TERMINATION LETTER A u. F "r 416 Deceinher 3, 20 12 230() 1,i1! Pines 1 rr M.��, Ste. 150 largo, F "}Jl` r` f Dear Nita, I .:dill in receipt of your IetLer &,r.'ted? November ber 28, 20 2, where hr, `'y7OU ilrf r irS(.'d f fl 2 H ta"'l:p d-tc' 1,3oard of Dirt d`rd`73"`r;, For the Ross (_"19ls Clubs of the Srlrlcuctst vottd3 t{) agreernent between the Boys and Gid s `.kd)s of the Suncoast and the 4..1t; tr, d_.,,..,.<, vac . 4dt, ,tav{ d December :11, 2012, A is tr`r!ty trr€fcrtun to that our par trier",ship at the North Center did ruA vnwk out however;, doe, look tt'ir'`Var d to co nt rfr.r,ing our lt_Er"n r s,zt„ a.. MA)d Valley, The City is con-imitLed, to rneetlng the needs of the ytllitll in the Greenwood Ccmiri;"d urdIEY iii we SH not Ot tlfl,;°> deter our efforts €o put together as new , nitegy Lo set-vice their On beh,..'df of the City, I accept your letter, as proper notification lc)r t{rn-tfrtaLi Ord €r. agreement between the My of t_.lear wa Ler and the Boys �� Gols Clubs at cnar' N. d_.t.t.{...,a '::r.ood Recreation and Aquatic C'enter. Erse t On Ehin ar Cc: Mike Lockovood, Kathy IaTerza s;{ if GREAT FUTURES START HERE r November 28, 2012 SIN, City of Clearwater DOW! & (31133A IC31LI13ES Reaeation 111apartmer-a F THE SUNCOA:t` Attts Kevin Dunbar Post Office Box 4748 FINEL.L.AS COUNIFY Clearwater,r Fr. 3375 CORPORATE OFFSE 230n rat9 ire f Dr, So. e, _'. { `24 2427 P FAX 3�J r) _ 1 amnited to Wow up on our meeEng held on September 24, 2011 Since that " rneC',C ly;, Mdr r'•a (Nix and I ,i,r_-`€.:with Charts Eric`isllls n, During 0l.9f rner.tin g, he gave us E61r":;'("dibble QWM, !Ibank you gain for the contact, Andrea and I also s,r>:.rt�,.. 00em nnet with the Upper t's,''€illa,.,County Ministerial ter€a, t`'.:ociat,ion i7 a:Y'd'lx~4Eu'.., and Med crowp"i for their SU�port. My Wdi bated that they would announce our ")o Cr"ms dt,Iflr'1{ their chaamfe sprae e ,. MJa� akara c:nlr.e at hhc` (-;Ir!=, °�Urnrn�t held o, o-°Cx (Treer"8wC:od C ortkCf3uP'ky Center and r"hr.r.iassed our services and programs atith the rniddl a ;t:l",Cori girl`a and parents In alts Cad ame. AY9&ea has also C'tar`al lri,ae d to -, 7aoe t !r ithi e.C7tllrf ornity groups, in spite of M, our 4 vernage daily a C'n laaP9t" :' craE"t.t!P'll.!€"x.s to be low,. : iacirdVnaawd C ifildcaree staff completed ple Ced a .sirs vKh at the Nrartl-� Giroer-lk vt rad Club De wk C,,,. and t.fClfon u,a,at ly clue to no attendance at the time e o Be Mn these more not i t ii f„,;:w, Asmi Win able to evaluate the site Shorty we were informed by Coordinated Who My CIAldcare€:flat our North Greenwood Club cotold not co st C ue to be an O I ske €i:: Mark & Dawson it continued to have lo~♦aaSf ran €cl ante. 4Ci""fortUnatel t, attendance has not n Dmr improved sh e then 4,'ittt. C.,t°a3 sequdaisly, PLItt'itIg a"uir rnaai`i se~airne of firr"Cdhg at Rs.M M jg2r rr a North Greenwood,od, (acaa mile Miens Boarrw Out of School ool f imm?funds) rid°main at . . risk, y,,,, i r ,om Hoof Grag t i h m, Our Board of 1J,r+;''t tc s contlitEes, to receive updates on attendance at all r a.,,w . , i y a,.. David e ily locations and tfbf_.,vy have taEso been nonce m a{;j'',with the !ova attendance at: Mtarth !An t a,? t:t('ri'i,rrwood, il`e cost per youth sewed is a factor that we rt Vlw'w e act"t f"f'tCsMh M h.,f ,r,:, .. I ?r r rnryi and our North Greenwood Iocatl':arl conAnues to have a high C;0q Per Youth, We MY hindcp. havp an r'-Sf"il"ifigtI?.`ly to re">`4 p thE'; North 'Y rr'F'sri6ads}a;a`it-f.,,Smith at DCft°`sC rin H:gl'1iaae'd tlwhn t.a' tC0 Mimic ha ROOM lwrlldaile ,t;hool and replace the exlsthg Pol eau Atl"iNVE League Larograrn at the, Bnar Rolcuscm °Cacatson,. i. ur{expenses wPr.aid be y'rik lily` staff costs as there are no facility costs. l,ca- 1,=i:a Roysum We sf' ulcl i`"'(' able to continue""to se.me North Gr, (--!t'aSt°9a°)es C°¢9iddle school teens at their `.r;hiac.dl. Cc')n eqlar'Itc.`y`.. the Board of .} 3<,C.( . s voted to terminate the an Andrew MW!, City of Chroa rwriter contact ait C at cnouf Elc2,rlr a Gr c-,r,,'?od locatior,f t. fe `, s, e ftC:(ia'I"rtber 31 2012, 1 t,r"oto t`";:ait there is meeting schecluded :,1 t,C.t t rnbe "t 31' t '9 iF{vl,aitc with JlauV .t;as, Kathy Later , and your-set Ma hAitchAL Aa3dJea NN and 1: w 11 allo be 41 .,a-ttendance, i+rE,' can discuss za transitional and ,."onn—i"lurlit,.at.r...in r.^Ica,' at th =:, time. ly C f: GREAT FUTURES START HERE, I have appmdawd working with you on the North Greenwood partnership, We Y411 c nt n E to work together for the youth its Clearwater at Wood `'u`alley, Chi Cis; and ?ranecEn Highland Middle r�'j�✓ol, � � �OF THE SUNCOAST INELLAS COUNTY 3 d � t A -T I It w f 300 a aR Pmes Dr, St. , !Argo, Fluidn 33771 (72 7) 524-2427 Nita Sailh AX i 7,� 5,,)1 0,r)' President/CECO www homw xg GREAT FUTURE'S S ,,.., :, [ i f q Gmw 7 :."i C)c Pr's Wev Wl .an Mw Lwr Bob Kyharr, fwnymf Amy My w s_c,._ Donk t .'cx:{r^ Mao f A w AW Why Mat C Dawav, ANn El or, ROT Dqga Ka,thlc,�,n, HIM GMqFAq"4' Pam m j I I 4,j tw-3"i s:; TAY 1 w4w, Mums Mayo> Yk B1 Worth", as(;r M ! f :!y'i Andros vonMr,,! HuNd s a. Ptm?f'W 3., A; PM)t it E c-40", i