5586-94 -94
TH17 jP $
ection ih
to reac:I Si�,,ctions 2.541 t" rough 2.1547, aC , ,r f Ordinarices , are ,amended
Sec. Z.541. Definitiolls.
-ning customaril,y
Terms not dief ed in this section shall have thiie mea
4. used
assigned to them. Otilherwii;e, the fol'lowino wo, ds, terms and pbrases, when
tm this division', �al;fiall bave the Tnejaning .w scribe to thein in this- sect.iom, cep
w here the c xt cliecirly irdicat &s a `,diffegent meaning:
-Iteans any, of the vari-ous, supplies, tnaterial:s , goods:,
vp ir Ic
eql�ji� ent, -M�P44-4z,,5 and other pers�onal prope.,rty purcha,slE,�-d Teased
-less c,om in,( within the b , �i 1�iitlo , cf
or otherwise gilt r1ail.,Ited for by the city, un ef
oublic works conti4acts. However, commodities purchased for resale arz., oxc4�ded
�rari the ,trovisfans of thIs division.
1. ectr 1 c orldina , ionl' gggs,,, wit"t.,resr)ect to t,f Mq of t
nLcftase tmu i s W; 0,_Lj1_e_±,,Mr_0 ku JS i ti 0 n �, me Lp s_g f a Ai 0 q L d-
Ma,'uthorization, tran tted bv computer.
pr�otegted and cj1d id sm i
includes, invit tions to bjd, rg 'ist! lor r
and sol ititali2pLj�jL_qtLotat ions ffrbm venaors. Th e te'rm also incltL�jgs' re-
rw Lowe s t r e pi-ri,i: i b' e b i d a or-1' or "I owes t re' gLis,itLE2,
0 L means, the
bid or iugttati.'err received thall b,est re!sr,,�ornds in
aria lity, 1`itne allrui capaciter to the reiqu ire ments of the proposed work, or usage,
as soecifled to 'the jn�LitLt L'o'n
ij)m - jeemmd rep ionsible and
a vendoi a i
,Lc) b�d,__�;�r so 14,cj ,at,i ion f or a �Luo tat J,on, 11 n de term in,ing Ithe lowi,,�s It, responsible bid
r aL,,A 1cLta t i o n - i4elr-j, the llollovving, shall be r-onsidered, in add iltior
to pr i ce
I. The qual i4ty of coumobi ties or, services ' 4kai- offered;
(2) The gab i `lity, capacity and skill of the vendor. 4:kWw� to perform the
cont.'ract or provide it hie, commodities or services required;
(3) Whether the vendor "We-r- can perform the contract, or provide tir-le
colflffludi'i -,++Ojr-44i4r or services promptiv, or, within the time specif ierl, without
delay o.ry interference ;
(l Vj M of ficiency of the lve oir ` s ~w- inarrcia i resources and the
e fec�; t ereef on the venders 44 i ty to per-form the contract or provide t,`,z!
( The character, integrity, ep tatierrx judgmient, e p riep-Ce and
lffcierrc s of the &EAgr�
6 The quality of vendor' s b444ef'6 performance on previouS orders ar
contracts for the .i t')",
Litigation the ve r r err previous orders r ce tracts with
the itY;
, - the vendor, b
with f'�ederal st4t and, local leas and ordinances relal'.iTIg to the subject, olf they
lr t N'! 6 x
t vendor `� to provide tre r ai tenal ce and 15 i re e a
service where ;c llla rrt ranc a c
me nig v w[d or rrcl are �s�i 4, nal
ens l ;L r re, r is°i r a h, s p i t tl
� r ' , 'i" is arri �qLr as
d'is . , i s�x� IS5 Q�L I re over the ear �_ �w d if c�rr I)utd wIrrrtr .ts"' Toea d's a 11 contracts involvin ciiLra r4 t4
city* An constroction involving.; a p `o' ect r°el tee t but not includ, d in a
ro e; l for wbith the c,ity has contr!acte4 is not ex, - rom the
co,ga t r Iw rie bidding pr� cedure ' � .:yet fortis '� this div rsion, et it st�� (�°r tl its
re a t r"r s s p t 1'l)r,o,Ject wh i ctr has previously bee i'd upon.
u r Pr " MIS rc e N se.k
Nlac , tll' means he itV .r amager° �C1r py 1i y�* he �� o
w S i " some or all of the duties O she t e.,
rr4 " e rriN labor � rrr der a f r Ire tie ref i t oI` h r t r kr "
,s, " . g s I a i contract pct w e i ���s ��s�r `�ier" '.�i r� r���s '�,
» '" L r LJJi" rte yot rer`��ise the r fr}�includes .�1��� �6�'� x�`��E a ��.�� ��4►
g qw) wnwy p +"pwg'+�+r�Qdj y Iww wwwwew�a+nmm maanwr.au�ww. ,nw. ».www .nwxn w.eww-w.ww-.« m.
Ve.fl * a r dive vend o r° w era sub Trwr t s a did rr°o )_5 r N
tatrr, °r k for tbe " L,fi r a qoggodilX in service to the r:t tv i r s�err�e t� �.�r
i r i r`s
t o d r~ �ih i included� on the vendors i s nla j rr t s n . , the
r�cni? i cLa !rit ag 1 ) tai e here
Sec. 2.542. lll*rstem adapted.
In orderw to efficient Procedures dure for the acquASiti rn orp, use of
�M , n
C o-xrvo CI i it i sy"V i -is � a n Q., job 1 jC USA S jgzt S 4
to secire 44,F-44ei—c-4-t-
gc�uLnodiVit- services , ant o
,.s. _pub! i
t s at tie owest possi e cost
commens6rate with iquiiiality needed; to exiercise positive financial cont-i-,011 o vie 1"
Purchases- to c , define and fil,)]Dlemeimt the purchasing functi6n arol to aSSUFE�
the quality of pinurighases, a purchasing system is hereby adopted as prov ided in
Sec. 2.50. Vamtralized purchasing off ir-
There is hereby created a centralized pur chasing office,
Sec., 2.544,,. Porchasiirag etgent,,
The, city wager is the purchasing agent for the city, with ul It i ta te
responsibility under the charter. The_p2Lty marale
LaiLY:44e may 44i4-44-s�e�
delegate soine, or, all of tb s JL -authority, except ,fle authioritv
j_jqrc.ha. ig, 4;� M to
the if inal deci'sion, to any city employee. The titymana er
make I, g
a4A4eHr44,k-Oe sia'H haye the lows:
y, to, do as f c II
I Purchwie or lease or contract for He purchase or IE�ase ofa
comoodities 'air, SP-I Vices, required for or by the city, in accordanc�e with
puwcha Nir C p .", cit" ui,es Prescribed by this division and in actor dance iiii such
administritive qliQjel- WQj DISTQW&J, 40511440%, as the it wayr may
prescribe f'or inter -p, al managemernt wW operatIon of tbe purchasing ofd idea-
(2) Negaliiate and reco=iend execution of -c ,,ntracts, for the pur,chase Of
commodi le's r
a -ty, i fi c rvio d i t i S
(131 Put to t
i procure for the city the needed q�u, Ii 0 e
s ervic j
M, a:t least �v'xpense;
(4) Discourage uniform bidding sand,,fe_ncow� aci e e �-44tri vI-I.- fU11,11
and Open compel itiot on all purchase's
ior -ictasing regulations lel,,.
(5) Fleparo revis ns an-d air-Aendivents to the put
and recommend such revisic.nis and amendments to the
city Commission;
(6) Flepann jM�olj,,Aes and 2=tedunes *Qen governing the purchase ol"
commaidl i t ie s jw- j for the-! city
, -,
._ _
(7) Xwep informed of current developinrits in the field of
prices, market cond!t.,-,6n-.s ant new projects-,;
(8) Prescribe and i-T,,aintain such for as L!
ley i reasonably nec ry ima to
the operation af this division and other rules and regulations,-
(9) Supevvijise the it of a] I comm ivy iLes -s�,44-44e44-FHA
purchaseid tc� ensure confiormanct� an#ith specifications;
(10) -Recotmrm,,ind the transfer of surplus and unused commodities
e t,�,!e er i r t-1;e,i i+ s ;.1'" e de d p.
1111 ) R 4n ai, a varvdors isli
a , t m, I t vendo,s catalog file and recor
needed for the of -the PUT-chasing office;
('12) Conduct all salles of excess pro per"Ey which the city, commission IT'lal
authorize to be solidi as having become unnecessa- y or unfit fo r. the it s use.
Sec. 2.545. !Wbmittal of requests to purchase cons-odities or seevices.
Departments shall submit requests to purchase ;omodities or s(,�r,,:rices to
the P::,!rChi1S1111419 agent- on, purchase requisition f or s or by
other means as be Prescribed by the purchasing office. The dery artment
sionatute cr the signatuire of gn
g a
the he d - 4+4 de,slted
_ gpArtment directoy 's
represientiative, or_gje
— f.-_tri:)nic coordination on, the requisition indiclates Vi at
funds are avai lab llib for the purchase; that the requisit-lion has been crv,"dinated
a--,,,Id that department or other departirrerits as necessary; that the
quant'itiles, item dliwr!JiXriplt ions end specifications rlescribed ,the ininimum oeeds of
that d:epartment* and that the purchasing agent is
autholfizeid to ac;qtdire the commodities Rn services.
Sec 2.545. I Purchase, orders or contracts to be used.
Purchases of commodities and sery i,ces steal I be imade, only by purcliaso orders
'tt tu,. ��L �pt, a
or other wri feil motrart iexecuted.Lbj I LLtItch �_ J.U2. mf Exce s otberwist,.
is,ion no puchase order shall be issued tit prior
prkc,,,�i deld in It I
I "A h ar erLtLtho iz
appro, al of the cilty oranager has been obtaitte . 1�e unchase, Tv
�d, the C h
_ture ;nd,� shall :be.si( -2ur" I'a agert
Set. 2,541. YsjLiAErs &"kxf-s list.
The Purchasing all is authorized to maintain a list of for, th,.
purpose of mailing nictices inviting bids or fle`4UestS fi)1' Prof)()Sa'jS Rr�` So' j"J'JJL'
UM "rom tllrie 4o time. A vendor who desires to be included on the vAnd ors
%ifling list shall Comptete a vendorls, application and pay, ao a rl 11 IrlF1 I
registration fee of $10.00. fees shall be due and payable on a calendar
basis =iind shall not I'be prorritabl e. or refundable:.
j.L.-c_tjori 2. 15,ections 2.564 through 2.565, rde of Ordirian(.-es, are amendeb
to rvad:
Sec, 2.561- Purchases of weq, $10,000.00 or more.
EXC'ept as otihervise provided in this division, the purchase of c,.,,)YTni,.A1itie5
Ljn Sel-v'ices of an estimated value of $10,000.00 or mor-e shall be by
purchase order ar <rtl er written contract with the vendor stTFTi_j'._tEjLLh t lowest
responsible a b,,kkj1eFq:L whose bid has been solicited, received and approvel,
6, del,
pursuant to t4i,e -,Fcof procedures:
1 of C e rq�k i,tin bids. t es inviting shall be publish t'
least twice in a rewsnftper 2 erre al clircAA ,ation within the city and st 01
trr 7ude �ener�a description o the commodities or services � -` � to be
purchased, a Statement where bid ocu en maybe �a i ned an& date
� r I � . L 3 c- reni c� � The �µit s� :r��i� � ;airs k not
� ess than , calenii ari dus before the Uen°ti%q_d e.. The second ;,publication'
pu icati n shat I
)e Prot des hAn �r � gale d , dy s �r Jor.to the o enin date and' ci 'des —a
Te n - d :rrdar da a't r r" tie firs�pb cattion.. �_ F_ � �.
-° I ' � lead . a 1 also be solicited - r om r s r°r i r e '
prospect,i ve ven rr i s, se names, are n ttr r�e .�n er d v rrdor«°s
t � -` -- "
. e r r,t�„� 'ibid blinds � . per the esti aced nst r
Zbl J,
Cdr tr*a it. js �3& ° .more or when otbe gisg �deed
�reessa bhp° � �ier serar arrr tae - Of d der sed L.
by, a ret O ; i d e a e1d .tin A business i n Iw .)r i s or� a b bbond d o
prat r� t. s� r t�r� I dd seal e Prescribed i h
I otices ,i n Vi t i ng i,�s,. A v errJ r
r° t,:sa 1 r "lure td execute, t.�°re contract t �ri ttr arr' ten da after tyre
rr� d e award of�cartiract has been j ai led,, tin,less °" ihe tity
i Solely rres pshb e for tho kdeda.y in executing ttre contract., Tire c'i ty
cowissJ11p,10 i�iayl r n 'k re r° rrs l r °tai rre the s c ess r vendor 4 °`" ° to
e to tlh�e not r t avVar° the contra " t h neat I st' vender " � .
'err r�� rN � he4-0 , r' 'u! t the ': wet e dnrI � �'s- b"dd ;ser rit I a
'1de appliMby th7l,it to the cont r a t r ce dif er ntia", beta°e rn ,tube ett bid
n r the se nd est d and t; e sr�r lus§ if are,, shall he returned tl tFri
lowest blddew.
d Derr i ti p r r�drr 4es, Sealed written i day sera � rei r yet t,o th
r it and identified is,sl bids ��n the e rve o re etbe � other °err rt� ate'
d f e � rt n &n� .at b Bids shad t try opened err b ir� t the
Lalie a�td art the td re ' , a :e s°fated in the Public w` notices. A tabulation r to I I
bids received{ Shall be made av 0able to 41.,,he public.
Re e tiniA of bids, Tfie city manager raraN�;*
Reject a t 1 bids; r
b eject a1 I bids and ready"erWt se for bids, pursuant to, the rote r°rm°
prescribed ,A this
eJi,- t;, L bi 5 and direct that the rcr `ect or service JDr qu tjorL
b- oerformed
t ffi$'3'1.. .++.Mik'(f14. '�J'A 32[.L;.. ".td '7 _�'IM'1 +'.tl.w}f.�3'3 less... &i. each 31oaaJsSAd .S.C.B.•
Award of contracts. Except as other--,rise provided in thiE drvlisior
Contracts shall be aiva ded bv the city commission to the lowest respo),p ible
vex dordtar , 444 m.
Performance do r t� Donds. _pe......r.f or m yn' ce bond and a , pme nt
a "contract bond" * mb 2,n A j e elements of A_1vrfirna rice an ,a p ri` n
nes , a ,d ' ., ..: T t� r s � i er ��d to coo bu-siness i n `l oa�j a,_e y be
u i r°e� before- e !r�n nee � ��r �n ;iQuint at least ] to 'the
contr �r i e r lick higher per a u t s gr r e j o r d yeas na J necessary t
ten, to hest' � rlst e at '" such crn ise � th a ra
� w� is v.
a,,Tlount of the bc.1d, stal be described in the notice inviti, bids.
44 , � TM aft
halr e, g)rders..Any change. in 'the contract, ri s he � rk or
; � r fga ,I��� a �D1r�a iw ��� a ae_a wa d n I h I be by
µ ritII,e,n thanne r°°lelr ion and executed vvi n the
s a 'I a
t! le ntat# rrr he iarn may * had
�� Ws 1 rout Iae " tasan 7r
In ,' w. ,
. Q, .j over t h leMost recerlit ca ntr r t rrI t")n,
n nor �a�u a t w l r the sa me -contra t. .moo ontr a „r�ige jn r e2;.,, kL,
I.;i me are u f j c`"bent fund v a i I ab 1 e for ic h urlLoj,e
' r C I ! decreases mad„ doe a Intoved without I ing ta t'ion.
g hg ti, for om ti n bra not be extended L �� 'Kt,
a Vs iar ro end n� cumulative ' or° the , I . c e ' , a krttt
re2e.nt 'p'a Ida;aa �Mc"n—_a, d.,,L)r Y d c"c n tr'e"3,. t�E2MLIetjon Vine.
b mv_order spa i aarra g_ the SCOD O the IWICY' . LM slh rr.u+'I;
Sec. 2.562. ^aar c ass for _I errs than $10,000AO �a,
Except. asre1r ,&, y ibprovided in this d i " s i era# li e`e,ra.ss art, c 9 t wasor,
may be grade in the pe
market, pursuant to the following procedure and without observing the proicedurra
prescribed in section 2.561
I Minimum rwniber of guo tat ions, d . Open market purchases, Shall ,
h*��°aeneve,W. Possible, [')e lbased re at �east� t;�ree guotations, 444s--, and shall be
awarded to, the ve n dcli n_rnakfnc the lowest r°es tunsi le bias
,A, 4 1 C-I "�,U
b e
10 a,(1 u o 1 a
El� lov
Ch Ma V i nC 1 Ude a t'S III i e i[falISMI
ui8�r -
ther by e�I
f r b y 't el ep h o n e
(3) Sealed 'written i tations bids. Sealed written gyo
�uo t44'
received, .,_iji respon to written so] icTtations for Uo. . itions; shal 1. Lie submitted
to the PPV`ChaSiTIg agA:�nt who shall kee!) a reCOrd 7 all open iw,,irket order,,, and
`4) �I�jmmtatior �R-44 opening procedures.
When formal r.
are tie 1,tslb and received., the cuotations 4344r, shall o. n, d in
public, at the time andi place designated by Ithe purchasing agent.
The icity manager as purchasing agent
5 Reject on of jQuotatiom
a -Reject all bid,,.s,- or
(b -Reject all bids and reobt-ain bids pursuarit to the proceOures
prescribect, in this s!wbdivision.
�I-S) Awartl of contracts. Except as ot,fierwise provided in this ciiviision,
each contract sbtall L,�e awarded to the lowest resawsible vendor,J-I4;4doiz-.
Sec. 2.563. omsible-,kw or
s n ff,i ocalt Li�omn—RL—,amm-r--P::st—1 1 L Lo-, 2-st R.!"J?
jLgoLation tkA
A,:L-iia,mnen--UL, jbLe i.Ld or uotaA on 4-44-skkqn, im,�y bLt,i
lisqu 4 May be
aLffl� d as Su il t: e bid
rejected' if Fitt is determcined by, the purtbasing
agent itha',t, any or al'l of the follow-ing circunistances exis*.-
11 A bid or ouotation suibmitted by a vendor did not strictil-
-f ications; provided, bowever, the city Les;' -S
conform to,the rev 1 444 speci
t et r�Lbt to vvaive inconsequential deviations from tFP.
s �e
p; cffications wheite a, change does not result in an increase in
price to the, cit.y.
2) A ver-ft- has demons• ra+,,.ed through docurnen"Led pierf ormance
in 'the industry or tfvroug,h prior dealings with the city, Fiat have, been
on"WO tie) Satisfactc-r- I T r ccessful low
ly mect t1lic responsitil 111.11e. reqjlire
(3) A ve'ndar' 444epj-s on
, product has: been moms rate d, through dOCI.Alte:nted
6a�t- Per"Forriance it the industry, or through prior use by t-he city,, to be
inc of satisfactorily imeeting the accepted de;iiand,5 to be placed upoin the
VendDr-s_Iijig, sutj,Lr�jtted bi d or tft_dmn c ieal
_qjjotajL)n and were not selec�
J,g r C-S I Aej, thro oro e!dures ,
the Lah u�e o-f the bid..ELrolLest C
Z. zL-2f , 1, ��--L It D� ._ILo
Im OL eLh I ch, sh,� ,13v-ail able- i.n the PUYThas ing of f ice.
Sec , 2.564 Except i ions to bid -,4+&*Kj procedures.
(1 ) The bidding require'r1plents Brut forth. in this subdivision ywayr be waived
when one of the folIpwI condlbons exists:
denartrtrer7t director, certil-Hes in ` ritirrg t the pLo-c asinc� agent
' ' ai an n.,�.aT"�".ency a i r � 'SFr �t t t ?e p•urch "5e fv a j com od a t err �m�°'g� ce
€ thj4 ,.he delay incident to giving opportunity for competitive bidding
raml� be de�.r°im;etiti;.1 t(,r the interest of the city. the responsible depart nt
t�ile sr �na�� outlining the facts demonstrating the irec r all provide de
exfsltenc, of an emergericy, Upon determining that an emergency exists the
purf�hasing agent may utheri ek Lhe Purchase subje t -to a,ppr ova.' the clity
= n.i s ion in its earliest regular ors ee al, public meeting thereafter.
nlnr , di ie � fir services are available only franc a sale 4 , . sorum e,
lea° dett�I-Tllirr tin purchasing a ent upon review of written summary'
act s, frorm, the depa t7 ivtnt director requesting the purchase.
r The amount laf I.Jrre purchase 4*�44e4 is �- �' � less F than
. f
mid; It is twt t'he advatrta e �f them it� t purchase a� m diti m
e ` ie s in cDoperatiion with amother go)(ernment'Al entity re parrshe
cooroditir'Is. or rvis I�r O;m cO t acts nreviousl awar ed by other governmenta,l
ntitie .
e 1ee purchasing agent determines that nature
of the commodity or
r i w ;uc that r;lr.apetitive , in i mp ible. zr°m rra tic , r .an et
be m t i rrrwp d.
Professi r 11 ser""ices sub Ig « :Florida Consultants` 1'. e °i t r
der tra �s �� m, M •,
Sery ics y§j;�i ans atrnry _and auditors.
i 1K ryic s pgrw armed b, the city err its r La e *La iVE1.5
When e rr ter t egut 11 n .r eery .��f arr� laiM oi: awsui in-which�
. i air a r: rL• !h c it _i armt ri�a�-�tied by the a�;t�2rn � � r }
arri er r r °the third m" j " fn iE,-,On tra'tor the Ci°ms`s 11 •insuran e pro r
a, the CjtV Wi �'I.Wl OtP�� Wt V
r rrrrr rttrryrrtae �ies rrrc.h =dµb the c ert, srrttt
r r ati r r r as sari the defense f anv or r ' cqM errs Qq 11
' Purchases sn 9 .:%`a5 .,p" $10,000.00 made pursuant t t.r 7t> section steal
be submitted to tfre ci,j.,ry1 coo missior, for approval
Se,c. 2.5 65. i,.!acte- independ'tntly of purchasi,,T coffice.
" he city mianar_,� r may aauthorize in writing any city` department, to pprcrase
specified commoditle!,' 'or sey-v'ices inde�pendently of the purchasing office, g0, e
c jjj�Ma hall require that such purchasers shall be made, in con"form! '..-
the procedure,!,.; e�s ta b I i s!J,ie id b��j/ this division, and shall further irequire
periodic relpoits T'I"Omi the cliepartment on -the purchases made under such I ritter
author"i zat ion.
`nfti on Sec &008"
Code of Ordinances, is amended to read,
Sec. 2.608, Pra cur emgin t of paper and paper products.
(I The c i 1-.yl',,S recycled paper procurement goal for user departments,
expre-ssed as a rcentage of the total volume, of paper, purchased, shall be 4+sti
riot less than 80 44, per ,Ient
Qaeteeu,5"4�$4443,. Ear t, departapent shal 1 4 e respons,ible for -making its best eff
C I :b
'to meet rijr surpass these gt)als.
(5�) The city shall require all persarils submitting respollses to, requests,
-iq W aoree to the foillowing as a precooditio'n
for pi,. �*sals or trvvitatiolrrs to biA to,
ter CGIVtT`,att aihfcart
Contraeftors shall be re'sponsible for mailtaining rip.
!usage of- .,recycleld paper ft w reports submitted to, tbe city ir fulfill nt nf
icon tiAlctijal oblfgations. tontractiors shifll submit such records -to the cityl,
accordling to pr,cicicjJL,;ri to be establisbed by the purc,,Ihasing mariager
jgiction 4,, Sijc`tijons 11*2.581 through 2.584, Co of Ordinances, are repxtaled.
L!c-tj o n 5 Ibis or-dinance shall take effect ir,medlately upon, adniptiort.
PA,SS;ED ON F IRST READING A,, r J, t , 1 191 9 4
PUE'All."10:11111C ANT- kl,DICIfTri;,,
Rita Garvey
Attest: Approved as,4 o fo cfr almd corri,�ctness
M. A. G,�Tbr;�MTK, T
.yntola E. GOUdeii�u
i t V I C I erk City At,torney