This Second Amendment to that certain Agreement dated September 7, 2011,
("Agreement") is hereby made and entered into on �„ ,;`. � , 2013, by and
between the CITY OF CLEARWATER, a municipal cor oration of the State of Florida, whose
address is: Attn: Parks and Recreation Director, P.O. Box 4748, Clearwater, FL 33758-4748,
hereinafter referred to as the "City" and Martin Luther King Jr. Neighborhood Family Center,
Inc.. a Florida Not-For-Profit Corparation, whose address is 1201 Douglas Avenue, Clearwater,
FL 33766, hereinafter referred to as "MLKNFC".
WHEREAS, City and MLKNFC have partnered to provide educational mati�ational and
cultural programs at the North Greenwood Aquatics and Recreation Complex {"Center"}. 900 N.
Martin Lu#her King Jr., Ave., Clearwater, FL; and
WHEREAS, MLKNFC has the use of approximately 900 square feet of office space
within the Center to operate their services, as reflected in Exhibit "A" in the Agreement; and
WHEREAS, MLKNFC would like to enhance its services by providing a Family Support
Worker ta assist families and children in Clearwater with various family-based challenges; and
WHEREAS, the City is amendable to the addition of the services and agrees to adjust
MLKNFCs License Fee in order to ptovide funding for the services.
NOW, THEREFORE. in consideration af the mutual covenants set forth herein, and
other goad and valuable consideratian, the receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, the
Parties agree as follows:
1. Paragraph 4, License Fee is hereby revised to the extent indicated below onlv:
License Fee. In consideration of the mutual benefits and obligations provided for
herein, including the additional services to be provided by the Family Support Worker as
more particularly set forth below, MLKNFC agrees to pay and the City agrees to accepi
a License Fee as of the Effective Date of this Amendment, and thro�ghout the
remainder of the first five years, in the amount of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) per
year payable in quarterly payments of $5, 000 on Oct. 1, Jan. 1, April 1, and July 1 for
each year At the end of each five year term, the License Fee will be ad�usted to reflect
applicable changes in �icense Premises use or the cost of operating the facility. This
recalculation will occur no later than July 15t of every 5'h year of the License.
2. Paragraph 6, Agency Programs and Use af the Facility, subsection a�, shall be
amended to add the followmg on at the end ofi the subsection�
viii) A Famfly Support Worker position mtended to assist families and ehildren in the
Clearwater area with the resoiution of problems that lead to financial adversity,
unemployment, child maltreatment, and the disruption of the family unit. The
position compliments the Neighborhood Family Center's Children's Services
programs and increases the Center's capacity under its obligation to provide
family support services which benefit Clearwater area residents The position is
responsible for services in the areas of parenting, family litera�y, linking to health
care systems, job counseling, other related economic development activities. and
outreach to underserved populations.
3 Ail other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties have executed this Amendment the day and year
first above written.
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George N. Cretekos
By -L � a. � ., . � �-�,^.�L'
William B. Horne, II
City Manager
Approved as to form Attest:
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Laura Lipowski Mahonyl--� osemarie Call
Assistant City Atto�ney City Clerk
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