July 19,
Present: Mayor George N. Cretekos, Vice Mayor Paul Gibson, Councilmember
Doreen Hock-DiPolito, Councilmember Bill Jonson, and Councilmember
Jay E. Polglaze.
Also Present: William B. Horne II - City Manager, Jill S. Silverboard - Assistant City
Manager, Rod Irwin - Assistant City Manager, Pamela K. Akin - City
Attorney, and Rosemarie Call - City Clerk.
Call to Order
Mayor George N. Cretekos called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. at City Hall.
Introduction to the Visioning Process — John Strietmatter, Consultant
The City Manager provided historical context for purpose of strategic visioning and
reviewed the City's current vision and mission statements. Due to the recent economic
decline, staff's mindset is not to spend money. The visioning sessions will provide
guidance to what the future looks like from Council's perspective.
Mr. Strietmatter provided a brief description of professional background and reviewed
his role in the strategic visioning process. He will assist with developing and articulating
a vision, strategic direction, outcomes/results for the core responsibilities of the City,
and changes necessary to achieve the desired outcomes/results.
Discussion ensued regarding the proposed work plan with consensus to include the
following as potential discussion points: homelessness, spending priorities, core
responsibilities to citizens and residents, economic development, appropriate actions in
response to SWOT Analysis, identifying branding concepts, neighborhood sustainability,
and attractiveness to families with children.
In response to a question, Mr. Strietmatter said he will schedule a meeting with each
councilmember prior to the next visioning session.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:37 p.m.
Council Strategic Visioning Work Session 2012-07-19 1