HYPROPS OCT-14-1994 12:50 FROM CITY OF CLW. ENGINEERING TO . ..,. ~GP\'~~"" 71J {;, rd c.!....,,/ G\~i.~R~ ~ COyi., ~~r -.. ..','.'v;' . t1 . ~~ ott\C 003203 .\ _....~ :. 76 .UI. . S~ Inl t= ;--r..i3-' lc.t _'$ l' 5- 6488 P.02 D. ~.4367 PACE 858 , RC;ORIlEt "'''CL:,A. Ct),I'LI)I\ID. o\X......~ ~r...Le.... (:I..RI;, W\CIJIf C(lu~r J~N' I 4'2 ~H '76 !!~!!1~~! FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) cash in hand paid to it, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and the benefits to be derived therefrom, HYPROPS, a Georgia General Partnership, does hereby grant and convey to the CITYOF'CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, ~ municipal corporation, an easement over, under and across the following described land, lying and being situate in the County of Pinellas, State of Florida, to-wit: A sidewalk easement described as follows: Begin at the Northwesterly corner of LotI in BlockC of Bayside Subdivision No.5 as recorded in Plat Book 38, page 38, of the Public Records of Pinellas County, . Florida, and run thence N 54025 I 30" 'W along the Southerly r;~Wl'~i::t.~ltt:';':. line of Gulf View Boulevard 523.80 feet for Point of 't~T~t-;{f:U'H 1:tl:!:- S$qinninq, ~h.nee continue N 54025'30" W-S.09 feet: ~~~::::-':,~" !:~i':: thence S 45026'27" w. 23.35 feet to a point on the sW,;'i'~'l':':' Eali>terly line of Lot 43 of Lloyd-Whih-Skinner Sub- ;;:;'f:-i,@;,~~. ,/~ division a,s recorded in Plat Book 13, paqe 12, of. :it'...;,:,. .,:i.;:~'> the Public Records of Pinellas CoUnty, Florida, thence ;3'''::.C;:~,~,:i::T' S 35034'30" Walong said Easte5ly line, 377.0 feet to 5~'.I~J.:!1.:',:.." the Bulkhead line; thence S 54 25'30" E 5.0 feet: thence S::',:J~~..,l,: '::(: N 3S034'30" E, ;176.54 feet, thence N 45626'27" E,. 23.81 ':~..;.~:.i',"':,;,:,~:", feet. to Point of Beginning. Containing 2,001. 88 square ."'...T.1I3 . f' t 0046 . 1 "if'll, "".:}~:::." ee or. acres more or ess, , I r::~.'<j'!C":':"F;:.', .' . . ~~}::..l.' ':"~''< ':-{ which sidewalk shall extend from Gulf Boulevard to the :'+'r...:)~:l: ~1: existing Jaawall. HYPROPS shall construct said sidewalk ~~I:.r: 'T:l:~' ';J.~ and install appropriate concrete steps to existin'1' beach lUllil~~'i~:a::'I;:" elevation. Said sidewalk and steps shall be kept and ~~~$~l'~~,t: maintained by HYPROPS or its sUccessor in title for . ~l~~~~m-~~ pedestrian use of the public and neither HYPROPS nor Hl,f~'i'1l: j'H+' its successors in title shall block Or impede such 8~~~.~~~~. use for public access or egress over and across said ::rI)"l'~'W':"\il:.b,;: sidew.allc to the Public 8ea<;!h. i__J!.,:.l,:!:.T.:.,;,'l.:....~ III ILl026051 12 O:,~:I. 1.1 Ll2 to-~~' 11\~i:lt~~':\ I ..' cO "1".,.. r ":Y;' :'1':'..: p"" 'J)':~ .(~!~ ':""'Q"2',.:\ , ..I'1'fJ .. ::..AT. ".(1- ;..: .... ;'iJi~!~i~ig~h!' , Ij~-,~\n-;:'l ~~"":'~c"", ".d\ '. S:Y . '1i!' ':11: ....-1 : IE . <1%0 :'i.~?~m'-c l, ..- ...', J:il:;.., 'I ':'~I~. ". M,~ 0.... ..' ~:'i f/\'I 1,1. :,il '. )l~fi 4;1't:,',. ;01 :.".......'.." ",."ti' .:t.:~\;,..>~1 '~i~I~'~ :-0:::1 . ~~'id,:r ~~ :':I~..~\>~I ~fff.~.~' ~~h:.l~~~~;:.:'!' , I, 'r CS.1l176 .30 [;5 .55 51 .fJS CA IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the" party hereto has caused these presents to be. dUly executed this ..': ...."'day o'f June, A. D. 1974. ...... Signed,' sealed' and clelivered' :~~ By: fJ t J. . .\.\'~..,. 'f1? Yo ~. :,J..J STATE OF COUNTY OF ....:.~."'--'J l..,~ .(.~-< .t'- aEFO~' ME personally appeared t i."~~(',-,,,,': ___ 4' ~~~ to me well known and known to me to be the individuaLdescribe4 in and . ~" , . r,::"T~~; TOI . C1"' "'0; t.:~~( . ,.. . ,. . ~. ,~l:~ ~...: ~"', r"i'" ",::.: J"." '." ~''''','''.'' " i; ~~ 1':' 'I~ f' ~~ t, W TOTAL P.02 /' \