COUNTRYSIDE WOODS PARTNERS '-'l:..,...,'",J.~E,;~~;~to~'OA,.' .,',., I t.;~l'Ho 1;.."'-"""''' ,",' . ,," , - _. t' Jll.1~~.~ ~!F ~l~r~ C\,J.!",!" 850.12761 1- .ll \'31l~'8S EASEMENT OJ,5916:J..L;E16.31 FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) cash in harrl paid +-..0 it, the receipt of which is hereby acknONledged, and the benefits +-..0 be derived therefrom, COUNTRYSIDE WOOI:S PARrNERS, a Florida general partnership does hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF CLEAEMATER, FLORIDA., an easement over, under arrl across the follONing described land, lying arrl being situate in the County of Pinellas, State of Florida, to-wit: A 10 ft. water main easement lying 5 ft. each side of all existing water mains up to and including all hydrants and water neters arrl an ingress and egress easement for city vehicles over the no:r.mally tra- veled paving within the follONing described tract: Camnence at the NE Corner of the SE 1/4 of Section 17, TONnship 28 South, Range 16 East; +-..hence run N 89050'42" W, 1676.04 feet; thence run S 00009'18" W, 55.00 feet to the sou+-..h right-of-way line of Curlew Road, for the point of beginning; thence run alon:] the arc of a curve to the right, radius 25.00 feet, chord bearing S 450 II' 16" E, chord 35.14 feet, arc 38.97 feet; thence run S 00031'50" E, alon:] +-.l1e West right-of-way line of Countryside Boulevard, 587.06 feet; thence run N 89050'42" W, 356.13 feet; thence run N 00031'50" W, 611.76 feet; thence run S 89050'42" E, along the South right-of-way line of Curlew Road, 331.42 feet, +-..0 the point of begirming. it. lli6H6l.6 72 1. 18JA85 41 0 .45 This easement being for installa+-..ion arrl maintenance of water mail1S'OcUId for G ,45 CASH ingress and egress of city vehicles. The CITY OF CLEAEMATER, FLORIDA., shall have the right to enter up:m the above described premises and to construct, install and maintain thereon any water mains and to inspect and alter such water mains fran time +-..0 time. IN WITNESS WHERIDF, the party here+-..o has caused these presents +-..0 be duly executed by its prq>er officers thereunto authorized and its seal +-..0 be hereunto affixed, this 24th day of December, 198~. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: tl/2fldY:? ~ /( ~-" 1 G) C-x-l:-~ 'COUNTRYSIDE WOOI:S PARTNERS, general partnership STATE OF FLORIffi ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) Before ne, +-.l1e undersigna:1 authority, personally appeara:1Ri.chal:rl.L." - Benware, as President of Bendal Corporation, managing partner of COUNTRY'STCE WOOIS PARI'NERS, a Florida general partnership, who states that he sign~t..he: foregoing Easement on behalf of said part-..nership for the purposes, ,expressed therein. Sworn to andsubscribedberore me this 24thday of December,198~. RETURN TO: CITY CL-s~RK p. 0, BOX 'i7,~3 , q.,~-",'n.", CI EA-. RWT 6 'T'FTi FLh.. ;:.oJ:)J J.,_,/-"u ..J -l 'I \ ~'_ _"- _to -'~-' " ., ~ . cL:'c' ~- , '; ': -' " . , j' ",",', ,.' ,,' '.-~ N roBLrC, State of Flerwa'.' My Camrl.ssion Expires: 'rb:le mst:r~:ro."1'1r,i~ "W~~, 1'~7!at'(;d bY',. ~'01\.'~AS A. , 'u-:ty Atton1,€Y J. ..:1" .lh " "~. c, 'q. '<74~' C't "t r, d.,,.'))!: ':l1: ~, 1 Y 0'1 .,' '" ....,.. ,,'j 3 ~"e''''''w''''''-'''r l:fl~I'lO",' fJ,ih~..,~ .1,11 ""'" " """..,'. ' "htary PuHic. S~atp. of Florida Mv Commission Expir<!s len, 16. 1987 ,k,:;~ed lhru Troy fain. Insurance, Inc. . . ',.(1 7 V l: ::; t/n4} t../ClV I~;) ,') / [' [... .' ',' t'I' " 'l..:,I "~'i .I ".",,,.. (~~.----'\ \~ 11 Ctrg 40 Rec 41 OS 1-1!( 43 Int -'_ Tf~::,.-..(.,t:r: ,. 11 ~HG'gO O~O ~ l- M., ..,.,":..,.~, ;'!L,', ~'"~_ o L- 1 $ , , _ ........ ....'''~.:........... Intangrl':-le Tax Pd. 40 Rec S ~(\ ~rl F. aker, Clerk f'indlas Cour", 46 Pos __ 0 CI 'J. T ' :c:::; . .. . eputy er~ otal c jj 0 A . 1~-031- 1/