December 5, 2012
Community Chair/Trustee George N. Cretekos, Trustee Doreen Hock-
Redevelopment Agency DiPolito, Trustee Bill Jonson and Trustee Jay E. Polglaze.
(CRA) Present:
Downtown Development Chair David Allbritton, Board Member Sean Belanger, Dennis
Board (DDB) Present: Bosi, Paris Morfopoulos, Bledar "Tony" Starova, and Thomas
Also Present: William B. Horne 11 - City Manager, Jill S. Silverboard -
Assistant City Manager, Rod Irwin - Assistant City Manager,
Pamela K. Akin - City Attorney, Rosemarie Call - City Clerk and
Anne Fogarty France — Economic Development Coordinator.
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not
necessarily discussed in that order.
Call to Order
CRA Chair George N. Cretekos called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. at Clearwater
Main Library.
Opening Remarks
CRA Chair George N. Cretekos welcomed all and said today's meeting will focus on the
mission and goals for the Downtown area. The City has invested over$35 million the
last several years for infrastructure improvements and redevelopment efforts. Despite
success of the Water's Edge and Station Square Residences and the Clearwater
Marine Aquarium's Winter's Dolphin Tale Experience, the downtown storefronts remain
empty. Need to work together to help businesses grow and develop a niche that makes
Clearwater a special place to live, work and play.
Clearwater Downtown Partnership (CDP) Executive Board Chair William Sturtevant
introduced CDP board members in attendance: Frank Dame, Bud Elias, Jeff Hartzog,
Eleanore Lyda, Elaine Mann, Dev Pathik, Stu Sjouwerman, Grant Wood, and Thomas
Wright. Mr. Sturtevant said the CDP Executive Board is comprised of downtown
property owners, developers, entrepreneurs, and residents, all the elements needed to
redevelop the Cleveland Street District. The CDP is a not for profit organization that
CRA DDB Joint Work Session 2012-12-05 1
promotes and fosters the economic development of downtown. The CDP is organizing a
workshop, For the Love of Clearwater, in an effort to facilitate community involvement
by businesses and residents. Mr. Sturtevant said the CDP will be focusing on the
downtown residential component in the coming year.
DDB Chair David Allbritton reviewed the history of Downtown Clearwater and how it
was a vibrant place to be. The success of Downtown St. Petersburg was not overnight,
but took many years. Today, the DDB and CRA share a vision for a successful and
vibrant downtown. The main objective of the DDB is to support activities that stimulate
growth in downtown and provide grants to businesses relocating to downtown. The
Board committed $50,000 for ten years towards the boat slips at the Clearwater Harbor
Marina. The success of the boat slips, Blast Friday and the 400-block of Cleveland
Street will eventually spill over to the 500 and 600 blocks. Mr. Allbritton said the
success of Downtown requires successful events, in addition to buy-in from downtown
businesses and residents.
Round Table Discussion
Discussion ensued regarding the elements needed to further the progress made in
Downtown with comments made that the CRA and DDB have facilitated the
environment needed for a successful downtown but to take it to the next level the
private sector must be engaged; Downtown should be a destination people go to
regularly, not just for major events; need to engage community by targeting marketing
efforts to local families and schools.
CRA Chair George N. Cretekos requested members of the CDP to share their
experiences of relocating their businesses to Downtown. Discussion ensued with
suggestions made that the City should pursue efforts to be a technology incubator; ease
code regulations on signage; increase collaborative efforts among city, community and
business leaders; engage the local real estate professionals to increase their knowledge
of Downtown's successes; and improve marketing efforts throughout the County. The
vision for Downtown should be unique and address the needs of day/night customers
with family friendly events during the day and entertainment/culture in the evening.
Businesses should be willing to remain open beyond normal business hours to integrate
Special Events/Blast Friday visitors. It was stated that the rents in Downtown are an
issue, as well as parking. Businesses that are renovating existing sites need assistance
with sustainable power and high-speed internet infrastructure. It was suggested that the
CRA and DDB consider additional financial incentives to help businesses stay in
business (i.e., rent assistance, matching funds for advertising and entertainment).
There was consensus that the groups meet again in approximately 4 months.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
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