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Q,R, 1712 PAGE345
Clearwater East Sau, th Interceptor
CLEI - 53 .
Bay Bluff Estates , Inc.
FOR AND m CONSIDERATION of the sum of One Dollar ($1. 00) cash in
hand paid to them, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the benefits
to be derived therefrom, BAY BLUFFS ESTATES, mc., a Florida corporation,
does hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, an
easement over, under and across the following described land, lying and being
situate in the County of Pinellas, State of Florida, to wit:
o a
F.. ~.~.
o' ~
~.~ <1
c+ M 0
This easement is for the purpose of the installation of sanitary sewer truni. ~
line and maintenance; and is granted subject to the following conditions to be per- ~
formed by the City of Clearwater, Grantee:
A 10.0 ft. permanent easement whose center-line is described as
follows: Begin at a point on the westerly line of Bay Bluff Estates,
Inc., said point lying 1654.36 feet South and 396.24 feet East of
the Northwest corner of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 17, Township
29 South, Range 16 East, run thence N 520 12' 271t E., 214.74 feet;
thence N 680 571 16" E., 208.0 feet; thence N 00 37' 03tt E., 195
feet; thence N 700 381 041t E., 117.05 feet to the easterly line of
said property and the end of easement. Containing 11022 square
1. Restoration of property shall be made as set forth in Addendum to
Easement III attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference.
2. The performance of the conditions set forth in that letter from J9hnson
& Albrecht, dated February 5, 1963 (JAWOII 657-1150-BWEAS) to the City'9f
Clearwater, same being designated Addendum 112, pages 1 and 2, and attached
hereto and made a part hereof by reference.
The CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, shall have the right to enter upon
the above described premises and to construct, install and maintain thereon any
sanitary sewer line and to inspect and alter such sanitary sewer line from time
to time; and it is hereby further expressly understood and agreed by the parties
hereto that the use of the main sewer transmission line will become available to
the Grantors at such time as this property may be annexed by the City of Clearwater,
,m WITNESS ~~REOF,' the party hereto has set its hand and seal
this /7~day of ~ ' 1963.
Signedg f;1ealed and delivered
~.t1J.~ p;e'S-e~c~ of:
i!'~'c;J/ ~
''':'''.'-'<f'''''''' ." "
/~eal' ,,-
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_/-~ ~", ~..,..gtawa.,t"t{' ~ity Manager
c:/' F or the - City of Gl:~a:rWater
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Atte.SJ: "~- ---,"'-,
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Itf()51-()~--1 J
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O.R, 1712 PAGE 346
Before me, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared
ALBER T P_ ROGERS and T 'T'WF.F.n MrMTTT ,T .~l>-T
to me well known and known to me to be the individuals described in and who
executed the foregoing instrument as President and
Secretary, respectively, of the Corporation named in the foregoing instrument,
and they severally acknowledged to and before me that they executed said instru-
ment on behalf of and in the name of said corporation as such officers; that the
seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that
it was affixed thereto by due and regular corporate authority; that they are duly
authorized by said corporation to execute said instrument and that said instru-
ment is the free act and deed of said corporation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I~, ve hereunto set my hand and affixed m" y
official seal this /9U day of , A. D. 1963. <
_"...___ ....-~wI...
Mtlo Commission expires:
otary Pu~Jic: State of Florida at Large
My CommIssIon Expires July 17, 1966
Bonded Bv Am"ri".~ ~hl &., I
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Clearwater Thst South Interceptor
CLEI - 53J m.H, 1712 PAGE 34 7
Bay Bluff states, Inc.
The following requirements will govern clearing, excavation and restoration of
property and public rights of way for construction of the interceptor sewer and are
an explicit part of the construction contract:
Final Cleaning Up
Before the work is considered complete, all rubbish and unused material due to
or connected with the construction must be removed and the premises left in a con-
dition satisfactpry to the Owner. All property" both public and private. disturbed
or damaged during the prosecution of the work shall be restored to its former
condition. Final payment will be withheld until such work is accomplished.
Safety, Protection and Sanitation
a. Safety
The Contractor shall furnish and install all necessary temporary works for
the protection of the work and the safety of the public and shall carryon his work in
the manner best calculated to avoid injury to the public or to the workmen.
b. Protection of Adjacent Property and Utilities
The Contractor shall conduct his work in such manner as to avoid damage to
adjacent private or public property and shall immediately repair or pay for any
damage incurred through his operations.
Construction Procedure
Portions of the work are along the water front of Tampa Bay. It shall be the
Contractor's responsibility to preserve. protect and/ or replace existing water
front structures, bulkheads, piers, and docks without additional compensation.
Earthwork for Pipe Line Construction
1. Clearing
(a) Clearing operations in areas of wild growth (brush, mangrove. etc.)
shall be confined to the actual easement or right of way provided. Clearing
parallel to the provided easement for construction purposes will be allowed if the
permission of the property owner is obtained by the Contractor for such clearing.
The cleared area shall be of adequate width for purposes of sewer construc-
tion, access of equipment, layout and stockpiling of excavated material.
Brush and trees cleared from the work site shall be removed from the site
and satisfactorily disposed of by the Contractor. Disposal by burning may be allowed
if. in the opinion of the Engineer, adequate precaution has been taken to prevent
spreading of the fire and nuisance to adjacent properties. The Contractor shall,
uhowever; befu.l1yr es-p6fisible-rOr-allcbn BEiqUenee sOrsucliburning-:--
(b) Clearingbperations in cultivated areas (groves, shrubbery and plant-
ings) will be limited to the easement or right of way required and within such
right of way to trees and shrubs which must be removed for construction purposes.
In public rights of way and in easements on private property all lawns,
plantings and shrubs will be restored either by removal and replacement of
existing plantings or by replanting with plants equal to that existing prior to
construction. The Contractor is expected to coopcro.ta -with involved property
owners in protecting existing plantings.
Sprinkler systems, cables and/or other privately owned buried improve-
ments shall be protected, preserved and I or replaced without additional com-
'-.'.. .'
! ~.'
I O,R. 1712 PAGE 348
II 'Land Planning
I,;i & Engineering
1627 South Mlaaouri Avenue
Mr, Herbert R, Mayers
Right of Way Agent
City of Clearwater
Post Office Box 1348
Clearwater, Florida
Phone 446-1582
February 5, 19(3
J A WO# 657 -1150- B WEAS
Dear Sir:
T his ""6Tti ce-ha~~'cli c'<1tecCa dr'a v. i n .g-b);....~:r~, Leo B uti c I' be a I' in g
identification CLEI-53, dated December 15. 1962. 1 his drawing shows
the alignment of the proposed perrnanent and tcmparary easement through
the property of BAY BLUF'F ESTATES, INC. In line v.ith the Master
Plan for sanitary sewerage collection system, BAYVIEW GARDENS, we
recommend that the alignment shown thereon be modified slightly to read
as follows:
A 10.0 ft. pe rmanent easement wiles c (ent,~:- - ihe is des c r ibed
as follows: l1egin at a P01.,l (,n the v.csterly line ot Bay
Bluff Estates. 1nc., said point lying 1654.36 feet South and
396.24 feet East of the :'-lorthv.est corner of the Southeast 1/4
of Section 17, Township 29 South, Rang(' 16 East, run thence
N. 52012' 27" E" 214.7-1 feet; thencc N. 68057' 16" E.,
208.0 feet; thence N. 00 '17' OJ'' r:" l'h fept; thence
N. 700 38' 04" E., 117.05 feet tet the easterly line of said
property and the.., end of easement. Containing 11022 square
feet. I , ' .
"..,~"c>...-,,~I', The a'lignm"~-ntaeA~Crrb~d' ab~'"'ve is a"c c~'ptabl~'t-;th'i~'''"o ifi~~'b~~---
cause it provides space for seawall tie back~ and provides manhole
locations which fit well v. ith the requi rements of the BA YV1E W GA R DENS
Sewerage Collection System as designed to this date.
This information was related to Mr. Hank Dodge of B riley- Wild
and Associates by telephone January 24th, and he advised that this align-
ment is acceptable to him. By this letter v.e \',ibh to confirm the follov.-
ing requests for construction as suggested by M r, Dodge,
Vvhere East property line of Bayvie\', Gardens property equals
CWEI Station 44 I- 53 I; Construct inverted siphon from 44 I-U to 45 t 70
117 feet west of the property line 130 feet in length.
Maximum Invert Elevation-
Maximum Elevation Cone. encasement - 6,00 M.S. L.
(2) 18" C .1. P. Concrete Encased
Note seawalls will be constructed on east property line and 80' W'ly thereof
MC!.!lh9teCWI~~LSta~ion.451- ]0 f .c' _~__. _'"_~,~~~' "C"_~,_~'
Rim Elevation 7 , 20
36" Efr. Inv.E"l y''Ic"T;T:r
36" loL Inv. S'ly -3,07
8" Stub N'ly Brg.
8" Stub Wily Brg.
4" Stub SW 'ly Brg.
N. 100 W,
S. 840 W ,
S. 120 W ,
I- l.00 M.SL.
t 2,:;0 J\.1. S . L.
( 1)
FEB 20 1963
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Rim Ele\l!i.j::, .". ,'r~L!iI~l;ii',~f~~:Nlt~~';'tI'lili't!Jil..;!l.i,!"
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O.R. ,.1712 PAGE349
Lett4&r 1;/6/63)
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We underSJULnd t~l:~~r,,~weed Mc:Mullen:~8~"pre'e.ntin8 BAY
BLPJ"Jr EST ""1 ESj!~:p!~h,' 'Il~~~i" ;~:"tTi:~". :ot~~i~ ;s.,.s",tion1\i, and
t~, ','"., ,'.'.,' ct. h"l lett,,~,', ':',.1, ...',.,'1. t,'IW',",',',,' ""il., '" ',',' ',"', ',',', ',1M",',,:, ,I,"',' ';"~l'., .~,.,~,'"", ":r,~,'''' "~,',', 4Od, ','a"Ni.J.;;,' of~, ',.,.,' 'al" i n"... ;
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:m..,th..oq:b:th.r~cf" '~~:h: i"7<i!~IYiV.~vt,G.~OEN$. INC.,
I" ',i ';i,:., I)il~r..:;~..i~ lii 'r:ll'I'!::;:'.ii,d:'(l", : !jl,! !, ,',,' ',"'., ". , :
" · '" W e, ~de~~~'.': t1~i.:.~i:I~.l\(~#en~.:'Wl"':'_'~!'1 Wild .nd
A"o'C;1ate15~t~~~:~~.. ' ,:de ot,~.::~l~,:'~,:;~~~,~~.rect'Q tha.t the
,,,,~e~l .1evatio~'~H~q\l~ .df~el!Jtu~.~~~,,~.i.ri;~, ::ij"",ii} , , I,
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Dlltr ibut ion:
C~: :r. T. McMullen
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all"..... .,Piae1Ju c..t.y, Florida, taeonaeetioa .'th the
__..w......, 101ltJ& ....1'41.,.... Sewer Project.
.."VI:..TOitOLJ) tbe .ame, toiethel' all &ad ttllpl.a)'th,.
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_Mell". ... day ....',... "'iht ..... writte.
By 1st Jfm~sIt.. Stewart
/eA,R,ob,ert L. "W~atherl~
Slp<<4, "..._. a.d_.~''''''la
th.Jt~.'_Q. .,: ' , Is! R. G. Whitehead
......'-..,..:'-~' ", ":':'....:. '(".,r" ""
,/s/ Lucille Bell
I ", -" "" ".'- - ' "" "~ ,
Approved a. to form ..rt. ~ol're~tne.s:
Is / Hil,~aW.
Is! Herbert ,M.Brown
1,.,,. __ __I
C.ty',Au......, ,
Sy...,.,. FLOlUJ). t
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eOVRY' GT PDf.~L.U t
J.".Y ...TWT.",_ tM. ',' , ' ,,13th, day oIJ\11y. A~;P.
lM..b.....'m. ~lf.....'........J.... R.. ........t.a...-.d 14',.. '.1'....
a.a.......~,...~~ .~,W......l.,. re.p.cti....1T' e$'"......", City
"U.I'..r',:C$tf..~<__"..""b.t...~ 'of t)a.. City ol'Cl..-..ter,
.,,_c:i~ ......................16.. oithe $..*.01 "101'1.. to
~~.......tob."...~" .d .~.... 4e........ia ..., wbo.ecnttre4 the
I.,.,,,~,c_,,,,,,.,,,,,.,,, .......Iac:._d.....Uy .._~wleGled
...,..0... ...."... '~' '...,..!..........'...."...,,".'..c., .ffl..f."........
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~'_"'I"H., '.. ..., '''Cl.ft".~. I............ of..."
.......'ti.. '
."... ,.,~~......a1.Nl..t C;t.a,,"'.r .. Jh. County 01
..... .......' .,',......" '..' day ... feu ...&bev. winftea.
."....Ut.. _.1'..:
Is / Lucille Bell
N'otaryPal:tl~'_e of Florida
at .,'
October 22, 1966
gi;;~a:~r: East sou;;. f12iP:;!715
Bay Bluffs Estates, Inc.
FOR.,ANDJN" CONSIDER.A TION of the surn of One Dollar ($1. 00) cash in hand
paid to it , the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the benefits
to be de:rived therefrom, BAY BLUFFS ESTATES, ING~" a Florida
A 30.0 ft. .tempory easement whose center-line is described as
follows: Be,9n ata point on the westerly line of Bay Bluffs Estates
me., said point lying 1654.36 ft. South and 396.Z4ft. East of the NW
cor. of the SE 1 /4 of Sec. 17, Twp. Z9 S., Rge. 16 E., run thence
N5Zo1ZIZ7lrE Z14.,74 ft., thence N68057t1611E. Z08. 0 ft., thence N 00371
O.3uE 195.0 ft., thence N 70Q38'0411E 117.05 ft. to the easterly line of
sa.f~i:reofse:ziYe~1st~~a~'~'cf~oera~if~~;po~ee~~, ~fi~Wi~~~~::~1fo~tpermanent
ea.sement in which a sanitary sewer is being installed by the City of Clearwater,
Florida. It is mutually agreed and understood that the City of Clearwater and/or
its agents will have the right of access for delivery of personnel, equiprnent
and over existing traveled roadways to the site of work; the right
to clear and dispose of underbrush, vines, brambles and trees less than six
inches in diameteWr~r~~r~t two feet above ground) in said easement; right
to remove muck, peat or other soft or unsound material from trench, and
to replace same with sound material; and right to enter for surveys and to
make borings and soil investigations. This easement is temporary and
expires automatically after one year from date hereof or upon the completion
qfth,? project, whichever is sooner, unless extended by written agreement
qftll,eparties hereto. Restoration of property shall be made as set forth in
~:b.~1\.dde:1:ldum to Easement attached hereto and made a part hereof by refer,ence.
$~wt'I'N'.ESSWHEREOF, the part y hereto ha s set its
h,Ci.pd and seal this /qt::tv day of ~~ , 196
tv l :;:, /,:;,
;::;;;i<;!",Si~el2,d~ sealed and delivered
\t)0,~':;:':';": in the,~resence of:
~ >Jil ' iI , r"
:;~;~['o:'~~~ ~ 0 ~~r--
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do es hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF CLEAR WATER. FLOR.IDA, ~
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an easemeh"t over. und, er and across the following described land, lying and ~ a
being situate in the County of Pinellas, State of Florida, to wit: 188..
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Before me, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared
to ITle weliknown and known to meto be the individuals described in and who
e~ecU:ted the foregoing instrument as President
and Secretary respectively, of the Corporation nan:.ed
in the foregoing instrument, and they severally acknowledged to and before me
that they executed said in,strument on behalf of and in the name of said corporation
as such officers; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of
said corporation and that it was affixed thereto by due and regular corporate
authority; that they are duly authorized by said corporation to execute said in-
strument and that said instrument is the free act and deed of said corporation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixedrr,y"o~ii<;:,ial
seal this' /'774 day o( ..~ ' Ao D. 19 63""00 'i\:o! '
" , , ,.".'.",.,"il;.;,".... ') Ii "..",' ,(, '
Notary Public, :>tateot rlonoit alC"Lal1j"-
'My Commission Expires July 17, 1966
Bond,d By Amoritan Firo & Ca.ually c.o.
.... t.
Clearwater East ~uth Interceptor
CLEI - 53 I , 1721
Bay Bluff Estates, Inc/ n.R. '
PAGE 716
The following requirements will govern clearing, excavation and restoration of
property and public rights of way for construction of the interceptor sewer and are
an explicit part of the construction contract:
Final Cleaning Up
Before the work is considered complete, all rubbish and unused material due to
or connected with the construction must be removed and the premises left in a con-
dition satisfactory to the Owner. All property, both public and private, disturbed
or damaged during the prosecution of the work shall be restored to its former
condition. Final payment will be witbheld un.tilsuch work is accomplished.
Safety, Protection and Sanitation
a. Safety
The Contractor shall furnish and install all necessary temporary works for
the protection of the work and the safety of the public and shall carryon his work in
the manner best calculated to avoid injury to the public or to the workmen.
b. Protection of Adjacent Property and Utilities
The Contractor shall conduct his work in such manner as to avoid damage to
adjacent private or public property and shall immediately repair or pay for any
damage incurred through his operations.
Construction Procedure
Portions of the work are along the water front of Tampa Bay. It shall be the
Contractor's responsibility to preserve, protect and/ or replace existing water
front structures, bulkheads, piers, and docks without additional compensation.
Earthwork for Pipe Line Construction
1. Clearing
(a) Clearing operations in areas of wild growth (bL'ush, mangrove, et c. )
shall be confined to the actual easement or right of way provided. Clearing
parallel to the provided easement for construction purposes will be allowed if the
permission of the property owner is obtained by the Contractor for such clearing.
The cleared area shall be of adequate width for purposes of sewer construc-
tion, access of equipment, layout and stockpiling of excavated material.
Brush and trees cleared from the work site shall be removed from the site
and satisfactorily disposed of by the Contractor. Disposal by burning may be allowed
if. in the opinion of the Engineer, adequate precaution has been taken to prevent
spreading of the fire and nuisance to adjacent properties. The Contractor shall.
__l1o""cevel' ,----=-befullyrespon sible-.fer~aH eonsequenc esof-stich-burniiig.m---
(b) Clearing operations in cultivated areas (groves, shrubbery and plant-
ings) will be limited to the easement or right of way required and within such
right of way to trees and shrubs which must be removed for construction purposes.
In public rights of way and in easements on private property all lawns,
plantings and shrubs will be restored either by removal and replacement of
existing plantings or by replanting with plants equal to that existing prior to
construction. The Contractor is expected to mth ;nvolved property
owners in protecting existing plantings.
Sprinkler systems, cables and/ or other privately owned buried improve-
ments shall be protected, preserved and/ or replaced without additional com-