec6�n of these specifications consists offurnishing all material and equipment and performing of all iabor and services necessary for the installation of the fuses, including all related systems and accessories as shown by the drawings and hereinafter specified. Part II Products A. Fuses shalt be as manufactured by Bussman, Gould-Shawmut or Littelfuse and shall be dual-element and current limiting as specified on the drawings. B. For each such fuse installed, this contractor shall furnish to the owner at the completion of the work a fuse cabinet with three (3} spare fuses of each type used. Part III Execution A. � Motor circuit fuses shall be dual element, time delay type rated between 125 and 150 percent of nameplate rating. Bussman Fusetron UL Class RK5 type FRN or FRS as required. Where required panelboard feeders at 120 volts AC to ground shall be fused as follows: 0 to 600 amperes - Bussman Lowpeak type LPN-UL class RK5 or as noted on plans. C. Where required panelboards and dry-type transformer feeders at 277 volts ac to ground shall be fused as follows: 0 to 600 amperes - Bussman Lowpeak type LPS-Ul class RK5 or as noted on plans. � D. Main switches and circuits exceeding 600 amperes capacity shall be fused with Bussman type KRP-C Hi-Cap current limiting fuses, UL Class L. The exact type shall be as recommended by the manufacturer considering interrupting and coordination requirements. ' � � � � FUSES End of Section 16181-1of1 ' ' ' ' l� � � ' ' � � , � , ' � � � � M.P. Spychala 07.12 SECTION 16182 PART 1 — GENERAL A. � Sid Lickton CIRCUIT BREAKERS The general provisions of the contract, including general and supplementary conditions and general requirements apply to the work specified in this section. Refer to Section 16010 for supplementary general conditions. C. The work included under this section of these specifications consists of fumishing all materials and equipment and performing all Iabor and services necessary for the complete installation of the circuit breakers, including all related systems and accessories as shown by the drawings and hereinafter specified. Part II Products A. All branch circuit breakers shall be UL labeled and shail be thermal and magnetic, molded case type, quick-make and quick-break both on manual and on automafic operation and shall be bolted or plugged to the panel bus. Breakers shall be the over-the-center toggle operating type, with the handle going to a position between "on" and "off' to indicate automatic tripping. All multi-pole breakers shal! be internal common trip. The breakers to be furnished shall, in each instance, be determined by the specifications, the ampacity and poles as scheduled or as indicated, and by the minimum UL labeled RMS symmetrical amperes interrupting capacity at circuit voltage as indicated by the schedules, but in no case less than 10,000 RMS symmetrical amperes. NEMA ratings are not acceptable in lieu of UL ratings. Breakers shall be labeled as required by the NEC. Pa�t III Execution A. All mokded case main circuit breakers shall be vertically mounted. All vertically mounted molded case circuit breakers shall be mounted so the handle is up for "on" and down for "off," when viewed from the normal standing position. CIRCUIT BREAKERS End of Section 16182-1 of1 ' ' � ' ' , ' � ' � , � ' � ' ' � ' � M.P. Spychala 07.12 SECTION 16420 SERV{CE ENTRANCE PART 1 — GENERAL Sid Lickton A. The general provisions of the contract, including generai and supplementary conditions and general requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. B. Refer to Section 16010 for supplementary general conditions. C. The work included under this section of these specifications consists of fumishing all material and equipment and performing all labor and services necessary for the installation of the service entrance system, including all related systems and accessories as shown by the drawings, and hereinafter specified. �❑ E. The e{ectrical service shall be 120/208 volts, three phase, four wire, wye connected with grounded neutral as shown on the drawings. The service entrance shall compfy with the requirements of the N.E.C. and the local utility company. Part 11 Products A. The distribution panelboard shall be of the dead front type, completely metal enclosed, incorporating switching and protective devices of the number, rating and type noted herein or shown of the drawings with the necessary inter-connections. The distribution panelboard shall meet all National Electrical Code requirements for service equipment. 1. The bus shall be tin-plated copper or tin-plated aluminum of sufficient size to qualiiy for U.L, label and adequately braced/supported to withstand mechanical forces exerted during short circuit conditions when directly connected to a power source having the indicated short circuit current. A(I connections shall be tightly bolted. 2. A ground bus and lug shall be furnished firmly secured to the panelboard. 3. A-&C type bus arrangement, left-to-right, top-to-bottom, and front-tarear, as viewed from the front, shall be used throughout. 4. Adequate conduit space shall be provided to meet N.E_C. requirements. 5. Each switching and protective device shall be provided with visible means of on-off identification. All terminals shall be of the anti-turn solderless type suitabte for copper or aluminum cable of sizes indicated. 6. All exterior and interior steet surfaces of the panelboard shall be properly cleaned prior to the application of baked on gray ANSI-16 enamel. A rust-inhibiting phosphatized coating shall be apptied as part of the cleaning operation. SERVICE ENTRANCE 16420 -1 of 2 M.P. Spychala 07.12 B. C. Q Sid Lickton 7. The internal components (switching and protective devices etc.) Shall be removable from the front and shall be panel mounted with the necessary device line and load connections front accessible. 8. The main or horizontat bus shall be braced for short-circuit stresses up to 42,000 RMS amperes. When interconnecting horizontal bus is installed between vertical sections, no portion of the horizontal bus shall extend within 8 inches of the bottom or within 8 inches of the front, inside any vertical panel section of the switchboard structure. � m S1�vitchboard shalf be manufactured by Square D Company or Siemens-ITE. Due to size limitations in the main electricat room it shall be the contractor's responsibility to provide equipment dimensionally equal to the equipment specified. Main Circuit Breakers or disconnecting means: The main disconnect switch shall be mounted to the exterior of the building and shall have a minimum AIC rating as noted on the plans. Branch Devices: The branch devices shall be suitable for use on the service on the service as described for the sizes as shown on the drawings. The units shall be listed and approved by Underwriters Laboratories for general service entrance use. 1. Branch circuit breakers are to be totally front accessible and front connectable. They shall be mounted in the switchboard to permit installation, maintenance, and testing without reaching over any line side bussing. The branch circuit breakers / connectors to the distribution panel bussing shall be of a'btow-on' design such that the connections grip the bus bars firmly under heavy fault current conditions. Removal of the branch circuit breakers shall be by the disconnection of the load side cable terminations only. Branch circuit breakers shall be equipped with AIC thermal magnetic trip units as rated and indicated on the plans. The distribution system shall be a fully rated system. Series rated systems will not be reviewed or accepted by this o�ce. Part III Execution A. Provide black finish, white core bakelite nameplate for each switch in the distribution panelboard. Nameplates shall be installed in a suitable loca6on and fastened with sheet metal screws. End of Section SERVICE ENTRANCE 16420 - 2 of 2 ' ' r , , � ' � � _J � , � ' � , f �� Li � , , ' ' � M.P. Spychala 07.12 SECTION 16450 GROUNDING Sid Lickton � PART1-GENERAL A. The general provisions of the contract, including general and supplementacy � conditions and general requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. B. Refer to section 16010 for supplementary general conditions. � � ' �1 C. The work included under this section of these specifications consists of furnishing all materials and equipment and performing all labor and senrices necessary to insure that the electrical service and electrical systems conform with the requirements of article 250 of the N.E.C. and as specified hereinafter. Part II Praducts A. The products specified in section 16120 apply to the work specified in this section. B. Ground rods shall be minimum of 5/8" x 10'-0" copperweld ground rods_ C. Ground clamps shall be UL approved for the application. Part I11 Execution � A. The following systems and/or equipment shall be grounded in accordance with the rules of the nationat electrical code, the local code, and as hereinafter specified. , � lJ �� ' � � � 1_I 1. Building power system 2. Raceway and conduit systems 3. Lighting fixtures 4. Noncurrent carrying metal parts of all motors, panels and other electrically operated equipment. 5. Telephone system 6. Above ground gas piping system upstream ftom the equipment shutoff vahre. B. The service equipment shall be bonded ahead of the main water service meter and grounded to installed ground rods using bare copper wire in steel conduit. The wire shall be sized in accordance with Article 250-66 of the National Electrical Code (NFPA-70 2008). Copperclad ground rods shall be driven to a depth sufficient to provide a grounding electrode of 15 ohms maximum resistance to ground. If the resistance is greater than 15 ohms, additionaf ground rods shall be installed and bonded to the first electrode. GROUNDING 16450 -1 of 2 M.P. Spychala 07.12 C. 7 Sid Lickton Made electrodes shall consist of copper ground rods. The rods shall be installed such that at least 8'-0" of length is in contact with the soil. The upper end of the electrode shall be flush with or below ground level unless the above ground end and the grounding wire attachment are protected against physical damage. All metallic conduits entering the building service panel shall be bonded together and to the system service .ground. Metallic conduit systems shatl be electrically continuous throughout. E. The system neutral conductor shall be identified throughout and shall be grounded at the building service only. F. An equipment grounding wire sized as per NEC shall be installed inside all conduit, and shall be bare or have green insulation. G. Alt grounding electrode connections shall be accessible for periodic inspection and testing. H. Isolated ground systems shall have a separate ground wire installed in the conduit which is run to the building service ground with no other interconnections between normal ground and isolated ground. Isolated ground wires shall be sized in accordance with the equipment served and shall be identified by a colored stripe on the green insulation. END OF SECTtON GROUNDING 16450 - 2 of 2 ' � � , ' , , ' M.P. Spychala 07.12 SECTION 16500 PART1-GENERAL A L:� Sid Lickton LIGHTING FIXTURES The general provisions of the contract, including general and supplementary conditions and general requirements, apply to the work of this section. Refer to Section 16010 for supplementary general conditions. C. The work included under this secfion of these specifications consists of fumishing all material and equipment and performing all labor and services necessary for the complete installation of the lighting fixtures, including all related systems and accessories as shown by the drawings and hereinafter specified. Part II Products A. Lighting fixtures shall be as specified in the lighting fixture schedule on the drawings and as specified herein. ' B. The lighting fixture manufacturers and catalog numbers specified in the fixture schedule on the drawings are used for the purpose of establishing required levels of luminaire qualify and performance. Substitute fixtures may be proposed for use in accordance with specification Section 16010, Part 1.6. It shall be the responsibility ' of the contractor to fully substantiate, to the satisfaction of the architecUengineer, that the proposed substitute products are the same as or better than those specified. � , ' � �l ' � ' , C. �� E. The contractor shall be responsible for confirming all ceiling types before ordering lighting fixtures shipped to the job. Each lighting fixture shall have been tested and certified for proper operation by the fixture manufacturer for the type ceiling and mounting on or in which it is installed. The contractor shall provide a disconnecting means for all ceiling mounted lighting fixture ballasts in accordance with N.E.C. Article 410.73(G). Ballast disconnect shall be as manufactured by IDeal PowerPlug. F. All fluorescent ballasts shall be electronic type usable with T8 energy saving lamps, as approved by the lamp manufacturer, High Power Factor (H.P.F.} Class "P", C.B.M. certified by E.T.L., internally protected with an automatic reset thermal protector, with Class "A" sound rating unless otherwise noted. Fluorescent ballasts shalt be as manufactured by: Manufacturer Model Advance Mark v General Eleetric Maximiser II Universal Watt Reducer G. All fluorescent fixtures shall bear the UL label. LIGHTING FIXTURES 16500 -1 of 2 M.P. Spychala 07.12 Sid Lickton H. All high intensiry discharge lamp luminaire ballasts shall be constant wattage high power factory type unless noted otherwise. I. Residential ballasts shall not be used on this project. Part III Execution A. Lighting fixtures shall be installed as specified in the fighting fixture schedule on the drawings and as specified herein. 1. Lighting fixtures shall be supported ftom the building structure. The contractor shall coordinate this requirement with the ceiling trades. 2. Fixtures shall be supported in a manner that will insure the fixture weight being equally distributed from each support and the fixture remaining in a level position. � 3. Each ceiling anchor or support for fluorescent fixtures shalt be tested with a weight of not less than 50 pounds or three times the weight of the installed fixtures, whichever is greater. Testing shall be done in the presence of the architect's representative on the job. No wiring splice or tap shall be located within an arm, stem, etc., used for support of lighting fixture. Wire shall be continuous from splice in outlet box of the building wiring system to lamp socket, or to ballast terminals in fluorescent luminaires. End of Section LIGHTING FIXTURES 16500 - 2 of 2 , , � � ' ,� � � , � � � � � 1 L� � � M.P. Spychala 07.12 SECTION 16501 PART1-GENERAL A. Q Sid Lickton LAMPS The general provisions of the contract, including general and supplementary conditions and general requirements, apply to the work of this section. Refer to Section 16010 for supplementary general conditions. C. The work included under this section of these specifications consists of furnishing all material and equipment and pertorming all labor and services necessary for the complete installation of the lamps, including all related systems and accessories as shown by the drawings and hereinafter specified. Part II Products A. B. C. D. E. Fluorescent lamps shall be energy saving preheat, rapid start, with a minimum rated life of 20,000 hours at three (3) hours per start unless indicated otherwise. Incandescent lamps shall be inside frosted, unless otherwise noted, with a minimum rated life of 1,000 hours, and rated for 120 volt operation. Metal halide lamps shall have a minimum rated life of 20,000 hours, and shall be operated through a ballast designed to the lamp wattage and supply voltage indicated on the plans. Twin tube fluorescent lamps shall have a minimum rated life of 10,000 hours and shali be operated through a ballast designed to the lamp wattage and supply voltage indicated on the plans. Lamps shall have single ended bi-pin base. Lamps shall be as manufactured by General Electric Company, Phillips or GTE Sylvania. Pa�t III Execution A. Lamps installed in lighting fixtures shall be as spec�ed in the fixture schedule on the drawings and as specified herein. All lamps shall be operating at the time of final inspection. LAMPS End of Section 16501 -1 of 1 ' � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � M.P. Spychala 07.12 SECTION 16709 PART 1 - GENERAL A. � Sid Lickton SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES The general provisions of the contract, including general and supplementary conditions and general requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. Refer to section 16010 for electrical engineer's additional conditions. C. The work included under this section of these specifications consists of furnishing all materiai and equipment and performing all labor and services necessary for the installation of the wiring for the computer networking system, including all related systems and accessories as shown by the drawings, and hereinafter specified. D. DESCRIPTION 1. This section describes the materials and installation requirements for surge protective devices (SPDs} for the protection of all AC electrical circuits from the effects of lightning induced currents, substation-switching transients and internally generated transients resulting from inductive and/or capacitive load switching. 2. 3. 4. The specified system shall be designed, manufactured, tested, and installed in compliance with the latest edition of the following standards and publications: A. American National Standards Institute and Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (ANSI/IEEE C62.1, C62.41.1, C62.41.2, and C62.45) B. Underwriter's Laboratories (UL 1449 3`� Edition and UL 1283) C. National Electrical Manufacturer Associa6on (NEMA) D. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 20, 70, 75, and 78) E. NEC 285.6 The SPD shall be UL listed as a complete system under UL 1449 3ro Edition standard for surge protective devices (SPDs) and the rating shall be permanently affixed to the SPD. Eleatrical Contractor shall coordinate all systems operating voltages with specified manufacturer. E. SUBMITTALS 1. 2 Submit shop drawings, product data and manufacturer's installation instructions. The surge suppression submittals shall also include: SURGE.PROTECTIVE DEVICES 167U9 - 1 of 7 M.P. Spychata 07.12 Sid Lickton A. Dimensional drawing of each suppressor type indicating mounting arrangements. B. UL 1449 3rd Edition Listing documentation verifiable by visiting www.UL.com, clicking "Certifications" link, searching using UL Category Code: VZCA. C. Short Circuit Current Ra6ng (SCCR). D. Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage rating (MCO� E. I- nominal rating (I-n) F. SPD shall be Type 1 UL listed and labeled G. If requested an un-encapsulated but complete SPD formally known as NSS shall be presented for visual inspection. PART 2 — PRODUCTS A. SERVICE ENTRANCE SPD shall be UL 1449 3`d Edition listed and labeled with 200kA Short Circuit Current Rating (SCCR). Fuse ratings shall not be considered in lieu of demonstrated withstand testing of SPD, per NEC 285.6 2. SPD shall be tested with the Category C high exposure waveform (20kv, 10ka 8/20u sec. Waveform) per ANSI/IEEE C62.41.1 and C62.412 - 2002. 3. For 3 phase, 4-wire plus ground configurations, SPD shall provide suppression elements between each phase eonductor and the system neutral and each phase conductor and the system ground as well as neutral to ground for a total of seven suppression modes. 4. SPD shall be UL 1449 3rd Edition labeled as Type 1 intended for use without need for externai or supplemental overcurrent controls. Every suppression component of every mode, including N-G, shall be protected by internal overcurrent and thermal over temperature controls. SPDs relying upon external or supplementary installed safety diseonnectors do not meet the intent of this specification. 5. � SPD shall be UL 1449 3rd Edition labeled with 20kA I-nominal (I-n) (verifiable at UL.com) for compliance to UL 96A Lightning Protection Master Label and NFPA 780. Service Entrance SPDs shall be equipped with the following diagnostics: A. Visual LED diagnostics including a minimum of one green LED indicator per phase, and one red service LED. B. Audibte alarm with on/off silence function and diagnostic test function (excluding branch). C. Form C dry contacts D. Optional — Surge Counter E. No other test equipment shalt be required for SPD monitoring or testing before or after instatlafion. SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES 16709 - 2 of 7 � � � � � � � � � � � � '� I �_ r � ' � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � M.P. Spychata 07.12 7 :� 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Sid Lickton The mounting position of the suppressor shall permit a short lead length between the suppressor and the point of connection. The lead length shall be kept as short as possible. SPD shall meet or exceed the following criteria: A. Maximum singfe imputse surge current rating= 200,000 amperes per phase (8/20usec. waveform). B. Pulse life rating: category c(8/20usec. waveform): 1,000 occurrences with no clamping drift. C. UL 1449 3ro Edition Listed Voltage Protection Ratings (VPRs} shall not exceed the following Voltaae L=N N=G L=G 120/208 700 700 700 277/480 1200 1200 1200 D. UL 1449 Listed Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage (MCO� for L-N, L-G, and N-G modes of protection (verifiable at UL.com}: Voltage Allowable MCOV System Voltage Fluctuation (%) 208Y/120 25% 150V 480Y/277V 20% 320V SPD shall be of solid-state components and shall operate bi-directional. The use of Gas Discharge Tubes GDTs is prohibited. Service Entrance SPD shall be complimentary UL 1283 listed for EMI/RFl filtering with minimum attenuation of -50d6 at 100kHz. SPD Terminals shall be provided for all of the necessary power and ground connections. Each terminal shall accommodate wire sizes of #14 to #1 AWG. SPD sha{I be "Made in America" as required by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The SPD will have a warranty guarantee for a period of ten years. Provide SPDs by Advanced Protection Technologies, Inc., Clearwater, Florida. 1-800-237-4567, Cat. #TE XAS20 (-D if a dedicated 3-pole breaker is not available for connecting to). Or LEA International by Powerlogics, Apollo Beach, FI. 1-800-357-8743, Cat. # PV200 (-D if a dedicated 3-pole breaker is not available for connecting to) SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES 16709 - 3 of 7 M.P. Spychala 07.12 B. DISTRBUTION AND BRANCH PANELS Sid Lickton 1. SPD shall be UL 1449 3`� Edition listed and labeled with 200kA Short Circuit Current Rating (SCCR). Fuse ratings shall not be considered in lieu of demonstrated withstand testing of SPD, per NEC 285.6 2. SPD shall be tested with the Category C high exposure waveform (20kv, 10ka 8/20u sec. Waveform} per ANSI/IEEE C62.41.1 and C62.41.2 - 2002. 3. For 3 phase, 4-wire plus ground configurations, SPD shall provide suppression elements belween each phase conductor and the system neutral and each phase conductor and the system ground as well as neutral to ground for a total of seven suppression modes. 4. SPD shall be UL 1449 labeled as Type 1 intended for use without need for external or supplemental overcurrent controls. Every suppression component of every mode, including N-G, shall be protected by internal overcurrent and thermal over temperature controls. SPDs relying upon external or supplementary installed safety disconnectors do not meet the intent of this specification. 5. 6. 7. 8. SPD shall be UL 1449 labeled with 20kA {-nominal (I-n) (verifiable at UL.com). Distribution and Branch panel SPDs shall be equipped with the following diagnostics: A. B. C. D. Visual LED diagnostics including a minimum of one green LED indicator per phase. Audible alarm with on/off silence function and diagnostic test function (excluding branch}. Form C dry contacts No other test equipment shall be required for SPD monitoring or testing before or after installa6on. The mounting position of the suppressor shall permit a short lead length between the suppressor and the point of connection. The lead length shal! be kept as short as possible. SPD shall meet or exceed the following criteria: A. 3 Maximum single impulse surge current rating: 100,000 amperes per phase (8/20usec. waveform). Pulse life rating: category c(8/20usec. waveform): 1,000 occurrences with no clamping dr'ift. C. UL 1449 Listed Voltage Protection Ratings (VPRs) shall not exceed the following SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES 16709 - 4 of 7 ' � � ll' u � � � LJ � � � � !� � � � � � lJ � � � � � � � � � � � � � M.P. Spychala 07_12 Q 10. 11. 12. 13. Sid Lickton Voltaae L=N N=G L=G 120/208 700 700 700 277/480 1200 1200 1200 D. UL 1449 Listed Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage (MCO� for L-N, L-G, and N-G modes of protection (verifiable at UL.com): Voltage Allowable System MCOV Voltage Fluctuation (%) 208Y/120 25% 150V 480Y/277V 20% 320V SPD shall be of solid-state components and shafl operate bi-directional. The use of Gas Discharge Tubes GDTs are prohibited. SPD shall be pre-wired with a minimum of 3 feet of #10 AWG cable leads. SPD shall be "Made in America" as required by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The SPD will have a warranty guarantee for a period of ten years. Provide SPDs by Advanced Protection Technologies, Inc., Clearwater, Florida. 1-800-237-4567, Cat. #TE_XCS10. Or LEA International by Powerlogics, Apollo Beach, FI. 1-800-357-8743, Cat. # SP100. [ Spec�er needs to provide a dedicated 30A 3-pole breaker for distribution SPD connection] C. TERMINAL STRIP HARD-WIRED (120 VAC) SPD: 1. SPD shall be UL 1449 3�d Edition listed or Underwriters Recognized in accordance with UL 1449 3`d Edition, Standard for Safety, Surge Protective Devices. 2. Visible indication of proper suppressor connection and operation shall be provided. 3. The suppressor shall be internally fused, in such a manner that the power is not interrupted. 4. SPD shall provide three suppression modes: line to neutral, line to ground, and neutral to ground. 5. SPD shall provide a maximum single impulse current rating of 50,000 amperes (8/20usec. waveform) per mode. 6. SPD's Voltage Protection Ratings shall be 600V for L-N or L-G connection. SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES 16709 - 5 of 7 M.P. Spychala 07.12 � Sid Lickton 7. SPDs shall be by Advanced Protection Technologies, Inc., Clearwater, Florida, 1-800-237-4567, DIN RAIL Series or LEA International series by Powerlogics, Apollo Beach, FL, 1-800-357-8743, Cat. #TE Series. 8. The SPD will have a warranty guarantee for a period of five years. ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT 1. fnstall one SPD on each circuit conductor where entering and/or leaving a building for the following systems: A. Fire alarm system B. Intercom system C. Building management system D. Security system E. CAN PART 3 — EXECUTION A. INSTALLATION 1. Install per manufacturer's recommendations and contract documents. 2. Install units plumb, level and rigid without distortion 3. One primary suppressor shall be installed external to the service entrance in accordance with manufacturer instructions. 4. Service Entrance SPD shall be installed on the line or load side of the main service disconnect. 5. Service Entrance SPD ground shall be bonded to the service entrance ground. 6. At Service Entrance or Transfer Switch, a UL approved disconnect switch shall be provided as a means of servicing disconnect if a 60A breaker is not available. 7. One SPD shall be installed external to each designated distribution panelboard. 8. At Distribution, MCC and Branch, SPD shall have an independent means of servicing disconnect such that the protected panel remains energized. A 30A breaker (or larger) may serve this function. 9. SPD shall be installed per manufacturer's installation instructions with lead lengths as short (less than 24") and straight as possible. Gently twist conductors together. SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES 16709 - 6 of 7 � � � � � � � � � � � � � M.P. Spychala 07.12 L'•� C� 7 Sid Lickton 10. Installer may reasonably rearrange breaker locations to ensure short � straightest possible leads to SPDs. 11. Before energizing, instalfer shall verify service and separately derived system Neutral to Ground bonding jumpers per NEC. ADJUSTMENTS AND CLEANING 1. Remove debris from SPD and wipe dust and dirt from a(I components. 2. Repaint marred and scratched surfaces with touch up paint to match original finish. TESTING 1. Check tightness of all accessible mechanical and electricat connections to assure they are torqued to the minimum acceptable manufacture's recommendations. 2. Check all installed panels for proper grounding, fastening and alignment. ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT AC POWER SUPPLY: 1. Install each hard-wired branch circuit SPD between each equipment item and its power supply conductors as follows: A. Fire alarm master panel B. Intercom master C. Building management system master D. Security system master E. N head 2. Install suppressor according to manufacturer's recommendations. SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES End of Section 16709 - 7 of 7 � � � � � � � � M.P. Spychala 07.12 SECTION 16010 PART 1 — GENERAL G B. C. Sid Lickton SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL PROVISIONS The general provisions of the contract, including general and supplementary conditions and general requirements described in Division 1 of these specifications, apply to the work spec�ed in this section. Quality Assurance 1. Supervisory qualifications: A. The electrical work on the project shall be under the direct supervision of a licensed journeyman. 2. Qualifications of installers: A. For the actual fabricafion, installation, and testing of the work of this section use onfy thoroughly trained and experienced personnel who are completefy familiar with the requirements of this work and with the installation recommendations of the manufacturers of the specified items. B. In acceptance or rejection of installed electrical systems, no allowance will be made for lack of skill on the part of the installers. Drawings 1. The intent of the drawings and specifications is to obtain a complete and satisfactory installation. An attempt to separate and completely define the work of Division 16000 has been made. Separate divisional drawings and specifications shall not relieve the electrical contractor from full compliance of the work of his trade indicated on any drawings or in any section of the specifrcations. Should confli�t occur befinreen the contract drawinqs and this s�ecification, the contractor is deemed to have based his/her estimate uqon the more exnensive method of nerforminq the work. unless he/she has requested and received a written decision from the architect or enqineer before submission of his/her proposal. 2. Examine all drawings and specifications carefully prior to submitting a bid. � The electrical contractor will be required to furnish, instali and/or connect with appropriate services all items shown on any of the drawings without additional expense to the owner. � � � L� i 3. Architectural drawings take precedence over mechanical or electrical drawings with reference to building construction. Mechanical and electrical drawings are diagrammatic but shall be followed as closely as actual building construction and work of other trades permit. SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL PROVISIONS 16010 -1 of 8 M.P. Spychala 07.12 7 Sid Lickton 4. Changes from drawings necessary to make the work of the electrical contractor conform to the building as constructed, or to fit work of other trades, or to comply with the rules of bodies having jurisdiction, shall be made by the electrical contractor at his own expense. 5. Field coordinate with other trades in ample time to build all chases and openings, set all sleeves, inserts and concealed materials and provide clearances that may be required. 6. The term "provide" used in this secfion of the specifications shall include all labor, materials and equipment necessary to install any item or system indicated on either plans or specifications, including items called for, implied or normally part of the equipment or system. The finished installation shall be complete and fully operational before final acceptance. 7. The architect or engineer reserves the right to make any reasonable changes (approximately six (6) feet) in the location of outlets, fixtures, switches, receptacles or equipment prior to the rough-in of such without any additional cost to the owner. 8. The electrical contractor is responsible for and shall pay for all access panels required in the architectural finishes or surtaces to provide access to junction boxes, strip heaters, ballasts or other devices provided and located by the electrical contractor. The access panel shall be installed by the trade constructing the base to which the access panel will be installed. Refer to architectural specifications regarding access doors. 9. The electricat contractor is responsible for design, fabrication and erection of all supplementary struetural framing required for attachment of hangers or other devices to support electrical equipment. A. Framing members shall be designed for their actual loads, with allowable stresses set forth in AISC specifications and the AISC code, without excessive deflection and with consideration for rigidiry under vibration. Supplementary framing including design loads, member size and location shall be clearly shown on the shop drawings. B. No cutting or drilling of holes in structural members or precast concrete slabs will be permitted except where written permission has been obtained from the architect or structural engineer. Explanation to Bidders No oral explanations in regard to the meaning of drawings and specifications will be made and no oral instructions will be given before the award of the contract. Discrepancies, omissions or doubts as to the meaning of drawings and specifications should be communicated in writing to the engineer for interpretation. Bidders should act promptly and allow sufficient time for a SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL PROVISIONS 16010 - 2 of 8 a r � � � � r-� � l� M.P. Spychala 07.12 E. Sid Lickton reply to reach them before the submission of their bids. Any interpretation made will be in the form of an addendum to the specifications which wiU be forwarded to all bidders. Receipt of the addendum shall be acknowledged by the bidder on his bid form. Bid Requirements Before submitting his proposal, the bidder is required to visit the site of the proposed work and familiarize himself with the nature and extent of the work and any local conditions that may in any manner affect the work to be done or the equipment, materials and labor required. He is also required to carefutly examine the plans and specifications and to inform himself thoroughly regarding any and all conditions and requirements that may in any manner affect the work to be pertormed under the contract. Ignorance on the part of the contractor will in no way relieve him of the obligations and responsibilities assumed under the contract. 2. In assembling his bid, the contractor, shall assemble a price based on these specifications and drawings, as shown, and with alt materials and equipment exactly as specified. This figure shall be known as the "base bid". All prices must have this base bid clearly stated to be considered. Alternate equipment may be quoted as an "add" or "deduct" item from the base bid in accordance with the specifications an substitutions. 3. If asked, the contractors bidding on this project shall show evidence of � having recently completed a similar job of like size and compiexity. If the low bid contractor does not have sufficient financial resources, skilled labor, technical competence or experience, he shall not be awarded the contract. � L� l � � �� � � F. Substitutions Materials and equipment are spec�ed by single or multiple manufacturers to indicate quality, material and type of construction desired. One manufacturer's product is shown on the drawings and has been used as a basis for design. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to ascertain that alternate manufacturer's products meet detailed specifications, and that size and arrangement of equipment is suitable for installation. The contractor may then bid the substituted products as a voluntary alternate with the price c{early indicated as an "add" or "deducY' from the base bid. 2. Products of alternate manufacturers will be considered for use if, the item requested for substitution is equivalent to that specified. The final decision as to equivalency shall be that of the architect/engineer. 3. All requests for substitution shall clearly and specifically indicate any and all differences or omissions befinreen the product specified as the basis of design and the product proposed for substitution. Differences shall include, but shatl not be limited to the data as follows: A_ Principle of operation SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL PROVISIONS 16010-3of8 M.P. Spychala 07.12 B. C. D. E. Materials of construction or finishes Thickness or gauge of materiats Weight of item Deleted features or items Sid Lickton F. Added features or items G. Changes in other contractor's work caused by the substitution. 4. If the substitution is reviewed and accepted but contains differences or omissions not specifically called to the attention ofthe architect/engineer, the architect/engineer reserves the right to require equal or similar features to be added to the substituted product at the contractor's expense. 5. The contractor making the substitution shall assume responsibility and expense for any changes or damages to his or any other contractor's work caused by the substitution. G. Submittals 1. 2. Submit items for this division as fotlow: A. Submit all Division 16000 submittals at one time and in one integral group. Piece-by-piece submission of individual items will not be acceptable. The architect/engineer may check the contents of each submittal set upon initial delivery and if not complete as set forth herein, submittal sets may be returned to the contractor without review and may not be accepted until made complete. B. Division 16000 submittals must be delivered to the architecUengineer within thirty (30) days from official notice to proceed. Any delays arising direct{y or indirectly from deliverance of submittals after this time shall be the contractor's responsibility. Allow ten (10) working days from date of receipt for architecUengineer's review. Submittal items shall be submitted on materials, apparatus and equipment as indicated under each section of this division and in compliance with the general conditions. 3. Shop drawings shall comply with Section 01300 and shall include sufficient information to indicate compliance with specifications. Data shall include illustrations, catalog sheets, drawings, and certifications. Each sheet shall show the manufacturer's name or trademark. 4. At the time of each submission, the contractor shall cali the architecUengineer's attention to any deviations from the contract documents and shall plainly mark the deviations on the submittals. SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL PROVISIONS 16010 - 4 of 8 J % � � l_ J � � � � � � M.P. Spychala 07.12 I�l J K. Sid Lickton 5. Manufacturer's names and catalog numbers: in some instances, specific references have been made to one or more manufacturers' names and catalog numbers. It should be noted that such use does not indicate that the materiat and equipment specified is necessarily an "off the shelf' item. Variances may be due to the requirement of a desired finish, material or other modification. The electrical contractor shall ascertain that such modifications are fully considered. 6. A copy of the construction drawings can be obtained from the engineer at a cost of $25.00 qer requested sheet number for expidition of prepared shop drawing creation. Fax all requests specifying format type (ie. ACAD .DWG or .DXF) to 813-855-2741. Familiarity with laws and codes A. The bidder is assumed to be familiar with all federal, state and tocal laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that in any manner affect the work. Ignorance's on the part of the bidder will in no way relieve the bidder from responsibility to meet these requirements. Ordinances and regulations All work shall conform to all federal, state and local laws, ordinances or regulations governing the installation of the specified equipment. If the work as laid out, indicated or specified is contrary to or conflicts with loca! laws, ordinances or regulations, the contractor shall report these conflicts to the architecUengineer before submitting a bid_ The architecUengineer will then issue instructions to clarify the conflict. 2. If the contractor fails to notify the architecUengineer of conflicts or omissions as noted above, all changes required to comply with local ordinances and regulations shall be made without additional expense to the owner. Permits and fees 1. 2. The electrical contractor shall obtain all necessary permits and inspections required for the electrical portion of the work and shall pay all charges incidental thereto. The electrical contractor shall deliver to the architecUengineer all certificates of inspection issued by authorities having jurisdiction. Codes and inspections The installation shall comply with all laws applicable to the electrical installations which are enforced by the authority having jurisdiction. The following codes shall apply to this project: NFPA - 70 (2008) National Electrical Code NFPA - 72 (2002) National Fire Alarm Code SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL PROVISiONS 16010-5of8 M.P. Spychala 07.12 L. M. N � Sid Lickton NFPA - 75 (20U3) Standard for the Protection of information Technology NFPA - 90A (2002) Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems NFPA - 101 (2002) Life Safety Code — Standard on Means of Egress Ftorida Building Code - 2007 with 2009 supplements 2. In any specific case, where, different sections of any of the aforementioned codes or these plans and specifications specify difFerent materials, methods of construction or other requirements, the most restrictive shall govern. In the case of any conflict between a general provision and a special provision, the special provision shall govern. 3. 4 AI! materials shall be listed by nationally recognized testing laboratory (NRTL), as conforming to its standards, where such a standard has been established for the particular type of material in question. Where contract document requirements are in excess of code requirements and are permitted under the code, the contract documents shall govern. Singular & Plural References 1. Singular references in specifications shall not be construed as requiring one (1) device if multiple devices are indicated on the drawings. Materials 1. Materials and equipment shall be new and in good condition. The commercially standard items of equipment and the spec�c names mentioned herein are intended to fix the standards of quality and performance necessary for the proper functioning of the electricaf work. 2_ Since manufacturing methods vary, reasonable minor equipment variations are expected; however, performance and material requirements for the specified equipment are the minimum acceptable standards. The architecUengineer retains the right to judge equality of equipment that deviates from the spec�cations. Identification of Equipment 1. 2. All electrical equipment and motor controllers shalt be identfied by means of nameplates permanently attached to the equipment. Nameplates shall be engraved laminated plastic with letters at least 1/4" high. Nameplate designations shall correspond to the identifications on the "record drawings". Operating Instructions SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL PROVISIONS 16010-6of8 � �1 � � � � � � � � � � M.P. Spychala 07.12 � G R Sid Lickton The electrical contractor shall provide the services of a competent operating engineer to supervise the operation of all equipment specified herein and to instruct the owner's operators during an eight (8) hour period. The operating instruction period shall be defined as straight time working hours and shall not include nights, weekends, or travel time to and/or from the project. 2. The architect/engineer shall be notified in writing at least five days before each operating instruction period begins. The contractor shall not commence any instruction period until the owner has issued his written acceptance of the starting time. Operating and Maintenance Books 1. The electrical contractor shall provide the owner, through the architecUengineer, with operating instructions and maintenance data books for all equipment and materials furnished under this division. 2. The electrical contractor shall submit four copies of operating and maintenance data books to the architecUengineer for review a minimum of four weeks before final inspection of the project. All data shall be assembled in a single completely indexed volume and shall identify the size, model, and features indicated for each item. 3. The following information shall be included where applicable: A. Identifying name and mark number. B. Locations (where several similar items are used, Provide a list). C. Complete nameplate data. D. Certified record drawings and shop drawings. E. Parts lists. F. Wiring diagrams. G. Manufacturers' operating and maintenance instructions with ail non- applicable information deleted. Date of Completion and Testing of Mechanica{/Electrical Systems. The date for the final acceptance test shall be sufficiently in advance of the contract completion date to permit the execution of any adjustments and/or alterations which the final acceptance tests indicate as necessary for the proper functioning of all equipment. Any such modifications shall be completed within the number of days allotted for completion of the contract. Retests shall not relieve the contractor for this division of completion date responsibility. Guarantee and Service In addition to the guarantee of equipment by the manufacturer of each piece of equipment specified herein, the electrical contractor sha{I also guarantee such equipment and shall be held for a period of one (1) year from final acceptance test for necessary adjustments and/or replacements of all SUPPLEMENTARY SPECtAL PROVISIONS 16010-7of8 M.P. Spychala 07.12 Sid Lickton defective equipment, materials and workmanship without expense to the owner. 2. The contractor shall furnish maintenance and service for one (1) year from final acceptance of the contract for all portions of the system. Such service for the one year period includes the following: A. Necessary adjustment and/or rep{acement of all defective equipment and materials furnished. 3. Service and replacement of light bulbs shall be limited to thirty �30) days after final acceptance of the job. 4. Upon expiration of each of these limits noted herein, the maintenance, including labor and material costs, shall be at the owner's expense. S. Acceptance 1. As a precedent to requesting a final inspection and release of retained monies, the electrical contractor shall: A. Complete all work required under the electrical section of the spec�cations and drawings. B. Submit four (4) certified copies of final test data to the architecUengineer. C. Furnish a comp{ete set of "as builY' reproducible tracings of the contractor's work to the architecU engineer. Part II - Not Aqpticable Part Itl - Not Applicable End af Section SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL PROVISIONS 16d10 - 8 of 8 � � � � � � � M.P. Spychala 07.12 SECTION 16500 PART 1 - GENERAL A. B. Sid Lickton LIGHTlNG FIXTURES The general provisions of the contract, including general and supplementary conditions and general requirements, apply to the work of this section. Refer to Section 16010 for supplementary genera! conditions. C. The work included underthis section of these specifications consists of furnishing all material and equipment and performing all labor and services necessary for the complete installation of the lighting fixtures, including a!I related systems and accessories as shown by the drawings and hereinafter specified. Part II Products A. Lighting fixtures shall be as specified in the lighting fixture schedule on the drawings and as specified herein. � B. The lighting fixture manufacturers and catalog numbers specified in the fixture schedule on the drawings are used for the purpose of establishing required levels of luminaire quality and performance. Substitute fixtures may be proposed for use in accordance with specification Section 16010, Part 1.6. {t shal{ be the responsibility � of the contractor to fully substantiate, to the satisfaction of the architecUengineer, that the proposed substitute products are the same as or better than those specified. � � � � � � � � C� Q E. The contractor shall be responsible for confirming all ceiling types before ordering lighting fixtures shipped to the job. Each lighting fixture shall have been tested and cert�ed for proper operafion by the fixture manufacturer for the type ceiling and mounting on or in which it is installed. The contractor shall provide a disconnecting means for all ceiling mounted lighting flxture ballasts in accordance with N.E.C. Article 410.73(G). Ballast disconnect shall be as manufactured by IDeal PowerPlug. F. All fluorescent ballasts shall be electronic type usable with T8 energy saving lamps, as approved by the lamp manufacturer, High Power Factor (H.P.F.) Class "P", C.B.M. certfied by E.T.L., intemally protected with an automatic reset thermat protector, with Class "A" sound rating unless otherwise noted. Fluorescent ballasts shall be as manufactured by: Manufacturer Model Advance Mark v General Electric Maximiser II Universal Watt Reducer G. All fluorescent fixtures shall bear the UL label. LIGHTING FIXTURES 16500 - 1 of 2 M.P. Spychala 07.12 Sid Lickton H. All high intensity discharge tamp luminaire ballasts shall be constant wattage high power factory type unless noted otherwise. I. Residential ballasts shall not be used on this project. Part !II Execution A. Lighting fixtures shall be insta{led as specified in the lighting fixture schedule on the drawings and as specified herein. 1. Lighting fixtures shall be supported from the building structure. The contractor shall coordinate this requirement with the ceiling trades. 2. Fixtures shall be supported in a manner that will insure the fixture weight being equally distributed from each support and the fixture remaining in a level position. � 3. Each ceiling anchor or support for fluorescent fixtures shall be tested with a weight of not less than 50 pounds or three times the weight of the installed fixtures, whichever is greater. Testing shal! be done in the presence of the architect's representative on the job. No wiring splice or tap shall be located within an arm, stem, etc., used for support of lighting fixture. Wire shall be continuous from splice in outlet box of the building wiring system to lamp socket, or to ballast terminals in fluorescent luminaires. End of Section LIGHTING FIXTURES 16500 - 2 of 2 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � SECTION V CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Table of Contents: CONTRACTBOND .....................................................................................................................1 CONTRACT .................................................................................................................................. 3 CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT FOR FINAL PAYMENT ..................................................... 6 PROPOSALBOND ...................................................................................................................... 7 AFFIDAVIT.................................................................................................................................. 8 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT ............................................................................................... 9 PROPOSAL.................................................................................................................................10 CITY OF CLEARWATER ADDENDUM SHEET .................................................................13 BIDDER'S PROPOSAL .............................................................................................................14 � SectionV.doc � Page i 7/26/2012 � 1 1 � � � � , , � � , i � �l � � � � BOND NLiI�ZBER• ��,.,(�-f—_ CONTRACT BOND STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF KNOW ALL MEI�` BY THESE PRESENTS: That we ENERGY SERVICES AND PRODUCTS CQRP as Contractor and RLI INSURANCE COMPAh'Y (Surety) whose home address is 6000 CATTLERIDGE DRIVE SLf[TE 206 SAR,ISOTA FLORIDA 3�t232 HEREINAFTFR CALLEU THE "Surety", are held and tirml� lx�und intn the City� o1'Clearw�ter, Florida (hereinafter calied the "Owner") in the penal sum of EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY FOUI� THQUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHT�' FIGHT DOLLARS AND TWENTY SEVEtV CENTS f� 894.688 Z71 for the payment of r�hich we bind ourseives, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns for the faithful performance of a certain written contract, dated the day of , 20_, entered into between the Contractor anc! the City of Cl�arwater for: SID LICKTON PARK -1tESTROOM/PRESS BOX/CONCESSI�N BUILDING PROJECT N0.12-0024-PR-B a copy of which said contract is incacporated herein by r�ference and is made a part hereof as if full;� copied herein. �OW THEREFORE, THE CONDITIOI�S OF THIS OBLIGATIQN ARE SUCH, that if the Cantractor s6atl in all respects comply with the terms and conditions of said contract, including the one-year guarantce af material and lahor, and his obligations thereunder, including the contract doeuments (which include the Advertisement for Bids, Form of Proposal, Eorm of Cantcact, Form of' Surety Bond, Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions and Technicat Speeifications} and the Plans and Specifications therein refened to and made a part thereof, and such alterations as may be made in said Pla��s and Specifications as therein provided for, and shall indemnify and save harmless the said Owner against and from all costs, expenses, damages, injury or conduct, �vant of care ar skill, ne�ligence or default, including patent infringements on the part of the said Contractor agents or emplo}�ees, in the execution or performance of said contract, including errors in the plans furnished by the Contractor, and fucEher, if such "Contractor" or "Contractors" shall promptl�� make payments to all penons supplying him, them or it, labor, material, and supplies used directly or indirectly by said Contractor, Contractors, Sub-Contractor, or Sub-Contraetors, in the prasecution of the work provided for in said Contract, this obligation shall be void, otherwise, the Contractor and Surety jointly and severaliv agree to pay to the Owner any difference between the sum to which the said Contractor wouid be entitled an the completion of the Contract, and that which the 0��-ner mav be obliged to pay for the completion af said work by contract or othefl��ise, & any damages, direct ar indireet, or consequential, whieh said Owner may sustain on account af such work, or oa account of the failure of the said Contractor to properly and in all things, keep and execute all the grovisions of sraid contract. Contract for 5ign.docx Page 1 of 14 7i26120! 2 � �� ' ' t ' December 27th, 2012 . . ' THE PROSUREGROUP 1 NC. 'City of Clearwater One North Myrtle, 3rd Floor Clearwater, FL ' Contractor: Energy Services & Products Corp. Project: Sid Lickton Park - Restroom/Pressbox Concession 'Bond #: SSB 0423604 Amount: $894,688.27 ' To Whom It May Concern: We have executed the captioned bond(s) on behalf of Energy Services & Products Corp in favor of the City 'of Clearwater. Please note that we have not dated the bond(s) or the Power of Attorney. The copy of the contract we received was not dated and as the bond(s) guarantee(s) the contract, they should not be dated prior to the contract. ' ' ,� J � ' ' ' ' ' ' Please accept this letter as authorization to date the enclosed Performance and/or Payment bond(s), as well as the attached Power of Attorney for the captioned project. Please date these items concurrently with the contract date. Please do not hesitate to contact our office should you have any questions in this regard. Thank you. Sincerely, RLI In ance Company ` �. � _ David . Shick President Attorney-In-Fact for Surery .,Y,c�cir L�<�c'fir7c� Band Tear�� 7217 Benjamin Road, Tampa, FL 33634 81 3.243.1 1 1 � PHONE � 81 3.243.1 1 �9 FAX � COf1LfdCLb011d5@pfO5Uf2(jl'OUp.0011'1 EMAIL www.prosuregroup.com ' * � ., � � i ' ' ' ' ' � • _ ' • � THE PROSUREGR4UP I NC. This is the front page of the performance/payment bond issued in compliance with Florida Statute Chapter 255.05 Bond Number: SSB 0423604 Surety in which bond's written: RLI Insurance Company Local Address: 6000 Cattleridge Drive, Suite 206 Sarasota, FL Local Phone Number: (941) 343-1100 Contractor Name: Energy Services & Products Corp Address: 3817 W. Humphrey Street, Suite 204 Tampa, FL 33614 Phone: (813) 931-8853 Owner Name: City of Clearwater Address: One North Myrtle, 3rd Floor Clearwater, FL Phone: Obligee Name: Address: Same As Owner ' Phone: ( ) Contract Number: Project Description: Sid Lickton Park - Restroom/Pressbox Concession Project Address: 714 N. Saturn Ave, Clearwater FL 33756 . , Legal description of property: See Attached , , ' ' � ' i This is the front page of the bond. All other pages are subsequent regardless of preprinted numbers. 'Yc�ur�!_eadinq Bnrrd 1e�n7" 721 7 Benjamin Road, Tampa, FL 33634 813.243.1 1 10 vHONE � 813.243.1 109 Fnx � contractbonds@prosuregroup.com EnnAi� www.prosuregroup.com , f X �� $ ' ' ���yp ���8��, SSB 04236()4 ._ � �w ;� � � STA'�'E +Ci�" �`�,CZ��lA CpUI'+fTY UF f-l�illsborou,�h ' . I�Nt�'t�V ALt, i��EN B"Y "THE�E P'i{.ESENTS. T��t vve ENERGY �E�ti�+�G�S AND P'�.�Di3CT� CiiRP as Contra�tr�r and It�.i iNSURA�VCE �UMp,A�,;NY` {�urety} r�v�ose hc►m� ' �dd�ress is A"�"L��DGE i}RI"'4�E SU�'TE 2�5 SAR�. iJ , FLti�i� �42�� �iE�tEINAFTEit +�ALLED T�E "5u�rety,', ar+� held a�ad ��mly b�unci intcr the City of C��arv��:tet;, ' Flc�rida (herein�f��r ralied t�e "t�ww��r") ir� the p�nal sum c�i: E��HT �IUNIi�3.Eii Nll�t��i;�� U A��? �L� �UND D E�GH'�'Y-EIGI�T D()LLARS AND TVVt�EEI`+l'�'Y-�ilE'�'E� CE�'i'� [� �39�4�,f►„�2'i� f�r the payrnent �f w�ch w� b�d ourselves, �ur %eirs, ex�cu%�r�, ac�mini��ra�t�rs� ' su�cc,,ess�r�, an� �ssigns fra� the faithfu� performance c�f a certain writt�r� c�ntract, tta�ec� th� d�t� of ,�U�� �ntere�i �nt+� b�tween the C+�ntract�r and the Ci#y �f �l�arw�te:r fi�r. ' SIU Li+��Tt�N �`AR� - R�SfiRC�71'�'R�aS Bt�X1CUN+��SSit��i BUI�iI�� �'RC�J�CT N�J►,12-OU��-PR-B ' a cc��ay c�f which said cs�nttr.act is incc�rpc�rr�ted herein by refer�nce �nd is ma+�� a part here�f as if %a�Iy copied her�i�. , I"Vt�W T�REF+DRE, THE +C(�►t�1I?ITICiN� t)F THI� UBLI+GATIU�t �i►.KE SU��, that if the Contractc�r shall in aIl res�cts cc�mply with the terms and cvnditions c�f s�id cc�nt�aci, i11C�i1t�1i1�, I:�1� crne-yeaar �uaraniee t�f mate�ial �d iabor, and his cabli�atic�ns thereunder, ineluding th� cantrsact ' dacumer�ts {w�►ic� incluci� the Advertiaem�nt for Bids, F�rrn vf Prt�pc�sal, Frrrm of �c�ntra��, Fr�rm c�f Surety Bond, It�structi+a�s to Bidders, Cieneral �C�nditisans and Technic.�i �peci�cc�tic�r��} an� the Plans and Specifi�ations tiierein r�:f+�rred ta and rn�de a part therec�f, an� such �lteratit�ns as may l�� ' m�d� in ssaiid �'�ans anci Speci��atiQns �s therein prt�vided for, and shali 'tn�iemni�y �d s�ve h�urmi��s th� s�d +(�r�mer against and frc�mr al� casts, exper�ses, damag�s, injury c�r canduct, wanc ca�` car� t�r skiiZ, r�e�ii�ence or default, ir�cludin� pateni infringements o�n the part c►f the s�id Cc�ntractz�r �g�nts , �r empl�y�es, in the exe�uti�on or performance �f said coniract, ir�cludin� errc�t� in the p���ns fi�rrnish�d by tl�e Contrac�or, and further, if suc� "��ntractc�r" �r "'C�ntract�ars" sh�tl promptly m�ke payme�is t� all perst�ns supplyin� hi:m, t�em �r zt, lat�rir, rnateri�, anci suppli�s us�d �ire�tly �r ' indirecily by said C�zatract�r, Contractors, Sub-Ca�ir�ct�r, c�r �ub-C�ntractars, in th� pr�secutiras� o�` the wor� prcrv�deci f�r in said Cc►ntract, thi� obli�ati�n shall be vo�d, �ih�rvvise, the Contracivr at�� � �urety jt�intly a�ad severaZly agree t+� pay to t�la,e (��vvner an� diff`er�nce be�ween the swm tv whi�h ?�he said �ontract�r woulci b� entztled c��n the �oranpl�ti�n c�f the Contract, and that whiei� the C�wn�r �r�ay be obliged tc} pay fsar the c�ampleti�sn caf said w�ar� by �car�iract or c�th�rwise, & ar�y d�zzn;a�es, direct r�r indireet, ar �o�sequen�ial, ur�ich said t�wn�r rn�� sustain c�z� �cc�unt c�f suc% w�rk, c�r on account caf ' tk►� faittue Qf ch� saaid Contractr�r to pr�aperly and in aii things, ke�p ��1 �xecut� sii the pr€�visic�ns of said contract. ' �c�ntract far Sxgn.doc�c Ps�t ! of I 4 7/26i�`.0 l2 ' , {� • �a � � s ' ' , , ' ' CI ' CC1NTi�.ACT �CiND {2) t�d t�ae s�aid ��anir�ctor aa�d S�urety her�by fiu�ther %incl themselves, their su�cess�rs, executa�:r�, admini�tr�tars, au�d assi�;ns, jaintly �n� s�v�ral�y, that �hey will �mpi� �d fui�y pr�te�t ti�e s;�d �7wner a��in�t, az�d will p�y any aar�d ail ��ur�ts, darn�g�s, �o�ts and juc��m��tts �w�i�h m�� b� rect���r�d ���i�n�t or �+r1�i�h the C)wner �rn�y b� �alte� upern ta pay tc� �y p�rsar� c�r ccarprsrat�r►�c by ��ss�� of �ny �i�,ma�e� arzsing fr�m t%� p�arf'orm��� �f' said wcari�, �r t�f t�e r���ir �r rn�i�t�nar.��e th�erec�f, �r th� ma�uner �i' dair�g tl�e sa.�ne �r i�e n���eci of the said ��nirac��►r c�r �i� ���n#s �r s�rvants or t�e improper performar�ce r��'ti�� �aid work by th� C�ntractar t�r his �g�z�ts �r s�rv�ts, ar th� iar�'rin�em�nts of arry pater�c rig��� by r+�son r�� th� use r�f any m�teri�� �i�rnish�ct r�r work r�c,a�►e; as afo�r�id, or catherwise. Anr� t�� sai�. Ct�ntra�t�� and S�uuety hereby f�rther binc� �hems�l�r�s, their suc�ssc�rs� h�i:rs, exec��c�rs, �dminisiratt�rs, and ��i�ns, jr��ntl� artd s�veralty, ta €�gay th� �aum�r �ny �um r�vhich i:he Ov��r rr�ay b� ��mpel�ed i�, pay b�cause t�f �ny iien ftrr labor maieriai �urnished �`car the wc�r�., embr�c�ed by said +Cc�»tr�ct. And the �d Surety, #'�r th+� vaiue received, her�by stipuia%� ar�d ag�es �.at t�� c2����, �x��nsia�r� �f tinne, alier�tion t�r additi�n tQ the terms c�f the cc+r�firact trr t� th� work ta be perf�rn�er� th�r�und�r c�r the �ueci�icatit�ns accampan�ing th� ss�me sl�all in any way af�'e�t its c�bli�atic�r�s c�n ihis b�nd, �n<! it �it�es h�r�by w�iv� ��tic� �a�' �uny su�h cha��e� e�ttensit�n �f` ti�n�, a.tt+�r�tia�n �� additi�� tr� the ternns c�f the cor�tra�t �r to th� w�r� �r tv �h� �p�ci��at:i�ns. ' ,3l�f �N '�ES IMOi'�`k' '1�4���ItEf)�`, witness the �ands a►�d s�i� c�f t�� parti�s h�r�tc� t�is day of �0�. ' 0 1 ' � ��,�f� , WI'i'1VESS: � i✓VVdI ' �V��1F/Y ' ��,! .. � . �r.ti� W � ' David B. Shick, Floricia Resident A T�nt Contract for Sign.dacx �'a�e 2 vt 14 , Fnet Services Rz I'rc�ducts Corp C4NT��'`� B : I o�, An�\l�a ►� � --� RLI Insurance Cam�ly SURETY ` �� c� . � 13y. t `� :;.�. ,� ..�� ',, A'I"I'URI�IEY-IIY-��'�1:��' � �< � - David I3. Shick � ' k � �� V i/261�1312 , . . . � RLI ' ' ' , . �., S�, P.O. Box 3967 � Peoris, IL 61612-3%1 Phone: (800�45-2402 � Fa�c: (309�89-2036 www.rlicorp.com Know All Men by These Presents: POWER OF ATTORNEY RLI Insurance Company That this Power of Attorney is not valid or in effect unless attached to the bond which it authorizes executed, but may be detached by the appr�ving officer if desired. ' That RLI Insurance Company, a(n) Illinois corporation, does hereby make, constitute and appoint: David B• Shick ' ' ' in the City of Tamoa , State of Florida its true and lawful Agent and Attorney in Fact, t�rith full power and authority hereby conferred, to sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver for and on its behalf as Surety, the following d�:�cribed bond. Any and sll bonds, undertakings, and recognizances in an amount not to exceed Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) for any singte obligstton. The acknowledgment and execudon of such bond by the said Attorney in Fact shall be as binding upon this Company as if such bc�nd had been executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of this Company. ' The RLI Insurance Company further certifies that the following is a true and exact copy of the Resolution adopted by the Ba�ard of Directors of RLI Insurance Company, and now in force to-wit: � ' "All bonds, policles, undertakings, Powers of Attorney or other obligadons of the corporatlon shall be executed in the corr�iorate nAme of t6e Company by t6e President, Secretary, any Asaistant Secretary, Treasurer, or any Vice President, or by auch other offlcers as the Board of Directors may authorize. The President, any Vice President, Secretary, any Asaistant Secretary, �ur the Treasurer may appoint Attorneys in Fact or Agents who shall have authority to issue bonds, policies or undertakings in the name of the Company. The corporate seal is not necessary for the validlty of any bonds, pollcles, undertakings, Poh�ers of Attorney or other obligations of the corporation. The signature of any such otiicer and the corporate seal may be prin�ted by facsimite." 'IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the RLI Insurance Company has caused these presents to be executed by its Vice President with its corporate seal affixed this l2th day of �ptember 2012 [II ' State of Illinois ' ' ' ' ' County of Peoris } SS � 3g',:� •�'�'� ; ppPPORqrE '� -•- ; SEAL : °'o��_C 1 N 0�5 : ; RLI Insurance Company .,....,. Roy C. Die Vice �'resident CERTIFICATE On this 12th day of ��ptember _ 2012 , before me, a Notary I, the undersigned officer of RLI Insnrance Compsny, �i stock Public, personalty appcarcd Rov C. Die _ who being by me dWy corporation of the State of Illinois, do hereby catify that the u.t#ached swom, aci�owledged that he signed the above Power of Attorney as the Power of Attomey is in full force and et%ct and is irrevocalale; and aforesaid officer of the RLI Insurance Company and acknowledged said furthermore, that tho ResoluNon of the Company as set fordh in the instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Powet of Attomey, is now in force. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the RLI Insurance Cumpany this . day of Iv�. Jacqu ine M. Bockle Notary Public "OFFICIAL SEAL" ^� 1AC�UELINE M. BOCKIER aarEOr � COA�MKSIONEXPIR609/Ol/14 RLI Insurance Company Roy C. Die � Vice President os+es„ozoz,2 noos9ar � � CJ , � ' ' � ' �J C , C' C, ' ' ' 1 �-' � r-, � CONTRACT This CONTRACT made and entered into this � 5 day of ",�, ul'c,2 , 20� by and betwe�;n the City of Clearwater, Florida, a municipal corporation, hereinafter designated as the "City", a��id ENERGY SERVICES & PRODUCTS CORP., of the City of TAMPA County ��f HILLSBOROUGH and State of Florida, hereinafter designated as the "Contractor". WITNESSETH: That the parties to this contract each in consideration of the undertakings, promises and agreemer�.ts on the part of the other herein contained, do hereby undertake, promise and agree as follows: The Contractor, and his or its successors, assigns, executors or administrators, in consideration of tlie sums of money as herein after set forth to be paid by the City and to the Contractor, shall and will at their own cost and expense perform all labor, furnish all materials, tools and equipment for tlie following: SID LICKTON PARK - RESTROOM/PRESS BOX/CONCESSION BUILDING PROJECT NO. 12-0024-PR-B IN THE AMOUNT OF EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY-FOUR THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY-EIGHT DOLLARS AND TWENTY-SEVEN CENTS ($ 894,688.2'n In accordance with such proposal and technical supplemental specifications and such other special provisions and drawings, if any, which will be submitted by the City, together with any advertisement, instructions to bidders, general conditions, proposal and bond, which may be here;to attached, and any drawings if any, which may be herein referred to, are hereby made a part of tl�us contract, and all of said work to be performed and completed by the contractor and its successc��rs and assigns shall be fully completed in a good and workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of tlhe City. If the Contractor should fail to comply with any of the terms, conditions, provisions or stipulatians as contained herein within the time specified for completion of the work to be performed by t::he Contractor, then the City, may at its option, avail itself of any or all remedies provided on its behalf and shall have the right to proceed to complete such work as Contractor is obligated to perform in accordance with the provisions as contained herein. THE CONTRACTOR AND HIS OR ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS DOES HEREI3Y AGREE TO ASSUME THE DEFENSE OF ANY LEGAL ACTION WHICH MAY I�E BROUGHT AGAINST THE CITY AS A RESULT OF THE CONTRACTOR'S ACTIVITI��S ARISING OUT OF THIS CONTRACT AND FURTHERMORE, IN CONSIDERATION f)F THE TERMS, STIPULATIONS AND CONDITIONS AS CONTAINED HEREIN, AGREES TO HOLD THE CITY FREE AND HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS FC�R DAMAGES, COSTS OF SUITS, JUDGMENTS OR DECREES RESULTING FROM A1�iY CLAIMS MADE UNDER THIS CONTRACT AGAINST THE CITY OR TI=[E CONTRACTOR OR THE CONTRACTOR'S SUB-CONTRACTORS, AGENTS, SERVAN'TS OR EMPLOYEES RESULTING FROM ACTIVITIES BY THE AFOREMENTIONI:D CONTRACTOR, SUB-CONTRACTOR, AGENT SERVANTS OR EMPLOYEES. Contract for Sigr►.docx Page 3 of 14 7/26/2,�Q12 � � ' ' � ' , � � � , � , i � , � � , CONTRACT (2) In addition to the foregoiag provisions, the Contractar agrees to conform to the following requirements„ In connection with the performance of r��ork under this contract, the Contractor agrees not t�a discrirninate against any employee r�r applicant for emplo��n�ent because of race, sex, religion, c�(or, a�c national origin. The atoresaid provision shall include, but not be limited to, the followin�;; employment, upgrading, demotion, ar transfer; recnutment or recruitment advertising; lay-oi� o�� terminatian; rates of pa5• or other forms of compensation; and seiection for training, includin�� apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post hereafter in conspicuous places, availabte for employee�, or applicants for emplo��ment, notices to be provided by the contracting af'�cer setting forth th�e pro� isions of the non-discrimination clause. The Contractor fuRher agrees to insert the faregoing provisions in all contracts hereunder, includin3, contracts or agreements u�ith labor unions andlor worker's representatives, except sub-contractors fc�r standard commercial supplies or raw materials. It is mutt�ally agreed between the parties hereto that time is af the essence of this contract, and in th+=.: event that the «ortc to tx performed by the Contractor is not completed within the time stipulatetl herein, it is then further agreed that the City may deduct from such sums or compensation as may b+:: due to the Contractor the sum of $I.00A.00 aer d�v for each day that the w•ork to be performed by th�: Contractor remains incomplete beyand the time limit specified herein, which sum of $1.000.00 aea; da� shalt only and solel�• represent damages which the City has sustained by reason of the failure of th4: Contractor to camplete the work within the time stipulated, it being further agreed that this sum is not tc� be construed as a penalty �ut is only to be construed as liquidated damages for failure of the Contractoc to complete and perform a!l work within the time period as specified in this contract. It is further mutually agreed between the City and the Contractor that if, any time afier the execution at chis contract and the surety band which is attached hereto for the faithful performance of the terms ancf condirions as contained herein by the Contractor, that the Ciry sha11 at any time deem the surety c�r sureties upon such performance bond to be unsatisfactory• or if, for any reason, the said bond ceases tc:� be adequate in amount to cover the performance of the work the Contractor shall, at his or its ovv��� expense, within ten (1Q) days �fter receipt of wririen natice from the City to do so, fumish an additionali bond or t>onds in sueh term and amounts and with such surety or sureties as shall be satisfactory to the: City. If such an event occurs, no further payment shalt be made to the Contractor under the terms anc� provisions of diis contract until such new or additional security bond guaranteeing the faithfull performance of the work under the terms hereof shall be completed and fiunished to the City in a forn,� satisfactory to it. � �'ontract fo� Sign.docx Page 4 �f t4 7!26�'2Q15! � � � CJ , , � � CONTRACT {3) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to the agreement ha��e herei�nta set their hands and seals �nd have executed this Agreement, in duplicate, the day and year first above r�ritten. CITY OF CLEARWATER IN PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA By: �uc , � e{�' , iam B. Home, I[ ity Manager Countetsigned: � — ��� �� C�c,�c.lcos BY: , � ' � � � I � � � George N. Cretekos, !Vlayor (Contractar must indicate whether Corporation, Partnership, Company or Individual.) (The person signing shall, in his own handwriting, sign the Principal's name, his o��n name, and his title; where the person is signing for a Corporation, he must, by Affidavit, show his authority to bind the Corporation). Cantract for Sign.docx Page 5 of 14 , Attest: ��t-yX �LGC, � �.�..� Rosemarie Call Giry Clerk Ap o as form: Camilo Sato Assistant City Attorney ��� � 4 14tYti ��iA�� . ;,t �� S�w�� �: ��, , � � ► (Contractor) ,.�E� y° �iu o ri"�=_ - _ �..�a � F �� � . �@ . By: �� �'.�,� d:�.�I,� � • � —�: • c,y' � , � ' � � • :-9 � �, ��' ,.,, � cs :; : ! f;.: y,� t�' �;; q. !.q �� . . . . P V . '' e'i �i�,. W6 ,-`;� °�,� , . J Q�''�i?60DAQJ ,, � ; f� tti ��'�-,.���� ;41'.,+ 7/26/2ia 12 _ � � ' ' � � � , �ONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT FOR FINAL PAY�'[ENT �CORPORATION FORMI STATF OF FLOR[DA COUNTY OF On this day personally appeared before me, the undersigned authority, duiy authorized tc� administer oaths and take acknowledgments, , �uho after being duly sworn., deposes and says: That he is the (TITI.E) of , a Florida Corporation, with its principal place: of business located at {herein, the "Contractor"). That the Cantr�tor was the general contractor under a contract executed on the day of' , 20_ with the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a municipal cor�poration, as Ow�r, and that the Contractor was to perform #he conswction of SID LICIC'TUN PARI+C - RESTROOMlPRESS BOX/CONCESSION BUILDING ' . PROJECT NO. 12-0024PR-B That said wark has now �ieen completed and the Cantractor has paid and discharged all sub-contractors, tat�orers and matenal men ut connection with said work and there aze no liens outstanding of any nature nor any debts or obligations that might become a lien or encumbrance in cannection with said work � against the described property. That he is making this affidavit pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, ' and u�n consideration of the paymeat of ( Final Full Amount oi' Contract) in full satisfaction and discharge of said cantract. � , That the Ovvner is hereby released from any claim which might arise out of said Contraet. T'he word "(iens" as used in this �davit shall mean any and all arising under the operation ot the Florida Mechanic's Lien Law as set forth in Chapter 713, Florida Statutes. Sworn and subscribed to before me � This day of , 20 ' NOTARY PG;BLIC , My Commission Expires: i � Cexttract far Si�n.ds�cx Pag� 6of IS � f�. AFFIANT PRESIDENT 7 26l2012 u � � � , J r ' � r � PROpOSAL BOND (lv'ot to be fillod out if a certified check is submitted} �0� � MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Enerstv Servicea and products Co�u ��'�� ��dersigned, as Principal, and RLI Insurance Com9anv Suite 206 Saras � s��'� ��'s address is 6000 Cattleridge Drive 34 32 , are held auxi fumiy bouna ur�to the City uf Clesrw+ater, Florida, in the sum af Ten Pencem ( Ifl� } of,��unt Bid in Doitats Dollazs ($ 10� )(�� ��m� of 10% of Contr�ctor's total bid amourzt) for the paym�t of which, weli and tnily to be made, we here executors, adminiy�to�� ��� �d ���S �' �°��Y and severatly bind ourselves, oun c�irs, The condition of the above obligation is such that if the attached proposat of ��y , �„ Pt an� ���� re � as Principal, ar�d RLI Inc n p�',�m�� � Su�tY� far wor'1c specified as: New constrvction of a two sto restroom/ ressbo rcon sion b i' 714 N. Saturn Ave Clearwater FL 337 all as stipulateci in said Proposal, by doing all work incidental thereto, in accordance with the plans and specifications pm�ovided herefor, all within Pinellas County, is accepted a�d the contract awarded to the above named bic�er, and the said bidd�r shall within ten days after notice of said awazd enter inta a contract, in writing, and fumish the required Perfarm�ce Bond with sucety or suneties to be approved by the City Mana6er, this obligation shali be void, oth�erwise the same shall be in full force and virtue by law and the fu11 �o�t of this Proposal gond wi11 be paid to the City as stiputated or liquidated dam�es. Si�d this 8th day of November , 20 12 . (Princi�l must indicate whether 1 aorporation, part�rshig, company or individual) , � , � 1 1 � �e � siS�B �, in his awn harttiwriting, sign the Principai's name, his own natne and his tide; �e P�on si$ting for a corporalion raust, by �davit, show his suEhority to bind the corporat;on, s�c;onv.a� Pagc 7 of 14 Enerf�v Services and Pr ts �, � ���---� - � �:-...-� 4s P�incipal `� By: �� � 5 � c� � i'�i�' Title � �d B. Shick, ttorncy-in-Fact R1.1 Inenr�nrp �`nmy,�� �� �nr�io�z ' � �� � i � ' , � , �� L_J � �' * Rtt su�y P.�� ���67 I peoris, tL 61612-3967 �= (�N�3-2�02 � Fu: (309)689-2034 ��.� t� �v� M� �y t� �e�: POWER UF AT�'pRNEY RLI Insurance Comp�ny Thai this Pawer of Aaomry is not valid or in tffxt antess artachsd to tlu bo�ti which it audhorius executed, bnt m�y be detachacl by the ��� �� �ra��,. �c �ua ��� co�r, �t�� nr�� �;�, a� t�by ��, �«m� � ��;a� ��t: in the City of `_ T���_� ��� Q f �,� ',�, �ffi �e and tawfiil A ent and Atto P°�`� ���°�Y �bY c�f�n'cd, to sign, execute, acknawledge and detiver for aod on its behatf as S �' in Fact, ,Nith full �• unety, t6e fotl owing �eeccibed � y�� �°���'�� �°cc� in ae a,00ust,�ot ro eze�ed Tea M�tio■ Do�an Si� ( .�A„�) for Tbe acknowtexigment aad eacccution of such bond by the said Aztorney in Fact shall be as biadin8 upan this Comp�y as if such b�and had becn �ecuted aad �owkdged by the reguiar�Y etected offie;ers of this Company. Tha RLI [asnn�ce Co�►aay fiuther certifiea that dae foU �a a t�ue �ui e�a Di�s of RI.I I�nact Ce °�g +�Y of the Resohnion adopted yy the Bc�acd of mp'a�Y, and �w in fatcx to-arit: "A111�ads� poiktes, �adzrtakGeg�, Powers of Attaraey ar Mber obligat[oss of t�e cerporation �hs� be ezecottd W the cor�zront� � 81Uite 9t ilNC Co01P�Y �3' tlle PlY3Meut� SeCCetaryi aay Aaa4tant Secre�ry, Treaannr, or aey Vke Praldent, or by auc4 at�er '+�em ar tlae BoaM oi dfn�tors may sutiiorize. 'i'4e Pre��e�t, any Vk:e Pre�deat, Secreta Trea�wrer �ty a}�ist Attoneys �t Fact or A,ge�b w6e �tia1t l�sve a �'+ �ny Astistaot 3ecretary, �nr ihe iume af tit Com�uy. The ��t3' to lseae bom�, P�ks or e�dertakla�s In tbe corpa'ate eatt it � n�ary far t�e validity of �ut boo A�� er otl�er o�iigati� ot the aorp�ra#�a. 7'be sigeature oi say s�eb ogieer'ad tL�e Ca�rpor�ate ee+�t m� b�����ed by lN WITNF.SS �I/FiEREpp, t6e RLI Ieaut�ote C�►mpitay hsa csu�ed tbrse presextta to be eacceutcd co�pozaae seal atii�red this _ 13th dey oi'� •nn� - 2012 bY � V� �� with its , , State of Illirnsig � � � Of �DIM'it � � �: ' :;'� . t�pQ�rt. ; ��lilt : �°'>.; � L ! it U��;t`i'' On this 13th �y of J'� 20�2 . bnfa�e me, a Notnry PuWic, � �� —C• �?i� - wtw being by me duty a�.om, o��, �;�� —s'�the abave Pmver of Auomey aa d�e ,et'�d �ii.l Iwaranee Compa.y and acknawlodged said irffitnm�nt W be i6c vol�tsry a�;t and dea! otsaid coaporation. , ' M. Hoc �'� Nata�y pubiic i �.` ��� 'OFPKW. SEAI' a'�a ��E �"�. SOClctet �10� �EXPIl�G:il01t1r RLI I�ara�ee Compsay Roy C. Die x Vice p���sid�nt CERTI[+7CATE i, tbe w�dersigned o8ic� of RLi I�:nra0ee �smpu , a swck �apoiacion of the State of Iltinais, do haeby eertify that � aUtached Fowcr of Atto�nty is iu fuU f+orcx ead et1'ect end is imwocabh:, and fiatbermore. Wat thc Rcao}urioa of tht Campony as set farth iin ti� Power oP Apomey, ia naw in fon�e. In tesmnonY whereof, 1: have �� seal f RLI Iaeuraace CaanPaeY Rt.T Iu�r.�e c„�aey Roy C. Die � Vicx Pjvs�idan � oaaqrfo2vz�x �k(M1S4d11 ' J ' ' ' � r , � , ' LJ l__J ' � � ' Al�'FI A�tI1' (To be filled in and exe�cuted if the bi�icr is a corporation) 5TATE OF FLORIDA � COUNTY pF Florida � Antonio Padilla Secretary of Energy Services & Praduc�t�Corjp ,��' d�� �d �� ���e i:� a��raUon organi�d and existing t�de�. and by vi�ue af the laws of the Stata of Flarida, a� havin� its principa! office �.t: 3817 W. Hum hre St.,$uite 204 Tam a Street & Number FL 3 3 614 City County State Affiaa�t fiuther says that he is familiar with the records minut� books and Energy Services & Product Corp. ' �Y-18�s oi' • (Name of CorpQration) Af�ant further says that Antonio Padil la � President (O�cer's Name) ��e� of tlre corporation, is duty an�vrized to sign the Proposal for�ia L��kt�, AAY�t�Den�,.,..r_.. farsaid carporabon byvirtue of_ bv laws ` 12-0���-gF:•�8 � f�� u►heiher a provision of by laws or a Resol ' of t}u Boerd of Dit+ectors. If by Resoluti n gi o �, . , a o�, .. � Affiaztt ' 'Sv�'orn to b�fore me this 14 th day of November 2p �2 . ' 3tctionv.doc � ;' �-�_� � Z ` � Notary Public �M.xr�z Mvoa��esaNroa�e ' �e� ��, �o�� Page 8 cf 1 S TYP�P�n�s�mp rmine of Notazy Title or rank, and $eria( Na., if any 7/2fil2012 � , ' � ' � ' ' � CJ 1 �� 1 � � ►' /� STATE QF FLQRIDA C4UNTY pF Hi I 1 sborouah 1 Antonio Padilla Predident being, first du�y swom, deposes ar►d says tisat he is �f Energy Services & Products Corp � P�Y making the foregoing Proposai or gid; that such Bid is genuint and not collusive �r sham: that said bidde: is mot financially int�sted in or otherwise a�iliated in a business way with aay other bidder on the same contract; that said bidc�r �s nat collutkd, conspired, connived, or agreed, di�rectly or indirectly, with any bidders or petson, to put in a sham bid or that such other persan shaq refrain from bidding, and has not in aay manner, directly or indirectly sought by �e�nt or collusian, or communication or conference, with any Pecson, to fix the bid � fi� ov� price or affiant or any other biddcr, or ta �Y �ead, profit or cost elmnea�t of sa�d bid price, or thst of any other bidc�r, or to secur� any adva�rtage against the City of Cka�water, Florida, ar any pexs�n or parson� intexested in thc proposed con� and that all � contained in said paroposal or bid are true; and itm�, that sueh bidder has not diiectly or indiroctly submitted this bid, ar the contcnb thee+eof, or divulged inforn�tion or data relative thercto to any association or to any meml�er or agent tha+eof. , Swo3m to and subsaribed befare me this 14 t h�y of � � ' � , , SxtionV.doc � Page 9 of 13 �.�; . .� 381'7 W. Humphrey�St�, t Suite 204 Tampa, FL 33614 November 2012 . /�' ... �,t_ �/, y. :.•� .Z, "" Notary Public ,_ us� �c �.v�z :,. Mv co�or+� � ese�e � • � ��ES: n�. �otia ; . 6ona.a nn,l+alar wd"w�IMn i 71�lu2012 ' � ' , ' � ' ' ' �'�i11�_ TO THC CITY O�' CLEARWATER, FLt)RIDA, for � ��N pARK - RESTROOM/PRESS BOX/CONCE3SION BiJILDING PROJECT NO.12-0l24.pR B and �iag suc� othet woric incidentai theteta, aU in aocordance with the contract d�ciu�, markad SID" LICKTON pARK - RES"TR04M/pRES� BO�UCONCESSION BUILDDVG PROJECT NOa.12-60?,4-PR B Every bidde� n� t�ce notioe of the �ct tt� evcn � l�is proposal be a�e�ed and the doc�n�� sign�ed by the bidde,r to whc�n ffi award is m�de and by those officials authorized to do so �n belmlf af' the City of Clearwater, Florida, that no y�ttch awecd or sig�nmg shai! be considereci a biniding carnr�c without a c�erci5c�e fe�n the Fina�e Directar that funds are available t� cover the cost of the work tcr be done, or without the approval of the City Atbanuy as io the forin and legatity of the contt�act �i sll the Perti�t doa�m�ats relati� the�t+eto having beea� �ved by said City Attot�y; and such bidd�r is Aereby charged with ttuis notice. The signcr of the Proposal, a� bi�er, also ckclares that the oniy Pe�son, Persons� camp�my or parties� , intemsted in �,s Prnposai, are named in this Ptoposal, that he has c�efi�lly �xamineci the: �d�ise�nt, �n�n�etiong to Biddess, Cont�act Spayific�tio�,s, Plaas, Supplernd�tal Spacif�aaicros,, Gencral Co�itions, Spociai provisions, �nd Co�a�t BOn�, that he o� his represe�tive haa made such; , in�e�i�On es is no�y to deterniine the chazacter and extent of the v�orlc and he p�pnse.s anci. s�s that 'tf tt�e Pt� be accepted, he will ca�act wi� the Ci of C:k�wat� Fl �Y , orida, in the form. of co�ct; h�e� �nexed, to provide the �eo�ary Isbor, merterials, cnaGhiw�Y► ulu�mwt, tools or � spp�, c� �tl the v�cx�C requind to comptete Ehe contract vvithin the time aae�ntia�ed 'm the Gcneaal Candi�ions �d aocord�ag to the raquirane�s of the City of Clearv�rster, Florida, as h�in and he�'einntier sct fort�, �ud f�h the required st�eiy bonds for the following pricxs to wit: , , � I' �i , ' ' s�c�oqv.ao� � � �a of ts �r�c�zois � , � , RO S� �2? ' If the forcgoing Propo�t sha�l be aoceptc� by the City of Clcarwatcr, Florida, and the w�ders� s�11 fail to e�cocute a satisfactory contr�t as stated in the Advertisemeni herein att�hed, then the City ma�r, at its option determine that the undersigned has abandoned the contr�t, a� ��� � pro shall bc null and void, and the certified c}�ck or bond accom an ' this pro �� ' P Y�S posal, shall be forfeited t.� become the properly of the City of Ckarvvater, Florida, ead t� fi� �ount of said check shall �,e rc�ainod by the City, or if the Propc>sal Bond be given, the fiill amount of such bond shaU be paid to t�he Cih' as stipulated or liquidated damages; othe�se, the bond or certified check accom , Prap�sal, or the amount of said check, shall be retumed to the undersi P�YinB thi:s Sned as specified herein. CJ ' , ' , � , ' � � LJ Attachcd hereto is a bond or oertiSed che�lc on Bank, for the sum af 10 � i�8 a nsinimum of l 0% of Contractar's total bid amount). (� The full t�ame.s ar►d residences of all persons and parties interested in d� foregoing bid arc as foIIows: (If corporation, give the names and addresses of the President and Secretary. If fitm or pat��rship, thr, names and addresses of the members or gartners, 'I1ie Bidder shail list not only his name but also the; name of auy person with whom bidder ha� snY tYA� of �nent where such '. improvements, �nrichment, emglo bY person a ymGnt c�r possible benef t, whether sub-cc�ntr�ctor, matexrialman, agent, supplier, or employer is cozrtingent u�wn the award of the coniiact to tlu bidder), NAMES: Antonio Padilla ADDRESSES: 4341 Oakhurst Terrace, Tampa, FL 33618 $IgriBtUl'C Of Bldde2': � �� � ` '� �e bidder must indicate �,hct�C ��onia Padi l Ia, �:orp�ratian, PartnershiP, Compaay or lndividuat). Corporation-3tate of Addrees: 3817 W. Humphrey St. Tatpp�, PL 3 3 614 � SettionV.doc � Pagc t l of 34 Pre s ide�mt Florida , i�204 9/25/2012 ' r � �'Rd� t3) � The person signing shaU, in his owa handwriting, sign tt� Principat's nam�, his own name and his title. Whcre the person signing for a corporation is other th�m the president or Vico-President, he must, by affidavit, show his a rity, t b' th co ration. ' �� � ,�L �• � By: ���,a � Qa�,� � � ��: `�.��� � �,�-��- Business Address of Bidder: _ 3 817 W. Humphrey St ree t# 2 0 3 ' City and Sta�e: Tampa , r^L Z1p Code 3 3 614 , Da�l$t Tampa, FL � 14th ag November �► . A.n., Zo �a . �� �i C � � ►� � � i 1 1 1 , s�cwnv.ao� Page 12 of U 7/Z6l20t2. � _ _._ , � ' CITY OF CLEARWATER ADDENDUM SNEF.'r , SID LICKTON PARK - REgTROOM/PRESS BOXlCONCESSION BUII,DIl1iG PROJEC"T N0.12-OQ24PR-B , � ' , ' Acknowledgment is hereby m�de of the following addenda received since issuance of Plaas and Specifications. Addenchun No. 1 Date: _ 10 / 1 s/ 12 Addendum No. 2 Date: 10 / 3 0/ 12 Addendum No. 3 Date: _ 11 / 0 2/ I2 Addendt�m No. 4 Date: 11 / a 2/ 12 Aci�ndum No. s Date: 11/ 06 / 1 a Addendum No. ��; , Adde�ium No. Date: Addendum No. Date: ' ' , ' ' , ' � SxtionV.doc ' Addendum No. ��e; Addendum No. Date: Addendum No. ��; Pagtl3of15 Energy Services & Products Cox�p. (N e f i er) ��. l I�.. (Si ttne of Offcer) Antonio N�adil l a President (Title of Of%Icer) Novesnber I4, 2012 ���) Address: 3817 W. Humphrey St., #204 Tampa, FL 33614 7/Zbf2012 � ' � ' , ' ' , ' r;l►1 'i�iLO z PROJECT:� SID LICKT�N PARK - ItESTRppllypgESS BOX/CONCESSION BUII,DIlVG PROJECT NO. 2Z-041A-PR•B BASB ITEM UN1T TOTAL N[L 7fFeCQitrrtnu seope or wo.k: 7]n wodc ra wdricn p►f,potals oonsua the 1.,. 1 x. �� .�_ caistruciion of a two suxY �pKSS boxkoe�ion bd B� Cienaal Contraclor to provMe insuranc�. {aba, WuipmecN. and buiWeng ma�eri.tils !ar oew canopy line mid ba�eMh tt�e raof � incluudes but not limited 60; all oonatrtxtipa uf under�OOrd �lities b 3 tLot outside liduts of roof ea�apY; oounectionc of dl udiergsound bw'Iding uo7ides to gile Co��r vada�+ound utili4et� buddh�g cx�ntr�r shdl be w bri� in elxhical aervicx and provide o�aductor wamg Orom the propaty linc fran raq�imd ityclutli� aanit�rY puiidinB eewu lu�c oo�,ottioti to sxisti �� � deqric�l savioe Pointo[co�oo: Pecr�e mid instap iE7� �+P line of the roof canopy. Owax's S�e �vit Contractar si�ep iasbq Wa� !�; 000ntruet ati aworay plaakR arand bnild� dwe pitntet ere lowad ou�sumle d�e thip atl oU� icmu reE�led W the ������8 wi! crf the piea�taa TAe &rilding Con�raciw is roquirc�d q� aonstruct �Y P�; ��ct mt�otuy traslt dmnpstQ encloswe a000rding W U►e dtawin8s �d spaificatiwra; construci concrNr: tiatworlc bax�h d►e canopy roaf iira W oubide the Mn'Iding ca'KapY �uPPort mhunns structure and roof tina, conc+etc s}eb pavin6 Pauan �d expansioNsaw aet c�trata�ion jairus shdt tr�ch P�nB P�medium Moarn fa�ish as slawn a� the sia plan tdia work st►dl be wardinuc� wdh thc (hvner's co�reoa Aari+ralc wribactor, sonst�uaia� trade worlcs includas but na limited ro: ranforccd concrae footing and siabs, m�umY. plunbing ekctrical, mahaaical HV/AC syt6an� okvalpr; �Zin�; fr�i�, ��& '1be soope af �rork �s a lump sum ccmtract; t6ae will be no �Mditi�u! L�Qa provided for miasiug qwnckiea or addidou�t co�s b wo�ks tbr tkis project ac shwm a� tl+e dnwit►� aad �'orm tha buiWing coratruccion s�eafusriaq. 7!x Ovmer dts ela�ed to pmvide diraK {nachame ordwr for building m�erieks W t1N: Baild'sbg C3enara! Ca�h�or's materid vaMors ia hwiag ata�e �les t�c aav' t� �is W roi P��. The Ow�ur witl provide Durchbe oidwa to d�e vecious tn�arLl va�isa fat tfie BW�8 �'°� � Prow� bu�1d�K m�leriala mid olher miweU� �n�iels fo ooestruct the two story res4noMpress box/oonoession buqd'pag tbr this P��� T� �sNl bidder alrll, u the pmonstructico n�ing� peQVids h& ra�dors ptovidint the bvilding msteriats !bi tAe Piojecc. 'F'I�e sucoeastul bittder stntl be included in tke mataiat rmdar's Qie bill of qu�ia aad do11r iaount whicA �hat1 include all applicabk state se1e� �r su�riah �sd for tl�is pr��ia1. The Ow�ner will de„WoA P��d orAars �r the Bt� tia�al Co�ador'a mpaitl vaid�s �r Ihe �uil�5ng a+alerhfs las 1Ae �ta1e s�1et teoc. Bau bid 'v�clude all items tzce�t fot Be:rd RoofiaB 7ik too8nj to be SD Yee► w�arrantY erchitect�asl d'arrie�ssia�d shfi��las• futt irot�ad ilooz floorq�y sha11 ba smooth bwekd eoncre0e fmish with swlet c�ling witlt 4" viml covt baae itutead of Silikal Floo�inB sYsiaa. 8m1 RooN� �ies mid Silekai Floorio9; SYstem shatl be an add aUOtnue biQ item. ' 1. Insurau,ce, labor. eRwPment & m�tm'ials to ooassh�u� r�uoonypress bmc/ Concessi� building all bffie bid iteun wcc�pt for Metal Banel Roof Tiles L. S. 1 �-��, ���Jr. �� ;��,j��f�'� �l�/ �� 2. l 0"/. Continge,ncy of line 1 , a -��'r._�. -_� � �` 3. Total of tint l& Z{10°!o wxitingtnCy) � f��,� �� �� WRY7TEN TOTAL AMOUNT IIVCLUDES LWE iTEMS 1 dt Z(10Y. CONTWGENCY+ , } �t_..a.i'��t�.r �d � �%�� . , .S�e r�Ft �i�� a� s�.tid �t�„_.�u� �r� �/ nr n� �� ��r� �-� tl�r�-� 7,��! r� �.�� ��a- ,��,;7 � C'�n ��; , , , � � II �� , ' , LJ COD�'AA1Y'3NAME; .;.'nergy 3ervicea � products corp. �g�g;3e17 w, xua�irey sc. nzoa�y; Tampa ZIlCODB: 33614 �p�$13-931-8853g,�; 813-931-8852. E�,;espcuaa�gmail.com .�iIl OIl Padilla sas� „. ��h' 9°„ suice �oa ' ���x� • T�pa. PL 3361� 31GNED: •O c �� .�: President DATE: 11/14/2012 � •— 10% c�tingen sball be utilized on2y npon writttn Tequeat b�, t6� oor�a�tor for additional scope of work not ineiuc3cd in tbe Ibill of quantities to the 4wner, written approval by the Owner fa the additional scope of work in the utilization of the 10% c�tin8�n4Y� any funds not utilized shall bo rettuned W the owner upon close out of the pnrchasa order short. THE BIDDER'S 'i'OTAL A�OVE IS iIIS TO'I'AL BID BA3ED OlV AIS UNIT PRICES AND LUMP 9UM PRICES AMA THE ESI'II�IATED QUANTITIES REQUIItED. 'TA1S FIGURE IS FOR INFORMpTION ONLY AT THE 'I'IIVIE OF OPB�NII�IG BIDS. T}� CITY WQ,I, MAKE 'THE TABULATION FROM TEiE U1�IT PRICES AND LUMP SUM PRICE B� IF THERE LS A1V ERROR lN THE TpTAI, gy THE gIDDER,IT SI3pLL BE CHANGED AS O1�TLY Ti� UIYIT pWG'&'&� AND LUMP St3M PRIC� SHALL GOVERN. 7'HE pWNER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO 3ELEGT ANy ITEMS Alyb OR �CT � B� TN� "r�TAi. PRICE SHALL BE BASED ON iTEA7S SELECTED BY THE OWNER OF TfII3 PROJECT. SectionV.doc Pege ]4 of 15 qn�01z ' _J� � � , : i 1 ; ';1 �Ir� PROJECT: SID LICKTON PARK - itESTRppAypRESS BOXlCONCESSION BUILDiNG PRUJECT NO.12-0024pR-g ALTERNATE ITEM �IT �T� NO. Dtrc[7t��rrn�v Contr�ctor W provid'e ffisurance, lab�, oquipr�rent and rt� for Sid Lickton Restr,00m/prass gox/Concession Bulldiog for , 1. Alternste, insurance, labor, equiPme�t & m�erials fa Geisld metal bazrel roofing rite system Pe* dravvings ,� specific�ions '� �, J I �J ' , , ' �� r--, i II � � � r, ��lu � ' , Scope of Work required in P�oT�B � alter�te iten►s L.S. 1 � i ��r t� ��`�{i= i� 2. Albematc, insura�ce, la�, e�P�t & maberiaEs f� g�oimd Soor flooring L. S. To be Sil�cal Fioaing Sj�stem 3. Sub-total of 1i� items 1& 2 a. 1 Q% Condngency of ]u�e 3 S. Tota! of line I& 2 pius }ine 4-10% �ge��cy j '� � ,�t� � i.} i� � � i� :� � - i,�C.: � �.. s ��C � � S. G'C� a �°','l��►. �C7 S G�, ttr.5(•� WRITTEN TOTAL AMOUNT INCLUD�S LiNB IT�MS 1& � and Liae �(10•/. CONTINGENCY+) _o`� � x}� _+� t�, � ��.��c.i �� �� �.+� �..ncire.d S � u-� �� c,, �c l�..r s ct n a �, -� �-.,► � � �,-t5. .. COMPAIVY'SMAME: �ergy Servicee & Producta Corp. q,DDRESS-3817 W. Hutnphrey Sc 'i3204 Tam d � cmr: P z�rcooE: 33614 ��LEPHOrtE$23-931-8853p,�. 813-931-8852 EM,�,. asgcusa�gmail.�o� Pltli�l7'$DNAME• t02110 Padilla T;17 ". ""'�''='Y't., su�se z�a ' , mv. � �ae�. SICNED• P T7T�E• President DATL: 11�14/Zq12 10°Yo contiagency ha�tl b� trtilizQd on3�' uptm writ6a� ha tl req�st by the canicactor for additio»a1 seape of work not i�1� in the i�jp ef c�uantitios to the � wrilte� �16Y the Ovvncr for the additional scope of work in the ntili�tiom of tha 1M6 contiugencY� any fimds not utiliaxd shail be reivrntd to the awner upon cl�e aut of the purcbase arder short. THE BIDD�R'S TOTAL ABOVE IS HIS TOTAL Bm BASED ON I�S UNTT PRICES A1VD LiJNiP SUM PRiCES ANN3 THE ESTIMATED QUANTITIES RBQUQtED. THT.S FIGUItE IS FQR INFORMA?ION ONLY AT THE TIME UF OP�'.,NWG BIDS. 7i�E CITY WILL MAi�6 78E TA�UI.ATION FROM TI� U1�TIT PRICES AND LtJMP Si7M PWCE BIID 1F THERE IS AN ERROR W T'AE 7�OTAL BY THE BIDDER, IT SHALL BE GHANGED AS oNLY T� UNTT PRiCE� AND LUMP S�J1y P�E SHAI'L GOVER�T T�E O�gR RESERWES THE RIGAT TO SF.iEGT ANy iTEMS AND OR �ECT `�'j' BID�• TAE 1�OTAI- PRICE S13ALL BE BASID ON TFEMS SELECTF:D $Y TiiE OWNER OF THIS PROJECT. �Or'V.� Pago 1S of 15 ?!26l2Q 12 ' ' ' DRUG FREE WORKPLACE SID LICKTON PARK ' RESTROOM! PRESSBOX/ CONCESSION BUtLDING PROJECT #: 12-0024-PR-B CLEARWATER, FLORIDA ' (1) Pubtish a statement notifying employees that the ttnlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlleci substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actians rhat �vill be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. � i II � iJ � �I�I � � �J � , ' � �� ' , ' � � (Z) Inform employees as to the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's poticy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, Any avaitable drug counsetiag, rehabititation, artd employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. (3} Give each employee engaged in providing the eommodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of ttm statement specified in subsection (i). {4) In the staiement specified in subsection (1), aotify the emplayees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid. the empioyee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guiity or nolo cantendere to, any v'rolation of chapter 893, or of any controlled substance law, of the United States, or of any state, for a vioiatian occurring in the workptace no latcr tf7an five (5) days after such conviction. (S) lmpose a sanction on, or r�equire the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabititation program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. (6} Make s good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through impl$mentation vf this section. 1 certify that this firm{d�dces not (seiect only one) fully compIy with the above requirements. _�.. �. � ANTO IO PA IL A, PRESIDEN 38t7 W. UMPREY ST., SUITE 204 TAMPA, FL 33614 11/14/12 DATE � � , ' i ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Sectioa III — Geeferai Cond�t�� D COMPANIES AN1� Rirer�vrr c: nnERATIONS' W1TR �tuA w�►►� � CERTIFICATION FORM THIS FOR�►�I MUST BE C+PMPLE?�D AN,D SIJBMIT�'ED �K THE BI PRDP[���, �'AILURi�' 1'�U S�'I'BMIT THIS FORM AS REQfIlRL'D, MAY DEE1�! YOUR SUBMIT'TAL NONRESPONSli'E The affisnt, by vimte of tlie signahu+e below, certifies that: 1. The vendor, comp�ny, inciividual, princiPal> subsidiary, affiliate, or ovvtier is awat+e af thc reclwremen� of section 28�.13S, Florida Statutes, regarding cxnnpa�ues on t� Scrutinized Compan�ies with Activities in Se�dan List, the Scnxtinizad Companies wi#h Activities in the Irer� getroleum Energy �ector List, or engaging in business ap���a in Gtib� and Syria; and 2. The ven�r, comPanY, individt�al, PrinciP�1� subsidiary, affiliate, or owaer is ehgiblc to pactieip�te in this �licitation a�d ia not l�sta� oa cithcr the S�crutini�d Campaaies with Activities in Sudan List, the Saut�iinizcd Compmies with Activities in the lraa Patroleum Sector List, or engaged in busimss opezations in Cuba and Syria; and 3. Busincss pperarions rneaas, for putpos� �ifically related to Cuba or S in commcrce in �ny form in Cuba or S �� �Sa8�8 develop�ng, main m� ����ng, but not limited to, ecq�uring, faciliti �'& ��ng, selling, Posscssing, leasi�g or operating equiPment, es, personryel, p�oducts, services, persanal properry, reesll prope�rt3+, militarY �IwP��b or any other apparatu� of business or commerce; aad 4. If awarded the Cantract (or Agreement), the vendor, corn subsidi af�li P�Y, individusl, P�ip�l, �y� �tte, or owntr will iminediately notify thc Gty of Clearwatcr in wiiting, no later than five (5) calendaz days aftar any of its princiPals are placod an the Scrutinized Comp�nics with Acrivities in Sudan List, thc Scn�tinized Campanies vvith Activities in thc han pctrolec�m Sectar List, or engages in bustt�ess opetatiQns in Cuba aad Syria ' Se�lienI(t.dac , 1r Authoriud �a n - Antonio Padilla Printed Ns�ms President Titte Energy Services & Product Corp. Name of Eatity/Corponti�n 3817 W. Humphrey St., Suite 204 Tampa, FL 33614 Pa�e 43 of49 7/311Z012 � � , 1 1 1 ' � ' ' ' , ' , ' ' , ' , � Sation tIl — General Conditions STATE OF Florida COUNTY OF Hillsborough The foregoing instr�ent was $cknowledged before me on this 14 th day of November 2012_, by Antonio Padilla (name of person whose signature is being notarized} as tbe president (qt�} Of �ersY sezvicea & Pralueta Corp.C� Of CO�°��Q�e���l')+ Pe�o��Y �Wn to me as described herein _ x . or pmduced a (tyge of identification) as identification, and who did/did not take an oath. — - �x�� �` �nrco�o�,�oaeee�a '''' �� �. �m3 u�a..n��„ NUTARYSE,4L ABQf�E SectionIl3.doc �' __ �� �� ' otary Pablic � i�� �� •� de�t � � P�'itit�d NAalC My Commiesioa Ezp3rea: � r �or.s'' , Pa�c 49 of 49 T/31/2012